Chipping Sodbury Specialist Technology School committed to learning N O N

CSTS Propectus 10-11A - Chipping Sodbury School · 2010-10-05 · 09.10 Period 1 10.10 Period 2 11.10 Break 11.30 Period 3 12.30 Lunch break 13.10 Bell for afternoon lessons 13.15

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Page 1: CSTS Propectus 10-11A - Chipping Sodbury School · 2010-10-05 · 09.10 Period 1 10.10 Period 2 11.10 Break 11.30 Period 3 12.30 Lunch break 13.10 Bell for afternoon lessons 13.15

Chipping SodburySpecialist Technology School

committed to learningNON

Page 2: CSTS Propectus 10-11A - Chipping Sodbury School · 2010-10-05 · 09.10 Period 1 10.10 Period 2 11.10 Break 11.30 Period 3 12.30 Lunch break 13.10 Bell for afternoon lessons 13.15

Chipping Sodbury School is proud to be the result ofcenturies of development in this ancient markettown. The present school has its root in the EndowedSchool founded in the Middle Ages to provide freeeducation for the townsmen. In 1938 ChippingSodbury Grammar School, as it was then, moved to itspresent site. It has been a comprehensive school since1970.

Currently the school serves Chipping Sodbury, Yateand the surrounding villages. In 2008 the school wasre-designated as a Specialist Technology School.


Integrity is also about the motto on our school badge

which reads ‘Judge not Rashly’

Ethos and valuesAs a community we have worked hard at developing a setof core values. These values underpin the work that we do.They have been put together after careful consultationwith students, staff, parents and governors.

In our school you will find the value of respect being shown by everyone, for example by • Respecting the views of others• Thinking of others • Allowing everyone else to learn• Considering other people’s feelings and needs

You will find aspiration being shown by everyone, for example by • Believing in what they are doing• Wanting to do well• Looking to take on something extra• Showing determination and perseverance

You will find responsibility being shown by everyone, for example by • Setting a good example through positive

participation• Meeting deadlines• Taking an active part in their own learning• Being prepared to learn

Finally, you will see integrity being shown by everyone, for example by • Apologising when things go wrong• Telling the truth• Showing care and consideration for others• Making the right choice, even when it is difficult

About the school

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Chipping Sodbury School is a mixed 11-18 comprehensive school. Theschool admits up to 180 students each year from the full ability range.The school can be said to be genuinely comprehensive. We have asuccessful and vibrant sixth form. We provide a broad and balancedcurriculum that matches the needs of tomorrow’s learners.

‘This is a school where Every Child Matters’ – Ofsted inspectionDecember 2005.

The learning promise• All students will leave Chipping Sodbury

School with appropriate qualifications and skills for their chosen route beyond school, and their aspirations catered for.

• All students will develop their interpersonal skills and their self esteem so that they leave school as confident future citizens.

• All students will understand the value of learning and education and so continue beyond school through work, training, college or university.

Philip Lidstone’s welcomeI became Headteacher of the school inApril 2004 having previously been headof a girls’ comprehensive school in thecity of Nottingham. I believe in a schoolthat is happy and harmonious, wherestudents have every opportunity to dotheir best.

Our duty is to unlock the potential ofeach and every student at the school sothat on leaving each one can take theirplace in society. I am very proud of theschool and its hardworking students.

Welcome to Chipping Sodbury School

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At KS3 we offer the full range of

national curriculum subjects.

