Page 1 Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome COSIMO CARFAGNA Indirizzo VIA E.A. MARIO 35 80128 NAPOLI Telefono +39 081 7682510 Mobile phone +39 335 7090800 E-mail carfagna @ unina.it [email protected] Nazionalità Italian Data di nascita 10/10/1952 ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE Data 25/05/1976 laurea in Chimica con lode Nome e tipo di organizzazione del datore di lavoro Università di Napoli “Federico II” Titolo e qualifica ricoperta Dottore in Chimica Tesi Lavoro di tesi sperimentale, relatore il Ch.mo Prof. Paolo Corradini Principali materie e competenze professionali relative alla formazione Il percorso di studi universitario mi ha permesso di ottenere una eccellente conoscenza sulla caratterizzazione e sulla sintesi dei polimeri ESPERIENZ A LAVORATIVA Dal 01/11/00 a oggi Professore ordinario di Chimica (CHIM 07X) (Università di Napoli Federico II) Dal 15/10/02 al 28/02/2015 Direttore dell’Istituto di Chimica e Tecnologia dei Polimeri (ICTP-CNR) Dal 01/03/2015 ad oggi Direttore dell’Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali (IPCB-CNR) Dal 01/01/2003 a oggi Responsabile delle attività di lavoro sui tessuti intelligenti per il Centro Regionale di Competenza

CV europeo it · Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome COSIMO CARFAGNA Indirizzo VIA E.A. MARIO 35 80128 NAPOLI Telefono +39 081 7682510 Mobile

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Page 1: CV europeo it · Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome COSIMO CARFAGNA Indirizzo VIA E.A. MARIO 35 80128 NAPOLI Telefono +39 081 7682510 Mobile

Page 1 Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna



Nome COSIMO CARFAGNA Indirizzo VIA E.A. MARIO 35 80128 NAPOLI Telefono +39 081 7682510

Mobile phone +39 335 7090800 E-mail carfagna@ unina.it

[email protected]

Nazionalità Italian

Data di nascita 10/10/1952


Data 25/05/1976 laurea in Chimica con lode Nome e tipo di organizzazione del

datore di lavoro

Università di Napoli “Federico II”

Titolo e qualifica ricoperta

Dottore in Chimica

Tesi Lavoro di tesi sperimentale, relatore il Ch.mo Prof. Paolo Corradini Principali materie e competenze

professionali relative alla formazione

Il percorso di studi universitario mi ha permesso di ottenere una eccellente conoscenza sulla caratterizzazione e sulla sintesi dei polimeri


Dal 01/11/00 a oggi Professore ordinario di Chimica (CHIM 07X) (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Dal 15/10/02 al 28/02/2015 Direttore dell’Istituto di Chimica e Tecnologia dei Polimeri (ICTP-CNR)

Dal 01/03/2015 ad oggi Direttore dell’Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali (IPCB-CNR) Dal 01/01/2003 a oggi Responsabile delle attività di lavoro sui tessuti intelligenti per il Centro Regionale di


Page 2: CV europeo it · Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome COSIMO CARFAGNA Indirizzo VIA E.A. MARIO 35 80128 NAPOLI Telefono +39 081 7682510 Mobile

Page 2 Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna

Dal 15/09/2008 al 28/02/2010 Presidente dell’area di ricerca Napoli 3 del CNR Dal 1/11/1991 al 31/10/2000 Professore associato di chimica (CHIM 07X) (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Dal 10/12/1987 al 31/10/1991 Professore associato di scienza dei materiali (ING 22) (Università della Basilicata)

Dal 21/12/1983 al 10/12/1987 Ricercatore di Chimica (CHIM 03) (Università di Napoli “Federico II)

Dal 01/03/1982 al 30/06/1982 Ricercatore all’Istituto “Forschunginstitut fur Pigmente und lacke” (Stoccarda, Germany)

Dal 01/10/1980 al 20/12/1983 Ricercatore all’Istituto Guido Donegani (ENICHEM).

Dal 01/07/78 al 30/09/78 Post doc presso Bend Research INC. (Oregon U.S.A.))

Dal 01/03/78 al 31/12/79 Post doc all’Istituto di Principi di ingegneria chimica (Università di Napoli “Federico II)

Dal 01/10/76 al 28/02/78 Servizio militare nella marina militare congedatosi con il grado di sergente





INGLESE • Capacità di lettura Eccellente

• Capacità di scrittura Eccellente • Capacità di espressione orale Eccellente



Il mio livello di interazione con altre persone (per esempio in ambiente multiculturale) è molto elevato e mi piace ricoprire ruoli dove la comunicazione è importante e in situazioni in cui il lavoro di gruppo è essenziale.


