Silver Crown – Verse 1 Scripture Memory 4 Romans 3:10 Sword Challenge 4 Romans 3:10-12 Teaching: None Righteous As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Lesson: Sin is Our Problem – Salvation is Our Solution Read Romans 3:10. Sin is the problem between us and God. Why do people commit sin? (various answers) The base reason is because we were all born sinners. Our sin nature motivates us to commit sins. We disobey our parents, or be mean to our brothers and sisters, or cheat on a test, or be rude to friends or strangers because we are sinners. Remember, just because we do bad things does not mean we are a sinner. If that were true then we could stop sinning and be a perfect person! Each of us are called sinners because we were born with a sin nature. Since Adam and Eve sinned, every single person born is not perfect! That’s why Jesus came to die for our sins. We didn’t have a way to be forgiven until Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. Have you confessed your sins to God, asking for His forgiveness? In Romans 3:10-12, God makes it clear that sin is the problem, everyone has the problem, and there is no one that does true good. So, all people are in sin. All people need a Savior to release them from their sinful condition. Who is our Savior? (Jesus) Have you ever told anyone that Jesus is the answer to our sin problem? Would you be willing to? Ask God to help you. As you read Romans 3:10, listen carefully to the words. Sin is mentioned 250 times in the New Testament as “coming short” which means “failing or missing the mark.” We all have missed the mark of God’s standard for perfection. God uses many works to describe sin: unrighteousness, iniquity, transgression, or disobedience. Those are big words, aren’t they? Let’s see if we can figure out what they mean!

Crown Lessons for Verses.docxWeb viewSilver Crown – Verse 1. Scripture Memory 4Romans 3:10. Sword Challenge 4Romans 3:10-12. Teaching:None Righteous. As it is written, There is none

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Silver Crown – Verse 1

Scripture Memory 4 Romans 3:10

Sword Challenge 4 Romans 3:10-12

Teaching: None Righteous

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Lesson: Sin is Our Problem – Salvation is Our Solution

Read Romans 3:10. Sin is the problem between us and God. Why do people commit sin? (various answers) The base reason is because we were all born sinners. Our sin nature motivates us to commit sins. We disobey our parents, or be mean to our brothers and sisters, or cheat on a test, or be rude to friends or strangers because we are sinners. Remember, just because we do bad things does not mean we are a sinner. If that were true then we could stop sinning and be a perfect person! Each of us are called sinners because we were born with a sin nature. Since Adam and Eve sinned, every single person born is not perfect! That’s why Jesus came to die for our sins. We didn’t have a way to be forgiven until Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. Have you confessed your sins to God, asking for His forgiveness?

In Romans 3:10-12, God makes it clear that sin is the problem, everyone has the problem, and there is no one that does true good. So, all people are in sin. All people need a Savior to release them from their sinful condition. Who is our Savior? (Jesus) Have you ever told anyone that Jesus is the answer to our sin problem? Would you be willing to? Ask God to help you.

As you read Romans 3:10, listen carefully to the words. Sin is mentioned 250 times in the New Testament as “coming short” which means “failing or missing the mark.” We all have missed the mark of God’s standard for perfection. God uses many works to describe sin: unrighteousness, iniquity, transgression, or disobedience. Those are big words, aren’t they? Let’s see if we can figure out what they mean!

First, “unrighteousness.” Does anyone think they know what that means? Well righteous means not having any guilt or sin! Uh-oh! If that’s the case then unrighteous means having guilt and sin! I know all of us have sin, especially guilt.

Second, “iniquity.” Does anyone think they know what that means? Well iniquity means extreme injustice. Let’s say a police officer sees a teenager steal an old lady’s purse, but he doesn’t do anything about it! That would be iniquity.

Third, “transgression.” Does anyone think they know what that means? Well it means violating a law like going over the speed limit or even talking in line when your teacher told you to be quiet. It also means crossing a line that God has made.

Last, “disobedience.” I think we all know what disobedience means. That’s when we don’t do what someone told us to do. If mom or dad asked you to clean up your toys, but you kept on playing – that would be disobedience.

While there are many other words for specific sins, sin is always against God. You shouldn’t want to be against God. As a child of God, confess every sin immediately!

Decision for Action:

Let’s all pray right now and confess any sin that we haven’t ask forgiveness for yet. Don’t forget to thank God that He sent His Son to die so that we can be forgiven of our sin.

Silver Crown – Verse 2

Scripture Memory 4 Psalm 51:3

Sword Challenge 4 Psalm 51:1-3

Teaching: Sin Hurts Me

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

Lesson: Our Sins Can Be Forgiven Instantly

*For our lesson this week, we will follow the outline given in their weekly personal devotions. Using the same lesson outline occasionally will help their devotions to take on more significance.

Do you recognize one of the words from our verse that we learned about last week? That’s right—transgressions! Can you remember what it means? It means violating a law or crossing a line! Now the law that David is talking about in this verse is God’s law not man’s law.

Our verse is short but very powerful. Your sin will always be before you until you go to Heaven. “For I acknowledge” means to admit, to understand, or to confess. It means to recognize the authority of your life which is Christ, and it means to understand that the act of sin is against God. Nothing sinful can ever enter the presence of God or the glories of heaven. Learn now to acknowledge sin as sin and to confess it to God immediately!

“For I acknowledge my transgressions. . .” Let’s look at two important words: 1) The first word is “my.” Admit it’s your sin. The devil didn’t make you do it; you made your own choice. Therefore, you must make your own prayer of confession to God. 2) The second word, “transgression,” is used 97 times in the Bible, meaning to cross a line that God had made. Those “lines” are found in the Bible. It means to disobey (transgress) a command or law of God. Can you think of a command you have broken that you have never asked forgiveness for?

Our verse is true in your life whether you are 5 years old or 95 years old. Hide this verse in your heart! The final part of the verse is “my sin is ever before me.” Two thoughts: 1) Sin will always come before

your eyes. Every day you will be tempted to sin. 2) If you do give into the temptation, you need confess it immediately!

Boys and girls, what is the difference in being tempted and committing a sin? Is being tempted sinning? (no) Is giving in to temptation sinning? (yes) Remember, even Jesus was tempted by Satan during his forty days in the wilderness. If Jesus was a perfect human being, then being tempted cannot be a sin.

Let’s pretend you are taking a test at school and you cannot remember the answer to a question. You know the person beside you is super smart and he’s working on the same page as you are. You want to look over, but the Holy Spirit reminds you that cheating is wrong. Instead you fill in what you think the answer may be and don’t look at your friends paper. Is that sinning? (no) Why?

Let’s pretend you are playing outside with your friends. Your mom told you not to go down by the creek, but it’s hot outside and you really want to play in the water. You convince your friends to build a dam with the rocks in the creek. One of them is really smooth so you put it in your pocket to add to your rock collection at home. When it’s time to go home, you set the rock on your dresser; but when your mom comes into your room to tell you to go to bed, she sees the rock and asks you where it’s from. You don’t want her to know that you went to the creek so you tell her you dug it up in the back yard. Is that sinning? (yes) Why?

Decision for Action:

Read 1 John 1:9 with the Clubbers and remind them that we need to confess our sins as quickly as possible. End the lesson with a couple minutes of silent prayer allowing time for confession.

Silver Crown – Verse 3

Scripture Memory 4 Psalm 51:4a

Sword Challenge 4 Psalm 51:4-7

Teaching: Sin Hurts God

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Lesson: All Sin Is Against God

Quote your verse several times together: “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight.”

Boys, quote it first and then the girls. Quote it together loudly; then softer; then whisper the verse.

Your memory verse this week adds another strong reminder that all sin is against God. There is no sin so “small” or so “secret” that God doesn’t know. “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned.” King David

wrote this psalm after his awful, personal sin with another man’s wife, Bathsheba. David deserved God’s judgment, but he begged God for mercy (Psalm 51:1).

One day Amy (if Amy is the name of a child in your class or someone they all know, substitute for a different name) woke up and heard the rain beating against her window. “Oh no!” she thought, “No I can’t go to the park with my friend today!” Immediately she was in a bad mood. All she could do was think about how much she wanted to play but instead was going to be stuck inside all Saturday.

She stomped out of her room into the kitchen. “Good morning, sweetie,” her mom smiled while she pulled the fresh cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Amy stomped her foot and angrily replied, “It is not a good morning!” She stormed to the kitchen table. “And I don’t like cinnamon rolls! I hate them!” Her mom turned around and started “Amy, you listen. . .” But Amy interrupted her. “Why do you always have to make nasty cinnamon rolls?!”

Amy should not treat her mom this way! Her mom scolded her. “Excuse me, but is that how you should speak to me? One more outburst and you’ll be going back to your room!” Amy crossed her arms and slumped in her chair. Her mom brought over the cinnamon rolls and set one on Amy’s plate. “Mom!! I said I hate cinnamon rolls!” Amy picked up her plate and tossed the gooey cinnamon roll onto the floor. Her mom was very upset. “Amy! You go to your room right now! You do not speak to me that way! And you don’t throw your food on the ground!” Amy stuck her tongue out at her mom and stomped to her room. She flung herself onto her bed after slamming the door.

In this story, Amy was disrespectful to her mom. She was mean to her mom. The mean things Amy did hurt her mom, but do you know who was hurt more than her mom? God was. God heard everything Amy said and saw everything Amy did and it hurt His heart. Because Amy is saved, the Holy Spirt who lives inside her was very sad and soon convicted Amy of how mean and disrespectful she was. By the time Amy’s mom came into her room to punish her, Amy was already crying and asking her mom for forgiveness. After being punished, Amy and her mom both knelt by the bed while Amy asked God for forgiveness. God immediately forgave Amy!

Decision for Action:

Remind the Clubbers that every sin is against God whether in public or in secret. They should ask for forgiveness from Him often.

Silver Crown – Verse 4

Scripture Memory 4 Luke 5:24a

Sword Challenge 4 Luke 5:22-24

Teaching: He Is Able to Forgive

But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts? Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.

