Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)

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  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    A car crawlsover the neverendinghills down to the valleythat has stretchedout for a nap,the grass awaiting treesthat will not grow there,and the sun sinkssleepily beyondthe needleworkof he earth ..

    CrossingArkansasBy DreamThe Arkansas Writers In The Schools Anthology


    1993/94 Program Directors:Anthology Staff:Faculty Advisor:Cover Art:Title Poem:

    Brad Barkley and Susan PeraboBrad Barkley, Sha'an Chilson,Susan PeraboJames WhiteheadKatie Limbird (Our Lady of Holy Souls)Kristin Baldwin-Metzger (Our Lady ofHoly Souls)

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    ABOUT THIS ANTHOLOGY ..The 1993/1994 Arkansas Writers in the Schools Programis funded by the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville andby the participating schools. The program is staffed bymembers of the University's Programs in Creative Writingand Translation.The staffof Arkansas Writers in the Schools would like toexpress our gratitude to all of the Arkansas students,teachers, and administrators who participated in WITSduring the past school year, and who helped to make it ourmost successful year ever. Your support is what keeps theWITS program strong.We would also like to thank those at the University ofArkansas who have contributed time and effort towards theprogram and the production of this anthology: Dr. CharlesAdams, Rhonda Benish, Peggy Moore, Nancy Saunders,and the staff of the University Printing Services.This anthology is made up entirely of student work.Although the editors do correct spelling, no other changesare made in the poems during the production of theanthology.

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    - -- - ----------------- :ARKANSAS WRITERS IN THE SCHOOLS*************
















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  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)



    A.R. Hederick Elementary..................... 1Ashdown High School.......................... 3Clarendon Elementary ......................... 6Crawfordsville Elementary ....................8Dover Elementary ............................. lODumas Junior High ........................... 12Earle Elementary and High School. .......... 14East End High School.. ......................16East Pointsett County School.. .......... .... 18Eastside Elementary ..........................20Greebriar Elementary ........................ 23Green Forest Elementary .....................26Hot Springs Middle School. .................28J .E. Wallace Elementary .....................30Lockesburg Elementary ....................34Marion High School.. ........................ 36Midland High School. ........................ 38North Main Elementary ....................... 41Our Lady Of Holy Souls ....................45Parkers Chapel High Schooi .................SOPrairie Grove High School.. .................53Prairie Grove Upper Elementary .............56Southside High School.. .....................58T.G. Smith Elementary .......................61Turrell High School. .........................63Umpire Middle and High School.. ...........66West Memphis Christian School.. ............68West Memphis High School. ..................70Westside El emen tary ..........................72Wynne Junior High ............................. 74

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    A.R. Hederick ElementaryBooneville, ArkansasFaculty Contacts: Cathy Dunn and Joan JonesVisiting Writers: Kate Jaimet, Elizabeth Oehlkers

    BirdWings to carry it to the heavens,a song of a summer lullaby,with an opening and closing sword,colors of a springtime meadow,feet to dance with the leaves.Amie Parker

    UntitledMy dad is playing golf.He feels the club in his hands.

    The Shadow's Lunch1 cup black paint3 cups paint thinner6 quarts invisible paint1 tsp salt1 needle + a piece of threadto sew himself to somebody.Roben J.

    He smells the cigar in his opponent's mouth.He hears his opponent laughing at their betHe tastes the sweat dripping into his mouth.He sees the golf ball and the hole.He is trembling like a washing machine.He is thinking about what he will do with all the prize money.Jessica Phillips

    My YardMy yard is big.It feels warm and breezy in the spring.It sounds like the birds flying in the yard.It smells like the grass and flowers.It tastes like sap in a tree.I t looks like a forest in the winter time.Lacey

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    The Secretary and the Tuba PlayerOne night at a football game, a tuba player named Big Bubba and a secretary namedSmall Suzie ran into each other and Small Suzie's head got stuck inside the tuba Big

    Bubba was so disappointed about it, so he tried to help her. First off he tried blowing thetuba and was hoping it would just pop out, but it didn't Then along came HumongousHarry and he blew into it, and it popped out of there like a jack-in-the-box. After that, BigBubba, Small Suzie, and Humongous Harry got together and became best friends.Anthony Fleming

    UntitledGloominess is sorrow black.Sorrow black makes you feel dead.It flows over you in theshadows when you go to bed.Casondra Ostrosky

    My Mom is Working at Southern Steel and WireShe smells the sweat of everybody else working.She sees the metal pieces that get smashedShe feels the heat.She hears the music beatShe tastes the pizza she eats at break.She's imagining coming home to a clean house.She thinks about her boyfriend.Bryan

    The Chicken Farmer and the PrincessOne day a chicken farmer and a princess met at the market. The princess had runaway from home because she wanted to do things for herself. The farmer was buyingchickens. The farmer bought only one. And when that one got out it ran and pecked theprincess' toes. The farmer came to get the chicken and knocked her down. When he turnedaround their eyes met, they fell in love. They went and got married and moved to the farm.Then they lived happily ever after.

    Angela Copeland

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    Ashdown High SchoolAshdown, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Judy DowdyVisiting Writers: Bill Breen, Stuart HancoxRoger Johnson, Mark Lewis

    Jealousy is the taste of a bitter lemonmaking your mouth water and juice.It's the eyes you get like a snake stalkingits prey.The pounding in your heart, your lungs,your stomach, like a madman beatingat your door.You hear the ringing in your ears likea telephone or an ambulance or acop car.It's a pepper smell, burning my nose. That'swhat jealousy is.LauraHearn

    The Cowboy PeopleThey look like a character rightoutof a black & white filmwith hands of leather anda soft Southern grin.They work from dawn to duskon a farm with lots ofcattle.You can always hear themcoming becauseof their rustyspurs rattling.Their jeans and hats are alwaysdusty and their boots are alwaysmuddy.And sometimes when fires are toohot, Cookie's food is cruddy.Their house is simple withbeds and a T.V.They all go to bed after along day, tired and sleepy.James Gillihan


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    LonelinessShe is alone. She has tearsand tastes the warmth of hereyeliner trickling down. She hearsthe drumbeats of her heart marchingon to the battle of lies. She reaches outfor someone that is not there.Mrs. Rigtoma 's Jrd period class poem.

    How to Know for Sure I'm Near the MississippiI know for sure I'm near the Mississippi when the waterlashes out at me, or the sand tastes like sugar.The sky above me is at my fmgertips,and the grass below me has the smellof perfume. I know I'm near the Mississippiwhen the water has the color ofpolished steel.Coco Kogan


    LonelinessHigh in the tree the squirreleating acorns and walnuts watchesthe snow fall between the leavesand the wind whirls around himas he peers into the empty nestBrandon Hosley

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    My Great-Granddaddl Rode with Jesse JamesRough, tough, and buffedDescribes Jesse JamesRude, crude, and a bad dudeIs my great-granddaddyThe two were made to be togetherLike peanut butter and jellyThey made their rides at nightAnd usually ended up in a fightTimes got tough but nothingWas going to stop themThey'd be at each otherLike Ricky and LucyBut would stay with the otherAs if they were the other's motherSome people don't believeMy great-granddaddy rode with Jesse JamesBut I've got the proofAnd that's my only gain.Wendy Boone

    UntitledTaking a drive in the country to re1axMy mindI chanced upon a small boyThe boy was playingAround a shimmering pond ofblueWith soft blossoms, just fallenFrom a tree on the other sideThe boy reminded me of someoneI once knewFrom my childhoodWas it his eyes ofbrown?Or thehairMoved by the wind?Or the way he playedIn the tender grassAloneUnbothered by the world around him?I don't knowMaybe it wasThe fresh country airMaking my mind run wild.Khalilah Fitzgerald


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    Clarendon ElementaryClarendon, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Elsie HellerVisiting Writers: Jay Karr, Mark Lewis

    The FluLying in bedwith a sick in your mouth.Somebody in your headbeating on a drum.People lookingat youfeelingyour head.A ladywith a spoon filledwith green liquidsticking it down your throatYou makethis loudgagging noise.Sound like your dying.Stefen Powell

    What My Name IsS: one piece of spaghettiT: a broken propellerE: a swing childV: an upside down hand gripE: half a ladderN: a bent up bootSteven Wathrins


    UntitledThe river wasas quiet asthe deerin the summerand the riverlooks as sadas a dog in a boxIn the winterthe old river was frozenlike a closed door.Nolan Woodell

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    Untitledittle mouse so small,Running down the hall very fastscared by a cat!

    deep in the ground,Asleep in its cozy bed,undhog wake up now!tle tree so cold,So dead looking or blacky black,it were warm.

