Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma

Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

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Page 1: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

Quinto Domingo de


Page 2: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

The Power of Helplessness

In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside her is sick and confused. She knows that what is about to happen, the taking of this man's life, whatever his crime, is wrong and yet she can appreciate the feelings of those who are about to take that life. She understands the complex web of history and emotion that has led up to this moment and to the belief that we somehow serve justice through capital punishment.

She doesn't agree with the conclusion of course, but she knows that her protest of this is not the same as protesting Hitler; she can't just throw her body in front of the executioners in an attempt to save this man, as you might do if you see a child attacked on the street. Thus, part of her frustration is not just that she is powerless to stop this killing, it also has to do with being helpless to even protest it effectively. So she is reduced to silence, to interior dissent, to prayer, to helplessness. In essence, what she does as she watches this execution is “to ponder” in the biblical sense.

As we know, in the mindset out of which the gospels were written—the Hebrew conception of things—“pondering” meant something quite different than what it did to the Greek philosophers (Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato) and St. Augustine, whose conception of things helped constellate what we call common sense in the Western world. The gospel writers conceived of things very differently and so when they describe Mary as “pondering” they are not depicting her as cerebrally entertaining the kind of abstract, reflective thoughts that Socrates asked for when he said that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” What they are describing rather is that painful wrenching of heart, of soul, that you feel when you stand helpless in the face of suffering, sickness, death, misguided sincerity, or anything else that is so overwhelming as to let you know that you are no longer in control. To ponder is to stand begging for God's insight and strength when things overwhelm you.

Thus, pondering is what Helen Prejean did as she watched that execution, it is what Mary did when she stood under the cross and watched Jesus die, it is what Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane when he sweated blood, it is what we do whenever we stand helplessly by the bedside of a loved one who is dying of cancer or AIDS, it is what we do when we are unable to offer words of consolation to someone who has suffered the loss of a loved one, it is what we do when we see one of our own children misuse his or her freedom in destructive ways, and it is what we should do at all those times when we are inadequate to the task of love and forgiveness.

Pondering, in the biblical sense, is not so much active as it is passive (in the sense of the Latin verb, passio). When we speak of “the passion of Jesus Christ” we are not talking so much about anything that Jesus actively did, but rather about what was done to him, what he endured, what he submitted to, and what he carried in silence during his last hours on earth.

But what is the value of such “passivity”? How does silent suffering change anything, suffering that does not actively intervene and alter a situation? Why do we value so much Jesus’ passion when it was precisely the time in his life and ministry—and a very short time it was in fact—when he was not preaching, teaching, feeding, healing, and actively helping others? How can one help anyone by standing helplessly by as injustice unfolds?

What is the value of such things: sweating blood in a garden? Silent tears? Prayers that aren't publicly manifest? Interior dissent that is powerless to change the actual situation on the outside?

Jesus answered this with another question: “Wasn't it necessary?” Doesn't defeat sometimes mean victory? Aren't silent suffering, interior protest, and helpless empathy sometimes the real weapons for change? Isn't the sweating of blood the key to sustaining all of our commitments? Isn't carrying of tension the key to love and family life? Isn’t it only when we admit our helplessness that God finally enters?

“Why is this necessary”? The answer to that questions lies at the heart of all wisdom, all Christian revelation, all depth, all maturity. But it is an answer that we will not find in books, nor in Socratic reflection. We will find it precisely when we “ponder” in the biblical sense, namely, when we stand helpless, muted, and frustrated, but listening to a pain, an illness, or an injustice that so overwhelms us that we are unable to rely on any power except that of God.

What is taught to us there holds the key to everything. Fr. Rolheiser, OMI

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC 27253 (336) 226-8796

El Poder de la Impotencia

En su libro de, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describe sus sentimientos mientras observa su primera ejecución. Todo dentro de ella es doloroso y confuso. Sabe que lo que está a punto de suceder, quitara la vida a este hombre, sea cual sea su crimen, está mal y, sin embargo, puede apreciar los sentimientos de quienes están a punto de quitarle la vida. Ella comprende la compleja red de historia y emoción que ha conducido a este momento y a la creencia de que de alguna manera servimos a la justicia a través de la pena capital.

