Cyndi Relax.doc

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(Narrator 1 & Narrator 2 come on stage. Narrator 1 is all dressed up looking like a nerd. Narrator 2 is a hip hop child. Narrator 1 goes to the front)Narrator 1: Hello everyone! Welcome to Covent College. I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time

Narrator 2: Psss Pss!! (Interrupting, he pushes Narrator 1 away) Can you tell me whats the date please?Narrator 1: Yes, of course, today is .. of June 2013.

Narrator 2: Good! I thought we were in 1710

Narrator 1: (confused) I dont understand

Narrator 2: Youre so old-fashioned. Nobody says Once upon a time anymore (making fun of Narrator 1). We prefer watching Slvame Deluxe to hear a good story.

Narrator 1: (angry) But I am going to tell them about Cinderella.

Narrator 2: Oh Come on. They are tired of that story. I have a better one about a girl called Cyndi.

Narrator 1: Who is Cyndi?

Narrator 2: A girl I know. Do you want to hear my story? (Asking Narrator 1)

Narrator 1: Ok, lets hear it.

Narrator 2: Do you want to hear it? (To the audience; waits for their answer). Sorry, I cant hear you Do you want to hear my story? (Now the answer says yes louder). Ok then, here we go

SCENE 1MIXED UP WORLD(Cyndis stepmother, the two stepsisters and stepbrothers come on stage. They are carrying a lot of bags filled with things. They have just been shopping)Stepmother: I love going shopping.

Stepsister 1: I too, mum. Its so nice to spend money.Stepsister 2: Our stepfather was sooooo rich

Stepbrother 1: (both tired as they had to carry all the bags) Nice because you dont carry the bags

Stepbrother 2: Why didnt Cyndi go and help you with the bags?

Stepmother: (angry) that girl She had to clean the entire house and do your homework.

Stepsister 1: She didnt have any time (making fun)

Stepsister 2: Can you believe that?Stepbrother 1: She is so lazy

Stepbrother 2: I dont like her. Can we throw her out?

Stepmother 1: Are you crazy? Who is going to clean the house?

Stepsister 1: Who is going to cook for us?

Stepsister 2: Who is going to wash our clothes?

Stepbrother 1: Who is going to do my homework?

Stepbrother 2: Ok, ok I get it!!!Stepmother: By the way, where is she? (Nervously)

Stepsister 1: She is surely watching TV

Stepsister 2: Or listening to the radio

Stepbrother 1: Or talking to animals

Stepbrother 2: Maybe daydreaming (making fun)

Stepmother: (crying out Cyndis name) Cyndi! Cyndi! Where are you?

Cyndi: (from outside the stage) Here dear stepmother (with a resignation voice)

Stepsister 1: Come right now! I need a good massage

Stepsister 2: I need a cold drink

Stepbrother 1: I need you to prepare my bath

Stepbrother 2: I need you to prepare my bed

(Cyndi comes on stage. She is carrying a glass with a drink, a rubber duck and a pillow)

Cyndi: (very tired) Here I am. Heres your drink (she gives it to stepsister 2). Heres your rubber duck; your bath is ready (she gives it to stepbrother 1) and heres your pillow; your bed is ready (she gives it to stepbrother 1). Ok lets start with the massage (Stepsister 1 sits on a chair and Cyndi starts giving a massage on her feet)Stepmother: Cyndi, you are a lazy girl. What were you doing?

Cyndi: I did the ironing, cleaned the house, cooked your dinner, did everyones homework and walked the dogs.

Stepsister 1: I told you mum

Stepsister 2: She was doing nothingStepbrother 1: She is like her father

Stepbrother 2: Useless!!!Cyndi: Dont say that about my father!!!! (Angry) He was a good man

Stepmother: He was a rich man Thats all I needed

Cyndi: And now I am a poor girl

Stepsister 1: Now we have the house

Stepsister 2: Now we have all his money

Stepbrother 1: Now we have everything

Stepbrother 2: And you have nothing

(They all laugh at her)

SCENE 2BIG NEWS(They all have left the stage)

Narrator 1: Poor Cyndi!!! What an evil family!!!Narrator 2: Yes, they are. Everything is going to change Wait and see!! (A doorbell is heard).

