C'z Fire Magazine

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An awesome teen magazine with cool new trends, hot gossip and real life stories to help girls and boys ages 10-18!

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Note from the Editors...

Hi there! Editors Layne and Heidi here! I really hope you like the magazine. A lot of work has gone into this. We decided to make this magazine because we wanted to make a magazine for real girls not made by adults that barley remember what it was like to be a tween with tween issues, but made by girls who are currently going through tough times. Also most magazines have unrealistically beautiful models and adds. Well, C'z Fire has no adds, models that are real girls just like you, and they mostly have no make-up! ( The model in the DIY confidence mirror on page 25 just woke up!) Well I hope you like the magazine and really enjoy getting to know yourself more, sharing with your pals, and saying new quotes to your parents! This magazine isn't written by pros who don't really care and just want your money, it is written by girls who know what it is like being a girl and just want to help YOU!XoXo...Layne and Heidi ( C'z Fire!) 1


Your Life...3... Ask the Experts.5... True Story “The fight the broke us up!”7...Awesome Books For You!8 ...How To Cope With STRESS!9... Get Your Crushes Attention10... REAL LIFE Bullying Stories and How to Seek Help!

Celebrities...11... Gossip, Hot off the Press!12... POSE! Embarrassing Star Photos...13... More Alike Then You Think...14... Style Good And Bad.15... C'z Fire; Cool list(:

More Fun...17... Super Cool Word Search18... Life's Most Embarrassing Moments:P19... Hair Beauty and Style Tips! Just For You20... Quiz “Are You A Good Gal-Pal?”21... Whats Your Horoscope This Month?24...The Most Clever Sayings25... D.I.Y Confidence Mirror 2

Ask The Experts...Experts Heidi Landon and Layne Dewar.

Dear C'z Fire, I have recently developed a crazy celeb crush. It is worse then it sounds. I have almost 50 posters of him in my room. I find myself dreaming of him and wanting to kiss him! I really need to stop before it gets worse! HELP!-Lilly

Dear Lilly, Don't worry all crushes are normal. Don't be ashamed, plenty of girls have huge celeb crushes just like you. Although if you personally think that this is getting in the way of your everyday life you need to do something. Start taking down a few posters of this person every day until only your very favourite ones are left. If you are still having problems ask you parents if they will take you to a counsellor or try to think about this person less. Join an Extra curricular activity and hang out with friends. Focus on school and living you life to the fullest. Don't let this crush stop you from having a great life. Hope this Helps-C'z Fire:)

Dear C'z Fire, I have a LOT a trouble sleeping at night. I can't stop worrying about school and friendship drama and other things. It takes me a long time to finally get to sleep at night and when I wake up I am still exhausted!-Olivia


Dear Olivia, Wow seems like you are really stressed out. (see pg 8 on how to cope with stress.) What you need to do is relax at night. Sleeping is a time to replenish your body and put the day behind you good or bad. Maybe take a bath before bed or write down all your worries on a piece of paper then flush it down the toilet. Also exercising during the day can help you sleep easier at night. Do not drink anything like soda or coffee before bed. Try just drinking water. Counting backwards from 100 and taking deep breaths sometimes helps me get to sleep. Hope this Helps-C'z Fire :) Dear C'z Fire, My parents are ALWAYS fighting. It really stresses me out! I can't sleep at night and when I try to talk to my mom about it she says I'm overreacting. She won't take me to a counsellor and I don't know what to do! -Alice

Dear Alice, Whoa, this is a really tough situation that your in but please don't try to get involved.Your parents are grown ups and they can work it out themselves.You are not the only one dealing with this many children have parents who fight. Maybe the fact that your mom says your overreacting is a good thing. It may mean that their problems aren't very serious and you shouldn't be worrying about it. If she won't take you to a counsellor, talk to a sibling or trusted adult instead. You can also call Kids Help Phone at 1800 668 6868 which is toll free and won't show up on your caller list. Tell your mom how you feel and remember to tell you parents you love them. Do you remember the last time you fought with your sibling or friend? You didn't really mean all the hurtful things you said did you? Maybe its the same case with your parents. Either way you shouldn't be stressing about this.Hope this HelpsC'z Fire:) If you have a problem Email your Questions to [email protected] 4


“The Fight that Broke us Up!!”

