D-3598 Summary of Cover

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  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    All he hg y

    ca expec frm

    Mre Care

    Summary of health insurancereimbursements for 2011

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Avro Achmea

    Postbus 1717

    3800 BS Amersfoort

    General telephone number: 0900 - 9590 (local rate)

    Travel Line: 0900 - 23 02 340 ( 0.10 p/m)

    Nursing articles line: 0900 - 20 08 010 ( 0.10 p/m)

    Holiday doctor: +31 71 36 41 802

    Emergency Centre: +31 71 36 41 850


    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Table of contents

    3 More Care. For you to make the most of4 Faster assistance thanks to care mediation!

    4 The Seven Certainties of good care

    5 The deductible excess

    6 No deductible excess thanks to care mediation

    7 On paying bills and their reimbursement

    7 When permission is required for treatment

    8 What happens when things change?

    8 Awareness and healthy living!

    9 Some useful information

    10 A cheap way to get fit

    15 Your health insurance

    16 What can you find where in the summary of reim-


    18 Summary of reimbursements 2011

    30 Summary of the health insurance policies

    31 Privacy

    31 Applicable law and complaints procedure

    31 Information about Avro Achmea


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    More Care

    For you to make the most of


    Avro Achmea offers excellent care, in every sense. We

    help you make all the right arrangements to ensure

    excellent cover for an attractive price. As far as we are

    concerned, no-one should have to wait for care. We also

    believe that good care should be a matter-of-course.

    You can always be sure of our Seven Certainties of Good


    1. Care and waiting time mediation for everyone.

    2. A care guarantee for all insured parties.

    3. No obligatory deductible excess in the case of certain


    4. Recourse assistance.

    5. GP and dentist mediation.

    6. Help when on holiday abroad.

    7. Health programme.

    You can find out more about the benefits of Avro

    Achmea on the following pages. They also contain

    practical information on paying bills and submitting

    claims. In the summary of reimbursements you can find

    out exactly what is reimbursed via the various(supplementary) insurance policies.

    We hope you live a long and healthy life, but if you need

    more care, Avro Achmea will always be there to help.

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    We believe that good care should be a matter of course.

    After all, nothing is more important than your health. It is

    for this reason that we have made a number of key

    arrangements. You can always be sure of the following

    Seven Certainties:

    1. Care and waiting time mediation

    If you have medical problems, you will want good quality

    assistance at the earliest opportunity. It is our job to provide

    it. All you have to do is call the Avro Achmea care mediation

    department and you will soon have an appointment with a

    doctor or specialist.

    2. Care guarantee

    Care guarantee means you are guaranteed follow-up assistan-

    ce for 65 common forms of treatment within 10 working days.

    3. No obligatory deductible excess in the case of certain


    You do not pay any obligatory deductible excess for a

    number of common operations if you make the necessary

    arrangements via our care mediation service. The great

    thing about this is that we also ensure that you are provi-

    ded with good quality care at the earliest opportunity.

    Faster assistance thanks to care mediation!

    The fastest referrals

    If you have medical problems, you will want rapid and good quality assistance. Your GP will usually refer you to the ne-

    arest hospital. You may then be added to a waiting list. Care mediation helps to ensure that you receive assistance more


    All you need to do is call the care mediation department and we will start looking for hospitals that are specialised in cer-

    tain forms of medical treatment. The main focus is on the speed and quality of the care. Our care mediators are in contact

    with all hospitals in the Netherlands and even some in Belgium and Germany. If you agree to the care advice they provide,

    our care mediator will make all the necessary arrangements. Thanks to our guarantee agreements you can often get an

    appointment within two weeks. The sooner your problem is dealt with, the sooner your life can get back to normal.

    Call 0900 - 9590 (local rate) or surf to www.averoachmea.nl/zorgbemiddeling to arrange assistance.

    The Seven Certainties of

    good care


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    4. Recourse assistance

    If you have suffered bodily injury as a consequence of an

    accident, or wish to make a claim for compensation as a

    consequence of a medical activity, we will help you recover

    the costs.

    5. GP and dentist mediation

    If you are going to move house, we will help you find a new

    GP or dentist. We will find out which practices are able to

    accept new patients and will make the necessary

    arrangements so that your registration is completed within

    two weeks.

    6. Help when abroad

    It is nice to know that, when you are abroad,

    Avro Achmea is there for you 24 hours a day. All you have

    to do is call our Emergency Centre or our Holiday Doctor.

    7. Health-programme

    Health is a unique service which helps you improve your

    health and develop a healthy lifestyle. For example, it offers

    you a discount on a Health Check, so that you can find out

    exactly how healthy you are. You also get a discount at the

    Achmea Health Centers, and you will be eligible for the

    regular special offers which can be found at

    www.averoachmea.nl/health. We even reimburse the

    majority of the costs of, for example, a first aid course.

    Everyone who has to pay a premium for the basic insurancepolicy also has an obligatory deductible excess. In 2011 this

    is 170.00 per insured party per calendar year. This deducti-

    ble excess is set by the government to keep care affordable.

    This means you have to pay the first 170.00 of the medical

    costs incurred yourself. The costs on top of this are then

    eligible for reimbursement.

    Avro Achmea allows you to opt for a voluntary deductible

    excess in addition to the obligatory deductible excess. The

    higher your voluntary deductible excess, the lower your

    premium will be. There are several ways in which you can in-

    crease your deductible excess. The details can be found on

    the back of your policy document. From all reimbursements

    of care expenses which we issue during the course of the

    year, we first deduct the obligatory deductible excess of

    170.00 and then any self-selected voluntary deductible ex-

    cess. If you want to adjust your voluntary deductible excess,

    you can do so every year by calling 0900 - 9590 (local rate).

    The deductible excess does not apply to:

    GP visits (with the exception of subcontracted labora-tory tests).

    Care which is reimbursed via your supplementary (den-tal) insurance policy.

    Care and dental care for children aged up to 18. Articles on loan (such as VDU spectacles). Maternity care and obstetrical assistance. Chain-based care and follow-up checks of the donor.

    The deductible excess

    What you have to pay and what not

    Your bills are always set off against the obligatory

    deductible excess and lastly the voluntary deductible

    excess (if you have opted for one).

    Sample calculation 1:

    obligatory deductible excess alone

    Mr Jones only has the deductible excess required by law

    of 170.00. He pays a bill of 190.00 to the care provider

    himself and then submits the invoice to us as a claim. The

    first 170.00 of this invoice are charged to his deductible

    excess as required by law. We then reimburse the rest

    ( 20.00). Mr Jones will then pay no more deductible

    excess for the rest of the year. Any treatment he under-

    goes in that year will, therefore, be reimbursed.

    Sample calculation 2:

    obligatory and voluntary deductible excess

    Mrs Smith has opted for a voluntary deductible excess of

    200.00 over and above the obligatory deductible excess.

    Her hospital submits a claim directly to us for treatment

    costing 700.00. We pay the hospital directly. We then

    additionally charge Mrs Smith her obligatory deductible

    excess ( 170.00), followed by her voluntary deductible

    excess ( 200.00). Mrs Smith therefore has to pay a total

    of 370.00. After that Mrs Smith will pay no more

    deductible excess for the rest of the year. Any treatment

    she undergoes in that year will, therefore, be reimbursed.


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    No deductible excess thanks to care mediation

    In the case of a number of forms of specialist medical treatment

    We want to help you find the best possible care as quickly as possible. We want to do this on the basis of consultation

    with you because the Dutch healthcare system really offers you a number of choices. One example is the useful informa-

    tion which is available on the quality of various forms of specialist medical treatment. If you ask us for advice regarding

    which hospital offers the best treatment you can, in a number of cases, even become eligible for exemption from the

    obligatory deductible excess. All you have to do is contact us on 0900 - 9590 (local rate) or surf to www.averoachmea.nl/

    zorgbemiddeling to find out which forms of treatment this exemption applies to.


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    * In the case of medical expenses incurred abroad, travel expenses incurred using your own or public transport and visiting or accommodation costs, youhave to complete a claims form and submit it with the original bill. The forms can be downloaded via www.averoachmea.nl/zorgverzekeringen under

    Meer informatie [More Information] and then Declareren [Claims].

    As an insured party you often do not receive any bills at all.

    In fact, most care providers submit bills to us directly. This

    is handy and relieves you of the worry! If you do receive a

    bill, this may be because we do not have agreements with

    all care providers regarding direct payments. You have to

    pay the bill yourself and then claim the costs from us.

    Good to know

    Please let us know if the bill you have submitted is the con-

    sequence of an accident.

