Course Plan for 2003-04 Students are expected to take 2 core courses in the 1st term and 1 core & 1 elective course in the 2nd term. 1st TERM (1 September - 6 December 2003): Core Course: CUS 504 History in Cultural Studies 文化研究中的歷史 Lecturers: Dr Susan Ingram Time: Every Saturday 2:30 - 5:30 pm Venue: Lingnan University, Tuen Mun CUS 502 Critical Thinking through Popular Culture 普及文化的批判思考 Lecturers: Professor CHAN, Ching-kiu Stephen Time: Every Tuesday 6:30-9:30pm Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay CUS 503 Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 教學法與文化研究 Lecturers: Dr. LAU Kin-chi & Dr. Hui Siu Lun Time: Every Thursday 6:30-9:30pm Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay CUS 501 Perspectives in Cultural Studies 文化研究視野 Co-ordinator: Dr. CHAN Shun-hing Instructors: Prof. Meaghan Morris (Chair Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU) Prof. Dai Jinhua (Professor, Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture, Peking University) Dr. Markus Reisenleitner (Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU) Prof. Chan Ching-kiu Stephen (Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

CUS 502 Critical Thinking through Popular Culture 普及文化的批判 …

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Page 1: CUS 502 Critical Thinking through Popular Culture 普及文化的批判 …

Course Plan for 2003-04

Students are expected to take 2 core courses in the 1st term and 1 core & 1 elective


in the 2nd term.

1st TERM (1 September - 6 December 2003):

Core Course:

CUS 504 History in Cultural Studies文化研究中的歷史

Lecturers: Dr Susan Ingram

Time: Every Saturday 2:30 - 5:30 pm

Venue: Lingnan University, Tuen Mun

CUS 502 Critical Thinking through Popular Culture普及文化的批判思考

Lecturers: Professor CHAN, Ching-kiu Stephen

Time: Every Tuesday 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay

CUS 503 Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 教學法與文化研究

Lecturers: Dr. LAU Kin-chi & Dr. Hui Siu Lun

Time: Every Thursday 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay

CUS 501 Perspectives in Cultural Studies文化研究視野

Co-ordinator: Dr. CHAN Shun-hing


Prof. Meaghan Morris (Chair Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

Prof. Dai Jinhua (Professor, Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture, Peking


Dr. Markus Reisenleitner (Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies,


Prof. Chan Ching-kiu Stephen (Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

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Dr Li Siu-leung (Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

Dr Hui Po-keung (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

Dr Law Wing-sang (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)


speakers: Dr Chan Shun-hing (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

Tutor: Mr Ip Iam-chong (Assistant Teaching Fellow, Department of Cultural Studies, LU)

Time: Every Saturday 2:30 - 5:30 pm

Venue: Lingnan University, Tuen Mun

Elective Courses:

CUS512 Topics in Cultural Representation and Interpretation -

Techno-culture & Everyday Life 文化再現與詮釋專題

Lecturers: Mr CHOI Kam-chuen

Time: Every Tuesday 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay

CUS506 Film and Television Culture電影與電視文化

Lecturers: Dr. LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa & Prof DAI Jin-hua

Time: Every Wednesday 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay

CUS511 Topics in Cultural Institution and Policy 文化體制與政策專題 - Cultural Economy

Lecturers: Dr. HUI Po-keung

Time: Every Thursday 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: WTC, Causeway Bay

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CUS504 History in Cultural Studies 文化研究中的歷史

Term 1, 2003-04

Instructors: Dr. Susan Ingram

Timetable: Saturday, 2.00-5.00pm

Venue: Lingnan University


This course focuses on different modes of representing the past in contemporary culture. It explores

how particular representations of the past have profound implications for the formation of meanings and

value systems inscribed in tradition, memory and nostalgia. Looking at different sites where history is

crucial for the production of social meaning and personal identity (such as museums, heritage sites or

historical films), the course examines how discursive forms, narrative structures and representational

conventions inscribe particular assumptions about the past, which are circulated, mediated, modified

and contested at their sites of reception and consumption. Through an analysis of these processes,

students will learn to apply the conceptual tools and methods that cultural studies provides for

approaching, and making an intervention in, the complex relation between history and representation.




