Cualés son los usos de los tiempos verbales en inglés

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  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    To expect ii Clase video

    Otro uso del verbo "expect" es para expresar lo que damos por hechoo "take for granted",como decimos en ingls. En este caso, cuando no cambia el sujeto, le sigue el infinitivo del


    Espero una subida salarial todos los aos. I expect to geta pay rise every year.

    Espero verte aqu a las cinco. I expect to seeyou here at five o'clock.

    Espero terminar el proyecto en marzo como muy

    tarde.I expect to finishthe project by March.

    l espera ser ascendido dentro de un mes. He expects to be promotedwithin a month.

    Espero no encontrar problemas. I don't expect to encounter any problems.

    Cuando queremos hablar de lo que exigimos de los dems, colocamos el pronombre objeto u

    objeto entre el verbo "expect" y el infinitivo.

    Espero que ella sea puntual todos los das. I expect herto beon time every day.

    Ella espera que yo sea eficiente. She expects meto beefficient.

    Espero que termines esto el viernes como

    muy tarde.I expect youto finishthis by Friday.

    No esperes que haga eso! Don't expect meto dothat!

    No esperes que friegue y limpie la casa. Don't expect meto wash upand clean the house.

    To Wait Clase video

    "To wait" significa "esperar" en el sentido de una espera. Cuando

    especificamos la duracin de la espera con un nmero se puede utilizar la

    preposicin "for"pero es opcional. En cambio, cuando esperamos un autobs/

    un tren o a alguien, es imprescindible usar "for".

    Esper el autobs durante tres

    horas.I waited(for) three hours for the bus.

    Llevo dos horas y media esperando I've been waiting formy friend for two and a
  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    a mi amigo. half hours.

    l esper toda la tarde para

    conseguir una entrada.He waitedall afternoon to get a ticket.

    Tendremos que esperar a ver lo quepasa.

    We'll have to waitand see what happens.

    Puedes esperar un minuto? Can you wait a minute?

    Cuando esperamos a que otra persona haga algo la estructura es la siguiente:

    wait + for + somebody + to do something.

    Llevo toda la maana esperando aque l me llame. I've been waiting for him to callme allmorning.

    Esperaste a que teminara el

    programa?Did you wait for the programme to end?

    l no ve la hora de que su jefe se

    jubile!He can't wait for his boss to retire!

    Me esperas, que voy a hacer unas

    llamadas?Will you wait for me to makea few calls?

    Ella esper tres aos a que l volviesea


    She waited three years for him to come



    Nunca se traduce el

    verbo molestar por "to

    molest", que significa

    abusar sexualmente.

    Significa "to bother" o el

    sinnimo ms suave "to


    Don't bother your

    father while he's

    working, dear. - No

    molestes a tu padre

    mientras trabaja, cario.

    One expression:

    When the dust has


    Cuando haya pasado la


  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    One phrasal verb:

    To close down- Cerrar

    I'm going to close

    down the business.-

    Voy a cerrar el negocio.

    One adjective:

    Unfair- injusto

    Do people who speak

    English have an unfair

    advantage?- La gente

    que habla ingls se

    encuentra en una injusta

    situacin de

    Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en


    En espaol y en ingls los tiempos verbales funcionan de manera diferente. Veamos a

    travs de ejemplos los usos de los tiempos verbales en voz activa:

    1. Present Simple.El presente simple lo usamos para expresar:

    - Una accin en el presente o condicin.I hear you.

    Here comes the bus.

    -Verdades universales.

    There are thirty days in September.

    Cats drink milk

    -Una accin habitual o rutinaria.

    I like musicI run on Tuesdays and Sundays.

    !iempo de "uture.

    The train leaves at 4:00 p.m.

    #. Present Continuous o Progressive. El presente continuo se emplea para llevar a


    -Una actividad $ue est% en proceso.

    I am playing soccer now

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Verbos de percepcin.

    He is eeling sad.

    &ota' Los verbos de percepcin en ingls listen to! look at! touch!" se refieren a los

    sentidos. #e pueden emplear con tiempos continuos si indican $ue el receptor est%

    enfoc%ndose en un objeto espec&fico

    He is watching T".

    She#s listening to the music.

    'ero cuidado( los verbos $ue indican una percepcin general no pueden usarse con los

    tiempos continuos hear! see! smell".

    This smoke smells terrible.

    (. Past Simple. El pasado simple e$uivale en espaol al pretrito indefinido beb&( am(

    sal&" o al pretrito imperfecto de subjuntivo bebiera o bebiese( amara o amase". Veamos

    sus usos:

    Para hablar de una accin completa ) "inalizada.

    $e visited the museum yesterday.

    *n una condicional de segundo tipo.

    I I were rich! I would buy a new car.

    Es a$u& cuando empleamos el pretrito imperfecto de subjuntivo.

    +. Past Continuous o Progressive. El pasado continuo se emplea principalmente para:

    ,cciones del pasado $ue tuvieron lugar durante un periodo de tiempo- es decir se

    prolongaron en el pasado.

