' L ' ., ' . ' ·. /V:QJ... '' . ,, . ' "/. . . ' •• ,, •' I ,·> r ·;coaeNA ' ' CompaDy ·' ·). ' ' . . . ·Mexico . ,... .Corona, .. I ' Cooked Meat 30c_ a Pound ; Fresh Home Baked Cakes and Pies in Stock Corona Meat Marliet W. G. Chancey, Prop. ., ·• .·. . •, . . . . . ' AbQve :S... , · . · · th.e' ' . '• ·my. 2o, .l,f)23 . . .. ' ' ' : ' . GN . .. . ' ' . ., . ' . . ·DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. -_ .Tho . . IN PARAGRAPHS bv'a,l .... lla ' . ',, 9 ' \ : . ,' ,., .• ' . ' .. ,; ' . ' . ' . . ' ' ' . . '...k ... ., . .. New.Mexico Items . ' ln SQ: h. Ul«t .pUII.I.ti• !:WI' .. a J;lfO' OAUQHT. FR()M THI NETWORK 01' for Abolltlon of LEAPERS PLAN TO TEST POWER ... ' ' WIRr!l ROUND A'OUT THI.WORLJ) OF GOVERNOR GENERAL A big depoalt of mnng'll'I\CSO 01'1) la All qree'lllent haa been reached •* WOOD l"cported to bo.vo been discovered on Z..111&4.l IUle on aU tho 4lttl• the Gllu river nenr Red Rock und '(lllltJefl In tho Near Eaat some of tlae snmples wblcll lmve been ·• •'-•.. 1 ... tho wAv o.. nssuyed wlll run 62 per cent man· THE PAST WE EK no-:,r:er:::.'l"B... - .. FILIP·INO''. A BINET· QUI"S-. sanese. iJ · . !tllliltClba proYlDct voted qa1nM U f The Doll{) &ld Falr Assocln· " t ot beer llll4 Uiht wJne• an pu,!t!lc tlon ls mnldog to stug& a big tn1r J:llliJCM b;y a majorley ot 82,000. '.l'D.e during tile Iutter pnrt ,of 1024. lf the R.CORD OF wu on thtltlht FIGHT 18 CAUSED ey REIN8TAT·· present pliUIS ot the executives of tl\e ... UIY ..t .. to '-- iol .. 1n .. tell - ""R ICE orgnnlzntlon nre cnrrletl out t11c talr CONDENf.I.D FOR, • ,,tF .,. _ ME;NT OF s,. V wlll be one ot tbe best 4lVOr bel<lln the PaOPL• I 'Lt ....... r.p· fltnte. ,. . •" ll oi&t - ···- , .. -.-. ... ""'-*._ . At a mooting ot the school bour(\ of, """"-'(,! i ... th · '"• Raton contracts wero let tor big uddl· _ .... .,. ' .... """." . . J erew of Am_mCUl ,..._ II lltJ t tl 1 ... .u.a., ...... , dlrec•t ... them to appear ...... DJln.--The c mnx In the po ca ons LO both the Nortb and JJ;ast elde . X.... Buel lUoct. 11J: - A"·- war between Governor General Wood achoola. Tho work will be started a' f;!rtcl• ot Dr. JXartf Block. San oourt to amawer . ., ...... ea 0 " nnd FUlploo offlcluls came when tho once nnd It Is ceUmntcd tbut tho job d.enU.t, tata117 allot hertelt ot tho trom lhlPI lD .New cabinet ond couocU of stnte tendered will by the time It Is · l!omo 1n s-n Dloio, Oallt. •• • .,.,., colllpleted; •· · " mOCk WJ.! .. ot M,r. · by he• own ettorta. h:' 1'fie' re1na1ti'tc1llent by Gov. Gen. Some ot the streeta Cit Albuqtterqtfa. ltn. A.dolpli lltr•er of Denver Colo. her war woundll. She thlu Leonnrd Wood ot Rny Conic.,, Ulllted were turned lnto "" ......... · • ' .. OermaiiJ ahould do the IIUile. That .... •• n .... ., With the aaluw of tbe mUUon aJ14 lB the mood that proiJlllta Franco detl• Stutes Becret service agelit, after ho nuby Lowltzkl drlvlog a deW rtlitbmO. halt-doUar fire .WI mnoulderlng 'Dltel'l to oppolo England'• bud roslgned, started 11 J,Jolltical battle bile uprooted a clcy flro h)'drtUit, 1tJ1c'fi the bua7 UtUe )nll)lns toW118 ot Bl.lrkt ot nn loan tor Germanr, between tho governor general oo one she ran Into tho plug. 'rhq jout;g and llace, 14L.:•tood, work ,of rcmOT• It Will revealed at the toreiiD oftlc:e sldo and members of hlo eablnet ond woman Willi tnkcn to tbo Pollee Court. 111.1 the debrr. tiu been undertaken bt 1n London. 0 legislative lenders oq tho Qtiler. but was relenood when abe ottcrecJ to the iJecla lllD1ns CompaD)' IUid prop. .. 1 am c:ontldont, 1 i.m not worried." The oocrct aervlco man o.-lltlnnll'l buy a now hydrant. el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a mcual• wus chal"':ed with brlbc'ry, an lDveaU· Twenty-two hundred cnndldatcs tor Mra. ,Warren G. Harding, wlte dt to the French Senate aa the break gatlon tollo\ved, he wus cleared nne\ the cltlzenB military trnlnlog camps the P'tealaent. hu been so worn · England on rcparaupnj loomed to thq go,·emor general reinstated him. tor TeXIUI, OkluhomD. Colorado, Now br a«cPtlDI hoapltnJltl(!jl extended bJ1 threaten tho peace ot Europe. "Fnmce J. P. Lnurcl, aecretaey of the lntcflor, llexlco nnd Arknnaas, comprlalng t1to Alukans that w hna been compt]Ued JJaa need of Eniinnd.'' Aid Poin.care. ro/Ilped In protest at tlto cxccutlvo•a C{)rpa Aron ot tho army, have to take to bed, Mr. Barding lntorme4. Eniland Deede France ja.t u ncUon. Mayor Ratnon Fernandez of bet•n neeeptcd by cxnmlnlng bonrdu aJ.\ audience at Fatrbanka Just befortt rnueb." - MunUa followed suit, nnd otfidal 'Clr- nnd nrc now prt>pnrlos to nttend tho he alld h1l pnrtJ lett tor Scwlll'd, Earl Ha1g, commander-ln-dllet ot clc11 wt>re ftllcd rumol'S thnt tho «'lllll(JII that wUI open oo July 28. Alnak" Drltllh army nt the close ot tho entlro eab!Det lDtcndcd to Jolu tho Fuel llllol"tnge In Colorado and New lut. wwkout, wiUt the uxceptlon of vlco lloxlco Ia t hrentllllcd durlnu the corn· Prtllclent BardlDi l'!Acll 04 P1> Wlll', lD a IPIKleh bctoro tho Em· Govornor Gilmore. ln.r winter, according to W. Wad· further north than I1D7 .other American Bervlco Wille lD London, ap- To dute t11o governor gencrnl has lt>lsh, National lo'uel ;t>lotrlbutor at Presldent. Wltb h1l nnhnl lD Fair- Joel for moro powcr.tul mlUtar, de- not acc(!lltcd tho Lnurel nnd Feronn- wnuhlngton, D. 0. Tho ataternent la to innka, he waa Wlthln 100 mllca ot tho ot tho Drltl.Sh nntlon. ".An UD• dcz rmliJ1aUolllJ. It ho a the ettc('t that moat of are .lnt&rctlc c1rcle antval marl(e4 · no.Uon cnn neither tho .... hlllh FlllWJ.Io ottlc.lnl of U1o 4rty ot unly worklnll one or n week, tho end _pr a two lind ono-htllt d.., a nor t11o trlenda lp ot Its neleh· Mabuel prC!.S1dont o ho Sen· und thnt tho auppcy on ha wiU not tldo coycrnment raUroad Ctom 8:lld Earl HnJg. utu nod l'rltlc ot tho admlDlatrntloo. be 11ut0elent to oupplon tlte·aupply Soward. . ahot down a low rldloi air· there will bo a. tlgbt to a tJiiiJib to mined next fnll when t o ruab onlon Governor Blnklo of Now Mcxteo b•t J>luno lud£!ll with a 520.000 P:l7f0ll tC!l1t the powem of Govcroor Ocncrnl ntnrt. laaued to Ca.rl 0. Mtlitle. edt• llcnr Limo. Peru. They were tolled Wood. 1-:thel <1lorl.l, 4 , dnnglltor of lli. and tor of thl Now Mcxtco Btntc \l ben the clnrlllg pllot brooabt tho m.. '"he hovo tor oomo Ume 111'11. Georuo Clark, dloo In n convicted QJl the cha.rio ot crlmlnil plnno to C4rth. ntter a lcnJG· that lt Ia your policy nnd dealro ns hospital IUJ tho renult or bU:rnll rcct!lvcd llbel ()f Cblct J'catice P&Ukm' ot Ute effort. nnd on toot bo- scncrai to liUervcne 41ld eon· at her father's !llnn, teur mltoo enat Court and ot: tho tho. mqdern plrntu dUll d. OVI/Il to tho sncllr:st detaila. OtU" or Vnli!;llll. Bbo WQII plQ)',na with .II · 'Ot )"ov.rth .:Judlcl&l 'l'llo pAyfuU ahfp ,wu dilvcn iOVerntnout, both Insular and locnl, lD mnt('bcn In tho cblckon houno wbcn hor COurt. Lloyd MooPe. n tormor mcehiUllo bn utter cUare!.wd ot tho autllortt)' nnd drcaa nrc. Mra. Clnrk and tho AltlloU&h no fundal wcra provided ono of tho NO fl11Jlg wbJcll l'(llJpon.aJblllty of tho dcp3rtmcot children W(lro alono oo the tann and. tor the aummc.r term at tho Ban J'rano ctOQCO tho AttanUc. Bo wu rualltnr and other otflclals concerned."' tho ot· all there wCUl oo mcnon of communlcn· cf.teo Tea.chm' Oollcp lD the budpt tho money from lJma to Oa.aoto tor Oclalo onld. uon, tho mother carried tho InJured puaed b1 tho lut Lcilalature. tho pa,yme:nt ot working on tho "'l'hlJJ policy recently cnlmlnatcd lD child anll o nma11 bab,y a milo and a euwmu term at tho lehool beaiD wJth govotnment lrrlgntton proJect near 't1JI unfortunate lDcldent whl('b obook holt to Uta ocarcmt 000 atuctenta lD Qttelldance. The term Cerroaittl. . to Ita foundations tho public opinion of 'l'llo fnmou 11 rbllroad p:tlntlDJlll or tbo wu made poulble wh£!ll tht fCI{Ular GENERAL tho countr;r when 100. by UJiduo lntol" NovaJoa bnvo been prencncd tor po• ttaU donated 11!1 SUYlcea and Mangus Johlllon, Fanner-Labor can- terence With tho powers and Jurlsdlc- tcrlt.r, and u 1 e old lndlnn prophecy of tht atndmtl uaumed rcsponalbUtJ tor dldatc, wlna U. s. acnntorllll clecUon Uon of tho 5eCI"Ctarl' ot the lDterlor, "The Holy Onea... tbnt wb£!ll all tho aU expetlH& In MtnnetWt4 oVer Go-rornor Preua, 11&- an4 tho mayor ot Jalanlln, !'CIIUitlltcd a 1and pulnUoga oro forgotten nod all ro· Lopnberrtca 10111 lD Portl&Dd, Ore.. publican nominee. momber ot tho BCJeret eonlce of tho llutotlll <'llnnta dlo out. tho end ot tllo 11 .. ctcy who hod been lcplly eunpendcd world will com"' can bo lal(J Ullhle In at f1 a crnte at epectallto. I arrange., Trndn tuatlo" tran..,ortaUon BJld ,_ tfi d h _ _. u "" ... ... uy uvm 0 ce, an w ose l"'&&jna on )'OU tho mlodll of those who In lt. ln tb.o pubUe market by dcy ow., ..... ooaneo nro tho ehlcf "'robJcma eon• b u d 1n cl P .. Btl sequen 1 nceeptc on your owu tor the ttmo at lcDflt. For the to itl!J rrowm 1n tho vi 11117 Of 011· tzon••..,.. tatmnra of tho South, Dr. w. IU u ., n.ft. .., .... YO. sand pnlntlnun have boon trnllllreri'Pd land to dlaposo ot their eropa. .., ...... II. Walkt!r ot WWowa. Oallt., viet In reply Governor Gonerol Woed b" nrtluto to tho wotls ot tl\D Hotel E1 netlea h&Te rctnscd to accept. loi&D- of tho American Fann Bu- laid " berrJct 1D thll It&t., N1)0:rtlDI th1!1 Fedcrnt!o., declare-d 1n : NnvnJo, recently dedicated nt Gallup. A• •--• "' ... "I havo llstCJicd with deep to A no>+w ot 'o...., tenchera nnd atu· lUll havo on hand part ou l&H 1"• 1 Tenn., lD nddreasJn"' tho TcnocaM th --t ..... ""t ou "'·vo J .............. an.. .. •· ..... ... 0 .... ......... 1 uu ..... ' ...... .. 1 teota ot tho Stato Colle"e mndo tho pack and do not feel dUposea to ..... o FedllraUon ot Farm lllll'ClltUI, 1D wblch coma to mo na 11 10rpme ond .. more stock wl.tb SUiar at the pre. nual cenvcntJon. clearly lDdleatllll provloua eonoortcd ac- llnddlo trip to Durley to view tho puo- ent prtoo. Growtta aaJd the1 were Luta .Anicl i'\rpo claftd the door to t1on on rour part; octlan tnlmn dllllb- blo exl'avoUoOfl bclna mnao under tho takln• a lou Ia eellllli at $1. but WeN ltaa Wl1Iard'a attempted return to erntely nnd ot 00 _l1revloWJ no- direction of ·Weal.t!Z_ .. Qt. So.n· tl'lllnc at that prtce rather let out m. &farit Uco liu como to me unW my arrtvnJ tii Ve. Tlte big pueblo coM!sts of over vlllei. former cham .. 'gn at Jllt8e7 Clt7 lD the at tblJI. 100 rooms only a few having been Ull• .VO UVOUf a-••on •• not o. ••• A OD nnw <mrthPrJ 110 fnr, and lltDDda 0D tho bUJ w:a•HINGTOlf elibth round ot a &lashing battl&-ODt .. -v ... ...... ,u ..... , th 1 t t th Chi n.-.ner ...,., pr-"o"• ...-talt or eomplalnt. It Jndl· nenr o P on o e no """' .. .. __ ... ,...,.,,... ot aUver nro.o-- ot ot the gi'Catelt lD recent beaV)'Wel&ht •u ...... ou t • ny 'lr Bradfield tho 4 ......... "' .. ..,.. -·- o""nnlttd nnd proconmrtcd at- :ompn · " · "" tho United Stat4!1, Cannda. Mcneo and hlatoey. Incldootal11 he reached ths by.lhe li'UJplno .. (l ..... .... ,cnt secro- party over the dlwnga ana erpllllntld Latln·Ameriea. to metlt nt Nov., ioal at whtch be hal aimed for the .w,.._ membera of tho t.;;.'iaturo _ to them tho work .that bas been dono, __ ra s .. •' 4, bas been called by flCJintor PD!It rear ot rr.o to o'" «o c='"'llrehlfo u-...,-n"'._._llifiii f'or: -- . - - acnce It m.tcll tar"tlre Utle wttb J wuw..-- .. w uu.uo• " ""' t t n • ..: the authorlt7 of tho gl)>'l)mor general Tbe Oro seoson lD tho oresta o ...,., da1 Scnate commltteG on gold and all- Dempacr. under tho organic act nnd na tho re- southweat Is believed to bo over Wllh ver lnqlll.r7. Ikpreeentattvea of wh(!jlt tarmera I'(!!ISltatlvo of tho aovctdgn power gf the setting In of tho .Tnl'l rntna. newrd· •' ' . ' - ' ' . ' We Treat You Right ' . } ... . ' .. - . •• . ' ' ' \ ... ,. . ' .. , ' . ,. r ... \ y fl . . . ·.· .• ·GENERAL; MIUlCRANDISE · "' ... ,. ,, . ' I . ''(· ,. Beporta ot COlll)lmpt!on ot prlvuto ttom R'anttUI, Oklahoma, Nebraaka, the Ulilted Ina to tho district f01'l!l>tl7 oUJoo at Uqttor stock bJ {lnaengera on board Colorado an4 'l'eul wero ln Wlchlta, "'n Dl1 opln!ott. 70 ur action a. whol· Albuquerque. llcavy rnlnl!l oro teJ.l'l)rt· governm£!llt lhlps have brought before Ksn., tor a two-day contCHDce to _en.- 11 uncalled tor; I be¥ tu statu moa ed at Reserve, N. M., Bprlngervme. Htltle llhlpptng ward th& question of lti ctiDthe economic ot wheat tlefltlltilr and emphatically tbat ArJz., Holbrook. ..lrl&, llild Winslow, Jurladfctlon [t1 the matter, wtth the IUld to lq 111ana for a ayatetn bT which 41fd everr d6clatat1on made 1n yotU" Atlz. Lighter rnlnflllls o.ro report$4 lil teSnltlng dcctB!on that lta authority, they tna)' Vtoduce It more PtOfltabl.f' ilt&teme!lt which cb:arp neglect of the the Apache, Sltgteavct IUld CQiiclno uftclaed thtot1lh ti¥J ahtp•a cnpo b7 clther reducing tho of pnroptJve• BJld rtahts of tho ucre- forests Arizona nnd tho west talllt dO'CII not run to tho wblch tloll or bf obtatnrnar a higher market or dlmprd tor the law ot the forest!$ In Now McxfC:O, lhtefilld }lermlt all$ Jnterterenee With Cor tbl'!fr IOOdl. Moro than 400 r 1 Without the allJhteat toillldaUon ID llnva been 207 ttreil t'bu1tar !htll tlMI aetron:s. , attended , .. f'ct." , 11casotl, but nono of lllt8e extent. · of thlrtT Tbf lJ08fon Usrtif Jli.H. Tho wablr In tho streams 1n tllt blltDeit near san llerta:rclltto, btU Olub hU been iiolcl to a Dlve..-lfltd CroJ» Uraltl ('Jnlt:v ot Cnl'Tizozo Is nearly Sotltf·lllld wt.. u runeaJla ol OolwnbtD, Ohio, mett bt Wlcblta, Ktn.-A ray of hope 1n the t11o mounturna 1m) tbXJortcd to be lila attet t; till.{ou tre!lht Fratet. ot the Utitd.Mbt8""'cond1Uon ot the dey as Under. !l'bo d1onth Is anliJ, t.,_de41dth Jl'lll -coil &'tt'llY A rtnat . deerif niakltt.r wh•t crower wat by tho woiit b1 ttlfl.actUPi1 ot tho fltlitt .In; 6n }lass -t & t!8- the b1 J. (). lfohltt the State to aecl!riant. tbnatecl 'liP ·'!2 cJ&htr the . . . hi . ot Agrlettlttu"et whb declared 111 th"'·b""t •o• ....... · ·'· rt· tM !L'wel ti:'iUtlD)I!U era1 htre Oct. .,. 1m . 8Ji tho wheat r "' • w ... u ... u. .... \4 th u t · .-.. 1 .. ..., •· of tlr, are, l!Clblt Uttor..tt• · · u 5 .. .,.. l!ondtlC.tM the . . 4 numner .aliJnpte plota but>tt :JMj·en nr .. tntlgl!d and. 'tomt 1JU1clttl4 lll'O. watc4f' hilt tht ciOJcl.tJ :tber. 1 Xtllllch, a tltnber upert · ttom l'on · · Valtcw stntton l\t 1iJngstatt, .1\tiil<t.liliff In Ahunogordo· m the tnfetge.t; :(>l tl!O W(li'k, . ' ·, _; ' ..• I .- . ' . . a . ffnter 't.1il"' · . -"' ln lti the' ott · · · Como>· " "" . -' " . lil':lltl' '. •·. . . ' . . .,, •• ' . .. ' . ' ·" ... ' . . . \j ' '' ' I' .. . ' . . r "' . . . ' .. "• ' · . ' ... ) . ' . .. . ' .. . ... .

DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a

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Page 1: DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a



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·. /V:QJ... ''

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•• ,, • •' • I ~ ,·> r ~

·;coaeNA '

• •

• '

CompaDy ·' ·). ' • <· ' . -~ . .

N~w ·Mexico . ,... .Corona,

.. I

• '

Cooked Meat 30c_ a Pound ;

Fresh Home Baked Cakes and Pies in Stock

Corona Meat Marliet W. G. Chancey, Prop.


·• .·. . •,

. . . . . ~ '

F~t AbQve :S... , · . · · ···Jm~ng. th.e' ~~Qs ~'~·~~~

' . '• ·my. 2o, .l,f)23 '-~. ~ . . .. •

' ' ' :

' .

GN . ..

. '

' . ., . ' . . ·DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. ~ -_ .Tho ~~ . . aent~~ ~·

IN PARAGRAPHS bv'a,l i:;:1~!~£~~tJ·cm·~ .... lla

• • ' . ',,

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,., .• ' . ' .. ,; ' . ' . ' . . '

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. ..

New.Mexico ·~tate Items

. ~· '

~~i=tc ln SQ: 7~ h. Ul«t .pUII.I.ti• !:WI' ,cQbll.W~.tQil .. ~QJ.d~ a J;lfO'

OAUQHT. FR()M THI NETWORK 01' for Abolltlon of ~llllltal pu~l~· LEAPERS PLAN TO TEST POWER ...

' '


OF GOVERNOR GENERAL A big depoalt of mnng'll'I\CSO 01'1) la All qree'lllent haa been reached •* WOOD l"cported to bo.vo been discovered on

Z..111&4.l IUle on aU tho out.~stun!Uns 4lttl• the Gllu river nenr Red Rock und '(lllltJefl In tho Near Eaat ~ere.nce, some of tlae snmples wblcll lmve been

·• •'-•.. 1 ... tho wAv o.. nssuyed wlll run ovc~ 62 per cent man·

THE PAST WEEK ~on~ no-:,r:er:::.'l"B... - .. FILIP·INO''. A BINET· QUI"S-. sanese. iJ · . !tllliltClba proYlDct voted qa1nM U f The Doll{) &ld .COun~ Falr Assocln· "

t ot beer llll4 Uiht wJne• an pu,!t!lc tlon ls mnldog ptnn~S to stug& a big tn1r J:llliJCM b;y a majorley ot 82,000. '.l'D.e during tile Iutter pnrt ,of 1024. lf the

R.CORD OF I~PORTANT wu on perrntt~ thtltlht FIGHT 18 CAUSED ey REIN8TAT·· present pliUIS ot the executives of tl\e ... UIY ..t .. to '-- iol .. 1n .. tell - ""R ICE orgnnlzntlon nre cnrrletl out t11c talr

CONDENf.I.D FOR, • ,,tF nu~•~Vetal'lS .,. _ "'~· ME;NT OF &I!CR~' s,. V wlll be one ot tbe best 4lVOr bel<lln the

PaOPL• I rn&~~~iut~~~in1~~ ~QINT 'Lt ....... r.p· fltnte. • .,..~. ,. . •" ll oi&t - ···- , .. -.-. ~ ~.,;:::1: ... ""'-*._ . At a mooting ot the school bour(\ of, """"-'(,! i ... th • · '"• Raton contracts wero let tor big uddl· _ .... .,. ' .... """." . . J r· erew of • Am_mCUl ,..._ II lltJ t tl 1 ... .u.a., ...... , dlrec•t ... them to appear ...... DJln.--The c mnx In the po ca ons LO both the Nortb and JJ;ast elde .

X.... Buel N~ lUoct. 11J: - A"·- • war between Governor General Wood achoola. Tho work will be started a' • f;!rtcl• ot Dr. JXartf Block. San oourt to amawer . .,......ea 0" nnd FUlploo offlcluls came when tho once nnd It Is ceUmntcd tbut tho job d.enU.t, tata117 allot hertelt ot tho ~... trom ~rlttah lhlPI lD .New cabinet ond couocU of stnte tendered will fiQ~t ~ver ~0,000 by the time It Is

· ~1 l!omo 1n s-n Dloio, Oallt. ~ •• ~-. ~~ r.~~~p~on.~ ~.! ~:.. • .,.,., colllpleted; •· • • · " mOCk WJ.! ~' .. C!':':Ig~~!lJ: ot M,r. ~cl · by he• own ettorta. h:' 1'fie' re1na1ti'tc1llent by Gov. Gen. Some ot the streeta Cit Albuqtterqtfa. ltn. A.dolpli lltr•er of Denver Colo. her war woundll. She thlu • Leonnrd Wood ot Rny Conic.,, Ulllted were turned lnto ""......... ~hen ~ll!lS · • ' .. OermaiiJ ahould do the IIUile. That .... •• n .... .,

With the aaluw of tbe mUUon aJ14 • lB the mood that proiJlllta Franco detl• Stutes Becret service agelit, after ho nuby Lowltzkl drlvlog a deW rtlitbmO. halt-doUar fire .WI mnoulderlng w~cre 'Dltel'l to oppolo England'• ~BiCitlOD bud roslgned, started 11 J,Jolltical battle bile uprooted a clcy flro h)'drtUit, 1tJ1c'fi the bua7 UtUe )nll)lns toW118 ot Bl.lrkt ot nn lDte~tloiUll loan tor Germanr, between tho governor general oo one she ran Into tho plug. 'rhq jout;g and llace, 14L.:•tood, work ,of rcmOT• It Will revealed at the toreiiD oftlc:e sldo and members of hlo eablnet ond woman Willi tnkcn to tbo Pollee Court. 111.1 the debrr. tiu been undertaken bt 1n London.

0 legislative lenders oq tho Qtiler. but was relenood when abe ottcrecJ to

the iJecla lllD1ns CompaD)' IUid prop. .. 1 am c:ontldont, 1 i.m not worried." The oocrct aervlco man o.-lltlnnll'l buy a now hydrant. el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a mcual• wus chal"':ed with brlbc'ry, an lDveaU· Twenty-two hundred cnndldatcs tor

Mra. ,Warren G. Harding, wlte dt to the French Senate aa the break gatlon tollo\ved, he wus cleared nne\ the cltlzenB military trnlnlog camps the P'tealaent. hu been so worn ou~ · England on rcparaupnj loomed to thq go,·emor general reinstated him. tor TeXIUI, OkluhomD. Colorado, Now br a«cPtlDI hoapltnJltl(!jl extended bJ1 threaten tho peace ot Europe. "Fnmce J. P. Lnurcl, aecretaey of the lntcflor, llexlco nnd Arknnaas, comprlalng t1to Alukans that w hna been compt]Ued JJaa need of Eniinnd.'' Aid Poin.care. ro/Ilped In protest at tlto cxccutlvo•a l~ghtb C{)rpa Aron ot tho army, have to take to bed, Mr. Barding lntorme4. ~but Eniland Deede France ja.t u ncUon. Mayor Ratnon Fernandez of bet•n neeeptcd by cxnmlnlng bonrdu aJ.\ audience at Fatrbanka Just befortt rnueb." - MunUa followed suit, nnd otfidal 'Clr- nnd nrc now prt>pnrlos to nttend tho he alld h1l pnrtJ lett tor Scwlll'd, Earl Ha1g, commander-ln-dllet ot clc11 wt>re ftllcd w~tb rumol'S thnt tho «'lllll(JII that wUI open oo July 28. Alnak" Drltllh army nt the close ot tho entlro eab!Det lDtcndcd to Jolu tho Fuel llllol"tnge In Colorado and New

lut. wwkout, wiUt the uxceptlon of vlco lloxlco Ia t hrentllllcd durlnu the corn· Prtllclent BardlDi l'!Acll

04 • P1> Wlll', lD a IPIKleh bctoro tho Em· Govornor Gilmore. ln.r winter, according to I~. W. Wad·

further north than I1D7 .other American Bervlco Wille lD London, ap- To dute t11o governor gencrnl has lt>lsh, National lo'uel ;t>lotrlbutor at Presldent. Wltb h1l nnhnl lD Fair- Joel for moro powcr.tul mlUtar, de- not acc(!lltcd tho Lnurel nnd Feronn- wnuhlngton, D. 0. Tho ataternent la to innka, he waa Wlthln 100 mllca ot tho ot tho Drltl.Sh nntlon. ".An UD• dcz rmliJ1aUolllJ. It ho do~ald a the ettc('t that moat of tlto•~mlnea are .lnt&rctlc c1rcle ~ antval marl(e4 · no.Uon cnn kce~ neither tho ~:&-

~, .... hlllh FlllWJ.Io ottlc.lnl of U1o 4rty ot unly worklnll one or t\Yo~a n week, tho end _pr a two lind ono-htllt d.., a nor t11o trlenda lp ot Its neleh· Mabuel Qu~o. prC!.S1dont o ho Sen· und thnt tho auppcy on ha wiU not tldo ove~ coycrnment raUroad Ctom 8:lld Earl HnJg. utu nod l'rltlc ot tho admlDlatrntloo. be 11ut0elent to oupplon tlte·aupply Soward. . ~ntllta ahot down a low rldloi air· there will bo a. tlgbt to a tJiiiJib to mined next fnll when t o ruab onlon

Governor Blnklo of Now Mcxteo b•t J>luno lud£!ll with a 520.000 P:l7f0ll tC!l1t the powem of Govcroor Ocncrnl ntnrt. laaued pardon~ to Ca.rl 0. Mtlitle. edt• llcnr Limo. Peru. They were tolled Wood. 1-:thel <1lorl.l, 4, dnnglltor of lli. and tor of thl Now Mcxtco Btntc Trlban~Yt \l ben the clnrlllg pllot brooabt tho m.. '"he hovo ob&~?rvcd tor oomo Ume 111'11. Georuo Clark, dloo In n vau~:Iw convicted QJl the cha.rio ot crlmlnil plnno to C4rth. ntter a lcnJG· that lt Ia your policy nnd dealro ns hospital IUJ tho renult or bU:rnll rcct!lvcd llbel ()f Cblct J'catice P&Ukm' ot Ute effort. nnd e~eapcd on toot bo- ~vernor scncrai to liUervcne 41ld eon· at her father's !llnn, teur mltoo enat

·~~=~·~Sup)'tmQ Court and ot: tho tho. mqdern plrntu dUll d. .·~~l~,~.trol, OVI/Il to tho sncllr:st detaila. OtU" or Vnli!;llll. Bbo WQII plQ)',na with .II · 'Ot )"ov.rth .:Judlcl&l 'l'llo pAyfuU ahfp ,wu dilvcn iOVerntnout, both Insular and locnl, lD mnt('bcn In tho cblckon houno wbcn hor

COurt. Lloyd MooPe. n tormor mcehiUllo bn utter cUare!.wd ot tho autllortt)' nnd drcaa l'n~ht nrc. Mra. Clnrk and tho AltlloU&h no fundal wcra provided ono of tho NO fl11Jlg ~at.t wbJcll l'(llJpon.aJblllty of tho dcp3rtmcot hen~ children W(lro alono oo the tann and.

tor the aummc.r term at tho Ban J'rano ctOQCO tho AttanUc. Bo wu rualltnr and other otflclals concerned."' tho ot· all there wCUl oo mcnon of communlcn· cf.teo Tea.chm' Oollcp lD the budpt tho money from lJma to Oa.aoto tor Oclalo onld. uon, tho mother carried tho InJured puaed b1 tho lut Lcilalature. tho pa,yme:nt ot ln~rera working on tho "'l'hlJJ policy recently cnlmlnatcd lD child anll o nma11 bab,y a milo and a euwmu term at tho lehool beaiD wJth govotnment lrrlgntton proJect near 't1JI unfortunate lDcldent whl('b obook holt to Uta ocarcmt ncl~thbor. 000 atuctenta lD Qttelldance. The term Cerroaittl. . to Ita foundations tho public opinion of 'l'llo fnmou11 rbllroad p:tlntlDJlll or tbo wu made poulble wh£!ll tht fCI{Ular GENERAL tho countr;r when 100. by UJiduo lntol" NovaJoa bnvo been prencncd tor po• • t~cldDi ttaU donated 11!1 SUYlcea and Mangus Johlllon, Fanner-Labor can- terence With tho powers and Jurlsdlc- tcrlt.r, and u1e old lndlnn prophecy of tht atndmtl uaumed rcsponalbUtJ tor dldatc, wlna U. s. acnntorllll clecUon Uon of tho 5eCI"Ctarl' ot the lDterlor, "The Holy Onea... tbnt wb£!ll all tho aU expetlH& In MtnnetWt4 oVer Go-rornor Preua, 11&- an4 tho mayor ot Jalanlln, !'CIIUitlltcd a 1and pulnUoga oro forgotten nod all ro·

Lopnberrtca 10111 lD Portl&Dd, Ore.. publican nominee. momber ot tho BCJeret eonlce of tho llutotlll <'llnnta dlo out. tho end ot tllo 11 .. ctcy who hod been lcplly eunpendcd world will com"' can bo lal(J Ullhle In at f1 a crnte at epectallto. I arrange., Trndn tuatlo" tran..,ortaUon BJld ,_ tfi d h _ _. u ""

,..,_,~·- ... ... uy uvm 0 ce, an w ose l"'&&jna on )'OU tho mlodll of those who ~llovo In lt. ln tb.o pubUe market by dcy ow.,..... ooaneo nro tho ehlcf "'robJcma eon• b u d 1n cl P .. Btl sequen 1 nceeptc on your owu • tor the ttmo bela~> at lcDflt. For the to itl!J rrowm 1n tho vi 11117 Of 011· tzon••..,.. tatmnra of tho South, Dr. w. IU u ., •

n.ft. ..,.... • YO. • • • sand pnlntlnun have boon trnllllreri'Pd land to dlaposo ot their eropa. ..,...... II. Walkt!r ot WWowa. Oallt., viet In reply Governor Gonerol Woed b" nrtluto to tho wotls ot tl\D Hotel E1 netlea h&Te rctnscd to accept. loi&D- p~dMlt of tho American Fann Bu- laid " berrJct 1D thll It&t., N1)0:rtlDI th1!1 ~u Fedcrnt!o., declare-d 1n NaabvUI~, : NnvnJo, recently dedicated nt Gallup. A• •--• "' ... "I havo llstCJicd with deep ~ret to A no>+w ot 'o...., tenchera nnd atu· lUll havo on hand part ou l&H 1"• 1 Tenn., lD nddreasJn"' tho TcnocaM th --t ..... ""t ou "'·vo J .............. an.. .. • ~ •· • "~

