CV Erik Meijaard 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Updated on 29 March 2017 ADJUNCT PROF. DR IR. ERIK MEIJAARD Director, Borneo Futures Sdn Bhd, Brunei Director, PT Habitat Hutan Alam Indonesia Adj, Professor at Center for Environmental Decisions, School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane Senior Research Fellow at the School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra Country Woods house no. 306, JL WR Supratman, Pondok-Ranji-Rengas, Ciputat, Jakarta 15412, Indonesia • Phone +62- 812-5514006 • E-Mail: [email protected] http://www.people-nature-consulting.com/ skype name: erik.meijaard. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Erik_Meijaard/?ev=hdr_xprf EXPERIENCE Researching and reporting on tropical conservation topics, impact assessment of forestry on wildlife and related policy guidance, sustainability assessments plantation and forestry industries, land use planning and management, species conservation management, environmental conservation strategies, biodiversity surveys, ecological monitoring and conservation effectiveness measures, conservation policy research and advice, environmental economics and carbon trading, and ecological, taxonomic and evolutionary research. ACADEMIC EDUCATION x Ph.D. degree (20002004) in Biological Anthropology at the Australian National University, Australia x Ingenieur degree (equals Master of Agricultural Sciences) (19901994) in Tropical Ecology at the Wageningen Agricultural University and University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands x Bachelor’s Degree (1989–1990) in Biology at the University of Amsterdam x Bachelor’s Degree (19851986) in Environmental Sciences at the Wageningen Agricultural University KEY QUALIFICATIONS I am a consultant, conservation scientist and program manager with 23 years of professional experience. I am a strategic thinker who focuses on developing the big picture before narrowing down on how management and research can address the associated issues. My strengths lie primarily on the interface between academic research and its application in the field. Since 1999, I have published five books, 198 papers in peer reviewed journals, 9 book chapters, and many newspaper articles. MAIN IMPACT OF WORK 1) “Life after Logging” book inspired the development of Indonesia’s Restoration Ecosystem concept, and changed thinking about role of timber concessions in conservation; 2) My orangutan research has changed conservation strategies, policy and funding allocation; 3) Frequent newspaper articles are finding a following among Indonesian and Malaysian policy makers and are having tangible policy impact; 4) Direct engagement with an oil palm company saved 1,000 ha of forest and 11 orangutans; 5) Proven up-take of scientific information developed by Borneo Futures has resulted in revised land use plans and implementation of land management.

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CV Erik Meijaard


C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E Updated on 29 March 2017

ADJUNCT PROF. DR IR. ERIK MEIJAARD Director, Borneo Futures Sdn Bhd, Brunei

Director, PT Habitat Hutan Alam Indonesia

Adj, Professor at Center for Environmental Decisions, School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane Senior Research Fellow at the School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra

Country Woods house no. 306, JL WR Supratman, Pondok-Ranji-Rengas, Ciputat, Jakarta 15412, Indonesia • Phone +62-

812-5514006 • E-Mail: [email protected] • http://www.people-nature-consulting.com/ • skype name: erik.meijaard. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Erik_Meijaard/?ev=hdr_xprf


Researching and reporting on tropical conservation topics, impact assessment of forestry on wildlife and related policy guidance, sustainability assessments plantation and forestry industries, land use planning and management, species conservation management, environmental conservation strategies, biodiversity surveys, ecological monitoring and conservation effectiveness measures, conservation policy research and advice, environmental economics and carbon trading, and ecological, taxonomic and evolutionary research.


x Ph.D. degree (2000–2004) in Biological Anthropology at the Australian National University, Australia x Ingenieur degree (equals Master of Agricultural Sciences) (1990–1994) in Tropical Ecology at the Wageningen

Agricultural University and University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands x Bachelor’s Degree (1989–1990) in Biology at the University of Amsterdam x Bachelor’s Degree (1985–1986) in Environmental Sciences at the Wageningen Agricultural University


I am a consultant, conservation scientist and program manager with 23 years of professional experience. I am a strategic thinker who focuses on developing the big picture before narrowing down on how management and research can address the associated issues. My strengths lie primarily on the interface between academic research and its application in the field. Since 1999, I have published five books, 198 papers in peer reviewed journals, 9 book chapters, and many newspaper articles.


1) “Life after Logging” book inspired the development of Indonesia’s Restoration Ecosystem concept, and changed thinking about role of timber concessions in conservation; 2) My orangutan research has changed conservation strategies, policy and funding allocation; 3) Frequent newspaper articles are finding a following among Indonesian and Malaysian policy makers and are having tangible policy impact; 4) Direct engagement with an oil palm company saved 1,000 ha of forest and 11 orangutans; 5) Proven up-take of scientific information developed by Borneo Futures has resulted in revised land use plans and implementation of land management.

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CV Erik Meijaard





Dates Employer Scope of work March 2017 - present

The World Bank Implementation of Sustainable Geothermal Development in Forest Areas of Indonesia - GeoFor-Indonesia

June 2016 - present

The World Bank Energy GP EAP

Technical Assistance for the Matenggeng Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in West and Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversity Specialist

September 2012 - present

PT Austindo Nus. Jaya Agri

Field visits, development biodiversity management plan, biodiversity threat assessment, development media strategy, coordination science program.

COMPLETED PROJECTS – LONG TERM (> 6 months) (projects prior to 2009 not listed)

Dates Employer Position Scope of work February 2016 – present

Hutan dan Habitat Alam Indonesia

Director Advising the company on their investment strategies in relation to environmental conservation opportunities and consult on their behalf to other clients.

March 2011 – present

Borneo Futures, Indonesia and Brunei

Director Coordinating the Borneo Futures initiative, including consultancies, media communication and research assignments.

2015 University Brunei Darussalam

Professor (Full)

I briefly held a full professorship on wetland ecology and management and tropical forest science.

August 2009 – June 2015

People & Nature Consulting International

Management Advisor

Lead consultant on environmental planning, sustainable forest management, wildlife conservation, mining and plantation management, REDD, and organizational planning and budgeting.

January 2012 – December 2014

Center for Int. Forestry Research, Indonesia

Senior Associate

3-year senior associate contract to research a variety of forest-related topics, provide policy input, and work with students.

October 2004– July 2009

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)-Indonesia Program

Director and Senior Scientist

Managing TNC Indonesia's forest program in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua; and developing and coordinating research, training, and management in the various conservation programs of TNC in Indonesia.

March 2006– July 2009

TNC (USAID), Indonesia

OCSP Conservation Advisor and Chief of Party

Coordinating all Kalimantan projects of the Orangutan Conservation Support Program (OCSP), and managing TNC’s 2nd USAID orangutan grant and related programs in East Kalimantan.

June 2002– May 2004

CIFOR, Indonesia Long-term consultant

Writing and editing a book and several papers on vertebrate diversity in East Kalimantan, and sensitivity of these species to timber harvest and other factors related to logging.

October 1997–January 1999

World Wide Fund for Nature–Netherlands (WNF)

Programme Coordinator

Designing and guiding projects in Indonesia aimed at the conservation of forests, coral reefs, and endangered animal species and coordinating the bilateral collaboration between WNF and WWF Indonesia.

April 1994– June 1997

Tropenbos Kalimantan Project, Indonesia

Ecological researcher

Establishing species distribution databases (GIS format), investigating large mammal distribution patterns in Borneo and Sumatra, researching illegal species trade both nationally and internationally, and assisting in the confiscation of illegally kept wildlife.

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Dates Employer Scope of work September 2011 – February 2017

ARCUS Foundation, UK and USA

Management of a 5-year, US$ 950,000 program (Borneo Futures initiative) on developing new scientific and communications approaches for sustainable development and conservation on Borneo.

October 2016 – February 2017

Wilmar Int. and OLT

Coordination and implementation of RSPO impact analysis on deforestation and orangutan conservation

February 2016 – January 2017

National Geographic

Coordinate and implement a biodiversity field survey in Kalimantan comparing species occurrence to data from 1912–1914.

May 2015 – January 2017

UNEP/GRASP Assist in the development of a guide to better orangutan management in oil palm.

October 2012 – March 2016

Jakarta Globe Columnist for the Opinion Page, writing about environmental and conservation issues.

May 2014 – June 2016

The World Bank - PLN

Technical assistance for developing an Integrated Catchment Management program in the Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Hydropower Scheme.

May 2014 – June 2015

The Woodspring Trust

Coordinating a review and spatial analysis of the regulatory framework regarding forest protection in Indonesia.

April 2013 – November 2014

The World Bank - PLN

Independent expert on development of a biodiversity management plan for Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Hydropower Scheme.

February – December 2013 -

UNEP Nairobi-Norwegian Gov.

Input into a study on the potential impacts of climate change on forests, agricultural production, and land use economics in Borneo.

May 2010 – December 2013

SA Now, Luxemburg

Program development and project management and reporting for the Shining Hope Foundation.

September 2012 – June 2013


Develop and coordinate study on economics of land use, hydrology and climate change in Borneo, specifically in orang-utan habitat.

December 2010 – May 2011

CIFOR, Indonesia Impact assessment study of CIFOR's rattan research program on rattan-related policies, deforestation, and community livelihoods.

January 2010 – July 2011

The Nature Conservancy, USA

Participate in and assist the development of TNC's conservation planning strategies, focusing on socio-economic indicators.

July 2010 – January 2011

CIFOR, Indonesia Review for a project led by FSC in preparation for a multi-year, GEF-funded project on certification of ecosystem services.

August 2009 –December 2010

Lynx Edicions, Spain

Writing Tragulidae and Suidae chapters for the Mammals of the World hand book series (D. Wilson and R. Mittermeier).

January– December 2010

Komunika Partners, Indonesia

Assisting in the research and write up of the sustainability report for Asia Pulp and Paper with field studies in Jambi and Riau Provinces, Sumatra.

July 2009 –June 2010

The Nature Conservancy, USA

Chief Editor of the monthly science newsletter Science Chronicles for The Nature Conservancy.

August 2009 –March 2010

USAID – OCSP, Indonesia

Management recommendations for orangutans outside protected areas; newsletter editor, data analysis and write up.

July 2009 – January 2010

UNESCO, Indonesia Review assignment to assess performance of Biospheres Reserves in the Asia Pacific region.

COMPLETED PROJECTS – SHORT TERM (< 6 months) (projects prior to 2009 not listed)

Dates Employer Scope of work May 2016 Wilmar Review of collaboration between BOS Foundation, Provincial Government

and Wilmar’s MSM company in Sampit, Central Kalimantan March – June 2015

Carbon Tropics Technical assessment for biodiversity offset opportunities for Kalimantan mine operation.

January 2015 Rainforest Alliance Review of independent evaluation of APP’s progress to implement their Forest Conservation Policy.

May– August 2013

The Nature Conservancy

Assisting TNC in developing an orangutan conservation strategy for Berau Forest Carbon Project and USAID Debt for Nature Swap.

February – eForest Evaluate potential for TAFF investment in PT. Hutan Ketapang Industri

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March 2014 forest plantation concession, Ketapang, West Kalimantan. June - October 2013

WWF Malaysia Revision of the Heart of Borneo Sabah strategic plan.

May – June 2013 The Nature Conservancy

Review of and input into a report on decision making in the Indonesian oil palm industry.

July – October 2012

The Arcus Foundation

Report on orangutans and extractive industries (oil and gas, mining, and timber) in Borneo and Sumatra.

May – June 2012 PT Austindo Nus. Jaya Agri

Field visits, development biodiversity management plan, biodiversity threat assessment, development media strategy.