    They were climbing or twenty%seven days.

    Una accin pasada interrumpida por otra.

    $e were eating dinner when she told me.

    . /uture.El tiempo de futuro en ingls se divide principalmente en dos: /uturo

    simple o /uturo congoing to.El "uturo simple se reali)a con el auxiliar *ill o en

    negativa *on+t. Este se utili)a para una actividad o evento $ue pasar% o no pasar% en el


    % I &ll' will get up late tomorrow.

    % I won#t get up early.

    'or otro lado( el /uturo congoing to se emplea generalmente para expresar $ue la

    accin e futuro tiene relacin con el presente.

    %I#m hungry. I#m going to get something to eat.

    &ota' ,mbos tiempos de futuro tienen mucas m%s excepciones y diferencias $ueiremos viendo en post posteriores.

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    0. Present Per"ect. ebemos utili)ar el 'resente 'erfecto con:

    - State Verbs $ue epresan una

    accin $ue comenz en el pasado ) contin2a en el presente.

    He has lived here or many years.

    ,cciones habituales o continuadas.

    He has worn glasses all his lie.

    *ventos $ue ocurrieron en un tiempo de pasado no identi"icado.

    Have you ever been in Tokyo beore(

    3. Present Per"ect Continuous. El 'resente 'erfecto /ontinuo tiene una pe$uea

    diferente con el 'resente perfecto( es pr%cticamente un mati). Veamos cu%ndo debemosusarlo:

    - Para eprear la duracin de una accin $ue empez en el pasado- $ue continua

    en el presente ) puede $ue contin2e en el "uturo. 4ueremos en"atizar la actividad o

    la duracin.

    )avid has been working or two hours! and he hasn#t inished yet.

    5. Past Per"ect.0tili)amos el 'asado 'erfecto para:

    -6escribir un evento pasado "inalizado- antes $ue otro evento del pasado.
  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    $hen I arrived home! he had already called.

    Con el *stilo 7ndirecto o 8eporter Speech.

    *ane sasid that she had gone to the movies.


    imple PresentWhat do you do? Qu haces? - What does he do? Qu hace?

    I, we, you, they subject + 1 1 2 3

    he, she, it subject + 1 > s go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I go I don't go Do I go ?

    You go You don't go Do you go ?

    He goes He doesn't go Does he go ?

    She goes She doesn't go Does she go ?

    It goes It doesn't go Does it go ?We go We don't go Do we go ?

    You go You don't go Do you go ?

    They go They don't go Do they go ?

    Affirmative subject + 1 > "s" (he, she, it)

    I go to New o! #Voy a New York

    $e goes to New o! # El va a New York

    Negative subject + %on&t ' %oesn&t + 1I %on&t go to New o! # No voy a New York

    $e %oesn&t go to New o! # El no va a New York

    Interrogative o ' oes + subject + 1

    o I go to New o! # Voy a New York ?

    oes he go to New o! # Va l a New York ?

    usos del presente simple

    Acciones habituales (estilos de vida, hbitos, rutina diaria).

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Lucas gets up at 9:00 am. Lucas se levanta a las nueve.Paul and I do a lot of things every day. Paul y yo hacemos muchas cosas a diario.

    Hechos o verdades generales.

    The sun sets in the west. El sol se pone por el oeste.

    The Earth goes around the sun. La Tierra gira alrededor del sol.

    Situaciones permanentes.

    Maria lives in uenos !ires. Mara vive en Buenos Aires.It costs a lot of money to stay at the "ilton. Cuesta mucho dinero alojarse en el Hilton.

    Primer ondicional.

    If you heat #utter$ it melts. i calientas manteca! "sta se derrite.%ontact me if you need any help. Ponte en contacto conmigo si necesitas ayuda.

    e!presiones usuales del presente simple

    often " generall# " usuall# " al$a#s " neverever# da# " ever# $ee% " ever# month " ever# #ear " sometimes

    imple PWhat did you do? Qu hicis

    subject + 21 2 3

    go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I went I didn't go Did I go ?

    You went You didn't go Did you go ?

    He went He didn't go Did he go ?

    She went She didn't go Did she go ?

    It went It didn't go Did it go ?

    We went We didn't go Did we go ?

    You went You didn't go Did you go ?

    They went They didn't go Did they go ?

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Affirmative subject + 2

    I went to New o! #Fui a New York

    $e went to New o! # El fue a New York

    Negative subject + didn't + 1

    I %i%n&t go to New o! # No fui a New York

    $e %i%n&t go to New o! # El no fue a New York

    Interrogative Did + subject + 1 ?

    i% I go to New o!# Fui a New York ?

    i% he go to New o! # Fue l a New York?

    usos del pasado simple

    Acciones pasadas &ue tuvieron lugar en determinado momento# &ue #a han finali'ado.

    My parents didn&t wor' last wee'. Mis padres no tra#ajaron la semana pasada.Lina wor'ed in a #an' from (99) to *00*. Lina tra#aj$ en un #anco desde %&&' a())(.

