Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian [email protected] Primary Leadership Conference September 2014

Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian [email protected] Primary Leadership

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Page 1: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Curricular Transitions at the Early Level

Michelle Simpson,Acting PT Toronto Primary School West [email protected] Leadership Conference

September 2014

Page 2: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

-We spend a lot of time, usually in the final term, preparing children for their move to ‘the big school’ but how can we ensure that this just becomes a natural transition?

-What have they experienced for 2 years prior to coming to school that we can learn from and nurture?

-How can we ensure that the children are making progress in their learning?

-How can we record this progress effectively?

The Big Questions

Page 3: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

What did we do?Pre-School Transition

Visits to Primary 1 and the school building (PE and Assemblies, Dinner hall and Playground)P1 teacher and nursery teacher team teaching with mixed groups of P1 and Nursery pre school childrenJoint collaborative projects which start in Nursery and finish in Primary 1‘Jobs for the Day’ for the full last term

Planning for Progression across the Early LevelLearner’s JourneysPlanningAssessment

Introduction of the idea of a ‘Onery’Using the Environment as a tool to support our childrenP1 and P2 area shared Similar themes and topics to encourage collaborative practiceStructured ‘Soft Start’ times like in Nursery

Page 4: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

The Big SchoolThe move to the ‘big school’ is an exciting and important time for children and their parents. Children look forward to it and mums and dads can see it as marking a significant moment when a special carefree time of childhood is left behind and children embark on a new phase of development.The first days and months in primary school present so many new experiences and challenges, and children often respond with an accelerated spurt of development, thriving on the challenge and adapting well. This kind of response depends on the resilience of the individual child as well as on factors such as the network of friends and supporters that children can draw on. Research shows that how well children adjust to the challenges of the new environment can have a significant and lasting impact on their learning in school.our aim has been to develop an approach that makes it more likely that children moving on are ready, willing and able to confidently pick up the threads of successful early learning.

Page 5: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

We thought about our P1 classrooms and shared areas

We asked ourselves…How can our P1 classrooms reflect the

Nursery environment?

Do we have:

A Writing Area?A Numeracy Area?A Role Play Area?A Physical Play Area?A Small World Play Area?A Craft Area?A Sand/Water?Dough Area? etc

Page 6: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Co-operative LearningFairytales Co-operative groups


Group 1 (P1 Teacher and Nursery Nurse)

Group 2 (P1 Teacher and Nursery Nurse

Group 3 (Nursery Teacher and PSW)

The Gingerbread Man

Read the Story of the Gingerbread Man

Make salt dough and use it to make gingerbread men shapes with rolling pins

and cutters.

Small play farm animals and gingerbread men

Animal puppets to act out the story

Draw your own gingerbread man on card then make it into a j igsaw

Run, run rhyme with woodblocks to keep

steady beat.

Pictures of the story to sequence.

Make paper chain gingerbread men and colour with multicultural crayons.


Read the story of Aladdin

Provide a selection of craf t materials to make treasure – encourage independence in

getting and using resources.

I maginative play in a cave with a torch. Provide story books, treasure and lamps in

the cave.

Aladdin j igsaw

I maginative play on a magic carpet.

Make model lamps f rom plasticine.

Play “hide the treasure” using warmer and colder clues. (like hunt the thimble)

The Princess and the Pea

Read and follow the interactive story of The Princess and the Pea www.realprincess.com

Print castle pictures f rom diff erent shaped


Dress up as princes and princesses. (old wise man and page costumes and dancer’s


I nvestigate how easy it is to feel a pea with layers of diff erent fabrics.

Role play weddings and banquets.

Build castles f rom own choice of

construction materials.

Page 7: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Shared Role Play Areas

Page 8: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Structured ‘Soft Start’

Page 9: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Joint Initiatives

Page 10: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Learner’s JourneysIn West Lothian we use Learner’s Journeys as a form of documenting

children’s learning and tracking their progress.

The Learner’s Journey is the Early Level Profile. This

document was developed by West Lothian Council

Early Years Quality Assurance Group in

consultation with relevant stakeholders as a response

to BtC5. It provides a format to recognise and

record children’s progress in learning and wider

achievements within the early level of CfE.

