UNIT 29  p. 25  La “Unit 29” empieza en la pagina siguiente. Amable Estudiante: Estoy preparando (junto con mis colaboradores) la segunda parte del Curso de Inglés Inglés para Españoles ”. Quiero venderlo directamente para poder ponerme en contacto directo con los estudiantes y enviarles material didáctico nuevo, soluciones de los ejercicios etc., gratuitamente . Pienso vender las primeras 10 Unidades de la segunda parte (tan pronto como estén ultimadas, y tenga los "copyrights") al precio total de 8 euros .  Enviaré las lecciones en formado PDF, de modo que los símbolos fonéticos no se deformen. Si te interesa ponte en contacto conmigo. [email protected]  Hasta pronto, Carmelo Mangano

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UNIT 29  p . 25  

La “Unit 29” empieza en la pagina siguiente.

Amable Estudiante:

Estoy preparando (junto con mis colaboradores) lasegunda parte del Curso de Inglés “Inglés paraEspañoles”.Quiero venderlo directamente para poder ponerme encontacto directo con los estudiantes y enviarles materialdidáctico nuevo, soluciones de los ejercicios etc.,gratuitamente.Pienso vender las primeras 10 Unidades de la segundaparte (tan pronto como estén ult imadas, y tenga los"copyrights") al precio total de 8 euros. 

Enviaré las lecciones en formado PDF, de modo que lossímbolos fonéticos no se deformen.Si te interesa ponte en contacto conmigo.

[email protected] 

Hasta pronto,Carmelo Mangano

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UNIT 29  1

A Visit to an Amusement Park 

Tom - Well , I have a busy morning in front of me. First, I have to

go to the bank to draw some money. Then I must go to the

barber’s for a haircut.

After that I have to telephone my col lege in America to get

some information about my next exams… In short, I have to

leave you alone t i l l lunch t ime. How wi l l you pass the

morning, dear?

Marg. - I ’ l l go out.

Tom - But you wi l l have to walk - because I ’ l l need the car, of


Marg. - I shal l take a bus or a taxi .

Tom - But where wi l l you go?

Marg. - To a nice place in the suburbs of Barcelona. The porter

told me about i t yesterday.

Tom - What kind of place is i t? A park? A picture gal lery?

Marg. - I t ’s a kind of park.

Tom - Why do you want to go there?

Marg. - I want to r ide a horse.

Tom - Can  you r ide my dear?

Marg. - I mean a wooden horse, Tom - a horse made of wood.

You know - those horses that go round and round whi le

the music plays. I t is such fun!

Tom - Oh! I see! You want to go to an amusement park! Wel l ,

they say: “Wonders wi l l never cease” - and i t ’s true!

Marg. - Why dear?

Tom - Well , just imagine i t ! My studious, digni f ied Margaret! -

r id ing round and round on a wooden horse, l ike a l i t t le gir l

of ten! Sometimes you astonish me!

(turn over)  

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 UNIT 29  2

(continuation)   A Visit to an Amusement Park 

Marg. - But why, dear? I often do i t in England. I love amusement


Tom - Al l r ight then. Go and r ide your wooden horse! But i t ’s

gett ing late! I must go. Goodbye unti l lunch t ime!

At two o’clock in the afternoon.

Tom - Hel lo, dear! Did you have a nice morning?

Marg. - Hel lo, Tom! Oh, Tom! I have done so many things this


Tom - So have I!

Marg. - … so many things that I am terr ib ly t i red.

Tom - So am I.

Marg. - I ’m so t i red that I don’ t want any lunch.

Tom - Neither do I.

Marg. - I ’ l l have just a l i t t le soup and some toast in my room.

Tom - So shal l I .

Marg. - And I shan’ t go anywhere this afternoon.

Tom - Neither shal l I .

Marg. - Poor Tom! You’ve had such a boring morning! I f you had

come to the amusement park wi th me, you would have

enjoyed i t so much!