    ,Swooping purple, red and pink,high in the bright at nightSprinkling there soft glow below,

    Lynn Guthrie



    TurtleLook at him dance,all alone.His rough l ike skinlooks like its been torn andsewn.He walks as slowas the weather.His claws as sharpas a prickly feather.Once I saw himon the road,all dried outand ready to go.Through the bushes,across the fields.How can you tellhow he feels.Watch him move,dazzling the forest.Day after dayhe repeats his chorus ..Faith Hickman

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    Crawfordsville Elementary and High SchoolCrawfordsville, ArkansasFacuity Contact: Tish ThomasVisiting Writers: Bay Anapol, Cody Walker

    Public Service AnnouncementBeware of the jackalopethe terror of the midwestDon't go out at night, it'll devour youwith eyes of turquoise and whiteBriana Valentine

    The Weasel

    CamelRiding on the back of a camelI think I was in the Sahara DesertWalking by the different plantsWe walked on neon green land.Cornelia Davis

    I woke up. I saw my weasel face.Then I put on black and red laceI walked around the block ofAustraliaHillNow I'm hungry and looking for something to steal.Phillip Robinson


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    Baby Shamoo Has Legs

    Roses are RedRoses are redViolets are blueI copied your paperand I flunked, tooLeDetrick Tyrell Pugh

    Baby Shamoo has legs as big as the Empire State Building. He thinks they're great butothers say they'll have to wait until a later date--he is quite weird you know because heswims in the deep and walks in the shallow but he just wants to be an ordinary fellow ifyou really get to know him you'll see that he is plain and mellow as jello.Andreus Nance

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    Dover Primary SchoolDover, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Cadis RiceVisiting Writers: Jay Karr and Susan Maertz

    SummerIt's warm and windy funand joyful shiny and sunny.The adults are canoeing in the rapidsand the kids are swimming and jumping off rocks.The deeper in the sun you goit gets prettier. The petals are fallingoff the flowers.Jason Halsted


    The Bad Luck DayThe snake hisses like a catHis tongue goes in and out like an arrow.He has a back like a flexible carrot,and his head is a circle.His eyes look beady, like an owl's eye.He lives on grass and bad animals.He strikes you like a sword.He swallows another snake eat:mg grass for supper,and goes to sleep, and wakes up,and crawls in the road, and gets run over.Rachel Hampton

    I am jumping in a pond and swim and swim.I jump on my dog. I leap to the water.I jump to the rope and fall in the water.In the water fish bite my toes.My dog jumps in the water with me.Jonatluuz Bryant


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    The Door to SummerIt is hot and I mean hot

    The Door To SummerAs I open the door to summer,I can see tiny mockingbirds flying aboutthe cool breeze, and I can smell little cherry blossomsblooming, and I can hear the waterfall flowingsmoothly through the woods, and I can taste all the fruitsthat are ripe, and as I walk I can feel the windblowing in my face.

    Routh Evelyn Maria Standridge

    I see grasshoppers and grass that is green.I see apples on the trees. I see roses growing.I hear the mountain and the trees and the frogsin the pond. I taste peaches in my mouth,all the time in my mouth.Lacey May Gregory


    Down by the Green SwampHer dark green beak chomps a bald eagleflying down to catch a salmon.The alligator swishes through the waterwhen she swims, and roarswhen she catches the eagle.The muddy green swamp smells like rotting moss.She climbs onto the black muddy bankand goes to her nest full of alligator eggs.The father alligator is brown and muscular.The baby alligators hatch with a noise likesticks breaking.3rdgrade Class Poem

    L-halfof a square mansion and in the summerone square is blue and one square pinkE-a ladder with a piece of board taken off,and when you climb it you have to climb fastor you'll fall into a big dirt clodS-halfof a multicolored 8 that has wingsL-a eat's tail with pink dye on the end, pointed up and overI-a sideways ladder with one step.You sit on the step and it flies up .E-halfof a window that hangs upside down and changesblue in fall , red in winter, pink in spring, and orange in summer.

    Leslie Aday


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    Dumas Junior HighDumas, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Donna CoxVisiting Writers: Kristen Hall, Katrina Vandenberg

    LonelinessLoneliness is like a partywith no people. Lonelinessis like a carriagewithno baby. Loneliness smellslike buttery popcorn withno butter. Loneliness tasteslike a chocolate candy barwith no caffeine. And itsounds like a herd ofcows strampling across afield with no cows.Me'cia Jones

    TreesI see the trees swaying back and forth like the clothesswaying on the clothes line.I see the trees changing colors like the rainbowcoming out of hiding.I see the trees whispering beautiful words ofenchantmentI see the trees.I smell the trees drinking up the nourishment ofMother Nature.I smell the trees gliding beautiful sap off itsbranches.I smell the trees trickling out of the bluesky.I smell the trees.Shanika Taylor


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    The Summer School BluesFrom the day I was born

    I had to go to school.I didn't want to go.

    But Mamma said it wasn't cool.Now I found I gotta go this summer.Now that Ain't cool.Who would ever thought,

    That I'd go to Summer School.Roxy G.

    UntitledIt's dark.Her face peers out from the car window. She

    UntitledTracey is playing her blackclarinet

    in the band room.In her mind, she sees the notesdancing around like a nest of ants.She hears the sound of the otherband members blending with eachother's sound.The smell of cork grease andvalve oil run up her nostrils.She feels the cold metal of theshiny silver clarinet keys.She tastes the wood of the delicatereed and the plastic of the mouthpiece.She and her clarinet are like abird humming to the music.She thinks about the next notein the song.

    Crystal Gibson

    can barely detect her reflection in the glass. She puts aclammy hand on the window, watching the sharply brightlights of the factory glare out of the nightShe shudders as the evil-looking smog cloudsrise up stealthily into the dark sky, like a plague, sneakingup on its chosen victim. The lights, like so manyblinking eyes, reflect against the thick cloud, giving ita slightly ghoulish quality. In the back of her mindshe sees trees burning, overturned, rushing to the ground,leveled by the tools of man, then brought to this immensefactory. She takes her hand away from the glass and watchesas the foggy print that was left evaporates. She glaresat the lights of the factory with hatred, and they glareback at her. Blankly. She looks forward, past the front seatsand through the windshield, as the headlights hit the red and silver crossbars of the railroadcrossing. They are like sentries, she thinks, feeling the rumble as the carcrosses over, unsettling her stomach with a pleasant sensation.The factory is out of sight now. She thinks of it in anger,Don't they know what they're doing?

    Susan J. Tucker


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    Earle Elementary and High SchoolEarle, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Tish ThomasVisiting Writers: Bay Anapol, Cody Walker

    Trump Mouth FishI went to the mall on Saturday evening.I saw a trump-mouth fish with wingsHe flew into the jewelry shop and askedthe sales clerk did she have a heir bone necklacewith 10 kt peaches hanging from it.She said, "of course." He bought the necklace with20 fish eggs. I was amazed to see such a creature.He flew home, and lost the necklace on his way home.He went back to search for it and couldn't find it So hecried starfishes six days non-stop.Leslie Allen

    Buck Eyed Wolf DogsToday I saw two buck eyed fire breathing wolf dogsThey were neon green with big hot pink spotsBoth racing on four wheelersgoing through Bumble Park.Micheal Holmes

    1000 Pound Mouse Eats Bill ClintonPresident Bill Clinton took a walk on his lawn at the White Houseand a 1,000 pound mouse trotted by and asked may I eat you, Bill ClintonBill Clinton said yes, if you can balance the budget The mouse ateBill Clinton and it died and Ointon climbed out of its' stomach and saidto the dead mouse; how can you balance the budgetwhen you can't digest me.Ronald Sanders


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    Unsatisfied ManateeI stumbled across a manatee while I was doing a little grocery shopping.His eyes were forest green and fieryfor he looked like he was tired and wearyThen he spoke: "When you need a vacation or relief, please don't evergo to Greece!"Juanita Aikens

    This Isn't My Day

    I fI f was an alienI'd live on Mars and Iwould be orange with purplespots all over me. I wouldcome down to visit mymother.Carla Williams

    A werewolf howled "awoo" like a settling house. I climbed down from my bunk bed andjogged to the Waffle House. I ate a green and black chicken snake and washed it downwith Penzoil1040 Supreme. I caught a taxi driven by Bill Clinton to my job as a ditchdigger. The ditch smelled like week-old socks and rotten greens. Bill Clinton slid downon his back like a bowl of jelly and asked for my vote. Suddenly there was a lunareclipse. Clinton's teeth grew long and his eyes became red flames. I shoveled my way toRussia and had a dinner of tapeworms with coleslaw. Then I fell asleep next to aRottweiler while a peasant danced a jig.7th grade group poem, Earle


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    East End High SchoolBigelow, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Margaret HuffVisiting Writers: Kevin Stewart and Cody Walker

    What Happened To Rupaul'?I woke this morning to Air Force Iplummeting and protruding through my bedroom wall.Bill Clinton, Madonna, and Rupaulscrambled from the wreckageand sat down to a breakfastof round mound of hound and ice cubes.We piled in my Yugoand scurried to work at Bombs-R-Us,where Madonna, Rupaul, and Clinton hot-potatoeda little Lulu bombuntil Clinton fumbled it and was annihilated.Madonna was sworn in as 43rd presidentto the techno-bounce of "Material Girl."At the White House we ordered Guess that Messfrom the Roadkill Cafe,with a fine '63 chardonay.Then I went homeand patched my wall with Reynold's Wrap.Mrs. Hull's lOth grade English Class, 5th period

    Under the OakUnder the oakOn a crisp fall mornUnder the oakThinking deep thoughtsUnder the oakThinking, dreaming,Drifting awayJustin Brand


    ThurmanThreesomeHit manUnder PressureRunning the courtMaking the playAwesomeNo problem with DukeDewayne Carden

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    My Mind Often Takes me ThereRunning through endless fields as a child,My spirit runs free, untamed and wild.

    Throwing my arms high in the air,Feeling the breeze rush through my hair.Jumping an d cartwheeling on the ground,Slipping and falling down.