ORGANIZZATIVE Membro dell’ International Society of Liquid Crystals

Membro del Material Research Society Membro dell’Academy of Science of New York Membro dell’Italian Society of Liquid Crystals Membro dell’ Italian Society of Macromolecules Membro dell’ Italian Chemical Society Membro del comitato editoriale della rivista: Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials ISSN 0003-5599 Membro del comitato scientifico del congresso Internazionale POLYCHAR che si tiene annualmente Programme Chair del Simposio D – Smart and interactive textiles – del congresso CIMTEC 2012 – Smart Materials, Structures and Systems Programme Chair del Simposio D- Smart and Interactive Textiles_ del congresso CIMTEC 2016 – Smart Materials, Structures and Systems Membro dell’ Italian Scientific Delegation in China in 1995 Membro della commissione per la valutazione dei progetti Marie Curie della Comunità Europea Membro della Commissione di Ateneo dell'Università degli Studi della Basilicata Membro del Consiglio di Dipartimento presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e della Produzione dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli

Page 3: CV europeo it · Curriculum vitae Cosimo Carfagna CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome COSIMO CARFAGNA Indirizzo VIA E.A. MARIO 35 80128 NAPOLI Telefono +39 081 7682510 Mobile

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Coordinatore del Progetto patrocinato del CNR: Materiali Speciali per Tecnologie Avanzate Responsabile per i progetti di ricerca BRITE-EURAM Responsabile di progetti di ricerca del CNR Coordinatore dell'attività didattica dell’ AIM Coordinatore pro-tempore del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali. Valutatore del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione del Governo Portoghese per la valutazione di progetti nel campo della scienza dei materiali Valutatore del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca del Governo italiano per la valutazione di progetti di ricerca Referee del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico per la valutazione di progetti di ricerca industriali



Il mio campo di interesse : chimica e tecnologia dei polimeri, funzionalizzazione dei polimeri, sintesi di polimeri, polimeri liquido cristallini per applicazioni elettroottiche, compositi e nanocompositi, tessuti funzionali, il riciclo e la trasformazione di materie plastiche, utilizzo di intermedi da fonti rinnovabili per la stabilizzazione di polimeri, materiali per l'imballaggio, materiali per il settore tessile.

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Merola F., Grilli S., Coppola S., Vespini V., Denicola S., Maddalena P., Carfagna C., Ferraro P. Manipulation of nematic liquid crystal microdroplets by pyroelectric effect (2013) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 572 (1), pp. 66-71 Russo P., Carfagna C., Cimino F., Acierno D., Persico P. Biodegradabile composites reinforced with kenaf fibers: thermal, mechanical and morphological issues (2013) Advances in Polymer Technology 32 (SUPPL. 1) pp. E313-E322 Ascione L., Pezzella A., Ambrogi V., Carfagna C., D’Ischia M.

Intermolecular π-electron perturbations generate extrinsic visibile contributions to eumelanin black chromophore in model polymers with interrupted interring conjugations (2013) Photochemistry and Photobiology 89 (2) pp. 314-318 Avolio R., Gentile G., Avella M., Carfagna C., Errico M. E. Polymer filler interactions in PET/CaCO3 nanocomposites: chain ordering at the interface and physical properties (2012)European Polymer J. 49 (2) pp. 419-427 Persico P., Ambrogi V., Baroni A., Santagata G., Carfagna C., Malinconico M., Cerreti P. Enhancement of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) thermal and processing stability using a bio-waste derived additive (2012) Intern. J. Biological Macromolecules 51 (5), pp 1151-1158 Di Lorenzo, M.L., Avella, M., Avolio, R., Bonadies, I., Carfagna, C., Cocca, M., Errico, M.E., Gentile, G. Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of HDPE composites containing multilayer carton scraps as filler (2012) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125 (5), pp. 3880-3887. Merola, F., Grilli, S., Coppola, S., Vespini, V., De Nicola, S., Maddalena, P., Carfagna, C., Ferraro, P. Reversible fragmentation and self-assembling of nematic liquid crystal droplets on functionalized pyroelectric substrates (2012) Advanced Functional Materials, 22 (15), pp. 3267-3272.