Tom - What did you do there?Marg. - Well , as soon as I arr ived I went round and round on the

horses, of course … and I went up in the air in those

swing-boats … and I looked at mysel f in the funny mirrors

- you know, the mirrors that make you look short and fat,

or ta l l and thin. I laughed unti l I cr ied.

Tom - Hm-m. And what else did you do?

(turn over)  

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 UNIT 29  3

(continuation) A Visit to an Amusement Park 

Marg. - I bought mysel f some pretty bangles made of coloured

glass … and two beauti fu l dol ls! Look! One is dressed l ike

a Spanish dancer and the other l ike a toreador!

And a gypsy woman told me my fortune. I t was so


Tom - And I suppose that you bel ieved i t a l l , my poor, simple l i t t le

darl ing.

Marg. - Well , everything she said was true!

Tom - Ha ha ha ha ha! How could you know that i t was true?

She was speaking about the future, wasn’ t she? Not the


Marg. - Yes … but she said, for example: “Usted se va a casar  con un

  joven alto, muy guapo y muy lis to.” , and that means: “You

are going to marry a tal l young man, very handsome and

very clever.”

Tom - Did she say that? Wel l … perhaps there is some truth inwhat those gypsies say, after al l .

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 UNIT 29  4

to have to = tener que

I have to go to the bank. = Tengo que ir al banco.  


I have to work from morning to night!

I have to do so many things.

I have to do the shopping.

I have to do the cooking.

I have to keep the house clean.I have to do the washing up.

I have to do the washing. Oh! Why doesn’ t Robert buy me a

washing machine?

I have to do the i roning.

Oh! I have to do so many things!


to do the washing up = fregar los platos

to do the washing = lavar la ropa


1. to draw - drew - drawn = sacar (dinero)

Tom has to go to the bank to draw some money.

2. to draw - drew - drawn = tirar de; arrastrar  

- Can you draw the curtain, please?

The cart was drawn by two beauti fu l whi te horses.

3. to draw - drew - drawn = dibujar  

When Margaret was a l i t t le gir l she l iked to draw flowersand butterf l ies. Some of her drawings were so beauti fu lthat her mother put them in an album, and showed themproudly to her fr iends.===

curtain = cortina butterfly = mariposa

cart =  carro   drawing = dibujo

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 UNIT 29  5

“se” impersonal

 El “  se”  impersonal  se traduce por “ one” “ you” “ people” “we” “ they”.  


“One” se usa para indicar que algo se hace o debería hacerse.

 El uso de “one” es más bien formal.  

> One must try to do one’s best.

Se debe in tentar hacer todo lo pos ible .


 En conversación e n lugar de “ one” a menudo se usa “ you”.

> You must try to do your best.

Se debe in tentar hacer todo lo pos ible .


Se usa “ people” cuando se habla de la gente en ge neral.

> For many centur ies people thought that the earth was f lat.

 Durante muchos s ig los  se cre ía ( la gente cre ía) que la Tierra fuese plana.


Se usa “we” cuando se habla de algo que hace un grupo de personas,

incluso quien habla

> When we are angry we usual ly say things that we don’ t mean.


Se usa “they” para hablar de personas en general, o cuando no se

menciona la identidad de quien está hablando.

“They” es muy corriente con el v erbo “to say”.

> They say that behind every successful man there is a cleverwoman. successful = de éxito  

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 UNIT 29  6

“se” impersonal


They say that the happiest period of our l i fe is when we 

are young. They also say that young people have few worr ies

and so they are happier than grown-ups.

Wel l , I th ink that what people usual ly say about youth isn’ t

true. Young people haven’ t got fewer worr ies than grown-

ups. They have dif ferent worr ies and problems.

Besides, when you are young you are inexperienced and,

of course, you make more mistakes than grown-ups, and so

you have more problems. And what’s more, when you make a

mistake you have to hear: “ I to ld you so!”

