D20 Flaws for

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  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    afraid of glasses of water. 'enefits: #! feat. + hara ter with +quapho'ia trying to e2it water will gain a #! on all rolls to es ape thewater.

    Arcane ConundrumPrerequisite: ;nome, ha !"#

    7ffe t: You may never use any spell)like a'ilities under any ir umstan es. &n addition, you suffer )$ penalty on saving throws versus spells of the illusion s hool.

    Arcane FatiguePrerequisite: +'ility to ast ar ane spells7ffe t: Whenever you su essfully ast an ar ane spell you must immediately make a 4ort save (D !" #spell level%. 4ailure means that you 'e ome fatigued. &f you are fatigued as a result of this flaw, it has nofurther effe t until that ondition is removed.

    Arcane ParasitesPrerequisites: +'ility to ast ar ane spells7ffe t: 7very ar ane spell you ast has the D to resist lowered 'y !. 9hese parasites annot 'e removed 'yany mortal mean, even 'y a miracle or wish .

    AutophobiaPrerequisite: +ny non)evil6ummary: You are afraid of 'eing alone.7ffe t: Whenever a hara ter is left alone after a short period of time (8 to !" minutes% they must make aWill 6ave (D of $"% to avoid feeling symptoms of loneliness. 0n a su essful save, they have onqueredtheir fear for the time 'eing. 9he said hara ter must make a he k every " minutes as of the start of 'eingleft alone thereafter and every " minutes grants her a umulative )! to her Will he k (either saved or not%.+ hara ter that fails her he k will re eive a new saving throw every " minutes 'ut the a umulated Will

    penalty remains until she has 'een relieved 'y someone -familiar-. + hara ter-s Will save will not go 'elow"#Wisdom modifier.9he results of a failed save may vary from huddling in a fetal position in the orner of a room, rying, ors reaming out the names of your allies to ome 'a k and the like. + hara ter will stay in one pla e untilshe is relieved or saved her he k thus endangering her from animals

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    Bravado7ffe t: You may not gain the 'enefit of any kind of dodge 'onuses to your +rmor lass. 6pells, items andeffe ts that provide a dodge 'onus provide no 'enefit for you. You annot use the withdraw a tion.

    Breed EnvyPrerequisite: ha $"#

    6ummary: You are too harming for your own good and people overly hate you for it.7ffe t: Whenever a hara ter intera ts with an NP and the NP an see the hara ter-s fa e while 'eingintera ted with, the NP must make a Will 6ave (!" # !ostile%./enefit: /onus 4eat

    Breed ObsessionPrerequisite: ha $"#6ummary: You are too harming for your own good and people overly love you for it.7ffe t: Whenever a hara ter intera ts with an NP and the NP an see the hara ter-s fa e while 'eingintera ted with, the NP must make a Will 6ave (!" # !

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    Compulsive !yingTwo gems, 6 platin m pieces, and a strange vial of li! id lay in the treas re chest" #o r party mem$er! estions what it co ld $e" %espite $eing a poisons e&pert, yo tell him, 'See the green tint( )t*s a greaterhealing potion"' He thanks yo and takes a drink, then g rgles in pain" #o only now reali+e what yo *vedone" Prerequisite: Non)lawful

    6ummary: Your first instin t is to tell a lie.Detriment: You have a ) penalty on all Diploma y he ks, refle ting the fa t that you seem veryuntrustworthy. You may attempt a D $" Will save in order to redu e this penalty to ) at the time of usingDiploma y./enefit: 9he fa t that you are su h a onfident liar gives you a # 'onus on /luff he ks and a #$ 'onus to6ense 3otive as you an 'etter dete t the lies of others.6pe ial: 0ne who is already a ompulsive truthteller annot take this flaw.

    Compulsive "ruthtellingYou annot stand telling a lie.


    '%id yo and yo r comrades steal this ring(' 'oomed the voi e of the guard.;auler tried to eke a lie out of his 'rain, 'ut he 'e ame nervous.'#es,' he said, hanging his head./eside him, his ompanions shook their heads.


    Prerequisite: Non)evilDetriment: You have a ) penalty on all /luff he ks, refle ting the fa t that you find it nearly impossi'le touse words in these situations. You may attempt a D $" Will save in order to redu e this penalty to ) at thetime of /luffing. 9his penalty does not apply on he ks made to feint./enefit: 9he fa t that you are so trustworthy gives you a # 'onus on Diploma y he ks and a #$ 'onus onyour @eadership s ore, if you have one.6pe ial: 0ne who is already a ompulsive liar annot take this flaw.

    ConceitedYou 'elieve that you are 'etter then everyone else.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: When the hara ter intera ts with any intelligent reature of any ra e (in luding su')ra es% otherthen their own= they take a )$ penalty to /luff, Diploma y, Disguise, Perform, &ntimidate, and ;ather&nformation. + Will save (D $"% suppresses the hara ters on eitedness towards others. 9his only workson a target 'y target 'asis. &f the hara ter 'egins to intera t with another NP , then another 6aving 9hrowis ne essary./enefit: #! /onus 4eat at level !.

    CuriousPrerequisite: None6ummary: You find it hard to resist inspe ting something out of the ordinary.7ffe t: Whenever you en ounter something out of the ordinary, you must make a Will 6ave (D $8% inorder to resist approa hing the thing and inspe ting it. 0n a failed Will 6ave, the hara ter is a sitting du kand suffers a )8 on all >ide, @isten, 6ear h, 6pot, 9um'le, et etera (and espe ially Eefle2 6aves% for the!d5 rounds of time spent inspe ting./enefit: /onus 4eat

    Curious (type &&%7ffe t: You suffer a )$ penalty on @isten and 6pot he ks. You also suffer a )$ penalty on initiative rolls./enefit: /onus 4eat

    #aredevilPrerequisite: None6ummary: You only really feel alive when you-re staring death in the fa e.(3;6 referen eF%

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    7ffe t: Your hara ter is addi ted to the thrill of death)defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit atevery availa'le opportunity. 3ake a Will 6ave (D $8% when your hara ter finds himself in a life)or)deathsituation )) om'at, lim'ing a sheer liff fa e, et . 0n a failed save, your hara ter hooses the mostspe ta ular (and dangerous% ourse of a tion he an take, whether it is ne essary or not./enefit: /onus 4eat

    #eadly trengthPrerequisite: 6tr $"#6ummary: No matter what your hara ter-s intentions are, your atta ks always ause lethal damage... evenwith your fists.7ffe t: Your hara ter-s strength is so great they simply annot ontrol themselves. 7ven a 1oking pun h tothe arm an ause lethal damage. &f it is not your intention to ause damage to someone, you must make aEefle2 6ave (D of $"% in order to stop yourself. &t is suggested, young warrior, to 1ust keep your hands inyour po kets and don-t tou h anything./enefit: /onus 4eat

    #eafPrerequisite: None6ummary: Your hearing is mu h worse than normal. >owever there are two strains of this flaw, 6toneDeafness and Partial Deafness.7ffe t: 9wo deviations of this flaw e2ist.Stone %eafness 9he affe ted hara ter has the hearing a'ility of your average arrot. (9his assumes thatthe said arrot is in no way magi ally animated or im'ued with intelligen e%. 6u h a hara ter takes a )

    penalty on initiative he ks and automati ally fails @isten he ks. You also have $" han e of spellfailure when asting spells with ver'al omponents.+nyone the har ter intera ts with, or uses intera tion skills on, must also posses the -6ign @anguage-language or the Wanderer-s Diploma y feat (6our e: Player-s >and'ook && % in order to ommuni ateeffe tively.