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Basile, M.A., Carfagna, C., Cerruti, P., Gomez D'Ayala, G., Fontana, A., Gambacorta, A., Malinconico, M., Dipasquale, L. Continuous hydrogen production by immobilized cultures of Thermotoga neapolitana on an acrylic hydrogel with pH-buffering properties (2012) RSC Advances, 2 (9), pp. 3611-3614. Cited 2 times. Bonadies, I., Avella, M., Avolio, R., Carfagna, C., Gentile, G., Immirzi, B., Errico, M.E. Probing the effect of high energy ball milling on PVC through a multitechnique approach (2012) Polymer Testing, 31 (1), pp. 176-181. Ambrogi, V., Gentile, G., Ducati, C., Oliva, M.C., Carfagna, C. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes functionalized with maleated poly(propylene) by a dry mechano-chemical process (2012) Polymer, 53 (2), pp. 291-299. Ambrogi, V., Brostow, W., Carfagna, C., Pannico, M., Persico, P. Plasticizer migration from cross-linked flexible PVC: Effects on tribology and hardness (2012) Polymer Engineering and Science, 52 (1), pp. 211-217. Bonadies, I., Avella, M., Avolio, R., Carfagna, C., Errico, M.E., Gentile, G. Poly(vinyl chloride)/CaCO 3 nanocomposites: Influence of surface treatments on the properties (2011) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 122 (6), pp. 3590-3598. Ambrogi, V., Cerruti, P., Carfagna, C., Malinconico, M., Marturano, V., Perrotti, M., Persico, P. Natural antioxidants for polypropylene stabilization (2011) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96 (12), pp. 2152-2158. Cited 2 times. Ascione, L., Ambrogi, V., Pannico, M., Carfagna, C., Persico, P. Highly branched poly(butylene adipate) for PVC plasticization: Synthesis and blend characterization (2011) Functional Materials Letters, 4 (4), pp. 361-364. Greco, G., Panzella, L., Gentile, G., Errico, M.E., Carfagna, C., Napolitano, A., D'Ischia, M. A melanin-inspired pro-oxidant system for DOPA(mine) polymerization: Mimicking the natural casing process (2011) Chemical Communications, 47 (37), pp. 10308-10310. Cited 1 time. Samperi, F., Battiato, S., Puglisi, C., Scamporrino, A., Ambrogi, V., Ascione, L., Carfagna, C. Combined techniques for the characterization of linear-hyperbranched hybrid poly(butylene adipate) copolymers (2011) Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 49 (16), pp. 3615-3630.

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Cerruti, P., Santagata, G., Gomez D'Ayala, G., Ambrogi, V., Carfagna, C., Malinconico, M., Persico, P. Effect of a natural polyphenolic extract on the properties of a biodegradable starch-based polymer (2011) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96 (5), pp. 839-846. Cited 3 times. Avella, M., Avolio, R., Bonadies, I., Carfagna, C., Errico, M.E., Gentile, G. Effect of compatibilization on thermal degradation kinetics of HDPE-based composites containing cellulose reinforcements (2010) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102 (3), pp. 975-982. Cited 5 times. Cerruti, P., Carfagna, C. Thermal-oxidative degradation of polyamide 6,6 containing metal salts (2010) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 95 (12), pp. 2405-2412. Cited 2 times. Izzo Renzi, A., Carfagna, C., Persico, P. Thermoregulated natural leather using phase change materials: An example of bioinspiration (2010) Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (11-12), pp. 1369-1376. Cited 6 times. Ascione, L., Ambrogi, V., Battiato, S., Carfagna, C., Persico, P., Puglisi, C., Samperi, F. Synthesis and characterization of linear hyperbranched PBA block copolymers, as potential polymeric plasticizers (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, pp. 361-363. Bonadies, I., Avella, M., Avolio, R., Carfagna, C., Errico, M.E., Gentile, G. PVC/CaCO3 Nanocomposites: Influence of nanoparticle surface treatment on properties (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, pp. 162-164. Pannico, M., Persico, P., Ambrogi, V., Carfagna, C. Plasticizer migration from cross-linked flexible PVC. 1. Effects on tribology (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, pp. 129-131. Cerruti, P., Santagata, G., D'ayala, G.G., Malinconico, M., Ambrogi, V., Carfagna, C., Persico, P. Tailoring Mater-Bi properties by the use of a biowaste-derived additive (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, pp. 158-161. Avella, M., Avolio, R., Bonadies, I., Carfagna, C., Errico, M.E., Gentile, G. Recycled multilayer cartons as cellulose source in HDPE-based composites: Compatibilization and structure-properties relationships (2009) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 114 (5), pp. 2978-2985. Cited 4 times.

