Daily Paper December 10

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  • 7/30/2019 Daily Paper December 10


    STUdenT aGe

    R E A D T H E N E E D

    MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 20128 Pages

    Rs: 1.00

    Jammu Edition



    Vol. 1 No: 162

    IN BRIEFIN BRIEFSonia Gandhi turns 66

    NEW DELHI: Congress

    president Sonia Gandhi

    turned 66 on Sunday as jubi-

    lant party workers in large

    numbers thronged outside 10

    Janpath, her official resi-

    dence, to greet their leader.

    The Congress workers dis-

    tributed sweets on the occa-

    sion amid beating of drums

    and contd on page 2

    Parliament attackconvict Afzal Guru

    shows no fear of death'NEW DELHI: For 11 yearshe has been incarcerated in a

    16x12 foot high-security cell

    in the Tihar Jail here. But

    Mohammed Afzal Guru, con-

    victed for masterminding the

    attack on India's parliament

    in 2001, does not dread the

    same contd on page 2

    World federation backsIndian archery unit

    NEW DELHI: The World

    Archery Federation (FITA)

    has said it supports the

    Archery Association of India

    (AAI) despite the Indian

    sports ministry de-recognis-

    ing the national federation.

    FITA secretary general

    Tom Dielen, in a letter to AAI

    president contd on page 2

    'Soya Express' now inJammu

    JAMMU, DEC 9: "Soya

    Express", a famous vegetari-

    an meal chain of restaurants

    from New Delhi now opened

    its outlet in the city of tem-

    ples "Jammu" at Lower

    Raghunath Bazar. The outlet

    was inaugurated by Retired

    Director Health Services Dr

    RK Goel in presence of

    Outlet Owner and Master

    Franchisee contd on page 2

    Local Cable namely JKCHANNEL,TAKE 1,TAKE 1 CINEMA,






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    HAVERI: Former Karnataka

    chief minister BS

    Yeddyurappa Sunday

    launched his own party and

    virtually reduced the

    Jagadish Shettar ministry to a

    minority as over a dozen of

    the BJP's 118 assembly mem-

    bers shared the dais with him

    at the event here.

    The BJP governmentfaced the threat of instability

    after 13 MLAs, defying the

    party, threw their lot behind

    former Chief Minister BS

    Yeddyurappa, who formally

    launched his Karnataka

    Janata Party at a mega rally

    here on Sunday.

    Thirteen loyalist MLAs of

    Yeddyurappa, who quit the

    BJP ten days ago, shared the

    dais with him in an open defi-

    ance, putting the ruling BJP

    in a quandary as it had

    warned of action if the legis-

    lators participated in today's

    rally or associated with its

    former state strongman.

    Addressing the rally, a

    show of strength, a combat-

    ive Yeddyurappa slammed

    Chief Minister Jagadish

    Shettar and threw down the

    gauntlet at him to seek a fresh

    mandate. "Shettar said action

    will be taken against legisla-

    tors if they participated in

    today's rally. The government

    has no majority now. You are

    in Chief Minister's chair

    because of the support of

    Yeddyurappa. If you have the

    guts, dissolve the Assembly

    and seek fresh mandate".

    The participation of these

    MLAs, including H Halappa,

    Nehru Olekar, BPHarish, CC

    Patil and Sunil Valyapure,

    who tendered his resigation

    yesterday as Infrastructure

    Development Minister, is

    seen as a big blow to the

    Government. He also dared

    the BJP to act against all his

    loyalists saying the party's

    government in Karnataka is

    surviving because of his sup-


    "Why is BJP leadership

    not acting against all the

    MLAs who are supporting

    me? I dare the BJP to take

    action against all my support-

    ers, this contd on page 2

    CAIRO: After remaining in

    slumber for so many days,

    Egyptian President

    Mohammed Mursi has

    annulled a decree he issued

    last month that gave him far

    reaching powers and trig-

    gered a wave of violent

    protests across the country.

    However, an official has

    told a news conference in

    Cairo that a referendum on a

    draft constitution would still

    go ahead as planned next


    Mr Mursi's critics had

    accused him of acting like a

    dictator, but he had said he

    needed the extra powers to

    force through reforms.

    The announcement that

    Mursi had scrapped his 22

    November decree followed

    hours of talks yesterday at his

    presidential palace, billed as

    a "national dialogue" but

    which was boycotted by his

    main opponents and had little

    credibility among protesters.

    One opposition group dis-

    missed President Mursi's

    efforts at appeasement as the

    "continuation of deception".

    His opponents have

    demanded Mr Mursi scrap

    the vote on 15 December on a

    constitution that was fast-

    tracked contd on page 2

    President MohamedMorsi finally backs

    down - annuls decree

    Yeddyurappa launches his party,pushes BJP Govt to the brink

    NEW DELHI: Many private firms and

    government departments have been

    slapped with notices for recovery of

    over Rs 500 crore tax allegedly evaded

    by them while executing

    Commonwealth Games-related projects

    here. Official sources said recovery

    notices for Rs 505 crore towards value-

    added tax (VAT) have been issued by the

    central government revenue department

    and trade and taxes authorities of the

    Delhi government.

    The demand was raised after a multi-

    jurisdiction investigation team working

    under the Central Vigilance Commission

    detected Rs 1,000 crore tax evasion by

    the companies and government depart-

    ments. Following detection of huge tax

    evasion, tax departments of both Delhi

    and central governments have also

    affected recovery of Rs 94.71 crore from

    private firms and government bodies

    involved in the CWG-related works, the

    sources said.

    The CVC team, which went into

    alleged irregularities in Commonwealth

    Games-related civic and construction

    projects, has found tax evasion of Rs

    1,014.6 crore. Sources said show cause

    notices have been issued to the firms and

    government departments for payment of

    Rs 702 crore of VAT on work contracts

    (TDS), Rs 228.1 crore of service tax and

    Rs 84.5 crore of workers welfare cess.

    "The scrutiny of works or contracts

    related to the CWG by the CVC

    revealed instances of non-payment or

    detection of statutory taxes or cess etc.

    By some private companies as well as

    by government departments or organisa-

    tion. The team is still working and

    efforts were on to recover the money," a

    CVC official said. Vigilance

    Commissioner R Srikumar said that Rs

    1,000 crore evasion was detected with

    the help of a multi-jurisdiction investi-

    gation platform, comprising officers

    from tax and contd on page 2

    Govt issues recovery notices for Rs 505 crore towards VAT

    IGNOU, CVCjoin hands to

    fight graft

    NEWDELHI: People across

    the country would soon be

    able to file complaints online

    against corrupt officials,

    courtesy a joint project by

    IGNOU, CVC and the union

    HRD ministry, it was

    announced here Sunday on

    International Anti-Corruption


    The Central Vigilance

    Commission's (CVC)

    'VigEye' project, which

    allows people to submit cor-ruption complaints online

    will be popularised by the

    Indira Gandhi National Open

    University (IGNOU) through

    its 67 regional centres spread

    across the country.

    "The VigEye (Vigilance

    Eye) is a platform for submit-

    ting corruption complaints

    through mobile phones and

    internet. People can lodge

    their complaint with the help

    of photographs, audio and

    video," Vigilance

    Commissioner R. Sri Kumar

    said through a teleconference

    at a meeting at the IGNOU

    campus here. "The project

    will soon reach the remote

    corners contd on page 2

    JAMMU,DEC 9: Pakistani

    troops opened heavy gun fire

    at 10 Indian posts along the

    Line of Control (LoC) in

    Jammu and Kashmir in a bid

    to push in terrorists into the

    state, army officials said


    The Pakistani firing began

    late Saturday in Krishna

    Ghati sector in the mountain-

    ous district of Poonch, about

    250 km from here, and lasted

    till Sunday morning.

    "They used small arms,

    light machineguns and rock-

    ets. The firing was heavy up

    to 11 p.m. Thereafter, it

    became intermittent and was

    going on till 7 a.m.," an offi-

    cial said.

    Indian troops retaliated

    "to silence the Pakistani

    guns", he said.

    The exchange of fire has

    stopped. "Ours was a meas-

    ured response aimed at pre-

    venting infiltration and

    silence Pakistani firing," an

    official said.

    The army said the motive

    of the firing was give cover

    to a group of around 16 ter-

    rorists trying to cross the LoC

    to get into Jammu and


    Though the army said it

    was an unsuccessful bid, an

    officer said they were search-

    ing the area to find if any

    infiltrator sneaked in.

    In another incident, a sol-

    dier on patrol near the Salotri

    post in Krishna Ghati sector

    was injured in a landmine

    blast Saturday evening.

    The army blamed it on a

    stray landmine but people in

    Mendhar town told IANS

    that these landmines were

    planted by "Pakistani agents"

    to inflict casualties on the

    Indian Army. Aijaz Kazmi, a

    journalist in Poonch, said:

    "Never have Indian soldiers

    stepped contd on page 2


    India's GDP may exceed all

    expectations next year as

    there are signs that policy-

    makers might spring up posi-

    tive surprises, Goldman

    Sachs has said.

    "India in many ways

    remains the most complex of

    the four (Bric nations), with

    its demographics giving it the

    best potential GDP growth

    rate, but its inability to intro-

    duce effective policy change

    is a persistent source of dis-

    appointment" leading inter-

    national fund house Goldman

    Sachs asset management

    chairman Jim O'Neill said.

