Cse i II III IV Syllabus 7-11-07

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  • 8/13/2019 Cse i II III IV Syllabus 7-11-07


    2007-2008 Page 1 of 95



    I YEAR

    COURSE STRUCTURE__________________________________________________________________________________Code Subject T PD C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! English 2+1* - 4 Mathematics I 3+1* - 6 Mathematical Methods 3+1* - 6 Applied Physics 2+1* - 4 P!og!amming and "ata #t!$ct$!es 3+1* - 6 %asic Elect!ical Enginee!ing 2+1* - 4 Elect!onic "e&ices and i!c$its 3+1* - 6 Enginee!ing "!a'ing - 3 4 omp$te! P!og!amming (a) - 3 4 Elect!ical and Elect!onics (a) - 3 4

    English (ang$age omm$nications #ills (a) - 3 4 I ,o!-#hop - 3 4

    Tot"# $% &% %'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    2007-2008 Page 2 of 95



    II Ye"( I Se)e*te(


    Code Subject T P C

    P!o)a)ility and #tatistics 4+1* - 4 Mathematical o$ndations o. omp$te! #cience 4+1* - 4 Ad&anced "ata #t!$ct$!es 4+1* - 4 "igital (ogic "esign 4+1* - 4 Manage!ial Economics and inancial Analysis 4+1* - 4 /0I and #hell P!og!amming 4+1* - 4 Ad&anced "ata #t!$ct$!es (a) - 3 2 /0I and #hell P!og!amming (a) - 3 2

    Tot"# +, ' $-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    II Ye"( II Se)e*te(


    Code Subject T P C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #o.t'a!e Enginee!ing 4+1* - 4 P!inciples o. P!og!amming (ang$ages 4+1* - 4 En&i!onmental #t$dies 4+1* - 4 omp$te! !ganiation 4+1* - 4 "ata %ase Management #ystems 4+1 * - 4 )ect !iented P!og!amming 4+1 * - 4 )ect !iented P!og!amming (a) - 3 2 "ata %ase Management #ystems (a) - 3 2__________________________________________________________________________________

    Tot"# +, ' $-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    2007-2008 Page 3 of 95



    III Ye"( I Se)e*te(


    Code Subject T P C

    o!mal (ang$ages and A$tomata heo!y 4+1* - 4 #o.t'a!e esting Methodologies 4+1* - 4 omp$te! 5!aphics 4+1* - 4 Mic!op!ocesso!s and Inte!.acing 4+1* - 4 "ata omm$nication #ystems 4+1* - 4 "esign and Analysis o. Algo!ithms 4+1* - 4 Ad&anced English omm$nication #ills (a) - 3 2 Mic!op!ocesso!s and Inte!.acing (a) - 3 2

    Tot"# +, ' $-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Code Subject T P C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pe!ating #ystems 4+1* - 4 ompile! "esign 4+1* - 4 omp$te! 0et'o!s 4+1 * - 4 In.o!mation #ec$!ity 4+1 * - 4 A!ti.icial Intelligence and 0e$!al 0et'o!s 4+1 * - 4 )ect !iented Analysis and "esign 4+1 * - 4 omp$te! 0et'o!s and ase ools (a) - 3 2 pe!ating systems and ompile! "esign (a) - 3 2

    Tot"# +, ' $-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    2007-2008 Page 4 of 95




    Code Subject T P C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0et'o! P!og!amming 4+1* - 4 ,e) echnologies 4+1 * - 4 "ata ,a!eho$sing and "ata Mining 4+1 * - 4 Ad&anced omp$te! A!chitect$!e 4+1 * - 4

    ELECTIVE I / 4+1 * - 4 Em)edded #ystems

    Mo)ile omp$ting M$ltimedia and Application "e&elopment

    ELECTIVE II / 4+1 * - 4 #o.t'a!e P!oect Management Ad&anced omp$ting oncepts 0et'o! Management #ystems 0et'o! P!og!amming (a) - 3 2 ,e) echnologies (a) - 3 2

    Tot"# +, ' $-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    2007-2008 Page 5 of 95



    IV Ye"( II Se)e*te(


    Code Subject T P C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Management #cience 4+1* - 4

    ELECTIVE III / 4+1* - 4 Image P!ocessing E-omme!ce "ist!i)$ted "ata)ases

    ELECTIVE IV / 4+1 * - 4 i!t$al 7eality 8$man omp$te! Inte!action

    "esign Patte!ns Ind$st!y !iented Mini P!oect - - 2 #emina! - - 2 P!oect ,o! - - 19

    omp!ehensi&e i&a - - 2

    Tot"# &% 0 $-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Note / All End E:aminations ;heo!y and P!actical< a!e o. th!ee ho$!s d$!ation=* - $to!ial - heo!yP - P!actical - !edits

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    2007-2008 Page 6 of 95


    I Ye"( B. Tec1 CSE T P C$2&3 , 4



    In &ie' o. the g!o'ing impo!tance o. English as a tool .o! glo)al comm$nication and the conse>$entemphasis on t!aining st$dents to ac>$i!e comm$nicati&e competence? the sylla)$s has )eendesigned to de&elop ling$istic and comm$nicati&e competence o. Enginee!ing st$dents= hep!esc!i)ed )oos and the e:e!cises a!e meant to se!&e )!oadly as st$dents@ hand)oos=In the English classes? the .oc$s sho$ld )e on the sills o. !eading? '!iting? listening and speaing and.o! this the teache!s sho$ld $se the te:t p!esc!i)ed .o! detailed st$dy= o! e:ample? the st$dentssho$ld )e enco$!aged to !ead the te:tsselected pa!ag!aphs silently= he teache!s can ascomp!ehension >$estions to stim$late disc$ssion and )ased on the disc$ssions st$dents can )emade to '!ite sho!t pa!ag!aphsessays etc=he te:t .o! non-detailed st$dy is .o! e:tensi&e !eading!eading .o! pleas$!e )y the st$dents= 8ence? itis s$ggested that they !ead it on thei! o'n 'ith topics selected .o! disc$ssion in the class= he timesho$ld )e $tilied .o! 'o!ing o$t the e:e!cises gi&en a.te! each section ? as also .o! s$pplementingthe e:e!cises 'ith a$thentic mate!ials o. a simila! ind .o! e:ample? .!om ne'spape! a!ticles?ad&e!tisements? p!omotional mate!ial etc=. However, the stress in this syllabus is on skill development

    and practice of language skills.

    $. OBJECTIVES/a= o imp!o&e the lang$age p!o.iciency o. the st$dents in English 'ith emphasis on (#7, sills=)= o e>$ip the st$dents to st$dy academic s$)ects 'ith g!eate! .acility th!o$gh the theo!etical and

    p!actical components o. the English sylla)$s=c= o de&elop the st$dy sills and comm$nication sills in .o!mal and in.o!mal sit$ations=

    +. SYLLABUS /L5*te6567 S85##*/)ecti&es1= o ena)le st$dents to de&elop thei! listening sill so that they may app!eciate its !ole in the

    (#7, sills app!oach to lang$age and imp!o&e thei! p!on$nciation2= o e>$ip st$dents 'ith necessa!y t!aining in listening so that can comp!ehend the speech o.

    people o. di..e!ent )acg!o$nds and !egionsStudents should be given practice in listening to the sounds of the language to be able to recognisethem, to distinguish between them to mark stress and recognise and use the right intonation insentences. B (istening .o! gene!al content

    B (istening to .ill $p in.o!mationB Intensi&e listeningB (istening .o! speci.ic in.o!mation

    S9e"8567 S85##* /)ecti&es1= o mae st$dents a'a!e o. the !ole o. speaing in English and its cont!i)$tion to thei! s$ccess=2= o ena)le st$dents to e:p!ess themsel&es .l$ently and app!op!iately in social and p!o.essional


    B !al p!acticeB "esc!i)ing o)ectssit$ationspeopleB 7ole play Indi&id$al5!o$p acti&ities ;/sing e:e!cises .!om all the nine $nits o. the p!esc!i)ed te:tC

    Learning English : A ommunicative Approach=$ationsC Elementa!y !o' t!ans.o!mations-7an-Echelon .o!m? 0o!mal.o!m #ol$tion o. (inea! #ystems "i!ect Methods- (/ "ecomposition- (/ "ecomposition .!om 5a$ss

    Elimination #ol$tion o. !idiagonal #ystems-#ol$tion o. (inea! #ystems

    UNIT IIEigen &al$es? eigen &ecto!s p!ope!ties ayley-8amilton heo!em - In&e!se and po'e!s o. a mat!i:)y ayley-8amilton theo!em "iagonoliation o. mat!i:= alc$lation o. po'e!s o. mat!i: Modal andspect!al mat!ices=

    UNIT III7eal mat!ices #ymmet!ic? se' - symmet!ic? o!thogonal? (inea! !ans.o!mation !thogonal!ans.o!mation= omple: mat!icesC 8e!mitian? #e'-8e!mitian and /nita!y Eigen &al$es and eigen&ecto!s o. comple: mat!ices and thei! p!ope!ties= L$ad!atic .o!ms- 7ed$ction o. >$ad!atic .o!m tocanonical .o!m 7an - Positi&e? negati&e de.inite - semi de.inite - inde: - signat$!e - #yl&este! la'=


    = #ol$tion o. Alge)!aic and !anscendental E>$ationsC Int!od$ction he %isection Method heMethod o. alse Position he Ite!ation Method 0e'ton-7aphson Method=

    I6te(9o#"t5o6/ Int!od$ction- E!!o!s in Polynomial Inte!polation inite di..e!ences- o!'a!d "i..e!ences-%ac'a!d di..e!ences ent!al di..e!ences #ym)olic !elations and sepa!ation o. sym)ols-"i..e!enceso. a polynomial-0e'ton@s .o!m$lae .o! inte!polation ent!al di..e!ence inte!polation o!m$lae 5a$ssent!al "i..e!ence o!m$lae Inte!polation 'ith $ne&enly spaced points-(ag!ange@s Inte!polation.o!m$la=

    UNIT V$!&e .ittingC itting a st!aight line #econd deg!ee c$!&e-e:ponentional c$!&e-po'e! c$!&e )y methodo. least s>$a!es= 0$me!ical "i..e!entiation and Integ!ation !apeoidal !$le #impson@s 13 7$le #impson@s 3G 7$le=


    0$me!ical sol$tion o. !dina!y "i..e!ential e>$ationsC #ol$tion )y aylo!@s se!ies-Pica!d@s Method o.s$ccessi&e App!o:imations-E$le!@s Method-7$nge-K$tta Methods P!edicto!-o!!ecto! Methods-Adams- Mo$lton Method Milne@s Method=

    UNIT VIIo$!ie! #e!iesC "ete!mination o. o$!ie! coe..icients o$!ie! se!ies e&en and odd .$nctions o$!ie!se!ies in an a!)it!a!y inte!&al e&en and odd pe!iodic contin$ation 8al.-!ange o$!ie! sine and cosinee:pansions= o$!ie! integ!al theo!em ;only statement$ations )y elimination o. a!)it!a!y constants and a!)it!a!y .$nctions sol$tions o. .i!st o!de! linea! ;(ag!ange< e>$ation and nonlinea! ;standa!d type< e>$ations= Method o.

    sepa!ation o. &a!ia)les= -t!ans.o!m in&e!se -t!ans.o!m - p!ope!ties "amping !$le #hi.ting !$le Initial and .inal &al$e theo!ems= on&ol$tion theo!em #ol$tion o. di..e!ence e>$ation )y -t!ans.o!ms=

    Tet Boo8*/1= Mathematical Methods? = K= = Iyenga!? %= K!ishna 5andhi and the!s? #= hand J ompany=2= Mathematical Methods? = #ana!aiah? = 5= #= %oo (ins=3= A te:t )oo o. Mathematical Methods? = 7a&ind!anath? A= iayala:mi? 8imalaya P$)lishe!s=4= A te:t )oo o. Mathematical Methods? #hahna %ath$l? 7ight P$)lisshe!s=

