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Greetings in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister

here. Welcome everyone to Daily Prophecies! Welcome all brothers and sisters!

Sister Hallelujah! There is a long journey for you to travel and there will be enough source also. God is giving you provision also. And family blessing also to you. So there is a compound wall around you so the enemy cannot stop you in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone! Today God is going to speak into your life! I am thankful to all brothers and sisters who are reading here and God is going to bless everyone! Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. Lord may your presence come over this Daily Prophecies now and everyone in the name of Jesus.

Sister Hallelujah! The Lord is going to bless you. Bless you, you are going to have more vision, more vision clearly I see like that.

Apostle the peace in you, family peace in the house and God has a plan in your life. I see you in the aircraft. I see you in other countries in an aircraft I see like that. And family blessings also coming I hear the word so.

Brother there is enough space the Lord is telling there is enough space so you should not be worried. And God is going to fill your emptiness. You are going to see God’s blessings that you have been waiting for a long time. And everything that is upside down is going to be in the right position.

Sister Hallelujah! You are healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister you will stay away from your home and you will do the work. You are traveling alone to do the job.

So I am going to read the Book of Ephesians Chapter 4 the 24th verse it says, That you put on the new man which was created according to God for righteousness and holiness. So this is what God is desiring about you that you put on the new man. Put on the new man that which was created according to God. According to God in true righteousness and holiness. So you have to renew your mind in spirit. You have to renew and put on the new man which is created according to God in righteousness and holiness.

Put on the new man means there is something wrong with the present man. There is something wrong with the present man. So if somebody is saying I have not received any word this is




the word that you have to change and put the new man. So the new man is created according to God. That means according to God full of signs and wonders; full of miracles; full of prophetic actions. So that is the new man. Because God is a miracle. We don’t wanna say the God is a miracle because God means God is working and when God moves the fire moves opens and speaks.

Sister God is going to honour you.

So anyone who has come late, anyone who has come late this is the word for you today, if there is any delay in your life in regarding to get long journey’s for you. It is the next place that you have to halt and you will have greater things that you are going to see with your eyes. Maybe you are rejected you are not accepted, but you are going to be honoured more than them. Pastor the door is opened and you only just have to be in and you will see that God is going to give you an increase. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister I hear the word that the healing power is coming upon you and you will have a financial breakthrough and doors are opening up for you sister

Sister charismatic fire upon you and the termination letter coming, but there is another door opening for you in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. So God is going to bless everyone.

Sister things are going to be in line that means things are going to move according to God’s plan. So maybe if something is delaying you might be thinking things are not going, but things are going perfectly. Things are going perfectly, but it is in God’s way, God’s plan. You know when the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud did not move from a place for many days.

Sister the people who rejected you going to accept you. And they are going to again invite you. And you will have the change in residence, in every area a change is coming. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister promotion I see. There is a purification.

May God bless everyone in the name of Jesus. Amen.

To be continued...


DAY 102PURSUE PEACEHEBREWS 12:14 Praise the Lord!

Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here. Also. Welcome all brothers and sisters I am thankful to see you here.

Sister financial breakthrough and the Lord is passing you through the test. So you will pass the test this is what I hear you will pass the test.

Sister the present struggles you are facing you will overcome. And God is going to increase the anointing in you so that you will see the writings, the visions, you will see numbers, letters like that God is going to increase the anointing in you.

Brother Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus so God is going to bless your family and the boundaries are going to extend. So you should not look back. What you are doing is right and the situation is going to change in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Sister the seat is confirmed. I hear the word the seat is confirmed and I hear the word Los Angeles. I hear the word Los Angeles and you are called to minister.

Sister promotion in your life do not give up. Struggle and you will win the battle says the Lord Hallelujah!

Sister the questions are answered and financial breakthrough is coming to you. The Lord is giving you more grace, more anointing and I see God is going to bless you with more anointing.

Sister be courageous maybe you are having and you have not seen many things well with your eyes, but God has prepared everything. So when you see those things you will praise God and you will say that God is good! How God is good!

Sister so there is a new connection coming into your life. New connection. So pray to God and God will increase everything in you and your heart’s desires are going to be fulfilled I see new connection.

Apostle financial breakthrough I see and more grace and I see more anointing. And you will have enough money to pay and breakthrough I hear breakthrough is coming.

Sister sudden breakthrough I hear.

Sister financial breakthrough and you are going to see greater things. The doors are opening for you and more anointing I see in the name of Jesus.

Sister restoration I hear the word restoration God is restoring you so God is going to do greater things in your life in the name of Jesus.

Sister it is time to join so the vacancy is still opened.

Sister the doors are still opened and you have to go through it and God will bless you. God will make you in the winners list.




Brother the Lord is going to do a great miracle in your family. And you are also being lifted if you believe. And I see the luggage so the journey is coming Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

Sister Hallelujah! There is support so you won’t fall you won’t fail God is going to do a breakthrough Hallelujah!

Brother new dimension and new opening I hear the word new dimension and new opening. Everything is in control I see like that in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Welcome everybody to Daily Prophecies so God is going to do greater things in your life

Sister you will run the race you will win the battle in the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

Sister promotion I see especially in the financial area and I hear marriage. I hear the word marriage in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

So welcome everyone! So I have a word to share with you that is Purse Peace!

Brother the Lord is going to give you a presentation, expect that presentation this is what I hear.

So the Lord is going to bless everyone in this group so I am thankful for everyone those who are watching here.

Brother breakthrough is coming and the timing for those who have left you are coming back in the name of Jesus.

Sister the anointing oil is overflowing and financial breakthrough. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

So I have a word to share with you that is from the Book of Hebrews Chapter12:14 it says Pursue Peace that means you have to find peace. Maybe the enemy will try to take the peace from you by giving tensions, by letting you go into negative situations. But don’t be upset, because today your anointing is everyone I am saying your anointing is going to increase. Everyone I am prophesying in the name of Jesus the Lord it is Hebrews 12:14 in the name of Jesus.

So everyone’s anointing is going to increase. Since you are here the Lord is telling I am going to increase the anointing in everyone’s life and you will do greater things. Maybe you cannot move at the present situation, but God is going to increase the anointing and you will move says the Lord you will move Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

Sister the church is going to bless you and you are going to I see you swimming and you are going to the next shore and surely you will reach there in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone to Daily Prophecies. I am thankful to everyone those who are here for your patience for yesterday also. There was Yesterday the network broken, but today there is strong network so we can say thank you for everything God is controlling. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

I hear the word that everyone is having a speed in every area. There will be a speed no more stagnant. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

So pursue peace. Pursue peace means you have to follow peace. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.



Hallelujah in the name of Jesus so I have given the word to everyone here. Maybe it is a simple word, but a single word can change your life. A single word can change the direction. Hallelujah! How many of you believe? A single word from Jesus that from Jesus to the Centurion a single word may it be as like your faith, let he be healed like your faith. A single word and he was healed the servant was healed. Likewise a single word is going to change your life.

Today God is going to give you a revelation that means a single word. This is what I am hearing. Financial breakthrough

to everyone. So this is what I am hearing financial breakthrough for everyone and many doors are opening up for you. How many of you believe? Many doors are opening up for you. So pursue peace and if you have peace then you will see deliverance Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister I see the sign of red cross you are healed, you are healed sister.

Sister you will pass through the tunnel and you will reach the destination.

Sister welcome your business will become #1 this is what I hear your business will become #1.

Brother Hallelujah! So God is teaching you. God will make a shift in your life there will be a change in your life. New improvement Hallelujah!

Apostle the Lord is showing me the time is ready. The time is ready for things to happen. Whatever promises you have heard from the beginning the Lord is telling the time is ready in the name of Jesus;

Pastor I see new doors are opening for you and God is going to bless you.

Brother you are going to reach the destination.

Sister the next is your stop I hear the next junction is your stop.

Sister I see there will be a speed in every area and more grace. Hallelujah!

So I am thankful to everyone those who are reading Daily Prophecies.

God bless everyone in the name of Jesus Amen.

So what I was saying everyone is going to have an increase in anointing if you believe. Those who believe you should not doubt. When I am saying in the name of Jesus, if you believe God is speaking to me that God is going to increase the anointing in everyone.

Brother breakthrough I hear you are coming out of the web Hallelujah!

I am thankful to everyone!

Sister I hear the word split, I hear the word split something is going to split, but that is for your goodness in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

So I am thankful to everyone. May God bless everyone. I will be praying for you. Pray also for me in Jesus name Amen. Hallelujah!

To be continued...



Greetings in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister

here. Welcome everyone to Daily Prophecies! Welcome all brothers and sisters!

Sister Hallelujah! There is a long journey for you to travel and there will be enough source also. God is giving you provision also. And family blessing also to you. So there is a compound wall around you so the enemy cannot stop you in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone! Today God is going to speak into your life! I am thankful to all brothers and sisters who are reading here and God is going to bless everyone! Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. Lord may your presence come over this Daily Prophecies now and everyone in the name of Jesus.

Sister Hallelujah! The Lord is going to bless you. Bless you, you are going to have more vision, more vision clearly I see like that.

Apostle the peace in you, family peace in the house and God has a plan in your life. I see you in the aircraft. I see you in other countries in an aircraft I see like that. And family blessings also coming I hear the word so.

Brother there is enough space the Lord is telling there is enough space so you should not be worried. And God is going to fill your emptiness. You are going to see God’s blessings that you have been waiting for a long time. And everything that is upside down is going to be in the right position.

Sister Hallelujah! You are healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister you will stay away from your home and you will do the work. You are traveling alone to do the job.

So I am going to read the Book of Ephesians Chapter 4 the 24th verse it says, That you put on the new man which was created according to God for righteousness and holiness. So this is what God is desiring about you that you put on the new man. Put on the new man that which was created according to God. According to God in true righteousness and holiness. So you have to renew your mind in spirit. You have to renew and put on the new man which is created according to God in righteousness and holiness.

Put on the new man means there is something wrong with the present man. There is something wrong with the present man. So if somebody is saying I have not received any word this is




the word that you have to change and put the new man. So the new man is created according to God. That means according to God full of signs and wonders; full of miracles; full of prophetic actions. So that is the new man. Because God is a miracle. We don’t wanna say the God is a miracle because God means God is working and when God moves the fire moves opens and speaks.

Sister God is going to honour you.

So anyone who has come late, anyone who has come late this is the word for you today, if there is any delay in your life in regarding to get long journey’s for you. It is the next place that you have to halt and you will have greater things that you are going to see with your eyes. Maybe you are rejected you are not accepted, but you are going to be honoured more than them. Pastor the door is opened and you only just have to be in and you will see that God is going to give you an increase. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister I hear the word that the healing power is coming upon you and you will have a financial breakthrough and doors are opening up for you sister

Sister charismatic fire upon you and the termination letter coming, but there is another door opening for you in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. So God is going to bless everyone.

Sister things are going to be in line that means things are going to move according to God’s plan. So maybe if something is delaying you might be thinking things are not going, but things are going perfectly. Things are going perfectly, but it is in God’s way, God’s plan. You know when the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud did not move from a place for many days.

Sister the people who rejected you going to accept you. And they are going to again invite you. And you will have the change in residence, in every area a change is coming. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister promotion I see. There is a purification.

May God bless everyone in the name of Jesus. Amen.

To be continued...



Greetings in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister

here. Welcome everyone to Daily Prophecies! Welcome all brothers and sisters!