    Hechos pasados e!presados en secuencia.

    +heila got up at , am$ had #rea'fast$ too' a shower and went to wor' at 9 am.heila se levant$ a las *! desayun$! se duch$ y +ue a tra#ajar a las &.

    e!presiones usuales del pasado simple

    #esterda# " last night " before " ago " in

    on their vacation " last $ee%end " last month " last #ear

    imple Present PerWhat have you done? Qu has hecho?

    subject + h*e ' h*s + 31 2 3

    go went gone

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I have gone I haven't gone Have I gone ?

    You have gone You haven't gone Have you gone ?

    He has gone He hasn't gone Has he gone ?

    She has gone She hasn't gone Has she gone ?

    It has gone It hasn't gone Has it gone ?

    We have gone We haven't gone Have we gone ?

    You have gone You haven't gone Have you gone ?

    They have gone They haven't gone Have they gone ?

    Affirmative subject + h*e ' h*s + 3

    I h*e gone to New o! #He ido a New York

    $e h*s gone to New o! # El ha ido a New York

    Negative subject + h*en&t ' h*sn&t + 3

    I h*en&t gone to New o! # No he ido a New York

    $e h*sn&t gone to New o! # El no ha ido a New York

    Interrogative $*e ' $*s + subject + 3

    $*e I gone to New o!# He ido a New York ?

    $*s he gone to New o! # Ha ido l a New York?

    usos del presente perfecto simplePor regla general$ se lo utili-a para descri#ir acciones ue empe-aron en el pasadoy ue a/n no han finali-ado o ue guardan alguna relacin con el presente.

    on el adverbiojust* acciones &ue acaban de ocurrir.

    The President has 1ust arrived from the 2+. El Presidente aca#a de llegar desde EE,,.They #oth have 1ust left for ogota.Am#os aca#an de partir para Bogot-.

    on las preposiciones for#since.

    3e have lived in Italy for three years. Hemos vivido en talia durante tres a/os.

    I haven&t heard from you since (99044 001o he tenido noticias tuyas desde %&&)22

    on los adverbios yet# already.

    They haven&t ta'en the asic E5am yet. 1o han rendido el E3amen B-sico a4n.I have already ta'en the Intermediate E5am. 5a he rendido el E3amen ntermedio.

    on el grado superlativo de un ad+etivo.

    6M +miles has always #een one of the funniest sections in 6M Personal.6M miles ha sido siempre una de las secciones m-s divertidas de 6M Personal.

    on las e!presiones* Its the first, Its the second, etc.It&s the first time I have flown 2nited. Es la primera ve7 8ue vuelo por ,nited.

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    It&s the second time she has had lunch today. Es la segunda ve7 8ue almuer7a hoy.

    e!presiones usuales del presente perfecto simple

    since " for " +ust " ago " latel##et " alread# " never " ever " recentl#

    imple Past PerfectWhat had you done? Qu habas hecho?

    subject + h*% + 31 2 3

    go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I had gone I hadn't gone Had I gone ?

    You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?

    He had gone He hadn't gone Had he gone ?

    She had gone She hadn't gone Had she gone ?

    It had gone It hadn't gone Had it gone ?

    We had gone We hadn't gone Had we gone ?

    You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?They had gone They hadn't gone Had they gone ?

    Affirmative subject + h*% + 3

    I h*% gone to New o! #Yo haba ido a New York

    $e h*% gone to New o! # El haba a New York

    Negative subject + h*%n&t + 3

    I h*%n&t gone to New o! # Yo no haba ido a New York

    $e h*%n&t gone to New o! # El no haba ido a New York

    Interrogative $*% + subject + 3

    $*% I gone to New o!# Haba ido yo a New York ?

    $*% he gone to New o! # Haba ido l a New York?

    usos del pasado perfecto simple

    Acci-n del pasado &ue tuvo lugar antes &ue otra.

    "er plane had already left when Thelma arrived at the airport.

    u vuelo ya ha#a partido cuando Thelma lleg$ al aeropuerto.

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    on el adverbiojustpara e!presar una acci-n &ue acaba deocurrir.

    3hen 6liver phoned$ the 'ids had 1ust gone to #ed.Cuando 6liver llam$ por tel"+ono! los ni/os aca#a#an de acostarse.

    ercer ondicional.

    If I had 'nown that you were sic'$ I would have gone to see you.i hu#iese sa#ido 8ue esta#as en+ermo! te ha#ra ido a ver.

    imple Past PerfectWhat had you done? Qu habas hecho?

    subject + h*% + 31 2 3

    go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I had gone I hadn't gone Had I gone ?

    You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?

    He had gone He hadn't gone Had he gone ?

    She had gone She hadn't gone Had she gone ?

    It had gone It hadn't gone Had it gone ?

    We had gone We hadn't gone Had we gone ?

    You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?

    They had gone They hadn't gone Had they gone ?