Lesson: The Only Savior of the World Is My Savior

First, let’s look at these verses in context.

Teacher note: If you have flashcards or flannelgraph or even a story book about the man being let down through a roof to be healed, use this illustration.

In Luke 5:17-26, we read of the story of a man who was sick of the palsy. Does anyone know what palsy is? It was a disease that paralyzed you! We know that this man could not move his legs because our story starts with our man lying in a bed with his four friends trying to figure out how they could let him see Jesus.

These men had to face a big problem. Jesus was inside a house surrounded by so many people that a single man couldn’t squeeze through the crowd to get to him. They started to brainstorm. Soon one of them came up with a “perfect” idea. “I got it! How about we climb up those stairs that lead to the flat roof. If we break off enough of the tiling, we could use some rope to lower him down into the room! Jesus couldn’t miss him!” The three men heartily agreed and one excitedly ran home to grab some rope. As soon as he returned, they started taking their sick friend up to the roof.

Dust began descending on the crowd inside; a couple men started coughing. Soon a bright light shone through the roof. “What is going on?!” “Is someone up there?” “Who would be crazy enough to break the roof?” The owner of the house tried to escape to the outside so that he could see who was breaking his roof, but the crowd only squeezed in more to see what was going on. Jesus smiled because he knew what was going on. He rose to his feet as the sick man was finally lowered into the room.

The sick man was so excited! He was in the presence of Jesus! All he wanted to do was bow down to worship him, but was stuck lying in his bed. The four men peered over the edge trying to see what Jesus would do. Jesus knew how much faith these five men had and he proclaimed, “Man, thy sins are forgiven thee!”

The Pharisees didn’t dare speak up but started thinking how could this man speak such blasphemies because only God can forgive sins!

Jesus read their minds and asked, “What reason ye in your hearts? Whether is easier to say, ‘Thy sins be forgiven thee,” or to say, ‘Rise up and walk?’” He then told the Pharisees our memory verse: “But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins.” He turned to the sick man and said, “Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.” Jesus had healed the man!

But what did Jesus do before he healed him? That’s right, He forgave him of his sins. Being sure that Jesus has forgiven us of our sin is much more important than not being sick.

Jesus healed a man with palsy, who was unable to walk at all. Immediately, he could walk and the palsy was gone. Just like Jesus healed the man of his earthly disease, He can heal us of our spiritual disease: sin! God can forgive your personal sins. He has “power upon earth to forgive” your sins. Would you ask for His forgiveness right now?

Decision for Action:

Have the boys and girls pray for someone they know who isn’t saved, making sure that each child has already accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Thank the Lord that he cared so much for our spiritual disease that he died for our sins.

Silver Crown – Verse 5

Scripture Memory 4 Hebrews 8:12

Sword Challenge 4 Hebrews 8:10-12

Teaching: God Completely Forgives

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Lesson: “In the Depths of the Sea”

“In the depths of the sea of God's forgetfulness Removed as east is from west Far away from all power and principality My sins are in the depths of the sea”1

What an amazing truth to remember! Let’s turn in our Bibles to Micah 7:19. This is a harder book of the Bible to find, so let’s quote our books of the Old Testament! Now what does this verse say? Why don’t one of you read it. “He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” This verse is where those lines from a song are from! Do you know how deep the ocean is? The deepest part is in the Pacific Ocean near Guam called the Challenger Deep. It is 36,200 feet deep! That would be like over 8,000 fourth graders standing on each other’s shoulders high! Wow! Humans can’t go to the bottom of the ocean because of how cold it is and because of the high pressure from the water above you!

Now let’s turn to Psalm 103:12. How about another one of you read this one. “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” That phrase is also in the song! Remember how transgressions is another word for sin that God uses? Well, how far is the east from the west? Do you know? Let’s think about it. What if he said “as far as the north is from the south.” If we travel due north, will we eventually go south? *Note: bring in a globe to explain this* Yes! So even if we started at the tip of the south pole and journey up the north pole, we would eventually start going south after traveling for 12,430 miles! But if we start going east, will eventually flip to going west? No we won’t! Wow! Our transgressions have been removed from us for infinity!

Let’s look at the verses to this song:

“Man has climbed every mountain, no matter how high He has conquered the planets from sky to sky 1 Phil & Carolyn Cross

But there is a place where man has not been And that's where my Lord says He's buried my sin

Gone are the shackles, gone are the stains I'm free from the bondage, free from the chains My sins are separated as darkness from dawn Praise God, I'm forgiven, my sins are all gone”

Boys and girls, how wonderful it is to know that after we ask forgiveness for our sins, God will forget them!

Decision for Action:

Ask the Lord to forgive your sins, and remember that because God has forgotten them, we don’t need to dwell on them! They are removed from us! Ask for help to overcome the sin and continue serving Him!

Silver Crown – Verse 6

Scripture Memory 4 John 14:17

Sword Challenge 4 John 14:17-19

Teaching: Holy Spirit in Me

Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Lesson: The God of the Universe Lives in Us

Isn’t it amazing that God actually lives in us after we are saved?! Because the Holy Spirit is in us, we have a special privilege. Instead of just having a conscience, we have the perfect God to tell us what is right and wrong. Let’s look in our Bibles for when the Holy Spirit first came to man.

In the Old Testament, the Pentecost celebration was for the Ten Commandments. If you remember, the Israelites were told to put blood on their doorpost so that they would not be punished by the tenth plague. And what was that day called? (Passover) And guess what happened forty nine days later? Moses gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments which is Pentecost! OK, let’s fast forward to when Jesus died on the cross. He died right before the day they celebrated Passover. Now, the disciples were at first scared, but Jesus promised that a Comforter would come after he ascended into Heaven. Forty days after Jesus rose again, he did ascend into Heaven. So where is the Comforter?

That’s when we need to look at Acts 2! The Jews were celebrating Pentecost which is for what? (The Ten Commandments) Many of the disciples were gathered together to celebrate, when “suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost!” Wow! Can you imagine what that must have been like?

What happens to us when the Holy Spirit lives in us? Let’s look at three Bible verses!

Turn in your Bibles to Romans 8:26 which says, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Let’s focus on the second half of the verse! Throughout our lives, we may go through hard trials. For instance, a family member may become very sick with cancer and it looks as if he may not make it. When we try to pray for him, our heart may be so broken and sad that we can’t say anything or just cry to God. But this verse tells us that the Holy Spirit understands us and is praying to God the Father for us and our prayer request!

Let’s look at another verse – Acts 1:8. It says, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” The Holy Spirit is going to help us witness! Have you ever felt a small whisper or a tug to go hand someone a tract or ask your friend to come to church with you? That was the Holy Spirit! Not only will He help you know who to witness to, but He will also give you the courage and the right words to say when you do go talk to that person! We don’t need to be afraid to witness. He is with you always!

Last, let’s look at the beginning of John 15:26. “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father.” See how Comforter is capitalized? That’s because Jesus is giving another name to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will comfort us! God gave Him to us because Jesus had to go back to Heaven to be with the Father. The Comforter will help us through hard times by giving us peace. He will help us remember the Bible verses we memorize which will help us make decisions, through trials, and more. He will help us say the right thing to other people who are hurting.

Decision for Action:

Let’s thank God for the Holy Spirit and be sure to listen to Him when he tells us to do or not do something. Remember to be listening for Him! Don’t shut Him out! If He prods you to hand out a tract or invite your friend to church, do it!

Silver Crown – Verse 7

Scripture Memory 4 Hebrews 11:6

Sword Challenge 4 Hebrews 11:5-7

Teaching: My Faith in God

By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Lesson: The Apostle of the Faith

Note: If you have the “Around the World Series: George Müller,” use this as another reference for this week’s lesson.

Boys and girls, this week we are going to look at a missionary who had great faith! Before we do, let’s read our verse again. “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Today, we are going to learn about someone who had great faith, and God rewarded him for it!

This man was called the “Apostle of Faith” because he trusted in only God for absolutely everything. His name is George Müller. During his teenage years, he did not serve the Lord at all. He cared nothing about God. But when he went to college, one of his friends told him of a meeting being held at a Christian’s house. Müller immediately wanted to join him. That first night, after reading the Bible, praying, and singing, Müller knew the Lord had been what he had needed.

In England, Müller became a pastor of a church, but would not let the members pay him a salary. He told them, “Forevermore I will ask no one but God.” In Teignmouth, Müller and his wife, Mary, only told God what their needs were. They would trust Him alone. God did test them, because sometimes food didn’t come; but in the end, God paid them more than church had offered! However, Müller didn’t keep this money for himself. After tending to their needs, they gave away the extra money.

At his second church, Müller heard of August Franke who had an orphanage. Almost like Müller, Franke didn’t accept a salary, but trusted God for all the funds to run the orphanage. Müller was inspired! In Bristol, England, he began an orphan ministry. Like he did at his churches, he only trusted God for the funds and never asked anyone for money.

One morning, after many children were under his care, the orphanage had absolutely no food for the children’s breakfast. They still set the table and everyone sat down. Müller started to give thanks for breakfast. “Dear Lord, we thank you for this beautiful morning. We thank you for all that you have done for us. Lord, thank for providing us with breakfast. Bless thi—“ Bang, bang, bang. “Bless this food to our bodies. Help us—“ Bang, bang, bang. “Help us to trust you more each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Everyone opened their eyes while Müller rushed to the door.

“Good morning, Reverend Müller!” It was the town’s baker! “Last night, while I was sound asleep, God just woke up! He told me to bake some bread for the little orphans. So I did! Here, Mr. Müller—here’s some loaves!” Mr. Müller took the overflowing basket of bread from the baker. All the children thanked the Lord as they received their breakfast. As Müller pulled out his chair and had almost sat down, there was another knock at the door.