Sister Hallelujah! There is a long journey for you to travel and there will be enough source also. God is giving you provision also. And family blessing also to you. So there is a compound wall around you so the enemy cannot stop you in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone! Today God is going to speak into your life! I am thankful to all brothers and sisters who are reading here and God is going to bless everyone! Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. Lord may your presence come over this Daily Prophecies now and everyone in the name of Jesus.

Sister Hallelujah! The Lord is going to bless you. Bless you, you are going to have more vision, more vision clearly I see like that.

Apostle the peace in you, family peace in the house and God has a plan in your life. I see you in the aircraft. I see you in other countries in an aircraft I see like that. And family blessings also coming I hear the word so.

Brother there is enough space the Lord is telling there is enough space so you should not be worried. And God is going to fill your emptiness. You are going to see God’s blessings that you have been waiting for a long time. And everything that is upside down is going to be in the right position.

Sister Hallelujah! You are healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister you will stay away from your home and you will do the work. You are traveling alone to do the job.

So I am going to read the Book of Ephesians Chapter 4 the 24th verse it says, That you put on the new man which was created according to God for righteousness and holiness. So this is what God is desiring about you that you put on the new man. Put on the new man that which was created according to God. According to God in true righteousness and holiness. So you have to renew your mind in spirit. You have to renew and put on the new man which is created according to God in righteousness and holiness.

Put on the new man means there is something wrong with the present man. There is something wrong with the present man. So if somebody is saying I have not received any word this is




the word that you have to change and put the new man. So the new man is created according to God. That means according to God full of signs and wonders; full of miracles; full of prophetic actions. So that is the new man. Because God is a miracle. We don’t wanna say the God is a miracle because God means God is working and when God moves the fire moves opens and speaks.

Sister God is going to honour you.

So anyone who has come late, anyone who has come late this is the word for you today, if there is any delay in your life in regarding to get long journey’s for you. It is the next place that you have to halt and you will have greater things that you are going to see with your eyes. Maybe you are rejected you are not accepted, but you are going to be honoured more than them. Pastor the door is opened and you only just have to be in and you will see that God is going to give you an increase. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister I hear the word that the healing power is coming upon you and you will have a financial breakthrough and doors are opening up for you sister

Sister charismatic fire upon you and the termination letter coming, but there is another door opening for you in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. So God is going to bless everyone.

Sister things are going to be in line that means things are going to move according to God’s plan. So maybe if something is delaying you might be thinking things are not going, but things are going perfectly. Things are going perfectly, but it is in God’s way, God’s plan. You know when the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud did not move from a place for many days.

Sister the people who rejected you going to accept you. And they are going to again invite you. And you will have the change in residence, in every area a change is coming. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister promotion I see. There is a purification.

May God bless everyone in the name of Jesus. Amen.

To be continued...


DAY 105PURSUE PEACEHEBREWS 12:14 Praise the Lord!

Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here. Also. Welcome all brothers and sisters I am thankful to see you here.

Sister financial breakthrough and the Lord is passing you through the test. So you will pass the test this is what I hear you will pass the test.

Sister the present struggles you are facing you will overcome. And God is going to increase the anointing in you so that you will see the writings, the visions, you will see numbers, letters like that God is going to increase the anointing in you.

Brother Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus so God is going to bless your family and the boundaries are going to extend. So you should not look back. What you are doing is right and the situation is going to change in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Sister the seat is confirmed. I hear the word the seat is confirmed and I hear the word Los Angeles. I hear the word Los Angeles and you are called to minister.

Sister promotion in your life do not give up. Struggle and you will win the battle says the Lord Hallelujah!

Sister the questions are answered and financial breakthrough is coming to you. The Lord is giving you more grace, more anointing and I see God is going to bless you with more anointing.

Sister be courageous maybe you are having and you have not seen many things well with your eyes, but God has prepared everything. So when you see those things you will praise God and you will say that God is good! How God is good!

Sister so there is a new connection coming into your life. New connection. So pray to God and God will increase everything in you and your heart’s desires are going to be fulfilled I see new connection.

Apostle financial breakthrough I see and more grace and I see more anointing. And you will have enough money to pay and breakthrough I hear breakthrough is coming.

Sister sudden breakthrough I hear.

Sister financial breakthrough and you are going to see greater things. The doors are opening for you and more anointing I see in the name of Jesus.

Sister restoration I hear the word restoration God is restoring you so God is going to do greater things in your life in the name of Jesus.

Sister it is time to join so the vacancy is still opened.

Sister the doors are still opened and you have to go through it and God will bless you. God will make you in the winners list.




Brother the Lord is going to do a great miracle in your family. And you are also being lifted if you believe. And I see the luggage so the journey is coming Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

Sister Hallelujah! There is support so you won’t fall you won’t fail God is going to do a breakthrough Hallelujah!

Brother new dimension and new opening I hear the word new dimension and new opening. Everything is in control I see like that in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Welcome everybody to Daily Prophecies so God is going to do greater things in your life

Sister you will run the race you will win the battle in the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

Sister promotion I see especially in the financial area and I hear marriage. I hear the word marriage in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

So welcome everyone! So I have a word to share with you that is Purse Peace!

Brother the Lord is going to give you a presentation, expect that presentation this is what I hear.

So the Lord is going to bless everyone in this group so I am thankful for everyone those who are watching here.

Brother breakthrough is coming and the timing for those who have left you are coming back in the name of Jesus.

Sister the anointing oil is overflowing and financial breakthrough. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

So I have a word to share with you that is from the Book of Hebrews Chapter12:14 it says Pursue Peace that means you have to find peace. Maybe the enemy will try to take the peace from you by giving tensions, by letting you go into negative situations. But don’t be upset, because today your anointing is everyone I am saying your anointing is going to increase. Everyone I am prophesying in the name of Jesus the Lord it is Hebrews 12:14 in the name of Jesus.

So everyone’s anointing is going to increase. Since you are here the Lord is telling I am going to increase the anointing in everyone’s life and you will do greater things. Maybe you cannot move at the present situation, but God is going to increase the anointing and you will move says the Lord you will move Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

Sister the church is going to bless you and you are going to I see you swimming and you are going to the next shore and surely you will reach there in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone to Daily Prophecies. I am thankful to everyone those who are here for your patience for yesterday also. There was Yesterday the network broken, but today there is strong network so we can say thank you for everything God is controlling. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

I hear the word that everyone is having a speed in every area. There will be a speed no more stagnant. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

So pursue peace. Pursue peace means you have to follow peace. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.



Hallelujah in the name of Jesus so I have given the word to everyone here. Maybe it is a simple word, but a single word can change your life. A single word can change the direction. Hallelujah! How many of you believe? A single word from Jesus that from Jesus to the Centurion a single word may it be as like your faith, let he be healed like your faith. A single word and he was healed the servant was healed. Likewise a single word is going to change your life.

Today God is going to give you a revelation that means a single word. This is what I am hearing. Financial breakthrough

to everyone. So this is what I am hearing financial breakthrough for everyone and many doors are opening up for you. How many of you believe? Many doors are opening up for you. So pursue peace and if you have peace then you will see deliverance Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

Sister I see the sign of red cross you are healed, you are healed sister.

Sister you will pass through the tunnel and you will reach the destination.

Sister welcome your business will become #1 this is what I hear your business will become #1.

Brother Hallelujah! So God is teaching you. God will make a shift in your life there will be a change in your life. New improvement Hallelujah!

Apostle the Lord is showing me the time is ready. The time is ready for things to happen. Whatever promises you have heard from the beginning the Lord is telling the time is ready in the name of Jesus;

Pastor I see new doors are opening for you and God is going to bless you.

Brother you are going to reach the destination.

Sister the next is your stop I hear the next junction is your stop.

Sister I see there will be a speed in every area and more grace. Hallelujah!

So I am thankful to everyone those who are reading Daily Prophecies.

God bless everyone in the name of Jesus Amen.

So what I was saying everyone is going to have an increase in anointing if you believe. Those who believe you should not doubt. When I am saying in the name of Jesus, if you believe God is speaking to me that God is going to increase the anointing in everyone.

Brother breakthrough I hear you are coming out of the web Hallelujah!

I am thankful to everyone!

Sister I hear the word split, I hear the word split something is going to split, but that is for your goodness in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

So I am thankful to everyone. May God bless everyone. I will be praying for you. Pray also for me in Jesus name Amen. Hallelujah!

To be continued...



Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here. Welcome everyone to Daily Prophecies.

Sister Rachael Israel the fire of Lord is upon you and it is going to give you a breakthrough in your life and ministry.

Sister God is going to extend your boundaries and do not be upset says the Lord the Lord will grant favour in your life. Sister you are protected from every side. I see protection from enemies, protection from thieves this is what I hear.

Sister the Lord is going to give you a separate house for you. God has seen your miseries and He is going to honour you. And He is going to relieve you from all the pains. And God is going to increase all the knowledge in you.

Sister I see you are going to organize meetings. I see you are going to organize big meetings, crusades and you will move away from your place and do the Lord’s work I seen you are very sophisticated and a new language God is giving you in the name of Jesus.

Sister Government is approving your sanctions. New knowledge and there will be enough power for you to move this is what I hear there is enough power God is giving you power to move.

Sister God is going to give you a nice house with good flooring. Separate for the Lord and the Lord will bless you.

Sister you are going to write the test and you will pass the test. You will have more language proficiency this is what I hear.

Sister so this is the deviation in your life. Your life is going to deviate and chest infection is healed and God is going to speak into your hears Hallelujah!

Brother healing on your skin, healing on your skin and the Lord’s wealth is coming into your hand and financial breakthrough. I also hear God is going to open your eyes your inner eyes.

Sister Hallelujah! Those people who are against you are coming back to you. I see you will see the things that others cannot see they might of rejected you, but God is going to honour you.

Sister protection from enemies and you are healed. You are healed from a chronic disease and you are completely healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister promotion in your life. And the fire of the Lord is coming upon you and that what was stagnant is going to move.

Sister God is going to extend your boundaries. You are going to join the new school I hear and the atmosphere is new and you are going to see the breakthrough the honour is coming to your family. God is giving you more talents, more prophecies and you will stay away from house and




do the word I hear the word so.

Sister you will go to Europe, you will have connections in Middle East, you are going to travel to many nations. The Lord is giving you more finance for the travel sister.

Sister God is going to extend your boundaries, financial breakthroughs.

Sister I hear the word alliance. Alliance coming, new connections coming.

Sister you will pass the test, you will come out of the tunnel. They will try to sue you, but you will win the battle.

Brother God is going to use you powerfully. You are like a bulldozer. You will fight and you will win. And the vacancy is filled.

Pastor I see the pen in your hands. You are going to write some books. And more knowledge God is giving you. And the light of Jesus is shining upon you.

Sister the peace of the Lord is upon you. Be active in church, the Lord is saying be active in church and the Lord is fulfil your heart’s desire.

Sister new language, foreign trips and extension of boundaries and grace upon you in the name of Jesus.

Sister I see the equation is solved. The problem that you are facing is solved there are many big problems, but God is solving them one by one. And there is provision there is enough in the refrigerator this is what I hear.

Brother properties coming in your name and you will sign the document and God is filling you with riches. You will come out of the test. Hallelujah!

Sister Hallelujah! You will run and win. And healing power coming upon your family and the church will be establish and you will have to travel along and family peace I hear. In the name of Jesus.

