CRM Sys Lactie stem Proposal en Computing Joint Stock Company HCMC Apr. 2011

CRM Proposal

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Page 1: CRM Proposal

CRM System Proposal

Lactien Computing Joint Stock Company

CRM System Proposal

Lactien Computing Joint Stock Company

HCMC Apr. 2011

Page 2: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 2

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

Table Of Content

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4

About US .................................................................................................................................... 4

Technology Advancement .......................................................................................................... 4

Programing languages/tools:....................................................................................................... 4

Platforms: .................................................................................................................................... 4

Database: ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Software Development Architects: ............................................................................................. 4

Our Products/Our Services ......................................................................................................... 4

- Develop Internet applications

- Website design

- IT consulting, training.

- Develop software based on customer demand.

Our customers ............................................................................................................................. 4

CRM System ............................................................................................................................... 5

Description .................................................................................................................................. 5

Modules ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Features ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Stores complete Contact, Account information .......................................................................... 7

Records an unlimited number of Activities ................................................................................ 8

Manages your sales pipeline ....................................................................................................... 9

Documents ................................................................................................................................ 10

Marketing campaign Management ........................................................................................... 11

Project management .................................................................................................................. 12

Smart Phone12Performance ..................................................................................................... 13

Page 3: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 3

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

Implementation ......................................................................................................................... 13

Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 14

Contact ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Lactien Computing Joint Stock Company: ............................................................................... 14

Sale Dept ................................................................................................................................... 14

Technical Dept .......................................................................................................................... 15

Page 4: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 4

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

1. Introduction

1.1 About US

Founded on Oct. 2008, Lactien Computing JSC has 28 engineers graduated from top

universities in Vietnam and Switzerland. Our members are strongly experienced in the field of

Internet applications (corporate portal, business applications, e-commerce, online services

etc.). Lactien is headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City.

1.2 Technology Advancement

Lactien has gained competitive advantages by 5-7 years of solid experiences, great

knowledge in IT Consultancy, large Web Portal Development, Social Network, Internet

Application, e-Commerce..

We have never stopped updating skills, new trends and new technologies. We are fluent in

following technologies:

1.2.1 Programing languages/tools:

- C; C++, Java, PHP, .NET, Ruby

- Java Script; VB Script



1.2.2 Platforms:

- Windows Platforms: Win9x/2000/XP/2003

- Unix: Sun Solaris; Linux

- Mobile: Android; CE; J2ME

- MacOS

1.2.3 Database:

- MS SQL Server 7.0; 2000l; 2005

- MySQL; DB2; Postgre, Data Warehousing/OLAP

1.2.4 Software Development Architects:

- Internet Applications: eGroupware; CRM; HRM..

- e-Commerce; Payment Gateway Service

- Online Training

1.3 Our Products/Our Services

- Develop Internet applications

- Website design

- IT consulting, training.

Page 5: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 5

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

- Develop software based on customer demand.

1.4 Our customers

- Extocapital (http://www.extocapital.com ) a financial company from Switzerland (

business website and CRM system)

- We are also implementing a long-term project for our customer in Swiss Stock and

other customers in USA (CRM system, Social Network for 2M Private Notaries)

- Press Communication (http://press.thuvienmini.com ) a portal to collect press

information for a company in Switzerland.

- Createsoft Vietnam RRO. The http://cswellness.com

- Thuvienmini (http://thuvienmini.com, in pre-release phase) a social network for book

lovers, users can find book, have bookshelf, discuss about book etc.

- An Internet Applications website for Phuoc Nam Industrial Park (http://pnip.vn)

- CRM, HR and Project Management system for FTA (http://fta.com.vn )

- Several CRM system ( based on SugarCRM, vTiger) for customers of our parner.

2. CRM System

2.1 Description

In a nutshell, this CRM system can help you manage any interaction between your

company with its customers — or potential customers. Concretely, it includes:

- Provide you with a unified database to house the contact details for all of your

prospects and customers.

- Allow you to associate notes, histories, appointments, and even documents with a

specific contact record.

- Give you automated methods to improve your marketing effectiveness.

- Improve your relationship with your current customers by providing you with

customer service tools.

- Provide executives with tools to track their sales performance.

- Manages all projects in your company with every employee’s task.

- Manages employee’s working history and give you a system for performance


- Be easily customized by adding fields and changing layouts based on your company’s


- Intergrates with Lotus Note.

2.2 Modules

Home: Provides a quick snapshot of your most pressing information.

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Lactien Computing JSC Page 6

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

My Portal: Gives you a quick way to access your favorite Web sites from within system.

Calendar: Where you can view your activities by day, week, or month.

Activities: Here’s where you create new activities including:

- Calls

- Meetings

- Tasks

- Notes

Contacts: You can add and keep track of the contacts you keep in Sugar.

Accounts: Your accounts are the businesses that you work with. In

Leads: Here’s where you add all of your potential customers!

Opportunities: Most companies are in business to make money and here’s the place to

keep track of all the money you hope to make.

Cases: You use this module to help you manage problems or support issues your

customers are experiencing, or any inquiries they might have.

Emails: Here’s where you can send and receive e-mail as well as create personalized e-

mail templates.

Documents: This is a great module to use if you have a need to share documents among

your employees. It works particularly well if several people are editing the same document —

and you need to keep track of the various versions.

Campaigns: You use this module to track and manage your telemarketing, mail, or e-mail

marketing efforts.

Projects: You might want to bundle related tasks into a project so that you can assign the

various tasks to different members of your team, and track the progress.

Dashboard: If a picture is worth a thousand words, a dashboard must be worth a million.

