1 1 Data Management: Data Management: Changing the Paradigm, Reinventing the Process Changing the Paradigm, Reinventing the Process Joint ACDM & CMWG Regional Symposium Joint ACDM & CMWG Regional Symposium Washington, DC Washington, DC 31 October 2003 31 October 2003 The Management of Change The Management of Change Because Data Transcends T Because Data Transcends T ime ime Cynthia C. Hauer Cynthia C. Hauer CCDM, CMII CCDM, CMII

Data Management...Changing the Paradigm, Reinventing the Process Joint ACDM & CMWG Regional Symposium Washington, DC ... 3 Develop DM processes to fit the context and business

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Page 1: Data Management...Changing the Paradigm, Reinventing the Process Joint ACDM & CMWG Regional Symposium Washington, DC ... 3 Develop DM processes to fit the context and business


Data Management:Data Management:Changing the Paradigm, Reinventing the ProcessChanging the Paradigm, Reinventing the Process

Joint ACDM & CMWG Regional SymposiumJoint ACDM & CMWG Regional SymposiumWashington, DCWashington, DC31 October 200331 October 2003

The Management of ChangeThe Management of Change

Because Data Transcends TBecause Data Transcends Timeime

Cynthia C. HauerCynthia C. HauerCCDM, CMIICCDM, CMII

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ACDM 2004 ConferenceACDM 2004 Conference

Orlando, FloridaOrlando, FloridaWyndhamWyndham HotelHotel

March 22 March 22 -- 24, 200424, 2004

““CM and DM: The Business Process for the LifecycleCM and DM: The Business Process for the Lifecycle””

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Conference OverviewConference Overview•• Three TracksThree Tracks

–– Theory, Application, ToolsTheory, Application, Tools

•• Three DaysThree Days–– Plenary, Track BreakPlenary, Track Break--outs, Closing Outouts, Closing Out--briefsbriefs

•• Complimentary Night OutComplimentary Night Out•• Networking SocialNetworking Social•• Theme LunchesTheme Lunches•• Vendor ShootVendor Shoot--outout

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•• Business CaseBusiness Case•• Envisioning the SolutionEnvisioning the Solution•• Creating the SolutionCreating the Solution•• The Future for Data ManagementThe Future for Data Management

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Types of DataTypes of DataTypeUsage Examples





OperationalTransactional RecordsExchange

Cost, schedule, and performance data. Engineering drawings for aircraft, ships, vehicles, spacecraft; parts catalogues;software application, and their components;operational and maintenance instructions,and training materials.

Plans and programs, financial information,inventory, status, and resource info.

Orders, issues, receipts, bills of lading, andinvoices.

Focus of this project

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OSD Enterprise InitiativesOSD Enterprise Initiatives

Integrated Data Environment


Logistics Digital Infrastructure

Integrated DigitalEnvironment

Acquisition Digital Infrastructure

Data Management


Business Rules for Managing

(Acquisition) Data



Acquisition Vertical Data Interchange

Information Architecture

& InteroperabilityNII

Technical Rulesfor Managing Data

Global Information


Global Infrastructure


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Framework ViewsFramework ViewsPreliminaryPreliminary




Acquisition Business Rules

Global Information Grid

Federal Enterprise Architecture

Metadata Specifications Security Standards



IDEsIDEs DAMIR BMMPProgramming, Programming,

Budget, Budget, Funds Control Funds Control



Sustainment Business Rules

Data Management Business Rules…

Financial Business Rules




Elements ofElements ofthe Data Enterprisethe Data Enterprise

StrategyStrategy859 Focus: Product Data859 Focus: Product Data

Pull from DAMIR Pull from DAMIR -- back end to back end to ERPsERPsfor information needed to run the Enterprisefor information needed to run the Enterprise

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Why Is a Consensus Standard for Data Why Is a Consensus Standard for Data Management Needed?Management Needed?

