D E V O T E D T O T iJE .U I S T R A T I O H O f S P I R I T U A L I N T E R C O U R S E . T H S AGITATION OF THOUGHT IS T II K II K <i I X S 1 X (1 OF W I 8 0 0 » PARTRIDGE AND BRITTAN, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS, NO, 3 4 2 OR 0 AD W A 7 —■TERM S, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE; SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1855. VOL. IV. NO. 2T. ifiic p r in c ip le s of J U t u r c . . spiritualism in N ashville , tenn . Augiut 2, lHao. <* Uir-.-4: '- v - i avi, F«rgu*eti has b « n suffering from WHOLE NO. 183. A* I att-.-s not ni tU:» gl.Kjmy a- thy igaorom m»4I aatiefe : • l >:iJ ju » t; and ta L!~ lituc.be will Ufl Row j If.* va>! I'jj tfe-ljv Lalarc cat?. A pclietrst-- p lb -k- * .... i u‘ . !. rr;J war. 1 have referred to them U to w hj addr>.~-,? you. MaOJ a true Am- rlcoo ik ri the 8th of January. I d15 ; • ; . - A-i-.b . the trip. .Mr. Champio. a.2g>. It di»- LV'.J Of « ng b' t ter vreJ; 1 her to to. i from bet . .................................... t •- is very fee-bit*. t i e is aware of thra . '.laager w which ihe ka>t ia p n lts te expose; ^ the advice of a kimi cater who La* long sim ,•s.gfa;: she loves me, and 1 think will be a l- lot seed my name. vvij li.'i'i the w n l M'.r, v.v (Jaily the promt-?*? of per- li'I'.h directed toother sot)re. , in tin- regard, no fttfeulion U»j staff io receive j , Jim}'.? acquainted, f if *L it i ka.-w is m which we aupjFjavd nc.i>*. J tr rtu ibe pleasing influence that inspired >u» and sisterly ajvtcc, continued as from an-.th.r . * a tall and majest.; ferai, acLfe aaJ cjfnmaudiag in . aid t‘sar.t*a In bia aim . who seems to hare soaje- u He -apeak.- : - You were not acquainted with me - - ...... : . - J 30* -oo hare read «f ir.-_. bat we were not per- -■ (J in ; • . rre bai a mere I j i . ' . . La'. I w .jji j aut. though a boy., a child io -’-*" - t- spiritual life was and it far iu advance fe-h. Iu life, as a tuna. I awumed an air of dig- b'oa ur.i t.-a'a-ar Sal to ate a tetrv blank. I t.'ix.'l an . • J i-t the R.-C'-byt-.rlaa uith. 1 knew nothing ............................ ? J I ' • ........... re. '. . . t h i i ium - ......................... ; Lche C- ... . .t . ... . -..1 . ; •- ■ .; to— ____ .- . j O fi'l with horror inU,— that I . i.t jrd —the faiurt. ily vl-.ion was - .• II - ' .; ...... 1 . V.-Li .a whai way 1 might bar., p aetrated lhc dark acutes or - i - -• - • ; .. •. : .: ...- •........ . V b that faith. I felt there was something lacking to bear me through i >fe la ri nu t that ever vail; the -jgbt of mortal*. I felt, taco, thi | ?ortanec of ever that Ugh; ilut God giveth, to cuable \ f -«t from our vltl a thgloom that bidt,-. tha clear g: .ry of the Spirit- I - a*, toward which u.l arc inwiteBing. Tt.- us t&tn, mt child, my boy, I I looted back opoa life to sec a vacancy not to Tvas I *&lonly th a, i could sac life b?. it Li—I mean, life in the body, thy \ "r_ :me - upon earth, and net the iif. ihn; never dv.-. I iaw jilainly i tit la-ck of that spiritual Lor.,; t<j wLich every man cling', though too it IT- tyrn: •_ ;L . - 1 - ... . ............ i | V: -.till r j- a t'i t‘.cr. i-1 it or... Uhurch I tj the blindnet t A mun: How . ........................... ........ : yeti ,T - l H‘. l tv-at thvi-an-i- u;.-,a •.'..-ants, yea. generation after gtneration, -iue. r,y a blind Fui»eratitlou, till at in : they would 1; I:- , . .. J,: to I -.V . c; , , • ,„.. 1 U , ,,.st i v-i.'i JV f t . l i - v - . lo-L. m j. .. Ar.d many fail blindfold; •: taught their G<xl ilri is—have paened away from the- • Aiaucb lo do that might have been don I A that which keeps auu»y a g-xid Spir.t back, l'o other* I cun speak. Wben I looked and -n r Ike eban^-. must come, 1 found around i .1 ,, LC ■ vl . i,*i4i for U. porver to i-ho-.v tL.m •vhn:-.. n.-. as momcou, prevented * * % « / r.. . u- niy E;drit ■c m J -j-pended between tl-.- earth and ^ p f e beyond. ^iAso’.d .i. i-.-, Though 1 bad pasi ^fe(icei;es of th it Lind and Lad commanded hundred a o f Uuinan , *||bwbo »wi-i at «: y moment liav-. oTcf.d up tbeir lives for me •^frcbU-Au :■ and coin naider; though J bad passed through the *^» 0f horrid t, ,r. where mj friends lay weltering Jn their blood, 7 Vi i . ,„ c-, I graced tbs band of a fellow-soldier in death, yMtb*d i*- . and n l>[ing too noble, too pure in bis aim.-, to l i then believed aa eternity of dormeut. Even then :ncu would say io hi* Spirit, it coaid not ho b i I h*d l/ceii taught awaited ull who - 1 felt my lack of knowledge— that ' universe I felt that innh known that there* wa* m>roetliing of cd to m horrible a doom :i, my nature from God on l my creed latter prevailed over mo. and often 1 » were in tbst awful that horribfe doom . -j religion. U fJ .. . tL: . -ti t «li-/u!'l Un. *V » l*Al-If,,, could 0 ’/. ■tHUq-q to 1 ; *»». »»ut tv- i I t-,P had t I., > 1 , 1 'ukl bars a t .tight this blessed hop*: you nany u word of comfort to their medium m i-tt the full im- i■ :■ I :•■> I e u-l l 1 <iiu tint die- io the battic-tii1, bntatrayown i .- .x bt frfe-ai'-. Many areund you reuemUr the day To .-y «cch, : ■; fu;;. ar. i lc(u;l.-, lay leu- exit nd*. In that hour, a* I a: tempted M mv. I kiu-w that tuar.y would fed that offer death 1 would j.- do m i.-.. While - feeling v,a u: jR m e a sees-.- rrcnj•-.tier beyi :.d til •• it of d-.-scrlp'.lun v i ‘ pr.-Minted to my mind's eye. 1 bad no r I- to d . erT’v.- n •>my C . -nds. I might ;_.-n have seen hew - .-y . . ru.» .r ................. c■ . . y ;.:„-.h,r.-. all, litre 1.- r. > hind-.r.ng cause to prevent our seeing yon ut any E t c JJu; year tle-hly natu;. weald ‘ tart lack alarmed at the ft-l r.■vf th_•I . ; - - W ; ilu z.-x mean to -jy that :t A fmpveH.'ble for you I I . N . ........... . . t-.-n: I- fi-t apt.ruseblog v.-'eea you will ;; t nt.-i tac aid of a second . . . ; ) cr. , r 1 it r.yw; but you know col. Kem-cv-cr b,% many centuries Lave paused in almost utter dark- ; . . . I ; l G- 1 La purposed, tav brother, my son. to reward yoor labors. Yet will be take .1 :, - .. ;vi - •. -a : ' : ' - d: - : - . . . . . - . ■. \ ; - thy progress!oa. Yet God says bis light shall shine through the verse. U- gives ao dat; when this shall be accomplished. It is good to wait far the anfobliiig of Lit purposes. I ~ -h to sir to you, teat Lea my Spirit had finished all there w*. for me to do apoa earth. 1 threw oT. a» it wcr-. toy regalia. 1 Is down my arms a il my temporary honor?, when 1 laid aside my fleah. i wa* i h- a svi/te-l \,j angels who had protected m ; throogb th e- danger? f the field, aud gvntly folded in their arms aa-1 carried where 1 remalnc 1 I kn ,v out bow loag ; for I toil you my early training dsrk- eued my mind. 1 can not tell bow long 1 remained, for we do oot ui a-are time or space Though ua rouse ions a r> wb r-.- I war. I bad dl-.d to all belief on tan k that 1 traa wafted to heaven. a> they e tiled Hue was stated at my funeral. Well do I remember. Well did I chide- the minister, and tried to impress him that be- knew not «h <chat I mu. No ; at the v.;ry moment he said I was in the fur-ofi heaven, I Lad n-'t left the proceeaoa : nor did 1 leave it till that frail body, which was then a mere nothing, was deposited. Then I wandered forth, still ia the icj.v.-.-xioa of these angel Spirits. 1 was wafted into this sphere, where-, for a time, I remained almost ancon?cion;. When akened, av from a sv.-e-et sleep, my spirit was ready for p grt-ifea. I felt there was ooc near me, an angel relative, but 1 was too blind to reilli; what or where 1 was. Remember, though by a 1 tuple ijad laudatory world preaehe-d to heaven, I was suffering all the -loom of iti false- and bewildering teaching. From that period my -plrit has b-.c-n advancing, comtac-nclng, as it were, at the alphabet. •V ' kind a-_d <1 vot i Spirit fricr.di, 1 Lave- attained my j r .-:rct po-lli'. ;i. ] ; ! . one of sufSsi-.-nt bappiness to be able, by the guidance of tb o -; much j.- uta.- thou 1 am, to visit your earthly region? with the intention of U-nt-fUing mankind. I have be-ca oltea present at your meeting.-, bat have only been p-.nr.itt 1 tc ! icl: upon cL; j rc-e-eedinp r.:o;. It -v.v my de- to come to earth_to keep th-.m off the dark gloom of th^t virion of Wrong that bang? like a nightmare upon the- mind of man—of e very man who ha? not been sufficiently e-nlightcned to view death as a change-, and not a deem—lor there is r.o each word aa doom in all God'.- dominions. For the present I witbold my name- You understand me. As I progre-si, I hope to be able to visit, enlighten, and instruct many. Re- ceive my fatherly adieu! EKMISS.?. The above is evidently from General Andrew Jacksoi not as perfect r;.- he d-.-:r ;d it, and hence be withholds h,-, name. The medium was very bard to imp re? and was not ceir.i :o the ’ - comm in - /- 1 ' •i . t-l.-n: t '.<> vvLo it was till the reference to the battle of Kew Orleans and . . morablesig tth of January. Ui it du to trathto ty that I never visited General Jaebsoa but once-, v.bieh was two years be- Ids death a*. stated in the-communication, and that tbo medium did not know but that I had often visited Lira. The communi- cation 1 rc-jjard a? somewhat characteristic, but by no means much so, as it would be w.-re there a purpose to impose upon any one. in either medium or reporter. The advice to Mi>. Ferguson v.;e-. found to be the protection of her hcolUi, and [K-rhap-, her hfe; for the next day Hi. - -.arc rly ab!- to i:ft her b- -.1 from th< j/iliow. The medium in a] M . Lee 1 >h man, i ... will 1 s as much urpru as any one, by the character of the communication, as we deter- mined t> say nothing of any part of it to her, -ave that which related to Mrs. Ferguson’s illnci* . September 20, 1855. I V:t down to re ord the r- alts of the pa-t seven v. ••.-!;?, and find them «« varied and remarkable that it will be difficult to give even a running estimate of the power of Spirit-presence they f.o uuqueslionribly tilablish. We commence with an ac- count of healing influences, such as we have never met in the history of the world- In our published record.-, page 48, is an a count of a prophetical protr.i ; concerning our daughter Virginia, then in h r thirteenth year. It was then .'.aid by our Spirit-relative, at a time when pur investigation* were, rnenced. “ That her pure nature would be u-cd for spiritual j„,.,vr that would confound ali unla lief.” W e r-c-iv-d the promise with more of fear than of hope ; and although many un- m>u dit but highly inU-r&sling communica'.ion? hid been received trough l.cr, wo l.'-T to d « b t from * » « • « lli'-m, :in.l Jjvotc Ijct attention to liar duMUi .ri. Uonllis l.a.1 ■! ill, W teridcno of anything r«inark»blo ia l,.:r mj * ri >'a- U" . 1 , — l.avin- inherited anything hut a strong constitution- ...... healed in her th-p; but nil j fictory evidence c-f this f t and fe-. t health; our atti ui.h.n was so <T T' ii rii-intius, that wc gave h< whatever. S At the clcre of tlie la-: •— -!- -n •f her .-chool in June, she a c l a younger si-:-r and brother were sent on a visit to our frb-nd-. iri Maryville. Ky. Her ODOtiier expected to have followed! in a few days, with a vi-w of spending the Bummer at that | hospitable inan-ioij of tried frienddiip- She was detained by j no---, n\ r»f. rri-! abov-. After A delay of v,<, k -. w c1 c enabled to \x-lL them, wb«?» to our aurpmc- tv<> wer* in- fermed, by every member of the family, of the following wonder- fill manifest*tioM through our own child. While the family were seated in the parlor in conversation upon the probable sickness of the country, Virginia suddenly and ■A-i!v to all, came under spiritual influence; assumed rith m ih iignity and pleaaaoti athaeftar ster f a physician; alternately addressed them in what appeared an Indian dialect, and English, and otherwise entertained and astonished all present. At this time- a negro boy cam - in from the field, com- plaining of a severe pain in the shoulder, and inability to .- hi? arm. She instantly took hold of him, and described the circum- stances under which he had been injured; relieved him by hard but comparatively painU-?? manipulations. She then called for a clean cup and spoon. She required it to be washed in the presence of all. No one anticipated or could anticipate what she intended. She took the cup, and with the spoon seemed anxiously mixing some liquid. After a few moments, she held it before their astonished gaz-i, when it « a i seen to contain a mixture of the consistence of thin paste, oily to the touch, aud o'- dark color. All were satisfied, for all was conducted in the broad daylight, and without moving from their presence. She added some water and gave to every invalid on the premise?, each one of which described its taste, some of them not having witnessed and not knowing bow it was produced. This was repeated evert day for two weeks; each invalid but one ha* recovered; and tin- boy who could not lift his hand, if the arm was dislxated, wa- made in a few hours to raise it as readily as the other, and any heavy weights, such as chairs upon it, outstretched. W hen these things were related to me, despite my experience, I confess I could not believe. The most reliable men and women I had ever known in all my intercourse with mankind, and simple- minded negroes and children, were the witnesses. I heard with surprise, and strove to be incredulous. In the midst of mv dis- turbed reasoning upon what was related, she came into the room and at once our friends said, “ Be quiet and you will see.” II«.-r mother was silting near me, quite feeble, and was evidently some- what alarmed at the appearance and manner of Virginia. She spkoe v, ith a most impressive dignity and sweetness of manner, and seemed to remove the very atmosphere of fear. She spoke o: herself os a second person, and her mothc-r instantly recognized her spiritual guides. She gently manipulated her mother’s region of the lungs ; gave directions to myself and others as to the ne- cessity of an upright posture of body for health, and having engaged the attention of all, called for her cup aud spoon. In our presence she made a colored liquid with no materials near her, apparently from the atmosphere ; aud an ointment which she used on the neck of a neuralgic gentleman present. We saw, we felt, we tasted. W e were not, for we could not be mis- taken. This we witnessed every day for a week, until every invalid, save one was restored. If it is esteemed necessary tu> refer to names, T would mention W . L>. Meriwether, E . an 1 his mother Mrs. B. Meriwether, Mrs. King and daughter, Mrs. Williamson, and the servants of the family. She is now with us at home; goes regularly to school; never suffer her to be asked to submit to this influence : bul almost every day, some one comes in, unconscious of her powers, for whose benefit she is made the subject of tlii? influence, and always for the benefit of the sick. Her mother is again restored. I have* no comments to make on this brief narrative. It i; beyond my comprehension—confounds my ignorance, but excite- my hope. I believe my senses, therefor..- have I spoken. Of her I have only to say, that from a child she has been devotional, cheerful, truthful to an eminent degree ; loved by a ll; of good mind, but nothing above that of gfrls of her age ; certainly dt fiii-ient in what is usually called talent .She was born February 1841; is a child in all her tast< During our stay at Maryville, wo received the following, among many private communications made to several members of tins family, from Mr?. Ferguson and others— from our voting and promising friend, G. \Y. JTariuson. It was spoken at intervale- but began at twilight: TWILIGHT. “ Twilight ! blissful hour divine! None hut angel" call thcc ‘ mine.’ Rcacc doth mark thy silent tread. Hallowed arc tbo though la thou riied Briogc-st thou from realm? supernal, Forms that whisper truth eternal ; Inspiration pure and holic.it, Sbcddest thou upon the lowliest. Then turning t‘» u-, :u if addr- ing us, lie continued. Angela heavenly, lend the ever : When Uiy earthly life- shall sever, Ere thy outer form shall slumti-r, Then wilt join ovr radiant number 1 1 feel immersed in thought, while viewing Ihe mighty, yot gradual , ■f,ld i;,; of J o . r . II:, l:.V i :• TL - ' h gbe-t naiu; r GIJ far d.ort of r«aU/.mg the ; i!.fe.;V. Tk.rc cou.es on- r. >w W ray rL,V. wj., A love to A-. li- H j tati of -: i, o r - t ... •I ri;.y i :. i ’•. : •'vi-.fe - ; ' I . IT- rv: to exclaim: Odegraded nature! from w -o " *...t:- -i t-.ou. ;3i.v. matt »h<wto *purn the emanatiooa which lift tin: to bia God I If-.- a. van gathering vrb <>■', thoaglti : .rut"! cad coo- gcolftL The intercept tbeir v,' >,0. imt il hrilliact orb vr;!| orcak forth, ft- shad or . fall upon Jbo. who wear a I f . ’. -•cA-a: to their God. Let us ever feel, an-fe - o ids, that there la one ray of tight » i . .- .- illuminating •-.rillixoej marks out for tic honest ‘ aadi tru-, t v proper pathway when all oit<r* u e oVe-Ured. I Nat-ire * dtvtce Wilt Loldetb together and iav.gofwtM U r icaarr otP •spring. Then shall roan foil u- fe ■; <vcroed 07 . tv » isutilltrl within. The- dawn i? breaking almost imperceptibly ; yet it* ma/k-d remits have already arouud : to a wocdeifaJ pci.-'.lf, tbe *. iiap-J--/.- B desire* which hare \uog been clogged. But the stream meander* I . i ;l I 0 - .... : who..* tide is life; ir.'i it U.arcib oa it? surface favn-tzojti d Hi - !r;-. Yet there lietb concealed, amid its mingling comtaotiosx, cl- lades that wreck the buoyancy of >V. ;r fei-ric. Why will i: not lUFn I 'JOT \ A™ ea;ui . ••!-.. ui-.a., cv.^.;..uQ a. . u1 . .... a yet ali act Eub.-'-rvicnt to mtufe future d-.-vdo; meat. TLIs tide of conflict will b . darker •■::■!: tor il I; tic rci-.c'i-r. <: : ■■a 1 . : 1. . :• c:. . . la . . -.. •- : ;■ : v .... . r ' creaking, m it were, upon tii-j immoctity of life. Bo ? ?L&li wc ta-.;; v it! i hear a whisper, which speaks to u-. aad say?. -‘ Boua-v, f.r f: ;• nought but changing emergencies.'' vn.j-. Be unit' d. Let Hannony^be year toluman : Hope the guiding '..!•>: Take Onward Progr-.:--'on your thirsting ambition. TL j - rcgulafe the prin- ciples tending to your advancement. Lc not icop-.r-tive in carrying l.vl: .... '..I. r. ; 1 - . Briiic. me---eager* that have long thrown off the forms. * * 1>J3 0 Nairnc-: b.-.- grae-lt ,'.*g b - . y e v nrfwi-.r to ; that ;■,v.r.. Appcre exhibit daily conceptions th^t breathe a gravl living -.vr.-Pi rrliL':: ;t- S,me * 1 -if; but re realize not the march of progress loo, an 1 fail cr pr, -.kite it-. ifc3uence. connecting the link* that have long trace L ea severed by dark ages of fanaticism, who?e hold weakens the cwonectica txh-tieg L> t a man and LA God. V.'c fe:I to draw ;hc- c!;:inci:oa yu-tiy a..-i operly coaceraing man'a bight?*, nature. Could we be leas coa- aentious about forms, and Elrike a: tie root of evil amhitioa conuot* inating his existence by poisonous growth, we could move onerringiy to a true conception of the soul's emanation;-. You often a;k. How are v.e to sincerely and more ’.rulLfeily worship iu Great Father of all? Its explanation is Life, 1: breathe? around you in Its varied circles, from the most minute whose existence is ephe- meral, to maa whose destiny U immortal : yet it emanates one great source, and all is warned by the congenial rays of its meridian sun. Then why should maa be less f a v o r e d 4 Y b y should he not also re- comforting beam of an inner existence ? Is ho unworthy ? No. Nature seeks a congeniality with man, and follow? the illuminating gbt, though it he -mall, emanating from the inner/cresses d Lis god- like faculties, when he fails not in grasping that which hia Ueareoly Father giveth htai to nurture well. The soul is the ct-nur: congenial creation 13 the emanation, and its principles axe given to 1 to guide him in the path of peace and knowledge. The evidence himself and his congeniality are his proper passport and independent protector. Then coraj-t thou to grasp infinitude around thee, and become not en- thralled by contracted forms that corrupt freedom * The will of your 1 ward monitor is the will of your God. Sow thistles with a delicate plant, and you choke its growth. Yet listen! for I bear the once enthralled membership of Humanity at large, exclaiming in tones that whisper Melk-nium's approach, -•TL: once considered lo-t have redeemed their kindred U' Be ye watchful! Be yc active in encouraging and elevating the in- fiuenccs given through our mediums. Let us construct a permanent basis that will support the ever-living principles given to man, tha miy cooperate with than and make them perfect. To do this i s-ek congeniality in il - true sense. By this 1 mean, that, as haimoaial laborers, you should readily proclaim ih :;- results. To appreciate you must govern well. To produce effective results, thoa shouldst be at all time? careful in thy interviews. Be uoderstandiDgjy as one ia thought id action. God's law^ arc immutable: man's reperior emanation.- from tbe divinity should b- unswerving. Hence both arc one. TL. accc.-Hol consummation of the one emanation serves for the Goal estab- lishment o f the other. Thus think, act. and accomplish within your- selves. aud let Humanity at largj b.- your observers, unJ, if willing, your aids. The ultimate supremacy of this car.,-: i- certain ; and it? brilliant re- sult will become conspicuous to all. For the present I will .-peak no more. I God our Imprt'ri-JM difficult to convey. The vail that or.ee enshrouded the grave's solitude?, aad concealed the eternal world, now pierced, y .t it ret calcth r.othing uiuiataraL 1 could say more, but I have another motive which can not now be carried out. It r.ill be ultimately. 1 he cl; ud o'cnh-Vt-.wItt? hunsaa Vied 1 9 firreedbj rrJ. ct lli.c^hvi •s'..‘.imcil, •• ' : . : la cslts sad quid barevos;-. The i v ij g rii free from b-»Ji Ihjil boast An rartlilr raw In rr..-ir, (- 'loti. Amt *ohJ» rrj ..sc In cc!. Sr j *n-4t>d, Proelomlnx tuner frredLtn round. Yt 1 *Matb >o.-j Itown 11 a>'~j rl.M A fntsa to mevtr. In Jurklin? lu-M, llolh K»Id« the ; 1 oftbuiu- ar gbl. Who follow inuh »oi! r.u o j'i might. To proto IhoiniudU.o Innrx right; Aa>t 9jv.-iV., !n hrarcalj •ywphooj. REMJLBK. Wo would not publish f!i •above v. r - wc to consult our view? -f policy, and the oj inion of men a? yet unborn to tI;ous;Iit. W •- know tbe .inn-•vane s from prejudice, immature judgment, and boastful skepticism, to which it subject* all concerned But our own pro<rr---?, which wc -1- ir.- to estin'.atc above all tin-, crude - 'i 111, il- ? of mi n iMiobs'-n ant of tlic forc-!i.ul itviti^s of tin- da\ 'hat wilnf.--c our rv-spou-nblliiii?*, depends ujon failhfuli -• t > this holiest of cause?. We. arc i:i:ul« witn-.s.->. unworthy we fe-land kinov our?«-Ivt** t*> bo in many re-.p. vt?. hut not in th«; f ar of mortal «.-ktiinatci* of eternal truth and duty. What wo A Li UNFINISHED POEM .And all :Lv ble=> ogv onto d-err d : . . ■— ..I-.'-, ifend forth, G rx—a. . . . a!j ily tu'gbt cf sl&i, TLy gaze from i I ..to y. a »eore, VTLcre other worlds. t c y - t .r T ^ 'r ie Ihitc c-wa, ha/coci: ,;!y sot •?. Lo*A forth. 0 man, with rap.-r-.t'.t'oo i ! cd, V.'L ...................... : . Aud peopled space to Tight 1he he mo t f rr-ao. By hand? uc-o.-a ; the funereal cxr Of uaremembered races of the dead And aabc-ru tnillioas. m lljot-f died—fer Strvublag through ages Jo 7. _i;h ages fled Are but iu tial. twilight to tl.- gloom Aud deepening dark of cvcr-dursg doi-rn. And to> each animated world of ~:-:s Jmpri!#<iac-1: :ul the -rarfe-i l-.-.ng gives. Through ordered change? of Crsatfes goes. .Vc-I bound In inuitifum -.s': v.ecce Eve*. Immortal, tor.ar-.-J in t ' _ u r a t - c throes Of mortal angu.'iL. in iw lf >u-rr:ve*. .kcd immaterial, with m jicri.l > .ur-J. See, mighty intc'ticct! th. fern; - d Earth : C-.I VbdK everlasting Eplccdor* hail 1.'- birth, And ebed bis glor-.e? o'er Li? M ile epan. Mac! manufactured to supply the death O f population la the EmpjTeon— il .:,y - . ... . I . . ; . Iiow many otL-r thousands ;n :.r in i t '. Of this eternal reproduction's sum No aortal yet ha? ever mad-.- the ti-gare : Oar h-gbist onmerat oq short would com.-. And still the grand totality : bigger. Tbe only t-.imal that 1= not dumb i - J! -. I r ; f '.— One can't but gather a- the c ;:;' sw 1! A most conspicuous estimate of Hell. Aatc-dilavians and dllariaus past, Christian aad pagan. Scythian bond and Circe, Jew . Turk and Infidel, the count!..?* L Of all the living that have K\-a or 1 . Of tribes extit.ng and of r..c . * i ?i— The forest leave5. the drey- that J. nn the ? -a. And a!\ the sands that lie a' - . r it •shore Can't count with man—Li* nu:.' r ?t'Jl U m.-r.-. -'■•'! . . . . ; .' By all the wc rM- that r, i.:.d at us roll, Or all that <r.e at . tarry midnight - •. And give to each an individual soul, 0 / all tb- ir separate immoftal'a'.- - The universe could tcarcc tfntu'afa the »rhol» : Though di-v’uibodicd, :. ; 1, man and child. A-.l the nadir lo tin- rciith piled. Rut though i a«b .--.-ui erval-.d .- p;u.v.-. -Vn iniiuortaliiy gc- <1 or il! , Obtain throuch J- ath, a «i in s-nn* future state Of joy *>r tom.-ai, be cxi-t -ii r-t»U -. And be >r tooth, r r ■!, rc it . gi; fj(o, Wlim.-e coaii-. the ?.*ul the \ hIJ it ( «v to till* H*soul !• .• 1ub-tance, thi n wluat r. -reppl'.c? Iu vast •vupuration to tbo skies:

