t i, ?. i y- - I;. r' &r- - rfc "5$ . m ..Jr. "111? "v Will3 &' F -- fe . ? r M At". 3 buBm RHP raMjK JlllIlP'1 J&, jkjtfli THE DAILY BULLETIN TBINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON ItXCKrT 80NHAT I1Y TitK Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., LU, AT THE OFF1CR, Horchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION Six Doi.i.aiib a Yiun. Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Ckntb a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHKD BJVBJR.Y TTTBJSID.A.Y At Pour Dollars a Ykar to Domestic, ami Fivk Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE IN SUPERIOR STYLE. 260 BOTH TELEPHONES 250 MB" P. O. BOX 89. Address letters for the paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a address may cause delay in DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Managor. Business Cards. IiEWERS & COOKE, IllU'OUTKIW AND DEALERS IN LUMIIKH AND ALL KINDS OP BUILDINU MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt, and Building Matfrialh ot every kind. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers anii Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Aoents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. HACFARLANE & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Mer- chandise. Queen Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Agent. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., Manufacturino and Importino Jewelers. 92 Fort Street, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturino Jeweler and Watch- maker. Kukui Jewelry a spocialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclnerny Block, Fort Street. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OK LONDON. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, AdENTS FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. HONOLULU IKON WORKS, Steam Knoines, Suoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead Castings, Machinery of Rvery Description Made to Order, Particular attention paid to Ships' Blacksmlthing, Job Work executed at Diiort iMouee, O. B. RIPLEY, ARCHITBOT Complete plans and specifications for ovory description of building. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of con- utruction given when required. Call and examine plans. New designs. Modern buildings. Olllce, Boom 6, Bpreekols' Block. Mutual Tel. 208, W. A. WALL, SXJK.-VTB-5TOK- .. (Late with the Government Survey.) P. O. Box 403. Mutual Tele. 440, Ofllce over Bishop's Bank. Frank O-ert- z CAN BE FOUND AT 33 Bsrotatila. Street, Prepared to do any work in Ids line. Mutual Tele.239. P. 0. Box 808. 600-l- Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco : The new and fine Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will bo due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about December 15th, And will leavo for tho above port with Mailsand Passengers on or about thatdate. For Sydney and Auckland: The new and fine Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" Of the Oceania Steamship Company will be duo at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about December 16th, And will have prompt despatcli with Mails and Passengers for the above ports. The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to WH. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., l-- oi General Agents. PacittcMailS.S.Go. AND THE- - Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of the above CoinpaiHn will call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports on or about the following dates: Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, 1802 Stmr. "Oceanic"' .. Jan. 11, 1893 Stmr. "China" Feb. 20, 18U3 Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, lb93 For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong kong and Yokohama to tho above port on or about the following dates : - Stmr. "City of Rio do Janeiro" Dec. 30, 1892 Stmr. "Belgic" Feb. 8, 1893 Stmr. "City of Peking".. March 31. 1893 Stmr. "Oceanic" May 7, 1893 Bound Trip Tickets TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350. SB" For Freight and Passage apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 207 tt Agents. Oceanic Steamship Go. Tina TetTole. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for B. F. THROUGH LINE. From San Francisco From Sydney for for Sjdney. San Fruncisco. Arrixe Honolulu, Leine Honolulu. MONOWAI, Dec. 10 ALAMKDA, Dec. 15 Union Gas Engine Co. (Incorporated May 1(1, 189.'.) MANUFACTUUr.ItS OF THK Regan Vapor Engines ' AND PACIFIC GAB ENGINES. Horizontal &. Upright, Stationary & Marine, Gas & Qasollno Kngincs, Pumps A Launches. JOS. TINICB3K,, 548-- tf Sole Agent for Hawaiian Islands. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. Tea. Etxici OofTee AT ALL HOURS. THE FINEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON 1IANP, K. J, 3STOLTE, Prop. Wilder's Steamship' Co. TIME TABLE. w. o. Wn lhR, Pros. 8. B. Hose, Sec. Ou-t- . J. A. Kiwi, Port Supt. Stmr. KINATJ, CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at a i m., touching at Lahaina, Maalaca Bay and Makcna the same day; Mahukoua, Kawaihaeand tho following day, arriving at llilo at midnight. LF.AVKS HONOLULU: ' Friday, Dec. 2d ltcturuing leaves llilo, touching at same day; Kuuaihac a. m.J Ma- hukoua 10 a. m. ; Makcna 4 v. m.j Maulaea Bay 0 r. m.; Lahaina 8 i m. the following day; arriving at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wcdnes-da- ) s and Saturdays. ARRIVES AT HONOLULU: Saturday,. . . . .. Dec. 10th i 9 No Freight will bo rcielvcd after 12 noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLATJDINE, DATIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 p. m., touching at Kuhului, Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipahulu, Maui; and Pauu-ha- u, Hawaii. Returning will arrive at Honolulu every1 Sunday morning. CB No Freight will bo received after 4 i m. on day of sailing. Consignees must be at the landings to receive their Freight, as wo will not hold ourselves responsible after such Freight has been landed. While the Company will use due dili- gence in handling Live Stock, we decline to assume any responsibility in case of tho loss of same. The Company will not be responsible for Money or Jew elry unless placed in the care of Pursers. Beware of Imitations! f&jk?t I CAUTION the Public against the oller-ing- s of "Normal Sanitary Jaeger Underwear" advertised. by unscrupulous houses to mislead the pulilic. The Sanitary JAEGER UOERIEA Cannot bo purchased there, but only at my Store. M:. GOLDBERG, SOLB A.Ca-E3N- For the Hawaiian Islands of Dr. metl. O. Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear. Honolulu Cycling, Armory Building, - Beretania St. Bicycle Riding School. INSTRUCTIONS OIVKN Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire 1Y THi; DAY OH HOUR. l'ubllu Skating: Monday ami Saturdtiy evenings, from 7:110 to 10. Friday evening for Ladies and their Kscorts only, lliejclo lessons: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day. Bicycle Repairing Solicited. rn daily and vi:i:icly Hawaiian Newspapers AUK TIIK- -' Leading Journals in the Kingdom. The "Daily Hawaii Holoraua," Has the largest Circulation ou thu Islands and is thu Rest Medium for Advertising. Mil Tikis, IC.NtriuMn. will receive all advertisements mid traiihact ail business matters, CB- - Offick! 'illrenig lllock," turner Numinu and Queen street (upstairs). 6l((-t- f Subscribe for Hi? Daily Bulletin, 50 cents per month. cronisr uott, lMl'O'ltTEIl AND DEALKlt IN' - Steel & Iron Ranges Stcrvefs Sc Fixitu-re- s HOUSEKEEPING GOODS & KITCHEN" UTENSILS Agate Ware in Large "Variety, WHITE, GRAY and SILVER-PLATE- D LAMPS & CHANDELIERS, t Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. PLUMBINQ, TIN, COPPER DIAMOND BLOCK, Nos, 14 tfl a M es Si , O o a 2 12 S 8 1 H I Hi H W SHEET IRON WORK. Refrigerators IGE3 White Automatic Cylinder CHAS. EUSTACE, IMl'OHTKH AND DKALKK GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter $0T ALWAYS New Goods Received by Every All Orders faithfully attended solicited and packed with care. LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street - TELEPHONE 119. ti:lkphonj: AND 95 & 97 KING STREET. IN to. AND- CHESTS Mountain, ta AND Ice Cream Freezers! & Barrel Churns. ON HAND Steamer from San Francisco. Satisfaction guarantied. Island Orders - Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets. P. O. BOX 372. -- p, 0. nox 1 w. LEWIS Sc GO., tklui'honi: 210 HI FORT STREET. ji o.iiovsit. IMPOHTKltfl, WHOLK8ALK AND UKTA1L DKALURS IN-- - Groceries and Provisions. ON lOKIly each steamer of tho O, S. S. Co. from California FjcsIi California Roll Rutter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, (lame, Vegetables, etc. A complete lino of Crosse it Illockwcll's anil Morton's Canned and Rottlcd Omuls always on hand. Just received a Fresh Lino of German Pates and Potted Meats and llottled Preserved Fruits, .Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Ilrand Sugar Cured Hams and Hue on, New llruakfast Cereuls, Oreum Oat Flakes and .Cream Vlii'"t Flukus, bit ilj Lemons. California River- side Oranges, Oregon IlurhuukTotatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranti ( d. 02. . H. E. McINTYRE &. BRO., IMI'ORTF.RS AND DlIALr.ltS IN C3-rooeri- Provisions and Peed. New (loods Received by Kvery l'ucket from thu Eastern States and Kuroo, ' FltKSH CALIFORNIA PRODUCi: 1IY KVLRY HTKAMLMt. All Orders faithfully attended to and (loods delivered to any part of tho City free. Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. JSa-st- , Corner Fort Se King Streets, O- - J McOARTHY", (new iiuixirriN block, jiekciiant f,TRi:i:T) REAL ESTATE BROKER Fire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To. RENTS COLLECTED AND HOUSES RENTED. . - - ANY UU8INKSS KNTItUBTKD TO MK WJM. HKOKIVE PROMPT AITUNTION, The Markets of San Francisco ARE BROUGHT TO YOUR DOORS IIV MTANS 01 TIIK EXAMINER PurchasingBureau - Which is Operated l)ireetl by the Greatest I Newspapers THE SAN FRANCISCO examine: We Are Constantly Making Purchases KIR THE Residents Hawaii Do You Need Something from San Francisco? ir so Write To Us About It ! Wo ran save s ou money; our bu.wn have stcured hundreds of spccial'ion-trac- t which enable us , to oiler Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Mutual Instruments, Furniture, Clothing, Dress floods, Agricultural Implements, And Thousands of Other Articles At priies which will astonish you. A LETTER WILL DO IT ALL Iff Write us for quotations on anj-thin- g that jou may need. You Can Soo tho Advantages of Purchas- ing Through Us I Wc arc bujing for our customer nt wholesale and jou reap tho bcnclit. ,tB" Address all toiiimimuatioiH EXAMINER PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, Sail Franoisco, California, - - - U. S. A. WM.G. IRWIlf & GO. (LirnltecA) OKKKIt FOR SALi: FERTILIZERS Arx. cross a sons' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. Wc am also prepared to take orders for Messrs, 3ST, Oh.la.ndt 8c Oo.'s Ifertiiizors, Insuring prompt deli cry. Rniri?.i" t TTnm t CB This is a superior Paint Oil, con- suming less pigment than I.insied Oil, and giving a lasting brilliancy to colors. Used with driers it gives a splendid floor surface. Lime, Cement, lti:PINi:i) 81HJARB, SALMON. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef VAHKrriNK I'AItvT O.'s Compounds, Rooflng & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Faint Especially designed for Vacuum Pans. Wm. G. Irwin & Go. (LIMITRI)) Wm. 0. Irwin. -- Ohms President anil Manager KprtLkels, . . - . nt W. M. Oillurd, Seeretarj and Treasurer Theo. O, Porter ...... Auditor Sugar Factors AND Commission Agents. AGENTS Or THE Oceanic Steamship Company, 0P SAN FRANOISCO, OAL. THE APPROPRIATION BILL -- VI. Tho noxt is tho provision lor po- licing tho Island of Ilnwnii. Under this liund is provided for n sheriff at ST)(XX), his clork at .?1200, a deputy for South Hilo at $3000, ono each for N. Kohala and Ilninnkun nt $2100, one for Kau at $2010, ono for South Kohala al $1080, ono for Puna at $S)(50, ami ono each for North Hilo, North Kona, and South Kona at $1110, and:SM.OOO for pay of police a total of $i8,100 as against $78,-30- 0 for last period, Tho reductions amounting to ap- parently $H),tKX) aru made up as fol- lows: $."00 or 9 percent from the Sheriir, $(X) or 33 percent from his cloik, $(500 or 10 percent from tho South Hilo deputy, $1200 each or 33 poiconl from tho North Kohala and Hamakua deputies, $5)00 or 32 per- cent from tho Kau deputy, $120 or 10 percent from the South Kohala deputy, $360 or 20 percent from tho North Hilo deputy, and $210 or 20 potcont from the Puna duputj by reducing tho pay of tho ofticers of police from 12 to 20 percent and taking $5 a mouth each out of sala- ries ranging from $23 to .$10 a mouth from all tho patrolmen re- tained, except in tho Hamakua dis- trict, and by dismissing 5 men out of 17 from South Hilo, 1 out of 5 from North Kohala, 1 out of 8 from Ha- makua and 5 out of 7 detectives there, 2 out of 5 al North Hilo, 1 out of 4. at South Kohala, 1 out of 5 each at North Kona and Soutli Kona, 3 out of if at Kau, and 1 out of 1 at Puna, a total of 21 out of tiG patrolmen and detectives,. Next follows, tho provision for tho police force of Maui, which includes a sheriir at $1500, his clerk at $1200, a deputy each for Wailuku and Ma-kaw- tit $2100, one each for Laha- ina and Hana at $11)20, and one for Molokai at $1200, and $25,000 for tho pay of police, footing up a total of $40,510 as against $50,800 for tho past period a reduction apparently of $10,200. This is made up as follows: $500 or 10 percent from the sheriff, $(500 or 33 percent from his clork, $1200 or 33 percent from the deputy at Makawao, $180 or 20 percent from each of tho deputies at Hana and Lahaina, and $300 or 20 percent from tho Molokai deputy; bj taking from $5 to $10 u mouth from tho patrol- men retained (out of salaries from $20 to $10 a month), by dismissing 5 out of 15 men at Wailuku, 1 out of 8 at Makawao, 1 out of 8 at Lahaina, and reducing tho Captain there $25 a month or 33 percent, and 1 out of 0 at Hana, 8 out of a total of 37 patiolmon. Tho not items provide for tho policing of Kauai, as follows: A sheriff at $3000, his clerk at $000, a deputy at Waimea, $2100, ono at Li-hu- e, $1920, and ono each at Kawai-ha- u, Haualei and Koloa, at $1500 each, and $10,800 for tho pay of police for the island. This foots up a total of $23,700 as against $28,100 for last period a difference of $1310. This is made up as follows: .$100 or 10 percent from the sheriff, $210 or 1 1 percent from tho deputy at Li-hu- e, $210 or 13 percent from tho deputies at Kawaihan, Haualei and Koloa, and $5 per month out of $30 per month from the patrolmen, and $3 per month or a total of $72 for tho period by dismissing tho only constable at Niihaul The deputy sheriffs of North and South Kona, Hawaii, and Waimea, Kauai, htne retained their former salaries. No provision i made on Oahu or Kauai for emergencies or detective work, and on Hawaii only $120 is al- lowed in addition to 2 detectives loft for Hamakua, and on Maui $1210 for tho period, more than tho actual salaries calculated by tho Ways and Moans Committee if these appro- priations aro passed, unless tho head of tho department should mnko further reductions on those already low amounts or reduce tho oflieioney of tho force still furlhor by making more dismissals. For tho Soason. The Pauifio Hardware Co. aro dis- playing Dinner, Ureakfast, Chamber anil Tea Sots in Doulton Waro and Copohiud; examples suitable for presents in Havilaud, Copeland, oyal Worcester, Koyal Devon ami Uisipie; Bisque Figures; Rochester Lamps; a few Fanoy Clocks, and many other articles. Hingham Buckets, plain and paint- ed, in nests. Every housekeeper should have a supply of these. Refrigerators ami Ico Chests of the most improved patterns, Pictures and Picture Frames, Picture Framing in all its branches a specialty. A visit to the art rooms is inutod. Daily Bulletin, 50 cent a month , iteUvered free, .e "Sb . tek 4