    "This being said, there are

    lots of policy changes being

    discussed and the Indian

    stock market seems to be

    quite excited about some-


    "We think 2013 Indian

    GDP will probably exceed

    expectations, as there are

    indeed signs that policymak-

    ers might also positively sur-

    prise," O'Neill said in a

    research note, but did not put

    any figures to his estimates.

    Reserve Bank Governor D

    Subbarao last week said he is

    expecting contd on page 2

    JAMMU,DEC 9: Asserting itself as a "his-

    toric necessity", the opposition Peoples

    Democratic Party (PDP) on Sunday said the

    Jammu and Kashmir was poised for a genuine

    democratic contest, which would enable its

    people to choose their representatives on the

    basis of their performance.

    "The state was poised for a genuine demo-

    cratic contest for the first time in its history in

    which the people would have clear options to

    choose from on the basis of performance," the

    party patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed said

    while addressing a public rally in Bari

    Brahmanan, 35 kms from here.

    He said the emergence of PDPas a credi ble

    regional force had ended monopolistic politics

    and introduced a much needed corrective into

    the democratic system of Jammu and


    The former chief minister said democracy

    in the state had suffered in the past for a vari-

    ety of reasons but one major deficiency was

    the absence of a credible alternative to the

    National Conference in Kashmir and general-

    ly adversarial national parties in most parts of


    Apart from providing an alternative for

    governance, the PDP could fill a major gap in

    state polity by connecting regions and com-

    munities across the state on a single political

    platform, he said. "Till now unfortunately no

    party has been able to inspire confidence

    among all the stakeholders of our diverse state

    with everybody aiming solely for power and

    generally by creating fissures in society for

    vote banks," Sayeed claimed. Interventions

    like the Sarva Shikhsha Abhiyan and RAMSA

    in education have not been able to make a dif-

    ference in the lives of ordinary people, the

    PDP patron added.

    PDP ended monopolistic politics in J&K: Mufti APDP for setting upcommission toinvestigate missing

    cases in J&KSRINAGAR,DEC 9: A

    strong demand was on

    Sunday made by a local

    organisation for setting up an

    "independent and credible"

    commission to investigate

    cases of alleged disappear-

    ances of people in Jammu

    and Kashmir.

    The demand was made by

    Association of Parents of

    Disappeared Persons (APDP)

    formed by relatives of those

    persons who remained trace-

    less for many years.

    "Our dear ones have gone

    missing contd on page 2

    Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi annuls a decree he issuedlast month.

    India's GDP may exceed allexpectations in 2013: Goldman Sachs

    Pak troops open fire at Indian posts, army retaliates to 'silence firing'

    13 BJP MLAsopenly back

    BSY, govtfaces threat


    9:The BJP government

    faced the threat of instabili-

    ty after 13 MLAs, defyingthe party, threw their lot

    behind former Chief

    Minister B S Yeddyurappa,

    who formally launched his

    Karnataka Janata Party at a

    mega rally in Karnataka on

    Sunday (December 9).

    Thirteen loyalist MLAs

    of Yeddyurappa, who quit

    the BJP ten days ago,

    shared the dais with him in

    an open defiance, putting

    the ruling BJP in a

    quandary as it had warned

    of action if the legislators

    participated in today's rally

    or associated with its for-

    mer state strongman.

    contd on page 2

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  • 7/30/2019 Daily Paper December 10


    Sonia....bursting of crackers. Prime

    Minister Manmohan Singh

    and a number of UnionMinisters and senior party

    leaders had greeted Gandhi

    yesterday itself.

    Members of the Congress

    Working Committee and

    Union ministers including

    Sushil Kumar Shinde, Beni

    Prasad Verma, Ghulam Nabi

    Azad, Kapil Sibal, Janardan

    Dwivedi and Motilal Vora

    had visited her 10 Janpath

    residence to greet Gandhi on

    Saturday evening.

    Sources said Gandhi has

    some engagements today due

    which the leaders willing to

    meet her were given time yes-

    terday itself. A number of

    Chief Ministers and state

    Congress leaders including

    Haryana Chief Minister

    Bhupinder Singh Hooda andAndhra Pradesh Kiran Kumar

    Reddy wished her on the


    World federation ....

    Vijay Kumar Malhotra,

    said the sport's governing

    body approves of the AAI

    election process and recog-

    nises its newly-elected body.

    Dielen also disclosed that

    FITA has already informed

    the International Olympic

    Committee (IOC) about its


    "I was informed by AAI

    Secretary General Anil

    Kamineni that the

    Government (of India) is not

    accepting the outcome of the

    General Assembly claiming

    that it is not in compliance

    with Indian law. World

    Archery clearly states once

    more that the outcome of the

    general assembly is recog-

    nised by World Archery,"

    wrote Dielen.

    "The constitution of the

    Indian Archery Association is

    the only document that has

    relevance for the conduct of

    the general assembly and this

    document was respected. We

    have also informed the IOC

    of this matter."

    AAI was de-recognised by

    the ministry earlier in the

    week for not following the

    Sport Code of India aimed at

    limiting the tenure of office

    bearers. Malhotra has been

    AAI chief for 10 terms, span-

    ning 40 years.

    Yeddyurappa ....

    government is surviving

    because of support of my loy-

    alists. The people of

    Karnataka will not tolerate

    the way this party (BJP) has

    behaved with me," said

    Yeddyurappa. The Lingayat

    strongman also dared

    Karnataka Chief Minister

    Jagadish Shettar to drop his

    MP son BY Raghavendra.

    Yeddyurappa, who quit the

    BJP on November 30, is tak-

    ing over as president of KJP

    at a public meeting in Haveri

    on Sunday. He claimed that

    his rally will be a success.Yeddyurappa had on

    Saturday asserted that around

    10 BJP ministers and 50 leg-

    islators in the state were with

    him. "The BJP should realise

    that it is running a coalition

    government (in Karnataka)

    with my supporters. Around

    10 (BJP) ministers and 50

    legislators are my support-

    ers," he had said. The BJP

    ministry in Karnataka got into

    a serious trouble late Saturday

    as one minister loyal to

    Yeddyurappa said that he had

    quit the Cabinet and a few

    other ministers said they were

    ready to do so. Infrastructure

    Development Minister Sunil

    Valyapure told reporters that

    he had faxed his resignation

    to Shettar as he wantrf toattend Yeddyurappa's rally on


    Agriculture Minister

    Umesh Katti had said in

    Davangere in central

    Karnataka, about 270km

    from Bangalore, that he and

    other ministers supporting

    Yeddyurappa will meet

    Shettar on Monday to protest

    Saturday's disciplinary action

    against two other supporters

    of the former BJP chief min-

    ister. He had said ministers

    that backing Yeddyurappa

    were ready to quit if the party

    continued with such steps.

    Valyapure's announce-

    ment about his resignation

    and Katti's threat came hours

    after BJP sacked cooperation

    minister BJ Puttaswamy from

    the Shettar Cabinet and sus-

    pended Lok Sabha member

    GS Basavaraj from the party

    for openly working for

    Yeddyurappa's new regional

    outfit - KJP. Valyapure had

    said that he will attend the

    Sunday rally at Haveri, about

    350km north of Bangalore, at

    which Yeddyurappa will take

    over as KJP president. Katti

    and two other ministers, CM

    Udasi, public works, and MP

    Renukacharya, excise, how-

    ever, gave no indication

    whether they will attend

    Sunday's rally at Haveri.

    Udasi, who hails from

    Haveri, had said in

    Davangere that Yeddyurappa

    has asked ministers and BJP

    legislators supporting him not

    to attend the rally.

    "Yeddyurappa has said that

    this government is formed by

    us and it should complete the

    term (assembly's term expires

    May next). Hence the ques-

    tion whether I will attend (the

    Haveri rally) or not does not

    arise," he had told reporters.

    Renukacharya had also said

    that he has no invitation to

    attend the Haveri rally and he

    intended to stay on in the

    Shettar ministry till it com-

    pletes the term.

    IGNOU, CVC....

    of India through IGNOU

    in addition, a couple of volun-

    teers at village level shall be

    nominated to make rural peo-ple aware about it," he added.

    According to Kumar, peo-

    ple can send a blank SMS or

    "VIGEYE" to 09223174440

    to get an SMS containing the

    registration link in their

    mobile. "Once you are regis-

    tered, you can file a com-

    plaint," he said. Meanwhile,

    IGNOU said it will soon be

    having a curriculum on moral

    ethics and vigilance.

    "We are grateful to CVC

    and ministry of human

    resource development

    (MHRD) for choosing us to

    disseminate the related infor-

    mation to general public par-

    ticularly students through our

    regional centres across the

    country," said IGNOU

    Registrar U.S. Tolia.

    President ....

    through an assembly led

    by the Muslim Brotherhood

    and other Islamists. Liberals

    and others had walked out,

    saying their voices were not

    being heard. Islamists have

    insisted the referendum

    should go ahead on time, say-

    ing it is needed to complete a

    democratic transition still

    incomplete after Hosni

    Mubarak's overthrow 22

    months ago.

    The military, which had

    run the nation during a turbu-

    lent interim period after

    Mubarak fell, stepped into the

    crisis yesterday to tell feuding

    factions that dialogue was

    essential to avoid "catastro-

    phe". But a military source

    said that was not a prelude to

    the army retaking control of

    Egypt or the streets.