D E V O T E D T O T i J E . U I S T R A T I O H O f S P I ... · d e v o t e d t o t i j e . u i s t r a t i o h o f s p i r i t u a l i n t e r c o u r s e . t h s agitation of thought

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D E V O T E D T O T i J E . U I S T R A T I O H O f S P I R I T U A L I N T E R C O U R S E .T H S A G I T A T I O N O F T H O U G H T I S T I I K II K <i I X S 1 X (1 O F W I 8 0 0 » ’

P A R T R I D G E A N D B R I T T A N , P U B L I S H E R S A N D P R O P R I E T O R S , NO, 3 4 2 OR 0 AD W A 7 —■ T E R M S, T W O D O L L A R S P E R A N N U M I N A D V A N C E ; S I N G L E C O P I E S , F I V E C E N T S .


i f i i c p r i n c i p l e s o f J U t u r c .

. s p i r i t u a l i s m in N a s h v i l l e , t e n n .

Augiut 2, lHao.<* Uir-.-4: '-v - i avi, F«rgu*eti has b « n suffering from

WHOLE NO. 183.

A* I att-.-s

not ni tU:» gl.Kjmy a- thy igaorom m»4I aatiefe : • l >:iJ ju » t; and ta L!~ lituc.be will Ufl Row

j If.* va>! I'j j tfe-ljv L alarc cat?. A pclietrst-- p lb -k- * . .. . i u‘. !. rr;J war. 1 have referred to them

U to whj addr>.~-,? you. MaOJ a true Am- rlcoo ik r i the 8th of January. I d 15

; •; . - A-i-.b . the trip.

