CVISN Planning Workshop The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep! 03/25/22 07:40 P2 - 1 Session Outline •What is a WBS and where is it useful? •What is successive decomposition? •How is the WBS used on a program? •How can I tell if I have a good WBS? •Numbering notation. •Examples. •Common errors. Outline

CVISN Planning Workshop The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep! 4/13/2015 5:28 PM P2

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Page 1: CVISN Planning Workshop The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep! 4/13/2015 5:28 PM P2

CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 1

Session Outline

• What is a WBS and where is it useful?

• What is successive decomposition?

• How is the WBS used on a program?

• How can I tell if I have a good WBS?

• Numbering notation.

• Examples.

• Common errors.


Page 2: CVISN Planning Workshop The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep! 4/13/2015 5:28 PM P2

CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 2

Where is WBS Useful?

• Rocket Science?

• Brain Surgery?


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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 3

The Work Breakdown Structure Is...

• “Product-oriented hierarchy of goods and services.”

• Form: inverted tree; or indented list.

• Visualizing the entire project.

• Common framework for planning and control.

• Vehicle to divide work into tasks that are:

• Manageable

• Independent

• Measurable

• Integratable

• Graphically displays entire project.

• Clear definition of all effort.

• “Top Assembly Drawing” of the project.

• “Product Breakdown Structure” or “Project Breakdown Structure” more apt name! Or perhaps “Work Buildup Structure”.

WBS Definition

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 4

and so on, while it makes sense

more decomposition

more decomposition

Create a WBS via RecursiveProduct-Oriented Decomposition

(Call This Level 1)

Principal Product Associated Support Product Level 2

Associated Support Service Level 2

Principal Product

Sub-Product Associated Support Product Level 3

Associated Support Service Level 3


Sub-Sub- Product(s)

Associated Support Product Level 4

Associated Support Service Level 4

WBS Construction 2000-01-26

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 5

Example: Break Down 100% (1 of 2)


Decomposition Summation


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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 6

Example: Break Down 100% (2 of 2)

and so on, while it makes sense

more decomposition

more decomposition

20% 10%10% 60%

25% 10%5% 20%

20% 3%2%



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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 7

Program IntegrationActivity Plan

Project Integration Plan

Product Activity Plan




Product Activity Plan

Project Integration PlanSafety


Product Activity Plan












































Principal Product(s) Associated SupportProducts Level 2

Associated SupportServices Level 2







(Call This Level 1)



















By decomposing, eventually.....

.....you get to activities that can be assigned and


WBS Construction

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 8

Example Extended WBS for a Complex Program

•Note the different orientations from top to bottom.

•Note the different orientations from top to bottom.

•WBS unfolds and evolves as

scope and design become known.

•WBS unfolds and evolves as

scope and design become known.

WBS Definition

The Work to be Done!

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 9

H is to ry

C lin ica l E xam

Im ag ing

B loo d & T issu e T e s ts

L ike ly D ia g n o s is

R isk A sse ssm e nt

E d uca tio n o f P a tie n t

A lte rn a tive A n a lys is& T ra de -O ffs

T re a tm e nt P lan

1 .0 D ia gn o s is

C o m m u n ica tion s A m o ngT e am

P a tie n t & Te am P o s itio n ing

( fo r neurosu rgery)

A cq u is it io n o f N ee d edIn s tru m en ts & E qu ip m e nt

S che d u lin g o f N e ed edS p e c ia lis ts

P ra c tice R un -T h ro u g hs

2 .0 P la n fo rO p e ra tion

V e rify P a tie n t Ca n Ha n d leS tre ss o f S u rg e ry

S to p D rug s tha t W o u ldIn te rfe re w ith S urg e ry

3 .0 P re op e ra tiveP a tie n t C a re

V e rify P a tie n t Id e n tity &L o catio n o f S u rg e ry

A n es the s ia

P a tien t Un d erth e K n ife

V ita l S ig n s &F lu id -Lo ss M on ito ring

N e u ro ph ys io lo g ica lM o n ito ring

(du r ing neurosurgery)

M a in ta in Ne a t & C le an O p era tive F ie ld

W ra p -up : V e rifyS m a ll P a rt C o u nt

(sponge , need le, co ttono id , M iche l c l ips)

O p era tive N ote s &C h a rt U pd a tes

4 .0 E xe cutio n o fO p e ra tion

W ritte n C a re O rd e rs

B rie fin g o f R e cove ry S ta ff b y S u rge on

V ita l S ig n s &F lu id -Lo ss M on ito ring

N e u ro ph ys io lo g ica lM o n ito ring

5 .0 P os to pe ra tiveP a tie n t C a re

F o llo w -u p C lin ica l V is its

P h ys ica l T h e ra py

6 .0 Lo n g-T e rmP a tie n t C a re

S u rg ica l T re a tm e ntP ro je ct

WBS for Brain Surgery (tree format)



Sources:1. Bailey & Loves’s Short Practice of Surgery, 22nd Edition, edited by Charles V. Mann, R.C.G. Russell, and Norman S. Williams. Chapman & Hall Medical, 1995. ISBN 0-412-49490-6.

