This newsletter is produced on recycled paper. Please recycle. Did you know? Each year food shops give away enough carrier bags to cover the whole of London with a layer of them. Usefulwebsites twitter.com/superrecycler www.wasteawarenesswales.org.uk www.torfaen.gov.uk/waste Read this newsletter to find out how to recycle RememBeR If dan can You can Four heroic Torfaen residents have joined forces with recycling mascot Dan Can to promote green issues. Bryan McDowell, 74, of Cwmbran; Chantel Daniels, 43, of Pontypool; Carlie Preston-Thomas, 13, of Pontypool and Callum Lewis, 8, of Blaenavon are now Torfaen Council recycling super heroes. They were picked after a search to find local champions through Torfaen Talks and the Council’s website. The successful candidates will now use their powers of persuasion to spread the word about recycling and take part in promotional events. “I wanted to join forces with Dan Can because I care about the future,” said Mr McDowell (pictured). “I’m very passionate about recycling and I’m proud to live in an area that has such great green credentials.” Dan Can has helped Torfaen become the best recycling authority in South Wales - recycling 42 per cent of its waste. Callum added: “We all love Dan Can and I can’t wait to start super hero work by getting people to recycle as much as possible. “Remember - recycle - if Dan Can you can.” Councillor John Cunningham, Executive Member for Operational Services, said he was delighted to have the heroes on board. “Residents are already doing a fantastic job,” he said. “But we’re determined to push rates up further, and, I’m confident, that with the super heroes help, we can go from strength to strength.” Winners will be given a family ticket to Techniquest in Cardiff, a special t-shirt to wear and a compost bin. The heroes will also appear in a cartoon strip that will be published on the Council’s website and in Torfaen Talks. For more information visit www.torfaen.gov.uk/waste issue 6 Hi, I’m Queen Green. See how I rescue Dan Can on the back page New heroes join forces with Dan Can Dear Dan Can, My name is Jodie and I am from Hollybush School. I am in Year 2. I would like to tell you how we recycle. Everyday we put paper and plastic milk bottles in our recycling box. We have a very good eco-committee who help us. Hope you like your picture. From Jodie Hollybush Primary School. ...more Fan mail for Dan by Jodie by Chloe by Mollie McCoy by Gwennan Ward by Rory Thomas

Da nCan - torfaen.gov.uk · Green flag for Torfaen School AllschoolsinTorfaenarebeinginvitedtovisitthe CouncildepotinNewInntolearnmoreaboutwasteand recycling. Duringtheirvisit

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Page 1: Da nCan - torfaen.gov.uk · Green flag for Torfaen School AllschoolsinTorfaenarebeinginvitedtovisitthe CouncildepotinNewInntolearnmoreaboutwasteand recycling. Duringtheirvisit

This newsletter is produced on recycled paper. Please recycle.

Did you know?

Each year food shops give away enoughcarrier bags to cover the whole of

London with a layer of them.



Read thisnewsletter tofind out howto recycle

RememBeRIf dan canYou can

Four heroic Torfaen residents have joined forces withrecycling mascot Dan Can to promote green issues.BryanMcDowell, 74, of Cwmbran; Chantel Daniels, 43, ofPontypool; Carlie Preston-Thomas, 13, of Pontypool andCallum Lewis, 8, of Blaenavon are now Torfaen Councilrecycling super heroes.They were picked after a search to find local championsthrough Torfaen Talks and the Council’s website.The successful candidates will now use their powers ofpersuasion to spread the word about recycling and takepart in promotional events.

“I wanted to join forces withDan Can because I care about

the future,” said Mr McDowell (pictured).“I’m very passionate about recycling and I’m

proud to live in an area that has such great greencredentials.”Dan Can has helped Torfaen become the best recyclingauthority in South Wales - recycling 42 per cent of itswaste.Callum added: “We all love Dan Can and I can’t wait tostart super hero work by getting people to recycle as muchas possible.“Remember - recycle - if Dan Can you can.”Councillor John Cunningham, Executive Member forOperational Services, said he was delighted to have theheroes on board.“Residents are already doing a fantastic job,” he said. “Butwe’re determined to push rates up further, and, I’mconfident, that with the super heroes help, we can gofrom strength to strength.”Winners will be given a family ticket to Techniquest inCardiff, a special t-shirt to wear and a compost bin.The heroes will also appear in a cartoon strip that will bepublished on the Council’s website and in Torfaen Talks.For more information visit www.torfaen.gov.uk/waste

issue 6Hi, I’m Queen Green.

