Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: Physical Security Layer Mohammed M. Farag § , Mohamed M. Azab * , Bassem Mokhtar § § Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt {mmorsy, bmokhtar}@alexu.edu.eg * The City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, Alexandria, Egypt [email protected] Abstract—Security is a major challenge preventing wide deployment of the smart grid technology. Typically, the classical power grid is protected with a set of isolated security tools applied to individual grid components and layers ignoring their cross-layer interaction. Such an approach does not address the smart grid security requirements because usually intricate attacks are cross-layer exploiting multiple vulnerabilities at various grid layers and domains. We advance a conceptual layering model of the smart grid and a high-level overview of a security framework, termed CyNetPhy, towards enabling cross-layer security of the smart grid. CyNetPhy tightly integrates and coordinates between three interrelated, and highly cooperative real-time security systems crossing section various layers of the grid cyber and physical domains to simultaneously address the grid’s operational and security requirements. In this article, we present in detail the physical security layer (PSL) in CyNetPhy. We describe an attack scenario raising the emerging hardware Trojan threat in process control systems (PCSes) and its novel PSL resolution leveraging the model predictive control principles. Initial simulation results illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the PSL. Keywords— Smart Grid, Smart Grid Security, Cross-Layer Security, Physical Layer Security, Process Control Security. I. I NTRODUCTION The smart grid is a cyber-physical system that tightly integrates control, computation, and communication technolo- gies in the electrical power infrastructure. The smart grid has emerged as the next generation power grid aiming at enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of legacy power systems by employing information and communica- tion technologies (ICT) [1]. To enable the smart grid global vision, widespread sensing and communication between all grid components is established via communication networks and managed by cyber systems. Extensive deployment of and reliance on ICT inevitably expose the smart grid to cyber security threats increasing the risk of compromising reliability and security of the electrical power infrastructure. The scale and complexity of the smart grid create sev- eral vulnerabilities and provide numerous attack entry points. Therefore, security as a major challenge preventing wide de- ployment of this promising technology. Typically, the classical power grid is protected with a set of isolated and uncoordinated security tools applied to individual grid components and layers ignoring their cross-layer interaction. Such an approach does not address the smart grid security requirements. Usually, intricate attacks exploit multiple vulnerabilities of various grid systems and layers leveraging isolation and lack of awareness and cooperation between security tools protecting them. Figure 1 depicts a conceptual hierarchical model of our development for the smart grid as a set of correlated interacting layers. At the top of the model is physical systems and devices participating in the generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption sectors of the grid. The physical domain is managed and operated by cyber systems and instruments that provide local control and computation capabilities required by the physical systems in addition to enabling inter- and intera- communication between the physical and cyber domains. The physical domain is tightly coupled to the cyber domain via a grid network represented by a network layer encapsu- lating both data and control traffics. The smart grid network is an integration of (i) electric power grids that delivers electricity from power generation sources to end-users and (ii) effective two-way digital communication networks between utilities and consumers that monitors, manages, and controls the grid operations, renewable resources, and energy demands. The cyber domain is represented by two sub-layers, the cyber or application sub-layer where the management and control logic resides, and the hardware sub-layer hosting such logic and providing the needed interfaces for data exchange. The high-level system management resides mainly in the upper two layers, the cyber layer where the management and control applications and software which are operated by a set of system operators and administrators. As depicted in the model, each layer is supported by a cyber layer comprising a set of hardware components and software systems. Each layer in the presented model denotes a broad hi- erarchical model encapsulating interrelated sub-layers. For example the network layer in the smart grid model is a representation of the hierarchical OSI model. Usually existing security systems address security of a single layer or sub-layer in the hierarchical model neglecting security concerns of other layers and interaction between interrelated layers. However, the smart grid with its large scale, complexity, and importance is an easy target for cross-layer cyber attacks exploiting the lack of collaboration between security tools at different layers. We advance an integrated security framework, termed CyNetPhy, supported by three main security layers, namely, the Cyber Security Layer (CSL), the Behavior Estimation Layer (BEL), and the Physical Security Layer (PSL) collaborating towards enhanced, cross-layer smart grid security. The CSL is mainly responsible for securing the cyber domain by super- vising, managing, and coordinating between existing security tools. A set of smart distributed mobile agents pervasively crawls the grid’s cyber domain to execute the CSL missions.

Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: …eng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~bmokhtar/publications/PSL_paper.pdfCross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: Physical Security Layer

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Page 1: Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: …eng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~bmokhtar/publications/PSL_paper.pdfCross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: Physical Security Layer

Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid:Physical Security Layer

Mohammed M. Farag§, Mohamed M. Azab∗, Bassem Mokhtar§§Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

{mmorsy, bmokhtar}@alexu.edu.eg∗The City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, Alexandria, Egypt

[email protected]

Abstract—Security is a major challenge preventing widedeployment of the smart grid technology. Typically, the classicalpower grid is protected with a set of isolated security toolsapplied to individual grid components and layers ignoring theircross-layer interaction. Such an approach does not address thesmart grid security requirements because usually intricate attacksare cross-layer exploiting multiple vulnerabilities at various gridlayers and domains. We advance a conceptual layering model ofthe smart grid and a high-level overview of a security framework,termed CyNetPhy, towards enabling cross-layer security of thesmart grid. CyNetPhy tightly integrates and coordinates betweenthree interrelated, and highly cooperative real-time securitysystems crossing section various layers of the grid cyber andphysical domains to simultaneously address the grid’s operationaland security requirements. In this article, we present in detail thephysical security layer (PSL) in CyNetPhy. We describe an attackscenario raising the emerging hardware Trojan threat in processcontrol systems (PCSes) and its novel PSL resolution leveragingthe model predictive control principles. Initial simulation resultsillustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the PSL.

Keywords— Smart Grid, Smart Grid Security, Cross-LayerSecurity, Physical Layer Security, Process Control Security.


The smart grid is a cyber-physical system that tightlyintegrates control, computation, and communication technolo-gies in the electrical power infrastructure. The smart gridhas emerged as the next generation power grid aiming atenhancing the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of legacypower systems by employing information and communica-tion technologies (ICT) [1]. To enable the smart grid globalvision, widespread sensing and communication between allgrid components is established via communication networksand managed by cyber systems. Extensive deployment of andreliance on ICT inevitably expose the smart grid to cybersecurity threats increasing the risk of compromising reliabilityand security of the electrical power infrastructure.

The scale and complexity of the smart grid create sev-eral vulnerabilities and provide numerous attack entry points.Therefore, security as a major challenge preventing wide de-ployment of this promising technology. Typically, the classicalpower grid is protected with a set of isolated and uncoordinatedsecurity tools applied to individual grid components and layersignoring their cross-layer interaction. Such an approach doesnot address the smart grid security requirements. Usually,intricate attacks exploit multiple vulnerabilities of various gridsystems and layers leveraging isolation and lack of awarenessand cooperation between security tools protecting them.

Figure 1 depicts a conceptual hierarchical model of ourdevelopment for the smart grid as a set of correlated interactinglayers. At the top of the model is physical systems and devicesparticipating in the generation, transmission, distribution, andconsumption sectors of the grid. The physical domain ismanaged and operated by cyber systems and instruments thatprovide local control and computation capabilities required bythe physical systems in addition to enabling inter- and intera-communication between the physical and cyber domains.

The physical domain is tightly coupled to the cyber domainvia a grid network represented by a network layer encapsu-lating both data and control traffics. The smart grid networkis an integration of (i) electric power grids that deliverselectricity from power generation sources to end-users and(ii) effective two-way digital communication networks betweenutilities and consumers that monitors, manages, and controlsthe grid operations, renewable resources, and energy demands.The cyber domain is represented by two sub-layers, the cyberor application sub-layer where the management and controllogic resides, and the hardware sub-layer hosting such logicand providing the needed interfaces for data exchange. Thehigh-level system management resides mainly in the uppertwo layers, the cyber layer where the management and controlapplications and software which are operated by a set ofsystem operators and administrators. As depicted in the model,each layer is supported by a cyber layer comprising a set ofhardware components and software systems.

Each layer in the presented model denotes a broad hi-erarchical model encapsulating interrelated sub-layers. Forexample the network layer in the smart grid model is arepresentation of the hierarchical OSI model. Usually existingsecurity systems address security of a single layer or sub-layerin the hierarchical model neglecting security concerns of otherlayers and interaction between interrelated layers. However, thesmart grid with its large scale, complexity, and importance isan easy target for cross-layer cyber attacks exploiting the lackof collaboration between security tools at different layers.

We advance an integrated security framework, termedCyNetPhy, supported by three main security layers, namely, theCyber Security Layer (CSL), the Behavior Estimation Layer(BEL), and the Physical Security Layer (PSL) collaboratingtowards enhanced, cross-layer smart grid security. The CSL ismainly responsible for securing the cyber domain by super-vising, managing, and coordinating between existing securitytools. A set of smart distributed mobile agents pervasivelycrawls the grid’s cyber domain to execute the CSL missions.