My name is Krissy and me and my three BFF's Abby, Rebecca, and Mia were the most inseparable group of girls in the universe. We had loads of fun gossiping, dancing, laughing, and hanging out until one day...

It was a normal day in Winchester where we lived. We met up outside the school as usual except Mia was not there. We walked further into the school and saw that Mia was hanging with a group of girls that we despise. Mikayla, Hanna, and Madison. We asked if we could talk to her alone but she said no because she was hanging out with her new BFF's. We walked away confused about how someone could just change so drastically that fast. Yesterday we were the ultimate package of best friends and now we were falling apart quicker then I thought any friendship ever could. At the 5

lunch bell we snagged Mia before Mikayla, Hanna, and Madison could.We asked her why she wasn't acting normal and she said she was sick of us and then hastily walked away. The three of us stood there feeling rejected and utterly confuse.

That weekend we had our first sleepover without Mia. It felt really weird and lonely. Before we went to bed we checked Mia Taler's facebook page. Her status was “Having the most ahh-mazing time with Mikayla Smith, Hanna Anderson, and Maddie Lester! Then we checked the News Feed. Mia had 3 new posts that we were tagged in they read: Wanna know the 3 most EMBARRASSING secrets about the most seemingly perfect girls in school? #1 Krissy Neilson has a HUUGE crush on Josh Views! #2 Rebecca Coinly had HEADLICE last month! #3 Abby Track's parents are getting a divorce and she wet her bed 2 months ago! Thanks for Reading. We were mortified and untagged ourselves ASAP! We couldn't believe Mia did that! She was such a traitor she had replaced us embarrassed us and broke our trust in her all in one day! There we a dozen comments from boys in our class saying “LOL” and there one from Josh Views that said “OMG I don't like her! Y me?” We called Mia and threatened to post an embarrassing secret about Mia unless she took down the posts. She refused but we decided to not post the secret about Mia. We never spoke again and our life changed drastically.

I was reading a book later on in life and I stumbled upon the expression “some friends come into our lives for a reason some only for a season.” And I really understood it.

-Krissy NeilsonIf you have any true but tragic stories E-mail them to [email protected]


Great Books For You! Get a list of the HOTTEST books right now! All right here!

#1 The Hunger Games Trilogy- Suzanne Collins#2 Slob-Ellen Potter#3 The Clique Series- Lisi Harrison#4 The Maze Runner James Dashner#5 Divergent-Veronica Roth#6 Midnight Twins- Jaclynn Mitchard#7 Flipped-Van Darran#8 Rotten Apple- Rebecca Eckler#9 Pretty Little Liars– #10 Hit and Run- Sara Shepard Lurlene McDaniel 7

How To Cope with STRESS

If you are feeling stressed try these clever techniques...

1. Take deep breaths to calm down. 2. Take a bath.

3. Keep some time to yourself, take a nap or watch a movie

4. Make sure to get your daily exercise.5. Let out all you problems to a family pet

trusted adult or a journal.6. Take regular breaks from your work or

homework.7.Try to get you mind of of whats causing you

stress read a book, play a video game, or hang out with friends.

8. Eat a balanced diet.9. Avoid caffeine or alcohol. 10. Listen to relaxing music.11. DO NOT SULK! Hope This Helps:)

If you feel like you can't deal with the stress talk to a counsellor.



Q: What is the most memorable thing a girl ever did to get your attention?

A: The most memorable thing was when my girlfriend and I went on a really casual date to an ice-cream place in town. We just talked it was a total pressure free date. I thought a laid back date like that really made me get to know her more. Q: What make-up on a girl can catch your eye? A: Natural make-up on a girl is best. It looks terrible when a girl loads on way to much make-up and ends-up looking like a clown. But a little mascara couldn't hurt!