Ella no está de acuerdo con la conclusión, por supuesto, pero sabe que su protesta por esto no es lo mismo que protestar contra Hitler; Ella no puede simplemente arrojarse frente a los verdugos en un intento por salvar a este hombre, como lo podrías hacer si viera a un niño que esta haciendo atacado en la calle. Por lo tanto, parte de su frustración no es solo que no tenga poder para detener este asesinato, también tiene que ver con no poder siquiera protestar de manera efectiva. Entonces se reduce al silencio, a la disensión interior, a la oración, al desamparo. En esencia, lo que ella hace mientras observa esta ejecución es “meditar” en el sentido bíblico.

Como sabemos, en la mentalidad a partir de la cual se escribieron los evangelios, la concepción hebrea de las cosas, "meditar" significaba algo muy diferente de lo que significaba para los filósofos griegos (Sócrates, Aristóteles y Platón) y San Agustín, cuyo La concepción de las cosas ayudó a constelar lo que llamamos sentido común en el mundo occidental. Los escritores de los evangelios concibieron las cosas de manera muy diferente y, por lo tanto, cuando describen a María como "meditando", no la están describiendo como entreteniendo mentalmente el tipo de pensamientos abstractos y reflexivos que Sócrates pidió cuando dijo que "la vida no examinada no vale la pena vivirla". " Lo que están describiendo más bien es ese doloroso desgarro de corazón, de alma, que sientes cuando te encuentras indefenso frente al sufrimiento, la enfermedad, la muerte, la sinceridad equivocada o cualquier otra cosa que sea tan abrumadora que te haga saber que estás ya no tiene el control. Reflexionar es rogar por la perspicacia y la fuerza de Dios cuando las cosas te abruman.

Por lo tanto, reflexionar es lo que hizo Helen Prejean mientras observaba esa ejecución, es lo que hizo María cuando se paró debajo de la cruz y vio morir a Jesús, es lo que hizo Jesús en el Huerto de Getsemaní cuando sudó sangre, es lo que hacemos. Siempre que nos paramos impotentes al lado de la cama de un ser querido que se está muriendo de cáncer o SIDA, es lo que hacemos cuando no podemos ofrecer palabras de consuelo a alguien que ha sufrido la pérdida de un ser querido, es lo que hacemos. cuando vemos a uno de nuestros propios hijos abusar de su libertad de manera destructiva, y es lo que debemos hacer en todos esos momentos en que somos inadecuados para la tarea del amor y el perdón.

Reflexionar, en el sentido bíblico, no es tanto activo como pasivo (en el sentido del verbo latino, passio). Cuando hablamos de “la pasión de Jesucristo” no estamos hablando tanto de nada de lo que Jesús hizo activamente, sino de lo que le hicieron, de lo que soportó, de lo que le sucedió y de lo que cargo en silencio durante las ultimas horas de su vida en la tierra.

Pero, ¿cuál es el valor de tal "pasividad"? ¿Cómo cambia algo el sufrimiento silencioso, el sufrimiento que no interviene activamente y altera una situación? ¿Por qué valoramos tanto la pasión de Jesús cuando fue precisamente el momento de su vida y ministerio, y de hecho fue un tiempo muy corto, cuando no predicaba, enseñaba, alimentaba, sanaba y ayudaba activamente a los demás? ¿Cómo se puede ayudar a alguien quedándose impotente mientras se desarrolla la injusticia?

¿Cuál es el valor de tales cosas: sudar sangre en un jardín? ¿Lágrimas silenciosas? ¿Oraciones que no se manifiestan públicamente? ¿Disidencia interior que es impotente para cambiar la situación real en el exterior?

Jesús respondió a esto con otra pregunta: "¿No era necesario?" ¿No significa a veces la derrota la victoria? ¿No son el sufrimiento silencioso, la protesta interior y la empatía impotente a veces las verdaderas armas para el cambio? ¿No es el sudor de sangre la clave para mantener todos nuestros compromisos? ¿No es llevar la tensión la clave del amor y la vida familiar? ¿No es sólo cuando admitimos nuestra impotencia que Dios finalmente entra?