See how I rescue Dan Canon the back page

New heroesjoin forces with

Dan Can

Dear Dan Can,

My name is Jodie and I am from

Hollybush School. I am in Year 2.

I would like to tell you how we

recycle. Everyday we put paper and

plastic milk bottles in ourrecycling box. We have a very good

eco-committee who help us.Hope you like your picture.From

JodieHollybush Primary School.

...more Fan mail for Dan

by Jodie

by Chloe

by Mollie McCoy

by Gwennan Ward

by Rory Thomas

Page 2: Da nCan - torfaen.gov.uk · Green flag for Torfaen School AllschoolsinTorfaenarebeinginvitedtovisitthe CouncildepotinNewInntolearnmoreaboutwasteand recycling. Duringtheirvisit

Green flag forTorfaen School

All schools in Torfaen are being invited to visit theCouncil depot in New Inn to learn more about waste andrecycling.

During their visit, teachers and pupils can listen to apresentation, take part in fun activit ies, tour thenearby household waste recycling centre and see refuseand recycling lorries.

Dan Can also promises, whenever possible, to make anappearance.

Teresa Pearce, the Council’s education officer, said: “Thisis a great way for schools to learn more about refuseand recycling and see a depot in action.”

Photographs of school visits will appear in futureeditions of the Trash Times.

To book a visit phone Teresa on 01495 766608.

Congratulations to Ponthir Primary School for gainingthe green flag in the Eco-Schools Scheme.

To secure the award, pupils carried out a range of ‘green’tasks like recycling, composting and monitoring energyuse.

The Eco-Schools scheme encourages youngsters to helpthe environment.

Schools invited totourwaste depot

Schools across Torfaen are celebrating their successafter recycling more than 1,200 Yellow Pagesdirectories.

Pupils took part in the Yellow Woods Challenge - thesimple, educational and fun environmental campaignfor schools, run by Yellow Pages working in partnershipwith the Woodland Trust and Torfaen Council.

Yellow Pages has awarded cash prizes to schools thatrecycled the most old directories per pupil.

Building Blocks Nursery won the Gold Oak award andreceived £300 for recycling 3.42 directories per pupil.

Ponthir Church in Wales School won the Silver Birchaward and £200 while Cwmffrwdoer Primary Schoolcarried off the £100 Bronze Beech award.

Griffithstown Primary School scooped the £100 bonusprize from Yellow Pages for Best Newcomer.

For every pound given to schools, Yellow Pages hasdonated a matching pound to the Woodland Trust – theUK’s leading woodland conservation charity.

Super recycler joins forceswith swashbuckling piratesRecycl ing mascot Dan Can jo ined force s wi thswashbuck l ing pirates in Cwmbran town centre toraise awareness about green issues.

The heroic mascot and the Desperate Men streettheatre group (pictured) entertained shoppers byperforming the Eco Pirate Show.

Torfaen Council organised the event in Gwent Square tocelebrate national recycling week.

Did you know?

If all the aluminiumcans sold in the UK were recycled,there would be 12 million fewer

full dustbins each year.

Did you know?

For every tonne of recycled newspaper,we save 17 trees.

Yellow Pages recycled intocash for schools and trees

Chi ldren le arnt more about recycl ing dur ing anevent at Greenmeadow Communi t y Farm inCwmbran.

Young v isi tors to the farm were encouraged to takepart in f un recycl ing act i v i t ie s organised by theCounci l 's waste department.

Educat ion off icer Teresa Pearce said the event wasa success.

"Youngsters are always keen to hear about waysthey can help the environment," she said. “Recyclinghas become second nature to many and they alsoencourage the ir parents to do the ir bi t as wel l .”

Did you know?

It takes just 25 two-litre plasticbottles to make a recycled

fleece jacket.

Fan mail for DanDan Can is now receiving fan mail from pupils inTorfaen. On the next page is a letter and picture sent inby Jodie from Hollybush Primary School. Dan alsoreceived a picture from Mollie McCoy who attends thesame school. Llanyrafon Primary School also sent insome great designs of super heroes made fromrecyclables some of which also appear on the right andon the next page. To view all the drawings visitwww.torfaen.gov.uk/waste and click on education.

You can send in letters and pictures by writing to DanCan the Super Recycler, Torfaen Council , Panteg Way,New Inn, NP4 OLS See back page for more...

Recycling fundown at the farm

Yellow Pages mascot Kirk celebrates the success with localpupils.

Proud pupils hoist up flag.

by Shannon Maps

by Bethan Mundy