    On paying bills and their reimbursement

    How to submit bills

    When permission is required for treatment

    How to get authorisation?

    Step 1

    Find the original bill.

    Step 2

    Check whether your name, address, place of residence

    and date of birth are referred to on the bill.

    Step 3

    Write down the client number of the person who has re-

    ceived the treatment in the top right-hand corner of the

    bill. You can find the client number of the care card.

    Step 4

    Make a copy of the bill for your own records.

    Step 5

    Send the original bill without* any accompanying letter or

    claims form* to:

    Avro Achmea

    Afdeling Declaratieservice

    Postbus 59005

    1040 KA Amsterdam

    The bill will be processed within 10 days.

    In some cases you will need

    permission beforehand in order fortreatment, medicines or travel costs

    to be reimbursed. We refer to this

    approval as an authorisation. Dental

    implants and an insulin pump are

    examples of treatment or a nursing

    article for which you need


    You can find details of the types of

    treatment for which you need an

    authorisation in our summary of

    reimbursements and policy

    conditions. You or your care provider

    can apply for authorisation using the

    special form which can be found at

    www.averoachmea.nl/zorgverzeke-ringen. You can also telephone our

    Customer Services on: 0900 - 9590

    (local rate).

    Travel costs

    Insured parties who have to undergo

    certain forms of treatment or who are

    wheelchair-dependent can receive a

    reimbursement of (part of) the travel

    costs from and to the hospital. For this

    you need an authorisation for travel

    costs. You can apply for this via the

    special Travel Line: 0900 - 23 02 340

    ( 0.10 p/m).

    Nursing articles without authorisation

    For some nursing articles, for examplehearing aids, incontinence materials

    and ortheses, you can simply contact

    the supplier we have contracted using

    the referral from your GP or specialist

    without any authorisation. Details on

    all our contracted suppliers can be

    found at Find your care provider at


    gen. Alternatively you can call our

    nursing articles line: 0900 - 20 08 010

    ( 0.10 p/m).


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    When things change

    How do you change your personal details?

    Our health client benefit product is ideal for all our health-

    conscious policyholders. It is a unique service which helps

    you improve your health and develop a healthy lifestyle. It

    includes things like the Health Check and various discounts.

    For example you get a discount on participation in a first aid

    course or a course on coping with heart problems. Informa-

    tion on the special offers with which you can get even more

    out of your health insurance can be found further on in this

    booklet. We can make a real difference to your state of


    Awareness and healthy living!

    The Avro Achmea Health programme

    Sometimes things in life change. The

    same applies to the details we have

    on you. If you want to change your

    policy and opt for another health

    insurance, please contact your insu-

    rance adviser. You can also use the

    change form at www.averoachmea.


    We receive notification about you

    moving house within the Netherlands,

    a change in initial(s), additional name

    details or surname, a marriage or

    registered partnership, a divorce

    (except in the event of a policyholder

    change) or death via the municipal

    records database. There is therefore

    no need for you to inform us of these

    changes yourself. Neither do you need

    to inform us of any change in dentist,

    GP or pharmacy.

    For administrative changes relating to

    a birth, moving house abroad (in that

    case you should check whether you

    retain your right to basic insurance in

    the Netherlands), a different

    telephone number, e-mail address,

    account number or payment method,

    you can simply call our Customer

    Services on 0900 - 9590 (local rate) or

    use the change form at www.avero-



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    Care allowance

    The care allowance is a financial contribution by the Tax

    Authorities intended to keep the basic insurance afforda-

    ble for everyone. Whether you are eligible depends on your

    personal situation. The Tax Authorities determine the

    amount of the care allowance on the basis of your income

    and that of your partner if you have one.

    If you have received care allowance this year and your

    situation has not changed, you do not need to apply for it

    again for next year. If you have not received any care

    allowance this calendar year and you think you are entitled

    to it in the coming year, you can submit an appropriate ap-

    plication to the Tax Authorities. Surf to www.toeslagen.nl

    or call the BelastingTelefoon on 0800 - 0543.


    We do our level best to resolve any problems you may

    encounter. Nevertheless, you may still be unhappy about

    some aspect of the services we provide. You should then

    contact your insurance adviser. If you wish to submit a

    complaint, please do so via www.averoachmea.nl/zorg-

    verzekeringen or by post: Avro Achmea, Centrale Klach-

    tencordinatie Achmea Zorg, Antwoordnummer 93200,

    2200 XA Noordwijk.

    The Care Regulator

    The Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten [Exceptional

    Medical Expenses Act] (AWBZ) is a national medical expen-

    ses scheme, for example for long-term home care and care

    for handicapped people. It is an obligatory insurance for

    everyone who lives and works in the Netherlands. If your

    own health insurance does not reimburse your care

    expenses you can, in some cases, claim via the AWBZ.

    The Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning [Social Support

    Act] (Wmo) offers local authority assistance if you need

    help and are unable to fall back on volunteer carers in your

    community (family, friends, neighbours, volunteers).

    For care issues related to the AWBZ and Wmo, you or your

    carer can use our Care Regulator. Via the supplementary

    health insurance we reimburse a number of hours of

    support relating to complex care issues relating to the

    AWBZ and the Wmo and the accompanying regulatory

    tasks in the field of care, work, welfare, living and finances.

    If you would like to be eligible for this support, please

    contact our Customer Services on 0900 - 9590 (local rate).

    A carefree holiday

    Start your trip in a stress-free way. After all, you can always

    turn to us for advice or assistance if you have a medical

    query or in the event of an emergency. Make sure you have

    the following numbers in your mobile telephone:

    Some useful information

    Useful addresses and numbers

    The holiday doctor: +31 71 36 41 802For medical queries, not emergencies.

    The Achmea Emergency Centre:+31 71 36 41 850The Achmea Emergency Centre can be contacted

    in emergencies 24 hours a day.


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    A cheap way to get fit

    Get more out of your health insurance with Avro Achmeas Health programme

    Getting fit makes you feel better. Its something we all want. That is why we are making it as attractive as possible. We

    offer all kinds of offers and discounts. For example, there is a discount on a Health Check, help losing weight, a reimburse-ment for a first aid course and a discount on eye laser treatment. More information can be found on our website


    First Aid

    First aid coursesIt can be very handy to know how to provide first aid in the

    event of accidents. If you have supplementary insurance

    the costs will be partially reimbursed, or even totally

    reimbursed in the case of the Excellent variant.



    Sleeping courseSleeping better makes people healthier and fitter. If you

    have supplementary insurance the costs will be partially

    reimbursed, or even totally reimbursed in the case of the

    Excellent variant. www.averoachmea.nl/health

    First Aid

    First aid for accidents involving childrenAccidents and injuries can happen at any time, especially

    where children are concerned. Doing a first-aid course

    helps you to know what you should do. You can attend a

    course in first aid for childrens accidents at a home care

    institution or the local First Aid association. Alternatively

    you can do the Internet course on first aid for children

    offered by Iedereen EHBO. If you have supplementary

    insurance the costs will be partially reimbursed, or even

    totally reimbursed in the case of the Excellent variant.



    Diabetes courseThe Diabetesvereniging Nederland [Netherlands Diabetes

    Association] (DVN) organises basic and follow-up courses

    for patients with type 2 diabetes or people associated with

    them. If you have supplementary insurance the costs will

    be partially reimbursed, or even totally reimbursed in the

    case of the Excellent variant. www.averoachmea.nl/health


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    Well seen

    Eye laser treatmentWouldnt it be great, if you are short or long sighted, to

    wake up in the morning and immediately see everything

    clearly, without first having to put on your glasses or put

    in your lenses? Having your eyes lasered can make this a

    reality. If you have supplementary insurance, you will be

    eligible for an attractive discount if you have your eyes la-

    sered at Vision- Clinics. No reimbursement for eye laser

    treatment is available in the case of the Start supplemen-

    tary insurance policy. The Extra and Royaal variants provi-de a reimbursement of up to 500.00 for eye laser treat-

    ment over the entire term of your insurance policy. The

    Excellent variant provides a reimbursement of up to

    750.00 for eye laser treatment over the entire term of

    your insurance policy. www.averoachmea.nl/health


    Coping with heart problemsA preventive course designed to help patients learn to cope

    with heart problems. You can do this course at a home care

    institution. If you have supplementary insurance the costs

    will be partially reimbursed, or even totally reimbursed in

    the case of the Excellent variant.



