Data-Driven Asset Management An Example for Making Any Operation Data Driven Richard G. Lamb Chapter 6 Layered Charting to Know Thy Data

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Data-Driven Asset Management

An Example for Making Any Operation Data Driven

Richard G. Lamb

Chapter 6 Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


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Chapter 6 Layered Charting to Know Thy Data ....................................... 1

6.1. Inspect for Missing Data .............................................................. 3

6.1.1. From Super Table to R .......................................................... 4

6.1.2. Find the Missing Data ....................................................... 7

6.2. Visual and Statistical Inspection ................................................ 12

6.2.1. Load and Survey the Data .......................................... 14

6.2.2. Test for Normal Distribution ...................................... 18

6.2.3. Inspect Correlation Between Variables ...................... 28

6.2.4. Inspect Centrality and Spread .................................... 40

6.2.5. Inspect Categorical Variables .................................... 49

6.2.6. Inspect Variables Over Time ..................................... 53

6.3. Save and Disseminate ....................................................... 61

Bibliography ............................................................................ 62

Chapter 6 Layered Charting to Know Thy Data

Chapter 5 identified and framed five objectives for data-driven asset

management. The first, and foundational to the remaining four, can

be characterized as to “become at one” with our operational data.

Becoming at one with our data has two stages. First is to “know

thy data.” Thence, second is to gain and maintain the truthfulness,

entirety and accessibly of our data.

This chapter will speak to know-thy-data. The next, Chapter 7,

will speak to truthfulness, bad data, and Chapter 9 will speak to the

entirety and accessibly of data. Chapter 8 will introduce, explain and

demonstrate the data analytics we would most likely use to test and

cleanse data for truthfulness.

Chapter 3 introduced layered charting as far beyond what has

been our standard of the past; Excel charts. Layered charting is done

with the ggplot2 package in the R software.

Because of what it makes possible in the exploration of our

data, the chapter is as much about layered charting as it is about

know thy data. The explanations and demonstrations to know thy

data will likewise be explanations and demonstrations for layered

charting and, thus, ggplot2.

With the examples and demonstrations of the chapter, the

reader will be able to substitute in the variables of their maintenance

and reliability operations. Once converted to actual cases, any script

can be pulled up and run with our periodically refreshed operational

data. Consequently, once our exploratory scripts are written initially,

we can routinely call up a huge amount of insight in a matter of mo-


Chapter 6


As it is throughout the book, the software R will be used to

demonstrate and provide templates to the methodologies to know our

data. Accordingly, the chapter is written with the expectation that its

readers have read Chapter 3 and, thus, know how to run around in R

as instructed in this chapter.

The data that was formed to demonstrate the methods of the

chapter are available in the Excel file titled, Chap6_AssetMgt.xlsx.

The data file is available for download at https://analytics4strat-


The R script titled, Chap6KnowThyData.R.txt, with which the

methods and templates throughout the chapter are accomplished is

also available from the same webpage. The extension .txt has been

added to allow placement on the webpage as a notepad file. The ex-

tension must be removed from the file name to make it directly

loadable into an R session as explained in section 3.2.

Occasionally, a block of code specifies a path to source data

and saved outputs. The cases are flagged as <path> in the code. The

reader must replace the code with their own path.

Section 3.2 explained that packages typically need to be loaded

to an R session. They are loaded with the library function if previ-

ously installed with the install.packages function.

It is good practice to list the packages at the beginning of an R

script rather than load them at the point of necessity. We can load

them collectively at the beginning of the session by running the fol-

lowing block of code:


library(xlsx); library(mice); library(ggplot2)

library(qqplotr); library(ggm); library(Hmisc)

library(polycor); library(rlm); library(MASS)

library(ggpubr); library(psych); library(nlme)

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


6.1. Inspect for Missing Data

A super table often entails many variables and thousands of records.

Possibly salted throughout are missing data—empty cells. However,

manually searching for them through many of thousands of cells can

be laborious and without assurance of spotting all cases.

Instead, we can engage the triad of grassroot software—Ac-

cess, Excel and R—to determine which variables have missing data

and which records across the variables include missing data. The

triad, as an integration of software, was explained in section 2.2.2.

The steps to search out missing data with the triad are as fol-


1. Import the super table into Excel from Access.

2. Inspect the table for flags to missing data.

3. Import the super table into R from Excel.

4. Generate a plot and table summarizing the cases of

missing variables.

5. Generate a table of records with missing data in Ac-


6. Omit records with missing data from the super table—


Ultimately, there will be decisions for omitting or retaining the

found cases. It is possible that a missing case will prevent or under-

mine a computation to a sought insight. However, we must

remember that omitting records leaves us with less data for envi-

sioned modeled insights. Accordingly, we may choose to omit

missing data at the level of generating the insight deliverable for

which inclusion prevents or distorts a computation or model.

However, we should also be aware that the R functions typi-

cally include the argument na.rm =. If coded as TRUE, all cases of

missing data will be omitted from the analytics of the function.

In between omit and retain, we may choose to replace (impute)

the missing data with an estimate. This is done by analytically de-

veloping an estimate of the missing cases from the good data in our

super table. This is a good example of machine learning (ML) and

Chapter 6


artificial intelligence (AI) in action and will be explained later in the

next chapter.

6.1.1. From Super Table to R

The first three steps lead to loading our super table into our R


Step 1: Import the super table into Excel from Access. It is

possible to import the super table into R directly from Access. The

reader is encouraged to research the how of it. This chapter will stick

to the familiar path to most of us, although a bit longer.

For the demonstration we will use the fabricated table shown

in Figure 6-1. The imported super table is tblSuperTable from Ac-

cess. The table is imported into a file titled Chap6_AssetMgt.xlsx and

as the worksheet titled tblSuperTable.

Figure 6-1: Table imported from Access to Excel.

Step 2: Inspect the table for flags to missing data. The KTD-

issue is to determine how missing data is flagged by its source sys-

tem. In Figure 6-1 taken from Access, we can see that missing data

comes as empty (null) cells.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


However, not all data will come from Access or follow the for-

mat. Other than to know our data, we are additionally concerned if

our imported file is a csv. We may find upon inspection that missing

data may be flagged as "*", ".", "" and others. Rather than singular,

there may be multiple flags in a table. For the read.csv function to

flag them as NA in an R data frame, we must insert the argument

na.strings=c("*", ".", "").

Step 3: Import the super table into R from Excel. As just

mentioned, section 3.3.4 introduced the code to import data tables

into R that are stored in a csv file. This time we will demonstrate

how to import a worksheet from an xlsx file.

Before this is possible, we will need to install the xlsx package

with the install.packages function and then load it to our current

session with the library function as demonstrated in section 3.2.

The code to import the worksheet tblSuperTable is as follows:

#Load table from EXcel and assign to object

sprTbl<- read.xlsx(


sheetName="tblSuperTable", header=TRUE)


#View data frame, notice <NA> as missing data


Note: The code <path> in the code depicts that the reader will

insert the full path to any directory in which they have chosen to save

the files to the demonstrations of the chapter.

There are several points to introduce in the code. Notice that a

path to the file is an argument just as it is for read.csv. However, a

csv is akin to an Excel file with a single worksheet.

Therefore, notice that the shown path in the xlsx function has

two arguments. One is the file and the other, sheetName=, is the work-

sheet. When we run the final line, the data frame—sprTbl—appears

in the R console as shown in Figure 6-2.

Notice in the figure that the cases of empty cells have been

replaced with <NA>. This is necessary to conduct the diagnostic for

Chapter 6


missing data. Otherwise, any empty cells without the flag would not

be counted as missing.

Figure 6-2: Data table as imported from Excel and as-

signed to a data frame object.

Notice the variable “ID” in the returned data frame. Although

not necessary, let’s assume we want to remove it. The code to do so

is as follows:

#Removes ID column from data frame

#Returns data frame with only 2nd through 6th variables

sprTbl<- sprTbl[,2:6]

#Returns data frame with ID variable omitted


Another coding to note are the use of subsetting square brack-

ets as explained in section 3.3.4. The code, [,2:6], instructs R to

return a table with only columns 2 through 6. Figure 6-3 shows the

head function view. It confirms for us that only the five columns we

want have remained in the data frame. The head and tail functions

were explained in section 3.3.3.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Figure 6-3: sprTbl with ID column removed.

6.1.2. Find the Missing Data

The next three steps are the analytics to locate missing data

along two dimensions. First, we seek empty cells and, second, we

seek records with empty cells.

