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Daftar Pustaka

1. Sherwood L. Human physiology: from cells to systems. 5 th ed. Belmont:

Brooks/Cole–Thomson Learning; 2004. p. 194-201.

2. McCarty CA, Taylor HR. Myopia and vision 2020: editorial. Am J

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3. (Anonim). Survei Kesehatan Indera Penglihatan dan Pendengaran 1993-1996.

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Lauderdale, May 2-6th, 2010.

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Environmental and genetic risk factors of myopia in Indonesian children

population. The Jakarta Urban Eye Health Study. 12th National Congress 35th

Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association.

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2010, Lauderdale, May 2-6th, 2010.

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myopia in primary school children in tangerang. 12th National Congress 35th

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