    Smelling a flower's sweet fragrance,Wildly doing an Indian rain dance.No worries, doubts, no despair,How my mind often takes me back there.Joe Davis

    The Color RedRedBlood redAs smooth as honeyed silk,And every bitAs dark as death.Red.Love is red,The sweet,Tasty morselThat you can't do without

    Red.A tempting, seductive colorThat taunts you,Teases you,And makes you want more and more.Betrayal.Red is betrayal,A black holeOf fallen heartsThat believed in the color red.Shannon O'Neal


    To Know or Not to KnowI wonder what it would be like

    to live with no guns.I wonder what it would be liketo live with no hate.I wonder what it would be liketo live without pain and great pressure.I wonder what it would be liketo know one with no judgment of skin.I wonder what it would be like

    to know instead of wonder.April Marlow

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    East Pointsett County SchoolLepanto, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Joyce LambVisiting Writers: Michael Catherwood, Dan Tessitore

    UntitledI wore your shirtthat you were going to wear today.I'm sorry you don't have another shirtthat goes with those jeans.It went very good with my jeans too.Candace Barnes

    How To Know For Sure You're in my BedroomI have a feeling every time I go tosleep there's someone looking at me. Ifeel your eyes looking at me from under mysister's bed. But how do I know for surethere's someone looking at me? I cansmell you. You smell awful. I know it'snot my room smelling that way becauseI clean my room up every day. I cantaste your awful smell and it tasteslike my big brother's feet. And anotherthing, I can hear you under my sister'sbed playing around.Katy Garrett

    My DayToday was no different,I woke up to the sound of my dog meowing.I ate my brother's toenails and got dressed.My clown suit is too big but I'll grow into it.I went to school rolling on a trashcan.I fell of fa few times and brokeevery bone in my body and so--l died,but that ain't gonna stop mefrom writing my poem.Jessica Tyler


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    I Am Charley BrownI hate being a stupidshort, baldheaded fat kidwith a friend that'sI don't know how oldand still carries arounda blankie. And that doggets more mailthan I do, and that littlesister who knows nothing.I hate it!Hannah Lacy

    Yes It 's Me, BugsYou all think it's easyto be a funny bunny,but it's not. Elmer Fuddis always trying to sneakup on me, trying to kill meall day and night. Sometimesit's hard to sleep at nightwhen that old hunter's afterme all the time. I sometimeswish someone would eraseme, and I would not have to be

    The Night Has A Thousand EyesThe night has a thousand eyesand the day but one. And when lightof day breaksin the thousand eyes are done.The brain has a thousand eyesand the heart but one.But when the hearthas passed awaythe brain stops all learning.Lynsey Williams

    Bugs Bunny. Well, 111 have to livewith that until some human saves me.Tiffany Tucker


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    Eastside ElementaryWarren, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Marilyn JohnsonVisiting Writers: Darrend Brown, Michael Lippard

    The Prettiest Horsewas black and white.He can run as fast as acougar. And he is goingto get married tonight.He will marry a whitehorse. And call his friendcoarse. His lips tastedlike butter. But on his teethhe had chutter. He smelledlike a cat. And his breathsmelled like a rat. He couldsee inside of a house.But he stepped on a mouse.He can touch the chair.And a horse like him isvery rare.

    Alex Goffin

    The Out of Space HomeThere was this home.It looked like a butterfly. It camefrom the planet Mars. It soundedlike a mocking bird pecking

    The Weeping WillowA weeping willow is alwaysweeping, but spread your tear--I will find it upon a dream. Butwhen the willow is happy, wipeaway the weep; it looks like browngarbage, it smells like a wiltedflower. She sounds like crying,she feels so soft, but not hard.She smells like peppermint.Lindsay Bozeman

    on your head. When you tried to pickit up, it would see you before you couldget to it and it would fly off. In Septemberthis boy came on the way home and tooka big juicy bite: it tasted awful.Then he touched it: it felt gooey.Then next September a neater boythought he was asleep and the home wokeup and flew away.Deanna Wheeler


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    The Singing TornadoOne day there was a tornadowarning! We took shelter,

    The FlagOnce upon a time therewas a flag. It smelled likeair freshener. But when Youtouched it, it hurt. So one daysomebody tried to tasteit; it made him magic. He lookedback on his way home to see theflag. It changed color so he wentback over there and he gotit down. He sat on top of it,and it took him off into the air.He could hear the sound--it soundedwonderful. He showed it in townto one person. "Take it to where itbelongs!" Everybody started to make a fussso he took it back. But the flag gavehim magical powers to flyby himself everybody was happy.Holli Miller

    but it started to sing. We lookedout the window and we saw. Beauty of the SkyIt was singing as loud as it couldIt smelled like bubble gum.People heard all over the worldHe gave us something to eatbut it didn't taste very good.He touched our house,it made our house shake.Then we got some musicso he could sing to itThen we started to dance.Troy Drake

    The sunthe moonthe things you seein the sky,the taste of the starsthat twirl about the earth,the things you smell of the skywill twinkle always in your eyelike a waterfall.Shalrina Robinson

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    Saturn Sells its RingsI t sells its own rings.It opens at 7:00 a.m. and closesat 11 :00 p.m. You can see it sellingits rings to Pluto, Jupiter, Mars,and Earth. Even the cornetsare buying rings. Venusis not buying them; he thinkshis is the best Butthe other planets fixed that:they cut him up with the rings.He could not touch a thing.He smelled awful. You could hearSaturn saying "Get your rings."The colors on Saturn tasted good.A.J. Mcintyre

    The Sun Gets a JobThe Sun goes to Pine Bluffto find a job. He is so hotno one can see, but theylet him have the job. And then,when he touched water, it turnedinto steam, but when it was time to goback into orbit, he could hearhis Morn and Dad talking abouthis new job. They liked itbecause it paid good Sun Money,and plus he paid all the Sun Bills.Kedric L. Hemphill


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    Greenbriar Elementary and Junior HighGreenbriar, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Janice JonesVisiting Writers: Maragaret Domaus, Carrie Pomeroy

    I'm not sure i f I am SorryThis is just to sayThat I broke a glasswindow that was brandnew.Forgive me butit was temptingAnd such agood dare.Kyle Schmidt

    Fidel Castro

    UntitledLove is--like a Coke when it is flat.--like playing sports when you sweat--like hearing a train come by.--like hearing Rap Music.--like driving on the strip and seeinggood looking girls come by.Cody Allen

    UntitledThis is just to sayI have stolen your wordsThat you were keeping for your ownpoemForgive meThey fit so good in this oneShane Staggs

    Do you think it's easy being dictator of Cuba you American pig? Huh, youworthless American terrorist? You think I like having the U. N. always watching me in myOlympic-sized swimming pool every morning before I torture tourists? So you think it'spretty cool having your own army, huh? Feed us ..We're out of ammo .. We're dyingfrom defective warheads. They're attacking the country. We're out of cigars. rve hadenough of their whining and sniveling.OintBollard


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    The AwakeningI was sleeping in my purple JaguarWhen my head hit the hornAnd I scrambled into my plaid tuxedo and rubber golf shoes.I wolfed down crusted Froot LoopsOff the purple carpetI answered the policeman tapping on my window."Pardon me, do you have any Gray Poupon?" he askedIn a British accentMrs. Bargar's 8th grade class

    GrandpaThe other side of the enormous wooda cool gentle breezeon the 6th of Maya prickle in the waterthe teeny weeny baby dragonflya large willowgrass blowingcatfishing in the old granddaddy fishinghole.Happy knowing you're here in my heart.ZachMack

    UntitledSwaying, swirling, sinking, andWhirling, whistling, winding wavesInsects buzzing around me.Moving like a snake in caves.Manda Woods


    UntitledShovelPick-axExploringLanternUnder-groundNightCave, cavern, canoe, creaturesKayakIn-groundNocturnal creaturesGravelMart Williamson

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    DeerBrown, Big as a BearHorns like a coat rackTaillike cottonA friend to the forestNice as a dogNight eyes glow like sapphires.TylerShehorn



    A band warming upGum without sugarA bone chilling screechCooked cabbageWet stinking dogRussell Mohan

    Rolling like a leaf with the windUsing your legs to move like a carNot having people bothering youNo one to talk toIn side the beautiful worldNot going any where exceptGoing down the road to home.Chad Pins


  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    Green Forest ElementaryGreen Forest, ArkansasF acuity Contact: Rhonda HutchinsVisiting Writers: Annie Callan, Margaret Domaus

    UntitledMy dog is sleeping.She feels fur.She smells a cat.

    Renee and me are Best friendsMy Best friend is in a barn inthe pasture with me.We smell the woodWe taste our suckers.We feel the woodWe see the empty window.We climb and jump out the window.We hear the birds.My Best friend is Renee.We are like Parrots and Mice.Mary Wallace

    She hears my mom.She tastes a dog bone.She sees black and white kittens.She is like a fox.She is thinking about running and hiding.Angela Norris

    LoveLove is like a Rose

    How I know I'm on a farmI see the calves lay in the grass.I feel them and they feel soft.I hear them moo for their mother.She drinks its mothers milkand thinks it tastes goodThey smell not so fine.Megan

    Love is like me holding my RabbitLove is like a PizzaLove is like riding my bikeJulie Herron


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    How I know I am in my Living RoomI see the Christmas lights.I hear the TV.I touch the table.I taste the candy canes that sit on the TV.I smell the pine that comes from the Christmas tree in my living room.Amber McGehee


    LoveLove is l ike my grandma's cooking.And Grandpa's cooking.Like cheese pizza. .And macaroni and cheese.And chicken noodle soup.I t can be slurped.Daniel Lee

    This is Just to SayThis is just to saythat I am sorry to jumpon your bed.I t was fun. Iwas dizzyafter the ride.Tilenna Chaney

    My family went on a picnic.We could smell the trees and smoke from the fires.We could hear the birds singing and the leaves crunch under our feet as we walkedthrough the wood.I could taste the fried chicken before we started to eat lunch.We could see the pet farm where we ate.After we fmished our lunch, we got to go pet the animals.Their winter coat felt warm.Anika LeaJhers


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    Hot Springs Middle SchoolHot Springs, ArkansasFaculty Contact: JoAnn RossVisiting Writers: Bill Breen, Cody Walker

    SnowSoon the snow will fall.No other color than white will showOutside theWindow.Crystal Jack