February – April 2012

Climate Policy Initiative, USA

Desk top review of enhanced spatial planning projects, land swaps, land use conflict resolution, and incorporation of ecosystem services.

November 2011 – February 2012

CIFOR, FSC/GEF, Indonesia

Provide input into indicator development for program on “Expanding FSC certification through incorporating additional ecosystem services”.

August – September 2011

Österreichische Bundesforste

Developing a proposal for KfW (German Development Cooperation) for debt for nature swap and REDD+ projects.

May 2011 – July 2011

CIFOR, Indonesia and CBD

Provide input into document development on landscape-level biodiversity management.

November – December 2010

BHP Billiton Development of a high level biodiversity monitoring framework for the IndoMet Coal Project in Kalimantan.

October 2009 –May 2011

CIFOR, Indonesia Comments and guidance on paper regarding great apes and conservation.

August – November 2010

BMT, Australia Desktop study and advisory role for mitigating the environmental impacts of planned mine expansion in South Kalimantan.

March 2010 DAI , Cambodia Preparation and guiding of field trip by a Cambodian delegation to Danau Sentarum NP, West Kalimantan.

February – March 2010

ARD Inc, Indonesia Write a summary and review of the Orangutan Conservation Services Program.

October – December 2009

Arcus Foundation, USA and UK

Analysis of major policy issues regarding great ape conservation and an examination of opportunities for strategic intervention.

September 2009 Öko-Institut e.V, Austria

Review of reports on spatial data availability in Indonesia and Malaysia for the BioSt-NachV – Subproject Spatial Requirements.

July 2009 FFI and BHP Billiton, Indonesia

Peer review of HCVF assessment of BHP Billiton’s PT Maruwai Coal Contracts of Work area and project advisor.

May 2009 Daemeter Consult Peer review for HCVF assessment of PT. Daya Landak Plantation


Winner of the 2016 Mahathir Science Award (USD 100,000) with Prof. Hugh Possingham and Prof. Kerrie Wilson for our research on Borneo. In 2016, I received a top 5 nomination for the Environmental Story of the Year category in the Asian Environmental Journalism Awards. In 2008, I was awarded the Victor E. Shelford Award for Conservation Science for work on promoting conservation science in Indonesia and the high scientific standards of my conservation effectiveness monitoring programs. In 2000, I received an International Student Scholarship from the Government of Australia, and an ANU Ph.D. Scholarship, for conducting PhD research on Indo-Malayan mammal evolution.


(Percentage of understanding, or ability to correctly speak or write—100 is full command)

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CV Erik Meijaard


Language Understanding Reading Speaking Writing

Dutch 100 100 100 95 English 100 100 95 95 German 90 95 75 70 Indonesian 80 75 70 60 French 70 75 60 50 Malaysian 70 60 60 40 Spanish 50 50 50 30 Modern Greek 50 40 30 25


Period of Engagement


2017–present Chair of the IUCN Task Force on Oil Palm 2016–present Member of IUCN/SSC Green Listing Task Force 2015–present Member of Steering Committee of Palm Oil & NGO (PONGO) Alliance 2014–present Core member of ALERT – Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers & Thinkers 2013–present Member Editorial Board Journal of Indonesian National History 2012–present Chair of the IUCN/SSC Wild Pig Specialist Group 2012–present Member of Board of Supervisors of the Tambuhak Sinta Foundation (Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta) 2008–present Lead Scientist on World Land Trust Scientific Advisory Board 2004–present Member of the IUCN/SSC Deer Specialist Group 2004–present Member of the Great Ape Subsection of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group 2001–present Member of the IUCN/SSC Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos SG (now Wild Pig Specialist Group) 2001–2007 Member and Asia coordinator of the IUCN/SSC Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos SG 2014–2017 Member and Indonesia focal point IUCN/SSC Stork Ibis Spoonbill Specialist Group 2008–2015 Member of Biotropica Editorial Board 2007–2015 Member of the Great Ape Survival Project (GRASP) Scientific Commission 2007–2014 Member of Borneo Orangutan Society – UK Scientific Advisory Board 2012–2014 Member of Board of Advisors of Mongabay-Indonesia 2010–2012 Vice-chair & Regional Coordinator for S & SE Asia of the IUCN/SSC Wild Pigs Specialist Group 2009–2010 Editor of the monthly “Science Chronicles”, The Nature Conservancy’s global science newsletter 2006–2007 Member of the Indonesian High Conservation Value Forests working group 2005–2009 Editor and initiator of “Forest Science News”, TNC Indonesia’s science newsletter 2002–2007 Chief editor of Suiform Soundings, the newsletter of the IUCN Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos SG. 2001–2007 Asia coordinator of the IUCN/SSC Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos SG


Dates Partner Collaborators Scope of research 2015 - present

University of Oxford and Queens Mary University

Dr. Laurent Frantz and Prof. Greger Larson

Pig genomics, evolution, taxonomy and conservation

2013 - present

Indonesian Institute for Science (LIPI)

Dr. Sugeng Budiharta Optimization of reforestation efforts; land use in community forests

2009 - present

University of Brunei Prof. Ferry Slik Floristic diversity patterns; reforestation; forest biomass

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2009 – present

Queensland University of Technology

Prof. Kerrie Mengersen Statistical analysis of complex survey and monitoring datasets; Bayesian statistics

2008 – present

Geography and Regional Studies University of Miami

Prof. Douglas O. Fuller

Relationships between forest fires and climate, and impact on forest carbon

2008 – present

Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Oshkohs

Prof. Stephanie Spehar Orangutan behaviour, primate conservation

2007 – present

Spatial Ecology Lab, University of Queensland

Prof. Hugh Possingham, Prof. Kerrie Wilson; Dr Jessie Wilson; Dr. Elizabeth Law

Spatial optimization models; conservation economics; ecosystem service modelling; perception studies; protected area effectiveness

2007 – present

Research School of Biology, Australian National University

Dr Marcel Cardillo Mathematical modelling of species distributions

2006 - present

HUTAN, Sabah Dr Marc Ancrenaz Orangutan conservation, conservation planning, forest management

2006 – present

University of Kent, UK Dr Matt Struebig Oil palm plantation; bat conservation and biogeography; climate change; species distribution modelling

2005 – present

Graduate Group in Ecology; University of California, Davis

Prof. Andrew J. Marshall

Primate conservation; survey methodology

2003 - present

John Moores University. Liverpool

Prof. Serge Wich Orangutan conservation science, oil palm

2003 – present

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Prof. Douglas Sheil Timber concessions and conservation; general conservation issues

2000 – present

School for Archaeology & Anthropology, Australian National University

Prof. Colin Groves Taxonomy and evolution of mammals


Publons Profile: 199 Reviewer Merits; 25 Editor Merit; 66 Verified reviews; Reviewed for 41 journals.

x Editor-in-Chief and creator of Asian Wild Pig News/Suiform Soundings, newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Wild Pig Specialist Group (2001–2007 and 2014 – 2016).

x Editor-in-Chief and creator of Forest Science News, newsletter of TNC-Indonesia’s forest science program (2004–2009).

x Editor of Science Chronicles, TNC’s global science newsletter. x Member of Editorial Board of Biotropica (2010–2015) x Member of Editorial Board of the Indonesian Journal of Natural History (since 2013). x Peer reviewer for (numbers of papers reviewed): Biol Cons (10); Cons Biol (10); Oryx (9); Small Carnivore

News (4); Biod Cons (4); J Biog (4); Cons Lett (3); Malayan Nat J (3); PloS ONE (3); Bioscience (2); Biol J. Linn Soc (2); For Ecol Manag (2); Trop Cons Sc (2); PNAS (1); Glob Ecol Biog (1); J Appl Ecol (1); Tr Ecol Evol (1); Ecol Lett (1); Glob Ch Ecol (1); Ecol Appl (1); Science Reports (1); Proc Zool Soc Lond, Ser B (1); Ecography (1); Cont Zool (1); Raffles Bull Zool (1); Acta Theriol (1); J Mamm (1); Mammalia (1); Mammalian Biol. (1); Zool J Linn Soc (1); Comp Rend Palevol l'Acad. Sc. (1); Climate Policy (1); Ecol Soc (1); Int J Primat (1); Zootaxa (1); J Plant Ecol (1); Ursus (1); End Spec Res (1); Forktail (1); Evol Anthrop (1); Quatern Sc Rev (1); Biotropica (1); Amer J Primat (1); Int. Bull. Zool. Nomenclature (1); and Palaeog Palaeoclimat Palaeoecol (1).

x Proposal reviewer for Fondation Segré (3), National Science Foundation (1), APE Taxon Advisory Group of the American Zoo Association (1), IUCN Safe Our Species (SOS) Initiative (5).


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x PhD co-supervision at Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (1) o 2015. Anne-Sophie Pellier. Hunting on Borneo.

x MSc co-supervision at the Berlin School of Public Health (1). o 2013. Inga Bürmann. The impact of deforestation on human health in Southeast Asia.

x PhD co-supervision at University of Queensland (3). o 2016. Madeleine Stigner, o 2013. Courtney Morgans. Orangutan population dynamics in relation to conservation planning. o 2012. Sugeng Budiharta. Restoration Planning of Tropical Secondary Forest: Maximizing Outcomes

for Carbon, Biodiversity and Socio-economic in context of REDD+ in Indonesia. x MSc co-supervision at University of Queensland (1).

o 2012. Ya Ling Chang. Review of the economic valuation methods of non-timber forest products for sustainable development in Borneo.

x MSc co-supervision at Open University Netherlands (1) . o 2011. Nicolien de Lange. Conservation Approaches to tackle Orangutan Hunting in Kalimantan.

Incorporating lessons from great ape anti-poaching measures in the Congo Basin. x MSc co-supervision at the University of Utrecht (1).

o 2011. Hans Smit. Criteria for the identification of degraded land suitable for oil palm expansion. x PhD co-supervision and review for the Australian National University (2).

o 2013. Anton Nurcahyo. Morphometrics and evolution of orangutans. o 2010. Heather Christine Leasor. Effects of Ecotourism on the Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in

the Lower Kingabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. x Taught an online conservation biology course for Texas Tech University and Xishuangbanna Tropical

Botanical Garden (XTBG) in Yunnan, China. Next-gen forest surveys in Tropical Asia.