Q: What kind of style do you like on a girl?

A: Well it depends on the person but personally my favourite kind of style is just casual jeans and a tee-shirt.

Q: What hair style catches your attention?

A: I like it when girls wear their hair up like in buns, so I can see their face and eyes.* All answers are honestly answered by C'z Fire volunteer boys, If you have answers send them to [email protected]*

Meredith desperately tries to get her crushes attention but it doesn't seem to be working:( Don't worry we are here to the rescue!

Real Life Bullying Stories! How To Seek Help!

Bullying story number one:I must admit I am overweight. But no one ever made a big deal about it. It was about 3 years after my twin brother Caleb committed suicide. I was peacefully sitting

at my desk durning lunch time and a class bully named Chuck came up to me and said “ You are REALLY fat you know?” I sat there speechless. Caleb had committed

suicide because of being bullied by Chuck and now I was the target?!? This went on

for a for what seemed like forever, him calling me a fat lard, loser, chub-chub, Dr. Tubs, nugget, the names went on and on. I cried myself to sleep every night. I was hopeless. Suicide became an option. I slit my wrists and went on scary diets. But then one day I thought why? Why? Dieting wasn't solving any real problems. Cutting myself definitely wasn't helping me so Why was I doing it? The next day I decided to take a stand. I gathered everyone who had ever been bullied by Chuck, we went to the principle and told her exactly this: “ Chuck has been bullying us for years now. We all want it to stop.” The principle made Chuck apologize to us in front the whole school and once the principle learned all the things Chuck had been doing and how he was probably the cause of my brother suicide. He got a suspension. Chuck never made fun of me again. I stopped cutting myself, and

started eating healthy. I no we knew that is what he deserved.

Bullying story number two:It was a beautiful summer day as I was walking home from school, I saw

someone in the bushes and I ran past it as fast as a I could. Finally feeling relaxed

I started to walk again. Big mistake. I felt him grab me by the shoulders and pin

me down I felt paralysed, still, helpless. I finally manged to break free and ran

home feeling like I just got shot.I boomed through the door and ran to my room crying. Almost instantly my mom came up and asked my what was wrong. I told her everything. She started

asking me questions and I didn't know how to answer them. My mother filed a police report and found the guy who did this, David Kold. I officially hated this kid. They ONLY gave him a warning. Later in the year David attacked me again. This time worse. Punching, kicking, worse! I used some of myself defence until a by-stander called the police. It was finally over. IF You are having Bullying problems call 1800 668 6868 Kids Help Phone E-mail us [email protected] 10

Gossip Hey this is your gossip gals here! Reporting all the BEST gossip hot off the press!

Are Zac Efron & Lily Collins The Hot New Couple? Zac Efron and Lilly Collins were spotted having dinner together at a high end restaurant that may have actually been a date! They could just be very close friends but odds are that if they spend a lot of time together they may actually fall in love! Could there be a romance in the air? Zac and Lilly make a great couple! And the name is cute too! Zilly!

Selena Gomez Taking a break from Music... This January Selena made a shocking announcement... I am taking a break from music, my band and I are just gonna chill. I have been juggling acting and singing for almost three years and right now I want to focus on just acting. Fans were shocked with the announcement. “Change is good”says Selena when she debuted her pink and blue highlights. She is also starring in two big Indie flicks at the beginning of 2012.

Demi Disses Zendaya and Bella!?!?!? Demi Lovato was watching a episode of her new fave show “Shake It Up” when she heard something she could not believe! A person who was guest starring on Shake it Up, said “I could just eat you up, well if I ate!”Demi was shocked at the comment that referenced to eating disorders and took action. “Dear Disney Channel, Eating disorders are not something to joke about and is it just me or are the actresses getting thinner and thinner?” Many people thought it was mean of her to tweet that about Zendaya and Bella. But plenty of fans took Dem's side saying hurtful things on the Shake it Up star's twitter like “Go eat some Burger King.”Zendaya's Dad tweeted to Demi, “Zendaya looks up to you and admires you greatly, talking about what Disney said is one thing but when you commented on her body type you did exactly what they did.”Who's side do you take?

