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  • 8/4/2019 cspd fial



    Superior university Lahore

    How superior university can provide

    services to the local community

    About authors:

    1. Ahmed nazir 10133(leader)2. Umer Bhatti 101093. Arif Ali 101514. M Atif Azam 101145. Asif Ali Bhatti 10110

    All the persons mentioned are the students of MBE.con 2nd


    Report required by:

    Mr. Mohsin Mubarak

    Date of completion:

    Sep 21th


  • 8/4/2019 cspd fial



    Superior university Lahore

    Table of content

  • 8/4/2019 cspd fial



    Superior university Lahore


    An organization is established to for the benefits of the organization members only. Another

    moral duty is to add value to the society. The purpose of conducting this report is what are the

    ways by which the gapes between the local community (ARIAN VILLAGE) can be minimizedand to make valuable contribution to there life. The report will cover all the social and economic

    issues that they are suffering from. All the data was collected with the help of questioner which

    is given in the appendices. After conducting the research the result states that the prominent

    problems of the community are mostly related with education, health, employment and financial


    From the feed back received from the different people suggest that the local community should

    be given some special favor and preferences in all the problems those are mentioned above. So

    on the basis of collected data the it is recommended that all the educated persons should be

    provided preferences in the employment in university, all the brilliant student of the area shouldbe given special concession for there education, superior should provide loans to persons who

    want to start there own small business, and university should also sponsor health care facilities.


    Superior university is situated approximately 16 km away from the Thoker Niazbag which is

    considered as a part of the main city. Superior university is surrounded by a small village named

    ARIAN which has population of around 2500 to 3000. Because of its distance from main city the

    area is seriously ignored by the government.

    The purpose of the report is to find out and high light the main problems of the area. And to take

    initiative to help them and to add value to the local community which is suffering from the

    financianl, health, education, employment and lack of communication between the local

    community and the university and to enhance the awareness of the local community about those


    The research is conducing by the students of the MBE.con the names of the students are

    mentioned earlier in the report. The main area of concentration are mentioned above further

    more all other smaller factors will also be discussed which can directly or indirectly increase thesocial lifes of the people of the local area. No such issue will be discussed in the report which is

    related with the personal life of the people because all these factors are out of the scope of the

    report. Such as no political issues of the area will be disused in the report.

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    Superior university Lahore

    Problems found

    After conducting the research following problems were found

    1.1. Health is considered a very important factors in any society the. Arian is located

    away from Lahore is a rural area is facing the same problems as many of the villages

    in Pakistan. There is not a single hospital in the area in equipped with the necessary

    facilities for the local community. There is only one basic health care center for

    which mostly do not have the proper medicines and the doctors as well. So people

    have to go o Lahore for any of emergency or serious disease.

    1.2 . Another problem is related with the health as well that is about the diagnostic

    facilities in the local area there is not a single private reliable laboratory in the area.

    That creates more problems for the local people. They have to go to far away even

    for a minor test

    1.3 .In the local area people do not have the facility of the healthy drinking water.

    most of the people in the local area are suffering from the water born diseases there

    in no water filtration plant for the people of Arian

    1.4 .Majority of the people in the local community are uneducated. It is commonly

    observed in Pakistans rural areas that the major problem of higher illness rate in

    those areas is the lack of awareness about the health care

    2.1 .Another problem that the local students are facing is that they do not have any

    preferences or quota specified for the students of the local area in the university.

    They have to come through the open merit system

    2.2 .Students of the local area do not have any proper lab where they can access the

    up-to-date knowledge about the out side world and also about their subjects. Library

    is also not available in the area so the students have no access to their required books

    and helping material

    2.3 .Financial constraint is also another problem for the students of the local area.

    They are mostly not in the position to pay the fee. And ultimately they have to leave

    the study or to go to Lahore or some other private institutes

    2.4 .Brilliant students of the area have the problem of scholarships. There are no

    scholarships for the brilliant students of the area from the local business companies

    .There is also no sponsorship trend shown by the business companies

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    Superior university Lahore

    3. No such institutions are in the area those are providing technical education to the

    students of the local community such as short course like MS Office, auto cad

    ,graphic designing etc

    3.1 .Employment is now a days a very serious problem in Pakistan especially in the

    rural area the problem. Same is the case with the local community the educatedpersons are unable to find jobs if some one has some kind of job most of them are

    suffering from disguised unemployment (they are not on the position for what they

    are eligible).