Step 4: Generate a plot and table to summarize the cases of

missing variables. R allows us to identify the variables and count of

records in the sprTable with missing data. We do it with the md.pat-

tern function. The following code returns what is shown in

Figure 6-4:

#Generate table and plots of counts and composition of


#NOTE: If plot already run, close the Graphic panel

before rerun


We see in the plot and table that 12 (60 percent) of the 20 rec-

ords have full data. Four have missing data in the CraftLead variable.

Three have missing data in the Hours variable. One has missing data

in both variables.

This is a good place to explain the R output device for the

graphic. However, the simple modern alternative is to use the Win-

dows snipping tool. With it, we would box the plot and save to a file

and directory as we are accustomed to.

Chapter 6


Figure 6-4: Summary of missing data (diagonal

lines added).

With the output device, png, we can send the plot of missing

data to a server or our own directory as a *.png file. The code is as


#Device png() outputs plot as a *.png file




The idea is that the png function is an output device. Its argu-

ment is the destination for the output file. Thence, we run the graphic

and it is delivered per the location argument. Finally, the dev.off

turns the device off.

Step 5: Generate a table of records with missing data in Ac-

cess. The next insight we may want is which records contain missing

data. The easiest method is to use the insight of the graphic or table

to set up a query in Access with the source super table as its input.

We have created a query named qryRecordTable. In it, we use both

the Criteria and OR rows of the design grid as shown in Table 6-1.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Table 6-1: qryRecordTable. Join None Field Order WorkType Priority Table tblSuperTable tblSuperTable tblSuperTable Sort Show Y Y Y Crite-ria

Or Or Field CraftLead Hours Table tblSuperTable tblSuperTable Sort Ascending Ascending Show Y Y Crite-ria

Is Null Is Not Null

Or Is Not Null Is Null Or Is Null Is Null

The Access code will return the table shown in Figure 6-5. No-

tice that the use of the OR rows has created three groups. The first is

created by the AND condition between variables from the criteria

row. Each OR row creates an additional group with the AND condi-

tions between variables to each. By coding Ascending in the Sort

row, we distinguish the groups.

Figure 6-5: List of orders missing data by query in


Step 5 ALTERNATIVE: Generate a table of records with

missing data in R. Rather than return to Access to generate a table

of records with missing data to some of their variables. The follow-

ing code generates a table and assigns it to an R data frame object

shown in Figure 6-6.

Chapter 6


#Generate a data frame of records with missing data

records<- sprTbl[!complete.cases(sprTbl),]


Let’s see what there is to see what is new to us in the code. We

understand the concept of subsetting within square brackets. The

method was explained in section 3.3.4.

The expression of interest is within the brackets—!com-

plete.cases(sprTbl). The complete.cases function would return all

records for which data is not missing. The ! before the function in-

dicates that we want the opposite of what the function would return.

Figure 6-6: Data frame subset to records with

missing data.

With the write.xlsx function, we can export the data frame

object of the figure to the Chap6_AssetMgt.xlsx file as the work-

sheet ListOrdersNA. The code is as follows:

#Write the data frame records to Excel file as

ListOrdersNA sheet


records, file="C:\\<path>\\Chap6_AssetMgt.xlsx",

sheetName="ListOrdersNA", row.names=FALSE,

append=TRUE )

Note the argument row.names=FALSE. If TRUE, each row of our

Excel worksheet would have been given a number. There is an

equivalent argument for columns. It is not shown because the default

for col.names= is TRUE.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Next note the argument append=TRUE. The argument causes the

object to be added to the xlsx file. With FALSE, all other worksheets

to the file would be deleted when the current table is imported.

An actual story comes to mind for the importance of identify

the records with missing data. For one plant, the table of records with

missing data immediately revealed a dark long-standing secret. Al-

most half of the order task records had empty cells in CMMS hours

variable. It was unknown to all but the people at front line who had

the daily chore to prepare and submit the craft time sheets.

However, further investigation subsequent to the simple dis-

covery while coming to know thy data revealed the problem. The

plants the mind numbing, intricate, laborious methods to fill out

timesheets drove supervisors to record hours only to the largest work


This discovery emerged at a time when a big investigation was

being launched to figure out how to reduce the cost of a particular

type of big job for which there were some costly workorders. Fur-

thermore, the costs for equivalent work orders were not roughly

equal. The excessive, erratic cost was not the reality. Missing data

created the perception and it became reality.

Step 6: Omit records with missing cases from the super ta-

ble--Optional. We could return to the source tables and delete the

records with missing data. However, some records in the super table

occur as the result of joining subtables. An example is the use of

translation tables to cleanse data as explained in section 4.3.2. An

empty cell in the super table flagged bad data in a source table.

Removing records from the tables we have extracted from our

operating systems is normally not an advised practice. We always

want to know that the subtables to the super table are as found in

their home operating systems.

We can surgically omit records from the super table in Access.

Figure 6-5 showed the result of using the plot or table shown in Fig-

ure 6-4 to filter from the super table all records with missing data.

That was the purpose of the Access code of Table 6-1.

Chapter 6


Now we can omit records from the super table by changing the

Is Null to Is Not Null for each group. Each group will then return

only records with full data. If we wanted to omit all records with

missing data, we can delete the OR rows in the design grid and insert

Is Not Null in the Criteria row for each variable we know to have

missing data.

We have inspected for missing data. With the inspection we

have decided how to treat it. At this point we should know that to

deal with missing data we can simply include the argument

na.rm = TRUE in our R functions and missing data will be ignored

in the conduct of a model or calculation of the function.

6.2. Visual and Statistical Inspection

Now that we know of any missing data in our super table, we need

to ask other questions of our single- and multiple-dimensional vari-

ables. What are the variables types? What are the distributions of the

variables with respect to center and spread? Are there distorting het-

erogenous subsets within the variables? How correlated are the

variables to each other? There will also be questions that will only

occur to us as we through our data.

Modern-day analytics allow us to visualize our data rather than

be limited to numerically presented statistical reports. As the old saw

goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Section 2.2.2. intro-

duced layered charting. The package, ggplot2, within R was

introduced as the graphic software with which to build layered in-


Section 3.3.3. demonstrated some of the base graphic capabil-

ity of R. This chapter and future chapters will largely present

graphics with the ggplot2 package.

This chapter will explain and demonstrate ggplot2 as templates

to methods to inspect and know our data. However, readers are en-

couraged to at least read Chapter 2 of the book, “ggplot2; Elegant

Graphics for Data Analysis,” second edition by Hadley Wickham.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Analysts who aspire to be new age, thus, top drawer in their work

should read the first eight chapters.

This chapter will resist the urge to put glamor and polish on the

graphs it introduces as methods. The possibilities are immense. It is

left to the reader to apply the full scope of the Wickham book.

Accordingly, the templates of this chapter will stick to the core

code to each. In this way, the meat of the graphic methods to know

our data will remain highly visible to the demonstrated explanations.

A philosophy of R is that every package must be fully ex-

plained and that explanations must be available on the internet.

Furthermore, all explanations must be demonstrated with go-by ex-

amples from which we can steal code and each example must be

accompanied with a dataset with which we can try the code our-

selves. This section will use an R-provided data set (mpg) to explore

the miles per gallon data with respect to models, drive, transmission

and six other characteristics.

The data set is relevant and interesting to all of us as car own-

ers. It is commonly used in posted examples to ggplot2. More

importantly, it has characteristics which are like maintenance and

reliability data. The data of our CMMS and other sources, like the

mpg data set, contain numeric variables such as hours, dollars, quan-

tities and dates. However, like the example set, many more of the

variables are categorical such as cost center, priority, maintenance

type, order by craft type, crafts and failure codes.

The steps we will take for the visual and statistical assessment

of our data set are as follows:

1. Load and survey the data.

2. Test numeric variables for normal distribution.

3. View correlations between variables.

4. View centrality and spread of numeric variables.

5. View characteristics of categorical variables,

6. View variables over time.

Chapter 6


6.2.1. Load and Survey the Data

Of course, we must first load the data set into our R session.

We will use the R-provided mpg data set. It can be pulled into the

session by entering and running the code data(mpg).

However, the reality is that our maintenance and reliability

data will never come from within an R package. It will be data we

have built in Access as a super table and placed in an Excel file for

dissemination. Therefore, in line with our reality, the R-provided

data set has been stored in our Excel file as the mpgDataSet.

However, note that we can also load data directly from Access.

It is left to the reader to seek the method from the internet.