    GrapesGreen orRed,All arePerfect as IEat themSilently.Angie Bates


    A Night to RememberIt was a night to remember,A night that could never be

    forgotten.The sky had no colorAnd the air smelled rotten.The dogs howledAs if they were in pain.The thunder growledAs it began to rain.So I walked along swiftlyAs the rain got stronger.Something grabbed me briskly.I screamed, but it wasn't muchlonger

    When I was thrown in a cell.Everything was dark.Then I thought I was dead, wellAlmost dead, until my dog barked.The lights flashed on.My memory of my birthday wasgone.But now it's all in my eyesAs everyone yelled, "Surprise!"Jill Roe

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    FootballFumbling on the two yard line,Oh, what a mistake you made.On the sidelines, the coach makes you doTwo hundred push-upsBefore you can play again.All you can say is "I t wasn't my fault."Laughter is all you hear from the coach - all of theLate nights ofpractice all down the drain.Nathan Whisman

    Summer Reminds Me Of ..Soft, fragrant flowersAnd warm, sunny dayslazy by the poolHaving backyard cookoutsSurrounded by family andFriends.Camping, hikingTelling ghost storiesAround a campfireThen ..Laughter fades andFall begins.Pasha Robbins

    Big Beautiful LakeBig beautiful lakeSitting in the middle of woodsLonely and stillShowing reflections ofour faces.Travis Williams


    InnocenceThe dove takes offon its flightA baby born in the middle of the nightWhite, yellow, colors of goldA girl who did not make it to two yearsoldA child under a warm caressA baby taking milk from its mother'sbreastA child shot down for no reasonWhite snow in a winter seasonI f you could only seeThis is what innocence means to me.

    Felisha Morrison

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    J.E. Wallace ElementaryFordyce, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Rich GamerVisiting Writers: Mark Lewis, Susan Maertz,Dan Tessitore, Katrina Vandenberg

    Dogs walk thindogs sleep fat and walk thin.Dogs, when they sleep, slump;When they wake, pull in-Where the plump's beenThere's skin.Dogs walk thin.SylvesterStewan

    Heaven looks like a jewelry store withbeautiful houses and streets of gold galore.Heaven feels like a koosh ball and you won'thave to worry if you fall. Heaven smellslike cinnamon rolls that will be eatenby saved souls. Heaven sounds likethe Mormon Tabernacle Choir, yeta little higher. Heaven tastes likecotton, just think how bad earthhas gotten.Katy Raney

    Fly High FridayYesterday I woke. I felt like a pi le of leaves. I puton holey shoes and ran outside. My pants look likegorilla hair. My head felt dizzy and I felt like a snake headMy ears felt like a rake falling of f the house. My housewas old and rugged and torn down. I had dead birdsfor soup.Earl


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    Widow Weds Ghost Who Haunts HerI once married a ghostHe wouldn't leave me aloneone day I saw he was a ghostand that dayhe put worms in my tunaand lemon juicein my coffee. He made me crazy.So when I died we marriedeach other and lived in a van.Adam Herring

    A Horse Without a NameBlack and smooth, gentle but wild.Touches the grass like its own. Smells theair. Hears the wild. Looks around with attention.Brittany

    GiraffeHe smells leaves, dirt, grass, and warm sunshine.He tastes eucalyptus leaves and sweet grass.He feels green grass under his hooves and his head feels the dizzy, drifty sky.He hears cheetahs and leopards trying to find him and eat him.The giraffe sees them coming and runs.The world looks smaller than a ladybug.Class poem -4th gradeMs. Thornton & Ms. Murry

    WhaleThe whale sees seagulls swoop and sway,catching flat-finned flying fish.He tastes seaweed and oil dumped from a tanker.The whale hears dolphins singingand white sharks dive-bombing.He smells seaweed, coral, and salty air.The whale feels the tide like a vacuumsucking coral and seashells.He is wondering where he will sleep.Class poem--4th gradeMs. Williams & Ms. Holloway

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    The CardinalThe cardinal sees worms, seeds, apple trees,and hunters chopping them down.He hears bluejays squawk, woodpeckers tap the tree bark.The cardinal feels berries with his wings,honeysuckle and sweet gum, and the wind on his bodyhe tastes the salty, crispy bark; he tastes sticky, bittersweet sap.This cardinal smells caterpillars in the trees.He is sad that the hunters chop[ downhis air and his home, but he's happyhis coat is so redClasspoem-3rd gradeMs. Whitley & Ms. Musgrove

    I f grand pianos were umbrellasI f grand pianos were umbrellasyou wouldn't be able to hold them up.I f grand pianos were umbrellasthe rain might play a melody.But if umbrellas were grand pianosit would be awfully hard to push thepedals.Mary McMillan

    HorsesA horse smells like sweet feed.He smells the breeze through the trees.He tastes sugar cubes in the trough.He feels the saddle on his back.He sees me coming with the feed bucket.He can see the feed in his mind.He hears the feed rattling in the bucketand the other horses running to the gate.Roben Holmes


    The CrowSome people think that when someonediesa crow carries their spirit to the land ofthe dead,but some people believe that crowcan also bring the spirit backinto the land of the living.Jacob O'Mary

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    ElephantsMy elephant eats peanutsAnd spits out the shells.In a race it will failLike a snail.Don't talk about an elephantCause if you do,And you come back,He'll beat you to a stackCause an elephant never forgets.Mart Terry

    My Cat Named Belle and Her Seven Cats Who Went to HeavenMy cat named Bellehad seven cats whowent to cat heaven.She wouldn't takecare of her kittensso I tried butit still didn'thelp theydied and wentto heaven all sevenand Belle's stillroaming.Gaibrielle Peters

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    Lockesburg ElementaryLockesburg, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Velma OwensVisiting Writers: John Hennessy, Derek Van Lynn

    How to Know it's a Bad DayYour alarm clock doesn't ringYour hair won't combThe toothpaste is all goneAnd breakfast is soggy CheeriosIt's a bad day I can already tellby the fly that landed in my milk.Richard Van Voast

    What a Shadow Sounds LikeIt says "Ow, get off of me"I am a thing but I cannot seeI always travel with youBut I am not friendlyYou step, stomp, and jump all over meI am not living andI couldn't be anywayBecause you walk on me every dayJoel Hubbard


    What Spring Sounds LikeIt sounds like a waterfallgoing down the hill. Likea little water spring makingits way through the dirt.Clevelon Nelson

    Shadow SoundsAs a shadow creeps across the wallI can hear a soft whoosh. Then Ihear a hush. The shadows start togiggle because they are so littleand they can hide behind a chair.Mindy Weger

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    Laughter Tastes LikeLaughter tastes like a cool crispbreeze on an Autumn morning orlike an apple just harvested.Chris Mitchell

    Music PoemSounds that make asnake rise from his resting placethat make all the brighteyes run a blinking raceJustin Vann


    Music PoemA wild dog with his fmger goingback and forth from lip to lipplaying the banjo while beingjust a little rude, and pattinghis foot on the ground hittingthe wrong notes on a keyboardAnother dude came and asked him whatin the heck are you doing youloon. And then he gets a snake toraise out of a pot Then other weirddogs came to dance.Jeffrey Howard

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    Marion SchoolsMarion, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Frances CondruffVisiting Writers: Carrie Pomeroy, Dan Tessitore

    A Day in the Life of Danny DevitoBeing famous isn't all it's cracked up to be,but being famous and short is worse.When a savage crowd of fans surround you,you could be lost for a day.When you give a speech for the Em myyou desperately deserve,you must use a box to see over the podium.What's worse, the statuette is almostas big as you.They say you don't know whatit's like to be someonetill you walk a mile in his shoes.Well, most people can't wear mine.Those who can, can't walk yetJosh Shipley

    MarionIn Marion there would be an old hairyman in a cowboy hat and overallsrocking on the back two legsof an old wooden chair thatleans against the hardwarestore. He's got a toothpick justbarely hanging out of his mouth,as he mumbles something aboutthe weather every time a possiblecustomer walks by.Amy Pierce


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    ASmall Nothing TownMarion is boring, it boresinto the back of my skulllittle nothings which don't makesense. This town feels likea damp winter day, smells likea lilac about to die. One petalstill clings, Marion isn't dead yet,there is hope. Marion's skies arepurple like the color of thehaze. I hear a train in the back-ground that's almost the onlything that moves anymore. Wesit and let the town drift away.Casey Spencer

    Maya AngelouI woke up this morningAnd didn't know what to doSo I put on one of my exoticdresses and wrote a poem

    or two.They tell how I feel,Because I know what's real, and I'm aphenomenal womanI write aboutcertain thingsthat take me bysurprise. Howpeople try tohurt you, butstill, like thedust I'llrise.I've metthe presidentand shook his handWrite so many poems, I write them on my ownhand.