2. Brain Surgery – Complication Avoidance and Management, by Michael L. J. Apuzzo, M.D. Churchill Livingstone, Inc., 1993. ISBN 0-443-08709-1. See Chapter 1, “Preoperative and Surgical Planning for Avoiding Complications” by Robert G. Grossman.

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 10

Surgical Treatment Project

1.0 DiagnosisHistory

General Medical ConditionSpecific ComplaintClerking?? (for elective surgery??)

Clinical ExamImaging

UltrasonographyPlain Radiography (X-Ray)Computed Tomography (CAT Scan)Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Blood and Tissue TestsLikely DiagnosisRisk AssessmentEducation of Patient (e.g. anatomy)Alternative Analysis & Trade-OffsTreatment Plan

2.0 Planning of the OperationCommunications Among TeamPatient and Team Positioning (for neurosurgery)Acquisition of Needed Instruments & EquipmentScheduling of Needed SpecialistsPractice Run-Throughs

3. 0 Preoperative Patient CareVerify Patient can Handle Stress of SurgeryStop Drugs that Would Interfere with Surgery

4.0 Execution of the Operation (Actual Surgery)Verify Patient Identity and Location of SurgeryAnesthesiaPatient Under the Knife

Real-time Diagnostic BiopsiesTherapeutic Surgery

Vital Signs and Fluid-Loss MonitoringNeurophysiological monitoring (during neurosurgery)Maintain Neat and Clean Operative FieldWrap-up: Verify Small Part Count (sponge,

needle, cottonoid, Michel clips)Operative Notes and Chart Updates

5.0 Postoperative CareWritten Care OrdersBriefing of Recovery Staff by SurgeonVital Signs and Fluid-Loss MonitoringNeurophysiological Monitoring

6.0 Long-Term Patient CareFollow-up Clinical VisitsPhysical Therapy



WBS for Brain Surgery (indented list)

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 11

WBS is The Basis For......

• Cost estimates and budgets.

• Milestones & schedules.

• Responsibility assignment.

• Allocation of resources.

• Schedule horizontal and vertical traceability.

• Risk analysis.

• Concurrence of participants.

• Integrating the total project effort.

• Summarizing costs, schedules, performance.

• Forcing the Project Manager to think through all elements of the project.

WBS Definition

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 12

Tests for a Good WBS:

Product-oriented hierarchy of goods and services. Top level may be dictated by contract. Basis for cost estimating, project organization, assigning responsibility,

task scheduling, and status reporting. Basis for understanding and communication. Each element should be “manageable”. Based on System Engineering: interfaces are minimized; units are

stand-alone testable. Eliminating one product element will delete the associated costs. Segregate recurring from non-recurring costs. Identifies and defines all effort to be expended: correlation of lower

levels to specification tree, contract line items, data items, and work statement tasks.

Useful! Reflects the way the work is managed and performed. Sufficiently low level to establish adequate visibility and confidence for

cost estimating, project planning, and project control. Technical/cost/schedule can be integrated at every level for each

element.WBS Definition

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 13

WBS Levels & Numbering Notation

1. Project M anagement

2.1 M agnetometer

2.2 Spectrograph

2. Science Instruments

3.1 Propulsion Subsystem

3.2 Attitude Control Subsystem Processor Card M emory Card

3.3.1 C&DH Hardw are

3.3.2 C&DH Softw are

3.3.3 Subsystem Integration

3.3 Command & Data Handling Subsystem

3. Spacecraft Bus 4. Ground Support Equipment

Satellite M ission Project

Satellite Mission Project1. Project Management2. Science Instruments

2.1 Magnetometer2.2 Spectrograph

3. Spacecraft Bus3.1 Propulsion Subsystem3.2 Attitude Control Subsystem3.3 Command & Data Handling Subsystem

3.3.1 C&DH Hardware3.3.1.1 Processor Card3.3.1.2 Memory Card

3.3.2 C&DH Software3.3.3 Subsystem Integration

4. Ground Support EquipmentWBS Definition

Level 1

(Level 1)

Level 2

(Level 2)

Level 3

(Level 3)

Level 4

(Level 4)

Level 5

(Level 5)

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 14


Scenario Exercise

Imagine you are working at the

Atlantic Pacific Sea VisionFountain Pen Manufacturing Company

Let’s develop a WBS for our proposedmechanical pencil project.

Motto: “Yesterday’s Technology Solving Today’s Problems Tomorrow”

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 16

Where Does the Work Get Done?!!

Satellite Mission Project1. Project Management 2. Science Instruments3. Spacecraft Bus

3.1 Propulsion Subsystem3.2 Attitude Control Subsystem3.3 Command & Data Handling Subsystem

3.3.1 C&DH Hardware3.3.1.1 Processor Card Engineering Design3. Layout & Package Design3. Fabrication3. Assembly & Test

3.3.2 C&DH Software3.3.2.1 Command Parsing Module Architectural Design3. Detailed Design3. Coding3. Unit Test

3.3.3 Subsystem Integration3.3.3.1 Integration Plan3.3.3.1 Integrate Instruments with Bus

4. Ground Support EquipmentWBS Definition




Here is real work!


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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 17

Typical WBS for a State CVISN Program

WBS Sample

1 .1 P lann ing &C oordina tion

1 .2 CarrierC oo rdina tion

1 .3 Show cases& O u treach

1 .4 R eg ionalC oo rdina tion

1 .5 O & M P lann ing

1 .6 T ra in ing

1 .7 Po licy

1 .8 Subcon tract &P rocurem ent M gt

1 . P rog ram M anagem ent

2 .1 SystemR equ irem en ts

D e fin ition

2 .2 SystemD esign

2 .3 A rchitec tu reC on fo rm ance

2 .4 SystemIn tegra tionand T est

2 .5 In te roperab ilityT esting

2 . SystemEng inee ring &

In tegra tion

3 .1 P ro j M gt

3 .2 Sys Eng r &In tegra tion

3 .3 Subcon tract &P rocurem ent M gt

3 .4 C V In fo rm a tionExchange

W indow (C V IEW )

3 .5 ASP E N


3 .7 Bu ilds 1 ...n

3 . Safe tyProject

4 .1 P ro j M gt

4 .2 Sys Eng r &

4 .3 Subcon tract &P rocurem ent M gt

4 .4 Inte rnationalR eg is tra tionP lan (IR P)

4 .5 Inte rnationalF uel T ax

Agreem en t (IF T A)

4 .6 C reden tia lingIn terface

4 .7 M o tor C arrierH om e Page &

W eb C reden tia ling

4 .8 Carrie r C redSystem s

(C AT o r m odu le)

4 .9 In tra -S ta teR eg is tra tion

4 .10 Builds 1 ...n

4 . C red entia lsProject

5 .1 P ro j M gt

5 .2 Sys Eng r &In tegra tion

5 .3 Subcon tract &P rocurem ent M gt

5 .4 R oads ideO pera tions

5 .5 Screen ing

5 .6 S ite M ods

5 .7 CarrierE -Screen ingEnro llm ent

5 .8 Bu ilds 1 ...n

5 . E -Screen ingProject

6 .1 Se lf-Eva lua tion

6 .2 N a tional E va lua tion(F unded Sepa ra te ly)

6 . Eva lua tion

StateCVISN Program


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 18

Elements Not to Include in WBS

• Do not use the structure of the contractor’s organization as the basis of a WBS.

• At the top levels do not begin by decomposing into the functions or cost categories associated with developing those products.

Adapted from Department of Defense Handbook – Work Breakdown Structure, MIL-HDBK-881. Available at: http://www.acq.osd.mil/pm/newpolicy/wbs/wbs.html.

Includes examples from the defense industry.


Design Build Test

Hardware Software

What not to do!

• Do not use generic names -- use actual system names and nomenclature.

• No disembodied software -- software developed to reside on specific equipment must be identified as a subset of that equipment.

WBS Definition

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CVISN Planning Workshop

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Day 0, P2 Work Breakdown Structure Review & Prep!

04/18/23 12:01 P2 - 19

Common Errors When Creating WBS

• Does not include all of the work.• Example: The project calls for a prototype and a final version, but the WBS shows only one of

these. Or it shows the prototype in detail, and then simply lists the other without showing the work needed to produce it.

• The level of detail is not sufficient to manage the program.

• Example: The big pieces may be there, but they are not broken down sufficiently to enable the work to be assigned, tracked, and managed. (The test would be: Can you use this WBS to make a good, detailed CPM network?)

• Important but not readily apparent steps are left out.• Example: The omission of integration and testing.

• The work is there, but it’s not arranged logically.• Example: Lower-level product integration and testing is there, but its off on its own and you

cannot tell what it is to be applied to or when.

WBS Definition