Narrator 1: Someones ringing.

Narrator 2: Come on. We need to leave. The story must go on

(They leave the stage. The doorbell can be heard again)

Cyndi: (running on to the stage from the stairs, she goes to the toilets corridor) Hold on!!! I am coming!!!(She opens the door. We can listen to a very solemn music. The king, queen, prince, assistant and aristocrats come in. They all parade up and down the stage)

King: Greetings young lady! I am the king

Queen: I am your queen and this is our son, Prince Sebastian

Prince: Hi. How are you doing? (Hes too sexy for that place mood)

Cyndi: What an honour! How can I help you?

Aristocrat 1: Prince Sebastian is and adult nowAristocrat 2: He needs to stop playing

Aristocrat 3: He needs to stop going shoppingAristocrat 4: He needs to stop visiting the hairdressers every day

Aristocrat 5: And he needs to stop looking himself in the mirror all the time

Aristocrat 6: He always spends an hour in the bathroomAssistant: He needs to grow up, get married and have some children

Cyndi: That seems quite boringKing: I know my dear but I need him to become King soon. I am very tired

Queen: Wed like to go on a cruise ship to the Caribbean

Prince: They go on holidays and I need to work!!! (Disappointed) How nice!! (Ironically)Aristocrat 1: Our king is tired

Aristocrat 2: Our king wants to retire

Aristocrat 3: Our queen wants to cook some cakes for her grandchildren

Aristocrat 4: Our queen wants to knit some scarfs for them

Aristocrat 5: And our queen also wants to watch TV all day and wear sandalsAristocrat 6: Poor King and QueenAssistant: They deserve it. They have worked very hard.

Cyndi: I see But how can we help?

King: We are going to every house in the countryQueen: My feet are already swollen (touching her feet and complaining)Aristocrat 1: Prince Sebastian has to choose a womanAristocrat 2: She will become a princess

Aristocrat 3: But he doesnt like any girl in the castle

Aristocrat 4: So we decided to invite all the women in the country

Aristocrat 5: To a ball in a castle (like selling something really good)

Aristocrat 6: We will all be thereAssistant: Thats why we are bringing you this invitation.

Cyndi: How cool!!! A ball!!!

King: With lots of music

Queen: Lots of food

Aristocrat 1: Lots of refreshmentsAristocrat 2: Lots of games

Aristocrat 3: Lots of surprises

Aristocrat 4: Lots of important people

Aristocrat 5: Lots of pretty peopleAristocrat 6: Lots of young men too!!!

Everyone except Cyndi and Aristocrat 6: Ehem Ehem (clearing up their throats)

Assistant: Yes, but the only one important is Prince Sebastian. Dont look at any other man or you could be put into prison!

King: Ok, we need to go

Queen: We still need to visit more houses (not liking the idea at all)

Aristocrat 1: Dont forget itAristocrat 2: Its in two weeks timeAristocrat 3: Wear your best gowns

Aristocrat 4: Put on your best perfume

Aristocrat 5: Go to the best hairdressers in town

(As they are saying these lines they all start going except the assistant)

Assistant: So will you come to the ball? (He looks like he is interested in the girl)

Cyndi: I will have to speak to my stepmother, but I would love to

Assistant: I hope so. You are such a nice and beautiful girl

Cyndi: (blushing) you are a handsome and charming boy

Assistant: Ill meet you at the ball then (happily leaves the stage)

Cyndi: (waving goodbye, watching as he leaves) Ill meet you at the ball (and sighs loud so that everyone can hear it as she holds the invitation tightly against her heart).SCENE 3What have I done to deserve this?(After the assistants departure, the stepmother, brothers and sisters come on stage from another side of the theatre)

Stepmother: Children, come quickly

Stepsister 1: What is so important, mum?Stepsister 2: I was watching TVStepbrother 1: We were playing with the PlayStationStepbrother 2: and listening to some music

Stepmother: I just saw the King, the Queen, the Prince. (Like dreaming) coming out of our humble home

Stepsister 1: Thats impossible

Stepsister 2: Thats incredible

Stepbrother 1: Thats amazing

Stepbrother 2: Thats awesome

Stepmother: Cyndi What were they doing here?