This time it was the milkman! Right in front of the orphanage, the cart’s wheel had fallen off. The milkman needed to go get help to fix the wheel, but that meant leaving all the milk in the middle of the street with no one to make sure it wasn’t stolen. Instead of letting thieves use the milk, the milkman decided to give all of the milk to the orphanage. Now the children had a complete breakfast, a breakfast only supplied by God.

In his journal, Müller record 50,000 times God answered a specific prayer! He also noted that even when he was caring for 2,000 orphans, God never let any meal be over thirty minutes late! What great faith Müller had! He was able to care for a total of 10,000 orphans all because of his faith in God!

Decision for Action:

Let’s practice our faith in God! Pray specifically that God will do something in your life. Remember, don’t pray selfishly but for God’s will.

Silver Crown – Verse 8

Scripture Memory 4 Proverbs 3:5

Sword Challenge 4 Proverbs 3:3-5

Teaching: My Trust in God Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Lesson: Trusting Only God

Our verse tells us not to lean on our own understanding but to trust in God. Do you know why we can’t depend on our understanding all the time? (Because we are humans with a sin-nature) Because we are human, we have a finite mind unlike God’s infinite mind. What does infinite mean? ( limitless) We are stuck in the present time and can’t see into the future and hardly into the past. We only know what our senses tell us. God however is outside of time and knows why everything happens! That is why we need to trust Him.

Sometimes God is going to put us through trials, but we won’t know why until a long time after or sometimes not until we go to Heaven. Sometimes God will ask us to do things that don’t make sense, but that’s when we have to understand that He knows exactly what He’s doing and it’s always for His glory. Let’s play a game to show what I’m talking about.

Setup: Choose a child who is ok with being blindfolded, then choose either a leader or another child who the blindfolded child will trust. Have the rest of the kids stand up against the wall of the room, along with the child who will be blindfolded. Set a prize or snack in plain view so that if the child were blindfolded he could walk straight to it. Tell the child that after he is blindfolded, he needs to get that prize, but he needs to listen to the leader/other child for directions! Make a big ordeal out of blindfolding the child, elongate the process, have the children sing a song. While the blindfold is being tied, have the other leaders set up large obstacles in the straight path to the prize, ones the child will have to go around or jump or crawl under. After the blindfold is secure, start spinning the child to disorient him. When the leader starts giving instructions, have the other children try to convince him to do something else. The child has to trust the leader only! He may be confused as to why he’s doing all this weird stuff if the prize was supposed to be right there, the path uninhibited, but remind the other leader to keep telling the child to trust him! Once the child has reached the prize, allow him to take off the blindfold to see what he had to go through to get to the prize.

Ok boys and girls, let’s all go back to our seats so that we can talk about what just happened. The blindfolded child thought the way didn’t have any obstacle in it, didn’t he? That’s all he remembered seeing before he was blindfolded. That’s like us! We think we know how we are going to do something

or achieve something—that the path will be easy. But remember how the leader gave lots of crazy directions. Was the weird for you to do blindfolded child? But you still trusted the leader! Why did you? (because he could see everything) Right! He knew what was going on; he saw what you could run into or trip over!

This is just like God! We may think we know how to achieve something or go somewhere, but we have limited vision. We are blindfolded by our sin nature! That’s why we can trust only God! He may lead us through trials, blessings, or just crazy stuff but it’s because He loves us! He knows what we can handle and what we are capable of! Just like the blindfolded kid didn’t listen to rest of you, we need to listen to only God for direction.

Now, if we were to play this game again, I think the rest of you would be a bit more understanding when it came to trusting the leader’s directions! Why? (because we already saw what the other child went through. We know that there are obstacles that we couldn’t see at the beginning) Yes! We can learn from other Christian’s mistakes and gains! Let’s play the game again! [if you don’t have time to play again, then you don’t have to]

Decision for Action:

We need to trust God only! Trust that He knows best, and every twist and turn we take is for God’s glory!

Silver Crown – Verse 9

Scripture Memory 4 Proverbs 3:6

Sword Challenge 4 Proverbs 3:6-7

Teaching: He Directs My Path In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

Lesson: Jesus Will Help Us Through All of Life!

Boys and girls, God wants us to trust Him for our decisions we must make throughout our life. We look at a Bible story of a man who lived right in God’s sight, but lost everything. Do you know who it was? That’s right a man named Job.

Note: You can use a flannelgraph or flashcards for the story of Job.

We must understand that whatever comes our way in life, for good or bad, our Lord Jesus is there to help us.

When the devil attacked Job, he had nowhere to turn, but he quickly learned that trusting God meant to not give up when things look bad. Have you ever heard of anyone losing his whole family by death? Job is a good example of that. In just a short period of time, Job lost his whole family, all his animals, his servants and his home.

Does someone remember who attacked Job? That’s, it was the devil. Let’s read about Job. It’s the book right before the book of Psalm. Turn to Job chapter one, verse one. Read verse one. Now, let’s look at what he possessed. Read verses 2-3.

Teacher Note: In your own study of verses 6-12, summarize to your children the conversation between God and the devil. Emphasize verse 8, where God describes this man Job. Even Job suffered by being rejected by his family and friends. (vs. 13-20)

Job needed to learn to trust God when even his family didn’t understand. Sometimes, even God allows hard things in order to teach us a wonderful lesson.

Who can help me quote some of last week’s verses in Proverbs 3:5-6. (Ask them to join in as you begin.) “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

When faced with a problem, call out to God. The Lord God had lessons to teach Job.

Now, we see that Job, in the worst time of his life, turned to God, still trusting his Lord. Read verses 23-27. Nothing ever changed Job’s trust in God’s love.

Now, did God bring him out of his troubles? See the end of the story in Job 42:12-13; 16-17.

Boys and girls, thousands of years ago, your Lord and Savior was there to help this man named Job. The only difference between Job and us is time is that he lived then and we live now.

The Lord can lead us, guide us, card for our needs, and solve every problem for us if only we will trust Him like Job trusted Him. Are you willing to put your life into His hands?

Decision for Action:

End your lesson by reading Psalm 116:1-2. Ask children to make their commitment as in verse 1-2. End with a time of prayer.

Silver Crown – Verse 10

Scripture Memory 4 Psalm 27:1

Sword Challenge 4 Psalm 27:1-3

Teaching: Courage The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.

Lesson: The Lord Is the Strength of My Life

Have the key verse visually shown (poster board, marker board, overhead). To begin, quote the verse together twice. Ask one or two to quote the verse aloud without looking. Now, let’s all close our eyes and quote the verse together.

Briefly, let’s look at a Bible story that reminds us that God’s presence and help is fresh and new each day.

Teacher note: Read through this story from I Samuel 4:1-11; 5:1-5, 6-12, 13-21; 6:1-12, 13-21; 7:2-3. (This is for your own study).

At one time the nation called Israel was in battle with the Philistines. The Philistines were known for some of their people being quite different. What kind of people made this group different? (giants) That’s right there were many giants in their land.

Israel battled these Philistines then blamed the Lord for being defeated. In I Sam. 4:1-3, Israel became very superstitious. Some superstitions of today are don’t walk under a ladder, don’t step on the crack in a sidewalk, if you spill salt you have to throw it over your left shoulder, a black cat is bad luck. But Israel became superstitious in that they believed in good luck charms. Do you know about the cereal that has the marshmallows in it? All the marshmallows are supposed lucky charms! Some people carry a rabbit’s foot, a four leaf clover, or even a dirty sock they wore during winning games. But, for Christians, we don’t need a lucky-charm because we have God Himself to help us.

In verse 3 they decided to bring up the Ark of the Covenant to the battlefield (briefly describe the ark or bring in a replica or picture). The ark was a sacred object that symbolized God’s presence and power that we have from Him. They thought that somehow the ark on the battlefield would protect them. But a “thing” is only a symbol of that which is real and alive.

Our American flag stands as a symbol of peace and power of America. But soldiers don’t drape the flag around them and expect the bullets to bounce off. It’s a symbol that a whole nation stands behind them.

So, the Israelites put their trust in an ark to save them, rather than God. But, sometimes people today trust in object for “good luck.” We must remember it is God who helps us. We put our confidence, our trust in God the person!

“In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge,” Proverbs 14:26.

The Philistines were fearful of the ark of God; but God was angry with the superstitious Israelites, and allowed the Philistines to win the battle and capture the ark.

The Philistines took the ark to their land to the city of Ashdod and set it up beside a statue of their god, Dagon. Dagon was half-man, half-fish. The next morning, the huge stature had fallen on its face! So they fixed the god, and set him back up. But during the night God again made the statue fall on its face. This time the head and hands were broken off! There was only a stump of the statue left. Then the Lord punished the citizens of Ashdod with a disease. The people wanted to get rid of it, so they sent it from city to city and everywhere it went, God killed the Philistines. God wanted them to know that there was no power in the object, but the power was in the one, true God that the symbol represented. Finally the Philistines sent the ark back to Israel!

Samuel called for Israel to return to their one God (7:2-3). And the people did! They put away their gods and worshipped only the Lord.

If you are a Christian, your trust must be in God. Nothing happens through luck or lucky charms or by chance. You cannot change what God will do or let happen by a lucky charm in your pocket. Our trust is forever in the person of God.

When Israel turned back to God by admitting their sins, God gave them victory (7:10).

Decision for Action:

You tell me what our conclusion to this lesson should be for a Christian (allow kids to answer)

For a child without the Savior, the cross symbolizes what took place there, but the person of Jesus is who died for sin, and arose from the grave. He’s alive and waiting for us to admit our sin and come to Him.

Quote your verse together to conclude your lesson.

Silver Crown – Verse 11

Scripture Memory 5 Matthew 16:16

Sword Challenge 5 Matthew 16:13-16

Teaching: Christ Is God’s Son When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.


There are many religions today boys and girls who don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God! Let’s look at some false ideas people have about Jesus.