Sister financial breakthrough and heart’s desire is going to be fulfilled. You will pay the loans this is what I hear. Sister the peace is in you and happy news you are going to hear. I hear child baptism. Child baptism in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Sister new chapter. New chapter is going to begin. A promotion in your lifetime I hear things are going to change.

Sister very soon you will be going to your native place and finance opening up for you. And promotion in your life sister in the name of Jesus.

Apostle be courageous I have separated you for the work of the Kingdom the Lord is telling and the Lord is going to give great changes in your life. You will have financial breakthrough.

Apostle people there maybe Pharisees, but you will overcome everyone. The Lord is going to increase the anointing in you and God is going to give you more boldness. And more are coming there is an addition and people are going to be added into your ministry Apostle. Hallelujah!



Pastor there are long journey’s awaiting you and peaceful stays and Heavenly atmosphere and you are going through many battles, but you will overcome I hear the word so.

So I am thankful to everyone and I am thankful to God for the network is working. So let’s be thankful for everyday God is directing and is in control.

Sister Hallelujah! I hear that God is going to give you a church. You are going to have a church ministry sister.

And promotion in your life. God is going to increase the anointing in you and He has separated you for the ministry I hear the word church ministry for you sister. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

To everyone I have given the word so God is going to bless everyone here. So I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are watching here God is going to touch everyone’s eyes. The fire of the Lord is upon your eyes and it is going to give you more visions.

Sister promotion in your life and leg pain is healed and I see there are also long journeys ahead of you in the name of Jesus.

Sister financial breakthrough and life is going to change you are in a junction I see so. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

God bless everyone I think I have given the word to everyone here so God bless everyone.

So God has a plan in your life. So I have a word to share with you and if God speaks also personally to you I will give the word. Maybe one or two words, but that will bless you. Hallelujah!

Sister new friend coming to your life and that will be a blessing to your ministry. Sister promotion and breakthrough in financial area and you will have good food I hear good food tasty.

Brother financial breakthrough and God is going to settle you in your mother’s place I hear the word so.

So welcome everyone so I have a word.

Brother Hallelujah the battle is going on, but you will win the battle because God is with you. Don’t look back move forward promotion is with you and you will win the battle this is what I hear.

Sister the Lord is going to bless your family. The Lord is going to bless your children. And God is going to give language to your mouth. Open your mouth wide and speak the Lord’s language, prophesy! In the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

So welcome everybody. So I have a word to share that is 1 Thessalonians 5:16 it says, Rejoice Always That is all.

Rejoice always and pray without ceasing the 17th verse. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

So 1st Thessalonians 5:16 is saying, rejoice always so you might be thinking if you are happy if we hear good news then we can rejoice. But when we are tensed when we see something that



is not good for us, how can we rejoice for us. When we come to know that the enemy has come in our property how can we rejoice? So when the doctors says you have a pain and there is no medicine and how will you rejoice?

But the bible is saying here Paul is saying Rejoice always! So in the negative situations it is very hard; it is very difficult to rejoice, but Paul is saying Rejoice Always; because he is saying, he’s saying from his experience, when he was passing through the trial he

was rejoicing. When he was put in the prison, think about any other minister now. Now in the present day, when they are put in prison can they sing songs and praise God? But Paul was praising God in the prison. He was rejoicing! And he was not sure unless he had any revelation. He was not sure that he will come out at any time, but he was rejoicing, because he had deep revelation about God. That God was doing the work of God so it is the duty of God to deliver him. Likewise Paul here is saying, give thanks in everything.

So if your property is having some problem, if your car is having some problem, if your house is having some problem, your family is needing some deliverance. When your health is having some problems. When your equipment that means the system that you are using for the ministry is having problem. Even the believers they are not stable, they are coming one day, but the other day they are not coming and when you pray miracles are not happening.

So many problems are in every person life, financial problem like that. But rejoice always that is what maybe you are passing through the negative situation. Rejoice! So, because how can you rejoice, because you are living for God. You are living for God, if you are living for yourself you cannot rejoice. If you are living for God, your life is completely given to God. If there is a negative things in your life, it is God’s duty to look after you. When Agabus the prophet came to Paul, Agabus the prophet came to Paul and said you are going to be bound by the enemies. And everyone those that was there told Paul not to go, but he said, I am not bothered because I am ready to die for Jesus. So I tell you, let everyone be ready to die for Jesus. Be ready to die for Jesus the next moment. So then we can rejoice that’s what Paul is telling, for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

So if he is living he is living for Christ and if he is going to die he can join with Christ. That was Paul’s attitude. That is why he’s rejoicing always, he is why he is saying rejoicing always. So maybe you need many things in this world and things are not coming according to your plan, but I tell you if you live for Christ. If you are living for God when you realize that you are created for God and you are made in His face. You are made in His character when you realize that you will be happy. Whatever is things negative coming in your life you are rejoicing because you are made for Christ; there are trees, there are buildings there they cannot walk, they cannot be feel, they cannot be happy, they cannot be sad; because they have no life. So I am saying that we should be like as if we are dead in Christ. So when we are dead in Christ, our feelings are dead in Christ and what you are now feeling is the feeling of God. So when that is the way to rejoice.

So maybe some of your machines are not working well and tomorrow you have to use that machine rejoice! Everything give to God. Maybe there is no water, maybe the hurricane is



coming. Maybe the storm and tempest is coming. Sleep like Jesus. Sleep like Jesus, because the heavy tempest is coming He is not bothering. Sleep like Jesus and also, be like Daniel when he was and the order came to Daniel. He was not bothered, he prayed as usual. So let your attitude be like how Moses walked through the Red Sea. All the Israelites and Moses, I am saying Moses, I do not know the situation of the Israelites, but Jesus walked, the bible says that Moses walked through the Red Sea as if dry land. So maybe you are having financial

problem, but at this present time be like a rich man. Maybe you are having a pain or disease in your body, but be like a healthy man without any pain and rejoice! For you are created for God.

So this is the word that I got of how Paul can say Rejoice! So Rejoice this pandemic is spreading everywhere, you may have heard about it in the news. In India, it is spreading, but rejoice, for we are created for God. Unless God gives us anything we won’t have it. If God gives anything that is from God.

So God bless everyone.

Financial breakthrough for you Apostle and you are protected from the enemies.

Sister marriage coming.

Sister I hear the word new journey is going to start.

Sister I see the star when I look at your name I see God is going to bless you like the stars of the sky. Hallelujah! It will be numerous that is what it means.

Sister I hear the word Netherland for you.

Sister new anointing new dimension God is going to take you. And you will have a new car.

Sister financial breakthrough and complete healing. You are your family are completely protected from everything and financial breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

Sister protection, you and your family are protected.

Apostle long journeys and financial breakthrough.

Brother be courageous the Lord has seen your problems and he is going to bless your child.

Sister new address your address is going to change.

Sister you are going to sing for the Lord in the name of Jesus.

So God is going to bless you in Jesus name. Amen.

So God bless everyone in Jesus name Amen.

To be continued...



So you are going to see greater things! I thing Hallelujah in the name of Jesus. So God is going to bless everyone.

Can you write a comment what I have spoke you have heard anyone of you brothers and sisters what I have spoken till this time did you hear? This is what I am asking in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! Did you hear Hallelujah in the name of Jesus? Before I was asking you we only see now, ok, before you heard what I said that is what I am asking? Ok, I understand so now I understand, Welcome, welcome everyone there was some mistake from my part here, ok. Thanks for your patience. God is going to bless you.

So welcome everyone! So I thank God in the name of Jesus. We will bind the enemy so I can understand so I am thankful to all brothers and sisters here. So welcome everyone.

Sister the Lord is giving you knowledge and more power. You should not be desperate says the Lord. The Lord is going to speak into your life. God is giving you boldness. And you will fight the battle and you will win the battle sister. The fire of the Lord is coming upon you.

Brother I see big compound walls that you cannot move forward, but the Lord is breaking every Big Jericho wall. Every Jericho wall is broken in the name of Jesus and you are going to see your family blessed. And you will be seated in the church this is what I hear.

Apostle the healing is coming upon the healing power is coming upon you and you are healed in the name of Jesus. And financial breakthrough also you are protected from the pandemic.

Brother happy news and financial breakthrough do not be upset the enemy may come after you, but God is giving you boldness and strength. You should not be upset says the Lord in the name of Jesus

So welcome everyone.

Sister the Lord is going to put the lights on in your life that you are going to see a blessing coming into your family. And more grace I see children coming to Christ.

Sister the promises you are going to see. So do not look back like Lot’s wife this is what God is reminding. Lot’s wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt. So don’t look back look forward. What God has told you, you go. God told Abraham give your son actually he did not like, but he went. Likewise what God told you, you go and you will be blessed this is what the Lord is saying.

Sister peace the peace is in you and there will be enough provision. You should not be upset God is going to make everything surplus to you and you are healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister you will have long journey’s and finance will be opened up for the journey’s. You will move to many nations and breakthrough is coming fast I hear.




Brother the peace is in you and God is going to extend your boundaries. And music I see it is the celebration in your life. So do not be desperate what is happening around, concentrate upon Jesus and Jesus will lift you up. Hallelujah!

Sister be courageous God is going to give you more tolerance and the gates are opened for you and the healing is coming upon you.

Sister I see the peace and new seat and you will stay comfortability this is what I hear.

Sister so you are going to be honoured. Don’t have any negative thoughts because the breakthrough is coming and God is going to give you a car.

Brother I see you will visit your traditional church very soon and you will get your native place and you are going to get back the lost job this is what I hear.

Sister financial breakthrough and the Lord has separated you for His purpose. God is going to honour you that you will do greater things for Him. And also you are healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister the peace is in you and new system coming. And breakthrough is coming do not be desperate says the Lord. God is going to increase the anointing in you so expect a great miracle in your life.

Sister the peace is in you there is a long journey before you. So do not be upset says the Lord. The Lord is going to make a twist into your family. Sister the Lord will open the nations to you to preach and you will go to Middle East and you will settle in your Father’s land this is what I hear.

Pastor you will stand in the crusade and you will minister to many this is what I hear.

Brother promises are coming to happen in your life and you should not go after them they will come after you. God is giving you boldness.

I see the name Royal I see one name Royal, Government is approving and you are going to see the breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

So sister new thing coming in your life and it is the promises you have heard before it is coming to pass and blood relations are coming to help you and you will purchase the house this is what I hear.

Sister so financial breakthrough and extension of boundaries and more grace I see the baptism is taking place. Sister the fire of God is upon you and giving you a breakthrough and changes are coming into your life.

Sister sudden improvement God is going to extend your boundaries. Do not be upset says the Lord I will give you a promotion and new job is coming.

Sister so the enemy will be silent and you will win, because enemy cannot do anything in your life and you are going to get the share.

Sister you will settle in the new land and there will be sources of income and financial breakthrough for you.



Sister the church is going to invite you to minister and God is giving you a prophetic tongue. Prophetic tongue I hear the word, prophetic tongue.

Brother peace and there will be water in the land more Holy Spirit.

Sister God is going to honour you and your old people, your relatives are going to give you part of the inheritance this is what I hear.

Pastor financial breakthrough and you are going to be blessed in the same land where you brought up, the same church where you were brought up. And God will use you powerfully to bless others. Hallelujah!

Brother happy news, happy news you will hear. And financial breakthrough and you will come out of the pit this is what I hear.

So everyone here new journey’s are going to start. God is going to increase the anointing in you.

