Data Explosion and Wireless Network Migration Wireless Network Migration Young-Joon Kim, Ph.D LG-Ericsson, Head of R&D

Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell

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Page 1: Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell

Data Explosion and

Wireless Network MigrationWireless Network Migration

Young-Joon Kim, Ph.DLG-Ericsson, Head of R&D

Page 2: Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell


›음성통화중심에서 Application으로전환›통신사업자가서비스를주도하는중앙집중형에서분산형으로변화

Voice-centric Mobile service-centric

Service Data

Voice Calling


Voice Calling


Mobile PhoneCompetitiveness


OS (Operating System)


Hardware functionality Hardware functionality

Centralization DecentralizationCarriers

HandsetIndustryStructure CustomerCarriersHandset



Internet, S/Wcompanies



(Source : 삼성경제연구소, 2010)

Page 3: Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell

Business model 변화

›네트워크, 공급자 (통신사업자) 중심에서 Contents 및소비자중심으로의변화

이통사망구축→ 단말기제공→ 콘텐츠제공

텐 생산 단말기제 이 망확 및 축콘텐츠생산→ 단말기제공→ 이통망확보및구축


Source : KISDI, 방통위 (2010) Source : KISDI, 방통위 (2010)

Page 4: Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell

Everything will be connected

- Entertainment, security, health- Productivity, new revenues


Connected Intelligent transport industry

y- Sustainability, regulation

Connectedconsumer electronics

Intelligent transport, industry and society, smart utilities

- Broadband ubiquity - Declining cost of connectivity Enablers


(Source : Ericsson)

Page 5: Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell

M2M service

Navigation, Telematics

› Easily find M2M devices around us

Automotive M2M technology helps improve the flow of traffic and makes it possible to use intelligent telematics services that improve drivers’ safety, provide them with information, and allow their vehicles to be maintained more efficiently.

MeteringAutomatic Metering System, Smart GridM2M gives utilities the opportunity to enhance the range of “smart utility” services offeredMetering M2M gives utilities the opportunity to enhance the range of smart utility services offered, increasing benefits to customers and gaining clear competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Health CareTelemedicineM2M will allow easy medical data access and a clear picture for patients, doctors and service providers to all aspects of a patient's health. Devices which perform this task can be connected to the receiving devices using a multitude of technology connectionsto the receiving devices using a multitude of technology connections.

Tracking & Tracing

Intelligent Logistics SystemThe exact location of goods and even stolen vehicles can be pinpointed and reconstructed by means of GPS and radio cell location. Data can be exchanged between the control center and the tracking object in real time over the cellular network.

PaymentMobile POS TerminalPOS devices can be installed in open areas where telephone lines are absent. Cellular communication enables payment data to be transmitted securely and reliably

Cellular Security CameraSecurity

Cellular Security CameraThe implementation of M2M technology in alarm systems is significantly improving security, speeding up the transmission of alarm signals and propelling innovation in the security sector.

Vending Machines

Vending MachineVending machines and the goods they are stocked with can be monitored and checked remotely and determining turnover and sales tax levels can be done automatically as well


Machines remotely, and determining turnover and sales tax levels can be done automatically as well.

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Smartphone service

Category 서비스 서비스개요 비고

메신저 상대방의허락후다수의사용자와의채팅, 메일, 파일교환

Situation-aware Service

트위터 (twitter) 마이크로블로그서비스, Obvious Corp.에개설, 영문 140 자이내의글을상대방의허락없이뒤따르는 '팔로우(follow)‘와소통 적은 Data의빈번한송/수

신으로인해, 반복적호설정&해제가발생하므로Signaling부하증가미투데이 (me2DAY) 마이크로블로그서비스, ㈜NHN에의해운영,한글 150 Service Signaling 부하증가

* 현재최고인기서비스

미투데이 (me2DAY) 이내의댓글로소통

페이스북 (Facebook) 마이크로블로그서비스,하버드대학교학생이던마크주커버그가설립, 150 이내의글을올리는서비스

LBS S t h 의기본적인서비스 lLBS Smartphone 의기본적인서비스 : google map

Rapid Service 유튜브 (YouTube) 구글에의해운영,무료동영상공유사이트, 사용자가영상클립을업로드, 보거나, 공유하는서비스 많은양의 Data 를송수신