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This paper is a preprint (IEEE "accepted" status). IEEE copyright notice. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted.
Page 2: Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: …eng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~bmokhtar/publications/PSL_paper.pdfCross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: Physical Security Layer

Physical Domain (Plants, TLs,

Transformers, Appliances, …)



r S

















r Est







ta E







Network (Command & control flow,

data flow, …)

Cyber Systems and Hardware(Operating & control)

(PLCs, smart meters, RTUs, …)

Cyber Domain (Control & management)

Cyber Systems and Hardware(servers, workstations, mobile devices, …)

Cyber Systems and Hardware (routers,

switches, firewalls, …)






Fig. 1. Smart grid hierarchical model and layers interaction with CyNetPhy

The BEL monitors, analyzes and learns patterns of the grid net-work data and control flows independently to extract semanticfeedback about behavior of various grid systems and layers. Aset of distributed, autonomous, intelligent BE agents equippedwith machine learning algorithms and intelligence techniquesare employed to reason about semantics that can help inrecognizing normal/abnormal behavior of various grid systemsand components. The PSL is responsible for monitoring andprotecting individual cyber systems with direct access to thephysical domain. Security policies are derived from the systemphysical characteristics and component operational specifica-tions, and translated into security monitors and componentsthat can be implemented in either hardware- or software-based platforms. Hardware-based security is preferred due tothe hardware immunity against software-based attacks andthe superior performance offered by hardware [2]. A set ofthe CSL mobile agents is dedicated to enabling cross-layerinteraction between the three security layers in real-time.

In this article we present an overview of the CyNetPhysecurity framework with emphasis on the PSL. Particularly,we focus on process control systems (PCSes) as an importantpart of the smart grid and as a clear example demonstratingour approach to secure the physical layer. More specifically,we advance a novel approach leveraging the model predictivecontrol principles to secure PCSes vulnerable to the hardwareTrojan threat. The remaining of this paper is organized asfollows: Related security solutions for PCSes are presented inSection II. A high-level overview of the CyNetPhy frameworkis introduced in Section III. More technical depth for the PSLis advanced in Section IV. The PSL Trojan resolution methodin PCSes is presented in IV-A, and preliminary simulationresults of the security system developed for an automaticvoltage regulator (AVR) PCS are presented in Section IV-B.Conclusions and future work are portrayed in Section V.


Cyber attacks against the smart grid exploits the cyberdomain as an easy access point to launch sophisticated attackstargeting the physical domain either indirectly by compromis-ing the cyber and network domains, or directly by corruptingcyber systems controlling the physical domain [3]. Liu et al.presented an overview of relevant cyber security and privacyissues in smart grids [4]. Every aspect related to the cybertechnology in the smart grid has potential vulnerabilities dueto inherent security risks in the classical cyber environment.

Interacting with the physical world shifts these vulnerabilitiesfrom the cyber to the physical domain. Current smart gridsecurity systems lack for real-time situation awareness andcooperation between grid’s components and defense tools. Thisisolation has serious impact not only on the operational aspectsof the grid, but also on the security and safety aspects.

Recent attacks against power systems such as Stuxnethighlight vulnerabilities and the inadequacy of existing securitysystems. The Stuxnet worm infects the cyber domain, spreadsvia networks and removable storage devices, and exploits fourzero-day attacks to manipulate the physical equipment. Theprimary target is believed to be an Iranian nuclear power plant,and likely caused a 15% drop in production of highly enricheduranium [5]. Defense against such complex attacks requires co-ordination and collaboration between various security systemscrossing different layers to address the grid security concerns.

Attacks against the cyber layer operating the physicalsystems have a serious impact to security because of its directinteraction with the physical domain. Usually cyber attacksagainst this layer aim at disrupting the underlying physical sys-tems by compromising the operation of the cyber components.PCSes are a typical example of security-critical cyber systemswith direct access to the physical domain. PCSes are automaticfeedback control systems where an embedded controller usessensor measurements of a physical plant to compute feedbacksignals preserving system stability. Due to their importance inthe power grid and their connection to national security, PCSesare exposed to a growing number of attacks [6]. PCSes areusually built using untrusted components and rely on perimetersecurity defenses rendering them vulnerable to insider threatsand intricate outsider attacks. Recent attacks against PCSessuch as Stuxnet have highlighted the inherent vulnerabilitiesand the inadequacy of existing security solutions [5].

Typically, security defenses in PCSes monitor either thecontrolled physical plant or the embedded PCS to detect be-havior deviation from reference specifications. Sha introduceda protection method based on monitoring physical processmeasurements to detect faults [7] as illustrated in Figure 2(a).Dai et al. advanced a fault detection scheme based on ob-serving PCS responses to new sensor inputs [8] as shown inFigure 2(b). Cardenas et al. presented a physical model-basedattack detection method complementing intrusion detectionmethods for networks and computer systems [9] as depicted inFigure 2(c). Unfortunately, these approaches are reactive andcan only detect erroneous PCS behavior after its occurrencewhich might allow the controlled physical system to becomeunstable before adequate countermeasures can be applied.


We present a three-layer framework, called CyNetPhy,with a cross-layer distributed, smart, real-time defenses tosimultaneously address security of the cyber, network, andphysical domains against pervasive and persistent attacks. Theindividual defense systems address the major concerns of smartgrid security and collaborate together with autonomous man-agement and coordination to enable prompt detection of well-known and zero-day cyber attacks. The security frameworkfills the gap between research and practice by advancing anintegrated solution addressing security at different layers anddomains rather than just addressing a single aspect or layer.