"¿Por qué es esto necesario"? La respuesta a esas preguntas está en el corazón de toda sabiduría, toda revelación cristiana, toda profundidad, toda madurez. Pero es una respuesta que no encontraremos en los libros, ni en la reflexión socrática. Lo encontraremos precisamente cuando “meditamos” en el sentido bíblico, es decir, cuando estamos indefensos, enmudecidos y frustrados, pero escuchando un dolor, una enfermedad o una injusticia que nos abruma tanto que no podemos confiar en cualquier poder excepto el de Dios.

Lo que se nos enseña allí es la clave de todo. Fr. Rolheiser, OMI

Page 3: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

This Sunday Este Domingo

Jer/Jr 31:31-34; Ps/Sal 51:3-4, 12-13,

14-15 [12a]; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 or/o

Ez 37:12-14; Rom 8:8-11; Ps/Sal 130:1-2, 3-4,

5-6, 7-8 [7]; Jn 11:1-45 or/o 11:3-7, 17, 20-27,


Monday Lunes

Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or/o 13:41c-62; Ps/Sal 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [4ab]; Jn 8:1-11

Tuesday Martes

Nm 21:4-9; Ps/Sal 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21 [2];

Jn 8:21-30

Wednesday Miércoles

Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56

[52b]; Jn 8:31-42

Thursday Jueves

Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps/Sal 40:7-8, 8-9, 10, 11

[8a, 9a]; Heb 10:4-10; Lk/Lc 1:26-38

Friday Viernes

Jer/Jr 20:10-13; Ps/Sal 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7

[cf. 7]; Jn 10:31-42

Saturday Sábado

Ez 37:21-28/Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13

[cf. 10d]; Jn 11:45-56

Mk/Mc 11:1-10 or /o Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7;

Ps/Sal 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 [2a];

Phil/Mc 2:6-11; Mk/Mc 14:1-15:47 or/o


Next Sunday Próximo Domingo

Readings for the week of March 21

Lecturas para la semana del 21 de marzo Saturday / Sábado, March 20 4:00 PM—4:30 PM Confessions 5:00 PM For our parish community

†Everette Scoggins — by Sandra Gabriel

6:15 PM—6:45 PM Confesiones en español 7:00 PM †Julio & Ernesto Muñoz — de parte de familia Olmos Muñoz

Por la salud de Jasleene Guido Regalado Sunday/Domingo, March 21 8:30 AM †Eugene L. Deehan — by Vincent and Eleanor Deehan

†Rosina Del Giorno — by Edward Del Giorno 10:30 AM †Bill Hays — by Ann Honeycuttt

11:45 AM—12:15 PM Confesiones en español 12:30 PM Por los familiares fallecidos de la familia Ramírez Benítez

†Ramón González — de parte de familia González Marín Monday/Lunes, March 22 8:30 AM †James Benson — by his wife, Mary

†Walter Kirkpatrick — by Ed & BJ Showerman Tuesday / Martes, March 23 8:30 AM †Maria Cho — by Angella Ko

Lucas Dorantes Montes Wednesday / Miércoles, March 24 8:30 AM †Carl Mast — by Ann Faubel

†Anne Hamel — by her son, Bob Hamel Thursday / Jueves, March 25 8:30 AM Lillian Cheslak — by AJ Cheslak

†Eileen Rindos — Jim & Linda Glomski Friday/Viernes, March 26 8:30 AM †Albert Cox, Jr. — by Karen A. Loeffelholz

For all who have died, especially all who have died during this time of the pandemic

Next Sunday/próximo Domingo Saturday / Sábado, March 27 4:00 PM—4:30 PM Confessions 5:00 PM For our Food Pantry Volunteers and Benefactors

6:15 PM—6:45 PM Confesiones en español 7:00 PM †Irene Andrade Cárdenas & José Flores Andrade — by fam. Flores Andrade

†Aurora & Dolores German Solis — by Teresa Torres Sunday/Domingo, March 28 8:30 AM For our parish community

†Edward & Kathryn Pacanowski -- by Paul & Rose Ann Bobak 10:30 AM Living and deceased members of the Franciscan Order

11:45 AM—12:15 PM Confesiones en español 12:30 PM †Socorro Ojeda & Matilde Cruz -- by de Juana Reyes Ojeda

†Maria T. Avelar & Rosa M. Avelar — by Edgardo Avelar

5th Sunday of Lent 5to Domingo de Cuaresma 3-21-2021

We offer condolences to

Ann Koury at the loss of her

brother, Walter.