    -artial %eafness hara ters with partial deafness take a )$ penalty on initiative he ks and a ) on @istenhe ks. You also have !" han e of spell failure when asting spells with ver'al omponents./enefit: 9he 'enefits vary for ea h deviation.Stone %eafness -6ign @anguage- 'e omes an automati language for the hara ter if flaw is sele ted onhara ter sele tion. 9hey are immune to any spell that utili*es sound (su h as Wail of the /anshee% and gaina # ompeten e 'onus on 6ear h and 6pot he ks. +ny on entration he ks made to ignore noiseautomati ally su eed. +lso, hara ter gains a 'onus feat.

    -artial %eafness + 'onus feat and a #$ ompeten e 'onus to 6pot and 6ear h he ks and on entrationhe ks made to ignore distra ting noise.

    #eclines to $se %uivers:Prerequisites: Profi ien y with a weapon that fires 'olts or arrows.Detriment: 0'taining a missile 'e omes a standard a tion, and either add one rounds to the time it takes touse a weapon or f a hara ter re eives multiple atta ks per round redu e one of them.

    #eclines to $se cabbards:Prerequisite: Profi ien y with an edged weapon that would normally use a s a''ard.Detriment: Eetrieving a weapon 'e omes a ha*ardous event. D !8 Eef save or take full weapon damage

    on yourself. &f you take a full round to draw a weapon, you a granted a # to your save, 'ut if it isattempted using the Gui k Draw feat, this save is make at a ) . &f the hara ter rolls a ! then they mustreroll. &f they roll ! again, then they s ore a full riti al on themselves.

    #elicate:Detriment: When a hara ter takes this flaw, the 'ase num'er of hit points he gains at that level is halved,rounded up (and modified 'y on as usual%. 9his an never 'e more than ! from a d , a $ from a d5, a from a d , from d!" or a 8 from a d!$ ( and, optionally these num'ers an 'e taken as defaults%.

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    loniDetriment: 7very turn the hara ter is in a situation that is stressful, they must make a will save (D !5% toavoid sei*uring. + hara ter having a loni sei*ure will twit h un ontrolla'ly, and will drop anything theyare holding. 9hey will automati ally fail any physi al test they were performing/enefit: 0ne additional feat. + hara ter may hoose, instead of gaining a feat, to gain # to will saves, torepresent their mental dis ipline.

    +toniDetriment: 7very turn the hara ter is in a situation that is stressful, they must make a will save (D ! % toavoid sei*uring. + hara ter having an +toni sei*ure will drop anything held and fall prone/enefit: 0ne additional feat. + hara ter with +toni 7pilepsy may hoose, instead of gaining a feat, togain # to will saves, to represent their mental dis ipline.

    Estranged/e ause of what you have done your family, friends, neigh'ors, loved ones, and even your dog have ometo hate you.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: You-ve done something horri'le. .eally horri'le. 6o mu h so that your family has 'urnt the 'ridges

    'etween you. Was it that one time where you got drunk and peed on the visiting kingI 0r may'e that onetime where you left a 'urning pile of 'at guano in front of the ar hmage-s tower and, in a a t of revenge, helaun hed fire'alls at your parent-s keep.3ay'e it was that one in ident with the goat.Whatever the ase may 'e, you are now alone in the world. You an no longer rely on family and friendsfor any outside assistan e. Your name in the area< ityelpful K K K @ess than $ $ !""

    9his is, of ourse, depending on the individuals or leaders you are talking to. 6ome of them might havetried it with a goat too.../enefit: #! 4eat6pe ial: & find that people often like to take the 7stranged flaw 'ut give little in whi h to support it. A3y

    parents ki ked me out of the houseB does not suffi e. +n e2haustive and detailed 'a k)story on why yourhara ter is an a'1e t out ast from his hildhood friends, his ommunity, and his family is required. +llthose ties take a serious and dastardly rime to sever. &f you are not willing to put in the time, that is okaytoo, 1ust donLt take the flaw.

    Family CursePrerequisite: None6ummary: Your family (and now you% has inherited a urse. 9he urse ould 'e life threatening.7ffe t: 6ele t one of the options 'elow the /estow 0 rse spell. +lternatives an 'e dis ussed with the D3,

    'ut should 'e no stronger than the urses listed 'elow.

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    9he hara ter looses )5 to any a'ility s ore (minimum !%. 9he hara ter takes a ) penalty on atta k rolls, saves, a'ility he ks, and skill he ks. 7a h turn, the hara ter has a 8" han e to a t normally= otherwise it takes no a tion

    D3 Note: No spell an remove this urse. >owever, there is a way to. + quest is in order to 1ourney to ashaman..or whatever..to get it removed with a ritual. You make up your own questF/enefit: &f the hara ter takes a quest to remove his urse and does so, depending on the situation, he gains

    the following 'onuses 'ased off of the urse he hose first: 9he hara ter gains a #$ inherent 'onus to the a'ility s ore he took a penalty on. 9he hara ter gains a #! inherent 'onus to all atta k rolls, saves, a'ility he ks, and skill he ks. 9he hara ter gains the /lind1fight feat.

    FarsightedPrerequisite: +'le to see6ummary: You annot see up lose.6everity: 3inor, 3oderate, 3a1or, omplete, 3agi al-&mportant Note:- 7very year or two, the hara ter may hoose to in rease the severity of theirfarsightedness, up to omplete. When the severity is in reased, 'oth detriment and 'enefit. 9his is repla ed

    'y the new severity-s detriments and 'enefits, whi h do not sta k.3inor

    Detriment: 9he hara ter-s vision is out of fo us up to !- from their fa e. 9hey must hold something at armslength to read it, although they are still a'le to determine olors and distin t shapes. Details at that distan e,however, are 'lurred./enefit: None appli a'le in game terms.

    3oderateDetriment: 9he hara ter-s vision is out of fo us up to 8- from their fa e. + hara ter with this an readlarge te2t at long distan e, and while they an still determine olors and distin t shapes, details are 'lurred./enefit: hara ters with moderate farsightedness gain a #! to listen he ks

    3a1or Detriment: 9he hara ter-s vision is out of fo us up to $"- away. + hara ter with this annot read, 'ut anstill determine details at that distan e./enefit: + hara ter an either hoose to 'e a'le to read from $"- away, or gain a #$ on listen he ks.

    ompleteDetriment: 9he hara ter has lost all fo us. 7verything is 'lurred, and they annot read, although they anmake out distin t shapes and olors. >owever, if an o'1e t is within !- of their fa e, they only make outshapes./enefit:#8 on listen he ks, or an e2tra feat.

