DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Rusmarjono, Soepardi EA. Faringitis, tonsilitis, dan hipertrofi adenoid. In: Buku ajar ilmu kesehatan telinga hidung tenggorok kepala & leher. Edisi 6. Balai Penerbit FKUI Jakarta 2008. 2. Udayan KS. Tonsillitis and peritonsillar Abscess. [online]. 2011 .[cited, 13 Maret 2014). Available from URL: http://emedicine.medscape.com 3. Medical Disability Advisor. Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis. [online]. 2011 .[cited, 13 Maret 2014). Available from URL: http://www . mdguidelines.com/tonsillitis-and-adenoiditis 4. John PC, William CS. Tonsillitis and Adenoid Infection. [online].2011 .[cited, 13 Maret 2014). Available from: URL: http://www.medicinenet.com 5. Christopher MD, David HD, Peter JK. Infectious Indications for Tonsillectomy. In: The Pediatric Clinics Of North America. 2003. 6. Adnan D, Ionita E. Contributions To The Clinical, Histological, Histochemical and Microbiological Study Of Chronic Tonsillitis. 7. Brodsky L, Poje C. Tonsilitis, Tonsillectomy, and Adenoidectomy. In: Bailey JB, Johnson JT editors, Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelpia. 2006 8. Lowry LD, Onart S. Anatomy and physiology of the oropharinx and nasopharinx. In: Snow JB, Ballenger JJ editors. Ballenger’s otorhinolaryngology head and

Daftar Pustaka Lapsus THT 2

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1. Rusmarjono, Soepardi EA. Faringitis, tonsilitis, dan hipertrofi adenoid. In: Buku ajar ilmu kesehatan telinga hidung tenggorok kepala & leher. Edisi 6. Balai Penerbit FKUI Jakarta 2008.

2. Udayan KS. Tonsillitis and peritonsillar Abscess. [online]. 2011 .[cited, 13 Maret 2014). Available from URL: http://emedicine.medscape.com

3. Medical Disability Advisor. Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis. [online]. 2011 .[cited, 13 Maret 2014). Available from URL: http://www. mdguidelines.com/tonsillitis-and-adenoiditis

4. John PC, William CS. Tonsillitis and Adenoid Infection. [online].2011 .[cited, 13 Maret 2014). Available from: URL: http://www.medicinenet.com

5. Christopher MD, David HD, Peter JK. Infectious Indications for Tonsillectomy. In: The Pediatric Clinics Of North America. 2003.

6. Adnan D, Ionita E. Contributions To The Clinical, Histological, Histochemical and Microbiological Study Of Chronic Tonsillitis.

7. Brodsky L, Poje C. Tonsilitis, Tonsillectomy, and Adenoidectomy. In: Bailey JB, Johnson JT editors, Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelpia. 2006

8. Lowry LD, Onart S. Anatomy and physiology of the oropharinx and nasopharinx. In: Snow JB, Ballenger JJ editors. Ballenger’s otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery, 16th ed. Hamilton Ontario. Bc Decker 2003.

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