CULTURE.pptoutline Veit

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  • 8/8/2019 CULTURE.pptoutline Veit


    Chapter 6Chapter 6

    Adapting to Others:Adapting to Others:Bridging Culture and GenderBridging Culture and Gender


  • 8/8/2019 CULTURE.pptoutline Veit


    Communication PrinciplesCommunication Principles

    Be aware ofyour



    adapt your

    message to


    Effectively use


    interpret verbal


    Listen and


    thoughtfully to

    othersEffectively use





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    Adapting to OthersAdapting to Others Culture and CommunicationCulture and Communication

    Gender and CommunicationGender and Communication

    Barriers to Bridging Differences andBarriers to Bridging Differences and

    Adapting to OthersAdapting to Others

    Adapting to Others Who Are DifferentAdapting to Others Who Are Different

    From YouFrom You

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Religion: Evolution of ManReligion: Evolution of Man

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    Culture and CommunicationCulture and Communication CultureCulture is a learned system of knowledge,is a learned system of knowledge,

    behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and normsbehavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms

    that is shared by a group of people.that is shared by a group of people.

    Cultures are not static.Cultures are not static.

    AA CoCo--cultureculture is a cultural group within ais a cultural group within alarger culture.larger culture. AmishAmish


    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Culture and CommunicationCulture and Communication Intercultural communicationIntercultural communication occurs whenoccurs when

    individuals or groups from different culturesindividuals or groups from different culturescommunicate.communicate.

    Culture shockCulture shock

    Our culture and life experiences determine ourOur culture and life experiences determine our worldworldviewviewthe general perspective that determines howthe general perspective that determines howwe perceive what happens to us.we perceive what happens to us.

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Cultural ContextsCultural Contexts People from different cultures respond to theirPeople from different cultures respond to their

    surroundings orsurroundings or cultural contextcultural context cues incues in

    different ways.different ways.

    HighHigh--Context CulturesContext Cultures

    nonverbal cues are extremely importantnonverbal cues are extremely important

    communicators rely on the contextcommunicators rely on the context

    LowLow--Context Cultures rely moreContext Cultures rely moreexplicitly on languageexplicitly on language

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Cultural ValuesCultural Values

    Masculine andMasculine andFeminineFemininePerspectivesPerspectives

    Avoidance orAvoidance orTolerance ofTolerance ofUncertaintyUncertainty

    Distribution of PowerDistribution of Power

    Individualism orIndividualism orCollectivismCollectivism

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Cultural Values:Cultural Values:

    Masculine/FeminineMasculine/Feminine MasculineMasculine

    emphasize getting things done and beingemphasize getting things done and being

    assertiveassertive tend to value traditional roles for men andtend to value traditional roles for men andwomenwomen

    not a reflection of biological sexnot a reflection of biological sex

    FeminineFeminine emphasize building relationships and seekingemphasize building relationships and seeking

    peace and harmony with otherspeace and harmony with others

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    Cultural Values:Cultural Values:

    Uncertainty and CertaintyUncertainty and Certainty

    Avoidance of UncertaintyAvoidance of Uncertainty

    Tolerance for AmbiguityTolerance for Ambiguity

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Cultural Values:Cultural Values:

    Approaches to PowerApproaches to Power Decentralized ApproachDecentralized Approach

    leadership is not vested in one person,leadership is not vested in one person,

    power is decentralizedpower is decentralized

    decisions are likely to be made by consensusdecisions are likely to be made by consensus

    Centralized ApproachCentralized Approach militaristic approach to powermilitaristic approach to power

    prefer strongly organized, centrallyprefer strongly organized, centrallycontrolled form of governmentcontrolled form of government

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    Cultural Values:Cultural Values:Individualism and CollectivismIndividualism and Collectivism

    Collectivistic CulturesCollectivistic Cultures champion what people do together andchampion what people do together and

    reward group achievementreward group achievement strive to accomplish goals for the benefit ofstrive to accomplish goals for the benefit of

    the groupthe group

    Individualistic CulturesIndividualistic Cultures individual recognitionindividual recognition


    tend to be loosely knit sociallytend to be loosely knit socially

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Gender and CommunicationGender and Communication SexSex--Based ExpectationsBased Expectations

    start at birthstart at birth

    gender roles are transmitted viagender roles are transmitted viacommunicationcommunication

    Why and How Women and Men CommunicateWhy and How Women and Men Communicate

    instrumental and expressive orientationsinstrumental and expressive orientations

    content and relational dimensions of messagescontent and relational dimensions of messages

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Barriers to Bridging DifferencesBarriers to Bridging DifferencesAssuming SuperiorityAssuming Superiority


    Assuming SimilarityAssuming Similarity

    Stereotyping and PrejudiceStereotyping and Prejudice

    stereotypingstereotyping prejudiceprejudice

    Different Communication CodesDifferent Communication Codes

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others

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    Adapting to OthersAdapting to Others

    Seek InformationSeek Information

    Listen and Ask QuestionsListen and Ask Questions

    Tolerate AmbiguityTolerate Ambiguity

    Develop MindfulnessDevelop Mindfulness

    engage in selfengage in self--talktalk

    Become OtherBecome Other--OrientedOriented


    social decenteringsocial decentering

    empathy and sympathyempathy and sympathy

    Adapt To OthersAdapt To Others

    Chapter 6: Adapting to Others