* To equip students with tools and methods to critically analyze representations of the past;

* To examine the cultural contexts and mechanisms that shape representations of the past;

* To provide insight into traditions of government, imperialism and nation-building that produce particular

visions of the past;

* To develop and foster strategies for a democratic, participatory and communal recovery of

marginalized histories.


* Representations of the past in contemporary culture: literature, film, museums, exhibitions and

heritage sites, autobiography and oral history, photography and documentary, academic forms of


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* Discursive strategies of representing human experiences and social events: the power of narrative;

visual display, object-based epistemology and the power of the artifact; imagined communities,

experience and identity construction;

* Cultural mechanisms shaping representations of the past: commodification, the aesthetic mode,

context and de-contextualization, governmentality.


100% continuous assessment. Grading will be based on:

· A research project approx. 30-40 pgs. (10,000-15,000 words) in length:

Part 1 – proposal (approx. 5 pgs.) + annotated bibliography (approx. 10 entries), due October 11

Part 2 – final draft, due December 6

· Participation (group work, 2 write-ups of group discussions, contributions to discussions, contributions

on the web board)


In addition to lectures and practical exercises, the course will make use of a web board, for which you

are automatically registered with course enrollment. This is a place to continue classroom discussions

(or state your opinions and questions). You will also find additional notes and explanations on the

course material there, as well as general announcements. You are encouraged to actively participate on

the web board, and you are expected to post your write-ups there before the next class. (Of course, you

can still write me an email at any time).

You should be able to access WebCT by typing in your Student ID as Login ID. Your password is your

email address ( [email protected] ) with the extension. Please change your password after log-in. The '

Change Password' hyper-link is located in the extreme upper-right corner of WebCT (after log-in). The

URL of WebCT system is http://webct.ln.edu.hk:8900/

The WebCT URL is also located at the University Home Page under ' Learning Links '

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06.09 – general orientation, syllabus, web board

Introductory lecture: history and cultural studies, the history of historiography from historicism to


Recommended Reading: Scott, 1-50; Pickering, 1-22; Hunt, 1-22; Jenkins, 1-30

Part I: Public places, Tourist spaces

13.09 – the exhibitionary complex: history and theory

RR: Bennett, 1-88; McGuigan 1-29

20.09 – materialist frameworks: which/whose past and how?

RR: Bennett, 89-105, 163-208; Anderson, ??; Hobsbawn & Ranger, 1-14, 263-307

27.09 – the heritage of Disney

RR: Bennett, 109-62; Wallace, 134-75

04.10 – Chung Yueng Festival

11.10 – vacation spots (proposal due)

RR: Bennett, 220-45; Morris, 31-63

Part II: Mechanical images of the past

18.10 – the rise of the visual: photography

RR: from Brennen & Hardt, 36-59, 60-92, 122-57, 158-181

25.10 – documentary vs. historical film

RR: Barnouw, 3-139; Rabinowitz, ??, from Sobchack, 145-83

01.11 – screening modernist events

RR: from Sobchack, 1-14, 17-38, 39-54, 69-88, 113-36

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08.11 – film as postmodern history

RR: from Sobchack, 201-18

15.11 – new media: cyberculture, the internet

RR: online

22.11 – cancelled

Part III: Writing Wrongs

29.11 – on the uses and abuses of personal pasts

RR: Steedman, Menchù

06.12 – the history of Cultural Studies, CS as history (research projects due)

RR: Morris, 93-119, 219-34


Anderson, Benedict (1991): Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of

Nationalism, 2 ed., London: Verso.

Barnouw, Erik (1993): Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film, 2 ed., New York and Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

Bennett, Tony (1995): The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics, London and New York:


Brennen, Bonnie, and Hanno Hardt eds. (1999): Picturing the Past. Media, History, and Photography,

Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Hobsbawm, Eric, and Terence Ranger, eds. (1984): The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Hunt, Lynn ed. (1989): The New Cultural History, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Jenkins, Keith ed. (1997): The Postmodern History Reader, London and New York: Routledge.