When you are young, you also have to hear al l the t ime

phrases l ike these: “One must always do one’s best.” “One 

must always l isten to what grown-ups say.” “One must

always be obedient.” And so on.

Wel l , I th ink that you must never general ise. Because even

i f chi ldren and teenagers have usual ly fewer worr ies and so

they should be happier, you must not forget that mi l l ions of

chi ldren haven’ t got enough food to eat, and that mi l l ions of

boys and gir ls instead of g oing to school have to work hard.


worry = preocupación

grown-ups = adultosphrase = frase

fewer = menos

I told you so.   = Te lo había dicho.

what’s more = además

to generalise = generalizar  

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UNIT 29  7

“se” impersonal

they say = se dice

Tom and Margaret 

Tom - An apple Margaret? Spanish apples are real ly good. These

are del ic ious!

Marg. - No, thank you, dear. You know, they say, “Apples are gold

in the morning, si lver in the afternoon…and lead at night!”Wel l my watch says “midnight”, so no apples for me, thank


Tom - Oh, I never worry about things l ike that. I f I want to eat

something - I eat i t !

Marg. - But Tom! - i f they say that apples are lead at night,

there must be some truth in i t .

Tom - My darl ing gir l - they also say, “Laugh and get fat!” - so

from this moment I am going to talk only about sad things.

Because I know that you don’ t want to get fat!

Marg. - Ha ha ha! Darl ing! How si l ly you are! Ha ha ha…

Tom - Don’t laugh! Don’ t laugh! Remember your f igure!


lead   = plomo


word formation

gold = oro

golden  = dorado

wood = madera

wooden  = de madera

wool = lana

woollen  = de lana

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UNIT 29  8

So am I. - So have I. - So can I. So do I. So did I . etc.

Nei ther am I. - Nei ther have I. - Nei ther can I. Nei ther do I. etc.

Hay dos modos de concordar:

 El primero en afirmaciones posit ivas .

 El segundo en afirmaciones negativas .  

1) afirmaciones posit ivas

- I am Spanish.- So am I. = Yo también.  

- I have a mountain bike.- So have I. = Yo también.

- I can play footbal l .- So can I. = Yo también.

- I l ike chocolate.- So do I. = Yo también.

- Last week I went to the cinema.- So did I . = Yo también. etc.

1) afirmaciones negativas

- I am not French.- Nei ther am I. = Yo tampoco.

- I haven’ t got a motorcycle.- Nei ther have I. = Yo tampoco.

- I don’ t speak German.- Nei ther do I. = Yo tampoco.  

- I d idn’ t go to the disco last Saturday.- Nei ther did I . = Yo tampoco. etc.

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UNIT 29  9

So am I. - So do I. - Nei ther am I. - Nei ther do I. etc.

Tom and Margaret 

Marg. - Tom! I ’m so sorry to leave Spain!

Tom - So am I ! 

Marg. - I have been so happy here!

Tom - So have I !  

Marg. - I wi l l never forget th is wonderful hol iday.

Tom - Neither wi l l I .  

Marg. - I want to come back to Spain for another hol iday next year.

Tom - So do I .  

Marg. - And I must study Spanish seriously this winter.

Tom - So must I .

Marg. - Yes, dear! I wi l l never forget that terr ib le day when you

cal led the poor nice wai ter - “Donkey” by mistake!

Tom - Neither wi l l I !

Marg. - When I get home I ’m going to send him a nice card.

Tom - So am I.

Marg. - I never forget people who are nice to me.

Tom - Neither do I.


 En el inglés informal en lugar de decir “So am I . - So do I  . etc.”

Se suele decir: “ Me too”.

- I am hungry.

- Me too. (So am I .)  

- I l ike pizza.

- Me too. etc. (So do I . )  

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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 UNIT 29  10

1. soon = pronto, dentro de poco

> I ’ l l be back soon.