Accordingly, just as for any maintenance and reliability super

table, we would pull the mpgDataSet data set into the session from

its Excel file with the following code:

#Load table from Excel and assign to object

mpgKtd<- read.xlsx(


sheetName="MpgDataSet", header=TRUE)

In the code we can see that the data set is located as the work-

sheet MpgDataSet in the Excel file Chap6_AssetMgt.xlsx. We are

using the read.xlsx function because our data is in an xlsx file. We

would use other similar functions for other file types such as csv and

dat. The code assigns the data set to the data frame object named


Now that the data set has been loaded, we should survey it in

various tabular formats. Chapter 3 introduced them. In their coded

form, they are as follows:

##Survey views of data






Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


If we wish to see what the data looks like in its table form, the

head function will return the first six rows of the mpgKtd data set. If

more or less rows are desired, we would code the function as

head(data, n = ) where n is the number of rows.

If we want to view the entire table, we would merely highlight

and run mpgKtd. If we want to view rows at the end of the data set,

we would use the function tail.

The function, str, returns basic information on the makeup of

the data set and its variables. Figure 6-7 shows what is returned.

Figure 6-7: The data set viewed through the str function.

We are informed that the mpgKtd data set is data frame and of

the counts for records and variables. Below that we can inspect the

names of the variables, their types and their first some records.

The definitions of the variables are obvious. However, the var-

iable, fl, is not. It is fuel type.

We can see, upon loading, that the character variables (e.g.,

model) of the data set have been appropriately interpreted by R as

factor variables. For them, we are informed of the categories or lev-

els to each.

There are of course other types of variables that do not occur

in the data frame. Furthermore, the type of any one variable can be

converted to another. Functions are available for all conversions that

make sense.

For example, what if we wanted to convert the cylinder varia-

ble to a factor from numeric. We would use the as.factor function.

If already a factor, we could use the as.numeric function to convert

Chapter 6


to a numeric variable. If we wanted to change the factor variables to

character, we would use the as.character function.

The function, summary, provides information of which some

overlap the str function and some are additional to str function. The

output is shown in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8: The data set viewed with the function,


For the numeric variables, the summary function provides sta-

tistics for centrality and spread. The statistics of centrality are mean

and median. The statistics of spread are the second and third quar-

tiles and min-max.

For the factor variables, the function returns lists and counts

for each category. However, if the categories exceed six, we only get

summary information on the six with the greatest counts. All else is

lumped as “other.”

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


The md.pattern function was demonstrated in the previous

section. It would show no missing data in the data set if we ran it


The describe function provides additional insight and, of

course, some that overlap with the previous functions. Rather than

inspect the entire output, Figures 6-9 and 6-10 demonstrate what the

function will return for numeric and factor variables respectively.

Figure 6-9: Example of insight to the numeric variable, hwy,

with the describe function.

In addition to what we already know, notice that there are 27

distinctive quantities to the hwy variable. At times it is important for

us to know that the numeric variable is discrete rather than continu-


We can inspect the spread as seven quantiles rather than only

quartiles. Finally, we can see the lowest and highest five mileages.

The esoteric elements, Info and Gmd, are beyond our need to know.

Figure 6-10: Example of insight to the factor variable, trans, with

the describe function.

Figure 6-10 provides the full detail of categories to the variable

trans. Recall that previous functions were truncated with respect to

Chapter 6


all categories to the variable. In the figure we can see that there are

ten factors. Now we can inspect the lowest and highest occurrences,

and the frequency and proportion of each category.

Now that we have seen the survey functions in action, it is easy

to imagine ourselves inspecting our maintenance and reliability su-

per tables. Many of the insights of the R survey functions are not so

readily apparent by scroll and filter inspection of an Excel table with

thousands of rows and several tens of columns.

As an exercise, the reader is invited to pull the super table of

Chapter 4 into an R session and subject it to the survey functions.

6.2.2. Test for Normal Distribution

We should test the numeric variables in our data set for normal

distribution. This is especially so if the variables are to be used in

measures and models. Furthermore, a tested variable can lead us to

recognize the levels to our categorical variables with respect to the

numeric variable that are individually homogenous but heterogenous

across the distribution. As said in measurement and analytics, “sub-

set, subset and subset.”

An example to a maintenance and reliability operation is a non-

normal distribution of a numeric variable such as hours per order.

Our inspection may find that we should search out the levels to our

categorical variables that have disparate relationships to hours. In-

sights may be hidden in the variables such as maintenance type,

priority and craft type.

This section will demonstrate how to test a numeric variable

for normal distribution. It will then demonstrate methods for inspect-

ing the categorical levels as subsets to the numeric variables for


The R script to the section includes the visual and statistical

test of normal distribution for the hwy, cty, displ and cyl variables.

However, we will only follow the case for the hwy variable because

the process is the same for all variables.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


The code below returns Figure 6-11. The figure compares the

variable, hwy, against a template of normal distribution.

#Figure 6-11

#Hwy variable

qqhwy<- ggplot(data = mpgKtd,

mapping = aes(sample = hwy)) +

stat_qq_band() +

stat_qq_line() +

stat_qq_point(aes(color=class)) +

labs(x = "Theoretical Quantiles",

y = "Sample Quantiles") +

ggtitle("Q-Q Test of the Hiqhway Variable")


Let’s explore the code for the basics of coding ggplot2. The

graphic is assigned to the ggplot2 object, qqhwy. We call the figure

up with the final line to the code.

As was introduced in section 2.2.2, the code creates a layered

chart. Notice the “+” code inserted between the base plot, qqplot,

stat_qq_band and so on. At each occurrence a layer is stacked on the

base plot or override its defaults.

The first element, ggplot, creates the base plot. It established

the data and axes of the graph. Within it are the what are called the

aesthetics. In this case a single variable, hwy. However, we will step

past an esoteric explanation of “aesthetic.”

The remaining elements place layers over the base plot. The

first three stack individual graphs as layers upon the base plot. The

fourth, labs, overrides the default axes titles—x and y. The fifth,

qqtitle, stacks a plot title on the base plot.

Let’s dig deeper into the ggplot element. We assign the data

with the argument data =. We set the variables and aesthetics of the

graph with the argument mapping =.

However, the point to note is that we can code the data and

aesthetic without explicitly identifying the arguments. Instead, our

code could be ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(sample = hwy)). That is the style

we will take from here on.

Chapter 6


At this point the reader is advised to the read Chapter 2 of the

Wickham text. What is explained and demonstrated in the sections

to come do not require reading the Wickham chapter but will greatly

enhance and enrich one’s appreciation of what is being explained in

this chapter.

Here is a tip for understanding the code in the pages to follow.

Highlight and run each element of code from the left side of the +

that follows it. Since ggplot2 is layered, you will see instantly what

each element causes in the graph. If an argument is of interest, re-

move and repeat the layered run.

If we did that with the code of Figure 6-11, the first output

would be a blank plot of the graph with its axes labels x and y. Add-

ing the second would generate the gray standard error zone. The third

would add the straight line. The fourth would add the plotted points

of the variable and gives them color according to the class variable.

The legend is also returned. The remaining two elements would have

dealt with the axis and chart titles.

The figure is a visual test if the hwy variable has a normal dis-

tribution. If it did, all but a few of the points would reside within the

zone of standard error. If we seek a 95 percent confidence, only ap-

proximately 5 percent of the 234 points would be outside the zone.

This is obviously not the reality.

The principle of the test is that the line and error zone are rep-

resentative of a variable with the mean and standard deviation of the

hwy variable. If normal, at each point along the straight line, a per-

centile of the data points would have previously occurred. If

perfectly normal, the points of the subject variable would fall exactly

on the theoretical line.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Figure 6-11: Q-Q plot of the highway mileage variable.

However, we should confirm the visual test with a statistical

test. We can do that with the function shapiro.test. Coded as fol-

lows, its output is shown in Figure 6-12:

#Figure 6-12

#Test hwy variable for normal distribution

##Small p-value indicates is not normal.


The outcome of the test verifies the findings of the visualiza-

tion. The test is based on a null hypotheses. It is that the tested data

is not significantly different than the theoretical normal distribution

of data with the same mean and standard deviation. The small

p-value tells us that the data is significantly different.

Chapter 6


Figure 6-12: The findings of the Shapiro analytic dis-

proves a normal distribution.

Back to the code to the graph. Note the code expression

stat_qq_point(aes(color = class)). More specifically, note the

aes argument color = class. It causes the chart points to be colored

according to the class of vehicle and generates the associate legend.