    Norcandrian Blanus


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    Midland High SchoolPleasant Plains, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Frank MonroeVisiting Writers: Roger Johnson, Michael Lippard

    I Have Some RabbitsI have some rabbits.I have some rabbits that are as fast as electricity.I have some rabbits that are as small as a grainof salt. I have some rabbits that are as bigas the earth. I have some rabbits that are as whiteas a cloud. I have some rabbits that are as smoothas a baby's foot I have some rabbits that smelllike a pile of roses. I have some rabbits that are smartas a magician. I have some rabbits that are as wideas the road. I have some rabbits that are as darkas the night's sky. I have some rabbits.Eric Strange

    I Have Some ClothesI have some clothes.I have some clothes that fitand I have some that don't I have clothesthat are in style. I have some clothesthat stand straight and tallwhen starched; some shout loudand long when seen from a distance.I have some clothes that are limber.I have some clothes that are plainand they cry,"Accessorize, accessorize!"I have some clothes that are soft, lookingcreamy in the light I have some clothesthat look as if they are to be eatenlike fresh fruit in a basket. I have someclothes that smell of roses, almostlike they had been grown there.I have some clothes.Hannah Treece


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    His Hands Like Metalhis hands like metalhis face like steelthere aint no tellinhow may men this manhas killedheading acrossthe desert one nighthe looks up at the starso brightheading to Montanaon that dark nighthe stole the cattle in Santa Fethe horses in El Pasohe has gone many milesto get where he is todaythe saddle is getting oldthe cowboy is getting tiredhe is wondering how much furtherhe has to ridethe cowboy sees a lightin the corner of his eyesand says to his selfthis will be my last ridewith a pop of the whipand a mighty yellthe stock and the manare heading for the sellon that dark nightRyan Clark


    SnowflakeI am a diamond of crystalwhite tears that fall from the skyto touch your fingertips. I canonly fall to the blanket of coolice that lies before me. I seea tree, bare, with icicle leaves.I feel the chill of the winterair. Then I hear the gigglesof the honeysuckle flowers frozenin ice, waiting for spring.I lay myselfon f4e groundbelow to await the sunto melt me away. I amthe snowflake in the winter snow.Carrie Strucens

    WindI am the windI am the whisperin you ear, the breezein your hair.I feel nothing.I see everything.I fly over fieldson bright summer days.When my spiritsare low, I hang as fogover murky pond banks.I cry and I moan, scaringlittle boys and girlsat night. I am forever.Chrissy Allender

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    UntitledI have some wolves whose fur is stained with blood.I have some wolves that hunt prey in the sunlightI have some wolves that lay in the moonlight.I have some wolves that run in the stream.I have some wolves that jump in the snow.I have some wolves that dance in the rain.I have some wolves that smell like sunshine.I have some wolves that howl all night.I have some wolves that live in caves.I have some wolves that sound like thunder.I have some wolves that like music.I have some wolves.Chris Thomas

    UntitledI am inside a bottle.

    UntitledI am a tire.I carry a heavy load.The world to meis as dark as the night sky.I hear the car motor roaring.It hurts when I go over a bump.When the car screeches on its brakes,it gives me a good scratch.It smells to melike rubber on fire.Brandon Richardson

    The walls are smooth as an ice cube.It smells like an expensive woman.I can see through the walls toeverything going on outside.I can hear the wind as itblows over the bottle and whistles.I can taste the bitter sweetnessof what was in it.I feel trapped as if Imay never get out.Brandy Wallington


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    UntitledI have some cows that dancein the rain.I have some cows that areblack and gray.I have some cows that singin the moonlight.I have some cows that runin the sunshine.I have some cows that give memilkI have some cows that feellike silk.I have some cows that havelong tails.I have some cows that eat grassand hay.I have some cows that lay inthe shade.I have some cows that licksap.I have some cows.Tanya Wojfford

    I have a dog who has black and white spots.I have a dog who has five puppies.I have a dog who eats leftovers.I have a dog who hunts for deer.I have a dog who smiles at me.I have a dog who swims across the creekI have a dog who shakes hands.I have a dog who chases bulls.I have a dog who chases me.I have a dog.Amber Brackett

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    North Main Elementary SchoolGreenwood, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Dorothy PazderaVisiting Writers: Bay Anapol, Carrie Pomeroy

    UntitledI am a hamsterI feel like getting out of my cageI taste hamster pelletsI hear someone screaming -- "feed the hamster!"I smell fresh fish waterI think about whether rn ever be asbig as my owner.Stephanie Pittman

    You Know You're in My Pocket ...When you see a pieceof lint and two sweaty quartersYou feel a wrapper that smells like gumYou roll over a marbleWhen you taste cookie crumbs thenyou know you're in my pocketJaman

    You Know You're at the Zoo ...when the ground shakes from the elephantswhen the chimpanzees are making awful sounds andthe cranes are lifting their feet because there is no roomto stand.Ashley Dunn

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    This is just to sayI have let the cobras out of their cagesThey might kill someonebut they looked so cooped up in thereForgive methey looked so sadSo long and crooked their faces wereHeath Weeks

    UntitledI am a brown ape.I hear apes talking.I feel the bark of the trees when Iswing from tree to tree.I taste bananas and apples and grapes.I see different animals all around.I am thinking about writing areally good story on people.Bobbi Rozell

    UntitledI am a horseI smell the muddy rider on my backI feel the grass under my feetI taste the fresh water on my faceI hear the wind hitting my backI am thinking about getting watered downLindsey Reames

    You Know You're at Grandma'sHouseWhen you see the swimming pool in herback yard. When you're there you seethe cows grazing in the grass andhelp grandpa feed them.While you're thereyou need to be prepared becauseyou're going shopping.When you feed the baby cowwith the cow bottle, after sheis done eating she slobbers on you.Tara Hendrix

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    CheetahI am a cheetah.I smell the fresh air of the plains.I feel the hot wind on my whiskers.I taste zebra and antelope meatI hear elephants like trumpets.I am thinking about eatingagain and finding girl cheetahs.Class poem--Mrs. King's 2nd periodclass

    20 Feet TallI am a three-headed monster.I feel happy because I get to meetGodzilla.I taste morning breath.I hear someone planning a storm.I smell swamp water.I am thinking about climbing the EiffelTower.Katie Barker


    FreeI am a monkey.I hear the beautiful forest birdsand my family.I feel the cold spring windblowing against my fur.I taste fresh sweet bananas.I see monkeys jumping from treeto tree.I am thinking about howhorrible it would be notto be free.Emily Peresta

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    Our Lady of Holy SoulsLittle Rock, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Gretchen GowenVisiting Writers: Brad Barkley, Sha'an Chilson, Jay Karr,Mark Lewis, Susan Maertz, Susan PeraboWeird

    Fear is running away from thingsthat cannot be resolved. Weird is seeing a o n e ~ y e d man.Weird is like having green hair.Weird is like eating shoe strings.Weird is going to school every day.Fear smells like the burning of tar.Fear feels like a hand reaching upfrom a pool ofblack that is dragging you in.Mike Roach

    MeganMiscatearsE is a broken ladder

    John Ballard

    G is an egg with a toothpick stuck in itA is a mountain with snow on itN looks like a Z on its headMeganMrdja

    SianS is a kite stringI is a comet in the skyor a football goala is a person with hairn is a mouthSian Preston

    BaldwinB is the side of a butterflyA is an anchorLis a stickDis a pianoW is a pig footI is an H on its sideN is an upside-down UBaldwin Saer

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    LanguageOnce I spoke the language of the flowers.Once I heard the birds sing.Once I felt the world talk to me.I could talk the same language as they could.How did it go?How did it go?RachaelLogan


    TimeTime is like a je t onfire going like a rockettaking off.When I am having a badday, time is like waitingfor Christmas in January.Emily Pail

    Time looks like numbers flying into the world.At a certain time, time sounds like fireworksin the sky. Time tastes like a piece of butterfingerin a bag. Time smells like a sunny spring day.In a park of happy people I touch time.It feels like a wonderful heartbeatChristina Longinott i

    LonelyWhen you're lonely there'snothing around you justblackness. You're invisible,no one can see or hear you.When you sniff the airyou smell nice yummy cookies.But you're not there to eatand enjoy them.Claire Finn Smith


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    A Frog.I am a frog.I am very slimyas I jump intothe water.I feel the cool airand when I jumpinto the waterI feel the cool waterand when you pickme up you feel mytiny bones.Adam Hanzell

    The Spider MonkeyI am the monkey. I move quickly throughtall vines of the jungle. My predator awaitsme at the forest floor. Swinging from tree totreeI feel the strong wind in my face. I t is asfierce as a jaguar. My predators are urgingforwardEven the jaguar is frightened. We all tr y toescapeour enemies, the humans, the machines.Bennett Schmidt

    IguanaI am an Iguana. I lay in the sunin a cage. The flies laughat me, I feel foolish. I shouldlive in a desert. I like mosquitoes,only to eat, of course, but I am stuckwith fleas. My name is Ivy the IguanaI live in Mexico. The girlwho owns me is named CarlaMary Claire DePriest


    Crossing Arkansas By CarThe fence postsheld prisonerby barbed wirewelcome the plantsand bushes thatovertake them.The farmercomforts his fieldwith water.The trees gathertogether to shade themselvesfrom the sun. The seldomtraveled road enjoysthe companyof a passing car.Christian Cash

    Walking ArkansasThe rocking chairssit holding the elderlyday after day.Come sit they saywhile swaying backand forth. There are no bright lightshere, just the dimness of the moonthat darkens the skywhile he smiles down on usbecause this is where the riverstarts every day.Murdock Jones

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    Arkansas By AirplaneOut of the eyeof the planeArkansas is alivealive with fields ofgrainalive with wrinkled men in the fieldsnot knowing there is another placeamong the fields,among the grassesamong the houses turned into homesamong the fathers turned into daddiestheir barrier of stonesAnne Becker

    Leaving ArkansasThe plows growlat the farmers who have had themworking all day. Dogs sleepon the porch as the dried outwooden planks creak in painwhile an old womanrocks in her chair.The cows yellto get more food,while the rice in the fieldsdrowns in the darkmuddy water.Mary Kate Roach


    Crossing Arkansas On HorsebackThe dustfrom the roadssticks tothe cars and the horses,which are sweatingin the hot sunas they trot down the roadtowards new pastureswelcoming shade and restwith the children and birdsunder the apple trees.They dozein the midday heatof an Arkansas summer.But in theeveningunder the starsthe horsescome aliveand tear at the grasswith the moonlightwhile the hushed chirpingof frogs echoes upfrom the pond down the hilland the childrensleep undisturbed.Emilie Wonhen