Cyndi: They brought this invitation. (Showing the envelope)Stepmother: Invitation? (Snatching the envelope)... Let me see (The brothers and sisters gather behind the mother trying to read what the envelope says)

Stepmother: Oh my God!!!!!! Its an invitation to a ball Prince Sebastian is looking for a wife I need to buy a new dress

Stepsister 1: I need to do my nails and my hair

Stepsister 2: I need to put down some weight

Stepbrother 1: We can eat a lotStepbrother 2: And drink a lot tooCyndi: (with fear) Dear stepmother Can I go too?

Stepmother: Sorry? You?!?!?

(They all start laughing)

Stepsister 1: You are ugly

Stepsister 2: You smell bad

Stepbrother 1: You are rude

Stepbrother 2: You are boring

Cyndi: I am not any of those things

Stepmother: You will stay here. Someone needs to make my new dress

Cyndi: Thats so unfair!!! I work the whole day

Stepsister 1: We dont care

Stepsister 2: You are staying

Stepbrother 1: So dont complainStepbrother 2: And prepare us something to eat.

(Cyndi starts crying and leaves the stage. They all laugh)

Stepmother: Go to the ball!! Shes crazy. Come on guys!!! We have a lot of things to plan for the ball

(The leave the stage)

SCENE 4Good things happen to good people(Narrator 1 & Narrator 2 come on stage)Narrator 1: That poor Cyndi!!!

Narrator 2: She is indeed.

Narrator 1: Why cant she go to the ball? She works so hard.

Narrator 2: I know but dont worry. Things are going to change

Narrator 1: Are they?

Narrator 2: Yes, they are

Narrator 1: By the way.. I think Cyndi doesnt fancy Prince Sebastian

Narrator 2: Lets not advance anything

Narrator 1: I can hear voices

Narrator 2: Today its the big day. Lets go

(The narrators leave the stage. From the other side of it, the stepmother, sisters and brothers come on stage. Right behind them is Cyndi, who looks very sad. The others are very excited as tonight is the big event and they are all ready to go wearing their best clothes. Big expectations are in the air)

Stepmother: Ok guys. We are ready. Tonight is the nightStepsister 1: I am so excited

Stepsister 2: Me too. I am going to be the next queen

Stepbrother 1: (laughing) you the next queen?

Stepbrother 2: (laughing too) Not even in your wildest dreams

(Stepbrothers and sisters start fighting. The stepmother separates them)

Stepmother: Stop this right now! We have to go to the ball. Cyndi, come here

Cyndi: (resigned) yes, stepmother.Stepmother: Have everything ready for our arrival. Lets go guys!!!

(They all leave the stage Cyndi sits on the stage)

Cyndi: What have I done to deserve this?(Suddenly some tinker bells can be heard Cyndi moves her head all around trying to find where the sound comes from Tinker bells can be heard again)

Cyndi: Whats that sound?

(Now we can see a boy and a girl coming in The girl is a fairy with wand. The boy is a rapper with a Cd hanging from his neck. The fairy girl comes in like a ballerina, the boy with a very cool attitude)Fairy girl: Greetings, Cyndi

Fairy boy: Howdy babes?

Cyndi: Who are you? (All surprised). What are you doing here?Fairy girl: I am your fairy godmother . (Turning around like a ballerina)

Fairy boy: I am your fairy god brother (Bothered) Do I really have to say this?