    After yesterday's talks, the

    president issued a new decree

    in which the first article "can-

    cels the constitutional decla-

    ration," the spokesman for the

    dialogue, Mohamed Selim al-

    Awa, told a news conference.

    But he said the constitu-

    tional referendum would go

    ahead next Saturday, adding

    that although those at the

    meeting had discussed a post-

    ponement, there were legal

    obstacles to taking such a


    The political turmoil has

    exposed deep rifts in the

    nation of 83 million between

    Islamists, who were sup-

    pressed for decades, and their

    rivals, who fear religious con-

    servatives want to squeeze

    out other voices and restrict

    social freedoms.

    India's GDP....

    inflation to trend down

    starting the fourth quarter (of

    the fiscal year ending March

    31, 2013).

    "As we go into our mid-

    quarter policy on December

    18 and the quarterly policy on

    January 29, we will take into

    account the growth-inflation

    trajectory and calibrate our

    monetary policy according-

    ly," he had said.

    While growth has taken amassive beating, inflation is

    still much above the RBI's

    comfort level of 5 per cent,

    despite 13 successive rate

    hikes between March 2010

    and October 2011.

    Belying some expecta-

    tions of recovery, India's eco-

    nomic growth had slipped

    further in the July-September

    quarter to 5.3 per cent, raising

    fears that the slowdown may

    pull down the annual growth

    rate to the decade's low level.

    The country's gross

    domestic product (GDP) was

    5.5 per cent in the April-June

    quarter of 2012-13 fiscal. It

    was 6.7 per cent in the July-

    September period of the pre-

    vious fiscal.

    India had been growingaround 8-9 per cent before the

    global financial meltdown of

    2008. The growth rate in

    2011-12 slipped to 9-year low

    of 6.5 per cent.

    Govt issues....

    other authorities, formed

    by CVC to look into the

    CWG scam.

    "There have been many

    inquiries into this and each

    inquiry and investigation has

    proceeded to its own conclu-

    sion. One unique thing that

    was noticed in CVC's multi-

    jurisdictional inquiry was that

    a huge amount of tax evasion

    was indulged in by the many

    players in the scam.

    "Many of these taxes, like

    Income Tax, Service Tax,

    VAT, etc were to be deducted

    at source. The multi-jurisdic-

    tional platform enabled us to

    flag tax evasion to the tune of

    nearly Rs 1,000 crore,"

    Srikumar has said. At least

    9,000 publicly-funded proj-

    ects were executed by 37 gov-

    ernment departments and pri-

    vate companies for the mega

    sporting event held here

    between October 3-14, 2010.

    Taking note of alleged

    irregularities, Prime Minister

    Manmohan Singh had in

    October 2010 announced

    establishment of a high-level

    committee under the chair-

    manship of former

    Comptroller and Auditor

    General VK Shunglu to look

    into the allegations of corrup-

    tion. The committee had sub-

    mitted six reports pointing out

    acts of alleged omission and

    commission by officials and

    lack of oversight by the gov-

    ernment. The reports are

    being examined by a Group

    of Ministers headed by

    Defence Minister AK Antony.

    According to officials, the

    CVC is looking into 53 CWG

    graft cases involving various

    government civic and con-

    struction agencies. Of these,

    28 were still in different

    stages of investigation, 13

    were sent to CBI for further

    probe and closure report was

    filed in 12 others.

    13 BJP MLAs....

    Addressing the rally, a

    show of strength, a combative

    Yeddyurappa slammed Chief

    Minister Jagadish Shettar and

    threw down the gauntlet at

    him to seek a fresh mandate.

    "Shettar said action will be

    taken against legislators if

    they participated in today's

    rally. The government has no

    majority now. You are in

    Chief Minister's chair

    because of the support of

    Yeddyurappa. If you have the

    guts, dissolve the Assembly

    and seek fresh mandate".

    The participation of these

    MLAs, including H Halappa,

    Nehru Olekar, B P Harish, C

    C Patil and Sunil Valyapure,

    who tendered his resigation

    yesterday as InfrastructureDevelopment Minister, is

    seen as a big blow to the


    Seeking to put up a brave

    face, Shettar ruled out his res-

    ignation and asserted that he

    still commanded majority.

    He, however, said action will

    be taken against those who

    defied the party directive and

    participated in Yeddyurappa's

    rally. "There is no question of

    tolerating indiscipline".

    In another sign of potential

    trouble for the five-month-old

    Shettar government, at a

    breakfast hosted by MLC

    Shivaraj Sajjan here, at least

    21 MLAs, seven MLCs and

    four Lok Sabha members met

    Yeddyurappa. Seven minis-

    ters, including Basavaraja

    Bommai, C M Udasi,

    Murugesh Nirani and Shobha

    Karandlaje, were among

    those present at this meeting.

    But they, except Valyapure,

    skipped the rally, apparently

    to avoid the wrath of the


    Sending a warning to

    Yeddyurappa's loyalists,

    Shettar had yesterday sacked

    his trusted lieutenant B J

    Puttaswamy from the min-

    istry while the party had sus-

    pended Tumkur MP G S


    But the number at the

    breakfast meeting has disap-

    pointed Yeddyurappa, who

    expected more than 40 MLAs

    to turn up, according to

    sources in the Karnataka

    Janata Party, reins of which

    he took over today at the rally

    becoming its President.

    In the 224-member assem-

    bly, BJP has a strength of 118,

    Congress 71, JDS 26,

    Independents seven and two


    Yeddyurappa slammed the

    BJP for the action against

    Puttaswamy and Basavaraju,

    flaying it as "selective", as the

    crisis in BJP appears headed

    for a flash-point.

    He said it's "very well-

    known" about Ministers,

    MLAs and MPs who are sup-

    porting him. "I am wondering

    why the BJP leadership is

    delaying and hesitating to

    take action against them.Instead of dilly-dallying and

    taking selective action, I dare

    the BJP leadership to dissolve

    the Assembly and go before

    the people".

    "It's known truth that the

    Government is continuing in

    office with the support of my

    followers",he told reporters,

    adding, he would like to

    remind the BJP leadership

    that it was because of his

    leadership that the party could

    form its first-ever govern-

    ment in the south.

    "People of Karnataka will

    not tolerate the treatment

    meted out to me by the BJP

    leadership and selective

    action taken against my sup-

    porters"", Yeddyurappa said.

    Today's developmentstriggered calls for resignation

    of the BJP government by the

    opposition Congress on the

    ground that it has been

    reduced to a minority.

    KPCC President G

    Parameshwara and

    Opposition Congress leader

    in the state assembly

    Siddarmaiah said the BJP

    government would soon col-


    Yeddyurappa strongly jus-

    tified the formation of a

    regional party, saying he saw

    a bright future for it and not-

    ing such parties' role in Tamil

    Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West

    Bengal. He said he would

    begin a state-wide tour, start-

    ing from Bidar in the next

    four-five days, to build the

    new party.

    Three MLCs--Mumtaz Ali

    Khan, Sajjan and M D

    Lakshminarayana (who is

    KJP General Secretary)-- also

    attended the rally.

    Yeddyurappa's new politi-

    cal chapter after a 40-year-

    long association with the BJP

    climaxes a 16-month power

    struggle within the party and

    running feud with the central

    leadership after he was asked

    to quit as chief minister in

    July last year over the

    Lokayukta report on illegal

    mining indicting him.

    The 70-year-old Lingayat

    leader's attempts to regain

    chief ministership was cold-

    shouldered by the party top

    brass who asked him to come

    clean on corruption cases.

    His bid for state party

    president had also failed and

    the party sidelining him

    proved to be the last straw.

    Pak troops open....

    over their own mines so

    frequently in this area. It sug-

    gests some mischief by forces

    in Pakistan." Four such cases

    have happened since Nov 17

    in which one army porter and

    three soldiers were injured.

    More than 50 cases of

    ceasefire violations have

    taken place this year.

    India and Pakistan agreed

    to a ceasefire on the frontiers

    in November 2003.

    APDP for setting....

    at the hands of security

    forces and related agencies.

    In most cases, the perpetra-

    tors have been identified and

    cases against them are pend-

    ing in different courts," APDP

    chairperson Parveena

    Ahangar said.

    "We demand an independ-

    ent and credible investiga-

    tion," she said.

    The association holds the

    sit-in on the tenth of every

    month demanding where-

    abouts of the people who

    allegedly disappeared in the

    custody of police, army and

    paramilitary forces.

    This month the sit-in was

    organised on 9th because of

    the strike call by separatistson the occasion of

    International Human Rights

    Day tomorrow, Ahangar said.

    "An independent commis-

    sion of inquiry should be

    instituted and empowered to

    look into all the complaints of

    enforced disappearances,

    extra judicial killings, torture,

    rapes and other human rights

    violations," Ahangar said.

    'Soya Express....

    for J&K Rakesh Gupta and

    Asst .Gen. Manager Lalit

    Pradhan.The outlet will offer

    health related products

    including Afghani Chap,

    Malai Tikka, Tawa Chap,

    Shahi Tawa Chap,Tandoori

    tikka etc.

    About products, AGM

    Lalit Pradhan informed that

    the products prepared by the

    company containes lots of

    protein and other health

    ingredients and were having

    Indian /Chinese touch.