Lil' Wayne's Dead?!Nope Lil' Wayne is def not a corpse! C'z Fire investigated and he was filmed in an interview on March 29 th and he was supposedly dead on March 28th. Don't worry Lil Wayne fans!! But he did announce that his upcoming album will be his last:( Sorry to hear that!! Love you Lil' Wayne!

PoseEmbarrassing Star Photos!!

LOL @ these embarrassing star photos

Katy flashes us a silly face! Taylor makes a crazy face while singing one of her greats songs!

What Are You Doing Miley! Kristin, Found a Penny?

Justin Freaks when his mom tries to take away his phone! Sometimes its fun to be silly!


More Alike Then You Think....

Katherine Heigl Recycles! Natailie Portman Picks up dog poop!

Emma Roberts carries a heavy water bottle package to her car.

Blake Lively Picks out a toothbrush! Drew Barrymore juggles coffee and a cell phone while walking! 13

Style Good and BAD!

Blake Livley Selena looks like a goddess Lilly Collins looks Great looks stunning in this photo!! In this dress! in that outfit! Love The Shoes

Hot, Hot, Hot ^ !

Not, Not, Not.

Lady G looks Terrible Does Katy think she looks like Willow looks Hip!

in this table cloth! Neon business woman? NOT!

!!! C'z Fire COOL LIST !!! Here are today's top Celebrities, Movies, and more!Top Celebrities Girls

1. Selena Gomez 2. Miley Cyrus3. Taylor Swift4. Lilly Collins5. Jennifer Lawrence

Top Celebrities Boys1. Josh Hutcherson2. Taylor Lautner3. Justin Bieiber4. Liam Hemswort5. Lil' Wayne

Top Albums Today

1. MDNA- Madonna2. 21- Adele3. Making Mirrors- Gotye4. The Hunger Games (songs from District 12)- Various Artists

5. Up all Night- One Direction

Selena is my IDOl!-GoGomez5

Josh Hutcherson is SO HOT!-teamgale21

Top Movies Today!1. We Bought A Zoo2. War Horse3. Mission Impossible III4. Hop5. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Top TV Shows 1.Pretty Little Liars 2. iCarly 3.The Big Bang Theory 4.Criminal Minds

5. Americas Next Top Model

This was C'z Fire cool list! I hope you liked it! Look for the next 'Cool list” in the next issue of C'z Fire! :)

Pretty Little Liars is the most intense show I have ever seen! And the books were just as great!- Gaga 325

The little girl in this movie is way cute:)-anyway45

Lifes' Most Embarrasing Moments I ran into an open locker!!!One time I was waving to my crush across the hallway at school and I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I slammed my face into an open locker! Okay it might not sound that bad but then I realized my nose was bleeding! My crush looked disgusted! I had a huge bruise on my nose for a week!

I got my Period in the middle of class:(The first time I got my period it was the absolute worst! I was really into the art lesson and I didn't realize I had my period. When the bell rang for lunch I got up and the boy behind me called started pointing at my lower body I looked down and saw a huge red stain! His was laughing hysterically and went to

get all his friends to show them! I was mortified!

My Mom got a speeding ticket In front of my school! It was my classes' school trip to a history museum, andI missed the bus so I got a drive to school . As if being late wasn't bad enough my whole class was waiting outside for me! Then they saw my mom get pulled over by the police for speeding! I got out of the car to join my class and my mom yelled BYE SWEETHEART! Right in front of the whole class and the hot police man! Worst. Day. EVER.

Hair Beauty and Style Tips Just For You!

Throw your hair into a mid ponytail.Spray any fly aways with a light weight hairspray.

Take a bristle teasing comb and tease the ponytail.

Wrap the ponytail around itself and when you have about three inches of hair left separate the sections and twist in opposite directions.