    3agi alPrerequisite: 3ust have at least ma1or farsightedness, and a magi al attempt must have 'een made torestore vision. 9his attempt must have failed.Detriment: 9he huge e2posure to raw mana, often upwards of a hundred thaums, has rendered your rodsand ones useless. You are 'lind./enefit: 9he hara ter gains a onstant dete t magi spell on their person, and the spell always a ts asthough the hara ter were o'serving a pla e for three rounds, due to some magi 'eing left 'ehindresidually. 9hey an see a wireframe model of reality, marking angles and planes, 'y turning off the dete tmagi effe t. 9his a'ility fails in anti)magi fields

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    Fire usceptibilityYour hara ter is always unlu ky with fire.Detriment: + hara ter with this flaw suffers a ) penalty on saving throws versus magi al and mundanefire, al hemists fire, attempts to keep from at hing on fire, and the like. +ny time that the hara ter isdealing with fire ( ooking on a fire, sitting 'y a ampfire, lighting a igarette, et % they need to make a

    refle2 save (D !" # hara ter level% to avoid at hing on fire.Foe pecialistPrerequisite: 4avored enemy7ffe t: You suffer a )! penalty on atta k rolls, /luff, 6ense 3otive, 6pot, and 6urvival he ks made againstreatures of any kind that isnLt one of your favored enemies.

    ForlornPrerequisite: a'ility to all a familiar 7ffe t: You lose the a'ility to all a familiar.

    FrailPrerequisite: on !! or lower 7ffe ts: Whenever you fail a 4ort save, you 'e ome fatigued, in addition to any other effe ts you mightsuffer. 9his ondition lasts until you get hours of omplete rest. 9his flaw applies only on e to any givensour e that requires a 4ort save. 4ailing a 4ort save while fatigued auses you to 'e ome e2hausted.

    Frea'ishly "all+ hara ter with this flaw is super tall.7ffe t: + freakishly tall hara ter suffers a )! penalty to + and must have all of their non)magi al lothes,shoes, and armor spe ially made for them (#8" ost%/enefit: /onus 4eat or alternatively, a freakishly tall hara ter an hoose to 'e a'le use weapons one si*eategory larger, without penalty.

    Free piritedPrerequisite: haoti +lignment7ffe t:9he weight of any gear you arry is onsidered dou'le for the purpose of determining your load. &naddition, any armor he k penalties you have are also dou'led (swim he ks are tripled%.

    Fugly+ person with this flaw is 4?;;&NL uglyF7ffe t: regardless of harisma s ore (e.g. Agood personalityA% a fugly hara ter is super ugly, ausing themto suffer a )$ on all harisma)'ased skills. 9his penalty does not apply to inanimate o'1e ts (ro'ots, et .% or

    'lind people (or over the phone for that matter. +lso, the hara ter suffers a ) to their omeliness s ore ifappli a'le ('ut their s ore is not to go 'elow !%./enefit: /onus 4eat


    7ffe t: You 'e ome si kened (no saving throw allowed% upon ingestion of any sort of potion for theduration of its effe t. Potion with an instantaneous duration ause you to 'e si kened for a period of timeequal to the potionLs aster level in minutes. You also suffer a ) penalty on all saving throws made againstingested poisons.

    )host*+arpedYour 'ody rea ts strangely to onta t with ghosts and other in orporeal reatures, granting you some oftheir disa'ilities for a short time.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: 9he first time in an en ounter when you take damage from an in orporeal atta k, you must make a

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    4ortitude save (D !$#!D% or have a part of your 'ody 'e ome in orporeal . Eoll a d5 todetermine the effe ted 'ody part: !)$ hands, ) feet, or 8)5 'ody. &f your hands are effe ted, you lose thea'ility to manipulate o'1e ts with them, 'ut you gain an in orporeal tou h atta k that deals the samedamage as your unarmed strikes plus !

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    an ally an treat you with a D !8 >eal he k. You also sta'ili*e instantly if you are healed for at least ! point of damage.@ikewise, if 6lashing or Pier ing damage puts you 'elow " >P, you have no han e of sta'ili*ing on yourown as a normal hara ter might./enefit: /onus feat.

    ,alf*Blood OutcastYou despise your nonhuman side.Prerequisite: >alf elf or half or7ffe t: You suffer a )$ penalty on all atta k rolls, saving throws, and skill he ks when within line of sightof an elf (if you are half elf% or or (if you are half or %.

    ,allucinationsPrerequisite: None6ummary: You see things that aren-t really there.6everity: >allu inations have four severity levels: /enign, >elpful, Delusional, and Physi al

    /enign#o see whisps in the edge of yo r perception Detriment: 9he hara ter takes a ) on all spot and listen he ks./enefit: ! e2tra feat during hara ter reation.

    >elpful#o see things, $e they ghosts or gnomes or pink hippos, which point yo towards where yo need to go Detriment:&f the hara ter is ever sear hing for something, performing a look or spot he k, or doinganything that requires on entration, they are distra ted, and any atta ks aimed at them are al ulated assneak atta ks./enefit: /onus 4eat and the hallu inations that the hara ter sees are manifestations of his su' ons ious

    pointing something out, giving him a # on all sear h, tra k, spot, and listen he ks.Delusional

    The things yo see are ro$ st, very realistic, and almost indestig isa$le from reality Detriment: 7very turn, roll a !d$". 0n a roll of a !5 or higher, you have a hallu ination, whi h an 'edis'elieved 'y rolling a will save, with a D equal to the num'er rolled originally plus four. 9his should all

    'e done 'y the D3, hidden from the player. &f the save is failed, he witnesses something that isn-t reallythere, su h as a go'lin running into the woods, a demon, or a tiny winged hartreuse frog. 9his is not su h a

    pro'lem when other party mem'ers are there, 'e ause they an he k for themselves, 'ut when the playeris alone, it 'e omes mu h more of a pro'lem./enefit: /onus 4eat and if the player su eeds in dis'elieving their own hallu inations, they will alsodis'elieve any illusion spells in the area. on ealment spells like invisi'ility will ontinue to fun tion, 'utthe hara ter suffering from hallu inations will 'e a'le to see them.

    Physi al#o r hall cinations are so real that they $ecome empowered with low levels of magic" Detriment: 7very turn, the hara ter perform a he k as though they had Delusional hallu inations. &f theyfail, roll another d$". 9here is a 8" per ent han e that the hallu inations will 'e 'enign, a ting as thoughthey were delusional hallu inations. 9he other fifty per ent han e is that the hallu inations will 'eaggressive, atta king the hara ter. 9he hallu inations atta k with fists, using the hara ters own stats todetermine hit and damage. + monk with physi al hallu inations will have hallu inations that a t as thoughhe were not a monk, striking instead as an untrained hara ter.+ mage using a dete t magi spell will dete t a shimmering field around a hara ter with physi alhallu inations, and see a shimmering form of their hallu inations./enefit: 9wo 'onus feats and if the hara ter su eeds the will save to dis'elieve a physi al hallu ination,they will still hallu inate, 'ut their hallu inations will 'e helpful, a ting as an invisi'le servant spell ast 'ya first level mage.

    ,aphephobiaPrerequisite: None6ummary: You a tively avoid physi al onta t.