    A discount on visits to the saunaGoing to the sauna is a great way to give your body and

    mind a little break. As an Avro Achmea insured party you

    are eligible for a discount on visits to the sauna. Details

    on the special offer can be found at



    Stopping smokingIf your basic insurance does not grant you eligibility for a stop-

    ping smoking programme, you can always do a course. You

    can choose between Stop smoking with Allen Carr, I Quit

    Smoking at a home care institution, or laser therapy. If you

    have supplementary insurance the costs will be partially

    reimbursed, or even totally reimbursed in the case of the Ex-

    cellent variant. www.averoachmea.nl/health




    Achmea Health Centers: 20% discountAt the Achmea Health Centers, a personal plan and good

    quality supervision will help you train.





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    A healthy weight in 15 weeks

    Help losing weight might be just the boost you need. Depen-ding on your supplementary insurance policy, the reimburse-

    ment may be as much as 100%. You can do a course at a home

    care institution, or a correspondence or online Happy Weight

    course, or complete the Sportief afslanken [Sports weight loss]

    programme at one of the Achmea Health Centers.


    Health products

    Health ShopDiscounts are available on the entire range of health

    products from our Health Shop Internet store.


    Health Check

    Check your health via the Health CheckThe Health Check is a quick and easy way for people to

    get a good indication of their state of health. By determi-

    ning the cholesterol and glucose levels in your blood, ta-

    king your blood pressure, and measuring the length/body

    mass ratio and lung function, the Health Check ensures

    that any increased risk of heart and vascular diseases is

    detected in good time. Avro Achmea offers an attractive

    discount on the Health Check. In fact, the Excellent sup-

    plementary insurance policy even offers a 100% reimbur-

    sement of the Health Check. www.averoachmea.nl/health

    A clear view of things

    Reimbursements and discounts for glasses andcontact lensesNo-one wants their eyesight to deteriorate and no-one

    wants to spend a fortune on glasses or lenses. Via the Start

    supplementary insurance policy we reimburse, per person

    per 3 calendar years, the costs of glasses and contact lensesup to an amount of 100.00. The reimbursement via the

    Extra variant is 150.00. Via the Royaal variant, Avro

    Achmea reimburses, per person per 3 calendar years, 1 set of

    spectacles (including frame) or a pair of contact lenses for

    long-term use up to an amount of 250.00. This means new

    glasses or contact lenses on average once every 3 years! The

    reimbursement for daily, weekly, monthly, six monthly and

    yearly lenses is up to 65.00 per calendar year. The amounts

    reimbursed via the Excellent variant are 350.00 and

    75.00 per calendar year respectively. In addition, each

    supplementary insurance policy offers a discount at Pearle

    and Eye Wish stores. www.averoachmea.nl/health




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    Summary of reimbursements 2011


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  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Your health insurance

    For which types of care are we insured in the Netherlands? What is the difference between the basic insurance and the

    supplementary insurance policies? Our care system in a nutshell.

    The Dutch care system

    The government introduced our current care system on

    1 January 2006. It consists of a basic insurance policy

    with an obligatory deductible excess. Everyone in the

    Netherlands is obliged to be insured for medical expenses

    and everyone aged 18 or over pays a premium. You may

    be eligible for a premium costs subsidy. This subsidy is

    called the care allowance. More information is available

    at www.toeslagen.nl.

    What is basic insurance?

    Basic insurance is for everyone in the Netherlands. The

    government sets the basic insurance reimbursements every


    Zorg Plan [Care Plan]

    Zorg Plan means you receive care from care providers with

    whom we have made agreements. As a result you pay a

    slightly lower premium. If you use other care providers, the

    reimbursement will be lower and you may have to pay an

    additional charge. We pay bills directly (less the statutory

    personal contributions).

    Keuze Zorg [Options Care] Plan

    The Keuze Zorg Plan gives you complete freedom to choose

    whichever care provider you want. It does not matter

    whether the care provider has a contract with us or not. You

    always receive a full reimbursement to the maximum of the

    statutory amount, or to the maximum of the rate (applica-

    ble on the market) in the Netherlands (less the statutory

    personal contributions).

    What cover does the (Keuze) Zorg Plan provide?

    Medical care provided by GPs, hospitals, specialists and


    Hospital admissions.

    Nursing articles.


    Maternity care.

    Patient transport.

    Paramedic assistance (limited physiotherapy/remedial

    therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational thera-

    py and dietary advice).

    Dental care (up to the age of 18).

    What cover does a supplementary insurance policy


    You can take out supplementary insurance in addition to basic

    insurance. For example for a reimbursement of the statutory

    personal contributions, or for more comprehensive cover for

    physiotherapy, dental costs or emergency help when abroad.

    Avro Achmea allows you to choose from different supplemen-

    tary insurance policies and separate dental insurance policies.

    The higher the supplementary insurance policy, the more

    extensive the cover and the higher the reimbursements.

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    Alternative18 Alternative remedies and


    18 Homeopathic and anthropo-

    sophic medicines

    Bones, muscles and joints19 Exercise programmes

    19 Exercising in extra heated wa-

    ter for rheumatism sufferers

    19 Occupational therapy

    19 Orthopaedic medicine

    19 Chiropodist care in the case of

    rheumatism or diabetes

    When abroad19 Repatriation

    19 Emergency care

    19 Non-emergency care

    19 Vaccinations and


    Skin20 Skin care

    20 Psoriasis treatment

    Physiotherapy and remedialtherapy (18 and older)20 Chronic disorder

    20 Non-chronic disorder

    20 Pelvic physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy and remedialtherapy (younger than 18)20 Chronic disorder

    20 Non-chronic disorder

    Nursing articles21 Nursing articles via the basic


    21 Equipment for negative

    pressure therapy

    21 CPM invalid buggy

    21 Walking aids

    21 Personal alarms

    21 Breast prosthesis adhesive


    21 Incontinence alarm

    21 Wig

    21 Support pessary

    21 Support soles

    21 Transtherapy to alleviate in-


    Medicines22 Contraception

    22 Medicines via the basic


    22 Flu vaccination

    22 Melatonin

    Mouth and teeth (18 andolder with supplementary

    dental insurance)22 Dentist, dental hygienist and

    dental prosthetician

    22 Other forms of treatment

    22 Treatment which we do not


    Mouth and teeth (18 andolder)22 Dentures (prosthesis)

    23 Orthodontics (brace)

    23 Orthodontics (brace) 18 - 22

    years old

    23 Orthodontics (brace) from age

    22 onwards

    23 Dental costs as a consequence

    of an accident from age 18


    23 Care for handicapped people

    23 Exceptional cases

    Mouth and teeth (youngerthan 18)23 Any treatment by a dentist,

    dental hygienist, dental

    surgeon and dental


    23 Crowns, bridges, inlays and


    23 Orthodontics (brace)

    Eyes and ears23 Audiological centre

    23 Prescription glasses and lenses23 Correction of upper eyelids

    23 Correction of ear position

    24 Hearing aid

    24 Eye laser treatment

    Psychological care24 Primary psychological care

    24 Second-line mental health

    care (GGZ)

    24 Admission to a psychiatric


    What can you find where in the summary of


    To find out what is reimbursed, choose the theme in the overview below and then look to see which page it is on. This is a

    quick way of finding the care you are looking for. Each reimbursement is accompanied by information on what exactly is

    reimbursed via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan (basic insurance) and via any of the supplementary insurance policies. If you cannotfind the care you are looking for, surf to our website www.averoachmea.nl/zorgverzekeringen or call our Customer Services

    on 0900 - 9590 (local rate).

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Talking and reading24 Dyslexia-related care

    24 Speech and language therapy

    24 Stutter therapy

    (Patient) transport25 Ambulance

    25 Travel costs after care

    mediation abroad

    25 Accommodation and travel

    costs incurred by family

    members after care mediation


    25 Patient transport

    Hospital, treatment andnursing25 Asthma Centre in Davos

    25 Treatment, examination and

    operation in hospital

    25 Cosmetic and plastic surgery

    25 Dialysis

    25 Hereditary research and con-


    26 Guest house

    26 Dental surgery

    26 Mechanical respiration26 Obesity change in behaviour


    26 Organ transplants

    26 Preventive examinations

    26 Second opinion

    26 Sterilisation

    26 Telemonitoring in the event of

    chronic heart failure

    26 Nursing outside hospital

    26 Nursing in hospital

    26 Independent treatment centre

    (Becoming) pregnant / baby /child27 Maternity care for adopted

    children or medical screening

    in the event of adoption

    27 Circumcision

    27 Childbirth

    27 Monitoring equipment to

    prevent cot death

    27 GeboorteTENS

    27 IVF

    27 Maternity pack

    27 Maternity care

    27 Breastfeeding assistance

    27 Oncology examination for


    28 Prenatal screening

    28 Therapeutic holiday camps

    28 Obstetrical care

    28 Fertility-enhancing treatment

    Other28 Dietary advice and nutritional


    28 Health Check

    28 Herstel en Balans [Recovery

    and Balance]28 Convalescence home

    28 Hospice

    28 GP

    28 Chain-based care for diabetes

    and COPD

    28 Childcare for children aged up

    to 12 while their parent(s) is/

    are admitted to hospital

    28 Lifestyle training sessions

    28 Substitute volunteer care

    28 Menopause consultant

    28 Patient associations

    29 (Preventive) courses

    29 Rehabilitation

    29 Sports doctor

    29 Sport-medical examination

    29 Stopping smoking programme

    29 Therapeutic holiday camps for

    handicapped people

    29 Thrombosis service

    29 Payment in the event of a

    functional loss

    29 Holiday hotels or sailing


    29 Care Regulator

    Extra insurance policies29 Ziekenhuis Extra [Hospital

    Extra] Insurance Policies

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    Alternative(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    A. Alternative remedies andtherapiesBy a practitioner at a professionalassociation recognised by us, for

    example: acupuncture, homeo-pathy, chiropractic treatment,osteopathy and manual therapyand other forms of treatment.