Active Service SMS & E-mail Smartphone 의기본적인서비스

Tailor-made Web Browsing Smartphone 의경우 Non Smartphone 과달리 PC 에서처

럼 Full browsing 서비스제공

Interface테더링 (tethering) 인터넷에연결된스마트폰등을인터넷모뎀으로활용해


Mash-up Mobile internet 금융거래서비스



ob e te etbanking 금융거래서비스

Page 7: Data Explosion and Wireless Network MigrationWireless ...B1%E8%BF%B5%… · UMTS R99 HSDPA HSPA+ LTE ... Pico/femto concept ... - Improve the overall throughput - Improve the cell

Global projection of mobile data

Mobile data traffic growth

Smartphone shipment forecast


Home Gateways

4,000,000TB per Month


Home Gateways


Laptops and Other Mobile-Ready Portables


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15

(Source : Cisco Visual Network Index Feb 9 2010) (Source : Ovum forecast)


(Source : Cisco Visual Network Index, Feb. 9, 2010) (Source : Ovum forecast)

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Traffic concentrated indoor

› Majority of communications are indoor and traffic generated in the homewill be increased

Source : Gordon Mansfield

Ovum: “60% of mobile data traffic will be generatedi th h b 2013”Europe: 40% Mobile

communications are indoor

US: 60% Mobilecommunications are indoor

in the home by 2013”

Source : MBK Austria, Sep. 2009


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Mobile technology in standard

› To cope with increased data traffic, LTE/LTE-Advanced and WiMAX R.2.0in standard


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Solution for data traffic : tech in standard

› Spectral efficiency: The information rate transmittedover a given bandwidth

› Emergence of new radio tech. to deliver more data on a limited to de e o e data o a tedfrequency spectrum: UMTS R99▶HSDPA▶HSPA+▶LTE

› Currently, OFDMA (LTE/WiMAX) technology shows the best spectral

Source : 4G Americas, Sep. 2008

technology shows the best spectralefficiency


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Solution for data traffic : Frequency

› Easiest way to provide wider pipe is providing as much radio spectrum asrequired

Radio spectrum is limited/precious resource for social welfare- Radio spectrum is limited/precious resource for social welfare

› ITU-R estimated 1300MHz and 1720 MHz spectrum will be required by 2015and 2020 respectivelyy

› Although WRC1) made efforts to achieve available spectrum, additional 500MHzspectrum is required

Total spectrum requirement Recommended spectrum








1300 12801300HigherLower 1212




2010 2015 2020






Source : Rep. ITU-R M.1768, 2006 Source : Rep. ITU-R M.2078, 2006

1) WRC : World radio communication conference

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More frequency

› Frequency re-farming- GSM band (Europe), Digital dividend (Analog TV switch-off)

› International study on the new radio technology› International study on the new radio technology- Cognitive radio


(Source : 1) KCC, 2,3) Ovum)

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Operator’s RAN evolution diversity

• Data explosion• Data offload with different method

• Backhaul variety• Penetration speed of new service

Operator network environmentService pattern variation

• Data offload with different method• Data pattern from text to rich

communication• Region dependency of rural/city,

Penetration speed of new service• Geographic diversity• Coverage / capacity focusing• Population or mass of businessg p y y

indoor/outdoor• ICT infra maturity / Service maturity

p• Wireless service technology • Frequency allocated

Operator’s RAN evolution diversity


Optic backhaul


S ll ll


Cloud RAN LTE evolution WiFi


Small cell


Micro cell pico cellMacro cell femto cell

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Technology enhancement with LTE-Advanced

Technologies that can boost capacity within limited spectrum availability and same cell structure

Higher-order MIMO Capacity is proportional to the number of layers that can be carried by wireless channel. (upto 8 antenna)

Carrier Aggregation Aggregation of multiple frequency band to support wider spectrum for increasing data rate

Adaptive beamformingSINR can be increased by changing antenna directions to avoid interferences. Also, multiple users can be multiplexed over same resources (SDMA).

Coordinated Multi-Point operation (CoMP)

Interference can be mitigated by cooperation between sectors or different sites so that cell edge user data and spectral efficiency can be improved. (Rel.11)

Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Cancellation (ICIC)

Cell capacity can be improved by coordinating interferences between heterogeneous networks over same spectrum.