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    Detriment: hara ters with >aphepho'ia will re oil instin tively when tou hed 'y another person,interrupting su h a tions as 'andaging or laying of hands. 9hey must also make a will save (D !5% if theytry to tou h anyone./enefit: ! additional feat. 9he hara ter an hoose, instead of the feat, to gain an additional #! to tou h+ , representing the hara ters innate fear of onta t.

    ,aunted/ooFPrerequisite: none7ffe t: + hara ter with this flaw will find themselves onstantly followed 'y a ghost. 9he ghost an not 'egotten rid of, and will all on the hara ter at inopportune moments (ie. when sleeping or in the middle of

    'attle% 9he ghost an not simply follow them for no reason, it might 'e someone they killed or with agrudge against them, may'e they stole from their 'ody or distur'ed their -eternal- rest./enefit: 'onus feat or a quest to make the ghost helpful

    ,aunted .type //0Prerequisite: +'ility to ast spells7ffe t: 6pontaneous noises sometimes arise in your immediate vi inity. 9hese noises are ompletely out ofyour ontrol and an not 'e used to ommuni ate or distra t other reatures. 9hese sounds ease when youare un ons ious, petrified, asleep, or dead. You suffer a ) penalty on all @isten and 3ove 6ilently skillhe ks

    ,eirloomPrerequisite: None6ummary: You refuse to repla e a ertain item 'e ause it is pre ious to you= it item has 'een passed downfrom generation to generation within your family. 9he item has a spe ifi name within your family and may

    'e a normal or e2oti item with ertain 'enefits that only mem'ers within the family may unlo k.Detriment: + hara ter with the >eirloom flaw will always hoose to use the heirloom over any otherhoi es, either it 'e a weapon, armor, magi al item, or a do ument (or something of the like%.9he hara ter also does not like it when anyone outside the family intera ts with the heirloom and mustmake a Will 6ave (D of $"#( onditional #! for how 'adly they treat the heirloom%% to avoid ausingharm to them. +nyone within the family doesn-t require the Will 6ave when they intera t with the item. +failed save of ! ould result in the taking 'a k of the item and

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    7ffe t: Your hara ter flirts, and tried to sedu e every mem'er of the opposite (or sameI% se2. 7very minute(ten rounds% during om'at, your hara ter must make a Will save to avoid spending a full round flirtingwith any mem'ers of the opposite se2 (or sameI%, generally targeting the one with the highest omelinessor harisma s ore. 9he W&@@ save is !8 # the targets harisma or omeliness modifier (whi hever ishigher%. &f your hara terLs life is in immediate peril, then this is lowered to 8# the targets harisma oromeliness modifier (again, whi hever is higher%.

    /enefit: /onus 4eat,ot FlashesPrerequisite: 3iddle)aged female7ffe t: 0n e per hour, typi ally at the most in onvenient time during that hour, the menopausal womanmust make a D !8 4ortitude save. 4ailure means that the hara ter suffers a )$ penalty on all atta ks,saving throws, and skill he ks for d5 rounds. 9his save is modified 'y the armor he k penalty= 'y )$ if itis warmer than "degrees 4ahrenheit= and 'y # if it is 'elow free*ing.

    ,unchbac' 9he player has a deformed spinal olumn that reates are ogni*a'le AhumpB on the 'a k.Penalty: 9his mutation auses a slight redu tion inmovement, redu ing the playerLs ground speed 'y a third(rounded up%./enefit: /onus 4eat

    ,unted3e have $een wronged $efore, $ t not like this" 4ot in the likes of what this person has done" ) say pon

    yo , my faithf l minions that this ins lt will not go np nished" ) want to know all a$o t this person" ) wantto know where he eats" ) want to know where he sleeps" ) want to know who he knows" .est ass red that hewill $e fo nd and he will $e dealt with most accordingly" 6omeone is always hunting you and one day they will find you.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: You-ve upset a ma1or power in your area< ity

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    Prerequisites: &nt )7ffe t: + hara ter with this feat gets a )$ on all int)'ased skills(e2 ept sear h%. + parado2(ie & know what idon-t know% would make the hara ter wonder for !d rounds 'efore giving up understanding the parado2.6pe ial: /onus 4eat or #$ on 6tr or De2

    /11$2E* 3 "E1 AB2O41A!/"3 51inor6

    9he hara ter has a diminished resistan e to disease dueto a mutated immune system. 3utations an vary froma depleted white 'lood ell ount (preventing a tivityagainst foreign viral infe tion% to kidney atrophy (redu ingthe 'odyLs a'ility to purify its system%.Penalty: 9his hara ter makes 4ortitude he ks againstdiseases at ) ./enefit: /onus 4eat

    /mpatient The $ody was h nched over an altar at the far end of the room, motionless" The 5elmairan called for hiscompanions to $e silent as he delved into the rooms shadows for a stealthy ent11 *Oh $y the gods *, 7edakai yelled in a fl stered voice, p shing the Tiefling nin8a aside and making his wayto the altar in a h rry, his hand emitting a deep p rple energy" S ch an impatient 3arlock 6ummary: >urry upFPrerequisite: None7ffe t: You were 'orn with the ina'ility to wait, whether it 'e severe or minute, you are onstantly at warwith time. While others might seek to take something slow and arefully, you would mu h rather see theonsequen es qui kly 'y rushing into the situation head on.9here are three hoi es you an take:!. )$ to 'oth 3ove 6ilent and >ide he ks.$. 7ntire party gains a )! penalty on all 3ove 6ilentide rolls.. 7very time a party mem'er rolls a move silent he k, you must roll a will save (D !"%, if you fail youa'ruptly stand and anyone in the room is alerted to your presen e./enefits: 'onus feat6pe ial: You must roleplay your hara ter a ordingly, while you may play it to any severity you wish, youmust at least 'e slightly impatient, otherwise you are ineligi'le.

    /mplacablePrerequisite: /ase atta k 'onus #!7ffe t: &f you move out of melee om'at for any reason, you suffer a )$ penalty on all atta k rolls, skillhe ks, and saving throws for ! hour.

    /nattentive Prerequisite: None6ummary: Your mind wanders from thought to thought instantly and it messes up your on entration in theheat of 'attle.7ffe t: 9he hara ter is onsidered 4lat)footed on any 'attle the hara ter does not start themselves for thefirst round of om'at. +lso, the hara ter suffers a ) penalty to &nitiative 'ut it annot go 'elow *ero./enefit: /onus 4eat

    /ncompetent 9his person an-t 'e trusted to do any thing, save sa'otaging the enemyPrerequisite: wisdom !" or 'elow7ffe t: 9his hara ter an never get it right, they ordered soup, he gives them salad, they wanted ti kets to alaker-s game, he gives them a lake, he takes a ) on doing anything he-s told to do./enefit: /onus feat. &f he an onvin e the enemy he is a friend, his idio y is now 9>7&E pro'lem.

    /ndividual7ffe t: You suffer a )$ penalty on all atta k rolls made using weapons that you have not personally rafted.

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    &n addition, the armor he k penalty of any suit of armor you wear that you did not raft in reases 'y #!.