    Re=e(e6ce*/1= A te:t %oo o. Enginee!ing Mathematics? %= = 7aman? ata Mc 5!a' 8ill=2= Ad&anced Enginee!ing Mathematics? I!&in K!eysig? ,iley India P&t= (td=3= 0$me!ical Methods .o! #cienti.ic and Enginee!ing omp$tation? M= K= Dain? #= 7= K= Iyenga! J

    7= K= Dain? 0e' Age Inte!national P$)lishe!s=4= Elementa!y 0$me!ical Analysis? Aitinson J 8an? ,iely India? 3!dEdition? 2996

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    I Ye"( B. Tec1 CSE T P C$2&3 , 4


    BONDING IN SOLIDS / Int!od$ction - ypes o. )onding in solids - Estimation o. cohesi&e ene!gy Madel$ng constant=

    CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND :0RAY DI$ation - Physical signi.icance

    o. the 'a&e .$nction - Pa!ticle in one dimensional potential )o:=


    ELECTRON THEORY O< METALS/ lassical .!ee elect!on theo!y - Mean .!ee path - 7ela:ation timeand d!i.t &elocity - L$ant$m .!ee elect!on theo!y - e!mi-"i!ac dist!i)$tion ;analytical< and itsdependence on tempa!at$!e e!mi ene!gy Elect!on scatte!ing and !esistance=

    BAND THEORY O< SOLIDS/ %loch theo!em - K!onig-Penney model ;>$alitati&e t!eatment< - !igin o.ene!gy )and .o!mation in solids lassi.ication o. mate!ials into cond$cto!s? semi cond$cto!s Jins$lato!s - oncept o. e..ecti&e mass o. an elect!on=UNIT IVDIELECTRIC PROPERTIES/ Int!od$ction - "ielect!ic constant - Elect!onic? ionic and o!ientationalpola!iations - Inte!nal .ields in solids la$si$s - Mossotti e>$ation "ielect!ics in alte!nating .ields !e>$ency dependence o. the pola!ia)ility - e!!o and Pieo elect!icity=

    MAGNETIC PROPERTIES / Pe!mea)ility - Magnetiation - !igin o. magnetic moment lassi.icationo. magnetic mate!ials - "ia? pa!a and .e!!o magnetism - 8yste!esis c$!&e - #o.t and ha!d magneticmate!ials=

    UNIT V

    SEMICONDUCTORS / Int!od$ction - Int!insic semicond$cto! and ca!!ie! concent!ation E>$ation .o!cond$cti&ity - E:t!insic semicond$cto! and ca!!ie! concent!ation - "!i.t and di..$sion - Einstein@s e>$ation- 8all e..ect "i!ect J indi!ect )and gap semicond$cto!s=

    SUPERCONDUCTIVITY/ 5ene!al p!ope!ties - Meissne! e..ect - Penet!ation depth - ype I and ype IIs$pe!cond$cto!s - l$: >$antiation " and A Dosephson e..ect %# heo!y - Applications o.



    LASERS/ Int!od$ction - ha!acte!istics o. (ase!s - #pontaneo$s and stim$lated emission o. !adiation -Einstein@s coe..icients - Pop$lation in&e!sion - 7$)y lase! - 8eli$m-0eon (ase! 2 lase!-#emicond$cto! (ase! Applications o. lase!s=


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    UNIT VIIISCIENCE TECHNOLOGY O< NANOMATERIALS/ Int!od$ction to 0ano mate!ials - %asic p!incipleso. 0anoscience J echnology a)!ication o. nano mate!ials Physical J chemical p!ope!ties o.nanomate!ials a!)on nanot$)es Applications o. nanotechnology=

    TE:TBOO;S/1= Applied Physics 2ndedition )y "!= P= Appala 0aid$ J "!= M= hand!a #hea!? =5=#= %oo lins=

    2= Int!od$ction to #olid #tate Physics )y = Kittel ,iley Easte!n (td=3= 0anotechnology )y Ma! 7atne! and "aniel 7atne! Pea!son Ed$cation=


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    I Ye"( B. Tec1 CSE T P C+2&3 , '


    UNIT 0 I

    Algo!ithm pse$do code? .lo'cha!t? p!og!am de&elopment steps? st!$ct$!e o. p!og!am? A #imple p!og!am? identi.ie!s? )asic data types and sies? onstants? &a!ia)les? a!ithmetic? !elational andlogical ope!ato!s? inc!ement and dec!ement ope!ato!s? conditional ope!ato!? )it-'ise ope!ato!s?assignment ope!ato!s? e:p!essions? type con&e!sions? conditional e:p!essions? p!ecedence and o!de! o.e&al$ation=

    Inp$t-o$tp$t statements? statements and )locs? i. and s'itch statements? loops- 'hile? do-'hile and.o! statements? )!ea? contin$e? goto and la)els? p!og!amming e:amples=

    UNIT 0 II"esigning st!$ct$!ed p!og!ams? $nctions? )asics? pa!amete! passing? sto!age classes- e:te!n? a$to?!egiste!? static? scope !$les? )loc st!$ct$!e? $se! de.ined .$nctions? standa!d li)!a!y .$nctions? !ec$!si&e.$nctions? heade! .iles? p!ep!ocesso!? e:ample c p!og!ams=

    UNIT 0 IIIA!!ays- concepts? decla!ation? de.inition? accessing elements? sto!ing elements? a!!ays and .$nctions?t'o-dimensional and m$lti-dimensional a!!ays? applications o. a!!ays= pointe!s- concepts? initialiation o.pointe! &a!ia)les? pointe!s and .$nction a!g$ments? add!ess a!ithmetic? ha!acte! pointe!s and.$nctions? pointe!s to pointe!s? pointe!s and m$ltidimensional a!!ays? dynamic memo!y managements.$nctions? command line a!g$ments? c p!og!am e:amples=

    UNIT 0 IV"e!i&ed types- st!$ct$!es- decla!ation? de.inition and initialiation o. st!$ct$!es? accessing st!$ct$!es?nested st!$ct$!es? a!!ays o. st!$ct$!es? st!$ct$!es and .$nctions? pointe!s to st!$ct$!es? sel. !e.e!entialst!$ct$!es? $nions? typede.? )it.ields? p!og!am e:amples=

    UNIT 0 VInp$t and o$tp$t concept o. a .ile? te:t .iles and )ina!y .iles? st!eams? standa!d Io? o!matted Io? .ileIo ope!ations? e!!o! handling? p!og!am e:amples=

    UNIT 0 VI#ea!ching (inea! and )ina!y sea!ch methods? so!ting %$))le so!t? selection so!t? Inse!tion so!t?L$ic so!t? me!ge so!t=

    UNIT VIIInt!od$ction to data st!$ct$!es? singly lined lists? do$)ly lined lists? ci!c$la! list? !ep!esenting stacs and>$e$es in $sing a!!ays and lined lists? in.i: to post .i: con&e!sion? post.i: e:p!ession e&al$ation=

    UNIT 0 VIII!ees- %ina!y t!ess? te!minology? !ep!esentation? t!a&e!sals? g!aphs- te!minology? !ep!esentation? g!apht!a&e!sals ;d.s J ).s$i&alent ci!c$its and &e!i.ication )y di!ecttest== Magnetiation cha!acte!istics o. "== #h$nt gene!ato!= "ete!mination o. c!itical .ield !esistance=G= #'in)$!ne@s est on " sh$nt machine ;P!edete!mination o. e..iciency o. a gi&en " #h$nt machine'o!ing as moto! and gene!ato!

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    I Ye"( B. Tec1 CSE T P C, + 4


    he L"67u"7e L"b.oc$ses on the p!od$ction and p!actice o. so$nds o. lang$age and .amilia!ises the

    st$dents 'ith the $se o. English in e&e!yday sit$ations and conte:ts=Object5?e*/

    &. To e9o*e t1e *tude6t* to " ?"(5et o= *e#=056*t(uct5o6"#> #e"(6e(0=(5e6d# )ode* o=#"67u"7e #e"(6567.

    $. To 1e#9 t1e *tude6t* cu#t5?"te t1e 1"b5t o= (e"d567 9"**"7e* =(o) t1e co)9ute( )o65to(>t1u* 9(o?5d567 t1e) @5t1 t1e (eu5(ed ="c5#5t to ="ce co)9ute(0b"*ed co)9et5t5?ee")* *uc1 GRE> TOE GMAT etc.

    +. To e6"b#e t1e) to #e"(6 bette( 9(o6u6c5"t5o6 t1(ou71 *t(e** o6 @o(d "cce6t> 56to6"t5o6>"6d (1t1).

    4. To t("56 t1e) to u*e #"67u"7e e==ect5?e# to ="ce 56te(?5e@*> 7(ou9 d5*cu**5o6*> 9ub#5c*9e"8567.

    %. To 565t5"te t1e) 56to 7(e"te( u*e o= t1e co)9ute( 56 (e*u)e 9(e9"("t5o6> (e9o(t @(5t567>=o()"t0)"8567 etc.


    he .ollo'ing co$!se content is p!esc!i)ed .o! the E67#5*1 L"67u"7e L"bo("to(sessionsC1= Int!od$ction to the #o$nds o. English- o'els? "iphthongs J onsonants=2= Int!od$ction to #t!ess and Intonation=3= #it$ational "ialog$es 7ole Play=4= !al P!esentations- P!epa!ed and E:tempo!e=F= VD$st A Min$te@ #essions ;DAM$alitySu77e*ted So=t@"(e/B am)!idge Ad&anced (ea!ne!s@ English "ictiona!y 'ith "=B he 7osetta #tone English (i)!a!yB la!ity P!on$nciation Po'e! Pa!t IB Maste!ing English in oca)$la!y? 5!amma!? #pellings? omposition

    B "o!ling Kinde!sley se!ies o. 5!amma!? P$nct$ation? omposition etc=B (ang$age in /se? o$ndation %oos P&t (td 'ith "= :.o!d Ad&anced (ea!ne!@s ompass? thEditionB (ea!ning to #pea English - 4 "sB Mic!oso.t Enca!ta 'ith "B M$!phy@s English 5!amma!? am)!idge 'ith " English in Mind? 8e!)e!t P$chta and De.. #t!ans 'ith Me!edith (e&y? am)!idge

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    Boo8* Su77e*ted =o( E67#5*1 L"67u"7e L"b L5b("( to be #oc"ted @5t156 t1e #"b 56 "dd5t5o6 tot1e CD* o= t1e tet boo8 @15c1 "(e #o"ded o6 t1e **te)*/

    &. S9o8e6 E67#5*1;IE(< in 3 &ol$mes 'ith 6 cassettes? /P=$. E67#5*1 P(o6ou6c567 D5ct5o6"("aniel Dones $!!ent Edition 'ith "=+. S9o8e6 E67#5*1- 7= K= %ansal and D= %= 8a!!ison? !ient (ongman 2996 Edn=4. E67#5*1 L"67u"7e Co))u65c"t5o6 / A Re"de( cu) L"b M"6u"#"! A 7ama!ishna 7ao? "! 5

    0atanam J P!o. #A #ana!ana!ayanan? An$!adha P$)lications? hennai%. S9e"8567 E67#5*1 E==ect5?e#)y K!ishna Mohan J 0P #ingh ;Macmillan$i!ed de&ice d!i&e!s= In addition ha!d'a!e and so.t'a!e le&el t!o$)leshooting p!ocess? tips and t!ics'o$ld )e co&e!ed=I6te(6et Wo(#d W5de Web mod$le int!od$ces the di..e!ent 'ays o. hooing the P on to the inte!net.!om home and 'o!place and e..ecti&ely $sage o. the inte!net= /sage o. 'e) )!o'se!s? email?ne'sg!o$ps and disc$ssion .o!$ms 'o$ld )e co&e!ed= In addition? a'a!eness o. cy)e! hygiene? i=e=?p!otecting the pe!sonal comp$te! .!om getting in.ected 'ith the &i!$ses? 'o!ms and othe! cy)e! attacs'o$ld )e int!od$ced=P(oduct5?5t too#* mod$le 'o$ld ena)le the st$dents in c!a.ting p!o.essional 'o!d doc$ments? e:celsp!ead sheets? po'e! point p!esentations and pe!sonal 'e) sites $sing the Mic!oso.t s$ite o. o..ice tools

    and (ae=

    PC H"(d@"(eWee8 & T"*8 & / Identi.y the pe!iphe!als o. a comp$te!? components in a P/ and its .$nctions= "!a'the )loc diag!am o. the P/ along 'ith the con.ig$!ation o. each pe!iphe!al and s$)mit to yo$!inst!$cto!=

