DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 (PAGE 3) India emerging as global power: DyCM Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, June 18: Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal Singh, today said that India is emerging as a global power and now the onus lies on the scholars and intellectu- als to contribute their bit as well so that the vision of our country gets the requisite intellectual push and thrust. The Deputy Chief Minister was speaking on the conclu- sion of five-day seminar in connection with millennium celebrations of Acharya Abhinav Gupt, Kashmiri Scholar in which many schol- ars participated. Dr. Singh said the contribu- tion of this world renowned scholar is immense in field of aesthetics and other related subjects and we should ensure that it is preserved, propagat- ed, so that the younger genera- tion derives inspiration from it. He said that our State has produced scholars and saints of repute whose teachings are still being taught and researched in various coun- tries globally Emphasizing that Indian civilization is based on the similar principle of bondage and amity as people belonging to different faiths co-exist peacefully in India, he said that the concept of tolerance has been taught by us to the world as people from different regions of the world have come to live here without feel- ing any sense of insecurity He said secularism is the core phi- losophy of India and followers of every religion have freedom to practice their religion and culture. The Deputy Chief Minister said people of the State believe in tolerance and are peace loving. He said some stray untoward incidents are handiwork of mischievous ele- ments, who want to vitiate peaceful atmosphere here. He emphasized the scholars pres- ent in the seminar to take with them message of peace from here. On the occasion, Advisor to Chief Minister, Prof. Amitabh Mattoo lauded the contribution of Acharya Abhinavgupt contribution and said that it is immense in every field and the need of the hour is to ensure its propagation, so that it becomes known to all especially the younger genera- tion and budding researchers and scholars. MLC, Surinder Ambardar also spoke on the occasion and highlighted the contribution of this scholar. The scholars who partici- pated in the seminar included Dr Kailash, Dr SM Mishra, Dr S S Toshkhani , Dr HM Mishra, Dr KN Sharma, MR George, Dr Kartar Chand and Dr BN Koul. Later, the Dy CM and Advisor gave certificates and mementos to the participating scholars. V ote Congress, vote secularism: Raj Babbar Mir asks people to puncture RSS-PDP balloon Excelsior Correspondent ANANTNAG, June 18: Blaming PDP BJP Coalition for failing to respect the urges of the people, JKPCC chief G A Mir today cautioned the people of Anantnag that supporting PDP amounts to strengthening RSS while MP Raj Babbar said that vote for Congress party means vote for secularism. They were addressing series of election rallies at Mir Danter, Kehribal etc in Anantnag on Saturday. G A Mir said that PDP- BJP Coalition secured votes on certain issues, but what happened after the election results, is known to every- one and people would never for- give PDP BJP for the betrayal and their deceitful planks. He felt con- fident that both PDP and BJP will be wiped out from the State due to their anti-people and wrong poli- cies. Cautioning the people about the politics of exploitation and opportunism by PDP- BJP, PCC chief reminded the people about the tall claims by PDP during 2014 elections and the so called slogan to keep BJP out of power. He said despite being opposite to each other with great ideological differ- ences, both PDP and BJP formed the Government by not caring about the wish of their electorates. PCC chief said that Anantnag bye elections is a golden opportu- nity for the people to defeat RSS backed PDP, as it is the PDP which has facilitated RSS estab- lishment in the State by sacrificing its principles for the sake of com- ing into power. He told the people to puncture the RSS PDP balloon by voting against PDP candidate. Mir said people must keep it in mind that it is not only PDP, but RSS and BJP contesting the elec- tions in order to secure votes for their joint candidate Mehbooba Mufti. Addressing the rallies, senior AICC leader and MP Raj Babbar termed the Congress party as an instrument of service to the peo- ple. He said Congress party believes in serving the people and never compromised on its princi- ples for anything. Mentioning that vote for Congress party is vote for secular- ism, he appealed the people to strengthen Congress, as this party alone has the ability to serve peo- ple. He said Congress believes in strengthening the people from grass root level and assured that the party shall remain committed to the causing of serving people. Among others, who addressed the rallies, included secretary AICC Moin-ul-Haq MLA, MLC Ghulam Nabi Monga, MLA Haji Ab. Rashid Dar, vice presidents, MLA Mohd Amin Bhat, general secretary and candidate Hilal Ahmad Shah and other party func- tionaries. Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh giving certificate to a scholar at Srinagar on Saturday. Union Textile Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar during inauguration of solarised community centre at Korzok in Leh on Saturday. Union Minister inaugurates infra under Pashmina Promotion Prog Excelsior Correspondent LEH, June 18: Union Minister of State for Textiles, Santosh Kumar Gangwar today inaugurated shelter shed with guard rooms at Samad and solarised community centre at Korzok constructed under Pashmina Promotion Programme. He also handed over the keys of guard rooms to the beneficiaries at Korzok and interacted with local nomads. At Samad, the villagers sub- mitted a memorandum to the Minister demanding more guard rooms, adequate medi- cines and cattle feed consider- ing long winter period and increased funds to provide basic facilities. The Minister was accompa- nied by Jaswant Singh Bishnoi, Chairman Central Wool Development, Joint Secretary CWDB, Geeta Narayan, CEC, LAHDC Dr Sonam Dawa, MP Ladakh Thupstan Chhewang, EC Works, Dorjey Mutup, EC Sheep Husbandry, Mumtaaz Hussain and Councilor Korzok, Gurmet Dorjey. Addressing the gathering, Gangwar said, "our endeavour is to fulfill the commitment made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the people of Ladakh during his visit to Leh to promote and upgrade Pashmina production in the region", adding "construction of guard rooms, community centres and free distribution of 500 tents are a part of it". "The Textile Ministry is concerned about providing all kind of facilities as per need to develop pasture lands, bring down flocks death count, gen- erate employment through skill development trainings, provide adequate cattle feed, fodder and medicines to ensure fur- ther upgradation in Pashmina production", the Minister said, adding "Ladakh produces the best quality Pashmina in the world and we are fully com- mitted to create a unique iden- tity for nomadic region of Changthang by ensuring improved facilities for local Pashmina producers". MP Thupstan Chhewang said that P-3 is an effort of Central Government to ensure economic growth of the nomadic population but it is not a full-fledged development scheme. He, however, hoped that further upgraded schemes will be launched soon in the region. CEC LAHDC, Dr Sonam Dawa stressed on the need for pasture development scheme considering the inadequate pasture land in comparison the total population of livestock with 5 to 6 months of grazing period. He also requested for large scale fodder banks for winter stocking which he said is a major reason for deaths of livestock in winters. VC Jamia Millia Islamia calls on Governor Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, June 18: Prof. Talat Ahmad,Vice-Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), called on Governor N.N. Vohra at the Raj Bhavan here today. Prof. Ahmad and the Governor discussed several important proj- ects and certain areas which need high attention for strengthening research work in institutions of higher learning in J&K. In this context it is to be recalled that the Institute of Kashmir Studies (IKS) in the University of Kashmir has already established a very strong link with Jamia Millia Islamia under which students of IKS study for a semes- ter at the JMI. Fourth Tawi bridge closed for vehicular traffic Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, June 18: Due to immediate repairs and construction of protection bund the fourth Tawi bridge at Bhagwati Nagar has been closed for vehicular traffic from today. All the traffic which was other- wise moving via Tawi bridge from canal has been diverted via Jewel resulting into huge traffic jam at canal road to Jewel during the day. When contacted the Chief Engineer, PWD Alok Mengi said that the bridge has been closed due to repair work by Jammu Kashmir Projects Constructing Corporation (JKPCC) and after the repair work is complete the bridge will be thrown open to traffic. MD JKPCC, Dalip Thussoo said that the bridge was closed for vehicular traffic as a precautionary measure as protection work is going on. He said it will take 15 to 20 days in completing the protection work and efforts will be made to restore the bridge for vehicular traffic before Monsoon sets in. He said the protection work of the bridge has become necessary as its embankments were damaged during 2014 floods. Fourth Tawi bridge which was closed to vehicular traffic on Saturday for undertaking repair works by JKPCC. -Excelsior/ Rakesh MP Raj Babbar addressing a rally of Congress workers in Anantnag on Saturday. Chief Secretary, B R Sharma chairing SLAC meeting in Srinagar on Saturday. Rs 471 cr AIP under Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin approved Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, June 18: The State Level Apex Committee (SLAC) headed by Chief Secretary, B R Sharma, today approved the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) of Rs 471 crore for the year 2016- 17, under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin. Finance Commissioner Planning Development & Monitoring Department, B B Vyas, Commissioner Secretary Housing & Urban Development, Hirdesh Kumar, Secretary PHE, Sanjeev Verma, Secretary Rural Development Khurshid Ahmad Shah and other senior officers were also present in the meeting. The proposal for the year 2016-17 includes construction of 3 lakh Individual Household Latrines (IHHL), 638 Community Sanitary Complex (CSC) and 319 Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) Plants. As many as 4 CSCs and one SLWM are proposed to be constructed in each block. As per the baseline survey- 2012, in rural J&K, there is a need to construct over 10.78 lakh IHHLs, out of which 2.5 lakh households have been cov- ered under the mission so far. The road map framed by Rural Sanitation Department for making J&K Open Defecation Free (ODF) by October 2, 2019 targets construction of 3 lakh toilets in 2016-17, 3 lakh in 2017-18 and 2.3 lakh in 2018- 19. Prime Minister launched the Swachh Bharat Mission on October 2, 2014. The Mission is coordinated through Union Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS). The aim is to achieve Swachh Bharat by 2019, as a fitting tribute to the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, by improving the levels of cleanliness in rural areas through Solid and Liquid Waste Management activities and making Gram Panchayats Open Defecation Free (ODF).

DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 (PAGE 3) …epaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2016/june/16june19/... · 2016-06-18 · DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016

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Page 1: DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 (PAGE 3) …epaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2016/june/16june19/... · 2016-06-18 · DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016


India emerging as global power: DyCMExcelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 18:Deputy Chief Minister, Dr.Nirmal Singh, today said thatIndia is emerging as a globalpower and now the onus lieson the scholars and intellectu-als to contribute their bit aswell so that the vision of ourcountry gets the requisiteintellectual push and thrust.

The Deputy Chief Ministerwas speaking on the conclu-sion of five-day seminar inconnection with millenniumcelebrations of AcharyaAbhinav Gupt, KashmiriScholar in which many schol-ars participated.

Dr. Singh said the contribu-tion of this world renownedscholar is immense in field ofaesthetics and other relatedsubjects and we should ensurethat it is preserved, propagat-ed, so that the younger genera-tion derives inspiration fromit. He said that our State hasproduced scholars and saintsof repute whose teachings arestill being taught andresearched in various coun-tries globally

Emphasizing that Indiancivilization is based on thesimilar principle of bondage

and amity as people belongingto different faiths co-existpeacefully in India, he saidthat the concept of tolerancehas been taught by us to theworld as people from differentregions of the world havecome to live here without feel-ing any sense of insecurity Hesaid secularism is the core phi-losophy of India and followersof every religion have freedomto practice their religion andculture.

The Deputy Chief Ministersaid people of the Statebelieve in tolerance and arepeace loving. He said somestray untoward incidents arehandiwork of mischievous ele-ments, who want to vitiatepeaceful atmosphere here. Heemphasized the scholars pres-ent in the seminar to take withthem message of peace fromhere.

On the occasion, Advisor

to Chief Minister, Prof.Amitabh Mattoo lauded thecontribution of AcharyaAbhinavgupt contribution andsaid that it is immense in everyfield and the need of the houris to ensure its propagation, sothat it becomes known to allespecially the younger genera-tion and budding researchersand scholars.

MLC, Surinder Ambardaralso spoke on the occasion andhighlighted the contribution ofthis scholar.

The scholars who partici-pated in the seminar includedDr Kailash, Dr SM Mishra, DrS S Toshkhani , Dr HMMishra, Dr KN Sharma, MRGeorge, Dr Kartar Chand andDr BN Koul.

Later, the Dy CM andAdvisor gave certificates andmementos to the participatingscholars.