    40.00 per day.

    B. Medicines (anthroposophic andhomeopathic)The medicines have to be registeredand supplied by a pharmacy.

    See www.averoachmea.nl/ zorg-

    verzekeringen or call 0900 - 9590(local rate).

    100% 100%

    A + B added up together 440.00per person per year.

    640.00per person per year.

    Medicines (anthroposophic andhomeopathic)The medicines have to be registeredand supplied by a pharmacy.

    See www.averoachmea.nl/ zorg-

    verzekeringen or call 0900 - 9590(local rate).

    100% 100%

    Alternative remedies and therapiesSee www.averoachmea.nl/ zorg-

    verzekeringen or call 0900 - 9590(local rate).

    Specifically referredto doctors (2) 75 per

    day; specificallyreferred to non-doctors (3) 40 perday; together 20consultations.

    Doctors who prac-tise alternative me-

    dicine 75 per day;specifically referredto non-doctors (3)

    50 per day;together 24 consul-



    Summary of reimbursements 2011

    This overview details the reimbursements via both the (Keuze) Zorg Plan and the

    supplementary insurance policies.

    The reimbursements via the Keuze Zorg Plan and Zorg Plan are described in asingle column. These reimbursements can be found under the heading (Keuze)

    Zorg Plan (basic insurance).

    Surf to www.averoachmea.nl/zorgverzekeringen for an overview of contracted

    care providers, the Achmea Reglement Hulpmiddelen [Achmea Nursing Articles

    Regulations], the Achmea Reglement Farmaceutische Zorg [Achmea Pharmaceuti-

    cal Care Regulations], our terms and conditions, brochures, forms and information

    about our insurance policies.

    No rights can be derived from the summary of reimbursements. A detailed

    description of the terms and conditions and entitlements can be found in the

    policy conditions. You should always consult these first before you contact a care

    provider. You can download the policy terms and conditions from our website or

    we will send it to you on request.

    What does it



    A calendar year, which runs from1 January to 31 December.


    A reimbursement for the term of

    the insurance policy.

    Permission from us

    You need our permission before

    you can claim a reimbursement.

    You can request this permission

    by telephoning our Customer

    Services on 0900 - 9590 (local


    (2) Alternative doctors are: an acupuncturist doctor, homeopathic doctor, naturalmedicines doctor, anthroposophic doctor, doctor-enzyme therapist, Sickeszdoctor, manual doctor or Moerman doctor established in the Netherlands.

    (3) Alternative non-doctors are: an acupuncturist, physiotherapist acupuncturist,classic homeopath, manual therapist, chiropractor, hapto therapist or naturalmedicine therapist established in the Netherlands.

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Bones, muscles and joints (Keuze)Zorg Plan (basic insurance)

    (Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Exercise programmesFor people with:

    obesity BMI > 30

    previous heart failure

    type 2 diabetes

    COPD in Gold 1 and 2 stages witha lung value of FEV1/VC > 60%.

    175.00per person per year.

    350.00per person per year.

    Exercising in extra heated waterRemedial therapy for rheumatismsufferers.

    150.00per person per year.

    100% reimburse-ment ( 1), togetherwith other costs up to 500.00.

    100%per person per year.

    Occupational therapy Via (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% up to 10 hours per person per year.

    Orthopaedic medicineVia the Vereniging van Artsen voorOrthopedische Geneeskunde[Association of OrthopaedicDoctors] (VAOG).

    150.00per person per year.

    300.00per person per year.

    100% reimburse-ment (1), together withother costs up to 500.00.

    500.00per person per year.

    Chiropodist care

    For insured parties with diabetes orrheumatism.

    21.00 per appoint-ment up to 126.00

    per person per year.

    100% reimbursement (1), together with

    other costs up to 500.00.

    100%per person per year.

    For insured parties with acerebral infarction (CVA).

    100%per person per year.

    Podotherapie/podologie/podoposturale therapie(Stichting LOOP of Omni PodoGenootschap).Foot treatment and the measuring,manufacturing and delivering of po-

    diatric soles and nursing articles, noshoes or shoe adaptations.

    100,-per person per year.

    100% reimburse-ment (1), together withother costs up to 500.00.


    per person per year.

    When abroad(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance) Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Repatriation of insured party andtransport of human remains to theNetherlands

    100% after permission from Eurocross Assistance.

    Urgent careCare which cannot wait until youare back in the Netherlands.Call Eurocross Assistance foremergency assistance abroad on+31 71 36 41 850. This telephone

    number can also be found on yourcare card.

    100% of the rate inthe Netherlands viathe (Keuze) Zorg Plan.

    100% of the rate in the Netherlands via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan.

    Via Start, Extra, Royaal and Excellent.Supplement to 100% of the cost price for an uninterrupted stay of up to 12 months.Cost price = usual rate in the country in question.

    Non-emergency careReimbursement in accordance withthe terms and conditions and


    100% of the rate inthe Netherlands via

    the (Keuze) Zorg Plan.See the policyconditions.

    100% of the rate in the Netherlands via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan, see the policy conditions.

    Via Start, Extra, Royaal and Excellent.In accordance with the reimbursement in the Netherlands with due regard for the conditionsand exclusions.

    Vaccinations and consultationsDTP, yellow fever, typhoid, cholera,

    rabies, Lyme disease and hepatitisA/B or medicines against malaria inconnection with a trip abroad.

    Via Meditel and Achmea Vitale Travel Clinics 100%.Via the eFarma Internet pharmacy 100%.

    Or via another care provider 150.00 per person per year.More information about a location close to where you live can befound at www.meditel.nl and www.achmeavitale.nl.

    Via Meditel andAchmea Vitale Travel

    Clinics 100%, via theeFarma Internetpharmacy 100%, orvia another care pro-vider 100% per person

    per year.More informationabout a location closeto where you live canbe found at

    www.meditel.nl andwww.achmeavitale.nl.

    (1) ) For these care activities, insured via Royaal, a total of max. 500 is reimbursed per insured party per calendar year.

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Skin(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Skin care By a beautician (ANBOS) or derma-


    acne treatment

    camouflage therapy

    facial depilation for women


    per person per year.


    per person per year.


    per person per year.For epilation you needpermission from us.

    PsoriasisHire costs relating to UV B lighttherapy at home.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us.

    Treatment in a day treatment centre(skin).

    750.00per persoon per year.

    1.000.00per person per year.

    18 and older

    Physiotherapy and remedialtherapy

    (Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Chronic disorder

    Your doctor and/or physiotherapist

    diagnoses the disorder.

    You pay for appoint-

    ments 1 to 12 yourself.

    You pay for appoint-

    ments 1 to 12 yourself.

    You pay for appoint-

    ments 1 to 12 yourself.

    You pay for appoint-

    ments 1 to 12 yourself.

    You pay for appoint-

    ments 1 to 12 yourself.

    (Manual lymph drainage inconnection with seriouslymphoedema may also beperformed by a dermatologist

    rather than a physiotherapist or re-medial therapist.)

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan as from appoint-ment 13, 100%.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan as from appoint-ment 13, 100%.

    +Via Start 12 appoint-ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan as from appoint-ment 13, 100%.

    +Via Extra 12 appoint-ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan as from appoint-

    ment 13, 100%.+Via Royaal 12 appoint-ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan as from appoint-

    ment 13, 100%.+Via Excellent 12 ap-pointments per year.

    Non-chronic disorderYour doctor and/or physiotherapist

    diagnoses the disorder.