    Wee8 $ T"*8 $ / E&e!y st$dent sho$ld disassem)le and assem)le the P )ac to 'o!ing condition=(a) inst!$cto!s sho$ld &e!i.y the 'o! and .ollo' it $p 'ith a i&a= Also st$dents need to go th!o$gh the&ideo 'hich sho's the p!ocess o. assem)ling a P= A &ideo 'o$ld )e gi&en as pa!t o. the co$!secontent=

    Wee8 + T"*8 + / E&e!y st$dent sho$ld indi&id$ally install M# 'indo's on the pe!sonal comp$te!= (a)inst!$cto! sho$ld &e!i.y the installation and .ollo' it $p 'ith a i&a=

    Wee8 4 T"*8 4 / E&e!y st$dent sho$ld install (in$: on the comp$te!= his comp$te! sho$ld ha&e'indo's installed= he system sho$ld )e con.ig$!ed as d$al )oot 'ith )oth 'indo's and (in$:= (a)inst!$cto!s sho$ld &e!i.y the installation and .ollo' it $p 'ith a i&a

    Wee8 % T"*8 % / #e&e!al mini tass 'o$ld )e that co&e!s %asic commands in (in$: and %asic systemadminist!ation in (in$: 'hich incl$desC %asic (in$: commands in )ash? !eate ha!d and sym)olic lins?e:t p!ocessing? /sing 'ildca!ds

    Wee8 ' T"*8 ' / H"(d@"(e T(oub#e*1oot567 / #t$dents ha&e to )e gi&en a P 'hich does not )ootd$e to imp!ope! assem)ly o! de.ecti&e pe!iphe!als= hey sho$ld identi.y the p!o)lem and .i: it to get thecomp$te! )ac to 'o!ing condition= he 'o! done sho$ld )e &e!i.ied )y the inst!$cto! and .ollo'ed $p'ith a i&a

    Wee8 F T"*8 F / So=t@"(e T(oub#e*1oot567 / #t$dents ha&e to )e gi&en a mal.$nctioning P/ d$e

    to system so.t'a!e p!o)lems= hey sho$ld identi.y the p!o)lem and .i: it to get the comp$te! )ac to'o!ing condition= he 'o! done sho$ld )e &e!i.ied )y the inst!$cto! and .ollo'ed $p 'ith a i&a=

    Wee8 - T"*8 - / he test consists o. &a!io$s systems 'ith 8a!d'a!e #o.t'a!e !elated t!o$)les?o!matted diss 'itho$t ope!ating systems=

    I6te(6et Wo(#d W5de WebWee8 0 T"*8 & C O(5e6t"t5o6 Co66ect5?5t Boot C")9 / #t$dents sho$ld get connected to thei!(ocal A!ea 0et'o! and access the Inte!net= In the p!ocess they con.ig$!e the PIP setting= inallyst$dents sho$ld demonst!ate? to the inst!$cto!? ho' to access the 'e)sites and email= I. the!e is nointe!net connecti&ity p!epa!ations need to )e made )y the inst!$cto!s to sim$late the ,,, on the (A0=

    Wee8 &, 0 T"*8 $ / Web B(o@*e(*> Su(=567 t1e Web / #t$dents c$stomie thei! 'e) )!o'se!s 'ith the(A0 p!o:y settings? )ooma!s? sea!ch tool)a!s and pop $p )loce!s= Also? pl$g-ins lie Mac!omedia

    lash and D7E .o! applets sho$ld )e con.ig$!ed=

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    Wee8 && 0 T"*8 + C Se"(c1 E6756e* Net5uette / #t$dents sho$ld no' 'hat sea!ch engines a!eand ho' to $se the sea!ch engines= A .e' topics 'o$ld )e gi&en to the st$dents .o! 'hich they need tosea!ch on 5oogle= his sho$ld )e demonst!ated to the inst!$cto!s=

    Wee8 &$ 0 T"*8 4 / Cbe( H75e6e / #t$dents 'o$ld )e e:posed to the &a!io$s th!eats on the inte!netand 'o$ld )e ased to con.ig$!e thei! comp$te! to )e sa.e on the inte!net= hey need to .i!st install ananti &i!$s so.t'a!e? con.ig$!e thei! pe!sonal .i!e'all and 'indo's $pdate on thei! comp$te!= hen they

    need to c$stomie thei! )!o'se!s to )loc pop $ps? )loc acti&e : do'nloads to a&oid &i!$ses ando!'o!ms=

    Wee8 &+ Modu#e Te*tA test 'hich sim$lates all o. the a)o&e tass 'o$ld )e c!a.ted and gi&en to thest$dents=

    L"Te: "6d Wo(dWee8 &4 Wo(d O(5e6t"t5o6 C he mento! needs to gi&e an o&e!&ie' o. (ae and Mic!oso.te>$i&alent ;##< tool 'o!d C Impo!tance o. (ae and M# e>$i&alent ;##< tool ,o!d as 'o!dP!ocesso!s? "etails o. the .o$! tass and .eat$!es that 'o$ld )e co&e!ed in each? /sing (ae and'o!d Accessing? o&e!&ie' o. tool)a!s? sa&ing .iles? /sing help and !eso$!ces? !$le!s? .o!mat painte! in'o!d=T"*8 & / U*567 L"Te: "6d @o(d to c!eate p!oect ce!ti.icate= eat$!es to )e co&e!edC-o!matting ontsin 'o!d? "!op ap in 'o!d? Applying e:t e..ects? /sing ha!acte! #pacing? %o!de!s and olo!s?

    Inse!ting 8eade! and oote!? /sing "ate and ime option in )oth (ae and ,o!d=

    Wee8 &% 0 T"*8 $ / C(e"t567 9(oject a)st!act eat$!es to )e co&e!edC-o!matting #tyles? Inse!tingta)le? %$llets and 0$m)e!ing? hanging e:t "i!ection? ell alignment? ootnote? 8ype!lin? #ym)ols?#pell hec ? !ac hanges=

    Wee8 &' 0 T"*8 + / C(e"t567 " Ne@*#ette( C eat$!es to )e co&e!edC- a)le o. ontent? 0e'spape!col$mns? Images .!om .iles and clipa!t? "!a'ing tool)a! and ,o!d A!t? o!matting Images? e:t)o:esand Pa!ag!aphs

    Wee8 &F 0 T"*8 4 / C(e"t567 " $i&alent ;##< toolE:cel as a #p!eadsheet tool? gi&e the details o. the .o$! tass and .eat$!es that 'o$ld )e co&e!ed ineach= /sing E:cel Accessing? o&e!&ie' o. tool)a!s? sa&ing e:cel .iles? /sing help and !eso$!cesT"*8 & / C(e"t567 " Sc1edu#e( 0 eat$!es to )e co&e!edC- 5!idlines? o!mat ells? #$mmation? a$to .ill?o!matting e:t

    Wee8 $, 0 T"*8 $ / C"#cu#"t567 GPA - =eat$!es to )e co&e!edC- ell 7e.e!encing? o!m$lae in e:cel a&e!age? std=de&iation? ha!ts? 7enaming and Inse!ting 'o!sheets? 8ype! lining? o$nt .$nction?(K/P(K/P

    Wee8 $& 0 T"*8 + / Pe(=o()"6ce A6"#*5* - eat$!es to )e co&e!edC- #plit cells? .!eee panes? g!o$pand o$tline? #o!ting? %oolean and logical ope!ato!s? onditional .o!matting

    Wee8 $$ 0 T"*8 4 / C(5c8et Sco(e C"(d - eat$!es to )e co&e!edC-Pi&ot a)les? Inte!acti&e %$ttons?Impo!ting "ata? "ata P!otection? "ata alidation

    Wee8 $+ Ece# Modu#e Te*t 0 7eplicate the gi&en doc$ment incl$si&e o. all .eat$!es

    L"Te: "6d MSeu5?"#e6t

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    Wee8 $' 0 T"*8 + / oncent!ating on the in and o$t o. Mic!oso.t po'e! point and p!esentations in(ae= 8elps them lea!n )est p!actices in designing and p!epa!ing po'e! point p!esentation= opicco&e!ed d$!ing this 'ee incl$des C- Maste! (ayo$ts ;slide? template? and notes

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    II Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0 I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    PROBABILITY AND STATISTICSUNIT0IP!o)a)ilityC #ample space and e&ents P!o)a)ility he a:ioms o. p!o)a)ility #ome Elementa!y

    theo!ems - onditional p!o)a)ility %aye@s theo!em=

    UNIT0II7andom &a!ia)les "isc!ete and contin$o$s "ist!i)$tion "ist!i)$tion .$nction= "ist!i)$tion

    UNIT0III%inomial and poison dist!i)$tions 0o!mal dist!i)$tion !elated p!ope!ties=

    UNIT0IV#ampling dist!i)$tionC Pop$lations and samples - #ampling dist!i)$tions o. mean ;no'n and $nno'n$estions= Each >$estion sho$ld not ha&e mo!e than 3 )its=

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    II Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0 I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    U65 "6d S1e## P(o7("))567U65t I/Int!od$ction to /ni:C- A!chitect$!e o. /ni:? eat$!es o. /ni: ? /ni: ommands PA8? man? echo?

    p!int.? sc!ipt? pass'd? $name? 'ho? date? stty? p'd? cd? mdi!? !mdi!? ls? cp? m&? !m? cat? mo!e? 'c? lp? od?ta!? gip=

    U65t II //ni: /tilitiesC-Int!od$ction to $ni: .ile system? &i edito!? .ile handling $tilities? sec$!ity )y .ile pe!missions?p!ocess $tilities? dis $tilities? net'o!ing commands? $nlin? d$? d.? mo$nt? $mo$nt? .ind? $nmas?$limit? ps? '? .inge!? a!p? .tp? telnet? !login=e:t p!ocessing $tilities and )ac$p $tilities ? detailedcommands to )e co&e!ed a!e tail? head ? so!t? nl? $ni>? g!ep? eg!ep? .g!ep? c$t? paste? oin? tee? pg?comm? cmp? di..? t!? a'? cpio

    U65t III /I6t(oduct5o6 to S1e##* //ni: #ession? #tanda!d #t!eams? 7edi!ection? Pipes? ee ommand? ommand E:ec$tion? ommand-(ine Editing? L$otes? ommand #$)stit$tion? Do) ont!ol? Aliases? a!ia)les? P!ede.ined a!ia)les?

    ptions? #hellEn&i!onment $stomiation=

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    II Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0 I Se) T P C, + $


    o mae the st$dent lea!n a o)ect o!iented 'ay o. sol&ing p!o)lems= o mae the st$dent '!ite A"# .o! all data st!$ct$!es=

    Reco))e6ded S*te)*So=t@"(e Reu5(e)e6t*/

    Intel )ased destop P 'ith minim$m o. 166 M8Q o! .aste! p!ocesso! 'ith atleast 64 M% 7AMand 199 M% .!ee dis space

    ++ compile! and #( 7ecommended

    Wee8& / ++ p!og!ams to implement the .ollo'ing $sing an a!!ay=

    a< #tac A" )< L$e$e A"

    Wee8$ /,!ite ++ p!og!ams to implement the .ollo'ing $sing a singly lined list=

    a< #tac A" )< L$e$e A"

    Wee8+ /,!ite ++ p!og!ams to implement the de>$e ;do$)le ended >$e$e< A" $sing a do$)ly lined list andan a!!ay=

    Wee8 4 /,!ite a ++ p!og!am to pe!.o!m the .ollo'ing ope!ationsC

    a< Inse!t an element into a )ina!y sea!ch t!ee= )< "elete an element .!om a )ina!y sea!ch t!ee= c< #ea!ch .o! a ey element in a )ina!y sea!ch t!ee=