The coloring of points reveals that there are subsets clustered

on class. The clusters seem to have their own neighborhoods along

the plot. Consequently, testing them in aggregate may be misleading.

We should inspect them as subsets.

In Figure 6-11, we have subset based on class. We could have

otherwise done so for cylinders, drive, transmission and fuel.

We have other options for bringing out subsets. They are size

and group. Furthermore, we can present more than one subset, in a

single graph. For example, we could have assigned shape to a second

variable with shape = and size to another yet with size =.

However, it quickly becomes difficult to visually get our arms

around the many possible subsets that are permutations of the data

set’s categorized variables. Meanwhile, some will be overlapped by

others. At some point the chart becomes a dog’s breakfast.

To get over the obstacle, let’s look at the facet_wrap function

as a means to subset the variable and visually test their individual

distributions. The code to return Figure 6-13 is as follows:

#Figure 6-13

#Subset the test by facet

qqhwyFac<- qqhwy +

facet_wrap(~class) +

theme(legend.position = "none")


Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Rather than build the entire chart from scratch, two additional

functions are added to the earlier base graph; qqhwy. Notice the geom

facet_wrap. In it, note the code ~class. The code specifies class as

the variable to be faceted upon. The argument in the theme function

removes the legend.

Figure 6-13: Distribution of the hwy variable subset upon


Upon inspection of Figure 6-13, we can wonder if all but com-

pact and suv vehicles would test as normal with the Shapiro test. We

could extract each from the mpgKtd data set and test them for normal

distribution. The codes to test each variable for normal distribution

are as follows:

#Test subsets to hwy for normality on class



Chapter 6







The code would return the same statistical analyis as shown in

Figure 6-12 for the hwy variable. The outputs will not be shown here

and are left to the reader to execute. However, only the 2seater class

shows a normal distribution (p-value = 0.42) and pickup trucks are

on the fence (p-value = 0.049). Typically, analyst require that a

tested variable must return a p-value of 5 percent or greater to be

accepted as normal.

Let’s take the opportunitiy to review subsetting with R. We

will subset on a single class. The first step is to subset the table on

our chosen classs—midsize—with the following code:

#Create a table of midsize records

mpgKtdMid<- mpgKtd[mpgKtd$class=="midsize",]

To review, the code to understand are the square-brackets.

Within the brackets we are subsetting the mpgKtd table. The expres-

sion mpgKtd$class identifies the source table and variable. From

what is within the square brackets and to the left of the comma, a

TRUE/FALSE vector occurs behind the curtains. The TRUEs in the

vector will cause only the records in the mpgKtd table parallel to the

TRUE cases to be returned to the mpgKtdMid object.

The empty space within the brackets to the right of the comma

causes all variables to the mpgKtd table to be included in the returned

object. Thus, we have a table of only records to midsize cars.

This is a simple subset. We can code any filter in the spaces to

either side of the comma within the brackets

Next, let’s look at the Q-Q chart for hwy with respect to the

midsize car class. As we would expect, the code is as follows and

returns the graph of Figure 6-14

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


#Figure 6-14

#Q-Q Test of midsize class

qqhwyMid<- ggplot(data = mpgKtdMid,

aes(sample = hwy)) +

stat_qq_band() +

stat_qq_line() +

stat_qq_point() +

labs(x = "Theoretical Quantiles",

y = "Sample Quantiles") +

ggtitle("Q-Q Test of the Hiqhway

Variable - Midsize") +

theme(legend.position = "none")


Figure 6-14: The midsize class does not show normal dis-


Once again, the visualization infers a non-normal distribution.

Although not shown, we should confirm that with the Shapiro test.

However, we obviously need to more fully introduce ourselves to

the nuances of our data.

Chapter 6


We earlier saw, in Figure 6-13, faceting in practice. The code

below to facet on models introduces an additional twist. It is appar-

ent in Figure 6-15.

#Figure 6-15

#Wrap subset midsize on model and fl

qqhwyMidFac<- qqhwyMid +

facet_wrap(~model + fl) +

theme(legend.position = "none")


Notice the geom, facet_wrap(~model + fl). It will create new

subsets as can be seen in Figure 6-15. Rather than only subset on

model, the faceted subsets are permutations of model and fuel type.

Figure 6-15: Subsetted facets on model and fl to the Q-Q test

of the highway variable.

As they exclaim in late night low-budget commercials for

gadgets, “But wait, there is more!” We are not limited to single a

dimension. We can view the Q-Q plots at the intersection of categor-

ical variables.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


To demonstrate, let’s contrast model and year. The following

code will return Figure 6-16.

#Figure 6-16

#Grid subset midsize on model and year

qqhwyMidGrd<- qqhwyMid +

facet_grid(model~year) +

stat_qq_point() +

theme(legend.position = "none")


Notice that facet_wrap is replaced with facet_grid. Within

facet_grid, the code model~year returns a grid with year as columns

and model as rows with the expression.

Figure 6-16: Q-Q test by model and year.

Chapter 6


There are many rich possibilities for wrap and grid facets. Too

many to attempt to explore here. Section 7.2 of Wickham introduces

and demonstrates the many variations.

Returning to Figure 6-16, let’s make an important observation.

Notice that the x and y scales are the same for all facets. This allows

us to more easily inspect for differences in location and spread

among subsets. Of course, ggplot2 offers options to allow one or

both scales to float freely.

In the returned graph we are inspecting the Q-Q plot with re-

spect to model and year. It is notable that there seems to be fit to the

normal distribution lines when we introduce year as a facet. As al-

ways, we should test what we see with the Shapiro test.

However, as we get to know our data what we have discovered

in the facets may cause us to loop back to explore the hwy variable

for normal distribution while distinguishing between year. The lack

of normal distribution without the distinction may indicate eras of

performance characteristics.

The R script to the chapter contains the code for the Q-Q anal-

ysis of the city mileage, displacement and cylinder variables. The

reader may want to explore the variables after subsetting on year.

Let’s imagine what has been demonstrated with respect to the

data of our CMMS and other source systems. Are our costs per order,

hours per order, crafts hours per order, count of orders by lead craft

normally distributed? What do the distributions look like if we sub-

set them by craft, maintenance types, priority and cost center? How

should we subset to get a true sense of what is hidden in our data?

Are we embedding misinformation in our standard reports by not


6.2.3. Inspect Correlation Between Variables

We should also inspect the correlations between the variables

in our data sets. We can do that between numeric variables and be-

tween categorical and numeric variables. The explanation of the

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


code and interpretation of correlation was the topic of section 3.3.4.

Partial correlation was the topic of section 3.3.5.

Rather than recook the beans, the reader is referred to the sec-

tions for review. This section will largely demonstrate methods to

visually inspect the correlation between the variables of a data set.

In addition to section 3.3.4, this section will introduce the technique

to measure correlation between categorical and numeric variables.

The data of the chapter can be substituted into the code that

was explained in sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 The R script to this chapter

utilizes the same code but with the substitution of the variables to the

mpgKtd data set.

We can get a visual summary of correlation with the function

pairs.panel of the psych package. The code below demonstrates the

function with 7 of the 11 variables to the mpgKtd data set. The output

is shown in Figure 6-17:

#Figure 6-17

pairs.panels(mpgKtd[c("hwy", "cty", "cyl", "displ",

"drv", "model", "trans")])

We see in the code that we are subsetting the data set upon the

seven variables it indentifies. The c() function within the square

brackets caused their return. If we had written the code as

pairs.panels(mpgKtd), we would have returned an inclusive table.

The figure provides a great deal of visual information. How-

ever, there is one caution. It is that only the correlation values

between numeric variables—hwy, cty, displ and cyl—have cre-

dence. Three categorical variables have been included—drv, model

and trans—but their correlation coefficients should be ignored.

Other than to demonstrate how to be selective with respect to

data sets of many variables, there is no technical reason for showing

only seven variables. The reason here is that showing the full set

would create a figure of proportions that are impractical to the pages

of a book.

Chapter 6


Figure 6-17: Grid of correlations and more to mpg variables.

Although the correlations for categorical data are not useful, it

is still useful to include the variables in the pairs graphic. This is

because so much information in the pairs panel is relevant to any

type of variable.

We can see the shape or distribution of each variable in the data

set. We can inspect the cross-plot relationship of each variable with

all other variables. The oval shape is called the correlation ellipse;

the more elongated the greater correlation. The fitted smooth line

gives a sense of pattern to the cross plots. The large dot indicates the

mean value of plot points.