Sister you are called to minister. When you stand for the Lord the Lord will increase everything what you ask you are having family peace. Sister mercy of the Lord is upon you. What has not been used in your house is going to work and God is going to give a breakthrough. Sister be courageous! Knowledge in English I hear and knowledge in language I hear and foreign trips.

Sister garland, honour, you will stay near the harbour, at the harbour you will stay this is what I hear.

So everyone here welcome! Welcome everyone! So when I started sharing it was a mistake from my part so it is ok so we are thankful to God for the network to be good and working. And also, I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are watching here.

So I am getting the testimonies through messenger and whatsapp that God is speaking into your lives. So I am also happy Hallelujah!

So financial breakthrough is coming to everyone in the name of Jesus. And doors are opening for everyone and everyone’s boundaries are going to be extended. The peace of the Lord is upon you. I sense the fire of the Lord over this daily prophecies and it is coming into your place the fire is coming to your place so the healing will be coming.

Sister the healing power is coming upon you and you are healed in the name of Jesus. Lung infection healed in the name of Jesus. Lung infection the disease healed in the name of Jesus.

So I have a word to share with you that is from the book of Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Jesus. This is what this verse is saying, this is the word this is the prophetic word to everyone. It says, And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

So if you do everything in the name of Jesus you won’t feel sorry because you are not doing it of your own name. You are doing everything for Jesus. Maybe you will plan to go to a place and there will be obstacles on the way and you should not be worried because you are going to places and it



is the duty of Jesus to take you to that place. That is why Paul when he was doing the ministry very powerfully he was suddenly in prison so everything was stopped. It didn’t bother him because when he was outside he was doing healing deliverance ministry, but inside the prison he was writing epistles so every time he was busy. Every time Paul was busy, when it was lock down he was writing epistles. When he could go out he was doing healing and deliverance ministry. So what this word is saying whatever we do, we do everything in the name of Jesus. Maybe you are stagnant.

Some of you are saying it is lock down I cannot move I am stagnant I am waiting for a very long time for a deliverance I have heard many people saying we are waiting for a very long time so according to the language of God there is no waiting period. If you ask Joseph what you did in the prison these long years he will say I was growing strong in my inner man. I was praying in tongues and I got the interpretation of dreams and I was enhancing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you ask Joseph he will say like that so he was not bored. He was not bored he was calm and quiet in the prison and he was not hurry. He did not wanted to be hurried to come out, because he knows when he grows strong he will be taken. So I tell you if you are in a place and not moving for a long time. God has a plan you have to strengthen your inner man that is why you are there. When you are stagnant God will use you powerfully. Some people, my relatives ask me, why are you not going there, my close uncles and aunties, they will ask me you are doing the Lord’s work why are you not going to that country. I ask them why, let me strengthen my inner man and then go. Otherwise I will just come and go like a visitor. So I am telling you if you are praying for a deliverance, instead of praying for a deliverance you strengthen your inner man by praying in tongues. And when your inner man is strong God will lift you up. God will take you. So you should not cry when will I see the deliverance God knows everything.

So this verse is saying like that I will read Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Jesus. So Paul was doing the ministry and he was taken into the prison and then he had to write the epistle. When he came out of the prison he began to do the ministry. Again he was in prison and then he began to continue doing what he was doing with the epistles.

So let your life be like that there is no stagnant. Everything is doing at the perfect time.

Sister financial breakthrough and I hear the word market price. Maybe you are going to buy something or you are going to sell something I hear the word market price.

So you will purchase the land in the name of Jesus.

Sister protection for thieves and God is going to honour you and God is going to change you life. And financial breakthrough this is what I hear a financial breakthrough is coming and everyone I see.

Brother I hear breakthrough I see you in the helicopter I see you flying in the helicopter so you will move to nations and God will use you powerfully. If you believe you will be a powerful vessel in the hand of God.

So everyone I have given the word.



Sister the peace in you.

Search the land and you will get Pastor.

Sister financial breakthrough. Sister you will move to nations. Sister your dear one is coming this is what I hear.

Apostle the car is covered it is protected.

Sister there will be support. Hallelujah!

Sister God is moulding you.

Sister the light is going to shine.

Sister promises are going to come to pass in your life.

Brother financial breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

Apostle you will go in different directions in different areas I see like that.

Sister I see the keyboard, piano, new music is coming to you. Sister Hallelujah God is going to honour you. You will go to European country I hear the word European countries in the name of Jesus so the breakthrough is coming in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Welcome everyone! God is going to bless everyone! I am thankful to God.

So if anyone is saying, I have not received any word. Do everything in the name of Jesus so there is no stagnancy and there will no waiting so when you are not moving you should realize that your inner man should be strengthened. So no complaints if it is delayed in the wilderness. In the wilderness, you ask Joshua and Joshua will say why it took 40 years for you to reach the promise land, because my anointing is so strong so as to make the sun stand still so I have to be well trained in the desert in the wilderness. It took forty years for God to train me up to become a history Joshua did say. So Joshua never complained.

So I am telling you do everything as you are waiting in the name of Jesus. If you walk, walk in the name of Jesus. If you sing in the name of Jesus. If you minister, minister in the name of Jesus. So when we minister, no prophecies are coming, nobody is blessed, do not be upset. You are doing in the name of Jesus. So people are saying, I cannot see any vision. If you cannot see any vision you can pray. You can pray again and again and God will open your vision. Everything that you pray that is for God. So you live for God so that is what the verse is saying, every deed and word in the name of Jesus giving thanks so no complaints. So this is the word for everyone.

May God bless everyone! Thanks for your patience.

So everyone is going to have an increase in their anointing and financial breakthrough.

God bless everyone so God is going to do greater things in your life.

In Jesus name Amen.

To be continued...



Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus! I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to

minister here. Also, I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are watching God will speak into your life. Welcome everyone.

Apostle properties are coming in your name, you will buy the land. And financial breakthrough for you Hallelujah!

Sister you will have means of transportation to move. And maybe it is not a big as you think for the time being it will be useful for you in the name of Jesus amen.

Sister the Lord has built a fence around you so the enemy cannot take anything from you and there is enough water in the land.

Sister I see you will do the ministry you have a ministry calling. And doors are opening for you. Promotion in your life I see the Lord will use you powerfully for the Kingdom. I hear the word crusade in the name of Jesus.

Sister welcome! The skin problem healed I hear the word the skin problem healed. And foreign trips are coming into your life. And family peace this is what I hear Hallelujah!

Brother do not repeat says the Lord what you have done once, don’t repeat, but the time will come and God will establish you.

Brother I see you and your family are protected from the pandemic. And the church is going to change the church. People are coming back to you and deliverance is on the way this is what I hear.

Sister complete healing there is no need of medicine no need of injection. Complete healing and financial breakthrough and you will pay the loans this is what I hear.

Sister financial breakthrough and you will have the title for the land.

Sister I see the vision waterfalls, water is flowing from a high mountain it is gushing out it signifies in these days you will have a powerful touch of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit will flow from you powerfully in the name of Jesus.

Sister happy news you will hear. God is going to honour you and the money is released this is what I hear the doors for the ministries are opened.

Sister you will have the right, you will have the right and you will stay in the apartment. And you




will preach Holy Spirit I see like that.

Sister so a deviation is coming and on it’s way and your life is going to change. Expect a miracle it is on the way and you will have finance for the needs. And you are completely healed.

Sister Holy Spirit is coming upon you. Receive the healing God is going to honour and children coming also to God and you are going to buy the property I hear the word so.

Pastor I see you will write books I see a heap of books that is written by you and when people read they will be delivered. Books written by you when people read they will be delivered I see many foreign trips also for you.

Sister happy news and you will have a family peace. God is going to bless your family and promises are going to come to pass.

Sister the Lord is giving you a beautiful Mercedes Benz and finances opened for you and a chronic disease is healed. The chronic disease is healed this is what I hear. Chronic means that the doctor has told you that you have to take the medicine for a long period, you are healed in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Sister promotion to your life and new job awaiting for you and you will have money for the provision.

Brother there are long journey’s waiting for you and God is going to implement new things in your life and the law is going to change.

Sister I see you with a cap. Cap means you will go to England I hear, it is an English hat. You are wearing an English hat you will go to England. And complete healing over your body this is what I hear sister in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Sister Hallelujah Today the Lord will settle your cases and I hear the farmland, there is a moment in the farmland and breakthrough in the financial area and the doors are opening for you for the business.

Sister so what is broken is going to unite and new connections are coming to you in the name of Jesus.

Sister they will follow you, but God will separate you and finance is opening for you and more Holy Spirit is coming upon you. And you will face many challenges, but you will beat the battle this is what I hear.

Sister promotion and new system you are going to buy, I see you are going to buy a cycle. You are going to buy a cycle what I am hearing I am saying in the name of Jesus and you will occupy the land sister in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Brother the animals cannot harm you and you will be a blessing to many. And you have many



pets I see like that I see a cat a pet in the name of Jesus.

Brother you will go out from the problem and you will have a blessing.

Praise the Lord! Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus! I am happy to see you here all brothers and sisters.

Sister the calling is coming stand in the calling and financial breakthrough and long journey’s are awaiting

for you sister.

Sister promotion in your life, promotion in your life and you are going to see a breakthrough this is what I hear.

Brother God is going to extend your boundaries. Financial breakthrough.

Sister financial breakthrough and God is going to extend your boundaries and you will have the ministry. Financial breakthrough for you this is what I hear.

Welcome everyone!

Sister go according to the speed of Holy Spirit and you will settle in the land of breakthrough I hear. You will settle there in the fertile land and you will purchase the house this is what I hear.

Brother you are protected from thieves this is what I hear. You are protected from thieves in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Welcome everyone I am thankful to God also! And I am thankful to see you here and it is raining outside and the network was also week that is why it is broken. So welcome everyone I have a word to share with you. So it is a very powerful word so you are very blessed.

Brother you will go to far places I hear the word Australia. And you will have ministry around the world and the Lord will settle all your financial problems. This is what I hear.

So I have a word and I say you are very blessed to hear this is what is says and it is a very powerful word and everyone needs this word so I am going to read this it is from the Book of Exodus Chapter 23:27 Hallelujah! It is a very good verse, I will send my fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people whom you come and make all your enemies turn their backs to you. It is powerful and everyone needs.

Sister you will stay away from the house and stay in hotels and the Lord will have you do the ministry this is what I hear.

Sister I see healing over your body and the money is coming back into you hands. Restoration also I hear and you are going to fly this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

So this is a powerful word and I will read again, the Book of Exodus Chapter 23:27, I will send my fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people whom you come and make all



your enemies turn their backs.

So they will come in one direction, but they will go in seven directions. And He is going to send His fear on you and everyone who looks at you will be frightened when they come to know that you are coming they are going another direction that is the power of God. So this verse is saying, He will bring confusion, He will bring confusion among your enemies. So if somebody is planning something against you people are planning

against you, but God is going to bring confusion to them and no one will stand before you, because the fear of the Lord is upon you. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

So if anyone is saying I have not received any word, if anyone is saying I have not received any word this is the word, that when we are in the world we need the fear of the Lord is upon everyone. Moreover He will bring confusion among your enemies. They will try to fight you, but they will fight each other. You know the Israelites when they were going through the wilderness the enemy comes with swords, but when they come closer they will fight each other that is the word Hallelujah!

Sister protection from thieves and no one will purchase your land it will come in your name this is what I hear.