    Wee8% /=,!ite ++ p!og!ams that $se non-!ec$!si&e .$nctions to t!a&e!se the gi&en

    )ina!y t!ee in

    a< P!eo!de! )< ino!de! and c< posto!de!=

    Wee8' /,!ite ++ p!og!ams .o! the implementation o. ).s and d.s .o! a gi&en g!aph=

    Wee8F /,!ite ++ p!og!ams .o! implementing the .ollo'ing so!ting methodsC

    a< Me!ge so!t )< 8eap so!t

    Wee8- /,!ite a ++ p!og!am to pe!.o!m the .ollo'ing ope!ations

    a< Inse!tion into a %-t!ee )< "eletion .!om a %-t!ee

    Wee8 /

    =,!ite a ++ p!og!am to pe!.o!m the .ollo'ing ope!ationsa< Inse!tion into an A(-t!ee )< "eletion .!om an A(-t!ee

    Wee8&, /,!ite a ++ p!og!am to implement all the .$nctions o. a dictiona!y ;A"$ita)le $se o. !eso$!ces .o! s$staina)le li.estyles=

    UNIT III /Eco**te)* / oncept o. an ecosystem= - #t!$ct$!e and .$nction o. an ecosystem= - P!od$ce!s?cons$me!s and decompose!s= - Ene!gy .lo' in the ecosystem - Ecological s$ccession= - ood chains?.ood 'e)s and ecological py!amids= - Int!od$ction? types? cha!acte!istic .eat$!es? st!$ct$!e and .$nctiono. the .ollo'ing ecosystemCa= o!est ecosystem)= 5!assland ecosystemc= "ese!t ecosystemd= A>$atic ecosystems ;ponds? st!eams? laes? !i&e!s? oceans? est$a!ies$entialAccess Methods ;I#AM< %+ !eesC A "ynamic Inde: #t!$ct$!e=

    TE:T BOO;S /1= "ata )ase Management #ystems? 7agh$!ama K!ishnan? Dohannes 5eh!e? AA Mc5!a'8ill 3!dEdition2= "ata )ase #ystem oncepts? #il)e!schat? Ko!th? Mc5!a' hill? edition=


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    II Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGUNIT I /Object o(5e6ted t1568567C- 0eed .o! oop pa!adigm? A 'ay o. &ie'ing 'o!ld Agents? !esponsi)ility?

    messages? methods? classes and instances? class hie!a!chies ;Inhe!itance

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    II Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C, + $


    o mae the st$dent lea!n a o)ect o!iented 'ay o. sol&ing p!o)lems= o teach the st$dent to '!ite p!og!ams in Da&a to sol&e the p!o)lems

    Reco))e6ded S*te)*So=t@"(e Reu5(e)e6t*/

    Intel )ased destop P 'ith minim$m o. 166 M8Q o! .aste! p!ocesso! 'ith atleast 64 M% 7AMand 199 M% .!ee dis space

    D"K Kit= 7ecommended

    Wee8& /" ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that p!ints all !eal sol$tions to the >$ad!atic e>$ation a:2 + ): + c T 9= 7ead ina? )? c and $se the >$ad!atic .o!m$la= I. the disc!iminant )2 -4ac is negati&e? display a message statingthat the!e a!e no !eal sol$tions=bhe i)onacci se>$ence is de.ined )y the .ollo'ing !$leC

    he .ist t'o &al$es in the se>$ence a!e 1 and 1= E&e!y s$)se>$ent &al$e is the s$m o. the t'o &al$esp!eceding it= ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that $ses )oth !ec$!si&e and non !ec$!si&e .$nctions to p!int the nth&al$e in the i)onacci se>$ence=

    Wee8 $ /" ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that p!ompts the $se! .o! an intege! and then p!ints o$t all p!ime n$m)e!s $p tothat intege!=b ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am to m$ltiply t'o gi&en mat!ices=c ,!ite a Da&a P!og!am that !eads a line o. intege!s? and then displays each intege!? and the s$m o. allthe intege!s ;/se #t!ingoenie! class o. a&a=$til$ency co$nt o. 'o!ds in a gi&en te:t=

    Wee8 4 /" ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that !eads a .ile name .!om the $se!? then displays in.o!mation a)o$t 'hethe!the .ile e:ists? 'hethe! the .ile is !eada)le? 'hethe! the .ile is '!ita)le? the type o. .ile and the length o.the .ile in )ytes=b ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that !eads a .ile and displays the .ile on the sc!een? 'ith a line n$m)e! )e.o!eeach line=c ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that displays the n$m)e! o. cha!acte!s? lines and 'o!ds in a te:t .ile=

    Wee8 % /" ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am thatC

    i< Implements stac A"=ii< on&e!ts in.i: e:p!ession into Post.i: .o!m

    iii< E&al$ates the post.i: e:p!essionWee8 ' /" "e&elop an applet that displays a simple message=b "e&elop an applet that !ecei&es an intege! in one te:t .ield? and comp$tes its .acto!ial al$e and!et$!ns it in anothe! te:t .ield? 'hen the )$tton named ^omp$te is cliced=

    Wee8 F /,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that 'o!s as a simple calc$lato!= /se a g!id layo$t to a!!ange )$ttons .o! thedigits and .o! the +? -?*? W ope!ations= Add a te:t .ield to display the !es$lt=

    Wee8 - /" ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am .o! handling mo$se e&ents=

    Wee8 /" ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that c!eates th!ee th!eads= i!st th!ead displays ^5ood Mo!ning e&e!y one

    second? the second th!ead displays ^8ello e&e!y t'o seconds and the thi!d th!ead displays ^,elcomee&e!y th!ee seconds=

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    b ,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that co!!ectly implements p!od$ce! cons$me! p!o)lem $sing the concept o.inte! th!ead comm$nication=

    Wee8 &, /,!ite a p!og!am that c!eates a $se! inte!.ace to pe!.o!m intege! di&isions= he $se! ente!s t'o n$m)e!sin the te:t.ields? 0$m1 and 0$m2= he di&ision o. 0$m1 and 0$m2 is displayed in the 7es$lt .ield 'henthe "i&ide )$tton is cliced= I. 0$m1 o! 0$m2 'e!e not an intege!? the p!og!am 'o$ld th!o' a

    0$m)e!o!matE:ception= I. 0$m2 'e!e Qe!o? the p!og!am 'o$ld th!o' an A!ithmeticE:ception "isplaythe e:ception in a message dialog )o:=

    Wee8 && /,!ite a Da&a p!og!am that implements a simple clientse!&e! application= he client sends data to ase!&e!= he se!&e! !ecei&es the data? $ses it to p!od$ce a !es$lt? and then sends the !es$lt )ac to theclient= he client displays the !es$lt on the console= o! e:C he data sent .!om the client is the !adi$s o.a ci!cle? and the !es$lt p!od$ced )y the se!&e! is the a!ea o. the ci!cle= ;/se a&a=netl !acle latest &e!sion 7ecommended

    1< !eation? alte!ing and d!oping o. ta)les and inse!ting !o's into a ta)le ;$se const!aints 'hilec!eating ta)les< e:amples $sing #E(E command=

    2< L$e!ies ;along 'ith s$) L$e!ies< $sing A0? A((? I0? EI##? 0EI##? /0I0?I0E7#E? onst!aints=E:ampleC- #elect the !oll n$m)e! and name o. the st$dent 'ho sec$!ed .o$!th !an in theclass=

    3< L$e!ies $sing Agg!egate .$nctions ;/0? #/M? A5? MA and MI0

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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    $aint the st$dent 'ith an o&e!&ie' o. the theo!etical .o$ndations

    o. comp$te! science .!om the pe!specti&e o. .o!mal lang$ages=B lassi.y machines )y thei! po'e! to !ecognie lang$ages=B Employ .inite state machines to sol&e p!o)lems in comp$ting=B E:plain dete!ministic and non-dete!ministic machines=B omp!ehend the hie!a!chy o. p!o)lems a!ising in the comp$te! sciences=

    UNIT I /$i!ed$i!ed$i!ed

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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    COMPUTER GRAPHICSUNIT I /Int!od$ction? Application a!eas o. omp$te! 5!aphics? o&e!&ie' o. g!aphics systems? &ideo-display

    de&ices? !aste!-scan systems? !andom scan systems? g!aphics monito!s and 'o! stations and inp$tde&ices;p=nos 22-H9 o. te:t )oo-1

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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    U65t I /

    INTRODUCTION TO DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWOR;ING/ #tanda!ds !ganiations .o!"ata omm$nications? (aye!ed 0et'o! A!chitect$!e? pen #ystems Inte!connection? "ataomm$nications i!c$its? #e!ial and pa!allel "ata !ansmission? "ata comm$nications i!c$itA!!angements? "ata comm$nications 0et'o!s? Alte!nate P!otocol #$ites=SIGNALS> NOISE> MODULATION> AND DEMODULATION /#ignal Analysis? Elect!ical 0oise and #ignal-to-0oise 7atio? Analog Mod$lation #ystems? In.o!mationapacity? %its? %it 7ate? %a$d? and +-a!y Encoding? "igital Mod$lation=

    U65t II /METALLIC CABLE TRANSMISSION MEDIACMetallic !ansmission (ines? !ans&e!se Elect!omagnetic ,a&es? ha!acte!istics o. Elect!omagnetic,a&es? !ansmission (ine lassi.ications? Metallic !ansmission (ine ypes? Metallic !ansmission (ineE>$i&alent i!c$it? ,a&e P!opagation on Metallic !ansmission (ines? Metallic !ansmission (ine(osses=

    OPTICAL $ency- "i&ision M$ltiple:ing? ,a&elength- "i&isionM$ltiple:ing? #ynch!ono$s ptical 0et'o!

    U65t IV /WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS /Elect!omagnetic Pola!iation? 7ays and ,a&e.!onts? Elect!omagnetic 7adiation? #phe!ical ,a&e.!ontand the In&e!se #>$a!e (a'? 'a&e Atten$ation and A)so!ption? ptical P!ope!ties o. 7adio ,a&es?e!!est!ial P!opagation o. Elect!omagnetic ,a&es? #ip "istance? !ee-#pace Path (oss? Mic!o'a&eomm$nications #ystems? #atellite omm$nications #ystems=

    U65t V /TELEPHONE INSTRUMENTS AND SIGNALS/he #$)sc!i)e! (oop? #tanda!d elephone #et? %asic elephone all P!oced$!es? all P!og!ess onesand #ignals? o!dless elephones? alle! I"? Elect!onic elephones? Paging systems=

    THE TELEPHONE CIRCUIT/he (ocal #$)sc!i)e! (oop? elephone Message- hannel 0oise and 0oise ,eighting? /nits o. Po'e!sMeas$!ement? !ansmission Pa!amete!s and P!i&ate-(ine i!c$its? oice-!e>$ency i!c$itA!!angements? !osstal=

    U65t VI /CELLULAR TELEPHONE SYSTEMS/i!st- 5ene!ation Analog ell$la! elephone? Pe!sonal omm$nications system? #econd-5ene!ationell$la! elephone #ystems? 0-AMP#? "igital ell$la! elephone? Inte!im #tanda!d? 0o!th Ame!icanell$la! and P# #$mma!y? 5lo)al system .o! Mo)ile omm$nications? Pe!sonal omm$nications#atellite #ystem=


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    DATA COMMUNICATIONS EUIPMENT/"igital #e!&ice /nit and hannel #e!&ice /nit? oice- %and "ata omm$nication Modems? %ell#ystems- ompati)le oice- %and Modems? oice- %and Mode!n %loc "iag!am? oice- %and Modemlassi.ications? Asynch!ono$s oice-%and Modems? #ynch!ono$s oice-%and Modems? Modem#ynch!oniation? I/- oice- %and Modem #peci.ications? F6K Modems? Modem ont!olC he Aommand #et? a)le Modems? P!o)a)ility o. E!!o! and %it E!!o! 7ate=

    U65t VIII/DATA LIN; PROTOCOLS/"ata (in P!otocol $nctions? ha!acte! and %it- !iented P!otocols? "ata !ansmission Modes?Asynch!ono$s "ata (in P!otocols? #ynch!ono$s "ata (in P!otocols? #ynch!ono$s "ata (inont!ol? 8igh (e&el "ata (in ont!ol=

    TE:T BOO;S/1= Int!od$ction to "ata omm$nications and 0et'o!ing? ,ayne omasi? Pea!son Ed$cation=

    Re=e(e6ce Boo8*1= "ata omm$nications and 0et'o!ing? %eh!o$ A o!o$an? o$!th Edition=M8=2= omp$te! omm$nications and 0et'o!ing echnologies? 5allo'?