Vote Congress, vote secularism: Raj BabbarMir asks people to puncture RSS-PDP balloon

Excelsior Correspondent

ANANTNAG, June 18:Blaming PDP BJP Coalition for

failing to respect the urges of thepeople, JKPCC chief G A Mirtoday cautioned the people ofAnantnag that supporting PDPamounts to strengthening RSSwhile MP Raj Babbar said thatvote for Congress party meansvote for secularism.

They were addressing series ofelection rallies at Mir Danter,Kehribal etc in Anantnag onSaturday.

G A Mir said that PDP- BJPCoalition secured votes on certainissues, but what happened after theelection results, is known to every-one and people would never for-

give PDP BJP for the betrayal andtheir deceitful planks. He felt con-fident that both PDP and BJP will

be wiped out from the State due totheir anti-people and wrong poli-cies.

Cautioning the people aboutthe politics of exploitation andopportunism by PDP- BJP, PCCchief reminded the people aboutthe tall claims by PDP during 2014elections and the so called sloganto keep BJP out of power. He saiddespite being opposite to eachother with great ideological differ-ences, both PDP and BJP formedthe Government by not caringabout the wish of their electorates.

PCC chief said that Anantnagbye elections is a golden opportu-nity for the people to defeat RSS

backed PDP, as it is the PDPwhich has facilitated RSS estab-lishment in the State by sacrificingits principles for the sake of com-ing into power. He told the peopleto puncture the RSS PDP balloonby voting against PDP candidate.Mir said people must keep it inmind that it is not only PDP, butRSS and BJP contesting the elec-tions in order to secure votes fortheir joint candidate MehboobaMufti.

Addressing the rallies, seniorAICC leader and MP Raj Babbartermed the Congress party as aninstrument of service to the peo-ple. He said Congress partybelieves in serving the people andnever compromised on its princi-ples for anything.

Mentioning that vote forCongress party is vote for secular-ism, he appealed the people tostrengthen Congress, as this partyalone has the ability to serve peo-

ple. He said Congress believes instrengthening the people fromgrass root level and assured thatthe party shall remain committedto the causing of serving people.

Among others, who addressedthe rallies, included secretaryAICC Moin-ul-Haq MLA, MLCGhulam Nabi Monga, MLA HajiAb. Rashid Dar, vice presidents,MLA Mohd Amin Bhat, generalsecretary and candidate HilalAhmad Shah and other party func-tionaries.

Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh giving certificate toa scholar at Srinagar on Saturday.

Union Textile Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar duringinauguration of solarised community centre at Korzok in Leh onSaturday.

Union Minister inaugurates infraunder Pashmina Promotion Prog

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, June 18: UnionMinister of State for Textiles,Santosh Kumar Gangwar todayinaugurated shelter shed withguard rooms at Samad andsolarised community centre atKorzok constructed underPashmina PromotionProgramme.

He also handed over thekeys of guard rooms to thebeneficiaries at Korzok andinteracted with local nomads.At Samad, the villagers sub-mitted a memorandum to theMinister demanding moreguard rooms, adequate medi-cines and cattle feed consider-ing long winter period andincreased funds to providebasic facilities.

The Minister was accompa-nied by Jaswant Singh Bishnoi,Chairman Central WoolDevelopment, Joint SecretaryCWDB, Geeta Narayan, CEC,LAHDC Dr Sonam Dawa, MPLadakh Thupstan Chhewang,EC Works, Dorjey Mutup, ECSheep Husbandry, MumtaazHussain and CouncilorKorzok, Gurmet Dorjey.

Addressing the gathering,Gangwar said, "our endeavouris to fulfill the commitmentmade by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi to the people ofLadakh during his visit to Lehto promote and upgradePashmina production in theregion", adding "constructionof guard rooms, communitycentres and free distribution of500 tents are a part of it".

"The Textile Ministry isconcerned about providing allkind of facilities as per need todevelop pasture lands, bringdown flocks death count, gen-erate employment through skilldevelopment trainings, provideadequate cattle feed, fodderand medicines to ensure fur-ther upgradation in Pashminaproduction", the Minister said,adding "Ladakh produces thebest quality Pashmina in theworld and we are fully com-mitted to create a unique iden-tity for nomadic region ofChangthang by ensuringimproved facilities for localPashmina producers".