2016 – Successful co-application for a GBP 291,185 Darwin Initiative -DFID grant 2015 – Successful application for a USD 30,000 grant from National Geographic 2015 – Successful co-application for a GBP 25,000 grant from the Woodspring Trust 2015 – Successful co-application for a USD 450,000 Discovery grant from Australian Research Council 2015 – Successful co-application for a USD 29,000 grant from UNEP/GRASP 2015 – Successful application for a USD 350,000 grant from the Arcus Foundation for the Borneo Futures program 2014 – Successful application for a GBP 20,000 grant from the Woodspring Trust for the Borneo Futures program 2013 – Successful application for a US$ 227,000 grant from the Arcus Foundation for the Borneo Futures program 2013 – Successful application for a US$ 2,500 grant from the Jacksonville Zoo 2013 – Successful application for a US$ 5,000 grant from the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association 2013 – Successful application for a € 4,000 grant from Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz 2013 – Successful co-applicant for a US$ 133,000 UNEP grant from studies on climate impacts on Borneo 2012 – Successful application for a US$ 33,000 UNEP-GRASP grant for studies of hydrological services on Borneo 2011 – Successful application for a USD 370,000 research grant from the Arcus Foundation 2009 – Successful proposal for a € 166,845 grant from the Shining Hope Foundation 2007 – Co-authored technical proposal for an AU$ 500,000 AusAID grant 2007 – Co-authored concept proposal for a successful US$ 8,000,000 USAID grant application with DAI and TNC 2007 – Successful application for a € 3,500 grant from the Van Tienhoven Foundation 2006–2008 – Co-authored proposals for $ 100,000–1,000,000 grants from the Sall Family Foundation 2005 – Research grant for Javan Warty Pig surveys and breeding program (€ 5,280) from Foundation Zoos Help 2004 – Research grant for Javan Warty Pig surveys from LA Zoo and Oregon Zoo 2003 – Research grant for Javan Warty Pig (US$ 14,000) from the Gibbon Foundation 2001 – Research grant from The Field Museum (US$ 2,500) 1994 – Grant from Lucie Burgers Foundation for the Kalimantan Orangutan Project – NLG 5,000 1994 – Grant for Malayan sun bear studies from Van Tienhoven Foundation – NLG 2,000


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CV Erik Meijaard


* Invited speaker; costs covered. ** Paid speaker

Year Month Location Event 2017** February Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Brunei Nature Society event 2016** June Singapore Opening keynote speaker SCB/ATBC Conservation Asia 2016* March Okinanawa, Japan Speaker on symposium on conservation impact 2016** March Bali, Indonesia Keynote speaker on fire and haze, ICOPE 5 2015* November London HCVF in Innovation Forum meeting 2015* October Kuching Speaker in Asia for Animals conference 2015* September Singapore Speaker on deforestation in Innovation Forum meeting 2015* September Dubai Speaker on oil palm in IUCN/SSC Leaders conference 2015* August Kota Kinabalu GRASP SE Asia Conference 2015* May Singapore Plenary speaker oil palm conference 2015* January Brisbane Plenary, Student Conference on Conservation Science 2014 December Singapore Singapore Zoo 2014* October Pyeongchang, S. Korea COP 12, CBD side event 2014* October Ubud, Indonesia Ubud Writers Festival 2014 August Hanoi, Vietnam International Primatological Society Conference 2013* November Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Heart of Borneo conference 2013* June Jakarta, Indonesia Genetics, taxonomy and conservation of orangutans 2013* March Banda Aceh, Indonesia ATBC Asia chapter. Key note speaker 2013* February Los Baños, Philippines Taxonomy, Distribution & Status of Philippine Artiodactyls” 2012* November Banjermasin, Indonesia Development, Environment and the People of Kalimantan 2012* January Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Sabah Wildlife Conservation Colloquium. Plenary speaker 2011 April UC, Davis and Berkeley Seminar titled "The Useless Conservation Scientist" 2010* September Kyoto, Japan International Primatological Society Conference 2009* October Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Palm Oil and Orangutans 2009* March Jakarta, Indonesia REDD and climate change 2009* October Keungjoo, S. Korea UNESCO/IUCN Biosphere Reserves Korea 2008* November Vancouver, Canada Conservation Exchange 2007 December Nusa Dua, Indonesia COP13, climate conference 2007 November Bali, Indonesia ICOPE conference 2007 March Pekanbaru, Indonesia Forest Dialogue 2006 September Phnom Penh, Cambodia South Asian Asian Mammal Databank 2006 June Samarinda, Indonesia Orangutan conservation (panel member) 2006* April Paris, France GRASP/UNESCO, great apes 2006* November Tuscon, USA TNC Science Conference 2005 October Pontianak, Indonesia Orangutan Action Plan 2005* November Sanur, Indonesia High Conservation Value Forest 2005* August Sapporo, Japan International Mammalogical Congress 2005* April Brunei Darussalam WWF, Heart of Borneo 2004 January Jakarta, Indonesia IUCN/CBSG, Orangutan PHVA 2004* February Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Biodiversity Conservation 2001 April Canberra, Australia ANU, Resource Management in Asia Pacific 2000 August Bandung, Indonesia ITB, Palaeontology in Indonesia 2000* June Leiden, Netherlands Naturalis, Biogeography of SE Asia 1999 October Seoul, S. Korea IUCN, Trade in Bear Parts 1997 September Graz, Austria IUCN, Bear Specialist Group 1997 June Palangkaraya, Indonesia Importance of peat swamps for orangutans


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186 peer reviewed publications (including 6 books and 15 book chapters) of which 66 as 1st author, and 69 as 2nd or last author

Google Scholar: Cited publications (incl. books): 164; average citations per item 26.1; h-index: 41 Web of Science: Cited publications (excl. books): 116; average citations per item: 17; h-index: 26

99 newspaper articles for Jakarta Globe, Jakarta Post, and Mongabay


1. Meijaard, E., D. Sheil, R. Nasi, D. Augeri, B. Rosenbaum, D. Iskandar, T. Setyawati, M. J. Lammertink, I. Rachmatika, A. Wong, T. Soehartono, S. Stanley, T. Gunawan, and T. O’Brien 2006. Hutan pasca pemanenan. Melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan. CIFOR, TNC, WCS, ITTO, FORDA, UNESCO, Bogor, Indonesia. 384 p. (> 35,000 downloads).

2. Meijaard, E., Sheil, D., Nasi, R., Augeri, D. Rosenbaum, B., Iskandar, D., Setyawati, T., Lammertink, M.J., Rachmatika, I., Wong, A., Soehartono, T., Stanley, S. and O’Brien, T. 2005. Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo. CIFOR, ITTO, and UNESCO. Bogor, Indonesia. 343 p. (cited 181 times).

3. Meijaard, E., H. D. Rijksen, and S. N. Kartikasari 2001. Di ambang kepunahan! Kondisi orangutan liar di awal abad ke-21. The Gibbon Foundation and Tropenbos, Jakarta, Indonesia. 393 p.

4. Melletti, M. and Meijaard, E. (Eds). In review. Ecology, Evolution and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries. Implications for Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

5. Rijksen, H. D. and Meijaard, E. 1999. Our Vanishing Relative. The status of wild orang–utans at the close of the twentieth century. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 480 p. (cited 207 times).

6. Meijaard, E. 1999. Ursus malayanus, the neglected Malayan sun bear. Nederlandsche Commissie voor International Natuurbescherming, Leiden, The Netherlands.



1. Budiharta, S., E. Meijaard, D. L. A. Gaveau, M. J. Struebig, A. Wilting, S. Kramer-Schadt, J. Niedballa, N. Raes, M. Maron, and K. A. Wilson. in review. Paying back the carbon and biodiversity debts from oil-palm plantations in Kalimantan. Nature Climate Change.

2. Meijaard, E., Chua, M.A.H., Duckworth, J.W., in review. Is the Northern chevrotain Tragulus williamsoni a synonym or one of the least-documented mammal species in Asia? Zookeys.

3. Nater, A., M. P. Greminger, A. Nurcahyo, M. G. Nowak, M. de Manuel Montero, T. Desai, C. P. Groves, M. Pybus, T. B. Sonay, C. Roos, A. R. Lameira, S. A. Wich, J. Askew, M. Davila-Ross, G. M. Fredriksson, G. de Valles, F. Casals, J. Prado-Martinez, B. Goossens, E. J. Verschoor, K. S. Warren, I. Singleton, D. A. Marques, J. Pamungkas, D. Perwitasari-Farajallah, P. Rianti, A. Tuuga, I. G. Gut, M. Gut, P. Orozco-terWengel, C. P. van Schaik, J. Bertranpetit, M. Anisimova, A. Scally, T. Marques-Bonet, E. Meijaard, and M. Krützen. in review. Morphometric, behavioural, and genomic evidence for a new orang-utan species. Nature

4. Santika, T., Kusworo, A., Hutabarat, J.A., Sulhani, Trison, S., Raharjo, S., Ekaputri, A.D., Stigner, M., Huda, I., Meijaard, E., Budiharta, S., Law, E.A., Indrawan, T.P., Wilson, K.A., in review. Community forest management in Indonesia: avoided deforestation and further challenges. Global Environmental Change.

5. Santika, T., et al. (E. Meijaard last author) in review. Integrating field surveys and interviews reveals the persistence of orangutans over nearly two decades in human-dominated landscapes of Borneo. Scientific Reports.

6. Marshall, A. J., E. Meijaard, and M. Leighton. in review. Extreme ecological specialization in a rainforest mammal. Biotropica.

7. Spehar, S., D. Sheil, T. Harrison, J. Louys, M. Ancrenaz, A. J. Marshall, S. A. Wich, M. W. Bruford, and E. Meijaard. in review. Orangutans venture out of the forest and into the Anthropocene. Science Advances.

8. Meijaard, E., and C. P. Groves. in review. A taxonomic revision of the Giant Forest Hog. Zootaxa. 9. Morgans, C., C., A. Guerrero-Gonzales, M. Ancrenaz, E. Meijaard, and K. A. Wilson. in review. Tradeoffs of

collaborative conservation for the Bornean Orangutan. Conservation Letters.

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10. Keuroghlian, A., Reyna-Hurtado, R., Meijaard, E., Altrichter, M., Beck, H, and Gongora, J. In review. Conservation of Wild Pigs and Peccaries in M. Melletti, and E. Meijaard, editors. Ecology, Evolution and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries. Implications for Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK

11. Gongora, J., C. P. Groves, and E. Meijaard. in review. Evolutionary relationships and taxonomy of Suidae and Tayassuidae in M. Melletti, and E. Meijaard, editors. Ecology, Evolution and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries. Implications for Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

2017 AND IN PRESS (n = 7) (annual journal impact = 7.76)

1. Meijaard, E., M. Ancrenaz, and K. A. Wilson. 2017. The trillion dollar gamble on Borneo. Strategic Review 7(2):12-28.

2. Meijaard, E., Budiharta, S. and Santika, T. 2017. Getting community forest reforms right. Strategic Review 7(1): 6-11.

3. Meijaard, E. in press. How a mistaken ecological narrative could be undermining orangutan conservation. In P. Kareiva, B. Silliman, and M. Marvier, editors. Uncomfortable Questions and Confirmation Bias in Conservation. Oxford University Press.

4. Meijaard, E. in press. Indonesia’s fires in 21st century: Causes, culprits, impacts, perceptions, and solutions in E. Quah, editor. Pollution Across Borders: Transboundary Fire, Smoke and Haze in Southeast Asia. Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.

5. Law, E. A., M. Watts, B. A. Bryan, E. Meijaard, T. Mallawarachchi, M. J. Struebig, and K. A. Wilson. 2017. Mixed policies give more options in multifunctional tropical forest landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 51-60.

6. Abram, N. K., E. Meijaard, K. A. Wilson, J. T. Davis, J. A. Wells, M. Ancrenaz, S. Budiharta, A. Durrant, A. Fakhruzzi, R. K. Runting, D. Gaveau, and K. Mengersen. 2017. Oil palm–community conflict mapping in Indonesia: A case for better community liaison in planning for development initiatives. Applied Geography 78: 33-44.

7. Linkie, M., J. Ng, Z. Q. Lim, M. I. Lubis, M. Rademaker and E. Meijaard. 2017. The IUCN ‘Wild Pig Challenge 2015’. Oryx.

2016 (n = 22) (annual journal impact = 56.09)

8. Meijaard, E., Nardiyono, H. Rahman, S. Husson, K. L. Sanchez, and G. Campbell-Smith. 2016. Can Oil-Palm Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management 1(4): 179-187.

9. Meijaard, E. and Nijman, V. 2016. Reply to A general method for assessing the benefits of secrecy in conserving 'Lazarus species' by Ryan and Baker. Biological Conservation 203: 119.