..... ... 0 .... ......... 1 uu ..... '...... .. 1teota ot tho Stato Colle"e mndo tho pack and do not feel dUposea to ..... o FedllraUon ot Farm lllll'ClltUI, 1D ~ wblch coma to mo na 11 10rpme ond ..

~~~~§§§~§~§§§§§§§§§§§§~§§§§§~~~on more stock wl.tb SUiar at the pre. nual cenvcntJon. clearly lDdleatllll provloua eonoortcd ac- llnddlo trip to Durley to view tho puo-ent prtoo. Growtta aaJd the1 were Luta .Anicl i'\rpo claftd the door to t1on on rour part; octlan tnlmn dllllb- blo exl'avoUoOfl bclna mnao under tho takln• a lou Ia eellllli at $1. but WeN ltaa Wl1Iard'a attempted return to erntely nnd ot wbl~ 00 _l1revloWJ no- direction of ·Weal.t!Z_ Drndtl~Jd .. Qt. So.n· tl'lllnc at that prtce rather tb~n. let out m. &farit Uco liu como to me unW my arrtvnJ tii Ve. Tlte big pueblo coM!sts of over

• vlllei. former cham .. 'gn at Jllt8e7 Clt7 lD the at tblJI. cont~ 100 rooms only a few having been Ull• .VO UVOUf a-••on •• not o. ••• A OD nnw <mrthPrJ 110 fnr, and lltDDda 0D tho bUJ w:a•HINGTOlf elibth round ot a &lashing battl&-ODt ~ .. -v ... ......,u ....., th 1 t t th Chi n.-.ner

...,., pr-"o"• ...-talt or eomplalnt. It Jndl· nenr o P on o e no """' .. .. __ ... ,...,.,,... ot aUver nro.o-- ot ot the gi'Catelt lD recent beaV)'Wel&ht •u ...... ou t • ny 'lr Bradfield ah~ed tho 4 ......... .,.~~- "' ~ .. ..,.. -·- o""nnlttd nnd proconmrtcd at- :ompn · " · ""

tho United Stat4!1, Cannda. Mcneo and hlatoey. Incldootal11 he reached ths ;;~ by.lhe li'UJplno .. (l ..... ....,cnt secro- party over the dlwnga ana erpllllntld Latln·Ameriea. to metlt nt ~o, Nov., ioal at whtch be hal aimed for the .w,.._ membera of tho t.;;.'iaturo _ to them tho work .that bas been dono, __


ra s •




4, bas been called by flCJintor PD!It rear ot ~meteoric rr.o to pr:.;'OjjUI~l·:t m'-:~ o'" «o c='"'llrehlfo u-...,-n"'._._llifiii f'or: -- . - ~ ~ - ~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~'---1-Wf~U!:!~~~~~~~~:f! ~Hrr--f acnce It m.tcll tar"tlre Utle wttb J wuw..-- .. w uu.uo• " ""' t t n • ..: ~ the authorlt7 of tho gl)>'l)mor general Tbe Oro seoson lD tho oresta o ...,., cVl-------1-1---"'--·--·~- da1 Scnate commltteG on gold and all- Dempacr. under tho organic act nnd na tho re- southweat Is believed to bo over Wllh

ver lnqlll.r7. Ikpreeentattvea of wh(!jlt tarmera I'(!!ISltatlvo of tho aovctdgn power gf the setting In of tho .Tnl'l rntna. newrd· 1 •'

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We Treat You Right

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·.· .• ·GENERAL; MIUlCRANDISE · "' ... ,.

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Beporta ot COlll)lmpt!on ot prlvuto ttom R'anttUI, Oklahoma, Nebraaka, the Ulilted ~tate& Ina to tho district f01'l!l>tl7 oUJoo at Uqttor stock bJ {lnaengera on board Colorado an4 'l'eul wero ln Wlchlta, "'n Dl1 opln!ott. 70ur action a. whol· Albuquerque. llcavy rnlnl!l oro teJ.l'l)rt· governm£!llt lhlps have brought before Ksn., tor a two-day contCHDce to _en.- 11 uncalled tor; I be¥ tu statu moa ed at Reserve, N. M., Bprlngervme.

Htltle llhlpptng ward th& question of lti ctiDthe economic Pl'_adu~n ot wheat tlefltlltilr and emphatically tbat ~ch ArJz., Holbrook. ..lrl&, llild Winslow, Jurladfctlon [t1 the matter, wtth the IUld to lq 111ana for a ayatetn bT which 41fd everr d6clatat1on made 1n yotU" Atlz. Lighter rnlnflllls o.ro report$4 lil teSnltlng dcctB!on that lta authority, they tna)' Vtoduce It more PtOfltabl.f' ilt&teme!lt which cb:arp neglect of the the Apache, Sltgteavct IUld CQiiclno

uftclaed thtot1lh ti¥J ahtp•a cnpo b7 clther reducing tho eo~t of pnroptJve• BJld rtahts of tho ucre- forests o~ Arizona nnd tho west f!Octlo~ talllt dO'CII not run to tho ~t wblch tloll or bf obtatnrnar a higher market ttrte~ or dlmprd tor the ortant~ law ot the D~tU forest!$ In Now McxfC:O,

lhtefilld }lermlt all$ Jnterterenee With ~rico Cor tbl'!fr IOOdl. Moro than 400 r1 Without the allJhteat toillldaUon ID Th~ro llnva been 207 ttreil t'bu1tar !htll tlMI pU~eJJtenJ1 aetron:s. , delep~ attended , .. f'ct." • , • 11casotl, but nono of lllt8e extent. · Th&~e of thlrtT freight~... Tbf lJ08fon A.m~~ Usrtif Jli.H. Tho wablr In tho streams 1n tllt \71~ ~ blltDeit near san llerta:rclltto, btU Olub hU been iiolcl to a Dlve..-lfltd CroJ» Uraltl ('Jnlt:v ot Cnl'Tizozo Is nearly Sotltf·lllld

wt.. u runeaJla ot·clt~tlie'tra(!k ol OolwnbtD, Ohio, mett bt Wlcblta, Ktn.-A ray of hope 1n the t11o mounturna 1m) tbXJortcd to be lila attet t; till.{ou Pacltl~ tre!lht ~rain· Fratet. (l~et ot the cl~ ~at Utitd.Mbt8""'cond1Uon ot the dey as Under. !l'bo d1onth Is anliJ, ~ ~ t.,_de41dth ~menc Jl'lll -coil ~ &'tt'llY A rtnat . deerif niakltt.r P'ftDil~nt wh•t crower wat -turnlab~ by tho woiit b1 ttlfl.actUPi1 ot tho fltlitt .In; 6n thi··~ott }lass ~ -t & t!8- the bbUl~ b1 J. (). lfohltt ~t the State m':'!:~r: llXPt!l'lment~~, to aecl!riant. tbnatecl 'liP ·'!2 cJ&htr ~~· the . . ~r . hi t~• . ot Agrlettlttu"et whb declared 111 th"'·b""t •o• •~o .......,....~.. ....... · ·'· IU.~. rt· tM tl'll~:&o !L'wel ti:'iUtlD)I!U era1 htre Oct. .,. 1m . 8Ji ad~ ~t tho tt~. wheat r ~'l).,JM"d"tJctlt>JI "' • w ... u ... u. .... \4

th u t · .-.. 1 .. ..., •· of tlr, are, l!Clblt Uttor..tt• · · u ·:~a;;, 5 .. .,.. l!ondtlC.tM t~ the . tp~t. . 4

numner ~t .aliJnpte plota but>tt :JMj·en nr .. tntlgl!d and. 'tomt 1JU1clttl4 lll'O. watc4f' hilt tht 4)Xp@'Jbf~tt ciOJcl.tJ n~rnuttt

:tber. 1 Xtllllch, a tltnber upert · ttom l'on · · Valtcw stntton l\t 1iJngstatt, .1\tiil<t.liliff

bb~tt In Ahunogordo· m the tnfetge.t; :(>l tl!O W(li'k, . ' ·, _;

' •

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a . ffnter :P~ 't.1il"' · . -"' ln lti the' ott · · ·

Como>· " "" . -' " ~ . .




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Page 2: DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a

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STNOPSTB.-.Arrlvlnll at tho lone­ly Uttlo railroad ot.aUon ot Ell CaJon, N'•Y' Mexico, Mo.dellno Ho.mmond, New York wclrt v Blrl, Ondo no ono t.o moot her. While In the 11\'o.ltlng room. a c1runkon cowboy cnt9r111, Uk• It llhe lo mw-rlod, o.nd doparta, &ea.Y1nJ her torrified. lie returns wltb a prleat, w110 gee• tllroulfh lOme ecrt ot ceremony, Md the cowboy f.Jr•·'lo her to BaY "SL" .AIIJ,tfn• her name and leo.rntmr her ldenUlf the Cl)Wboy eoem11 dazed. In a aho!ltlna acrQ.po pute14o the room a ll1cxlco.n Ia ldllod. Tho cow­boy Iota a girl, Bonita, take hl• hon.e and eaco.pe, then conducta 14&4ollne to ll"Jornnoo Kl!JKB1e)l', trtend ot her brotbor,


A Secret Kept. Because of thnt alngplnr rcvty Mad&­

llne found taltb to go farther with Cbe eowboy. But nt tho moment lfhe naDJ did not think nbout wut ho bad 111ld. Any nnswor to bor would la&Ye aen-od It It bnd' been klnd.

u abo wnlkod on Into~ windy *"'neu· much relieved that be ~ ~ no he bod, retlot"tlog thllf ne Jw,d JOt to prove hla "'"rdl trno, abo ••Pn to gro liP tho deii!'J)er alfirllltlcanl'o Of tbom. ThPro "l1ll o revival ot nrttlll Chat made her fool tbot 111111 ought to 11e0rn to think at all obout 1r11cb a

••o. Pretwn t1 y llf&doll no'11 lfUido turned

.tr the \VOIII on" rapped at a door ot a Jow-roofod homw. ·

"Uull.-who'a theror' a docp voice ~on>d,

"('en" Rt~>Wart," 11nld the cowboJ. "'Caal P"Jononr<> · ~Juldt !"

Ttlomr> nf ''"•lolopa followed. a tnp eo a door. and voiN>A. P.lndollno hrnrd a •ornnn "~' lalrn · "fli'IIO I horo when tb&rn''a o tlnnr• In town I Sornctblllg w a -.oa nut nn tho rnnco." A llltbt ft.I1Aw1 up nn<l ~hnnp hrt~rht thrnultb a wtl'~nw. In onnthor moment Ch~>re C.Nt' a pn 11 r•r tJt 11nfr atrp11, an~ tho 4t>DT Of>'D• d lu dlulnn a wowno bold· 1n.t a lamt•

•Ot>n<'l A l'a nnt-• "AI •• all rl<;ht," lntrrnJpWd the

(IO'ff' hoy lfnr1•·11nr l•n•1 two M-nanl1ona thAI

_,., nf "nnr1P." ot '"'-' nn111 nt alarm and I~IYft In I"" "nman'n Ynlt'fl, and Ule otlo~•r of "nntr,.rnlolt! n>IIQf to bo IDf• with a frio n•l uf hot' h.,.,l her' a

4 t 'a A l'n ala• ,., ~tOP nn tnnlght•a

tntn,~ '"" '"'" h<>y a· a a aoytna. "1 tnJ>Pr'J>Ptl '" '"' or rho alation. nod rye frt r·lu•rJ her lilt tO Tf'll."

Martrllno rllmo torwnnJ aut of tho Iliad"""

•J'lot~ -ont r-nt~ll;r t.laJ1!11ty Unm-trWC>d •" mf'lnln•<;l) l'i'\ort'Dnl ltl.DPIP1, De nParl,.. drnJ•PaJ tba lamp, Md ehe looltFil. aatonndlld twyond hollot.

..,. c>11, I om I"C:lll7 IIllo." l't!pllod ILad.I!Uno. "My trnln 1:1111 laiD ond tor amno ~onn Alt~ did not mtlOI me. llr -llr. Btowart uw Ill to brtna 1011 to JOll ln.trnd at llklna mo to 1 llo!.col ..

"'b. rm 10 B!a4 to mHt yon,• ro­,Ued f1oronl'C!. -rmly. ,.Do oomo ln. hn ao wrprlae-4. I forpt my mannN& WhJ, you arv wblto lla I lhcot. You ~&at bo Urod. Wbot 1 ltma walt yau bad ot tho 11tatton! It I hod lmm:m JOtl -.-. cnmtna I lndoOO, you an Urt palo. Aro you 011"'

"No. Only I om YCI'J' ttmd. Tnlnl· fill an tar by nl.ll Ia bnrdor tbM I bc4.ctnl't\. I did hDYO rutbP? a lon1 walt att.-r nrTh"lna at tba Dlatlan. bnt 2 I'I:ID'I Do.y that II wna lon<>IT "

V1oi"Pflt'CJ 1\lnW~l<'y ~~ron-b<'d ltad~ en... fn., with lrr ... n t!YC'll. ond them ~ too':l 11 lnna. 111ttllllc-ant look nt tbo

.rkmt Rt .,.,.~ WUb ~at aM- ~ Bblrotl>IJ nnd QOIII'IIy rloc:ed n !lOOT lad~ Into nnoth<'l' r"nfim \

"!lln llnmmond, wbot bnJt t:a~

;enc:d 1"' flht> hod lm7<!N'd be1r VOlftl.

'"1 t1D not ~:~lab to r<>roll ell that t:u ~" nopHl'd Mndollne. '"1 a!laU taU ~ botrottz. Uua l mmM. n~r lui"" mt>l n bnatllo AIJ;llt'bo tbno • row-boy.•

"PtoollO don't tt>ll AI tbct t• atod ~('l\ Thm llho srra~ StOtrllrt d!l l}tJIIM blm l'lc.&lO to the Uibt. -<kne. JOu're drunk r"

"'Notw, ~fl bPTO, Flo, I onlJ"-" ... doo't wnnt tn know. rd tt:!tl u.

Chne. aron't you ovor i01aa to lnm .. emcy' Aroo't •oo ev~ I')IDI to -.cp drtnkiDlll Tou'U 10110 Ill rour lr!ant!a. lfollJ and I bne p1tat1tt1 wttb rou, and now rou"~• coDe l!ld 6la.....Ocd tnowa wbat I"

""Wbat do wamf'U •ant to wear nll1 tarr be IJ'OWietl. 'T4 baft lmll11'D w but for tbtt .en."

"'A!Id ·rou wouldn't baq lnwltM a... nut sou would tht nw atrl wbO lltU!lt al®£ Otne, fOU u. bOpete& &;ow, JOn ctl out ct btre aM ddaft ••• eow~e blet." .

-net'" be totnlated. "l Jlle&ll tr. .. "l 'tttkOD thea rn c:ome bade

· • .-J•tv elt uu 1lQ' medtct•• billie«.

"J>oD•t fOil 4aN I" Jhe ·tde4. ttewan -~~ eM ~ c:tOMd tH

···*'~ . . -Klll Uimmoad. 1'0'11-f.QU bOW Mw tt:ta burtt -. .. ~eo. *'Whtt '" "'*' tbmk •• tr• unru~ tlttlt to\t lhoQ '-'- ~ad . tllP~ tlcbt lt . 1ft•· tnQbe< . l(I)A'&: lilfl tht ._ ltl1• Oh, -n••


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Attomanee Bq ~1.\e GtelJ .

CoP1l'lcbt b1 Harpet'~d Brothm

lpt me help ron m1dres.-can't J do M)'tblng tor rou ?"

"YJ>u nre very ldud, tbnnk you, but I can mnnnge," replled Made!Jne,

"Well, then. 'ood ,night. Tho sooper I go the sooner you'll rest. .Just. to,.. get u hat happened llnd think how tlne· n surprfse rou•re to atve rour brother. tomorrow."

Wltb tbnt abe sUpped out find sottly abut the door.

As Madeline lnld her watch on the bureau she noticed tbnt the time wns past two o'clock. It seemed tong alnce abo bnd ~rotten otr tho trnln. When 1he had turned out the lamp and crept weariiJ Into bed she know wbnt It was to be utterlJ spent. She wna too tJred to move a anger.

When abo awakened tbe room wa1 bright wltb sunll~rbt. She wu Jazl)y and drenmlly contemplntlng the mud walla of tbl8 llttJe room when abe remembered whore abe wna and how abo bad como there,

How gront a 1hoclc. llhe hall been mbJected to wne manltoat ln a aen· ltlllon ot dlllfUSt that OTerwbclmed

. ' ·' ' '


' ·, lij.. • '• '

CANCER PhyaJctnna and p~Uento lntueated In cnnc:or can leurn <~4Jmethlns to their ndvaotnge by writing

P. o. IJox :::str.J. Deaver, Colo • Old uoroo, Plies And chronic "dla· e11aca 11re often the rorerunnero ot c11ncer. H11ve your homo phyalc:lan treAt you o.t once. ,

118ED I"OllD TOl'f Til.VO'JU!-Deat actlec:• tlon In et11to ot hiJ.rh sr11do LruckaJ

every one rocondl tlon.,d 1111d r~dy tor hnrd worlt. J>rleed tu llt•ll at once. Any car 11cc:eptcd In trndo. lltovall• lrrtn IUotor Co., .Authorh:cd l>cnlera, 390 so. llroo.l,lwo.y, o.,nvcr, Colo.

INFOitntA '1' J u .~ o~r AU'f1ttENT ~~~

\AJIIJ,IO::!«:Ud fllt.WMCII IUb\Ulf"ed &UUJ lnformatJou t;lndl)' ftlJ'Ublbcd wll!Juaa coet. Addreas tlnf rtrm ablrfc.


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Page 3: DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a

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,.,_,~ ~;y ~-~ r C.tttt:~ ~puea .~~"' 111'9~ ; .

''i'll'Jflll\', 'ro~ae(l ". ~illJ.trtnl~t." . il'ill'tl~. ••aave you .

P~tty· ~~r~il; .l'~P IM.»JMl!J t<». UQUCQ tne ~mta . ~ li'o;d" ~ ·