LaCapra, Dominick (1985): History & Criticism, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

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LaCapra, Dominick, and Steven L. Kaplan, eds. (1982): Modern European Intellectual History:

Reappraisals and New Perspectives, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

McGuigan, Jim (1996): Culture and the Public Sphere, London and New York: Routledge.

Menchù, Rigoberta (1984): I, Rigoberta Menchù : an Indian woman in Guatemala / edited and

introduced by Elisabeth Burgos-Debray ; translated by Ann Wright, London: Verso.

Morris, Meaghan (1998): Too Soon Too Late: History in Popular Culture, Bloomington: Indiana

University Press.

Pickering, Michael (1997): History, Experience and Cultural Studies, New York: St. Martin's Press.

Poster, Mark (1997): Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges, New

York: Columbia University Press.

Rabinowitz, Paula (1994): They Must Be Represented: The Politics of Documentary, London: Verso.

Roberts, Geoffrey ed. (2001): The History and Narrative Reader, London and New York: Routledge.

Scott, Joan Wallach (1988): Gender and the Politics of History, New York: Columbia University Press.

Sobchack, Vivian ed. (1996): The Persistence of History: Cinema, Television, and the Modern Event,

London and New York: Routledge.

Steedman, Carolyn Kay (1986): Landscape for a Good Woman : A Story of Two Lives, New Brunswick,

New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

Thompson, E. P. (1991): The Making of the English Working Class, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Wallace, Mike (1996): Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on America Memory, Philadelphia:

Temple University Press.

Young, Robert (1990): White Mythologies: Writing History and the West, London and New York:


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CUS502 Critical Thinking through Popular Culture

Term 1, 2003-04

Instructors: Professor Stephen Chan

Timetable: Tuesday, 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: Hong Kong Island Town Centre, Causeway Bay

Class Schedule

Introduction (9 Sept.)

[Couldry 20-43: Questions of Value]

[Bennett et al 6-21: “Politics of the ‘Popular’ and Popular Culture”]

The Problem of Experience (16 Sept.)

[Silverstone 1-12: “The Texture of Experience”]

[Couldry 44-66: “The Individual ‘in’ Culture”]

[Debord 11-16: “Separation Perfected” (item #1-17)]

Popular Mediation as Process (23 Sept.)

[Silverstone 13-18: “Mediation”]

[Negus 66-98: “Mediations”]

[Ashley 1-8: “The Reading of Popular Texts: Some Initial Problems”]

[Debord 17-24: “Separation Perfected” (item #18-34)]

For and/or Against Popular Culture (30 Sept.)

[Ashley 33-55: “Mass Society Theory”]

[Frow 60-88: “The Concept of the Popular”]

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Rethinking Narrative and Textual Analysis (7 Oct.)

[Couldry 67-90: “Questioning the Text”]

[Ashley 79-85: Barthes on Narrative]

[Corner (1999) 47-59: “Narrative”]

[Silverstone 48-56: “Erotics”]

Play and Popular Genres I (14 Oct.)

[Silverstone 57-67: “Dimensions of Experience: Play”]

[Ashley 9-18: “Towards a Definition of Popular Literature”; 71-75: Cawelti on Formula; 87-91: Neale on


[Corner (1999) 60-69: “Flow”]

[Debord 25-34, Ch. 2: “The Commodity as Spectacle”]

Play and Popular Genres II (21 Oct.)

[Silverstone 125-133: “Making Sense: Memory”]

[Ellis 55-70: “Television as Working-Through”]

[de Certeau 29-42: “Making Do: Uses and Tactics”]

[Bakhtin 60-8, 87-9: “The Problem of Speech Genres”]

Performance and Communication (28 Oct.)