2. soon = pronto, antes del t iempo

> He spoke too soon. =  Habló antes de t iempo. / Hab ló demasiado pronto  

as soon as…

as soon as I arr ived … = en cuanto l legué …

as soon as I can = tan pronto como pueda

as soon as possible = lo antes posible, cuanto antes


soon after = poco después  

sooner or later = tarde o temprano  

See you soon! = ¡Hasta pronto!  

Tom and Margaret 

Marg. - As soon as we have f in ished our dinner, Tom, I must go toCarol ine’s room.

Tom - Why?

Marg. - Because she is wai t ing for me. I must go to her room as soon as possible, because she wants to have a l i t t le chatwith me about something important.

Tom - Al l r ight. You can go to see Carol ine, and I ’ l l go to thelounge and read the newspaper.

Marg. - Yes, dear. And then, as soon as Carol ine and I have had

our l i t t le ta lk, we’ l l come down to the lounge. And we threecould have coffee together.

Tom - I ’m afraid not, dear.

Marg. - Why not?

Tom - Because as soon as Carol ine comes into the lounge, I ’ l lgo out.

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 UNIT 29  11

tall - high = alto


Se usa “ta l l” cuando se habla de personas, edif icios de muchas plant as ,

arboles , y otras cosas que son más altas que anchas.

> - How tal l are you?

- I am one meter and seventy centimetres tal l .

The world’s tal lest bui ld ing is the Burj Dubai, In the Uni ted ArabEmirates 818 metres (2,313 ft .) .

The tal lest known l iv ing tree, named Hyperion, is 115.55 m or

379.1 feet (measured in 2006) tal l .


to measure = medir   ft . (foot) =   pie (30,48 cm.) 

in. ( inch) =  pulgada (2,54 cm.)  


 En los otros casos se suele usar “high”.

a high mountain = una montaña alta

a high wall = un muro alto

a high cei l ing =  un techo alto etc.  

>  Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. I t r ises 8.848metres above sea level .

Prisons are usual ly surrounded by high wal ls.


to rise = elevarse

above = sobre

level = nivel

prison = carcel

to surround = rodear 

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 UNIT 29  12

to get

1 sacar 

Tom has to go to the bank to get some money. 

2 procurarse 

He has to go to a travel agency to get some information.

3 comprar 

Tom has to go to the post off ice to get some stamps. 

He has to get a l i t t le book of useful I ta l ian phrases.

He wants to get a toothbrush and some toothpaste.


- This morning I have to do many things.First I have to go to the bank to get some money.

Then I must go to a travel agency to get some information.

I must also go to the post off ice to get some stamps for


And I th ink i t would be wise to get a l i t t le book of useful I ta l ian

phrases. ( I don’ t want to offend any Ita l ian wai ters!)

And I must also remember to get a new toothbrush and some


And I mustn’ t forget to get a fashion magazine for Margaret.

Yes, I have to get a lot of th ings this morning.


I t is getting late. = Se está haciendo tarde.

I am getting tired. = Me estoy cansando.

I am getting hungry. = Me estoy volviendo hambriento.

 Me está viniendo hambre.

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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UNIT 29  13

a how to ask permission   = como pedir un permiso  

 Hay varios modos para pedi r , dar , y re husar un permiso.

 Los más usados son:

1.Can I…?

May I…?

Could I…?

Might I…?

> Can I open the window? It is hot in here.Can I have a look at your newspaper?

Could I use your cel l phone? Mine doesn’ t work.

Could we leave our luggage here for a few hours?

 Hace algunos años cuando se pedía un permiso, se consideraba más

correcto usar “may” y “might ” más bien que “can” y “could ”.

 Hoy en día “may” y “might ” se usan en un contexto formal.

Su uso denota cortesía.

>  May I open the window? It is hot in here.

Might we leave our luggage here for a f ew hours?


Para ser más corteses se debería añadir “ please”.