w;, e.tow to·. wrath. 1n . ·~OtW~t say .that I-~~." ~~~~ Ur •. "PlJ;'{J!';!J~~~·. ·h~ t1111 not mln4 be!Dg tox,.· · ·.. . tl for lie W118 very !>ld. '')!'ou Jlave mlared a 'IO~dertul ·and In . P,laCe ·be Was .s() Wfse 1~1. , · _.. •• TurtJ touft that he wwi so-.· ·tor )lr, :F.n .... h.A W1l!t II.,.....~ answ~.,..,. ~r. e. ..I.U\ve .

•• ., _, " - JOQ ever watch&il the blrda that neat · 1 IO youn~r «tJd ftlppqnt. . . ~ev the ll'OUJld fee4 their young,

44Good !Qomlng, :)ltr. Fo~" repUed 1h. !l:ut'Ue .In a dfilll11ed .illan~Jer. "I ~· Fox?'' am not ~ :n need ot tellt. but 1 "No, I never havo," replied Mr. Fox. Uke to take time to enjoy the thfn.p beginning to feel uneasy. "I tn)vel 1 • tllBt and I bave no time tor trUles,

!'Dld JOU Jmow, my good trteni that Mr. ~rtle." those who . travel through the world "You have mlased a «retlt deal, 1\Jr, .wlttlJ mlu a rrent de111 that 1s Fox. ~ ma1 travel llowly but I have cotq onf' tb:De to see what 1s 10IDB on aronnd·

"I thfllk I see a,bout n1l that hap- me,- and that Is more than you can pen• ~und thete parts," allliWerec! aa;y. The ~es, •• ·you ~~ them, a.re

the thlnp tha(count 'in life; remem­ber that. m;y :rounc t:rJencL

"I 8hould Like to Know What I Millo"

Kr, Fox rather crl&plJ, "nnd If I do •1 10, I travel nt n prctt.r fnst rate ot apeed."

"Ye., that :vou do," aald Mr. Turtlo, .. eapedall.f wbcn our cnem7 Mr. Doe .. OD JOUr track, but, 01 1 laid, J'OD

c mJ11 a great deal." -

"' ahould Uke to know what I mi-." nld Mr. Foz. .. Awa:t down there on the J1'0tmd :vou muat ml11 a peat deal of what I can see."

".Ju.at becau~e you have tour that CIU'17 fOil IWlf~y over the Bl'01Jlld, do not think you have seen aU ~ere II In the "drlcL Man,y pf the mott wondertutJ and beautlfnl thlnge ln the world are mtased by those who run."

"Well, Grandpa, that sort ot rctUIOD• lJlB ma.r be aU well enough for you, bot lt I went nos!Dg about the gr"9\!IId Jnltend ot keeping my head up where It belonp, I ahoUld min bclnir nUve ver,y soon and Mr. Dog-"

01r daahed Mr. ll'o%, for at that mo­ment Mr. Dog cnme bounding through the buahc!l with a baric that modo Mr. 'l'urtle draw hla head lnsloo h1s eholl and Mr. Dog ron over hlm without knowing lie WIUI there.

"Foollah fOUD8 teUow," thought Mr. Turtle. "'It ho Jr:opt close to the irotmd u I do, he wonld k~p out ot trotlble. ..

"Foolllh old tcllow," aatd Mr. Fox

\ Unllel·~-- you see the name "Bayer'' on

package or on tablets you are not C(lt• tine the conulne Bayer product pre­scribed 1)7 PhYIJIClanl over twen.t;v.two

Only One Explanation. . 11Mndge and Mnbel used to be bosom

trleods and now they scnreely apeak." "What's hls n~e?"

years an.«1 proved lllfe b;r mDUona tor cutloura .So~tht~ ltchlnQ Scalp, Ooldll ·· Headache ' On ret.trJDg ,ently rub spots of clatb Toothache Lumbago drulr and ltch.lng with Olitleura Oint• Earac.be Rheumatism ment. Next momln& shampoo wlth Neuralp PaiD, Pain Outlcura Soap and hot water. Hilke

Accept "Bver Tablets ot Allptrln" them your everyday toUet preparatlolll only. Each u'hbroken package contains and have a clear aldn and 10ft, White proper dl~tlona. ·Bandy boxes ot handa.-Advertlaement.

Edward Hoot' Glbaon, bom In T.. twelve tablets coat few eentl. Drug. . kamah, Ntb., twenty .. Jx yeara aao. il•ta alao sell botuea ot ~4 and 100• . BURDEN FO!\ ANY STOMACH atandt ftve fett abc In hit ·aockt and Allplrln 1B the trade mark of Bayer wel"h.t t80 ~oundt. Ht t.u blue eYtt .. t Manuf,cture -of Honoacetlcaelde~ter ot •

" ,. · SaUcyllcacld.-Advert1sement. No Wonder Dear Old Lady Waa Her-brown hair, and. a moat rifled at Nephew'• Peculiar Com. ~lie. With tha exception of a thort Hit Condition. blnatlon for Lunch. time apent In vaudeville and with a "Ah 1 How nne to bnve such 8 big ahow In Auatralla; ho ·hat '"" lomll.r, to bo married, and-" rhap. HVtn yeara' "rvlco btforo tho cam. sodlzed a quecr.looklng tourist who tra. He It married. hod hnlted hts Bootln' Nnlllll!' cnr In

later, when tm Wtul IU!.fe In hie den, thlnldng ot Ur. Turtle. "Llvlng down thero on the ground os he docs Is dan• gerous. Someone might step on hfm. No, str, I choose to hove 'my awttt teet to use even It I do mhss a tew cobwebs."

But, nftcr all, Mr. Turtle wns rlght ln a wny, for those who travl\1 awlftiT through ute often mlu the llttlo tlllnp that go to mo.ko up the bcnutltul b .. thlnp In llto. (~ 1113, b7 JleCI.,. New~er 87Q4Jcat.,J

tho blr road. "How--'' "Eh·yah I" responded Gnp Johnsofr

ot numpus Ridge, who was lopping over h1s own tront fence. "I've got tourtccn-ynw·w·wn 1-cbUdren, and tho gener'l lmpres51on 'pears to be that rm married. 1 d'lmow myself, though. tou aeo, whUst tho Justice ot tho penco wna operating I felt asleep and .haln't never been right lhore that I w1111n't sued for dnm· ages, or aom'etbing that·nwt:IY. Instead ot getting mnrrled. But wife 'Iowa a wedding ceremony wns pertonned, lllld 10 rvo just aorter-;ynw-w·wn ,_ let It CO at that."-Kan!SIII Olcy Star.

Aunt Pnullno Is 11 dear old soUl, but Bhe doesn't understand a thing about golt. The other dny her nephew re­turned from the local course, nfter n purtlcularly rotten exhibition ot golf. . "Did you have n good game?'' asked Aunt I>nullne, who always professes n kindly Interest In what she terms ber nephew's "eccentrlclt;y ."

"l\'o," was the reply. "Tho seventh teo was sloppy and all tho greens were In 11 terrible state.'•

Aunt Pnujlno ohuddel'ed. • "You mustn't lunch thero nn;y more,

FOR THE FEET 8prl,Dkll OlltOr 'JI'O AlloQ'a J'oof.,Jut potr.

cten Ill &ho lroot.-Dar.b an4 IIOlll.t.W rab &Jw ftt$. n C&kll tho atlat 01111 of· Cora' ~ BIUI.Iouaa4 BDiarUlla-, .4Cblarlttt. 'l'ha 11:11 lutb& ~ •iake .Wen•• J'oot-E••takll JOIU' &hooa. J• &Hot r.bt trlctlOR from IN allqe, 1'111.1 tht fM~aDd ma,kN walldai a &1-U.b'- Al1n11 1110 It tor d&llotar VtJ1ltt a4 to ~k III POW' ahoea. 0vu O'u JIWioa Fhe Hund.red Tlaolll&ocl poun4J'of'Powduw the l'ee• wen~ UHd b7 OIU' Arm1 u4 !faq durin&' the war. Trlal paekan ~d • J'oot Eue WaUdDJr Doll lUll~ P<ll' ........ ~ Allen'• Foot-Ea•-. lA ao,-., N.Y.

Qulta Likely. "I hcord tell ln town that Lum

Stucker sloshed Buck Bolllgco with • knlfo lll8t night." related Gop Jolm­oon ot Itumpuo ntdge, upon bla re­turn rrom tho county sent.

"What tor?" Inquired his wlto. "l)urhung lf I know I You see, I

wlls sorter mixed up In n swnp whm nome feller came by and told lt. lUld I didn't pny no pertlcklor attcntlrm. But I reckon llbly they'd bcm quorrellna. or ~~omethlng ti1Dt·o·W!11/'-1Cnnsoa Ctcy Stnr. "Perhapa, perbapl," murmuro4 Jlr.

1'ortlo. "'Dld :vou ever aeo a aplder'a web all covered with dew, 111'. Fo~ Qt\11"' • buab or • leaf where the 'qn ... ~ Right Thing A Clever Manager.

Mrt. Harka-You never wear IIIOllrQo


Gilbert. What a weird comblnntton I And you lrnow how eaally you get lndl· gestJon." Sbo ohruggcd her shoulders, thereby relieving heruelt ot nll respon· slblllt;y. "I cnn understand how enjoy· nblo o eup ot teo and a sandwich must be 1\ttcr n gamo: but seven cups ot teo a~ sr«!tt&-."-Chl<:llgo Dolly News.

Here'• a New Word. You can't beat tho flllppllr for t'Ofo.

lng now words and cxprcl31ona. Two. young girls were abool'iJ a \Valldkl car. One hnd on a new dresll, tbo de­sip ot which might or might not ba-re been semi-Egrptlnn. Bho WQII cxplllln­lna to her friend thnt It wna the latsl atyle.

, ....... ,.., ltlllfl .. l! '"" rm"tJ ltll•u •,. ,,.1,

••UICr IMZ..-lelbtl.w . . - .. ,.1f;alfl


A MONG tho OOWW' names whlcb baw 00(;%1 tmder dltengl.m •P"

peat~ ODG ll'IOO t'rhlclJ Lliror" genero.Uy roeognluld 08 bolon&~ng to tbo u.t. It llllbocla. tho ID"D.cdul Greek nome, whlcb ban completC!IJ Joat lhl ldcnUt:v unc%cr Importation end IJJ now tt!gard­oo a. purely .Engtln:h and Amcrlcan. Tbo n.amo algnlflen .. Itcsc... It. Ia ts.lttll trom tho Greek 1;;0ord for tho 1!owtt.

It was opp:11'CnU1 transplanted In­Itt~ to Eugt!Jlb llhores. au there Is no ree<n'd of lhl evotuuon from n Gl"f'ek root. Tho noba1s whtcb app{lllred In J'tnnco and named tho wff~ of GUb-.."Tt do Gatmt. Ia thought by ctymologlatu to ba\'0 at1J:e.n from tho latin •'bros." memlng fnmo, mthl'l' than to havo ~ talte.n from thtf fiO\Tet', lnt!eod, most_Q.f Jho d~rlvnuves. D! Jhn !cll~.J. ttno name. Roao, are beUevcd to hn\'ll como from this IWtlrce..

ThUll n.1::00J::I Is nltnost WlltJna In hClr placo and atgnlflcnnco: Ukewtso It b.ns oovu sutrered contmctlon.

!rbe ruby Is Rhoda's tnllmDnnlc gaa.

and prom­faes ber the tulflllment ot her nmbt­ticms, bcdll1 11Dd mental brotth, and polae ot b~~ Tuesc!n1 ll her l'Uclq dA)' and t1 bllr lucky nrunlx!r,

<e b7 W'bllarlt7D4JcaU. tao.)

--arrhe-----Righl Time


H ERE ll a lblt ot worldly wisdom tor tbo fOlllll man or woman who

II atrtvfng to 11ppcar to boat ndvan· tnge tn • drcle alJ~thUy hlgbClr up on tho codD.l st':nlo than tho ono to which ho or abo Is aCCtlfltomed. Nothing DCr" haps cotmhl ~ much for or nillfntt 1011 ruJ tho wont. )'OU usc. Your dreu m117 bo lm;ptoachablo and :vour tnblo manners perfect bat lt you don't UJO

clfserlmJnnUoo fb tho words yon uco 7011 lnll7 ba dtopped Uko tho proverblnl bot rota. eo go slowly. It you nro In doubt 01 to the nu,ro ot any ~ord or expreaston don't use tt at nJL Rtm tho rlak of bcln, thought a llttlO for-



Ml'll. Moehwed-No. It lan't becom­Ing" to me, and for that ~n110o I never keep a hllllband long enough to hnvo htm dle on my handa.-Boston Evo. ntng !l'ranaerlpt.

Baltlmor.'a Bua Traffic.

The key to succca haa tho best pos­·~o rcaemblanco to a night key.

Moro U1an a quarter ot a million pas­sengers nre carried monthly In the bUBSC!J of tho Baltlrnoro Trnnslt com· pnnJ, Bnltlmoro, Md. Tho company op. erntca 40 of these vehlcl~:>o, which hove an nl'ern~ro 1cnt1ng cnpnclty of 183 and q total scheduled dnUy mllcngo ot 2,097.

"Quite tootanklsh, rn say," IU!lP friend remarked.

e • .

' q" ~ n TE will buy not less than 101 Recipea or suggestions for new l'f utca of Qrape-Nu~_._paying $50.00 for each.one.aceepted.

And in addition-Good Housekeeping lnltifute, conducted by Good House­

keeping Ma&azine, will decide an award of $2500.00 for the

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Page 4: DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a

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.:·· . , • ·Variety ·in···Summer Wr~p ~tyles.

' ' .

~lOW comes the mldaummer 'time deJrprlpUo.q. 1'11<17 I(IOJl ~·"~ 1 the .Jea1' when tbe ·ehlet ~#· merJns co~web ot . ~ro :of mttadJ Ia to .-cqulre ''Mmlit' bordered w.ltb " tbb:IJ cool to weart Jet. wltbja~• ap AdoJ;able are thet. over J«t tb mark In fubfon. ThlJ AWre •~a the la<est ts to


to play up to tbe weather r. lli~,t .a~(e> ®lortgl UJrowa over. 84tltfactorll1 realized lu ~t Jbft 'pldln · .kllfr wlifte mob air tUk, It ll aate to prupbetJ tb!l* 1Jete .JllpoYefll. .~ ·· ,. motion to be put aceJatmlng knit PreS(!pt atyles ln nnuDt.f . -.,apt ~ber silk frocks, bloutrel, aweatera ar.tl'l ore preseuted Ill ncb a orarlef1 of lbe like. aa Ideal tor aumme£ wear, tnaterlahl 1ild In so man' dUrtrent • mighty eho11Ja or ••a:re,• a:rea woultt. m~ela th11t It (I tmpoRslble . to du­llOUDI thrnu(:hout tallhlo,pdorq, . t~au, llDJ pprdcular type u. 1Jeln1 · In tlila a;o ot knitted outerwear trl· tfio ·raahlou; Two thlnltl, however,

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/. . ' . ' .. . ' •. I' .

I '"'~ ~

• Effective Llttll Jar:::qultt.,

•mpb, llkllled nniOl"ctl bnve aouabt out man7 lnvcntlona, not tho lena! of wbll"b Ia the «lrop-ntltrb. Thin 11cnaon wltncaaM tho at71lng ot phnntom-wclsbt prmC%.1111. knU In opcn·work atltcb, which prodocna a covclcd ahoornraa ~d lnclntma. Tho ertcctlvo little Jnc­qoouo ahown In t11o plctoro tGIII tho 1t017 of tbll ochlovl'ml!nl. Nav)' blue Ober 11111 h111 bCt'll l!mpiO)'cd aa tho medium for thla coruml'r-wolahl fantaaJ. 1t1 IDtl'nUon for \'l'llrm wenther wcnr Ia nrcontl'd In thl' novfll alg·u; antch allornnted n-lth an opl'Jl drop.elltcb. Nolo tllo 117lh1b tlullt IIOOTC!ll and turnharll C'Ufta.

It tnJ' ot tho new coloru auch 01 IU8 bluo. wl;lcnt ahade, llrD1 or Llln-

• •

c:JmroC'terlr.o tho gnrrncaa of recent np~JC"nrnnce. Tbeao ore the11 ICDJtb nnd tl1t>ll.' atrntsht llnca. No motter wbnt maiRrJal or color It uac4. l.t t modol Nl1lforms to tbe ~tcntral raJ't u to lcmtttb and lint>, It mBJ bt won:a with tho auuranco that It ll In ,ood Ill)' I e.

For dreant all'nlnJ, anotbu whlmatcaJ do~efopment of Into aummor lt)'t .. hal boen tbo rt>tnrn to tuorotthe old-falbo lonad Spontab or Calbtnent thawL T:lt fortunoto woman who ~-· Ollt ol theaa trenJrUrc. mn:v bnvo It ac1aptecJ to ttuo pnaent modo aod ao adtJ a colol' Cui nod chnrrnlns gnrment to btl' nm-mor wnrdrobo. .

The two wrap• pictured abOTt art