.Mr. Champio.

a.2g>. It di»-

LV'.J Of «ng b' t

ter vreJ;

1 her to to. i from bet

■ . .................................... t•- is very fee-bit*. t i e is aware of thra

. '.laager w w h ich ih e k a > t i a p n l t s t e expose;

^ the advice of a kimi cater who La* long sim ,• s.gfa;: she loves me, and 1 think will be a l­lot seed my name.

vvij li.'i'i the w n l M'.r, v.v (Jaily the promt-?*? o f per-

li'I'.h directed to o th er sot)re., in tin- regard, no fttfeulion

U»j staff io receive j ,Jim}'.? acquainted,

f i f * L i t i ka.-w is

m which we aupjFjavd nc.i>*. J tr rtu ibe pleasing influence that inspired >u» and sisterly a jv tcc, continued as from an-.th.r

. * a tall and majest.; ferai, acLfe a a J c jfnmaudiag in . a id t‘sar.t*a In bia aim . who seems to hare soaje-

u He -apeak.- : - You were not acquainted with me • - - . . . . . . : .

- J 30* -oo hare read «f ir.-_. bat we were not per- -■ ( J i n ; • . rre bai a mere I ji . ' . . La'. I w .jji j aut. though a boy., a child io

-’-*" - t - spiritual life was and it far iu advance fe-h. Iu life, as a tuna. I awumed an air of dig-

b'oa ur.i t.-a'a-ar S a l to ate a tetrv blank.I t . ' i x . 'l an . • J i-t the R.-C'-byt-.rlaa uith. 1 knew nothing• ............................ ? • J I ' • ........... re. '. . . th ii iu m

- ......................... ; Lche C- . ... . t . ... . - . . 1 . ; • - ■ .; to— ____ .- . jO fi'l with horror inU,— that I . i . t jrd—the faiurt. ily vl-.ion was

- .• I I - ' .; . . . . . . 1 .V.-Li .a whai way 1 might bar., p aetrated lhc dark acutes or

- i - -• - • ; . . •. : . : . . . - •........ .V b that faith. I felt there was something lacking to bear me through i >fe la r i n u t that ever vail; the -jgbt of mortal*. I felt, taco, thi | ?ortanec of ever that Ugh; ilu t God giveth, to cuable \f -« t from our vltl a th g lo o m that bidt,-. tha clear g: .ry of the Spirit- I - a*, toward which u.l arc inwiteBing. Tt.-us t&tn, mt child, my boy,I I looted back opoa life to sec a vacancy not to TvasI *&lonly th a, i could sac life b?. it Li—I mean, life in the body, thy \ "r_ :me - upon earth, and net the iif . ihn; never dv.-. I iaw jilainly i t i t la-ck of that spiritual Lor.,; t<j wLich every man cling', though too

it IT- tyrn: • _ ;L . -1 - ... . ............ i

| V : -.till r j- a t 'i t‘.c r . i - 1 i t or... Uhurch I t j the blindnet t A mun: How. ........................... •........ : y e t i ,T -

l H‘. l tv-at thvi-an-i- u;.-,a • .'..-ants, yea. generation after gtneration, -iue. r,y a blind Fui»eratitlou, till at in : they would

1; I:- ■,. .. J , : to I -.V . c; , , • ,„ ..1 U , , , . s t

i v - i . ' i JV f t . l i - v - . l o - L .

m j. .. Ar.d many

fail blindfold;•: taught their G<xl

ilri is—have paened away from the- •A iaucb lo do that might have been don I A that which keeps auu»y a g-xid Spir.t back, l'o

other* I cun speak.Wben I looked and -n r Ike eban^-. must come, 1 found around i

. 1 ,, LC ■ vl .i,*i4i for U. porver to i-ho-.v tL.m •vhn:-.. n.-. as momcou, prevented * * % « / r.. . u- niy E;drit ■c m J -j-pended between tl-.- earth and

^ p f e beyond.^ iA so ’.d . i . i - . - , Though 1 bad pasi

^fe(icei;es of th it Lind and Lad commanded hundred a of Uuinan , *||bwbo »w i-i at «: y moment liav-. oTcf.d up tbeir lives for me

•^frcbU-Au :■ and coin n a id er ; though J bad passed through the * ^ » 0f horrid t, ,r. where m j friends lay weltering Jn their blood, 7 Vi i . ,„ c-, I g raced tbs band of a fellow-soldier in death, yM tb*d i*- . and n l>[ing too noble, too pure in bis aim.-, to

l i then believed aa eternity o f dormeut. Even then :ncu would say io hi* Spirit, it coaid not ho b

i I h*d l/ceii taught awaited ull who - 1 felt my lack o f knowledge— that

' universe I felt that innh known that there* wa* m>roetliing of

cd to m horrible a doom • :i, my nature from God on l my creed ■ latter prevailed over mo. and often 1

» were in tbst awful

that horribfe doom .

- jreligion. U f J

■ .. . tL:

. -ti t «li-/u!'l Un.

* V » l* A l- I f , , , • could 0 ’/.

■tHUq-q to • 1; *»». »»ut tv- i

I t-,P • had t I.,> 1 ,1 'ukl bars a t .tight this blessed hop*: you

nany u word of comfort to their

medium m i - t t the full im- i■:■ I :• ■> I e u -l l 1 <iiu tint die- io the b a t t i c - t i i1, b n ta tray o w ni . - . x b t frfe-ai'-. Many areund you reu em U r the day To

. - y «cch, : ■; fu ; ; . ar. i lc (u ;l.-, lay leu - exit nd*. In th at hour, a* I a: tempted M m v . I kiu-w th at tuar.y would fed th at o ffer death 1 would j.- do m i.-.. While - feeling v,a u: jR m e a sees-.- rrcnj• -.tier beyi :.d til ••i t of d-.-scrlp'.lun v i ‘ pr.-Minted to my m ind's eye. 1 bad no

■ r I- to d . erT’v.- n • > my C . -nds. I might ;_.-n have seen hew ■- .-y■ . . ru.» . r ................. c■ ■ . . y

;.:„-.h,r.-. all, lit re 1.- r. > hind-.r.ng cause to prevent our seeing yon ut any E t c JJu; year tle-hly natu;. weald ‘ tart lack alarmed at the ft-l r.■ vf th_• I . ; - - W ; ilu z.-x mean to - jy that :t A fmpveH.'ble for you

I I . N . ........... • • . .t-.-n: I- f i- t apt.ruse blog v.-'eea you will ;; t nt.-i tac aid of a second

. . . ; ) c r . , r 1 it r.yw; but you knowcol. Kem-cv-cr b,% many centuries Lave paused in almost utter dark-

; . . . I ; l G - 1 Lapurposed, tav brother, my son. to reward yoor labors. Yet will be take .1 : , - .. ;v i - •. -a : ' : ' - d:

- : - . • . . . . - . ■. \ ; - thy progress!oa. Yet God says bis light shall shine through the verse. U- gives ao dat; when this shall be accomplished. It is good to wait far the anfobliiig of Lit purposes.

I ~ -h to s ir to you, teat Lea my Spirit had finished all there w*. for me to do apoa earth. 1 threw oT. a» it wcr-. toy regalia. 1 Is down my arms a i l my temporary honor?, when 1 laid aside my fleah. i wa* i h- a svi/te-l \,j angels who had protected m ; throogb th e- danger? f the field, aud gvntly folded in their arms aa-1 carried where 1

remalnc 1 I kn , v out bow loag ; for I to il you my early training dsrk- eued my mind. 1 can not tell bow long 1 remained, for we do oot ui a-are time or space Though ua rouse ions a r> wb r-.- I war. I bad dl-.d to all belief on tan k that 1 traa wafted to heaven. a> they e tiled

Hue was stated at my funeral. Well do I remember. Well did I chide- the minister, and tried to impress him that be- knew not «h <chat I mu. No ; at the v.;ry moment he said I was in the fur-ofi heaven, I Lad n-'t left the proceeaoa : nor did 1 leave it till that frail body, which was then a mere nothing, was deposited. Then I wandered forth, still ia the icj.v.-.-xioa of these angel Spirits. 1 was wafted into this sphere, where-, for a time, I remained almost ancon?cion;. When

akened, av from a sv.-e-et sleep, my spirit was ready for p grt-ifea. I felt there was ooc near me, an angel relative, but 1 was too blind to r e i l l i ; what or where 1 was. Remember, though by a 1 tuple ijad laudatory world preaehe-d to heaven, I was suffering all the -loom of iti false- and bewildering teaching. From that period my -plrit has b-.c-n advancing, comtac-nclng, as it were, at the alphabet.•V ' ■ kind a-_d <1 vot i Spirit fricr.di, 1 Lave- attained my j r .-:rct po-lli'. ;i. ] ; ! . one of sufSsi-.-nt bappiness to be able, by the guidance of tbo-; much j.-uta.- thou 1 am, to visit your earthly region? with the intention of U-nt-fUing mankind.

I have be-ca oltea present at your meeting.-, bat have only been p-.nr.itt 1 tc ! i cl: upon cL; j rc-e-eedinp r . : o ; . It -v.v my de- to come to earth_to keep th-.m off the dark gloom of th^t virion of Wrong that bang? like a nightmare upon the- mind of man—of e very man who ha? not been sufficiently e-nlightcned to view death as a change-, and not a deem—lor there is r.o each word aa doom in all God'.- dominions.

For the present I witbold my name- You understand me. As I progre-si, I hope to be able to visit, enlighten, and instruct many. Re­ceive my fatherly adieu!


The above is evidently from General Andrew Jacksoi not as perfect r;.- he d-.-:r ;d it, and hence be withholds h,-, name. The medium was very bard to imp re? and was not ceir.i:o the ’ - comm in - /- 1 ' • i . t-l.-n: t '.<> vvLoit was till the reference to the battle o f Kew Orleans and . . m orablesig tth o f Janu ary . U i it du to tra th to ty th at I never visited General Jaebsoa but once-, v.bieh was two years be-

Ids death a*. stated in the-communication, and th at tbo medium did not know but that I had often visited Lira. The communi­cation 1 rc-jjard a? somewhat characteristic, but by no means much so, as it would be w.-re there a purpose to impose upon any one. in either medium or reporter.

Th e advice to Mi>. Ferguson v.;e-. found to be the protection of her hcolUi, and [K-rhap-, her h fe ; for the next day Hi.- -.arc rly ab!- to i:ft her b- -.1 from th< j/iliow. The medium in

a] M . Lee 1 >h man, i . . . will 1 s as much urpruas any one, by the character of the communication, as we deter­mined t> say nothing o f any part o f it to her, -ave th at which related to Mrs. Ferguson’s illnci* .

S eptem ber 20 , 1855.

I V:t down to re ord the r - alts o f the pa-t seven v. • •.-!;?, and find them «« varied and remarkable that it will be difficult to give even a running estimate o f the power o f Spirit-presence they f.o uuqueslionribly tilablish . W e commence with an ac­count o f healing influences, such as we have never met in the history o f the world- In our published record.-, page 48, is an a count of a prophetical protr.i ; concerning our daughter Virginia, then in h r thirteenth year. It was then .'.aid by our Spirit-relative, a t a tim e when pur investigation* were, rnenced. “ T h at her pure nature would be u-cd for spiritual j„ ,.,v r th at would confound ali unla lief.” W e r-c- iv-d the promise with more o f fear than o f hope ; and although many un- m>u dit but highly inU-r&sling communica'.ion? h id been received

tr o u g h l.cr, wo l.'-T to d « b t from * » « • « lli'-m, :in.l J jv o tc Ijct attention to liar duMUi .ri. Uonllis l.a.1 ■! ill,

W te r id c n o o f anything r«inark»blo ia l,.:r m j * ri >'a- U ". 1 , — l.av in - inherited anything hut a strong constitu tion -

...... healed in her t h - p ; but nilj fictory evidence c-f this f t and fe-. t h ea lth ; our atti ui.h.n was so <T T'ii rii-intius, that wc gave h<whatever. S

A t the clcre o f tlie la-: •— -!- -n • f her .-chool in Ju n e, she a c l a younger s i- :-r and brother were sent on a visit to our frb-nd-. iri Maryville. K y. Her ODOtiier expected to have followed! in a few days, with a vi-w of spending the Bummer a t that | hospitable inan-ioij o f tried frienddiip- Sh e was detained by j

no---, n\ r»f. rri-! abov-. After A delay o f v,<, k-. w c1

c enabled to \ x-lL them, wb«?» to ou r aurpmc- tv<> wer* in- fermed, by every member o f the family, o f the following wonder- fill m anifest*tioM through our own child.

W hile the family were seated in the parlor in conversation upon the probable sickness o f the country, Virginia suddenly and

■A-i!v to all, cam e under spiritual influence; assumed rith m ih iignity and pleaaaoti a th a e fta r ster f a p hysician;

alternately addressed them in what appeared an Indian dialect, and English, and otherwise entertained and astonished all present. A t this time- a negro boy cam - in from the field, com­plaining o f a severe pain in the shoulder, and inability to .- hi? arm. Sh e instantly took hold of him, and described the circum­stances under which he had been in ju red ; relieved him by hard but comparatively painU-?? manipulations. Sh e then called for a clean cup and spoon. She required it to be washed in the presence o f all. No one anticipated or could anticipate what she intended. She took the cup, and with the spoon seemed anxiously mixing some liquid. After a few moments, she held it before their astonished gaz-i, when it « a i seen to contain a mixture o f the consistence o f thin paste, oily to the touch, aud o'- dark color. A ll were satisfied, fo r all was conducted in the broad daylight, and without moving from their presence. Sh e added some water and gave to every invalid on the premise?, each one o f which described its taste, some of them not having witnessed and not knowing bow it was produced. This was repeated evert day for two w eeks; each invalid but one ha* recovered; and tin- boy who could not lift his hand, if the arm was d islxated , wa- made in a few hours to raise it as readily as the other, and any heavy weights, such as chairs upon it, outstretched.