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Cerruti, P., Malinconico, M., Rychly, J., Matisova-Rychla, L., Carfagna, C. Effect of natural antioxidants on the stability of polypropylene films (2009) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94 (11), pp. 2095-2100. Cited 8 times. Persico, P., Ambrogi, V., Acierno, D., Carfagna, C. Processability and mechanical properties of commercial PVC plastisols containing low-environmental-impact plasticizers (2009) Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 15 (3), pp. 139-146. Cited 8 times. Persico, P., Ambrogi, V., Carfagna, C., Cerruti, P., Ferrocino, I., Mauriello, G. Nanocomposite polymer films containing carvacrol for antimicrobial active packaging (2009) Polymer Engineering and Science, 49 (7), pp. 1447-1455. Cited 8 times. Cerruti, P., Amrbrogi, V., Postiglione, A., Rychlý, J., Matisová-Rychlá, L., Carfagna, C. Morphological and thermal properties of cellulose - Montmorillonite nanocomposites (2008) Biomacromolecules, 9 (11), pp. 3004-3013. Cited 19 times. Cosco, S., Ambrogi, V., Musto, P., Carfagna, C. Properties of poly(urea-formaldheyde) microcapsules containing an epoxy resin (2007) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 105 (3), pp. 1400-1411. Cited 19 times. Cerruti, P., Laurienzo, P., Malinconico, M., Carfagna, C. Thermal oxidative stability and effect of water on gas transport and mechanical properties in PA6-EVOH films (2007) Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 45 (7), pp. 840-849. Cited 5 times. Ambrogi, V., Cosco, S., Carfagna, C., Cicala, G., Oliveri, L., Recca, A. Comparison of the effect of epoxy microspheres on the thermomechanical and rheological properties of an epoxy resin system (2006) Polymer Engineering and Science, 46 (12), pp. 1739-1747. Cited 2 times. Carfagna, C., Persico, P. Functional textiles based on polymer composites (2006) Macromolecular Symposia, 245-246, pp. 355-362. Cited 4 times. Giamberini, M., Ambrogi, V., Cerruti, P., Carfagna, C. Viscoelasticity of main chain liquid crystalline elastomers (2006) Polymer, 47 (13), pp. 4490-4496. Cited 10 times. Avella, M., Carfagna, C., Cerruti, P., Errico, M.E., Gentile, G. Nylon based nanocomposites: Influence of calcium carbonate nanoparticles on the thermal stability (2006) Macromolecular Symposia, 234, pp. 163-169. Cited 1 time.

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Persico, P., Carfagna, C., Musto, P. Nanocomposite fibers for cosmetotextile applications (2006) Macromolecular Symposia, 234, pp. 147-155. Cited 1 time. Cosco, S., Ambrogi, V., Musto, P., Carfagna, C. Urea-formaldehyde microcapsules containing an epoxy resin: Influence of reaction parameters on the encapsulation yield (2006) Macromolecular Symposia, 234, pp. 184-192. Cited 5 times. Frigione, M., Calò, E., Maffezzoli, A., Acierno, D., Carfagna, C., Ambrogi, V. Preformed microspherical inclusions for rheological control and physical property modification of epoxy resins (2006) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100 (1), pp. 748-757. Cited 1 time. Ambrogi, V., Silvestre, M.G., Vito, F., Carfagna, C., Errico, M.E., Mancarella, C., Carfagna, C. Nanocomposites based on liquid crystalline resins (2005) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 429, pp. 1-20. Cited 3 times. Kaci, M., Benhamida, A., Cimmino, S., Silvestre, C., Carfagna, C. Waste and virgin LDPE/PET blends compatibilized with an ethylene-butyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate (EBAGMA) terpolymer, 1 morphology and mechanical properties (2005) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 290 (10), pp. 987-995. Cited 15 times. Giamberini, M., Cerruti, P., Ambrogi, V., Vestito, C., Covino, F., Carfagna, C. Liquid crystalline elastomers based on diglycidyl terminated rigid monomers and aliphatic acids. Part 2. Mechanical characterization (2005) Polymer, 46 (21), pp. 9113-9125. Cited 8 times. Persico, P., Carfagna, C., Danicher, L., Frere, Y. Polyamide microcapsules containing jojoba oil prepared by inter-facial polymerization (2005) Journal of Microencapsulation, 22 (5), pp. 471-486. Cited 6 times. Silvestre, C., Cimmino, S., Raimo, M., Carfagna, C., Capuano, V., Kotsilkova, R. Effect of clay/diamond and clay/carbon nanosystems on structure-properties relationships of iPP (2005) Macromolecular Symposia, 228, pp. 99-114. Cited 6 times. Cerruti, P., Lavorgna, M., Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L. Comparison of photo-oxidative degradation of polyamide 6,6 films stabilized with HALS and CuCl2+KI mixtures (2005) Polymer, 46 (13), pp. 4571-4583. Cited 8 times.