Although not legitimately presented by the pairs grid, we can

calculate a correlation between categorical and numeric variables.

However, it is done with respect to levels to the categorical variable.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


The code below shows how to obtain the correlation of front-

wheel drive to highway mileage. The correlation sets rear drive as

the base level—zero so to speak—and front-end and highway as the

measured correlation. The returned output is presented in Fig-

ure 6-18.

#Figure 6-18

#Correlation of front drv and hwy with rear as base

mpgfr<- mpgKtd[(mpgKtd$drv=="f" | mpgKtd$drv=="r"),]

mpgfr$numdr<- ifelse(mpgfr$drv=="r", 0, 1)

cor.test(mpgfr$hwy, mpgfr$numdr)

Let’s inspect the code. The code, mpgKtd[(mpgKtd$drv=="f" |

mpgKtd$drv=="r"),], subsets the mpgKtd data set to one with only

two categories for drive; front and rear. The “|” syntax is an OR


The code, ifelse(mpgfr$drv=="r", 0, 1), creates a variable

in which “0” is assigned to rear drive and “1” to front drive. This is

a new numeric variable with which correlation with another numeric

variable can be computed.

The third line applies the cor.test function to compute the

correlation, significance and confidence interval. Figure 6-18 returns

the analysis which is interpreted as explained in section 3.3.4. The

output shows that, compared to rear-wheel drive, there is a strong

correlation of front-wheel drive to highway mileage.

Figure 6-18: Correlation to front drive to highway mileage.

Chapter 6


The visualization of correlation is the most common purpose

of a scatter or cross plot chart. Such plots are provided for the pairs

in Figure 6-17. Of course, we can replicate them as individual charts.

However, as shown they are traditional simplistic perspectives.

We will use the capability of ggplt2 to reach much deeper per-

spectives. The difference is our heightened ability to understand our

data when we can recognize subsets within the scatter plot.

There are two ways to subset cross-plot visualizations with

ggplot2. We can show discrete and categorical variables as subsets

to the basic plot—e.g., scatter points. Alternatively, we can use fac-

ets. Better yet, we can simultaneously apply both methods.

Figure 6-19 shows the two possibilities in action. The left-most

chart shows a scatter plot being subset upon its points. The right-

most chart adds a facet perspective.

Figure 6-19: Scatter plots subset on points and facets.

The left-most chart begins with the scatter points. Thence, it

subsets the points with respect to two categorical variables—class

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


and drive. Additionally, a smooth line and its error zone have been

layered over the points.

When we inspect the smooth plot, we can see that the correla-

tion between mileage and displacement changes direction. Here we

are discovering something to be investigated because we suspect

that we should not see such a pattern.

We should also note that, given the universal love of linear fit,

had we chosen to place a linear plot over the points, we might have

not noticed the strange pattern. Just as bad, the linear plot would have

been substantially influenced. Also note that we could have placed

both line fits in the graph as a quick validation of a linear fit.

The right-most chart returns the left but is subset on the number

of cylinders—a discrete variable. Now we can see the influences on

the smooth fit of the first graph. Note the bottom right facet clearly

reveals the source of the upward turn in the smoothed line.

Also, note the appearance of a strange subset that we would

not have easily spotted in a scatter plot of many points. Are there

five-cylinder vehicles in the data set? Or, are there records in the data

set that need to be cleansed?

Let’s explore the three blocks of code behind Figure 6-19 for

new elements of code. They are as follows:

#Figure 6-19 left

#Compare data as scatter and subsets

#With subset on points

scatSubPt<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(x = displ, y = hwy)) +

geom_point(aes(color = drv, shape = class)) +

geom_smooth() +

scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,6)) +

labs(x = "Displacement", y = "Mileage") +

ggtitle("Subset on points-class & drv") +

theme(legend.position = c(.5, .8),

legend.box = "horizontal")


#Figure 6-19 right

#With subset on points and facets

scatSubPrFc<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(displ, hwy)) +

Chapter 6


geom_point(aes(color = drv, shape = class)) +

geom_smooth(aes(displ, hwy)) +

scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,6)) +

facet_wrap(~cyl) +

labs(x = "Displacement", y = "Mileage") +

ggtitle("Wrap added to subset on points") +

theme(legend.position = "none")


##Alernate code to the chart

scatSubPrFcAlt<- scatSubPrFc +



#Figure 6-19 side-by-side

#Plot scat and scatFac

scat1x2<- ggarrange(scatSubPt, scatSubPrFc, ncol = 2,

nrow = 1)


In the first block of code we can see the base plot as the ggplot

component. However, notice how the x and y variables are coded in

the aes expression as x = and y =. However, because all other argu-

ments are explicitly named, we can implicitly code the x and y

variables. This more typical practice will be seen in the next block

of code and for the remainder of the examples.

The point geom causes the scatter plot. The mapping code,

aes(color = drv, shape = class), subsets the points on color for

drive and shape for class. The smooth geom places a statistically fit

line over the scatter plot to visualize the pattern of the correlation.

The default to the smooth geom is loess. For it we have options

for the degree of smoothness. The argument span = allows a range

of 0.0 to 1.0.

There are alternatives to the loess fit. They are lm for a linear

fit, gam for greater than 1,000 observations and rlm for reducing the

sensitivity of the fit to outliers. Enacting the choice is made with the

method = argument.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Let’s speak to the shape legend. We have based shape on class.

If we ran the chart, we would get one for which only six of the seven

classes have been given a shape.

To get over that, we must call for shapes with the

scale_shape_manual geom. The argument values=seq(0,6) assigns a

shape to each category. If we wanted to select other than the 7 shapes

from the 24 available choices, we would replace the seq() function

with a c() function coded to list our choices. The readers are left to

find the choices on the internet; an easy task and good experience.

Next, notice the expression theme(legend.position = c(.5,

.8), legend.box = "horizontal"). The legend.position = c(.5,

.8) code sets the placement of the legend with respect to the x and y

axes. For each axis there is a range of 0 to 1. For example, the com-

bination of c(1,1) would position the legend at the upper right of the

chart. Meanwhile, the argument legend.box = "horizontal" places

the legends side-by-side in the figure rather than stacked by default.

The second block of code returns the right-most chart to Fig-

ure 6-19. Its primary distinction is to break the left-most chart into


However, there is one other difference in its code. The leg-

end.position = “none” in the theme function. To create space, the

legend has been removed.

The third block demonstrates an important trick for efficient

coding and the lazy amongst of us. We could have created the same

graphic that was returned by the second block of code. The style ap-

pends the facet_wrap function to the first graph and returns the


We are seeing the fourth block of code for the first time. It

causes the charts of the first and second blocks of code to be returned

side-by-side as a single output.

Notice that we have assigned the output to an object; scat1x2.

We are using the ggarrange function of the ggpubr package. The

charts are designated by their assigned name as objects. Thence, we

have specified a single row and two columns.

Chapter 6


The ggarrange function allows any number of charts by virtue

of specifying the charts and number of rows and columns. They will

be returned in the order called for by the ggarrange function.

We could easily create a dashboard with the function. In one

sweep, we could run code to load the updated input tables to the

graphs, the code to each graph and finally the ggarange function to

generate the dashboard.

Better yet, we can create a function to include all code such

that we only need to call the function and all else updates and appears

on our monitors for inspection. Building such a function will not be

demonstrated here.

Another powerful way to subset is to place multiple base plots

in a single graph. We can do this because they have axes in common.

Figure 6-20 shows two pairs of scatter plots and smooth charts as a

seemingly single chart.

Figure 6-20: Two scatter graphs presented as a single graph.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Let’s look at the code to the returned the graph. Some im-

portant techniques are hidden below the surface. The code is as


#Figure 6-20

#Multiple base plots

scat2Chts<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(displ, hwy)) +

geom_point(aes(color = "hwy")) +

geom_smooth(aes(color = "hwy"), se=TRUE ) +

geom_point(aes(displ, cty, color = "cty")) +

geom_smooth(aes(displ, cty, color = "cty"),

se=TRUE) +

labs(x = "Displacement", y = "Mileage") +

ggtitle("Mileage vs Displacement") +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9),

legend.title = element_blank())


The ggplot function sets up the base graph in association with

the subsequent pair of point and smooth geoms. The second graph to

display city mileage is returned by the second pair of geoms.