cronisr uott, - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7152/1/1892120201.pdf · t i,?. i y--I;. r' &r--rfc "5$. m..Jr. "111? "v Will3 &' F--fe.?

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Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., LU,


Horchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SUBSCRIPTION Six Doi.i.aiib a Yiun.Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Ckntb aMonth, In advance.




At Pour Dollars a Ykar to Domestic,ami Fivk Dollars to Foreign Subscribers.



MB" P. O. BOX 89.

Address letters for the paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using a

address may cause delay in

DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Managor.

Business Cards.



Fort Street, Honolulu.


Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt, and Building Matfrialh

ot every kind.Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers anii Commission Merchants.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


General Commission Aoents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Importer and Dealer in General Mer-


Queen Street, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and General Business Agent.

Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii.


Manufacturino and Importino Jewelers.

92 Fort Street, Honolulu.

THOS. LINDSAY,Manufacturino Jeweler and Watch-

maker.Kukui Jewelry a spocialty. Particular

attention paid to all kinds of repairs.

Mclnerny Block, Fort Street.




HONOLULU IKON WORKS,Steam Knoines, Suoar Mills, Boilers,

Coolers. Iron, Brass, and LeadCastings,

Machinery of Rvery Description Made toOrder, Particular attention paid to Ships'Blacksmlthing, Job Work executed atDiiort iMouee,


Complete plans and specifications forovory description of building. Contractsdrawn and careful superintendence of con-utruction given when required. Call andexamine plans. New designs. Modernbuildings. Olllce, Boom 6, Bpreekols' Block.

Mutual Tel. 208,



(Late with the Government Survey.)

P. O. Box 403. Mutual Tele. 440, Ofllceover Bishop's Bank.

Frank O-ert- z


33 Bsrotatila. Street,Prepared to do any work in Ids line.

Mutual Tele.239. P. 0. Box 808.600-l-

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco :

The new and fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

December 15th,And will leavo for tho above port withMailsand Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:The new and fine Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceania Steamship Company willbe duo at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

December 16th,And will have prompt despatcli with

Mails and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned are now prepared to issue



For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WH. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,l-- oi General Agents.



Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co.


Steamers of the above CoinpaiHn willcall at Honolulu on their way to the aboveports on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, 1802

Stmr. "Oceanic"' .. Jan. 11, 1893

Stmr. "China" Feb. 20, 18U3

Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, lb93


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hongkong and Yokohama to tho above port onor about the following dates : -

Stmr. "City of Rio do Janeiro"Dec. 30, 1892

Stmr. "Belgic" Feb. 8, 1893

Stmr. "City of Peking".. March 31. 1893

Stmr. "Oceanic" May 7, 1893

Bound Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350.

SB" For Freight and Passage apply to


207 tt Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Tina TetTole.



Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S. F. for B. F.


From San Francisco From Sydney forfor Sjdney. San Fruncisco.

Arrixe Honolulu, Leine Honolulu.

MONOWAI, Dec. 10 ALAMKDA, Dec. 15

Union Gas Engine Co.(Incorporated May 1(1, 189.'.)


Regan Vapor Engines' AND

PACIFIC GAB ENGINES.Horizontal &. Upright,

Stationary & Marine,Gas & Qasollno Kngincs,

Pumps A Launches.

JOS. TINICB3K,,548-- tf Sole Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. Etxici OofTeeAT ALL HOURS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON 1IANP,

K. J, 3STOLTE, Prop.

Wilder's Steamship' Co.


w. o. Wn lhR, Pros. 8. B. Hose, Sec.Ou-t- . J. A. Kiwi, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at a i m., touching atLahaina, Maalaca Bay and Makcna thesame day; Mahukoua, Kawaihaeand

tho following day, arriving atllilo at midnight.


Friday, Dec. 2d

ltcturuing leaves llilo, touching atsame day; Kuuaihac a. m.J Ma-

hukoua 10 a. m. ; Makcna 4 v. m.j MaulaeaBay 0 r. m.; Lahaina 8 i m. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wcdnes-da- )

s and Saturdays.


Saturday,. . . . . . Dec. 10thi9 No Freight will bo rcielvcd after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLATJDINE,DATIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5p. m., touching at Kuhului, Huelo, liana,Hamoa and Kipahulu, Maui; and Pauu-ha- u,


Returning will arrive at Honolulu every1Sunday morning.

CB No Freight will bo received after4 i m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landings toreceive their Freight, as wo will not holdourselves responsible after such Freighthas been landed.

While the Company will use due dili-gence in handling Live Stock, we declineto assume any responsibility in case of tholoss of same.

The Company will not be responsible forMoney or Jew elry unless placed in the careof Pursers.

Beware of Imitations!

f&jk?tI CAUTION the Public against the oller-ing- s

of "Normal Sanitary JaegerUnderwear" advertised. by unscrupuloushouses to mislead the pulilic. The



UOERIEACannot bo purchased there, but

only at my Store.


For the Hawaiian Islands of Dr. metl. O.Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear.

Honolulu Cycling,

Armory Building, - Beretania St.

Bicycle Riding School.


Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire1Y THi; DAY OH HOUR.

l'ubllu Skating: Monday ami Saturdtiyevenings, from 7:110 to 10. Friday eveningfor Ladies and their Kscorts only, lliejclolessons: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Bicycle Repairing Solicited.


daily and vi:i:icly

Hawaiian NewspapersAUK TIIK- -'

Leading Journals in the Kingdom.

The "Daily Hawaii Holoraua,"

Has the largest Circulation ou thu Islandsand is thu Rest Medium for


Mil Tikis, IC.NtriuMn. will receive alladvertisements mid traiihact ail businessmatters,

CB-- Offick! 'illrenig lllock," turnerNuminu and Queen street (upstairs).

6l((-t- f

Subscribe for Hi? Daily Bulletin, 50cents per month.

cronisr uott,lMl'O'ltTEIl AND DEALKlt IN' -

Steel & Iron Ranges

Stcrvefs Sc Fixitu-re- s


Agate Ware in Large "Variety,WHITE, GRAY and SILVER-PLATE- D


Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.




M esSi


Oo a212


8 1









Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter


New Goods Received by Every

All Orders faithfully attendedsolicited and packed with care.

LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street -




95 & 97 KING STREET.




CHESTSMountain, ta


Ice Cream Freezers!

& Barrel Churns.


Steamer from San Francisco.

Satisfaction guarantied. Island Orders

- Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

P. O. BOX 372.

-- p, 0. nox 1 w.

LEWIS Sc GO.,tklui'honi: 210 HI FORT STREET. ji o.iiovsit.


Groceries and Provisions.ON lOKIly each steamer of tho O, S. S. Co. from California FjcsIi California Roll

Rutter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, (lame, Vegetables, etc.A complete lino of Crosse it Illockwcll's anil Morton's Canned and Rottlcd Omuls

always on hand.Just received a Fresh Lino of German Pates and Potted Meats and llottled Preserved

Fruits, .Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Ilrand Sugar Cured Hams and Hue on, New llruakfastCereuls, Oreum Oat Flakes and .Cream Vlii'"t Flukus, bit ilj Lemons. California River-side Oranges, Oregon IlurhuukTotatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranti ( d.



C3-rooeri- Provisions and Peed.New (loods Received by Kvery l'ucket from thu Eastern States and Kuroo,' FltKSH CALIFORNIA PRODUCi: 1IY KVLRY HTKAMLMt.

All Orders faithfully attended to and (loods delivered to any part of tho City free.

Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.JSa-st- , Corner Fort Se King Streets,

O- - J McOARTHY",(new iiuixirriN block, jiekciiant f,TRi:i:T)

REAL ESTATE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To.



The Markets of San Francisco





Which is Operated l)ireetl by the

Greatest I Newspapers


examine:We Are Constantly Making Purchases


Residents Hawaii

Do You Need Something fromSan Francisco?

ir so

Write To Us About It !

Wo ran save s ou money; our bu.wn havestcured hundreds of spccial'ion-trac- t

which enable us, to oiler

Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,Mutual Instruments, Furniture,

Clothing, Dress floods,Agricultural Implements,

And Thousands of Other Articles

At priies which will astonish you.


Iff Write us for quotations on anj-thin- g

that jou may need.

You Can Soo tho Advantages of Purchas-ing Through Us I

Wc arc bujing for our customer ntwholesale and jou reap tho bcnclit.

,tB" Address all toiiimimuatioiH


Sail Franoisco,California, - - - U. S. A.

WM.G. IRWIlf & GO.



FERTILIZERSArx. cross a sons'

Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

Wc am also prepared to take orders for

Messrs, 3ST, Oh.la.ndt 8c Oo.'sIfertiiizors,

Insuring prompt deli cry.

Rniri?.i" t TTnm t

CB This is a superior Paint Oil, con-suming less pigment than I.insied Oil, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with driers it gives a splendid floorsurface.

Lime, Cement,lti:PINi:i) 81HJARB,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef

VAHKrriNK I'AItvT O.'s

Compounds, Rooflng & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting FaintEspecially designed for Vacuum Pans.

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.(LIMITRI))

Wm. 0. Irwin. --

OhmsPresident anil Manager

KprtLkels, . . - . nt

W. M. Oillurd, Seeretarj and TreasurerTheo. O, Porter ...... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS Or THE

Oceanic Steamship Company,0P SAN FRANOISCO, OAL.