W hen these things were related to m e, despite my experience,I confess I cou ld not believe. The most reliable men and women I had ever known in all my intercourse with mankind, and simple- minded negroes and children, were the witnesses. I heard with surprise, and strove to be incredulous. In the midst o f mv dis­turbed reasoning upon what was related, she came into the room and a t once our friends said, “ B e quiet and you will see.” II«.-r mother was silting near me, quite feeble, and was evidently some­what alarmed at the appearance and manner o f Virginia. She spkoe v, ith a most impressive dignity and sweetness of manner, and seemed to remove the very atmosphere of fear. Sh e spoke o: herself os a second person, and her mothc-r instantly recognized her spiritual guides. She gently manipulated her mother’s region of the lungs ; gave directions to m yself and others as to the ne­cessity of an upright posture of body for health, and having engaged the attention of all, called for her cup aud spoon. In our presence she made a colored liquid with no materials near her, apparently from the atmosphere ; aud an ointment which she used on the neck o f a neuralgic gentleman present. W e saw, we felt, we tasted. W e were not, for we could not be mis­taken. This we witnessed every day for a week, until every invalid, save one was restored. I f it is esteemed necessary tu> refer to names, T would mention W . L>. Meriwether, E . an 1 his mother Mrs. B . Meriwether, Mrs. K ing and daughter, Mrs. W illiamson, and the servants of the family.

Sh e is now with us at hom e; goes regularly to school; never suffer her to be asked to submit to this influence : bul almost every day, some one comes in, unconscious o f her powers, for whose benefit she is made the subject o f tlii? influence, and always for the benefit o f the sick. H er mother is again restored.

I have* no comments to make on this brief narrative. It i; beyond my comprehension— confounds my ignorance, but excite- my hope. I believe my senses, therefor..- have I spoken. O f her I have only to say, that from a child she has been devotional, cheerful, truthful to an eminent degree ; loved by a l l ; o f good mind, but nothing above that of gfrls o f her age ; certainly dt fiii-ient in what is usually called ta len t .She was born February 1 8 4 1 ; is a child in all her tast<

During our stay a t Maryville, wo received the following, among many private communications made to several members of tins family, from Mr?. Ferguson and others— from our voting and promising friend, G. \Y. JTariuson. I t was spoken at intervale- but began at tw ilight:

T W I L I G H T .“ Twilight ! blissful hour divine!

None hut angel" call thcc ‘ mine.’Rcacc doth mark thy silent tread.Hallowed arc tbo though la thou riied Briogc-st thou from realm? supernal,Forms that whisper truth eternal ;Inspiration pure and holic.it,Sbcddest thou upon the lowliest.

Then turning t‘» u-, :u if addr- ing us, lie continued.Angela heavenly, lend the ever :When Uiy earthly life- shall sever,Ere thy outer form shall slumti-r,Then wilt join ovr radiant number 1

1 feel immersed in thought, while viewing Ihe mighty, yot gradual

, ■ f , l d i ; , ; o f J o . r . I I : , l : . V i :• T L - 'h gbe-t naiu; r GIJ far d.ort o f r«aU/.mg the ; i!.fe.;V.

T k.rc cou.es on- r. >w W ray rL ,V . w j., A love to A-. l i - H j ta ti of -: i, o r - ■ t ■ ... ■•I ri;.y i :. i • ’•. : •'vi-.fe - ; ' I . IT-rv: to exclaim : Odegraded nature! from w - o " *...t:- -i t-.ou. ;3i.v.matt »h<wto *purn the emanatiooa which lift tin: to bia God I

I f - .- a. van gathering vrb <>■', thoaglti • : .ru t"! cad coo-gcolftL The intercept tbeir v,' >,0. imt i l hrilliact orb vr;!|orcak forth, ft- s had or •. fall upon Jbo. who wear a I f . ’. -•cA-a:to their God. Let us ever feel, an-fe - o ids, that there laone ray of tight » i . . - .- illuminating •-.rillixoej marks out for t i c honest

‘ aadi tru-, t v proper pathway when all oit<r* u e oVe-Ured.I Nat-ire * dtvtce Wilt Loldetb together and iav.gofwtM U r icaarr otP • spring. Then shall roan foil u- fe ■; <vcroed 07 . tv » isutilltrl

within. The- dawn i? breaking almost imperceptibly ; yet it* ma/k-d remits have already arouud : to a wocdeifaJ pci.-' .lf, tbe *. iiap-J--/.- B desire* which hare \uog been clogged. But the stream meander*

I . i ;l I 0 - . . . . :who..* tide is life ; ir.'i it U.arcib oa it? surface favn -tzojti d Hi - !r;-.

Y et there lietb concealed, amid its mingling comtaotiosx, c l- lades that wreck the buoyancy of >V. ;r fei-ric. Why will i: not

lU F n I 'JOT \

A ™

ea;ui . ••!-.. ui-.a., cv .^ .;..u Q — a. . u1. ....a

yet ali act Eub.-'-rvicnt to mtufe future d-.-vdo; meat.TLIs tide of conflict will b . darker •■::■!: tor i l I; t i c rci-.c 'i-r. <:

: ■■a 1 . : 1. . :• c:. . . ■ l a . . -.. •- : ;■ : v .... . r 'creaking, m i t were, upon tii-j immoctity o f life. B o ? ?L&li wc ta-.;; vi t ! i hear a whisper, which speaks to u-. aad say?. -‘ Boua-v, f .r f: ;•nought but changing emergencies.'' vn.j-.

Be unit' d. Let Hannony^be year toluman : Hope the guiding '..!•>: TakeOnward Progr-.:--'on your thirsting ambition. TL j - rcgulafe the prin­ciples tending to your advancement. Lc not icop-.r-tive in carrying

l.vl: . . . . ' . . I . r . ; 1 - . B r i i ic .me---eager* that have long thrown off the forms. * • • * 1> J3

0 Nairnc-: b.-.- grae-lt , '.*g b - . y e v nrfwi-.r to ; that ;■ ,v.r.. Appcre

exhibit daily conceptions th^t breathe a gravl living -.vr.-Pi rrliL':: ;t- S,m e *1 -if; but re realize not the march of progress loo, an 1 fail cr pr, -.kiteit-. ifc3uence. connecting the link* that have long trace L ea severed by

dark ages of fanaticism, who?e hold weakens the cwonectica txh-tieg L>t a man and LA God. V.'c fe:I to draw ;hc- c !;:in ci:oa yu-tiy a..-i

operly coaceraing man'a bight?*, nature. Could we be leas coa- aentious about forms, and Elrike a: t i e root of evil amhitioa conuot*

inating his existence by poisonous growth, we could move onerringiy to a true conception of the soul's emanation;-.

You often a ; k. How are v.e to sincerely and more ’.rulLfeily worship iu Great Father o f all? Its explanation is L ife , 1: breathe? around

you in Its varied circles, from the most minute whose existence is ephe­meral, to maa whose destiny U immortal : yet it emanates one great source, and all is warned by the congenial rays of its meridian sun.

Then why should maa be less f a v o r e d 4 Y b y should he not also re- comforting beam of an inner existence ? Is ho unworthy ? No.

Nature seeks a congeniality with man, and follow? the illuminating gbt, though it he -mall, emanating from the inner/cresses d Lis god­

like faculties, when he fails not in grasping that which hia Ueareoly Father giveth htai to nurture well. The soul is the ct-nur: congenial creation 13 the emanation, and its principles axe given to 1 to guide him in the path of peace and knowledge. The evidence himself and his congeniality are his proper passport and independent protector.

Then coraj-t thou to grasp infinitude around thee, and become not en­thralled by contracted forms that corrupt freedom * The will of your

1 ward monitor is the will of your God. Sow thistles with a delicate plant, and you choke its growth.

Yet listen! for I bear the once enthralled membership of Humanity at large, exclaiming in tones that whisper Melk-nium's approach, -• TL: once considered lo-t have redeemed their kindred U'

Be ye watchful! Be yc active in encouraging and elevating the in- fiuenccs given through our mediums. Let us construct a permanent basis that will support the ever-living principles given to man, tha miy cooperate with than and make them perfect. To do this i s-ek congeniality in il - true sense. By this 1 mean, that, as haimoaial laborers, you should readily proclaim ih :;- results. To appreciate you must govern well. To produce effective results, thoa shouldst be at all time? careful in thy interviews. Be uoderstandiDgjy as one ia thought

id action. God's law^ arc immutable: man's re peri or emanation.- from tbe divinity should b- unswerving. Hence both arc one. TL. accc.-Hol consummation of the one emanation serves for the Goal estab­

lishment o f the other. Thus think, act. and accomplish within your­selves. aud let Humanity at larg j b.- your observers, unJ, if willing, your aids.

The ultimate supremacy of this car.,-: i- certain ; and it? brilliant re­sult will become conspicuous to all. For the present I will .-peak no more. I God our Imprt'ri-JM difficult to convey. The vail that or.ee enshrouded the grave's solitude?, aad concealed the eternal world, now pierced, y .t it ret calcth r.othing uiuiataraL 1 could say more, but I have another motive which can not now be carried out. It r.ill be ultimately.

1 he cl; ud o'cnh-Vt-.wItt? hunsaa Vied19 firreedbj rr J . c t lli.c^hvi • s'..‘.imcil,•• ' : . :

la cslts sad quid barevos;-.The i v i j g r i i free f ro m b - » J i Ih ji l b o a s t An rartlilr raw In rr..- ir , (- 'loti.Amt *ohJ» rrj ..sc In cc!. Sr j *n-4t>d,Proelomlnx tuner frredLtn round.Yt 1 *Matb >o.-j Itown 1 1 a>'~j rl.M A fntsa to mevtr. In Jurklin? lu-M, llolh K»Id« the ; 1 oftbuiu- ar gbl.Who follow inuh »oi! r .u o j'i might.To proto IhoiniudU.o Innrx right;

Aa>t 9jv.-iV., !n hrarcalj •ywphooj.REMJLBK.

Wo would not publish f!i • above v. r - wc to consult our view? -f policy, and the oj ini on of men a? yet unborn to tI;ous;Iit. W •-

know tbe .inn-•vane s from prejudice, immature judgment, and boastful skepticism, to which it subject* all concerned But our own pro<rr---?, which wc -1- ir.- to estin'.atc above all tin-, crude - 'i 111,il- ? of mi n iMiobs'-n ant of tlic forc-!i.ul itviti s of tin- da\ 'hat wilnf.--c our rv-spou-nblliiii?*, depends ujon failhfuli -• t > this holiest of cause?. We. arc i:i:ul« witn-.s.->. unworthy we fe-land kinov our?«-Ivt** t*> bo in many re-.p. vt?. hut not in th«; f ar of mortal «.-ktiinatci* of eternal truth and duty. What wo


.And all :Lv ble=> ogv onto d-err d :

. . ■— . . I - . ' - ,

ifend forth, G rx—a. . . . a!j ily tu'gbt c f s l& i ,TLy gaze from i I ..to y . a »eore,

VTLcre other worlds. tc y - t .r T ^ 'rie Ih itc c-wa, ha/coci: , ;!y s o t •?.

Lo*A forth. 0 man, with rap.-r-.t'.t'oo i ! cd,

V.'L ......................• : .Aud peopled space to Tight 1he he mo t f rr-ao.

By hand? uc-o.-a ; the funereal cxr Of uaremembered races of the dead

And aabc-ru tnillioas. m lljo t-f died—fer Strvublag through ages Jo 7. _i;h ages fled

Are but iu tial. twilight to tl .- gloom Aud deepening dark of cvcr-dursg doi-rn.

And to> each animated world of ~:-:s Jmpri!#<iac-1: :ul the -rarfe-i l-.-.ng gives.

Through ordered change? of Crsatfes goes..Vc-I bound In inuitifum -.s': v.ecce Eve*.

Immortal, tor.ar-.-J in t ' _ u r a t - c throes Of mortal angu.'iL. in iw lf >u-rr:ve*.

.kcd immaterial, with m jicri.l > .ur-J.

See, mighty intc'ticct! th. fern; - d Earth :C-.I •

VbdK everlasting Eplccdor* hail 1.'- birth,And ebed bis glor-.e? o'er Li? M ile epan.

M ac! manufactured to supply the death O f population la the EmpjTeon—

il • .:,y -. . . . . I . . ; .Iiow many otL-r thousands ;n :. r in i t '.Of this eternal reproduction's sum

No aortal yet ha? ever mad-.- the ti-gare :Oar h-gbist onmerat oq short would com.-.

And still the grand totality : bigger.Tbe only t-.imal that 1= not dumb

i - J ! -. I r ; f '.—One can't but gather a- the c ; : ; ' sw 1!A most conspicuous estimate of Hell. Aatc-dilavians and dllariaus past,

Christian aad pagan. Scythian bond and Circe, Jew . Turk and Infidel, the count!..?* L

Of all the living that have K\-a or 1 .Of tribes extit.ng and of r..c . * i ? i—

The forest leave5. the drey- that J. nn the ? -a. And a!\ the sands that lie a ' - . r it • shore Can't count with man—Li* n u :.' r ?t'Jl U m.-r.-.-'■ •'! . . . . ; .'

By all the wc rM- that r, i.:.d a t us roll,Or all that < r.e at . tarry midnight - •.

And give to each an individual soul,0 / all tb- ir separate immoftal'a'.- -

The universe could tcarcc tfntu'afa the »rhol» : Though di-v’uibodicd, :. ; 1, man and child.A-.l the nadir lo tin- rciith piled.Rut though i a«b .--.-ui erval-.d .- p;u.v.-.

-Vn iniiuortaliiy gc- <1 or il!, Obtain throuch J- ath, a «i in s-nn* future state

Of joy *>r tom .-ai, be cxi-t - i i r-t»U -.And be >r tooth, r r ■!, rc it . gi; fj(o,

Wlim.-e coaii-. the ?.*ul the \ hIJ it ( «v to till* H*soul !•.• 1 ub-tance, thi n wluat r. -reppl'.c?Iu vast • vupuration to tbo skies:

•’ A 11 11 1 l , , ; i ’’ A N 1 / I ; I I I T T A N ' s l> I I I I T i A I - ’ I K f , K ( f A I ' I I ,

m o " i \ ( m a r h i

. r ,..*> |:.i» f.-Mi* II* o' - I " ':i i, t*H / Kji.-"«r l<; in-

J l w l i ( f i j i i l n f i i n

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if) rig I it id il; ft in m ii n ini I in if!’AW II I U ', Mf / MM/7 Of J 'fj I ft ?

i o r

| | j ! I I , : '

f', 11, , f|-.: If I l>'-, v|,,|,„

f. I |It I'Offl’',

»Jv , , ..

p ia-lillly, hO-1 ill..

u' 1 * * •< • ■ *,l o I, (./ I, .... If |... i , ...HI" .> I... ,|. .... ,, ...... . . ...

' " i *'" 'l’- *» i'Hifwy iui-i Ui/» rom iny, v/|»,,. /,

» « " ' |fiff»'/ • ///, (//•Ifl.-l « ,,• l-J.I. ("••/*•(>' lift I'ni. |f till<,*>), ‘mil i ,

rrlr.fl - i I.f. ton it n„ rtlffi- n il, !I" I' . ' ""-I;..... . i,«ir „ 7o/,„o c-

..i i

"/ I" l ll.- ili.', -I M l, „<" •

no! 1 ... rid ¥.• •i h P, lo,f/1 1 ilini (I,.