[Silverstone 68-77: “Dimensions of Experience: Performance”]

[Scannell 58-74: “Sincerity”]

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CUS 503 Pedagogy and Cultural Studies

2003-04 Term 1

Instructors: Dr Hui Shiu Lun and Dr Lau Kin Chi

Timetable: Thursday, 6:30-9:30pm

Venue: LR1, Hong Kong Island Town Centre

Course Description

This core course will question the ‘ordinary’ ways we learn to see, speak, know and experience things; that is, how

we learn to behave both as subjects of our own actions and when we are subjected to the actions of others.

Theoretical approaches in cultural studies to pedagogical processes formative of the person will be introduced to

open up familiar aspects of our behaviour for critical discussion. These include language, memory, experience,

culture, technology, knowledge, identity, and power. On the practical side, the course will examine how education

as an institutional practice works to perpetuate established power relations. It will also examine how a ‘decolonizing’

approach to pedagogy can bring together learning experiences that are normally excluded or marginalized in formal

education. The history and practice of education in Hong Kong will be the main focus.

Aims and Objectives

* To analyze existing educational practices;

* To introduce transformative models and practices of pedagogy.

Indicative Contents

* Rethinking education with theoretical insights from cultural studies;

* Issues of language and discourse; politics of representation; critical literacy; knowledge and power relations;

culture and experience;

* Existing pedagogical practices in Hong Kong;

* Case studies of alternative practices in decolonizing education.

Class Schedule

Week 1

9.4 Introduction

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Weeks 2-3

I. Critical perspectives of knowledge

9.18 (1) Institutionally validated knowledge (Introduction, Chapter 1 “What is knowledge?”, Chapter 3 “The

structures of knowledge” in Knowledge as Culture)

9.25 (2) Subjugated knowledge (Michel Foucault “Two lectures” and “Truth and power” in Power and Knowledge:

Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977 and “The poverty of practice, power, gender and intervention

from an actor-oriented perspective” in Battlefields of Knowledge)

Weeks 4-9

II. Cultural politics of teaching and learning

10.2 (3) Formal education, the sanctuary for the transmission of existing bodies of knowledge? (Stealing Innocence

Introduction and Section I: Corporate Power and the Culture of Everyday Life)

10.9 10.16

(4) Theorizing for a cultural politics of everyday experience (Stealing Innocence Section II: Cultural Politics and

Public Pedagogy, Counternarratives Chapter 2 “Is there a place for cultural studies in Colleges of education?”)

10.23 10.30 11.6

(5) Critical examination of pedagogical experiences in Hong Kong (guest speakers; student presentations)

Weeks 10-14

Donald, James (1992): Sentimental Education: Schooling, Popular Culture and the Regulation of Liberty, London

and New York: Verso.

Feenberg, Andrew and Alastair Hannay eds. (1995): Technology and the Politics of Knowledge, Bloomington and

Indianapolis: Indiana University.

Gane, Mike and Terry Johnson eds. (1993): Foucault’s New Domains, London and New York: Routledge.

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Giroux, Henry, Colin Lankshear, Peter McLaren and Michael Peters (1996): Counternarratives: Cultural Studies and

Critical Pedagogies in Postmodern Spaces, London and New York: Routledge.

Giroux, Henry A. and Patrick Shannon eds. (1997): Education and Cultural Studies: Toward a Performative

Practice, London and New York: Routledge.

Gordon, Colin ed. (1980): Power / Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77 by Michel Foucault,

New York: Pantheon Books

Harvey, Penelope and Peter Gow eds. (1994): Sex and Violence: Issues in Representation and Experience, London

and New York: Routledge.

Hernandez, Adriana (1997): Pedagogy, Democracy and Feminism: Rethinking the Public Sphere, Albany: State

University of New York.

Hooks, Bell (1994): Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, London and New York:


Kumar, Satish ed. (1980): The Schumacher Lectures, London: Blond and Briggs.

Leeson, Lynn Hershman ed. (1996): Clicking In: Hot Links to a Digital Culture, Seattle: Bay.