    Affirmative subject + h*% + 3

    I h*% gone to New o! #Yo haba ido a New York

    $e h*% gone to New o! # El haba a New York

    Negative subject + h*%n&t + 3

    I h*%n&t gone to New o! # Yo no haba ido a New York

    $e h*%n&t gone to New o! # El no haba ido a New York

    Interrogative $*% + subject + 3

    $*% I gone to New o!# Haba ido yo a New York ?

    $*% he gone to New o! # Haba ido l a New York?

    usos del pasado perfecto simple

    Acci-n del pasado &ue tuvo lugar antes &ue otra."er plane had already left when Thelma arrived at the airport.

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    u vuelo ya ha#a partido cuando Thelma lleg$ al aeropuerto.

    on el adverbiojustpara e!presar una acci-n &ue acaba de ocurrir.

    3hen 6liver phoned$ the 'ids had 1ust gone to #ed.Cuando 6liver llam$ por tel"+ono! los ni/os aca#a#an de acostarse.

    ercer ondicional.

    If I had 'nown that you were sic'$ I would have gone to see you.i hu#iese sa#ido 8ue esta#as en+ermo! te ha#ra ido a ver.

    imple Future

    What will you do? Qu hars?

    subject + wi + 11 2 3

    go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I will go I won't go Will I go ?

    You will go You won't go Will you go ?

    He will go He won't go Will he go ?

    She will go She won't go Will she go ?

    It will go It won't go Will it go ?

    We will go We won't go Will we go ?

    You will go You won't go Will you go ?

    They will go They won't go Will they go ?

    Affirmative subject + wi + 1

    I wi go to New o! #Ir a New York

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    $e wi go to New o! # El ir a New York

    Negative subject + won&t (wi not) + 1

    I won&t go to New o! # No ir a New York

    $e won&t go to New o! # El no ir a New York

    Interrogative -i + subject + 1

    -i I go to New o! # Ir a New York ?

    -i he go to New o! # Ir l a New York ?

    usos del futuro simple

    Acciones &ue se van a desarrollar con certe'a en el futuro.

    I will play tennis tomorrow.9ugar" tenis ma/ana.6M Personal will #e si5 in *00). 6M Personal cumplir- seis a/os en el ())'.

    Predicci-n en el futuro.

    It will snow tomorrow. 1evar- ma/ana.


    7Every !rgentinian will have a 1o# in this #lessed country.7 8%arlos Menem7Todo Argentino tendr- un puesto de tra#ajo en este #endito pas.: ;Carlos Menem "ing"

    I h*e been going to New o! #He e"&ado yendo a New York

    $e h*s been going to New o! # El ha e"&ado yendo a New York

    Negative subject + h*en&t ' h*sn&t + been + 1 > "ing"

    I h*en&t been going to New o! # No he e"&ado yendo a New York

    $e h*sn&t been going to New o! # El no ha e"&ado yendo a New York

    Interrogative $*e ' $*s + subject + been + 1 > "ing"

    $*e I been going to New o!# He e"&ado yendo a New York ?

    $*s he been going to New o! # Ha e"&ado l yendo a New York?

    usos del presente perfecto continuo

    Actividades &ue comen'aron en el pasado # contin9an en elpresente # resaltan la duraci-n del proceso.

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    Monica and her hus#and have #een living in arcelona for ten years.M$nica y su esposo llevan viviendo en Barcelona die7 a/os.

    Acciones &ue comen'aron en el pasado # pueden o no haberfinali'ado recientemente # resaltan la duraci-n del proceso.

    The weather is really #ad. It has #een raining all night.El tiempo est- realmente malo. Ha estado lloviendo toda la noche.

    Acciones del pasado &ue acaban de concluir # cu#o estado esevidente.

    "mm. "ing"1 2 3

    go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I had been going I hadn't been going Had I been going ?

    You had been going You hadn't been going Had you been going ?

    He had been going He hadn't been going Had he been going ?

    She had been going She hadn't been going Had she been going ?

    It had been going It hadn't been going Had it been going ?

    We had been going We hadn't been going Had we been going ?

    You had been going You hadn't been going Had you been going ?

    They had been going They hadn't been going Had they been going ?

    Affirmative subject + h*% + been + 1 > "ing"

    I h*% been going to New o! #Haba e"&ado yendo a New York

    $e h*% been going to New o! # El haba e"&ado yendo a New York

    Negative subject + h*%n&t + been + 1 > "ing"

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    I h*%n&t been going to New o! # No haba e"&ado yendo a New York

    $e h*%n&t been going to New o! # El no haba e"&ado yendo a New York

    Interrogative $*% + subject + been + 1 > "ing"

    $*% I been going to New o!# Haba e"&ado yo yendo a New York ?

    $*% he been going to New o! # Haba e"&ado l yendo a New York?

    usos del pasado perfecto continuo

    :esalta la duraci-n de una acci-n &ue ocurri- en el pasado antes&ue otra.

    I was very tired when I arrived home. I had #een wor'ing hard all day.Esta#a muy cansado cuando llegu" a casa. Ha#a estado tra#ajando mucho todo el da.