Secure the pieces on top of the bun with a few bobby pins

There you go! Remember the messier the better!

Hair Tip AlertWant shiny seemingly flawless and glossy celeb hair? Here is a weird trick, if you put a small dab of unscented hand lotion in you hand and brush it threw dry hair with your fingers, it will create a glowing shine that is bound to stand out!

Beauty Tip AlertDon't have cheek tint? No problem a pretty light pink or dark red lip stick or balm will work just as well.

BROWN AND BLACK? 57% SAY NO WAY!!! Why? Simply because dark Colors don't go with just one shade up from the first color. It is the same with white and beige and red and pink! And because bright colours are in!

More questions about tips or more styles for an occasion? E-mail us at [email protected]

ARE YOU A GOOD GAL-PAlYour friend asked you to go tothe mall a week ago but yourcrush finally asked you to the movies today do you:

Lie and say your sick to your friend

Tell your crush: “some other time”

How often do youTwo fight?

Do you find your selfpurposely doing things to bother her?

Yes. Its funny...

Barley Ever.




Do you secretly cheer whenSomething bad happens to


No way thats mean!

Do you make her Feel bad when she

Is too busy to hang?

Nope. If she is busy we can hang another time.


Yes you are a gr8 gal pal

Friends know they can Def rely on you 24/7!

No, you may be fun to hang

With but friends are not sure

If you are loyal enough to trust

In a time of need.

Horoscopes Gemini May 21-June 20Versatility is a great keyword for this dual sign. Expressive and quick-witted, the Gemini presents two distinctive sides to his or her personality, and you can never be sure with which one you're going to come face-to-face. On one hand, the Gemini can be outgoing, flirtatious, communicative, and ready for fun, fun, fun. Yet when the other twin is present, you can find this air sign contemplative, serious, restless, and even indecisive. Both twins are able to adapt to life's circumstances well, making them wonderful people to know. Things are never boring when a Gemini is on the scene.Lucky Days, May: 16, 24. June: 19, 10. Lucky Colours: Aqua, Orange, Emerald.

Aries March 21- April 19As the first sign of the zodiac, the presence of an Aries almost always indicates the beginning of something energetic and boisterous. Not much holds this sign back. They're eager, dynamic, quick, and competitive. When it comes to getting the ball rolling, an Aries is the best. Pioneering everything from work-related projects to parties with friends, these folks go for the gusto.Lucky Days: March: 30, 3. April: 8, 27. Lucky Colours: Ruby, Yellow, Magenta.

Taurus April 20-May 20Strong, dependable Taurus leads the way when it comes to reaping the rewards of hard work. Lovers of everything that is fine and beautiful, Tureens surround themselves with material gains. This is a sensual, tactile sign. Touch is very important in everything from work to romance. Stable and conservative, Tureens are among the most reliable of the zodiac. While sometimes viewed as stubborn, this sign will plod along on a task until the very end, ensuring that everything is up to standard. They're highly creative and thoroughly enjoy making things with their own hands. 21

Lucky Days: May 4, 7. November 16, 19. Lucky Colours: Pink, Navy, Brown.

Cancer June 21- July 22Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging Zodiac signs to get to know. Emotion runs strong for this sign, and when it comes to family and home, nothing is more important. Sympathetic and empathetic, Cancerians are greatly attuned to those around them. Devotion is the keyword for this sign, making them wonderfully sensitive people to be around.Lucky Days: December: 11, 17. August: 9, 5. Lucky Colours: Black, Purple, Beige.

Leo July 23-August 22When the mighty Lion enters center stage, everyone notices. This dramatic, creative, and outgoing sign has the keyword magnetism for good reason. Fiery and self-assured, a Leo's charm can be almost impossible to resist. Whether it's time spent with family and friends or efforts on the job scene, a Leo is going to bring a lot to the table.Lucky Days: January: 1, 13. October: 16, 25. Lucky Colours: White, Gray, Black.