    He said that the compa-

    ny has already opened its out-

    lets in New Delhi, Uttar

    Pradesh, Hyderabad and now

    the company is planning to

    expand its business in Punjab,

    Chandigarh, etc.

    Retired Director Health

    Services Dr RK Goel appreci-

    ated the efforts of Rakesh

    Gupta for opening such

    health related products outlet

    for the people in Jammu. He

    said that the people will sure-

    ly enjoy the products of

    "Soya Express".

    Parliament attack ....

    fate that 26/11 attacker Ajmal

    Amir Kasab met. Since

    Pakistani terrorist Kasab's

    hanging Nov 21 in a Pune

    jail, the fear of a similar exe-

    cution has not affected Afsal

    Guru yet, a jail official told

    news sources "So far he has

    not shown any emotions

    about dying. In fact, the gal-

    lows are just 15-20 metres

    from his cell," said the official



    MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 20122

    Contd. from page 1...

    KOCHI: The Southern

    Naval Command conducted

    an awe inspiring demonstra-

    tion of its operational capa-

    bilities here, with a broad

    range of operations display-

    ing its flexibility and versatil-


    The operations were

    included in the display within

    the limitations of shallow

    depths of the channel and

    high rise structures in the

    area, a Naval press release


    Kerala Chief Minister

    Oommen Chandy was the

    chief guest at the event,

    where Kochi residents turned

    out in huge numbers.

    Chandy was received at

    the venue by Vice-Admiral

    Satish Soni, Flag Officer

    Commanding in Chief,

    Southern Naval Command.

    The function, organised as

    part of Navy Day celebra-

    tions, began with marine

    Commandos carrying out a

    simulated beach assault with

    the team leader coming

    ashore in combat rig to deliv-

    er the programme brochure to

    the Chief Guest.

    Thereafter there was a fly

    past by Navy and Coast

    Guard aircraft, including the

    giant TU- 142 aircraft and


    Demonstration of water

    sports, including waterskiing

    and jet skiing, and VBSS

    (Visit, Board, Search and

    Seize) operation were other

    displays which gave specta-

    tors a closer look at the versa-

    tility and dare devilry of the

    two maritime forces.

    Helicopter demonstra-

    tions included the Seaking

    helicopter flying past the

    crowd with a Maruti Gypsy

    under slung, and STIE (Small

    Team Insertion and

    Extraction) operation where

    commandos were dropped

    and withdrawn from a hostile

    area and helobatics by two

    Chetak helicopters.

    A Chetak helicopter

    demonstrated landing on the

    helicopter deck of a ship -

    INS Sutlej - which was


    The demonstration by

    Marine Commandos of a

    clandestine takeover of an

    enemy offshore installation

    and its destruction provided

    the viewers an explosive


    INS Kabra, INS Kalpeni

    and two Indian Coast Guard

    Fast Patrol Vessels demon-

    strated manoeuvring skills by

    turning on the spot several

    times in restricted waters of

    Kochi channel.The final fly

    past was by all participating

    aircraft of the naval air sta-

    tion INS Garuda in

    ANCHOR formation.

    After the 'sunset ceremo-

    ny,' which brought to an end

    the demonstration, Navy

    ships steamed past with their

    illumination lights switched


    NEW DELHI: Against the

    backdrop of delays in pro-

    curement of weapon sys-

    tems, Army Chief Gen

    Bikram Singh is planning to

    set up trials cell in each of

    the six army commands to

    fasten up the process of field

    evaluations of arms and


    The step will help the

    Army to save the time take

    taken to carry out these trials

    and will also help in ensur-

    ing more transparency and

    accountability in the trials

    process, Army sources told.

    The sources said the

    Army Chief is planning to

    create a trial cell in each of

    the six operational com-

    mands of the force so that

    the process of trial of

    weapon systems and equip-

    ment can be fastened up,

    they said.

    Doing away with the 'hol-

    lowness' and slow moderni-

    sation is one of the key focus

    areas of Gen Singh.

    At present, the trial cell is

    located in the Army head-

    quarters which forms trial

    teams in operational areas

    and get reports from them

    but these teams are not

    accountable for this particu-

    lar task to their immediate

    superior formations.

    With trial cells set up in

    all commands, the onus of

    conducting trials in a speci-

    fied time period would lie

    with these commands.

    The Army has currently

    more than 500 procurement

    cases going on to meet its

    various requirements. It is

    also evaluating a number of

    Indian and foreign equip-

    ment for its troops.

    In recent times, the Army

    faced several problems in its

    acquisitions due to problems

    in the trials and evaluation

    process. Many of its deals

    including the procurement of

    197 helicopters for its avia-

    tion wing had to be scrapped

    in 2007 due to issues with

    evaluation process.

    Indian Navy demonstratesoperational capabilities

    Army planning trial units incommands to expedite acquisition

    Australian Airchief tries handat flying Su-30

    JODHPUR: Australian air

    chief Air Marshal Geoffrey

    Brown Friday tried his hand

    on India's frontline fighter

    plane Su-30 during his two-

    day visit here.

    Jodhpur air base has one

    squadron of Sukhoi deployed

    last year, and is to receive

    one more squadron soon.

    "He (Brown) flew it over

    the base as a small sortie and

    landed on the base expressing

    his pleasure with the experi-

    ence," a source said.

    Brown had landed at

    Jodhpur air base with a six-

    member delegation on

    Thursday evening, with a

    view to discuss the issues of

    common interest with air

    commodore of Jodhpur air

    force station R N Gaekwad

    and visit the air force station

    of Jodhpur.

    IAF corporal commitssuicide in Jodhpur

    JAIPUR: An Indian Air

    Force (IAF) corporal Sundaycommitted suicide by hang-

    ing himself from a ceiling fan

    in the barracks in Jodhpur air

    base in Rajasthan, police


    Corporal Rahul Singh, 24,

    committed suicide in

    Jodhpur, over 340 km from

    here, said a police official.

    "He was found hanging

    from a ceiling fan in the bar-

    racks of air force station,

    Jodhpur, in the afternoon," he

    said. Rahul Singh joined the

    IAF six years ago.

    "A court of inquiry has

    been ordered into the incident

    and we have assured police

    of full cooperation," Colonel

    S.D. Goswami, spokesperson

    for the defence ministry post-

    ed in Jodhpur, told media.On Nov 28, Squadron

    Leader Anandita Das, 29, a

    native of West Bengal, was

    found hanging from a ceiling

    fan in Jodhpur.

    Indiscipline in ArmedForces should not be

    forgiven: HC

    NEWDELHI: Discipline in

    Armed Forces is of "para-

    mount" importance and acts

    of indiscipline should not be

    forgiven as it would set a bad

    example for others, the Delhi

    High Court has said.

    "We would highlight that

    issues of discipline are of

    paramount importance in the

    Armed Forces and repeated

    deviant behaviour, if con-

    doned, is likely to set a bad

    example for others," a bench

    of justices Pradeep

    Nandrajog and Manmohan

    Singh said.

    The observation came in a

    judgement by which the court

    rejected a plea of Satyaveer

    Singh, a former grenadier

    with the Army, against his

    removal from service.

    Singh had been sacked

    following a 'Summary Court

    Martial Trial' on November

    14, 1994 after he confessed

    to overstaying by 40 days

    beyond the granted annual

    leave. "I was granted leave

    from August 6 to September

    6, 1994, however on expiry

    of leave, I did not feel like

    rejoining duty so I overstayed

    leave granted to me.

    Thereafter when I felt guilty I

    decided to rejoin the unit. I

    thus returned to the unit...,"

    Singh had said in his confes-

    sion during court martial

    trial. Relying on the state-

    ment of Singh, the court

    upheld the decision of 'Court

    Martial Trial' and said,

    "Record would reveal that

    the petitioner was a habitual

    deserter, in that (he) had a

    habit of over staying leave.

    There were as many as five

    red ink entries in his service


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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 20123

    Bhalla dedicates Rs. 20 lakh Community Hall to Shanker Nagar people

    JAMMU, DEC 09: Minister for

    Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation Mr.

    Raman Bhalla has said that equitable

    development of every corner was the

    first priority of the Government,

    adding that in this regard a new master

    plan has been formulated to meet the

    improved basic amenities to the people

    of three regions of the State.

    This was stated by the Minister

    while addressing a large gathering at

    Shanker Nagar in Channi Rama after

    dedicating Rs. 20 lakh Multipurpose

    Community Hall to the inhabitants of

    the locality, here today.

    Mr. Bhalla said that on the endeav-

    ours of coalition Government in the

    State, the UPA Government has provid-

    ed liberal funding under various devel-

    opment sectors for developing the

    State as model one of the country. He

    said that Government was committed

    to provide better road connectivity,

    safe drinking water, healthcare, educa-

    tion, electricity besides improved lanes

    and drains to the people across the


    The Minister called upon the people

    to protect public property in their

    respective areas, adding that

    Government has spent worth crore of

    rupees in development works so that

    the people could enjoy their lives with

    full joy without any inconvenience.