    Manual lymph drainage i n connec-tion with serious lymphoedemamay also be performed by a

    dermatologist rather than a phy-siotherapist or remedial therapist.

    12 appointments peryear.

    27 appointments peryear.

    27 appointments peryear.

    All appointments.

    Pelvic physiotherapy Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan appointments 1to 9.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan appointments 1to 9.

    +Via Start 12 appoint-ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan appointments 1to 9.

    +Via Extra 27 appoint-ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan appointments 1

    to 9.+Via Royaal 27 appoint-ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan appointments 1

    to 9.+Via Excellent allappointments.

    A number of chronic and non-chronic disorders or pelvic physiotherapyIf you have a number of disorders, you should always contact our Customer Services on 0900 - 9590 (local rate). Our staff would be only too pleased to explain whatreimbursements you can expect.

    Younger than 18

    Physiotherapy and remedialtherapy (Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance) Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Chronic disorderYour doctor and/or physiotherapist

    diagnoses the disorder.Manual lymph drainage in conne c-tion with serious lymphoedema mayalso be performed by a dermato-logist rather than a physiotherapist

    or remedial therapist.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Non-chronic disorderYour doctor and/or physiotherapistdiagnoses the disorder.Manual lymph drainage i n connec-

    tion with serious lymphoedema

    may also be performed by a der-matologist rather than a physio-therapist or remedial therapist.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 18 appointmentsper diagnosis.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 18 appointmentsper diagnosis.

    +Via Start 12 appoint-

    ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 18 appointmentsper diagnosis.

    +Via Extra 27 appoint-

    ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 18 appointments

    per diagnosis.+Via Royaal 27 appoint-

    ments per year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 18 appoint-

    ments per diagnosis.+Via Excellent all


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    Nursing articles(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Nursing articles via the basicinsuranceReimbursement in accordance withthe terms and conditions in theAchmea Reglement Hulpmiddelen(Keuze) Zorg Plan [Achmea (Options)

    Care Plan Nursing Articles Regulati-

    ons]. See www.averoachmea.nl/zorg-verzekeringen or call 0900 - 9590 (localrate). Call 0900 - 20 08 010 ( 0.10 p/m)for personal alarms, workchairs, chairs

    adapted for people with disabilities(not stand-up chairs) and nursing beds.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Certain nursing articles are subject to prior permission from us, a max.reimbursement or statutory personal contribution.

    250.00 statutorypersonal contributionfor other nursingarticles, no wig,hearing aid, ortho-

    paedic shoes andallergy-free shoes.

    100% statutorypersonal contributionfor other nursingarticles, no wig, hearing

    aid, orthopaedic shoesand allergy-free shoes.

    In addition to the above reimbursement, all insured parties with a supplementary insurance

    policy are eligible, upon production of their care pass at Vegro and Harting-Bank/Ligtvoet, fora discount for rollators, stand-up chairs and ADL nursing articles.

    Equipment for negative pressuretherapyE.g. for the removal of wounddischarge. Call the nursing articles

    line: 0900 - 20 08 010 ( 0.10 p/m)

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    CPM invalid buggyNursing article used after knee orankle joint operations.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Walking aidsElbow crutches, walking aids and 3or 4 leg sticks and walking frames.

    Only via suppliers we have selected 100%.

    Personal alarms

    On medical grounds

    Call the nursing articles line:0900 - 20 08 010 ( 0.10 p/m)

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan, requested via thenursing articles line100% for personalalarm unit. See also the

    Achmea Reglement(Restitutie) Hulpmid-

    delen [Achmea NursingArticles (Restitution)Regulations].

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan, requested via the nursing articles line 100% for personal alarmunit Eurocross Assistance alarm system.

    Via Start, Extra, Royaal and Excellent 100% for alarm system subscription costs Action Line

    via Eurocross Assistance.

    Or via an other alarm system provider 35.00 per year for subscription costs after permis-

    sion from us.

    On social grounds. Via Excellent 100% foralarm system subscrip-tion costs Action Linevia Eurocross Assistan-ce or via an other alarm

    system provider 35.00 per year afterpermission from us.

    Breast prosthesis adhesive strips 100%

    Incontinence alarmIn the event of bedwetting


    One-off 100.00 perperson.

    100% reimburse-ment (1), together with

    other costs up to 500.00.


    Wig Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 386.50 per wi g.

    See also the Achmea Reglement (Restitutie)Hulpmiddelen [Achmea Nursing Articles(Restitution) Regulations].

    462.00 per wig with

    386.50 via the(Keuze) Zorg Plan 75.50 via Extra.

    486.50 per wig with 386.50 via the(Keuze) Zorg Planmax. 100.00 viaRoyaal.

    486.50 per wig with 386.50 via the(Keuze) Zorg Plan.Extra reimbursementis possible.

    Support pessaryIn the event of a prolapse of the womb.


    Support solesNo podotherapeutic or podologicalsupport soles.

    35,-per person per year.

    100% reimburse-ment (1), 1 pair, toge-ther with other costs

    up to 500.00.


    Transtherapy to alleviate incontinenceHire of neuromodulator (BioStim). 100%

    Hire of bio feedback equipment(FemiScan).


    (1) For these care activities, insured via Royaal, a total of max. 500 is reimbursed per insured party per calendar year.

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    Medicines(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent


    Up to age 21,

    for example the pill or coil.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan in accordance with Achmea Reglement Far-

    maceutische Zorg [Achmea Pharmaceutical Care Regulations] (Keuze)Zorg Plan.You yourself pay the statutory personal contribution, the Geneesmid-delen Vergoedingen Systeem [Medicine Reimbursements Scheme](GVS), which differs per medicine.

    See www.averoachmea.nl/zorgverzekeringen for detailed informati-on.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan in accordance wi thAchmea Reglement Farmaceutische Zorg[Achmea Pharmaceutical Care Regulations](Keuze) Zorg Plan.+

    Via Royaal and Excellent 100% reimbursement

    of statutory personal contribution (the GVSupper limit price).

    From age 21,

    for example the pill or coil.

    100%. No reimbursement personal contributi-

    on (GVS upper limit price).


    +Via Royaal and Excellent 100% reimbursementof statutory personal contribution (the GVSupper limit price).

    Medicines via the basic insurance Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan in accordance with Achmea Reglement Farmaceu-tische Zorg [Achmea Pharmaceutical Care Regulations] (Keuze) Zorg. You

    yourself pay the statutory personal contribution, the Geneesmiddelen Ver-goedingen Systeem [Medicine Reimbursements Scheme] (GVS), which dif-fers per medicine. See www.averoachmea.nl/zorgverzekeringen for de-tailed information.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan in accordance wi thAchmea Reglement Farmaceutische Zorg

    [Achmea Pharmaceutical Care Regulations]. +Via Royaal and Excellent 100% reimbursementof statutory personal contribution (the GVSupper limit price).

    Flu vaccination 100%

    MelatoninMedication for, among other things,insomnia.

    Via the eFarma Inter-net pharmacy 100%or via another phar-macy 100.00 after

    permission from us.

    Via the eFarma Inter-net pharmacy 100%or via another phar-macy 150.00 after

    permission from us.

    100% afterpermission from us.

    18 and older with supplementary dental insurance

    Mouth and teeth(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    T Start T Extra T Royaal T Excellent

    A. Dentist, dental hygienist anddental prosthetician:

    consultations (C codes) andsecond opinion

    oral hygiene (M codes)

    fillings (V codes) extraction of teeth/molars

    (H codes).


    B. Other forms of treatment 75% 100%

    A + B added up together 225.00 per personper year.

    450.00 per personper year.

    900.00 per personper year.

    1.150.00 per personper year.

    C. Treatment which we do notreimburse:

    inspection report (C70 and C75)

    missed appointments (C90)

    orthodontics (D codes)

    subscriptions (Z codes)

    external bleaching of teeth and

    molars (E97, E98 and E00)

    mandibular advancement devices(MRA G71, G72 and G73).

    18 and older

    Mouth and teeth(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Dentures (prosthesis) Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 75%.Statutory personal contribution 25%.Costs higher than 600.00 per jaw after permission from us.

    Replacement within 5 years after permission from us.

    The purchase of fully removabledentures made by a dentist ordental prosthetician.

    Repair or refitting (rebasing) of fully

    removable dentures made by adentist or dental prosthetician.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Implants for removable dentures, inthe case of serious dental, jaw ormouth development or growth dis-

    orders, made by a dentist, dentalsurgeon or centre for special dentaltreatment.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us.