THE APPROPRIATION BILL --VI.Tho noxt is tho provision lor po-

licing tho Island of Ilnwnii. Underthis liund is provided for n sheriff atST)(XX), his clork at .?1200, a deputyfor South Hilo at $3000, ono eachfor N. Kohala and Ilninnkun nt $2100,one for Kau at $2010, ono for SouthKohala al $1080, ono for Puna at$S)(50, ami ono each for North Hilo,North Kona, and South Kona at$1110, and:SM.OOO for pay of police

a total of $i8,100 as against $78,-30- 0

for last period,Tho reductions amounting to ap-

parently $H),tKX) aru made up as fol-

lows: $."00 or 9 percent from theSheriir, $(X) or 33 percent from hiscloik, $(500 or 10 percent from thoSouth Hilo deputy, $1200 each or 33poiconl from tho North Kohala andHamakua deputies, $5)00 or 32 per-cent from tho Kau deputy, $120 or10 percent from the South Kohaladeputy, $360 or 20 percent from thoNorth Hilo deputy, and $210 or 20potcont from the Puna duputj byreducing tho pay of tho ofticers ofpolice from 12 to 20 percent andtaking $5 a mouth each out of sala-ries ranging from $23 to .$10 amouth from all tho patrolmen re-

tained, except in tho Hamakua dis-trict, and by dismissing 5 men out of17 from South Hilo, 1 out of 5 fromNorth Kohala, 1 out of 8 from Ha-makua and 5 out of 7 detectivesthere, 2 out of 5 al North Hilo, 1

out of 4. at South Kohala, 1 out of5 each at North Kona and SoutliKona, 3 out of if at Kau, and1 out of 1 at Puna, a total of 21 outof tiG patrolmen and detectives,.

Next follows, tho provision for thopolice force of Maui, which includesa sheriir at $1500, his clerk at $1200,a deputy each for Wailuku and Ma-kaw-

tit $2100, one each for Laha-ina and Hana at $11)20, and one forMolokai at $1200, and $25,000 for thopay of police, footing up a total of$40,510 as against $50,800 for thopast period a reduction apparentlyof $10,200.

This is made up as follows: $500or 10 percent from the sheriff, $(500

or 33 percent from his clork, $1200or 33 percent from the deputy atMakawao, $180 or 20 percent fromeach of tho deputies at Hana andLahaina, and $300 or 20 percent fromtho Molokai deputy; bj taking from$5 to $10 u mouth from tho patrol-men retained (out of salaries from$20 to $10 a month), by dismissing 5out of 15 men at Wailuku, 1 out of8 at Makawao, 1 out of 8 at Lahaina,and reducing tho Captain there $25a month or 33 percent, and 1 out of0 at Hana, 8 out of a total of 37patiolmon.

Tho not items provide for thopolicing of Kauai, as follows: A

sheriff at $3000, his clerk at $000, adeputy at Waimea, $2100, ono at Li-hu- e,

$1920, and ono each at Kawai-ha- u,

Haualei and Koloa, at $1500each, and $10,800 for tho pay ofpolice for the island. This foots upa total of $23,700 as against $28,100for last period a difference of $1310.

This is made up as follows: .$100

or 10 percent from the sheriff, $210or 1 1 percent from tho deputy at Li-hu- e,

$210 or 13 percent from thodeputies at Kawaihan, Haualei andKoloa, and $5 per month out of $30per month from the patrolmen, and$3 per month or a total of $72 fortho period by dismissing tho onlyconstable at Niihaul

The deputy sheriffs of North andSouth Kona, Hawaii, and Waimea,Kauai, htne retained their formersalaries.

No provision i made on Oahu orKauai for emergencies or detectivework, and on Hawaii only $120 is al-

lowed in addition to 2 detectives loftfor Hamakua, and on Maui $1210 fortho period, more than tho actualsalaries calculated by tho Ways andMoans Committee if these appro-priations aro passed, unless tho headof tho department should mnkofurther reductions on those alreadylow amounts or reduce tho oflieioneyof tho force still furlhor by makingmore dismissals.

For tho Soason.

The Pauifio Hardware Co. aro dis-playing Dinner, Ureakfast, Chamberanil Tea Sots in Doulton Waro andCopohiud; examples suitable forpresents in Havilaud, Copeland,

oyal Worcester, Koyal Devon amiUisipie; Bisque Figures; RochesterLamps; a few Fanoy Clocks, andmany other articles.

Hingham Buckets, plain and paint-ed, in nests. Every housekeepershould have a supply of these.

Refrigerators ami Ico Chests ofthe most improved patterns,

Pictures and Picture Frames,Picture Framing in all its branchesa specialty.

A visit to the art rooms is inutod.

Daily Bulletin, 50 cent a month ,

iteUvered free,

.e "Sb . tek





ish w.y 'm'. " " ?. 'TV' ',.v'W!r!(t.;ir: ;',7;i!OT ?!?'5ps,!t';T m'.r 'rvr'K' ".Tismo.


Commissioned by the Minister of Finance

for the Year 1892,

HAWAII.District Hllo-- C. K. nio1inr.ls.on, l,

Turner.District Puna It. Ilyi'i-ttft- , V. Knmim.District Kou 0. Jliieombor, J. ( ScnrlcDistrict 8. Kona C. Knco, Mosw Hnr-rct- t.

District N. Komi J). N'mniunt, GcowClark.

District N. Kolmln-- ,1. McOulrc, KNurtli-rop- .

District S. Kohiiln-- R Spemjqr, T.Lindsay

Disti'l-.- i Haiunkiiii-- Il. Hall, M. 1.Holmes.

District N. Hilo Jas. Mntoon, 1). o.


District Hana ,T. K. Lyons, . K.Hutchinson.

District Wnllukt-- J. T. Aliill, PatrickCockctt.

District Molokni ami Lanni UhnrlesCockctt, L. K Kupilica.

District Laliniim L. M. Baldwin, l'cturKahakaulla Knha.

District Makawao K. Hno Kckapni,David V. Kldridgc.


District Wnlnu-- and N'iiliau E. E.Conant, D. Kua.

District Hanalei E. T. G. Jlryant, L.Kaiawe.

District Kawaihau E. I.indciuan, G. II.Meheula.

District Koloa "V. G. Smith, Kckoa.District Mime H. I). Wishard, Josia


District Honolulu W. F. Allen, J. T.Vatcrhouse, Jr.District Ewa and Wuhinno A. J. Camp-hel- l,

J. It. Holt, Jr.District Waialua .1ns. Gay, Kaiaika-wah- a.

District Koolauloa Jas. Corwin, Jas.Donelly.

District Koolaupoko-J- as. Olds, 1!.

E. C. MACFAKLANK,Minister of Finance.

Finance Department, October 31, 18'J2.502-- tf

Auction Sale of Awn Licenses.

There will bo sold at I'ulilic Auction onTHUKSDAY, the Bth day of December,1892, the following Awa Licenses for thuterm of One Year from January 1, 1S'J3:


AVaialua 1

Kooluupoko 1


Luhaiua 2

Wailuku '.....' 2Hana 1

Makawao 1


Hnmakuu 1

N. Kohala .1

S. Kohala 1

Kau 1


Wnlmea . . .1

The Licenses for Oalm will bo oilthe above-name- d day at 12 o'clock noon, atthe front entrance of Alliolaui Hale.

Those for the Islands of Maui, Hawaiiand Kauai will bo sold in theirDistricts on the above date at such hourand place as shall be designated by the sev-

eral sheriffs or their deputies. Should it forsome good reason be found nece-sar- y tocliango the day of sale, due notice will begiven by notice posted In the said Districts.

Upset price Wailuku and Lahaiua, $:iiH)

for each license, and for all the other Dis-

tricts above named $100 for each license.Terms A deposit of twenty-liv- e percent

is required on the fall of the hammer, andforfeit of said deposit should the fullamount of license money not be paid with-in ten days from the date of sale.

OH AS. T. GULICK,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Oflice, Honolulu, Nov. 4, 18112.




Honolulu, October 25, 18112.

By virtue of authority given by an Actof the Legislative Assembly, entitled an" Aot to Prevent the Infection of Cholerain the Hawaiian Islands," approved on the27th day of September, 1M2, upon recom-mendation of the Hoard of Health, I dohereby declare all Ports of Entry in theKingdom, now opon to commerce,

E. 0. MAOFAHLANK,Minister of Finance.

Honolulu, Oct. 25, 1892. 557-t- f


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water Kates, are hereby notiliedthat, owing to tlio drouth and the scarcityof water in the Government Keservoirs,the Hours for using water for Irriga-

tion purposes uro from 7 to 8 o'clock a, m.,

and C to (J o'clock r. m,, until further notice,JOHN 0. WHITE,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Approved :

OlIAH. T. GlIMUK,Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, H. I., Oct. 15, 1892.519-- tf


Owing to tho drought ind hcuruity ofwater, the residents mmiktt of Jwld streetare requested to colleet what water theymay require for household purposes beforeH o'clock A. M.

JOHN 0. WHITK,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, Sept. 0, 1892. M5-t- I


All Brands must, by law, be reregis-tered prior to July 1, 1803, or they will beforfeited, nnd can thereafter be appro-priated by any one.

ltcglstration on Oalm shall bo made attho Interior Office.

On the other Islands it shall be done attho Olllces of the several Shcr!lF.

G. N WILCOX.Minister of the Interior.

interior Olllce, Dec. 2, 18!C. 589-- tt

W. (1. KA1HENUI, Esq., has this daybcon appointed a member of the ItoadHoard for tho Taxation District of Hilo,Hawaii, for the unexpired term made va-

cant by the resignation of Mr. 1). II.Scholtr.. G.N. WILCOX,

Minister of tho Interior.Interior Olllce, Nov. 2), 1892. 587--3t

KEOlvl K1MOKKO, Esq., has this dayboon appointed a member of the ItoadHoard for the Taxation District of Kau,Hawaii, for the unoxplrcd term made va-

cant by the resignation of G. W. Kaliolo-kahik- l.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Olllce, Nov. 110, 1892. f8S-- 3t

Mit. J.KAMALENU1 has this day beenappointed a member of tho Itoad Hoardfor the Taxation District of Walnica,Kauai, for the unexpired term made va-

cant by tho resignation of G. W, Malaina.G. N. WILCOX,

Minister of the Interior,interior Olllce, Nov. 2(, 1892. flSMt

Mil. MOSES PAPAIAKEA has this daybeen appointed Poundninter for tho Gov-ernment Pound at Huclo, Island of Maul,vice K. Honokaupu, resigned.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Oflice, Nov. 30, 1802. 588--3t

Mn. LYON K. KAKAXI has this daybeen appointed Poundiuaster for the Gov-

ernment Pound at Hana, Island of Maul,vice C. Pololu, deceased.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Oflice, Xov. IK), 1892. .'88-- 3t

P. H. KAUIMAKAOLE, Esq., has thisday been appointed an Agent to GrantMarriage Licenses for the District of Hana,Island of Maui.

0. X. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Otllce, Xov. 20, 1892. &87-- 3t

S. W. KEKUEWA, Esq., has this daybeen appointed Notary Public for theThird Judicial Circuit of the Kingdom.

,G. X. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Olllce, Nov. 20, 1892. 588--3t


Pledtjcd to neither Sect nor Party,But Established for the Benefit of All.

FKIDAY, DEC. 2, 1892.

A foreign hows item reads,''Robert Burns' cottage, at Ayr, is tobe reproduced at tho World's Pair."This is meet, also metro.

Mr. Thurston stood like a rock, inthe discussion of tho Labor Bill, onthe position he and the Cabinet howas in adopted in 1889. His con-sistency on this matter will longstand as a bright mark of merit tohis name. It is like an oasis in adesert of broken faith with the peo-ple on tho part of men they electedas their legislative representatives.

The Australian mails, parts ofwhich wore destroyed by tiro in rail-wa- j'

transit across tho United Stateson October 28, must have boon thosethat left hore by tho S. S. Mariposaon October 20. There is nothing intho despatch about tho loss of Ha-waiian mails. A private letter fromtlio east of Chicago acknowledgesreceipt of letters by tho Mariposa.