•• Data costs a lotData costs a lot

•• CanCan’’t find data when we need itt find data when we need it

•• Nobody thinks we do a good job of procuring and Nobody thinks we do a good job of procuring and managing datamanaging data

•• A lot has changed in acquisition and data A lot has changed in acquisition and data environmentsenvironments

•• Do not have a contemporary source of sound Do not have a contemporary source of sound principles and best practices that addresses digital dataprinciples and best practices that addresses digital data

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Essential Changes: DataEssential Changes: Data Was Is Delivery Medium • Paper • Electronic What constitutes delivery • I mail it, you open it • I post it on web site, we

access it Standardization of deliverables

• DIDs • Use mandatory • Tailoring permitted, but

made intentionally difficult

• DIDs radically tailored or ignored entirely

Data environment • Slow • Bulky, paper storage • Fairly standard • Limited number of copies

• Sometimes hard to find or

obtain copy

• Rapid to instantaneous • Compact electronic storage • Non-standard • Essentially infinite number

of copies • Still difficult to find

Availability in future • Infinitely available and interoperable as long as copies not misplaced

• Electronic formats subject to rapid technological obsolescence

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Essential Changes: Acquisition & LogisticsEssential Changes: Acquisition & LogisticsWas Is

Relationship betweengovernment andcontractors

Adversarial/hierarchical Moving toward trust-basedrelationships

Target productsupport environment

Assumed to be DoD organic,exceptions for commercialproducts

Mix of formsu Organic-led with contractor

supportu “Pure” contractoru Contractor led with

government as subUnderlying weaponsystem technologies

Mostly DoD specific Mix of commercial and DoDspecific

Perceived need (and opportunity) to reinvent data management—responsive to current and emerging enviroments.

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Data Management Process (Old)Data Management Process (Old)

Procurement Need Acq Strategy Data Call

Data Mgr

Functional AreaData


Data Requirements




Data Development



Data Manager Certification


Data Entryinto Gov’t

SystemData Mgmt

Data Mgr

DataUse Data Disposal

ContractorData Mgr Data Mgr

Data Mgr

• Had a dedicated and experienced Data Manager

• Sequential Process

• Assumed all contract required data is delivered

• Philosophy was “Buy Everything!”


Government ActivitiesContractor Activities

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Evolving Data Management Process (Present and Future)

Paradigmatic Shift: Strategic Level, not Execution LevelParadigmatic Shift: Strategic Level, not Execution Level

Procurement Need

Functional RequirementsAuthentication


LegendGovernment ActivitiesContractor ActivitiesNew ActivitiesJoint Activities

Acq Strategy

Log Spt Strategy

Data Strategy

Data Requirements

Functional Support


Risk Analysis


Data “warehousing” and archiving Data Development





Buyer Retention





Continuous review and acceptance?

Concept of Operations


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June 2000 GEIA GJune 2000 GEIA G--33 Meeting33 MeetingSummary and ProposalSummary and Proposal

•• Are unmet needsAre unmet needs–– IT data administration not postured to address them butIT data administration not postured to address them but–– Data management field not either, in need of Data management field not either, in need of

reinventionreinvention•• ProposalProposal

–– Requirements phase to identify the needsRequirements phase to identify the needs–– Look at Look at commercialcommercial and militaryand military needsneeds

•• Subsequent requirements analysis confirmed need Subsequent requirements analysis confirmed need for statement of contemporary principles of data for statement of contemporary principles of data managementmanagement

•• GEIA assigned EIAGEIA assigned EIA--859 to the project859 to the project

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Where the Standard Fits in a Data Where the Standard Fits in a Data Management SolutionManagement Solution

Three Primary Areas Three Primary Areas -- Principles, Practices, and TrainingPrinciples, Practices, and Training

PrinciplesPrinciples PracticesPractices


•• Basic tenets Basic tenets and valuesand values

•• GeneralGeneral

•• Implementation Implementation specificsspecifics

•• Some will Some will always be always be organizationalorganizational--specificspecific

Basic and AdvancedBasic and Advanced(PM and Practitioner)(PM and Practitioner)

TemplatesTemplatesEIA 859EIA 859 HDBK 859HDBK 859

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Who Is Presently Involved in the Solution?Who Is Presently Involved in the Solution?(Organizationally and Functionally)(Organizationally and Functionally)

•• Industry Industry –– Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, UDLP, United Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, UDLP, United

Defense, General Dynamics, Northrop GrummanDefense, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman•• GovernmentGovernment

–– All 3 services (Army, Navy, Air Force)All 3 services (Army, Navy, Air Force)–– DCMADCMA–– NASANASA

•• DM practitioners, program managers, contracts DM practitioners, program managers, contracts specialists, logisticians, engineers, information specialists, logisticians, engineers, information technologiststechnologists

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Principles in EIA 859 intended to Principles in EIA 859 intended to be the basis for . . .be the basis for . . .•• Articulating the data performance and Articulating the data performance and

functional requirements in support of:functional requirements in support of:–– Internal program management during the Internal program management during the

acquisition phasesacquisition phases–– Review and oversight of contract Review and oversight of contract

performanceperformance–– OperationOperation–– SustainmentSustainment----including sustaining including sustaining

engineering, maintenance, materiel engineering, maintenance, materiel management, transportation, facilitization, management, transportation, facilitization, ……

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11 Define the organizationally relevant scope of data managementDefine the organizationally relevant scope of data management22 Plan for, acquire, and provide data responsive to customer Plan for, acquire, and provide data responsive to customer

requirements.requirements.33 Develop DM processes to fit the context and business Develop DM processes to fit the context and business

environment in which they will be performed.environment in which they will be performed.44 Identify data products and views so that their requirements and Identify data products and views so that their requirements and

attributes can be controlled.attributes can be controlled.55 Control data, repositories, data products, data views, and metadControl data, repositories, data products, data views, and metadata ata

using approved change control processes.using approved change control processes.66 Establish and maintain an identification process for intellectuaEstablish and maintain an identification process for intellectual l

property, proprietary, and competitionproperty, proprietary, and competition--sensitive data.sensitive data.77 Retain data commensurate with value to the organization.Retain data commensurate with value to the organization.88 Continuously improve data management.Continuously improve data management.99 Effectively integrate data management with knowledge Effectively integrate data management with knowledge

managementmanagement. .

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EIAEIA--859 Top859 Top--Level PrinciplesLevel Principles

Define theorganizationallyrelevant scope

of DM

Plan for, acquire,and provide data

responsive to customer


Develop DM processes

to fit the context and

businessenvironment in

which they will be


Identify products, views, and related

elements and structures so that their requirements

and attributes can be controlled

Control data, repositories, data

products, data views,and metadata usingapproved change control processes

Establish and maintain anidentification process for

intellectual property, proprietary, and competition-

sensitive data

Retain data commensuratewith its value to the


Continuouslyimprove datamanagement

Effectively integrateDM with KMEffectively integrate

DM with KM


Provide Stewardship for Data


Elements of the StandardElements of the StandardPrinciplesPrinciplesEnablersEnablers

SubSub--enablersenablersKey PracticesKey Practices

Application TemplatesApplication TemplatesLife Cycle OrderLife Cycle Order

Continuous Improvement LoopContinuous Improvement Loop

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DMDMRequirements SpaceRequirements Space

EnterpriseEnterprise--widewidepolicy and processespolicy and processes

External External influencesinfluences

Project Project requirementsrequirements

Develop Data Management processes to fit the context and businesDevelop Data Management processes to fit the context and business s environment in which they will be performedenvironment in which they will be performed..

Set of DM RequirementsSet of DM Requirementsto be Satisfiedto be Satisfied

Principle 3Principle 3

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Enabler 3.1: Determine the complete set of Enabler 3.1: Determine the complete set of requirements that the DM solution must addressrequirements that the DM solution must address

•• General requirementsGeneral requirements•• Data capabilitiesData capabilities•• Data processesData processes•• Intended use of the Intended use of the

datadata•• Related business Related business

objectivesobjectives•• Technology issuesTechnology issues•• External constraintsExternal constraints

Determineexpected life cycle of data

Determineexpected life cycle of data

Identify externalforces ordrivers

Identify externalforces ordrivers

Who willcreate, access,update, and dispose of the data?

Who willcreate, access,update, and dispose of the data?


business objectives


business objectives


for accessand delivery


for accessand delivery





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Principle 7: Retain data commensurate with value.Principle 7: Retain data commensurate with value.Planning decision tree for determining data of sustained valuePlanning decision tree for determining data of sustained value









App SWretentionApp SWApp SWretentionretention



Paper filePaper filePaper file RetrieveRetrieveRetrieve

VaultingVaultingVaulting PreservePreservePreserve



Purge ordispose


Purge orPurge ordisposedispose


Destroypaper copyDestroyDestroy

paper copypaper copy




Consider paper Consider paper vs electronic formatvs electronic format

EstablishEstablishneed and processneed and process

for metadatafor metadata

EstablishEstablishcontinuedcontinuedvalue orvalue or

worth of worth of datadata

DispositionDispositionDetermine conditions and functionsDetermine conditions and functionsof/for current and future data useof/for current and future data use

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The Larger PictureThe Larger Picture

859 859 859 Handbook859 Handbook Training DMBoKTraining DMBoK


NetcentricityNetcentricityOther Associated InitiativesOther Associated Initiatives

Elements of government/industry multiElements of government/industry multi--year plan year plan Building a strong foundation Building a strong foundation Creating the methods for useCreating the methods for useTraining the DM practitioner for the futureTraining the DM practitioner for the future

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Data Management Solution, Data Management Solution, continuedcontinued



• Basic tenets Basic tenets and valuesand values•• GeneralGeneral

Basic and AdvancedBasic and Advanced(PM and Practitioner)(PM and Practitioner)

TemplatesTemplatesEIA 859EIA 859

Complete solution Complete solution addresses all addresses all



Key PracticesKey PracticesBest PracticesBest Practices

HDBK 859HDBK 859

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Near TermNear Term

•• Outreach/communicationsOutreach/communications–– AFIT distance learning web module development (Nov 03)AFIT distance learning web module development (Nov 03)–– Familiarization briefingsFamiliarization briefings

•• NSANSA•• NDIA Systems Engineering ConferenceNDIA Systems Engineering Conference•• Others as identifiedOthers as identified

•• 859 Finalization 859 Finalization -- Estimated November 2003Estimated November 2003–– Completion of government annexCompletion of government annex–– Comments adjudicationComments adjudication–– Handover to GEIAHandover to GEIA–– Review & BallotingReview & Balloting

•• OSD Briefings and Coordination (Logistics, DPAP, ARA, OSD Briefings and Coordination (Logistics, DPAP, ARA, NII)NII)

•• Establish consensus to more forward with Handbook 859Establish consensus to more forward with Handbook 859

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EIA 859 outreach and communications

DM Handbook

EIA 859

Training and Certification

GFY 03 04 05 06 07Prep


Publish, transition to ANSI


Scope and frame

Research & Develop


• 859 standard (familiarization)

• 859 handbook (Distance learning)

DM-Body of Knowledge







Framework, cap. model

BOK development

Cert. process development

Standards harmonization

Training design & development Available

Data Management Five Year Outlook




Canned video

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•• New world of, for DMNew world of, for DM•• Needed a fresh way to think about itNeeded a fresh way to think about it

–– New recipes, improved methodsNew recipes, improved methods

•• Established the principles for the Established the principles for the ““newnew”” DMDM–– 859 drafted859 drafted–– Nearing the endNearing the end--gamegame

•• Next logical step is practitionerNext logical step is practitioner--level handbooklevel handbook

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MIL-STD-973Configuration MgtMIL-STD-2549CM Data ExchangeDoD 5010.12-M Acq & Mgt. Tech Data

DoD MandatesIndustry PracticesBased on SoundPrinciples


Broaderapplicability toinclude thecommercial sector

Leverage the latestinformationtechnologies andsystem, e.g., XML

Continue “harmonization”efforts with relatedprograms, e.g, EDI, STEP,PDM, IDE,etc.



Transition to Industry StandardsTransition to Industry StandardsTransition to Industry Standards

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Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Data ManagementData Management

•• PaperPaper--based (DoD 5010.12based (DoD 5010.12--L L --M)M)–– Did have repeatable DM methods, Did have repeatable DM methods, ““monolithicmonolithic”” communitycommunity

•• Today, mixed forms, emerging dominance of electronic data, accesToday, mixed forms, emerging dominance of electronic data, access s becoming quicker and cheaper)becoming quicker and cheaper)–– Have pockets of excellence, but not contemporary repeatable methHave pockets of excellence, but not contemporary repeatable methodsods–– EIA 859 in developmentEIA 859 in development–– Will need practitionerWill need practitioner--level handbook/guidebook, associated traininglevel handbook/guidebook, associated training

•• Tomorrow (collaborative environments, nearly instant access to dTomorrow (collaborative environments, nearly instant access to data if ata if you can find it)you can find it)–– Technology is bound to stay in front of practiceTechnology is bound to stay in front of practice–– Many horses in the race (IT standards and policy, acquisition prMany horses in the race (IT standards and policy, acquisition practice and actice and

policy, sustainment methods and policy)policy, sustainment methods and policy)–– Development of repeatable DM methods will be a continuous activiDevelopment of repeatable DM methods will be a continuous activityty

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Purpose and ScopePurpose and Scope•• PurposePurpose

–– Provide a guide to acquire and manage data Provide a guide to acquire and manage data across product lifeacross product life--cyclecycle

–– Enable sharing of data among trading partnersEnable sharing of data among trading partners

…… in a performancein a performance--based environmentbased environment

•• ScopeScope–– Common principlesCommon principles–– Related enablersRelated enablers–– Key practicesKey practices

Trading Partner A’s requirements

Trading partner B’s


partner C’s requirements

Core standard

Comprehensive standard

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Standards HarmonizationStandards Harmonization

•• Related EIA standards (EIA 649, EIA 836, EIA 927)Related EIA standards (EIA 649, EIA 836, EIA 927)•• Collaboration infrastructure services (e.g., workflow, Collaboration infrastructure services (e.g., workflow,

document management)document management)•• Integration services (e.g., application and data integration)Integration services (e.g., application and data integration)•• Portal services (e.g., access and security, personalization)Portal services (e.g., access and security, personalization)•• Others Others ……

Some of these exist, some may need to exist

Some of these exist, some may need to Some of these exist, some may need to existexist

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Data Manager RolesData Manager Roles•• Data requirements IPT facilitatorData requirements IPT facilitator•• Contractor/PCO Data InterfaceContractor/PCO Data Interface•• Data management liaison to ITData management liaison to IT•• ““Traffic copTraffic cop””

–– RequirementsRequirements–– Delivery and accessDelivery and access

•• Life cycle data managerLife cycle data manager•• Environment management Environment management

–– LongevityLongevity–– Infrastructure and backbone requirements (planning, timing, Infrastructure and backbone requirements (planning, timing,

provisions for)provisions for)–– ForecastingForecasting–– . . . . . .

Managers and coordinators rather than clerksRequires professionalization of data management fieldManagers and coordinators rather than clerksRequires professionalization of data management field