21 st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education Dental Terminology Health Sciences Education Cluster Title: Dental Terminology (WVEIS 0748) Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.1 Dental Terminology Students will effectively communicate, both orally and in writing, using dental terminology, understanding prefixes, roots, and suffixes appropriately. Essential Questions: How would you evaluate the accuracy of a new dental term? Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: HSE.O.DT.1.1 determine the steps in analyzing the definition of dental acronyms. analyzing definitions prefix root word suffix meaning pluralize utilize See chapter 1, Dental Terminology , Charline M. Dofka. HSE.O.DT.1.2 pronounce commonly used dental terms. commonly used dental terms abbreviations homonyms pronunciation by syllables HSE.O.DT.1.3 spell and pronounce commonly used dental root words, prefixes, and suffixes. commonly used root words alveolar apical 1

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21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Dental TerminologyHealth Sciences Education Cluster

Title: Dental Terminology (WVEIS 0748)

Standard Number:HSE.S.DT.1

Dental TerminologyStudents will effectively communicate, both orally and in writing, using dental terminology, understanding prefixes, roots, and suffixes appropriately.


How would you evaluate the accuracy of a new dental term?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.1.1 determine the steps in analyzing the definition

of dental acronyms.analyzing definitions

prefix root word suffix meaning pluralize utilize

See chapter 1, Dental Terminology, Charline M. Dofka.

HSE.O.DT.1.2 pronounce commonly used dental terms. commonly used dental terms abbreviations homonyms pronunciation by syllables

HSE.O.DT.1.3 spell and pronounce commonly used dental root words, prefixes, and suffixes.

commonly used root words alveolar apical axis buccal cheilo coronal dens distal enamel


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fluoride frenum gingiva glossa incisor labial mandible maxilla mesial mucosa occlude orthos stoma temporal

prefixes a,an ab ad ante anti bi dys di endo ex or ex/o homo hypo hyper inter intra infra mal para peri poly pro


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retro sub super supra trans tri

suffixes ac,ic,ar al algia ia ectomy graph, graphy gram itis ist lar necrosis oid ologist ology oma otomy osis ous sion plasty trophy

HSE.O.DT.1.4 recognize commonly used acronyms and abbreviations.

common acronyms and abbreviations AIDS ALARA ANUG CDA DDS/DMD DHMO/DMO EFDA


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Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.2

Odontology and Anatomical LandmarksStudents will apply knowledge and skills to communicate effectively using terminology associated with odontology and anatomical landmarks.


How does the use of terminology inhibit understanding in the communication process?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.2.1 articulate the major bones of the face and

skull.bones of the cranium

temporal parietal frontal occipital ethmoid sphenoid

bones of the face zygomatic maxillary palatine nasal lacrimal inferior conchae mandible vomer

miscellaneous bones of skull auditory ossicles malleus incus stapes


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hyoidHSE.O.DT.2.2 articulate the major muscles of mastication and

illustrate positioning.muscles of mastication

temporal masseter internal pterygoid external pterygoid orbicularis oris buccinator mentalis

HSE.O.DT.2.3 determine the location and function of the salivary glands.

salivary glands parotid submandibular sublingual

HSE.O.DT.2.4 locate and pronounce oral cavity landmarks. oral cavity labia

o superior oriso inferium oriso commissureo vermilliono philtrum

frenumo labialo lingualo buccal

tongueo circumvallateo filliformo fungiformo foliate

palateo hard palateo incisive papillao palatine raphe

miscellaneous oral cavity structureso uvula


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o soft palateo vestibuleo fauces

glossophalatine pharyngopalatine

HSE.O.DT.2.5 articulate dentitions and related terms. dentitions deciduous/primary permanent/adult mixed/transitional

HSE.O.DT.2.6 examine tissues and membranes that make up the periodontium.

tissues of the periodontium periodontal alveolar gingiva periodontal membranes

o Sharpey’s gingivalo interdental/transeptalo alveolaro gomphosis

alveolar boneo cortical plateo cribriform plateo laina dura

gingivalo gingival cresto sulcuso free ginigaval grooveo interdental papillao mucogingival

HSE.O.DT.2.7 examine tooth surfaces and characteristic landmarks.

tooth surfaces facial lingual mesial distal incisal occlusal


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cingulum ridge fissure fossa pit sulcus groove cusp lobe furrow eminence furcation mamelon

Standard Number:HSE.S.DT.3

Infection ControlStudents will understand and use terminology associated with infection control to communicate effectively.