>  Can I open the window, please? It is hot in here.Could we leave our luggage here for a few hours, please?

2 Do you mind if I…? Would you mind if I…?  

>  Do you mind i f I use your telephone?

Would you mind i f I use your telephone?

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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 UNIT 29  14

b how to give permission   = como dar un permiso  

In informal s ituations we can say :

ok all right sure

>  - Do you mind i f I use your telephone?

- OK . / Al l r ight. / Sure.

In formal s ituations we can say :

Of course. Yes, do. By all means.

>  - Could I open the window?

- Of course. / Yes, do. / By al l means.


c how to refuse permission   = como rehusar un permiso  

Para rehusar un permiso se usan las expresiones ‘ Sorry ’, ‘ I ’m sorry ’,

‘ I ’m afraid not ’, seguidas de una explicación.  

>  - Could I borrow your bicycle for the weekend?

- I ’m sorry, but on the weekend I ’m going to the country wi th my

fami ly, and once we are there, we al l go for bicycle r ides.

 Las expresiones: ‘ No ’ - ‘ No , you can’t ’  , son descorteses .

  Las expresiones: ‘No way ’ -  ‘No chance ’  , son muy descorteses .

>  - Can I borrow your scooter for a few hours?

- No way! 

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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 UNIT 29  15


1 how to answer the phone = como contestar al teléfono

 En Gran Bretaña cuando se contesta al telefono se suele decir el propio

nombre o el número de teléfono.

In Great Britain

>  - Hel lo. Mark Spencer.

- Hel lo. 72055 (seven two oh double f ive)

In the USA

>  - Hel lo. Karen Twain speaking.

- Hel lo. 72055 (seven two zero f ive f ive)


 En Gran Bretaña el “ 0” se pronuncia “oh” (ou).

Cuando se repite el mismo número se dice, “ double” (dúbl  ) .

 En los Estados Unidos el “ 0” se pronuncia “ zero” (ziErou   ) .


Si se es tá trabajando, se suele decir el nombre de la empresa o el propio


>  - Hotel Plaza.

o bien

- Hel lo. Jane Marlow speaking.

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 UNIT 29  16


2 wrong number = número equivocado

Jane Marlow - Hel lo.

Mr Brown - Mrs Parker?

Jane Marlow - No, you’ve got the wrong number.

or I ’m sorry. You’ve got the wrong number.

3 asking to speak to someone = pidiendo hablar con alguien

Mr Brown - Could I speak to Miss Marlow, please?

Jane Marlow - Speaking. (cuando la persona l lamada contes ta a l

te lé fono )  


Mr Brown - Could I speak to Mr Davidson, please?

Jane Marlow - Hold on a moment, please.or Just a moment.

or I ’m sorry, but he is not in at the moment.

or Sorry, he is not in the off ice r ight now.

or I ’m sorry, he has just gone out.

Mr Brown - Can I leave a message?

Jane Marlow - Yes, of course.

Mr Brown - Could you tel l h im Mister X cal led?

4 asking who someone is =  preguntando quién es el que l lama

Jane Marlow - Hel lo.

Mister X - Hel lo.

Jane Marlow - Sorry, who is i t?

or Who is this?

or Who am I speaking to, please?

Mister X - I t ’s me, Mister X.

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UNIT 29  17

5 how to telephone a fr iend = como telefonear a un amigo

Si piensas que la persona l lamada reconoce tu voz , puedes decir  

solamente “Hello ”.

Barbara - Hel lo.

Abel - Hel lo, Barbara.

Barbara - Hel lo, Abel , how are you?

Abel - Fine, thanks. And you?

Si quieres que sepan quien eres , dices ‘ I t is  ’ o bien ‘This is ’  y tu


Mark - Hel lo..

Laura - Hel lo, Mark. It ’s Laura.

or Hel lo, Mark. This is Laura.