    >en had #een smo'ing for ?0 years when he finally gave it up.Fen ha#a estado +umando durante treinta a/os cuando +inalmente dej$ de +umar.

    The soccer game had to #e stopped. They had #een playing for half an hour when aterri#le storm #egan.El partido de +4t#ol tuvo 8ue ser detenido. Ha#an estado jugando durante media horacuando empe7$ una espantosa tormenta.

    Progressive FutWhat will you be doing? Qu estars hacien

    subject + wi be + 1 > "ing"

    1 2 3

    go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I will be going I will not be going Will I be going ?

    You will be going You will not be going Will you be going ?He will be going He will not be going Will he be going ?

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    She will be going She will not be going Will she be going ?

    It will be going It will not be going Will it be going ?

    We will be going We will not be going Will we be going ?

    You will be going You will not be going Will you be going ?

    They will be going They will not be going Will they be going ?

    Affirmative subject + wi be + 1 > "ing"

    I wi be going to New o! #E"&ar yendo a New York

    $e wi be going to New o! # El e"&ar yendo a New York

    Negative subject + won&t (wi not) be + 1 > "ing"

    I won&t be going to New o! # No e"&ar yendo a New York

    $e won&t be going to New o! # El no e"&ar yendo a New York

    Interrogative -i + subject + be + 1 > "ing"

    -i I be going to New o! # E"&ar yendo a New York ?

    -i he be going to New o! # E"&ar l yendo a New York ?

    usos del futuro continuo

    Acciones &ue van a tener lugar en el futuro # &ue, al momentodel tiempo al &ue nos referimos, seguirn desarrollndose. Nosiempre se menciona en la oraci-n el momento del futuro.

    3e will #e watching T@. Estaremos viendo televisi$n.Tonight we will #e watching T@. Esta noche estaremos viendo televisi$n.+he will #e visiting me. Me estar- visitando.+he will #e visiting me on +unday. Me estar- visitando el domingo.

    e!presiones usuales del futuro continuo

    tomorro$ " the da# after tomorro$ " in 0ne!t 1onda# " ne!t $ee% " ne!t month " ne!t #ear

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Progressive Future PerfWhat will you have been doing? Qu habrs estado hacien

    subject + wi h*e been + 1 > "ing"1 2 3

    go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I will have been going I will not have been going Will I have been going ?

    You will have been going You will not have been going Will you have been going ?

    He will have been going He will not have been going Will he have been going ?

    She will have been going She will not have been going Will she have been going ?

    It will have been going It will not have been going Will it have been going ?

    We will have been going We will not have been going Will we have been going ?

    You will have been going You will not have been going Will you have been going ?

    They will have been going They will not have been going Will they have been going ?

    Affirmative subject + wi h*e been + 1 > "ing"

    I wi h*e been going to New o! #Habr e"&ado yendo a New York

    $e wi h*e been going to New o! # El habr e"&ado yendo a New York

    Negative subject + won&t (wi not) h*e beeen + 1 > "ing"I won&t h*e been going to New o! # No habr e"&ado yendo a New York

    $e won&t h*e been going to New o! # El no habr e"&ado yendo a New York

    Interrogative -i + subject + h*e been + 1 > "ing"

    -i I h*e been going to New o! # Habr e"&ado yendo a New York ?

    -i he h*e been going to New o! # Habr l e"&ado yendo a New York ?

    usos del futuro perfecto continuo

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    Acontecimientos o acciones pertenecientes a un per2odo detiempo entre ahora y algn momento del futuro, &ue puede serincompleto.

    I $ill have been $aiting here for five hours b# 0 pm.Ha#r" estado esperando a8u durante cinco horas cuando sean las %) de la noche.

    ;# the time #ou finish our /1 ;asic ourse, #ou $ill have been learningAmerican

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    They would be going They would not be going Would they be going ?

    Affirmative subject + wou% be + 1 > "ing"I wou% be going to New o! #Yo e"&ara yendo a New York

    $e wou% be going to New o! # El e"&ara yendo a New York

    Negative subject + wou%n&t (wou% not) be + 1 > "ing"

    I wou%n&t be going to New o! # Yo no e"&ara yendo a New York

    $e wou%n&t be going to New o! # El no e"&ara yendo a New York

    Interrogative -ou% + subject + be + 1 > "ing"

    -ou% I be going to New o! # E"&ara yo yendo a New York ?

    -ou% he be going to New o! # E"&ara l yendo a New York ?

    usos del condicional continuo

    Hechos o situaciones incompletas o cont2nuas, probablementecomo resultado de una condici-n irreal.

    I $ould be $or%ing in Ne$ >or% b# no$ if I spo%e American

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Progressive Conditional PerfWhat would you have been doing? Qu habras estado hacien

    subject + wou% h*e been + 1 > "ing"1 2 3

    go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I would have been going I would not have been going Would I have been going ?

    You would have been going You would not have been going Would you have been going ?

    He would have been going He would not have been going Would he have been going ?

    She would have been going She would not have been going Would she have been going ?

    It would have been going It would not have been going Would it have been going ?