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    Crossing Arkansas By ShadowThe shadow traveledby my side searchingfor the little rock,connecting our feet as we jumpedthrough the vast mountains.We walked like pendulumson a clock, we cried outto the little rockonly to hear someone moclcingus like a child.Anne Fulgham

    Rainrain is like a childwho has fallenoff his bike.but it will go away,just like a scratch.and like the rainthe child willfall againSarah Caner

    Running AwayShe's running away,away from the trees,the trees that are howling,howling for her to come back,come back because they are lonely.Oh those lonesome trees howling forever.LindsayBuckelew


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    Parkers Chapel High SchoolElDorado, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Sandra BaileyVisiting Writers: Kristen Hall, Stuart Hancox

    ElephantI am the pe tThey leave me on the shore,Yet my elephant body is hard to ignore.I see the children diving and swimming,While I stand here baking and shriveling.I lower my head, gently swingingmy trunk from side to side,I spot an ant clinging to my toenail,possibly trying to hitch a ride.Voices raise out on the boat,Another argument issues and that's all she wrote.Why do the parents argue? why do they fight?Only to leave me to comfort the children at night?The children spot me wallowing in my dejected mood,And they come and join me and share with me their food.They rub my lizard-like skin, and scratch behind my ears,They climb on my back and we wipe away each other's tears.Yes, we are very close, the children and I,Because when I'm near, they're so much closer to the sky.Emmalee Carroll

    What Does Heat Feel like?Heat feels like a furry dog'sbreath on a cold winter morning.On cold nights it covers overyou like a thick blanketIt tastes like the Hot Chocolaterunning down your throat. Itsounds like the humming ofelectricity. It smells likehomemade bread.Matthew Sutherlin


    DolphinsI am in a cage of water,people teach me to do tricks.I look like a beam of lightspeeding through the waterturning flips and makingcircles.Kacie Sullivan

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    Portrait of a PrisonerHe sits in a dirty prison cellHe wonders when he11 be freeHe sees the bright blue sky throughone small windowHe smells the stench of stale cigarettesHe tastes the warm waterfrom a dirty old sinkHe hears the soundof angry men fightingHe walks with injured prideHe feels the cold, hard cotunder his backHe saysI wish I were freeCandi Dykes

    Everything Requires an ExplanationName: John Casey Crecelius Jr.Age: 17.0308988764Occupation: Production Leader--Burger King.Marriage: Yeah! Right!Birth: 0413on1Rebirth: Not Physically--SpirituallyDeath: What's life?

    UntitledMy mother is in an office stuck offin the comer of a maze ofhallsand wash rooms.She sits there typing awayat an old typewriter and looks upoccasionally to glance out ofa small window in the centerof one of her four dull walls.She can smell the coffeebrewing in the lounge down the halland the ink that by nowhas covered her small hands.She has remnants of a sugar-glazed donutthatshe bought at the seven-elevenon her way to workin her mouth.She hears the army ofmachinetypewritersspeeding down each line and neverforgetting the punctuation.she stares at a page full of ink andcorrection fluidlike a lion staring down it's prey.She thinks about the long drive home.J.J. Prothro

    Contact with evil forces, place or person: I once had scary dreams.Look in my room sometime.You're facing real "evil"when you look in there.

    Also contact with forces called miracles or luck: I'm jinxed Nothinggoes right anymore.Favorite Color: My favorite color is blue. A little bit of sunshinedisplays it in the skies. A little bit more makes itgreen symbolizing money.John Crecelius

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    UntitledHe'd taken her as a child, and today she would be free. As she crept silently down thehall, she realized this was her only chance to escape. for fifteen years she'd spent her lifein the small room, and today was the first time she'd see what was beyond the door. She'dcarefully planned her escape as best as she could without knowing the layout of the house,and now she'd found it to be nothing like she imagined. She'd expected the house to bebright and colorful like her room but found it to be barren and seemingly unoccupied foryears. The walls were empty, not even bearing the markings ofpictures that once foundtheir home on the wall. There were cobwebs everywhere and dust had infested every crackand crevice. The smell of rotten wood and mildew filled theai r as she crept slowly downthe stairs. She found his room to be as bad if not worse than the rest of the house andwondered why he lived like this. Not caring for an answer, she proceeded to the nextdoor hoping it would open to freedom. She held her breath and slowly turned the knob.The clickof the latch sounded louder to her than the explosion of a bomb, and she quicklypushed the door open. Her heart sank as she saw the beautiful rays of sunlight splashingto the ground just past the dilapidated porch, and then she looked directly into the eyes ofthe man who would hold her captive for another fifteen years.Kandi Morgan

    Indian DancersI see a group

    of Indian people dancing ina celebration of their cultures.I see kids, women,men, dancing around a fire.

    I see a man sayingsomething to the people.I smell the smokeand the trees around thevillage. I hear music.I feel the drumbeating inside my body.dup, dup, boom, boom, bang, bang.around and around in mybody.Charleeka Lynn Williams


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    Prairie Grove High SchoolPrairie Grove, ArkansasFaculty Contact:Visiting Writers: Carrie Pomeroy, Denise Rogers

    World History

    LeavesThere are some trees that I like to look atWith their bright, green leavesLeaves that are old school yards where I playedLeaves that are far away places that I visitedPlaces where I had good times and bad times.The leaves are people, some who laughed, cried, lovedOr turned brown and withered away.They are dreams that I have keptTo make me happy, or inspire meThey are songs that I have heard, or maybe writtenPictures that I have looked at or drawn.Leaves that are all constantly agingAnd that will someday fall away and die.Cameron Pershall

    World History is a know-it-all who alwayspredicts the way a movie will endWorld History is an intelligent, wise yet cockycharacter that I'd hate to go on a blind date with.World History feels like a bag of sharp nailsand jagged glass that you accidentally thought was cotton.World History smells like all the foods you canimagine mixed into a big pot and boiledWorld History looks like a bum who has foundbits and pieces of clothes on the road and sewsthem all together.World History goes on and on and neverstops.And it repeats itself over and over.Kristy Garrett

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    I Ride the Wind

    GymGym is like the monster from under my bedit smells like a misplaced anchovy sizzlingon my vegetarian pizzait talks like Satan has possessed my teddy bearit looks like an 80's health book where all the girlslook like Olivia walks toward my report cardwheeling a giant "F" for mygrandchildren to be ashamed of.Amy Bullock

    I ride the wind to my father's grave.I ride the wind to a grassy plain.I ride the wind in a gentle, breezy way.I ride the wind down a bumpy road.I ride the wind like a story unfolding.I r ide the wind to a solemn place within myself.I ride the wind down to a sea of love.I ride the wind to go to heaven.I ride the wind to a world of hatred.I ride the wind through a long dark tunnel.I ride the wind into the lightI ride the wind as a nightly run.I ride the wind as my mother softly sings.I ride the wind as though riding a bike.I ride the wind like a wave on an ocean.I ride the wind through life.Lois Burgess

    I Had a Date With Algebra l lI had a date with Algebra II. She gaveme directions to her house but I couldnot understand them. I found the houseand went to the door. She had somethingon that I had never seen before. We got in mycar and went to a movie she picked out.I did not understand the plot and I feltleft out We got in the car and shestarted telling me about her life. That'swhen I decided she should not be my wife.I started to drive faster to get to herhouse. She started to talk more Ipushed the gas down to make the tiressqueal and just then I fell asleep at the wheel.Jesse Morris


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    Tribesmen Live to Be 160 Years Old by Eating MudAs the tribesman came into townPeople thought he was a little differentHe walked into town with a stringy gray afro.His hands holding a spear and a dagger.A face so full of wrinkles that his eyes were tiny pinpointsin his head.The people didn't think much about him until he sank tothe ground. And right beforetheir very eyes they saw himtake a big ol' bite of wet thick mud."Well, this just simply won't do!" the people of the towncried outThey immediately took the tribesman to the sheriffand explained their story.The sheri ff said, "Now listen, you. Why do you do this?"And the tribesman said, "It keeps me from dying."All the townspeople sat on the ground and startedeating mud. The tribesman walked off,"Ha, Ha, Ha, what idiots!"Heather Hall

    Geometry I Have HatedGeometry and I had a date last night.He showed up early and kept me up 'til late.He smelled of fruit flavored markers and the burnt cordof an overhead.

    I sometimes wish he was dead,then I stop and remember he'll bother me no more.In a few more months he'll be another girl's bore.Besides, someone told me of a nice guy named Trig.