So welcome everyone this is the word so you must remember this word wherever you go, whatever situation you are, even if you are in an interview. Even if you are in an interview, or a debate or anything the fear of God will be upon you, so everyone will be troubled, everyone will be frightened. They will try to escape from you, because they see you know Elisha servant boy was afraid when he saw the enemies. So Elisha the prophet prayed to God open his eyes, so God opened the boys eyes and he saw he was surrounded by the angels with the swords. And there was more numerous than the enemies, the angels with swords they were surrounding Elisha and the boy. And there was more than the enemies.

So when this word will come to activate in you, when you go, you know how this word is going to activate; because when you go on a way, you have to meditate this word, you are not going alone, you are going with many angels with swords in their hands.

So when you go to the ministry to some places in my country also, there are anti-social elements those who are against the gospel in our country there are many people against the gospel. So I mediate the verse as I go through them that they will be frightened, because when I, they might be planning to attack us, but I go before them like I am not going alone. I am going with many angels with swords along with God’s presence. So this is how this word is going to activate in you.

That word is saying will bring my fear upon you and everyone will turn their backs to you, they will try to face you, but will turn their backs to you and God will bring confusion amongst your enemies. It is going to activate if you believe so the place where you are staying everyone will



honour you, because your God is God YHVH. So this will happen when you are right with God. When you are in good terms with God this verse will come to pass. No one can say anything against you. If anyone plans anything against you, they will be driven away from you.

There was a man near my place and he used to say abusive words, but now God drew him away and God demolished his house and he left the place. So this kind of miracles you can see. So the battle is God’s.

Sister the peace is in you, peace.

New Church beginning, new church beginning sister.

Prophetess financial breakthrough.

Sister healing power coming upon you.

Sister speed is increasing.

Sister I see steps elevation.

Sister God is going to bless your child.

Apostle foreign trips coming.

Sister you will buy the land.

Sister financial breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Sister Happy news.

Sister I see refrigerator, I sense you are going to buy a new refrigerator, God is going to give you a new refrigerator this is what I see in the vision.

Brother new letters coming, I see letters are coming to you.

Brother breakthrough in your life. Happiness in your life in the name of Jesus.

Brother you will fly to nations in the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

Sister God is changing your body, that means I see like that His light is going to shine upon you. When Moses came down from God’s presence no one could look at his face. Because his face was shining, likewise, God is going to give His presence upon you, your body will shine, your face will shine sister in the name of Jesus.

May God bless everyone in the name of Jesus. Amen.


To be continued...



in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here. Also, I am thankful to all brothers and sisters welcome everyone. So today I believe God will give us a strong network. Apostle I see steps I see the vision of steps that means there is some elevation in your ministry. There is a growth in the ministry also I see the anointing coming more on these days and it will spread to nations. Sister new clothes are stitched to the old ones this is what I hear. New clothes are stitched to the new one. New clothes are stitched to the old one this is what I hear. I will say again new clothes are stitched to the old one so something is new is coming to you and that is the old will make you new. And it will bring breakthrough to your life and it will change your life. Sister I see the siren is I see the ball of the siren and it is the time for you to go out. And also it is the time for you to start the new plans. God is going to give you the breakthrough in the financial area. Brother you are protected from the people those who are against you the Lord is to greater things in your life and you will be invited to the old school this is what I hear brother Praise the Lord!Sister there will be enough provision in the kitchen. I sense you are doing more work in the kitchen I sense that God will give you a breakthrough and there will be a change in your life coming. Sister I see you crossing the bridge you will. What you have been waiting for a long time you will get it I see the bridge connected in the name of Jesus.Sister I see financial breakthrough and also invitation coming from abroad. Also I hear I hear New Zealand. New Zealand is calling you. in the name of Jesus.Welcome sister Rachael Israel many foreign trips are coming to you and if you believe you will have more time in the airport the rest of your days you will be traveling and ministering if you believe in the name of Jesus. Brother Hallelujah! You have to give the collateral security and I hear the word pay. There is a change for you to stand so you will be protected in the name of Jesus.Sister healing power the power of God is coming upon your veins and blood is changing and fire is going to come out and more grace. And financial breakthrough God is going to extend your boundaries. You will see visions more clearly. Sister the Lord will give you a beautiful house and God is going to deliver you from all your mental depression. Sister the power of God is coming on you and healing you of all sinusitis in the name of Jesus.




Sister I hear the word you will go to Switzerland I see and you will have new connections from there and financial breakthrough coming to you. Sister two things will happen at the same time and you will set aside all the problems you set aside in your life and financial breakthrough coming and you will come out of the problem in the name of Jesus.Sister financial breakthrough and you are protected from the epidemic. The sinusitis is healing and breakthrough is coming. Sister you have the right stand and God is

going to extend your boundaries and you are protected from the enemies. Sister I see the invitation is coming and you will buy the land. You will have the money to buy the land and the bank account is increasing in the name of Jesus.Sister I see you have more burdens and God is going to relief you of all the burdens. You are going to have free time in the name of Jesus. Sister you are called to minister. When you do the ministry of the Lord God will extend your boundaries. And God will use you powerfully in the prophetic realm in the name of Jesus. Sister there will be another way for you to reach the destination so you won’t be held up on the way. God is going to bless you. God is going to take many things out of you and giving you free blessings this is what I hear. Sister God is going to extend your boundaries. And you are completely healed. No needs of medicines and financial breakthrough and it is time for the marriage I hear the word so.Brother Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus I see the Lord is going to bless your child and God is going to take you out of the pit and you will see the breakthrough. You will get the telephone call and you will move from the place where you are now and financial breakthrough for you in the name of Jesus.Sister foreign trips are coming and financial breakthrough. Be courageous says the Lord. Sister everything will be going out and new fresh is coming and you will pass the test and you will get the key and financial breakthrough for you.Sister new contracts are going to be signed and financial breakthrough is coming. God is going to extend your boundaries. You have a restoration. Brother financial breakthrough and long journey’s back home I see. And you will pay the loans this is what I hear. Sister you will write books this is what I hear. Start writing books. And printed publishing this is what the Lord says.Sister the Lord’s grace is upon you that you will jump the situation and you will have peaceful stay and you will have family peace. God is going to give you a new renewing in health this is what I hear.Sister you will study again. I see you will study more and you will study for higher course and you will complete the studies and you will preach the word to many nations. Blood relations are coming to you sister.Sister Hallelujah! The power of God is coming upon you like an electric shot and giving you a



breakthrough and it is burning the enemies the demonic oppression. It is coming in the name of Jesus by the power of God. The Lord will open the nations for you and you will speak for the Lord and financial breakthrough.Sister financial breakthrough and you will have enough food. You will have enough food nothing will be waste.Pastor God is going to extend your boundaries. And you will set in the new office this is what I hear. Hallelujah!

Sister what all problems you are facing you will come out that is what I see. And your son is healed this is what I hear. Financial breakthrough for you Hallelujah! Sister in the coming days you will see the Lord will put you to a test. And by faith you will come out of the test you will pass the test in the name of Jesus.Sister financial breakthrough and you are protected from the pandemic. There is a change in residence this is what I hear. There is a change in residence this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.Sister promotion is coming and address is changing. New address, new residence is coming. Brother God is going to extend your boundaries. And nothing is wasted says the Lord there will be a change. Brother you won’t fall God will make you stand and God will return everything that has been lost this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.Sister a new chapter is beginning. And you will visit the neighbouring country and promotion is coming to you. Sister you will teach many people and financial breakthrough and God is extending your boundaries. Hallelujah!So I have given the word to everyone in the name of Jesus I am thankful for your patience and your time sparing to read here, but the word will be a blessing I believe it will bring deliverance to you. I am hearing the testimonies in the name of Jesus. So I have a word to share with you when you believe that word. Every word when you read, hear you have to believe, then that word will come to pass in your life. Many people read bible many times, but some of them only by heart the verses, many people read bible many times; but few only hide the verses, among that few, only a few will meditate it every time and among that few, only a few will believe that this word is for me. When you believe that this word is for you surely it will come to pass in your life. So it is very important maybe you are reading only one verse of the bible for a long time. But if you believe that one verse is for you surely that one verse will come to you.So I have a word to share with you it is from the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 7:6 For you are a holy people in the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people to Himself, a special treasure about all the peoples on the face of the earth. So this is not only for now the Israelites, but everyone who believes in Jesus. This bible is the book of the Law of the Israelites. And by grace everyone who believes in Jesus are the inheritors. They can enter into the Kingdom of God by faith. That is what the bible is saying. So you are a chosen people. And this verse is saying you are a holy people to your Lord God, the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people to Himself a special treasure above all the



people on the face of the earth. So above all the people, that is very important. Above all the people of other nations, you are chosen. You are chosen for Himself for a purpose. When you believe, that verse will come in your life. Thousands may fall, ten thousands may fall, but it won’t come near you; because you are a chosen people. Many have the same problem that you have, but they won’t come out. I don’t know whether they will come out. But you will come out, because you are a chosen people. How many

of you believe? So the promises in the bible are for the chosen people, the others are just reading. Many people want the knowledge of the word. They read many books, they read bible, they read other religious books and they read other science fiction books every philosophy books, but their reading just for knowledge. But we are not reading the bible for the knowledge but for the Law. This book is the Law of our life. So this book is the book that is changing our direction. The verses in this bible are changing our direction. It will bring abundance to our life so here this verse is saying you are a chosen people to Him than other people, then above other people. So Deuteronomy 7:6, Hallelujah! For you are a holy people, that is very important, holiness, that is very important keep holiness. For you are a holy people in the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people to Himself, a special treasure, you are a special treasure a valuable and any disease in your body, that you have to realize, when you realize you are a special treasure, no cancer can stay in your body, because here God is saying you are a special treasure, you are a special that is what He is saying you are a special treasure. So there is no cancer in your body, because you are His special treasure. There is no financial crisis because you are a special treasure. So when you believe this word will come to you. Every word God says that has come from my mouth will not return void until it fulfils it’s purpose. So you are a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.So you know the pandemic is spreading everywhere. Many people are taking vaccination also in my country also. And some people have taken vaccination and have taken 2 vaccinations, but again the pandemic has come to those people that are vaccinated. There is no guarantee in the vaccination. Now this is the second wave, so when men found vaccination, God brought another thing. It is coming another way. So the only shelter we have is only in the verse. The only guarantee that we are protected is that we are His special treasure. When you believe there is no disease. Even cholesterol is healed right now when you believe. Your cholesterol is healed right now when you believe you are His special treasure. And diabetes is healed when you believe you are His special treasure. And every skin problem is healed when you believe you are His special treasure. And the verse is saying you are a special treasure above all the people. That means when you apply for a job, your name will be the one first considered. How many of you believe? If any of you are seeking for a job, when you apply for the job. When you write an application for a job, you must keep this verse in your mind that because you are a special people above all other people. That means above all other applicants, your application will be considered. Maybe your children so everything you are first so that is what the verse is saying. It depends upon your faith and how you believe.