West Lothian Early Years Quality Assurance Sub Group

March 2011

Page 11: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Early Level Overview READING LIT 0-01a / 11a / 20a Sounds, rhymes, alliteration LIT 0-01b / 11b Reading stories D D1 I enjoy rhyming stories D2 I join in saying

rhymes D D1 I can select a library book D2 I choose to look at books for

pleasure C C1 I am aware that letters relate to sounds C2 I can identify

rhyming words C3 I identify one or more initial sounds

C C1 I can say whether I like or dislike a story C2 I enjoy using picture clues to “read” a story

S S1 I can identify initial sounds S2 I can generate rhyming words S3 I can sound out simple words S4 I can generate alliteration

S S1 I can talk about a story with some detail S2 I use pictures and my knowledge of a few words to “read” S3 I am mainly using words to read simple stories

ENG 0-12a /LIT 13a / 21a Learning to read LIT 0-14a Finding information D D1 I can recognise one or more letters

D2 I can recognise my own name without picture support D I can use signs, books or the internet(with support) to find information

C C1 I can recognise most letters C2 I can recognise a few words other than my name

C I can learn from the information I find

S S1 I can read all the Jolly phonics sounds S2 I can read 3 letter words S3 I can use my phonic knowledge to sound out simple words S4 I can read some “tricky words”

S I can use the information I find to help me make choices and/or make plans

LIT 0-07a / 16a / 17a Understanding and linking LIT 0-19a Sharing understanding D I can ask a simple question about a text to help me understand or gain

info D I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories through role play

C I can link what I already know to information in a text C I can respond to a simple question about an event or character in a story or text

S I can link and share my new learning from a text with others S I can share my ideas about an event or character in a story or text WRITING LIT 0-01a / 11a / 20a Patterns and sounds in writing ENG 0-12a / LIT 13a / 21a Learning to write D I do emergent writing and say what I am writing about D D1 I do emergent writing D2 I am trying to write my

name C As I begin to write I show awareness of onset and rhyme in 3 letter

words C C1 I can write my name C2 I can write most letters

C3 I can use my phonic knowledge to write simple words S As I write I use previous knowledge of sound patterns to generate words S S1 My writing shows an awareness of spaces between words

S2 My writing shows some awareness of sentences and punctuation Lit 0-021b Writing materials and conveying information LIT 0-26a Communicating and genre D D1 I explore mark making and I try out different materials such as

pencils, crayons, felt pens, chalks and brushes D2 I can talk about my drawings and / or emergent writing

D D1 I do emergent writing as part of my play to record information D2 Through my emergent writing I show that I am aware of different forms of writing (eg list, invitation, sign)

C As I play and learn I am beginning to write to record experiences, feelings, ideas and information with support

C I am beginning to write to communicate feelings, ideas, experiences and info using various genre with support

S As I play and learn I can write to record experiences, feelings, ideas and information with little support

S I communicate my feelings, ideas, experiences and information using various genre of writing with little support

LIT 0-09b / 31a Writing stories D I can make marks to record my ideas and I can talk about them

C I am beginning to write my own imaginative stories with support and I can say what they are about

S I can write my own imaginative stories and share them with others

Page 12: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Taking things a step further…

May 2014 HWB 0-23a Today in Nursery, Ellie chose to play in the brick corner with her friend. As she investigated the brick area she discussed what she was going to build

with her friend. The girls settled on building a house. Ellie selected some of the tools from the tool box and measured one of the bricks with a tape

measure saying ‘it’s 80-50 and these tweezers (pliers) are very nippy so let’s get the hammer and sort this mess out’.

During this experience, Ellie had very clear ideas of her own and was also able to accept the viewpoint of others around her. ‘India let’s get building an

enormous wall...oh that’s good’. Ellie went on to tell one of the boys that she was ‘a lady builder’. Ellie played here for a good while co-operatively

and had great fun with her peers!

Page 13: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Relevant and Purposeful for the Children and Parents

I chose to look through my Learner’s Journey folder today.

I did something special in nursery today and asked for

it to be added to my Learner’s Journey!