What judgments can be made concerning the connection between the mode of transmission and the sources of common disease conditions?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.DT.O.3.1 examine signs, symptoms, and sources related

to common disease conditions.signs and symptoms

inflammation temperature nausea diaharrea

sources bacteria

o aerobico facultative aerobeso obligate/strict aerobeso anaerobico facultative anaerobeso obligate/strict anaerobeso flagella


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o spore virus richettsiae fungus protozoa saprophytes nematodes commensal

HSE.DT.O.3.2 determine transmission and prevention of pathogenic agents.

transmission of pathogens droplet indirect contact parenteral carrier vector-borne food, soil, water

prevention immunity

o natural immunityo natural acquired immunityo artificial acquired immunityo passive acquired immunityo passive natural immunityo immunocompromised

inoculation asepsis sanitation disinfection

o disinfectanto antiseptico bacteriostatico germicideo sterilization

sanitationo PPE


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o barrier techniqueso SOPo universal precautionso proper disposal techniqueso sharps disposalo biohazard containero hazardous waste containero MSDS papers

HSE.DT.O.3.3 distinguish government agencies concerned with the control of disease.

government agencies SDPA – State Dental Practice Act OSHA – Occupational Safey and Health

Administration CDCP – Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention EPA – Environmental Protection Agency

Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.4

Chair Side AssistingStudents will understand and use terminology associated with clinical chair side assisting to communicate effectively.


Discuss the preparation needed for a pediatric patient that has never been to the dentist?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.4.1 research terminology related to diseases

associated with teeth, tissues, and structures of the head.

diseases of teeth dental caries periapical abscess miscellaneous maladies

o fistulao celluliteso abrasiono attritiono erosiono ankylosiso avulsiono bruxismo malocclusion

diseases of the tissue9

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gingivitis periodontitis periodontosis periodontal abscess pericoronitis cellulites ANUG lesion aphthous ulcer leukoplakia Herpes cheilosis glossitis epulis fibroma granuloma sarcoma carcinoma AIDS

diseases of head structures trismus dysphagia sialoadenitis tic douloureux temporomandibular joint

HSE.O.DT.4.2 articulate commonly used dental terms related to chair side procedures.

various chair side procedures preparation anesthesia isolation dental dam preparation cement, liners, base materials restorative finishing

HSE.O.DT.4.3 differentiate between types and properties of dental restorative materials.

restorative materials amalgam


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cement composite gold foil veneer

HSE.O.DT.4.4 relate and pronounce terms related to the preparation and isolation of the operative area.

preparation terms identification of caries anesthesia remove caries prepare for material restore to normal function

isolation terms cotton rolls absorbent pads dental dam

o ligatureo inverto stabilization

Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.5

RadiographyStudents will define and pronounce dental terms associated with radiography to communicate effectively.


Discuss ways in which panoramic radiography can be used to enhance dental care.

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.5.1 articulate terms connected with the production

and properties of roentgen rays.production of roentgen ray

xray tube cathode filament anode focal spot collimator aperture filter

o inherent filtrationo added filtrationo total filtration


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properties of roentgen ray sensitivity cumulative effect mutation effect

HSE.O.DT.5.2 demonstrate acceptable methods for radiation protection.

radiation protection ALARA maximum permissible dose roentgen rad rem erythema dosimeter lead apron/thyrocervial collar lead barriers, shields phantom

HSE.O.DT.5.3 determine types of radiographs and qualities necessary for diagnosis.

types of radiographs periapical bitewing occlusal extraaoral cephalometric cephalostat panoramic intensifying screen

qualities needed for diagnosis contrast density detail definition radiolucent radiopaque

HSE.O.DT.5.4 implement steps to process dental radiographs.

steps to process radiographs developing fixing rinsing drying


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documenting filing

HSE.O.DT.5.5 assess common radiographic errors and the causes of each.

radiographic errors and causes foreshortening – excessive vertical angulation elongation – insufficient vertical angulation overlapping – improper horizontal angulation cone cutting – improper placement of cental

beam reticulation – temperature differences

between solutions fog – old film, old solutions, faulty safelight,

scattered radiation, improper storage of film herringbone effect – film placed backward in

mouthStandard Number: HSE.S.DT.6

Dental LaboratoryStudents will understand and use terminology related to dental laboratory materials and procedures to communicate effectively.