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Ambrogi, V., Giamberini, M., Cerruti, P., Pucci, P., Menna, N., Mascolo, R., Carfagna, C. Liquid crystalline elastomers based on diglycidyl terminated rigid monomers and aliphatic acids. Part 1. Synthesis and characterization (2005) Polymer, 46 (7), pp. 2105-2121. Cited 16 times. Malucelli, G., Priola, A., Ferrero, F., Quaglia, A., Frigione, M., Carfagna, C. Polyurethane resin-based adhesives: Curing reaction and properties of cured systems (2005) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 25 (1), pp. 87-91. Cited 24 times. Frigione, M., Calò, E., Maffezzoli, A., Carfagna, C., Malucelli, G. Kinetic studies of liquid crystalline and isotropic vinyl ester resins (2004) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 205 (16), pp. 2175-2184. Cited 4 times. Carfagna, C., Ambrogi, V., Cicala, G., Pollicino, A., Recca, A., Costa, G. Reactive microspheres as active fillers for epoxy resins (2004) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 93 (5), pp. 2031-2044. Cited 7 times. Cerruti, P., Rychlý, J., Matisová-Rychlá, L., Carfagna, C. Chemiluminescence from oxidation of polyamide 6,6: II. The effect of metal salts (2004) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 84 (2), pp. 199-206. Cited 7 times. Ambrogi, V., Carfagna, C., Giannella, M. Liquid crystalline adhesives for polypropylene joints (2003) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 17 (15), pp. 2023-2045. Cerruti, P., Carfagna, C., Rychlý, J., Matisová-Rychlá, L. Chemiluminescence from oxidation of polyamide 6,6. I. The oxidation of pure polyamide (2003) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 82 (3), pp. 477-485. Cited 13 times. Acierno, D., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Concilio, S., Iannelli, P., Incarnato, L., Scarfato, P. Synthesis and characterisation of a nematic homo-polyurethane (2003) Polymer, 44 (17), pp. 4949-4958. Cited 5 times. Ambrogi, V., Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Douglas, E.P. Liquid crystalline vinyl ester resins for structural adhesives (2002) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 16 (1), pp. 15-32. Cited 7 times. Amendola, E., Giamberini, M., Carfagna, C., Ambrogi, V. Self-toughening liquid crystalline vinyl ester adhesives (2002) Macromolecular Symposia, 180, pp. 153-167. Cited 5 times.

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Castell, P., Serra, A., Galià, M., Giamberini, M., Carfagna, C. Anisotropic thermosets from liquid-crystalline azomethynic epoxy resins and primary aromatic diamines (2002) Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 41 (1), pp. 1-12. Cited 6 times. Carfagna, C., Ambrogi, V., Malucelli, G., Giamberini, M. Liquid crystalline epoxy resin with improved toughness (2001) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 15 (13), pp. 1635-1654. Cited 2 times. Punchaipetch, P., Ambrogi, V., Giamberini, M., Brostow, W., Carfagna, C., D'Souza, N.A. Epoxy + liquid crystalline epoxy coreacted networks: I. Synthesis and curing kinetics (2001) Polymer, 42 (5), pp. 2067-2075. Cited 36 times. Punchaipetch, P., Ambrogi, V., Giamberini, M., Brostow, W., Carfagna, C., D'Souza, N.A. Epoxy + liquid crystalline epoxy coreacted networks: II. Mechanical properties (2001) Polymer, 43 (3), pp. 839-848. Cited 18 times. Liu, W., Carfagna, C. Synthesis of liquid crystalline epoxy oligomers: Effect of molecular weight on the phase behavior (2001) Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 22 (13), pp. 1058-1062. Cited 8 times. Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M. Liquid Crystal Epoxy Resins (2001) Polymer News, 26 (9), pp. 298-305. Carfagna, C., Acierno, D., Di Palma, V., Amendola, E., Giamberini, M. Composites based on carbon fibers and liquid crystalline epoxy resins, 1: Monomer synthesis and matrix curing (2000) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 201 (18), pp. 2631-2638. Cited 16 times. Carfagna, C., Meo, G., Nicolais, L., Giamberini, M., Priola, A., Malucelli, G. Composites based on carbon fibers and liquid crystalline epoxy resins, 2: Dynamic-mechanical analysis and fracture toughness behavior (2000) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 201 (18), pp. 2639-2645. Cited 11 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Giamberini, M., D'Amore, A., Priola, A., Malucelli, G. The effect of prepolymer composition of amino-hardened liquid crystalline epoxy resins on physical properties of cured thermoset (1999) Macromolecular Symposia, 148, pp. 197-209. Cited 2 times.

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Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M., Fuccia, N., Micco, G. Curing reaction kinetics of liquid crystalline resin based on 6,6′-bis(2,3-epoxypropoxy)-2,2′ binaphthyl (1999) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 336, pp. 183-198. Cited 1 time. Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C. Novel approach to the tailoring of polymers for advanced composites and optical applications, involving the synthesis of liquid crystalline epoxy resins (1999) Polymer Engineering and Science, 39 (3), pp. 534-542. Cited 9 times. Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M., Amendola, E. Can liquid crystalline polymers find application in the field of protective coatings? (1999) Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 46 (2), pp. 95-99. Cited 2 times. Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C. Epoxy-based liquid crystalline coatings (1998) Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings International, 81 (1), pp. 14-18. Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C. Epoxy-based liquid crystalline coatings (1998) JOCCA - Surface Coatings International, 81 (1), pp. 14-18. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Giamberini, M., Hakemi, H., Pane, S. Liquid crystalline epoxy resins in polymer dispersed liquid crystal composites (1997) Polymer International, 44 (4), pp. 465-473. Cited 23 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Giamberini, M. Liquid crystalline epoxy based thermosetting polymers (1997) Progress in Polymer Science (Oxford), 22 (8), pp. 1607-1647. Cited 69 times. Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C. Lightly crosslinked liquid crystalline epoxy resins: The effect of rigid-rod length and applied stress on the state of order of the cured thermoset (1997) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 198 (10), pp. 3185-3196. Cited 19 times. Micco, G., Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Astarita, G. Modeling of Curing Reaction Kinetics in Liquid-Crystalline Epoxy Resins (1997) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 36 (8), pp. 2976-2983. Cited 19 times.