    Mr. Bhalla said that Government was

    fully aware of people's development

    related problems and making all out

    efforts to mitigate in a phased manner,

    adding that there was no constraint of

    funds. He said dedication of Rs. 20

    lakh multipurpose community hall

    would be able to facilitate the people of

    the Shanker Nagar, Guru Teg Bahadur

    Nagar, Channi Rama and its adjoining

    areas for arranging their social as well

    as religious celebrations on minimum


    For improving the drinking water

    facilities in Shanker Nagar, Channi

    Rama, Sunjwan, Bathindi, Narwal,

    Karayani Talab, Mattoo Colony, Rajiv

    Nagar, Raika and Channi Himmat and

    its adjoining areas, the Government has

    prepared a detailed project involving

    Rs. 49 lakh for installation of special

    feeder in Boria Intake filtration plant at

    Bahu Fort. He said soon after installa-

    tion of special feeder transformer, the

    adequate drinking water facilities in

    above said areas would be provided.

    Responding to the demand of

    locals, the Minister said Government

    has released Rs. 49.90 lakh under

    RAMSAfor upgrading the educational

    infrastructure in new upgraded High

    School in Channi Rama, adding that

    the project is under progress on war-

    footing and would be completed with-

    in stipulated time frame. He said Rs. 3

    crore estimate has been submitted by

    the ERA to modernise the Channi

    Rama nallah including slab work. He

    said the work on the project would be

    started after releasing of funds from

    Planning Department.

    Later, Mr. Bhalla also visited Model

    Town in Gangyal and inaugurated Rs.

    60 lakh mecademisation work of the

    area link roads. He asked the R&B

    engineers to complete the project with-

    in prescribed time frame for the benefit

    of general masses. He asked them to

    set the specification of blacktopping

    during ongoing work.

    JAMMU, DEC 9: Stressing

    on launching mega awareness

    campaigns about government

    policies and programmes,

    Deputy Chief Minister Mr.

    Tara Chand said different cen-

    tral and state government

    schemes have been launched

    in the state for welfare of the

    people and now rigorous

    camps need to be organized to

    make people aware of these

    initiatives. He said Panchayat

    Raj Institution (PRI) func-

    tionaries can play a pivotal

    role in making people aware

    of various welfare pro-

    grammes and development

    initiatives launched by the

    government for all round

    development and benefit of all

    sections of the society.

    "Empowerment of pan-

    chayats have given new

    dimensions to development

    profile of the state ensuring

    better planning and imple-

    mentation of welfare anddevelopment programmes at

    grass root level," he added.

    A mega awareness camp

    cum felicitation function was

    organized at Khour today.

    Newly elected MLCs from

    Jammu province through pan-

    chayati raj quota, Ms Shahnaz

    Ganai and Mr. Sham Lal

    Bhagat were given rousing

    reception at the function.

    Sarpanchs, Panchs and

    people from all walks of life

    attended the event and

    showed keen interest in get-

    ting information about various

    government policies and pro-

    grams. On the occasion, two

    special awards of Rupees tenlacs and five lacs were

    announced to encourage pan-

    chayats of the area for better

    implementation of different

    welfare schemes and develop-

    ment programs. The award

    would be funded from CDF

    and would further boost the

    cause of development among

    panchayats. Congratulating

    newly elected MLCs, Mr. Tara

    Chand said that sarpanchs and

    panchs need special applaud

    for massive participation in

    the elections and the election

    of four members into upper

    house is a giant leap forward

    in ensuring a strong panchay-

    ati raj system in the state.He said both Ms. Ganai

    and Mr. Bhagat have a long

    history of serving people and

    represent far-flung areas of

    the state, adding that with

    their election people now can

    hope that different issues of

    people living in border and far

    off areas would get projected

    in a better way.

    Expressing gratitude to Mr.

    Rahul Gandhi for supporting

    cause of empowering pan-

    chayats, the Deputy Chief

    Minister said the government

    is committed to hold elections

    of other tiers of the Panchayati

    Raj but the same would have

    little impact if first the pan-chayats are not fully empow-

    ered. Under the able leader-

    ship of Chief Minister Mr.

    Omar Abdullah the govern-

    ment has already empowered

    panchayats with power of 14

    vital departments and soon

    other issues of members of

    PRIs would also be addressed,

    he added. Cautioning people

    against communal forces said

    Mr. Tara Chand said that

    country has won independ-

    ence after long struggle and is

    guided by ideals laid down by

    its stalwart leaders like

    Mahatma Gandhi and others,

    so no people should always be

    aware of those forces whowant to divide society on dif-

    ferent grounds. He said the

    country in past 65 years of

    planned growth has shown

    tremendous achievements and

    is among one of the most

    powerful nations. Calling offi-

    cers to work with zeal and

    dedication, the Deputy Chief

    Minister said that administra-

    tion should come to door step

    of the people and field visits

    should be done on regular

    basis. Work culture has to be

    improved and sense of serving

    society with honesty has to be

    cultivated so that real aim of

    improving delivery system

    can be met, he added.

    He said the government

    has included different public

    services under PSG act which

    has made the service delivery

    time bound and Public

    Disclosure Law in urban bod-

    ies has made it mandatory for

    the offices to display a board

    giving detail of different proj-

    ects and their funding as well

    as start and expected date of

    completion. Among others the

    camp was attended by District

    Development Commissioner,Jammu Mr. Sanjeev Verma,

    Sub-Divisional Magistrate,

    Akhnoor Mr. N.S.Jamwal and

    other senior level officers of

    various departments.

    PRI functionaries to play role in makingpeople aware about govt programs: Dy CM

    Tara Chand, Dy CM addressing public gathering at Jammu

    'Rs. 60 lakh assigned for model town road's modernisation'

    DC Doda disburses

    financial relief

    DODA, DEC 09: Deputy Commissioner,

    (DC) Doda, Mr. Farooq Ahmed Khan who

    is also the President Zila Sainik Board

    Doda disbursed cheques to the widows of

    Gallantry award winners and Penury Grant

    to the Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen, as

    received from Rajya Sainik Board Jammu.

    The beneficiaries who received the

    relief are, Smt. Chinta Devi Wd/o Late Nb

    Sub Chuni Lal (AC, Vr C, SM) R/o Bhara

    Bhaderwah Rs. 1,53 000, Smt. Papri Devi

    Wd/o Late L/Nk Sant Ram (VrC) R/o

    Bijarni Doda Rs. 50,000, Smt. Sangeeta

    Devi Wd/o Late Rfn Suraj Parkash (SC)R/o Korara Doda Rs. 50,000, Mst. Sharifa

    Begum Wd/o Late Hav Abdul Rashid (SM)

    R/o Shiva Doda Rs. 3,000 and Ex- Sep

    Dhera Lal R/o Jangalwar Doda Rs. 3,000.

    Major (Retd) S.L Khajuria, Zila Sainik

    Welfare Officer, Doda was also present on

    the occasion.

    Shabir condoles

    demise of Aziz Manhas

    JAMMU, DEC 09: Minister of State for

    Power, Forests, CA&PD and Transport,

    Mr. Shabir Ahmed Khan today expressed

    grief and sorrow over the demise of Aziz

    Manhas, retired police officer of

    Surankote, Poonch. He visited the resi-

    dence of late Aziz Manhas and condole the

    bereavement of Manhas with the bereaved

    family. Mr Shabir expressed his heart felt

    sympathies with the deceased family. He

    prayed for eternal peace to the deported

    soul and highlighted the working of late

    Manhas rendered by the Late person dur-

    ing his service career for the people.

    Youth Congress launchesmembership drive at Padder

    KISHTWAR, DEC 9: With an aim to

    recruit the youth of farflung areas in

    Congress and in a bid to strengthen the

    party at grass root level, youth congress

    launched its membership drive at Padder in

    Kishtwar. Membership was launched at

    Gulabgarh Padder by the President Youth

    Congress Assembly Kishtwar Nadeem

    Iqbal Sheikh. The membership forms were

    distributed among the youth and they were

    guided how to fill those forms. While

    speaking on this occasion Nadeem Iqbal

    said that Congress has always promoted

    youths as the party firmly believes they

    have played an important role in the

    nation's development. He further said that

    the aim behind the election process for

    Youth Congress was to bring transparency

    and strengthen the organisation by encour-

    aging talented workers to come forward

    and lead the party at state and national

    level. On this occasion besides large num-

    ber of youth congress activists, senior party

    leaders including president DCC Kishtwar

    Pardeep Singh Parihar, Block President

    Kishtwar Haji Ghulam Hassan Mir, Block

    President Padder Nek Ram Manhas and

    former District President Youth Congress

    Kishtwar Sheikh Nasir Hussain Advocate

    were also present who while speaking on

    the occasion encouraged the youth to come

    forward and be part of Indian politics by

    joining youth congress.

    MD Gilkar, Feroz Jan bereaved

    SRINAGAR, DEC 09: A condolence

    meeting under the chairmanship of

    President, Mr. Showkat Ahmad Khan was

    held here today by the Non-Gazetted

    Employees Union of the Information

    Department, Kashmir Division in connec-

    tion with the sad demise of wife of Ex-

    Joint Director Information, Kashmir, Mr.

    Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din Gilkar and sister of

    Ex-Photo Officer, Mr. Feroz Jan, who

    passed away early morning on 9th

    December, 2012. The members expressed

    their grief and sorrow on death and

    showed great sympathy with the bereaved

    members of the family. They also prayedfor the eternal peace to the departed soul

    and endurance to the bereaved family to

    bear this irreparable loss.

    Panchayats to initiate new eraof dev in rural areas: Taj

    SRINAGAR, DEC 09: Minister for PHE,

    Irrigation and Flood Control, Mr. Taj

    Mohi-ud-Din Sunday said that a new era

    of development and prosperity has ushered

    in J&K with the proper implementation of

    Panchayati Raj Institution.