Fairy girl: Of course, you are a fairy

Fairy boy: (complaining) But I want to be a hip hop singer

Fairy girl: (Come on, its a family tradition

Fairy boy: (resigned) Ok I am your fairy god brotherCyndi: Fairies?Fairy girl: We heard you crying yesterday night

Fairy boy: In fact, we couldnt sleep (complaining) you were too loudCyndi: Sorry

Fairy girl: Dont worry (putting her hand on Cyndis shoulder) we are here to help

Fairy boy: Yeah, we want to sleep

Fairy girl: Stop being so rude (scolding him)

Fairy boy: Sorry

Fairy girl: We want you to go to the ball

Cyndi: I cant. I havent got a dress and my stepmother doesnt let me goFairy boy: Hello!!! We are fairies (like saying this girl is silly)

Fairy girl: We can do MAGIC (turning around and doing like a ballerina; the word magic is said like in a commercial)

Fairy boy: Well. Magic. We went to a shopping centre and we bought this for you (they show a dress to her)

Cyndi: Is that really for me? Its beautiful!

Fairy girl: Do you like it? Really?

Fairy boy: (relieved) Thanks god. We cannot return it

Cyndi: I love it

Fairy girl: What are you waiting for? Go get dressed and ready for the ballFairy boy: And you can have our limousine. Its outside

Cyndi: Really?

Fairy girl: Yes, you can

Fairy boy: But you have to be back by twelve.

Fairy girl: Im sorry. Our father has to work at one and he needs the car

Cyndi: Its a little bit early

Fairy girl: I am sorryFairy boy: We need the car

Fairy girl: Come on, get dressed; time is running

Fairy boy: Yes, quickly and dont forget at twelve oclock (advising her)SCENE 5The ball

(Everyone is on stage, including narrators and fairies except Cyndi. There is a festive atmosphere. Everyone is wearing nice clothes)King: Welcome to my castle

Queen: To our castle, honey (correcting him)

Prince: Yeah. Whatever. Can we start so I can go back to my mirror?

Aristocrat 1: The prince is not so happyAristocrat 2: (gossiping) He doesnt want to get married

Aristocrat 3: In fact, he doesnt want to be king

Aristocrat 4: I heard he wants to be a model (with a sophisticated movement of a hand)

Aristocrat 5: Can you believe that?

Aristocrat 6: We need to do something about itAssistant: SSSSS (scolding them) stop gossiping. He is our prince.

Stepmother: This is so exciting

Stepsister 1: Its so big

Stepsister 2: Its so classy

Stepbrother 1: Its so boring

Stepbrother 2: I want to go back homeStepmother: Shut up!!!. The prince looks sooo handsome. I bet he has lots of money

King: Let the ball begin (solemn)Queen: Yes, please. We have got the tickets already. We want to go on holidays (annoyed)Prince: Oh my God!!! This is for real (scared)

(The stepmother and sisters get closer to the prince. The stepmother looks very very very interested in the prince)Aristocrat 1: Who will be our next queen?

Aristocrat 2: That woman looks very interested

Aristocrat 3: I dont like her Aristocrat 4: Dont worry. The prince is running awayAristocrat 5: Poor prince!!!!

Aristocrat 6: How scary!!!! (After the song everyone goes back to partying and the prince hides behind everyone going away from the stepmother and sisters who are so busy with the chase that they dont realise that Cyndi is coming in All the guests look at her with surprise)King: What a beautiful girl!!!

Queen: Son, come here. You have to see this girl

Prince: I cant (Hiding behind one of the aristocrats) I am scared. A woman is chasing meAristocrat 1: She is so pretty

Aristocrat 2: She is amazingAristocrat 3: I bet shell be the next queen

Aristocrat 4: Do you think so?Aristocrat 5: By the way, wheres the prince

Aristocrat 6: He was here before (looking around)Prince: (hiding) Shhhh I am hiding

Assistant: (amazed, he welcomes Cyndi) Wow. You look stunning. I have been waiting for you

Cyndi: Thanks everyone is so kind tonight

Assistant: I want to dance with you

Cyndi: Id love to

(They all start dancing to some music. Suddenly, the bells start tolling)Cyndi: Oh my God. Its twelve oclock. I must leave

Assistant: So early?

Cyndi: (running) Im sorry!!(She goes out of the stage. But she leaves one of her shoes)

King: I am tired. Lets finish this

Queen: But what about the girl?