    /ndecisive7ffe t: your hara ter suffers a ) on all &nitiative he ks.


    Perhaps youLre 1ust a little off or may'e your 1ust 'at shit ra*yF7ffe t: You suffer a ) to your Wisdom s ore and have moments of periodi madness (see 7pisodes Eules 'elow%. You may grow your 'eard and nails out ( human nail and 'ite atta ks do d$ damage and have a

    riti al range of !O)$"

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    Player s hoi e, 5 D3 s hoi e% +fter this episode, the hara ter has no memory ofasking to 'e alled 'y another name, and thinks the other hara ters are odd.Duration: $d hours (yes this an go on for days%

    8J)5! hara ter will not answer any questions asked of them. &nstead, they reply 'y either statingA+ lady never tells and a gentleman never asks.B or simply repeats the question

    they were asked. Duration d minutes.

    5$) 55 9he hara ter goes to the nearest wall and attempts to find a door, where one learly doesnot e2ist, repeating A>mmmmQ 9here used to 'e a door hereQ.B Duration: drounds

    5J)J$ 9he hara ter has a onversation with an inanimate o'1e t, doing nothing else in themeantime. (Eoll d5: !)$ Player on the Eight s hoi e, $) Player on the @eft s

    hoi e, 8 Player s hoi e, 5 D3 s hoi e% Duration: d5 roundsJ )J 9he hara ter 'elieves that they have 'een Divinely inspired to do some task, and 'elieves

    themselves to 'e invin i'le until that task is ompleted. AWe re on a missionfrom ;od.B During this period of inspired over onfiden e, the insane person willatta k the most powerful enemy present, rush into danger, enter 'urning 'uildings, diveoff liffs, drive at e2 essive speeds, start fights with riminals, and generally run into theline of danger. >owever, their madness ena'les them to over ome great o'sta les,granting them DE!"

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    /nsomniac7ffe t: &n order to get a full night of rest you must su eed at a D !8 4ort save. &f you are sleeping and adistur'an e wakes you during the night, you must make an additional save (D !8% to return to sleep. &fyou fail the 4ortitude save you are fatigued when you rise in the morning. &f you are fatigued when you tryto sleep, you gain a #$ 'onus on your save. &f you are e2hausted you gain a #5 'onus. omforta'leonditions, su h as those found in most inns, grant you a # 'onus on this save. Poor onditions, su h assleeping on the ground or in armor, give you a ) penalty on this save. 7ven if you sleep poorly, you may

    prepare ar ane spells as normal after hours of fitful rest.

    7er' You-re pretty mu h 1ust an all)around 1erk when it omes to onversation.Prerequisite: Not shy

    7ffe tSaries depending on alignment:;ood: You try to 'e polite and friendly in onversation, 'ut you are ta tless, and sometimes you 1ust an-thelp throwing in an offensive H1okeH. '0ertainly, #o r Highness" )t wo ld $e o r pleas re to destroy theOrc encampment for yo " )t sho ldn*t $e too m ch of a pro$lem11after all, those Orcs co ldn*t possi$ly

    smell any worse than yo AAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ' You re eive a ) penalty on all Diploma y and ;ather &nformation he ks.7vil: You are outright hostile and mean in onversation. '3hat*s the matter, #o r St pidness( Too m ch ofan impotent wank to take care of those p ny Orcs yo rself, so yo have to send some 'e&penda$le' streetrchins to do yo r dirty work for yo ( )s that it('

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    You re eive a )5 penalty on all Diploma y and ;ather &nformation he ks. 4urthermore, every time you faila Diploma y or ;ather &nformation he k, the NP s that you were intera ting with lower their attitudes toward you 'y one level.

    Neutral: You may hoose whether you want this flaw to affe t you as though you were ;ood or as thoughyou were 7vil. >owever, on e you make the hoi e, you must sti k with it))you annot swit h unless youralignment hanges.

    /enefitSaries depending on alignment:;ood: /onus feat.7vil: /onus feat and a # ompeten e 'onus to all &ntimidate he ks.

    Neutral: Whi hever effe t you hose in the H7ffe tH se tion, you re eive the orresponding 'enefit.6pe ial

    You must roleplay your hara ter a ordingly. Terk is in ompati'le with 6hy .

    7umps to ConclusionsPrerequisite: None6ummary: You give your 'est, 'ut you feel that it 1ust isn-t good enough.7ffe t: +ny time a hara ter fails a skill he k, he will instantly give up hope and they will not try again

    until the following day. >e on ludes that he 1ust simply doesn-t have it in himself to omplete the task./enefit: /onus 4eat

    -leptomaniaPrerequisite: None6ummary: You find yourself strangely attra ted to ertain o'1e ts (usually valua'le ones%.Detriment: +ny time the hara ter sees a shiny o'1e t, they must make a will save, D determined 'y theshininess of the item. &f they fail, they must attempt to steal the item, regardless of whose it is, where it is,or even if someone is wearing it. 9o them, there is only them and the item.

    3etal 6hininess (Will D %

    Pure 6ilver

    Pure opper O

    Pure Uin !"

    9itanium !!

    9ungsten !$

    /ron*e !

    6teel !

    ;old !8

    White ;old !5

    +damantine !

    Platinum $"

    3ithril $$

    Dusty )$ Polished #$ &ridium oating # ;ems #$ 0'vious magi al en hantment #8 Eare #$

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    1agic Addiction Prerequisite: +'le to use magi6ummary: Your magi is more powerful 'ut you must ast magi at least every hours or you will goinsane.Detriment: &f you don-t ast magi you go insane.(as in the $nd edition +DVD D3s guide pg. %

    /enefit: Your spells are more powerful so they last longer(d rounds%.1agical Fascination7ffe t: You suffer a )$ penalty on atta k rolls and skill he ks when in sight of a visi'le magi al effe t witha duration greater than instantaneous.

    1agical ,ydrophobiaPrerequisite: None6ummary: Your 'ody re1e ts water.Detriment: Whenever the hara ter omes in onta t with water, they will su'limate into a silverish mist,taking one point of damage for every turn they are e2posed to water. &f they are totally immersed, they takefour points of damage per turn./enefit: hara ters with magi al hydropho'ia do not thirst, or require water at all. 9hey an hoose toeither gain an additional feat, or gain the a'ility to dete t water within "-, and foretell rain up to four hoursin advan e. + magi al >ydropho'e may, later on, hoose to spend ! feat to gain the a'ility to repel water.9o repel water, the hara ter must make a on entration he k. &f they su eed, water will 'e stopped 5Haway from them, forming a dry 'u''le. While the hara ter is repelling water, they annot ast spells, or

    perform other a tions that require on entration.

    1agical OverloadPrerequisite: +'ility to ast spells7ffe t: You must use one spell slot of your highest spell level to ast or prepare a spell of a lower level.