    I Saw a GirlI saw a girl who jumped over the moon.I saw a girl who crocheted an afghan ou t of dental floss.I saw a girl who knew art intimately.I saw a girl who could grow flowers in her mind.I saw a girl walk to China . . and didn't ever stop.I saw a girl whose lipstick was of diamonds.I saw a girl.I knew a girl who loved herself.I knew a girl who ballroom dancedon the point of a pin.I knew a girl with a magnificent imagination.I knew her well.Amy Bullock


    Crystal Fleming

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    Prairie Grove Upper ElementaryPrairie Grove, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Vicki BarkerVisiting Writers: Jay Karr and Susan Maertz

    UntitledA house is like an arrow tip.Oouds are big puffs of smoke.A dog is like a desk with a head and a tail and secrets inside.Skyler Collins

    A thousand honey bees flying round and round a hive singing.A smell of sweet honey fills the air.I see the bright sun shining on the hive.My mouth tastes watery from the hot sun.I touch the hive and feel buzzing, I look inside and see the beesdancing like little daisy flowers.Megan Brooke Alderson


    OldA beard as long as the wind.Shriveled with age and experience.Rose petals and attic must.A big spider looking out of blind eyes.A door creaking in the breeze, then shut forever.Anna Micklea

    Houses are pumpkins with their lanterns on.Clouds are like a bomb exploding.Cows are a song going moo.Chance McDonald


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    UntitledA house looks like a snow mountain melting in the sun.A cloud looks like a car about to run.A cow looks like a jar out in a field.Aanthony Smith


    UntitledSnow is white dirt falling from the sky.Leaves are colored pieces ofpaper cut out like hands.Cows are big fat bags walking in a field.Tiffany Pershall

    Crazy looks like squiggly lines,tastes like salty lemon pickles (a little on the greasy side),sounds like a cuckoo bird with an orange beaktipping to one side, smells like the dog's breathand my mom's casserole, feels like plastic snakeswith noodles all over them.grouppoem , fourth grade

    UntitledCows are like a white and black chalkboardClouds are a big blue river.Cows are eating the clouds over our house.Ricky Carte


    UntitledPeople flying in heaven and cooking rice for the LordThey are sprinkling sugar all over the floor.Angels playing the harp on hard glass around the throne.James Maynard

    A dog is like the biggest hot dog in the world.Clouds are mayonnaise, and a houseis like a big paper sack to put your food in.Autumn Trout

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    Southside High SchoolFort Smith, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Mary Ellen JessonVisiting Writers: Brad Barkley and Susan Perabo

    Lassie SpeaksOh Timmy! Timmy!

    What have you done now?Been hit by a truck orfallen prey to a cow?Is it another steep cliffor another deep well?You're so accident pronemy life is like Hell!I save your life every timeyou hit trouble,I run and I run andarrive on the double.Just one more accidentand I might not bother.You won't be here to feed me

    but I still have your father.Kenneth Ruth

    DraculaWhat makes me live forever?Why must I love the night?Why must I miss the sunrise?Why must I miss the light?Every morning I hear the sunrise.I hear it each day when the rooster cries.But to see that sunshine one timewill burn my body to ashes of lime.Why was I allowed the ability to flybut I can't see the sun cross the sky?Why has this God given me so much more,but taken so much, closed every door?Why has he taken so much away?Why can't I be normal, to live through a day?Danny Thompson


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    The Used Car SalesmanI have a lo t of cars, mostare made of nothing but rot.I have a coffee pot, butthe grains of cheap coffeealways somehow seep through.I have a pack of GPCcigarettes rolled inmy sleeve, but no cigarettes.I have a cot to sleep onin the shack on my lot, bu tI don't sleep much. Thereis a cockroach on the floor.His name is known to me, butmine is not known to him.Barley Lachowsky


    The Hobo SpeaksI watch the world pass by.No one watches me.Beneath the piled up -stink and filth is a man.Beneath all the dust andworn out clothes is a heart.Life seems to drag on,dragging me behind i tSearching in trash cans for foodbecomes an adventure.I notice everything,but nobody notices me.SamOJUha Hoover

    The old, rugged school house laid weary on the hillside,with the sun blaring down on the roof.The door hung crooked on its one rusty hinge,with the door knob projecting from the plane of thedoor surface.The leaning tree at its side, with a frazzledrope bearing the swinging tire.Leading to the opening, the dusty trailhad footprints of once frightened students.Walking up the trail one last timeI remember the freedom of being a student.Catrina Williams


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    Another Day, Another ProblemAnother day, another problem.Familiar strains of desperate needtickle my ears with song.Once again I must fly.Pavement rushes under meas my heart quickensand my head rings.The power rush of free flying tempts mymind to wander butthe knowledge of need screamslouder and louder.My direction bound to find it.My eyes dance as I see her there,wanting so much to be saved by me.As I swoop down to take her awayfrom the evil,the thrill of justice swellsand we go higher and higher.Her big trusting eyesgive thanks beyond measure.Another day, another problem.JillHoladay

    Man Walks 100 Miles - On His Hands!Legs straight, feet pointedOne step at a time.Arms straining, sweat forming,burning his eyes.Looking ahead and down again.Careful! Don't bend your waist!Back straight, cramps forming,pain spreading through every muscle.Blisters rising, blisters popping,blood showing through dirty brown bandage.Slowly relax one muscle at a time.Cramps and pain decreasing,actually going to lastRome is ahead, the smell ofspring grass and sweet grapesreplacing the dust and mudof the road.Sore hands, painful arms,pressure forming in his head.Not now! he screams.His mouth closed, no one hears.The pain grows stronger,copper taste in his mouth.Something sticky, dripping from his ears.Throbbing, pounding pain,blood pooled and piled too long.His nose now flows,his heart is straining.Collapsing, lying in the grass,blood pooling around his head.Just in time, bleeding slows.He opens his eyes, smiling.He survived 100 miles.Laura S. Culp


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    T.G. Smith ElementarySpringdale, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Patty HaysVisiting Writers: Derek Van Lynn, Cody Walker

    What A Tornado Tastes LikeTelevision, feathers from a pillowand dust mixing with lunatics onbicycles. It would taste like blacklicorice dipped in vinegar withBrussels sprouts.Ms. Hays' class poem

    What A Streetlight Tastes LikeLike rockpops sizzling and theelectricity soaring through me , goingdownthe highway when you look up, therethey are.Adam Cole

    6 1

    Barney SuffersThe hairy, green monster sneezedon me as loud as a brickfalling out ofa tornado.Wilbur the monster and I didbackflips all the way to Shoney'swhere we ate purple cardboard,Gak, and Diet Coke.We went to my job at thedogfood-flavored popsicle factorywhere we worked as Maniac Trainers.Wilbur ate a popsicle as big as theSears Tower and left hair on everything.We front-flipped home and foundBarney going door-to-door sellingvideo tapes.Wilbur gobbled his lips off so hewouldn't sing the "I love you" song.For fun we made Barney weartwo baby shoes with no soleson sizzling, lava-hot coals.We heard him say, "Mum-mumphmum."Ms. Hays' class poem

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    Michael Jackson is a Sea CadetI am Michael Jackson, I shoot myGun and dance wherever I go.I once swabbed the deck and theDeck was a wreck and then I saidHeck I can do this.I also march and march and marchwhere ever I go, I am a cadet and I'mproud of it.Roben Fitzgerald

    LoveLove is like a broken heart,Love tears people apart,Love is tears and sorrow.Love is like -- can I borrowa heart which is notbroken from the start.Brittainy Mcmullen

    How A Gas Station TastesTastes like the venom of a poisonoussnake. Like a burnt turkey. I t tastes likecupcakes without sugar or flour.Reid Lane


    Elvis PresleyThe beaded suit,it's too tight. My guitar's too heavyand my belly sags. No one will leave mealone.Some people think I'm dead, somepeople don' tMy hair's a mess I don't have a comb.Now, when I try to throw my scarf,it gets tangled on my neck and I almostchoke myself.Ryan Lane

    What A Comet Feels LikeA comet feels like a rock hitting my heada puff of wind or a stumped toe.Justin Looney

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    Turrell High SchoolTurrell, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Rebecca BaileyVisiting Writers: Roger Johnson and Susan Perabo

    ShoeIn a store I am what everyone looks at,I am the first thing people notice on other people,I am always getting walked on,The things I go through,The things I get put in,I get tossed around,then thrown away.To be replaced is inevitableby more expensive,by more glorious ..for they must go through the same.Kevin Newsom

    How to Know You're at MyHouse


    You'll hear the constant bickeringof the television,the sound of children playing,and the smell of food cooking.My Grandmother is cookingas I walk in the door.My aunt in the living roomvacuuming the floor.My uncle will be home soon;he is always grand,and as he passes by mehe says "Hey, what's up, man?"John Tyler

    Smells like a damp cold basementSounds like a dark night in a fieldTastes like a cup ofwaterFeels like a calm spring nightLooks like a dark jail cellKevin Wallace

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    SnailIn my world, everything's moving fastexcept me. I am nonnally the lastperson to do anything. Everything seems tozoom right by me. I've always wanted to doeverything that I've seen others do. All objects areso big to me no matter how near or far.That makes me feel down because I amquite small. I uplift my spirits by visitingothers like me, and we wonder how it wouldbe to be like someone else, but as far asI can tell, I would prefer to just be me,a plain old snail.Pauline Williams

    PantherI'm dark and sleek.I'm an animal of the night.I stalk my helpless preythe second they're in sightI kill at willwith the swiftness of a shot.Then leave the half eaten corpsein a barren field to rotKevin Wallace


    PianoI hear the footsteps and I wonder-Is she coming again?I feel her weight as she sits onthe bench, the weight on me liftingas she clears away the books andpapers strewn over me. Finally,she sits down.She begins her annoying poking,and I know there is only one wayshe will stop. So I sing, changingtone each time she pokes at me.The melody flows together, and,satisfied,she lifts herself off the bench, andreturns the books and papers.Letting ou t a low breath, Irest, relieved, and wait until shewill return to repeat the wholeprocess.Joseph Porterfield

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    How Do You Know You're At MyHouse?You see a beat up old school across thestreet,with the smell of the sewer in the air.There is a car and a truck parked in thegaragethat barely stick out at the end.There are two swings in the yard wherepeoplesit and drink coffee until the mosquitoesstarttearing you up.You hear a man and woman talkingbefore youeven go inside.The TV is blaring so loud that you don'tknow whatyour mom just told you to do.The house may be small, but it's cozyenough forthe three people that live there.MarlaMo"ow

    CoyoteI am a coyote. I'm scared ofanything that doesn't adapt to theway I live. My life is so veryhard to have. In the daytime,I sleep because of people and largeranimals I have to fight And atnight I wait until everything isreal quiet and then I go and catchmy prey.Jenny Wilhone

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    Umpire Middle and High SchoolsUmpire, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Carol PettigrewVisiting Writers: Margaret Dornaus, Elizabeth Oehlkers