I helped to add lovely work to my Learner’s Journey. I’m very clever!

This is what I thought:

The staff at nursery might not know this but something you’re really good at at home is:


Consultation Feedback

October 2013

I had a look through your Learner’s Journey and I loved:

Something I would love to see you improve on is: (This can be at nursery or at home)

Please tell us what you thought of our Learner’s Journey folders as we always strive to improve them and value your feedback.

Child’s Name

How do you feel your child has settled in or settled back in to nursery so far:

Page 14: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

MNU 0-01a Size/Measure

Short Long Full Empty Small Big Thick Thin

MNU 0-02a Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20+

I can count using 1-1 correspondence. I can order numbers. MNU 0-03a Add/Subtract

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I can count forwards. I can count backwards.

MNU 0—07a Fractions

I can divide. I divide objects equally. I can share objects equally between my friends.

MNU 0-09 Money

I can use money through play. I can sort money by type.

MNU 0-10a Time

I can follow nursery routines. I am learning about the seasons. I can recite the days of the week.

MNU 0-13a Pattern

I have experienced pattern through play. I can complete a pattern. I can complete a complex pattern. MNU 0-16a Shape

I can name a square. I can name a circle.

I can name a triangle I can name a rectangle.

I have experienced shape through play.

MNU 0-17a Position

Forward Backwards on top under in MNU 0-20b Sorting

I can sort using a given criteria. I can sort using my own criteria.


As a Nursery Team we

realised the importance

of the children

being able to see their

progression at a glance

so we created this

visual representati

on of the outcomes for

Numeracy and Maths.

Currently we are developing more

for the other areas

Page 15: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

‘Professional dialogue is key to improving learning….Forward planning is a tool to assist teaching and learning. Teachers should plan to the level of detail which will work best for their pupils. This will vary…and there should not be a “one-size-fits-all” approach.’

Forward planning should be proportionate; there is no need to plan, assess, record and report at the level of each and every Experience and Outcome. It is almost always better to group together related Experiences and Outcomes and focus on the most significant aspects of teaching and learning.


…and so that is what we did…

Thinking about Planning

Page 16: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership


We grouped some of the natural SocialStudies and ScienceOutcomes and from there created some possible contextsfor learning over theEarly Level.

Social Studies SOC 0-17a/SOC 0-18a – Permeates throughout Nursery and P1

Nursery Primary 1 SOC 0-01a SOC 0-02a SOC 0-04a SOC 0-15a SOC 0-18a

My Family (Year 1)

SOC 0-01a SOC 0-02a SOC 0-04a SOC 0-15a SOC 0-16a

Me at School

SOC 0-012a Weather (Year 1) SOC 0-07a SOC 0-08a SOC 0-09a SOC 0-12a


SOC -0-07a SOC 0-15a SOC 0-16a

People in our Community who help us (Year 2)

SOC 0-16a People Who Help Us (Health)

SOC 0-20a Shops (Year 2) SOC 0-20a Shops (Money)

Science SCN 0-11a – Linked to Music with Mr Paul throughout the the year for both Nursery and Primary 1

Nursery Primary 1 SCN 0-01a SCN 0-03a

Autumn (Year 1 &2) Minibeasts

SCN 0-01a SCN 0-03a SCN 0-20a

The Gruffalo

SCN 0-04a SCN 0-07a

Transport, Toys and Wheels (Year 2)

SCN 0-11a SCN 0-12a HWB 0-47a HWB 0-47b


SCN 0-05a SCN 0-15a

Winter Weather, Animals and Materials (Year 1)

SCN 0-15a Materials (3 little pigs)

SCN 0-09a Electricity (Year 1&2)

SCN 0-20a Weather Around the World – Wizard of Oz (Year 2)

Page 17: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Early Level 3 Year Overview – Nursery

Year 1Term 1

Aug - OctTerm 2

Oct – Dec Term 3

Jan - AprilTerm 4

April - June

Topic 17 Weeks

Topic 28 Weeks

Topic 35 ½ Weeks

Topic 46 Weeks

Topic 56 Weeks

Topic 6 (HEALTH)3 Weeks


Nursery Year 1(2012-2013)