You believe like a blind man Hallelujah! If you tell a blind man, if he’s a blind man with you in the daylight and if you tell him today it is now night he will believe. And when you take him at night it is morning he will believe. So every word when you believe it is for me, that word comes from God. God told Abraham come out, He did not ask where, he did not ask will you provide, he came blindly believing God. God told Abraham leave your parents, he did not understand if I leave my parents who will take care of them, he did not ask. What God said he obeyed, he did

not ask tell God I will give you my son when I have another son. He did not say, so what God said he obeyed. So here also God is saying if you obey that will be come into your life. Financial breakthrough for you sister. The peace is in you sister.You will pay the money brother you will pay the money.Brother the peace, financial breakthrough that is the word for you. Sister the sinusitis healed. Sister the fear is gone. Sister more opportunities and more doors are opening. Brother there is another way.Sister God is going to give you rest. Peace. Sister so your life will be a blessing from this time onward. Your life will be enjoyment I hear for you.Pastor I see God is lifting you up to the next level. Hallelujah! Sister promotion and new house is coming to you sister. Hallelujah!Brother you will get the book and you will write the book this is what I hear. Sister financial breakthrough. Sister do not be upset says the Lord the enemies power is weakened. Sister the companion is coming to you and God is going to bless you. Sister God is going to extend your boundaries and new journeys are going to come. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.Sister the light is shining on the dark areas.Sister financial breakthrough and you will have enough provision.So I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are here.So God bless everyone! I will be praying for you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Hallelujah!

To be continued...



Welcome everyone! So Today God is going to speak into your lives. Hallelujah!

Today God is going to speak.

Sister the peace of God is upon you and you and your family are protected from all the plans of the enemy. Safe travels this is what I hear.

Praise the Lord! Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here.

Welcome to Daily Prophecies. So now I am happy to see everyone here! I have a word to share with you. It is a powerful word.

So I am going to read that verse it is from the Book of Isaiah Chapter 60 the 15th verses, Whereas you have been forsaken and hated so that no one went through you. I will make you an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.

So if you have been rejected and not be accepted God is going to honour you. I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are here. Again coming here and your patience God bless you for your patience. And welcome everyone.

Sister you will jump the big Jericho wall this is what I hear, you will jump the big Jericho wall.

So I have a word to share with you. I will read that word to you.

Promotion is coming to everyone. Welcome everyone here!

Apostle new books you are going to write. New books you are going to write.

Sister complete healing on your body.

Sister you will stand in the crusade says the Lord and He is going to bless everyone of you.

So this is the prophetic word to everyone reading that God is going to give you eternal excellence. Eternal excellence means His ability it will be upon you. His Grace will be upon you.

To be continued...




Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here. So may God bless everyone. Also, I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are reading here. God is going to speak into our lives and may God give us strong network I pray in the name of Jesus.

So financial breakthrough for you welcome sister I see the dam is opened and the power of Holy Spirit is coming in overflowing abundance of Holy Spirit I see like that water gushing out from the dam. So I see like that sister.

Pastor welcome I see extension in the length wise. God is going to extend your boundaries. And the land is going to increase this is what I hear increase in the land. And financial breakthrough is coming on the way. You will settle in the land this is what I hear.

Sister God is going to extend your boundaries and peace inside the family. And many foreign trips are coming to you.

Sister it is the time for celebration and you are going to drink the juice this is what I hear. Drink the juice means that happy moments are coming into your life and children coming back this is what I hear.

Sister you will stand in the pulpit and you will call the names of the people. And people will be delivered this is what I hear. And there will be a change in the ministry. The Lord will take you into the next level sister.

Sister the doors are opening up for you don’t be upset says the Lord. Wait and see that the Lord is good. So do not be upset says the Lord. The Lord has seen your life and the Lord is giving a hope in your life. That means doors are opening up for you sister.

Brother Hallelujah! You will stay outside the house and minister for the Lord. And the one who left you will come back to you this is what I see. God is going to open up your eyes.

Sister Hallelujah you are protected from the pestilence and I see the closed doors are going to open you will enter the borders and you will enter the new regions. This is what I hear.

Apostle the prophecies are come to pass in your life. You will have a travel through the woods through the forest. And things are coming to pass in your life as you desire. Wait for the things to come. And financial breakthrough also coming.




Apostle I see sandwich that means pleasant times are coming. The marriage is coming and things are going to settle. And financial breakthrough for you.

Brother Hallelujah so there is the enemy, I see the enemy the snake and the power of God is coming and it is destroying all the plans of the enemy and that what was stagnant in your life God is going to push everything in your life that was the plan of the enemy and you are going to move faster this is what I hear.

Brother, peace, the peace of God is in you and God is going to set aside all your problems and He is going to whisper into your ears. He will give you new language. The money will be returned the money that has been lost will be returned.

Sister new seat you are going to sit in the new seat the old is going and financial breakthrough is coming.

Sister you are almost near the promises it is going and you are going to see the promises come. And there will be a change in your lifestyle and in the family setup. And everything is going to change by the grace of God. The light of Jesus is going to shine. I see the refrigerator. And many provisions in the fridge and God is giving you provisions this is what I hear.

Prophetess what is pulling you back is going to case and new power is coming and you will move forward. And no one can pull your leg back because it is God who has planted you there and you will stand for the Lord this is what I hear.

Sister Hallelujah! I sense that you are stagnant. You are like a eagle in the circus tent. It means an eagle in the circus tent cannot fly above. So today the Lord is breaking that tent and you are going to move if you believe. You will get the promise, you will get the seat, you will get the finance this is what I hear.

Sister promotion in your life. Money is coming and changing the house this is what I hear. The house is changed. Sister there will be an alternative way and you go through the right way and God will do the rest. God will settle all your tensions. Hallelujah!

Sister it is time to change the cover and there is enough storage. The bronchitis healed and cases are set aside you are going to become free this is what I hear.

Sister God is giving you the legs of a deer and you will run fast. And you are going to get the promise you are going to enter into the promise. And I see you flying like a kite. Very soon you will be raised up.

Sister you will sing. The Lord is giving you song into your mouth and breakthrough is coming along the way.

Sister financial breakthrough and you are protected from the epidemic.



Sister the Lord is going to give you new language into your mouth. Open your mouth widely and God is going to fill it. Fill you with Holy Spirit. The thyroid is healed, I hear the word the thyroid is healed in the name of Jesus.

Sister excess fat is going that means unwanted things are going and new things are coming. That is the power of the Holy Spirit and it is giving you breakthrough.

Sister you are going to hear the voice of God. The windows are going to open and the climate is going to change.

And the child is coming to Christ this is what I hear.

Sister complete healing no need of medicine this is what I hear no need of medicine complete healing. The pressure is decreased the tensions are decreased. This is what I hear.

Sister I hear you will go to the European countries. And God is going to give you peace. I sense you have many tensions you are in your future, but God is going to settle your cases. And you will have a family setup this is what hear.

Sister you will come out of the cave and you will pass the test. You will buy a vehicle for means of transportation in the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

Sister everything will come systemically at the right time. So do not be upset. Wait for the Lord. Maybe you are thinking why it is not coming, but the Lord has created you the Lord YHVH is saying I have created you for a purpose. When that purpose is fulfilled your heart’s desires will be seen evident. And you are going to enter into the new house this is what I hear in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

So welcome everyone here!

Brother I see more power and you will be given a new house. And you will have peaceful stay in the new house.

Sister complete healing and financial breakthrough and your son is saved this is what I hear you son is saved. In the name of Jesus.

Sister I see the locker is open and finance is flowing. Money is coming into your hand and you will see blessings. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus.

So promotion to everyone, I am thankful to everyone here. God is going to speak into your life. I am thankful to all brothers and sisters. Also I am thanking God for the network. So good so far. May everything go as God desires. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus. So I have a word to share with you.

Sister Hallelujah! Stomach ache healed I hear the word stomach ache healed. The problem with the stomach is healed. And God is going to extend your boundaries and you will have peace in your family. This is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

So I hear the testimonies also that God is going to bless you. I hear many testimonies and I am



thankful to everyone here in the name of Jesus.

Brother the majority will stand with you and you are safe. No one will question you because it is the Lord who is with you. This is what I hear in the name of Jesus Hallelujah.

Welcome everyone here! I am thankful to everyone here in the name of Jesus and things are going to come according to God’s will. So I have given the word so far to everyone.

Sister it is the next stop for you and new doors are opening up for you. And you will have financial deliverance this is what I hear Hallelujah.

So welcome everyone! I have a word to share with you that I will read it is from the Book of 2 Corinthians 8 the 9th verse it says For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ though He was rich therefore for your sakes He became poor that you through His poverty might become rich. So it is very powerful. This word is saying Jesus is rich, but He became poor for your sake. He became poor to make you rich. So when you believe in Jesus this word will come to pass in your life.

So there is one thing that we have to mediate it says, He became poor that you through His poverty might become rich. That is very important. That you through His poverty, through His poverty means you know we have to experience His poverty then only will we become rich. Many people, I was also having a financial problems, I was a business man and I lost much money so I came to know Jesus. Through Jesus I came to seek deliverance. So I came to realize that through Jesus we will have deliverance.

So here this verse is saying, through His poverty, that is very important and once again I will read this is the word for you.

If anyone is having financial problem this is the word it says Hallelujah, He became poor that you through His poverty might become rich. So it is very important that we have to experience His poverty. So when you are having some financial problem God wants you to experience His poverty. Then only will you get His riches. So this is the word.

So if you want a financial breakthrough you have to go through His poverty. You cannot overtake His poverty. So you know He was poor in a cow shed in that situation. He was not born in a comfortable hospital. Our Jesus was born in a cow shed where there was cows, straw everywhere, so the place was not neat. Also when He was a child His Father was a carpenter. And His father was not rich so He had to go through many poverties in His family also. Because His father was a carpenter so like that He was not born in a rich family.

That is why this verse is saying that He became poor to make you rich. So if you want to become rich you have to go through His poverty. So when God puts some financial problem in your life



do not seek other sources. You experience His poverty. What it means experiencing His poverty going through His poverty that means going through the word of God.

In the book of Deuteronomy 28:12 it says, you will lend but you won’t borrow. So you will lend, but you won’t borrow that is the word in Deuteronomy 28:12. When you stick and stay on that word and follow that word that you will never borrow, but we will lend. But God will put us into the test sometimes we won’t have any food

sometimes we won’t have anything that we need these are all tests. But when we pass the test we will have a financial breakthrough.

You know I was in Middle East in 2008 and I was working there for sometime and I lost the job. I was in Middle East for ten months and lastly I had no monies. So I had no food to eat. So I can borrow money from others I can ask for money, but I decided that I won’t ask anyone.

So I decided to fast. I decided to fast and I told God that I was going to fast for 21 days. So on the 6th day I saw the vision of Jesus Christ. Also on the 21st day I got deliverance from UA and I came to my country after I fasted. So I am telling you we will be put to the test.

So even in hard times that is what this verse is saying that you have to go through His poverty. It is very important. If you want the riches of God what this verse is saying that He became poor that you through His poverty so not without any other way.

There is no other way if you want the riches of God. If you want the riches of what Jesus has given to you. You have to experience His poverty. So you should not murmur you should not complain. But if your calling Is great you will have to go through many hard miseries. So you have to show patience. You should not complain.

So this is, I like this word very much. He became poor that He through His poverty so through His poverty that is very important. So if you want a financial breakthrough you have to go through His poverty in all circumstances Jesus passed through. We have to pass we have to carry the cross. It doesn’t mean every day we have to take the cross, but if you want a financial blessing or any other blessing you have to carry the cross and you have to go through His poverty. So this is the word for you. So this is the prophetic word. And God is going to bless you and everyone is going to have a financial breakthrough.

Peace in you sister.

Sister God is going to open your eyes you are going to see visions clearly.

Sister I see a new dress coming, new garment that means a new anointing coming to you.

Brother God is going to bless your family.

Sister new location and I see new address God is going to give you a new address.