We take special care of students with

special needs or difficulty with learning

and provide students with appropriate




@ KS4

Pathways to learning KS3

• Tutorial Support •• Personal Education •• Literacy andNumeracy Support •• National Curriculum Subjects •• Sport, Drama,Music, Outdoor Education •• Individual Mentoring •

• Core English,

Maths, Science •

• Languages •

• Technology Specialists •

• Range of

Optional Subjects •

• Vocational Opportunities •

14 - 16

• Mathematics •

• English •

• Science •• Modern Language - French in Y7 with opportunitiesfor German and Spanish later •

• Design & Technology -Includes design realisation,graphics, textiles and food •• History •

• Geography •• Information & Communication Technology (ICT) •

• Art •

• Music •

• Drama •• Religious Education •

• Personal, Social & HealthEducation •

@ KS311 - 13

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Sixth Form

14-19 curriculum at KS4 & KS5

Sixth form students take on other roles and

responsibilities as well as following

academic courses. The expectation is that

these students act as role models for

younger ones.

At KS4, we offer a variety of over 30 in

GCSE and BTec accreditation, courses

together with work experience, tutorial

and mentor support and enrichment


• Level Two Courses •• Level Three Courses •

• Guidance •• Employment Training •

• University andHigher Education •


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The school day

A typical student’s day

08.50 Morning tutor time and assembly

09.10 Period 110.10 Period 211.10 Break11.30 Period 312.30 Lunch break13.10 Bell for afternoon lessons13.15 Period 414.15 Period 515.15 End of school day

Students arrive in school from 8.30onwards. The day begins with a tutorsession or, on one morning each week,an assembly in the drama hall. Lessonsbegin at 09.10 and last for an hour. Eachlesson is different depending upon whatis being taught. So students movebetween workshops, art rooms,computing suites, science laboratoriesand traditional classrooms as the needarises.

Lunchtime lasts for 45 minutes with thelast five minutes for students to move toperiod four. Registration for theafternoon happens online in period fourclassrooms. Unless the weather is poor,students go outside at break andlunchtimes for fresh air. There are,however, some lunchtime activities aswell as the library, for student use. Thecanteen provides a breakfast service,snacks and drinks at break, as well aslunch facilities.

All students are expected to stay on siteat lunch and breaktimes, unless they liveclose enough to school to have theirlunch at home.

All students are provided with atimetable which gives essentialinformation about the ‘what’, ‘where’and ‘when’ of lessons. The school journal,issued to every student, also provides away of organising commitments such ashomework and clubs, as well as aidingcommunication between home andschool.

FeedbackParents are always welcome to make contact with school. This isbest made initially with the Tutor, House Coordinator or Headof Key Stage. Feedback about learning and more generalmatters can be provided, as well as discussing specific problems.

On a more formal basis there are several opportunities providedfor feedback during the year. Each student at KS3 and KS4receives a review of progress at least three times a year (withthe exception of Year 11). This provides a snapshot ofattainment and effort and highlights any causes for concern. Anopportunity to visit the school for a subject teacherconsultation, in what is generally known as a parents’ evening,occurs across the course of the year.

Arrangements for the Sixth Form are slightly different but keepto the principle of frequent reviews, contact with individualmentors and a parents’ evening.

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Student support

Great emphasis is placed upon the personal and socialdevelopment of students in preparing them to take apositive role in society. The Head of Life team co-ordinatesthis work along with citizenship, enterprise and careerseducation. The careers education and guidance provisionhelps students to make informed choices about theirlearning and occupational options. It prepares them for thedemands of adult life and helps to develop the skillsneeded to manage their own careers. Once again we havea colleague who leads this work, working closely with the‘Connexions’ service. The school senate and year councilsenable all students to have a voice in the school and a rolein school decision making. The school values its studentsfor who they are and for their contribution to thedeveloping progress of our school.

Students will join one of four houses. Eachhouse contains students from all yeargroups. Tutor groups are organised in years.Each house is led by a House Coordinatorwho will take overall responsibility for dayto day academic and pastoral matters. EachKey Stage has a Head of Key Stage and thismember of staff has overall oversight ofstudents across the four houses andespecially with students’ academic progressand achievement. Working with Heads ofKey Stage and House Coordinators is anIntervention Manager who leads a team ofTeaching Assistants tasked with supportingstudents with special educational needs andother vulnerable learners.