 My (New) Nursery

(2 weeks)HWB 0-03a HWB 0-05aHWB 0-07a HWB 0-08aHWB 0-19a HWB 0-23aRME 0-02a RME 0-09a

*These outcomes will be focussed on whenever a new child arrives throughout the


 My Family(3 weeks)

SOC 0-01aSOC 0-02aSOC 0-04a

H&WB 0-44bH&WB 0-51a


Dinosaurs(children’s interest)

SOC 0-04a 

Autumn (2 weeks)SOC 0-08aSCN 0-01aMNU 0-10a

 Dark and Light

(4 weeks)SCN 0-01aSCN 0-06aMNU 0-10a

 *Stranger Danger/

Road SafetyH & WB 0-17aH & WB 0-18a


Seasonal/Celebrations*Halloween *Fireworks

H&WB 0-16a   

Christmas & Nativity(4 weeks)

H&WB 0-12aRME 0-01aRME 0-03a


 Chinese New Year

(1 week)RME 0-04aRME 0-06a


Scottish WeekTartan

Robert BurnsSOC 0-01aSOC 0-07aSOC 0-15a

LIT 0-01a/LIT 0-11a/LIT 0-20a

LIT 0-10a   

Winter Animals & Materials

Topical Science(4weeks)

SCN 0-05aSCN 0-15aMNU 0-20b


 Colour and Shape

(2 weeks) 

MNU 0-13aMNU 0-16aMNU 0-20aMNU 0-20b


Easter and Mothers’ Day

(1 week)RME 0-03a


Spring and New Life on the Farm

Preparation for TRIP to East Links Farm

(3 weeks)SCN 0-20a

SOC 0—08a 

 Living Things in our Garden

Plants & Mini Beasts(6 weeks)

SCN 0-01aSCN 0-08aSCN 0-20aMNU 0-19a

H&WB 0-50a   

Going to School(integrated throughout last


Jolly Phonics

ENG 0-12a/LIT 0-13a/LIT 0 – 21a

Number Zoo

MNU 0-02a   


 12 Days of Fitness

H&WB Focus(Variety of sports and

health and fitness activities will be provided throughout

this final few weeks ) 

Sports DaySplit Pre and Ante-Pre children to participate


SCN 0-09a 

Fathers’ Day 

‘Oh Leela’Drug and Alcohol misuse

programme of work(1 week)

 Nursery Trip to soft play


Windyknowe Nursery Early Level Topic Overview (2012-2014)(Nursery – Primary 1)

Broad overview of MAIN Social Studies and Science CfE outcomes which link to each topic naturally are listed below. Each topic will have a main assessment focus. Literacy, Numeracy, H&WB and Technology will all permeate throughout so only focussed outcomes are listed below. More detail can be found in Long Term plans.

Page 18: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Early Level 3 Year Overview – Nursery Year 2

Term 1Aug - Oct

Term 2Oct – Dec

Term 3Jan - April

Term 4April - June

Term 4 

Topic 19 Weeks

Topic 28 Weeks

Topic 313 Weeks

Topic 56 Weeks

Topic 6 (HEALTH)3 Weeks


Nursery Year 2(2013-2014)

 My (New) Nursery

(3 weeks)HWB 0-03a HWB 0-05aHWB 0-07a HWB 0-08aHWB 0-19a HWB 0-23aRME 0-02a RME 0-09a

*These outcomes will be focussed on whenever a new child arrives

throughout the year.


People in our community who help us

*Local Environment Study(4 weeks)

SOC 0-07aSOC 0-15aSOC 0-16a


Autumn & HarvestPercy The Park Keeper

(1 week)

SCN 0-01aSCN 0-03a

 Transport and Wheel

TechnologyFinancial Educataion*Energy and Forces

(4 weeks)SCN 0-04aSCN 0-07aSOC 0-09aSOC 0-15aMNU 0-01aMNU 0-11aMTH 0-17aTCH 0-01a


Scottish WeekSt AndrewRME 0-03a

H&WB 0-35a 

Christmas&Nativity(3 weeks)