Some people believe that Jesus was only a human, and not God. Although they believe that Jesus was perfect and died for man’s sins, they do not worship Him. But let’s turn to John 10:30 to see if they are right. It says, “I and my Father are one.” If Jesus and God the Father are the same, then we should worship Him!

Some people believe that Jesus is just a spirit like Satan. They think that God is the Father of all spirits so we are all related to Jesus and Satan. That could not be true! Lucifer was an angel, remember? He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven along with one-third of all the other angels. They became demons. Now is Jesus just an angel? No! Let’s read Genesis 1:26 which says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Why didn’t God say “I’m going to make man in my image, after my likeness”? Because God is a trinity—three-in-one! Jesus was present at creation! John 10:30 says that Jesus is God, not an angel!

Some people believe that Jesus was a good man but did not raise from the dead. Today, if you have two or three witnesses of a crime, then someone can be proven guilty. That’s enough to send someone to jail for a long time! How many people saw Jesus after he rose again, after he resurrected? Over 500! Other historical facts that have been witnessed by over 500 people are never doubted to be true! We need never doubt that Jesus rose from the grave not only because 500 people saw Him, but because the Bible tells us He did!

We do believe that Jesus is the Son of God—100% God, 100% man. We need to make sure that we are telling others about our Jesus! Some boys and girls in the world believe false things about Jesus or don’t even know that He exists. We need to pray for them and be willing to go teach them about Jesus if God wants us to.

Decision for Action:

Let’s pray for boys and girls who are not being taught the truth and thank the Lord that He has allowed you to be in Club where you can learn the truth about Jesus.

Silver Crown – Verse 12

Scripture Memory 5 2 Corinthians 5:21

Sword Challenge 5 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

Teaching: To Be Sin for Us

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Lesson: The Scapegoat

Let’s thank the Lord that we live in the age of grace and not under the law! Back before Jesus died when the Israelites had to live under the law, God gave Aaron a special command. In Leviticus 16, we read about what a scapegoat is. Aaron, the high priest, was to bring two goats to the door of the tabernacle. One was chosen by the Lord for a sin offering and the other was to be a scapegoat to make an atonement.

What happened to the goat that God chose to be the scapegoat? After the sacrifices were made, Aaron would lay both of his hands on the head of the goat, confess all of the sins of the children of Israel upon it. Then a man will lead him into the wilderness to let him wander where no man lives.

The scapegoat was a visual representation of all the sins of Israel which they had committed in the past year being expelled from their camp.

Jesus was our scapegoat when He died on the cross. Let’s turn to 1 Peter 2:24. It says, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” Jesus took our sins upon himself just like the scapegoat took on the sins of the Israelite camp!

Jesus was the only one who could take our place because he had never sinned! That means that he was 100% God. God was the One condemning man, so God was the only One who could atone man. Jesus had to endure much more than a journey into the wilderness. He suffered much for me and you, so much that we can’t comprehend what He went through.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Saviour, you need to do that today!

Decision for Action:

Pray with the children thanking God for Jesus taking their place on the cross. Remind them that because He is risen, we can believe on Him as our Saviour.

Silver Crown – Verse 13

Scripture Memory 5 1 Peter 2:24

Sword Challenge 5 1 Peter 2:21-24

Teaching: He Bore Our Sins

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Lesson: Red on the Outside – Dark on the Inside

Boys and girls, at the end of our lesson today, I’m going to give this apple to the boy or girl who sits up the straightest, keeps their hand in their laps, and doesn’t talk! Be sure to be on your best behavior.

Note: Illustrate how sin is inborn in every person by the following story. As you cove the main thoughts below, share it by picturing the beautiful apple, trees, the ugly worm, etc. Draw and color a nice apple, or bring to class a bright picture of a red apple. Bring also a beautiful red apple.

In the spring as the sun shines daily and the trees begin to bud, the beautiful apple trees blossom. What a beautiful flower and fragrance we have from these trees. Soon, however, the blossom fades and drops to the ground. If you look closely, a tiny tender bud is beginning to grow right where the blossom was before. At this time, it is green and tender.

Sometimes, a small fly will discover that this is a great place to lay an egg, which will later grow into something big and brown. It plants the egg in the bud. The bud is actually the beginning of a small apple. The sun shines, the days get warmer, and day by day the bud grows. Now, if you look carefully, you may see that the bud is beginning to look like a tiny apple. Into the spring and summer the tree receives the rain and the sun while the apple grows.

But what happened to the egg? It’s still on the inside. The egg has now hatched into a tiny worm which is eating and living off the inside of the apple. On the outside, the apple looks good and pretty, but on the inside, a dark brown tunnel is forming.

Boys and girls, that’s just like sin. Sin is on the inside. We’re born with sin.

Farmers spray their crops with powder to keep the flies and worms away from their apple trees. That’s why we hardly ever find an apple with a worm on the inside anymore.

But sin in our lives can’t be sprayed away or washed away. It’s on the inside. Only Jesus can change the inside. That’s why He had to die for our sins.

Use 1 Peter 2:24 to show Christ dying to cleanse our sins.

Decision for Action:

Once your story is finished, be sure to emphasize how Jesus alone can cleanse us from our sin. Allow for decision time.

Silver Crown – Verse 14

Scripture Memory 5 1 Peter 1:15

Sword Challenge 5 1 Peter 1:15-16

Teaching: God is Holy

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Lesson: Set Apart

Our verse for today tells us to be holy. Do you know what holy means? Yes, it means sacred or set apart. In verse 16, God is telling us to be holy just like He is holy. If we were to just skim over this verse, we might get discouraged by thinking that God must be requiring that we have to be perfect like Him. And we all know that because we are humans, we cannot be perfect with our sin nature.

Would God command us to do or be something that is completely impossible? No! God is not requiring that we be perfect, but something else. Remember that holy means “set apart.” God is set apart from our sin-cursed world and fallen man. Just like Him, we should be set apart from the world. There should be a distinct difference.

Let’s look at the verse again: “So be ye holy in all manner of conversation.” When we think of the word conversation, we see two friends sharing a popsicle talking about their favorite subject in school. Yes, our literal conversations should be different from the world, holy. But conversation in the Bible actually means “one’s conduct” or “way of life.” That puts this verse in a much larger context. We are to be holy in every area of our lives.

Turn in your Bible to Daniel 1. In verses 3-20, we find the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to eat the king’s meat and instead eating vegetables and water. They were setting themselves apart from the world. The eunuchs who were caring for all the captive children from Israel were worried that these four boys would look sickly because of a lack of proper nutrition. However, God

blessed them for their obedience. At the end of the ten days Daniel asked to be fed like this, they were healthier than the others.

Although it may be hard to stand out and be different, know that the Lord sees you! He is also with you to help you. Let’s think of some ways we can be holy in our lives! [Ask the Clubbers for some example but you can also name a few to get their minds thinking. Do make sure they come up with some] Here’s a small one—how about instead of waking up on Saturday morning to run to the TV to play video games you study your Bible. Maybe go over what the pastor preached last Sunday or memorize some verses for Club. What about this one—instead of spending your whole day off playing, you help out with bus visitation for a couple hours or help your parents with projects.

There are so many ways that we as Christians can be set apart from the world. However, you can’t be set apart from the world if you aren’t close to God. Think of it as a bridge over a ravine. One side is God; the other side is the world. If you walk closer to God, then you are automatically farther away from the Lord; but if you walk closer to the world, then you are farther away from God.

Decision for Action:

Have the boys and girls purpose in their own hearts to strive to be holy, like the four Hebrews.

Silver Crown – Verse 15

Scripture Memory 5 Psalm 145:17

Sword Challenge 5 Psalm 145:17-19

Teaching: God is Right and Just

The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.

Lesson: Blessing in Disguise

Sometimes we go through things in life that we don’t understand. Maybe a grandma or grandpa dies. Maybe your brother or sister get very sick. Maybe you just get stuck in traffic and miss half of the sports game. Or even you accidentally left your homework at home and get in trouble at school. You begin to wonder why God let that happen in your life, but remember that our verses said that He is righteous and holy in his ways and works.

Turn in your Bible to Isaiah 55:8. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”

Out in the West many years ago, a farmer had been working hard all summer. He grew many grains and also had an expansive garden. Farmer Gray’s family also helped him every day—his three sons and one daughter. All of them were teenagers now. In late August, Gray and one of his sons were finishing up the wheat harvest.

“Well, son, I think that about does it. Hurry up and open the barn door. We need to haul the rest of these crops in!”

His son ran ahead of his dad, and pulled open the tall red door. Every time he peeked inside, and wide smile grew on his face. This had been the best harvest yet! Wheat, barley, rye, corn—all the crops filled the barn almost ready to be shipped out and sold. The thirteen-year-old grinned even more; Christmas would be magnificent. Think of all the present his parents could buy with the extra money!

The father and son slammed the doors shut, waved to Jenny in the garden, and rushed inside. The wind was beginning to pick up. Jenny was seventeen years old; she always worked the garden. She and her mom had practically become gardening pros. They could only pick a few vegetables here or there because most of them weren’t ripe yet. They wouldn’t be ripe for at least three more weeks.

Her dad leaned out the open window. “Jenny! Hey, Jenny! I forgot my coffee mug in the barn. Run over and get them, would ya?” Thunder rolled across the open fields and reverberated against the barn walls. Thankfully a couple lanterns were lit in the barn already. Jenny easily found the mug sitting on a stool. As she turned around to bring it back inside, she accidentally tripped over a pitchfork lying on the ground.

“Oof!” She lost her balance and tumbled into the dirt. Rubbing her elbow, she stood back up, and grabbed one of the lanterns. Having the light close to her meant she couldn’t possibly trip over something again.

As she reached the door, she set the lantern on the ground and ran back into the house. Little did she know that some hay was sitting too close to the lantern. Soon there was fire. It spread quickly, reaching the dry barn door which quickly burst into flames. No one noticed.

