1 Customer Relationship Management by Klopotek Ernst Lopes Cardozo Orlando November, 8

Customer Relationship Management by Klopotek Ernst Lopes ...klopotekgtsusersgroup.wildapricot.org/resources...Customer & Order Management Customer 360° & Ticketing Klopotek Classic

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Page 1: Customer Relationship Management by Klopotek Ernst Lopes ...klopotekgtsusersgroup.wildapricot.org/resources...Customer & Order Management Customer 360° & Ticketing Klopotek Classic


Customer Relationship Management

by Klopotek

Ernst Lopes Cardozo

Orlando November, 8

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The Klopotek Stream CRM Solution

Marketing Campaign Management

Account Management

Sales Activity Tracking

Customer Collaboration Tools

Lead Management

Customer Contact Centers

Quotation and Proposal Management

Pipeline or Opportunity Management

Adoption Management

Contact Management

Web Portals

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CRM is more than sending out postcards

The emphases in CRM have not changed over time

Customer retention, customer orientation, customer satisfaction

Support for the acquisition of new customers

Management of existing customer relationships

Analysis of customer data, surveys, direct contact

Maintenance of a contact history, understanding the customer


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Buyer persona Decision making Goal








game rules

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 4

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Journey (example)

5 Source: Stan & Stacy

Consideration Purchase Retention Ambassador Decision Interest Awareness

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Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead management

Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead


Online Marketing

Website monitoring

Lead & prospect


Event planning

Lead nurturing

Drip marketing

Social Media Integration

Lead management

Grading & Scoring

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Marketing Automation

Online Marketing

E mail




Landing Pages

& Web forms

Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead


Online Marketing

Website monitoring

Lead & prospect


Event planning

Lead nurturing

Drip marketing

Social Media Integration

Progressive profiling

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Marketing Automation

Website monitoring / Lead & prospect monitoring

Website and visitor monitoring will be done by a combination of Google

analytics and Pardot.

How does this Work:

• When you visit the website a cookie will be placed on your device

• The interest (which page / group of pages you visit will be stored

• When you leave somewhere during your customer journey (Can

also be weeks later) you leave your e-mail address (because you

wanted for instance to download some documentation) the match

will be made.

• Systems knows what your interest is ( Based on browsing

behavior and download)

• System knows you from which device(s) you visit

• Systems knows If you are active on Social Media

>>> Lead Generation can Start

Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead


Online Marketing

Website monitoring

Lead & prospect


Event planning

Lead nurturing

Drip marketing

Social Media Integration

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Marketing Automation

Lead nurturing & Drip marketing

What is:

Lead nurturing is a marketing term for building relationships with

potential clients even if they are not currently looking to buy a product

or service. Lead nurturing is intended to raise a company’s profile in

the potential client’s eyes, thus making it more likely that the client will

go with the company’s product or service when it is time to buy. Lead

nurturing is one part of the larger marketing process.

Drip marketing is a communication strategy that sends, or "drips," a

pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time.

These messages often take the form of email marketing, although

other media can also be used. Drip marketing is distinct from other

database marketing in two ways: the timing of the messages follow a

pre-determined course; the messages are dripped in a series

applicable to a specific behavior or status of the recipient. It is also

typically automated.

Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead


Online Marketing

Website monitoring

Lead & prospect


Event planning

Lead nurturing

Drip marketing

Social Media Integration

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Marketing Automation

Lead nurturing & Drip marketing

Drip marketing Example

• You send someone a Newsletter

• The prospect clicks and goes to a page on your site:

• Once on the site he clicks on a certain topic and downloads some


In a marketing automation tool you can define upfront that when these

3 events happens the system should:

• One week later send an e-mail with a link to an evaluation form on

the web site.

• Apart from this present special content on the website related to

the earlier behavior.

