DynamicHTML Cascading Style Sheet Internet Technology 1

D HTML - KNUwidit.knu.ac.kr/~kiyang/teaching/IT/s17/lectures/9.IT-DHTML1.pdf · What is DHTML? A collection of enhancements to HTML ... Document Object Model Defines the object-oriented

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Page 1: D HTML - KNUwidit.knu.ac.kr/~kiyang/teaching/IT/s17/lectures/9.IT-DHTML1.pdf · What is DHTML? A collection of enhancements to HTML ... Document Object Model Defines the object-oriented


Cascading Style Sheet

Internet Technology 1

Page 2: D HTML - KNUwidit.knu.ac.kr/~kiyang/teaching/IT/s17/lectures/9.IT-DHTML1.pdf · What is DHTML? A collection of enhancements to HTML ... Document Object Model Defines the object-oriented

What is DHTML?

A collection of enhancements to HTML To create dynamic and interactive websites

Combination of Static Markup language (e.g., HTML)

Client-side Scripting language (e.g., JavaScript)

Presentation Definition Language (e.g., CSS)

Document Object Model

Defines the object-oriented model of a document

To allow programs to manipulate content/structure/style of documents


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Cascading Style Sheets

CSS defines how to display HTML documents Specifies document’s font, color, margin, background image, etc.

Enables separation of document content from presentation Change one external CSS file to change the display of an entire website

A webpage can have multiple display formats

CSS Types External CSS → in an external file Example

Save CSS in an external .css file

Reference the CSS file with <link> tag in the HEAD section

→ <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" /></head>

Document-level CSS → embedded in the HEAD section Example

Define CSS in the HEAD section

Inline CSS → within an element tag Example

Use the style attribute in an HTML tag

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Why “Cascading”? Multiple CSS can be applied to one document (in a cascading order)

Styles defined later have a higher preference than those defined earlier

e.g., External CSS Document-level CSS Inline CSS

Internet Technology 4

Institution-level styles (e.g., corporate logo and colors)

Department-level styles

Styles defined for a group of documents (e.g., report)

Styles defined directly in

HTML pages

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CSS: Basic Syntax

Selector HTML element to style/format e.g., body, h1, p, hr, ul, ol, etc.

Declaration Consists of Property & Value Declarations are separated by semicolon

Property and value are separated by colon

Property Style attribute to change e.g., color, font-size, font-family, etc.

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CSS: ID & Class Selectors

ID Selector Specifies a style for a single HTML element

ID Selector name starts with ‘#’

#para1 { text-align:center; color:red; }

Uses the ‘id’ attribute of HTML element to apply the style

<p id=“para1’>CSS ID selector applied</p>

Class Selector Specifies a style for a group of HTML element

Useful for setting a same style for several elements

Class Selector name starts with ‘.’

.center { text-align:center; color:red; }

Uses the ‘class’ attribute of HTML element to apply the style

<h1 class="center">Center-aligned heading</h1>

<p class="center">Center-aligned paragraph.</p>


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External CSS

Style document is defined in an external .css file

HTML document calls style sheet through <link> element<HEAD><LINK REL=“stylesheet” TYPE="text/css" href="style1.css“ ></HEAD>

One CSS can be applied to multiple HTML

Multiple CSS can be used by one HTML

Example CGI


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Document-Level CSS

Style is defined within a document’s HEAD section


<title>CSS Examples</title>

<style type=“text/css”>

<!-- use the HTML comment to hide the style definitions from older browsers

H1 {

font-family: Verdana;

font-size: 24px;






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Inline CSS

Style is defined within an HTML element<P STYLE="text-indent: 1in; text-align: center”>

Takes precedence over other styles

Override styles for a specific element

Tips use external CSS to apply to a group of pages

use document-level CSS to override external CSS for a given page

use inline CSS to override for a given element (use sparingly)


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DIV Tag Apply a style to a group of tags

Group any number of HTML elements

Block-level (i.e. includes a paragraph break)

<div style=“text-align: center;”>

<h1>Using DIV to group tags</h1>

<p>Using DIV to group tags</p>


SPAN Tag Change the style of an element at a non-block level

Enclose text

No implied paragraph break

<h3>Using <span style=“color:red;”>SPAN</span> to change color</h3>


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CSS: Box Model

CSS can control the layout of elements as boxes Box Model = a box (padding, border, margin) around HTML elements

Margin – transparent area around border

Border – colored area around padding & content

Padding – area around content

Content – area where text and images appear

div.ex{width:220px;padding:10px;border:5px solid green;margin:10px;}


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CSS: Positioning

Position Properties top, bottom, left, right

Positioning Method

Static Position (default)

Element is placed according to the normal flow of the page

top/bottom/left/right properties have no effect

Relative Positioning

Element is placed relative to its normal position

“relative to” (top/bottom/left/right distance) away from

Fixed Positioning

Element is placed in a fixed location relative to browser window

Absolute Positioning

Element is placed relative to its nearest positioned ancestor

Absolutely positioned elements do not affect other elements’ positions

Overlapping Elements

Use “z-index” to set the stack order of elements


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