H&WB 0-12aRME 0-01aRME 0-03a


*Halloween *Fireworks*Divali

H&WB 0-16aRME 0-04aRME 0-06a


Weather Around the World*The Wizard of OzNatural Disasters

(5 weeks) 

SCN 0-20aMNU 0-20aSOC 0-12a


Burns WeekHairy McLary

(Scottish Literature) (1 week)

SOC 0-01aSOC 0-02a

LIT 0-01a/LIT 0-11a/LIT 0-20a

LIT 0-10a   



Traditional Tales(6 weeks)

SOC 0-17aLIT 0-19a

LIT 0-01b/LIT 0-11bMNU 0-01aHWB 0-09aHWB 0-17a



Easter and Mothers’ Day

(1 week)RME 0-03a


Preparation for Nursery Trip

*Location to be decided in collaboration with parents and



The Shop/Post Office(6 weeks)

SOC 0-07aSOC 0-16aSOC 0-20aMNU 0-01aMNU 0-09aMNU 0-20a



Going to School(integrated throughout last


Jolly Phonics

ENG 0-12a/LIT 0-13a/LIT 0 – 21a

Number Zoo MNU 0-02a


 12 Days of Fitness

H&WB Focus(Variety of sports and

health and fitness activities will be provided throughout

this final few weeks )  

Sports DaySplit Pre and Ante-Pre children to participate


I am Special(Body Systems)

H&WB 0-48aH&WB 0-48bSCN 0-12a


Fathers’ Day 

 ‘Oh Leela’

Drug and Alcohol misuse programme of work

(1 week) 

End of term Showcase of our talents

Page 19: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Early Level 3 Year Overview – Primary 1




Primary 1 

 Settling In(1 week)

 I am at School

(6 weeks)SOC 0-01aSOC 0-02aSOC 0-16aSOC 0-17aRME 0-08aRME 0-07a



 I Live in Scotland

(4 weeks)SOC 0-07aSOC 0-08aSOC 0-09aSOC 0-12a

 Scottish Week

RME 0-03a 

Christmas & Toys(3 weeks)

SCN 0-04aSCN 0-07aRME 0-02aRME 0-03a

 Materials: The 3 Wee Grumphies

(5 ½ weeks)SCN 0-15aTCH 0-02aTCH 0-12aTCH 0-14a


(6 weeks)SCN 0-12aHWB 0-47aHWB 0-47b

 The Gruffalo

(6 weeks)SCN 0-01aSCN 0-03a


 Healthy Me(3 weeks)

SOC 0-16aRME 0-02a HWB0-16aHWB0-17aHWB0-21aHWB0-22aHWB0-23aHWB0-24aHWB0-25aHWB0-26aHWB0-27aHWB0-28a



 Primary 1

Stand Alone

H&WB*Keeping Myself Safe

*Thinking About Others*My Family and Friends


*Introduction of the Bible*Noah’s Ark


H&WB*Bonfire Night

*Be Bright Be Seen*What’s The Score?

*Drug Sense 


H&WB*Right and Wrong

*My Feelings*My Community


H&WB*Bee Safe*Be Safe


*Chinese New Year*Easter


*People Who Help Us *CEOP

*All the Things


 *Jesus as a special person (Miracles)*The Church as a

special place

Page 20: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Assessment Records

CfE OutcomeENG 0-12/LIT 0-13a/LIT 0-21a As I help to prepare the snack menu board I am becoming aware of sounds and words by using visual cards and listening to an adult. I am learning to experiment with writing letters and words with adult guidance.

I can confidently copy sounds

with actions and can copy simple


With some support I am

copying Sounds with actions and

creating early symbols

With some support I am becoming aware of sound, letters and mark making.

Name Comment

Aaron G        

Aaron N        

Aaron W        








Page 21: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

‘Joyning’ the Learning ProjectFollowing on from the success of Nursery


Page 22: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Children leading their own learning


The curriculum should be designed on the

basis of the following principles:

Challenge & enjoymentBreadth


Personalisation & choice



P1/P2 Project

Page 23: Curricular Transitions at the Early Level Michelle Simpson, Acting PT Toronto Primary School West Lothian michelle.simpson@wled.org.uk Primary Leadership

Let’s Reflect