• Based on this website visit and/or answers in the form the next step

Which is already defined in the system) would activate and so on

and so on..,)

Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead


Online Marketing

Website monitoring

Lead & prospect


Event planning

Lead nurturing

Drip marketing

Social Media Integration

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Marketing Automation

Drip Campaign

Setup in Salesforce


Marketing Automation

Campaign and Lead


Online Marketing

Website monitoring

Lead & prospect


Event planning

Lead nurturing

Drip marketing

Social Media Integration

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The Web-site, -portal and -shop

Forms & Surveys


• Product Portal

• Web shop

• Customer self care

Dynamic Website


Community portals

Static Website Content

Web-site, -portal and -shop

All kind of Standard Portlets like Twitter, Blogs, FAQ , … are

available from Liferay

Static Website Content

All Static Website Content will be build by using standard Liferay


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The Web-site, -portal and -shop

Forms & Surveys


• Product Portal

• Web shop

• Customer self care

Dynamic Website


Community portals

Static Website Content

Web-site, -portal and -shop

Test Website:

Dynamic Website Content

Based on Who visit the Website The content should dynamically

change. Via Pardot (Cookies & E-mail recognition) we know who is

visiting the website , What the interest is , Where he / she is in the

Sales funnel and based on this present dynamic content


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The Web-site, -portal and -shop

Pardot Dynamic content page

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The Web-site, -portal and -shop

Forms & Surveys


• Product Portal

• Web shop

• Customer self care

Dynamic Website


Community portals

Static Website Content

Web-site, -portal and -shop Forms & Surveys

• Forms & Surveys Can be managed with the combination Liferay


Captured information will be Stored in Salesforce

Some forms also api’s to Klopotek (For instance Inspection copy order)

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The Web-site, -portal and -shop

Forms & Surveys


• Product Portal

• Web shop

• Customer self care

Dynamic Website


Community portals

Static Website Content

Web-site, -portal and -shop E-commerce

Easy-to use intuitive CMS with SEO capability

Multi-browser & multi-device support, multi-language support

Flexibility with any kind of content (text, images, multi-media, …)

Distinction of target groups like teachers and private individuals

Social media integration

State-of-the-art web content editing, plus integration with

Klopotek Title Management

User stories related to quality, safety, scalability (e.g. landing

pages), infrastructure control, and future-proof technology

First Working Prototype build on Liferay

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Portlet Catalog

PPM Product


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Portlet Configuration

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The Web-site, -portal and -shop

Login and customer detail online

Recognition of different customer types (schools, teachers, …)

Integration of person / address data with Klopotek via web services

Rich catalog functionality based on products maintained in Klopotek including related products,

methods, bundles, marketing texts …

Pricing models for one-off products, online-subscriptions, bundles…

Online ordering including special processes like inspection copies

Flexible check-out process with different payment methods integrated with order processing in

Klopotek and Financial System

Order history

One Shop - > Many Variants Based on Product filters and layout templates:

• Shop For Teachers (including the answer books)

• Shop for Public

• Special Shop. (for instance only books from One method)

• …..

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Salesforce Campaign Management

1. Create the campaign

2. Create your target list Rented or Purchased Lists

Existing Contacts, Leads

3. Execute the campaign Online – (e.g. email)

Offline – (e.g. conference, advertisements.

4.Track responses Website Response

Manual Update

Mass Update/Offline Response

5.Analyze campaign effectiveness

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Salesforce Lead Management

A lead is a prospect or potential opportunity

- a person you met at a conference who

expressed interest, or someone who filled

out a form on your company’s website.

• New sell

• Up sell

• Cross sell

Managing Leads, Assigning Leads , Viewing Your Leads, Changing Multiple Leads, Displaying and Editing Leads, Creating Leads, Cloning Leads, Lead Fields ,Lead History, Convert Qualified Leads, Lead Conversion, Lead Conversion Mapping Sharing Leads, Merging Duplicate Leads, Searching for Leads

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Salesforce Opportunity management

When a Lead is “converted” it means

that the Lead becomes a Contact

(person), Account (company), and an

Opportunity (potential sale) in the


Conversion From lead to opportunity

Opportunity Stage What’s happening with a particular case

Opportunity Type What do you sell

Activity Tracking Track your activity around a particular case

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Customer Contact Centers

Have easy & advanced search tools to retrieve the right contact information

Have an easy navigation in organization trees, contact persons, schools and teachers

Provide a full 360 degree view on all information available in “all” systems

Optional drill down functionality. (e.g. Show full invoice)

Communicate with the contact center over multiple channels:

The contact center application should:

Telephone (CTI integration)

E-mail (integration, storage, routing)

Self-care portals

Chats and more and more Social Media

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The 360° View

The contact center service agent need an easy overview and access to all

available information.