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Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M., Komitov, L. Highly uniform oriented liquid crystalline thermosets (1996) Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 425, pp. 161-166. Hirn, B., Carfagna, C., Lanzetta, R. Linear precursors of liquid crystalline thermosets (1996) Journal of Materials Chemistry, 6 (9), pp. 1473-1478. Cited 4 times. Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M. Role of Curing Agent on the Nature of the Mesophase and the Properties of Mesogenic Epoxy Resins (1996) ACS Symposium Series, 632, pp. 389-404. Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Giamberini, M., Komitov, L. Anisotropic liquid crystalline epoxy thermoset (1996) Liquid Crystals, 21 (3), pp. 317-325. Cited 11 times. Jin, X., Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L., Lanzetta, R. Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro degradation of a novel thermotropic ternary copolyester based on p-hydroxybenzoic acid, glycolic acid, and p-hydroxycinnamic acid (1995) Macromolecules, 28 (14), pp. 4785-4794. Cited 33 times. Pucciariello, R., Carfagna, C. Phase transitions of a main-chain thermotropic copolyester: crystallization, melting behaviour and glass-transition studied by DSC (1995) Polymer Bulletin, 35 (6), pp. 735-741. Giamberini, M., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C. Liquid crystalline epoxy thermosets (1995) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 266, pp. 9-22. Cited 56 times. Pucciariello, R., Carfagna, C. Crystallization and melting behavior of a main-chain thermotropic copolyester (1994) Colloid & Polymer Science, 272 (12), pp. 1501-1507. Cited 2 times. Jin, X., Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L., Lanzetta, R. Synthesis and characterization of potentially biodegradable thermotropic polyesters based on p-hydroxybenzoic acid and glycolic acid (1994) Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 32 (16), pp. 3115-3122. Cited 12 times.

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Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Giamberini, M. Rigid rod networks: Liquid crystalline epoxy resins (1994) Composite Structures, 27 (1-2), pp. 37-43. Cited 31 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Giamberini, M. Liquid-crystalline epoxy resins: curing of blends of mesogenic and non-mesogenic epoxy monomers (1994) Journal of Materials Science Letters, 13 (2), pp. 126-128. Cited 15 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Nicolais, L. Incompatible blends of liquid crystalline polymers and engineering thermoplastic (1992) International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 7 (2), pp. 205-214. Cited 2 times. Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L., Amendola, E., Filippov, A.G. Toughening epoxy resins by liquid crystalline polymers (1992) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 44 (8), pp. 1465-1471. Cited 36 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Nicolais, L., Acierno, D., Francescangeli, O., Yang, B., Rustichelli, F. Blends of a polyetherimide and a liquid crystalline polymer. Fiber orientation and mechanical properties (1991) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 43 (5), pp. 839-844. Cited 15 times. Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L., Amendola, E., Carfagna Jr., C. Blends of liquid crystalline polyesters and amorphous polymers (1991) Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, 37, pp. 1004-1007. Nobile, M.R., Acierno, D., Incarnato, L., Amendola, E., Nicolais, L., Carfagna, C. Improvement of the processability of advanced polymers (1990) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 41 (11-12), pp. 2723-2737. Cited 26 times. Iannace, S., De Luca, N., Nicolais, L., Carfagna, C., Huang, S.J. Physical characterization of incompatible blends of polymethylmethacrylate and polycaprolactone (1990) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 41 (11-12), pp. 2691-2704. Cited 16 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Mensitieri, G., Nicolais, L. Gas sorption in thermotropic liquid-crystalline polymers (1990) Journal of Materials Science Letters, 9 (11), pp. 1280-1283. Cited 2 times. Jedliński, Z., Franek, J., Kulczycki, A., Sirigu, A., Carfagna, C. Polymer liquid crystals. Contribution of the links between mesogenic units and flexible spacers to