Ofrecemos condolencias a

Ann Koury por la muerte de

su hermano, Walter.

“A time to die”… “Tiempo para morir”…

Walter Holt Kirkpatrick

Page 4: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC 27253 (336) 226-8796

Vigilia Pascual—Bilingüe 3 de abril - 8:00 PM

No hay Misa de 5:00 PM ni de 7:00 PM

Misas de Domingo de Resurrección 4 de abril — Horario Normal

Good Friday, April 2 Day of Fast and Abstinence

12:00 PM: Spanish

Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord

3:00 PM: English Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord

6:00 PM Stations of the Cross

Easter Sunday Masses, April 4 Regular Schedule

Viernes Santo, 2 de abril Día de ayuno y abstinencia

12:00 PM: Español Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor

3:00 PM: Ingles Liturgia de la Pasión de Cristo

6:00 PM Estaciones de la Cruz

Holy Thursday, April 1 Bilingual

No 8:30 AM Mass

Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM

Jueves Santo, 1 de abril—Bilingüe

No hay misa de 8:30 AM

Misa de la Cena del Señor a las 7:00 PM


Palm Sunday — March 27/28


5:00 PM English

7 :00 PM Spanish

Sunday: 8:30AM, 10:30 AM (English)

12:30 PM (Spanish)

Domingo de Ramos — Marzo 27/28


5:00 PM (Ingles)

7 :00 PM (Español)

Domingo: 8:30AM, 10:30 AM (Ingles)

12:30 PM (Español)

Monday– Wednesday, March 29-31, Mass @ 8:30 AM Lunes—Miércoles, 29-31 de Marzo Misa a las 8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation

Monday & Tuesday, March 29 & 30, from 6:00 PM—7:00 PM

Sacramento de Reconciliación Lunes & Martes, 29-30 de Marzo de 6:00 PM—7:00 PM

Actualización de la Oficina Parroquial: En observación a los días Santos, la oficina estará cerrada el Viernes Santo, 2 de abril y el lunes, 5 de abril.

Parish Office Update: In observation of the Holy Days, the parish office will be closed on Good Friday, April 2, and on Easter Monday, April 5.

Page 5: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

NORMS FOR FASTING AND ABSTINENCE Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, April 2, 2021, are days of fasting and abstinence. Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence.

Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age and older , who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed. Abstinence is observed by all 14 years of age and older . On days of abstinence, no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, Church law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the parish priest should be consulted.

Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and Catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for Initiation into the Church or the renewal of Baptismal Promises at Easter.

Normas de Ayuno y Abstinencia

El miércoles de ceniza y el viernes santo, 2 de abril del 2021, son días de abstinencia y de ayuno. También deben abstenerse los viernes durante la Cuaresma.

Todas las personas a partir de los 18 años de edad y los que no hayan cumplido los 59 años de edad, deben ayunar. Se permite comer una vez durante el día de ayuno, aunque también pueden comer dos veces para mantener la energía, según la necesidad de cada individuo. Sin embargo, estas dos comidas no deben igualar a la cantidad de una comida completa. No se puede comer entre comidas, pero está permitido tomar líquido, incluyendo leche y jugos.

La abstinencia se debe cumplir desde los 14 años de edad en adelante. En los días de abstinencia, no se debe comer carne, aunque si la salud o la habilidad para cumplir su trabajo se ve seriamente afectado, la ley no lo obliga. Si tiene alguna duda sobre la práctica del ayuno o de la abstinencia, consulte al sacerdote de su parroquia.

El ayuno, la limosna y la oración, son las tres disciplinas tradicionales durante la Cuaresma. Los feligreses y los catecúmenos deben realizar estas prácticas con seriedad en espíritu de penitencia y en preparaci6n para la Iniciaci6n a la Iglesia o para la renovaci6n de las promesas Bautismales durante la Semana Santa.

