Law Library User’s guide 2018 8VLQJ WKH /LEUDU\ 3OHDVH OHDYH \RXU SHUVRQDO EHORQJLQJV LQ WKH ORFNHU ORFDWHG LQ IURQW RI WKH GRRU EHIRUH \RX HQWHU WKH OLEUDU\ 3OHDVH VKRZ \RXU ,' FDUG WR WKH VWDí DQG rOO RXW WKH VKHHW LocationThe Law Building 4F Regular HoursMonday - Friday 10:00 - 20:30 پMon. - Fri. 12:4513:45 closed for lunch Saturday 10:30 - 16:30 Vacation HoursMonday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00 پMon. - Fri. 12:4513:45 closed for lunch Saturday 10:30 - 16:30 Library HolidaysSunday, National Holidays, & Other Holidays set by YNU پOpening hours & holidays will be changed temporarily. /DZ /LEUDU\ &$/(1'(5>($XJXVW 0DUFK$XJXVW 6HSWHPEHU 2FWREHU 1RYHPEHU 'HFHPEHU -DQXDU\ )HEUXDU\ 0DUFK 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 FORVHG ZKLWH)… /DZ /LEUDU\ &$/(1'(5>($SULO -XO\ $SULO 0D\ -XQH -XO\ 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 6 0 7 : 7 ) 6 29

CY .KDTCT[ 7UGT U IWKFG · 2018. 4. 12. · .cy .kdtct[ 7ugt u iwkfg 8vlqj wkh /leudu\ 3ohdvh ohdyh \rxu shuvrqdo ehorqjlqjv lq wkh orfnhu orfdwhg lq iurqw ri wkh grru ehiruh \rx

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Page 1: CY .KDTCT[ 7UGT U IWKFG · 2018. 4. 12. · .cy .kdtct[ 7ugt u iwkfg 8vlqj wkh /leudu\ 3ohdvh ohdyh \rxu shuvrqdo ehorqjlqjv lq wkh orfnhu orfdwhg lq iurqw ri wkh grru ehiruh \rx

Law Library

User’s guide 2018




【Location】 The Law Building 4F

【Regular Hours】 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 20:30

Mon. - Fri. 12:45~13:45 closed for lunchپ

Saturday 10:30 - 16:30 【Vacation Hours】 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00 Mon. - Fri. 12:45~13:45 closed for lunchپ�������������������������

Saturday 10:30 - 16:30

【Library Holidays】 Sunday, National Holidays, & Other Holidays set by YNU

.Opening hours & holidays will be changed temporarilyپ

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Page 2: CY .KDTCT[ 7UGT U IWKFG · 2018. 4. 12. · .cy .kdtct[ 7ugt u iwkfg 8vlqj wkh /leudu\ 3ohdvh ohdyh \rxu shuvrqdo ehorqjlqjv lq wkh orfnhu orfdwhg lq iurqw ri wkh grru ehiruh \rx


Other Information

See the library bulletin board and the sec-

ond floor information board, The Law Build-

Yokohama National University

Faculty of International Social Sciences

Law Library

79-4, Tokiwadai, Hodogayaku, Yokohama

Tel / FAX : 045‐339‐3631/3635

E‐mail : [email protected]

● In principle, books are not available for


● Master's theses are read-only.


You can copy materials with your own copy

card using two machines located within the

library. For doctoral students who does

not have can print 1000 per year, whom

note the number of pages.


Student of master’s program can print 100

pages per year from PCs in the library.

Doctoral student can print 300 pages per

year from PCs in the library.

After you have finished printing , please

note the total number of pages.


You can apply the Yokohama Law Review.

Administration office is located at the law

library. (Mon. Thu, Fri)

Available literature

1. Judicial precedent

Supreme court precedents and others

2. Law books, books, reference materials,

commemorative books

3. University bulletins (Law, Politics related)

4. Western magazines related with Inter-

national related law・Western books,

5. DVD Database ● Installed at the specified PC in the law


6. Online– DB DB below are available. ⋇ D1-Law ⋈ Lex/DB Internet ⋉ LLI ⋊ WestLaw Next ⋋ HeinOnline ⋌ Beck-online ⋍ Kampo D.B ⋇�⋊~⋌�Through internal LAN can be available http://www.iblaw.ynu.ac.jp Or http://www.ls.ynu.ac.jp ⋍Only available at the PC at the law library. If you want, please ask administration staff. (Staff will proceed log-in operation)