The family all bowed their heads and thanked the Lord for dinner, ignoring the flames that leaped into the sky and threatened to disintegrate all of the family’s grain. Another clap of thunder. The rain began to drip onto the tin roof then rapidly transformed into a downpour. While washing the dishes, Jenny peered out the window to inspect her garden. It was exactly what she had feared. There was too much water in a much too little amount of time. The dirt along with the crops were being washed away.

“Dad! Look!” Her dad rushed to the window and saw what was left of the washed out garden. Oh no! he thought. The garden is food for our family! Still the rain did not cease come bedtime. The family fell sound asleep during the long storm.

Sun peeked through Farmer Gray’s window, waking him up from his peaceful slumber. Hearing the rest of his family rising to go do their chores, he gulped down the rest of his coffee. Walking through the creaky screen door, he sighed at ruins of a garden. At least half of the vegetables had been washed away. He trudged toward the barn while staring at his old work boots, making a mental note he should buy some new ones for next year. As he raised his head, he hand flew to his mouth. The whole front of the barn was as black as night. “Fire!” he screamed! He sprinted to the door and flung it open. Tears started streaming down his face. None, none of the grain was scorched. His children rushed in to join him, each suddenly coming to a halt and staring mouths agape at the untouched crops.

“The storm—the storm saved us,” Jenny picked up the lantern which had started the fire.

“No,” her dad wiped his cheek with his rough hand. “No, Jenny. God saved us. What a blessing in disguise.”

Decision for Action:

Explain how even though at first what God allows to happen may seem confusing or harmful, but He always knows what He is doing. Make sure they know that sometimes God may not give us an explanation, but we still must trust Him.

Silver Crown – Verse 16

Scripture Memory 5 1 John 4:7

Sword Challenge 5 1 John 4:7-9

Teaching: Love One Another

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

Lesson: Show Love and You Show Jesus!

Methods and Techniques:

This week, could you tell of a long-term love of friendship you have with someone, perhaps someone you grew up with and still keep in touch to this day. From your heart, share what a long-term expression of love each has given through the years.

To keep attention well, add in the changes since your childhoods, your family, travels, children, and yet that love for each other as a friend. You could even bring in some pictures or momentos

Ask for a show of hands of those who have a good friend right now. Bring up two girls, for example, and relate what the years may bring. “Now here’s Sue. When she is 55 years old, she will have had five children, a husband who makes lots and lots of money. They live in New York City. They have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 turtles, a parakeet, and 2 hamsters. Julie here is her friend. When she’s 55 years old, she will have had 15 children, 6 hound dogs, and lives in the Tennessee mountains in a four-room cabin. Now, they are so different. Why should they still be friends? (allow answers) The real question is why not? Does location change your love for someone? Does money?”

Talk about genuine love for others through good times and hard times. Now, turn their attention towards Christ’s love for us--even through His good times and bad times.

“Turn to Romans 5:7-8. ‘For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’ Let’s also look at John 15:13. ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’

“How about we think through these verses. The verse in John tells us that the greatest love we can have for someone is that if we are willing to die for our friend. Our friend is someone who is nice to us and loves us too! But the verses in Romans tells us that it’s rare for someone to be willing to die for a good person. To Christ, we are sinners, full of what God hates. If it’s rare for a friend to die for a friend, think of how impossible it seems for a friend to die for someone that he despises. Think of how much greater the love Christ had for us because we were sinners and not His friends!

“Because Christ showed this amazing love to us, shouldn’t we show love to others?”

Decision for Action:

Ask again, at your age, how can you show love to one another? Read your verse again. Ask your students to read it with you.

Silver Crown – Verse 17

Scripture Memory 5 Ephesians 2:4

Sword Challenge 5 Ephesians 2:4-6

Teaching: God Is Merciful

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:


Are mercy and grace the same thing? No. Well, then what’s the difference? Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve and grace is God giving us what we don’t deserve. Let’s search the Bible for examples of mercy and of grace.

In Exodus 32, Moses went up Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God. However, the children of Israel thought he was taking too long. After Aaron formed a golden calf, the Israelites worshiped it. God knew what they were doing and told Moses to leave Him alone so that He could kill all of them. Moses intervened for the Israelites, praying that God would not kill them. God showed mercy in that He gave them a chance to repent of their sins. Those that didn’t were killed, and the others were struck with a plague. They all deserved death, yet God showed mercy.

Let’s look at an example of grace. Turn to Luke 15. In verses 22-32, we find the story of the prodigal son. He had taken his share of inheritance from his father and wasted it all. After working in a pig pen and stooping to wanting to eat the slop, he decided to go back home to be a servant. Being his father’s servant is what he deserved. Yet what did his father do? Look at verses 22-24. “But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.” His son received what he did not deserve!

Have you every experience grace or mercy in your life from your parents, friends, or teachers? (Allow for answers)

Anne was adopted out of foster care. The family she lived with before her adopted family would go on vacation to the beach twice a year; however, her foster parents would leave Anne with a family friend while still bringing their biological children along. Because Anne had grown up in Kansas, she had never seen the ocean but always wanted to.

One evening she told the story to her adopted family after living with them for three years. Her parents and two sisters loved her just as if she was born into the family. Her dad immediately scheduled a beach trip on the Gulf of Mexico for the whole family that spring break. He tried to keep it a surprise, but Anne’s mom couldn’t keep it a secret! Anne and her sisters found out a month before they would leave on vacation.

That’s when Anne started acting horrible. She would leave her room a mess, say dreadful things to her sister, and lash out at her parents. When her dad confronted her about it, she crossed her arms. “What, are you not going to take me to the beach now?” Even though her dad wanted to threaten her that if she didn’t behave then no she couldn’t go. Instead her asked her a question. “Are we going on this vacation as a family?” She nodded. “Are you apart of our family?” She nodded. “Then you are still going to the beach with us.”

Her dad hoped that her behavior would improve, but it did not. She was worse than before. Finally the day to leave came and she caused so much trouble in the car and at the hotel that night. The next morning, they all got into the car and twenty minutes later were stepping onto the bright, white sand. Anne rushed toward the next wave that was crashing in. She giggled with excitement. The family played and relaxed together all day.

Worn out from the sun, Anne snuggled in her soft bed at the hotel after washing all of the sand off. Her dad sat at the foot of the bed and brushed her hair out of her face. “Did you enjoy your first day at the beach?” Anne grinned and buried her face in her pillow. Her dad chuckled and continued to rub her head.

Soon Anne met her dad’s gaze. “I did.” She paused and sat up. “Dad, I didn’t get to go to the beach because I was good and behaved. I got to go because I’m just your daughter.” They both gave each other a big hug.

Clubbers, do you understand how beautiful of a picture this is of grace? Even though we heart God’s heart and continue to sin, He still loves us and gives us grace because we are His children!

Decision for Action:

Thank the Lord for His grace. Remind the children that they are not to abuse the gift of grace.

Silver Crown – Verse 18

Scripture Memory 5 Mark 12:30

Sword Challenge 5 Mark 12:29-31

Teaching: Love the Lord Thy God

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Lesson: God Always Comes First

This verse is similar to the same verse in Deuteronomy 6:5-6. “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart.” This thought in Deuteronomy was written approximately 1405 B.C. Even fourteen hundred years before Christ was born, the Lord God expressed Himself about our need to love Him.

Remember the Bible story about Joshua? He was Israel’s courageous leader. But let’s remember when it was near the time of his death. He had seen God do miracles for forty years.

Do you remember some of the miracles? What was the sea that God divided so Moses could lead over a million people to safety? What did God float down from the sky each day to keep them from starving? How did God take care of their shoes and clothes? (You can add some more questions)

Joshua 24:23 was Joshua’s final plea to them: “Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incline your heart unto the LORD God of Israel.”

All together, the people made a promise to love and serve God instead of the idols (false gods) that the Canaanites worshipped. (Read Joshua 24:24)

Joshua reminded them of their promise. (Read Joshua 24:25-27)

Soon, the Israelites broke their promise again. (Judges 1:21) Their command from God was to drive-out all of the enemy from the land which God had given them. But look what happened.

In verses 27-33, we read that many of the tribes didn’t completely get rid of all the enemies.

After they had promised God to love Him with all their heart, they became close friends with the enemy. The enemy didn’t even believe in God. Soon they were back again, worshipping idols. Other gods (who were not gods at all because they were not real) had taken the place of the one true God Almighty.

When you were first saved, you loved God with all your heart. But if we are not careful, other people and other things will take up all our time. God reminds us to be careful!

Perhaps you look at your devotions now, and usually say, “Some other time,” or “I’m too busy right now.” Maybe something as big as your personal time with God is not as big as it used to be. “Be careful,” God says.

Together, let’s quote our verse: Mark 12:30. Which commandment did God say this is? Right! It is the very first command. To be true and loyal in your love for God means that you are true and faithful to the one you love. Jesus deserves every minute per day we could possibly give to Him!

In Judges 2:4-5, the people wept and made sacrifices to God, trying to prove their love. But when their leaders died, the people forgot their promise of love for God and returned to worshipping idols again. (Judges 2:7-13)

God became angry because His people were worshipping something that did not even exist. Praying to a god that did not exist meant there would be no god to hear or to ever answer. The true God (our God) could have brought blessings to them if they would have loved Him. It grieves (hurts) the heart of God when He cannot bless us because we won’t allow Him to.

How can we always love the Lord our God?(1) Stay close to the Lord by praying and studying His Word.(2) Do not become close friends with unbelievers.(3) Prove your love through obedience.

Decision for Action:

Ask for a prayer time for children to tell God how much they love Him. Confess any unbelief or disobedience. Make your prayer aloud of your own commitment in order for some children to know what to say to God.

For the unsaved child, their first prayer is to ask Jesus Christ to save them right now.

Quote your verse with the children twice as you close.

Silver Crown – Verse 19

Scripture Memory 5 2 Timothy 2:15

Sword Challenge 5 2 Timothy 2:14-16

Teaching: Study God’s Word Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Lesson: How to Study Your Bible

Note: Print out a copy of the page at the end of the lesson so that they can fill it out and use it as a template when they study the Bible on their own. This lesson will be in outline form so that it will follow the handout.