Virgo August 23- September 22With an acute attention to detail, the Virgo is the sign in the zodiac most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads them to caregiving like no other, while their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead.Lucky Days: August: 30, 29. September: 20, 23. Lucky Colours: Blue, Green, Purple

Libra September 23- October 22"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!Lucky Days: October 7, 8. July: 18, 30. Lucky Colours: Silver, Mustard, Gold.

Scorpio October 23- November 23Beneath a controlled, cool exterior beats the heart of the deeply intense Scorpio. Passionate, penetrating, and determined, this sign will probe until they reach the truth. The Scorpio may not speak volumes or show emotions readily, yet rest assured there's an enormous amount of activity happening beneath the surface. Excellent leaders, Scorpions are always aware. When it comes to resourcefulness, 22

this sign comes out ahead.Lucky Days: June: 3, 6. May: 10, 12. Lucky Colours: Orange, Sapphire, Lavender.

Sagittarius November 22- December 21Inquisitive and energetic, the Sagittarius is the traveler of the Zodiac. Their philosophical, broad-minded approach to life motivates them to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life. Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to keep the Sagittarius down. They love change. In fact, change is essential for this sign to feel their best.Lucky Days: December 3, 4. January 11, 9. Lucky Colours: Pink, Turquoise, Violet.

Capricorn December 22- January 19When it comes to professionalism and traditional values, Capricorn wins hands-down. This practical sign loves to tackle life in the most conventional of ways, leaving no stone unturned. Considered the most serious-minded of the signs, the Capricorn possesses an independence that allows for considerable progress both personally and on the job.Lucky Days: February 17, 13, March: 23, 16. Lucky Colours: Lime, Salmon, Charcoal.

Aquarius January 20- February 18Aquarians present themselves in one of two ways. One on hand, you’ll see someone who is shy, and quiet. On the other, an Aquarian can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. Both are deep thinkers with a love of helping others. Highly intellectual, this is a sign of fierce independence that prizes intuition tempered with logic. Both personality types have an uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice, making them excellent problem-solvers. While very much attuned to the energies around them, Aquarians have a deep need to take time out alone and away to rejuvenate themselves. The keyword for this sign is imagination. The Aquarian can see a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.Lucky Days: April: 3, 20. November: 14, 7. Lucky Colours: Cocoa, Plum, Marine.

Pisces February 19 -March 20"Understanding" is a most appropriate keyword for this gentle, affectionate sign. Easygoing and generally accepting of others around them, Pisceans are often found in the company of a variety of different personalities. Their willingness to give of themselves emotionally lends to an aura of quiet empathy. A Pisces is comforting to be around. While not likely to be the leader, this sign's presence is strong and vibrant in any cause they put their hearts into.Lucky Days: December 7, 18. January: 5, 25. Lucky Colours: Maroon, Peach, Sky. 23


“men, chocolate, and coffee are all better rich!”


“Don't be a girl who needs a man, be a girl that a man NEEDS”

“Don't wait for a prince, wait for a guy who thinks your a princess.”

“I am the girl who always has the phone in my hand, headphones in my ears, and that one guy on my mind.”

“Girls fake smiles and boys fake feelings”

When a girl says its over she really means “please fight for me”


“there is always a wild side to an innocent face.”

“Gal- Pals should agree with the dictionary Girls before Guys!” 24


You Will Need– Hand Held Mirror– Patterned or Plain Construction Paper– Expo White Board Markers– Letter Stickers, Gems, Yarn, Ribbons etc.– Glue– Scissors

Step One: Cut out a piece of paper the same size as the back part of your mirror and glue it on.

Step Two: Tie ribbons around the handle of the mirror.

Step Three: Use your board markers to write catchy phrases like “true Beauty” etc. On the reflection part of the mirror. (see pg 24 for more ideas!)

Step Four: Decorate the outer part of the mirror (where you put the construction paper) with fun decals, stickers and gems any way you want. You may also like you use your letter stickers to write things like “BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY” (see pg 24 for more ideas!)

The Finished Product!