Page 3: Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: …eng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~bmokhtar/publications/PSL_paper.pdfCross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: Physical Security Layer

Embedded system


control subsystem


control subsystem


l p










Embedded system

Residual evaluatorResidual generator





Physical plant








lt a





(a) Plant fault detection (b) Controller fault detection

(C) Controller intrusion

attacks detection

Embedded system

Physical plant

Linear plant modelAnomaly detection






Intrusion attackNoise



Fig. 2. Related cyber security approaches in PCSes [7]–[9].

The CyNetPhy framework has three phases of opera-tion: real-time monitoring, anomalous event investigation, andproactive actuation. In the monitoring phase, the three securitysystems monitor and analyze real-time data and operation ofthe underlying protected layers and forward abstract reports tothe BEL to be analyzed at a higher abstraction level. Upon de-tecting anomalous or malicious behavior, the concerned layerinitiates the investigation phase where the three security layersexchange relevant data to ascertain about the event and initiatethe resolution procedures. In the actuation phase, the concernedlayer applies a set of countermeasures to resolve confirmedsecurity incidents such as raising alarms to system operators,isolating suspect systems, and finding suitable alternatives.

The first layer of CyNetPhy, termed CSL, works mainlyon the cyber domain and cooperates with the other two layersto achieve its designated objectives. The CSL enables Moni-toring, Analysis, Sharing, and Control (MASC) technology toensure effective smart grid security. Most current technologiesdid not consider that cyber and physical convergence wouldneed a new paradigm treating cyber and physical componentsseamlessly. Furthermore, information sharing was severelycurtailed by enforcing perimeter defenses to preserve privacyof the smart grid. These limitations negatively impact quality,reliability, survivability, and promptness of security services.

The CSL is an evolution of the cyber MASC frameworkCyMASC presented in [10] towards realizing pervasive MASCfor enhanced smart grid security. The CSL is an intrinsically-resilient, situation-aware system that intelligently manages theexisting security tools to provide evolutionary security ser-vices. The CSL intelligently mixes and matches heterogeneoustools and control logic from various sources towards dynamicsecurity missions. The CSL is also elastic where situation-driven MASC solutions can be dispatched using dynamic setsof mobile agents circulating the smart grid network rather thanusing pre-deployed components. Such an approach providesevolvable, pervasive and scalable MASC services.

The CSL circulates context-driven, functionally customiz-able mobile agents into the smart grid body to pervasivelymonitor, analyze and control those components. A mobileagent is a composition of computer software and data encapsu-lated in a migratable (movable) format. Mobile agents leverageone of the “write once, run anywhere” (WORA) languages likeJava, or C# to build a partially compiled code that can run on

any host machine with the needed libraries installed. Mobileagents autonomously move from one computer to anotherin the network to execute a certain mission. The mobilityfeature of mobile agents enables them to travel in the smartgrid network and carry relevant data along with them. Wesecurely design the agents to hide and protect security-relevantinformation. Due to reliance on several mobile agents ratherthan static tools, security of the smart grid is not vulnerable toa single point of failure, and the CSL protection can continueeven if individual nodes fail or become unavailable

The main functionality of the CSL mobile agents is toexecute defense missions provisioned by the grid operatorand defense service provider. A defense mission is composedof a set of sensing and affecting tasks involving informationgathering, partial analysis, control, and manipulation of thegrid components. Due to their mobility feature, the CSL mobileagents are responsible for inter-layer communication and dataexchange tasks in the CyNetPhy framework. The CSL utilizessuch pervasive activities to build real-time global views of theentire grid reflecting the quality of the security service andthe current state at each point. These views are intelligentlyanalyzed to facilitate evolution of security services.

The hierarchical structure of the CSL sensing and affectingframework is composed of three main layers: managementlayer, sensing and affecting abstraction layer, and the defensedelivery tools. The sensing and affecting tool layer is a setof logical sensing or affecting APIs stored in the machinelocal libraries. These tools are autonomously abstracted at run-time into uniform sensing and affecting agents participating inthe creation of a cooperating agent group conducting specificdefense missions. The CSL agent groups are anonymouslyconstructed, managed, and controlled at run-time by the CSLmanagement layer, which is also responsible for collecting,correlating, and analyzing sensor feedback data.