    My BusdriverMy busdriver is making a left turn.He feels the steering wheel turning under his hands.He smells the scent of spring air coming through the open window.He hears the children laughing at someone's funny joke.He tastes a piece of candy that one of the children has given him.He sees a dog cross the road in front of him and puts his foot on the brake.He reacts with agility like a young antelope even though he is growing oldHe is thinking about his days in the Marine Corps.Gina Dowdy

    UntitledMy friend is getting ready for a basketball game.She feels her stomach tightening, and turning over and over with nervousness.She smells the sweat and anxiety in the room.She hears the cheers of the crowd as the opposing team runs outShe tastes the dryness in her mouth, as her team is getting ready to run outShe sees the basketball court, the crowd, and the girls on the other team.She is running around like a new-born calf.She is thinking about how proud everyone will be if her team wins.Jennifer Davis

    UntitledMy uncle is BoredHe feels trappedHe smells Ink from the penHe hears people chattering outside the officeHe tastes the cold leftover meat from last nightHe sees papers due todayHe raises his pen like a weary soldier ready for battleHe is thinking about the weekend and getting awayDaniel Kitchens


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    HomesicknessIt's like landing on Mars.You are surrounded by thousands ofaliens.It feels like you don't know anyoneand they're all staring at you.Jonathan Parsons

    This is Just to SayYou have stolen my heartwhichI don't want back.forgive meIt's Better in your handsJeremie Hicks

    This is just to sayI have stolen your thoughtsThat you were probablysaving just for yourselfForgive mebut I could see themThey were so interestingMichelle Kitchens

    HeroMy grandfather is fighting a fire.He feels extremely hot.He smells smoke that seeps through hishelmet.He hears the fire scalding the building.He tastes his sweat as it runs off his lip.He sees a child.He protects the child like a MotherKangaroo.He's thinking about the sun, the grass,and the things that he will allow thatchild to see agairi.Jeffrey Hicks

    Untitleddepends upon aSo much shady treewith a blanketcovered of leavesbesideus whenwe talkaboutourday.

    Jeffrey Hicks

    Hunting for Wild WordsI scurried out of bed.I wolfed down cold oatmealwith my fmgers.I flew like a falcon to Umpire Schooland broughtpoetry to lifelike flowers in a meadow.Group poem, 9th grade

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    West Memphis ChristianWest Memphis, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Loretta DaleVisiting Writers: Roger Johnson and Susan Perabo

    I f Michael Jordan was a DinosaurThey would have to make the gym and courthugeThey would have to build a skyscraperso the coach could talk to Michael.They would have to make safety beltsto hold you in your seatbecause whenever he ran down the courtthe whole gym would shake.Ellen Lehman

    DepressionDepression looks like dry wilted flowers.

    HI Were A FrisbeeI f were a frisbeeI might get pretty dizzy.I would be thrown higherthan you can play a noteon a trombone.If I were a frisbee I could flyfreely through the air.Yes, if I were a frisbee I could flyfreely through the air.Jessica Terral

    Depression smells like fog at a boat dock in the early morning.Depression tastes like unleavened bread because it's tasteless and makes you feel empty.Depression feels like not wanting to care about anything.Depression sounds like echoes that enter one ear and go out the other.Ketra Pokorski

    PainPain looks like a fresh cut football field.Pain smells like sweatPain tastes like a rubber mouth piece in your mouth.Pain feels l ike blood running down your arm.Pain sounds like the clashing of helmets.Daniel Jameson


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    I f a Slug Were a StarThen at dusk when all the dull grayslugs come outlittle children gaze up to findtheir dreamsBut only find dull gray slimein the horizon.But as their eyes fall from theupward sky,they find themselves amonga field ofglowing specks of hope.Which is where we all wouldlike to be.Bryan Runions

    Star KeyholeI f a star were a keyholewhat would be the key?What door would this unlock?You couldn't jump high enough to unlock it.People would have to fly by in airplanesto reach the door.Birds would try to peek through the starand pick it with their beaks.The lock could not be rustedbecause it rests above the rain clouds.Stacy Rogers

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    West Memphis High SchoolWest Memphis, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Arlee BruceVisiting Writers: Mary Beth Baken, Mark Lewis


    MiseryEnlightened thoughts alludedthe wicked terrorist driverin a destructive Lexusby a cautious owlwith a broken knuckle.Michael Pickering

    As the frustrated tiger stalks the whereabouts of his preyHe hears the reassuring lyrics of the deer's mating call.The dangerous creature silently creeps to the waterholeof a snow white fawn.The happy fawn, alone drinking, has committed infinite suicide.The animal pounces but turns away remembering some profoundpoetry it had neglected to readAnjuinHom

    AnticipationIn a triumphant crythe incomplete scissorsled by the flat tiredefeatedthe exuberant hangerand the flabbergast diaperby using rope as a weaponLori Ledbetter


    AcornDarkened eyes open into a world oforangeand green.The sound of rustling leaves and therhythmic swayingof the trees calm my sudden fears.The smell of autumn's approach perfumesthe airas the rhythmic rocking becomes a roarfalling, falling, I hit the floor of leavesawaiting the coming spring.Heather Baker

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    SuccessDueling in the exceptional houseof life, I see beautiful playgrounds fullof perfect bicycles, riding down the longroad to their destiny, dropping pure and magnificentwords along the way, never once glancingat their watch or tying their tennis shoes.lana Hallenmark

    Success is the red basketball landing in thenetAll the horrendous working like a dogfinally pays off.The girl not too slowly looks up in timeto see the net holding the balLSmile! Wipe away the flashy hair.You my sleepy pride have won.Trace Heitman

    Inside a CactusInside, the moist pulp surrounds my body.I can sense the presence oftourists who have never seen meand taste the blood of the fingers which have touched me.The sunlight beats on my arms asthey bend toward the sky.And the voice of the winds echo throughoutmy stems and veins of life.LarryMcCain

  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    Westside ElementaryWarren, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Marilyn JohnsonVisiting Writers: Darrend Brown and Michael Lippard

    Little Miss MuffetLittle Ms. Moffetsat on her tuffet, eatingher cake and breadAlong came a roachand sat down beside her.She looked up and screamed,"Stop eating my cake,you little fake!"Shauntina B.

    Three PigsI dont see why they wontlet me in their houses.It's not like I'm going to eatthem for dinner. I'm goingto eat them for lunch! Youpigs let me in!Trisha LaVoy Harding

    Donna Caren, The Fashion DesignerDonna wakes up in her cozysoft bed in her huge homein New York. She eats whole grainWheaties with Michael Jordanon the cover.She sets up her own fashionshow with Claudia Schifferand other famous models.She is starting her own fragrancethat smells of a new car at first,but then. with help of a scientist,smells of a beautiful countryside.After her fashion show, she goeshome and goes to bed in her cozy bed.AmberM. Miller


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    My Day for the NBA as Shaq!I wake up on an 8 ft. waterbed,Brush my teeth,get a Big Slam Pepsiand a 2 foot long sausageand biscuit, go to my carand my head pops outof my Corvette. Then I goto the Orlando Arena to playbasketball. Now I'm playingagainst the Chicago Bulls.I go in for the dunk.I tear the rim down.That's my life.Josh Bryant

    l\ly Dad is Cutting WoodMy dad is cutting wood.He feels the heat from the powersaw.He smells the burning of the wood.He hears the powersaw buzzingas it cuts the wood. He tastes the coldwater after he gets through.Jeremy McDougald

    Snow White, According to Sneezy"'Snow white, acheew, acheew, acheew, acheew!0 this sneezing is all I ever do. Snow White isbeautiful, just like her mother. Snow White, the beauty-there's no other. Snow White entered our housebecause the Queen was trying to kill herwith a mouse, poisoned her with an apple,so the Prince kissed her with Snapple.Marcia lillie

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    Wynne Junior High SchoolWynne, ArkansasFaculty Contact: Joyce GregsonVisiting Writers: Roger Johnson and Cody Walker

    I f Horses Were Water

    I f Books Were SurfboardsI f books were surfboards,no one would read at the beach.Surfers would give up theirboards and start to teach.Books could be polished andsurfboards read;Blonde dudes use commas andJudy Blume would be dead.Jonathan Narrett

    If horses were water, they would be hard to drink.It would be hard for plumbers to fix a kitchen sink.If you wanted to take a swim, you'd have to bring some reigns.People would ride water, instead of riding trains.I t would be hard to take water for a runbecause it might evaporate and be melted by the sun.Hannah Heath

    MathMath is like an endless tunnel of milk, you can never go by the number on the cover.Math smells like the old cans of oil at gas stations.Math sounds like your mom after she sees your report card.Math tastes like hospital food that has been left in the laundry room over nightSeomara Baxter


  • 7/30/2019 Crossing Arkansas by Dream (1993-1994)


    How I Got a PaddlingAs I was watching T.V. one dayAn electric shock came my way!I didn't die, I didn't cryI got sucked into the T.V. guide.There was Murder, She Wrote on at 7:00and Star Trek came on at 11 :00I met movie stars and super heroesI smelled gasoline and roses.The soap opera, though,was an adventure.I almost was crushedwith a huge thirst quencher.Thunder started crashing,lightning started flashing.In a Schwarzeneggerfilm there was head bashing.But then I woke upall in a flash.It's really embarrassingsleeping in class.Andy Reynolds

    Demon BonfireHorned beasts with tails and pitchforksHerding shadows into chambers with bolted doorsA giant forge of red hot iron with another beast at a giant anvilBeast casting spells over a fireThe fire burning higher and higherThen disappearing in a puffof smokeZach Hively

    The FrogDeep in the Amazon, just beside a treeI saw a frog