  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    18 and older

    Mond en tanden(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Dentures (prosthesis)Fully removable complete prosthe-sis on implants, in the case of seri-ous dental, jaw or mouth develop-ment or growth disorders, made bya dentist, dental prosthetician or

    centre for special d ental treatment.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us.Statutory personal contribution 125.00 per upper or lower jaw.

    Orthodontics (brace)In the case of serious dental, jaw ormouth development or growth dis-orders.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us.

    Orthodontics (brace) 18 - 22 years oldBy dentist/orthodontist. With theexception of repair/replacementafter damage/loss due to your own


    One-off 90%reimbursement up to 2,500.00 per person.

    100% per person.

    Orthodontics (brace) from age 22onwardsBy dentist/orthodontist. With the ex-ception of repair/replacement after

    damage/loss due to your own fault/negligence.

    One-off 70% up to 1,000.00 per person,no score 1 and 2 of

    the Index for Ortho-

    dontic TreatmentNeed (IOTN).

    One-off 70% up to 500.00 per person,no score 1 and 2 of

    the Index for Ortho-

    dontic TreatmentNeed (IOTN).

    Dental costs as a consequence of anaccident from age 18 onwards

    75% up to 200.00 per element and up to 2,500.00 per accident per person per year.

    Care for handicapped peopleYour dentist will know whether

    you are eligible for the reimburse-ment.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% in the absence of an entitlement to reimbursement via the AWBZ and after permissionfrom us.

    Exceptional casesUw tandarts weet of u in aan-merking komt voor de vergoeding.

    Your dentist will know whether you are eligible for the reimbursement.Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us.In some cases a statutory personal contribution applies.

    Younger than 18

    Mouth and teeth (Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Any treatment by a dentist, dentalhygienist, dental surgeon anddental prostheticianWith the exception of cast fillings,crowns, bridges, inlays and implants.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Crowns, bridges, inlays andimplantsBy dentist/dental surgeon.


    per person per year.


    per person per year.


    per person per year.


    per person per year.

    Orthodontics (brace)By dentist/orthodontist. With theexception of repair/replacement af-

    ter damage/loss due to your own


    One-off 90%,reimbursement up to 1,500.00 per person.

    One-off 90%,reimbursement up to 2,000.00 per person.

    One-off 90%,reimbursement up to

    2,500.00 per person.

    100% per person.

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Eyes and ears(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Audiological centre Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Prescription glasses and lenses 100.00 per personfor glasses and lenses

    together once every 3years.

    150.00 per personfor glasses and lenses

    together once every 3years.

    Glasses or contactlenses for long-term

    use: 1 pair of glassesor 1 pair of lenses upto 250.00 per 3

    years or contact len-ses for shor t-term

    use, such as daily,weekly, monthly, sixmonthly and yearlylenses is up to 65.00 per year.

    Glasses or contact

    lenses for long-termuse: 1 pair of glassesor 1 pair of lenses upto 350.00 per 3

    years or contact len-

    ses for short-termuse, such as daily,weekly, monthly, sixmonthly and yearlylenses is up to

    75.00 per year.

    In addition to the above reimbursement, all insured parties with a supplementary insurancepolicy are eligible for a discount upon production of their care pass at Pearle Opticiens - Neder-land, Eye Wish or Specsavers.

    Correction of upper eyelidsOn medical grounds.

    100% per person per year only via care provi-der selected by us.

    100% per person per year.

    Correction of ear position 100% per person aged up to 18 per year onlyvia care provider selected by us.

    100% per person per year.

    Eyes and ears(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Hearing aid

    From age 16 onwards.

    From age 16.

    683.00 per aid.CROS, BiCROS or bone anchored hearing aids included in a glasses

    frame: 65.00 extra. See also the Achmea Reglement Hulpmiddelen[Achmea Nursing Articles Regulations].

    800.00 per hearingaid with an amount

    being reimbursed viathe (Keuze) Zorg Planand a supplement toa maximum of 250.00 via Royaal.

    800.00 per hearing

    aid with an amountbeing reimbursed viathe (Keuze) Zorg Planand the rest viaExcellent after

    permission from us.Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan.Initial purchase: 501.50.

    Replacement within 5 years: 501.50.Replacement after 6 to 7 years: 592.00.Replacement after 7 years: 683.00.

    CROS, BiCROS or bone anchored hearing aids included in a glassesframe: 65.00 extra. See also the Achmea Reglement Hulpmiddelen

    [Achmea Nursing Articles Regulations].

    With remote control on medicalgrounds.

    185.00 extra per de-vice after permissionfrom us.

    Eye laser treatment One-off 500.00 perperson.

    One-off 500.00 per


    One-off 750.00 per


    In addition to the above reimbursement, all insured parties with a supplementary insurancepolicy are eligible for a discount upon production of their care pass at VisionClinics.

    Psychological care(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Primary psychological carePrimary psychologist, clinicalpsychologist, primary health carepsychologist or general remedial

    educationalist (generalist).

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 8 sessions perperson per year. A

    statutory personalcontribution of 10.00 applies persession.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 8 sessions perperson per year. A sta-

    tutory personal con-tribution of 10.00applies per session.+Via Start 4 extra

    sessions per personper year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 8 sessions per

    person per year. A sta-tutory personal con-tribution of 10.00applies per session.+

    Via Extra 6 extrasessions per personper year.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg

    Plan 8 sessions perperson per year. A sta-tutory personal con-tribution of 10.00applies per session.

    +Via Royaal 8 extrasessions per personper year.

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 8 sessions perperson per year. A sta-tutory personal con-tribution of 10.00

    applies per session.+Via Excellent 8 extrasessions per personper year.

    Reimbursement of the statutorypersonal contribution for primarypsychological care.

    Reimbursement of the statutory personal contribution of 10.00 persession up to 80.00 per person per year.

    Second-line mental health care (GGZ)

    Psychiatrist, neurologist, mentalhealth institution, clinical psychologistor psychotherapist.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Psychiatric hospital admissionsAdmission to a mental healthinstitution (psychiatric hospital orpsychiatric ward of a hospital).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

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    Talking and reading(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Dyslexia careDiagnosis and treatment of seriousdyslexia for 7 to 10 year old children.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Speech and language therapyNo dyslexia and language develop-ment disorders.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Stutter therapy

    In v arious s tu tter centres . Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 10 0%.

    According to the Del Ferro, Hausdr-fer and BOMA methods.

    One-off 225.00 perperson.

    One-off 450.00 perperson.

    One-off 1,000.00per person.

    One-off 1,250.00per person.

    (Patient) transport(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Ambulance Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Travel costs in the context of care me-diation abroadIn Belgium and Germany in theevent of care mediation.

    Call the Travel Line for permission on0900 - 23 02 340 ( 0.10 p/m).

    Via taxi company 100%.

    Own car 0.27 per kilometre.Public transport (second class) 100%.

    Accommodation and travel costs in-curred by family members after caremediation abroadIn Belgium and Germany in the event

    of care mediation as from the 15thday of admission.

    Accommodation costs: 35.00 per day for the whole of the family.Own vehicle 0.27 per kilometre for max. 700 kilometres per admission.

    Patient transport

    By public transport, own car, hire car

    or taxi in the event of kidney dialysis,oncological care with radio/chemo-therapy, visual handicap and if you

    are unable to travel or are wheel-chair-dependent.

    Call the Travel Line for permission on0900 - 23 02 340 ( 0.10 p/m).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan.

    Up to 200 kilometres one way:Own car 0.27 per kilometre.

    Public transport (second class) 100%.By taxi 100%.

    You pay a statutory personal contribution of 92.00 per person after permission from us.

    By own vehicle or taxi in the event ofother medical grounds which mean

    you cannot use public transport.

    Call the Travel Line for permission on0900 - 23 02 340 ( 0.10 p/m).

    Up to 200 kilometresone way and, if you

    cross a border, up to55 kilometres acrossthe border: ownvehicle 0.27 per kilo-metre, by taxi 100%.

    You pay 92.00 peryear, total maximumreimbursement 1,000.00 per personper year after permis-

    sion from us.

    If you cross a border

    up to 55 kilometresacross the border:own vehicle 0.27 perkilometre, by taxi100% per person per

    year after permissionfrom us.

    If you cross a borderup to 55 kilometresacross the border:own vehicle 0.27 perkilometre, by taxi

    100% per person peryear after permissionfrom us.

    Statutory personal contribution forpatient transport.


    Hospital, treatment and nursing(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Asthma Centre in Davos Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us.

    Treatment, examination and opera-tion in hospital

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Cosmetic and plastic surgery

    Cosmetic surgery, not Botox, fillers,(autologous) lip augmentation,peeling, laser or refraction surgery.

    500.00 per personper calendar year.