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0~ 1~lV!iJ~!:'c'~ 'IJl~ll &'low "' • little t9,_,

-80METHINQ ,.0 EAT , OUI',~jiB.II~hl~tt"te love• . · ' • •till Slla.ea ·

Cooklea are nlwn:va an Asset In-ti~ toll ae •v• eullnQ17 department. The ndvantnge '~~~~~ daJ'

f)f cookies over cuke Ia tgbtl stare that they do not become pa11tng tp.cel. All

· dry and atali! lf .~ept ln thorou&'htare airtight CllDS. ..;Oiinlrand noise. There 11 no aleop;

z eyea are hard and brlghL C o co n u t Hormlt•.- • • • t!IIPk G.Oll lovu the little

Take one-half cupful of tOWI!I b t ttt• ono Tht,t iro to bed at nlcht.

u ter, cream w ~ ThUll Irene ~ry Davla.!ln ot Wlch· cupful of sugar, add one Ita Falle, lfelf" one o~ thll eln&'ei'/1 rep­well-beaten egg nnd one re11entcd lp "VoiCIIII Of thlil $0utbweat," cupful of coconut. three. •n anthoJou edited b:r Hlltc~n R. fourths of a cupful of Greer. ' . rolled oats. whlcll buve

boon Ughtly browned then ground, .threo-tourtba of o cupful of dntes; mix weJI. Silt one nod one-bnlt cupfuls of nour wltll two teuapoontuls of baking powder, one-half te~apoontul .each of anlt and Dllllplco 11nd clcwes. three fourths of a tcnsJJoontul of clnnnmon. Deat well and drop from a tenspoon onto·D buttered sbeeL Dulce mclvo to fifteen minutes In a modorntc oven.

Graham Puddlng.--'l'llkc one-holt cUpful of molnueu, one-b11lf tcllflllOOn· ful ot sodn, one-qunrtcr ot a tenapoon­ful ot cloves, four tablespoonfUls o-or

NOT ALL TREES DESIRABLE Many Not Suitable ~(Planting on

City Streett, Government Hortl· culfurlata Aucrt.


· butter, one cupful of chopped ml8lllll, ono-bolf tca11poontul of clnnnmon, one nDd one-halt cupfuls ~hnm ftonr, one-bolt cupful of ml!~· -~ egfr, one teaspoonful ot •aiL Melt tlio- 'butter, add molnues. mtlk, und egg llibtlr beaten. !llx and 111ft tho dey lngredl· entJI, o6mblne mlxturee, addlnJ tb" ralalna whlcb ha.vo been etct~mcd.. Turn lnto a buttered mold anc! steam two and one-half bonra. Servo with au.1

The need of trees on town anl1 c:Jcy streets fa so ll{lpllrent tbnt no argu· ment la nC<'e!WIJ'1 to Induce monlclpnll· Ues and lndlvfiJual owners to plnnt and roro for t11em: they not only m~e for the bcnnt)' of a elty but for the health and,comtort of Its citizens, Ia tho as­Bertlon made b;y Ilobcrt a Moulton In tho Denrborp Indupendcnt. SU'IUlgo­ly enons:b, however, anc11 notwlthBtllDd· lag tho numerous trec-planUng pro­grnllUI wblch bavo been c:nmcd oat all over tho country In recent yeal'll. there still e:data 11 grt!:lt deal ot mlsundor­ltnni!Jng resal'(!lng the klnd1 ot trcca best adapted for city etroct.a.

Ill recognition of thla tact. antJ with a view to obtatnlag scl.mUOrully exact lnformntlan on tho 111bJoct. IQVerrunont hortJcuJtorJata bavo for a long Ume been cxpmfmontlng wltb a variety ot troe. ln dllfercnt l~lltlea throughout tho MUon. Tho result ot tbeae experl· menta. which bavo .futt ~n nn­nounced, brut been to up1et' maay pre­Ylolll17 conceived Ideas on tho oubject.

dCil1rcd llllUCC. B1'11n Maca~n--Tnke ono cupful

eaeb of flour and brnn. one toblcapoon­ful ot butter, ono mblropoontnlo · of &Uiar, thrco-totll'tlla of a cuptnl of mUll, two ten11poonfula of baldolf pow­der, ono c;:; and a pinch of aalt. Crenm tho butter and 111stnr, add thto mUtt nnd tbo beatEn ~. bc:lt well and drop b7 apoontulll onto a buttoffil tJn. Dnko ten minute& 'l'h!.l wUI mako nbont three da%cn.

Ham Omtllt.-Put cold boiled or baked bam through the meat cbopl)llr. Ullin;; from ont'-halt cupful to a cupful, d~dlDif 11pon the atr;o of tho on1cll!t ~dt tbo ~~s:n. eel)tlrnttng tho whJlH llll4 yolkl, 11d" cSJ mont UlbltJpoontull ot ~old wntw to tho '1(11b no tho num­ber of egg~~ used, &e!Ulon Will;& Jlllt. told Its tho atllfl1·b~ten whUC!S and cool: ns aannl. Jnut·betoro folding. -vrtnklt tbo top of tho omelet wtlb tbo ham. Cl' ~ted ch"eao m~ bo uacd. ~t Into th(l oven to ut tho top lf 1t 60011 not .oom qulto cooked: then ,.,ld lllld tt'fVO Ct OD& ... ..

"'l'hh• 11 a c:ltt!leult world tnc!o~ And peopl~ to nit;

Tbt ClaD wbo IAfl tbe VIOlin U a boro to Ul · wttb G flute.

.. .AnO 1 t:~ratlf bavo otton tbougl)t llow vert bttlcb bottor t•woutd bo

It IVllf'Y one of tbo folkl 1 know · Woul4 only -.rcu1 wltb mo.

"'lUt IID!:I tb17 Wlll not. then the vt17 but way

'ro mako thll world look brt&bt II novor to Qloo what pooplo 11&7.

Dut CO what )'OU think a. 11ebc.•


i' ' . ' . ,

It bu been determined. tor ~ that oaka aro the best tre<11 tor atroot plantinr. It It probablo that ow bavo DOt beco more Wlde)J' ptuntca bccauao ot tho prevnlcnt belief that they are llow rrowu.. and bcca04o In the Nortb t.b~ are rather 41f· tlcult to trrulapiAnt. .t. whtto a.tk. however, 'Which 1.1 ono ot fhe tiOW· rrowtn• vnrlt!Ua, will ruch the cnmo hel~rht eta a ~agnr maplo Ia tho t:~.me putod ot limo, and maploa hllvo b~ uud moro wtdoly thun oaks for atroot omuncntntton. d"t~!oo many nllllnUJ. tacto17 cham~l.atlca. Elms IU'O atvl:l ececmd place tn cleslrnbUity for dtJ l~J'egtl b:v tho eoTf!nlmcnt ~ ond •;camort:~ third. ltaptca ore eon­aldered leu demmblo tb.an bu been BP.Ot!111l17 ltlD~e<L &x~t tho uu1Do-f ~ant.Y poplQr, l0011t nute.tka Of bo-Ptan llJ'O not I'C-t'Otnloe:ldcd.



VO Ia n 13-plnte vnrl11ble condCDllcr. X ll a grid conde1111er mcb liD ll! on the mnrkct todn:r. 0 la 111 fU:ed condenser ot apeclt11 coDIItructJon. n 1.1 tho bJI:h· voltage battery and A the fllamcnt or so-called storage batter)'. PH deale­natea tho phones.

Conatn~ctlon of tftl Coupler, 'l'bo eoupler usc<! Ill thle set 111 a

10rt ot Yarloconplcr and 11 o! ve17 tlntplo ronotructfon; · Tho prtmney 1.1 madtl from o cardboard or formlc:Q tube ~~ lnebea In dlnmeter by 2~ lnebca ln IOZJsth, U a enrdbonrd tubo It uaed, lC lhould bo abeUncked wC!II (before wlndlna on tho wlro) to pro­'fcmt lt tram 8brlnkJDi: 21 ·turns ot No. 24 doublo cotton-covered wlrct. ~~.ro WOUJltJ tlahtlJ' on tbo tube. Tap• aro taken out every third turn and brought out to thp O.potnt BWitch on tho panat .. aeen ln Ji't~ a. Tho eer ttmctlont better wtthollt lhella.ckccl wlndlnp, bot l.t tho wlro will comto looco wltb* out Ct. appl:v a vet7 th1n contlni ot lbellac.

Tho accondnry 1.8 wound on • tube 8% lncbca In dlnmetcr b; 1% lnt'hca tn length, and 11 wound wlfh &0 turn1

tt ,, ; •• . , ·~

Makes an Efficient Liahtnin1 Switch

Nowo.daya wbi!D many aro .thlllklnl ot lnatnUlnl mdJo seta. .ona ot the llrlt queatlona to bo 110lved 11 the Installa­tion ot a eround or Ugbtnlnr swltcll.

A ~tch CIID bo e;a&Uy c6natructed from pnrta that oro ot'tco thrown aoldo aa Wlelcaa. 'l'be ono btfe fttJa'lboo Ill ruaed, wlll stand tong ll(ltvlce and ro­qulrea but a llJI&ll amount of umo to make tt.

Obtcln a doolllo pole, alngto throw awltell 1lmllar to th<*O u.ed lt1 l'f!!ll· dtnc:es fer power malnl. Tho baoo Ill not ccootd. Tho bladca of the owllcll ar. Jolned tc~tber to lenlthcn tho cUa­tJmce between tho JCl'VtL Two amnU pi~ Df copper CUD bo ploccd on eal"h s!cle Df the blaclca and drllled tbrotlib­after whlch thtV 11'8 aoeurelJ rJTeted. or the endl ean be Wf:lcle4.

'.rhe handle attaehc4 to tho alnglo blacte bJ din& tho machfnt acrO'il7 ltlto lace 1ormer1J UJed to hold the blade to the tn1« end. '111& blflitl ot tho nltch 11 SCCI1n!d to o atrtp of bakeUto three atul-ono.halt lncllct Ions anl'l throo-quarterw Inch wl4t'. 'l'be IWl Tat1et wtlh th& me ot the switch nse<1 ~ A hole 11 drllllld at each end of th" atrlp to p.. the top tb.tudec'J l!fl'eW of a spark plq em11. 'l"tro ptecea ot

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Page 5: DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a


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• eeuo.. . A Spot cotton prlc~" dccllnc4 U pointe uurlna the wce.ll.; Now York July tuture contracu Gdvllllccc3 87 pointe. 8pot ~ttoo Clloecd Gt 21.4Gc per pouGd; :Now £Or.ll. July tuturoe a.t ll1.1Gc.

Dalr7 l"nt4una. • 11Prse~a ot Oll Dcoro butter: ·Now York -;,_c. Cblcqo 88t~ .PbUa4o11)bl4 40o £>VItoJJ llll~C. · '

Chcu6 pr!to# tn Wlceonaln prlrno.ry ~rltOt.IJ 1-'JCLU llllc~ tWIDJt 21 .Y.IC, lllnslo ~alriC)a .. nc. double oa.lolco 31 ~c. ;rouns 22 %oc. CAD. lonsborno 11nc1 11qua.ro prlnu,

DE:lJVCn KA.Rian'l · Cattle. --..,..,_

._,Btcora •oUI up to .. lO.llG, vcnun~r~~ u •u8'h'U UUO, tWa'Cl-01fa·•t1V, Ule lWO ~at0!;_'?_1tna at •s. 11 tow ealv~,a up to s... ..,..;)cor eowa wore bot;ltbt ~~ 0111D.ll lota

1 at SlliGO to $8.8G, Dulle wetro bOUifhl

UC Ualvo I)' b}' trC&d()rll IUid )'11rd IJ)CCU• lator~ and brouah& a2.Go to H wttb tllo main outlot at U.7G. '


tb'l'}I,.O t.oP1 J!'j~ Cor bor:o wu ST.40 Cor ~ ..... car o......, aod tbo bulk at aaloo

17 ... 0 to $7.CO. Rouuh cutout packer 110alwa brous;bt fG.GO and IG. tho oll.Jeo rn nlv at tho top ot tbo oP~ A Cow ,..orv dlolco l~bt Ugbta eo14 uv to n.to. With tho malo outlet ctt $G.41>, Dukbor

'II.. ,plua brousbt .6.7G t.o i&.mi, an4 etock "" P~• IG.GO. Otar.ro aold at J«.t>O and

boara aL ll.l!ll to 12.

··~ to IUul,1JI8•6 ''~t.bt aold Dtl'lllr&bt at IJ:t.tG '* "'II ...... teloetod owoa at II!.CO an,. eu owca at IC.

• Jb7t.U. KA(UCET

(C.Iuat• kttl..._t Prl-) snver. London • • • • • . . • • • .ns; ~d ••• , ••••••••••••.• ~. c.oo ~wer, per Jb............ .uo .lG

no •••••.•. •. •.. . • • . . • • • C.t4 Tttnguen. per UDlt ...... t.C30lo.ou

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Stones BY

George ·Kibbe Turner


Oeortre Klbbo Turner atam4 hl8 literary career when he llrat c:ame out ot eolletre. He Joined the stall ef the 8prlntr;llel4 Ropubllc&ll at a Yel')' mo4eet ... tat7. 1111 next a~p wu to the Black Cat. In that c!a1 a tbln lltdo mqulne Which print.. ..:1 wrpri81J111y lntere~~tln• atortee.

Then oll4 clay, aa the phraae Ia, but qUite dll!erent In fact. Mr. Tumer WII'Ote a novel tor llcOlun'• Mapame. It ba4 a N- l!lnatand Mtlln8'. an4 a poiiUcat anale, and It received trlde and Important comment. ~ereaftor for lllne rean Hr. er wae one ot the literary eta of llcCl~ro'e llap· elne and be "rote both articles and llctlon on a trreat Yartoty of eubJ"te. 'I

l&r, TUm4r 111 tbe author or man)' book1, abort etorl.. and artJclu, but "U .. ar'• Hoe rd." a etory ot tn. yellow fever epldemlo In llem· phle, Tonn., lllled "lth tact and dramatic Incident. and "Whl~ 8houldo,.... are 8'\l&r&Dt.eed to keep I& r. Turner coneplcuouety to the front In our literature,

In the eto,.,. that follow•, written for the Bt&r Author Sorlee cf.M&IJ1• montal A4venturea, lhe bUaband Ut . dnr. wn aa only a, man k .. n 111 un· dent&ndlna of men couUJ picture him. Tho aide of marrta... that Mr. Turrulr pr:eeeota In '"Dlrtb lltonu.. Ia pOYel end at the AnM tim• unlver'll:lllr •PPMIIna. kAHY BTI!JWART OU'M'INO, .m.

(• ' ' ' ~ ., ' ' .

. ...,i~. V,otpt: ,tooklJl« tb~ , q~r.. tb:et ~.ey~ I' .iOO<J lltli~U.I· , . . !J~. fAf1~ ': f4r4. cut. .. ·· · • , . · . UJ.) :.ut' ·on ~be. · . .

!1\VIlatttl 1~ ~.,.;.@e. ")u)lf tbliis1 w~ gettln(r ~"*~1 mJn• tl.fJ : Ten tll.ou111n4 tor ·th~e. ' months," ~rer o~cl<>ck. He 'Wis jgst: bUll'!!, tho.t · . · ,·. a1ked tl:ie mg, ~~~ e;ye. borln~ ln still. nbnut to .take up the telepbop.~ mt4 ·"No;.r· · . ''4lltl: It· .tt>u tfo,-...lt · fQU

And.VolpJl-tlgtj_red put a,goo4 thing cull tile detectlva butet~.n wbl!)l ·the 11ete~t.Jve;. two IUl)' war/'f'lte.,W'e~ of), ''tt OD lt~Jld told ltliq WMtbe'd do. bell P:O.JJ.i;-Just before sl%~rtd @Is tbJI!~I. xt•s ·up tq~ou, caJi .libOW ber atlY WilY. fn. /{8~ Yo~·~,.-JL'.I

''But now It's undentqo.d;''. 111114 the CoogAA'I Yolce came. snylng ;})&.f4. be utt-tl',lke us around ~o your wtte now, you :some day; ft ~ IJJ'r>ellitl m11n..:.o•you'JI bne to. h•ve -~ am aon.e down around rune o'clock"""1!!f Jlep,tJy at. ht~me. Or you can .c:om.e wit .. me, It I" . · <J · · ~· . In a day-when ·J bi#JC Jt ih'l'' · I1IJ he cdltl~-and to bnve ever,rtbln& a,P!l .b!IV.~ her $1ve.:bet mlfln~t1o.n- "Qome <!n,"·'1$iUd !lc~nn,el~ Ute d!i-. ''WJl¥-whnt'a the .«t~#t b1J1T)"'i"' · ' ; . 1 to J.u.•.tul!Juartet~~l'' . · · · . tecUve. "Doll'~ stnrt gettln~ carele!Jll a.Rk.OO :Volpe, ·loOking at ~w, atartlnJ Jmve everything read>',. don't . ;MI,i:l' the bl; fellow ,gave a~ rroan, nsaln. You're not fixed rlgbt to ~~ wonderlng·.a Uttlo then. • fret!" suld Volpe-wblch be at~ f91) ·iQ~df'almost. to be.ri~tUral. rougf.l. Jt's Qp to you.. You c:nn stal1

''It'•· my wlte. She'll 'WM~. 'o wear dowtl to the detective fr.otn l'9l1~e · ~ WciJi1t. I can't;~ 'he sal4. "It a war, or we can au· $troll ovet lilt& . ~em. You know how W(!Jnen aroW. JJea!lquartera tbat b& P.IIUJ(ed 1il tbq mfsbt ~JU JJ~r . She/ <t~·t lmow AUf• trfimdS,.. . '•< ' ,