    The Minister was addressing Panchs

    and Sarpanchs at Baramulla today. The

    Minister said the Omar led coalition gov-

    ernment has launched a massive develop-

    mental campaign in all the three regions of

    the State which have shown better results

    at grass root level. He said people have

    pinned hope with the ruling coalition gov-

    ernment and it is the utmost duty of

    Panchs and Sarpanchs to ensure imple-

    mentation of all State as well as Centre

    aided schemes at the ground level.

    Mr. Taj said that the Government

    intends to facilitate people with the proper

    utilization of Panchayat Raj institution.

    The Minister said that the Government

    has made all possible efforts to provide all

    basic amenities which include augmenta-

    tion of power and water supply schemes,

    improvement in health and educational

    institutions. However, he said new

    schemes are in pipe line to be launched

    shortly for extending better facilities to the

    people will be initiated. The Minister also

    undertook a detailed visit of the Limber

    area where he reviewed the execution of

    development projects with the officers on

    the spot.

    6 hockey matches played at K KHakhu Stadium, matches

    enthralled the spots loversJAMMU, DEC 09: The Six Hockey

    matches were today played at K.K Hakhu

    Stadium between various teams including

    Tamil Nadu V/s ITBP, Manipur V/s

    Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh V/S

    RPF, Uttarakhand V/s Orissa, West Bengal

    V/s Jhar Khand and CRPF V/S

    Chandigarh. The first match played

    between Tamil Nadu and ITBP, was won

    by Tamil Nadu by one goal, while in the

    second march Manipur thrashed Madhya

    Pradesh by two goals. According Andhra

    Pradesh won third match against RPF by

    20-01.Like wise the fourth match played

    between Uttarkhand and Odhissa was won

    by Uttarkhand by 04 goals.

    JAMMU,DEC 9: Students of

    Jodhamal Public School, organized

    Mission Tawi on the banks of river

    Tawi. The entire exercise was to

    highlight the significance of rivers

    as our support system and nurtures

    of civilization. River Tawi is dying

    an unnatural death. At JMPS the

    youth brigade has taken up the onus

    to spread awareness for this noble

    cause of saving Tawi and to make a


    The JMPians got this opportuni-

    ty to clean up Tawi as a part of the

    community service of the IAYP

    (International Award for Young

    People) in association with Duke of

    Edinburgh's University (UK).

    Jodhamal pioneered this award

    in J&K, being the first YES (Youth

    Engaging Society) Centre in the

    entire J&K. Under this programme

    the youth are encouraged to gain

    and give to the best of their abilities

    towards the society as a positive

    contributor. Using gloves for self

    protection and a heart filled with

    service as their weapons the cru-

    saders began their endeavour of

    cleanliness. Shallu Rani and Ms

    Simran Singh are the award leaders

    who co-ordinated the activity.

    Earlier, in May the "ECO BUD-

    DIES" Club of the School had car-

    ried out a cleaning activity in a dif-

    ferent part of river Tawi.

    Jodhamal students organize 'Mission Tawi'

    Students of Jodhamal School during 'Mission Tawi' at Jammu Tawi.

    Pap potential ofyouth for Nation

    building: MirKUNZAR, DEC 09: Saying youth of the J&K

    has enormous potential, Minister for

    Agriculture; Mr. Ghulam Hassan Mir said that

    Government is taking every step for providing

    better platform to the youth for harnessing their

    hidden potential.

    The Minister said this while addressing the

    youth after witnessing the final cricket match

    between Hardabani Cricket Club and WariporaGurukul XI this afternoon.

    Mr. Mir said that it is an effort of present

    Government to provide every facility to the

    youth for holding activities at village level for

    nourishing their youth in every field. He said in

    this direction adequate funds have already been

    earmarked by the Government in a phased

    manner for developing the sports infrastructure

    in the State.

    The Minister said that the focus of govern-

    ment is now to provide every opportunity to the

    youth with respect to nourish their potential,

    sustained employment opportunities and higher

    education avenues in and outside the State.

    Calling upon the youth to grab the opportu-

    nities for acquiring the knowledge in every

    field, Mr. Mir assured than that present govern-

    ment shall provide every assistance to fulfill

    their dreams. He said in today's competitive

    world, only those people would succeed who

    work hard. He said Government has taken

    every step to provide better primary and higher

    education facilities to the students at their


    He said the youth that world is full of oppor-

    tunities and only meritorious and hard working

    students could grab these opportunities for bet-

    ter and prosperous future. He hoped that our

    youth has such kind of talent and asked them to

    utilize it in a better way for the nation building.

    Later, Minister distributed the prizes and

    mementoes among winner and runner up


    PULWAMA, DEC 09: Acting

    upon the strict directions of Joint

    Controller, Legal Metrology,

    Kashmir Province, Mr. Ehsan Ali

    Khan in connection with intensive

    checking of different trades particu-

    larly timber trade, a team of offi-

    cials from Legal Metrology Unit,

    Pulwama headed by Assistant

    Controller, Mr. Kewal Krishan

    inspected different establishments

    including timber depots, provisional

    stores of Lassipora and Arihal area

    of the district and slapped a fine of

    Rs. 9700 upon various offenders for

    violations of some of the sections of

    Jammu and Kashmir Standard of

    Weight and Measures

    (Enforcement) Act, 1997.

    During the drive, Inspector

    Legal Metrology, Pulwama, Mr.

    Mohammad Yasin Shah booked 10

    traders and shopkeepers under vari-

    ous sections of the Act and the

    Assistant Controller compounded

    five cases on spot and realized Rs.

    9700/- as composition sum. In one

    such instance, a timber trader along

    with Manager of a timber depot was

    fined Rs. 7000/- for selling under


    Meanwhile, the Assistant

    Controller directed all the traders

    particularly timber traders to use

    correct and verified weight and

    measure instruments, deliver exact

    quantity of commodity for which

    consumer is paying and to sell pack-

    aged commodities with adequate

    levelling clearly displaying rate

    (MRP), weight (net content), date of

    manufacturing, expiry date and

    complete address of the manufac-

    turer and packer along with the con-

    sumer help line number.

    Timber trader fined Rs 7000/- by Legal Metrology Deptt

    POONCH, DEC 09: In

    order to maintain sustainable

    sanitation in Poonch and

    other towns, District

    Development Commissioner,

    Poonch, Ajeet Kumar Sahu,

    launched a mass campaign

    from Poonch town today.

    Among others Supdt Of

    Police Shamsher Hussian,

    ADDC, Syed Anwar Hussain

    Shah, Supdt. District

    Hospital Dr.Mohammad

    Niaz and other senior offi-

    cers of District

    Administration, prominent

    citizens including

    Mr.K.K.Kapoor, Dr.Subash

    Raina, Advocate Mr. Iftekhar

    Hussain Bazmi participated

    with dedication in cleanli-

    ness drive. Advocate Sanjay

    Raina and Mr.Mohammad

    Zaman represented judicary,

    local leaders of political par-

    ties , Sarpanchs, Panchs ,

    heads of religious organisa-tions including Shree Basant

    Ram Ji, Chief Manager

    Dashnami Akhara Mandir

    Poonch, Imam/Khateeb

    Jamia Masjid Poonch

    Moulana Mohammad

    Farooq/Misbahi President

    Anjuman Jaffria Poonch

    Syed Zaki Haider, President

    District Gurdawara

    Prabandak Committee

    S.Narinder Singh representa-

    tives of Guru Ram Dasji

    Sewa Society, local journal-

    ists, member of cross border

    traders union, shopkeepers,

    officials of Municipal

    Council Poonch, trans-

    porters, volunteers of NSS

    and Govt Degree College

    Poonch, NCC students of

    Boys & Girls of Higher

    Secondary Schools Poonch

    and others participated in

    cleanliness campaign.

    Earlier, DDC and other

    speakers highlighted impor-

    tance of sanitation and vital

    role of general public in

    keeping their surrounding

    habitats clean.

    A pledge was also admin-istered by Dr.Wajahat

    Hussan Jaffery of Govt.

    Degree College Poonch to

    maintain sustainable sanita-

    tion of the town.

    DDC mobilizes publicparticipation to maintain

    sanitation in Poonch

    Page 3_State.qxd 12/11/2012 12:54 PM Page 1

  • 7/30/2019 Daily Paper December 10



    MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 20124


    By: Debasish Chakraborty

    WHAT is being wit-

    nessed in Syria today

    is not only a great

    tragedy for the land of ancient

    civilisation and a heritage of sec-

    ularism, but also an impending

    threat of a violence of the inter-

    national scale. The so-called

    civil war in Syria has already

    gained broader international

    ramification, spilling over

    boundaries and with very evident

    involvement of foreign powers.

    Even the possibility of a full-

    fledged military intervention is

    not so distant.