The Portland (Oregon) Telegram,referring to tho action of Taconiabusiness men in projecting a lino ofsteamers to Honolulu, urges ou thebusiness men of its own city to "havea hand in tlio pie." It says whothortlio Portlandors support thoTaeomalino or start a lino of their own, thoopportunity for Portland should notbo lost. Tho young giants of thenorthwest coast are waking up, andSan Francisco will have to look outfor its commercial prestige. Whentho whole Pacific Coast realizes thovalue of a flourishing Hawaiian trade,it may bo oxpectod to oxort its wholeweiglit in behalf of securing mutualrelations as advantageous to bothsides as thoso existing before tliopassage of tho MoKinloy Act.

Aristouratio ladies in England havoadopted man's saddle aud a ridinghabit similar to tho Hawaiian ladioBpti-- n. A lato London despatch, re-

ferring to this as "a prominent topicin society," says: "It is startling tosee these ladies attoud in dividedskirts, blouses aud mannish hats,foremost in the hunt astride of theirhorses. Some of thorn appear inlong riding coats, boots and brooches.Tho most generally accepted formof riding habit, however, is thodivided skirt. The stylo meets withapproval from the men." So Eng-land is progressing. Soon it may boin order for the San Francisco Ex-

aminer to send a commissioner toEngland to intorviow tho membersof Parliament as to how thoy wouldregard tho annexation of their littlegroup to tho Hawaiian Empire.

Germany is feeling the pressure ofhor army oxponsos. Austria andItaly seem to bo backing out of theDroibuud,


Washington correspondents oc-

cupy ono of tho highest positions intho nowspapor world. Ablo mennro chosen for tho posts by tho groatnowBpapora. Yot sometimes thoyaro groat in boing fooled, or in fool-

ing tho public, or both together.On Novombor 12th somo of themspread tho story far and wido thatlion. Paul Noumann was on his wayto Washington, as a special onvoyfrom Queen Liliuokalani, on a secretmission that was judgod to bo thoobtaining of a protoctorato overthoso islands. "It is woll known tonaval officers horo Washington,"said tolograms in papers oast andwest, "who havo a personal acquain-tance with Mr. Neumann that ho isstrongly in favor of tho UnitodStates assuming a protoctorato ovorthe Hawaiian Islands, and thoro canbo no doubt that tho object of liiamission horo at tho present time isto tiring about such a result." Im-portant information got from SanFrancisco by wiro on tho arrivalof tho S. S. Gaelic caused Pre-

sident Harrison's Cabinet to dis-- icuss Hawaiian affairs, so tho romance ran, ana lmmoctiatoiy altertho Cabinet mooting SecrolaryTracy telegraphed ordors to stoptho Alliauco from going to "Sa-

moa from Honolulu. Thoro wasevery reason to beliovo, too, that Mr.Neumann would be mot more thanhalfway by tho Stalo Department,and an official of that Departmentmado tho statement "that qno of thomost important acts of tho closingdays of tho present administrationwould bo tho establishment of a pro-tectorate ovor tho Hawaiian Islands."While scores of presses wore grinding out this little sensation, anotherdespatch was being sot in typo forlater editions, which wo find in a St.Louis paper of tho samo dato (Nov.12). It is tho pin pricking tho bub-ble. Secretary Foster was seen andsaid his Department had no .knowl-edge whatever of Mr. Neumann'svisit to the United States, the Ha-

waiian Islands wero not mentionedat tho Cabinet meeting the previousday, and no action had been takenor contemplated regarding a protec-torate over tho Hawaiian Islands.It looks really, as has been intimat-ed before, that there is some agencyat work in Washington, suppliedwith raw material in large part fromHonolulu, for the manufacture ofbogus Hawaiian news to bo dissem-

inated broadcast as feelers to test aswell as to excite American publicopinion.

The Hitchcock Letter.

Editob Bulletin:A. B. Loeboustoin in a letter to

the Advertiser makes insinuationsabout my connection with the letteraddressed by his father-in-la- D. H.Hitchcock, to "My dear Thurston,"which shows as well as anythingcould how flimsy was the evidenceon which tho delinquent Inspectorof Election, Hapai, sitting as PoliceJustice, found me guilty of larceny.Mr. Loebenstoiu has not a particleof proof that I took the preciousletter from his office. Ho swore incourt that he left it with other writ-ings under a lend weight used bysurveyors in stretching maps. Myexplanation of how I got the letteris uncontradicted. It is true I wasin Mr. Loobonstoiu's oifieo thatmorning, having wanted to speak tohim about running a boundary formo. As Mr. Shipman was with himI answered Mr. Loobonstoiu's in-

quiry by saying I would see himlater. As I left Lis oflice and turnedinto tho yard to roach Mr. Nawahi'soffice, which I havo charge of, Ifound on Mr. Nawahi's premises theletter that has croated such a sensa-tion. Thoro wore two other lottorsthoro which I loft on tho ground,and I was told thoy were also onelection matters. Hknbt Wbst.

Honolulu, Dee. 2, 1892.

Thanksgiving Day.

Now, wo aro going to show ournational and individual gratitudethis month, by direction of thePresident, writes Robort J. Burdettein tho Ladies' Homo Journal. Wearo a grateful people. If you don'tbelieve it, seo us eat. Somo of usand these aro not men aro sothankful we will not go to church atall on Thanksgiving Day. We willBtay at homo and get dinner for ahost of other grateful people. It isthe dinner that makes us thankful.Some Thanksgiving Day, just youpitch the dinner over tho alloy loncoabout ton minutos before twelveo'clock. Thon seo what a devoutlygrateful, what a sweetly thankfulcrowd will come homo from church.On second thought, perhaps youhad better not wait until they coraohome. You had better run. Andkeep on running until you get to thomiddle of the Great American Desert.And stay there.

Tasaellfttod Legislation.

Editou Bulletin:Our legislators havo shown their

sense by limiting tho hours ofabor of Government employees to

sovon and a half. They havo doubt-los- s

found out that tho amount oflabor performed by a man dependsmoro upon his goodwill than uponthe number of hours ho spends attho window. No Use.

Mr, J. C. Boswoll, ono of tho hostknown aud most respected citizousof Brownwood, Texas, suffered withdiarrhoea for a long time and triedmauy different romodies. withoutbonofit, until Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wasusod; that relieved him at once. Forsale by all dealers. Benson, Smith &Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Isl-ands,


TJnanimoui Docision of the SupremeCourt in a Will Cao.

A document purporting to bo thowill of ono Kamaka was aumittod toprobate by tho Circuit Judgo ofMaui oh August 4, 1891. An appealwas mado by tho contestants to thoCircuit Court with a jury. Tho casocamo to trial Juno 10, 1892, when thocontestants triod to make out thatono of tho subscribing witnossos,Nika, could not writo and thereforehis signature was a forgory. Thoverdict was for tho contestants, thussotting asido tho probnto of tho will.

An appeal to tho Supromo Courtin banco by tho proponont of thowill, W. B. Koauu, was arguod at tholato session. A unanimous docision,prepared by Chief Justice Judd, hasboon filod, concluding, "Wo concludethat the jury must havo boon led tothoir vordict by impronor motivesand thoroforo sot asitlo thoir vordictand order a now trial."

Tho Court, in holding that thoprosumption raisod that Nika didwitness the- - will is not ovorcomo bytho toslimony that Nika could notwrito. makes tho following interest-ing observations:

"Ho was an old man and his sig-nature indicates that he could writevery imperfectly. It is not unusualamong agod Hawaiitins to shrinkfrom signing their names or. to o

to do so from prido lost theirignorance should bo iiselosod by anaoortivo attomptto make a readablesignature. Many old Hawaiianswore taught to writo only theirnames, and from disuse of thu ac-

quirement, failing oyesight, or thoinfirmities of ago, it might bo ac-tually impossible for thorn to makethoir signatures. Nika's deed offer-ed in ovidenco was oxocutod by across-mar- k, seven years and a halfafter tho dato of the will. Thoro isno proof that he could not writo attho dato of the will."

C. Croighton and J. Richardsonfor tho proponent: A. Rosa and J.W. Kalua for contestants.


At a meeting of tho North ofEngland Liberal Association a signi-ficant demonstration of discontentat Gladstone's home rule policy wasmade. Lord Hathfiold, who pre-sided, announced that he had re-signed the presidency of the associ-ation, saying that the recent Con-servative victories in thowere due to the objections manyLiberals entertained for homo rule.

Hon. Charles Tufton stated thathe would not contest his seat againon. account of the conduct of thoLiberal leaders. The meotinsr decided to Bend a strong protest to theNational Liberal Federation.


The refusal of leading Ministersto attend the inaugural banquet ofLord Mayor Knill is interpreted asan indication of a new attack on theCorporation of tho City of London,which it is believed will be super-seded in administrative functions bytho London CuHty Council. Glad-stone, in a letter Co Knill announcinghis inability to nttend tho banquet,says his decision is due to the adviceof his physician, who insists that heshall abstain from all public ban-quets. Gladstone congratulatesKnill on the spirit and success withwhich ho has sustained the principleof religions freedom. (This refers tothe fact that the now Lord Mayor is--a


Deputy Coroner Dean of KansasCity, Missouri, swallowed a door keyand an incision will probably havo tobe made in his stomach to preventdeath. He was on duty in the Coro- -nor s omco and was sitting halfasleep in a chair tilted back. Ho hada key in his hand and before goingto sloop had been idly tapping itagainst his teeth. When he went tosleep his mouth dropped opon withthe Key inside. Tho telephone bollrang and Deun jumped up with astart and a gulp and tho key wasgone. Ho did not think about thekey till he got across the room totho transmitter.'" He wont at, oncoto Dr. Burke's office. Emetics wereadministered, but. thoy failed tobudgo tho key. For breakfast he atobroad, potatoes and waffles.

When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K.Dolton, of Luray, Russell County,Kansas, called at tho laboratory ofChamberlain & Co., Des Moinos, toshow them his 'sir year old boy,whose life had been saved by Cham-berlain's Cough Remedy, it havingcured him of a very sevoro attack oferoiip. Mr. Dalton is certain that itsaved his boy's Ufa and is enthus-iastic in his praise, of tho Remedy.For aalo by all doalors. Benson,Smith & Co., Agents fortho Hawai-ian Islands.

A monument to Starr King, oratoraud diviue, in tho shape of a statuoin Golden Gato Park, was raised inSan Francisco, October 26th, 28years after his death.


WISH-t- sto rent a Furnished

Hoom, mauka of the KagleHouse or east of Punchbowl street. AddroMs "B. T, ," BulletinOlllce. S89--


TY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXEOCJL tlon isaued out ot the Police Court, onthu 2d day of November, A. D. 1892, againstLoo Yick, aeienaam, in tavor oi &.wougLee Yuen & Co., plaintiffs, for the sum of(37.40. 1 have levied upon and Hhall exposefor sale at the Police Station in the Districtof Honolulu, Island of Oalm, at 12 o'clockof SATURDAY, the 3rd day of December,A. D. 189.!, to the highest bidder, all theright, titlo and interest of the said LeeYiok, defendant, In and to the followingproperty, unless said judgment, interest,oosts and my ezpensos le previously paid.

List of property for salo : "

3 Tables, 2 Pictures, 2 Chain, .1. Standand 1 Lantern, 1 Silver Watch aud Chain.

OIIAB. 11. WILSON,Marshal, --

Honolulu, Not. 7, 1802. 572-- lt

HK WEKKLYliULLETIN-- 2d Co. umru of Interesting Reading Matter.

Islands, i; mailed to foJrhjn eountxlM, VS.

Hawaiian Mare Co., LI

Saturday, Nov. 26, 1802.

There is nd place on theglobe where people know bet-

ter what good things are thanin Honolulu. And they know j

where to come when theyare ready to buy. The FischerRangehas demonstrated itssuperiority over all rivals justas the Bradley & Hubbardlamp has convinced the worldthat no other lamp shines aswell.

Every year you are offeredopportunities of getting lampscheap or, more correctly speaking, cneap tamps. Attractive-ness is the only thing in theirfavor, usefulness is not be con-

sidered because they are got-ten up to sell. The manufact-urers who put such things onthe market sometimes make abetter article but they are foundonly in the establishment ofreputable dealers.

When you are buying alamp the main thing to be con-

sidered is 'the burner. The"Bradley & Hubbard" hasstood the test all over theworld and is without an equal.Inferior lamps do not have theB. & H. burner. This yearwe securedf or our trade someBanquet and Piano' lamps withthe automatic attachment thatdoes away with' taking off thechimney when you want tolight the wick. That alone isworth something and is notfound on the madetd-sel- l sort.