Notice in the second pair that the x-y variables do not match

the pair in the ggplot function. The x variable is the same, but the y

variables has become cty. This is the same for the smooth geom. The

x-y of the second chart overrides the x-y to the ggplot function that

supports the first charted plot.

The code also allows the combined plots to return a legend.

The argument, color = in each of the geoms makes the legend hap-

pen for the case of multiple base plots.

Know that the two geoms for the displ-hwy visual are taking

their specified variables from the ggplot function. Thus, they need

not include x-y variables in their aes functions.

However, the geoms for the displ-cty visual must include them.

This causes the geoms to override the base plot variables and instead

generate on the displ and cty variables.

Chapter 6


Also notice that we have coded to omit a title to the legend. It

is left to the reader to search the internet for the code to name the

legend other than the default title—color.

There is a final point to make. The base graph supported two

graphs. We mentioned different x-y variables to create them—displ-

hwy and displ-cty.

We should also note that a graph need not be limited to a single

data set. In this case, the highway and city mileage were recorded in

the same data set. But what if they were not.

For the respective geoms, we would have simply identified the

associated data sets. The only requirement is that the respective

charts have the same axes scales.

Finally let’s deal with a natural problem to point charts; over

plotting. In the graphs to this point, the reality is that not all of the

234 observations of the full mpgKtd data set will be visible to us.

Some will overlap or hide others.

One method to overcome the problem is the jitter geom. It

will be presented in the next section. It works for continuous or dis-

crete data grouped in a graph by categorical or discrete levels.

However, a jittered perspective can be misinformation for continu-

ous variables. This is because each point is moved slightly on the


There are other ways to deal with over plotting. Figure 6-21

shows two. They use the geoms count and hex. Others, not shown,

are three-dimensional such as geom_contour and geom_raster.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Figure 6-21: Area count and hex methods to deal with over plotting points.

In both cases, the charts are expressing the number of points

falling in a plotted area. The legends are given as a reference of com-

parative magnitude. The code to the respective charts are as follows:

#Figure 6-21 left

#Methods for Over lapping and plotting

##Count in area

scatAreaCnt<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(displ, hwy,

color = drv)) +

geom_point() +

geom_count() +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .8))


#Figure 6-21 right

#Hex chart

scatHex<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(displ, hwy,

color = drv)) +

geom_hex() +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .8))


#Figure 6-21 side-by-side

#Plot count and hex charts

overPlot1x2<- ggarrange(scatAreaCnt, scatHex,

Chapter 6


ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


The first block of code adds the count geom to the scatter plot.

The second block replaces the point geom with the hex geom. The

third block is the boiler plate code to return the graphics of both

methods as a side-by-side chart.

6.2.4. Inspect Centrality and Spread

The next perspective of our data is to inspect the numeric var-

iables with respect to central tendency and spread. The initial

summary perspectives (section 6.2.1) have given us quantitative per-

spective but visualizations are much more revealing.

Two types of partner graphic visualizations remind us of the

old saw, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The first type is the

partnership of boxplot and violin charts. The second is histograms

and polygons.

Box and violin charts visualize how the points of a numeric

variable change with the levels of a categorical or discrete variable.

The left-most graph of Figure 6-22 is an overlay of box points and

mean. The right-most graph is the overlay of violin as density (prob-

ability), points and mean. The numbers are jittered in both graphs.

Figure 6-22: Box and violin plots to compare central tendency and , variance

among data, and spot outliers.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Let’s first examine the box chart—also known as box and

whisker plots. The box plot simultaneously visualizes the centering

of the data and spread. The dark heavy line is the median or middle

quartile of the points. The second and third quartiles are the upper

and lower edge of the box. Combined they are called the interquar-


The whiskers to the box extend to the lowest and highest ob-

servations. An observation beyond the distance of 1.5 times the

interquartile is typically regarded as an outlier. If the most extreme

points fall within the 1.5 times the interquartile, the whisker is lim-

ited to the point. The points falling beyond the whisker are

candidates for our investigation.

Also note the solid triangle-shaped point in each box. It is the

mean to each group. We can compare it to the median bar to see the

degree of skew in the data; an important insight.

We can imagine all sorts of perspectives to seek with our

maintenance and reliability data. For example, what are the central-

ity, spread, skew and any outliers of dollars or hours per order with

respect to categorical variables such as cost center, maintenance

types, priorities and craft lead?

In fact, the elements of the box and mean would constitute a

high grade KPI report with respect to cost, productivity and other

measures. Rather than a single factor, we can also see the centrality,

spread and skew of the subject KPI.

Let’s look at the code to the boxplot chart to explain any new

expressions to what we would already recognize. The code is as fol-


#Figure 6-22 left

#Boxplot, mean and points

boxPlt<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(drv, cty, color = drv)) +

geom_point() +

geom_boxplot(size = 1) +

geom_jitter() +

geom_point(stat="summary", fun="mean",

color = "black", size = 4, shape = 17) +

Chapter 6


theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9))


As before, the ggplot function establishes the data and varia-

bles. With drv as the categorical x axis, the points and box plots will

be subset by drv. The color = argument creates a legend to the drv

levels based on color.

Next, we can see the four graphs layered as one. The point and

boxplot geoms are as we would expect. However, the boxplot code

heavies the box edges with the argument size =.

We can spot the jitter geom as a method to step around the

over plotting of many data points. The geom moves the points

slightly from what would have been plotted. Without the geom, the

points in the graph would all fall on a straight line.

The default of the geom is to jitter both horizontally and verti-

cally. The jitter can be adjusted horizontally with width = and

vertically with height =. We will leave them at their default.

Next notice the second of the point geoms in the code. The first

plotted the points. The second, as a second graph, computes and plots

the solid triangle to the chart to locate the mean to each group of

points. It is done by inserting the arguments stat = "summary" and

fun = "mean" in the geom. The marker is also sized and shaped in

the geom.

The violin chart of Figure 6-22 right is another method to

show centrality and spread. It is a rotated density plot. In contrast to

box plots, they show the probability of observing values along the


The violin geom offers an additional value. The violin shapes

are visually comparable across groups because the standardization

of density makes them comparable. Otherwise, our ability to com-

pare would be affected by the number and position of the points to

each group.

When we place the box and violin charts side by side, we get a

tremendous amount of information. We could have taken our insight

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


even farther by simultaneously subsetting the points upon other cat-

egorical variables in the data set.

The code to the violin chart is as follows:

#Figure 6-22 right

#Violin, mean and points

vioPlt<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(drv, cty,

color = drv)) +

geom_point() +

geom_violin(size = 1) +

geom_jitter() +

geom_point(stat="summary", fun="mean",

color = "black", size = 4, shape = 17) +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9))


On inspection there are no fundamental differences with the

code to the box plot chart. The only difference is that the violin

geom replaces the boxplot geom.

As we have already seen in action, the following code will re-

turn the box plot and violin charts side-by-side.

#Figure 6-22 side-by-side

#Plot Boxplot and Violin

boxVio1x2<- ggarrange(boxPlt, vioPlt,

ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


Although the boxplot and violin charts entail an x axis variable

that is either categorical or discrete, it is possible to build them with

a continuous variable. To do so the continuous variable must be cut

into bins with the result of Figure 6-23.

Chapter 6


Figure 6-23: Boxplot with a continuous variable as its group-


Notice in the code to Figure 6-23 that there is a group argument

in the boxplot geom. It is creating groups upon a cut width for bins.

Although not demonstrated, we can do the same thing with the violin


#Figure 6-23

#Boxplot with continuous variable as group variable

boxContin<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(displ, cty,

color = drv)) +

geom_point() +

geom_boxplot(aes(group = cut_width(displ, .1))) +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9))


Histogram and polygon charts provide perspective of central-

ity and spread for continuous or discrete variables. A polygon chart

is a line version of a histogram. As such, and as it will be seen,

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


polygon charts allow us to gain perspectives that are otherwise dif-

ficult with a histogram. Figure 6-24 shows both types of charts.

Figure 6-24: The overlay of histogram and polygon for


The code to return the chart of the figure is as follows:

#Figure 6-24

##Histogram and polygon Without subsetting

hstPly<- ggplot(mpg, aes(hwy)) +

geom_histogram(bins=10, alpha = .4) +

geom_freqpoly(bins=10, size = 1)


In the code we can see the respective geoms. For both, the de-

fault number of bins is 30. With the argument bins = 10, we create

charts with ten bins. We could also use a width = argument to set

bins relative to scale units. With the alpha = .4 argument we are

making the histogram bars less intense so that the polygon line is


Chapter 6


As usual our best insight emerges when we subset the histo-

gram and polygon. Figure 6-25 shows two ways to subset the


Figure 6-25: Histogram subset on fill = drive and by facet wrap on


The histogram columns to the left-most chart are stacks of the

counts to the subsets on the drive variable. However, it is difficult to

compare subsets with a stacked perspective. A solution is to create a

facet view of the histogram; the right-most graph to the figure. No-

tice that, to aid comparison, the x and y axis are constant across the


Below are the three blocks of code to the charts of Figure 6-25.