Information widgets

Customer information

(and navigation)

including master

address data, pictures

and or logo

The layout of the information

widgets is configurable per

user. The screens are

adaptive to support multiple

monitor formats and


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The 360° View Information Widgets

The Service Manager need all information

The information Widgets are (sub apps)

which can be plugged in to the viewer

Will provide a clear overview (sorting and


Where possible ability to open and view the

entity (Examples: open attached document,

view full invoice)

Can display any information from the full

Klopotek system.

Can also provide information:

from integrated systems like

Salesforce & finance applications.

from other applications (Individual

widgets development)

Can also have special gadgets like Google

maps / Twitter integration.

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Tickets can be created and tracked by the agents.

The ticket system can be used for

both internal and external ticket

management including approvals.

Based on Ticket type and

categories the system delivers:

Different workflow routings.

Different “caller” scripts

Ticket information History trail

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Created tickets and connect documents and e-mail.

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Ticket Dashboard

The Service Manager has a clear overview with ticket dashboard.

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Ticket Task & Workflow Management

Tickets can be routed trough your organization

and will alert the recipient by:

An E-mail

The Klopotek My Task Dashboard

……. all with a direct hyperlink to the ticket

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e is multifaceted, innovative, fast and so easy (?)

e includes

e-mails, e-newletters, e-license keys

web-based surveys

webinars (events)

e-commerce web shops

product portals

context-sensitive, integrated role based content



an expands the possible forms of contact and the contact history exponentially

The quality of the customer data from your ERP system is still the basis!


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The solution is the integration of different systems


Customer 360° & Ticketing

Marketing Automation

Customer & Order Management

The Klopotek E-

Commerce Platform

Klopotek Classic Line

Sales Cloud

Lead Management &

Sales Support

Event Management Survey Management Website, Portal and Shop

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Harmonized standard elements and interfaces


Customer 360° & Ticketing Customer & Order Management

Klopotek E-Commerce


Klopotek Classic Line

Website, Portal and Shop Portal server for products - a CMS for the

construction of your website with standard portlets

to match the "Products" module

Webshop with a direct connection to the ERP

system for terms and orders

Self-care for updating address data, viewing

orders, and creating/managing tickets

Event calendar for the promotion of your events

Products, customers, orders 360° information, tickets

self-care ticketing

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Klopotek ERP is the address master for Salesforce

Customer 360° & Ticketing Customer & Order Management

Klopotek Classic Line

Sales Cloud

Lead Management &

Sales Support

A Salesforce blueprint with

a model for address and customer data to match the Klopotek ERP


synchronization of address, customer, product and statistical data via

standard connectors with direct modifications from Salesforce

contains the contact history; visible in 360° too

additional systems use Salesforce as a

contact repository

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Salesforce is standard and custom at the same time


The rollout of

Salesforce is an

individual project

It is based on the

data model

harmonized with


It allows UI


new attributes

and individualized

processing logic

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Marketing automation uses the ERP data

Customer 360° & Ticketing

Marketing Automation

Customer & Order Management

Klopotek Classic Line

Sales Cloud

Lead Management &

Sales Support

Salesforce Accounts/Contacts/Campaigns/Classification/Statistics

Pardot Accounts/Prospects/Campaigns/Classifications/Statistics

landing pages


drip campaigns

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Pardot takes over the electronic activities


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Lyyti interfaces data to and from Salesforce

Customer 360° & Ticketing Customer & Order Management

Klopotek Classic Line

Sales Cloud

Lead Management &

Sales Support

Event Management

Organization of any event in the

public cloud

Participants and participation

statistics are synced to

Salesforce campaigns (360°)

E-mail and event templates with

your branding

Dynamic reporting with e-mail



landing pages


Event Calendar

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PPM user group Germany 2016


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QPro interfaces data to and from Salesforce

Customer 360° & Ticketing

Marketing Automation

Customer & Order Management

Klopotek Classic Line

Sales Cloud

Lead Management &

Sales Support

Survey Management

QuestionPro organizes surverys in the public


Survey links for use in e-mails have dynamic

parameters for personalization

Individualized results are

synchronized with

Salesforce campaigns

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Contact 360° & Ticketing: the Klopotek CRM solutions

Sales Cloud

Lead Management &

Sales Support

360° shows data related to a customer from

different systems

Ticketing manages

queries from customers

and users, including a


(customer service desk)


Contact 360°



Klopotek ERP

RSS, Twitter

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