    1ercifulPrerequisite: None6ummary: 3any times you don-t have it in your heart to kill.7ffe t: Whenever a hara ter is in om'at and has the opportunity to deliver a final 'low, the hara termust make a Will 6ave (D of $"% in order to su essfully kill the opponent. &f the hara ter fails the Will6ave, they must end their a tions and not strike

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    6ummary: + Hmali iousH or Hangeli H hara ter sometimes dou'ts what their doing is right, and therefore 'e omes onfused through even their own a tions. + hara ter of any evil or good alignment will have the

    han e, through their dou'ts, to 'etray their alignment for a time and trek the negative side of theiram'itions with great effe t, mostly 'e ause it is new to them and they want to get the most out of it theyan 'efore reverting to their former selves.7ffe t: 7very on e in a while during play, a hara ter with the 3isled 4law will 'e tempted into doing

    something that goes against their ondu t and am'itions. 7very time the hara ter is tempted, they willmake a Will 6ave (D of !"%. &f they su eed the save, they will shun the a tions they were onsideringdoing and go a'out 'eing their true alignment. >owever, if they fail the Will 6ave, they will give into theirtemptations and 'e ome the opposite of what they are.. +n e2ample of a fail might 'e the @awful ;oodPaladin terrori*ing a town and killing for no reason nor purpose. 0r the haoti 7vil 6or erer using hismagi to save those in dire need, even if it means risking his own life.+ true hange in morality. + hara ter with the 3isled 4law may gain respe t

    1oney Problems Prerequisite: None

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    2yctalopiaPrerequisite: None6ummary: You annot see in the dark.Detriment: 9reat shadowy lighting as dark lighting/enefit: 0ne additional feat. + hara ter an hoose to gain an additional #$ to listen he ks instead of thee2tra feat.

    2yctophobiaYou are afraid of the darkPrerequisite: No natural Darkvision 7ffe t: Ny topho'ia is the fear of the dark. You refuse to enter dark pla es without light and must make aWill save D !" to do so. When in an area of shadowy illumination, you take a penalty of )! to all atta krolls, skill he ks, and saving throws= in an area of full darkness, you take a penalty of )$ instead.9he fear of the dark is heightened 'y imagination: a stuffed toy may appear a monster in the dark. When inshadowy illumination or darkness, all spells with the shadow des riptor intera t with you as if they were$" more real./enefit: /onus feat, 6tealthy feat

    Obese@et-s 1ust say you en1oy a good feast. 9en times a day.Prerequisite: De2 ! ) (if the de2terity s ore rises afterwards, the 'enefits and detriments of this flaw stillapply%Detriment: +n o'ese hara ter is dou'le the weight rolled on the random height and weight ta'les. 9hisseriously effe ts their a'ilities to do physi al tasks.9he hara ter gets a )$ armor he k penalty as granted 'y their natural armor. 9hey also ount as alwayswearing heavy armor with at least a medium load for purposes of movement and fatigue. You pay dou'leost for armor, 'ut not any magi al enhan ements the armor may have. +lso the armor weighs twi e asmu h. &f you are small or smaller you lose ) of any si*e 'onus granted 'y your si*e./enefit: +n o'ese hara ter gains a # 'onus to fortitude saves and ! e2tra feat.

    ObsessivePrerequisite: None6ummary: You have an unhealthy o'session with something.7ffe t: +t hara ter reation, a hara ter must hoose a parti ular thing to 'e o'sessed over, whether it 'eswords, a monster, gems, gold, or whatever.Whenever a hara ter is lose to the thing they are o'sessed with they must make a Will 6ave (D !O% toavoid approa hing the thing and intera ting with it. 9his an get very annoying with the hara ter-straveling ompanions, and when they attempt to drag the hara ter away from whatever they-re ogling overthey must make a ;rapple he k and the o'sessed hara ter must make a Eefle2 save to avoid 'eingdragged away. Serio sly, how r de /enefit: /onus 4eat dealing with what they are o'sessed with.

    OverconfidentPrerequisite: None6ummary: You 'elieve that nothing is 'eyond your a'ility. You an do it all. &f you want to take on a EedDragon solo, you-d 'elieve you-d win. No dou'ts. 6eriously.

    7ffe t: &f the hara ter is ever hallenged to a 'rave (not foolish% a t or to 'attle, they must make a willsave D $8 to 'a k down.&f the hara ter fails the hallenge, they lose )$ on all rolls and he ks due to personal em'arrassment. 9his

    penalty is umulative and will last until they sleep it off./enefit: /onus 4eat. You gain a #$ morale 'onus to rolls in 'attles where you fight on your own.

    OverresearchedPrerequisites: now 8# @anguages. 9ruespeak and +r ane 3agi ount as languages for this purpose.6ummary: You think too mu h a'out what you-re saying, and you tend to mi2 languages 'e ause of it.. Youused to think knowledge was everything. Now it-s your everything. You su' ons iously think over every

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    single word you say, in every language you know. &t-s a lot of work for you, 'ut people 'arely noti e it.Your mind is in onstant turmoil over words.Detriment: When asting spells, or talking (in luding 9ruespeak%, it takes more time to get the words out, asyou need to over)think ea h sylla'le. 9his an 'e ignored with a D $8 on entration he k. +dd 8 to theD for ea h time per day you attempt to override over)thinking.&f the asting time is usually a swift a tion, it is now a standard a tion. &f it was a standard a tion, it

    'e omes a 4ull round a tion. &f it was a 4ull round + tion, it now takes two rounds. +s a general rule ofthum' for longer asting times, dou'le them.+dditionally, if you are 0verresear hed, you have pro'lems talking in only one language at on e, and sotake a )$ on all /luff, Diploma y, and ;ather &nformation he ks, as well as any other he k involvingspeaking. +n 0verresear hed person does not in ur this penalty when dealing with another 0verresear hed

    person, and only a )! if the other person knows every language that the 0verresear hed person does. +n0verresear hed person also has pro'lems giving ver'al ommands, su h as to a ommanded ?ndead, or toa ;olem, and so must su eed on a D !8 on entration he k, with a umulative #$ to the D ea h time

    per day they attempt to give ommands in only one language.+n 0verresear hed-s native tounge is ;ar'lespeak . &f you are 0verresear hed you must su eed on a D $" will he k at the 'eginning of ea h week ortum'le into a gi''ering despair, 'eing una'le to speak e2 ept in ;ar'lespeak. +t the end of any week inwhi h you have failed you must make the he k again to prevent staying in this state. While in a gi''eringdespair, you annot speak de iphera'ly in any language other than ;ar'lespeak, and so annot giveommands or speak at all, other than in ;ar'lespeak. You automati ally fail all he ks asso iated withspeaking (Diploma y, /luff, et .%. &f you attempt to ast any spells with ver'al omponents, you have an8 han e of ;i''ering instead. +fter gi''ering on e, you an hoose to gi''er intentionally. +n attemptto use 9ruespeak will always result in gi''ering. ;i''ering (6u%: You 'egin a onstant gi''ering as a fullround a tion. +ll reatures (other than ;i''ering 3outhers and the aster% within a 5")foot spread mustsu eed on a D !8 Will save or 'e affe ted as though 'y a onfusion spell for !d rounds. 9his is a sonimind)affe ting ompulsion effe t. + reature that su essfully saves annot 'e affe ted 'y the samegi''ering for $ hours. You annot suppress this a'ility, meaning enemy and ally alike may 'e omeonfused./enefits: /eing that you hose your words so arefully, +r ane spells, /ard spells, and 9ruespeak omeeasier, although slower, to you.+r ane: +r ane spells you ast gain a #8 to the saving throw to resist them, and if they require a rangedtou h atta k gain a #8 to that as well./ardi 6pells: &n rease all numeri varia'les 'y three for 'ardi spells you ast. 4or e2ample, the " levelommon nowledge would give a # insight 'onus insted of a #!.9ruespeak: +s truespeak is nothing 'ut pi king your words arefully, 9ruespeakers gain a #8 ompeten e

    'onus to all 9ruespeak he ks.