#Figure 6-25 left

##Create subsetting perspective

hstSubPt<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(hwy, fill=drv)) +

geom_histogram(bins=10) +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9))


#Figure 6-25 right

hstSubWrp<- hstSubPt +

facet_wrap(~drv, ncol=1)


Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


#Figure 6-25 side-by-side

hstSubPtWrp<- ggarrange(hstSubPt, hstSubWrp,

ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


In the first block of code we see the expression that subsets the

histogram; the argument fill = drv in the ggplot function. In the

second block we are appending the facet_wrap geom to the first

graph. In this case, we want to view the facets in column. The third

block returns the graphs in a single output.

Another method to subset the histogram is with a polygon chart

subset on the levels of a categorical variable. In contrast to Fig-

ure 6-25, the advantage is that we can directly contrast the count


Figure 6-26: Polygon alternative of a histogram to compare sub-


Chapter 6


The code to the polygon figure is as follows and, by now, is as

we would expect it to be.

#Figure 6-26

plySub<- ggplot(mpg, aes(hwy, color=drv)) +

geom_freqpoly(bins=10, size = 1.25)


Figure 6-27 shows the density alternative to histogram and pol-

ygon charts. Density allows us to compare subsets on an equal

footing because they are standardized by virtue of all area under the

curve totaling unity. Therefore, we would take the perspective if we

want to compare the shape of distributions rather than size and posi-


Figure 6-27: Density perspective to the histogram and polygon charts of the

hwy variable.

The three blocks of the code to return the graphs are as follows:

#Figure 6-27 left

hstDen<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(hwy, fill=drv)) +

geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..),

bins = 10, alpha = .4) +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9))


Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


#Figure 6-27 right

plyDen<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(hwy, fill=drv),

bins = 10) +

geom_density( alpha = 0.2) +

xlim(0, 50) +

theme(legend.position = c(.95, .9))


#Figure 6-27 side-by-side

denHstPly<- ggarrange(hstDen, plyDen,

ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


Notice the function x_lim(0,50) in the second block. Without

the code, the chart would have set limits at 5 and 45; cutting off the

extremes to the charted curves.

The notable difference in the code is how density is called up

instead of count. In the first block the argument y = ..density.. to

the histogram geom makes it happen. For the second block the out-

come is returned by the density geom as the alternative to a polygon


However, the densities are different. This is because histo-

grams are computed on data as bins and polygons are computed on

data as continuous.

We need to comment further on the y = ..density.. argument

to geom_hist. Count, density and x-center are variables created

within the geom. The prefixed and suffixed double dot code tells the

underlying algorithm that a variable is internal to the graph object

rather than external from the mpgKtd data frame. Accordingly,

..density.. as a variable, is made to be a variable to the returned


6.2.5. Inspect Categorical Variables

Bar charts, by whatever name or rotation, are a fundamental

perspective of data. They are for categorical variables what histo-

grams and polygons are for numeric variables.

Chapter 6


There are five standard perspectives. They are count, average,

sums, min-max and identity. Count is the default.

The graphs of Figure 6-28 are examples of the count presented

in two ways. The left-most chart is a stacked count, whereas, the

right-most is dodged count. What is stacked in the left figure is

shown side by side in the right chart.

Figure 6-28: Bar charts of counts and a functions (average).

Let’s inspect the three blocks of code to Figure 6-28 for yet

unfamiliar expressions. The code is as follows:

#Figure 6-28 left

##Barchart upon counts

barCnt<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(manufacturer,

fill = drv)) +

geom_bar() +

theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",

color = "black", size = 10, angle = 90),

axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold",

color = "black", size = 10, angle = 90)) +

theme(legend.position = c(.5, .8)) +

ggtitle("Count stacked")

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data



#Figure 6-28 right

#Barchart with dodge

barCntDod<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(manufacturer,

fill = drv)) +

geom_bar(position = "dodge", width = .7) +

theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",

color = "black", size = 10, angle = 90),

axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold",

color = "black", size = 10, angle = 0)) +

theme(legend.position = c(.5, .8)) +

ggtitle("Dodged Count")


#Figure 6-28 side-by-side

#Plot 1x2 charts

barCntDod1x2<- ggarrange(barCnt, barCntDod,

ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


In the first and second blocks, notice the argument in the theme

function angle = 90. The angle argument is helpful when tick titles

are long.

Also, in the code are the expressions axis.text.x and

axis.text.y. They format the scale text in the graphs. Until now we

have left the axes texts in their default state to keep the code sparse

and focused on the meat in the burger.

The first two blocks are the same except for the bar geom.

When subsetting is the case, the bar geom by default returns a

stacked perspective. Adding, the argument position = “dodge” to

the geom causes the bars to be placed side by side rather than

stacked. Additionally, we have placed spacing between the dodged

sets with the width = argument.

Count is the standard to the bar geom. However, we can expect

that we would want other statistical perspectives. The foreseeable

needs are mean, median, sum, min-max and identity.

Chapter 6


Figure 6-29 is the case of mean. However, the code to call for

any of the options is the same.

“Identity” needs defining. It is the case where we want to chart

the data as it is in the data set.

Figure 6-29: Bar chart of mean mpg for manufacturer.

The code to Figure 6-29 is as follows.

#Figure 6-29

#Barchart upon mean

barAvg<- ggplot(mpgKtd, aes(manufacturer, hwy,

fill = manufacturer)) +

geom_bar(stat="summary", fun="mean") +

theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",

color = "black", size = 10, angle = 90),

axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold",

color = "black", size = 10, angle = 0),

legend.position = "none") +

ggtitle("Average of Miles by Manufacture") +


The meat in the burger is the code geom_bar(stat="summary",

fun="mean"). In it we see the call for a summary perspective and that

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


the summary is to be a mean of the data to each level of the categor-

ical variable; manufacturer. As mentioned above, if we wanted

otherwise, for example median, we replace mean with median.

An enhancement to the figure would be to place labels above each

bar to the chart. Rather than do so here, the reader is left and encour-

aged to search out the method from the internet. A search phrase

mentioning geom_bar and labels for columns would take us to a start-

ing point. It is good to get accustomed to looking for methods.

6.2.6. Inspect Variables Over Time

Most operational data come with date or timestamp variables.

Consequently, we can inspect our data with respect to how they

change with time.

Line charts are what we typically think of when we seek to

inspect the pattern of variables over time. However, there are what

is called a path chart that give us an alternative perspective of time-

based patterns.

A line chart presents one variable over time. In contrast, a path

chart is cross or scatter plot of two of variables for which the line is

a path upon the dated order of the cross points. Path depicts the order

of occurrence rather than occurrence along the timeline.

First let’s look at line charts. Because our mpgKtd data set

does not contain a date variable, we will download the data set; eco-

nomics. As we would expect, the download is accomplished with the

following code:

##Download data set

economics<- read.xlsx(


sheetName="EconDataSet", header=TRUE)

A review with the summary functions of section 6.2.1 would

reveal seven variables. Of the seven, we will work with the following


Chapter 6


• date = Date to which measures applies, formatted as


• DateYr = Date converted to integer form.

• pop = Population.

• uempmed = Median duration of unemployment in


• unemploy = Number of unemployed

Figure 6-30 shows two single-variable time series charts from

the data set. The left chart plots unemployment over time. The right

chart plots the concurrent median duration people remained unem-


Figure 6-30: Line charts of unemployment rate and median length of time


Upon inspection, the respective patterns are not what we would

expect. Intuitively, we would expect that as unemployment in-

creases, so would the median length of unemployment. Accordingly,

we would expect the respective plots to be more similarly shaped.