Why is it important for the dental assistant to understand the properties of all dental laboratory materials?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.6.1 determine materials used in the dental

laboratory and give examples of their uses.materials in dental laboratory

impression materials – take and record shape, size or position of teeth, appliances, and oral anatomy

o rigid o plastico elastico elastomeric

gypsum – variety of useso modelo dental stoneo improved/die stoneo casting investment

wax – variety of useso inlay


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o baseplateo castingo boxingo utilityo sticky

polymer – denture bases, denture liner, teeth, custom trays, orthodontic appliances, mouth guards, bleaching trays, veneers, pit and fissure sealants, tooth restorations

o fillero initiatoro activatoro inhibitoro plasticizero compositeo self-curing resins

precious and base metals – inlays, crowns, bridges, partials, dentures

o gold alloyo base alloy

abrasive and polishing – smoothing and polishing

o aluminum oxideo carborundumo chalko chromium oxideo cuttleo diamondo emeryo garneto pumiceo quartzo rougeo tin oxide


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o tripolio zirconium silicate

cement – lute dental castingso zinc phosphateo zinc oxide eugenolo ZOE and EBAo polycarboxylateo silicophosphateo resino glass ionomer

HSE.O.DT.6.2 relate characteristics of descriptive or manipulative dental materials.

characteristics of dental materials bonding coefficient of thermal expansion color creep cure process ductility elasticity malleability exothermic flow galvanization hardness hydrophilic hydrophobia initial set imbibition hygroscopic setting time tensile strength thermal conductivity toughness

HSE.O.DT.6.3 demonstrate the major fixed and removable prosthodontic appliances.

fixed prosthodontic appliances inlay onlay


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crowno full o jacket o dowelo three-quartero porcelain-fused to metalo veneer

direct indirect

fixed bridge Maryland bridge cantilever bridge

removable appliances complete denture partial denture immediate denture overdenture

Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.7

Pharmacology and Emergency CareStudents will understand and use terminology related to pharmacology and emergency care in a dental office to communicate effectively.


Create a scenario in which the dental patient experiences anaphylactic shock.

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.7.1 examine regulatory bodies concerned with

the control of medications/drugs.regulatory bodies

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1906) Harrison Narcotic Act Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938) Durham-Humphrey Law Drug Amendments Drug Abuse Control Amendments Controlled Substance Act

HSE.O.DT.7.2 determine effects that drugs impose on the body.

effects adverse effect addiction allergy


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anaphylaxis antagonism dependence drug interaction idiosyncrasy intolerance overdose secondary effect synergism teratongenic

HSE.O.DT.7.3 examine parts of a prescription and explain routes of drug administration.

parts of a prescription heading body closing superscription inscription subscription transcription/signature

routes of drug administration oral/PO intravenous/IV intramuscular/IM subcutaneous/SC,SQ intradermal/ID inhalation/IH rectal/SUPPOS intrathecal/IT intraperitoneal topical sublingual,buccal transdermal patch drug implant

HSE.O.DT.7.4 distinguish the classification of drugs commonly used in dentistry.

classifications analgesic anesthetic antianxiety


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anti-infective cardiovascular allergy

HSE.O.DT.7.5 research equipment and materials needed in prevention and treatment of emergencies.

equipment and materials needed for emergencies emergency call list oxygen source oxygen regulator oxygen flowmeter oxygen mask demand-valve resuscitator AMBU bag emergency tray

HSE.O.DT.7.6 articulate terms related to CPR and other common medical emergencies.

CPR terms abdominal thrust asphyxiation chest thrusts cricothyrotomy gastric distension Heimlich maneuver hypoxia stoma tracheotomy airway compression finger sweep sternum xiphoid process

other common medical emergencies classifications of shock

o anaphylactico cardiogenico hemorrhageo metabolico neurogenico postural


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o psychogenico respiratoryo septic

allergieso itching o erythemao edemao vesicleo urticaria

asthmao extrinsico intrinsico status asthmaticus

diabetes mellituso diabetic comao glucoseo hyperglycemiao hypoglycemiao insulino insulin shocko juvenile diabeteso ketone

epilepsyo petit malo grand malo aurao clonico partial epilepsyo status epilepticuso tonic

hyperventilation heart conditions

o epicardiumo myocardium


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o endocardium atrium ventricle valve atrioventricular semilunar valves aorta murmur arteriosclerosis atherosclerosis angina pectoris myocardial infraction nitroglycerin

strokeo embolismo hemorrhageo infarctiono thrombosiso hemiplegiao transient ischemic attacko aneurysm

dental emergenciesHSE.O.DT.7.7 examine common emergencies occurring in a

dental office.dental emergencies

alveolitis avulsed epistaxis hemorrhage

o astringento coagulanto hemostatic

trismus postural hypotension sequestra syncope

Standard Number: Business Office Procedures


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HSE.S.DT.8 Students will understand and use terminology associated with business office procedures.EssentialQuestions:

What information would be needed to determine how much of a selected dental material is used during a three month period.?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.8.1 demonstrate oral and written communications

related to office procedures. oral communication

incoming callso appointmento personalo inquiryo emergency

outgoing callso confirmationso orderingo inquiry

answering machine answering service conference call

written communication first class mail second class mail third class mail fourth class mail certified mail COD mail express mail insured mail registered mail special delivery special handling electronic mail incoming mail

o invoiceo statemento miscellaneouso packages


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o personalo payment

outgoing mailHSE.O.DT.8.2 compare types of appointments and correlated

scheduling terms.types of appointments

dovetail schedulingo appointment cardo appointment entryo call listo daily scheduleo matrixo unit

recall restorative surgical emergency prosthetic cosmetic radiographic preventive consultation

HSE.O.DT.8.3 examine dental insurance terms and discuss types of dental insurance plans.

insurance terms approved services assignment of benefits authorization to release information beneficiary benefit birthday rule calendar year carrier certificate of eligibility claim coordination of benefits copayment customary fee deductible


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dependent exclusion fiscal year group policy insured maximum benefits preauthorization premium procedural code provider reasonable fee release of information statement schedule of benefits subscriber superbill third party UCR usual fee

types of dental insurance plans prepaid capitation Government Insurance Programs

HSE.O.DT.8.4 examine common banking terms and discuss types of financial disbursements used in a dental office.

banking terms account bookkeeping charge slip collection day sheet ledger card pegboard bookkeeping statement

financial disbursements deposit slip endorsement petty cash reconciliation


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HSE.O.DT.8.5 select terms related to purchasing and inventory of supplies.

purchasing and inventory back order capital supply expendable supply invoice nonexpendable supply purchase order reorder point lead time inventory shelf life

HSE.O.DT.8.6 relate legal and ethical terms and definitions used in a dental business office.

legal and ethical terms abandonment abuse breach of confidentiality confidentiality consent contract defamation defendant deposition ethics felony fraud incompetent judgment liability licensure litigation malpractice negligence plaintiff res ipsa loguitor

Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.9

Technology Students will:

understand the use of computer technology within the dental health care system.


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demonstrate skills and knowledge of computer technology as appropriate to dental healthcare applications.


How has the application of information technology impacted healthcare careers?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.9.1 implement the use of dental software

programs.*Dentrix Dental software system has related patient information for this course.

HSE.O.DT.9.2 utilize software, hardware, and the internetto practice and master standards.

software and hardware using word processing type papers reports required class writing assignments

internet to practice and master standards in: dental terminology odontology and anatomical landmarks infection control chair side assisting radiography dental laboratory pharmacology and emergency care business office procedures

HSE.O.DT.9.3 utilize the internet as a resource/research tool. internet as a resource/research tool for: reports research assignments other activities

o dental terminologyo odontology and anatomical landmarkso infection controlo chair side assistingo radiographyo dental laboratoryo pharmacology and emergency careo business office procedures

Standard Number: HSE.S.DT.10

Student OrganizationsStudents will participate in the local chapter of the Career and Technical Organization (CTSO).

Essential How does participation in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) impact professional


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Questions: development and lifelong learning?Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:HSE.O.DT.10.1 participate in the local chapter of the

appropriate Career and Technical Organization (CTSO).

involvement in HOSA or SkillsUSA membership committee involvement contests projects other educational activities

HSE.O.DT.10.2 examine parliamentary procedure in organizational meetings.

parliamentary procedure in organizational meetings main motion second debate vote point of information division adjourn

HSE.O.DT.10.3 characterize team membership skills, such ascooperation and leadership.

team membership skills cooperation leadership through participation in

o committeeso contestso projectso other educational activities

HSE.O.DT.10.4 take part in local, state and national dental health care and education projects.

local, state and national dental health care and education projects

National Dental Health Month Dental Assistant Recognition Week American Dental Assistants Association, etc.