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    Plastic surgery on medical groundssuch as a breast prosthesis after abreast amputation (not a breastenhancement, an operation to re-

    move a breast prosthesis withoutany medical necessity, liposuctionof the abdomen, correction of up-per eyelids and ear position).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% after permission from us. 100% of other formsof treatment withmedical necessityafter permission

    from us.

    Dialysis Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Hereditary research andconsultancy

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Hospital, treatment and nursing(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Guest house

    Accommodation in a guest house inthe event of a cycle of outpatient


    35.00 per person per year. 35.00 per personper day (1), togetherwith other costs up to


    35.00 per personper year.

    Accommodation or travel expensesof you or your family members in

    the event of a hospital admission,not being a psychiatric hospital.

    As from 15th day of admission travelbetween home and hospital is at least 50

    kilometres 35.00 per day up to 500.00per year for all family members together.Own car 0.27 per kilometre or publictransport (second class) 100%.

    As from 15th day ofadmission 100%(1) per

    year for all familymembers together.Own car 0.27 perkilometre, togetherwith other costs up to 500.00.

    As from 15th day ofadmission 100% per

    year for all familymembers together.Own car 0.27 perkilometre.

    Dental surgery Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Mechanical respiration Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Obesity change in behaviourprogrammeBMI greater than 40.

    Via NOK: one-off

    750.00 per person af-ter permission from us.

    Via NOK: one-off 1,000.00 per person after

    permission from us.

    Organ transplants Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% in hospital or independent treatment centre.

    Nursing of person who has donatedthe organ (donor). Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 3 months, 6 months in the case of liver transplant.

    Preventive examinations:


    heartandvasculardiseasesprostatecancer.Not a population screening (isreimbursed via the AWBZ).


    A periodic general check-up. 1x per 2 years per person.Rate major general GP che ck-up.

    Second opinionFor care via the basic insurance bymedical specialist.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    SterilisationNot a reversal operation.


    TelemonitoringIn the event of chronic heart failure

    hire and supervision.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Nursing (extramural)Outside the hospital at home, notartificial respiration at home or alle-

    viating care for terminal patients(palliative care).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Nursing in hospitalCare provided by a specialist medicaland dental surgeon.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Independent treatment centreA clinic certified by the governmentfor specialist medical care at whichexaminations and outpatient treat-

    ment takes place.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.In the case of plastic surgery and dental surgery after we have granted permission.

    (1) For these care activities, insured via Royaal, a total of max. 500 is reimbursed per insured party per calendar year.

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    (Becoming) pregnant / baby /child

    (Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Maternity care for adopted babies(younger than 12 months)or

    Medical screening in the event ofadoption

    3 days up to 3 hours a dayor

    300.00 per adopted child.

    CircumcisionOn religious grounds.

    Only by care providers we have selected 250.00.


    Giving birth at home. Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Outpatient childbirth in hospital atown request (without medicalgrounds).

    Via the (Keuze) ZorgPlan 192.00 for use

    of delivery room,remaining amount isstatutory personalcontribution.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 192.00 for use ofdelivery room, remaining amount is statutory

    personal contribution.+Via Start and Extra 50% reimbursement ofstatutory personal contribution.

    100% via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 192.00 foruse of delivery room, remaining amount is

    statutory personal contribution.+Via Royaal and Excellent 100% reimbursementof statutory personal contribution.

    Childbirth in birth centre in hospital

    at own request (without medicalgrounds).

    Via the Keuze Zorg

    Plan 192.00 for useof delivery room,remaining amount isstatutory personal


    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 192.00 for use of delivery room, remaining amount is statutory per-

    sonal contribution.+Via Start, Extra, Royaal and Excellent 100% reimbursement of statutory personal contribution.

    Outpatient childbirth with medicalgrounds.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Childbirth in hospital (stay inhospital for several days).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Monitoring equipment to preventcot death

    Monitoring equipment (hire). 100% for 12 months after permission from us.

    Nanny Care sensor mat (purchase). 100% after referral by doctor.

    GeboorteTENSOn loan.

    100%, you arrange this via your midwife.

    In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)Fertility-enhancing treatment.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan first 3 attempts for each attempted pregnancy. Medicines, in accordance with GVS for first 3attempts. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) abroad after permission from us.

    Maternity packOrder your maternity pack via www.

    averoachmea.nl/ zorgverzekeringenor call 0900 - 9590 (local rate).

    100% (request before the 7th month of the pregnancy).

    Maternity care

    At home o r in a birth centre. Via the (Keuze) Zorg

    Plan 10 days,statutory personalcontribution of 3.90per hour.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 10 days, statutory

    personal contribution of 3.90 per hour.+Via Start and Extra, statutory personalcontribution for 24 hours.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 10 days, statutorypersonal contribution of 3.90 per hour.+Via Royaal and Excellent 100% reimburse-ment, statutory personal contribution of

    3.90 per hour.

    In hospital on medical grounds. Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    In hospital without medicalgrounds.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 10 days.+Statutory personal contribution 15.50 per day of admission and

    hospital rate amount above 111.50.

    100% via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 10 daysstatutory personal contribution 15.50 perday of admission and hospital rate amount

    above 111.50.+Via Royaal and Excellent 100% reimbursementof statutory personal contribution.

    Postponed on medical grounds (for

    example in the event of a caesareansection or premature birth).

    15 hours, personalpayment 3.90 perhour.

    15 hours, personal payment 100%.

    Breastfeeding assistanceHelp and advice during


    75% up to 115. 00 per per son per year. 115.0 0per person per year.

    Oncology examinationOncology examination for children.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% via Stichting Kinderoncologie Nederland (Skion).

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    (Becoming) pregnant / baby /child

    (Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Prenatal screening

    Counselling. Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Structural Echoscopic Examination(20 week scan).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Combination test (neck fold measu-

    rement in combination with a bloodtest) up to the age of 36 on medicalgrounds.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Combination test (neck fold measure-ment in combination with a bloodtest) 36 years or older.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Therapeutic holiday camps forchildren Via Stichting Gezond Ge-wicht, Stichting de Luchtballon, Di-abetes Jeugdvereniging Nederland,

    Stichting Kinderoncologische Va-kantiekampen, Stichting de Ster,Nederlandse Hartstichting.

    150.00per person per year.

    250.00 (1) per personper year, togetherwith other costs up to 500.00.

    500.00per person per year.

    Obstetrical care Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Fertility-enhancing treatment andfreezing sperm Not IVF.

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.Or abroad after permission from us.

    Other(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    Dietary advice and nutritionalinformation

    Dietary advice via a dietician

    (on medical grounds).

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Up to 4 hours per person per year.

    Via (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% up to 4 hours per person per year.

    + Via Extra, Royaal and Excellent 115.00 per person per year.

    Nutritional information via dieticianor weight consultant.

    115,- per person per year.

    Health Check 1x 100% per person

    per year.

    Herstel en Balans [Recovery andBalance] Aftercare training ex-can-cer patients.

    800.00 per personper year.

    1,000.00 per personper year.

    1,000.00 per personper year.

    1,200.00 per personper year.

    Convalescence homeNot psychosomatic care.

    50.00 per day up to28 days per person per

    year after permissionfrom us.

    48 days per personper year after permis-sion from us.

    Hospice 40.00 per day up to 3,600.0 0. 50.00 per day up to 4,500.00.

    General Practitioner Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Chain-based care for type 2

    diabetes mellitus and COPD

    Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100% only via contracted care groups.

    Childcare for children aged up to 12while their parent(s) is/are admittedto hospital. Not admissions to a psy-chiatric hospital.

    50 hours per week after we permission from us.

    Lifestyle training sessionsBasic training for heart patients, whip-lash patients and people with stressand burn-out related problems.

    Via Leefstijl Training & Coaching (LTC) in Dalf-sen 1,000.00 per person per year.

    Via Leefstijl Training& Coaching (LTC) inDalfsen 1,500.00per person per year.

    Substitute volunteer careCare for handicapped and chronical-ly ill people in the absence of carevia family/friends (volunteer care).

    Via stichting Handen-in-huis 21 days per per-son per year.

    Via stichting Handen-in-huis 100% per per-son per year.

    Menopause consultantIn the event of menopause-related pro-blems Care for Women or the VVOC.

    In the event of menopause-related problems Care for Women or theVVOC.

    Patient associations 25.00 (1) per mem-bership, together

    with other costs up to 500.00.


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    Other(Keuze) Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    (Preventieve) cursussen:

    coping with heart problems

    lymphoedema awareness and/orself-management course

    coping with rheumatoid arthritis,

    arthrosis or Bechterews disease

    type 2 diabetes patients, basic or

    follow-up losing weight

    stopping smoking

    Vrij van alcohol [Alcohol Free]training course

    basic resuscitation course

    First Aid

    first aid for accidents involving


    sleep therapy

    75% to 115.00

    per course per person per year.