For a table lamp we havelor a pedestal a very.handsomeOnyx top table, antique pat-tern that looks as though Sy-ph- er

of New York had hadsomething to do with" it. Sy- -'

pher is the boss dealer in' artfurniture in the United State's.

The hard wood- Refrigera-tors with oxydized trimmingshave arrived and are at yourservice. In addition' to orna-menting whatever part 61 yqurhouse you put one of thetn youwill find them great economistswhen it comes to ice.

The rat traps we made 'thehit on are in such demand thatit is a hard matter to keep up j

with the call. We have order-- j

ed more of them and until theyarrive we suggest your using j

the Delusion mouse trap for j

juvenile rodents. The effect I

on the mouse is startling.We have paid a great deal

of attention this year to theshades for lamps, with the mostsatisfactory results It makesvery little difference how goodor how elaborate a lamp is, ifthe shade is not in keepingwith it the lamp shows to apoor advantage just as a lady-goin-

out in a handsome .suitand a back nujnber bonnet.It is doubtful if there ever hasbeen such an assemblage offine lamp bonnets in this King-dom as we show you this year.

The pretty ljttle njght lampswe called your attention to.two weeks ago have taken well,

with people whose taste leanstoward really beautiful things.We have two of them left, notmany in a community-lik- e this.

A half dozen hand paintedlamps with shades to match areworth double what we offerthem to you for ; they sell atthat in other shops but we areup with the times when itcomes to selling tilings cheap

good things' too. Theselamps are suited in the parlors,library and bed room an ex-

cellent reading lamp withgenuine B. & H.. burners.

Schultze Powder Cartridgesarrived by the "Albert" thismorning.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'dOppo. HpreoltoU' Hltxik,

Fort Street.

G-- TR, .A. 0" ID


''ft-A- 1 1 1 1 8Ka Bllllllin


ffilzl 5 3 la I iffissS IS 3 9 3

-- o



W V 9lsi-


"W lET.


Lawns, Swissss,IndiaA FULL

Nainsook, Ginghams

Closed Week Prices

fiSaT" Ladies Advantage

-- r




STOCK ,. iHlH'

I T -




of This Sale !




',.- -

0 !

"Will "be Out This at Not to "be




Ovincirn.lris' 33locsl, rF'ort Stvoot,

'7 7 .." " jJ t'

fiwsa-ss- -

'iSaajBsfl8mB'0- -

gg5j;;ti.-- ;



Have Their New

A- -




Victoria Lawns,Linen,

lulls, Etc., Etc.


Temple Fa,sliion.




'Av-r7'-5SSte- E

THEO. H. BAVIES "& CO.Opened.

China, Glass and FurnitureSalesroom on Kaalmmaim St., Ground Floor,




Royal Worcester, Crown Derby, Wedgewood and Other

xisrs w"a.:r,:e i3STO-- IRAags and Carpets,

EnglishKattan Ware,

Fine Show of Glassware, Ivoryware, Bohemian Vases, Wine Glasses, :

Tumblers, Cut Salads, Etc,

Prices lEed-uLoecL.- .





':1 ?



, tfT'?



Time Table



A.M. A.M. P.M. I'.M.

Unvo Honolulu. .OMf)" 8:1ft 1:45 4::t5tArrive Honoulliill.Ti'.'O 11:67 2:57 f.:.'CtKenvi'lloiiuullull..7!80 10:i:i 11:13 5M2tArrive Honolulu. .S:3.V 11:55 4:55 (1:50 1

l'KAitti City 1,oiat

I.cavo Honolulu 5:10Arrive Pearl City. rs4SgI.cavo 1'carl Clty..0:55 .. .

Arrive Honolulu. 7:30 ,. .

Sundays excepted, t Saturdays only.jj Saturdays excepted.

Tides, Bun and Moon.

hy c. J. LYON.

i jT " fDAY. V B - (

H e. d a S p. s1" re r" S

n.m. li.ini'D.m ii.ni,Mon. II no u so, :io 4 so n i 17 0 47Tuns. 11 no .... r fis n no 0 20 17 1 44

ii.ni. p.m.Wctl. 1 00 o :w o f.o' 7 so 6 21 17 2 41Tliurs. 2 10 1 30 8 '20, 20 0 22 17 3 47

' Kil. :i 20 2 30 II 10,10 40 (1 2 17 4 64Hut. :i a 10 !) .10 11 30 0 23 18 0 02

risesSun. 4' 4 30' 4 10! II no'U to) fi 24 18 l! 12

Full Moon on the 3rd ulSh. 40m p. m.


FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1892.


Departures.Friday, Dec. -'.

St nir Kiniiu for Maui mid Hawaii nt 2 p in

VqbsoIb LeavingBtnir Polo for Makawcli

Passengers.For Maui and Hawaii nor stinr Kiuiui,

Deo 2 For Volcano: 1. Shims, Jr, It Neu-mann, Wav ports: M itrasli, W (i Walker,W Marshall, S T Alexander, A I) Loebon-stei-

0 MoWilliam, Mrs K P. Hind, Jlcv KP Daker, Mrs 15 K Carey and 2 children, JKenton, Mrs C L Wight and cliildrcn, V. JFolk and 50 dock.

Shipping Notes.

The steamer Kinau left this afternoonfor Maui and Hawaii.

The German bark J. O. Glade is nowdocked at the new Fort street wharf.

The steamer Pole will leave again forMakawcli with coal andluinber.

The schooner jvulamanu has received ageneral overhauling on the Marine Kail-wa-

The steamers Wailuanalo and Mokoliiwill be due morning from Maui,Molokai and T.ailai.


AASS In Draliimen, Norway, October 7,O. P. Aass, aged 7tS years, the belovedfather of Mr. Otto Aass of Honolulu,Mrs. Laura Myhre, Waimea, Kauai,Klvine Jakobsen and Thora llraun,Norway.


O. J. McCarthy lias loin on Lililiastreet for salo.

Hoot Beer on draught at Benson,Smith & Co.'s.

Hawaiian Fans and Curios at "TheElite I co Cream Parlors."

Mince Pies can bo had at tliPalace Ice Cream Parlors. .

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. I'onson, Smit h As Co.,Agents.

A notice to owners of brands ap-pears in this issue from the Ministerof the Interior.

Dr. McLennan, 131 Fort street,above Hotel. Chronic and Sugiealcases. Mutual Telephone 682.

'""" Mechanics' Homo, fit) and 01 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, week ormonth 25c. and fiHo. a night.; $1and $1.25 a week.

Wintor & Winter, Dentists. Oflico,83 Berotauia street.

Gold fillings $3.00Silver fillings 1.00Teeth ext ractod 50Eastern Prices. Mutual Tele-

phone 23!).m

Foreign News.


At a meeting of the Young Men'sLiberal Conservative- - Association atToronto Mr. Armstrong, the presi-dent, said: "Wo should try to solvetho problem as to the United States.Thero is no concealing tho fact thatwo are being annexed in job lotsevery week and thoro is not a voiceraised against it. There is a hue andcry against annexing our mud, butnot ono word raised to tho UnitedStates nnnoxiiig tho brains and inus-ol- o

of this country."SIIC JULIAN COMINO BACK.

Sir Julian Pauncofoto, tho BritishMinister to Washington who hasboon sojourning in his native landfor tho past fow months, sailed Nov.2 on tho Majestic for his post ofduty. It is gonorally understoodthat Sir Julian's absence was timedso as to enable him to escape t hoombarrassmontB to which Lord Sack-- ,villo West fell a viotim four yearsago, and it is hinted that hereafterit will bocome an established customfor Hor Majesty's emissary to Wash-ington to absent himself during theAmerican election.

Sir Julian will roturn to Amoricathoroughly posted upon his Govern-ment's attitude ou tho fisheries ques-tion and it has boon given out that

" Gladstone will adhere to tho policyalready marked out by Lord Salis-bury,


A gontloman advortisos for a fur-nished room.

Diamond Head, 3 p. in. Weathercloud, wind light northeast.

Tho S. S. Yamashiro Maru will ro-

turn to Yokohama on Tuesday iioxt.

Thoo. H. Davies is booked to leaveon tho S. S. Australia next Wednes-day.

Fresh milk is obtainable twice aday from the Waialao ranch anddairy.

H. 13. M. S. Daphno is to call heroshortly on hor way from Victoria, B.C, to China.

Quito a heavy shower of rain fellto-da- Tho streams up tho valloyare swollen considerably.

J. F. Morgan sold tho Ddylo pro-mises at Palama on Wednesday1 toGeorge Gandnll for .?1700.

A curious result of figuring onyour ago will bo found in this paperunder tho head, "How old are yout"

L. Sloss, Jr., and ,R. Neumann, latoarrivals bv tho Australia, loft on thosteamer Kinau this afternoon fortho Volcano.

T. Pryco has accepted W. Bol-ster's challenge for a one-mil- e raceon skates. Tho race will take placeon Saturday evening.

Tho concert at Makeo Island lastevening was largely attended. Twotramcars wore run each way duringtho early part of tho ovoning.

J. Eyton-Walk- or will leave on thoS. S. Yamashiro Maru next Tuesdayfor Japan, in tho interest of tho Ha-waiian Bureau of Information.

H. B. M. S. Champion arrived atValparaiso last month from thoSouth Seas. She reported tho Pit-cair- n

Islanders in good health.

Tho monthly mooting of tho Ha-waiian Mission Children's Societywill bo hold at 7:30 o'clock

ovoning, at the residence of Dr.G. P. Andrews.

Tho Supremo Court banco sessionconcluded all hearings on tho calen-dar at noon to-da- y. A largo crop ofdecisions may be expectod in thonext fow weeks.

This afternoon the Legislature putup tho Queen's Guards appropria-tion to $50,000 for tho two yearB, thefigure at which it was placed undertho Parker Ministry.

The Y's will have a free social atthe Y. M. C. A. on Monday eveninginstead of Tuesday, as previouslyannounced. A musical program hasbeen prepared. All aro invited.

H. B. M. S. Warspite, which wasexpected here some time ago, willleave Esquimault for England onDoc. '5th. Tho Royal Arthur willprobably be sent out as flagship forthe Pacific Station.

Last Monday, Independence Day,was gonorally observed on Kauai asa holiday. Several of the mills closeddown for the day, and sports of allkinds wore indulged in by the em-ployees. Tho Japs engaged inwrestling matches.

Albert Bray appeared in tho PoliceCourt this morning when the chargeof larceny was nol pros'd and onosubstituted of embezzlement of apair of boots valued at $12. Atdefendant's request the case was re-

manded until next Monday.The Portuguese band gavo a moon-

light concert near Thomas Squarelast evening and later inarched withtorchlights to its club house. It hasbeen practicing at the summit ofPunchbowl for some time past.Father Valentino will make a goodband of it before long. '

B. J. Ignacio was tried a fow daysago in tho Police Court on a chargeof larceny of certain lumber materialblinds and doors, the property of E.H. F. Woltors. Judgment was sus-pended at tho time and yesterdaytho caho came up again. Judgmentwas again suspended until called up.

Moa Hop, a Chinese hack-drive- r,

was arrested last night for leavinghis hack near tho corner of Mauna-ko- a

and Berotauia streots withoutanyone to look after it. This morn-ing Hop made a statement and attho request of tho prosecution howas only reprimanded and dis- -'

charged.A further respite to Masuda, post-

poning his execution for murderfrom Monday next to Monday, Janu-ary 80, 1801, has boon ordorod byChiof Justice Judd. It is under-stood that tho time is given for thocondemned man to prove mitigatingcircumstances, so that his sentencemny bo commuted to lifo imprison-ment.

Tho annual mooting of tho Hawai-ian Historical Society will be hold atY. M. C. A. hall next Monday, at7:.')0 p, m, Tho public generally areinvited to attend. It is hoped thatmany of our ladies will bo interestedin tho objects and work of this so-

ciety. After tho reading of tho an-uu- al

reports, and the election ofoflicors, Judge Dole will road a paperon "The Evolution of Hawaiian LandTitles."

Tho cousin of Ah Tai, tho Ohiua-mn- n

who is supposed to have beenmurdered by Illinois Wise in Hono-lulu harbor, has spout over $600 inlawyer s foes in San Francisco prose-cuting tho case. This is nearly one-h- lf

of what tho Hawaiian Govern-ment has spont already, but in alotter to a relative in this city this

I cousin has written that he will spendinn wuuiu joruiuo it necessary 10secure justice.