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’.1 I' I » V'lilli) IlH fift ' Illy •!, will/ ll ;,I, li'l I,-. >|i ,1 of 'l/l. -j... I . : ! ' ! I.., I,' li: i /, ,t J ’ i. • ■»;•*/! /||'I. liittiiilt 111*. ill/)" M|-|I /. I ll' :.|-J:iii(! r/ij m. ././<„;/ j ;/ j, ... i j , ,, -,/» j/ifli/1 l/ofd I,.',! - , ; 1 ,/<$ ,, 1 . . 1 ,

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Il'I'T /if III if yf-vsi-, 'I,;, I, :,|| f, It. f.,

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/if flifl ,«>l In i I II, | '«• i I-'.I.-I li-- -j. "I*,.i'--i- ‘i - f , v„ii i-id. ■ i - 1, • : •< -.1 -i-,i/iiliil'-. fii.'l - 'Iflfili/, \'J |/|i| (I,- .1 II, li. • ,, I .. . . .

f‘1 1 - -v V-,.f iJiiiii tiiiiiv “ A u ih ' / i i iy I l l , ‘ J-!- /•••,(, :f i,„ I,; ;; - | . . f U ■••ii' .i1. I. "ir - If , i-1,-1 ll/iy I',.. , ,.f ;■ I.ifi .liii’i >|.iiili/iil < ,,1111/11,i,if ili',/»- ,il, l l - I, i ' l //,(,, /i.,| , .||,,/., j I' ■ ,, '-ii‘: - .'.'i i . f / f'lj.y U iti,; ,-l) I.,.

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• I j ■. ■ . 7 1 ■ • It, firi’l ft ill / f l" ; 1

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, ji ; ;,!•/,// ,,f //" fill; ;/ii J i , • - . r ' l i i f . ; ' /■ „I - . ; , , ../ if. j , ; , iv , 71,f. HfUil-'i. , , 'y,

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1 Jif,.. , , f i' ly ; l;i/i( i- l/'/j/<) f , f l l , . f . i ' s / r >■,/• -J.


II l . i M.. - if f.' I.. .,.i i„., ' - • > I'" - ,:,r' 7 , " ' Mv/fif/l A -7 «II' l.f/,1, III |,ffi'.|l/-fi fil If*.. • ;t... - -ll j l.'ll ll’.'i' f ,1 ' 1 ‘ V. I , '.", ' ( I :. f' 1 . . . //..,,' /!i i'l-'ilv|/|, al U „,;.l:tli/,;, Ifiiil r,< M, Oil try,In’- by' Hu i/,ll,|/-i,.;. il i- I j |.M i/.,| f lidff,- 1 /, ; /•• rn j,/ / (;•. »/.</ h’ '■ 11 '* »*' I'll" H- Hi'' I .*»:••/ V.l'f/ |/i !';•'//.I 11,111, o-,y,hi ..... ,1,_1/1 ;. | !" -l Il.fl y.f ll,'/" 1-: jfw l l; u- 1„ f f,,,. ll , |

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l/dii/lf, V.liili; ll," j,/:" li,::. I |:-.-i;.,i-,;,I1„f/M|/I. Mi-' III'Jolly life. •' A'l'l/’ l„: f;f'f,llf,fi"l,

l i / I -,|, I),' I , (.!• ,i;i onl-r <4/«■'■< li/*K , *llli'/*>l If.,; /imf.lilf/.-ry f,l i..i.i/ -.!ii,n , ):- if.,

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■ ■■ 1 Heir lighting p ■ • . • ■ f. i. ,i • i. i f./,,. I,. if -.-,.-i-.ll-.l ll" f,|.,-i' J f . , „ l M . ; f J mv", I.','. l.l!|" * J.,, • ,,f !),/. /JJ, |ftl/r, f,f I,,-, j , -\, ,n ,-u I . I I

i ■erf M* m l n oil - io i ■ t 1 A ■ - j

- il, mil/bii-.-': i i , I. /-. f/iauf//:/, ,',/,:/:li i.-. |./i,n,[,-!/-,t l.y a l„"I" l./Wf/l ll|,f,„ 1,1,1/, ,H I //.III" /)I,,| ll" .:ji 1 I' <>'. I' • Iji.f'. If I" i' a I - | ')! ii*j. ' - 'I. .',,.7 ;,! , ,

i.f ll.'-.i l,‘ , /,* i|" I, ■ ' ! I' Ill'll, V, 11 III. ■ 111,1 f/il.il/ i If./lli, -vl.'iily f,;.:II- v, -I, » l . ( I . - . M .ti- li ./,it*///■«/). 1(1 ll/f: v/ Vf/.-k C o l.ta ,:!„/■, II, oU nr •>m>mi «/, »or Hi, 7 lie *«rt -if ll,- ApOuM'.', I," i ' v , , i ll/,/ t . . 11» w llb ili li«/l "<»i/i" l,, l i" './ kWfWl"<l'/<:, vih'u.U I-.|,i/iln.'ili,! . , ' il'.ifij; V/ilf, :.() II" ii I .,/;.1 i/, i j"

If,l( II." f " I M ill il--. f.if il : l||, j i.i.i' , ld,l>,M!|,|f lit;/ tro th , i".li.:/,i. If • -.,.1/1 /|M, , , ' -"ill, If", - .1", tfii),.

*!"/tii,| .'■ - .v .- f i i r '/ r ,1 , ,/ -1 1 , i , r i i i , 7 ; ii- ,i" J ";l«-ff,. -f, f,/r ll," pr'/ifi'il'-dt " " «,r 7 ,iti'f"il lfi,ll

- -i H jy I 1 - / lit llll'lll i : l l i / l f i r . • JJ. • ■ < • ■ Mllfl in H I I, ,w it 'X I II I " - runt '- ■ - - i. *-. I. w o r t h jo l h rmtn wmJ oflJBrig

bill fll Hi.// '. • I", " f l " </, I f " " , . ii .'I ll ,- Ill'lle i„n <A i

loV'; o f l i o ' l " li ,| ll , '; 1,- >d!y '7 ;t h:tiiii'/i,ion-;ll,,-//f by ll,". foi'in : of f|. '.il or ll ,'- fir' /.-f J.

J ! ' ,./'•/' . -■" A. oi l f/oi/i 'i j .ir i 'a , (i.f.'l 'I , ,

1 ■ . ' ■ .1,. • . •

- . ' <• I H,./,!' 1". f,o' hw.,,1- o f

I.AV/'I Of NA ru ilf«l<. I i" f., i ” ll,' C hilli W i'l-- l‘~'i‘ ,n--\i'l„i.l iOl II" ',1 i A l/, il,,. «.,,/,. „:tifnlU* tfoio il,' li'i:-'1., :'l e/ntM'", m/'I ll" ' |,if,i.i -I. 1/> »ily ii',, • I, ■■ j |(; vj , v .j |lh,

, 11../,;, ; iiii'J il C.hiini, u,Hy 0o ,‘ iy , oim, l/'/f/i ll,- .. l/iy/'n,, l„ , I," ,-/,'|.!; l.y ll./- ,, - .,i il" : •

Hpi'll'/ollw'j 11| . , („j;

'i r.• f • ■ I:: < f I', ' "1 l.y li.isl. Iff,Hi In-: p, i . .1' i • / '•< ol //Irifc'in l if . ' . ■ •— |.. ..•


•1, r.l 7/oii'i hw o/ ;V'/f'///’, mid Ik,ir llwm, J:iy lit*- Id',

,/t,.l I ,dll ll": . II" ! . It.

I/, W

II iii'iUor irt c/iiir/;tin ii, will",ill, l l" : nf/i-ury o f liny jn/Mr-r

M|il:ili<,(K ,,f ll,i« i.f- si,,*! ,,!•/, ,,l . i ;il,|,. j J-.f ‘ u l'/ - If, f«,r li., ' [ • • ■ A |.,f ll i .... , ",f, III- ; -cl l/lnl f/f hill, :n,' I JKlllf " 'fill, v.-lfif I, ill -, lln'i My j li,' (.,,."|(i/ ill" I -//,,■■ 11* "I ll I, II. r- IHlHht .1 :

‘ : . ir, ll"; r/f./J i.lxl ||," plant ll "If, l),v }", /./ of ,,//"//rtilS;' i.ll ll" I' flif ol ify fii"l "iinifii/'al ("irli/.IiM -,f wi.ii lt k ii / . , d , J inl„" I III.I f" • I t-i ill'/ )fl"M-lf" f,/'"1l,..'

, ll,."/;,-: f i.'iy ol :»o f.,1/1 i,i ... I:/ l.i.- I/IV- -I.l, . loir-: ol «.v?< ■ /, j.i, A -•ili.fl, I" lift,I I'l .. *1" ".•f-U/,/1 f/1 Ifil-.l c/,/1 (,/. , fit, II"i":n ll,//i»lfl/U,i„i /'!f oMif ieli if, lo U.<- |df(/ifli.r fudwif/f 11" l- , n, ; lii/l. 'Iff., !i f,«j(NiO P/ f f! ■" t w.iM.itly f'I>*/» II" »,|l/j"/:l of (.-li;,..,:, f.ii/|!»/," li. . •/"!. •".« „| C)|f(.|ll,,i,ily, i": l«'f-»'M« iflv•/v<-/l id ,i""l ifilolf.'llft fM lo I" III. / I,r „ilyl,l lo Iff "iy" wl.1‘1 >/«-* lo I" 'If" If 'iifi/.y of in in who |i.,-I i 'i/ I iI-‘ il huilltrril y-i.m i.j,,, li. ", - |o|,| l,yi": C/iilri li H. «l li,/< l.o-.k f/l i; • I,-I f/lifA, l- S IfVl pi. - •! . . ,y ;>,"J fff:li"W

j ( J. . j ;(( . , j i(l , I Will, (/.Iflffilly .- hi lo «lif Ilf" of//Ml'.J>1 j |„ |, | j - lo "I" !*f-I it V-'-fl: ll'll. dll jfl|'!'l‘ " '• <1- • ' Ol ' f-.

/ . , y , .............. HO J ' . ’ 11 I ' ' • ' I I

.,i u »'. i -i morntt'iiii bih! |" ff,l' i"1" • rror to *uy n, ,i ifm n/„ >/


O r< l f|(, III :• «l

/mkfidl'. ,.f if-, |/io,li)(;ii,.fi hiI'J (/rowHi,o ffi/y ................ -H /fl Crofd ny < j | / ffi,'i|. h i - . 10 rally -Id, ill, 1 ( h " i 1

if. I in" , if /ip r '/, ! ll„-. " i l 'in 'il,'/ "lio ;.ll,,-.. I,i id l,o.,, in /. o»r-l lo j l - • ,,

1 ,-il| ih //j,,/,->ii<,/,.-: <•')» -1 U,i1 Ir • '« " di • 1, ">[' ■ fd|,Joy , ,) in liny w

' ■; "1 I'" / " . ’I/ '-' '' J , „/.•;, »|, Ilf ,n, ll.:,l l.-'f Ifi'f'l.ff' loyi-'Hi-iiil j h f , ,,j | . i f I1 I, "/ !«• • ••' ‘ ’/ ‘

' : , : r ............................- . » - > .........." o................................... . " M - «'■"

y'-fy 1

: 1 .< o / I-1 lh ' I , l l " if if 'i f i io / l f ' i • 'I f • oil ol I ■ ' . ,.J, " If fo il.. ..,f ,. . ■ ' , " ■' l)f.»i III/ 'VU-.T,I IfO'ly

I i.l / / I • I. I. • .1 J,f 'I >1 ' "I . ■: • o| I.

*- " I ' l - ......... ............I.) I,. I ■ in ll" ./ I r , ' V. Mf.." M. I, ,

l'|, lllily- -III, ; / .llilll.ll .1 'll "!'■ ' .......... * h y il I .-<">' o il..... .. .............. I.lio ... | . , ,1 ft, 1 „ : ill I.,... Id; li-

l ''|ft'! *»'' '1 ." i'l'- |» . ,11" M " , ' o lh lli,..; dii'l 1 1). " i „ !; * If/,".,|. , , . efiil A ,:'l l.'ll OOOn ., I 1!.,- Ii-rm < ,. fim i! Id'l'ft • . . In ■ , • i ■i , 1. I ,........... ‘7 1'. 1,.-., I l u i , „ , " I ' l ' - •-! - o, " f . Olid, f.I.lfif lo 1,"

. ' ,;</ ,./i ii.-. i ' ' r not ,"lh .d-M,,!>"(/.u -I .l ,1,1 II,:, ;/. 1 tillin' tly Ir Ion'/, itdO'/lidd'ioif • '1 !,■' , I'i.* 1*1' "• I' Hi *,n,o: :*-,M |.. 1 . I • I of f hrbli-ni'Ay, •(,nf if. f, • ij,. . f-„ Hi-1,,. V' »,!/. o«d l„,fl, 1" / ll

f I,tic,Or f, if If— h'- ‘ ..... ...... , ''Iu, ,,.f. ..J /!••■ (,'/•' A '",io ’ >,;'•/ j yi'j, 11 i.r- AA !'•o , H ■ 'h/hbU'il lo Wlr-H Iff M'II"M ' :\/ o’-.-. f«iK»*‘- ' -I "

, . / , ' O, f...,f -y .f I I - f ' i " - " 1 "* " " "■ " " H ,‘l; , ' / , ,,/ .M," I / " Of W'. < • / * ! , .„ , l i'l him by l/iO'ln tr'I'Ole, /./.fl l"f II." If.............