Supplies: Bible, notebook, pen or pencil

Make up your mind that you will study the Bible every day. Once you decide that you will study your Bible, you have to keep up with it. Nothing can interfere with your time with God! You could set aside time at night or in the morning. The best thing to do is after you finish your devotions for Club, decide to study the Bible.

Make up your mind that you will study and not skim. It can be too easy to decide to read a chapter a day, but instead of studying the chapter, you just skim over it or zone out. Before you open your Bible, pray that God will keep you focused and let you learn something!

Ok now look at your papers. Let’s go through the outline and I’ll give you the words that you need to fill in. Let me know if you need me to repeat it or how to spell it.

1. Study the Bible by topics. If you decide to study by topic, make sure you have a Bible with a good index. (Have a Bible with an index to show them)

a. Be systematic. Don’t randomly choose a topic every day, but make a list of those you want to study and choose one per week. If you are sad a lot, study joy! If you have a bad attitude, study peace! If you feel lonely, study love! There’s so many topics you can choose.

b. Be thorough. This goes back to not spending only one day on a topic. If you find out that you want to learn more about a topic and it takes longer than a week, then go for it! This is God’s Word; get as much as you can out of it!

c. Be exact. Sometimes in the KJV, words don’t mean the same thing as they do today. You could search biblical definition for a word in a verse or ask your parents for some help. Even I could help you with making sure you know the true mean of a verse.

*You can use your Discovery Bible Booklets as suggestions for topics!

2. Study the Bible by chapters.a. Select the chapter. You could start by choosing a book of the Bible then tackling it

chapter by chapter.b. Read the chapter twice. Remember, you don’t want to skim. Maybe read the chapter

out loud once, then in your head. Really focus on the Bible!c. Write down important facts. Note the people in the chapter and see what happens to

them. Are there any lessons they learned? d. Choose the best verse. Choose a verse that spoke to you while you read the chapter.

Then write down the reason why it is important.e. Find topics for more study. If you read something that you hadn’t heard of before, or

see a new place, or person, write it down so that you can study it out later.f. Write down the new truth. What did God teach you through this chapter? Is it positive

or negative? Is it about how you should treat others? Did it change the way you look at God?

3. Study the Bible by verse. You could choose the verse you are memorizing for the week or one you heard in a sermon. Maybe choose one verse in Psalms or Proverbs or even the Sword Challenge for the week.

a. Read. b. Rewrite. Write out the verse once, even twice.c. Restate. Write the verse in your own words, as if you were explaining it to a friend.d. Relate/Reveal. Now begin to pray that the Lord will show you something in the verse.

Reread it a couple times to see what truth this verse is holding. Does it remind you of something you’ve gone through or of a story in the Bible?

e. Respond. How is this verse going to affect your life? Are you going to stop or start doing something?

Improve spare moments in Bible study. If you have a device that you can download a Bible app on or even a pocket sized Bible, bring it with you! Whenever you’re waiting in a line or sitting in the car, take out your Bible! You could even copy your memory verses on a 3x5 card so that you can study them where you go.

Decision for Action:

Make sure all the children have all of the blanks filled in. Let them ask questions if they have some. Have everyone pray that the Lord will help to stay faithful to studying His Word.

HOW TO STUDY YOUR BIBLESupplies: Bible, notebook, pen or pencilMake up your mind that you will study the Bible every day.Make up your mind that you will study and not skim

1. Study the Bible by ______________.

a. Be ____________________.

b. Be ____________________.

c. Be ____________________.

*You can use your _________________________________________________ as suggestions for topics!

2. Study the Bible by _______________________.

a. Select the _______________________.

b. Read the chapter _________________.

c. Write down important _____________.

d. Choose the best ___________________.

e. Find ________________ for more study.

f. Write down the new ________________.

3. Study the Bible by ______________.

a. _______________________.

b. _______________________.

c. _______________________.

d. Relate/_________________.

e. _______________________.

Improve _____________________________________ in Bible study.

Silver Crown – Verse 20

Scripture Memory 5 Luke 24:47

Sword Challenge 5 Luke 24:46-48

Teaching: Preach in His Name And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things.

Lesson: Preaching the Gospel

Use this lesson to highlight missionaries your church supports. Bring in enough prayer cards so that each child can have one for the project. Also print out an outline of the countries where the missionaries are serving. Do not label the countries but have them all hanging on the chalkboard or something of the like. Bring a wide variety of crayons, colored pencils, and markers. Also have scissors, tape/glue, and other craft supplies.

When the children come into the room, hand them each a prayer card. Go around the table, asking each of them to name the family and what country they are reaching. Then allow them to get the country from the board that matches their prayer card. Instruct them to place the country on top and make sure to keep it secured in the same place (you can use tape if it you tape the paper outside of the country to the back of the missionary card. With the scissors, they need to cut the card to fit with the whole or part of the country.

Tape the card to the country (or glue) then decorate the rest of the country with the craft supplies. Then give them each a piece of notebook paper and allow them to write a note to the missionary. (Alert your church secretaries that they will have a letter to be mailed with the support check for that month).

Once everyone is finished, allow them to take the craft home, but keep the letter to mail out. “These missionaries are going to foreign countries to do what? Preach the gospel. Yes! Now let’s all read our verse together. ‘And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.’ These missionaries are following exactly what Jesus commanded. They are giving their lives to preach “repentance and remission” to the nations!

“But, you know, the United States (insert your country if you are not in the US) is also a nation. We should be following God’s command as well. What’s a couple ways for us to witness? Handing out tracts, bus visitation ,etc.”

Decision for Action:

Pray popcorn style, allowing each child to pray for their missionary and the country. You conclude the prayer, asking that God will give them opportunities and courage to also preach the gospel.

Silver Crown – Verse 21

Scripture Memory 6 1 Corinthians 1:18

Sword Challenge 6 1 Corinthians 1:17-19

Teaching: Preach the Cross

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.


How thankful we should be for the cross! Tonight, we are going to look at a couple of places in the Old Testament that talks about Christ’s death. We normally read the Gospels to learn about Jesus’ death, but let’s turn to Isaiah 53 first.

Let’s all read verses 3-5. “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Then down in verse 9, we see a bit about Christ’s burial: “And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death.” Isaiah prophesied Jesus’ beating with the whip and that he would be buried in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb.

Now let’s go to Psalm 22. Look at verse 1: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Remember when Jesus said that? It’s in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. Now look at verse 16, the last part: “The assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and feet.” Then in verse 18, David prophesied the Roman soldier’s casting of lots over Jesus’ clothes: “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.”

Turn to Psalm 41. Remember when Judas betrayed Jesus? At the Last Supper, Jesus said that whoever would dip “his hand with [Him] in the dish, the same shall betray [Him].” Well, Judas Iscariot was the when who dipped the bread at the same time as Jesus; he rushed out of the house to go get the Pharisees. Now let’s look at Psalm 41:9. “Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.” What a prophecy of Judas’ betrayal!

There are more references in the Old Testament which refer to Jesus’ death but those three are the only we will look at tonight. Let’s see how well we know the story of Christ’s death. I’m going to go through the story, asking you for the details.

Note: You can use flashcards, another story of Christ’s death, or just one of the Gospel’s passages of Christ’s death. Begin to tell the story, stopping often to let the children finish the story until His resurrection.

Decision for Action:

Thank Jesus for the cross and pray for opportunities to preach the cross just like the verse commands.

Silver Crown – Verse 22

Scripture Memory 6 Romans 6:12

Sword Challenge 6 Romans 6:11-14

Teaching: Refuse Sin

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Lesson: Christ Can Lead Me – Not Sin!

How many of you have ever ridden atop a beautiful horse before? It’s a big responsibility, isn’t it? The horse is bigger than you, stronger than you, and sometimes more stubborn than you. But usually, with those small reins in your hand, he will start, stop, go left, go right, based on how you hold the reins. You are actually in control of this powerful animal that may be 4-5 times larger than you.

In our lesson today, our verse says, “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.” God is reminding us of just how powerful sin is. Sin can have its reins on you, commanding you to go here, go there, do this and do that, look at this or think about that. Sin can be in complete control of you, just like you can be in control of a large horse.

Note: Bring in a remote controlled car for the next illustration. For added effect, set up an obstacle course for the car to run through. You will need two adults to help (or you can use yourself as one of the adults).

Here’s another example. Let’s pretend that this car is you as a Christian. This leader will represent sin, and this leader (or yourself) will represent God. (Set the car at the beginning of the course). For now, you are being rebellious against God and decide to give the remote control to Sin. Remember, you decide who can have control. (Have the lead who is sin, use the remote control constantly running into the obstacles, going the wrong way, and “damaging” the car). Boys and girls, this looks horrible! This is just an example of what Sin can do if it is allowed to control your life.

After being so beat up, you confess your sins to God and better your relationship with him. You decide to give God the control. He allows you to start with a clean slate. (Set the obstacle course back up and hand the controls to the leader who represents God. He will effectively guide the car through the whole course without any damages. You may want to let him practice a couple times before Club, especially if you made the course difficult). See how following God’s will in your life will allow to make it through the tough times, and the Christian life in general?

Note: If there is extra time after the lesson, you can allow the children to have a turn, seeing how hard it is for them to do it perfectly by themselves.

Decision for Action:

Have the children confess their sins before the Lord so that it will not keep a control on them. Ask God to give them guidance for their Christian walk.

Silver Crown – Verse 23

Scripture Memory 6 John 10:29

Sword Challenge 6 John 10:28-30

Teaching: In God’s Hand And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.

Lesson: The Christian Is Safe in God’s Hand

Note: For this lesson, you will need a helium balloon on a string and a small object that will fit in your closed hand.

Ok boys and girls, tonight we are going to use this balloon as an example of God. But how is that possible? Do you have any ideas? Allow answers.