Volpe nodi:!ell. He knew aome next room. . thing nbout this. She tbln..it!J we're,pn ''But ablts In bed, Wltb a benaa(lli~." · thlng11 about the wo!Jlen-and their ."You'll find probabl7 he'a a bad t6e·top ot the world yet-lnstea!,l ot "She'll, hnve to get ~p· tlle'n;" ~~~ freaks (lDd Wblms. You do, bancJUng one," 1ald. the detectlve, "moat likely.'' •. JJI.it llCraplns lianii;IJ!,Ptct I" . McConnell, the detective. ·· jewetey. "Be don't look so.'' 84lcJ -\'~at 1fTh~e'a oth~ Sh.lil tho detective, . ' Allct ftnally he gave up, an!f tb.ft

"And don't call me up at the apart· that. ADd we can't' atrord to torce. w,at<!bfni fliDJ, •'.that have bad to bear thtee. went overo-.on the bus to IUveJ.> ltlent, eltl\er. 1'11 brlnr the!I! In SOm!) things-not UU we !plow.'' It betorel'' .. . . side-and Up lDto .tbe apurtment-aU dar soon-1 can't be lure ju1t when. "l know." · • , ·"Not ·tlw 'ffil1. ell!! IB," ~ the :man. Pl;lrtJea wat~in; tllelr· s~e~, nbt Bnt I don't wo.ut you calllng ·up in)' "And be'a a big hi11ky brute, :v.ou who badf ~roduced himself as Ooo- lng just What was coming, wlte. • ~ou know 'how women are- want to take that Into conslderqtlon." gun, and went on and told them bow It wos all right so far. lt. was hla about such thlnp I'! he iald araln, "Well. be don't want. to get too It was With her. place all rJgbt-and he t11ld •It flxed looklnc nervou.-Tolpe noUeed at the p.J," 1ald ·tbla HcOonnell--thla ®tee· ''J can't have her know," he ~~t~ld, "I up In style, too-servants and aU tllno. . tlve trom the beadQtlllrtel"e 11{Juo.d, won't. Not tlU she's-ovl!r It I" · that 1 .

Be noticed ftlat. . Yon keep ;vonr who wa11 qutte bean around the "A.t that."_ l'aid HcOmmell, glvtng "Tell your mlatress rve got to have e;ves open In that bU8lneu and the lhoulders" blmlelt. . Volpe a lOOJI' again, 4'there's other her come out. Dre1s · and c11me out~ deal wa1 queer on the ttce ot lt. But And. jU.t then the e~v•tor door worn~ have gone through wltll Jt and see ~· co~ple of friends!" he eald It was no queerer thaD others he'd clacked and their man•• ltep · Cllme without belnr mUllonalrcal" , to the mald-almoat ·cb'1klnll over the baiL · echoing down the hallw•r .to .the door. ''I know," be came back. "but ft'a last word. .

And of course, If a~thlng •n• Be came In a hUn'7-ltlll looktng the lUdden bump, coming Just now- For McConnell, the detective, plelou• came up when be came In a~lona and ezclted, wiping ott Jill when lhe'1 been thinking up to date wouldn't listen, naturall}'. to Ills IW' again, that next week. Volpe would be (orebead with bll handkerchief. everything 11 golnlt wonderful ·tor us. fng In to seeing ber ahme-to frame. right th11re watehlnlf-before an7 "WeU, I'm here," be uld to Volpe, And then all at once a tall from tblt up any story between them. .. money pa81ed. 81 1t ho'd had a bara tim~;~ pttlng top of the world I I can't have It- And finally, after I!Qme talk. abe

Bot nut week wben the big man there. not' now. You know yolll"8elt how came out-all aJlk and ribbons-one 1 howed up again tiUh bll blr nel'k· Volpe took!ld at him aP1n-ttnXlou1 wome!l are-on IUX11f1, and all .pia~l of those llrbt-hearted. henna-haired lace In bls pocket, to 1et his mont7 aJ>out him, alwayl, when .be wa.. out Bow much more It means to them- on!JIJ, that ron their own. But her and haye the agl!JUtlJtJgg IPA.!le, Vollll! of sight; and puule!l·mg~, wlum he llnd Ill that. ·e.rea itlnd ot 11cared at that. ' was surer than ever of the thing-tor abowed up again. He dldn t look like "And then you've. got to remember "Oh Dan," abe Bllfd, "what Ill It? Ia one reaaon trom the wa1 be acted I Jewelry thlcf-an7thlng but I And -andther thing," he aid, going on anything wrong?" about the stonea that were comln; out )'ot ;vou can't tell-110mo of tb~ beat when nobodJ' answered-argulnr, Wltb "No, Bon," be snld, patting her on

lie there u ·a pledge for the ten ot them are that way. Innocence Ia the neat pouring down bls face. tbe lhouider. "No. Just some friends.'' their atock In trade. · "¥ou know bow It I• wltb the first h~ lillld, choking on the word again.

"You,l hno Ulem all bere+-the "Got It With 7our asked Volpe- one I Tbe:r're scared to death, afraid "All It 1., I want you to Just tell them Identical samo ones-when r come and got tho thing In his banda again. tho7'U die I" o • about :vour necklace." oftor them?" he Biked-looking red It was all tho 111me aa ho ba4 lett It "What doea the doctor uyr asked "But what-what-" she Bllfd, ond anxious. '"l'berda no danier -the same talco atones amon; tbe llcConnen, the detective. , chnalng her btg brown e7e1 from ono theTJI get mixed up anJ wa;vr real-tho umo odd lettlng-eveey· "Be don't see It-quite so bad aa to tho other.

"Not a dnnger," Volpe told him. tblng I she doe& But be admits blmselt "lt'l aU rlgbt, Bon," said the big "For It woUld mean aometbln; to "Now, I tell you," Bllld Volpe, stnrt· wo'\'e got to be carefuL Help aU wo tallow, calming bol'-and looking over

mo-:-lt there wu a mlx·UP on thl__., Ins after tt. "J baven't bad Ume to cnn I You 10e-7ou ~ how I'm at the other two with red murder In ho aold. "Tho)"re OUI' lnek.'' get that ten thoU.Iand yet. It wa• too taed," ho Uld. arguiJli. "I wouldn't hill eyes. "You go ahead-and .ru ex·

"Luck7 atonel, bub1" aaJa Volpe, late w,hen I got around to the b¢k." take a chaDe!' wltlr that Uttle elrl- plain to :vou lllter." and amlled to ,blmaelt wben be had "YoU can ctve me your check tor for the world l" So she told them Qnal~ about the

Thno jewrl brokers arc all over tho ,one-t~vrer than ever about ~e thln1 It," said tbe man ~n.c at him, "can't And then be ltOWed for a minute. neeklaee-tnd showed th~ the blll ot ctt,-tn Maldrn Lnno, on the Bowery, -tbouab l'tlrlou• na.tnral~ on what It 7onr . "But where do tho dlamondl come aaJo, and the check lbe'd paid for lt. up around Fifth nvenuf>-tlll kinds, woa all about. '1 might, 'IU." be aunered; work· lnr' McOonneJJ, tho detective, ukcd Ber check-he'd atven ber the money 1 for all klnda ot bualnou-buylnl or About t"o weeki afterward the man Inc along, "'n17 m)' balance won't let hltn. ''ThO neekJacer And thtv. aaw. ftna117-the7 were In telllnr 1 They're • w11e cro"d. Tb~ ahmvPd np again and WJnt.ed another xno-not ja.t now. I'U hllve to JO 11Dd "'That's onr lack, lbe clalma." wrong. ha'fe to be. The7 ret eome dangerous ten thOUJilJld on ~ ot the get the money myaett-tomorrow, "Your lt1ek1" S~e IJtOOd faclnJ them-looJang like propollUoDII put up to them-and atonea. rna7be." "Our loeb 1touea I Yon Jmow bnw a friJhtened kilL BOmo wild ones, partlculerl7 1n bard That wu dlll'erent. "Tomorrow! Ha7be1• •aJC! QoogllD womets are-about th1np llke that! "Bnt wbo are 10111" lbe wnnted to tJmeL "1 rbou1ht 700 aald ten tbOUQDd att•r him. bta volee rllt.oB. Supent!Hou..-.U ot them. I nO\'er Jmow. ~

Tho7 bad •omo e:rtrG wild onu In wo1 all 7ou'd need." lllld Volpe atucl7· "And be.ldN," ea1d Volp0, "tbere'a tcnew one that wun't ret. And ell- . And ber ba.band · er-tooklnr that o.nonclat "an.tn attu the "ar- Ins blm, thlnltln1 fut. anolher thlnJ come up. M1 workman peelnll7 nO'W'-now-at time. like th1Jr. ftrat.dl!ll'H mtll'c1er at whUe he ecpeclell)' t.llo Fltth IIYenuo onea. llalt "I thought It wu m71elt. And It didn't lhow up that I counted 00 com- And tbeo her father wu a BPOrttnr tallte.d, tor lhe acted u U 1he the upper Weet atdo wa. Oahtlnr to "111 be thll tlJne. Dut :vou lmcrf,how lni to do the reuttln.l tor me." m~ A ttnd ot a 'blgb-dau was cotn1 to pleeee. .&.nd they were c1r1vo the woll from rhe n01r Umouatne tbe contracting bualnoa la-upec:JallJ "Didn't lbow up7'' l&fd tht biJ mnn. fPOrflnr maD." atratd the,-'4 .cot In a meu-ftPeclai-door, now. Up and d01n1. Uo1U7 down I ~~~~~~ u~.~~~ the tbl"• ott for "' lee." Mld llcOonnetl, keeptnc hta ~ JolcOolmell, the 4etlld1Ye.

It "a• a year 11r0 lut March-at But It "Ill be all riJht tb1a Ume-I .,,_ - ·eace lt1ll. .,And 10?'' And mdc1eD11 lbe bro~e down-the "ont of It-when thl• ono I'm con promlao 70u that." JOU tontght." .. So 1011 eM. don't JQUf You know scomed to-throwlnc ber 8\1111 uound tolllnr )'ou of clrtfted Into llorTJ "I KUeu JOU can when 70'0 ret ttl" "Not t~ht I" aatd the man. 'Tve how women are-over annlTersarSea the bll man's neck. , Volpe's plal'tl on Flttb avenue-In tbe eld VolPi! to hJmltlt-roUlng under lOt to have It ton1ght I That'• an 1" and all that. Dlamon~ ware her "Don't, BonQ'," uld the bli con-late afternoon. Volpo "na alono In wny behind thnt aon. •weet jewelry "Sa)', Uatcu,.. uld Volpo nC%t. birthstone. So naturally I pvo ller tractor, patting her wtth b1a b'l ftn. tho oiDM.!. atortna do"n out ot hla aC<'- ~aloman'1 mnlle. "\Vbat't the hUrTJ In thla thfnlr dlamondl. When I wu W&J' up1 I gen. "We'll be aU rlibt. Weill make ond·atory window on the rwo ltrooiD.I .. lJavt> 7ou •ot them 'IVlth your ho *'1''11 iOt to hne tho moner, right pvo ber tb1.t--tb1a necklace. Juat to It all .back again." ot eutomobllo topa on tho av«'nuo. allkod him. smlllna. otf-that'l what-In 1117 btlllncu I Or show bcl'-tlDc2 tho reat of the world- uSW'e.'' aald Volpe, ltePPinl for-

uyou tho proprtotorT' nakrd thlo "No," anld the other man getting I ItO brcko. ntgbt now. '1'omorro1V7'' bow abo stood with me. You know ward. wJth the oeckla~ In b1a haud-atranct>r bo('k ot him at tho entmnt'O rod-end brlngiJli In a new Idea now. "l undcrstruld." aald Voii)C. "'!'bars bow women are-how th07't>e got to tr;~ to fix It up with them. "And If -• 1.>11. nxHaeod hun,., wtth bli "And r· .. o got to iOt 'IOU to do some- •n right. Tbnt•a e&IY 00 thnt neck· lhow tho nclghbonl-the other women be wnntll tho money-the extra ten ahoul.dora 11ncl • am all noao ond a rrd thins e>l•o thla Umo. rvo got to havo lace, It evet7thlng la tba way It loon -u thlnp are going l1ibt-U you•ro thoiis:md-tt will bo 1U nght 1" De<'ktle, \'olpe figured him rlitht you mako that next IUbatltutJon of C)D tho ltlrtacc. Dot what I mean llf- prooperooa. And what the1r bu. And Jho didn't uy anythlnl. but awo)' then u 1ome eort ot a coo· stonOll tor m-aomo llllbt." wbat's tho burry about thll work Of bandn think of them I juat burled her boad deeper In tho trartor. "'Somr night I" enid Volpe after him. mine on tho necltlnco? Why mnat I "And thoro 11 nnothu turn to Jt- big bqy'~ lhould~d murder

"Sure," be mh1, romlng ot-c>r, dunt· "Yea.'· ho llll1d. ,otrlns I'Q<lder aUll !laro It back alwll)'ll on tho mlnntof" that Bho worked out In hw bt'lld, bo- bumlng rodder and nlddtr In bl.a eyy 1n1 hll h11DdL "Whot"ll 7ou ha .. t>T" "You know bow women aro-when And ho got no nrunrer. Gldea-whot It meant to hel'-f:DOd aa he looked at them anc1 patted her,

"lb nnmo•a C'.ooann-lJan <'.ooaan,"' thoJ llt!f nn Ideo In thelr bead." '1n otber words," l!tl.ld Volpe. ccm- Jne.k and all tltnt I" "And If ron W)lnt It-tho necltlace aold I he bli man. lntrodurlna blmnrlf. "WUat'a thle?" l!lld Volpo to blm· lDI ltrolliler, ''ulbnt'a tho Ideo ot JOUr "And that was?' aalcl McCcnncll. ~0 uao-to wear any Umel" snJd

··mnd to know JOU," llllld HnrTJ llt'lf, with a sudden llnklna spell- 1Udlng In hero by n!ght with thla "That Will that 1 wu bOm In April, Volpe, boldtnJ It toward bor, Ute Volpe, ai&ID& him up. "Whnt roo 1 wondering what It was bo bad run tblDJ, and bavlns It to tako nwn)' Wlt.b too." candy ton lifd, ")'ou can have ttl We do for 1ou r· Into. rou In the mommsr "Aprtll"' can flX It \JP-e.D rtgbt-U JOU want

"\\"bat would you 1117 thl1 wo1 "All rlaht." be 1old atoud--tmtlllnr "'t'.a to)' wlfc." anld the bll 1114D "You lmow. Dlnmonds aro tho to wear It 11.1 your mucotan· worth r· mid th11 11 ron~rcr, ronchlni In moro IWl'ctly thnn over. "Dring them Qnally. blrthntono tor ApriL" Be held It up to her-and touehetl mocl drau1n1 out a big dlamood net:k· ln." "Your wifo 1<1 "No," said McConnell, the detective. her o.nd abo pnshetl It awQ, lnrco tbnt aeemtd to be lying looao, "\Vbot nlghtr nllked Volptt, moro "' wouldn't llnvo ber know nbout "I gtJESI they forgot to tell mo about "J don't want ttl" llho 111ld. "'l'ako Wlthout an)' t"aaa, In the rtabl·hllnd and mort> polite. thlt-now-t~ot for tho world I" tbot." • It away 1 I wouldn't wear tho dam Jowcor pO<'k«>l ot hll cooL ... ,, t'11ll JOU up-this oventng-juat "What Ia lt..:.bera. and not yonral" "And then tllaln." be wu IQing thing on a bet!"

.. Wbot 1ou paid for It-or wbnt you before a.1x o'clock. and ten JOU." he laid Volpe. along. "Yoo 'know. Next month I And an the threo ltood waltlq tor C'Oilld rt'Dlt&l!r Volpo Biked him, lltlll t::~ld. "I might be ablo to IGt In to- "No. It'S tnJtJG. 'l'hilt 11. I paid ror Tbot'U bo AprU. too." lwl'. al&lo~ him UP-tllo W.83 J'Dil llavo to night. I hllp4 ~.. -andpv•tt-t~berl" "I JUt-;ott. ... uld-tlnTd g:tv. "Don•c crt." 1;1!8 tho big tnan. Ute In that bo11lnn.-. And went over It "llQW'd ho llt.rlke your Volpe "'b I" uld Volpe. lng Vo1po another look. smnehod7 talking to some young kilL 'Wtth hla claaa oncl told him wbot he aakrcl btl stenographer. She waa "And Jtut u aoon u eollectlana "So there's threG tlm Jt•s old to ''Doo•t d'T· It's all right.• mtrbt probabl)' liet-lf bo rot a bu7er. about u wtae as he wa .. ll.ed~ them eame rlabt In m7 btulneu ril bo Ot1l' Jacky atone. au know the At that lho looked up, llDd lhe