Mr. John A. Hassinger, ChiofClork of tho Interior Department,has designed and had printed a newregister of brands for tho registra-tion of now and ofold brands, as prescribed by a lawof this session. Tho old register in-

dex, mado by Mr, Hassinger, begin-ning with the earliost records, waithe labor of a long period and is aperfect curiosity book of queer de-vices. Any brand can bo found init with the greatest easo whenwanted,


18Cht DAY.

FntDAT, Doc. 2. 1892.

Morning Session.

Tho roll was called at 9 o'clock,after prayer by tho Chaplaiu. Thominutes of tho previous mootingwere road and approved.

Noblo Kauhano from tho Commit-to- o

ou Education prosonted a reportand answer to a quory rolativo to thobuilding of sohoolhouso at Naalohu.Hoport adopted.

Tho same mombor, from tho satnocommittee, reported in ro n petition i

to build a schoolhouso at Koolauloa, I

recommending reference to tho Boardof Education. Report adopted.

President Walkor stated thpro wasa question which was disturbing thominds of somo of tho legislators, andthat was whether or not the Consti-tutional amendment required thosignature of tho Sovereign.

Noblo Thurston did not considerthat tho Sovereign's signature wasnecessary to Constitutional amend-ments, only to ordinary laws.

Noblo Williams considered thattho Sovereign's signature should boaskod out of rospoct.

Kep. smith did not consider thoSovereign's signature necessary, butho did not see that thoro could boany objection to asking for tho sig-nature.

Noblo Thurston was opposed totho requesting, as it might lie madouse of as a precedent.

After some further argument andtho Attorney-Gener- al consenting, itwas decided that tho question shouldbe submitted to tho Supremo Court.

Rop. Smith offered a resolution'that tho Minister of the Interiorsupply and have bound with theSession Laws of the present .sessioncopies of the Constitution. Adopted.

Nnhln Pnn nfTnrnil tlio fnllnwincrquestions to tho Minister of Interior:1, Has any person been appointedas Superintendent of tho Leper Set-tlement vice W. H. Tell, removed?2, If so, who is the person? Referredto the Minister.

Rep. Pua offered a resolution thateach member of the House bo giventhe following books, viz., 1 copyCommled Laws. Session Laws 1890.$nd 1892 when printed.

lution was amended to apply simplyto laws of 1892, and passed.

The Minister of Finance said that10 payments on account of tho$1,000,000 loan had been made, butup to this time none of tho couponshad been returned to this country.His opinion was that they should bereturned and deposited .in the Trea-sury, and he intended to write toMathieson & Co. by the outgoingmail.

Under suspension of the rules,Rep. Smith, from tho JudiciaryCommittee., presented a report ouauestious.asked by Rep. Ash ford ofthe Minister of Finance in regard totho status of the amounts advancedto His late Majesty. The Commit-tee recommend that the matter bereferred to the Cabinet. Ou motionof the Attorney-Geuer- al the report,was approved.

The Order of the Day being movedthe Bill 199, in re segregation oflepers, came up for consideration.

Rop. White said that the greatcause for complaint was the usemade of the permission to arrest"suspects." A plantation managorwho desired to obtain a piece of landowned by a native had only to gooffquietly and secretly to a doctor andsuggest that the nativo was a leper,when ho could have him taken awayto Honolulu for examination by aboard of physicians, not at all insympathy with tho suspect. Thonativo knowing the influences thatwore liable to work against him sellshis land and other belongings be-fore departure ond thus the design-ing


planter can obtain tho land.He also stated that he had informa-tion that Hawaiian girls who wereof a prepossessing appearance wouldbe compolled to pay special visits totho doctor's oflico for special exami-nation on tho ground of being 'sus-pected. One physician, formerlyresident of Honolulu, had so sur-rounded himself with trouble in thisregard that ho left the country. He,found no fault with the law, onlythe abuse of the word "suspects,"and he favored that being struckout.

Noblo Horner gave instance ofwhore the suspioion resting on aman employed by him resulted ingood by proving that a long timo"suspoct'-o- examination showed hehad not tho slightest indication ofloprosy. Ho did not doubt thatthoro were abusos of the law as thorowere of tho laws affecting tho UnitedStates and in othor countries, butthat was no reason why the lawsthemselves which wore good shouldbo abolished.

Noble Pua favored tho passage oftho bill. Tho word "suspect" .was ahorror to Hawaiians, although notto bo at all dreaded by foreigners.

Rop. Nahinu also considered thatthe law should bo repealed, becauseit was the moans of opening thodoor to oppression aud wrong. Itwas especially aimed at tho nativoHawaiians and should be swept offtho statute books. Ho moved thoprevious questiou,

The motion to indefinitely post- -tho first soction of the bill was

fione on tho following aye and uayvote:

Ayes Ministers G. N. Wilcox, Ro-binson, Jones aud Brown j NoblesEna, Williams, J. M. Horner, Hind,Marsdeu, Young, Baldwin, W. .

Horner, Andemon. Thurston andKanoa; Reps. Wilder, A. Horner,losepa aud Smith 19.

Noes Nobles Pua, Cummins, Ma-il- e

and Hoapili; Reps, Bipikauo,Ashford, Alii, Pua, Kauhi, Bush,Kauuamauo, Kamauoha, Waipuilani,Kapahu, Nahinu, White, Kauoalii,Edmonds, Kaluua aud Akiua 20.

AbsentNobles Walkor, Borger,Hopkins, Peterson, Wdlbridgo andDroior; Rop. A. S. Wilcox.

Rep. Ashford was opposed to thepaiinga of Section 2. Ho did not

27like tho rohof oiTorod to police ofli-cor- e

and others until they actuallyknow nnrflon. to bn lnnbrfl before a'rresting thorn. Ho quoted Cicero (7J t

hs saying that "eternal vigilance wasnip prico oi iiuoriy" win-re-i- ? on unaquestion eternal vigilance was theprico of lifo to both; Hawaiians andforeigners. He riibvod that (liewords "have reason to believe" bosubstituted for "know.'! On motiontho amondmont passed as well asSections 2 and 8. Bill passeil to en-grossment and for third reading onThursday next.

At 12 recess was. had until 1:80


A Nativo Pleads Guilty to Beingtho Thlof.

As reported previously two na-tives, Kalakahuna and Eki, wore ar-

rested on Monday on suspicion ofhaving committed tho night, rolv-bori-

at Palama and Kalihi. Awhite .man was suspected at- - first,'but this suspicion camo to ifaughUTho two men wore locked uplandup amount of questioning-woul-

causo them to givo in. Finally yes-terday

IEki turned Qucon's evidence

and gavo Kalakahuna away. Ekisaid that Kalakahuna was theono who had boon conimiU,mgH?Mrobborios and that ho hod seen himon occasions, stoalingifowls..

'Kalakahuna was charged- - in ; the-Polico Court this morning with; lat--'

cony of a trunk and contents .vujiudat $15, tho property ok. --Togo Ka.waku, ou Nov. 11.. He- - pleadedguilty. Another charge was- - pre-ferred againBt him, that of Jarconyof chickens, belonging to the- - .Jva-- ;

mohaineha schools. Defendant- - also'pleaded guilty to this. .Sentence,was suspended in both ca.os until

Eki was discharged. : f .



. i .' : -

Principal Olea0n'vSdyo tho Bullet" DyJNot Oomo from KamelinmtihdSchool. ., ...... 'it

Rev. W. B. Oleson, Priucipal ofKamehamoha School, hwT'adaros&rd'' "tho following note to the 'editprf yjf,this paper: i. i .

."I have carefully- - investigated- - toiseo whether anyone on KamehamohaRnlwinl linuniqfm firnd tlmsent tho bullet into Mr.- Lloyd's.-- :

house, and I can state er"lJiat'such was not tho case. Tiiore.'.is al-- : .

together too much shooting Pnlamarway, as tho report, of grins isj

heartls and.th'atitod'atuHbht.:ft is to ho hoped ;fchat 3IrliMoydJ-- s

oxpenonce maynot no repewedwitnhim or any other partv;. and thatbusers of fire-arm- s .may. He more-- '

eautious." : - -


Large Part, oiT the .MftU.'fhs.'-Ocf-b

ber Steamer from t)he;JCqorjieqBostroyod. n ;r, .

.i iT , .- - --.r M.vjnicaeo, iovomuor u. .suwriu-- ,

!:Slfe?MSli? llr wMJfflltlTmail which has been missins?. afid'causing' some tqublp,,-- v atorao;Crii'-- iattached to,t ho. trainrfrom San Ifmn- - '.cisco to Chicago with iJajnesticiiiailB I"

and AustralianTDouchesiwaadoiStro-v-'- '

ed by fire near Wolls,.Nob.,on Octo-ber 28th. Tho investigation tdiowsthat all but ono bundle of mail .fromBrisbane and Adelaide, iSouth Aus-tralia, was destroyed, together withmuch domestic paper mail, .TheNew Zealand, Melbourne', Laui'u-o's- -

ton and "Sydney Ufairs.wero reer-vorw- l

and have been forWaruen.--

A Pleasant Sociable.'

- The regular monthly, meeting' oftho St. Andrew's Churclr Associationwas hold hi3.t, evening in (ho sirhoot- -room, tho attendance being vory f

largo. AUor routine business, pre- -

sided over bv Capt. Mist, had bwn '

transacted, tho following urtraiu...ifni li s t tvun, jjiirauuLtHii - -

Bona, ..... .'.-- . M.r.'8Iii'ldyiiKecltatfon- - liss Mu'y Atkltl's-oli- "

Quartette . . ..'..:,'... .. 'Misses Ward, ICniidnon, ,Wodi'hu;u.'uand von Holt.

Song '. IteV. Alu.x. Maiikiutosli.HumoroiiH reading.- - ". -. . Mr. CookeSong ,

Mrs. It. Von Tcmpskiv.v-it- v.ioliu.ohllgato by Mtus I.uey Ward.

Tho Miases von Holt, ,M. .Kinnoy,and Mollio Atkinson officiatedconipanists. The various nuinlors,were exceeaiuciv wen rendorcu anaencores wore numerous" .''Refresh',monts were sorvetl at the close of theprogram,. and all wont horiio.doliglit-- jed with tho evening's entertainment?!these Hoeiables aro increasing , in"

' - 'popularity. -


Sunday tjchool Richie, AIn consoquonce of' tho" - rainy

weather tho picnic that-- Mr. Paviesis giving for the children of tlmSocond CongregationCathedral will be hold at RemondGrove instead of Makeo Isjand'.; Thetrain will loavo tlio.station i,, lO.tlo'clock, and the children nndr.twH'h--- .'

ers are reimostod to gostraigJitj.'iutho station at 10 o'clock in,stoaiLoftassembling in the Sunday" schoolroom. .

For a sore tliToat there is. nothingbetter than a Uanuel baudatro damii- -

onoil with Chamberlain's Pain Daim.It will nearly alwayu ellocta cure in ;

ono niuht's time, This .remedy .is.i also a favorite for rheumatism andhas cured many very, severe, oihoh.,50 cent bottles for salo by all doftjors.Bonson, Smith & Co., Agents fort hoHawaiian Islands, '

.' ' 1

Waialae Ranch & Dairy

FreshKiMUfc'FOR, S-A.3L-



Heady to hook regular

PA'U ISENBETiQ',tpi-- 1'iarii'iroi.

U.A gu99ower

, " 1 have been nfilict- -Blllbuonosa, " cd with .biliousness

" nil d constipationConstipation,.. for nflecll yt.arS;

Stomach' '; first one and then"another prcpara- -

Palns.' '" tiou was suggestedi

' " tonic and tried buti'to no purpose. At Inst a friend

recommended aurusi iiowcr. i"took It according to directions rind" ils'elTocts tvere wonderful, leliev-- "

ing me of those disaRieen'.le" stomach pains which I had been"troubled with so long. Words,"cannot describe the admiration"in .which I hold your At'tgiist" Flower Tt has given nic a new." lease of life, which before was aT'rburden. Such a medicine is a ben- -" cfaction to humanity, and its good1"qualities and- -

"wonderful mcr- - Josso Barkor," its should be . '

"made knoWn to Printer,""everyone suffer- -

"trig withKansas. V)

Q.G: OHliliN.-Bol- Mnu'AVuoibitivJ.


Olvb the immlipr.iif the month. in whli'lyou wiiro lioni. "'

UbilWe-it- .- Ait.l


u(UI ago. . . ...Kuhtnict aW.