    Syrian people, like those of

    every other nation, have the

    inherent right to enjoy democra-

    cy, civil rights and a fuller

    humane society to live in. They

    have every right to engage in

    extension of these rights, to

    demand political reforms if they

    want so. There were dissensions

    within Syrian society and it was

    being reflected through demon-

    strations and political opposi-

    tion, calling for broader demo-cratic reforms. The position of

    Syrian communists is important

    to be noted here. They supported

    the reforms which have demo-

    cratic nature. The most impor-

    tant, according to them, were the

    lifting of martial law and the

    democratic revision of press and

    publi catio ns law to enhanc e

    exercise of opinion and expres-

    sion of freedom. Initially, the

    Syrian government was respond-

    ing to the demands and it initiat-

    ed reform measures. But these

    internal questions are sought to

    be utilized for not onl y a 'regime

    change' but to destroy every

    advancement achieved by the

    people of Sy ria. And, what made

    the entire episode dreadful is the

    involvement of the foreign

    forces.Whether one agrees with their

    position or not, there were oppo-

    sition forces who tried to

    advance their demands in a polit-

    ical way and independently.

    These forces, like National

    Coordination Committee for

    Democratic Change or Popular

    Front for Liberation and Change

    were quickly undermined and

    Islamist, foreign-sponsored

    forces started the mayhem.


    The involvement of a number

    of countries in the Syrian crisis

    as arms suppliers and political

    operatives is virtually exposed

    and well documented now. Saudi

    Arabia and Qatar supplied

    money and other help, including

    supplying arms to specific

    groups. Turkey is playing the

    most aggressive role. Turkey,

    which has a 900 km border with

    Syria has nurtured and promoted

    both Syrian Nation al Counci l

    (frequently called as Istanbul

    Council) and armed the Free

    Syrian Army. The southern bor-

    der of Turkey, specially the

    Hatay province, has become the

    main gateway of infiltration of

    foreign terrorists. FSA has been

    trained and supplied arms by

    Turkish military and they have

    created buffer zones for launch-

    ing attacks in northern Syrian

    towns including Aleppo. Turkey

    is not only giving open support

    and an organisational base for

    the rebels, but has also threat-

    ened to invade Syria several

    times. Turkey's parliament has

    given the government permis-

    sion to wage war. NATO is

    preparing to dep loy P atriot mis-

    siles along Syrian bordersresponding to requests from


    What is less reported, howev-

    er, is the direct involvement of

    USA in building up armed gangs

    within Syria and engineering

    armed attacks. US ambassador in

    Syria Robert Ford has personally

    monitored and organised so-

    called 'rebel' groups and encour-

    aged demonstrations by person-

    ally attending them. CIA opera-

    tives are active in training and

    supply of arms since long.

    According to reports in western

    media, US administration abet-

    ted forming 'provincial military

    councils' and supplied arms

    through them. According to NBC

    News, the Free Syri an Army has

    received American Stinger mis-

    siles via Turkey.The most interesting part of

    the Syria story is that US,

    France, NATO allies and

    Islamist terrorists are on the

    same team. The most ferocious

    of them is Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-

    Qaeda affiliate. They have

    become the stro ngest force

    among the 'rebels' now. The first

    attack for which Jabhat al-Nusra

    claimed responsibility came on

    January 6 this year when a sui-

    cide bomber blew up buses in

    Damascus. Since then the use of

    suicide bombings or remotely-

    detonated car bombs has spec-

    tacularly increased. Such attacks

    have become an everyday reality

    in Syria. They have killed hun-

    dreds of citizens. A gruesome

    example is the attack on a school

    in al-Wafeen camp near

    Damascus in which 29 students

    were killed in a class. 'Collective

    violence and selective assassina-

    tion' are their methods of opera-


    According to reports in west-

    ern press, the key to Jabhat al-

    Nusra's extreme violence is its

    recruitment of radical fighters

    from abroad who include merce-

    naries from Libya,Afghanistan,

    Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq,

    Lebanon, Turkmenistan and

    Chechnya. They have not only

    declared their goal of 'regime

    change' but also establishment of

    an Islamist government replac-

    ing the secular political system

    in Syria. The same terrorists who

    are thought to be "hounded" by

    USA in Libya are actually in

    Syria now, assisting NATO

    efforts to terrorise people. The

    faade of expressing 'concern'

    for the presence of such forcesby top officia ls of US while

    channelising arms and logistics

    for them exposes the utter

    hypocrisy of the Obama admin-


    Judging by these attacks Syria

    is now facing international ter-

    rorism. But the western media

    and NATO countries are under-

    standably silent on this. To them,

    the 'rebels' in Syriahave an undi-

    vided identity. On the contrary,

    the Syrian government's

    response to such terrorist attacks

    is being branded as an 'attack on

    people'. The yardstick i n fighting

    terrorism has changed in Syria.

    The USAand its allies are try-

    ing to replicate the successful

    strategy it used to break up

    Yugoslavia in 1999 and in Libya.

    In Kosovo and Libya, westerntrained and financed proxies

    staged grave provocations

    against the State. When the gov-

    ernments responded, their

    actions were described as "geno-

    cide" and international public

    opinion was sought to be mould-

    ed by barrage of misinformation.


    In Iraq, the strategy was to

    mobilise even the UN, though

    USA was desperate enough to

    declare that they would attack

    Iraq with or without the sanction

    of UN security council. For more

    than two years, media was used

    to construct the fear of so-called

    "Weapons of Mass Destruction",

    allegedly built by Baghdad, or

    Iraq's "involvement" in 9/11

    attacks etc. It has been proved

    beyond doubt that nothing of

    that sort of weapons ever existed

    there and the 9/11 commission in

    USA never produced any evi-

    dence of Iraqi government's con-

    tribution. In Libya too, the

    specter of an "impending mas-

    sacre" was trumpeted to justify

    blatant NATO bombing.

    In the case of Syria, the so-

    called 'humanitarian interven-

    tion' is being sought after. For

    last few days, the specter of

    'Chemical Weapons' is being

    widely used. Western media

    started reporting that there are

    some "extra ordinary activities

    in the areas where Syria keeps its

    chemical weapons''. Following

    this were 'warnings' from west-

    ern powers that Syria would

    have to face 'immediate'

    response if such things occur.

    Despite Syria's repeated denial,

    this atmosphere is being created

    to mould public opinion and jus-tifying intervention by NATO.

    In their design of disintegra-

    tion and devastation, the imperi-

    alist forces always stir up sectar-

    ian strife and narrow identities.

    This has happened in many parts

    of the world, includingIraq. This

    is now being done in Syria,

    which traditionally has been one

    of the most composite forma-

    tions of religious and ethnic

    identities in the Middle East. The

    victims at this juncture are the

    Shiites and Alawites, who have

    faced brutal attacks from

    Islamists with Sunni and Salafi

    identities. This sectarian division

    has destroyed the potential of

    any movement with democratic

    aspiration from below.

    The battle for control of the

    Middle East, part of which isbeing fought today in Syria, is

    obviously related with control

    over oil, as it was in Iraq and

    Libya. Crisis-ridden internation-

    al finance capital is intensifying

    its pernicious expropriation of

    natural resources all over the

    world. One should not discon-

    nect this hunt and the political-

    military adventures of USA and

    its friends.

    The struggle in solidarity

    with the Syrian people therefore

    is a part of the wider struggle to

    resist predatory finance capital,

    imperialist strategic designs.

    How Syria is Being RavagedO

    nce a politician,

    always a politician -

    this catchphrase best

    suits BJP's mercurial leader,

    who embarks on a new politi-

    cal journey by floating his

    'Karnataka Janata Party' (KJP)

    on December 9, after snapping

    his 40-year-old ties with BJP.

    BS Yeddyurappa, a hard-

    boiled politician from the RSS

    stable, was till recently the

    BJP`s biggest face in

    Karnataka and served the party

    on almost all positions - as

    state unit president, MLC,

    Leader of Opposition in the

    state Assembly, Deputy Chief

    Minister and eventually as CM.

    However, he developed

    serious differences with the

    BJP high command after it

    asked him to quit as the Chief

    Minister in the wake of allega-

    tions of abetting illegal mining

    in Karnataka and later refused

    to reinstate him on the coveted


    Since then, the Lingayat

    leader made several attempts to

    become the chief minister and

    even bargained for the post ofthe state unit president.

    However, his concerted

    attempts to regain power were

    stonewalled by the BJP top

    brass and he finally decided to

    end his four-decade-old associ-

    ation with the party.

    Yeddyurappa himself gave

    an indication in this regard

    after the failure of Arun

    Jaitley's highly secretive trou-

    ble-shooting mission aimed at

    persuad ing the Lingaya t

    strongman to reconsider his

    decision to bid adieu to BJP.

    BSY, as he is popularly

    known, accuses BJP of back-

    stabbing him and not reward-

    ing him for decades of his serv-

    ice to the saffron party. He

    claims that he has not quit BJP

    out of vengeance but to pursuehis dream of making Karnataka

    a progressive state.

    The grand style launch of

    KJP proves his undisputable

    politi cal weight in the

    Karnataka politics and his

    stature as the tallest leader of

    the powerful Lingayat commu-

    nity here.

    Though BSY has assured

    that he will not topple the cur-

    rent Jagadish Shettar govern-

    ment in Karnataka and allow it

    to complete its remaining term,

    KJP's launch has made the BJP

    central leadership worried

    about the party's future in


    BJP top brass has attempted

    to downplay that

    Yeddyurappa's departure will

    have an impact on its poll

    prospects; it is also aware that

    it would be a difficult task for

    the party to retain power in

    Karnataka without its tallest


    For BJP, which is already

    grappling with controversies

    surrounding its beleaguered

    president Nitin Gadkari and his

    reported faceoff with Gujarat's

    hardline Chief Minister

    Narendra Modi and its failing

    anti-UPA campaign, the KJP

    can disturb the caste-equations

    in its southern bastion.