Dashboards give you a graphical view of your sales opportunities.

Emplyee: You use this moduel to help you manage all of your employees information,

employee’s performance and his/her activities during the time he or she works in your


Page 7: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 7

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.3 Features

2.3.1 Stores complete Contact, Account information

A database is only as good as the records it contains. In this CRM system, adding,

deleting, and editing the records in your database is easy.

An Accounts record is basically a company. Generally, your business does business with

other businesses — unless of course you mind your business and don’t do business with

anyone else!

A Contacts record is a person. You’ll probably find that most of your Contacts work at a

company, so you might want to associate a Contacts record with an Accounts.

A Leads record is a person with whom you are hoping to do business. Like the Contacts

record, you can associate Leads with Accounts, or you can convert a Leads record to a

Contacts record.

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Lactien Computing JSC Page 8

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.3.2 Records an unlimited number of Activities

One of the most useful of this CRM’s features is its ability to tie an activity, such as a call,

meeting, or task, to a specific record. Most basic calendaring programs allow you to view your

appointments and tasks on your calendar, but they don’t offer a way of cross-referencing an

appointment to a record. For example, if you schedule an appointment with your Customer

and forget when that appointment is, you have to flip through a traditional calendar until you

see his or her name. Plus, you can’t easily see a list of all appointments that you’ve ever

scheduled with someone. However, this CRM system offers these helpful features.

In this system, you can associate an activity with just about any record type. You’ll

probably schedule most activities with Accounts and Contacts records, but you can schedule

them with virtually any type of CRM record including Opportunities, Projects, and even Bugs.

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Lactien Computing JSC Page 9

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.3.3 Manages your sales pipeline

In this system, a dashlet is one of the charts and graphs located on the Dashboard Home

page. You can monitor the opportunities that you have at each stage of the sales development

cycle and display this information graphically by making use of Sugar’s pre-defined sales


Page 10: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 10

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

Whether you want to compare the progress of your sales people or measure the success of

your lead sources, this sytem has a way of giving you the information, as you can see in below


2.3.4 Documents

The Documents module is the module you turn to when you want to share documents with

the rest of your company ( and with your customers). You can use the Documents module to

store, share, and supervise the versions of your documents. And, just like with a traditional

library, you can decide who is allowed to check out documents — and monitor what kind of

shape the documents are in when they return.

Page 11: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 11

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.3.5 Marketing campaign Management

Quite simply, a campaign is an activity or series of activities designed to accomplish a

purpose. Just as a candidate campaigns to get elected, a sales manager campaigns to get

products purchased. You measure the success of a political campaign by whether the

candidate is elected; you measure the success of an advertising campaign by whether you see

an increase in sales.And, to continue the analogy, should your campaign not attain the desired

outcome, there’s nothing to prevent you from trying again!

Page 12: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 12

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.3.6 Project management

The Projects module is designed to create and manage projects for your organization.

Working with the Projects module in this CRM system is a three step process. First, you create

a Projects record, then you create the individual tasks necessary to complete the project, and

finally, you track the progress of the project.

A company that deals with project management generally will purchase special software to

help organize the mountains of tasks associated with a large project. Most project management

software includes the ability to create a Gantt chart. A Gantt chart is a chart that graphically

depicts the progress of tasks and schedules as they relate to a project.Using our additional

module for this system, you can save your pennies because you’re able to create Gantt charts


2.3.7 Smart Phone

This system can use for:

- SMS notifycation

- SMS marketing campaign

- Data sync

- Access CRM’s data via smartphone browser

Page 13: CRM Proposal


Lactien Computing JSC Page 13

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.4 Performance

This CRM system is worked out on website, then it increases using ability from

everywhere and everytime. It will be compatible with several popular internet browsers

including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, especially Safari on MacOS.

With advanced programming and struture design, this system allows a large number of

browsing accesses at the same time, but also guarantees the performance. Besides, it helps

users to exchange large files or data which can reach hundreds of MB.

2.5 Implementation

This CRM system will be implemented on Internet or Intranet with following advantages:

- Easy to access: with web-based system, user can access it everywhere and everytime.

- Effective to work: user can update or create new information and immediately others

can get them, it facilitates working and cooperation.

- Compatible with many Operating System: web-based system can run on different

browers in many Operating Systems including MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu, Linux.

- Simple to setup: with web-based system, there is no need to install to computers. In

addition, it does not require new hardware.

- Fast to fix and maintain: with website, it is very easy and fast to fix bugs and maintain

- the entire system.

- Compatible to mobile device: with web services, system can be built on mobile device

in future

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Lactien Computing JSC Page 14

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

2.6 Maintenance

- We guarantee system will work well in 12 months from the time begin to use and we

are always ready to support everytime.

- Fix all the programming bugs.

3. Contact

3.1 Lactien Computing Joint Stock Company:

- Add: 43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

- Phone: 08 – 22 11 5070 ; 0839 500 533

- Email: [email protected] - Website: www.lactien.com

3.2 Sale Dept

- Mr Phan Qang Dien:

o Title: Enterprise Sales Manager

o Phone: 0129 731 2041

o Email: [email protected]

- Ms Nguyen Thi Bich Tram:

o Title: Network Relationship Manager

o Phone: 0936 388 463

o Email: [email protected]

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Lactien Computing JSC Page 15

43 Vinh Nam, Ward 11, Dist 8, HCMC

Phone: 08 22 11 5070 – 0839 500 533

Email: [email protected] – Website: http://lactien.com

3.3 Technical Dept

- Mr Nguyen Thanh Thong:

o Titile: Technical Manager

o Phone: 0978 357 169

o Email: [email protected]