Each student is allocated a learning mentorto guide, support and develop theirlearning. They will meet students at leastthree times a year to develop an individuallearning plan for the student to worktowards.

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The wider curriculum

Music is another area of excellence in school,with a wide variety of clubs on offer.

Many students take advantage of theopportunity to learn to play a musicalinstrument and, as a result, the school boasts astrong orchestra catering for all standards ofability.

Additionally, a number of small groups ofinstrumentalists play together for a variety ofaudiences, both in and out of school. Dramaproductions vary from large scale presentationsto smaller studio work. “Little Shop of Horrors ”was the production for summer 2010 with over60 students involved.

Each year students in KS3 have the opportunityto take part in a variety of unusual activities,known as Alternative Curriculum days. Activitiesinclude a range of trips and experiences such ascircus skills, enterprise challenges, pottery andspecialist regional cookery.

Our new sports centre is now in use. Together withone of the best 3G artificial grass pitches in the area,the school has some fantastic facilities to support PEand sport, both in school and across the widercommunity.

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Foreign visits take place each year. Some areorganised primarily to help students developconfidence in speaking foreign languages, othersprovide opportunities for young people to seecultures other than their own. Some take placeduring holidays.

We are also exploring opportunities to createpartnerships with schools in the Far East. The school’swork in developing international links has beenrecognised by the British Council and DCSF with theInternational Schools Award.

During each school year we receive many requests forsupport from a variety of charities. Students areinvited to nominate those charities which they wouldlike to support. A number of fund raising events takeplace during the year, the proceeds being dividedbetween the nominated charities.

The wider curriculum

The school has a long tradition of work-relatedexperience for all students. Work Experience is animportant part of the Year Ten programme in thesummer term. Students are encouraged through theCareers Programme to develop an understanding ofthe world of work so that they are able to makeinformed decisions about their own career options.

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The Chipping Sodbury Endowed School FoundationIn 1867, the Charity Commissioners devised ascheme whereby the Chipping Sodbury Town LandsCharity should divide its income between thesupport of Chipping Sodbury Endowed School andthe benefit of the poor in the town. Both stillbenefit.

The Foundation supports the school very generously,purchasing equipment which would not be possibleout of the Local Authority budget and subsidisingeducational visits, including residential study coursesand visits abroad. Further beneficiaries have beenthe library, information and communicationstechnology resources and physical education.

An active PTA exists and all staff and parents areautomatically members of this organisation. ThePTA supports the school in many ways. They arealways keen to recruit more active members – thefirst meeting is held early in the first term.

The Parent Teacher Association

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The school contributes to community life in variousways, such as our support for the Chipping SodburyFestival and the Victorian Day. We are wellsupported by Chipping Sodbury Rotary Club and theLions Club of Chipping Sodbury. A variety of firmssupport the Greenpower Challenge group. As partof the Extended Schools initiative, we continue toseek opportunities to create partnerships with thecommunity.

The school works very closely with its community inmany ways. Our Specialist Technology School statusallows us to support adult and community learningprogrammes for different groups, as well as our clusterprimary and first schools.

We have good links with local employers through ourextensive work experience programme as well assupport from local businesses and organisations.

The school in the Community

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Chipping SodburySpecialist Technology School

committed to learningNON









Old Sodbury



Chipping SodburySpecialist Technology School

Bowling RoadChipping Sodbury

South GloucestershireBS37 6EW

Tel: 01454 862900Fax: 01454 862901

email: [email protected]

Chipping Sodbury School is a place where staff and students work

together in a peaceful and harmonious climate.Achievement is valued and there is an

expectation that staff and students cooperate,share and innovate together through exciting

teaching and dynamic learning. There is amutual respect between our staff and students.

Together they aspire to the highest possiblestandards. All members of our specialist

technology school collaborate and supporteach other in a trusting and caring environment

where learning is overtly our priority. Above all everyone is happy!













A420 A431













Old Sodbury