In addition to the smart utilization of the mobile agents inprovisioning on-demand conventional defense services to thecyber hosts, the CSL collects host-oriented real-time feedbackfrom its agents investigating various aspects that might bean indication of malicious behavior evading detection byexisting security tools. The CSL alternates/mixes differentsecurity/control missions from different sources to providesecurity services to the same grid host. This procedure involvessharing security experience and tools between hosts. Sharedmaterials are autonomously checked for privacy violations be-fore utilization or storage. The CSL enables the security toolsin the grid’s cyber domain to continuously evolve their servicesand capabilities that can lead to more accurate and promptdetection of known attacks and better chance in detecting zero-day attacks. This layer is also responsible for decision makingbased on the sensing feedback, previous historical events, andCyNetPhy security guidelines. Such decisions might involvecomposing more capable affecting defense missions for reso-lution or new sensing missions for deeper investigation.

The second layer of CyNetPhy, termed BEL, is mainly con-cerned with behavior awareness of the smart grid via analyzingand learning patterns indicating normal/abnormal behavior ofdifferent grid systems and components. We hypothesize thatgrid measurement data exhibits multi-dimensional patterns thatcan be learned to extract data features and semantics. Suchpatterns can reveal precious information about the grid security

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state. The BEL operation relies on i) collecting raw dataconcerning the smart grid from the network data and controltraffic flows; and ii) learning patterns of captured data to extracta group of features and reason about semantics. The BEL isthe intelligent part of CyNetPhy that has the ability to readbetween the lines and initiate proactive measures to preemptpotential cyber threats in collaboration with the PSL and CSL.

The Behavior learning process conducted by the BELinvolves a set of learning and evolution operations. The BELcaptures raw data from the power and information flows inthe smart grid. This data is represented as attribute-valuepairs using specific data representation models. Then, the BELemploys classification techniques in order to classify extractedattributes based on their values. Each set of classified attributesrelated to a specific grid component, layer, or domain are fedinto behavior semantics reasoning models implemented usingmonolithic or hybrid intelligence techniques such as HiddenMarkov Model (HMM). Operation parameters of reasoningmodels are designed and refined based on historical data,which are used for training the models in a supervised or anunsupervised way. According to the input group of attributes toreasoning models and attributes’ values, the models will extractcorrelated semantic topics which can characterize behavior ofvarious grid components at different levels of granularity.

A set of distributed, autonomous, intelligent BE agentsare implemented over secure, high-performance servers andequipped with machine learning algorithms and intelligencetechniques to reason about semantics that can help in recog-nizing normal/abnormal behavior of various grid elements. TheBE agents use a set of distributed dynamic reasoning models inorder to fine-granulate semantics extraction processes and buildefficient dynamic behavior models regarding normal/abnormalbehavior of diverse grid components. Due to the complexityand scalability of the smart grid, the BE agents are distributedand managed in a hierarchical fashion. A group of agents isassigned to study state behavior of a particular part of the gridaccording to specific criteria and forward abstract reports tohigher hierarchical agents.

The BE agents also utilize data profiling and dimensional-ity reduction techniques to reduce dimensions of large-scale,high-dimensional measurement data and to find similaritiesamong these data. Such an approach enables development ofresource-efficient agents and helps in mitigating the problemof “data tsunami” [11] arising due to the massive amountof data collected by high-frequency data measurement units.Semantic reasoning techniques of our development will beable to work over reduced-dimensional data. In our previouswork, we presented a network memory management system forsemantics extraction services which can be implemented overthe BE agents to enable the BEL operations and goals [12].

The BEL role for the specific case study of the AVRcontrol system can include the following operations: the BEagents will employ HMM for learning and classifying behaviorof running AVRs in a power system. HMM operation relieson a set of attribute-value profiles that are represented byagents in their internal memories, according to the raw datacollected from the power and information flows in the powergenerator. A profile might comprises attributes such as inputvoltage level”, “output voltage level”, “load type” and “lineregulation”. Based on the HMM parameters, training using

historical data, and values of the selected attributes, HMMoutputs the most likelihood observations which are storedas interrelated semantics for AVR behavior. For example, alearned AVR semantic topic might be “normal AVR behaviorin residential load includes good line regulation”.

The third layer of CyNetPhy, termed PSL, is mainlyconcerned with security of individual systems and componentsoperating the physical layer in the grid. Direct interactionwith the physical domain is a featured property of this layerdistinguishing it from other smart grid layers. The physicallayer comprises a set of application-specific embedded systemsand devices with clearly defined functionalities and objectives.Smart meters, Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), ProgrammableLogic Controllers (PLCs), and PCSes are typical examples ofthe units protected by the PSL. Usually cyber attacks againstthis layer aim at misleading the upper layers of the grid or dis-rupting the underlying physical systems by compromising theoperating cyber components. Clarity of objectives for both thephysical layer and the associated cyber threats enables framingsecurity policies and specifications capturing secure and trustedoperation of the protected systems. The PSL collaborates withthe BEL and CSL by exchanging relevant data, deliveringaccurate measurements about particular cyber systems, andapplying adequate countermeasures in the physical domain.In the next section we detail the PSL and advance an attackscenario against a power plant PCS and its PSL resolution.