    4 .There is no preferences/quota in employment for the local public of the area. as

    there is a trend that the companies often offer preferences for some local area such as

    ( the residents of Lahore /Thoker will be preferred for this job

    5 .There are no shades available on the two bus stops of the area one is superior

    university and second is Arian stop. People suffers from swear weather conditionparticularly in the summer.

    6 .Another problem that was quite significantly observed in the local area that was

    regarding the absence of such financial institution those could provide financial

    assistance to the local area people who want to start their own small business in the


    7 .No entertainment facilities sponsored for the local residents such as arranging the

    cricket /foot ball match for the local residents.

    Conclusion:From the above mentioned problems it is quite clear that the there are problems faced by the

    local community and there are gapes to be filled by the superior university as well. Superior

    university can prove to be very beneficial to the local community if they feel and fulfill there

    duties which are due morally on the organization.


    Health is the major problem superior university as short tem plan can arrange free medical

    camps every week or monthly basis. A doctor should be invited in the university. Camps

    can also be held on fifteen days basis.

    Another thing that superior university can do for the local community is arrangement of

    the different seminars on health care awareness. Such as in the monsoon season a seminars

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    Superior university Lahore

    on the topic of how make your self secure from the water born diseases such as cholera,

    malaria etc.

    Lack of clean drinking water is also another problem for the area. Lack of this facility is

    causing many diseases in the country superior university can sponsor a water filtration

    plant for the local community it would be a very use full addition to the life of the localresidents if university do this as many of international organizations do to add value to the


    Superior university should can provide medicines to the Basic Center for Health in Arian

    village it would also improve the lifes of the people health condition. Because of its

    location near the industrial estate where many pharmaceutical companies are working

    superior university with the collaboration of any of company can provide diagnostic


    Superior university should provide preferences to the local residents for employment thatis another big problem of the area superior university should allocate some specific quota

    for the educated persons of the local community. And there should be preferences for the

    local residents for the jobs if two candidates apply for the job in the university the local

    university should provide preferences to the local resident.

    Students of the university should teach in the local schools to the students for this they

    should be given certificates that would also be very beneficial for the local community.

    Superior university should also encourage the school level education should sponsor play

    grounds, infrastructure of education in the local area that superior has also done in the past

    that tradition. Brilliant students of the area should be given prizes to the students who

    obtain highest marks in the local schools and scholarships should also be providing to

    those students.

    Students of the local area mostly are not from the strong back grounds. The students of the

    local community should given concession on the basis of locality to increase the ratio of

    higher education in the area the concession should be provided for all the programs.

    Usually university gives concession on the basis of old students. New criteria of giving

    concession on the basis of local residents should be introduced. About 20% of the fee

    should be waved for the local students

    University should offer technical short courses which could enhance the qualification of

    the people of local area on affordable fee such as auto cad, MS Office, graphic designing,

    coral draw etc. for this purpose lab of the university could also be used after the classes

    are over. The local residents should be given access to the library as well for the required

    books, magazines and journals as well.

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    Superior university Lahore

    Chaudry Muhammad Akram center for entrepreneurship development is working in the

    superior university. There are a large number of unemployed educated persons in the area.

    The persons who wants to start there new small business have two options to enquire loans

    first is bank and second is the NGO. Problems are that banks usually have very tight

    policy of giving loans and NGO like KASHAF is not working in the area. So superior

    university could be third option that not only provides loan to educated persons. Also

    provides consultancy about the business. The local people should be preferred in this

    matter because they deserve it more.

    University should also organized sports festivals in which the local residents should also

    be allowed to participate. Such as when the universities annul sports are held the local

    teams should also be invited for participation

    The local residents do not have shades on the two buss stops. One ARIAN and the second

    is superior university. Shades on the bus stops should be sponsored by the superior

    university because in summer people have to wait for so long in the sun. it would bebeneficial for those the students and the local residents as well.