Long, Norman and Ann Long eds. (1992): Battlefields of Knowledge: The Interlocking of Theory and Practice in

Social Research and Development, London and New York: Rouledge

McLaren, Peter and Peter Leonard eds. (1993): Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter, London and New York:


Popkewitz, Thomas S, Barry M. Franklin, and Miguel A. Pereyra eds. (2001): Cultural History and Education: Critical

Essays on Knowledge and Schooling, London and New York: Routledge Falmer.

Said, Edward (1994): Culture and Imperialism, New York: Vintage.

程介明 (1995):《政治變動中的香港教育》, 香港: 牛津大學出版社.

陳曉蕾 (2000):《教育改革由一個夢想開始》, 香港: 明窗出版社.

大江健三郎 (2002):《為什麼孩子要上學》, 台北: 時報.

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CUS501 Perspectives in Cultural Studies

Term 1, 2003-04

Course coordinator: Dr Chan Shun-hing


Prof. Meaghan Morris, Prof. Dai Jinhua, Dr. Markus Reisenleitner, Prof. Chan

Ching-kiu Stephen, Dr Li Siu-leung and Dr Hui Po-keung, Dr Law Wing-sang

and Dr Chan Shun-hing

Tutor: Mr Ip Iam-chong

Timetable: Saturday, 2.30-5.30 pm

Venue: Lingnan University

Course Description

This course provides an overview of key themes, concepts, theories and issues in cultural

studies. It will examine the origins and foundational texts of cultural studies as an academic

discipline and an intellectual practice; discuss regional and national varieties; examine key

notions and problems; and look at the position of cultural studies within and outside

educational institutions. The course will also address such issues as the role of theory and

analysis in the practice of cultural studies, the impact of cultural studies in government and

cultural institutions; and relations to neighboring disciplines (gender studies, postcolonial

studies, literature, sociology, anthropology, history, and political economy).

Aims and Objectives

1) To introduce the basic aims and perspectives of cultural studies as an academic discipline

and as an intellectual practice;

2) To look at different dimensions of culture and acquaint students with the range of issues

addressed by cultural studies;

3) To provide insight into the complex nature of the relation between the cultural field and

the social and economic spheres.

Class Schedule (Tentative)

Part 1 : Intellectual Origin and Key Issues/Concepts

31 Jan - 7 Feb The Intellectual Origin and Development of Cultural Studies

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(wk 1-2) (Professor Dai Jinhua)

14 Feb Key Issues and Concepts of Cultural Studies in the Contemporary

(wk 3) World (Professor Meaghan Morris)

Part 2: Disciplinary Foci and Interdisciplinary Nexus

31 Jan - 7 Feb 21 Feb Cultural Studies and Socio-political Studies

(wk 4) (Dr Hui Po-keung/Dr Law Wing-sang)

28 Feb Cultural Studies and Culture/Art Studies

(wk 5) (Dr Li Siu-leung/Dr Chan Shun-hing)

6 Mar Cultural Studies, Institutions and Policies

(wk 6) (Professor Meaghan Morris)

Part 3: Urban Cultural Studies: theories and practices

13 Mar- 3 Apr Topics to be announced

(wk 7-10) (Dr Markus Reisenleitner)

10 Apr (Public Holiday)

Part 4: Cultural Studies in Chinese contexts—local and national trajectories

17 Apr (wk 12) Mapping Cultural Studies Research and Development in Hong Kong

(Professor Chan Ching-kiu Stephen)

24 Apr (wk 13 Mapping Cultural Studies in Mainland China (Professor Dai Jinhua)

6 Mar 1 May (wk 14) (Public Holiday)

Part 5: Concluding Session

8 May (wk 15) A Joint Workshop with Centre for Cultural Research,

University of Western Sydney, Australia (details to be announced)

Assessment: 100% continuous assessment

Assignment: To be announced

References: To be announced

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CUS512 Topics in Cultural Representation and Interpretation 文化再現與詮釋專題


This elective course takes the production of meaning and ideology as a fundamental issue in

Cultural Studies. Through case studies, it examines how specific forms of representation help

shape and reconstruct aspects of our social reality, our experience of the world, and indeed

our view of others and of ourselves. Students will analyze the modes of cultural production

involved, and attempt to understand how cultural practices generate, fix and deliver meaning

for us in particular social contexts. The question of interpretation will be raised in relation to

the generic formation of the ‘text’ at issue, so that we can approach the plurality of textual

functions and effects in terms of the contextual issues involved.