Stephen Ministry


5th Sunday of Lent 5to Domingo de Cuaresma 3-21-2021

Easter Memorials

If you would like to sponsor an Easter Plant for

a special intention, please write the intention,

who is making the request and send it to the

parish office by Monday, March 29. A $20

offering is asked. Names will be published in

the Easter bulletin.

Memoriales de Pascua

Si le gustaría patrocinar una planta de Pascua

por alguna intención especial, por favor escriba

en un sobre la intención, quien la pide y envíelo

a la oficina parroquial antes del 29 de marzo. La

donación es de $20. Las intenciones serán

publicados en el boletín de la Pascua.

Offertory Envelopes Sobres de Ofrendas

Los sobres para las ofrendas del 2021, están ahora disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Si Usted esta registrado en la parroquia y a pedido sobres de ofrendas, lo invitamos a pasar a levantarlos. Si no esta registrado y le gustara hacerlo, favor de llamar a la oficina para más información.

The 2021 offertory envelopes are now available at the parish office. If you are registered and have requested offertory envelopes, we invite you to pick up your envelopes. If you are not registered and would like to do so, please call the parish office for information.

Easter Season

Page 6: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside


How do we convince people that God’s law is written upon their hearts? God is wedded to God’s people. This is a simple and fundamental fact of life. Yet, many ignore this truth and carry on as if they, or humanity as a whole, are the center of the universe. As a grain of wheat has to fall to the ground and die in order to become what it really is, we too must die to our secular images and ideas of ourselves so that we can become who God really made us to be. If all of us kept our focus on God’s deep bonded love with human beings, indeed with our very self, then there would be no need to teach others this fundamental life lesson. They would simply know this truth, as Jeremiah tells us. Somehow, perhaps through original and personal sin, we have lost sight of this reality. We have lost our way and our axis. It is time to find our way back, to learn the virtue of obedience, to pay attention to what God is saying and become aware of the Divine Love that is the reason for all creation. Then, even in our darkest hour when all may seem to be lost, we can say as did Jesus, the model of obedience, “Father, glorify your name,” By this perseverance, people can come to know the Lord and what God has done. ©LPi



¿Cómo convencemos a las personas de que la ley de Dios está escrita en sus corazones? Dios está casado con el pueblo de Dios. Este es un hecho simple y fundamental de la vida. Sin embargo, muchos ignoran esta verdad y continúan como si ellos, o la humanidad en su conjunto, fueran el centro del universo. Como un grano de trigo tiene que caer al suelo y morir para convertirse en lo que realmente es, nosotros también debemos morir a nuestras imágenes e ideas seculares de nosotros mismos para que podamos convertirnos en lo que Dios realmente nos hizo. Si todos nosotros mantuviéramos nuestro enfoque en el profundo amor de Dios por los seres humanos, de hecho, con nosotros mismos, entonces no habría necesidad de enseñar a otros esta lección fundamental de vida. Simplemente conocerían esta verdad, como nos dice Jeremías. De alguna manera, quizás por el pecado original y personal, hemos perdido de vista esta realidad. Hemos perdido nuestro camino y nuestro eje. Es hora de encontrar el camino de regreso, de aprender la virtud de la obediencia, de prestar atención a lo que Dios dice y de tomar conciencia del Amor Divino que es la razón de toda la creación. Entonces, incluso en nuestra hora más oscura cuando todo parece estar perdido, podemos decir como lo hizo Jesús, el modelo de obediencia: "Padre, glorifica tu nombre." Mediante esta perseverancia, la gente puede llegar a conocer al Señor y lo que Dios ha hecho. ©LPi

Alimentos Más Necesitados para nuestra

siguiente distribución

Favor de verificar estos lugares para cualquier cambio en las fechas/horas de distribución:

Please check these locations to verify any changes to distribution dates/times.

Pasta sauce Tuna fish (packed in water) Canned tomatoes (low or no salt) Spaghetti Canned fruit (in own juices) Rice Bake beans canned vegetables Spices and herbs Soap and toilet paper

Salsa para pasta Atún (empacado en agua) Tomates enlatados (bajos en sal o sin sal) Spaghetti Fruta enlatada (en su propio jugo) Arroz Bake beans Verdura enlatada Especias y hierbas Jabón y papel de baño

Parish Office 336-226-8796 Parish website https://cc.blessedsacramentnc.org

Parish Facebook page Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community, Burlington, NC

Our thanks to everyone who supports this important ministry. We appreciate your contributions–please designate monetary contributions to “Blessed Sacrament Church – The Little Portion Food Pantry.”