10. Meijaard, E. 2016. Phillipps' Field Guide to the Mammals of Borneo and their Ecology: Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, and Kalimantan. Journal of Mammalogy 97(5): 1485-1487

11. Meijaard, E. 2016. The role of multifunctional landscapes in primate conservation in S. A. Wich, and A. J. Marshall, editors. An Introduction to Primate Conservation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Pp. 205-218.

12. Meijaard, E., et al.. 2016. Predicted distribution of the Malay Weasel Mustela nudipes (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae) on Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement No. 33: 50–54.

13. Meijaard, E. M., E. Meijaard, A. A. Macdonald, and K. Leus. 2016. First observations on Moluccan Babirusa (Babyrousa babirussa). A translation from a recently rediscovered 1770 book that describes the babirusa on Buru Island. Suiform Soundings 15(1): 15-19.

14. Kitchener, A. C., et al. 2016. A revised taxonomy of the Felidae. The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group. Cat News Special Issue 11:1-80.

15. Ancrenaz, M., E. Meijaard, S. A. Wich, and J. Simery. 2016. Palm oil paradox. Sustainable solutions to save the great apes. UNEP/GRASP, Nairobi, Kenya.

16. Wijedasa, L. S. et al. in press. Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peat soils will have devastation consequences. Global Change Biology

17. Ancrenaz, M., et al.. 2016. Pongo pygmaeus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T17975A17966347. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T17975A17966347.en

18. Gaveau, D. L. A., D. Sheil, Husnayaen, M. A. Salim, M. Ancrenaz, P. Pacheco, and E. Meijaard. 2016. Rapid conversions and avoided deforestation: examining four decades of industrial plantation expansion in Borneo. Scientific Reports 6: 32017.

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19. Budiharta, S., E. Meijaard, J. Wells, N. K. Abram, and K. A. Wilson. 2016. Enhancing feasibility: incorporating a socio-ecological systems framework into restoration planning. Environmental Science and Policy 64: 83–92.

20. Wells, J. A., K. A. Wilson, N. K. Abram, M. Nunn, D. L. A. Gaveau, R. K. Runting, N. Tarniati, K. L. Mengersen, and E. Meijaard. 2016. Rising floodwaters: mapping impacts and perceptions of flooding in Borneo’s rapidly changing landscapes. Environmental Research Letters 11: 064016.

21. Rademaker, M., E. Meijaard, G. Semiadi, S. Blokland, S. Zahra, and J. Rode-Margono. 2016. First ecological study of the Bawean warty pig (Sus blouchi), one of the rarest pigs on earth. PLOS ONE 11(4): e0151732.

22. Wilson, K. A., N. A. Auerbach, K. Sam, A. G. Magini, A. S. L. Moss, S. D. Langhans, S. Budiharta, D. Terzano, and E. Meijaard. 2016. Conservation Research Is Not Happening Where It Is Most Needed. PLoS Biol 14:e1002413.

23. Marshall, A. J., E. Meijaard, E. Van Cleave, and D. Sheil. 2016. Charisma counts: the presence of great apes affects the allocation of research effort in the paleotropics. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(1): 13-19.

24. Schoneveld-de Lange, N., A. Lohr, and E. Meijaard. 2016. South to South learning in Great Ape Conservation. American Journal of Primatology 78(6): 669–678.

25. Budiharta, S., and E. Meijaard. 2016. State of Kalimantan’s Biodiversity. Development, Environment and the People of Kalimantan in B. P. Resosudarmo, M. H. Imansyah and L. Napitupulu. Jakarta: Indonesian Regional Science Association.

26. Mathai, J., J. W. Duckworth, E. Meijaard, G. Fredriksson, Rustam, J. Hon, A. Sebastian, M. Ancrenaz, A. J. Hearn, J. Ross, S. Cheyne, Borneo Carnivore Consortium, and A. Wilting. 2016. Conservation priorities for Bornean Carnivores. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 33: 186-217.

27. Samejima, H., et al. 2016. Predicted distribution of the Sunda Stink Badger Mydaus javanensis in Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 33: 61–70.

28. Hearn, A. J., et al. 2016. Predicted distribution of the Bornean Bay Cat Catopuma badia in Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 33: 165–172.

29. Wilting, A., et al. 2016. Predicted distribution of the Flat-headed Cat Prionailurus planiceps in Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 33: 173–179.

2015 (n = 12) (annual journal impact = 54.62)

30. Meijaard, E., M. Cardillo, E. M. Meijaard, and H. P. Possingham. 2015. Geographic citation bias in citation rates of conservation research. Conservation Biology doi: 10.1111/cobi.12489.

31. Meijaard, E., and B. Rawson. 2015. The phylogenetic species concept and its role in South-East Asian mammal conservation in A. Behie and M. F. Oxenham (eds.). Taxonomic Tapestries. The threads of evolutions behavioural and conservation research. ANU Press, Canberra: 343-358.

32. Meijaard, E. 2015. The Wanderers. Pages 276-285 in A. Hegan, editor. No More Endlings. Saving Species One Story at the Time. CoalitionWILD & WILD Foundation, Melbourne, FL.

33. Runting, R. K., E. Meijaard, N. K. Abram, J. A. Wells, D. G. Gaveau, M. Ancrenaz, H. P. Posssingham, S. A. Wich, F. Ardiansyah, M. T. Gumal, L. N. Ambu, and K. A. Wilson. 2015. Alternative futures for tropical forests. Nature Communications 6: 6819.

34. Struebig, M. J., A. Wilting, D. Gaveau, E. Meijaard, B. Smith, The Borneo Mammal Distribution Consortium, M. Fischer, A. K. Scharf, K. Metcalfe, and S. Kramer-Schadt. 2015. Targeted conservation safeguards Borneo biodiversity from climate and land-cover change. Current Biology 25. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.11.067.

35. Struebig, M. J., M. Fischer, D. Gaveau, E. Meijaard, S. A. Wich, C. Gonner, R. Sykes, A. Wilting and S. Kramer-Schadt. 2015. Anticipated climate and land-cover changes reveal refuge areas for Borneo's orang-utans. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12814.

36. Abram, N. K., E. Meijaard, M. Ancrenaz, D. Gaveau, A.-S. Pellier, R. K. Runting, J. A. Wells, S. A. Wich, and K. Mengersen. 2015. Mapping perceptions of species' threats and population trends to inform conservation efforts: the Bornean orangutan case study. Diversity and Distributions. Doi: 10.1111/ddi.12286.

37. Santika, T., O. Pauli, E. Meijaard, and K. A. Wilson. 2015. The conservation role of different land-uses in multifunctional landscapes. Environmental Research Letters 10: 114012.

38. Frantz, L., E. Meijaard, J. Gongora, J. Haile, M. A. M. Groenen, and G. Larson. 2016. The Evolution of Suidae. Annual Review Animal Biosciences. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-animal-021815-111155.

39. Law, E. A., E. Meijaard, A. B. Bryan, T. Mallawaarachchi, L. P. Koh, and K. A. Wilson. 2015. Better land-use allocation outperforms land sparing and land sharing approaches to conservation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biological Conservation 186: 276-286.

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40. Liedigk, R., J. Kolleck, K. Böker, E. Meijaard, B. M. Md-Zain, M. A. B. Abdul-Latiff, A. Ampeng, M. Lakim, P. Abdul-Patah, M. Brameier, D. Zinner, and C. Roos. in press. Mitogenomic phylogeny and phylogeography of the common long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis). BMC Genetics 16:222.

41. Ancrenaz, M., F. Oram, L. Ambu, L. Isabelle, E. Ahmad, H. Elahan, and E. Meijaard. in press. Of Pongo, palms, and perceptions – A multidisciplinary assessment of orangutans in an oil palm context. Oryx 49: 465-472.

2014 (n = 22) (annual journal impact = 156.96)

42. Meijaard, E., Sheil, D., and Cardillo. M. 2014. Conservation: focus on implementation. Nature 516 (4 December 2014): 37.

43. Meijaard, E., S. Wunder, M. R. Guariguata, and D. Sheil. 2014. What scope for certifying forest ecosystem services? Ecosystem Services 7: 160-166.

44. Meijaard, E., and V. Nijman. 2014. Secrecy considerations for conserving Lazarus species. Biological Conservation 175: 21-24.

45. Meijaard, E. 2014. A review of historical habitat and threats of Small-clawed Otter on Java. Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 3(1): 40-42.

46. Meijaard, E. M., R. A. Dennis, and E. Meijaard. 2014. Tall tales of a tropical squirrel. Taprobanica 6(1): 27-31. (very high social media coverage and discussed in Science, Scientific American, and many others).

47. Meijaard, E., R. Achdiawan, M. Wan, A. Puntodewo, and A. Taber. 2014. Indonesia’s rattan industry. CIFOR Occasional Paper 101: 1-42.

48. Tallis et al. 2014. Working together: A call for inclusive conservation. Nature 515:27-28. 49. Edwards, D. P., J. Tobias, D. Sheil, E. Meijaard, and W. F. Laurance. 2014. Maintaining ecosystem function and

services in logged tropical forests. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 29: 511-520. 50. de Bruyn, M., B. Stelbrink, R. J. Morley, R. Hall, G. R. Carvalho, C. Cannon, G. van den Bergh, E. Meijaard, I. Metcalfe,

L. Boitani, L. Maiorano, R. Shoup, and T. von Rintelen. in press. Borneo and Indochina are major evolutionary hotspots for Southeast Asian biodiversity. Systematic Biology 63 (6): 879-901.

51. Law, E., B. Byran, E. Meijaard, M. Struebig, T. Mallawaarachchi, P. Dargusch, and K. A. Wilson. in press. An ecosystems service analysis of degraded peatland regions of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ecological Applications.

52. Budiharta, S., E. Meijaard, P. D. Erskine, C. Rondinini, M. Pacifici, and K. A. Wilson. 2014. Restoring degraded tropical forests for carbon and biodiversity. Environmental Research Letters 9.

53. Pellier, A.-S., J. A. Wells, N. K. Abram, and E. Meijaard. 2014. Through the Eyes of Children: perceptions of environmental change in Borneo. PLOS ONE 9:e103005.

54. Budiharta, S., F. Slik, N. Raes, E. Meijaard, P. D. Erskine, and K. Wilson. 2014. Estimating the biomass of Bornean rainforest. Biotropica 46(5): 507–511.

55. Wilson, H., E. Meijaard, O. Venter, M. Ancrenaz, and H. P. Possingham. 2014. Conservation Strategies for Orangutans: Reintroduction versus Habitat Preservation and the Benefits of Sustainably Logged Forest. PLOS ONE 9:e102174.

56. Ancrenaz, M. et al. 2014. Coming down from the trees: Is terrestrial activity in Bornean orangutans natural or disturbance-driven? Scientific Reports. 4: 4024. DOI: 10.1038/srep04024.

57. Gaveau, D. L. A., S. Sloan, E. Molidena, Husnayanem, M. Ancrenaz, R. Nasi, N. Wielaard, and E. Meijaard. in press. Four decades of forest persistence, loss and logging on Borneo. PLOS ONE 9(7): e101654.

58. Harcourt, A.H. and E. Meijaard. 2014. A preliminary test of a novel prediction from the rafting hypothesis for the presence of non-flying mammals on islands. Journal of Indonesian Natural History 1(2): 23-36.

59. Abram, N. K., E. Meijaard, M. Ancrenaz, R. K. Runting, J. A. Wells, D. L. A. Gaveau, A.-S. Pellier, and K. Mengersen. in press. Spatially explicit perceptions of ecosystem services and land cover change in forested regions of Borneo. Ecosystem Services 7: 116–127.