Typical system behavior and specific security checks arederived from the system physical characteristics and modelsand component operational specifications, and translated intohardware guards and wrappers to enable run-time monitor-ing and verification of the protected systems at run-time.Proliferation of hardware attacks and their direct impact tothe cyber and physical domains is the main motivation toconsider hardware-based security. The PSL security compo-nents are synthesized in reconfigurable hardware to meetvarious objectives, including: improved security of hardwaredefenses, immunity against software-based attacks, the abilityto detect insider and hardware-based threats, superior hardwareperformance, and the flexibility provided by reconfigurablehardware. Custom-designed hardware monitors and wrappersare attached to input and output (I/O) interfaces of the systemunder protection with the main goal of detecting malicious andanomalous activities associated with potential cyber attacks inreal-time. The PSL security components are an evolution anda direct application of the predictive security system presentedin [13] towards protecting PCSes in the smart grid.

In addition to their real-time monitoring role, hardwaresecurity components will act as trust anchors—independentmonitoring and control devices with access to the systeminterfaces and inner components—for the protected systems.Chavez presents the concept of trust anchors to protect PCSesagainst lifecycle attacks in [14]. Trust anchors can provideunbiased measurements at the lowest level of a system (thehardware-level) that independently verify system operation, re-veal deceptive malicious behavior, independently attest to sys-tem state, and verify the correctness of system tests. They alsooffer unimpeded control that makes it possible to implementtrusted control functions, remove discovered malicious content,

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execute system tests, and analyze suspected system compro-mise. Trust anchors are the PSL components responsible forinteracting with the CSL and BEL. Specific security actionscan be initiated based on issued requests including measuringphysical quantities, applying specific checks, reporting eventsand raising alarms to the upper layers, applying a recoverystrategy, and switching to local or remote backup systems.

A. Model Predictive Security of Process Control Systems

A PCS is an embedded platform realizing automatic feed-back control for physical processes. PCSes are often assembledfrom untrusted components provided by the global supplychain. Trojan horses are emerging threats with maliciousintentions that can be introduced into an embedded systemdesign as either hardware or software modifications to thesystem implementation during different phases of the system’slifecycle. Trojans are difficult to detect using conventional pre-deployment verification techniques, and their effects to the hostplatform range from subtle disturbances to complete systemfailures. We present a novel approach to predict and preemptTrojans in PCSes as an example of PSL treatment of potentialcyber threats in the physical domain. More specifically an AVRPCS, which keeps the voltage level constant at rated value inpower generators demonstrate the Trojan and PSL resolution.

The threat model assumes a Trojan-infected PCS suppliedby an untrusted supply chain and controls a security-criticalphysical system. The Trojan is detected using neither perime-ter security tools nor pre-deployment verification and Trojandetection methods. The Trojan is kept dormant and is activatedupon occurrence of a rare triggering condition or after passinga specific period of operation (time-bomb). The Trojan payloadaims at compromising the PCS functionality to rapidly push thecontrolled physical process out of its stability conditions. Suchan attack cannot be detected in the nick of time using classicalreactive security systems that might allow the physical processunder control to become unstable before corrective actions canbe applied. Fortunately, the PSL employs a proactive approachthat enables detecting and preempting Trojan threats.

The PSL acts as a last-line-of-defense against cyber threatswith the main objective of providing prompt measures incollaboration with the BEL and CSL to protect the physicaldomain, particularly PCSes, from threats evading detectionby design-time verification methods and perimeter securitydefenses. This objective can be achieved by identifying suchthreats ahead of time before affecting the physical domain, orin other words by predicting them. The main idea to predictthe Trojan threats is to emulate the control process at run-timein an accelerated-time manner to give a short-term projectionof future PCS actions. To achieve this, an accelerated model ofthe physical process is controlled by an identical instance ofthe PCS which will be subject to the same patches and updates.To maintain convergence with the physical plant, the model’sstate is periodically synchronized with the physical plant’sestimated state. The accelerated control system is monitored toforesee erroneous controller behavior. For the physical domain,specifications for normal system behavior are already knownand precise models of physical processes usually exist. Suchspecifications and models are used to implement the securitymonitors in hardware. Once a cyber threat is detected in theaccelerated control system, a preemptive countermeasure can

be applied such as switching the operating PCS to a backupcontroller and alarming the PSL and CSL.

This approach exploits operation speed variance betweena physical process and its model, which is analogous to thedifference between running and simulating the process. Theidea of using an accelerated accurate model to predict thesystem behavior is known as Model Predictive Control (MPC)in the automatic control literature [15]. The main objective ofdevising MPC was to control a multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) process while satisfying inequality constraints on theinput and output variables. In this work we advance and use aModel Predictive Security system (MPS) in a different senseto predict controller actions, detect erroneous behavior, andpreempt consequences to the physical system.