21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity

Evidence of Success

Information and Communication Skills:

21C.O.9-12.1.LS3 Student creates information using advanced skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation and shares

Students use the Internet and selected software to create and interpret dental terms and records.

Students identify dental word roots, prefixes, and suffixes; and accurately build and


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this information through a variety of oral, written and multimedia communications that target academic, professional and technical audiences and purposes.

Students use interactive software to master course standards and objectives.

interpret dental terms.

21C.O.9-12.1.TT2 Student routinely applies keyboarding skills, keyboard shortcut techniques, and mouse skills with facility, speed and accuracy.

21C.O.9-12.1.TT10 Student implements various Internet search techniques (e.g., Boolean searches, meta-searches, web bots) to gather information; student evaluates the information for validity, appropriateness, content, bias, currency, and usefulness.

Thinking and Reasoning Skills:

21C.O.9-12.2.LS1 Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluation using complex criteria.

Students use dental terminology in examining dental terms associated with structure and function, disease pathology; diagnostic and therapeutic dental procedures, and abbreviations related to dental care

Students apply acquired knowledge to accurately interpret dental terms used by dental health professionals to understand a patient’s dental records.

21C.O.9-12.2.LS2 Student draws conclusions from a variety of data sources to analyze and interpret


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systems. Students are provided with dental reports to analyze and interpret patient information.

Students use electronic medical records to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate patient information.

21C.O.9-12.2.TT2 Student collaborates with peers, experts and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works.

Personal, and Workplace, Skills:

21C.O.9-12.3.LS3 Student demonstrates ownership of his/her learning by setting goals, monitoring and adjusting performance, extending learning, using what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning.

Students will develop an awareness of course concepts in relationship to real-world applications, adapting to the clinical setting.

Within this course, students follow established protocols in the use of technology (HIPPA).

Students apply course concepts to patient/clinical experiences.

Students follow established protocols and HIPPA regulations. (i.e. educational settings/healthcare facilities)21C.O.9-12.3.LS4 Student demonstrates

ethical behavior and works responsibly and collaboratively with others in the context of the school and the larger community, and he/she demonstrates civic responsibility through engagement in public discourse and


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participation in service learning.

Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity

Evidence of Success

Entrepreneurship Skills:

B.01-B.11, .17-.28 Understands the personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance.

Students will utilize accurate medical terminology in collaborative work, decision-making processes, and identify entrepreneurial opportunities.

Students display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students successfully use dental terminology accurately to draw conclusions regarding dental records.

D.01-D.06, .08, .014, .17, .21-.30,

Understand concepts, strategies, and systems needed to interact effectively with others.

E .01-.14 Understands concepts and procedures needed for basic computer operations.

Culminating AssessmentCulminating Assessment:

You work in a local dental office and must accurately interpret the basic elements of medical words used in a patient’s history. You will be judged on the accuracy of your interpretation.

You are a dental assistant and must accurately interpret a patient’s oral x-ray report by defining the medical terms used in the patient’s medical record. You will be judged on the accuracy of your interpretation.

Industry Accreditation/CertificationIndustry Accreditation/Certification

Secondary programs:None available at the completion of this course.Postsecondary programs: must complete all courses within the Dental Concentration

Commission on Dental Accreditation American Dental Association Dental Assisting National Board

o Certified Dental Assistant CDAo Certified Office Assistant COA


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o Infection Control Exam ICEo Radiation Health and Safety RHSo General Chairside GCo Dental Laboratory Technician

Links and Other ResourcesLinks and Other Resources

Related Websites:

Dental Assisting National Boardhttp://www.danb.org

American Dental Associationhttp://www.ada.org

American Dental Assistants Associationhttp://www.dentalassistant.org

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Centuryhttp://www.dol.gov/

America's Career InfoNetwww.acinet.org

America's Job Bankwww.ajb.org

America's Service Locatorwww.servicelocator.org

Employment & Training Administrationwww.doleta.gov

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)http://www.jan.wvu.edu

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archiveshttp://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force


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Occupational Information Networkwww.doleta.gov/programs/onet

Career Voyageshttp://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm

Workforce West Virginiahttps://www.workforcewv.org/

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm

West Virginia Career and Technical Educationhttp://careertech.k12.wv.us/

ContactsContacts: HSE Teachers: See HSE Directory

HSE Coordinators: Rebecca Davis [email protected] Cynthia Sundstrom [email protected] OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson