Danse Macabre Comments

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Comments on a performance of Danse Macabre

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Danse Macabre (Tempo roughly between = 210 and = 220)Bars 1 15Piano 1: Remember to come in on time!Bars 33 40Piano 1: Watch the trills in the melody.Bar 49Piano 2: Dont miss out the two notes in the chord!!Bars 64 65 (A)Piano 1: Might be better to diminuendo to the D to wrap up the phrase (and dont release it too fast)Bars 121 124 (a bit after B)Piano 1: Keep all the notes in the melody staccato! (except the final one I guess)Piano 2: Bass not too heavy, more gradual crescendo.Bars 204 205 (E)Both: Perhaps can slow down more before entering E.Bars 236 237 (F)Piano 2: Diminuendo, not crescendo lol. Dont accent the first chord in F.Bars 253 264 (G)Piano 1: Somehow the arpeggios sound so mashed up and sounds like there are missing notes LOL.Piano 2: Dont start too loud, more gradual increase in dynamics over the three phrases. And keep your tempo steady!Bars 265 272Piano 2: Watch the articulation in the left hand.Bars 273 289 (H)Both: Dont slow down! (especially when becoming softer)Bars 310 312 (I)Piano 1: Dont slow down!Piano 2: Not too loud in bar 312!Bar 319Piano 1: These three chords tend to be sluggish and not have enough staccato. Is the lag coz its hard to find?Bars 321 336Piano 2: Shape!Bars 358 361 (around K)Piano 2: Chords cannot drown the melody!Bars 366 369Both: Dont slow down excessively hahaha.Bars 370 386Piano 1: All the best avoiding the dissonant notes LOL. And shape HAHAHA. Oh and dont crescendo ahead of the melody :) #sodemandingBars 386 389, 390 393Both: Drop and slowly crescendo. Also dont slow down when playing soft!Bars 394 415 (L)Piano 2: Cut off the first note, and no pedal. Think pizzicato. And remember the shape! (drop on 4th, up on 8th)Bars 416 423 (Animato)Both: Drop! Start soft both times.Bars 433 437Piano 1: Start soft and stay soft for a few bars advice from Mr Ku.Bars 470 472Piano 1: Dont cut off the trill!Both: The wrong notes are jutting out in the final chords. Piano 1 can afford to be softer since those are the notes in the middle of the chord.