    Overwhelming EmpathyPrerequisite: None6ummary: You feel others pain.Detriment: When a hara ter in your party within 8" ft.is damaged for $ or more points you may take aWill save(D !J% with only half your modifier, if you fail or don-t try, prevent $ damage to that hara terand take damage yourself. 9his damage does not trigger the 0verwhelming 7mpathy of another hara terin the party, should they have the flaw.When a hara ter in your party within 8" ft.is >ealed for $ or more points you may take a Will save(D !J%

    with only half your modifier, if you fail or don-t try, prevent $ healing to that hara ter and heal ! damageto yourself./enefit: #!.8 >P per hara ter level(round down%, and take an e2tra feat.

    Penguinphobia+lso known as sphenis ipho'ia, You have an a'solute fear of penguins.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: &f you see any penguins, D $" vs fear if su essful you are shaken. &f P fails 'y more than 8 Pmust run the opposite dire tion and attempt in any way possi'le to 'reak line of sight.&f a P sees anything that remotely looks like a penguin, D !", or shaken. &f ornered 'y a penguin (a tual

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    penguin% for more than rounds P gets a D !8 4ortitude save or a ts like they have 'een affe ted 'yinsanity for $ hours./enefit: ! feat

    PerversionYou have a 'ad ha'it of saying the most inappropriate things at the worst times.

    Prerequisite: haoti7ffe t: When a hara ter takes this flaw they find themselves for ed to say the most inappropriate thingswhen around important offi ials, in 'attle, and espe ially in the 'ar. 9he hara ter makes a will save (D!8 # harisma modifier% every rounds of a 'attle or every 8 or so minutes when dealing with NP -s, ifthe hara ter fails they say something se2ual, inappropriate, or 1ust plain disgusting. 9his provokes enemiesinto atta king the pervert. +ny enemy within $" feet of the perverted hara ter must now have the urge toatta k the pervert for his a tions and 'e ause of how disgusted they are, they take )! to atta ks against thehara ter. &f the hara ter is dealing with NP -s then they are allowed a will save to see if they an resistthe hara ters inappropriateness (Will D !" # hara ters ha mod%. &f the NP fails the save and areindifferent, they are now unfriendly. &f unfriendly it takes $ failed he ks (they don-t have to 'e in a row,they an 'e anywhere 'etween a hour apart% to make them hostile towards the pervert.72ample: 9he adventurers approa hed the go'lin war amp with aution, 'ut 1ust then the fighter stood upand yelled to them H -mon, &-ll take all your puny little sti ks and ra k them in half. WhyI u* mines

    'igger than yoursFH Tust as the fighter finished he raised his great sword in the air and harged into 'attle.9he wi*ard looked to the leri and said with a smile HYeah, & 'et he-s ompensating for something down

    'elow.H 9he 'attle ended and the fighter looked at his wounds= his arm 'leeding from the go'lins spear. 9heleri stood up and 'egan to walk towards him groping the air with a grin on his fa e H -mon man, let metou h you in all the right pla es. @et me make you feel 'etter with my magi hands.H/enefit: /onus 4eat and a hilariously dirty hara ter

    PervertedYour hara ter has an infalli'le tenden y to stare where they shouldn-tPrerequisite: None7ffe t: Your hara ter when entering onversation will tend to look at the most inappropriate areas of theopposite se2 (or same se2%(for women, lower, for men, higher% making them e2tremely hard to talk to andat h there attention as their minds are in different pla es. 9here is two things that happen 'e ause of this.9hey must make a D !8 will save in order to avoid staring and if they don-t, they re eive a )$ todiploma y, 'luff, intimidate, sense motive he ks with the person of the opposite se2 and 'egin staringinappropriately. 9hey have the a'ility to try and 'reak this stare every round at a D !8 will save. &f theother person noti es (D !8 spot he k and this only applies to hara ters with sight% then they reali*e thatthe hara ter is staring inappropriately and they re eive a further )$ to diploma y and 'luff he ks as wellas some omment su h as H>ey, &-m up hereH or H&f you want, we ould get together later...H &n the ase ofthis (and 'y this it means rare ases% not all omments need 'e unfriendly, espe ially if the other person isle herous. >owever if the person 'eing stared at fails their spot he k, the pervert an usually play it off asa 'luff he k su h as HYou had a 'ug on your legH or H9hat-s a really ni e shirtH, 'ut they re ieve a )$ to thathe k.(4rom what &-ve e2perien ed in game play this is great for humor, however, if you-re the type of D3 thatdoesn-t remem'er to throw this at your P -s don-t let them take this.%/enefit: You re eive a 'onus feat.

    Phantom par'sPrerequisite: +'ility to ast spells.7ffe t: you spontaneously emit 'ursts of olored light. 9hese lights are ompletely out of your ontrol andannot 'e used as a light sour e. 9hey only ease when you are un ons ious, petrified, asleep, or dead. Yousuffer a ) penalty on all >ide and 6pot he ks.

    Pran'steryou have undenia'le urges to play pra ti al 1okes upon all.Prerequisite: haoti .7ffe t: When a hara ter takes this flaw they find themselves for ed to play pranks when around important

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    offi ials, in 'attle, and espe ially in the 'ar. 9he hara ter makes a will save (D !8 # harisma modifier%when dealing with NP -s, if the hara ter fails they will play a prank. at this point the player must roll a dto determine the severity of the prank.severity: "!)!O 1oke at person-s e2pense $") O simple lesser prank ")8O simple greater prank 5")JO minor

    prank ")OO ma1or prank !"" epi prank/enefit: /onus 4eat and e2tremely entertaining Eole playing hilarity

    Pre8udice .against others0Prerequisite: None7ffe t: Your hara ter is a /igot, and is unreasona'ly pre1udi ed against a parti ularra e

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    it, and as thus do not take damage from natural heat (sunlight, deserts, vol ani a tivity%. 9hey still takedamage from magi al heat.6pe ial9his flaw annot 'e taken if the player is already pyropho'i .


    Prerequisite: None6ummary: You have an unnatural fear of fire.Detriment: Whenever a hara ter with pyropho'ia omes within five feet of fire, they must take a Will save(D ! # for every additional fire within five feet of the hara ter%. &f they su eed, they take a )! on theirrolls while in the area of the fire. &f they fail, they must leave, as soon as possi'le. &f they annot flee, theywill attempt to e2tinguish the fire. &f they annot do this, they will free*e, una'le to move unless they makeanother Will save./enefit: ! additional feat. hara ters with pyropho'ia are a limated to old, sin e they do not use fire forwarmth, and thus take no detriments from natural olds (Eain, 6now, Wind%. 9hey are still affe ted 'ymagi al old.