    We would have been going We would not have been going Would we have been going ?

    You would have been going You would not have been going Would you have been going ?

    They would have been going They would not have been going Would they have been going ?

    Affirmative subject + wou% h*e been + 1 > "ing"

    I wou% h*e been going to New o! #Yo habra e"&ado yendo a N.Y.

    $e wou% h*e been going to New o! # El habra e"&ado yendo a N.Y.

    Negative subject + wou%n&t (wou% not) h*e been + 1 > "ing"

    I wou%n&t h*e been going to New o! # No habra e"&ado yendo a N.Y.$e wou%n&t h*e been going to New o! # El no habra e"&ado yendo a N.Y.

    Interrogative -ou% + subject + h*e been + 1 > "ing"

    -ou% I h*e been going to New o! # Habra yo e"&ado yendo a N.Y. ?

    -ou% he h*e been going to New o! # Habra l e"&ado yendo a N.Y. ?

    usos del condicional perfecto continuoEste tiempo ver#al hace referencia al resultado incompleto de la accin de la clBusula

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    ify e5presa este resultado como una accin continua o no finali-ada.

    ercer ondicional o ondicional ipo III.

    If the $eather had been better 8#ut it wasn&t, m# sister"in"la$ $ould havebeen sittingin the garden $hen I arrived8#ut she wasn&t and so I didn&t seeher.i el tiempo hu#iese estado mejor ;pero no +ue as

    Progressive ModWhat (can/could) you be doing? Qu (puedes/podras) estar hacien

    What (may/might) you be doing? Qu (puedes/podras) estar hacienWhat (must/should) you be doing? Qu (debes/deberas) estar hacien

    subject + 6o%* + be+ 1 > "ing"1 2 3go went gone

    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I can be going I can't be going an I be going ?

    I could be going I couldn't be going ould I be going ?

    I !ay be going I !ay not be going "ay I be going ?

    I !ight be going I !ight not be going "ight I be going ?

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    I !ust be going I !ustn't be going "ust I be going ?

    I should be going I shouldn't be going Should I be going ?

    Affirmative subject + 6o%* + be + 1 > "ing"

    I c*n be going to New o! #Puedo e"&ar yendo a NY !o"ib. f"i#a$ #ono#i%ien&o'

    I cou% be going to New o! # Podra e"&ar yendo a NY al&erna&iva'

    I 6*y be going to New o! # Puedo e"&ar yendo a NY !er%i"o'

    I 6ight be going to New o! # Podra e"&ar yendo a NY !o"ibilidad'

    I 6ust be going to New o! # (ebo e"&ar yendo a NY obli)a#i*n'

    I shou% be going to New o! # (ebera e"&ar yendo a NY obli). %oral$ #on"e+o'

    Negative subject + 6o%* + not be + 1 > "ing"

    I c*n&t be going to New o! #No !uedo e"&ar yendo a NY

    I cou%n&t be going to New o! # No !odra e"&ar yendo a NY

    I 6*y not be going to New o! # No !uedo e"&ar yendo a NY

    I 6ight not be going to New o! # No !odra e"&ar yendo a NY

    I 6ustn&t be going to New o! # No debo e"&ar yendo a NY

    I shou%n&t be going to New o! # No debera e"&ar yendo a NY

    Interrogative 6o%* + subject + be + 1 > "ing" *n I be going to New o! # Puedo e"&ar yendo a NY ?

    ou% I be going to New o! # Podra e"&ar yendo a NY ?

    M*y I be going to New o! # Puedo e"&ar yendo a NY?

    Might I be going to New o! # Podra e"&ar yendo a NY ?

    Must I be going to New o! # (ebo e"&ar yendo a NY ?

    Shou% I be going to New o! # (ebera e"&ar yendo a NY ?

    %2!TC6 tipos de condicionales en inglDs ue anali-amos au...

    conditional t#pe FF @

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    1l)uno" )ra%&i#o" in#luyen e"&e &i!o de #ondi#ional den&ro de 7I4S0NI0IN/Lo on%ition* 0y:e I;

    I9 you he*t butte!, it 6ets;Si calientas manteca, sta se derrite.

    I9 you :ut w*te! in * cooe!, it 9!ee

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    conditional t#pe IIFF S

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    7he real "i&ua&ion wa" &ha& you wa"n& early for work. 4o &hey "ay I9 you h*%n&t been *te;;;:henyou are &alkin) abou& &he !a"&$ you u"e &he Pa"& Perfe#& I h*% nown' af&er I7.

    N0E3 You #an re!la#e I7"i' by 8NLESSa %eno" 0ue' in &he e/a%!le" above.

    P!esente Si6:e/9i!6*tio54u+e&o > Verbo "in &o@E+3 I under"&andNeg*tio54u+e&o > 1u/ (o,(oe"' > no& > verboE+3 I don& under"&andInte!!og*tio

    1u/ (o,(oe"' > 4u+e&o > Verbo > ?E+3 (o I under"&and?7unci@n'8so55u&ina"$ #o"a" habi&uale"$ "i&ua#ione" !er%anen&e". Fu&uro #o"a" !ro)ra%ada"$ !ar&e de unhorario$ al)o 0ue e"& fi+o'$ leye" na&urale" o f"i#a".

