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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Back to Table of Contents

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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Providing a Customer InterfaceProviding a Customer Interface

Customizing a Web SiteCustomizing a Web Site


Customer Service and Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Web Site Personalization

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Chapter 14

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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Section 14-1Why It’s Important

The goal of most e-commerce Web sites is to make the online shopping experience as pleasant, safe, and efficient as possible so customers will want to return.

Some of the devices Web sites use to build customer loyalty take time and planning to implement, and are unknown to the average shopper.

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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Section 14-1 Key Terms

intelligent agents

semantic Web



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The Importance of Customer Service

Customer service is as essential to e-tail success as it is to the profitability of bricks-and-mortar stores.

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The Importance of Customer Service

Trust is important to online shoppers.


Trust is based on the belief that the entire shopping experience is secure.

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Building Customer Relationships

Customer Expectations

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confidential treatment of credit-card and personal information

prompt shipment of orders

reasonable return policies

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Building Customer Relationships

On the Web, savvy site designers don’t let you get lost.


Designing a site that is easy to navigate is essential to creating a satisfying shopping experience and boosting an e-business’s bottom line.

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Building Customer Relationships

Customers often judge a company by the assistance they receive, so support workers must be well trained to handle questions and complaints efficiently, effectively, and pleasantly.


Of the many support-team members, customer-service representatives and support technicians have the most contact with customers.

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Building Customer Relationships

Intelligent agents can insert your name, address, telephone number, and credit-card information into an order form.

intelligent agents programs that simplify the work you do online by automatically performing tasks; also called Internet agents

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They can also provide advice based on your interests and keep track of your preferences.

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Building Customer Relationships

In the future, an extension of the current Web may turn intelligent agents into geniuses.


Its designers call this extension the semantic Web.

semantic Web a theorized extension of the current Web that may allow programmers to attach a tag, or a precise meaning, to every bit of information online

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Building Customer Relationships

“Semantic” is a fancy way of saying “related to meaning.”


Programmers trying to create the semantic Web believe that one day they will be able to attach a tag, or a precise meaning, to every bit of information online.

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Building Customer Relationships

Bots are more dynamic than intelligent agents.


A bot keeps working even when your computer is turned off.

bot programs that scan the Web continuously, looking for computer-program updates, new-product alerts, price changes, etc; short for “robot”

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Building Customer Relationships

Search engines program bots called spiders, or crawlers, to sift through billions of Web pages.

spiders (or crawlers) bots that search the Web, compiling extensive lists of URLs to keep search engine databases up to date

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Building Customer Relationships

A cookie is a program used by an intelligent agent to remember online visitors so they can enter a site without identifying themselves each time they log on.


Cookies keep track of information such as your name, preferences, age, and address.

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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Section 14-1 Review

What does trust mean to online shoppers? What are some examples of this type of trust?

What are intelligent agents, and how do they help create customer loyalty?

What is a bot?

What is a cookie, and what job does it perform?





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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Section 14-2Why It’s Important

E-commerce businesses use many strategies to promote customer loyalty.

Personalized service and quality customer service are expected by customers in traditional stores, but are more difficult to implement online.

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Section 14-2 Key Terms


unique selling proposition

frequently asked questions

chat rooms

message boards

real-time pricing


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Serving People First

Personalization is the key that unlocks online shoppers’ wallets.

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

A happy customer is a repeat customer.


Good service sways customers more than price does.

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

E-tailers refer to gathering information on customers to identify and target them as profiling.

profiling gathering information on customers to better customize a business’s interactions with that customer

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

The goal of customer relationship management (CRM) is to increase customer satisfaction by dealing with each person as an individual.

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

Online merchants use these strategies for personalizing services:

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Knowledge Management acquires and analyzes information about customers.

Database Consolidation puts information about customers in one place.

Customer Choice lets customers choose how they want to receive customer support.

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

To compete, companies need to differentiate, or distinguish, themselves from other companies.


To distinguish your company in the e-commerce marketplace, offer good customer service.

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

Every business needs a unique selling proposition (USP).

unique selling proposition (USP) the one thing that makes a business stand out from the competition; a USP describes the benefits of buying from one retailer over another

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

Online businesses can provide customer support by providing a page that offers answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

frequently asked questions (FAQs) a list of questions found on some Web sites that addresses common user concerns in regards to a product or service

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

After phone contact with customer-service representatives, chat rooms provide the most personal contact between an online store and its customers.

chat rooms Web pages that allow online shoppers to have real-time, virtual conversations with customer-service representatives

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Personalization of Online Customer Service

A message board permits users to scan through questions and responses from other users, add their own questions or answers, and post notes on other subjects.

message board a page on a Web site where users can share information about common problems

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Internet Pricing Models

Thanks to the Web, companies can quickly adjust their pricing policies to meet changes in the marketplace.

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Internet Pricing Models

Through the use of real-time pricing technology, e-tailers can change and post prices instantly at very little cost.

real-time pricing the ability to change prices instantly to keep up with changes in the marketplace

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This gives them a competitive edge.

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Internet Pricing Models

A pricing strategy used by traditional retailers that is especially popular with e-tailers is bundling.

bundling combining related products or services, which businesses then offer to customers as special package deals

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Customer Service and Web Site Personalization Customer Service and Web Site Personalization

Section 14-2 Review

What is CRM? What are some strategies used by CRM to learn more about customers?

What are some ways in which online businesses can provide customer support?

What is a unique selling proposition, and why is it essential for an e-commerce business?

What is bundling, and how does it help businesses make more money?




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