Figure 3 depicts the high-level architecture of the MPS topredict Trojan threats in PCSes given for a general feedbackcontrol system. Basic components of the MPS are:• The operating control system containing a PCS em-

bedded controller, a distinct backup controller, aswitching circuit, and a state estimator. This systemruns at the typical sampling rate of the physical plant.

• The accelerated MPC system containing an accel-erated state-space plant model implemented on anembedded system, and an identical instance of thePCS controller. This system runs n times faster thanthe operating control system.

• The PSL security modules including an interfaceguard for the operating control system and a moni-toring module for the accelerated control system.

• A state synchronization switch and timing modules forclock generation and time management.

The security monitor module observes the accelerated MPCsystem to check the PCS operation compliance to the PSLsecurity specifications. Detection of abnormal behavior in theaccelerated MPC system triggers the interface guard in theoperating control system to switch the working controller to thebackup controller and raise an alarm to the BEL via the CSLmobile agents. The synchronization module is responsible forperiodically updating the model’s state with the estimated stateof the physical process. A sample and hold module periodicallyupdates the accelerated MPC system’s input with the physicalplant’s reference input. The timing module is responsible forclock generation and time management for the whole system.For further details about the concepts, organization, and timemanagement in the MPS we recommend reading [13].

B. Evaluation and Results

In order to clarify and evaluate the MPS role in the PSL, anAVR excitation controller of a synchronous power generator ispresented as a case study. The main objective of power systemoperation and control is to maintain a continuous supply ofpower with an acceptable quality and voltage profile. AVRs arecost-efficient PCSes widely deployed in power generators [16].The excitation system maintains the generator voltage andcontrols the reactive power flow using an AVR keeping thevoltage magnitude of a generator at a specified level. Thus,stability of the AVR system would seriously affect securityof the power system. We advance this example, becausecyber attacks and Trojans against such a security-critical cyber

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Accelerated MPC system

Plant state-space model







xk-1 xk yk


Physical plant

Backup controller




Embedded Controller




le &






+ -




& s











Reference inputC











Controller instance

Security monitor

Operating control system

State Synchronization

Countermeasure backup switch

State estimator

Interface guard

Fig. 3. High-level architecture of the MPS

system can directly ruin the controlled physical system andindirectly deteriorate reliability and efficiency of the smartgrid . Nevertheless, the MPS can be generally applied to otherphysical systems in the smart grid.

Figure 4(a) depicts a one-line diagram of the open-looppower system, including a synchronous generator, exciter,amplifier, and a sensor, and their I/O transfer functions. Thephysical parameters of the amplifier, exciter, and generatorshown in Table I are provided by [16]. Figure 4(b) shows ablock diagram of the feed-forward digital PID controller. Thediscrete-time PID controller is developed in the parallel formwith forward Euler integration and filtering methods, and havethe following transfer function:

G(s) = Kp +KiTs1

z − a+Kd


1 +NTs1



Figure 4(c) depicts a block diagram of the generator state-feedback controller realized using the linear-quadratic regu-lator (LQR) optimal control technique [17]. LQR controllersare widely deployed, and their structure helps to presentour concepts and architecture effectively, nevertheless, ourapproach is still applicable to other control techniques. Themain control objectives are preserving system stability, mini-mizing the output error and control effort, and optimizing thetransient response characteristics. The continuous-time state-space equation describing the generator is given by:

x = Ax+Buy = Cx+Du

where A =

[−13.5 −4.688 −1.5638 0 00 2 0

], B =


], C =

[0 0 3.906], and D = 0.

To design the LQR state feedback controller, we definethe state-cost weighted matrix Q = pCTC, and the con-trol weighted matrix R = 1, for simplicity. The weightingfactor p is chosen by trial and error in order to tune thestep response to achieve the control objectives. The controlmatrix K is calculated for the closed-loop poles satisfying


System parameters PID Observer (L) LQR (K)Ka 10 Ta 0.1 Kp 0.1888 67.6962 2.0819Ke 1 Te 0.4 Ki 0.1842 21.0692 4.5902Kg 1 Tg 1 Kd 0.0262 0.6196 11.4536Ks 1 Ts 0.05 N 5.3815 Nbar=3.0333


Controlled Physical System




Ve Vt

Digital PID Controller

Amplifier Exciter Generator


Vref Vt



KState Observer

Controlled Physical System

Amplifier Exciter Generator


b) PID control system

c) LQR control system

LQR Controller








AmplifierSensor (Voltage






e V


a) Open-loop synchronous generator system



n L



Fig. 4. Open-loop, PID, and LQR AVR controllers of a synchronous generator

the LQR optimization objectives, and the reference scalingprecompensator gain Nbar and the state observer gain L arecalculated, accordingly. Table I shows the digital PID andLQR controller gains which are tuned and calculated usingthe Matlab control toolbox for a sampling time Ts = 10 msec.