"But you'd hno bard work ftndJna comlna In and 1olnc onL straighten It all ont." Wl1f the, ftrure- womllD-On wnm•t crying at all. She looked np, onCJ Jtlllt now tor an)'thiJli u bll aa "Uo'• Ute th• re1t ot them-all over "liQbll 70U WUl. Ma7be You tblnp like that I" hnffgtnr onto the baelc ot hls neck.


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' : ... (fDJ; . . '

A womllD thiDkll that ller husband Is the wisest man on earth the day bw leads her to the altar.


Prepared Especially for Infants · and Children of All Ages ·

Mother I Fletcher"s Cutorla Jwt been In me tor OYer 80 ycara u a pleasant, barmlea IUbstltnte tor eu. tor 011, Parerorlc, Teethtnr nropa and Buothlng 811'111lL OontaiDII no narcot­Ics. ProTen cUreetloma are cm eaclJ package. Ph)'l1clan• recommend lt.

Tho genuine beara alpatnre of

• Somo men boast that they can't be

toqled twice 1n tho IllUDe way, but there are lot. of other ways.

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that. I know I woUldn't bu7 It-cot the lot Ute the dandelion.. Be'a wou•t.t> And the detective IUld Volpe ltttrl.tur 1n~ hla .'lC!ll. ________ .. ·.~ IIOW I" -· -- ~------~- ~· - -== ~-"')fd ~·you"Cf~ '"tJlaf~i)io ml!fi'f~

•'Y ou rouft'ln•t-not lf :vou tranted be'8 eno~lh. I'll ..,, Be'• too -I mean we'll know better--Wbtn "So that' a how lt fa about the neck· lho nfd; 8tUfnl. to!" old tho otbar man. "I "ouldn't tblclr to be BD)'thlng etae. we put that up to bu I" lace. n•a her mucot. Sbe'a got to "What wollldn't I cto tor JOU. Bon I" ull u ror all the mootJ In Wall "Wlll he be baelt apln1'" Volpe "But fOU won't put It up to l)erl" haf.e It wUb !Mr aU the tln:le now. "'Take tho chance at 1o1nr broke-atnet... aaked her. aatc1 the btl man. .Ucklnl out hla jaw. J'rcm now ott ~I That'• wh1 md an that1"

And be looted al If be m .. t lt. "Be anre WIU. Tbe battle fteet "'fn'U let mt ban It baelt-nowr- rYe had ~me llleeldq In bate. "BUt be won't-" aa!4 Volpe. brest• '"But bere'a tbe thln1 I 'WUlt to couldn't cboe blm a1f&T, Ue'a. cot to And Volpe ttepped away trom hln1. 'Whtb I KYI- the dlanee." JDc In qaJn. IIJie'U be all rla!lt. AD~I-J

bow,a be Uld. '10ouJd ,a. pull ot~t ll&n tut moneJ. Rllbt now I" "1'01l'Ulit mellate It/' tald tM btr "'h. that'l lt." .aid llcCotlnetl, the tor the 11~· he ..sc!, Olrerfnr It enough ltonea trom thll to ltaD4 for a Volpe th~>"~aht ihe Mme. Aad UHt hukJ-ttl'flS)lftr toward hl~ "ltowl,. detec:tlH, ll'r~DC Volt* & eoclealltlle to her Qaln-"we'll 1!%:--" pl~c• tor a ten thQtliUd-dollil' tliiim tt1ll looked honest to blnl, eom• "'Tea. I wtU. 'fet." l&Jc1 Votpe;-'ttJJJ. took. . "'l'aac&- lt aWQ'l" abe laid, puhfq loan?' bow. tAl ll1a ~olce. ao the do teethe 111 the *TOt' ~be'* lOt to l&• 1t 'trftb bet'. It ott ~ ·-z'he dam ~ 1

''WhJ 7u-probabl7.'' u.td Volpe. ''Dllt td17 at IIJJ!It7" h llld to hJn). ~tut t'OOI:D w.oald Itt tt. ~ J'OU AM '!lO" an<l mote n.-:r daJ oow- o~ 1ieTe'1' want~~ ... tt ap~nt• . . "'TttouJh we don't etntraUJ wa'llt to 1141lf. wben the &W wu ll)ll-. "Ad ptat 111J' ta· UIOUIUcS back ha IQ ·~ADd .th-. .Mt'!lnllt, ~"a 'rot Aftd· t1'HI btc mm Jooktd @ill". r handle unaet stOD-. Beca11M-70• wh7 tbll ltaU about the ~ba"'· lludo" · . to QUlt tJQ Jatr Ol' *'ll • ~ "'Bent tooUih J'01l ,...,., liH lllJd ill' bow I" fnl to ban tlteJl\t ~>ott lilt. ,.., "J'ou'lt let IDt ban :ft t Rlaht .boW t'" Jt ·~" a ~ ot a ~ YOtc!L 4<Jiow <!1U1.

"'l'b.,-re apt to be atolen, bubt'. them :.t breaktaur MttS. tlit blf »an ;etttftt tt4 ua4 ~.u. lt, •'t ~......U ~· ;a .. ~ llke that-.Jtilt "'~ ... that ltf" aald tbt bllllll\a. Itt •t ud ft.lppi4 t.t l'laclttq o'a and lltlartt._ _to IH'etk •r-...:tidd 'the k~ .-. ~~atl~· ·wttll U.t

"Y•ab. Tlle1 break tlaem 1P O\lt ot etaarett• out tbe front iAt4 ott tiit :ll•att V~ 11M I~ m., kt ~ ·tt :\'Cil;t. . tlabill" ._ INit\UJl . ..a.tm4 Of 1i.. U.elr ftttblp. ~ tlatl caD't bt ldtatJ.· the &t>.On...,.look!IC do"P. :Writt, . ~-l1l'flt' ~tO ... lt:a~Liar led." Q tlielJPtl ct ... ~~a, tot' ~~ -.. t-. c:tzt tot thJ dat1etl,_ ~· tlttJ"CO't ()'tlf that; ,ail

"But JIQOya JOt JtV MtUIJ hlrto• o•ctl\1'\t . · JQ ~ ~ ~"" . . ~ ctut· ,at ~idle· ;Utt)"· iltooct: ll'OI:iiid "t .....-'t talldnr tbOltt WI," 1114 WCI\ ht·~ VJOSJ·bfj 11~ a~·,·-~ tat~ ftfl0l'Ji& 04 wtpea u. 100~ abe thM· • ·lim

Volpe. "I waa l1Jit t~lnl )H." a ' .~·:a~ ttl . · U4. ~. ta. lt' "\Vetl, abont MW .in17 Wf\Ut - . . ~ JJi t)t ~ti<J htl( t.. Vol,.., loqk'td "1f01.14 ~~

1117'' the Cllatomu a.ttd ~ "",.. 1 ~~ • · • . If'• . · · · · :04 p.;fq, ·Ci)l~itt , ltt'":O..td Aile! be told .blm abbllt • ~''4. ot lW. · 1l·J,ilw· GH,~'..alelll~ . .._.. -~

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Sallow, mudd7, rou,hened or blotched comple%Joot are UIU&ll7 due to•c:autipiltlon. When 7aa are coutipated. -not en01tab or Nature'a lu· brlca~ liquid ta Jl'Od·~ In the bowel to keep tooci w.ate Doctor. .


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ANNtJAL.-­\/{SfT"" 1'0 t1NC1 f. JO#ftl~ FARM ~

. But There Are Some Subjeets of Common Interest

S:At(I'N, I ~'t.l toM~ ~LL ~ '1Qt)J.'1-•

-n lMH\NCi~ - T"'• LONG l~LAND -I~ -tmr... ~ OUT OLl> 'BlMao• BAILli"' SANG~ "G-E.

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Five weeb a arout and then o hero Ia tho rcrord ot Aloort Bnntloy of thr AJ:lt>rlron Leglan acout troop, Dnttl~> Crer!t. Mlt'll,

Bt'<ltlt Dentloy and olevc.>n·)'nlll'-Old llnrk Kn!Jley ~eTC! on tho leo of Dattlo crc:fk, about ntcoon toot from

'4b01'1' .. When tbe leo gnvo wo.y and both boya atlppcd through toto water oliht foot dec!Po

Attbouah tho Ina. wero good awtm mero tbey were hondiCllpped by their tlt:'l.-1 booU and clothing and could mnllo Uttlo progreu In pulllni tbom .elna up. The scout finally atruck o .alld placo In tho let'. climbed up and 'W'Dll utn.rtlng tor tha ohore when llr a:~w that bill eompnnlon woo lillll In tbl' wotrr nnd C!J7lna tor DMIRtnnet>. Dent ley, shivering from hill Icy .bntb ontl bro~ log tho cold wind tbnt stiffened biA <lrt<nched eloUall:!J, hllllteDE'd bnek mw the ~Cbe.toU9 lee and dragged the J;tnntler bo7 t& clt'tY.

TM scout. when 1111kro about tlie alfo lr, related It ln a mntter·of·fnl't. brlf'f wny. derold ot anr thrllliL fk-. opltP tblll modest uceount. the heroic act nf thl:! boy wUI lw brought to tho attention ot tho locll rourt of honor.


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.IS IN Soldier Patient In Toledo (Ohio) liq .. · . pltal May Be Martin Lyona

· · or Bert Jordan,

:ia .MIU'tln Lyon~ a patient ln the Toledo (0,) hospital for tho lnsl\ne, a aol.dJ~r of tbe Unlted .. Sfd'tes army prlor·to 1917. or 11 he the man who!lo ldentlty he has llt times claimed-Bert Jordan, a World war veteran?

Thl$' 1JI the queatlon whlcll has . pu~~o zled nuthorlttea of tl\e American Le-' gton and other apnclea tor the reUet oLthe ex-aervlce man alnce tire man was touncl wanderln~ about tho streeta of 'l'Oledo two )'eara· ago.

AI Lyons, he hat been ldentlfled ,by' the War departlJlent as hnvln; se"ed .ln the nn.ny 1n 1910. Flnger prlnta Aided lD the oatabl!Shment of th1s lden· Wlcatlon. ·

When dlacovered In Toledo be pve the ~uthorltlea the name ot ,Bert Jol"­dan, aid by War depnrtmenl oftlclals to have been an officer of the World war. Cards and letterli 1D the man'• clothlnr bor.- ~Ia name. Since then ho hat become paralyzed nnd lost use ot volco and hand&, but has lndlcated that hta correct name waa Martin Lyons. Be once claimed Onllfornla u hla home stnte, and when found curled a photograph ot a Salt Lnlro ,Qlty (Utnh) restauront lD hts pocket.

Throu1h the agency ot the Red Oroas It baa been determined that such n man Willi a pntlt!nt lD a Stockton (Onllt) hospital, but was discharged or cSC4pcd. Be '-" then thought to have enlisted In the Uhlted Stutes nrmy ot Alameda, Collt., In 191G, woo dropped two months Inter tally deficient."

Bo Is now hopeleS!JI;v be<lrl~lde:l\.Jlue to thO porulytJc offilctlon, !ind tho Toledo Institution. tho ::~~~~~: women of the American L Ulllry, who believe tlmt ho Is war 'feteran. Tho Injury which ""n"'~ bls Illness Ia due to n depres~,Jll tho loft side of tbe sltull, but Ills trom wrlnt to elbow shows slgll!J of llkln truttlng. Tho mnn clnlma this resulted from service In Ftnnce •

About alx feet In height, the mnn Is ot splendid phyalquo. weighing In tho neighborhood of 100 pounds. He boa rrondy bah', blue eyes and strontt, re­Qned fentures. When found he stated that he was thlrty·three ye!U'I of nge, nnd Indicated slnce that he hna two brothers and two sisters. Any lnfol"­maUon Ill to Ute mnn'a ldontjty or as to bla taml17 ahonld be sent to Mrs. .F. 0. Conrnd, 1207 i;aat Broadwo.y, Toledo, 0., chalnnnn at tbe hospital commltteo ot the Ohio d111artment of the American Legion Auxtllaey,


John Go• and Othera of CommlttH on Aeronautlce Invent Flraproof

Qaeollne Tank.

.. ·. ;. " l '

. ,, ~ ' " ' . fh~a he. h~ad~crnorth and .

found. it up·qe~ ~· ·~ . ·~~Pm8 .. ~ff pia~" .. ·

• ' ~ , . r

No ~tter wlu\t; i!•ft of t\t!) worJcl you in~y~nd yours~Jt Jn. !evdhfnp make ;vo11 teel more ~t hom,e thlu!, to walk Into ·a. store and tlil.'cctver ;vo.ur tavorito 81DoklnB tobacco tor sale;.

You iet n ll'Cat tbrlll !rorn eeellll YQur home newspaper ln a· strange land and an even Qn!a~r thflll on m.ecti~ someone ftom the ·otd'h.ome town. But tobacco eertatl)l;v CQ1Xl.,._ 1\Qt In tho order ofJmponance ~ awaY.~ftom·homo t!uills.

With· your favorite tobacco In your . favorite pipe, lifo Ia worth 11~ lA almotJt any corner of the glo~.

Thlt thought wu '1naplred by the . foUowina interesting letter fl'om Mr. W. E. Bromley, an Edi~!Worthamoker · ~m Fort rvayne, Ind.:

Laru~t a. JJrotber Co. JllchJ;Dood,. V.a. OaaUem&lll

ln aoma of :rour ad nrtmmanta froa time to Ume I ban ncltlced Jettare from dllfereu' u..re of Ed1ewortb Smoklor Tobacco and I woodarod U aii)'OII• ner had a more Y&r.Jed e.tparluce tball I haft bad. ·

'WliU ID Valparallo, S<!utb 4muiea, l ~uld ae' n; end when J wu u far oortb N • mali could well ro without 'IDIDI to U• "Ju111p1DI-otr pta~," I could set Jjlcf&awortli Rud)-·1\ullhcd.

l haft an old brlu that I but bad for tao :reanand It 11n'r bad a crumb of any but Edpwortb lo lt. .

U tha' Jao't&Olor iome, ":rou tall me. .. Youn truly,

(Biped) W. !l. Dromle:r.

If Mr. Bromley makes frequent aldps from continent to continent, W. record of keeping. all tobacco but · Edgeworth out of lila briar is Indeed notcw.orthy,

Although Edgeworth does reach the far corners of the earth, tho:o must be times when tpo supply runa low in

Znn.zlbnr and other remote dlstrictn,

But ., a rule Edgoworth smokers, wherever they aro, genernlly mnnngo to . find a wny to get Edgeworth, for the)'

d~'t feel D!l lf .__ ... they are relllly

smoltlng unless the to~oeoo comro from o lit­tle blue cnn.

II you arc not an 1-:dgoworth

moker but would like an opportu· nlty to find out If you want to boone, aond your namo and addrc:l! to Larua & Brother Company, 75 South 21st Stroot, Richmond, Va.

You will receive alm03t lmmodl­atcly freo amplCll of bot!) EdiCJwortb Plug BU~ and Ready-Rubbed. Then you carl judge for youreclf what you think about .thl11 tobacco that eo many IIJlokers claim gives eomplote plpo-otlsfaction.

II you will 1ncludo tho namo and addresa of your regular tobacco dealer with your request for tho rreo aampl-. your C:ourl.cs~ will bo appredatod. • To &taU Tobacro M trcJui!W: If

job~ can~~ot-11upplf you with wortJi, Larus Brother Company

pdly send you pn~paJd by parcel p~a one. or two-dozen carton of any size of Edgoworth Plug Sileo or Ready. Rubbed for tho IWDO prlee you would pay tho Jobber.

An efficlent nnd vnlunhle! mnn doea whnt he enn. whether thP t-ummunlt7 pnya him tor It or not.-Thorenu. -. ! -



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~..:- . . . ·- --VICTIMS RESCUED

Kidney, liver, bladder and urict ~d troubles are most dangerous because of their lnsldiousattacka. Heed the flrst warning they ~v• that they need attention by tAklnc

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Page 8: DAJ .. £' :, .. · .. - ~~ aent~~ ~· GN New.Mexico ·;coaeNA ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · el't7 ownera or the devnstated dletrlct. Will Premier Polncalre'a