MP Thupstan Chhewangsaid that P-3 is an effort of

Central Government to ensureeconomic growth of thenomadic population but it isnot a full-fledged developmentscheme. He, however, hopedthat further upgraded schemeswill be launched soon in theregion.

CEC LAHDC, Dr SonamDawa stressed on the need forpasture development schemeconsidering the inadequatepasture land in comparison thetotal population of livestockwith 5 to 6 months of grazingperiod. He also requested forlarge scale fodder banks forwinter stocking which he saidis a major reason for deaths oflivestock in winters.

VC Jamia Millia Islamiacalls on Governor

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 18: Prof.Talat Ahmad,Vice-ChancellorJamia Millia Islamia (JMI), calledon Governor N.N. Vohra at the RajBhavan here today.

Prof. Ahmad and the Governordiscussed several important proj-ects and certain areas which needhigh attention for strengtheningresearch work in institutions ofhigher learning in J&K.

In this context it is to berecalled that the Institute ofKashmir Studies (IKS) in theUniversity of Kashmir has alreadyestablished a very strong link withJamia Millia Islamia under whichstudents of IKS study for a semes-ter at the JMI.

Fourth Tawi bridge closed for vehicular traffic Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 18: Due toimmediate repairs and constructionof protection bund the fourth Tawibridge at Bhagwati Nagar has beenclosed for vehicular traffic fromtoday.

All the traffic which was other-

wise moving via Tawi bridge fromcanal has been diverted via Jewelresulting into huge traffic jam atcanal road to Jewel during the day.

When contacted the ChiefEngineer, PWD Alok Mengi saidthat the bridge has been closed dueto repair work by Jammu KashmirProjects Constructing Corporation

(JKPCC) and after the repair workis complete the bridge will bethrown open to traffic.

MD JKPCC, Dalip Thussoosaid that the bridge was closed forvehicular traffic as a precautionarymeasure as protection work isgoing on.

He said it will take 15 to 20

days in completing the protectionwork and efforts will be made torestore the bridge for vehiculartraffic before Monsoon sets in.

He said the protection work ofthe bridge has become necessary asits embankments were damagedduring 2014 floods.

Fourth Tawi bridge which was closed to vehicular traffic onSaturday for undertaking repair works by JKPCC.

-Excelsior/ Rakesh

MP Raj Babbar addressing a rally of Congress workers inAnantnag on Saturday.

Chief Secretary, B R Sharma chairing SLAC meeting inSrinagar on Saturday.

Rs 471 cr AIP under Swachh BharatMission-Gramin approved

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 18: TheState Level Apex Committee(SLAC) headed by ChiefSecretary, B R Sharma, todayapproved the AnnualImplementation Plan (AIP) ofRs 471 crore for the year 2016-17, under the Swachh BharatMission-Gramin.

Finance CommissionerPlanning Development &Monitoring Department, B BVyas, Commissioner SecretaryHousing & Urban Development,Hirdesh Kumar, Secretary PHE,Sanjeev Verma, Secretary RuralDevelopment Khurshid AhmadShah and other senior officerswere also present in the meeting.

The proposal for the year2016-17 includes constructionof 3 lakh Individual HouseholdLatrines (IHHL), 638Community Sanitary Complex(CSC) and 319 Solid and Liquid

Waste Management (SLWM)Plants. As many as 4 CSCs andone SLWM are proposed to beconstructed in each block.

As per the baseline survey-2012, in rural J&K, there is aneed to construct over 10.78lakh IHHLs, out of which 2.5lakh households have been cov-ered under the mission so far.

The road map framed byRural Sanitation Department formaking J&K Open DefecationFree (ODF) by October 2, 2019targets construction of 3 lakhtoilets in 2016-17, 3 lakh in2017-18 and 2.3 lakh in 2018-19.

Prime Minister launched theSwachh Bharat Mission onOctober 2, 2014. The Mission iscoordinated through UnionMinistry of Drinking Water andSanitation (MDWS). The aim isto achieve Swachh Bharat by2019, as a fitting tribute to the150th Birth Anniversary ofMahatma Gandhi, by improvingthe levels of cleanliness in ruralareas through Solid and LiquidWaste Management activitiesand making Gram PanchayatsOpen Defecation Free (ODF).