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  • 8/11/2019 CVS3-ECG



    130110110177|Gabriella Chafrina| 18/09/1

    The heart consist of 3 types of cells:

    Pace maker cells

    Smalls cells approximately 5 to 20 um long

    Able to depolarize spontaneously

    1 electrical cycle of depolarization & repolarization = action potential

    Dominant pace maker cells : sinoatrial (SA) node, which rate can vary

    (: symphatetic stimulation, : vagal stimulation)

    Electrical conducting cells

    Long, thin cells

    The electrical conducting cells of the ventricles join to form distinct electrica


    Myocardial cells

    Responsible for heavy labor of repeatedly contracting and relaxing When a wave of depolarization reaches a myocardial cell, calcium

    is released within the cell, causing the cell to contract. This process

    is called excitationcontraction coupling

    Time and voltage

    The waves reflect the electrical activity of the myocardial cells

    Three chief characteristics of the waves: duration, amplitude, and configuration

    EKG paper

    Is a long, continuous roll of graph paper

    The light lines = small squares of 1 x 1 mm

    The dark lines = large squares of 5 x 5 mm

    The horizontal axis measures time

    1 small square = 0.04 s

    1 large square = 0.04 s x 5 =0.2 s

    The vertical axis measures voltage

    1 small square = 0.1 mV

    1 large small = 0.5 mV

    Atrial DepolarizationP Waves

    The sinus node fires spontaneously and wave of depolarization begins to

    spread outward into the atrial

    P wave is a recording of the spread of depolarization through the atrial

    myocardium from start to finish 1stpart of the P waveright atrial depolarization

    2ndpart of the P waveleft atrial depolarization

    A Pause

    A conduction pause separates the atria from the ventricles.

    Atrioventricular (AV) mode slows conduction to allow the atria to finish contracting

    before the ventricles begin to contract. So, its permit the atria to empty their volume of

    blood completely into the ventricles before the ventricles contract.

    Influence by ANS like SA node.

  • 8/11/2019 CVS3-ECG



    130110110177|Gabriella Chafrina| 18/09/1

    Ventricular DepolarizationVentricular Conducting Systsem + QRS complex

    Ventricular conducting system

    1/10s after depolarizing waves escapes AV nodeenter electrical conducting cell

    consist of 3 part:

    Bundle of His

    This emerges from the AV node and divides into right and left bundle branches

    Bundle branches

    Right bundle branch carries the current down the right side of the

    interventricular septum to the apex of the right ventricle

    Left bundle branch divides into 3 major fascicles :

    o Septal fascicle: depolarizes the interventricular septum in a left-to-right-


    o Anterior fascicle: runs along the anterior surface of the left ventricle

    o Posterior fascicle: sweeps over the posterior

    Terminal Purkinje fibers

    Termination of the right and left ventricular branches and its fascicles. These

    fibers deliver the electrical current into the ventricular myocardium

    QRS complex

    The beginning of ventricular myocardial depolarization and ventricular

    contraction is marked by QRS complex

    The amplitude of the QRS complex is greater that the P wave because

    ventricles are larger than the atria

    Parts of QRS complex:

    First deflection downwardQ wave.

    First upward deflectionR wave.

    Second upward deflectionR' (R-prime).

    First downward deflection following an upward deflectionS wave

    If entire configuration consists of one downward deflectionQS wave.

    The earliest part of the QRS complex represents depolarization of the

    interventricular septum by the septal fascicle of the left bundle branch

    Myocardial cells depolarizepass through a brief refractory period

    (resistant to the further stimulation)repolarize

    RepolarizationT waves

    Myocardial cells depolarizepass through a brief refractory period (resistant to

    the further stimulation)repolarize

    Ventricular repolarization inscribes the T wave, third wave on ECG

    Segments and Intervals

    Segment : a starlight line connecting 2 waves

    Interval : at last 1 wave + the connecting straight line

    PR Interval : measures the time from the start of atrial depolarization to the start of ventricular depolarization

    PR segment: measures the time from the end of atrial depolarization to the start of ventricular depolarization