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> 'f' ., , ~ I , ,: J· .

6ubseription price per year, tl.50 . .

. Entorc4 all •econ4-cwe mall mat.ter

&\ tho Po11totfleo at. Corona. New :MeX., .:Janu!lry 28.,~ UU, under tbo Act of Nareb s. th!l. · .

LAY IN DRESSING . HABIT' P'•rr That ftr a &..ong Tlm;t 'ol•

tut~bad WIJJit rlnall)' lolvtd . p.,,.,,. b.)' AoOidML

'"" It took WIJJlt aeveral mcmthl to IIJo

out Juat. wb7 be wu late at US. c:e tome mom.lllp 1111d punctu.al otll· mor.ntDp. Ho eould aeo no app~

- reaeon tor lt. Bo woa tbe ·man lla thoatand wbo didn't trr lll11 monkey

Ulfneae wltb blll alarm clock. lie a~ routl.oo brenkfnlt at. tho 811~e table tbo *'Lillo reatpurunt eveey mornlD5:­

He 11havcd evcr1 momlfu:, and bJ J.oD.I prnctlce bad reduced tbe ttroll.u to tho mlnlmum.

Dut tho tact remo!ned, tor aU bla •utomuuc behavior. It mlgbt be un:~· lihero between 0 1111d 0 :10 wben be J'Ca<'h~;cl tbq pmee.

0 •

.. Tbeo WIJJU dlllcovercd, more or leu lJ1 l&Cctde~t, tho accrel of It oll, tteqp In bls IUbCUSli!ClOUS mlnd. In aU CIUOO ~ him ono mornJng wbCD btr l!tArtud ko put bill ~boa on. He bad been out Jate tho nlabt before und bll<S ne~ected fD put bta ahoen DCllU1 lido b)' l!lde llfter takiDa them oiL lblstend bo had Jet U1ow llo, tho rlillt ono on tho lett.. Jlo etnrtod to p~t tho rt"lu ehoo on. IUld oven n.a bo was putting his too ln tho nhoo be c..,u a eudden dlll1culty. . .. Jle loohcd aauln. llb1 helld wns Dot C!Xu•·tt.r ttll doar na n bell, but lt wns ll•u right ebou. What \\1.11 tho a~uao Cit 1 he lnatlot'tlvo rciUl'lllDCC of Ills

'rrtiht tout 1 • W IJJit renlh!:.c.sJ that bo bod tormed

Jbo habit or plltttnu tho lvfl nlloo on Fl'' tllnt over elnco b.o bnd bcl!n p\it· / 6: un hiA own 11bucl bo bnd bCI.'D do-

- tho onruo Ulloa without unco bciDf

' • .;


( •wuro ot lt. It wn1 onl7 wben bo &\• . Jowl'd 110methln; to tntutero with thla

CllJtZJilllllhl'd bnblt tbnt be OVI!D dJIDIJ' l'fl::lll&"'tl tlont U•ro wna a bnblt at aU.

He began to 10011 at bla cloth~ moro f!loaot.r. Uo watd1cd hlmeclt &I ho tiroll~acd nod t'nuabt blmaolf aoln; ln­•Uto<"tlvclr Cor tho lrl'l 1.1l01WO of blll llhlrl UI"Gt., rur tllo loft 11torJdng llrtt. tur tho 111ft alcO'Vo of hie overcoat O,.L

Tho dvvll or It Is DOW tbnt ovotl lboulll1 WIJJil hns dliK'Ovt>rod bOW 00 p..lr •vot or people llQ vo limo for tbllU)o •cl n'll In dl'l'aalng by boblt. bo bot modo II tmpo:ud!Jio tor hlmanlf to IIAYO tlm" In tbo futun b)' b~X:ornlnn self· COO••·Iuuo ab-out IL Uo trhta to ton­.Wio hlmaeJt for tho tllouflbl of futuro tzlrdlol'llll or 1t1o o!Dt'CI b;r tbe rettU&ll• Uon that bo brut bit on o lil'I'OL adl'D• tlfi<' 1 r111b. Dut oa rnr n• btl bualncu eo rn•r 111 ron<·crood bo oomottmtt Wl~alwD tblll bo bod DOYOt llllrtW thla •u annl¥fliL _.=:.___

Ha• Gift of Gllan:t. Thl' mOP-ttJ"'Wtl ltntom nbout

-.romcn -.tuatua tho lwn wo oneS tho fh'.,oa uent allualon1 to til r loYo ot contorctlon como In fot crloua ron­trndlrdon ~ben tho ~ of !Uu llt>hll nom ta t'Oilllldoi"Cd. Tble 7DUD. woman wo• t>lo'Hod trom tho &ntUo dtatrlt't to tho Waahlnaton atnt9 lllln• ato. and. \1'llh the o(lUlon oYer, abe bn11 adhot'C!d r1Uidl7 to bor ruolutlon not to deliver ll alnulo ~ dnlini bor Grr;t ttlrtn tn that body,

Uho baA, botfOYor, been eztzem1117 bu117 on novvrol rommiUCC~~ nnd bu ~arood tbo N>J1Utotlan of belng oot of tho mnttt uiiA!rul ltt.;lalllton hi hllt trtDtc. Bo cploodld on lmpl't'ulon cUd aho malt11 o.ll bcr nuorlo.ta that nt tbo t'llllo of tho at'.Slllon tho1 pTacrnt• oo be~r with a platlaum nnd diamond ptn. which o~'l'llll to Indicate thnJ In Woahlllgtcn at ll'olll aU~«~ 11 aome­tblna otr;e biWildta aoh%MJ.

In St>nttlo !.Uu Uum bna tbo rcpa· tatlcn Gt belna o copoblo and IUC(Uio fill \oWJU.-New 'iork ornld.

811k Mca1•ry. [lett"r tmotVledJ:t> or botlQI')' 00011-

etl. Pllb1lc abo\lld llllow how to tell tJOOr lfT1ldl1& mttko111 6t'dAr9. ,

f'uthbctt read tllcao boadUnC3 wiUJ lntcttlrt.

"l'ln wllllll!l to put In aome Utl'ft ~a~.. lletla~ ho.-l..oulmuo Cctu'­Cer ~oamo.L

' '

,, ,. ,~

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•' I '.

· Pur.ob · .dds; · .. · ,~ ·. vonf "" r9 . , ·sttt)wing Inerea~

' . . -·· ' . :. . . .

, · · Nearly 108 Billion~ Potin9s ,On Mapy Fanna Scrubs Was Made·rJse of in 1922.

Have Yracllcally Dfsap.. . · _ peared Fr()m Flock&

(PJe,.r•ll lo:r lha.lTJ.Ilt~ lltlltei Depr.nm11u• ot .llfa1c1!Uqre., .

J>14 you consume 94$ l>.oufl.tis ot tJ>r•t~•r•• "'· '"' ~nne4 8,., .. · D•P~meut whole tnll~ In aome (orm vr <lther lu.tlt

ec A.trloolturt.) · roor7 According t9 Ute Un~~ States


When t"rmer~ adopt purebred 1lre11 Department of .Agrtcultnro ~~rly 103 to bead th~lt 11~48 ond ftpck.l U lt not blUton pounda ot whole mUk was ulled IODJ' .bcfQM tho pe.rcentaao ~f Put• In 1922 In the pro!luctton ot bvtter, bre4 female~~ lllCrea&,e notabl.f, Tllb l.dlLeQI:e, tee crell)]J, .milk chocolAte tllld encourarlrJI tendency ·toward more yarlous o~fll' m~ products, !neludlng rapid tJnp.rovement of Uve lltoc)ll: b111 4.7 bUllon poundl CODJumed a.a ~1111:. been brouaht abo\!$ by tl1e Unlted 'l'be qUal\tlf,y ot whole mll,k used f:' $tAte. Deparrment ot A&rlculture .In 1001 wu C!PPro~lmn.tely oo billion the «'~letter SktW< Better· Llvo Stoc~" I'()UI)~ w~lch lnC.}.ud~ · ~ blllkm campalp. PQtmd.l COIUiumell ns milk •

tcruba Dlaappaat. O®.lumpUon Of mJlk tor household Of a to~111 ot.}Jlore tb!ln 800,000 te- purpoa~ fllcreased from 49 gallons

male anlmaLI lilted by flll'Pl4lra who per canlro 1~ 1021 ·to" oo .,,tdlQ~ tn have 1\ifeOO to keep DQthlD; but pur& 1922, Q(lCOrdlnJ to. the departm~nt!r bred llre!J, r.ooro than 81! per epnt flgure11. OoniiUmptJon bJ city tol.ka are ot purt.' breedlna;. On tlle.ae tarma t~aed two gaUoDJ per capita, but acrubs have practically dls;tPP~relS. laek' of an1 tn~aaed consumption ln For the larger UD1mals tJjo .;eporta rural communlUea pulled down tire show tbat oolJ 2,4 per. cent of the to- uem&e Increase tor the country na 0 malet are terubll, and, ot CoU!'IJo, tbe w1lo1e to one gallon. ma\et~ are ot -pure bloo4, u that S.. the .A brg ·mcreue 1n . coll!Umptlon. Qt bull on whlcb tho tanna are llated. mJik chocolate 11 shown, 100 mlllloll

T!io poultl')' flock• own!ld br thcae pounda ot whole ~Uk belnJ used for fumera are pn.rtlcularly wllll bred, tht 1 1""" 0111" UJ per 'cent "t tho tcmale · blr"· 1 purpose n u.- as eoml>Ul'ed wltb

, ...,. 40 mUllan pounda Jn 1DZ1. beln~r Jl•ted u scrubs. More than 68 'nlo number of milk cowl on fnnnB per cent ot a total of 010,000 blrdl are J entered on t lO list u standnrd bri!d. aaoaey 1• l023, Is plA-Ced at 2l.420,000 .Amon the erd!J of 8\Vlno thor~ arc llll ~ompare4 Wltb -U.QB2,000. cmYJi on ver,;. to scrub aows-only 1.1 por tcu·m• J nnuney 1. 1m. To the I' VOt­e Ncnrly·two thlrds Gt tliOI.ll q.r:o ap ot thCIIo two llgure.a Ia ad4od purebred. 1.2®,000 cows ln towtla, mnkillg a

Tho fcdml·atato errort to Improve total nt 2GJI()lJ,OOO milk coWD produc­tho llvo stock nnll poult1'7 of the C<>Uil· log npproxlmatc17 103 billion pounds try hu now brou;ht In o memberatllp ot \Thole milk or nn avurage produc­compalgn that represents nenrl1 a roll· tlon of 4.200 pounds per cow. A.vet~­llon bead ot animals and paultey. aare procluctlon per cow ln 1021 Will

l!'annors who bnvo bocowo members B.04lJ PDWlde. baYo 110nt In Interesting accounta of · -------tbelr exporlencCII In Improving tbolr Fertilizers Should No~ ntilmala nnjl their bnnlt accounts. Other Be Used as Sub.J"Jtute fnrmero \Vbo ore tllktna purt 1n the l:1tll worls aro lnviWd b,7 the department to 'Tort1Jizora ahould bo employe.Q tD nend In their lndlvldunl experiences na addltlon to and not In p\ace or other well 11/1 tbono ~·t ClltnltiUDIU' orgnnltn· good &oll·mnnagemont pro.ctlcc.s," •a1n Uou engaged In tho lmprovemCDt ot I>rot. A. T. WJancko ot tho Purdu~ llvo atoek. Dofinllo fncts nrul flgurea e:~~perlmr.nt station. "Lepmes ln tbt­abould be Included wbcneJer poutblo. rotation, tho uao or mnoure or CU1cr

· orgo.nlc matter, drulnnlle and UmJn~

Cabbage Will Respond where needed IU'O nil porqulaltos to tho most enwtactoey uao of tcrtJll:z.

Nicely to Use of Lime ern." ~ult:a of o long·tlme ~crlmcnl

Tbe wndCDer nnd orcbnrdlat to on n rom-whent-clovcr rota.ttcn nt the cotllltnnttr aurvrmod at tbc rcmpoMtvo- I•urduo atlltloo Uluatrntoa tbls potDL OCflll of plant lifo. · B«'mc pinola rc- Tho trcntmcnt o.nd rMulta wcro aa apond to ono trt.!t1tnlent and noma nn· follt'WI: otber, but cortnln lt Ill that tho l'lot 1-Limcd 1012 and lll20, tsb rcq ulromi'Jltl ot (!lleh kind ot crop tons mnnuro on corn crop, 10.2 buabcls ~wn mu11t bo atucllccJ ruUutr tltnp whcnt per .nero. to trl'Dt Ol\ OiUto. Plot 2--Sa.rnO CUI plot 1 with 2(.10

In tho atudy of fcrtllt.zcr require- pouncl1 per aero o.cJd pbOIIJlbotc an menta b7 tho Ohio expcr!mrnt amtlon corn crop, ZO.G bullholl whe:lt per oert. both at Wooster and Mortottn lt la nn l'lot 8-Snmo aa plot 2 wltb ~ outlltnndlnsr tnet Utol rnbb.'llf" wlll ro- pounds per aero 2-3-f on wbent crop. •pond morltcdl7 tt' tho uao ot limo. 2(1. 7 bunbola whent per aero. Wboro one ton of ground UmCttono 'rbo tdgnlfleo.nt thln; about th""" 11 opptlcd to tho land cnclt ycar. and r<r.iulta Ia Utnt In picot 8, tho comblno· no othf.ll' tM'tllm{lnt Ia glv(lll tllcro bns tJon of n good rofotJon. IC>JUmea. llmt' bt>~>n on ovora~o lncrroll.o tcor cl;bt nnd mnnuro pro4ue.ld condltton.ll re· rrn,. of 1 ~ tonJ at enb~Wae. In con· sultbl& ln lnrgG returns from tho Ulle t.roa.t to thla tbo tolllatoos bnvo {)t et aultablo complete fertJU~er. r.n only • little over "no-fourth ton olhtJ' word., o• sho~vn b7 plot 1. the crenco. tJkowl~ ~hen llmo 1D ~4i;>~~~:~::S leiUme~t Umo nnl1 mnnurl! wttb elthlll' manure or -cltemlenls u o tavcoroblo condiU'nn but, lDt'reo.IIO from Umo Is ltrllllnJ. It Ia compa.twJ to tho otllo,. n Rmc.tll crop 11 coloC'Jdenro that limo Ia oiM> fl ape- The addlllon of comploto tortJll%er on clftc tor · rlub-root of cmbbogo nnd plot a was nil that wo.1 neede-d to gh(!11 additional rc:~con for npplJ'hlJIL pua!l tbo crop uno a now field ot

Splnl\ch 11 nnoU1cr crop thnt wlll ptollbL ,.

Vf,lf T.rMlt$ COfC)Uil,


Owen. MILLlllll, 1\eglster.

Cold Drinks HOD HADE Pii'.S

Cold Drinks, Chewing Gum .Cigars and 'l'obnccos


Dad' 1 Short-Order RESTAURANT etvo n bli return tor tho u&e t>f Uroo

on on acld aolt. Tho dllrorenco bo­twll(!n limed nod unllmod up!D!lcb JJ 110 rrcat Ql to lct~d one to think heavft rnannrlnJ or fertllls\ng wns tho eauaa.

Ex«\p.sive Experiments With AJi!!t' for Swine ·

'l'be Wllllblngton:...t";nt& colleg0 ha11 .----------.... --....

Angle of Campaign to Eradicat-e Tuberculosis

An lmportnnt nnilo of the co.mpo.lgn to erodlmto tobeTeulOilll from enttlo 11 11hown bJ the f]guru on tho oecnr­l't'DCQ Of tbll dli'CllllO lll ht'gt. ln tn22. ano out ot ovel'1 lltlVtm plglt alaugb• torvd onder federal •uporvlllon abDW<!d 1(llloa llf tuberculm.ln. A aood d~l ot tllo m~t wns constcJ. 4iro4 flt tor tooo, but more thnn $2.000.-000 worth wna colldenmod. Jl(lgu got tho dlll.-:110 from ~ttle. EvetJ bc1'4 of rntUo tbnt ll cle:med up mo:ms tho alltno Improvement hi th& Mi ln­dnltry.

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, ...

fQUncl Mlnt cull apples [ll'e uorth ~10 a 'ton u hog r~ Extensive ~rl· menta werct conducted tbe pllBt year l'lp whlcb W\'lgb~ 04.8 poun.da each nt tho start of tho aperJm~mt gamed hi tielgbt 00.1 pounda e:trb, or an nv 1

ef'Uit of 1.28 pounds pl'l' cbf, E!l~h pig waa fed nn o:rewge of 4.22 JWUtldw ot npptca and 4.11 pound!! ot ctuln dnJ. It wat founcJ tbnt ltlo nPJ>1ar U llnn!tl. per ev~ey 100 pounds Of gnln 4.09 twund.a of tnnkngc. llU ponnd.<> ot mllltun and t!,l.U .poundll ot barter. To do Ullo. 200.C pounilJ ot' nppt~ we:" t«t. M tho npptca o.ro bulky, rontnln -lng lllth') IJtotetn, 1t lA 1\COOIS.'lt)' to In ' <rtudtl 1\ Uttlo mow tnnkngo ln tbo E;tnln tallttnre.

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s,peci&l; &ate, br \he Weok~ ~ . 1'1 .

J!;cmth. . ' '

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VOUW4NT .. . . . .


. ' . real barg{in in eit.h.er new 0.1'1

seeon4 hB.nQ. ·. . ··Olikelt:a ·

Parlor Barber Shop AutomobU~s ... ~·

Ge.t m t!>uob-:with · ,,_

' '

J\.J~ CREWS, Seabright, OatiL

... '

' .

Exchange ·Bank OA&RIZO~O, NEW MEXICO

Established 1892

Accounts Sollcited. :tnqubiel Promptly Anm'e:red

NCO. •

Garage and Blacksmithing Acetylene Welding

W• alJo lwld1e • full line of 2ock li1.&nd"' Imple-mtnta, J'ord em and 'l'r&cton, ~ our prtett ud.ler:12:1::

EUREKA G BlaclmmitJling in Connection


Gas ond Oil, Tires, Tubes nnd Accessories Acetylene Welding

J. H. MYERs, Proprietor


·~ .


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