Sister the invitation is coming.

Brother don’t look back look forward and be with the Lord and the Lord will honour you.

Apostle the peace is in you. Financial breakthrough.

Sister the address is going to change. Sister God is going to extend your boundaries.

Brother be courageous I have separated you for the Kingdom says the Lord in the name of Jesus.

So welcome to everyone I am thankful to everyone reading Daily Prophecies. I think I have given the word to everyone.

Sister something with the stomach problem healed in the name of Jesus this is what I hear.

So if anyone is saying I have not received any word, 2 Corinthians 8:9 that is the key for financial deliverance. Jesus became poor to make you rich. So He became poor that through His poverty that is very important so you have to experience His poverty. Maybe you won’t have food, you won’t have clothes, it is just for some time. I had in my life just some years back in the beginning stage I did not have any soap to wash my body so I looked after taking bath I’d look down to see whether there is any bar of soap. So these are all tests, because we have to pass all the tests. You know why I am sharing this because we have to experience His poverty now God is giving me everything. What is needed God is giving. What I was saying is in the past from years back. So we should not overcome, we should not jump from the situation. Abraham’s servant she ran away from her house and the angel of the Lord stood before her in the wilderness and said to her. Go back to Abraham’s house. I am speaking about Hagar. She doesn’t want to go through that problem. So she ran from Abraham’s house. So the angel of the Lord told her to go back to Abraham. So you have to go through your problem. If you try to overcome the problem by some other means God cannot do a miracle and you will be stagnant in it. So if there is a financial crisis in you. You have to surrender before God and you have to cry. Don’t look at other ways. Only look at what is said at in the bible. And it says in Deuteronomy 28:12 that I will lend, but I won’t borrow.

So that is for every deliverance we have to follow the word. Don’t overcome that word you have to go through that word. Then you will see the breakthrough in every area.

So this is the word for everyone. I am thankful to everyone.

God bless everyone.

I thank God today that the network was good. God is going to bless you and everyone is going to have a financial breakthrough in Jesus name. Amen.

To be continued...



Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus! I thank God in the name of Jesus for giving me an opportunity to minister here. Also, I am thankful to all brothers and

sisters those who are reading Daily Prophecies. May the grace of God come upon you.

Sister promotion in your life. You are entering the new house you entering the well furnished house.

Mercy of the Lord is upon you Apostle. Premature birth I hear premature birth something is going to happen before time it signifies premature birth.

Sister I see your graft is going to go up so do not be upset with the problems irritating you. They are keeping you tense, the Lord is telling look into the life of Jesus and He will give you peace. This is the word for you sister.

Sister everything is going to change and there is going to be a change in every area of your life. And you will fly you will board the flight. And I see you wearing a jacket in the winter season. I see you wearing a jacket in the winter season it signifies I hear the word, “Poland,” You will visit the country Poland. In the name of Jesus.

Sister focus on the Lord, says God. And He will give you more Holy Spirit. And you will be honoured in the town itself.

Sister I see the crown of honour on your head. I see the crown on your head. If signifies that you will minister to the Kohen of the place where you are residing. You will minister in the palace of the place where you are ministering. So also healing power bronchitis and suffocation healed in the name of Jesus and God is going to extend your boundaries sister.

Brother I see you do not lack money. I see a vision of refrigerator with provision. For this month you will have enough provision. Every month you will have enough provision this is what I hear.

Pastor Hallelujah! You will have a house in the town itself. And you will stay in lodges and do the ministry far away. Long journey coming ahead by train this is what I see in the name of Jesus

Sister provision and money you don’t lack anything. The provision and money is coming. And finance opening from abroad this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

Brother I see you with the luggage. You are about to travel. You are going to travel to the European countries. I see the word Greenland. Your going to Greenland. And God is going to extend your boundaries. Some kind of problem with the skin is healed in the name of Jesus.




Sister the Lord will speak into your ears. The Lord will make your mind at peace. I sense you are tense the fire of the Lord is coming upon you making you calm and quiet.

Sister financial breakthrough coming and also God is protecting you from all cold and fever and you are protected from the pandemic. And the closed doors is going to be opened this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

Sister I hear a word car to carpet you know car to carpet means you don’t go by walking like that word signifies

and means it signifies you are going to have a promotion. From car to carpet this is what I hear that means you don’t have any struggles. You don’t have any struggling hard in the wilderness. Everything will be smooth that is what it mean by. So your life is going to become smooth, easy not struggling or very hard. So God is going to bless you sister.

Brother Hallelujah! I see the Lord is going to touch your eyes.

Sister church is going to honour you. And there will be water in a well. You will come out of all your problems. All the struggles in the family this is what I hear.

Sister I hear the word guardianship. So you are going to become a guardian of someone else. And God is giving you promotion in your life. I hear the word marriage also. Everything will come systemically at the right time this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

Sister I hear I see the vision of an angel with wings on the shoulders it signifies that you will have an angelic visitation. The angels will come and deliver you message from God. And when the angel visits you. You will receive more anointing from God. And that’ll increase your anointing. Angelic visitation this is what I hear sister in the name of Jesus.

Welcome everyone! Also I thank God the network is good so far. And I believe God wants the network to be strong today. God bless everyone. I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are here.

Sister you will cross the borders and you will reach the destination. This is what I hear Hallelujah!

Welcome everyone here I have a word to share with you.

Brother long journey’s coming. I see long journey’s coming and I sense you are highly tensed. The Lord is delivering you from all the tension. Family problems everything brother I hear the word so.

Sister promotion to your life and you will be there in the centre of the earth. Centre of the earth means Israel. Jerusalem is the centre of the earth. You will be there in Jerusalem. This is what I hear sister. You will be there in Jerusalem this is what I hear. And God will bless you in the name of Jesus.

Welcome everyone. God is going to bless everyone. I have a word, I have a very powerful word it is from the Book of Psalm 46 Hallelujah!

So if anyone is saying I have not received any word this is the word. Everyone reading this is the word.



Brother and the curtain is moving. I see the vision the curtain is moving. And it is time for God to honour you. God is going to honour you.

Sister Hallelujah! So next level I hear God is lifting you to the next level. You are protected from all diseases. You are protected from pandemic this is what I hear. And financial breakthrough is also coming to you sister.

So I have a word to share with you. I will read it in the name of Jesus, the word is Psalm 46:4, There is a river

whose streams shall make glad the city of God. This is the word it says Hallelujah the word Psalm 46:4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God. So you are the city of God. You are the place where God wants to dwell in. So you are the city of God and this verse is saying there is a river whose streams shall make you glad. So when you read 1 Corinthians Chapter 3, 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 you can see Christ has brought us at a price. And our body is temple of Holy Spirit. So our body is temple of Holy Spirit and God is inside our bodies.

But many people are saying, we want healing, we want deliverance, we want happiness. Many people I hear them say I need a deliverance, I need this and that and so and so many people say. But when you read 1 Corinthians Chapter 3, 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 you can see Jesus brought us for a price. So when you believe that He brought you for a price you do not belong to you. You do not belong to somebody at your home. You do not belong to your father or mother, but you belong to Christ, because He brought you for a price. Maybe you have a husband or a wife, but when you believe that He brought you for a price so He is the master of your body. So you are the city of God. And this verse is saying there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God.

So I am asking you how many of you are glad? Glad means happiness always. Always happiness. Somebody might ask you why are you glad? And you have to say I am the city of God. My body is the temple of Holy Spirit that’s why I am happy. You must be happy not because you have some wealth. You must be happy not because you have a healthy body or you’re famous or you are a powerful minister or you are an honoured person in the society. You are very rich all these things must not make you happy. The main thing that you should be happy is that God has chosen you to dwell in you. And He has chosen you to be His temple.

So there are many people in the world, but He chose only you. There are many people in your family, but He chose only you. There are many classmates, collages associated with you, but He chose only you. So you must be happy. And when you realize that truth you will see that stream. That stream you know Jesus said, out of there those who believe out of their belly will flow rivers of living water. So when you realize the truth that, your body is not yours. Why are praying for all these prayer requests? Why are you praying for all these pray requests is because the Bible says Jesus has bought your body and He is the owner of your body, and your body is the temple of God. So it is the duty of God to protect His temple.



And why are you tensed? Instead of seeking all these things, that’s what Jesus says, First Seek the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is in you. So it will make you glad. That is what Psalm 46:4 is says there is a river, you have to find that river it is inside you. The realization of the truth that you are not your owner. The realization of the truth that Jesus is the owner of you. When you realize that you don’t have any special prayer requests. Jesus will intercede for you. At this time He is interceding

to Heavenly Father for you. That is what in the epistles Paul is saying, we have an intercessor. We have Jesus interceding for us.

So He knows everything what you want. So instead of asking for your prayer request you praise God. You lift the name of Jesus. Jesus is interceding for you.

So you lift the name of Jesus and things will come faster. Things will come faster because you are lifting the name of Jesus and Jesus is interceding for you. And then things will come very easily for you to receive. Hallelujah! How many of you believe?

So the realization of the truth that there is a river whose streams shall make glad. So you should be glad always! This is what God desires. But instead of being glad you know what is going on in Heaven. In Heaven when you read the book of Revelation you can see. In Heaven worship is going every time worship. The angels, the four creatures and the twelve elders on either side of God they are worshipping. They’re worshipping God. They have no time to think about their family. They have no time to think about their body. They have no time to think about their financial problem, because they are worshipping they are called to worship. And we are called to lift the name of Jesus, because He has brought you for a price. You know when you stay in a country you have to pay tax, because you belong to that country and that country will take care of you. And you are a citizen of the country where you belong. And that is true when you go to another country. When you are insulted, the country is insulted, because you are the citizen of that country, likewise, your honour is God. Your master is God. Jesus is the master so like paying the tax to the country, your duty is to lift the name of Jesus. Show Jesus to others. Reveal Jesus to others show the testimony of Jesus in you. Then things will move faster.

So Jesus is interceding for you. You reveal Jesus to others. Lifting the name of Jesus means not only just pray, praising Him, but showing to others that I carry Jesus in me. I am no more the old man, I have put the new Jesus in me. You have to show the world then you will be blessed. Then the keys of the Kingdom will be given to you. Then the key of the house of David will be given to you. Then when you pray things will happen. You can open the Heaven. You can release treasures from Heaven so this is the Word of God.

So I am thankful to everyone.

Blessings coming from the church sister blessings coming from the church.

Financial breakthrough for you sister. Promotion in your life sister.



And tensions are healed, relieved sister. I hear many tensions in your mind are relieved. You are free from all tensions.

Sister address is going to change new address Hallelujah.

Brother celebration in your house. I hear the celebration in your house.

Sister the fear is gone and the love of God is coming in you. Sister many new doors are opening. Sister you will win the battle sister.

Sister long journey’s are waiting for you. Get ready with the luggage. Sister new address coming and you are going to see a new house. Sister money and provision coming this is what I hear.

So everyone here welcome! I have given the word so far. Hallelujah!

Sister the Glory of the Lord is upon you. The thyroid is healed. I hear the word the thyroid is healed in the name of Jesus.

So I have given the word to everyone so far. Hallelujah!

Promotion to everyone’s life in the name of Jesus.

Brother God is going to extend your boundaries in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

New village is coming sister. Apostle flight travels I hear.

Sister God is going to honour you in the name of Jesus.

Welcome everyone. Hallelujah!