Nuestro agradecimiento a todos los que apoyan este importante ministerio. Agradecemos sus contribuciones — favor de asignar las contribuciones monetarias a "Blessed Sacrament Church – The Little Portion Food Pantry.”

Columbiette Card Writing Campaign

Update: Next Distribution: Monday, April 12 from 11:30 AM-5:00 PM

Actualización: Próxima Distribución: Lunes, 12 de abril de 11:30 AM—5:00 PM

Do you ever get bored or lonely? Do you ever wish someone would reach out to you with a kind word or warm thought?

Many people in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Alamance County feel the same way. They don’t have visitors and no one keeps in touch with them. Why not help yourself and help them too by writing a card or note to them?

The Columbiettes are sponsoring a card writing campaign to reach out to seniors in long-term care facilities. We invite our parish community to write encouraging note cards.

Completed cards may be drop in the collection baskets or call: AJ Glass, 336-266-0440 or Dianna Aubin, 336-567-5966 to have them picked up by 4/4/21.

Please don’t put names on the envelopes or seal them. You can sign it “A Member of Blessed Sacrament Church”, “Blessed Sacrament Parishioner,” or you can leave it blank.

We appreciate your support!

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC 27253 (336) 226-8796

Page 7: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

5th Sunday of Lent 5to Domingo de Cuaresma 3-21-2021

Page 8: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

BSS School Life Pre-K students were ready for St. Patrick’s Day!

They sorted cereal into color groups and used them to make a rainbow. They also used watercolors and painted rainbows.

Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Kelso always make learning so much fun!

Mrs. Kearney took her 8th

grade students outside.

They brought their chromebooks to test the Wi-Fi and

it worked!

We are all

excited about

warmer weather

and finding

ways to get our



Page 10: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside

Welcome to our parish! If you would like to join our parish community, you are welcome to stop by the office to

web site to down load a registration form.

Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Saturdays / Sábados

5:00 PM - Eng. &7:00 PM - Español Sundays / Domingos

8:30 AM & 10:30 AM - Eng. 12:30 PM - Español

Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 8:30 AM -English

Sacraments / Sacramentos Baptism / Baptism

Baptisms are held on the fourth weekend of the month. Please contact the parish office for further information.

********** Los bautismos se celebran el cuarto fin de semana de cada mes. favor de llamar a la oficina para más información.

Reconciliation / Reconciliación Saturdays: 4:00-4:30 PM or by appointment.

********** Sábado de 6:15-6:45 PM Domingo de 11:45-12:15 p.m.

Marriage / Matrimonios Arrangements should be made with a priest six months before the proposed wedding.

********** Hacer arreglos con el sacerdote 6 meses antes de la fecha de matrimonio.

Marriage Preparation / Pastoral Familiar Marti and James Matanzo, 336-214-7132 ~ Nicolás y Berenice Sánchez, 336-260-2968

Parish Organizations Coffee and Donuts Evelyn D’Silva, [email protected] Columbiettes AJ Glass, 336-266-0440, [email protected] Couples for Christ Joel & Jennifer David, 919-308-0453 ~ DivorceCare: Keith Rugh, 336-675-4953 Knights of Columbus Nick Mazzuca; 336-264-7839 ~ [email protected] Newcomer’s / Welcome Ministry Minda Visaya, 919-563-8688 [email protected] Respect Life Cicely (Sis) Steffen, 336-350-7357 [email protected] Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) Teresa Frazier, 336-684-1748 [email protected] Teresians – St. Lucy’s Circle Diane Halliday, 336-585-1080 [email protected] St. Cecilia (Circle C) Mary Rivera, 336-395-8028 Reading Club Dee VanNote, 336-449-5959 Spanish Classes Ricardo Mendoza, 336-278-5805