    P!esente ontinuo/9i!6*tio54u+e&o > Verbo &o be > VerboAIn) Berundio'E+3 I a% under"&andin)Neg*tio54u+e&o > Verbo &o be > No& > VerboAIn) Berundio'E+3 I a% no& under"&andin)

    Inte!!og*tioVerbo &o be > 4u+e&o > VerboAIn) Berundio' > ?E+3 1% I under"&andin)?Fun#i*n,-"o31##ione" 0ue "e reali2an en el %o%en&o. Co"a" &e%!orale" 0ue e"&n "u#ediendo alrededorde e"&e &ie%!o #o%o leer un libro. -na a##i*n en fu&uro 0ue o#urrir #on "e)uridad. 4i&ua#ione"##li#a" en un !eriodo de &ie%!o definido

    P*s*%o Si6:e/9i!6*tio54u+e&o > Verbo en !a"adoE+3 I under"&oodNeg*tio5

    4u+e&o > 1u/ (id' > No& > VerboE+3 I didn& under"&andInte!!og*tio1u/ (id' > 4u+e&o > Verbo > ?E+3 (id I under"&and?7unci@n'8so51##ione" 0ue #o%en2aron en !a"ado y ya e"&n &er%inada".

    P!esente Pe!9ecto/9i!6*tio54u+e&o >1u/ Have,Ha"' > Par&i#i!io del verboE+3 I have under"&oodNeg*tio5

    4u+e&o > 1u/ Have,Ha"' > No& > Verbo en !a"adoE+3 I haven& under"&ood

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    Inte!!og*tio51u/ Have,Ha"' > 4u+e&o > Verbo en !a"ado > ?E+3 Have I under"&ood?7unci@n'8so51##ione" 0ue no han &er%inado o 0ue han &er%inado y &ienen relevan#ia en el !re"en&e.1##ione" %" !er%anen&e". HeD'

    P*s*%o ontinuo/9i!6*tio54u+e&o > 9e !a"ado :a",:ere' > VerboAIn) Berundio'E+3 I wa" unde"&andNeg*tio54u+e&o > Verbo &o be en !a"ado > No& > VerboAIn) Berundio'E+3 I wa" no& under"&andin)Inte!!og*tioVerbo &o be en !a"ado > 4u+e&o > VerboAIn) Berundio' > ?E+3 :a" I under"&andin)?7unci@n'8so51##i*n 0ue e"&aba "u#ediendo an&e"$ en e"e %o%en&o y !robable%en&e de"!u" de un

    %o%en&o de&er%inado

    P!esente Pe!9ecto ontinuo/9i!6*tio54u+e&o >1u/ Have' > Par&i#i!io verbo &o be 9een' >VerboAIn) Berundio'E+3 I@ve been under"&andin)Neg*tio54u+e&o > 1u/ Have' > No& > Par&i#i!io verbo &o be 9een' > VerboAIn) Berundio'E+3 I haven@& been under"&andin)Inte!!og*tio1u/ Have' > 4u+e&o > Par&i#i!io verbo &o be 9een' > VerboAIn) Berundio' > ?E+3 Have I been under"&andin)?7unci@n'8so5

    1##ione" 0ue e%!e2aron en el !a"ado y e"&n #on&inuando ha"&a el !re"en&e o a#aban de&er%inar en un !eriodo de &ie%!o no &er%inado. Co"a" &e%!orale" He e"&adoD'

    P*s*%o Pe!9ecto (Puscu*6:e!9ecto)/9i!6*tio54u+e&o > 1u/ Have en !a"ado3 had' > Verbo en !ar&i#i!ioE+3 I@d under"&andin)Neg*tio54u+e&o > 1u/ Have en !a"ado3 had' > No& > Verbo en !ar&i#i!ioE+3 I had no& under"&andin)Inte!!og*tio1u/ Have en !a"ado3 had' > 4u+e&o > Verbo en !ar&i#i!io > ?E+3 Had I under"&and?

    7unci@n'8so51##i*n o even&o 0ue "u#eda en un !eriodo de &ie%!o an&e" de o&ra #o"a en el !a"ado.HabaD'E+3 1n&e" 0ue lle)u a #a"a ya haba he#ho la #o%!ra

    7utu!o/9i!6*tio54u+e&o > 1u/ :ill' > VerboE+3 I@ll under"&andNeg*tio54u+e&o > 1u/ :ill' > No& > VerboE+3 I@ll no& under"&andInte!!og*tio

    1u/ :ill' > 4u+e&o > Verbo > ?E+3 :ill I under"&and?

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    7unci@n'8so5Para hablar de #o"a" 0ue no he%o" !en"ado an&e"$ e" !ara #uando de#ida%o" en el %o%en&oal %o%en&o de hablar'. Predi##ione" "in eviden#ia o!ini*n de al)o 0ue !a"ar'.