    %uadrimurfractiphobiaYou are terrified of the fourth wall 'eing 'roken.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: Whenever you or anyone else say something not immediately related to the game you are playing,you must make a D !8 Will save to avoid falling prone and owering until some'ody other than yourselffinds a way for whatever is said to 'e in orporated into the game (no matter how ridi ulous or ar'itrary%.You must ower for at least one full round./enefit: /onus feat.72ample: You had 1ust ast 3agi 3issile into the darkness, when someone in the other room asks wherethe heetos are. You fail your will save and therefore fall and ower until the D3 says that it was a ko'oldwhose sna k you 1ust 'lasted who said it, rather than someone in the other room.

    %uarter Elf 7lven 'lood is not parti ularly strong in your veins and its features are 'arely noti ea'le.Prerequisites: >alf)7lf 7ffe ts: You are not immune to sleep spells and do not gain a ra ial 'onus on saving throws againsten hantment spells or effe ts. You are not onsidered to have elven 'lood.

    4eincarnated 1isfortune9hings in this life remind you of things from your last, and these things make you sad.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: 4rom time to time, the hara ter sees something that reminds him of his former lives. +t the start ofevery en ounter, there is a 8 han e that he noti es something that auses him to re all his past. &f thishappens, he takes no a tion for ! round and thereafter takes a )$ morale penalty on all atta ks and skillsuntil the en ounter is resolved./enefit: /onus 4eat

    4estricted orceryPrerequisite: a'ility to ast spells without preparation

    7ffe t: hoose two s hools of magi to 'e your restri ted s hools. &n addition, you may not use wands ors rolls that ast spells form these s hools. Divination an not 'e one of the hosen s hools.

    e( AddictPrerequisite: None6ummary: You truly 'elieve that if you don-t use it, it-ll fall off.7ffe t: + hara ter onstantly seeks to have se2ual inter ourse with others of their type or other types in thease of inter)spe ies 'reeding. When a hara ter omes a ross a 'eautiful mem'er of a preferred gender(who has a harisma /onus whi h mat hes or 'eats their own harisma s ore%, they must make a Will 6ave(D of !8 # attra tive persons harisma 'onus%. &f su essful, the hara ter 'e omes horny, taking a )!

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    morale penalty to all atta ks and he ks for one hour. &f they fail, they have no hoi e 'ut to get down anddirty and give it the 'est that they got. &f they see the mem'er of the preferred gender wearing little or nolothing, the D required in reases 'y 8 and the penalties in rease 'y )!. &f the mem'er of the preferredgender is doing strenuous a tivity that ould 'e seen as se2ual, su h as 'ending over to lean a ta'le,

    'oun ing up and down, or sweating heavily, the D required in reases 'y 8 and the penalties in rease 'y)!. 9hese in reases sta k.

    9he hara ter must ontinue to make Will 6aves 'efore every a tion they do while in the presen e of thereature that turns them on./enefit: /onus 4eat

    ha'yPrerequisite: None6ummary: Your aim is hardly ever perfe t, 'e it from nerve damage, nervousness, or 1ust the plain ina'ilityto keep still.7ffe t: Your hara ter suffers )8 penalty on all ranged atta k rolls. 9his flaw an 'e ountered if you arewell an hored and steady 'y, let-s say, laying on the ground on your stoma h./enefit: /onus 4eat

    hort Attention panPrerequisite: None6ummary: Your mind always swit hes from one thought to the other and it messes up your fo ... oh look a

    pennyF7ffe t: + hara ter suffers a )$ penalty any time they try to make the same he k more than on e in a row.9he penalty will sta k on ea h other, making the penalty for the ne2t he k ) , )5, ) and so on. 9his alsoapplies on making 4ull)Eound a ti... you have really pretty eyes you know thatI/enefit: /onus 4eat (hehehe feet are funny%

    hort of BreathPrerequisite: on ! or lower 7ffe t: Whenever you make a strength he k, and onstitution he k to ontinue running, or use the skillslim', 1ump, or swim you must make a 4ort save at the same D as the skill or a'ility he k. &f you fail thissave you 'e ome fatigued. Doing something else that would normally ause fatigue e2hausts an alreadyfatigued hara ter.

    hort "emperPrerequisite: None6ummary: You get enraged easily, going 'erserk whenever you suffer damage.7ffe t: Whenever a hara ter suffers damage, they must make a Will 6ave (D of !8#! per two hara terlevels% in order to avoid 'e oming enraged.&f the hara ter fails the will save, they take a )$ penalty to +rmor lass. 9he hara ter annot use any ha,De2, or &nt 'ased skills (e2 ept /alan e, 7s ape +rtist, &ntimidate, and Eide%, the on entration skill, or anya'ilities that require patien e or on entration. You annot ast spells or a tivate magi items that require aommand word, a spell trigger (su h as a wand%, or spell ompletion (su h as a s roll%. You an use any featyou possess e2 ept om'at 72pertise, item reation feats, and metamagi feats 9hey will stay in theirenraged state for !d #( onstitution 3odifier% rounds or until the thing that aused them damage is dead.+dditionally, if the hara ter has the rage lass a'ility and has a daily use left they must go into a rage as an

    immediate a tion./enefit: /onus 4eat or one additional daily use of rage a'ility if a hara ter already has it as a lass feature.

    hyPrerequisite: None6ummary: You are afraid to intera t with people. You are afraid to intera t with ! or more of the followinglassifi ations of groups: a'solutely everyone, people outside their friends or family, people with authority,

    people they are not familiar with, and

  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


  • 8/12/2019 D20 Flaws for


    +himsicalYou de ide to do things simply 'e ause you feel like it...Prerequisite: +ny haoti7ffe t: you take a ) to wisdom 'ased skill he ks./enefit: Your harisma s ore permanently in reases 'y $.6pe ial: you may take this feat multiple times, itLs effe ts sta k.

    +ildPrerequisite: 6urvival ! rank 7ffe t: Whenever you are entangled, pinned, or 'ound, you immediately 'e ome pani ked. Your fear isalleviated ! round after you are free of all 'onds. 6pells and effe ts that remove fear do not prevent thiseffe t./enefit: /onus 4eat

    +orst !uc' You seem to always fall short at the worst possi'le moment, right when it matters most.Prerequisite: None7ffe t: 0n e per game session, you automati ally fail a d$" roll of the D3-s hoosing. 9here is no way toreverse this de ision, and you must a ept the onsequen es. 9he D3, however, annot make you fail adi e roll that will dire tly lead to your death (e.g. annot automati ally fail a save vs death or 'alan e he kthat will drop you into a deep avern.% >owever, indirect and other people-s deaths are always wel ome.../enefit: #! 4eat6pe ial: &f using a system that allows + tion Points or some variant of the type, the player an spend a

    point to push 'a k the effe t. Doing this, however, does not eliminate it, it 1ust delays the inevita'le. &t-s 'est to 1ust take your li ks right away than to let it fester.