Topics may vary from year to year. Examples are: City Cultures & Urban Imaginaries;

Popular Media & Collective Memories; Reading Classical Texts in Gender and Sexuality;

Transnational Action Cinema; Visuality & Social Meaning; Techno-Culture & Everyday

Life; Culture, Affect and Pedagogy; Politics of Reading & Cultural Literacy; Re-Visiting

Modern Chinese Culture.






Aims and Objectives


To deepen the understanding of representation as the basic critical concept in Cultural Studies

by way of topics and cases selected from a wide range of social and generic contexts;


To familiarize students with the critical scholarship needed for understanding aspects of

social life through two fundamental categories in Cultural Studies ─ representation and


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Teaching Mode

Weekly seminar, 3 hours.


100% continuous assessment, including class presentations and a term project/paper.

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CUS506 Film and Television Culture

Term 1, 2003-04

Instructors: Dr. Susan Ingram

Timetable: Saturday, 2.00-5.00pm

Venue: Lingnan University

Course Description

This course takes an intensive look at the workings of film and television as major means of

communication in our times. These media forms are analysed as cultural texts through which

people imagine, mediate and question their social reality. Emphasis will be placed on the

influential models of “the society of the spectacle”, “the medium as the message”, and

“simulation” for understanding media culture. The course also examines how institutions,

audiences and cultural contexts may play a part in the construction as well as the reception of

meanings. Films and television will be framed as a social practice through a study of the

politics and pleasures surrounding their use. Students will learn to handle aesthetic, social and

ideological perspectives on film and media by examining such issues as narrative,

representation, gender, discourse, genre, and globalization and techno-media.

Aims and Objectives

* To enable students to apply a critical understanding of meaning-creation in various forms of


* To engage with recent theories of the relationship between films, TV and everyday life,

including ideological, ethical and cross-cultural perspectives;

* To encourage students to conduct active research into media consumption practices.

Learning Outcomes

* Students will have a grasp of the notions and discussions surrounding media studies,

especially in connection with globalization.

* Students will be able to apply these notions to actual cases for thick analysis.

Teaching Method

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* Lectures combined with discussions

* Guest talk

Measurement of Learning Outcomes

* Assignments and papers in which students demonstrate the ability of critical reflection and

application of concepts.

Assessment Methodology

100% continuous assessment based on participation in class discussion, presentation and the

completion of an assignment

Teaching Mode and Hours

Weekly seminar, 3 hours.

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CUS511 Topics in Cultural Institution and Policy 文化體制與政策專題


This elective course is the theoretical counterpart of the course “Workshop in Cultural Practices”. It

examines how public policy on culture can be understood in the framework of Cultural Studies, and it

focuses on the ways in which institutional factors affect the planning, development and management of

culture in contemporary societies. Issues of citizenship and subjectivity will be discussed in the context

of specific forms and processes of cultural governance.

Topics may vary from year to year. Examples are: Culture, Heritage & Tourism; Museums & Identities;

Critical Literacy in Contemporary Contexts; Media & Urban Literacy; Postcolonial Education; Cultural

Economy; Creativity, Urban Life & Cultural Planning; Culture & Environment; Understanding Cultural





Aims and Objectives


To introduce the basic concerns of Cultural Studies with issues relating to the shaping of public culture;

that is, the institutional dimension of culture including social pedagogies and public policies on “culture”

in the broad sense of the term;


To familiarize students with the critical perspectives needed for understanding that cultural matters are

significant social and public issues through in-depth study of a particular theme.

Teaching Mode

Weekly seminar, 3 hours.