    #econd Edition homson3= omp$te! 0et'o!ing and Inte!net? !ed 8alsll? (ingana 5o$da K$la!ni? i.th Edition? Pea!son


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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT I /

    Int!od$ctionC Algo!ithm?Ps$edo code .o! e:p!essing algo!ithms?Pe!.o!mance Analysis-#pace comple:ity?ime comple:ity? Asymptotic 0otation- %ig oh notation? mega notation? heta notation and (ittle ohnotation?P!o)a)ilistic analysis? Amo!tied analysis=

    UNIT II /"isoint #ets- disoint set ope!ations? $nion and .ind algo!ithms? spanning t!ees? connected componentsand )iconnected components=

    UNIT III /"i&ide and con>$e!C 5ene!al method ? applications-%ina!y sea!ch? L$ic so!t? Me!ge so!t? #t!assen@smat!i: m$ltiplication=

    UNIT IV /5!eedy methodC 5ene!al method? applications-Do) se>$encing 'ith dead lines? 91 napsac p!o)lem?

    Minim$m cost spanning t!ees? #ingle so$!ce sho!test path p!o)lem=

    UNIT V /"ynamic P!og!ammingC 5ene!al method? applications-Mat!i: chain m$ltiplication? ptimal )ina!y sea!cht!ees? 91 napsac p!o)lem? All pai!s sho!test path p!o)lem?!a&elling sales pe!son p!o)lem? 7elia)ilitydesign=

    UNIT VI /%act!acingC 5ene!al method? applications-n->$een p!o)lem? s$m o. s$)sets p!o)lem? g!aph colo!ing?8amiltonian cycles=

    UNIT VII /%!anch and %o$ndC 5ene!al method? applications - !a&elling sales pe!son p!o)lem?91 napsacp!o)lem- ( %!anch and %o$nd sol$tion? I %!anch and %o$nd sol$tion=

    UNIT VIII /0P-8a!d and 0P-omplete p!o)lemsC %asic concepts? non dete!ministic algo!ithms? 0P - 8a!d and0Pomplete classes? oo@s theo!em=

    TE:T BOO;S /1= $ndamentals o. omp$te! Algo!ithms? Ellis 8o!o'it?#at!a #ahni and

    7aaseha!am?5algotia p$)lications p&t= (td=2= Algo!ithm "esignC o$ndations? Analysis and Inte!net e:amples?

    M==5ood!ich and 7=omassia?Dohn 'iley and sons=


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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C, + $


    &. I6t(oduct5o6

    he int!od$ction o. the English (ang$age (a) is conside!ed essential at 3 !dyea! le&el= At this stage thest$dents need to p!epa!e themsel&es .o! thei! ca!ee!s 'hich may !e>$i!e them to listen to? !ead? speaand '!ite in English )oth .o! thei! p!o.essional and inte!pe!sonal comm$nication in the glo)alisedconte:t=

    he p!oposed co$!se sho$ld )e an integ!ated theo!y and la) co$!se to ena)le st$dents to $se Vgood@English and pe!.o!m the .ollo'ingC

    5athe! ideas and in.o!mation? to o!ganise ideas !ele&antly and cohe!ently= Engage in de)ates= Pa!ticipate in g!o$p disc$ssions= ace inte!&ie's= ,!ite p!oect!esea!ch !epo!tstechnical !epo!ts= Mae o!al p!esentations=

    ,!ite .o!mal lette!s= !ans.e! in.o!mation .!om non-&e!)al to &e!)al te:ts and &ice &e!sa= o tae pa!t in social and p!o.essional comm$nication=

    $. Object5?e*/his (a) .oc$ses on $sing comp$te!-aided m$ltimedia inst!$ction .o! lang$age de&elopment to meet the.ollo'ing ta!getsC

    o imp!o&e the st$dents@ .l$ency in English? th!o$gh a 'ell-de&eloped &oca)$la!y and ena)lethem to listen to English spoen at no!mal con&e!sational speed )y ed$cated English speae!sand !espond app!op!iately in di..e!ent socio-c$lt$!al and p!o.essional conte:ts=

    $!the!? they 'o$ld )e !e>$i!ed to comm$nicate thei! ideas !ele&antly and cohe!ently in '!iting=+. S##"bu*Che .ollo'ing co$!se content is p!esc!i)ed .o! the Ad&anced omm$nication #ills (a)C

    $nctional English - sta!ting a con&e!sation !esponding app!op!iately and !ele&antly $sing

    the !ight )ody lang$age !ole play in di..e!ent sit$ations= oca)$la!y )$ilding synonyms and antonyms? 'o!d !oots? one-'o!d s$)stit$tes? p!e.i:es

    and s$..i:es? st$dy o. 'o!d o!igin? analogy? idioms and ph!ases= 5!o$p "isc$ssion dynamics o. g!o$p disc$ssion ? inte!&ention? s$mma!iing? mod$lation o.

    &oice? )ody lang$age? !ele&ance? .l$ency and cohe!ence= Inte!&ie' #ills concept and p!ocess? p!e-inte!&ie' planning? opening st!ategies? ans'e!ing

    st!ategies? inte!&ie' th!o$gh tele and &ideo-con.e!encing= 7es$me@ '!iting st!$ct$!e and p!esentation? planning? de.ining the ca!ee! o)ecti&e?

    p!oecting ones st!engths and sill-sets? s$mma!y? .o!mats and styles? lette!-'!iting= 7eading comp!ehension !eading .o! .acts? g$essing meanings .!om conte:t? scanning?

    simming? in.e!!ing meaning? c!itical !eading= echnical 7epo!t '!iting ypes o. .o!mats and styles? s$)ect matte! o!ganiation? cla!ity?

    cohe!ence and style? planning? data-collection? tools? analysis=4. M565)u) Reu5(e)e6t/

    T1e E67#5*1 L"67u"7e L"b *1"## 1"?e t@o 9"(t*/i< T1e Co)9ute( "5ded L"67u"7e L"b .o! 69 st$dents 'ith 69 systems? one maste!

    console? (A0 .acility and English lang$age so.t'a!e .o! sel.- st$dy )y lea!ne!s=ii< T1e Co))u65c"t5o6 S85##* L"b'ith mo&a)le chai!s and a$dio-&is$al aids 'ith a P=A

    #ystem? a = =? a digital ste!eo a$dio J &ideo system and camco!de! etc=S*te) Reu5(e)e6t H"(d@"(e co)9o6e6t/omputer network with Lan with minimum )* multimedia systems with the following specifications:

    iii< P I P!ocesso! a< #peed 2=G 58Q)< 7AM F12 M% Minim$mc< 8a!d "is G9 5%

    i&< 8eadphones o. 8igh >$ality

    %. Su77e*ted So=t@"(e/

    he so.t'a!e consisting o. the p!esc!i)ed topics ela)o!ated a)o&e sho$ld )e p!oc$!ed and $sed=

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    Su77e*ted So=t@"(e/

    C#"(5t P(o6u6c5"t5o6 Po@e( pa!t II O=o(d Ad?"6ced Le"(6e(* Co)9"**? thEdition DELTA* 8e to t1e Net Ge6e("t5o6 TOE

    Dec5*5o6 )"8567

    E67#5*1 56 M56d? 8e!)e!t P$chta and De.. #t!ans 'ith Me!edith (e&y? am)!idge

    '. Boo8* Reco))e6ded/1= E==ect5?e Tec165c"# Co))u65c"t5o6? M= Ash!a. 7i&i? ata Mc= 5!a'-8ill P$)lishing

    ompany (td=2= A Cou(*e 56 E67#5*1 co))u65c"t5o6)y Madha&i Apte? P!entice-8all o. India? 299=3= Co))u65c"t5o6 S85##*)y (eena #en? P!entice-8all o. India? 299F=4= Ac"de)5c W(5t5670 A P("ct5c"# 7u5de =o( *tude6t*)y #tephen %ailey? 7ontledge alme!?

    (ondon J 0e' o!? 2994=F= E67#5*1 L"67u"7e Co))u65c"t5o6 / A Re"de( cu) L"b M"6u"# "! A 7ama!ishna 7ao? "!

    5 0atanam J P!o. #A #ana!ana!ayanan? An$!adha P$)lications? hennai6= Bod L"67u"7e0 You( Succe** M"6t(")y "!= #halini e!ma? #= hand? 2996== DELTA* 8e to t1e Net Ge6e("t5o6 TOE

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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT I /

    Co)9ute( S*te) "6d O9e("t567 S*te) O?e(?5e@/ &e!&ie' o. comp$te! ope!ating systemsope!ating systems .$nctions p!otection and sec$!ity dist!i)$ted systems special p$!pose systemsope!ating systems st!$ct$!es and systems calls ope!ating systems gene!ation

    UNIT II /P(oce** M"6"7e)e6t P!ocess concepts th!eads? sched$ling-c!ite!ia algo!ithms? thei! e&al$ation?h!ead sched$ling? case st$dies /0I? (in$:? ,indo's

    UNIT III /Co6cu((e6c / P!ocess synch!oniation? the c!itical- section p!o)lem? Pete!son@s #ol$tion?synch!oniation 8a!d'a!e? semapho!es? classic p!o)lems o. synch!oniation? monito!s? #ynch!oniatione:amples? atomic t!ansactions= ase st$dies /0I? (in$:? ,indo's

    UNIT IV /

    Me)o( M"6"7e)e6t / #'apping? contig$o$s memo!y allocation? paging? st!$ct$!e o. the page ta)le ?segmentation? &i!t$al memo!y? demand paging? page-7eplacement? algo!ithms? case st$dies /0I?(in$:? ,indo's

    UNIT V /P(56c59#e* o= de"d#oc8 system model? deadloc cha!acte!iation? deadloc p!e&ention? detection anda&oidance? !eco&e!y .o!m deadloc?IO systems? 8a!d'a!e? application inte!.ace? e!nel I s$)system? !ans.o!ming I !e>$ests8a!d'a!e ope!ation? #7EAM#? pe!.o!mance=

    UNIT VI /

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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    COMPILER DESIGNUNIT IO?e(?5e@ o= Co)95#"t5o6/ Phases o. ompilation (e:ical Analysis? 7eg$la! 5!amma! and !eg$la!

    e:p!ession .o! common p!og!amming lang$age .eat$!es? pass and Phases o. t!anslation? inte!p!etation?)ootst!apping? data st!$ct$!es in compilation (E le:ical analye! gene!ato!=

    UNIT IITo9 do@6 P"(*567 / onte:t .!ee g!amma!s? op do'n pa!sing %act!acing? (( ;1

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    UNIT I

    I6t(oduct5o6 / #I? PIP and othe! net'o!s models? E:amples o. 0et'o!sC 0o&ell 0et'o!s?A!panet? Inte!net? 0et'o! opologies ,A0? (A0? MA0=

    UNIT 0 IIP1*5c"# L"e( C !ansmission media coppe!? t'isted pai! 'i!eless? s'itching and encodingasynch!ono$s comm$nications 0a!!o' )and? )!oad )and I#"0 and AM=

    UNIT 0 IIID"t" #568 #"e( C "esign iss$es? .!aming? e!!o! detection and co!!ection? 7? Elementa!y P!otocol-stopand 'ait? #liding ,indo'? #lip? "ata lin laye! in 8"(? Inte!net? AM=

    UNIT 0 IVMed5u) Acce** *ub #"e( / A(8A? MA add!esses? a!!ie! sense m$ltiple access= IEEE G92=#tanda!d Ethe!net? 'i!eless (A0#= %!idges