' '.'"''" ' ' ' """Multiply hy'intf"AMil iiiiinlir.f tiny' of til.1' immUi-ot- t

which you worn horn. . -Add 11,'oOU. ...,.,,.. , .. .

'in "tho nuh ti llraU'two lctt-hi'i-

llirurc will l).tthf month th" worn! two: , ' . . -- . "" r," - ,' . .,

unr ug me mini iwo, nut uay.oi iiu- -


i'. .'.:'..-

Jf jou will vali'iijiiti' your. tij;o by tin.1

iilxiyc (nrmula' und mic'loSc tin i'i!ul.t to.us. .vt will fii'rti!Jifi'''Viul with u'n illux'ifa- -' ftion, .not hyiorij',, liuWlty, tho lCQUl.'l- -

AllI.K.l.lKK AftSUliANCK .SOO'H'.TV of!; ynito,! stfit, jd.ow.iiiB th.- - .ulvunhmfs

" l"13":. ''rru luiium I'ouuu's nun Junius,uavud. on uii' aour.il rL'suu. 01 I'diicioswjiiifh inye liinli'iVrd this jViir.

. j.,UAiMlwnianT,- - "'

Jidt'iii'rtu Auoiit's for tlicnluwaiuin Islands;KifilTtaljlv SilcivlyVf! ho ::

Tiut I'd" S tn !""l ' '

It." S. Mooui:,,!iiot r W. H.Taymiii, .t'ri's.t v.-- j.

. r. San Francisco , - . - Cal.lUTlLDIiltS OI' -

1 ( .1 1 1


Pimping MachineryIri'iHl!iiu :uid Wider Works-jmrpi)- ?

of any .'upmit

Wrought iron & Steel "WatorTlpa & Flumlpg


.'."I ".".''ATHKSON.J.qi'K-JqjN- T I'll'ly,

-- Kto;, .fito Kti'. -". j.&" V"r fu'rthtu' :irt miliar.- mid .''tin-.

Io'kiiu.n, address'

Hisdqii Iroii '. "W'orlc.s,' Sn'n I'nUifMM'OjV'iiifurnl:!.'

' .. .,.-.,- -

1 "Tr. ' 5 'lTl ftf. rfi.fiAAIVfifl.


. ,SSw 'JjieFVPfci


O 72T S T H3 PI''..


',".03ST, joe, .

" Per1 S. S. Australia.


r tlie Beam Saloon,- -

H.JviTolte, PJopr,et"dr , '.

' '. j. rwr.'u '.

The Nippon YngoaKatslia'B Steamship

."Yamashiro Marii "

Y.uiNii, ("oiunuind'.T,'

iJlViinpuv. tills port for Vokolmuii) dlri'i't

Qiv TUESDAY, Dec. 6th,f' A'l- OTI.UCK 1'. XI. HliAltl'.

&-- for iariieitlr Krolglund JNih-hiko- . iinidy n . ... ;....,

W.,G.Inviu&C6.,Lva.,'W6!;l'jn' AKlMIt.. 'I


'at fni-- ; AlUOirilNKl! ANSH.lill tho hloi'Kliiihlorh ol ill"

'iiclllu Huuiir Mill Will rtn'Tne-fdiuvth- i

.inh iiwtaul, tlm followliiK, .iillviir wnu;duly i!li'ti'di

1'. A. Hiifii.ifr.hu!..'lt. UIpliui , .V.jouirrisil.'iiti"jl'iiotiuH ; .'. i jjnniii(g'



lltl; KJiW' Humillary.

lloiiolulu, Nov. :, wu.- .as.'..,'t"'


-- .ax y'v.i k i hoa nr i. hts ok si x- -V'w'fc'ttr'jriVriiii.sij,' Kiudi'i' will hu it-hIiIv

ruwarded by rutuiilliig lo thlj olltcu.i 'Sis-S- t'


0 of



WHATAVli.it about .yards

What about yardsLEVY.



of White Cotton for $1 V

.about Toys'? LEW. ..'.

9 7TRabout Hosiery for Ladies and GhildreiiVilw.See

gives full value? .LEVY.

Who would bo pleased to see you'

Who for Cash? 1AWY.

Who is tlie man for hard

3SC- - S- -

.75 Fori Street, - -r.s.--


TnanksgiYing and Xmas !

A Herd of Over Two Hundred Fed on Cooked Food ,"OR TI1K PAST SIX MONTHS IX

HUesaiit, Ooncii"tion for ttie TaTole !

Wi' do not oiler Birds for nlc nt $.W a plcui', hut

Good Fleshy, Heavy Birds'' Dressed arid. Iced. If Desired


' Sb- - Weight of llir.ls varying from 12 to Uil lhs. --an

Prices to 3iit !



:00CIS- -








23 Kodaks for

-- V?!MmJo



xcfi AV S. tLt(Cnft'

I ' you wn

mi uti

Mrs MVJrc mr mi faraMonxqiii'taire

ll'iiir , .'

A' m Silki

lo lion miuin' at Siichtt'


Calico Sec JAW.Y.

LEVY 7;-

.times, anyway? LEVY"

Mclnerny Block.




for Hawaiian Islands.

gvlliiiu ffl.lH) Saclm'l



I'otton, (iortiA


HOLLISTER & CO.,IO Fort Street,

jprrS. SACHS

104 lort Stroet, Honolulu.

llnmttii SuhIick SucIih' StoreMHWtMIHiMMMBa'''HiMBHMaaaiMMaaHnaa

IJnv. Xi)ltt l!uwiin

Drape Fancy llorA'i(i('iVi btore.r


lltn'fSiwlm' storr

Uttrtt HuciUk Stylinh'aniii'i found Store


POLjLOWS!Jiliii,lrt'aiiliiir. .'0

in.. n'ililUin uiwu. rreiii'ii

In rigured,Catli-i- . hi l'liiiu Kluunil.

$1 V

-i nt




.!the -

m for ut

Kid Uhrcs for l,oU"I

Stripr-- and I'atkn al

lllaek, in all

( ouiokiiiiin aim i nil' Hliu'k (

Kto., Kin., Kto,

;( tlir at Ar.9 Mi"iiii ii


, lluvi- - th AVic Art Sillrx for unit


xrrn thrat

you Kffir thr




iiiuok tortSilk



,' that thr und Most llwult


.A-- S

wide, cim jut(ii.iu.ii,

lMui'k Diai'i; liwn.Jllnfife KllttC' l'liiiu andHWuft and




anil Kid

i.n.ues iri-n- .


.A.TB. F. EHLERS & CO.'S, 99 Fort

under thu inauaui'iiicnt of Mism K. Cl.Altlv.-S- M


Jia'AKiimiAg,rUr a

.mWBmWiWi3&EQ re5T'-vVar.T.- kj-t ,


Banquet Lamps,Rochester


, k" ' 'i.t s .,? y V '.





Hanging Lamps,

Velvet Pile Center Rugs,Smyrna Rugs,

Axminster Rugs,Lowell

Garden Sets,

Chenille Portieres,Portieres,

Lace Curtains,Scrim


China Tea Sets,

Tsttole Xjiaaexi,Embroidered Carving

Embroidered PillowSheets,

GrocLiaetTennis Sets,


sfW" jfewf.

China Mush Sets.



Royal Worcester Vases,


Japanese Satsuma VasesImari











SALAD BOWLSMoustache Cups,








New Year

Sets, Portfolios,

Dressing Sets,

Ink Stands,

Derby "Vases,Yases,






Cloisene Yases,Bohemian









Cut Glass "Ware,Cut Vases.


Mechanical Toys,

Rubber Balls,Foot Balls.


BookPicture Books.



Letter Cases,Cases.


Pocket Books.


Open Work Handkerchiefs,


Rag Dolls.



Point Lace Handkerchiefs,Lace Handkerchiefs.

Embroidered Silk Hosiery,





Lisle Hosiery,Neck Ties,

Silk Shirts.







Fancy Tables,Bric-a-Br- ac Cabinets.


Jugs,Electroplate Cutlery,

Electroplate Fancy Ware.


McLaughlin's -:- - Children's -s- - Books !


135th DAY.

TmwDAY, Dec. 1, 1892.

Aftornoon Session.

Tho aftornoon roll call was voiced13' tho Clork at 1 :tfO o'clock, but thoanswers indicated a lack of quorum.At 1:45 tho lluuso was called to or-der.

Consideration of t lie hill to abo-lish tho ollice of Firo Marshal wascontinued, and aft or a short discus-sion tho motion to pass was put.Lost, 20 to in as follows:

Ayos Minister Robinson; NoblesMailo, Kauhane, J. M. Homer, Hind,Marsdon, and V. Y. Homer; Hops.Bipikano, Ashford, AW, H. W. Wil-cox, A. Horner, Kaunamano, Kaniau-oh- a

and Smith 15.Noos Ministers Wilcox and

Brown Nobles Borei Ena, Pita,Williams, Hoauili Y.ounjr, Baldwin,Andorson ami Thurston; liovs."Wilder, Knuhi, Wnmuilnni, White,Kauoalii, Edmonds, Knlunti, Iosopaand Akina 20.

Absent Minister Jones; NoblesHopkins, Peterson. Walbridgo andKanoa; Hops, litisli, Koahou, Ka-pah- u,

Nahinn and A. S. Wilcox.President Walker announced tho

Dentistry Cominitteo to bo Hops.Waipuilani, Smith and Knunanmuo,and Noblos Marsden and Williams.

Undor suspension of tho rules No-

ble Thurston introduced a potitionfor tho reduction of tho dntj' onbicycles. Hoforrod to tho Cominit-teo on Connnorco.

From tho Public Lands Commit-tee, tho same inombor presented areport on tho bill authorizing thoMinister of Interior to issuo HoyalPatents for certain lands, and re-

commended that the said bill botabled. Roport tabled for considera-tion with tho bill.

Second reading of Bill 189, relat-ing to railroad mortgages. Passedto engrossment and for third reading on Saturday.

Bill 108, to confer upon the Boardof Representatives of tho Firo Department greater control over thofunds' of tho Department, camo upon second reading and was passedto engrossment, and for third read-ing on Saturday next.

Bill a proposed amendmentto tho Constitution, to permit mem-bers of tho Legislature to bo eligibleto appointments in the diplomaticand consular corps, came up onsecond reading.

Hop. Wilcox said that ho did notthink it looked well to have foreign-ers representing the country abroad.Ho instanced the lack of power ontho part of foreigners to obtain thoReciprocity Treaty with tho UnitedStates which was finally obtainedthrough tho efforts of tho late KingKalakaua, a native Hawaiian. Now,closer relations are desired and againundoubtedly a native Hawaiian willbo the successful pleader. As it is,tho brains and ability of tho coun-try are represented in tho Legisla-ture, and thero is no one loft outsidecapable of representing tho country.Such was his reason for desiring alaxity of tho rule which prohibitsmembers of tho Legislature holdingollice during tho term for whichthoy are elected.

On motion tho report of tho Com-mittee, tabling tho bill, was adopted.

Bill 146, a proposed amendment toArticle 54 of tho Constitution, pro-viding that any inombor of thoLegislature, if arrested, ovon whencaught in flagrante delicto, bo per-mitted to take his seat on a paroleof five members. A report of a com-mittee, recommending that tho billbo tabled, was read and adopted.

Bill Hi, to amond Article 59 oftho Constitution, relative to reduc-ing tho income qualification of votersfor Noblos from $600 to 300 per an-num. Bill tablod to await majorityreport.

Bill 175, to regulate tho hours oflabor of cortaiu Government

A report from a special committeewas road recommending that thebill pass.

Noblo Marsdon favored tho pas-sag- o

of the bill.Hop. R. W. Wilcox considered

that, it would bo advisable to goslow in passing this bill or elso itmight bo necessary to run tho Gov-ernment on the plan of a sugar plan-tation, whore thoy have to go towork so early that family prayershavo to bo held in tho cane hold.All the work necessary could bodono botweeu 9 o'clock a. in. and 1o'clock p. in. Ho boliovod that thoelimato was a drawback to tho earlyuoiirs usou auroau. xo compel com-lliauc- o

with the proposed law wouldtend to hurry sonio of tho Govern-ment ollicials into an early grave.(Laughtor.)