60. Di Marco, M., L. Boitani, D. Mallon, A. Iacucci, P. Visconti, E. Meijaard, J. Schipper, M. Hoffmann, and C. Rondinini. 2014. Lessons from the past: a retrospective evaluation of the global decline of carnivores and ungulates. Conservation Biology 28: 1109–1118.

61. Game, E., E. Meijaard, D. Sheil, and E. McDonald-Madden. 2014. Conservation in a wicked complex world; challenges and solutions. Conservation Letters 7(3): 271-277.

62. Williamson, E. A., B. M. Rawson, S. Cheyne, E. Meijaard, and S. A. Wich. 2014. Ecological impacts of extractive industries on ape populations. Pages 65-99 in H. Rainer, A. White, and A. Lanjouw, editors. State of the Apes. Extractive Industries and Ape Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

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2013 (n = 15) (annual journal impact = 72.18)

63. Meijaard, E., N. K. Abram, J. A. Wells, A.-S. Pellier, M. Ancrenaz, D. L. A. Gaveau, R. K. Runting, and K. Mengersen. 2013. People’s perceptions on the importance of forests on Borneo. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73008.

64. Meijaard, E., and D. Sheil. 2013. Oil-Palm Plantations in the Context of Biodiversity Conservation. In: Levin S.A. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 5, pp. 600-612. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

65. Sayer, J., T. Sunderland, J. Ghazoul, J.-L. Pfund, D. Sheil, E. Meijaard, M. Venter, A. K. Boedhihartono, M. Day, C. Garcia, C. van Oosten, and L. Buck. 2013. Landscape approaches; ten concepts to apply at the nexus of agriculture, conservation and other competing land-uses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110(21): 8349–8356. (Highly cited > 100 times).

66. Frantz, L. A. F., J. Schraiber, O. Madsen, H. J. Megens, G. Semiadi, N. Li, R. P. M. A. Crooijmans, E. Meijaard, A. L. Archibald, M. Slatkin, L. B. Schook, G. Larson, and M. A. M. Groenen. 2013. Genome sequencing reveals fine scale diversification and reticulation history during speciation in Sus (Suidae: Cetartiodactyla). Genome Biology 14:R107.

67. Sheil, D., E. Meijaard, A. Angelsen, J. Sayer, and J. Vanclay. 2013. Whose conservation costs? Science 339: 270-271.

68. Davis, J. T., K. Mengersen, N. Abram, M. Ancrenaz, J. Wells, and E. Meijaard. 2013. It’s not just conflict that motivates killing of orangutans. PLoS ONE 8(10): e75373.

69. Smit, H., E. Meijaard, S. Mantel, C. van der Laan, and P. Verweij. 2013. Breaking the link between environmental degradation and oil palm expansion. PLoS ONE. 8(9): e68610.

70. Beaudrot, L., M. J. Struebig, E. Meijaard, B. van Balen, S. Husson, and A. J. Marshall. 2013. Co-occurrence patterns of Bornean vertebrates suggest competitive exclusion is strongest among distantly related species. Oecologia 173: 1053-1062.

71. Fuller, D., J. Miettinen, and E. Meijaard. 2013. Deforestation, degradation and forest regrowth in Indonesia’s protected areas from 2000-2010. Indonesian Journal of Conservation 2(1): 1-13.

72. Gaveau, D. L. A., M. Kshatriya, D. Sheil, S. Sloan, S. Wich, M. Ancrenaz, M. Hansen, M. Broich, E. Molidena, A. Wijaya, M. R. Guariguata, P. Pacheco, P. Potapov, S. Turubanova, and E. Meijaard. 2013. Reconciling forest conservation and logging in Indonesian Borneo. PLoS ONE 8:e69887, 1-11.

73. Meijaard, E., C. Leisher, E. T. Game, and C. Groves. 2013. Think before you plan: Guidance on pre-planning considerations in conservation. Journal of Indonesian Natural History 1(1): 20-30.

74. Meijaard, E., T. Braasch, and R. Wirth. 2013. Kommunikation im Artenschutz. ZGAP Mitteilungen 29:16-18. 75. Meijaard, E., and D. Sheil. 2013. Ein maßvoller Vorschlag an reiche Nationen, ihre Länder zum Wohle der

Menschheit wieder aufzuforsten [in German]. Journal of the Zoological Society for the Conservation of Species and Populations 1:2-3.

76. Mohd-Azlan, J., J. W. Duckworth, J. L. Belant, and E. Meijaard. 2013. Can secondary information inform about population trends of carnivores in Borneo? Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement no. 23: 1-8.

77. Beaudrot, L., M. J. Struebig, E. Meijaard, S. van Balen, S. Husson, C. F. Young, and A. J. Marshall. 2013. Interspecific interactions between primates, birds, bats and squirrels affect Bornean vertebrate community composition. American Journal of Primatology 75(2):170-85.

2012 (n = 9) (annual journal impact = 48.91)

78. Meijaard, E., and D. Sheil. 2012. The dilemma of green business in tropical forests: How to protect what it cannot identify? Conservation Letters 5:342-248.

79. Meijaard, E., M. Ancrenaz, S. Wich, and A. Marshall. 2012. Not by science alone: Why orangutan conservationists must think outside the box. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1249: 29–44.

80. Law, E. A., P. Dargusch, S. Thomas, E. Meijaard, and K. A. Wilson. 2012. Could a modular policy framework better manage complexity in international forest carbon policy? Nature Climate Change 2: 155–160.

81. Cardillo, M., and Meijaard, E. 2012. Are comparative studies of extinction risk useful for conservation? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27(3): 167-171.

82. Wilting, A., R. Sollmann, E. Meijaard, K. M. Helgen, and J. Fickel. 2012. Mentawai’s mysterious fauna; Evidence for Pleistocene extinctions on Sumatra? Journal of Biogeography. 39(9): 1608-1620.

83. Wich et al. 2012. Understanding the impacts of land-use policies on a threatened species: Is there a future for the Bornean orang-utan? PLoS ONE 7(11): e49142.

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84. Holden, J. and E. Meijaard. 2012. An orange-coloured Collared Mongoose Herpestes semitorquatus from Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. Small Carnivore News 47: 26-29.

85. Irham, M., E. Meijaard, and S. van Balen. 2012. New information on the distribution of White-fronted Microhierax latifrons and Black-thighed Falconets M. fringillarius in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Forktail 28: 162-163.

86. Fitzsimons, J. A., E. Meijaard, I. Hunow, D. M. Prawiradilaga, J. L. Thomas, and J. Tasirin. 2012. Diet of the Speckled Boobook Ninox punctulata in north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forktail 28: 169-171.

2011 (N = 9) (ANNUAL JOURNAL IMPACT = 35.96)

87. Meijaard, E. et al. 2011 Quantifying killing of orangutans and human-orangutan conflict in Kalimantan, Indonesia. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27491.

88. Meijaard, E., and D. Sheil. 2011. A modest proposal for wealthy countries to reforest their land for the common good. Biotropica 43(5): 524-528.

89. Meijaard, E., K. Mengersen, D. Buchori, A. Nurcahyo, M. Ancrenaz, S. Wich, S. S. U. Atmoko, A. Tjiu, D. Prasetyo, Nardiyono, Y. Hadiprakarsa, L. Christy, J. Wells, G. Albar, and A. J. Marshall. 2011. Why don’t we ask? A complementary method for assessing the status of great apes. PLoS ONE 6(3): e18008.

90. Meijaard, E., Putzel, L., Guariguata, M. R., Sunderland, T., Sheil, D., Nasi, R. 2011. Report on barriers and constraints to ecosystem services certification. CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 66.

91. Slik, J. W. F., et al. 2011. Soils on exposed Sunda shelf shaped biogeographic patterns in the equatorial forests of Southeast Asia.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 108 (30) 12343-12347.

92. Fuller, D. O., M. Hardiono, and E. Meijaard. 2011. Deforestation and carbon emission projections for peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Environmental Management 48(3): 436-447.

93. Law, E.A, E. Meijaard, and K. Wilson. 2011. A reckoning for reckoning: Comment on Ghazoul et al 2010 “REDD: a reckoning of environment and development implications”. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26(3): 105.

94. Meijaard, E. 2011. Tragulidae. In Wilson, D.E and Mittermeier, R. (eds.). Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 2. Hoofed Mammals. Lynx Edicions: Madrid, Spain. Pp. 320-336.

95. Meijaard, E., Oliver, W.L.R., and d'Huart, J.-P. 2011. Suidae. In Wilson, D.E and Mittermeier, R. (eds.). Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 2. Hoofed Mammals. Lynx Edicions: Madrid, Spain. Pp. 248-291.

2010 (n = 15) (annual journal impact = 43.15)

96. Meijaard, E., G. Albar, Y. Rayadin, Nardiyono, M. Ancrenaz, and S. Spehar. 2010. Unexpected ecological resilience in Bornean orangutans and implications for pulp and paper plantation management. PLoS ONE 5(9): e12813. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012813.

97. Meijaard, E., A. Welsh, M. Ancrenaz, S. Wich, V. Nijman, and A. J. Marshall. 2010. Declining orangutan encounter rates from Wallace to the present suggest the species was once more abundant. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12042. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012042.

98. Meijaard, E., Umilaela, and G. de Silva Wijeyeratne. 2010. Aquatic escape behaviour in mouse-deer provides insight into tragulid evolution. Mammalian Biology 75: 471–473.

99. Paoli, G. D., P. L. Wells, E. Meijaard, M. Struebig, A. J. Marshall, K. Obidzinski, A. Tan, A. Rafiastanto, A. Morel, B. Yaap, B. Perumal, and N. Wielaard. 2010. Biodiversity conservation in the REDD. Carbon Balance and Management 5 (7). Highly Accessed paper.

100. Sheil, D., and Meijaard, E. 2010. Purity and prejudice: deluding ourselves about biodiversity conservation. Biotropica 42(5): 566–568.

101. Spehar, S. N., P. D. Mathewson, Nuzuar, S. Wich, A. J. Marshall, H. Kühl, Nardiyono, and E. Meijaard. 2010. Estimating orangutan densities using the standing crop and marked nest count methods: Lessons learned for conservation. Biotropica 42(6): 748–757.

102. Wilson, K., E. Meijaard, S. Drummond, H. Grantham, L. Boitani, G. Catullo, L. Christie, R. Dennis, I. Dutton, A. Falcucci, L. Maiorano, H. Possingham, C. Rondinini, W. Turner, O. Venter, and M. Watts. 2010. Conserving biodiversity in production landscapes. Ecological Applications 20:1721–1732.

103. Fuller, D., E. Meijaard, L. Christy, and T. C. Jessup. 2010. Spatial assessment of threats to biodiversity within East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Applied Geography 30(3): 416-425.

104. Louys, J., and E. Meijaard. 2010. Palaeoecology of Southeast Asian megafauna-bearing sites from the Pleistocene and a review of environmental changes in the region. Journal of Biogeography 37(8): 1432-1449.

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105. Ancrenaz, M., L. Ambu, I. Sunjoto, E. Ahmad, K. Manokaran, E. Meijaard, and I. Lackman. 2010. Recent surveys in the forests of Ulu Segama Malua, Sabah, Malaysia, show that orang-utans (P. p. morio) can be maintained in slightly logged forests. PLoS ONE 5(7): e11510. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011510.

106. Venter, O., J. Watson, E. Meijaard, W. F. Laurance, and H. P. Possingham. 2010. Will a forest carbon deal fuel forest loss? Conservation Biology 24: 5-6.

107. Drummond, S. P., K. A. Wilson, E. Meijaard, M. Watts, R. Dennis, L. Christy, and H. P. Possingham. 2010. Influence of a threatened-species focus on conservation planning. Conservation Biology 24:441-449.