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the structure-properties relationship in poly(ether ester) liquid crystals (1989) Macromolecules, 22 (5), pp. 1600-1603. Cited 10 times. Nicodemo, L., Bellucci, F., Le Rose, R., Carfagna, C. The unsteady-state measurement of polymer membrane permeability to dissolved oxygen (1989) Journal of Membrane Science, 43 (2-3), pp. 177-186. Cited 3 times. Nobile, M.R., Amendola, E., Nicolais, L., Acierno, D., Carfagna, C. Physical properties of blends of polycarbonate and a liquid crystalline copolyester (1989) Polymer Engineering and Science, 29 (4), pp. 244-257. Cited 71 times. Dibenedetto, A.T., Nicolais, L., Amendola, E., Carfagna, C., Nobile, M.R. Effect of hot drawing on the properties of thermotropic polymer fibers (1989) Polymer Engineering and Science, 29 (3), pp. 153-162. Cited 4 times. Bellucci, F., Nicodemo, L., Pernice, P., Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L. Electrochemical and transport properties of epoxy based organic coatings (1989). Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., D'Amore, A., Nicolais, L. PHYSICAL AGING OF AMORPHOUS POLY(ETHERETHERKETONE) (PEEK). (1988) Polymer Engineering and Science, 28 (18), pp. 1203-1206. Cited 6 times. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Nobile, M.R., Nicolais, L. The elastic modulus of poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-p-oxybenzoate) (1988) Journal of Materials Science Letters, 7 (6), pp. 563-566. Carfagna, C., Amendola, E., Nobile, M.R., Nicolais, L. Elastic modulus of poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-p-oxybenzoate) (1988) . Carfagna, C., Nicodemo, L., Nicolais, L. EFFECT OF ORIENTATION ON THE CO//2 SORPTION OF POLYSTYRENE. (1987) Polymer Engineering and Science, 27 (17), pp. 1334-1337. Carfagna, C., Nicodemo, L., Nicolais, L., Campanile, G. CO//2 SORPTION IN UNIAXIALLY DRAWN ATACTIC POLYSTYRENE. (1986) Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 24 (8), pp. 1805-1812. Cited 6 times.

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Carfagna, C., Nicodemo, L., Nicolais, L. On the sub-Tg annealing of uniaxially oriented and unoriented atactic polystyrene (1986) Journal of Thermal Analysis, 31 (3), pp. 597-603. Cited 1 time. Carfagna, C., Iannelli, P., Roviello, A., Sirigu, A. Mesophasic properties of low molecular weight analogues of nematogenic polycarbonates (1985) Journal of Thermal Analysis, 30 (6), pp. 1317-1324. Cited 1 time. de Cataldis, C., Tessieri, R., Apicella, A., Carfagna, C. ROLE OF THE DIFFUSION CONTROLLED CURING OF AN AMINO HARDENED EPOXY. (1984) Materials Science Monographs, pp. 605-614. Carfagna, C., De Rosa, C., Guerra, G., Petraccone, V. Recrystallization kinetics of isotactic polypropylene (α-form) (1984) Polymer, 25 (10), pp. 1462-1464. Cited 15 times. Guerra, G., Moschetti, A., Carfagna, C., Mandara, U., Cutolo, A., Solimeno, S. ADDITIVES IN TRANSPARENT GLASSY POLYMERS: CONCENTRATION PROFILES OBTAINED BY SOLVENT DIFFUSION TECHNIQUE. (1984) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 29 (7), pp. 2271-2279. Cited 2 times. Carfagna, C., Migliaresi, C., Nicolais, L., Sacerdoti, A. PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF POLY(2-HYDROXYETHYLMETHACRYLATE) GELS: EFFECT OF THE DILUENT CONTENT ON THE MECHANICAL AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES. (1983) Polymer Science and Technology, 23, pp. 311-320. Cited 1 time. Addeo, A., Bonadies, V., Carfagna, C., Guerra, G., Moschetti, A., Nicolais, L. Use of polymeric materials in the assembly of solar cells (1983) Solar Energy, 30 (5), pp. 421-424. Cited 1 time. Apicella, A., Carfagna, C., Egiziano, L., Nicolais, L. Hygrothermal Aging of Organic Insulators. [SULLA DEGRADAZIONE IGROTERMICA DEI MATERIALI ISOLANTI ORGANICI.] (1983) Energia Elettrica, 60 (11), pp. 435-441. Carfagna, C., Apicella, A. PHYSICAL DEGRADATION BY WATER CLUSTERING IN EPOXY RESINS. (1983) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 28 (9), pp. 2881-2885. Cited 17 times.