Prince: (he sees the shoe on the floor) I have an idea Ill marry the girl who can wear this shoeAssistant: Thats not a good idea (he thinks its Cyndis)

Prince: (determined) Ill marry the owner of this shoe

King: Ok everyone Go home. We want to sleep

Queen: Tomorrow we will go to every house in the country

Prince: And look for my wife(Everyone leaves the stage)

SCENE 6The shoe(The Narrators come on stage)

Narrator 1: So Cyndi does not fancy the prince

Narrator 2: No... She fancies Charles, the assistant

Narrator 1: But that was Cyndis shoe

Narrator 2: Are you sure? Lets see(They go and the stepmother, sisters, brothers and Cyndi come on stage)Stepmother: Have you seen the prince? (Looking through the window)

Stepsister 1: They are here

Stepsister 2: (All the girls get ready) How do I look? How do I look?

Stepbrother 1: Horrible

Stepbrother 2: Like a toad (laughing)

Cyndi: Is the assistant there too?Stepmother, sisters and brothers: Shut up!!

(The doorbell rings)

Stepmother: Cyndi, go and open the door

(Cyndi goes and opens the door. Everyone comes to the stage. Aristocrat 1 brings the shoe on a red cushion)King: Greetings, dear subjects.. We are here

Queen: Oh, please cut it (annoyed)

Aristocrat 1: We have heard that too many times today

Aristocrat 2: We are tired

Aristocrat 3: We are hungry

Aristocrat 4: We want to go home

Aristocrat 5: We dont want a new queen

Aristocrat 6: We like the one we haveAssistant: Hi Cyndi I am so glad to see you again

Cyndi: Me too!!! I couldnt sleep last nightStepmother: (interrupting) Sorry! Can we start please?

King: Oh yes, the shoe

Queen: Please, the shoe

Prince: Oh no. I dont want to(Aristocrat 1 brings the shoe forward. On stage there is a chair. The stepsister 1, stepsister 2, Cyndi and the stepmother line up and take turns to sit and try the shoe in that order. Everyone plays statues. The narrators and fairies come to the front of the stage)Fairy girl: Oh, this is so exciting!!!

Fairy boy: If you say so (bored)

Narrator 1: Who is going to be the next queen?Narrator 2: The evil sisters, the evil mother or Cyndi

Fairy girl: (with excitement) I cant wait

Fairy boy: (begging) can you please press play?Narrator 1: Come on, come on (desperate)Narrator 2: (with a remote control in his hand) Ok lets see the end of the show

(He presses one button and the action goes on. They go to one side of the stage)

Aristocrat 1: The first lady please

(The stepsister 1 sits down and the Aristocrat tries to fit the shoe in her foot while the others speak. But the shoe does not fit)Everyone except the Prince: Oooooohhhhh (disappointment)

Prince: Thanks God!!!! Shes ugly

Aristocrat 1: Next lady, please (While he is saying this, Stepsister 2 comes to the chair and sits down. Stepsister 1 goes crying to the end of the line. Again, the aristocrat tries to fit the shoe in her foot but. It doesnt work the shoe doesnt fit)

Everyone except the Prince: Oooooohhhhh (disappointment. Twice as long as the previous one)

Prince: Thanks God!!!! Shes rude

Aristocrat 1: (visibly annoyed) Next one, please. My back is aching(While he is saying this, Cyndi comes to the chair and sits down. Stepsister 2 goes to her sister and cries. Again, the aristocrat tries to fit the shoe in her foot. Cyndi hopes the shoe doesnt fit. She doesnt want to marry Prince Sebastian ...)

Everyone except the Prince: Oooooohhhhh (disappointment. Three times as long as the first one)

Prince: Mmmmm she wasnt that bad

Assistant: Thanks God!!! I love her (relieved)Cyndi: And I love you(They go together and they hold each other. Then they hold each others hands)

Aristocrat 1: Ok, the last one please

(The stepmother goes to the chair and sits down. The aristocrat takes the shoe and. IT FITS!!!)

Everyone except the Prince: HALLELUJAH!!!

Prince: OH NO!!!!!!