Rop. Whito said that, he favoredthe bill. He romembered that sometime ago when they had drawn theirpay ho dosirod to got a money ordorto send to Lahaina, Ho visited thepostal monoy ordor ollice nnd sawthe young man thero and desired toget his ordor. Tho young man look-ing at tho clock told me that Imust wait until 9 o'clock. Thon Itold him I was tho Hon. Mr. Whito,from Lahaina; ho told mo that thatinado no difference I would havo towait until 9 o'clock all tho same, andI had to, Ij howovor, had a sweetmorsel in mind for tho lazy clork bythinking that I would dig up the"hours of labor" bill which I hadhelped to kill tho previous sessionand carry it through at this, and thatis just wnat I intend to try to do.Another thiiig,it is amusing to watchtho pace of tho difforont ollicialsduring workinir hours, and at 1

o'clock; ho moved tho previous question, uarnoci.

On motion tho report of tho com-initteo was adopted, bill passed toengrossment and ordered for thirdreading on Tuesday next.

Bill 42 to amond Section 1120of tho Civil Code relating to con-tract laborors came up ou secondreading and a report of tho LaborCominitteo recommending tho bill topass was adopted. Bill to engross- -

ment and to third roadiug on Tues-day noxt.

Bill 119, to amend Soclions 1119and 1420 of tho Civil Codo rolatingto a revision of tho law rolating toMastors and Sorvants and applyingto advance moneys camo up in con-nection with a report of tho LaborCommittee. Tho committoo recom-mended that t,lip bill bo tabled. Re-port of committoo adoptod and billtablod.

Bill 198, to punish the uso of vul-gar, profano and obscono languago,was road in connection with a com-mittoo report thereon. Tho committoo recommend Hint the bill pass.Roport of cominitteo adopted, billto engrossment and for third read-ing on Tuesday noxt.

Bill 199, rolating to amending tholaw relating to segregation of lopors.Report of majority of committeethoroon rocommondod that the bill

Ibo indefinitely postponed, as thoj'regard tho repeal of tho law com-pelling segregation of lopors asfraught with danger to tho com-numit- y.

Tho minority reconiinend-o- d

that suspects bo oxomptod fromtho old law and favor tho passage ofthis bill.

Rop. Smith favored tho roport oftho majority of tho committoo.

Rop. Bipikano stated that ho hadcomo in contact withsomo peoplo attho Lopor Sottloinout who lookedwoll and showed no signs of loprosyAsking them how thoy got there,thoy told him thoy had boon arrested unclor tins law which allows thoarrest of "suspects." Ho favoredtho minority roport.

Rop. Waipuilani said that tho "sus-pect" portion of tho law works hard-ships, especially in the outer dis-tricts. A man may havo a grudgeagainst another and complain thatho is suspected of loprosy. Tho sus-pect is arrested, brought to Hono-lulu, for thoro may bo no physicianin tho district. Tho suspect ma' bodischarged, but, like all native Ha-waiia-

ho believes that after onceboing arrested thero is no hopo forhim, he must go to Molokai; so hosoils his little belongings and, evenif cleared, ho. has nothing loft of hisold homo and surroundings. Ho in-

stanced two young girls' boing ar--rostod, boing taken to jail and thojTworo examined, almost publicly, andnothing was found to bo wrong withthorn. He also spoko of a particularcase of a man in Hilo, who hadenemies, nnd because thej' desiredto rovongo themselves thoy had hisboy arrested; ho had groat troubleto prove tho lie.

Continuing tho member said thattho Hawaiians woro charged withspreading tho aisoaso by passing apipe from mouth to mouth. If so,the same could bo said of tho com-munion cup in the churches whichpasses from lip to lip; that customshould bo abolished.

Noblo Young That is true; thatshould bo stopped.

Rop. Waipuilani now, at 4:05 mov-ed adjournment. Carried.

The Band at Chicago.

Editor Bulletin:The proposal to send tho band to

Chicago at tho public expense is anoutrage, and the Legislature oughtto kill it ou sight. Just imagineHonolulu for throe months relyingfor music on some peripatetichurdy-gurd- ', while Borgor and thoboys were on tho platform of Thurs-ton's cyclorama tooting an invitationto "walk up" and soo tho groatestshow ever sent from Polynesia. Ofcourse tho Advertiser wants the band,as tho Volcano C3rclorama stock isowned by its family. The widow ofour late lamented King, Queen Ka-piola-

must bo content with a pittance, which is noxt to nothing;needed public improvements must bostruck out and hard-worke- d Govern-ment sorvants bo cut down to starva-tion salaries; but, oh, givo us thoband for our show, crios Thurston &Co. Can't Thurston got up a bandof Japs, tho3' are evidently his com-ing race of musicians. Ajax.

mmAir. J. P. Blaizo, an oxtonsivo real,

estate dealer in Dos Moines, Iowa,narrowly escaped ono of tho severestattacks of pneumonia while in thonorthern part of that state during arecent blizzard, says tho SaturdayReview. Mr. Blaizo had occasion todrive several miles during the stormand was so thoroughly chilled thatho was unable to got warm, and in-side of an hour after his return howas threatened with a severe case ofpneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Baizesent to tho nearest drug store and gota bottlo of Chamborlain's Cough Re-medy, of which ho had often heard,and took a number of largo doses.Ho says tho effect was wonderful andin a short time ho was breathingquite easily. Ho kept on taking thomedicine and tho next day was ableto como to Dos Moinos. Mr. Blaizoregards his euro as simply wonderful.For sale by all dealers. Benson,Smith & Co., Agents for the Hawai-ian Islands.

Tho Mount Washington signal andBoarch light lias boon out dono in onocapacity recently by au electric ap-paratus with which experiments havobeen made at Earls .Court. Thomanagers havo succeeded not onlyin throwing tho distinct forms ofgigantic letters upon tho clouds, butthoy havo ovon made the' well-know- n

features of Mr. Gladstone appear inghostly outlino in tho heavens.

Bkll 4U - TELEPHONES Mutual 414

COALAt McKinley Prices!

Departure Bay CoalAT

12 JL TOHST!OT-- Delivered to any part of Honolulu

HUSTACE & CO.Ring up No, 411 on Both Tele-MU-l- m


OpeningMonday, Nov. 21st


Dry & Fancy Goods

STORE.Mclnerny Block,

V570-- tf


Steamship CoFor SAN FRANCISCO.




Wednesday, December 7th,.A.T NOON,

The unilcrslimcfl arc now nrcmred toissuo Through Tickets from tins city to nilpoints in tho United States.

For further particulars regarding Freight.or appiy to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,587-- General Agents.

Bruco & A. J. Cartwrijjht.

To Let or LeaseAt Prices to Suit the Times.


urban t'ottago on Nuu--nun street. nil online theresidence of Mr. A nomasSoroii'ion, nicely appointed and with agree-able surroundings, suited to a small familyand within an easy remove from tho heatof tho City. Terms !f 18 per month.

no. a.NICE COTTAGE WITHA pleasant grounds ou

Ileretania street, a few doorsfrom Keeaumoku street, recently occupied bv Mrs--. Carney, ontrancesirom xoung aim ucretania streets, nousc.Stables and Outhouses all complete, andin first-cla- ss order. Stroot Cars pass thefront door every twenty minutes. Terms?22 per month, including water rates.

NOTE Before becking or closing bar-gains olsewliore, it will pay you to scan ourcolumn, and to at onco consult the under-signed at thoir oilice.

Wo keen nronertv in first-cla- ss condition. Our terms are moderate and aslandlords we will always bo found reason-able in our dealings.

Apply in each case to


"Cartwright Building," Merchant street.54!l-t- f


rpWO KTflWT.V Willi.X KiultCfl Ifiintnu null.trally located. Inquire at.UUI.I.KTIX4 UI1ICC. O.X-- ll


TTUVAI, PKEMISnS, 31 iSftl - "V--f uerctuina street, o

posite Fort street churc h, iWtriMfSnTX. .It. I i r t r tv mtf i m i iApply to iJUlUllX, 1J"382-- tf At Theo. H. Davies it Co.

Ff IjET.

HOUSE OF FIVErooms, Ou Magazine

street, with Bathroom, pat-ent W. 0.. etc Commandsono of tho finest views in Honolulu. Annlvto (477-t- f) J. M VIVAS.


NICE COTTAGE ONA Beretauia street, nearPiikoi street, containingl'nrlor. ' Jiedrooms. liutn- -room, Diningroom, Pantry and Kitchen,Sorvant's room, Carriage House, Stable, etc.xramcaiH pass every jv iiiuiuich. Aiiiuy atoffice of this paper. too-- n



pied by Mr. E. Sulir, willbo for sale or leaso at rca- -Knnnbln nrlco or rental. Tho Grounds coil'tain a variety of Fruit and OrnamentalTrees. Tho Commodious Dwelling is

with modern improvements andconveniences. Roomy Barn und uCottago for servants. For further partlim-lar- s,

apply to JOHN ENA,Otliou Inter-Islan- d Btcam Navigation

Co. 62it-- tf

Li ILANIWAI"FIRST-CLAS- S FAMILY BATHINGA; Resort at Waikiki, Tramcars nasi

tho gate. Special arrangements can bomade fur Family Picnics and EveningButhing Parties. 58S-- tf

Bon-To- n Dressmaking Parlors,

Corner Fort it Buretania sts.

Experienced Dressmakers Just from the Coast

MP Ladies giving us a call are assuredof perfect satisfaction, C8-2-

CHAS. T. GULICK,Notary Public for the Island of Oanu.

Agent to take Acknowledgements to La-bor Contracts.

Agent to grant Marrlagu Llceusos, Hono-lulu, Oahu.

Agent for tho Hawaiian Inlands of Pitt &Scott's Freight and Parcel Express.

Agent for tho Burlington Route.


Uki.l 31- 8- TELEPHONK --Mutuai.139P. O. Box 415- -

38 Merchant ttt. Honolulu, H, I.



106FortSt.l'rcfcnts its Annual Army of

HOLIDAY GOODSAnd gives no ovidenco of diminished sup-ply on account of tho cry of dull times,but meets tho changed condition of thingsby a reduction of prices in many linesthrough a saving of American duties onmost Luropcan Goods that ovory

family must have. A visit to

T. G. Thrum's Store108 Fort Street,

Suggested to a little visitor tho thoughtthat "Santa Clans wns going to live hero,"thus recognizing tho fact as woll os name.It odors n variety for selection that mustbo seen to bo bo appreciated.

Tho selection of BOOKS delayed enroute will bo here by return "Australia,"nut. tuc nnc 01

Booklets Sl Xmas CardsNot an old ono of last year's stock

in tho lot; with

-:- - Calendars for 1893-:- -

Arc Attractive, both for price ond design.

All orders carefully attended to." -

Golden Rule Bazaar,--


Holiday Announcement

No Humbug about our Prices; they aremade on a

CASH BASISAnd never havo to be reducod.


Elegant Gift BooksAnd STANDARD AUTHORS.

Children's Books In Illuminated Covers

In Boards and Linen.

Combination Purses & Card Cases

Combination Wallets in Alligator,Snake and Seal Skins.


DIARIES for 1893At Lower Prices than ever offered in


Lawn Tennis SuppliesIncluding Rackets, Balls, Hats, Caps, Nets,

Poles and Gut.

CROQUET SETS from $1.50 to ?12.

CHRISTMAS CARDS aro out of fashionand we havo in their places a




Camarinos' Kalilri Ranch


Turkeys, Geese, Heavy Roosters

Fat HensNow being FROZEN will be ready for

delivery before or on the morningof Thanksgiving Day.

UDressed All Ready for the Oven!A Sl'KCJAL LINE OF

Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Dates,Nuts of all kinds, Etc., Etc.,

For tho Holiday and Festive Season.Prices to suit the times.

California Fruit Market.Mutual Tel. 378. 67D-l-

Turkeys !

Big Cornfed, Favraraised Turkeys

For Christmastm-- FOR SALE AT THE

KZaliiii Poi Faotory,682-l- m W. L. WILCOX.



White and Black SandWhich wo will sell at the Very Lowest

Market Rates.

Bell 414 - TELEPHONE Mutual 414


T AWN MOWERS TO LET BY THEAu day, week or month: ReiMiirinir.Cleaning and Sharpening done; DuplicateriocosiurnisueuwuenrwjuiTOu. j'"called "for und returned. Also, RepairingGurden Hose iu fact, can do anythingnocossory around the house or stable,.Ring up Mutual Telephone 152.



ti.'.SLii-- - aitfj. 4 i,'f Yi'i V' .Cm jfci iAA-.i- a ri.


-- - 1





, '.A) - y--f

