Who among the following is the Chairman of the 15th Finance commission? निनिखित म से कौि 15 व नव आयोग के अह ? A. Ajay Narayan Jha B. N.K. Singh C. Arvind Subramanian D. Rajiv Mehrishi CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION

CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

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Page 1: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Who among the following is the Chairman of the 15th Finance commission?

निम्ननिखित में से कौि 15 वें नवत्त आयोग के अध्यक्ष हैं?

A. Ajay Narayan Jha

B. N.K. Singh

C. Arvind Subramanian


Page 2: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Harsh Vardhan launched Food Safety Mitra Scheme, Eat Right Jacket and Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which it plans to engage motivated individuals with the food safety ecosystem at ground level.

कें द्रीयस्वास्थ्यऔर पररवार कल्याण मंत्री हर्षवर्षन ने खाद्यसुरक्षा ममत्र योजना, खाने का अमर्कार जैकेटऔर सही झोलाका शुभारंभ मकया। फूड सेफ्टी एंडस्टैंडडडषस अथॉररटीऑफइंमडया (FSSAI) ने फूड सेफ्टी ममत्रा (FSM) की योजना शुरूकीहै, मजसके जररए जमीनीस्तर परखाद्य सुरक्षा पाररस्थथमिकीिंत्र के साथ पे्रररिव्यस्ियोंको शाममलकरने की योजना है।

Page 3: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Indian Railways (IR) has announced that it will become a net-zero carbon emitter by 2030. The move will be a part of India’s strategy to combat climate change.

भारिीय रेलवे (IR) ने घोर्णा की है मक यह 2030 िक शुद्ध-शून्यकार्षन उत्सजषक र्नजाएगा। यहकदमजलवायु पररविषन सेमनपटने के मलए भारि की रणनीमि का एक महस्सा होगा।

Page 4: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Kishan Dan Dewal (IFS officer of 2003 batch), has been concurrently accredited as the next Ambassador of India to Georgia. He will replace Yogeshwar Sangwan.

मकशन दान देवल (2003 रै्च केआईएफएसअमर्कारी), जॉमजषया में भारि के अगले राजदूि केरूप में समविीरूप सेमान्यिा प्राप्त हैं। वह योगेश्वर सांगवानका थथान लेंगे।

Page 5: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Government of India has appointed J. P. S. Chawla, (1985-batch Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) Officer) as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. He will replace Girraj Prasad Gupta

भारि सरकार ने जे। पी। एस। चावला, (1985-रै्च के भारिीयनागररक लेखा सेवा (ICAS) अमर्कारी) को मवत्त मंत्रालय, व्ययमवभाग के नए महामनदेशक (CGA), के रूप में मनयुि मकया है।वह मगराषज प्रसाद गुप्ता का थथान लेंगे

Page 6: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the 41st DRDO Directors Conference in New Delhi. Chiefs of the three forces & DRDO Chairman G Satheesh Reddy were also present on the occasion.

रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ मसंह ने नई मदल्ली में 41 वें डीआरडीओमनदेशको ं के समे्मलनका उदड घाटन मकया। इसअवसर पर िीनो ंसेनाओं के प्रमुखऔर DRDO के अध्यक्षजी। सिीश रेड्डी भीउपस्थथि थे।

Page 7: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

The 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) indicates that the level of hunger and undernutrition worldwide falls into the serious category. As per the index, India ranks 102nd out of 117 qualifying countries, with a score of 30.3.

2019 ग्लोर्ल हंगर इंडेक्स (जीएचआई) इंमगि करिा है मक दुमनयाभर में भूखऔर कुपोर्णकास्तर गंभीर शे्रणी में आिा है।सूचकांक के अनुसार, भारि 30.3 केस्कोर के साथ 117 योग्य देशो ंमें से 102 वें थथान पर है।

Page 8: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Zimbabwe and Nepal were re-admitted as ICC members in a meeting held in Dubai.

दुर्ई में आयोमजि रै्ठक में मजम्बाबे्वऔर नेपाल कोआईसीसीसदस्ों के रूप में मफर से शाममल मकया गया।

Page 9: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Tourism Ministry has launched the Audio Guide facility “Audio Odigos” for 12 sites of India (including Iconic Sites) on the occasion of “Paryatan Parv 2019”

पयषटन मंत्रालय ने भारि के 12 थथलो ं (आइकॉमनकसाइटडससमहि) के मलएऑमडयो गाइडकी सुमवर्ा “आइररयन साइटडससमहि” लॉन्चकी है।

Page 10: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

The Reserve Bank of India has superseded the Board of Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative Bank Limited, Mumbai and appointed Jai Bhagwan Bhoria as the bank’s administrator with all powers of the board. Jai Bhagwan Bhoria replaces S.Waryam Singh.

भारिीय ररजवष र्ैंक ने पंजार्और महाराष्ट्र सहकारी र्ैंकमलममटेड, मंुर्ई के र्ोडष को अलगकर मदया हैऔर र्ोडष की सभीशस्ियो ं के साथ जय भगवान भोररया को र्ैंकका प्रशासकमनयुि मकया है। जय भगवान भोररया ने एस.वयषम मसंह की जगहली।

Page 11: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

India successfully test-fired a land-attack version of BrahMossupersonic missile from Chandipur coast in Odisha’s Balasoredistrict.

भारि नेओमडशा के र्ालासोर मजले के चांदीपुर िट से ब्रह्मोससुपरसोमनक ममसाइल के भूमम-हमले संस्करणका सफलिापूवषकपरीक्षण मकया।

Page 12: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

Jamaican sprint legend Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce won gold medal in 100m race of 2019 IAAF World Championships held in Doha

दोहा में आयोमजि 2019 IAAF वर्ल्ष चैंमपयनमशपकी 100 मीटरदौड़ में जमैका के स्रंट के मदग्गज शेमल-एन फे्रजर-मप्रस नेस्वणषपदकजीिा

Page 13: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which

‘Milan’ 2020 Indian Navy’s multilateral exercise will be held at Visakhapatnam for the first time.

• Milan has always been conducted from Andaman and Nicobar since its inception in 1995 until last year.

Page 14: CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION - WiFiStudy.com · Eat Right Jhola. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the scheme of Food Safety Mitra (FSM) through which