    UNIT 0 VNet@o(8 L"e( / i!t$al ci!c$it and "atag!am s$)nets-7o$ting algo!ithm sho!test path !o$ting?looding? 8ie!a!chical !o$ting? %!oad cast? M$lti cast? distance &ecto! !o$ting=

    UNIT VI"ynamic !o$ting %!oadcast !o$ting= 7ota!y .o! mo)ility= ongestion? ont!ol Algo!ithms 5ene!alP!inciples o. ongestion p!e&ension policies= Inte!net 'o!ingC he 0et'o! laye! in the inte!net and inthe AM 0et'o!s=

    UNIT VIIT("6*9o(t L"e(/ !anspo!t #e!&ices? onnection management? P and /"P p!otocols AM AA((aye! P!otocol=

    UNIT VIIIA99#5c"t5o6 L"e( 0et'o! #ec$!ity? "omain name system? #0MP? Elect!onic Mail the ,o!ld ,E%?M$lti Media=

    TE:T BOO;S /1= omp$te! 0et'o!s [ And!e' # anen)a$m? 4th Edition= Pea!son

    Ed$cationP8I2= "ata omm$nications and 0et'o!ing %eh!o$ A= o!o$an=hi!d

    Edition M8=


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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT 0 I

    I6t(oduct5o6 to UML C Impo!tance o. modeling? p!inciples o. modeling? o)ect o!iented modeling?concept$al model o. the /M(? A!chitect$!e? #o.t'a!e "e&elopment (i.e ycle=

    UNIT 0 IIB"*5c St(uctu("# Mode#567 / lasses? 7elationships? common Mechanisms? and diag!ams=Ad?"6ced St(uctu("# Mode#567 / Ad&anced classes? ad&anced !elationships? Inte!.aces? ypes and7oles? Pacages=

    UNIT 0 IIIC#"** Object D5"7(")* / e!ms? concepts? modeling techni>$es .o! lass J )ect "iag!ams=

    UNIT0 IVB"*5c Be1"?5o("# Mode#5670I / Inte!actions? Inte!action diag!ams=

    UNIT 0 VB"*5c Be1"?5o("# Mode#5670II / /se cases? /se case "iag!ams? Acti&ity"iag!ams=

    UNIT 0 VIAd?"6ced Be1"?5o("# Mode#567 / E&ents and signals? state machines? p!ocesses and h!eads? timeand space? state cha!t diag!ams=

    UNIT0VIIA(c15tectu("# Mode#567 C omponent? "eployment? omponent diag!ams and "eployment diag!ams=

    UNIT 0 VIIIC"*e Stud / he /ni.ied (i)!a!y application=

    TE:T BOO;S /

    1= 5!ady %ooch? Dames 7$m)a$gh? I&a! Daco)son C he /ni.ied Modeling(ang$age /se! 5$ide? Pea!son Ed$cation=

    2= 8ans-E!i E!isson? Magn$s Pene!? %!ian (yons? "a&id adoC /M( 2oolit? ,I(E-"!eamtech India P&t= (td=


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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C, + $



    o /nde!stand the .$nctionalities o. &a!io$s laye!s o. #I model o inc$lcate o)ect o!iented so.t'a!e design

    S*te) So=t@"(e Reu5(e)e6t

    Intel )ased destop Ps (A0 00EE" 'ith minim$m o. 166 M8Q o! .aste! p!ocesso!'ith atleast 64 M% 7AM and 199 M% .!ee dis space

    ools #$ch as 7ational 7ose

    P"(t 0 A1= Implement the data lin laye! .!aming methods s$ch as cha!acte!? cha!acte! st$..ing and )it st$..ing=2= Implement on a data set o. cha!acte!s the th!ee 7 polynomials 7 12? 7 16 and 7 IP=3= Implement "ist!a Vs algo!ithm to comp$te the #ho!test path th!$ a g!aph=4= ae an e:ample s$)net g!aph 'ith 'eights indicating delay )et'een nodes= 0o' o)tain 7o$tingta)le a!t each node $sing distance &ecto! !o$ting algo!ithmF= ae an e:ample s$)net o. hosts = )tain )!oadcast t!ee .o! it=6= ae a 64 )it playing te:t and enc!ypt the same $sing "E# algo!ithm == ,!ite a p!og!am to )!ea the a)o&e "E# codingG= /sing 7#A algo!ithm Enc!ypt a te:t data and "ec!ypt the same =

    P"(t 0 B1= he st$dent sho$ld tae $p the case st$dy o. /ni.ied (i)!a!y application 'hich is mentioned in thetheo!y? and Model it in di..e!ent &ie's i=e /se case &ie'? logical &ie'? component &ie'? "eployment&ie'? "ata)ase design? .o!'a!d and 7e&e!se Enginee!ing? and 5ene!ation o. doc$mentation o.the p!oect=2= #t$dent has to tae $p anothe! case st$dy o. hishe! o'n inte!est and do the same 'hat e&e!mentioned in .i!st p!o)lem= #ome o. the ideas !ega!ding case st$dies a!e gi&en in !e.e!ence )oos'hich 'e!e mentioned in theo!y sylla)$s can )e !e.e!!ed .o! some idea=Note / he analysis? design? coding? doc$mentation? data)ase design o. mini p!oect 'hich 'ill )e

    ca!!ied o$t in 4th yea! sho$ld )e done in o)ect-o!iented app!oach $sing /M( and )y $sing app!op!iateso.t'a!e 'hich s$ppo!ts /M(? othe!'ise the mini p!oect 'ill not )e e&al$ated=

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    III Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C, + $


    Object5?e /

    o p!o&ide an $nde!standing o. the lang$age t!anslation pec$lia!ities )y designing a completet!anslato! .o! a mini lang$age=

    o p!o&ide an $nde!standing o. the design aspects o. ope!ating system

    Reco))e6ded S*te)*So=t@"(e Reu5(e)e6t*/

    Intel )ased destop P 'ith minim$m o. 166 M8Q o! .aste! p!ocesso! 'ith atleast 64 M% 7AMand 199 M% .!ee dis space

    ++ complie! and D"K it

    P"(t 0 A1= #im$late the .ollo'ing P/ sched$ling algo!ithmsa< 7o$nd 7o)in )< #D c< # d< P!io!ity2= #im$late all .ile allocation st!ategiesa< #e>$ential)< Inde:ed c< (ined3= #im$late M and M4= #im$late all ile !ganiation echni>$esa< #ingle le&el di!ecto!y )< 'o le&el c< 8ie!a!chical d< "A5F= #im$late %ane!s Algo!ithm .o! "ead (oc A&oidance6= #im$late %ane!s Algo!ithm .o! "ead (oc P!e&ention= #im$late all page !eplacement algo!ithmsa< I )< (7/ c< (/ Etc= XG= #im$late Paging echni>$e o. memo!y management=

    PART 0 Bonside! the .ollo'ing mini (ang$age? a simple p!oced$!al high-le&el lang$age? only ope!ating onintege!data? 'ith a synta: looing &ag$ely lie a simple c!ossed 'ith Pascal= he synta: o. the lang$age isde.ined )y the .ollo'ing %0 g!amma!C

    Yp!og!am\ CCT Y)loc\Y)loc\ CCT b Y&a!ia)lede.inition\ Yslist\ b Yslist\ Y&a!ia)lede.inition\ CCT int Y&a!de.list\ Y&a!de.list\ CCT Y&a!dec\ Y&a!dec\ ? Y&a!de.list\Y&a!dec\ CCT Yidenti.ie!\ Yidenti.ie!\ Yconstant\ NYslist\ CCT Ystatement\ Ystatement\ Yslist\Ystatement\ CCT Yassignment\ Yi.statement\ Y'hilestatement\ Y)loc\ Yp!intstatement\ Yempty\Yassignment\ CCT Yidenti.ie!\ T Ye:p!ession\ Yidenti.ie!\ Ye:p!ession\ N T Ye:p!ession\Yi.statement\ CCT i. Y)e:p!ession\ then Yslist\ else Yslist\ endi. i. Y)e:p!ession\ then Yslist\ endi.Y'hilestatement\ CCT 'hile Y)e:p!ession\ do Yslist\ enddo

    Yp!intstatement\ CCT p!int ; Ye:p!ession\ !st$&':yYdigit\ CCT 91234F6GHYempty\ has the o)&io$s meaning

    omments ;e!o o! mo!e cha!acte!s enclosed )et'een the standa!d Da&a-style comment )!acets *===*< can )e inse!ted= he lang$age has !$dimenta!y s$ppo!t .o! 1-dimensional a!!ays= he decla!ation

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    int a3N decla!es an a!!ay o. th!ee elements? !e.e!enced as a9N? a1N and a2N= 0ote also that yo$ sho$ld'o!!y a)o$t the scoping o. names=A simple p!og!am '!itten in this lang$age isCb int a3N?t1?t2t1T2a9NT1 a1NT2 at1NT3t2T-;a2N+t1*6

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    JE R>L$mps to the inst!$ction 'ith the la)el ( i. the &al$e in !egiste! 7 is e!o=JNE R>L$mps to the inst!$ction 'ith the la)el ( i. the &al$e in !egiste! 7 is not e!o=JGE R>L$mps to the inst!$ction 'ith the la)el ( i. the &al$e in !egiste! 7 is g!eate! than o! e>$al to e!o=JGT R>L

    $mps to the inst!$ction 'ith the la)el ( i. the &al$e in !egiste! 7 is g!eate! than e!o=JLE R>L$mps to the inst!$ction 'ith the la)el ( i. the &al$e in !egiste! 7 is less than o! e>$al to e!o=JLT R>L$mps to the inst!$ction 'ith the la)el ( i. the &al$e in !egiste! 7 is less than e!o=NOPis an inst!$ction 'ith no e..ect= It can )e tagged )y a la)el=STOPstops e:ec$tion o. the machine= All p!og!ams sho$ld te!minate )y e:ec$ting a #P inst!$ction=

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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    WEB TECHNOLOGIESObject5?e*/his co$!se demonst!ate an in-depth $nde!standing o. the tools and ,e) technologies necessa!y .o!

    )$siness application design and de&elopment= he co$!se co&e!s client side sc!ipting lie 8M(?Da&a#c!ipt and se!&e! side sc!ipting lie se!&lets? D#Ps= And also M( and 'e) se!&e!s and data)aseinte!.acing=

    UNIT0I/HTML Co))o6 t"7*- (ist? a)les? images? .o!ms? !ames ascading #tyle sheets

    UNIT0II/Int!od$ction to Da&a #c!ipts? )ects in Da&a #c!ipt? "ynamic 8M( 'ith Da&a #c!ipt

    UNIT0III/:MLC "oc$ment type de.inition? M( #chemas? "oc$ment )ect model? P!esenting M(? /sing M(P!ocesso!sC "M and #A

    UNIT0IV/J"?" Be"6*C Int!od$ction to Da&a %eans? Ad&antages o. Da&a %eans? %"KInt!ospection? /sing %o$nd p!ope!ties? %ean In.o Inte!.ace? onst!ained p!ope!tiesPe!sistence? $stomies? Da&a %eans API? Int!od$ction to ED%@s

    UNIT0V/Web Se(?e(* "6d Se(?#et*/ omcat 'e) se!&e!? Int!od$ction to #e!&eletsC (i.ecycle o. a #e!&e!let?D#"K? he #e!&elet API? he a&a:=se!&elet Pacage? 7eading #e!&elet pa!amete!s? 7eadingInitialiation pa!amete!s= he a&a:=se!&elet 8P pacage? 8andling 8ttp 7e>$est J 7esponses?/sing ooies-#ession !acing? #ec$!ity Iss$es?