    The biggest challenge forthe BJP central leadership will

    be to keep the party intact and

    prevent furt her defection since

    several party legislators owe

    allegiance to Yeddyurappa and

    may eventually join the KJP.

    Yeddyurappa virtually shut

    the doors of negotiations after

    the party high command

    expelled his close aide and for-

    mer Union minister V

    Dhananjay Kumar on grounds

    of his anti-party activities.

    BSY later rewarded Kumar by

    giving him a plum post in the

    newly-floated KJP, in a further

    jolt to the B JP leadership.

    Trained in the RSS ideolo-

    gy, Yeddyurappa is a master

    politi cian, who slowly rose

    through the ranks to become

    Chief Minister in 2008 - a yearthat saw the installation of the

    first ever BJP government in

    the South. The 70-year-old

    temperamental leader began

    his political career as

    Shikaripura Taluk president in

    1972 as a member of the Jan

    Sangh - BJP's earlier avatar.

    BSY's influence on the

    powerful Lingayat community,

    his political acumen, down to

    earth approach, leadership

    skills and his equation with the

    party' s central leaders hip

    helped him in his elevation to

    the Chief Minister's post in


    These traits will be again

    put to the test after his bitter

    spilt with BJP since the state

    has never been hospitable to

    regional parties. Yeddyurappa

    exhibited his manipulative

    political skills when he joined

    hands with Janata Dal-Secular

    in 2006 and toppled its coali-

    tion government with


    With BJP`s support, JD-S

    leader HD Kumarasamy was

    then appointed Chief Minister,

    but when he refused to respect

    the power-sharing deal, the

    BJP withdrew its support and

    his government collapsed.

    The betrayal from JD-S

    earned people's sympathy for

    Yeddyurappa and eventually

    helped him become the Chief

    Minister in the 2008 Assembly


    As the chief minister of

    Karnataka, Yeddyurappa`s

    term was turbulent as he faced

    many internal revolts, includ-

    ing the one by the powerful

    Reddy brothers, the mining

    barons from Bellary district,

    who nearly brought down hisgovernment.

    However, BSY managed to

    stabilise the shaky BJP govern-

    ment by launching `Operation

    Lotus` to wean away opposi-

    tion MLAs who quit their

    membership and sought re-

    election on a BJP ticket.

    Yeddyurappa is strongly

    backed by the mutts and pon-

    tiffs of the Lingayat communi-

    ty and its members spread

    across the state. The Lingayats

    had identified themselves with

    t he BJ P b eca us e o f


    The party has decided to

    contest the upcoming

    Assembly Elections under the

    collective leadership involving

    Jagdish Shettar (Lingayat), K

    Eshwarappa (Kuruba), HNAnanth Kumar (Brahmin), R

    Ashoka (Vokkaliga) and

    Govind M Karjol (Dalit). But

    with Yeddyurappa`s exit from

    the party, the BJP`s prospects

    in the next elections have cer-

    tainly weakened.

    After splitting from BJP,

    Yeddyurappa too faces a daunt-

    ing task of preparing the

    ground for his newly launched

    political outfit and win popular

    support to become Chief

    Minister of Karnataka again - a

    dream which remains unful-

    filled even after his name was

    cleared of corruption charge.

    Can BJP retain Karnataka without BSY?

    AGARTALA: Tripura

    will soon be an 'educational

    hub' for the northeastern states

    and neighbouring countries,

    including Bangladesh, with

    the setting up of several tech-

    nical, medical and educational

    institutions, Chief Minister

    Manik Sarkar said here


    "Tripura has achieved the

    remarkable distinction of

    being the only capital city in

    the northeastern region to

    have two medical colleges,"

    Sarkar said. He said, "The

    state government has taken up

    an ambitious plan to set up

    more technical institutions

    and degree colleges in each

    sub-divisions. The education-

    al facilities available in

    Tripura do not exist in other

    states." While addressing an

    inaugural function of a school

    here, he said Tripura

    University has been upgraded

    into a Central University.

    "Under its ambitious plan,

    the state government has set

    up a 240-seat Tripura Institute

    of Technology (TIT) and ITIs

    (Industrial Training Institutes)

    in each block and sub-divi-


    According to the chief

    minister, the state government

    has decided to set up three

    more professional colleges --

    dental, ayurvedic and homeo-

    pathic -- under the public-pri-

    vate partnership (PPP) model.

    The Ayurvedic College

    will be established at Udaipur,

    the homeopathic college at

    Kailasahar in northern Tripura

    and the dental college in


    "Besides, one each of agri-

    cultural, veterinary and fish-

    ery colleges are functioning in

    the state."Sarkar said: "Private

    institutions are also being

    encouraged to supplement

    government efforts for setting

    up higher educational institu-

    tions in this northeastern

    state." "Students from neigh-

    bouring countries, including

    Bangladesh, are attracted with

    this increasing number of edu-

    cational institutions in the

    bordering state," he stated.

    Addressing the function, state

    Education Minister Tapan

    Chakraborty said that when

    the state became a full-

    fledged state in 1972, the liter-

    acy rate was 31 percent while

    now it had risen to 90 percent.

    "Within the next one year,

    Tripura would achieve 100

    percent literacy," Chakraborty

    said, adding that the Left

    Front government has been

    spending more than 20 per-

    cent of its total annual budget

    in the education sector, while

    the central government's

    funding in this sector was less

    than 10 percent.

    Tripura will set up an

    Indian Institute of Information

    Technology (IIIT) in

    Bodhjungnagar, one of the

    northeastern region's biggest

    industrial zones, a state offi-

    cial said.

    "State-owned ONGC (Oil

    and Natural Gas Corporation),

    NEEPCO (Northeastern

    Electric Power Corporation)

    and six private industrial

    houses from West Bengal

    have expressed willingness to

    be a partner of the Tripura

    IIIT," said higher education

    department secretary Kishore



    'Tripura to be educational hub fornortheast, adjoining countries': CM CHANDIGARH: Seeking personal intervention of

    the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Punjab

    CM Parkash Singh Badal urged him to impress upon

    the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) to get

    all the pending issues examined expeditiously for

    early nod to the mining projects, as the non-clearance

    by the Ministry has not only led to alarming scarcity

    of construction material but could also cause law and

    order problems in the state. In a letter to the Prime

    Minister, Badal apprised him that Punjab had been

    facing critical situation regarding availability of con-

    struction material viz. Sand, Gravel, Bajri, Bricks etc.

    which had adversely impacted the construction activ-

    ity in the state due to pending issues with MoEF.

    The Chief Minister reiterated that an Expert

    Appraisal Committee of MoEF be directed to consid-

    er the case for granting environmental clearance

    regarding 95 mining projects under category 'A'

    which were submitted to the ministry more than four

    months back in the month of June, 2012.

    Badal further requested the Prime Minister to

    advise the MoEF to empower the state authority for

    considering the environment clearance of the minor

    mineral projects irrespective of its area by amending

    the schedule to the Ministry's notification dated

    September 14, 2006 besides all the mineral projects

    of an area less than 5 hectares be considered in the B-

    2 category projects so that their environmental clear-

    ances could be obtained in minimum possible time

    schedule. Badal also recommended exemption from

    obtaining environmental clearance for minor mineral

    projects of ordinary earth and brick earth etc. where-

    in depth of mining does not exceed 6 feet, apart from

    the general condition in schedule of the EIA

    Notification, 2006 that any project or activity speci-

    fied in category 'B' would be treated as category 'A' if

    located in whole or in part within the 10 Km from the

    interstate and international boundaries be reduced to

    1 Km.

    Meanwhile, the Chief Minister also wrote to the

    Union Minister of State Environment & Forests

    Jayanthi Natarajan in light of his meeting with her on

    December 3, 2012. "Needless to say, delay of every

    single day is adding to the distress nearly halting all

    major infrastructural projects, said Badal.


    Badal asks PM to expedite MoEF clearance to mining projects

    LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh has

    earned the dubious distinction of wit-

    nessing over 100 communal clashes

    this year that left 34 people dead. The

    towns where incidents of such violence

    took place are Kosi Kalan in Mathura,

    Faizabad, Pratapgarh, Sitapur,

    Ghaziabad and Bareilly.

    More than 450 people were also

    injured in these clashes which took

    place from January till October 31,

    Union home ministry officials said.

    There were 84 incidents of communal

    clashes in the state in 2011 in which 12

    people lost their lives. The country wit-

    nessed 560 incidents of violence this

    year till October end, which claimed 89

    lives, while in 2011, 580 clashes took

    place that left 91 people dead. UP was

    followed by Maharashtra where 83

    incidents were reported so far this year

    in which 13 people were killed and 88

    incidents in 2011 which claimed 15

    lives. Madhya Pradesh saw 78 inci-

    dents of communal violence so far this

    year in which 11 people were killed

    and in 2011, 81 incidents of communal

    clashes were reported that left 15 dead.

    In Karnataka, there were 54 inci-

    dents of communal clashes in 2012 and

    70 incidents in 2011 in which three and

    four people lost their lives respectively.

    Rajasthan had witnessed 42 inci-

    dents of communal clashes in 2011

    leading to death of 16 people while t his

    year the state has witnessed 30 inci-