108. Mengersen, K., Meijaard, E., Wells, J., Christy, L. and Buchori, D. 2010. The sounds of silence: Listening to the villagers to learn about orangutans. Significance 7: 101-106.

109. Cardillo, M., and E. Meijaard. 2010. Phylogeny and the co-occurrence of mammal species on Southeast Asian islands. Global Ecology & Biogeography 19: 465-474.

110. Struebig, M. J., L. Christy, D. Pio, and E. Meijaard. 2010. Bats of Borneo: diversity, distributions and representation in protected areas. Biodiversity & Conservation 19: 449-469.

2009 (n = 9) (annual journal impact = 32.67)

111. Meijaard, E. 2009. Solving mammalian riddles along the Indochinese–Sundaic zoogeographic transition: new insights from mammalian biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 36: 801-802.

112. Venter, O., E. Meijaard, H. P. Possingham, R. Dennis, D. Sheil, S. Wich, L. Hovani, and K. Wilson. 2009. Confronting the carbon crisis- a safeguard for tropical forest wildlife. Conservation Letters 2(3): 123-129. (Highly cited > 100 times).

113. Sheil, D., A. Casson, E. Meijaard, M. van Noordwijk, J. Gaskell, J. Sunderland-Groves, K. Wertz, and M. Kanninen. 2009. The impacts and opportunities of oil palm in Southeast Asia. What do we know and what do we need to know? CIFOR Occasional Paper no. 51: 1-67. (Highly cited > 100 times).

114. Struebig, M. J., G. Paoli, and E. Meijaard. 2009. A reality check for designer biofuel landscapes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 7-8.

115. Marshall, A.J. and Meijaard, E. 2009. Orangutan nest surveys: the devil is in the details. Oryx 43(3): 416-418. 116. Slik, J. W. F., N. Raes, S.-I. Aiba, F. Q. Brearley, C. H. Cannon, E. Meijaard, H. Nagamasu, R. Nilus, G. Paoli, A. D.

Poulsen, D. Sheil, E. Suzuki, J. L. C. H. v. Valkenburg, C. O. Webb, P. Wilkie, and S. Wulffraat. 2009. Environmental correlates for tropical tree diversity and distribution patterns in Borneo. Diversity and Distributions 15(3): 523-532.

117. Schillaci, M. A., E. Meijaard, and T. Clark. 2009. The effect of island area on body size in a primate species from the Sunda Shelf Islands. Journal of Biogeography 36: 362-371.

118. Murdiyarso, D., Lasco, R., Sheil, D., Wasrin, U.R., van Noordwijk, M., and Meijaard, E. 2009. Land transformation and its consequences. In Lebel, L. et al. (eds). Global Environmental Change and the South-east Asian Region: An Assessment of the State of the Science. Island Press: Washington DC.

2008 (n = 13) (annual journal impact = 104.15)

119. Meijaard, E. and Sheil, D. 2008. Cuddly animals don’t persuade poor people to back conservation [Letter]. Nature 454 (10 July 2008): 159.

120. Meijaard E., and Sheil, D. 2008. The persistence and conservation of Borneo’s mammals in lowland rain forests managed for timber: observations, overviews and opportunities. Ecological Research 23: 21-34.

121. Meijaard, E., Sheil, D., Marshall, A. G. and Nasi, R. 2008. Phylogenetic age is positively correlated with sensitivity to timber harvest in Bornean mammals. Biotropica 40(1): 76-85.

122. Wich, S. A., E. Meijaard, A. J. Marshall, S. Husson, M. Ancrenaz, R. C. Lacy, C. P. van Schaik, J. Sugardjito, T. Simorangkir, K. Traylor-Holzer, M. Doughty, J. Supriatna, R. Dennis, M. Gumal, C. D. Knott, and I. Singleton. 2008. Distribution and conservation status of the orang-utan (Pongo spp.) on Borneo and Sumatra: how many remain? Oryx 42:329-339. (Highly cited > 100 times).

123. Venter, O., E. Meijaard, and K. Wilson. 2008. Strategies and alliances needed to protect forest from palm-oil industry [Letter]. Nature. 451 (7174): 16.

124. Dennis, R., Meijaard, E., Nasi, R. and Gustafsson, L. 2008. Biodiversity conservation in SE Asian timber concessions: An overview of the implementation of guidelines and recommendations. Ecology & Society 13(1): 25. [online]

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125. Mathewson, P. D., S. N. Spehar, E. Meijaard, Nardiyono, Purnomo, A. Sasmirul, Sudiyanto, Oman, Sulhnudin, Jasary, Jumali, and A. J. Marshall. 2008. Evaluating orangutan census techniques using nest decay rates: Implications for population estimates. Ecological Applications 18:208-221.

126. Meiri, S., E. Meijaard, S. Wich, C. P. Groves, and K. M. Helgen. 2008. Mammals of Borneo - small size on a large island. Journal of Biogeography 35: 1087–1094.

127. Stewart, A.-M., E., C. H. Gordon, S. A. Wich, P. Schroor, and E. Meijaard. 2008. Fish catching in Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis): A rarely observed innovative behavior. International Journal of Primatology 29:543–548.

128. Nijman, V., and E. Meijaard. 2008. Zoogeography of primates in insular Southeast Asia: species-area relationships and the effects of taxonomy. Contributions to Zoology 77(2): 117-126.

129. Meijaard, E. 2008. Das Bartschwein. In: A.A. Macdonald and U. Gansloßer, editors. Wilde Schweine und Flusspferde. Filander Verlag, Fürth, Germany. Pp. 271-287.

130. Husson, S. J., S. A. Wich, A. J. Marshall, R. A. Dennis, M. Ancrenaz, R. Brassey, M. Gumal, A. J. Hearn, E. Meijaard, T. Simorangkir, and I. Singleton. 2008. Orangutan distribution, density, abundance and impacts of disturbance. In S. A. Wich, S. U. Atmoko, T. M. Setia, and C. P. van Schaik, editors. Geographic variability in orangutan socioecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Pp. 77-96.

131. Marshall, A. J., R. Lacy, M. Ancrenaz, O. Byers, S. Husson, M. Leighton, E. Meijaard, N. Rosen, I. Singleton, S. Stephens, K. Traylor-Holzer, S. U. Atmoko, C. P. van Schaik, and S. A. Wich. 2008. Orangutan population biology, life history, and conservation. Perspectives from population viability analysis models. In S. Wich, S. U. Atmoko, T. Mitra Setia, and C. P. van Schaik, editors. Geographic variability in orangutan socioecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Pp. 311-326.

2007 (n = 11) (annual journal impact = 58.60)

132. Meijaard, E. and Sheil, D. 2007. A logged forest in Borneo is better than none at all [Letter]. Nature 446:974. 133. Meijaard, E., and Sheil, D. 2007. Is wildlife research useful for wildlife conservation in the tropics? A review for

Borneo with global implications. Biodiversity & Conservation 16:3053–3065. 134. Meijaard, E. and Wich, S. 2007. Putting orangutan population trends into perspective. Current Biology. 17:

R540. 135. Sheil, D. and Meijaard, E. 2007. It'll take more than research. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 2007 38

4 (2): 75-77. 136. Wollenberg, E., I. Basuki, B. M. Campbell, E. Meijaard, M. Moeliono, D. Sheil, P. Gunarso, and E. Dounias. 2007.

Chapter 6. Interactive land-use planning in Indonesia rainforest landscapes: Reconnecting plans to practice. Pages 75-86 in P. Gunarso, T. Setyawati, T. Sunderland, and C. Schackleton, editors. Managing Forest Resources in a Decentralized Environment: Lessons Learnt from the Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.

137. Gustafsson, L., Nasi, R., Dennis, R., Nguyen Hoang Nghia, Sheil, D., Meijaard, E., Dykstra, D.P., Priyadi, H., and Pham Quang Thu. 2007. Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia. CIFOR Occasional Paper 48. Pp. 74.

138. Hedges, S., Groves, C., Duckworth, W., Meijaard, E., Timmins, R. and Burton, J. 2007. Was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid? A response to Galbreath et al. Journal of Zoology 271: 242-245.

139. Gippoliti, S. and Meijaard, E. 2007. Taxonomic uniqueness of the Javan Leopard; an opportunity for zoos to save it. Contributions to Zoology 76(1): 53-56.

140. Marshall, A.J., Salas, L.A., Stephens, S., Nardiyono, Engström, L., Meijaard, E., and Stanley, S.A. 2007. Use of limestone karst forests by Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in the Sangkulirang Peninsula, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Journal of Primatology 69: 1-8.

141. Gordon, C., Stewart, A.-M., and Meijaard, E. 2007. Distribution and status of clouded leopards from the individual identification of tracks: A response to Wilting et al. (2006). BMC Ecology 7: 5.

142. Meiri, S., Duckworth, J. W., and Meijaard, E. 2007. Biogeography of Indonesian Mountain Weasel Mustela lutreolina and a newly discovered specimen. Small Carnivore Conservation 37 (October 2007): 1–5.

2006 (n = 9) (annual journal impact = 16.56)

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143. Meijaard, E., Sheil, D., Nasi, R. & Stanley, S. 2006. Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions. Ecology & Society 11(1): art47 (online).

144. Meijaard, E., Kitchener, A., and Smeenk, C. 2006. ‘New Bornean mammal’ is most likely a known flying squirrel. Mammal Review 36(3): 318-324.

145. Meijaard, E. and Groves, C.P. 2006. The geography of mammals and rivers in mainland South–East Asia. In: Lehman and Fleagle, J.G. (eds.). Primate biogeography. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 305-329.

146. Ziegler, T., C. Abegg, E. Meijaard, D. Perwitasari-Farajallah, L. Walter, J. Keith Hodges, and C. Roos. 2006. Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary history of SE Asian macaques forming the "silenus-species- group". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42(3): 807-816.

147. Marshall, A. J., Nardiyono, L. M. Engström, B. Pamungkas, J. Palapa, E. Meijaard, and S. A. Stanley. 2006. The blowgun is mightier than the chainsaw in determining population density of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in the forests of East Kalimantan. Biological Conservation 129(4): 566-579.

148. Semiadi, G. and Meijaard, E. 2006. Distribution and conservation of Javan Warty Pig (Sus verrucosus). Oryx 40(1): 50-56.

149. Struebig, M., A. Benton-Browne, A. Rachmad, N. Yusliati, T. Atmoko, Rustam, G. Fredriksson, and E. Meijaard. 2006. A bat survey in Sungai Wain Protection Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Malayan Nature Journal 59:189-196.

150. Duckworth, J. W., Lee, B. P. Y.-H., Meijaard, E. and Meiri, S. 2006. The Malay Weasel Mustela nudipes: distribution, natural history and a global conservation status review. Small Carnivore Conservation 34-35:2-21.

151. Meijaard, E. and van Strien, N. 2006. Der Schabrackentapir (Tapirus indicus). In: S. Todd and U. Ganslosser, editors. Die Tapire. Filander Verlag, Fürth, Germany. Pp. 183-216.

2005 (n = 8) (annual journal impact = 3.77)

152. Meijaard, E., Nijman, V., and van Balen, B. 2005. The former status of the white-shouldered ibis Pseudibis davisoni on the Barito and Teweh rivers, Indonesian Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53(2): 277-279.

153. Pitra, C., Fickel, J., Meijaard, E., and Groves, C.P. 2005. Evolution and phylogeny of Old World deer. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33: 880-895. (Highly cited > 100 times).

154. Groves, C.P. and Meijaard, E. 2005. Interspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian chevrotain. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 12: 413–421.