    UNIT0VI/I6t(oduct5o6 to JSPC he P!o)lem 'ith #e!&elet= he Anatomy o. a D#P Page? D#P P!ocessing= D#PApplication "esign 'ith M #etting /p and D#P En&i!onmentC Installing the Da&a #o.t'a!e"e&elopment Kit? omcat #e!&e! J esting omcat

    UNIT0VII/JSP A99#5c"t5o6 De?e#o9)e6t/ 5ene!ating "ynamic ontent? /sing #c!ipting Elements Implicit D#P)ects? onditional P!ocessing "isplaying al$es /sing an E:p!ession to #et an Att!i)$te? "ecla!inga!ia)les and Methods E!!o! 8andling and "e)$gging #ha!ing "ata %et'een D#P pages? 7e>$ests?and /se!s Passing ont!ol and "ate )et'een Pages #ha!ing #ession and Application "ata Memo!y/sage onside!ations

    UNIT VIII/D"t"b"*e Acce** / "ata)ase P!og!amming $sing D"%? #t$dying Da&a:=s>l=* pacage?Accessing a"ata)ase .!om a D#P Page? Application #peci.ic "ata)ase Actions?"eploying DAA %eans in a D#PPage? Int!od$ction to st!$ts .!ame'o!==TE:T BOO;S/1= ,e) P!og!amming? )$ilding inte!net applications? h!is %ates 2ndedition?

    ,I(E "!eamtech ;/0I s 1?2 ?3 L"67u"7e*> "6d S*te) A(c15tectu(e* / "ata Mining P!imiti&es? "ataMining L$e!y (ang$ages? "esigning 5!aphical /se! Inte!.aces %ased on a "ata Mining L$e!y

    (ang$age A!chitect$!es o. "ata Mining #ystems=

    UNIT 0 IVCo6ce9t* De*c(59t5o6 / C1"("cte(5"t5o6 "6d Co)9"(5*o6 / "ata 5ene!aliation and#$mma!iation- %ased ha!acte!iation? Analytical ha!acte!iationC Analysis o. Att!i)$te 7ele&ance?Mining lass ompa!isonsC "isc!iminating )et'een "i..e!ent lasses? Mining "esc!ipti&e #tatisticalMeas$!es in (a!ge "ata)ases=

    UNIT 0 VM56567 A**oc5"t5o6 Ru#e* 56 L"(7e D"t"b"*e* /Association 7$le Mining? Mining #ingle-"imensional%oolean Association 7$les .!om !ansactional "ata)ases? Mining M$ltile&el Association 7$les .!om!ansaction "ata)ases? Mining M$ltidimensional Association 7$les .!om 7elational "ata)ases and"ata ,a!eho$ses? !om Association Mining to o!!elation Analysis? onst!aint-%ased AssociationMining=

    UNIT 0 VIC#"**5=5c"t5o6 "6d P(ed5ct5o6 / Iss$es 7ega!ding lassi.ication and P!ediction? lassi.ication )y"ecision !ee Ind$ction? %ayesian lassi.ication? lassi.ication )y %acp!opagation? lassi.ication%ased on oncepts .!om Association 7$le Mining? the! lassi.ication Methods? P!ediction? lassi.ie!Acc$!acy=

    UNIT 0 VIIC#u*te( A6"#*5* I6t(oduct5o6 / ypes o. "ata in l$ste! Analysis? A atego!iation o. Mao!l$ste!ing Methods? Pa!titioning Methods? "ensity-%ased Methods? 5!id-%ased Methods? Model-%asedl$ste!ing Methods? $tlie! Analysis=

    UNIT 0 VIIIM56567 Co)9#e T9e* o= D"t" / M$ltimensional Analysis and "esc!ipti&e Mining o. omple:? "ata

    )ects? Mining #patial "ata)ases? Mining M$ltimedia "ata)ases? Mining ime-#e!ies and #e>$ence"ata? Mining e:t "ata)ases? Mining the ,o!ld ,ide ,e)=

    TE:T BOO;S /1= "ata Mining oncepts and echni>$es - DIA,EI 8A0 J MI8E(I0E KAM%E7 8a!co$!t


    RE$es A7/0 K P/DA7I? /ni&e!sity P!ess=3= "ata ,a!eho$sing in the 7eal ,o!ld #AM A0A87 J "E00I# M/77A= Pea!son Edn Asia=4 "ata ,a!eho$sing $ndamentals PA/(7AD P00AIA8 ,I(E #/"E0 E"II0=F= he "ata ,a!eho$se (i.e cycle ool it 7A(P8 KIM%A(( ,I(E #/"E0 E"II0=

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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTUREU65t 0 I$ndamentals o. omp$te! design- echnology t!ends- cost- meas$!ing and !epo!ting pe!.o!mance

    >$antitati&e p!inciples o. comp$te! design=

    U65t 0 IIInst!$ction set p!inciples and e:amples- classi.ying inst!$ction set- memo!y add!essing- type and sie o.ope!ands- add!essing modes .o! signal p!ocessing-ope!ations in the inst!$ction set- inst!$ctions .o!cont!ol.lo'- encoding an inst!$ction set=-the !ole o. compile!

    U65t 0 IIIInst!$ction le&el pa!allelism ;I(P$es- static )!anch p!otection - (I, app!oach - 8=, s$ppo!t

    .o! mo!e I(P at compile time- 8=, &e!ses #=, #ol$tions

    U65t 0 VMemo!y hie!a!chy design- cache pe!.o!mance- !ed$cing cache misses penalty and miss !ate &i!t$almemo!y- p!otection and e:amples o. M=

    U65t 0 VIM$ltip!ocesso!s and th!ead le&el pa!allelism- symmet!ic sha!ed memo!y a!chitect$!es- dist!i)$tedsha!ed memo!y- #ynch!oniation- m$lti th!eading=

    U65t 0 VII#to!age systems- ypes %$ses - 7AI"- e!!o!s and .ail$!es- )ench ma!ing a sto!age de&ice-designing a I system=

    U65t 0 VIII

    Inte! connection net'o!s and cl$ste!s- inte!connection net'o! media p!actical iss$es ininte!connecting net'o!s- e:amples cl$ste!s- designing a cl$ste!=

    TE:T BOO; C1= omp$te! A!chitect$!e A >$antitati&e app!oach 3!d edition Dohn (= 8ennessy J "a&id A= Patte!sonMo!gan K$.mann ;An Imp!int o. Else&ie!$antiation and t!ansmission o. a$dio=

    UNIT 0 IIIAct5o6 Sc(59t I/ Action#c!ipt eat$!es? )ect-!iented Action#c!ipt? "atatypes and ype hecing?lasses? A$tho!ing an Action#c!ipt lass=

    UNIT 0 IV

    Act5o6 Sc(59t II / Inhe!itance? A$tho!ing an Action#c!ipt 2=9 #$)class? Inte!.aces? Pacages?E:ceptions=

    UNIT 0 VA99#5c"t5o6 De?e#o9)e6t / An P Application !ame 'o!? /sing omponents 'ith Action#c!iptMo&ielip #$)classes=

    UNIT 0 VIMu#t5)ed5" d"t" co)9(e**5o6 / (ossless comp!ession algo!ithmC 7$n-(ength oding? a!ia)le (engthoding? "ictiona!y %ased oding? A!ithmetic oding? (ossless Image omp!ession? (ossy comp!essionalgo!ithmC L$antiation? !ans.o!m oding? ,a&elet-%ased oding? Em)edded Qe!ot!ee o. ,a&eletoe..icients #et Pa!titioning in 8ie!a!chical !ees ;#PI8$esC Int!od$ction to &ideo comp!ession? &ideo comp!ession )ased onmotion compensation? sea!ch .o! motion &ecto!s? MPE5? %asic A$dio omp!ession echni>$es=

    UNIT 0 VIIIM$ltimedia 0et'o!sC %asics o. M$ltimedia 0et'o!s? M$ltimedia 0et'o! omm$nications andApplications C L$ality o. M$ltimedia "ata !ansmission? M$ltimedia o&e! IP? M$ltimedia o&e! AM0et'o!s? !anspo!t o. MPE5-4? Media-on-"emand;M"

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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4

    SO$i!ed >$ality? pee! inspections=T1e o#d @" "6d t1e 6e@ / he p!inciples o. con&entional so.t'a!e Enginee!ing? p!inciples o. mode!nso.t'a!e management? t!ansitioning to an ite!ati&e p!ocess=

    UNIT 0 IIIL5=e cc#e 91"*e* / Enginee!ing and p!od$ction stages? inception? Ela)o!ation? const!$ction? t!ansitionphases=

    A(t5="ct* o= t1e 9(oce** / he a!ti.act sets? Management a!ti.acts? Enginee!ing a!ti.acts? p!og!ammatica!ti.acts=

    UNIT 0 IVMode# b"*ed *o=t@"(e "(c15tectu(e* /A Management pe!specti&e and technical pe!specti&e=Wo(8 $ality indicato!s? li.e cycle e:pectations? p!agmatic #o.t'a!e Met!ics? Met!ics a$tomation=T"5#o(567 t1e P(oce** / P!ocess disc!iminants=


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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT IG(5d Co)9ut567 / "ata J omp$tational 5!ids? 5!id A!chitect$!es and its !elations to &a!io$s"ist!i)$ted echnologies

    UNIT IIA$tonomic omp$ting? E:amples o. the 5!id omp$ting E..o!ts ;I%M

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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT 0 ID"t" co))u65c"t5o6* "6d Net@o(8 M"6"7e)e6t O?e(?5e@ / Analogy o. elephone 0et'o!Management? omm$nications p!otocols and #tanda!ds? ase 8isto!ies o. 0et'o!ing andManagement? hallenges o. In.o!mation echnology Manage!s? 0et'o! ManagementC 5oals?!ganiation? and $nctions? 0et'o! and #ystem Management? 0et'o! Management #ystemPlat.o!m? $!!ent #tat$s and .$t$!e o. 0et'o! Management=

    UNIT 0 IISNMPV& Net@o(8 M"6"7e)e6t / !ganiation and In.o!mation and In.o!mation Models=M"6"7ed 6et@o(8 C ase 8isto!ies and E:amples? he 8isto!y o. #0MP Management? he #0MPModel? he !ganiation Model? #ystem &e!&ie'? he In.o!mation Model=

    UNIT 0 IIISNMP?& Net@o(8 M"6"7e)e6t / omm$nication and $nctional Models= he #0MP omm$nication

    Model? $nctional model=

    UNIT 0 IVSNMP M"6"7e)e6t/ SNMP?$ / Mao! hanges in #0MP&2? #0MP&2 #ystem A!chitect$!e? #0MP&2#t!$ct$!e o. Management In.o!mation? he #0MP&2 Management In.o!mation %ase? #0MP&2 P!otocol?ompati)ility ,ith #0MP&1=

    UNIT 0 VSNMP M"6"7e)e6t / RMON / ,hat is 7emote Monito!ingZ ? 7M0 #MI and MI%? 7M01? 7M02?AM 7emote Monito!ing? A ase #t$dy o. Inte!net !a..ic /sing 7M0

    UNIT 0 VITe#eco))u65c"t5o6* M"6"7e)e6t Net@o(8 / ,hy M0Z ? pe!ations #ystems? M0 oncept$alModel? M0 #tanda!ds? M0 A!chitect$!e? M0 Management #e!&ice A!chitect$!e? An Integ!ated ie'o. M0? mplementation Iss$es=

    UNIT 0 VIINet@o(8 M"6"7e)e6t Too#* "6d S*te)*/0et'o! Management ools? 0et'o! #tatisticsMeas$!ement #ystems? 8isto!y o. Ente!p!ise Management? 0et'o! Management systems?omme!cial 0et'o! management #ystems? #ystem Management? Ente!p!ise Management #ol$tions=

    UNIT 0 VIIIWeb0B"*ed M"6"7e)e6tC0M# 'ith ,e) Inte!.ace and ,e)-%ased Management? ,e) Inte!.ace to#0MP Management? Em)edded ,e)-%ased Management? "estop management Inte!.ace? ,e)-%ased Ente!p!ise Management? ,%EMC ,indo's Management Inst!$mentation? Da&a managementE:tensions? Management o. a #to!age A!ea 0et'o!C ? $t$!e "i!ections.