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Mastronardi, P., Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L. The effect of the transport properties of epoxy based coatings on metallic substrate corrosion (1983) Journal of Materials Science, 18 (7), pp. 1977-1982. Cited 2 times. Addeo, A., Carfagna, C., Nicodemo, L., Nicolais, L. ELECTRICAL BEHAVIOR OF LAYERED PEROVSKITES-POLYSTYRENE COMPOSITES. (1983) Journal of polymer science. Part B, Polymer letters, 21 (5), pp. 317-322. Addeo, A., Bonadies, V., Carfagna, C., Moschetti, A., Nicolais, L. Physical characterisation of plastic-based photovoltaic modules (1982) Applied Energy, 12 (2), pp. 77-85. Carfagna, C., Mastronardi, P., Nicolais, L. Hygrothermal ageing of epoxy based coatings (1982) Journal of Materials Science, 17 (8), pp. 2239-2244. Cited 4 times. Carfagna, C., Apicella, A., Nicolais, L. EFFECT OF THE PREPOLYMER COMPOSITION OF AMINO-HARDENED EPOXY RESINS ON THE WATER SORPTION BEHAVIOR AND PLASTICIZATION. (1982) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27 (1), pp. 105-112. Cited 24 times.

Migliaresi, C., Carfagna, C., Nicolais, L., Nicodemo, L., Potena, A., Vesce, G., D'Angelo, A., Roperto, F. POLYMERIC ARTIFICIAL SKIN FOR POTENTIAL SURGICAL APPLICATIONS. (1981) 2, pp. 513-515. Busico, V., Carfagna, C., Salerno, V., Vacatello, M., Fittipaldi, F. The layer perovskites as thermal energy storage systems (1980) Solar Energy, 24 (6), pp. 575-579. Cited 5 times. Drioli, E., Gaeta, S., Carfagna, C. Thermophilic enzymatic semipermeable membranes (1980) Journal of Membrane Science, 6 (3), pp. 345-350. Carfagna, C., Busico, V., Salerno, V., Vacatello, M. Melting behaviour of a series of monoamides (1980) Thermochimica Acta, 37 (1), pp. 31-36. Cited 3 times.

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Carfagna, C., Vacatello, M., Corradini, P. Melting behaviour of a series of diamides (1979) Thermochimica Acta, 28 (2), pp. 265-275. Cited 3 times. Carfagna, Cosimo, Vacatello, Michele, Corradini, Paolo CONFORMATIONAL FREEDOM OF POLYAMIDE CHAINS ABOVE THE MELTING POINT. (1977) J Polym Sci Polym Chem Ed, 15 (1), pp. 1-4. Cited 1 time.

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Elenco delle conferenze ad invito negli ultimi 5 anni

Invited Speaker in Track 3: Novel and Advanced Materials at the 2nd Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-2013 (WCAM-2013).

Title of lecture: Polymer nanocomposites: functionalization of the nanofiller and control of the interface

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Capetown South Africa Visiting Professor through March 13th March 26th 2013 Presenting two lectures entitled:

1 Electrospinning of Artemisinin loaded nanofibers: Prevention of crystallization of Artemisinin by blending with hyperbranched

polyesters 2 Novel inorgano-bioorganic nanocomposites for biomedical and engineering applications

Abstract Category: Session Speaker Academic Title of oral presentation: Mediterranean Diet and Polymer Technology

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Invited Lecture entitled: Mediterranean diet and polymer technology

BCCM1 1st Brazilian Conference on Composite Materials Natal-RN, Brazil July 16-19 2012

Invited lecture entitled: Recycled multilayer cartons as cellulose source in HDPE based composites

Organizer and Programme Chair of Symposium D - Smart and Interactive Textiles /of CIMTEC 2012

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World Forum on Advanced Materials

POLYCHAR-20 World Forum on Advanced Materials in Dubrovnik, March 26-30, 2012,

invited speaker, presenting a lecture entitled: Recycled multilayer cartons as cellulose source in HDPE based composites: improvement of interfacial adhesion and physical properties

Invited speaker presenting a lecture entitled: Mediterranean diet and polymer technology

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Invited Speaker presenting a lecture entitled: Mediterranean Diet and Polymer Technology

Invited speaker presenting a lecture entitled: Chemistry of materials and polymer functionalization in composite technology

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Invited speaker presenting a lecture entitled: How to recycle carbon fiber Reinforced composites ?

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Invited speaker presenting a lecture entitled: NANOCOMPOSITES OF POLY(VINYLCHLORIDE) AND CALCIUM CARBONATE

Invited speaker presenting a lecture entitled: PVC: restyling of an old polymer


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Invited speaker presenting a lecture entitled: Biologically Inspired Materials: from observation of nature to innovation for tomorrow's world

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EP0724006 (A1) - Liquid crystalline epoxy resins in polymer dispersed liquid crystal composites


United States Patent Application 20060174936

Kind Code A1

August 10, 2006

Water-based electrolyte gel for dye-sensitized solar cells and manufacturing methods Di Palma; Vincenza; (Cimitile, IT) ; Cimmino; Angela; (Casagiove, IT) ; Scaldaferri; Rossana; (Sapri, IT) ; Carfagna; Cosimo; (Napoli, IT) ; De Maria; Antonella; (San Giorgio a Cremano, IT) ; Casuscelli; Valeria; (Napoli, IT)