So I am thankful to all brothers and sisters. God is going to increase the anointing in you. And this is the word if anyone is saying I have not received any word. This is the word that there is a river whose stream shall make the city glad. And you have to open your eyes and see that stream. You know Hagar Abraham’s servant she decided that her son will die so she does not want to see her child dying so she kept that child away, but the bible says when you read the book of Genesis the bible says God opened her eyes and she saw the stream. So Genesis that book is not saying God opened a stream, it is not said so but that verse is saying, God opened the eyes of Hagar and she saw a stream. So there was a stream already there. And when God opened her eyes she saw that stream. Likewise there is already a river in you. There is the river that making you glad is in you. And you have to open your eyes and see it. This is the prophetic word.

So God bless everyone. I‘ll be praying for you. Pray for me also. And the Lord will protect each and every one of you and your family from the pandemic.

God bless everyone in Jesus name Amen.

To be continued...



2 CHRONICLES 2:20Praise the Lord!

Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. I thank God in the name of Jesus to minister here. Also, I am thankful to all brothers and sisters those who are here reading Daily Prophecies. So let us pray to God for a strong network. May the grace of God be upon everyone I have a word to share with you that is from 2 Chronicles Chapter 20 the 20th verse. I will read that verse later.

Welcome everyone!

Sister Hallelujah! Overflowing of Holy Spirit and promotion in your life. New language given to you.

Sister you are protected from the enemies and you are protected from the thieves. And God is going to give you a new memory. That you will forget all your past. And you will have more faith. And spend time in worship. And the Lord will deliver you.

Sister healing and I hear the word neurologist connected with related to the nerves is healed. Financial breakthrough also coming. And they will call you and you will have the interview this is what I hear.

Brother I hear family set up marriage, new connections you can go courageously and you will win that test this is what I hear.

Brother Hallelujah! You will stand in the pulpit and all the negative thoughts are falling down and there is a wall of fire around in the name of Jesus.

Sister financial breakthrough and I see a list of books and you will have to write the diary for the miracles that are about to start.

Sister I see the wall of fire so you are protected. Financial breakthrough and money is coming into your hands and there will be enough provision.

Sister Hallelujah! What you have been waiting for a long time is coming to pass and long journey’s are there. And don’t be upset because the Lord says let it come tomorrow not today let it come tomorrow. And the Lord will do greater blessings tomorrow.

Sister the Lord is going to open your ears. That you will hear the audible voice of God. And




financial breakthrough is coming to you. The sinus is healed. The peace in family a get together I hear the word in the name of Jesus.

Sister new location, new healing and financial breakthrough. This is what I hear.

Sister I see you traveling in the car and you are going to be in the crusade. You will have a testimony you will share the testimony in the crusade this is what I hear.

Sister so the enemy cannot enter your premises, because the Lord has commanded the Lord has won the enemy. The spirit of financial breakthrough and that is tormenting you. The Lord has commanded do not enter the premises. So you are safe. And I see you are receiving gifts.

Sister I see promotion in your life do not be upset says the Lord. God is giving you new language. And I hear betrothal. Marriage coming, ceremony is coming in the name of Jesus.

Sister financial breakthrough and God is giving you some grace that when you pray some people will be healed. When you pray some people are delivered. And I sense you are carrying a lot of pain in your heart. And God is going to relieve and give you deliverance from all these place Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

Pastor I see the flag that means it signifies victory. And you will never fail and you will never be defeated, because I see the Lord has sent an angel before you to capture the thoughts, this is what I hear to capture the thoughts. This is what I hear.

Brother you are called to minister when you do the Lord’s work the Lord will provide everything for your children. You children do not lack anything. This is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

Pastor financial breakthrough and new gifts are coming to you. And your church members will bless you and they are coming to you. Those who left are coming back. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

Sister a long travel by car to the countryside visiting the villages and the farmers coming to the ministry. This is what I hear you will have a ministry among the interior parts of your country sister.

Sister I see the money is coming. I see you have to be away from you house. And you will go to many places. And you will have money for it as the traveling expense. So do not be upset says the Lord. Everything will come at the right time. The Lord is telling if he is giving you light and He is giving you breathe. He will bless your life also. This is what God is telling. So don’t be upset in the name of Jesus.

Apostle new doors and new agreements you are going to sign. What you have brought for the price it won’t be waste because it is going to work. Something might have happened in your life with very much financial problems, but it is all an experience. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.



Sister I see you jumping two or three steps at one stretch that means the deliverance is coming very quick. It is beyond your control and the fire of God is coming upon you and giving you a breakthrough. You will stitch. I hear the word you will stitch. New connections this is what I hear. You will stitch. Stitching means like stitching a new cloth like that stitching new connections. This is what I hear.

Sister you will continue your studies don’t be afraid don’t be upset this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone.

Sister the peace, the peace and financial breakthrough. Don’t believe every word what they say except accept only what is said in the bible. This is what the Lord is telling you now. And the Lord is going to establish you.

You will stand in the pulpit. And God is going to extend your boundaries. Financial breakthrough this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone I can see all your names here. I am thankful to God for you all coming here and watching. I am thankful to God also for the network. God is great in the name of Jesus.

Brother new clothes are coming and new visitors are also coming and financial breakthrough is also there.

Brother sudden effect, I hear the word sudden effect that means sudden deliverance, it won’t delay, immediately, maybe today or tomorrow you will see a great deliverance. Property coming in your name brother.

Sister you will have a comfortable seat this is what I see a cushion seat. You will have a comfortable seat and promises come to pass sister in the name of Jesus.

Sister the Lord will put aside everything that is against you and financial breakthrough. You will see your children’s children. And God is going to honour you with the money and status. This is what I hear sister.

Sister you will hear comforting words. And that will make you happy. I see gladness on your face. The peace in you.

Sister you will have a new ministry in the new church. And you will travel to many places. And visit many people who are having many diseases. When you pray they will be healed. It is coming. This is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone here I am thankful to God for God has brought you here in the midst of



your busy schedule. Hallelujah in the name of Jesus.

So welcome everyone! If anyone is saying I have not received any word I will read a word and that is the word for you. And the word for everyone.

Sister you will run fast. You will run fast and overcome all the issues this is what I hear in the name of Jesus.

So I have a word to share with you. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus. So that is from the Book of Hallelujah!

Just before coming on live the Lord gave me this word 2 Chronicles 2:20. So they rose early in the morning and went into the wilderness of Tekoa. And as they went out Jehoshaphat stood out and said hear me oh Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem. Believe in the LORD your God and you shall be established, believe His prophets and you shall prosper. This is a powerful word.

So every prophecy I tell you, every prophecy if you believe in the name of God you will prosper. Maybe the prophet is not sure whether the word is right. Maybe the prophet we know that the prophecies sometimes go wrong. It is in God’s control. So maybe the prophet is not sure when he prophesied, but if you receive that prophesy in the name of Jesus. That word will come to pass. That is the power of God. It is not you. You are believing because of God. You are receiving the prophecies not because a prophet is speaking, but you believe that it is coming from God. So it will come to pass into your life.

So this word is saying Hallelujah! Believe His prophets and you shall prosper. So every prophetic word when you hear when you watch the television. When you see every prophecy, maybe it is spoken to somebody, but when you believe that it is not from the word of God. So I will be giving prophecies to one person, but others can also receive it. Because when you believe that has come from God, maybe to the person to whom I am speaking may not believe, but you know the word that come from God’s mouth won’t return void. If a prophecy is spoken to a person and if he does not believe it won’t return void it will go to everyone who believes. That is the power of the prophecy. Power of the word of God.

So when you look at the facebook, when you look the media, when you come to read the prophecies. You receive it you receive it, because when you receive it depends upon your faith. You know all the prophecies in the bible, all the prophecies in the bible are actually given at that time to those people. The prophecy given to Abraham. Prophecy given to Issac. Like that so on. So it is still we are receiving. Likewise every prophecy when you receive maybe it is given to somebody, but when you receive it will come to you. It will have an effect in you. That is the power of prophecy and that is the power of God. It is saying believe his prophets and you shall prosper. Believe His prophets and you shall prosper in every area and the other thing that is believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established. If you believe in God



you will be established. You will be established as an Apostle. You will be established as a prophet. You will be established as an evangelist, as a teacher, and a shepherd. You will be establish as an honourable man. You will be establishing your office.

If anyone reading here is doing the ministry and you don’t have any office today the Lord is going if you believe God your ministry is going to have an office. God is going to establish your office. And God is giving you an address

establishing means giving address. You know some people do not have address. You know care of some name care of so and so. That means that person is known in somebody’s name so God is rewriting that. And God is establishing you. If you are known through somebody else. Today I prophesy in the name of Jesus that you are going to be known in your own address. In your own office. Not is somebody else how many of you believe that is that I am saying from this word.

Believe in the LORD your God and you shall be established. If you believe in God, maybe you are known by your father’s name he is the son of, but you are going to be known as known by your name. Maybe you are known under your Pastor’s name, but you are going to be known in your name. That is the meaning of establishment. That means you will have an address of your own. Maybe you are in a rented building, but you are going to have a house of your own. You’re going to have an office of your own and that is the meaning of establishment.

It is like establishment means God approving. When God approves you are established. So when you read the Book of Samuel you can see God established him as a prophet. So when you believe God. God will establish your heart’s desire. God will establish what you are desiring that will be established. So this is the word to everyone. What you are desiring if you believe in God, 2 Chronicles 2:20, it’s a powerful word, believe in God, read the Bible and every word believe and these words will come to you and you will be established. Hallelujah! So and you will prosper so this is the prophetic word to everyone.

Sister I see the fear is gone. The fear is gone and promotion is coming.

Brother new doors are opening. And you will stay in the apartment, in the apartment itself is what I hear.

Sister you will stand in the next level of the ministry.

Pastor new doors are opening.

Apostle financial breakthrough. And you will pass the test.

Brother the peace in your family. Family peace. Brother church is coming and accepting you.

Sister you are called to minister. Financial breakthrough to you.



Sister happy news and spreading. God is going to establish you. Sister new doors are coming.

Brother there is a shift of residence I hear there is a shift of residence brother.

Sister financial breakthrough and you will enter the promises this is what I hear.

Sister the Glory of God is upon you. Sister breakthrough in your family. Hallelujah!

Sister I see celebration coming. Sister the peace and sudden breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

Welcome everyone who are reading. So if anyone is saying that I have not received any word this is the prophetic word. Believe in God and believe in the Word of God and you will be established. Established means if you are not married you are going to get married. And if your property has not titled you are going to have the title to the property. That is establishment. And everything will be established. This is the prophetic word. If you are seeking for a job you are going to get a job. So believe in God and the word of God. And believe in the prophecies and you will prosper. Every prophecy believe and you will prosper.

So to everyone I prophesy in the name of Jesus, a financial breakthrough. And this prophesy is to everyone those who are reading this is what the Holy Spirit is saying. What you desire that will be given to you. What you desire that will be given to you. Because His grace is upon you and many foreign trips are coming and your language is changing new accent is coming and I see honour is coming. And marriage is coming and the Lord has separated you for a greater revival.

Financial breakthrough and you will pay the money and you will have enough to give. The peace in you Hallelujah! So this is the word to everyone that can receive.

I am thankful to all brothers and sisters here. If anyone is saying I have not received this is the prophetic word 2 Chronicles 2:20.

I am praying for you. God is going to establish each and every one of you and you are going to prosper. You are going to prosper and you are going to be established. So believe God and believe His prophets.

May God bless everyone in the name of Jesus. Amen.

To be continued...