155. Lucchini, V., Meijaard, E., Diong, C.H., Groves, C.P., Randi, E. 2005. A reassesment of phylogenetic relationships among South-East Asian wild pig species based on mtDNA sequences and morphometric data. Journal of Zoology 266(1):25-35.

156. Sheil, D. and Meijaard, E. 2005. Seeking life after logging: Reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo (La vie reprend après les abattages: Comment preserver la faune tout en poursuivant la foresterie de production dans la partie indonésienne de Bornéo). Tropical Forest Update 15(2): 12-15.

157. Salas, L. A., A. Bedos, L. Deharveng, S. Fryer, R. Hadiaty, Heryanto, Munandar, Nardiyono, M. Noerdjito, W. Noerdjito, C. Rahmadi, A. Riyanto, A. Rofik, Ruskamdi, M. J. Struebig, Y. Suhardjono, A. Suyanto, J. J. Vermeulen, C. Walck, H. Wiriadinata, E. Meijaard, and S. Stanley. 2005. Biodiversity, endemism and the conservation of limestone karsts in the Sangkulirang Peninsula, Borneo. Biodiversity 6(2):15-23.

158. Meijaard, E., et al. 2005. A new record for the Bornean Bay Cat (Catopuma badia). Cat News No. 43: 23.

2004 (n = 8) (annual journal impact = 11.57)

159. Meijaard. E., Borissenko, A.V., and Kuznetsov, G.V. 2004. The rediscovery of Tragulus versicolor, the Silver-backed Chevrotain. Oryx 38(3): 254–255.

160. Meijaard, E. and Groves, C.P. 2004. Morphometrical relationships between South-East Asian deer (Cervidae; tribe Cervini); evolutionary and biogeographic implications. Journal of Zoology 263(2): 179-196.

161. Meijaard, E. 2004. The biogeographic history of the Javan leopard Panthera pardus based on a craniometric analysis. Journal of Mammalogy 85(2): 302–310.

162. Meijaard, E. and Groves, C.P. 2004. A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer (Artiodactyla). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140(1): 63–102.

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163. Meijaard, E. 2004. Morphological variation in the Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52(2): 665-672.

164. Meijaard, E. and Groves, C.P. 2004. Recent study identifies the possible existence of a forgotten species. Oryx. 38(2): 133.

165. Meijaard, E. and Groves, C.P. 2004. The biogeographical evolution and phylogeny of the genus Presbytis. In: Jones, C.B. and Schwibbe, M. (eds.). Primate Dispersal: Proximate and Ultimate Causes and Consequences. Primate Report Vol. 68: 71–90.

166. Whitten, T., P. P. van Dijk, L. Curran, E. Meijaard, J. Supriatna, and S. Ellis. 2004. Sundaland. In R. A. Mittermeier, P. R. Gil, M. Hoffmann, J. Pilgrim, T. Brooks, C. G. Mittermeier, J. Lamoreux, and G. A. B. da Fonseca, editors. Hotspots revisited: Another look at Earth's richest and most endangered terrestrial ecoregions. Cemex, Mexico. Pp. 162-172.

BEFORE 2004 (n = 17)

167. Meijaard, E. 2003. Mammals of Southeast Asian islands and their Late Pleistocene environments. Journal of Biogeography 30(8): 1245–1257. (Highly cited > 100 times).

168. Meijaard, E. and Nijman, V. 2003. Primate hotspots on Borneo: predictive value for general biodiversity and the effects of taxonomy. Conservation Biology 17(3): 725–732.

169. Meijaard, E. & Nijman, V. 2000. Distribution and conservation of the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biological Conservation 92: 15–24.

170. Meijaard, E. & Nijman, V. 2000. The local extinction of Proboscis Monkey in Pulau Kaget Nature Reserve, Indonesia: facts and figures. Oryx 34(1): 66–70.

171. Jeanes, K. and Meijaard, E. 2000. Danau Sentarum’s wildlife. Part 1. Biodiversity value and global importance of Danau Sentarum’s wildlife. Borneo Research Bulletin 31: 150–229

172. Russon, A.E., Meijaard, E. and Dennis, R.A. 2000. Declining orangutan populations in and around the Danau Sentarum National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Borneo Research Bulletin 31: 372–384.

173. Dennis, R.A., Erman, A. and Meijaard, E. 2000. Fire in the Danau Sentarum landscape: historical, present perspectives. Borneo Research Bulletin 31: 123–137.

174. Jeanes, K. and Meijaard, E. 2000. Danau Sentarum’s wildlife. Part 2. Habitat characteristics and biodiversity distribution within and surrounding Danau Sentarum. Borneo Research Bulletin 31: 230–245.

175. Wadley, R.L., Dennis, R.A., Meijaard, E., Erman, A., Valentinus, H. and Giesen, W. 2000. After the Conservation Project: Danau Sentarum National Park and Its Vicinity –– Conditions and Prospects. Borneo Research Bulletin 31: 385–401.

176. Balen van, S., Sözer, R. Nijman, V., Dennis, R., Meijaard, E. and Jepson, P. 1999. Juvenile plumage of Javan crested honey buzzard, with comments on mimicry in south–eastern Asian Pernis and Spizaetus species. Dutch Birding Vol. 21(4): 192–198.

177. Meijaard, E. 1999. Ursus (Helarctos) malayanus, the neglected Malayan sun bear. Mededelingen No. 34 of the Netherlands Foundation for International Nature Protection. 63 p.

178. Meijaard, E. 1999. The status of the sun bear in a rapidly changing Borneo. Ursus Vol. 11: 185–192. 179. Meijaard, E. 1999. The Bornean Tiger; speculation on its existence. Cat News No. 30: 12–15. 180. Meijaard, E. 1997. The Bay Cat in Borneo. Cat News No. 27. Autumn 1997: 21–23. 181. Meijaard, E. 1996. The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) in Kalimantan, Indonesia: its possible

distribution and conservation prospects. Pachyderm No. 21: 17–23. 182. Meijaard, E. & van Bree, P. J. H., 1994. Cases of dental malocclusion in populations of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in

the state of Victoria, Australia. Mammalian Biology 59: 378–379. 183. Meijaard, E. 1997. The importance of swamp forest for the conservation of orang utans (Pongo pygmaeus

pygmaeus) in Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: S. E. Page & J. O. Rieley, editors. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biodiversity, Environmental Importance and Sustainability of Tropical Peat and Peatlands: 243–254.


The Jakarta Globe (regular opinion columnist from 2014 to March 2016)

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8 February 2016. Top 7 Future Environmental Headlines for Indonesia. 27 January 2101. Beware the Burning Beard. 17 January 2016. Credit Running Out for the ‘Orang Outang’. 8 January 2016. Indonesia Is Losing the Race to Cash In on Nature. 29 December 2015. A Sumatran Wonderland. 25 December 2015. Tricky Tradeoffs Between Indigenous Land Rights and Deforestation. 13 December 2015. The Erosion of Indonesian Identity. 1 December 2015. Intelligent Conservation in Indonesia. 18 November 2015. A Commodity Gone Off the Scales 10 November 2015. Going Beyond Environmental Pacifiers in Indonesian Conservation. 30 October 2015. Indonesia's Silent Tragedy in a Connected World. 35,000 readers. 24 October 2015. Indonesia's Fire Crisis — The Biggest Environmental Crime of the 21st Century. Large impact,

240,000 readers. 175,823 people reached on Facebook. Much follow up media work – BBC, ABC, VICE and others. 16 October 2015. Who Is Accountable for Indonesia's Fire Disaster? 2 October 2015. How to Stop the Rot in Orangutan Protection. 24 September 2015. Where Are the Indonesian Conservation Experts? With Mirza Kusrini (1,923 page views) 18 September 2015. Who Owns Indonesia's Protected Species? (833 page views) 8 September 2015. Get Your Facts Right on Indonesia's Haze Problem. (32,000 page views, 360 Tweets, 50,000

Facebook reach) 4 September 2015. The Tale of the Ibis in Indonesia. (resulted in development of new conservation program) 26 August 2015. Learning From the Past — If You Can. 16 August 2015. Can Certification Save Borneo’s Forests? 18 June 2015. Cutting Down and Dumbing Down. 15 June 2015. When the People of Borneo First Got Together. (1,500 Facebook Likes) 8 June 2015. That Sinking Feeling, Again. 20 May 2015. Saving the Jungle Hipster of Borneo. 11 May 2015. What People Should Learn From Ants. 29 April 2015. The Great Conservation Fallacy. (1,000 Facebook Likes) 15 April 2015. International Collaboration Can Save Borneo — And Money 1 April 2015. Indonesia Needs to Start Taking Science Seriously. (2,000 Facebook Likes) 9 March 2015. The Final Blow for Indonesia’s Forests? (much discussed article) 15 February 2015. Is Conservation Guerrilla Warfare Dead, or Just Turned Corporate? 4 February 2015. Serious Law Enforcement Needed to Save Orangutans From Extinction. (2,500 Facebook Likes) 30 January 2015. Modifying Indonesia’s Conservation Methods. (1,800 Facebook Likes) 16 January 2015. Indonesia’s Contribution to the Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax. (1,000 Facebook Likes) 12 January 2015. What’s Good for People Is Good for Orangutans. (1,700 Facebook Likes) 3 January 2015. I’d Love to Live in Harmony with Nature, but Who Knows How? 24 December 2014. The Killing Fields of Indonesian Forests. 12 December 2014. Why Is Conservation So Much Harder in Indonesia Than Elsewhere? 10 December 2014. Aceh Set to Create Its Own New and Totally Preventable Disaster. (4,600 Facebook Likes). 4 December 2014. Humanity Is Too Selfish to Save Each Other or Our Environment. 27 November 2014. Indonesia’s Reforestation Dilemma. (14,000 Facebook Likes). 24 November 2014. Unfair Double Standards at Jakarta Marathon Revisited. 12 November 2014. The Mythology of Conservation. 4 November 2014. Oil Palm: Not the Evil We Think It Is. 28 October 2014. Unfair Double Standards at the Jakarta Marathon (753 Facebook Likes). 25 October 2014. Borneo’s Nature and Culture at Risk Due to Sale of Magnificent Hornbills. 11 October 2014. What Does Democracy Have to Do with Protecting Indonesia’s Environment? (936 Facebook Likes). 30 September 2014. Is Big Business Really Responsible for the Loss of Indonesian Forests? 22 September 2014. After Decades of Conservation Failure in Indonesia and Malaysia: A Lesson From Fukushima.

(950 Facebook Likes). 11 September 2014. Hidden in Plain Sight: One Forgotten Island Showcases Indonesia’s Incredible Riches. 5 September 2014. Why Indonesia’s Well-Off Should Do More to Support Conservation Efforts. 1 July 2014. Don’t Let All of Indonesia’s Birds Become Mythical Creatures. 23 June 2014. Presidential Candidates Say Indonesians Want Large Plantations, but Do They Really? Opinion Page.