>  push-button telephone = teléfono de botones

cordless telephone = teléfono inalámbrico

mobi le phone or mobi le (UK)

cel l phone (USA)

= móvil

>  the receiver el auricular  

to dial a number marcar un número

I ’ l l r ing you later. Te l lamaré más tarde. (GB)

I ’ l l cal l you later. Te l lamaré más tarde. (USA)

Ring/cal l me back in an hour. Vuelve a l lamarme dentro de una hora.

The telephone is engaged.   El teléfono está ocupado. (GB)

The telephone is busy.   El teléfono está ocupado. (USA)

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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UNIT 29  18


Yesterday morning Tom was very busy. He had to go to

so many places … to the bank, to draw some money - to

the Ita l ian and Greek consulates, to ask about visas to

Italy and Greece - then to a travel agency to book rooms

at the hotels in Rome and Athens, because in summer i t ’s

wise to book rooms wel l in advance.



con antelación

He left me alone t i l l lunch t ime. But I d idn’ t care. I had a

wonderful morning.

I took a bus and went to an amusement park in the

suburbs of Barcelona. (The hal l porter to ld me about i t .) afueras

I t is a del ightful p lace! There are hundreds of lovely

things there to see, to do, and of course, to buy.

I went up in the air in the swing-boats. I went round and

round on the wooden horses. I looked at mysel f in thefunny mirrors - and one of them made me look so short

and fat that I laughed unti l I cr ied! I t was such fun!

de madera

Of course I bought a lot of th ings - toys for my l i t t le

niece Al ice - souvenirs for my fami ly and for my fr iends

and a beauti fu l pair of Toledo earr ings for mysel f.  pendientes

At the amusement park there was a very good show -

in a l i t t le wooden theatre - wi th very good dancers and

two singers who sang real ly wel l .When the show was over, I walked about the park for

hal f an hour, enjoying al l the colours, the music and the

songs - the happy, smi l ing chi ldren - and the beauti fu l

faces of some of the gypsy women.   gitanas  

(turn over)  

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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UNIT 29  19

(continuation ) Margaret  

Then I saw some wonderful dol ls! Some were dressed

l ike f lamenco dancers, and some l ike toreadors. I bought

three: two dancers and a toreador. I am sure that al l my

fr iends in London wi l l admire them. I ’ l l keep them in my

drawing room.


los admirarán

And then a gypsy woman told me my fortune! I t was

fantastic! I was so exci ted! She spoke Spanish, of course,

but she spoke slowly and I understood nearly everything.

She said, “You are going to marry a tal l young man -

very handsome and very clever!”

I t was unbel ievable! How could she know about Tom? -

and describe him so wel l?


She also said, “This young man has a splendid future in

front of him. One day he wi l l be r ich and famous.”

Wel l , as Tom says, there must be some truth in what

these gypsies say.

C a r m e l o M a n g a n o – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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UNIT 29  20

Two Ladies Meeting in the Street

- My dear! How wonderful to see you again! Where have

you been for the past two weeks?

- I was in Paris, wi th my husband and the kids. We had

such a wonderful t ime! I ’ l l never forget i t . And you? How

wel l you look! Such round, pink cheeks!


mejil las

- Round cheeks! Oh! What do you mean? Are you tel l ing

me that I have become fat?

- No, dear. Of course not. Not real ly fat. But - you arecertainly a l i t t le fatter than your were last t ime I s aw you.

- But that is terr ib le news!

- Don’ t worry, dear. I t is qui te easy to become sl im again.

Just l isten to me! First, you mustn’ t eat anything fr ied -

no fr ied potatoes and no fr ied f ish. And of course no

sweets or chocolates - no cakes, no sweet biscui ts, no

sugar in your tea - and only very l i t t le bread.

esbel ta

- But those are al l th ings that I love! How awful ! Can’ t you

suggest anything else? algo más

- Wel l you can have lots of vegetables, salads and frui t , of


- But i f I eat only frui t and vegetables I ’ l l feel terr ib ly

weak! débi l

- Then rest, dear! Si t in a comfortable armchair al l day and

read an interesting book.