Let’s explore the first and second blocks of code for new nug-

gets. We are familiar with the third. The code to the left-most chart

in Figure 6-30 is as follows:

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


#Figure 6-30 left

#Time series of unemployement

serUE<- ggplot(economics, aes(date, unemploy/pop)) +

geom_line() +



#Figure 6-30 right

#Time series median time unemployed

serTimeUE<- ggplot(economics, aes(date, uempmed)) +

geom_line() +

ggtitle("Median Time Unemployed")


#Figure 6-30 side-by-side

#Plot 2 charts

series1x2<- ggarrange(serUE, serTimeUE,

ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


The only difference from our experience is the appearance of

the line geometric in the first and second blocks of code. We should

note a small difference in the first block of code. The x and y of our

chart need not only be a variable value. Notice that the y axis of the

chart is a computation of the unemployment rate; unemploy/pop.

As mentioned, our real-life experience has been to think of line

charts rather than path charts. With the scatter chart as its base per-

spective, let’s look at path charts as a means to relate by time two

variables in a cross plot—unemployment rate and median time un-

employed—and they, in turn, to the date variable.

The best way to explain a path chart it is to demonstrate it.

What it looks like is the right-most chart in Figure 6-31.

The purely scatter plot of the left figure graphically shows a

strong positive correlation between unemployment and length of

time unemployed. It is as we would intuitively expect. However,

there are some interesting cluster-like patterns in the cross points that

suggest that we should further probe our data.

Chapter 6


Figure 6-31: Scatter plot graph of unemployment and length of unemploy-

ment with path line added to show time sequence.

The second chart introduces a path geometric in place of a line

geometric. With path, the geometric is plotting a path of cross point

with respect to their date—much like the child’s connect-the-dots


Now a different story emerges. The relationship of length of

time employed relative to unemployment rate has shifted. With path

we can see the appearance of three eras in the overall pattern. Rather

than the x axis as era, the color highlights the passage of time; darker

longer ago, lighter more recently.

Let’s make a timely observation somewhat off the trail. A path

chart is a great visual tool for connecting our maintenance and relia-

bility KPIs to outcome variables we expect that they should be

related to such as production, uptime, productivity, etc.

Let’s review the code for nuggets of coding we are not yet fa-

miliar with. The code is as follows:

#Figure 6-31 left

#As scatter plot of two charts.

Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


crossUeTm<- ggplot(economics,

aes(unemploy/pop, uempmed)) +

geom_point() +

ggtitle("Cross Plot of Unemployment & Time



#Figure 6-31 right

pthPlt<- ggplot(economics,

aes(unemploy/pop, uempmed)) +

geom_path(color="grey50") +

geom_point(aes(color = DateYr)) +

theme(legend.position = c(.1, .8)) +

ggtitle("Cross Plot with Path")


#Figure 6-31 side-by-side

#Plot 2 charts

crosPath1x2<- ggarrange(crossUeTm, pthPlt,

ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


The first block of code is a cross plot chart just as we have seen

before. The second block creates the path chart.

The second block of code returns the path chart. There are two

points to notice. First, of course, is the appearance of the path geo-

metric. Second, the color argument is causing the legend and line

plotted as path and points to vary color with year as the driving inte-


This is a good place to comment on dates as integers. Some-

times in charting, date formats create problems because they allow

date data to show out of order or somehow require esoteric recoding.

A down-dirty counter strategy is to convert dates to integers as a

variable to the data set. That is the case for the DateYr variable to

Figure 6-31 right. The graphic sees a number rather than date.

The data set has converted the date to an integer year. Another

example is to convert 7/2/2020 to the integer 20200702. Conversion

can take place in Excel or Access using functions that convert dates

to text, text to numeric and finally special paste as value.

Chapter 6


We can construct another perspective of change over time with

groups as subsets. In maintenance operations we often want to in-

spect our data longitudinally as line charts upon groups. Possible

groups are cost center, craft type, maintenance type, priority, etc. We

could also want to inspect them with respect to costs and productiv-

ity and other vantages.

To demonstrate the perspective, we will use a data set available

to us within the R software. This is also an opportunity to demon-

strate how to capitalize on the R software’s philosophy to make data

sets available to all explanations of R functions. Until now, the data

sets have been placed in an Excel file for import to the R session;

our reality.

The Oxboy data set is longitudinal with respect to continuous

and discrete variables. The code below shows how to pull the data

frame into the session and inspect its first six rows.

#Load the data set



Figure 6-32 shows that we can visually inspect the data as lines

for individual groups—boys as subjects in this case—for clusters,

outliers and disparate patterns. At the same time, we can display a

linear fit line to the collective groups to inspect where the individual

groups fall with respect to the overall centrality and slope of all ob-


Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


Figure 6-32: Lines for groups and linear fit line of the overall data.

Let’s look for new lessons in the code to return the figure. The

code is as follows:

#Figure 6-32

#Lines per group with overall linear fit line

grpLines<- ggplot(Oxboys, aes(age, height)) +

geom_line(aes(group = Subject,

color = Subject), size = 1) +

geom_smooth(method = "lm", size = 3,

se = FALSE, color = "black",

linetype = "dashed")


First, the code calls for a line geometric for each group and

subsets on color as the legend for the subject boy. Second, the code

calls a smooth geometric for the data as a whole.

Notice that the group code appears only in the line geom but

not the smooth geom. It’s a good example of layers engaging the

same variables but presenting them with different purposes.

Chapter 6


Let’s show another play on the same idea. Our longitudinal

variable will be “occasion” rather than age. In maintenance and reli-

ability, the occasion could be month.

This time we want to inspect height with respect to the subject

group. In maintenance and reliability this could be cost center. It

could also be maintenance type, etc.

We can get a KPI-type perspective by generating a boxplot and

average at each occasion. And of course, we can inspect all sorts of

issues through the returned Figure 6-33

Figure 6-33: Centrality and spread of height for each subject at

each occasion and individual trends.

Below is the code to the figure. In it, it is only notable that there

are no new surprises. We have arrived.

#Figure 6-33

#Plot by group and boz and mean at occasion

grpBox<- ggplot(Oxboys, aes(Occasion, height)) +

geom_boxplot() +

geom_line(aes(group = Subject,

color = Subject), size = 1) +

geom_point(stat="summary", fun="mean",

color = "black", size = 4, shape = 18)


Layered Charting to Know Thy Data


There is another perspective of time dated variables called

times series analysis. It will be fully explained and demonstrated in

Chapter 11 in the context of forecasting workload in the mainte-

nance budgeting process. It was briefly explained in section 2.3.3

and shown in Figure 2-16.

The function ts converts our data into a time series object.

With a time series object, we can separate seasonal and longer cycles

from the trend of the data using other functions. Once cycle is re-

moved, we can assess if the trend in our data is deterministic, random

walk or random.

We would also test for autocorrelation between data points.

That is when a variable in one period is somewhat influenced by

outcomes in one or more previous periods.

In the world of maintenance and reliability, we love to speak

of lead-lag indicators but offer no methodology other than assump-

tions. Time series analytics allow us to inspect our data for such

relationships for highly correlated patterns between both variables at

one or more reporting intervals. The relationship is called cross cor-

relation in contrast to auto correlation to a single variable. It will be

explained in later chapter about sustaining effective availability.

6.3. Save and Disseminate

The output to an R session is saved in the form of its R script. In

turn, we call the saved script into an R session and run it.

It is likely that we will want to disseminate the tables and vis-

ual perspectives that we have formulated for our needs or in service

of others. If so, we can distribute the R script.

With the code, recipients have the liberty to modify and refine

the outputs to inspect their own data. Or they may use the output as

templates to explore for perspective to other issues and KPIs.

This assumes the recipient has a threshold level of skills in R.

Teaching to the threshold was the purpose of Chapter 3. However,

Chapter 6


we may want to send the know-thy-data deliverables to others with-

out the threshold skills in R.

The simplest approach is to use the snipping tool to prepare a

Power Point or Word deliverable. The alternative is to export the

charts to a pdf file and, in turn, distribute the file. This can be done

with the following code:

#Save to a pdf file

#Turn dev on, export to pdf file

pdf("<path>\\Dissim.pdf", paper="USr")

print(list(serUE, serTimeUE, pthPlt))

#Turn device off


The function pdf() is called an output device to send the out-

put to a pdf file. As said in R, the function turns the device on. Within

the function, we code the path to where the output is to land, the

name of the created file and the paper type. We are using the US

dimensions and have rotated the path to be landscape. The print()

function and its argument, list(), specify the graphs by their name

as an object. Finally, the code dev.off() closes the pdf() device.

It is important to stress the importance of closing the device;

run the code line. If we do not, when we subsequently call for an

individual graphic, as we have all along, the R graphic window will

remain empty.


Wickham, Hadley. gplot2, Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Sec-

ond Edition. Springer 2016.