    75% up to 115.00

    per course (1) per per-

    son per year togetherwith other costs up to 500.00.

    100% per course per

    person per year.

    course and/or training in preven-

    ting falls

    exercise programmes for the elderly

    memory training.

    100% per course perperson per year.

    Rehabilitation Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Sports doctorInjury or repeat consultation.

    Via a sports medical institution 2 x per person per year.Check www.sportgeneeskunde.com/fsmi for a location close to your home.

    Sport-medical examinationNot an obligatory sports


    Via a sports medical institution 1 x per person per 2 years.Basic Examination 85.00.

    Basic Examination Plus 100.00.Major Examination 135.00.Check www.sportgeneeskunde.com/fsmi for a location close to yourhome.

    Via a sports medicalinstitution 1 x per

    person per 2 years Ba-sic Examination, BasicExamination Plus,Major Examination.Check ww w.sportge-

    neeskunde.com/fsmifor a location close to

    your home.

    Stopping smoking programme

    Therapeutic holiday camps forhandicapped people

    150.00 per person

    per year.

    250.00 (1) per person

    per year, togetherwith other costs up to 500.00.

    500.00 per personper year.

    Thrombosis service Via the (Keuze) Zorg Plan 100%.

    Payment in the event of the functio-nal loss of any part, capacity or or-gan of the body, due to an accident

    250.00 per accident.

    Holiday hotels (Red Cross) or sailingholidays (Red Cross or Zonnebloemorganisation) For handicappedpeople and the chronically ill.


    Care Regulator (also for insured carer)Telephone number: 0900 - 9590(local rate).

    3 hours per personper year. 6 hours per person per year. 9 hours per personper year.

    Supplementary Ziekenhuis Extra [Hospital Extra] Insurance Policies

    Extra comfort cover

    Contracted care. 100%

    Non-contracted care. 150.00 per day.

    Daily monetary payment 70.00 per day up to 4,900.00 * per person per year.

    When abroad: room supplement class room / fee surcharge

    Contracted care. 100%

    Non-contracted care. 70.00 per day up to 4,900.00 per person per year, no reimbursement of the fee surcharge.

    * Reimbursement in the Netherlands and abroad together.

    (1) For these care activities, insured via Royaal, a total of max. 500 is reimbursed per insured party per calendar year.

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    Keuze Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    This reimbursement policy givesyou the freedom to choose your

    own care providers.

    Zorg Plan(basic insurance)

    With this combination of non-monetary and reimbursement you

    receive care from our contractedcare providers.

    The basic insurance

    Should you become ill, our health insurance policies offer

    you the right care without any nasty financial surprises.

    However, even if you are in good health, you want to

    know you can rely on us to be there whenever you need

    help. You can opt for one of our basic insurance policies.

    If you have the Avro Achmea basic insurance you are

    already assured of the Seven Certainties of good care,

    irrespective of which basic insurance you choose.

    Supplementary insurance

    In addition to the basic insurance policies we also offer four supplementary insurance policies - Start, Extra, Royaal and

    Excellent. They range from a very competitively priced insurance policy to insurance with very comprehensive cover. The fol-

    lowing is a brief overview of the supplementary insurance policies you can choose for.

    Dental insurance

    The basic insurance does not cover regular dental care from the age of 18.

    For that reason it is a good idea to supplement your basic insurance with a dental insurance, for family members aged over 18.


    In the event of contrariety between the English and Dutch versions of this document, the Dutch version will prevail.

    Types of care Start Extra Royaal Excellent

    1 Alternative therapies 440.00 per year 640.00 per year 1.500.00 per year 1.800.00 per year

    2 Contracep tion 100% 100% 100% 100%

    3 Glasses and lenses 100.00per 3 calendar years

    150.00per 3 calendar years

    250.00per 3 calendar years

    350.00per 3 calendar years

    4 Eye laser treatment none 500.00 500.00 750.00

    5 Primary psychology 4 extraappointments

    A reimbursement of the

    personal contribution 80.00 + 6 extraappointments.

    A reimbursement of the

    personal contribution 80.00 + 8 extraappointments.

    A reimbursement of the

    personal contribution 80.00 + 8 extraappointments.

    6 Physiotherapy and remedial therapy 12 times 27 times 27 times 100%

    7 Help when abroad includingvaccinations

    100% 100% 100% 100%

    8 Or thodontics Up to 18 years of age 90%

    and max. 1,500.00

    Up to 18 years of age 90%

    and max. 2,000.00

    Up to 22 years of age 90%

    to max. 2,500.00, fromage 22 onwards 70% tomax. 1,000.00

    Up to 22 years of age

    100%, from age 22 70% tomax. 1,500.00

    Type of care T Start T Extra T Royaal T Excellent

    9 Dental care A maximum reimburse-ment of 225.00 per year

    A maximum reimburse-ment of 450.00 per year

    A maximum reimburse-ment of 900.00 per year

    A maximum reimburse-ment of 1,150.00 per year

    Summary of the health insurance policies

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    We need personal data to process applications for an insu-

    rance policy or a financial service. This data is used within the

    Achmea Group to enter into and implement insurance agree-

    ments, to inform you about relevant products and/or services,

    to guarantee the security and integrity of the financial sector,

    for statistical analyses, customer relationship managementand in order to comply with statutory obligations. The use of

    your personal details is subject to the Gedragscode Verwerking

    Persoonsgegevens Financile Instellingen [Code of Conduct

    for the Processing of Personal Data by Financial Institutions].

    Health insurers also have to comply with the Gedragscode

    Verwerking Persoonsgegevens Zorgverzekeraars [Code of

    Conduct for the Processing of Personal Data by Health Care


    If you do not wish to receive information about our products

    and/or services, or if you wish to withdraw your permission

    for the use of your e-mail address, please write to us at Avro

    Achmea, Postbus 1717, 3800 BS Amersfoort. With a view to

    maintaining a sound acceptance policy, we are allowed, as

    the Achmea Group, to consult details kept at the StichtingCentraal Informatie Systeem [Central Information System

    Board] (CIS) in Zeist. Within that framework, those affiliated

    to the Stichting CIS are also allowed to exchange data among

    themselves. The aim is to manage the risks and combat fraud.

    This is subject to the privacy regulations of the Stichting CIS.

    More information can be found at www.stichtingcis.nl.

    Applicable law and complaints procedure

    The insurance policies are exclusively subject to Dutch law. It

    goes without saying that we do our very best to provide you

    with an optimal service at all times. Nevertheless, you may still

    be unhappy about some aspect of the services we provide. In

    such instances, you should first contact your adviser or contact

    person. If you still feel it is necessary to submit a complaint,

    you can do so by e-mail via our website www.averoachmea.nl(under the klacht doorgeven [submit complaint] section) or in

    writing to Avro Achmea, Centrale Klachtencordinatie,

    Antwoordnummer 93200, 2200 XA Noordwijk. If, in your

    opinion, we do not manage to solve the problem satisfactorily

    and if you are a natural person that is not involved in running

    a business or engaged in a profession, you can submit your

    complaint to the authorised complaints board to which we are

    affiliated, namely: Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgver-

    zekering [Health Care Insurance Complaints and Disputes

    Foundation] (SKGZ), Postbus 291, 3700 AG Zeist, tel. +31 (0)30

    69 88 360, www.skgz.nl.

    Information about Avro Achmea

    Avro Achmea is a provider of insurance products and uses

    independent brokers and advisers. Avro Achmea is a trade nameof Achmea Zorgverzekeringen N.V., which is located in Noordwijk

    and registered with the AFM under number 12000647, and

    of Avro Achmea Zorgverzekeringen N.V., which is located in

    Utrecht and registered with the AFM under number 12001023.

    The office of Avro Achmea is located on the Van Asch van Wijck-

    straat 55, 3811 LP Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

  • 8/3/2019 D-3598 Summary of Cover


    Avr Achmea ha acqre he Klagerch Verzekere [Cmer-ree irace] qaly mark.

    Confidence and certainty are essential for the quality of services provided in the insurance sector. The Klant-

    gericht Verzekeren quality mark is issued by the independent Stichting toetsing verzekeraars [Insurers Assess

    Basic insurance policies (Keuze) Zorg [(Options) Care] Plan

    Supplementary insurance policies Start, Extra, Royaal, Excellent

    Dental insurance policies T Start, T Extra, T Royaal, T Excellent

    Comfort nursing Ziekenhuis Extra [Hospital Extra]