    -n :!esente :e!9ecto si6:e"uele re"!onder a la" !re)un&a" cuAnto'*","cuAntos'*s" o "cuAnt*s eces";

    -n :!esente :e!9ecto continuo"uele re"!onder a la" !re)un&a" "%es%ecu*n%o", "cu*nto tie6:o h*ce Bue;;;", "%u!*nte cu*nto tie6:o;;;", etc;

    -n :!esente :e!9ecto si6:ea %enudo !odr &radu#ir"e !or * :e!C9!*sise*! + :*!tici:io;

    -n :!esente :e!9ecto continuoa %enudo !odr &radu#ir"e !or * :e!C9!*sise*! + ge!un%io;


    uanto tiempo hace ue vives en adrid? o 0esde cuando vives en adrid? o

    unto tiempo llevas viviendo en adrid?How lon) h*e you been iingin

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    No" e"&n !re)un&ando !or * %u!*ci@n %e un* *cci@n$ lue)o re"!ondere%o"3

    AI h*e been iing in 6adrid for &hree year".

    Ga" &radu##ione" !o"ible" "eran3

    1ivo en adrid desde hace 2 a3os.

    levo 2 a3os viviendo en adrid.

    4ace 2 a3os ue vivo en adrid,e.

    4in e%bar)o$ "i no" !re)un&a"en al)o #o%o3 untas pinas has ledo? $ no no"e"&n !re)un&ando !or el de"arrollo ni la dura#i*n de nada. (e ah 0uere"!onda%o"3

    AIh*e !e*% !a)e" 4e ledo 2" pinas5 o 5llevo ledas 2" pinas.' Goi%!or&an&e e" 0ue he #o%!le&ado una a##i*n.

    Con la u&ili2a#i*n de un :!esente :e!9ecto continuo no i6:o!t* si * *cci@n seh* te!6in*%o o no; I6:o!t* su %u!*ci@n, su %es*!!oo o * :!o:i* *ctii%*%.

    8&ro e+e%!lo3

    AI h*e 9ie% %y #o%!u&er and now i&" workin)'. Go i%!or&an&e e" 0ue he

    &er%inado de arre)larlo y ahora fun#iona.

    AI h*e been 9iing%y #o%!u&er. Go i%!or&an&e e" lo 0ue he e"&ado ha#iendo$ no"i he &er%inado o no de arre)larlo.

    8&ro e+e%!lo3

    AI h*e :*ye% ba"ke&ball &wi#e &hi" week. E"&oy re"!ondiendo a la !re)un&aCun&a" ve#e"....?

    AI h*e been :*ying ba"ke&ball all day. Glevo to%o e %C*+u)ando al balon#e"&o y!uede 0ue "i)a +u)ando un ra&o %"'. I%!or&a la dura#i*n.

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls


    5e"!e#&o al :*st :e!9ect hay al)una" #o"a" 0ue #onviene re#ordar3

    Go e%!leare%o" !ara hablar de *cciones Bue ocu!!ie!on con *nte!io!i%*% * un6o6ento conc!eto %e :*s*%o o con *nte!io!i%*% * ot!* *cci@n Bue tuo

    ug*! en un 6o6ento conc!eto %e :*s*%o y Bue en%!A e:!es*%* en:*s*%o si6:e;

    E+e%!lo3 :hen he )o& ho%e I h*% *!e*%y h*% dinner. Cuando l lle)* a #a"a yoya haba #enado.

    En e"&e e+e%!lo hay do" a##ione" 0ue o#urrieron el el !a"ado3 lle)ar a #a"a y#enar. Cul o#urri* an&e"? Ga e/!re"ada en !a"ado !erfe#&o #uando lle)* a#a"a yo ya haba #enado o$ di#ho de o&ro %odo$ !ri%ero yo #en$ y lue)o l lle)o a#a"a'.

    En e"&e &i!o de e+e%!lo"$ el :*st :e!9ect se t!*%uci!A co6o un:uscu*6:e!9ecto %e in%ic*tio (h*bC* + :*!tici:io :*s*%o);

    1hora bien$ lo di#ho !ara el !re"en&e !erfe#&o #on&inuo no" "ervir &a%bin !ara el!a"ado !erfe#&o #on&inuo.

    I%)ina&e 0ue &ene%o" do" a##ione" en el !a"ado$ una ha o#urrido #onan&erioridad a o&ra !ero 0uere%o" enfa&i2ar la dura#i*n de la !ri%era de ella" o laa##i*n en "'$ #o%o en e"&e e+e%!lo3 I h*% been w*iting for &wo hour" when &he&rain finally arrived. levaba esperando dos horas cuando $inalmente lle* el tren.

    (e nuevo hay do" a##ione"3 !ri%ero yo e"!er duran&e do" hora" y lue)o lle)* el

    &ren. o6o o i6:o!t*nte es cuAnto he6os es:e!*%o, utii

  • 8/13/2019 Cuals son los usos de los tiempos verbales en ingls