**********Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial (336) 226-8796********** Fr. Paul Lininger, OFM. Conv., Pastor ~ fr [email protected] Fr. Vincent Rubino, OFM. Conv. ~ [email protected] Deacon Leopold J. Tapler ~ [email protected] FBRE & Adult Faith Formation, Ann Imrick ~ [email protected] Confirmation and TYM (Total Youth Ministry) Leo Quinn ~ [email protected] Business Manager, Joe Charamut ~ [email protected] Music and Liturgy, James Lachance, 336-222-7016~ [email protected] Office Administrator, Mar tha Sanchez ~ mar [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper, Chr is Magrane ~ chr [email protected] Hispanic Minister, Patr icia Matterson ~ patr [email protected] Bulletin Editor, Irma Olmos ~ [email protected]

*********School Staff / Personal Escolar********* 515 Hillcrest Ave. Burlington, NC 27215 (336) 570-0019 Principal: Mar ia Gomez, [email protected] Office Administrator: Pat Libera,(336) 570-0019 ~ [email protected] Director of Admission: Jose Rico Benavides ~ [email protected] Director of Advancement: Beth Fitzgerald, [email protected] Athletic Director: Marcie Letvak, [email protected] **********Boards / Committees / Associations********** Finance Council: Ron Imrick, 336-229-5228 ~ [email protected] Pastoral Council: Ray Eveland, 336-202-5596 ~ [email protected]

**********Community Outreach********** Allied Churches Shelter Meal: Rita Macaluso-Gregory, 336-264-6253, [email protected] Blood Donor Drive: Ray Eveland, 336-202-5593 ~ [email protected] Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts: Jeff Benes, 336-675-9086 ~ Jeff Benes [email protected] Foster Children’s Christmas: Michele Corradini, 336-269-1149 ~ [email protected]

**********Social Outreach Ministry********** Irene Crowder, 336-534-1453 ~ [email protected] Catholic Charities - Centro la Comunidad, 336-222-6868 Little Portion Food Pantry: Dick Szczepanski, 336-228-0864 ~ [email protected] Stephen Ministry : Flo Echevarria, 336-895-3757~ Suzanne Keller, 336-278-8115; Rose Ann Bobak, 336-212-3246

**********Liturgical Ministry / Ministerios Litúrgicos********** Sacristans: John McCravey, 269-3694 ~ [email protected] Veronica Torres, 336-213-2239~ [email protected] Ministry to the Homebound: Barbara Cahill, 336-584-5750

Español: Patricia Matterson, [email protected] CLOW: ~ [email protected] Altar Servers / Monaguillos Kurt Lawler, 336-380-5885 ~ [email protected] Martin y Amparo González, 336-675-9261 ~ [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers / Ministros de Eucaristía Lynn Zubov, 336-437-9776 ~ [email protected] Lorena Ibarra, 336-263-6291 Lector / Lectores David Lynch, 336-212-1830 ~ [email protected] Maricarmen González, 939-645-1123 Ministers of Hospitality / Ministros de Hospitalidad Frank Hallman, 336-212-0849 ~ [email protected] Daniel Flores, 336-675-7999 Music: James Lachance, 336-222-7016, [email protected] Santa Cecilia: Patricia Matterson, 336-449-6519, [email protected] San Juan Apóstol: Ivelisse Colon, 954-559-2487, [email protected] Pan de Vida: Mar tha Ramírez, 336-343-8366, [email protected] San José: Isidro Zamora, 336-270-6291 Adonai: Emanuel Jiménez, 336-690-7674, [email protected]

**********Prayer Groups: Divine Mercy********** Joseph Edathil, 336-227-3637 ~ Luz Matias, 336-260-7430 Grupo Oración: Antonio Pille, 336-350-3215 Praying Needles: Peg Constantine, 336-538-1781 ~ [email protected] Labyrinth: Ann Imrick ~ [email protected]

**********Faith Formation********** Adult Confirmation: Pat Love, 336-214-6067 ~ [email protected] Director of RCIA, James Lachance, 336-222-7016~ [email protected] Baptismal Preparation: Martha Sanchez, 336-226-8796 (English) Patricia Matterson (Español) 336-226-8796, [email protected]

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC 27253 (336) 226-8796

Page 11: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside
Page 12: Cuaresma...2021/03/21  · Cuaresma. The Power of Helplessness In her book, Dead Man Walking, Helen Prejean describes her feelings as she watches her first execution. Everything inside