    TE:T BOO; /1= 0et'o! Management? P!inciples and P!actice? Mani #$)!ahmanian? Pea!son Ed$cation=


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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C, + $


    o teach st$dents &a!io$s .o!ms o. IP th!o$gh /ni: and socet P!og!amming

    Reco))e6ded S*te)*So=t@"(e Reu5(e)e6t*/

    Intel )ased destop P 'ith minim$m o. 166 M8Q o! .aste! p!ocesso! 'ith atleast 64 M% 7AMand 199 M% .!ee dis space (A0 onnected

    Any .la&o$! o. /ni: (in$:

    Wee8&.Implement the .ollo'ing .o!ms o. IP=a

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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0I Se) T P C, + $


    Object5?e /

    o c!eate a .$lly .$nctional 'e)site 'ith m&c a!chitect$!e= o "e&elop an online %oo sto!e$sing 'e can sell )oos ;E: amaon =coml o! !acle6= DM;Da&a &i!t$al machine< m$st )e installed on yo$! system= %"K;%ean de&elopment it< m$st )e also )e installed


    "esign the .ollo'ing static 'e) pages !e>$i!ed .o! an online )oo sto!e 'e) site=1< HOME PAGE/he static home page m$st contain th!ee =(")e*=

    op .!ame C (ogo and the college name and lins to 8ome page? (ogin page? 7egist!ation page?atalog$e page and a!t page ;the desc!iption o. these pages 'ill )e gi&en )elo'

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    (ogo ,e) #ite 0ame

    8ome (ogin 7egist!ation atalog$e a!t



    (ogin C


    + CATOLOGUE PAGE/he catalog$e page sho$ld contain the details o. all the )oos a&aila)le in the 'e) site in a ta)le=he details sho$ld contain the .ollo'ingC

    1= #nap shot o. o&e! Page=2= A$tho! 0ame=3= P$)lishe!=4= P!ice=F= Add to ca!t )$tton=

    (ogo ,e) #ite 0ame

    8ome (ogin 7egist!ation atalog$e a!t





    %oo C M( %i)le

    A$tho! C ,instonP$)lication C ,iely

    f 49=F

    %oo C AIA$tho! C #=7$sselP$)lication C P!incetonhall

    f 63

    %oo C Da&a 2A$tho! C ,atsonP$)lication C %P%p$)lications

    f 3F=F

    %oo C 8M( in 24ho$!sA$tho! C #am Pete!P$)lication C #amp$)lication

    f F9

    0oteC ,ee 2 contains the !emaining pages and thei! desc!iption=

    Wee80$C4 CART PAGE/

    Submit Reset

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    he ca!t page contains the details a)o$t the )oos 'hich a!e added to the ca!t=he ca!t page sho$ld loo lie thisC

    (ogo ,e) #ite 0ame

    8ome (ogin 7egist!ation atalog$e a!t


    Boo8 6")e P(5ce u"6t5t A)ou6t

    Da&a 2 f3F=F 2 f9M( )i)le f49=F 1 f49=F

    Tot"# ")ou6t 0 f139=F


    !eate a ^registration form^'ith the .ollo'ing .ields

    1< 0ame ;e:t .ield$antiation? )asic !elationships )et'een pi:els ;p=nos= 1F-1?21- 44? F9-6H

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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT 0 I

    Elect!onic omme!ce-!ame 'o!? anatomy o. E-omme!ce applications? E-omme!ce ons$me!applications? E-omme!ce o!ganiation applications=

    UNIT 0 IIons$me! !iented Elect!onic comme!ce - Me!cantile P!ocess models=

    UNIT 0 IIIElect!onic payment systems - "igital oen-%ased? #ma!t a!ds? !edit a!ds? 7iss in Elect!onicPayment systems=

    UNIT0IVInte! !ganiational omme!ce - E"I? E"I Implementation? al$e added net'o!s=

    UNIT 0 V

    Int!a !ganiational omme!ce - 'o! lo'? A$tomation $stomiation and inte!nal omme!ce? #$pplychain Management=

    UNIT 0 VIo!po!ate "igital (i)!a!y - "oc$ment (i)!a!y? digital "oc$ment types? co!po!ate "ata ,a!eho$ses=Ad&e!tising and Ma!eting - In.o!mation )ased ma!eting? Ad&e!tising on Inte!net? on-line ma!etingp!ocess? ma!et !esea!ch=

    UNIT 0 VIIons$me! #ea!ch and 7eso$!ce "isco&e!y - In.o!mation sea!ch and 7et!ie&al? omme!ce atalog$es?In.o!mation ilte!ing=

    UNIT 0 VIIIM$ltimedia - ey m$ltimedia concepts? "igital ideo and elect!onic omme!ce? "estop &ideop!ocessings? "estop &ideo con.e!encing=

    TE:T BOO; /1= !ontie!s o. elect!onic comme!ce Kalaata? ,hinston? Pea!son=


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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT 0 Ieat$!es o. "ist!i)$ted &e!s$s ent!alied "ata)ases? P!inciples . "ist!i)$ted "ata)ases ? (e&els ."ist!i)$tion !anspa!ency? 7e.e!ence A!chitect$!e .o! "ist!i)$ted "ata)ases ? ypes o. "ata!agmentation?Integ!ity onst!aints in "ist!i)$ted "ata)ases=

    UNIT II!anslation o. 5lo)al L$e!ies to !agment L$e!ies? E>$i&alence !ans.o!mations .o! L$e!ies?!ans.o!ming 5lo)al L$e!ies into !agment L$e!ies? "ist!i)$ted 5!o$ping and Agg!egate $nctionE&al$ation? Pa!amet!icL$e!ies=

    UNIT IIIptimiation o. Access #t!ategies? A !ame'o! .o! L$e!y ptimiation? Doin L$e!ies? 5ene!al L$e!ies=

    UNIT IVhe Management o. "ist!i)$ted !ansactions? A !ame'o! .o! !ansaction Management ? #$ppo!tingAtomicity o. "ist!i)$ted !ansactions? onc$!!ency ont!ol .o! "ist!i)$ted !ansactions? A!chitect$!alAspects o. "ist!i)$ted !ansactions=

    UNIT 0 Vonc$!!ency ont!ol? o$ndation o. "ist!i)$ted onc$!!ency ont!ol? "ist!i)$ted "eadlocs?onc$!!ency ont!ol )ased on imestamps? ptimistic Methods .o! "ist!i)$ted onc$!!ency ont!ol=

    UNIT VI7elia)ility? %asic oncepts? 0on)locing ommitment P!otocols? 7elia)ility and conc$!!ency ont!ol?"ete!mining a onsistent ie' o. the 0et'o!? "etection and 7esol$tion o. Inconsistency? hecpointsand old 7esta!t? "ist!i)$ted "ata)ase Administ!ation? atalog Management in "ist!i)$ted "ata)ases?A$tho!iation and P!otection

    UNIT 0 VIIA!chitect$!al Iss$es? Alte!nati&e lient#e!&e! A!chitect$!es? ache onsistency )ect Management?)ect Identi.ie! Management? Pointe! #'iling? )ect Mig!ation? "ist!i)$ted )ect #to!age? )ectL$e!y P!ocessing? )ect L$e!y P!ocesso! A!chitect$!es? L$e!y P!ocessing Iss$es? L$e!y E:ec$tion ?!ansaction Management? !ansaction Management in )ect "%M#s ? !ansactions as )ects=UNIT 0 VIII"ata)ase Integ!ation? #cheme !anslation? #cheme Integ!ation? L$e!y P!ocessing L$e!y P!ocessing(aye!s in "ist!i)$ted M$lti-"%M#s? L$e!y ptimiation Iss$es= !ansaction Management !ansactionand omp$tation Model M$ltidata)ase onc$!!ency ont!ol? M$ltidata)ase 7eco&e!y? )ect!ientation And Inte!ope!a)ility )ect Management A!chitect$!e 7%A and "ata)ase Inte!ope!a)ility"ist!i)$ted omponent Model M(E and "ata)ase Inte!ope!a)ility? P/#8-%ased echnologies

    TE:T BOO;S /&. "ist!i)$ted "ata)ase P!inciples J #ystems? #te.ano e!i? 5i$seppe

    Pelagatti Mc5!a'-8ill


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    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT 0 I

    I6t(oduct5o6 / Impo!tance o. $se! Inte!.ace de.inition? impo!tance o. good design= %ene.its o. gooddesign= A )!ie. histo!y o. #c!een design=

    UNIT 0 IIT1e 7("915c"# u*e( 56te(="ce pop$la!ity o. g!aphics? the concept o. di!ect manip$lation? g!aphicalsystem? ha!acte!istics? ,e) $se! Inte!.ace pop$la!ity? cha!acte!istics- P!inciples o. $se! inte!.ace=

    UNIT 0 IIIDe*576 9(oce** 8$man inte!action 'ith comp$te!s? impo!tance o. h$man cha!acte!istics h$manconside!ation? 8$man inte!action speeds? $nde!standing )$siness $nctions=

    UNIT 0 IVSc(ee6 De*576567 / "esign goals #c!een planning and p$!pose? o!ganiing sc!een elements?o!de!ing o. sc!een data and content sc!een na&igation and .lo' is$ally pleasing composition

    amo$nt o. in.o!mation .oc$s and emphasis p!esentation in.o!mation simply and meaning.$lly in.o!mation!et!ie&al on 'e) statistical g!aphics echnological conside!ation in inte!.ace design=

    UNIT 0 V,indo's 0e' and 0a&igation schemes selection o. 'indo'? selection o. de&ices )ased and sc!een)ased cont!ols=

    UNIT 0 VIomponents te:t and messages? Icons and inc!eases M$ltimedia? colo!s? $ses p!o)lems? choosingcolo!s=

    UNIT 0 VII#o.t'a!e tools #peci.ication methods? inte!.ace %$ilding ools=

    UNIT 0 VIIIInte!action "e&ices Key)oa!d and .$nction eys pointing de&ices speech !ecognition digitiationand gene!ation image and &ideo displays d!i&e!s=

    TE:T BOO;S /1= he essential g$ide to $se! inte!.ace design? ,il)e!t 5alit? ,iley "!eamaech=2= "esigning the $se! inte!.ace= 3!d Edition %en #hneide!mann ? Pea!son Ed$cation Asia=


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    2007-2008 Page 95 of 95


    IV Ye"( B.Tec1. CSE 0II Se) T P C42&3 , 4


    UNIT I

    I6t(oduct5o6 / ,hat Is a "esign Patte!nZ? "esign Patte!ns in #malltal M? "esc!i)ing "esignPatte!ns? he atalog o. "esign Patte!ns? !ganiing the atalog? 8o' "esign Patte!ns #ol&e "esignP!o)lems? 8o' to #elect a "esign Patte!n? 8o' to /se a "esign Patte!n=

    UNIT0IIA C"*e Stud / De*576567 " Docu)e6t Ed5to( / "esign P!o)lems? "oc$ment #t!$ct$!e? o!matting?Em)ellishing the /se! Inte!.ace? #$ppo!ting M$ltiple (oo-and-eel #tanda!ds? #$ppo!ting M$ltiple,indo' #ystems? /se! pe!ations #pelling hecing and 8yphenation? #$mma!y =

    UNIT0IIIC(e"t5o6"# P"tte(6* /A)st!act acto!y? %$ilde!? acto!y Method? P!ototype? #ingleton? "isc$ssion o.!eational Patte!ns=


    St(uctu("# P"tte(6 P"(t0I /Adapte!? %!idge? omposite=

    UNIT0VSt(uctu("# P"tte(6 P"(t0II / "eco!ato!? aade? ly'eight? P!o:y=

    UNIT0VIBe1"?5o("# P"tte(6* P"(t0I / hain o. 7esponsi)ility? ommand? Inte!p!ete!? Ite!ato!=

    UNIT0VIIBe1"?5o("# P"tte(6* P"(t0II / Mediato!? Memento? )se!&e!? #tate? #t!ategy? emplate Method ?isito!?"isc$ssion o. %eha&io!al Patte!ns=

    UNIT0VIII,hat to E:pect .!om "esign Patte!ns? A %!ie. 8isto!y? he Patte!n omm$nity An In&itation? A Pa!tingho$ght=

    TE:T BOO; /1= "esign Patte!ns %y E!ich 5amma? Pea!son Ed$cation