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5 June 2014. Smoke and Mirrors Obscure the Smoking Gun Behind Forest Fires. 25 May 2014. How to Get Indonesia’s Leaders to Accept Some Inconvenient Truths. (13,000 Facebook Likes). 24 April 2014. Whoever Wins, Indonesia’s Next President Has Important Calls to Make on Land, Resource Use. 13 April 2014. Empty Forest Syndrome: How Wildlife Is Disappearing From Indonesia. (1,900 Facebook Likes). 6 April 2014. (with Gabriella Fredriksson). Privatizing Indonesia’s Conservation Efforts. 27 March 2014. Why Indonesia’s Ecological Riches are Worth the Overwhelming Odds. 22 March 2014. Orangutan Action Plan a Bad Joke. 25 February 2014. It Would Be Cool if Indonesia Could Keep Its Trees. 12 February 2014. Why doesn’t Indonesia sell its orangutans. 8 December 2013. (with Fitrian Ardiansyah and Jessie Wells). Flooding: Looking Beyond Jakarta. 21 September 2013. (with Fitrian Ardiansyah). Improved Governance Crucial to Protect Our Most Pristine Forests 30 September 2012. Local Communities Put Species at Risk with Willingness to Kill. 6 December 2011. Orangutan Deaths Meet an Eerie Silence. 15 June 2011. (with several co-authors). A Moratorium, or More of the Same? Opinion Page. 28 May 2011. (with Ramadhani Achdiawan). Where Have All the Geckos Gone? Opinion Page. 24 March 2011. Indonesia Has Its Share Of Scientists, So Where’s the Science?. 12 March 2011. Conservation Better Get Used to Working With Business. 26 December2010. Indonesia Needs to Get the Message Out: Killing Wildlife Is a Punishable Crime. 28 October 2010. The Thinker: The Middle Way. Mongabay 13 February 2017. Revisiting Java’s little Africa: Indonesia’s safari potential. 30 January 2017. A possible undiscovered orangutan population on Borneo (part 4) 22 January 2017. Then and now. 100 years of wildlife loss and deforestation on Borneo (part 3) 16 January 2017. A trip on Borneo’s Mahakam River in search of forgotten wildlife (part 2) 6 January 2017. Following in Raven’s Footsteps: 100 years of wildlife loss on Borneo (part 1) 26 November 2016. Conservation in oil palm is possible. 25 October 2016. Company poised to destroy critical orangutan habitat in breach of Indonesia moratorium. 9 September 2016, (with Doug Sheil and David Gaveau). The good, the bad, and the ugly in palm oil 22 June 2016. No more fires in Indonesia? 19 June 2016. Hype and secrecy in wildlife conservation 14 April 2016. Are organizations like WWF beyond reproach? 23 February 2016. Oil palm plantations need to protect orangutans. 25 May 2014. Indonesia's forests increasingly empty of wildlife. 17 May 2014. Indonesia's biological wonders are worth the fight. 26 March 2014. Deforestation makes Indonesia hotter, reduces quality of life. 4 April 2013. Has WWF just condemned the last rhino in Kalimantan? 20 November 2012. (with Andreas Wilting). Mystery animal in Borneo not such a mystery after all, or is it? 20 December 2010. More on otters in Jakarta. 8 December 2010. Urban Ecology in Jakarta. 22 November 2010. Fear and conformity in conservation. 13 October 2010. Liberally Green. 27 September 2010. Degradation is in the Eye of the Beholder. 25 September 2010. Chinese Whispers in Indonesian Conservation. 24 September 2010. Avatar Firmly Keeps the Con in Conservation. The Jakarta Post September 26, 2016. 'I am the Forest' exhibition reveals Kalimantan's magnificent wildlife. November 28, 2013. Deforestation is never temporary. October 10, 2013. Why are the deceased in such a hurry? November 6, 2012. (with Serge Wich). Your letters: No evidence of Ebola in orangutans November 28, 2011. Letter: The great denial about wildlife killing. November 9. 2011. (with Suci Utami and Niel Makinnudin). Letter: Clarification on orangutan killing. December 7, 2007. The world is watching Bali meeting but many may start to get bored. July 30, 2007. (with Douglas Sheil). Science key to better environmental decisions.

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April 24, 2007. Time to say enough is enough for power outages February 22, 2007. When enemies become allies, forests and inhabitants benefit. January 18, 2007. We must act now to save orangutans. October 30, 2006. Improving land value the best solution to annual fire headache. 15 July 1999. The looting of Muara Kaman. CIFOR blog 20 September 2011. Certifying ecosystem services is not going to be easy. 11 October 2011. Laughing at the global environment. Suiform Soundings/Asian Wild Pig News Meijaard, E. 2014. A literature review of ecological separation between Sus verrucosus and S. scrofa. Suiform

Soundings 12(2): 18-25. Meijaard, E., and C. P. Groves. 2013. New taxonomic proposals for the Sus scrofa group in eastern Asia. Suiform

Soundings 12:26-30. Meijaard, E., T. Braasch, and R. Wirth. 2013. How conservation support can hinder conservation. Suiform Soundings

12:39-44. Meijaard, E., and E. M. Moqanaki. 2012. Sus scrofa subspecies of Iran. Suiform Soundings 11 (1): 6–14. Meijaard, E. 2006. Differentiating between Sus scrofa and Sus verrucosus. 6: 22–24. Meijaard, E., and G. Semiadi. 2004. Rapid assessment of the status of S. verrucosus on Java and Bawean. 4: 20–23. Meijaard, E. and Walston, J. 2003. Cambodian Sus scrofa (2). 3: 17–19. Meijaard, E., W. L. R. Oliver, B. Martin, and V. N. Thanh. 2002. Records and reports of pigs in Vietnam. 2: 40–42. Meijaard, E., and C. P. Groves. 2002. Upgrading three subspecies of babirusa (Babyrousa sp.) to full species level. 2: 33–

39. Meijaard, E. 2001. Wild pig meat on Sumatran and Bornean markets. 2: 8 Meijaard, E. and Groves, C.P. 2001. Proposal for taxonomic changes within the genus Babyrousa. 2: 9–10.

Science Chronicles Better to Be Roughly Right than Exactly Wrong (with D. Buchori). March 2010: 5–6. Modeling the Cost of Activism to Business. February 2010: 3–5. How We Are Shaping Future Biotas and Species. February 2010: 6–7. 167 TNC Publications in 2009 Show TNC has a Solid Base in Science. January 2010: 6. Is TNC an overregulated conservation bureaucracy? November 2009: 2. Painful compromises are the future of conservation. November 2009: 6. Reports Meijaard, E., C. Morgans, Husnayaen, N. K. Abram, and M. Ancrenaz. 2017. An impact analysis of RSPO certification on

Borneo forest cover and orangutan populations. Pp 38. Borneo Futures, Brunei Darussalam. Meijaard, E., R. Dennis, and D. Liswanto. 2016. Review of best management practices and collaboration between BOSF,

MSM, and local government in PT MSM. Pp 10. PT Habitat Hutan Alam Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Savilaakso, S., E. Meijaard, M. R. Guariguata, M. Boissiere, and L. Putzel. 2015. A review on compliance and impact

monitoring indicators for delivery of forest ecosystem services. Working Paper 188. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR. Wich, S. A., M. Struebig, J. Refisch, A. Wilting, S. Kramer-Schadt, and E. Meijaard. 2015. The Future of the Bornean

Orang-utan: Impacts of a Changing Climate and Land-use. UNEP/GRASP/DICE/IZW, Nairobi, Kenya. Black, S. Copsey, J. and Meijaard, E. 2015. Pygmy Hog Conservation Programme CEM Assessment December 2014.

Durrell Trist, Jersey, UK. Meijaard, E. 2014. Orangutan Conservation Management in Kalimantan. Recommendations on orangutan

conservation strategy for TFCA-Kalimantan and BFCP. Report written for The Nature Conservancy-Indonesia. People and Nature Consulting International, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Meijaard, E., B. Jarvis, and F. Arsiansyah. 2014. Technical analysis report and scenario development for Integrated Catchment Management in the Upper Cisokan area, West Java, Indonesia. People and Nature Consulting International, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Meijaard, E. and P. Ferguson. 2014. Biodiversity management plan Upper Cisokan pumped storage. PT. PLN (PERSERO)

Development Master Unit – UIP VI. University Padjadjaran and Institute for Research and Service to the Community – LPPM. Research Center for Natural Resources and Environment – PPSDAL.

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Wells, J., E. Meijaard, N. K. Abram, and S. A. Wich. 2013. Forests, floods, people and wildlife on Borneo. A review of flooding and analysis of local perceptions of flooding frequencies and trends, and the roles of forests and deforestation in flood regimes, with a view to informing government decision-making on flood monitoring, forest management and biodiversity conservation. UNEP, Bangkok, ThailandMeijaard, E. and Wich, S.A. 2012. Extractive industries and orangutans. Report for the ARCUS Foundation. Cambridge, UK.

Muliastra, Y. I. K. D., E. Meijaard, H. H. Smit, K. Hennenberg, R. Herrera, and U. Fritsche. 2009. GTZ Project for the Practical Implementation of BioSt-NachV – Sub-project Area-related Requirements (Art. 4-7 + 10). Assessment Spatial requirements of the BioSt-NachV. Spatial Data Assessment for Indonesia SEKALA, Badung, Bali, Indonesia.

Meijaard, E. 2009. What have we learned from Biosphere Reserves in the Asia-Pacific region, and how reserves can be improved. A regional review of biosphere reserves in Asia & the Pacific to achieve landscape conservation, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and reduce impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation. UNESCO, Jakarta. Published as UNESCO (2010). Lessons from Biosphere Reserves in the Asia-Pacific Region, and a Way Forward. A regional review of biosphere reserves in Asia & the Pacific to achieve sustainable development.

Stewart, A. E., Gordon, C. H. & Meijaard, E. (2007). Practitioners guide to rapid mammal surveys as a tool for HCVF assessments in Borneo: A guide applicable to tropical rainforests in South-East Asia. The Nature Conservancy, Samarinda, Indonesia.

Meijaard, E., Stanley, S.A., Pollard E. H. B. Gouyon, A. and G. Paoli, G. 2006. High Conservation Value Forest in East Kalimantan. A Guide for Practitioners. The Nature Conservancy, Samarinda, Indonesia. Translated into Indonesian as “Panduan bagi Praktisi; Mengelola Hutan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi di Indonesia, Studi kasus di Kalimantan Timur”.

Gustafsson, L., Nasi , R., Nghia, N.N., Sheil, D. and Meijaard, E. Towards more biodiversity friendly tropical forestry and concession management. A set of proposed guidelines and recommendations. 2006. Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, and Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. February 2006.

Husson, S., Meijaard, E., Singleton, I., van Schaik, C., and Wich, S. 2003. The status of the orangutan in Indonesia, 2003. Pre-PHVA meeting, Jakarta, August 13-15, 2003. Orangutan Foundation, UK.

Meijaard, E. and van Strien, N. 2003. The Asian tapir (Tapirus indicus). In: Briefing Book, Malay Tapir Conservation Workshop. Krau Wildlife Reserve, Malaysia.

Meijaard, E. 2003. Forest, pigs and people. A plan for the sustainable management of Bearded Pig populations in and around the Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Unpubl. Report for WWF-Indonesia. 1 August 2003. WWF-Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Dennis, R., Meijaard, E., Applegate, G., Nasi, R. and Moore, P. 2001. Impact of human-caused fires on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and their causes in tropical, temperate and boreal forest biomes. CBD Technical Series No. 5. Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. 42p.

Hedges, S. and Meijaard, E. 1999. Reconnaissance survey for banteng (Bos javanicus) and banteng survey methods training project, Kayan–Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. WWF–I and CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 59 p.

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Professor William Laurance Faculty of Science & Engineering School of Marine & Tropical Biology Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Centre for Tropical Biodiversity and Climate Change James Cook University Cairns Australia Tel.: +61 7 423 21819 Email: [email protected] Assoc. Prof. Dr Kerrie Wilson Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia Tel.: +61 7 3365 2450 Email: [email protected] Professor Douglas Sheil Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Norwegian University of Life Sciences Box 5003, 1432 Ås Norway Tel.: +47 64 96 56 00 Email : [email protected]