■ . r ; - <«•'/. ■ • - ................... ■ ■ •+ * h u , ;y . 0,"""/'/ "■■■!'' **" ' • <((), ----------- -------------------- - /" " ■ • " - ' 1 •

'v 7; ,./■ / JJ' ( , o, 'I.-■ f. ,«„/'. f.f If |t '- . ■ 1

I - ; l ( n il'll hr willi' '--"'

1, thiou/h'il I#*i mil,A n il, in ,ll/h i, in'f, m llff.l |l,

f„ ii,, ,//." II- - f l N-f/ - li > ninthiiiAh Ii,-ii‘ \(ybilhi>', nUh,U l " l ),h

■ </ I,.

y ••• •- i'l'•I : H<l/ilt Iblif In

.f lift U, i,|f ll,:.l ll., . i HI, f-r.'ir.ly "fiofi, /o- A. »/ I O of ill') fllllljj".' I-, ."lfl'1 lll/tl (111) lid". /:t|.|.-,l|(||l',fl , 4 ll" j.|,y "ill (illMK/frWid.'l i . l f»/,t (ll'jy fiio j . l•/'(ll' <-«l hy lh'; lnniit'l',,,1, •,,l ilirret (ii/ i iU'J n f ( i i / l i.i.i. - If, of of o lli-r ir.!. Ii.;<< iA. I,

• lllli l",*.-/ , no.i lilfutf liin ificliH lliiacfui I", f/iii'i./"Ifjarly U>Mff|,i-ar, . f III" following i oimii|"ffiti//i/''.;' (Ifl)lflfll f,r o/:l/|l,|* , lit,, /./,("j„,^/„ic.tl i W),|,;l| /-nlirf |f,U, I l,, |il.ilnllioii, ftd'l in ''/M in j/fojrt,f1|7,ii^my, l»y « rli</ffilcn| fwowm, nil I-

inl'i ill' - ' , * l"iiM7i/(.fiiy (ifirtif'li-ff, 7lfii>* t!"•'I-.... ‘■ h o r r io i r. ", ly

"ll,- R|" nto-t lln. . I il ',.,ul<l I".- i'i ,'ily l"K lo I 1'- f 'l 'd f i* V/l,"„

ry Un4 h . • . -, .......... .. - ' ' ......... ”•■liioo;. lo o ’imln I , ,i I. - I- f inolf'll lo ..1 -ri»jfl>.|." I ‘I I"

u i-jil ■ .- ll in I 'J 'il'-' l' ll'l'l-. h ■ ' I - ....... .. 1 - Ill.i/l, I.ll". n il, II" .1, ,ii I| .M y ,i„ : riwt lor »i" oil- i ■ li-.-r

, . . .............. I 1)11*1 ."i..,. - . . H - HP ' • I ’l ,o . . , . . , " . 11. I ll, - - j.If ;>.<•) II,m il " " ' I t *» ........... . ' i,!

,< f, /if,/'.. . " I 1 I 'I"'1, i'l.,I.|f lo . >• •-*<*»I / , | . i ' l l ! / ” ,>"o|/!' i>'' wji). If li'iv - i' - l ' •'

1,1 >/r. . I I , " ,' • ;

„„m (,;■ . il,- i. ., tilin': i.,.- iJl. Ill,. 1, l> "1 Mill ■ /Ml",- alidj, -

ilM.vl ■ . j/dixl'.ly Id o'f !'■ '• " -

. . ' 1 • •|d‘ H< f„ tin . |,di|...tlfinb, Co ,oi ", • ijuJb

A il „ i,-nii/j|li'.,lMf wof ll... . i,.. d'.'if>- r.ii.l, ,'. .1 in :• i ■ /In'A Ifi H» : • ol" , l , i , ; llf -«,!»»■ J l-M'-k fir/d/ff i.o:,,. , ii . ■ -O o. l.y'If.r.U'l oil" r.iTiifi.i,

. . Ir ini' ,i ttl

■ (./nl.n,; " ... .. Sow 1

ini > tin oid| • - 'I " ll !'t!,f'.,i|o|i ll" III III'' |,i"1.., I.H.I" j,| J/.o. '1, 1 j.lid ll" 1 • i.l " III,1,11.

jl" 1-ll.i.ddllo fold. !l,„ l-.lvlo,-.

U d f" Ol |l..,r f.„ lo

r.ui 'f" . ..... I'" ".I

•'«......•l,ol 1 ..

ol . |. ., .|.."C

min', o , lo(/i)f|i,ir id

■ 1 ! lio dlkr.li. 1 - Ifb Ifl-•/r11" . fill •, Mif-tl.l llll'I|-r..pd-/l,"l, :.,| Id ' f!full|> ' . I. ' f,- | liny ■ i.l, rlli-*! V'(f< I .1,1 , .Ml..

f/ii*/ ,| id 4 ‘ rfaii

Miff'll O/ ill" V ' I |l I-drill, find lllff WdPr, firm! limy in nil/,;/!,I li if "I find in ll". f ijjlil p|A/ a— if.' »i;'lll J,fo|n.fli-.fi , lo f../»0 li

Ill", i h‘ ll,,' l,\ JiliijM./lii--, wl/frli o . I ir/, lo (tiff/) lli'i ujijik’ ii"-I ii" .ii iMi will noi no In form ll.- lAir'J .. iioil hi 7 ,It i. i. i i. i ..".ir -

M - m .1 ;. - - :

•il, .'. lo,/ ! - .• Of, 7o fg io r y l

-lo . .. ' y .-. • • ,

r-fiif twin (Aj o r f». M l"


* • ‘ lo duty Io Ur Phihudn*I..Jio„>,ol I I.- 7'., »i;i withi'i';- I." " I !'» P - l I'.i-

flllio.-i 11.

I ■ i • ■ :( vr*. M b r /;,i,|ly '!>•.' lo If J-l/npl

'»!«« ‘ -'I- >>••• -If j.Mly. will.•I ".,f/t 1" tl,r I, o-l

r K U H I •

J • - | - :■ ■■■I ' •/, J • If I

J if : "..•/./ • r,..-, j . : . . lu iL b 'f .H -

r II. r„ : - V, fsl l , r , ; 4 f |..,.:..| I -., ..

ft : If. ! Jl 0 tO • i

l,Hd "If, if. ll," ■ hi ,i" , ni , /, .ii’" d‘ «V "a t i

o III': Jfjfldt, I/O' in- dl l! •• |. • „ ,.i . j,,'. !. i r i •. eA ml ll.n l rtfu-r •If-'ii;, -1 r .J, U v ; 1

li, />• Id.., .l.y (" ill or old"o l,<.l. 0 |,t ...

iii'inihi/ h'1 "1 H." n ■ i % r/ w r/ilrIf, p r...J,,/If,.my I- -,| Ir ' ly In hoy *J,

I I I,

: I , - I • •' .. I / ' .. ■ ■ I I : 11 , . . .,. I I . . . . '■ ■ I I : -/luy I ' --'/ I it/,' *, n.iiil, r I!/-, oi'lii.*// ".=,/•' 'i f I n a l .

(il . • J

, , i • ■ * I I - 1 l/•>' t f-si’ l, fi-.l v, i(l.-:Ki.,li>.i; lh" I",I'l ..I'- /,,[•; .,I,| ( / / il.olnry lo

III. //|I*.-. ,M .ri.y .|o"U l l . " *> ... . . | -I

I : I | , , • ... I ■ ' . • • ,

.' 1 I , ” ' l l ,on-. /"/‘I of llio '.niillji/.fil Ir, ll*/, oil.-

Id ........ lo Aon I o ..;!■ ! ...... • : I'l •••/■- '■ i ! I.,- I I .., !,| . f -.. I" l" If.. I I I 1 '•« I ... ........... I, I •• - M . ... | . B ill lto‘.I ., • , •' 1 o I i I ll«. Ml*/ I " f ■ -I 1 . .I ..- ' I . l I" . 'Ir V. Mf, I, i My... * I..-1 l - ' - i 'I",| l'i|.. •! - . V .i'i*.* r/,..,<)|„fl'Mi I ./fill y. :.r, ;i« ,1 'In, dlj,' 11- ,1 |. 11 I I • -, ' i ‘- o ■ . , rj. - ,I" f, o "■ i" -i'l./ "'I |," l> '.f ll", • ■ •l-ll.-Jj llio- l( j, l |llfr." ". i f o'llil r ,M I , , , o i l , - - ' * * ll.'.l l.iv. I , , . ,, |ibnm hi. • i" . *.,y ,:wn j>*f».«i»f w/|'ialnl»ur’ .. • * • •

J ............. «., |. ,J, |*.(.. A - 'I' f "" l It lo I" i." r|/| v ■* .il ip. |o "I ,,., | „ ,

a - dll.Mf ■ i i 1'.* '1 1 i, m..| ,ii i lly in

I,"-.. .1 , I ' -I I ■ ' ■ ' ■ I • I |l. .» I I.- ^l.i;;l|, / I ' . , . . i. ' I • !"■ If*" , ,., 11....I.,,, n-i ) 11 mi ...»,.| in f • 11 ' -• '• ' " I | •',,,! /•• m ill) , i,.>, Ml' o.y „,,,]■ - • b l . I' ffll, o..| II.. . .

J . , ‘ f y.,!H 1 III l l , - . f , r I"||."./. |»|.,;,. , ... I r . r u K f l . t ■

108|utcrfstiuo[ pisciihutij.

MEW WORK OF P R C r'E SSO B A G A $ S I 7 At »l«? in.- ? of O»o Mw: :n\i ■ A\ S x levy oa Yu- «!*>-• > > **nlr.;: tt.'

Mr O-pvvl os lU'Wr O rr , ,^ a»liaK S-cfftarj of Ita? I"vJt.*l •» v.tU'srifOl >'f l'*-'- -. . 1 l? is - m x it ,a tin* conr • v.| li’i» tvj.urt,- ' ■ • / . ..................... .. . ■i iortlno«IUK "-rii- woaUl b*ar ujki i the civil hi.-u.ry of l'i • c.-iinlrv

1> A R T U 11) G E A N 1) 1! R 1 T T A N s 8 P HU T II A L T E L E G R APH.

—iY jr f o i . i ',n»fnui

Pleat s*r In aowrer fact t»:M th. Mt. Mil.-tn! import aw * .•» roivO riii tbv world ih .• •: n>*ai on ■

ul it',.- wli .ti .all .1 ’ to t l ' - b t»vl -r i natural ttr.-i of the gK!.

i'tir.v. l b.-vUij • b " Gal rv,v

»>ne (•-!

• pTwgrwwof1 i - a sort of ftoiiiUpUe

rolyo i - •;

0 (K illy itiflu1 of which n» gvu.t.vl history offuture bo oXpect

C »«7 grow eoitB

Yh -ro ico still ovh.-r mr-tv g, g, rnltaoluro* yet little kooora even W oatanlistv, v.h.eh tn*y in time add tv-uaVor m to tbc*-? conu mpl-v '• '• • - , 1 d - . at 1" ; - ••w er.!, eoMpatvJ \v uh th,. j,r ;v..,u< c .mtliijoBo of our glolw in c. •'.vo!t...--." ,-a1 J-..; i- l \-,r j . r-.r. j . I v a p'i'-V >1 oblTtit U ft-1 -- ■ pot t-\. tnpl*.:' <1 in iV.y >: ip-j p a : ugre* of our earth, whileNo»-llv'.lnr.v5 as it i.«n.;w. t v o t the ci'u-r.nrn of certain jvvr Uy. . . : l'ari'j'O dur'-ng t l : m M \: .•-.-logical »:•.*, (A * Jur.i<.-:« pt-iiod *M • ■l ‘r* 1 Am per alls, boUtlij (I.- ply -\*al c.v.-.J.ttoa.

‘ .nul its auimalniMiJ jiloate. fvaiures proOJ-t e 'ot •’-» ' A-’ ‘l*f 1- >h.- tertiary t .a * t ; aa.l I .-vvd .-uly allude u ih

& - i i • ; • dona id«rs, -1 >the hieWIV*. the - w-uiip evJ.tr, th . whit- j-na-tr-.v. v to. - .ill four.il iu the Icrtioru s vf Eari’p** and n»'« catir. ’.r vxlluct there —to show the ret-ut* ■''“*'• ‘ ' M n--vtr Nona Am-rle.i rt>-.tii*hc« m.p ,t itiu-.Uer oi ;'.-'.i . a tat:,l < u -*t aa.p-.ul'- t-ueh a* the klag-er-il'A r.o tvpreM'htalive# of whichat\ Vu3il ir, . •-her p-.vr’ vf lb:- gl;! v. iboiigh lb- e W.r** l.vrgly

,\ I\ ,r 1 inn :n ivveial giOlogY^ I'-r.oi-. This charaettr i.: t l - North A ntr.c i-t ,'-b ami .ansa is ,-i prcaii-u t 'a t. in alluding to it. 1 lu re s :* i:t h « t-.'.p ;..: i - apply to it :i •. piibelof ot.1 ft-’ iWed.

Two of thc.-e ettriv 1.. tt-fcos sveor • n : i in Ibe *!ju * of N’c-v Aork — t’- - g u- pit-.* and lb • W'Calkii wad l h -iu td the Ofls«r» arc SOatt- r- .1 over other part* of (he coamry 1 :hu-.l. of course, lutpxliKe n full account ol i;. • • nm arkaib n.i.,-* c-f pa,-; a . - * m my props*.-.-.! n-.*w tu rk . K'f tb v t'.f-v a.s much l./.-t apea the phy>ts*al etod-iU-n i f to m ir [ r . *u t!. ' history of oar j,U-V. — the ru.rs ol I'eypt and Nle,--. -h weald for i:.*h up --.i ;'.v !t ry o f those tn-riodi bl tb. l;fc of taankic-1 , could they he rs-stonxl to th .'r former »plc:td-*r before our gar..- ltid.-.-d -i n th : full Kunv.is'.i of their grsat-:.o j rxspcniy, as we n.uy ir..-- .-t-jtate cur lir-.sj; auiir.ab. May l net tdd to all this that there are ( ■ 1 1 tbs* cm ryonie growth of ii.vu.tb- which s;gnlfe. asitvnsn.* (be ua'.er.tl growth of tcv.k'.ed 7 So tr.is* t.* i( '.ii'.t while clri- lizati.m has gradually , - . r . ’ c <1 from nature, a higher degree of ioi-.-V. .t a i l culture i ring* as buck amt a-ar.-r to U.- v.or.fcr-.