To figure out what this lesson is about, let’s all read our verse together.

Let’s pretend that you are a balloon. You are full of life, like the balloon is full of air. You have the freedom to move anywhere in the world simply because you are free. You could go anywhere in the world that you want to go, but you don’t because you know it wouldn’t be safe. For example, you don’t grab your parent’s car keys, and drive around our town because you know that it would not be safe. You are like a balloon that is free to go your own way.

Think about a balloon without a string, it would fly up into the sky and be lost. The balloon needs its string to keep it safe and grounded. You need people in your life, like your parents and Sunday school leader, to guide you and keep you safe in life. The string that the balloon is attached to is like the people in your life that you need to keep you safe and close to God. Like the balloon, you are still free to move and do as you please, but they keep you away from danger.

Last, we have the hand that is holding the string that is holding the balloon. This hand is like God’s hand. If the hand lets go of the string, the balloon will be lost. Without God holding us and keeping us where we need to be we would also be lost. The Bible teaches us that God is our strength. We cannot do anything without him.

Remember, the balloon is fragile and could easily pop if it floats too high in the atmosphere or hits something sharp. We should be thankful that God will never every let go. He has wrapped that string around his hand so many times, knotted it, and hold it with two hands. Absolutely nothing could take it out of his hand. (Demonstrate how tight God’s grip is with the balloon).

Now here’s another example. This little object is you. When you are saved, God places you in His hand, grips you tightly, and covers this hand with His other hand. (Choose one of the children to try to open your hand). See? It’s impossible for anyone to get you out of His hand! We are safe and secure in our salvation.

Decision for Action:

As you end your lesson, have everyone quote from your marker board all three verses in this series: John 10:27-29.

For any unsaved child, stress their great need to come to know your Savior right now!

Silver Crown – Verse 24

Scripture Memory 6 Romans 14:8

Sword Challenge 6 Romans 14:7-10

Teaching: We Are His For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Lesson: Whether We Live or Die, We Are the Lord’s!

Before we look at this verse, let’s go over ten verses that help us realize that Jesus is our Lord.

Philippians 2:9-11; Luke 6:46; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 14:8; Psalm 73:28; Proverbs 3:6; Mark 12:30

Boys and girls, Jesus wants to be our Saviour, but He also wants to be the Lord of all of our life!

Let’s list some everyday ways that Jesus could be the “Lord of our life.”

Teacher Note: Use some themes listed below. Under each, seek two or three practical answers. Have some ready yourself to “jump-start” these young minds. You can write them down on a marker board.

(1) Inside your home, with your family?

(2) Inside your bedroom?

(3) At your school, or on the playground?

(4) At church?

Read John 3:30-31. “He must increase, but I must decrease. He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.”

What does verse 30 mean in my life, on Monday through Sunday? Have one of your workers ready to give a brief testimony about this verse in their life.

Decision for Action:

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” Is He increasing in your life? Is there some particular area of your life that you will not allow Him to be Lord? If so, let’s spend a few moments in prayer to give that area of your life to the Lord.

A closeness to Christ means a decreasing of sin in my life. Right now, would you “come clean” before the Lord?

For the unsaved child, encourage him to be saved tonight.

Silver Crown – Verse 25

Scripture Memory 6 1 Corinthians 11:26

Sword Challenge 6 1 Corinthians 11:26-28

Teaching: The Lord’s Supper

For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

Lesson: The Lord’s Supper

Note: It would be beneficial to use the Discovery Bible Booklet on the Lord’s supper. This lessons is based off the booklet.

There are two ordinances (a decree or law given by God) of the local church: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Tonight boys and girls we are going to study the Lord’s Supper.

Who is allowed to participate in the Lord’s Supper? An unsaved person can never partake because it doesn’t mean anything to him. A saved person can as long as their heart is right. Now if they have not been baptized, then they are disobeying God’s first command after salvation. Therefore, a baptized, born-again believer can participate in the Lord’s Supper.

What is the Lord’s Supper? Sometimes it is called Communion, but let’s look at our verses to see. It is worshiping God through partaking of the bread and juice in remembrance of Him. In verse 26, we learn that we are remembering Christ’s death; we are looking back to the cross. The bread represents the body of Jesus as it was broken on the cross for us. Let’s read verse 24 together. The grape juice represents the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary to cleanse us from our sin. Let’s read verse 25 together.

In verse 27 and 28a, we learn that we have to examine our heart before we participate. The Lord’s Supper should draw our attention to Jesus and increase our desire to serve Him more. In 26b, we learn that the Lord’s Supper is looking ahead to the coming again of Jesus.

What preparations do we make? Whenever our church has Communion, we should not make jokes, talk, or misbehave because it is a serious time of worship. We need to examine ourselves to see if there is any sin in our life. Confess your known sin to God before you participate.

The next time we have the Lord’s Supper, remember the three things we have mentioned: Looking back (the cross), looking inward (confess sin), and looking ahead (Second Coming).

Note: Have each of the children look up the following verses and read them aloud.

Let’s look at some verses that will help us understand the Lord’s Supper more. Colossians 1:21-22; Hebrews 10:5, 10; 1 Peter 2:24; Colossians 1:14, 20; 1 John 1:7; and Hebrews 9:12, 22.

Decision for Action:

Thank the Lord for coming to earth to die for everyone in the world. Ask Him to help them remember the importance of this ordinance and to worship Him next time the church has the Lord’s Supper.

Silver Crown – Verse 26

Scripture Memory 6 1 Corinthians 6:19

Sword Challenge 6 1 Corinthians 6:18-19

Teaching: My Body-His Body

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Lesson: He Will “Walk” With You and “Talk” With You

A true story: One day, when Cecil was just a boy, he decided to play outside. Cecil lived in such a small town. His parents didn’t buy him video games or tablets to play with. In fact, most of the families in the town didn’t have fast enough internet for the kids to use tablets. These kids decided to improvise by making up games with each other!

They made up “soap-box derbies.” They would take old crates and let their dads help them hook on wheels. They raced these little wagons as if it was a world championship of their small town, Pearl River.

Because of the many hills, the kids loved scooters too. Their race track was from the big oak tree, down to the bridge, around the Hall’s garden, and back to the oak tree.

The funniest race was on a bicycle, whizzing up the small bumps of ground, and flying five feet in the air, and landing in the big creek hole used for swimming. Now, that’s fun! Of course, you’d have to let of the handles and dive into the water right before the bike hit the clear water. The kids would yell a big, loud “Yeeeeeee Haw!”

When Cecil was nine years old, his scooter hit a rock and threw him into a thorn bush. He got up, and noticed only a little blood on his left leg below the knee. It felt like a sting; the blood stopped; a little swelling took place and after a couple of weeks, but he felt fine.

Twenty years later, at the age of 29, Cecil was shaving his face, when a small, hard piece stopped his razor. It looked like a whisker, but it was too hard to cut. Within a week, Cecil visited the doctor’s office. After x-rays, the doctor removed an inch-long thorn.

The doctor showed Cecil in a body outline, how the thorn had to travel up his leg and into his chest, to eventually come out his neck twenty-years later. The only possible route was to travel through his heart. Amazingly, it did not twist or turn to lodge there and take his life away. That’s a somewhat strange body experience, although, it is a true story.

There’s another true story for every Christian. Once you have accepted Jesus as Savior, the Spirit of God indwells your body. It’s all good and it’s all good for you. It is above and beyond the greatest gift you could ever have.

Unlike Cecil’s experience, the Spirit of God will not come out of your body and leave you again. The Spirit of God is there for every day, every hour of your life. He is God. Our body became His place to live, never to leave.

As your mother tenderly watched over you as her own child, the Holy Spirit cares for the children of God. The Lord reminds us in Ephesians 5:18 to “be filled with the Spirit.” When He came in, we did not receive a “part” of Him, but “all” of Him. We do not have less of the Spirit of God than any other Christian. But, the difference between believers is in the amount of US that He has. To be filled is to be controlled by the Spirit. The initial coming of the Holy Spirit in you is all of Him, but the “filling” is a repeated experience. The Bible says “be filled” and that means continuously, everyday of your life. Can young boys and girls allow the Spirit of God to be in control of their daily life? Absolutely!

Teacher Note: For a scriptural example, see Acts 4:31. In verse 29, they are already called “servants”, and these followers of Christ (already Christians) were “filled with the Holy Ghost.” They, then, had the power to speak “the word of God with boldness.” The filling is a command, not a suggestion.

Therefore, our confession of daily sin is a MUST, in order to allow the Spirit of God to use us fully.

How can this happen for a child? The same way it happens for an adult. (Try to keep your words and terms simple for children). It all begins by confession of sin daily. The Bible says, “If I regard iniquity (sin) in mine heart, the Lord will not hear me.” With known sins unconfessed, the Spirit does not have all of me. For His blessings on my life, He needs all of me, so I can have all of His available power!

God commands the believer to be filled. It’s not a suggestion. Once we daily confession of sin, we can now yield ourselves to the filling of God’s Spirit. Every day I start off by a presentation of my “clean” mind and body to Him. I can then ask Him to fill me and use me. The proof of this will show up each day in my walk and talk. My character will be Christ-like. This kind of life behavior is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

Teacher: This is a big subject for young minds. Keep it as simple as possible. Perhaps your own experiences would bring it down to their level. However, this great truth is not just for preachers or missionaries. It is for all believers and it is available for all ages. Mainly deal with an emphasis on “emptiness” of self here and “willingness” to be filled. How much does He have of me?

Decision for Action:

For the unsaved, still without any Spirit of God, they should come to the Lord as Saviour. For the Christian child, they should have time right now to confess and request God’s total control of them. I should present myself to Him every day anew!

Silver Crown – Verse 27

Scripture Memory 6 1 Corinthians 6:20

Sword Challenge 6 1 Corinthians 6:20

Teaching: Glorify God

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Lesson: Who Keeps Us Saved?

