D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

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Page 1: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The


Page 2: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul

and Body

IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information.

EQ - The soul’s (heart) ability to process information.

SQ - The spirit’s ability to process information.

Page 3: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The


IQ (Intelligence Quotient): a number representing a person's reasoning ability (measured using problem-solving tests) as compared to the statistical norm or average for their age, taken as 100.

Page 4: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The


EQ (Emotional Quotient): the ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and regulate emotion to promote personal and corporate growth.

Page 5: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The


SQ (Spiritual Quotient): the ability to discern, perceive and judge the spiritual dimensions that are at work in and around you, and manage this realm towards a positive outcome.

Page 6: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Five Dimensions Of Spiritual Intelligence

1) The Gift of DiscernmentThe ability to accurately perceive the spiritual entities that are influencing people, organizations and geographic locations as it applies to their motivations, attitudes, inclinations and mindsets.

The ability to apprise the level of spiritual favor and the strength of the human spirit that is present in the triune being of each individual.

Page 7: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Five Dimensions Of Spiritual Intelligence

2) The Gift of KnowledgeThe ability to receive facts and pertinent information about the visible dimension/world by communicating with the Spirit world.

Page 8: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Five Dimensions Of Spiritual Intelligence

3) The Gift of WisdomWisdom is the ability to rightly apply knowledge in a way that builds for the future that which was envisioned by the Creator so that we develop a divine ecosystem that yields life.

Page 9: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Five Dimensions Of Spiritual Intelligence

4) The Gift of ProphecyThe ability to foresee the future before it happens.

The ability to understand a person, organization or geographic location’s divine purpose and call.

Page 10: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Five Dimensions Of Spiritual Intelligence

5) The Mind of GodThe ability to process all aspects of life from an eternal, timeless and multidimensional perspective.

The ability to think supernaturally and perceive the natural world through infinite probabilities and limitless resources that transcends the laws of physics and the restrictions of physical realities.  

Page 11: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Five Senses of IQ






Page 12: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

Five Senses of SQ

Mind ofGod

Gift ofDiscernment

Gift ofProphecy

Word of Wisdom

Word of Knowledge

Page 13: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Differing Manifestations of SQ

1 Corinthians 12:4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.

Gifts - Spiritual Abilities 

Ministries - Spiritual Occupations

Effects - Spiritual Accomplishments

Page 14: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

The Differing Manifestations of SQ

One gift can manifest in diverse ways in different ministries, and also have different effects in various environments. For example, the word of knowledge can be used to diagnose a health issue in a person’s life in the church ministry, or be used to troubleshoot an automobile’s problem in the ministry of an automotive technician.

Page 15: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

An Artist’s SQ

Exodus 31:1 …LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “See, I have called by name Bezalel, ….3 “I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, 4 to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, 5 and in the cutting of stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship.

Page 16: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

A Prophet’s SQ

Daniel 1:11 But Daniel said to the overseer whom the commander of the officials had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah… 17 As for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.

Page 17: D EVELOPING Y OUR S PIRITUAL Q UOTIENT. We are a Triune Being- Spirit, Soul and Body IQ - The brain’s (body) ability to process information. EQ - The

A King’s SQ

1 Kings 10:4 When the queen of Sheba perceived all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, 5 the food of his table, the seating of his servants, the attendance of his waiters and their attire, his cupbearers, and his stairway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, there was no more spirit in her. 6 Then she said to the king, “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom. 7 “Nevertheless I did not believe the reports, until I came and my eyes had seen it. And behold, the half was not told me. You exceed in wisdom and prosperity the report which I heard.