Stepmother: (coming to him and holding him) OH YES!!!

(Everyone celebrates.)

Narrator 1: Play stop!!!

(The narrator 2 comes with the remote control and press a button. Everyone stops)

Narrator 2: Whats up?

Narrator 1: I know this story but the girl is called Cinderella and she marries the prince

Narrator 2: Well thats another story (Smiling). Let the party begin

(He presses a button again and the finale begins)

Mixed up World

I'm feeling all messed upI have a voice inside my head it says turn to the left

Then it says turn to the rightdont want to bring you downBut I am really needing guidance nowwhat would you do within my shoes (don't cry) I'm going crazy (stay high) I've never felt so low (don't hide) I want to turn and runwe've got to find a place to go


So when you're feeling kind of mixed upjust remember it's a mixed up worldand if you're feeling life is just too toughjust remember you're a real tough girl

Its a mixed up world (x4)

(Why) do I feel this pain (why) has this world gone insane?

Repeat Chorus

Im too sexy

I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love Love's going to leave me I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt So sexy it hurts And I'm too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan New York and Japan And I'm too sexy for your party Too sexy for your party No way I'm disco dancing I'm a model you know what I mean And I do my little turn on the catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah I shake my little touche on the catwalk I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my


I'm too sexy for my cat too sexy for my cat Poor pussy poor pussy cat I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love Love's going to leave me And I'm too sexy for this songsource: HYPERLINK ""

Dressed for success

Tried to make it little by little, tried to make it bit by bit on my own.Quit the job, the grey believers, another town where I get close to the bone.Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh ohwhatcha gonna tell your father? - I don't know!Whatcha gonna tell your mother? - Let me go...I'm gonna get dressed for successshaping me up for the big time, baby.Get dressed for successshaping it up for your love.

Look sharp!

yea yea yea

Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh ohwhatcha gonna tell your father? - I don't know!Whatcha gonna tell your mother? - Let me go...Dressed for success

Im gonna get dressed for success

I'm gonna get dressed for success,hitting a spot for the big time, baby.Get dressed for successshaping it up for your love.Look sharp!

I want that man

Here comes the twenty first century (x2)

I wanna move like what's-his-nameI'll keep the moneyYou can have the fameEverything that's yours will soon be mineYeah I wanna be the Queen of the USAYou could send me roses every other dayBut what I really want I just can't buy

Here comes the twenty first centuryIt's gonna be much better for a girl like meCause I want everything I canBut most of all I want that manI want that man

I wanna be kissed from head to toeBy that man in the very back rowBut he won't even look me in the eyeI want his love to rain right down on meI want him to be king of all my dreamsWhat I really want I just can't hide

Here comes the twenty first centuryIt's gonna be much better for a girl like meCause I want everything I canBut most of all I want that manI want that manI want that manI want that manI want that man

The Edge of Glory

There ain't no reason you and me should be aloneTonight, yeah babyTonight, yeah babyI got a reason that you're who should take me home tonightI need a man that thinks it's right when it's so wrongTonight, yeah babyTonight, yeah babyRight on the limits where we know we both belong tonightIt's hard to feel the rushTo push the dangerousI'm gonna run right to, to the edge with youWhere we can both fall over in loveI'm on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment of truthOut on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment with youI'm on the edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeI'm on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment with youI'm on the edge with youAnother shot before we kiss the other sideTonight, yeah babyTonight, yeah babyI'm on the edge of something final we call life tonightAlright, alright[ Lyrics from: ]Pull on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flamesTonight, yeah babyTonight, yeah babyIt doesn't hurt 'cause everybody knows my name tonightAlright, alrightIt's hard to feel the rushTo push the dangerousI'm gonna run right to, to the edge with youWhere we can both fall over in loveI'm on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment of truthOut on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment with youI'm on the edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeI'm on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment with youI'm on the edge with youI'm on the edge with youI'm on the edge with youI'm on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment of truthOut on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment with youI'm on the edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeI'm on the edge of gloryAnd I'm hanging on a moment with youI'm on the edge with you

Cyndi Relax!19