Hop ;v: that these lew r.-rcarks will ra.-s-t your o! ;.s-:. I reinaio. with ifreat rogar! Y u ra very truly, i,. aqassiz.

s .. V . r

S C E N E IN A N E W Y O R K C A R -A L st>v writer says. The n;s of the car w -. re .ill s-._ cuplcd, crowded,

y . • \ . . : -o Ji-tarb those whowere -- a ted. I was iateudiag t-: stand. 1 ut a gentleman up n: !bo far end arose uru insisted up,)u mo ; d-ting his scat. Il.-itig very tirsd, 1 ’.haiiksil him Md ot-cts-d. lYs-sutily a 1 uly, a.u.b yotmgi r. much prttti r. auil much be tier drc.---:.d than myself entered ih.-car. Not less than four S arooaiai intlj • l - r«d Ih r a - i t - - died t tljand u n - . d l y . -. d thankiug • gen tie man v.bourgnl the unrssf seat to b :r. >h,- .■ ented h .r- rlf with a peculiar grace of maail-.r. Sbs- had envoi th.-sc iftc.-t Uaphacl wa.- til wavs p-aiutiDg—touchingly sweet and txpreu-ive. A l-.'.tic aft-.r the Uc-aatr had taken her 1 -a*, a poor woman, tanking v.ry thin and pale, with tb s enri-woru, laggard look that pov­erty and . rr./ anil hard labor always give, catau; iu. Sbo might have been one ol the*.- p-aor s'. - '-m a tr .w L o work like -tars* and—starve for ths-ir LA-:* She w.i.: ibi.tly auii m:_.A/ eial. u~d so-null v.v.L and exhausted. She Lad svi icasly t.o Mxp.uc ;• to throw away, and Cam:- io the car no*, to stand, but to r *t whils* .-k • htlp d oa L .r journey. While -tv -.V..-- !:t ekly tlllld a-: f .' th-* tnotu at. Uott® of lb : gentlcmc 1

(I) oSsring tor.-o Itapln-i-.N angel, with see.-it. reproving ey-.s. looked oq the-; v.l - had s- cUbtl-jusly offered her a -s-at. ucd seeing none ol them a ::, mpt tu move, aril jus-t a* 1 my self was r.-iog to give the prer lady a * arc- . and i.;-l-..u upon the woman taking h r scat Itwas all the work i f u moment; and the look of grateful surprise Ih; old woman gave U-.r, and th. glance of sv.:.t pity the bi-aiiliful girl becio -• id on the ' - man -a sb yielded her .at. an-1 tb-- evident consternation of tb ; broadcloth ir.dividuui-. who were manifestly pc- to sham;, all wire to me Irr- •i-uh-ly :::tereaving uud iri.-tructivc. One of lbc-.-_- -am-- broadcloth wtarert, apparently overpow, red with confaatoo, got up and left the car. oud St-pLi l'.- angel took hi- vacant - .-t .

* Ce* s_in'.- is..-.:--' . v.—A fartnsr attvudina a fa r with a bundled pou.-.A A. !- i t!.a pr-lau’.i--a of d [ --'.l.ng it in the handsof the i:.nd'.- :-i ol the public hen*.* at which he st-.-pped. Having occi- eiua K.r it shortly aft-. rward. be n -rted to mine host for payment. But th,* loudlc-si. to-> <i : p for the s ;.-:,..rymia, woiul-.-rcd what he meant. a .J was quite Kirs* no such e ra t a . ever b-rca lodged in his Land.* by ih ; a.-i_-r.i-L'.d rustic. After iccll'-.ctual appeal.* to the recouolllatlou, and finally to the honor, of Bardolph, the farmer applied to Curran for advice.

•-II-v-- | tticr.ce. my friend," raid Curran: epeul: to (he landlordcivily—till him you have left your money v. ith some other person. Take a (:ii -,.d with you. and loJgc with him another hundred In presence of your friend: then come to ms-."

Ho d'd to. and returned to his legal friend.•' And now I can’t sc* how I nm to he the better off for tlii*. if I get my

second hundred back again. What i* now to he done V“ Go and oak him for it when lie is alone.’’■- Ays, * ii ;..:'.-Jng will not die I am afraid, without ray witn>*-s at any

rate .”“ Never mind, take my advice," said the counsel; ** do a* f hid you,

and return to me "■'••The farmer returned with his hundred, glad to have that again safely In hi* pos-esaon.

“ Now, err. I must be con ten t; but I don't see a* I am much belter off."

“ W-.ll." said th« conuael. ‘ now take your frisnd with yon, mid ask tho landlord ter the hundred pounds your friend saw you leave with

*• W* need riot add the wily landlord found b“ had l>-en Liken off lii-t guard, while our honest friend returned to thank hi* coun-cl. exultiagly with both hundred? i-t Lift pocket.

Farrs auoix ScaKir.u. Mo v ;eils.—In every community i* a eta of people whs - only obji ct in life seems to l.e to d-.-famc and injure tho*i; around them. G- u- rally per-onr. of small mind and lor,- origin, they seek tod ra? others down bccau-e their own merit:, v. ill not suffice ui gilr.j them u creditable po-Uion in society. It has been our lot to meet with K-viral of tlda eta**, a..d wo have made their frailty n r.tndy ; but we cvoii.m uo philosophy will acvoonl for nil their caprices. One peraon, for lostnucs-, goes hack Into the past, and n . urrecis all lbs* old vtories of family »bortcojning», of social difacntlon.-", ol ‘-what was once raid." and :. id array i* thrown m the teeth of sonic excellent man or woman as old sins which they are expected to bear. In conooqucuci-. th' whole M&liWLood i*. busy with th : ■ old and most usually ful-. t*le« of scandal and gt» ;iji, and the tale-bearer La* the satisfaction of n ring really worthy |> oji'.o in much pain and trouble from the um s- pfcct'.-l imputations made again -', them. But here is the mystery : that very 'alc-h'.'ircT had a pa-.t ol the most unenviable repute—for family wire of the m ost' «-.a!y ” kind of |.iop!i;, ur.d lived such a life a* dots not unutty look -...II iu p rin t; and why u person of such dciceul should iiidinetly < xeite uUeulion to her own affairs and her uot-forgot- lea | i-l, by her revival of am i• nt hc iiidu!, i*,it strikes u-. pur/.ling to tcl>. It ha- • .' .id to<|usc’kca our suspicion* that oil scandul-iuongi-r* Lave it tomdy < si-aU-hcou not particularly pure ; un i v.o have conic* to

id . . . i hu y v, ith n |iiilutioiisand family Irippim - Is yu.-.t Hi |n-r»on wlmi pa> t ought to ho shroud- i- l fu darkii' ,.,. II a ij'-ceiil respect h.r I'u Its liji; -. of th*. living and dead vdd l»oi prevent the exbiuaation > 1 that which tim*- had buried ;unl grown over With Ih-v-u/, let till’ hn-yh>*ly thioK. he i • thus li.mrcd Iu tJji i ■„liii>alb.’H iA worthy |»oqplc* and Is- silent Crmu h r - Xiri./i.iAy


T H E D R E A M A N G E L« neither (bv OlThu*-* inSlAiir, . I M l

du-.u - have nl\' > t>. ill-T'-ln S-.l c«-a>l-’ * ■ ! « • • A’

U .l. |>arl -l lrp:n tl- l ithrf IV 11 « M id ■*. dvatll, r, vdiii,.| fur nil':-' sympltn'li. illy than . -a i -1-- r»tc}*-<ttrait wbdv < > ih ■ b>t wib •|'mmii •. f hi* 1 1

drc-ji-u-flcn hnld» forth l> >«. > not U*!** stimuli ,1 i» ivco. ;r . ' ‘.i"l gill, d With Mich vivid ini .•ypcr.eiov tt. •«> w < -l t\«l»:>ev* iiUt lb.y h

iictit,d v i. Iinvi- l«>ttg

lints fcrunrvd i'.-.h- by liic Otosl nciit'

i-1 '''-.'sfuvi-i.nplM-.iuitini: th iff tin smile-’, ,\ll

e th at thev irld l- >ul> >1 i who buhl - ith rllghtit* faith that

fa | ho:*- v.hiii in r.vl a p -.tic m, mp'iiby w ith till' I ctiif, lb. f-li'-v tc)i, which i'«i‘* il*i ' - ' - ' v t |»a hint fi> m t’.»«!'• " V.*U»-

i n„ u . ,sr l ," ta.iv not pvuvc i!U-;a-,-i lut n- >-n nttcidpt lo wuho.lv in S -• D.1.-.I' 1,-: th.” my “'.n»l>" ."'pil’d I t I'll ami

Uly it l* to watch OvoV the linpplnewi ol th.* world, drew near the throne «t

u*, oh Father I a w ay by at least of the many hi'1*

Olive tin* bright Angvl of Mon, even the Guanliu the lle.n . Illy Fatli'-r and p ra y d ; -t-iv which l may I - M - ' U h i-av .-IJ n p

prison "

ur. l liuipljilniis which the 1 ’nll hath i-ntailul upon hint 1 l -.r Man 1- -vlw,t'- V...1 . at time, he fci I- lay better inthictlcc , (it times hi*

hi art i - ready t» receive the v.h-.vh a light vxtcir.ul aid might fixupon him!”

Then tl • Father f|*ske to the Angel amt t-aid : ••(Jive bint the Praam

*l l„- Guard?utt ti '• *" v-r the w.-rh) with his sister tlio Pu-am, l- ar ami wide th' y cpread their gentl1-- inlluenee. mkI tin* hearts of life- v.,.-,“v t.vl* wen* re.io’c. d Hut the roll breathings of tin- Dream- At ,;*. fell not alike on all To the good ami gentle who had sunk to r, -i the 1-lc -in. ■ of tln-ir loved on. • nnd " 1" o slumber vviu d. - - 1 •" 1 iiv the toil of I Ik- K<-d deed* which tltcv had done, ilirvo came ,„ :t .,U,1 glimp--. .! of the far land of light. Forgetting tin* narrow

' thi* world, their i-oul* ro-e up nnd spread broad and wide land of vision, gazing « ith eagle o y * upon il* golden glorier.

But a* the night waited their dr. am grew dim and the outer inlluenee* of lit; gently eK-od obom them and drew them luck to the world ami io the body, cv i the corolla of the night-flower closes nhonfil, ami-huU from it • Its best loved starry heaven.

To the toil-worn, suu-burnt Imsbosdtuau who had fallen asleep in despair, and who ever ttam tl lest M ine grim accident might destroy the fruit of hi* labor, the sweet Dream came like u soft summer-shower upon tb>* parched ur.-I dusty fields *. and u- be dreamed, he saw I he pr.en corn rising m goodly ranks, and gazed with Jojr upon the soft *:nall cars, which, at first no larger than (lower-buds, f-.-omed, tt? be bdu-!U them, to i.vpacd to tail maturity.

There :v.e certain drean\-iYmasi> * and strauge skep-elianges which are to i v found only intbedei-piiubrokonslnuibirrosulllngfroio bodily f-Mig-ae, or in the light irregular rest of fever; even u* the grotosnue i-ta.' i*. cn-lly, and (ho strange v. a(**r-tUtter are found only on thesur-

of the d p , -ilent pool, or over the shall ,w. dancing brook: and as h.:»bandu>au slept ou, the fantastic sprite* who attend the Dream,

dined about him and spread a gray confusion ov?*r the happy vision For as be gu,u >1 upon the golden ear*, a purple and scarlet cloud seem­ed io overshadow- hiin..wtiile round about he heard the pealing of hells, the m-.-rry singing of familiar voices, and the lowing of cattle ; and in the interval* there came shouts as of glad friend* at the harvest borne- Then ih ; purple cloud gathered about bitn. but the Dream-spirit* with their long shadowy arms drew him through ii. and he now stood before u well-filled granary ; ami a* i : ;r* of joy r..n down his checks, hi* wife aad loved one * gathered about him, and their bit*songs and praises sunk into hi.* heart, and mingled with the even-hymn which rose like a gnld-

i eloutl from the ocean of his soul. Aud hc awoke from (he sweet •cam, and blessed it for the hope with which it had inspired him.But Die Dream flew oa, and it canto lo a guilty prisoner who hud

fallen asleep, cursing bis judges, his doom, nnd (he damp black fetters .vbieb clung like cold adders to his limbs. And a* he dreamed, the prison was opened, the cold chains fell ntvajr, and remorse and rape no longer fixed tb er poison-longs upon his heart. A bright light ‘ hone upon him, and blessed thought* of mercy, repentance, and reconciliation Hilled through hi* mind like golden-winged butterflies through a sum­mer garden ; and he awoke trusting in release, \ittb his heart filled with love aud kindness. Did the cold, damp tcltcis fall from hi* limb* Were the prison doors opened: TL; fetters fell not away : the doors remained fast: and worn down by famine anil sickness hc perished alone in the narrow dungeon. But the ble.*s :d hope which the gentle Dream had left in hi* heart, gladdened hij last hour, and as he died ex­claimin';. •• Not my will, but thine, ob F a th e rb e h o ld there wa.* joy iu Heat en.

It hath been said that Hope alone is left to mortals; bnt wilh her abideth her sister the Dream, who maketh her known to as. For by the Dream, men are led to Hope

Mils, ju tivip v, u.,\mvo\«vr im u k k il i .

- Ji u \ y j. ui.v r>. M

H -m m ti, (M iB D 'V 'M t:,

c n i a i .u ! j in : mcU u ti:

n-« I’m . |*i,i ..a. i,-I.;*, |*». Heating Mvdtluu — Mi*. II

-l.-; .., Woll, - tnjr#, w--l I

Ml»l. I- 8|* \RK8, It. • N-

|>., {..-.hS'ill# -I al ”1 Oft

j )*.>»:■ >»)-t. :t't.un

. (>NKI IS-, I ,1 tjlft : Orel" DftUj- irfatunUjr nWlited) tiorn WB I -- '•* Jia.TpkM nlnu ( Saf>Ua| IN vn/lu*. i irfffu. I* "

.'lit: II VYW.VItt',» tut Ui» U-i-jutfijl i t ,t*». i • .--r- ,'.a--:K*. 1 17 l*f.,-*-i*ci-<ijv\'i, UroaUrit, i«o *•»

Tii” m , Ui-v* ”1 u .* Il*nui'i”.il .(•■• -i«U, n ,.t PWb*l<lpti|» tvr« WM «re/jr (.ji-.Isj ■it Hu' Sir- S) !-lo>! lUll, ft'Dits-KCUfM l-olf-j-u*i >. and 7


n nnil in lUmnl ■-! $11 .(!■ U- Hi <‘l li'-'.y »n4 lr.,| fililpti.l In inrry f.-njili..*!—mi-'-r llio dlft-eltnii.-fiiplmr ami tlcktbic Mi-n-.io; ami Mrs. Cxi

, Trniti: -siii;li roit/ultai.-'n. }l Ml; UiOTO' Ircotntrnt once, $ !« '.; J.y I, Invlifitlne an . flu l". A i. Vi • ] mil in. liti-n nt tl'” In

ii*r. A, ItuaXAs, tint utilncn'.iy-li-l lij 'll* i r.f.'l Mi I* r..

cliUoratc dl»*c.,.U i f i.rsl a doiUr* smt upwatdi

per we.k. aif.-filing nil powlbb faelllUc* for pliyulea) and fplrilnal hcnttU.Addr.-Ji. I*. OLAUK Ii O \ u . 0 ;* PltCO, gwrs'inl-'trvc,

rnth-Krvels. AVUllimiabitfglt, L I- Y.f , lUrwtly oc*c»-.it-!e ir I; by oil II and from lir,-,-t.ljn I


“ T H E U S A . ”DBVOTKP TO T in : C-VtlSK o r WOUAS.