Materials needed: an envelope, 3x5 card, and gold star sticker for each child. Writing utensil.

The Holy Spirit keeps us saved! Listen to this example of the Holy Spirit living in us. Partners work together. Although one partner may be far more superior than the other, the partnership depends on both people. Think of the mouse and the lion. Out in the jungle, the ferocious lion was sauntering back to his favorite napping spot when he stepped into a trap! A net flew from the tree above him and pinned him to the ground. Every time he tried to move, he just became more tangled. Soon the lion’s little friend, the mouse, scurried out from the shadows. He quickly began nibbling away at the net and soon the lion was free. From that day on, the mouse and the lion never separated and always looked out for each other.

Although that is definitely an unusual partnership, think of how amazing our partnership with God is! The Holy Spirit lives within us, and frankly is greater than a partner could ever be. He is God! Once we are saved, the partnership can never end!

Let’s look at our memory verse and the one from last week. We learn that the Holy Spirit comes in at salvation and in John 10:28, we learn that He stays in forever. Let’s look at Ephesians 4:30. “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” The Holy Spirit is the one who has sealed us to salvation.

Each of you take an envelope and put your full name on the front. Now take this card that represents the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour, the Holy Spirits begins to dwell in us. God ahead and put the card in the envelope. Then He seals us to the day of redemption. I will represent God sealing us after we accept Christ. Go ahead and close the envelope. (Place a gold star sticker on each of the envelopes).

Decision for Action:

Go over your main points, remembering that we are teaching so that lives will be changed and decisions made. Allow time for the Clubbers to think and pray.

Silver Crown – Verse 28

Scripture Memory 6 Galatians 5:16

Sword Challenge 6 Galatians 5:16-18

Teaching: A Clean Walk

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.


There is a spiritual war going on today, right now. It is against the Holy Spirit and your flesh! They both despise each other. The Spirit wants you to do what is right, but the flesh wants you to give in to your desires of pleasure and sin.

Often times the flesh is called the old man while the Spirit is called the new man. Before you were saved, the old man had complete control over you. The Holy Spirit did not indwell you. After you accepted Jesus as your Saviour, the new man moved in. However, the old man couldn’t leave. Why is that? Because we are still humans with a sin-nature. Now they both are fighting over us. We need have a close relationship with God so that we can hear the Holy Spirit’s still small voice.

Let me try to illustrate how important it is to keep a short account with God and retain a strong relationship with him. An animal trainer had many animals, but he had only one tiger. When he first got the tiger, he favored it. He fed it as much raw meat as he could. Every time, the tiger licked the bowl of all the blood. A couple years later, he received a pristine dove as a gift! Oh how he loved this dove. It was so beautiful. That’s when he started starving the tiger, not letting it taste any raw meat. He grew to love the dove more than the tiger and wished the tiger to be gone. Days turned into weeks, until the tiger was so starved that he finally fell on the ground and couldn’t get up. Unfortunately, the trainer still visited the tiger every day, but only to pet its head. A few days after the tiger collapsed, he accidentally cut his hand on the gate to the tiger’s cage but didn’t realize it. As he neared the tiger and began to pet its fur, the tiger instantly smelled the blood that he had been starved of for so long. When the hand reached his fur, the tiger licked the blood. Instantly, he pounced on his master, ready to eat him!

This tiger is just like our sin nature! Even though we may starve it by not giving into its desires for weeks, even months, it still will not go away. If we give into it just a little, our sin can escalate until it has almost complete control over us again! We must beware of the strength of our flesh.

What does our verse say we must do to not give in to the flesh? Walk in the Spirit. Yes, but how do we walk in the Spirit? Well, by simply studying our Bible and allowing Him to work through us. We must be tender to what He tells us to do. We know that we are walking in the Spirit if we show forth the fruit of the Spirit. Do you know what they are? Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. We must also work on our prayer life, asking God for guidance and help during temptation.

Decision for Action:

Pray that the Lord will allow the Holy Spirit to give them strength to overcome the old man.

Silver Crown – Verse 29

Scripture Memory 6 Galatians 5:22

Sword Challenge 6 Galatians 5:22-25

Teaching: Spirit Produces Fruit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Lesson: The Fruit of the Spirit

Materials needed: 9 small bowls, one large bowl, enough of each fruit to make a fruit salad—pineapple, strawberries, kiwis, bananas, oranges (can be mandarin), grapes, blueberries, peaches, apples.

Preparation: cut and separate each fruit into a separate bowl, labeling each bowl one of the fruits of the spirit. The lesson will give a suggestion for which fruit should be which fruit of the spirit.

All right, tonight we are going to learn the fruit of the Spirit! Let’s start out with love. I used strawberries to signify the spiritual fruit of love. Can anyone guess why? Well for me, I like to receive or give our chocolate-covered strawberries on Valentine’s Day. Plus, sometimes they may look like a heart. So what does it mean to love? We should put other people’s needs in front of our own. We need to care about even the people who hate us.

The next fruit of the Spirit is joy. Does anyone know why oranges are the fruit I’m using for joy? Well, if you cut them into wedges, the slices look like a smiley face! See? However, we normally smile when we’re happy, but joy doesn’t mean happiness. Joy is never ending because we know that we will spend an eternity with Jesus. With joy, we can see the bright side of our trials.

After joy comes peace. Now this one is kind of corny, but why are the pineapples “peace”? Well you can’t just take a bit out of a pineapple, but you have to cut it into “pieces.” As Christians, we should have

peace from God. We shouldn’t try to fight with others or argue with our parents. Even when it seems like everything is going bad around us, we can have peace knowing that God is in control.

Now we have longsuffering. Longsuffering means slow to wrath or anger. When your siblings pester you, being longsuffering means you don’t blow up and start screaming at them. When something doesn’t go your way, you don’t punch something or be upset with your family because you have to take your anger on someone. I used bananas for longsuffering simply because the banana is the longest fruit!

Next is gentleness. Let’s look at Matthew 23:37. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” Jesus wanted to express gentleness to those that hated Him. We need to be considerate of other people’s feelings and circumstances so that we can care for them. Kiwi is the fruit for gentleness because we have to be careful with the seeds in case they get stuck in our teeth.

After gentleness comes goodness. Blueberries are the fruit for goodness because they are a super fruit! They have so many good nutrients in them! Goodness can sometimes be the hardest fruit of the spirit because we are all sinners. We often want to do bad things, but if we are close to God then we will be good.

Now we have faith. Grapes are faith because each individual grape is placing its faith in the stem to keep them attached to the vine, to keep them from falling to the ground and being crushed. We have placed our faith in Jesus to save us. Why can’t we trust God for the little things? We need to have faith that God knows best and He will take care of us.

Next is meekness. Meekness means that we are submissive to God. We need to accept where He has placed us in our lives, who He has given us as parents, or when we go to school. We should be happy that God has chosen us to endure or be blessed by something because He is trying to teach us something. A peach represents meekness because it has to accept the way God made it. It feels kind of funny and strange on the outside because of its fuzz; plus, it has a huge pit in the middle. Nevertheless, it is juicy and delicious.

Last is temperance. Temperance can mean self-control. We can say no to our flesh whenever it tries to get us to do something wrong or want something we shouldn’t. Sometimes if people don’t practice self-control, they can use the apple to create an alcoholic drink and become drunk. Keeping the apple as it is, just a fruit, is an example of temperance.

Now I’m going to pour all of the fruits into the large bowl, creating “fruit salad” or a healthy Christian. So many wonderful flavors now exist in this bowl! Here, let’s all have some.

Decision for Action:

Pray that the Lord will help them exhibit each fruit of the spirit in their lives.

Silver Crown – Verse 30

Scripture Memory 6 Luke 6:41

Sword Challenge 6 Luke 6:39-41

Teaching: Self-Examination And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Lesson: Learning How to Judge Yourself

Materials needed: toothpick, 2x4

Let’s quote our verse for today. This verse is very important to our help us throughout our whole life-time. It teaches us to look within ourselves or to examine our own self. “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

First, let’s define the word “mote” and “beam.” (Have a leader put the toothpick up to his eye). The word “mote” refers to something the size of this toothpick. (Put the 2x4 up to your own eye). This piece of wood is like the beam. Now pretend we are both walking down the street and these pieces of wood are stuck in our eyes. I look over at my friend and give him advice for taking out the toothpick, and also get upset with him for even having a toothpick in his eye. All the while I have a much larger object in my eye! How could I give advice for removing a toothpick when I haven’t even removed my 2x4?

In this verse, our Lord is talking about how we see others. Not how good our eye-sight is, but seeing others not as “good” as ourselves, or with much more problems than we have. It’s easy to find faults with other people, but God wants us to examine ourselves first. You can rarely change another person, but you can change yourself.

Sometimes, we see another person and judge them to be mean, stuck-up, a gossip, a cheater, or a liar. But God says, do you lie or cheat or gossip? Our first and most important goal is to “straighten out” ourselves, not someone else.

Learn to compete against yourself. Could you pray more often than you do now? Could you read God’s Word more than you did last year? Could you give a kind word of “hello” to everyone, instead of just a chosen few? Could you be kind to someone who is not kind to you? You see, God wants you to have a clean heart.

God is our judge, and He is the judge of all your classmates and friends. Ask God to help you judge yourself instead of the other way around.

Now, read Luke 6:45. “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”

Be careful, for you actions reveal what fills your heart. Ask God to take away hate and jealousy not out of a friend’s heart, but out of your own.

Who remembers this: Before we take part in the Lord’s Supper at our church, what kind of prayer do we pray? (allow answers) That’s right. We are to examine ourselves. (I Corinthians 11:28-31) It’s the same kind of exam our memory verse demands.

Decision for Action:

Perhaps a personal illustration of learning this lesson in your own life would conclude your lesson.

Allow a prayer time for examination for your Christian children. For the unsaved child, their eyes need to be opened wide to see Jesus as their Savior.