- Oh no! That would be impossible! I am not wel l off l ike

you. I have no one to help me with the housework. As you

know, I have to keep the house clean. I have to go to the

market. I have to do the cooking. My husband wi l l want to

eat, won’ t he? And he is one of those men who thinks that

food is the most important th ing in the world. He always

wants at least three courses for both lunch and dinner! I

am busy cooking for him al l day long.



(turn over)

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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UNIT 29  21


Two Ladies Meeting in the Street  

- Tel l h im to eat at a restaurant.

- He would become fur ious. And he would shout and slam


- Then say to him, “Which do you prefer to have - a sl im,beauti fu l wi fe? - or three-course lunches and dinners?

You must decide!”

- Oh no! I t would be qui te useless to ask him that. inúti l

- Why?

- Because I know too wel l what his answer would be!

C a r m e l o M a n g a n o – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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 UNIT 29  23


1. - Era nuestra pr imera ci ta.

2. El la estaba vestida muy simplemente.

3. Llevaba un vestido de lana gr is…

4. …con una pequeña cruz de madera al cuel lo.

5. Con su pelo dorado y (sus) hermosos ojos azules…

6. …se parecía a un ángel .

7. Una hora más tarde empezó a hacer fr ío…

8. …así el la se puso su chal…

9. …y se fué en su bicicleta sin (decir) otra palabra.

10. Eso realmente me asombró.

11. Y exclamé, “¡Eso es realmente el colmo!…

12. …(Las) maravi l las no cesarán nunca.”

13. Ayer Tom fué al banco y sacó algo de dinero.

14. Luego fué al Consulado Griego (para) preguntar si ( los) visi tantespara Grecia necesi tan un visado.

15. Luego fué al “Touring Club” (para) obtener alguna información

acerca de las carreteras en Grecia e Ita l ia.

16. Tuvo una mañana muy atareada.

17. Margaret cogió un autobús, porque T om necesi taba el coche, y se

fué a un agradable lugar en las afueras de Barcelona.

18. - MILLIE! ¿Cuándo puedo tener ( el) a lmuerzo?

19. - Tan pronto como esté l isto, querido.

20. - ¿Y cuándo estará l isto?

21. - Tan pronto como las patatas estén cocidas, querido.

22. - ¿Y cuándo estarán cocidas?

23. - Tan pronto como estén t iernas, querido.

24. - ¿Y cuándo estarán t iernas?

25. - Tan pronto como estén cocidas, querido.

C a r m e l o M a n g a n o – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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 UNIT 29  24


above Ebúv sobre; encima de

to admire tu EdmaiE admirar 

amusement emju:zmEnt diversión

bangle bANgl brazalete

barber’s ba:bEz barbería

to believe tu bi l i :v creer 

to book tu buk reservar 

butterfly bútEflai mariposato call to kØ: l telefonear 

cart ka:t carro

to cease tu s i :s cesar 

ceiling si : l iN techo

college kØlidZ universidad 

cordless kØ:dl is inalámbrico

curtain kE:tn cortina

dignified dignifaid digno, serio

to draw tu drØ: sacar (dinero)

to draw tu drØ: t irar to draw tu drØ: dibujar 

drawing drØ:iN dibujo

fewer f ju:E menos

fortune fØ: tSEn suerte, fortuna

to generalise tu dZenErElaiz generalizar 

glass gla:s cristal , vidrio

gold gould oro

golden gouldEn dorado

gypsy dZipsi gitano

haircut heEkút corte de pelo

high hai alto

in advance in Edva:ns con antelación

in short in SØ: t en resumen

ironing aiEniN  planchar 

kid kid niño

(turn over)

C a r me l o M a nga no – h t t p : / / w w w . i ng l e s pa r a e s pa no l e s . c om – f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .  

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