IMItctl by Mr*. I'.M’t.lNA WRIOIIT UAVI* nn.l Mi.,. CAROLINE UEALY HAU- Tlio July nmnlicr Ccnioii -t.-c* out* ”f R.o most Initn-d) ln(<ri.,lmf vork*, CRtlllOil

SPER IM O N I-TSD GREAT SHUITOAI. STORY OF THE AGE.fly (.-(..line *ikr, author of “ Coomelo.**

Tranaln'.rd by Mr*. D.\ti. an I f-ubllrtn-d only In The Cm - Spiridloo’’ ckarly rhows th * pn-; m condition of tlio IP nun I'uhnlla Cftwreli In rraiicv, and ti'.i the brO,

ill'll* for an ctottncil nnd pure S/lrUml /‘AOninyty. U I* ()iofi;[,.r.- >,( peculiar ! at tlio present dm- ! Subscriptions should l>« unl u d ), to Insure a

a tun he;?.Ttr.ss—51 a year in sdvanos Addroaj, 8. C. HEWITT,lf.il 15 PrankUMlR ft, notion, M

(’(IAS! *lPTi<)\.n. P. HATCH, M.D., lJ prvlisred lo tis.is tins dim y-v i.llh ft tortest IdlhirW

unknown. Alto all other nrjaf .- di. a-es known r,* ffoucrnl tleklliiy. Ihstwl Hi” poiiitre i!t irnt In x'nttirc, anil tbo mode of applying il to the tinman

sv-.tem, so that alt negative tllrci-u r.ro fdc- -,-fall)' troali-d hr aniusilij tho roCOJvra- V,' powers; and Lo will plod?* lilm.-rtf lo Incrca.*; tlte viiatliy ca fast at may be i :'nvd. All leuera promptly attended I .-.Oi'dee (Of Broadway, Now York. It.*

TO J.ET—THIRD AND FOVRTH FLOODSIn factory on tontb tldouf \Vr t :itili-*'ft,t,No. 13ft. llutldlng 23 by Ilfl feeL Siesr rower, If required. Apply to CIUBLB8 PAKTRlUfSE, 343 Jlroadteuy.

i'sYK'Vt; F.cn soin ifiL n TA Complete P.tsicnt Of Dyeing f nt tor twoWo and a half cents, Addrrsa, Roxfomo, final County, r.-t. __ Jre-itI>i*. Dud's OlHcC.—Dr. J ohn B. Ih nV ufilco ts at -tl CtiarltonwCrvot, where lu- es nlin » di-. • , by -.-i-oi.-l ->iehi, and prcrctlbej medical rcmedic*. lx* ih-v.- tiha\u lo.on Ion.- nftticu-ij " I h dtii.i-'i) dc-n-.cd Inctirnblm give him a call. They will iv*nloocitfintoii ■ >-1 jt I-:AVnnfed—l!v a iniddh -,.--vd tvjdotvcr, n tlousiUi j-'t, with U--.* rvinL-i'o quatiE. 'ns, to whom good "a i ■ ;.i d eon-Uint employment «ill ho given; a llnrmoalalltl

preferred; for paxtieutaisadilf” . c . I’-.. Box lie. Krone,X II. J.*lSpirit unitst»* l.oarUiiiq llonvr.—I't-rson, '.ishingio Investigate Spir,lua!2»m in bo i.'punmOiUled with every opportunttyr at 115 West ICth-siree:. f airenyant >nultatians and developing circles. Wanted, a good Te*; and nls.> a Rapping-ine-

dntci. Apply u above. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *'

ttr s'p lrlinal J l f i t l i ig ,... : ; r.i l-.l : ■ of New Y« rk h.no secinwl t1

. iV.9 U;,,.vlway, opfw'- ie Itond-slroo:; w! ki and -u i-Cu eueecoding W c*!',i ■>'.s) ot

. n i r l , :.:r . on Sp'r;:ualiwn, and other ci ,-.t .11- : ; l hours , f other religious mi

*-■>*- r- M-.oa Stir, lay, an I on tVidnaday c

l-tcturc Room In tbo Slut vesanl v mailings are regularly bild ou ins. Tlio cai-rvisos consist of a c.-* on Snixlays {morning and

Also Conference mectinxs* ..in-,- a*, half-pa.*'-7 o'clock. There


One Tear, ntrlrtly In atlvnucc, . . . . . . £'» OUsix BJantU*...........................................................................................I DOTo < liy Utihaerlheri, IV tlillvercit. . . . . . 'A *10Ten to jili -i for One l i a r , to one aildi-ru, . . . . 15 III)

* ,* .1 filrraf Jiajunt t< wnfi- r.i W .Ifcnh.Uen..\ai.s i\n In .iMkTisvisri:-.— It is our custom to notify patrons of llio tlmu Inn I Ik cuhacrlpUvn* tcrminaio, and If tnoy ara u.a renewed, tlio papi r is stopped, ;Y lu.g our blends not lo deem it abrupt ,-r unkind in us If Uio pajicr Is discuiillnued, are onr nulling clerk keeps the books In accordance wtih tho general systom «o have J-pted, and can cxerclso no dlscrcfinn. Tho proprietor* nevof know, except hy

ehauw, n a n a subacripUon eipirt i or n paper is dlscviulnued To m s '-ITT Ei-DiicKiDtu«.—U e purpnso in fuluro lo deliver this paper lo city *iils-

rcrib. ra through tlio regular rural, which can h,.- ili-i'” f..r one cent per copy,. •ubrrriher prepay* tho j> --..:-v at Una OQVs-. Tho price u! iho paper and delivery will be t : .Vi, and the ruh.crll«r most take llm rid: uf tlio f-lthful jurfurRUDCo of duly, for ns ri!a'..n In the Post Office DepartiQenl.

lu AuvcnTMtns.—Tnc wide c'.rcnltliun i f llm TcLcuBiril now rmdir* Il n di ib:.- tilii.hr re 1:1. hum, nr.d the propri' ;-ri will conUuu* lu occupy a 11 mind portion cf llsalr space at Uw* following ra.. . Twelve and a half cents fur line will I prim for u sirurUi larcruoo; m-li ,'iccccdiiig .n- m-m. It ;hl cents par lino. To Use.-o who udvc.-u-c (or llir.v* lann'-hs no extra chary- "-II I*-- mado for tins llrsl Insertion. t.». ry advertise'..cat must be yrt?«a t.i... .-.ire ,;t oj [- ..raneo tor the tlmo It Is exported t'» remain, and It will bo d I ice r.-.i mod when Ihrl tiiue expires.


Ioimkin.—II. BsicucRX, S19 UrgenlH'-n-eL Iki»v. Son t C-s, S7 Ludgato iJIII.Jours Cduxxs, Strand.

FRANCE.Paris.—d. II. IUilmcrc, It) Uuo llaiiUfiu lie.

SPAIN.Maheid —Oil. tUlLLV-IIsJi.Liaue, II hollo del Principe.

GFNERAL AGENTS F oT t H E UNITED STATES.Tlit-fcd'.omu.: nro Gencrol A.:. n;t fur the ns< nco Ciai l.r njul Hrism'At'Tsi

UKAl'ii, nnd will supply nil tlio books In our lid nl puhlishi-ri* pile :s r Uki a MaKi. ii, .No, I V KmiAlln-ilrivI, ll.-ilon, >f*-v l>. M. Dtn-CY, UdCbtsIrr, N. V.A. P. CiiATrubn, IH Broadway, Albany, N. V .I*, r. Host, No. H FtraWIrcel,Trey, N. V.J. fl. Allen, Auburn N. Y.

I CollegMti

!, Ilal'.lcn.-re, Md.

J ancs M. L.ov,Sauoxl IIarkv,I'eisE Kriaan U Co-, V ami 13 Co II.Tatlor. Sun Iron Building,Ik V. WiLiOK, Toronto, Ck W.WiLLIaJs M. Lamia, BalUiuon*, MrxylanJ.T i tm u o AuK-vr, t-KncT. I’lan , t fTIiompsanviUi

Other Ag-'aUanJ b—k -1 -T' rt will be (upptled prnmplly. The cash sboutd accompany tbo order.


lUiltVOYAYCE H D PSVfllOHETUY.Tik sis ; For Molleal llxaramalloit and Prarertptlon................................. ........ :

IV P.)i:h iinr In cal DelliKulhn ot Characb.r, Inelu-Kicl onitusnl adaplall.nis.., .|-e Aildrosa, II. P. WILSON, Cleveland, UblnMl-A .-i: AUllING, Tip| lug, Wrtllng, hi. in.-, I*. r«tu sling uml Hjieakliig modltli

Mrs. It>Hi w.ll . x . and from 7 i

■ el cm:.-' I- r Mpirlusal '

s e w s p iarri’AL ji.vc.vEnc s p r o c .Ahestown, .hi/rtji tit, 1855.

CsfKs. PaEtrskoe aN» Bkitian:Deer Sirs—A spiritual magnetic spring has bion lately discovered hv Spirit dhec- ns. near J ohn Tirin'.' Spirit-room, In Aun-.-'.otm, two anil a half mil.-* carl »f

J onathan Kooxs’ Spir.t-rckim. Tbo water of :M spring p . extraordinary healing quallti- s.

September, 1855, J ohn Tim e will ho prepared !•» reccivo patUnlr. promli ate relief lo nil Inflaniojalury rui-1 painful dbo.-ates, fin! a speedy cun* t.s

curable diseases. He will hue IIiuaH Sutxicii, a clairvoyant healing mWim-i, ademlxiiCf, who will cxatoino and prticribo for all dt cases, white under Sptr.t dm nee In Uic clairvoyant condition. Wills the:.- rut lanta-’. *. lie can say to the public

el conOdcncc, that all ri-a*<‘itxb,c cxj-.ctalr.m. will bo rvalixed; ntnl : will be spared lo benefit all, nnd ho charr.-i made for curing, and only

rei*cnoble ebarce made for b>*ard mill extra siteedauce, it l.t h->p. .t Ul:1 the public will avail tin msolrci not only of there ruli lUilagi *. but also -it tho |wxvtlog» of col

with Spirits, who will utllt audibly tlirourh tho irumpcL All visitors ran prlvnto convenutlnna with thvlr Splrll-fncmlf, tvlm will be consulted In all mutters ending to bem-tlt mankind. JOHN TIPPIE.

171-131 _______________________________ 'll 11A 51 SI1EN1CU.UOSDERFM. DISCOVERY.

T H E N B R V E * S O 0 T I I I N G V I T A L F L U I D SA nexx” Midi lino Purely VtgclKhlc.

mtpaRin txitntLv uv sriRtT-oineuTiox, ritnoviiiiM R S . 11. J . F 11 t: N C 11 , M K 1) 1 U M , P IT T S B U R G , PA .

Th.- e Hnltlt ure divid'd Into ck_-va adapted to the discatca specified uniter eacl number, nnd nnir eiiaratcly or tocombtlialiontaafo and certain cure for nil tfiodlscsc- named under the re-pKilve ht.i-ls, many of which have for ages batlled tho rklll of the learned, among which nre 8t. Vtltiv" Dance, Tie Doforoux, Neural.gla, Rlieuinatlsut In ail Its varied fortitr, L-cki-d Jaw, llpllepry, ,-r ratling hlckn. Palsy, Ncrtuuv and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, frlrc-ucs or the Kidnoya »nd l.lvcr, Dlarrhcea, trregi IU X of tho Female Sysli m, Teller, and all Csilalieotss Duca'..*. Chills nti-1 F

ramp, Colic, Cltulere-morlius llwi- ro, Quinsy, Inducttra, and all Acute I'aln* and Nervous Iflsca-.-*. These Fluhlx bare not failed lo give r.-lu-f in any of Ihcab cases where they" have beers f.ilrly t» ;*'d, anti wo have now a number of living

. .sea to whom w .• can refer.Also th-> Lung and Cough Syrup, a safe and Itivaliiahls remedy for Croup, C ighs olds, sore Throat aad Bronchial Affeetiuos-a s-aro cure for Blcedlog of die Lungs

an-1 Gonsuiuptlon tn its 11-s', strsec.*.FcvUrsg U my duly lo make known to tho affilcfrd lhc*o (nvaluable reuiolU.*, not

only In obedience to tho posltivi of my 8|ilill-gutdcs, butconviction Uml they are ull th:.; ). claimed for them, and from dcolio lo relievo the

iff, rings of ad'icud htsinasilty, I pi-'j-.-.-” lo phsco them tn tbo bands vf alt ut tho .oxl rexs m-hlo fat. l anil vlixli. O' far a* I hi SO (ho abilisy to do to, dux riully supply without charge lo all who iu.iy Dot have fins means lo pay for IL For further p

tfc'daris addre-.* >, T. i i l.atKVi-ux, Ag. nt, Pidrhurg, l*u.Guncral Agentst Pailrldgn ,k Britton, 3li Broadway, Now York; IV.lerhent U t'o,

y and ITOourt-xlre. t, Huston; W. It. lauiinf, 'Nil Ilalllinore-stnM, llalllmoro; Henry mgg, 43 Sinlu-slrevm. taruis. Also sold lit Hr. Lindner, Hosier); Dr, lleuli, ltd rch-,lr.«l. Phlludolphla ; Dr. Grot i s Mlttvnukle, M l*.; 11. O. Baker, Fond dts late,

; 1*. Illy. Cincinnati, and oilier*. 1’ilce 51 1" r botllo. or six Uotllcj for f i .M<- French will e-mlliiuo to niako Clairvoyant exitmlnaUonr. Examlitatlon and

rcscription when the parlies nre pre.-i nt, o.i; If absent, 510 no.

J . K . STAFFORD’S OLIVE T il t , a n f. 1. 1: c t i n n i : u >' i l y f i.,t ; t » ,

tVhldl it Inhaled and Appllv'l. It Is nut taken.]O Ir l V K T A n


B. ruvixs tiLiv* I'au ov. r healed water,or by moUlr-ntng n r|Kii.;,' and nt-p, nd- J It in a warm room, lu ih y -n .i:--.-■;!'*' S<fo»rj ;l.te:• i" i. And all MALARIA nr INFECTION present, t« -,'s/tirr'y d ir -irJ.No din-..,' can Ion: c- 'iluiil.- ,.r aprex-l, wh- the odor >*/ Olivo Tor cxl-tv Ouv* T*a Is tuhah.l by brt vlh'ug an .vuiriwph'-ro Ini|-r\ ;UAt< .! wuh the odor 'ining In roulact with (ho b'.ovvl a* !( p..-- * Ihrougli iko lung*, <itelr\fin ■(, aad iy Ir -. 1,'vrfic Jrrtt t\uj <requir. /, r.pri, ,r« rsryarifirs.Tho mlor of Olive Tar is a delightful blended oronm.Win n Olivo Tar ,, applh.1 n (. (,\L,n up hy (ho absnrlunle, aiul Um

contains H .r.'.,.' imd J > £ : Utrougbuut lln* syrten, by Uio nerves vrlth which II rough! Iu conlrncL

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