    ST segment : measures the time from the end of ventricular depolarization to the start of ventricular repolarizati

    QT interval : measures the time from the start of ventricular depolarization to the end of ventricular repolarizatio

    QRS interval : measures the time of ventricular depolarization

  • 8/11/2019 CVS3-ECG



    130110110177|Gabriella Chafrina| 18/09/1

    Making Waves

    A wave of depolarization moving toward a positive electrode causes a positive deflection on the EKG

    A wave of depolarization moving away from a positive electrode causes a negative deflection on the EKG

    A wave of repolarization moving toward from a positive electrode cause a negative deflection on the EKG

    A wave of repolarization moving away from a positive electrode causes a positive deflection on the EKG

    A perpendicular wave produces a biphasic wave

    12lead EKG

    6 limb leads: view the heart in the vertical plane called the frontal plane 3 standard leads

    Lead I

    The left arm positive and the right arm negative

    Angle of orientation: 0o

    Lead II

    The legs positive and the right arm negative

    Angle of orientation: 60o

    Lead III

    The legs positive and the right arm negative

    Angle of orientation: 120o

    3 augmented leads Lead AVL

    The left arm positive and the other limbs negative

    Angle of orientation: -30o

    Lead AVR

    The right arm positive and the other limbs negative

    Angle of orientation: -150o

    Lead AVF

    The legs positive and the other limbs negative

    Angle of orientation: +900

    6 precordial leadsin a horizontal plane

    V1 : 4thintercostals space to the right of the sternum V2 : 4thintercostals spave to the left sternum

    V3 : between V2 an V4

    V4 : 5thintercostals space in the midclavicular line

    V5 : between V4 and V5

    V6 : 5thintercostals space in the misaxillary line

    Anterior groups : Leads V1, V2, V3, V4

    Inferior groups : Leads II, III, AVF

    Left lateral goups : leads I, AVL, V5, V6

  • 8/11/2019 CVS3-ECG



    130110110177|Gabriella Chafrina| 18/09/1

    Definition: partial intraventricular block every other heartbeat that make regular alternating amplitude, direction, or

    configuration of the QRS complexes in any or all leads

    - The RR intervals remain unchanged (regular)

    - Total electrical alternans refers to involvement of the P, QRS, and T waves and occasionally the U wave


    Alternans of the QRS complex is rare in patients with cardiac tamponade and occurs in some patients with a lrge

    pericardial effusion, particularly with malignancy

    Total electrical alternans is almost diagnostic of cardiac tampinade, although it occurs in fewer than 10% of patients

    with tamponade and may be associated with a swinging heart on echocardiography

    Severe coronary artery and hypertrophic heart disease is a reare cause of electrical alternans

    Supraventricular tachycardia with a very rapid ventricular rate, mainly occurring in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-Wh

    syndrome (orthodromic) reentrant tachycardia, is another cause

    conditions that depress the heart (ex: ischemia, myocarditis, or digitalis toxixity) can cause incomplete intraventricular

    heart block


    The pathophysiologic mechanisms that cause electrical alternans can be divided into 3 categories

    o Repolarization alternans (ST, T, U alternans)o Conduction and refractoriness alternans (P, PR, QRS alternans)

    o Alternans due to cardiac motion

    True electrical alternans is a repolarization or conduction abnormality of the Purkinje fibers or myocardium

    Electrical alternans due to cardiac motion is effectively artifact, as the heart swings in relation to the chest wall and

    electrodes, with a period twice that of the heart rate.

    - In pericarditis, if effusion sufficiently largeheart may actually rotate freely within the fluid filled sac/heart swing

    electric axis keep changes when ECGElectrical alternans

    - Rapid heart rateimpossible for some Purkinje system to recover from previous refractory period quickly enough to

    respond during every succeeding heart beat


    M. Gabriel Khan; Rapid ECG Interpretation

    Malcolm S. Thaler; The Only EKG Book Youll Ever Need

    Scott W. Sharkey;A Guide to Interpretation of Hemodynamic Data in The Coronary Unit