We developed both time- and event-triggered Trojans andinserted them into the PID and LQR controllers, respectively.The time-triggered Trojan is kept dormant for a specific timeduration and when activated it bypasses the PID controller bydirectly connecting its input and output. The event-triggeredTrojan counts zero-crossing events in the state signals Xe andis activated at a specific count with a payload that changes theLQR controller gain K. For both Trojans, the payload aims atrapidly pushing the controlled generator out of its stability.

The MPS architecture shown in Figure 3 was modeled andsimulated in Matlab Simulink for both classical (PID) andmodern (LQR) PCSes. The accelerated MPC system samplingtime Ts is 1 msec which is 10 times faster than the operatingcontrol system, resulting of a time scaling factor of n = 10. Forthe discrete-time accelerated MPC system, scaling down thesampling time of the plant model by a factor of n enables thesystem to run n times faster than the operating control system.Synchronization time Tsync between the accelerated model andestimated physical system states controls the time period of theforeseen controller actions, termed prediction window Tpred.A moving prediction window enables periodic projection ofthe future system state from the updated current system state.We developed the accelerated MPS for two different valuesof Tsync. The time scaling factor n and the Tsync are thetwo MPS independent design parameters, and Tpred is thedependent parameter, where Tpred = nTsync. For more detailsabout time management in the MPS we refer to [13].

Page 7: Cross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: …eng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~bmokhtar/publications/PSL_paper.pdfCross-Layer Security Framework for Smart Grid: Physical Security Layer

Figure 5 depicts the regulated generator voltage and theMPS output for both the Trojan-free and Trojan-infected PIDand LQR PCSes. As shown by Figure 5(a), the LQR controllerhas better transient response characteristics compared to thePID AVR, and both controllers become stable after Tsettling.For both PCSes, the accelerated MPS foresees the operatingPCS output, and its state is periodically synchronized with theplant’s estimated state every Tsync to prevent state divergence.As shown by Figure 5(b), (c), the inserted Trojans are activatedin the LQR and PID operating PCSes at t = 15 sec, andtheir payloads cause an abrupt change in the generator voltagewhich can instantaneously devastate it if not detected.

Figure 5(b), (c) shows the MPS output for n = 10 and,Tpred = 1, and 10 sec. As demonstrated by the figure, bothMPSes with different prediction windows foresee the Trojanpayload in the accelerated PCS ahead of time before its real oc-currence in the operating PCS. The MPS with Tsync = 10 sec,the larger synchronization time, predicts the fault earlier thanthe other one due to its large prediction window size. Thiscomes at the price of increasing Tsync that might allow forstate divergence and consequently inaccurate prediction. TheMPS with Tsync = 1 sec foresees the fault more frequentlydue to its small prediction window size. Once the Trojan isdetected, a switching circuit immediately switches the controlpath to a backup controller, which must be a variant of theinfected one to preserve stability of the physical system.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100







1.4(a) Trojan-free LQR and PID AVR controllers and MPS step response

LQR regulated generator voltage

LQR MPS output for Tsync


LQR MPS output for Tsync


PID regulated generator voltage

PID MPS output for Tsync


PID MPS output for Tsync


PID MPS synchronization point Stable operation



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200









r v



e a



S o


ut (b) Step response of LQR AVR Trojan-infected PCS and MPS output

LQR regulated generator voltageMPS output for T


MPS output for Tsync


ForeseeenTrojan Payload in theaccelerated MPS for T=1sec

Trojan Payload inthe Operating LQR PCS

ForeseeenTrojan Payload inthe accelerated MPS for T=10sec

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200








1.6(c) Step response of PID AVR Trojan-infected PCS and MPS output

Time (sec)Ge



r v



e a



S o



PID regulated generator voltageMPS output for T


MPS output for Tsync


ForeseeenTrojan Payload inthe accelerated MPS for T=10sec

Trojan Payload inthe Operating PID PCS

ForeseeenTrojan Payload in theaccelerated MPS for T=1sec

Fig. 5. Step response of Trojan-infected AVR PCSes and MPS output


Cross-layer rather than isolated solutions are needed toincrease smart grid awareness and secure it against dexterouscyber threats. We presented a brief outline of a cross-layer se-curity framework that integrates three security systems mainlyconcerned with the cyber, network, and physical domains sepa-rately and elaborated on the PSL to protect the cyber systemshaving direct access to the physical domain. A novel MPS

for PCSes was advanced and its applicability was establishedusing modeling and simulation for an AVR PCS. The MPS canhelp the smart grid infrastructure withstand an emerging Trojanonslaught. Hardware realization and experimental testing of theMPS are under development. Once the realization is complete,we will be able to asses the overheads and practical applica-tions of the MPS. The BEL, CSL, and the integrated CyNetPhyframework, in addition to other aspects and capabilities of thePSL will be extended in our upcoming work.


This work is supported by the SmartCI Research Center.


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