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Small cell needs

› Small cells achieve higher spectrum efficiency due to frequency reuse› Small cell is the most powerful way to increase the capacity of wireless system



] Shannon Limit




cy [b


z] Wireless Comm. System

Ty i l f t ll




m E



Typical macrocell

Typical femtocellrange


Cell throughput / Km2





m Typical macrocellrange




-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 250

Signal to noise ratio(SNR) [dB]


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Pico/femto concept

› Effective way for capacity & coverage extension› New business opportunity for home and office


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Relay node

› Relay- Relaying eNode-B signals to/from terminal with in-band wireless backhaul communication- Providing coverage extension and capacity increaseProviding coverage extension and capacity increase

› Value- Relay is Intelligent repeater that can move and- Extend the range of service- Improve the data rate coverage- Improve the overall throughput- Improve the cell edge performance


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SON (Self-Organizing Network)

• Automatic installation procedures to get the necessary basic configuration for system operation


Always on RAN performance it i b d NBnecessary basic configuration for system operation

• Pre-operational state during power-up and backbone connectivity

monitoring based on eNBand UE reporting


S lf l bl C llConfiguration

• Network auto-tuning process using UE and eNodeB measurements Self Deployable Cell profiles



eNodeB measurements• Operational state after RF interface is additionally

switched on


HO failure reporting with location info

Automatic Common Channel Power Control

Very low throughput reporting with location info location info.Channel Power Control with location info.


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Data offload with WiFi

› Different radio access technologies can offload data traffic on the cellularnetwork resulting in capacity enhancement

Wi Fi/Wibro- Wi-Fi/Wibro

› 24% of traffic in the US came over WiFi (May, 2010)

(Source : Admob May 2010)(Source : Admob, May, 2010)


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Whitespace (Super WiFi)

› Definition of Cognitive Radio- According to the frequency usage status, the terminal can dynamically detect the idle frequency

channels and use the idle frequency dynamically for a while without any impact to the existingchannels and use the idle frequency dynamically for a while without any impact to the existing communication channels


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Idle channel status for Whitespace

› FCC says that the average channel usage of allocated frequency is lowerthan 30%FCC t C iti di f i i f ffi i› FCC supports Cognitive radio for increasing frequency usage efficiency

(Source : FCC, Spectrum Policy Task Force, Technology Advisory Council (TAC) Briefing, Dec. 2002)


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Cognitive radio technology for Whitespace

RF/Analog Front-End Digital Baseband MAC Layer



IFFT PowerControl


FFT Channel Interference

Time / FreqSpace Sel

QoS vs.Rate

Learn Feedback


~~ LMA


A/D FFT Sel/Est Meas/Cancel Environ. To CRs~~

Dynamic Frequency


Wide band antenna and PA technology

Optimal transmit parameterdetection technology

Signal detection and prediction

y q ySelection

Channel status andcapacity detection

Signal detection and prediction

Multi-carrier technologies & MIMO

Spectrum monitoring technologies

Signal detectionmanagement and control

Optimized resourcell ti

High speed A/D & D/A Adaptive modulation & Powercontrol technology


Spectrum sharing

PHY Adaptability controlp y


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Cloud RAN

Cloud RAN is the digital unit / RF unit separated cell deployment



Integrated NodeB Cloud RANTS : Transmission System OF : Optical Fiber


TSTS CloudCommunicationCenter

Transmission aggregation site



Optic Cable

Cell Site






RRU of NodeB

TS SiteDU of NodeB

RRU of NodeB

DU of NodeB

(DU : Digital Unit, RRU : Remote Radio Unit)


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Cloud RAN benefit

› Pros- Reduce the site operation costs (Indoor rental cost vs. rooftop rental cost, no air conditional system, no transmission in building)

- Reduce the site visit cost via centralized MU (Main Unit)CCC (MU it ) i t ’ b ildi- CCC (MU site) is operator’s own building

- Baseband processing resource sharing among cells- Site cooperation for interference management, resource management

› Cons› Cons- Optic cable cost with huge data transmission


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Cloud RAN variation

› Cloud communication variation according to backhaul type, physical layer location, baseband hardware, antenna type and backhaul compression

Antenna, BB HW Backhaul type HW sharing

RF unit


RF unit

opticPassive antenna / Active antenna


PHYL2/3RF unit


RF unit RF unitRF unitPHY










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Active antenna

› Pros- High power efficiency with the elimination of feeder cable- Small size, zero footprint, light weight → easy installation- Low power PA with low cost → Low power consumption- Easy to implement multiple antenna schemes

› Cons- Difficulty in maintenance caused by active RF components of roof top


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Networked everything

networked gamingnetworked buildings

t k d itinetworked print

networked healthcare

networked cities

networked radionetworked healthcare

networked bankingnetworked messaging

networked television

networked messaging

networked gridsnetworked television

networked music networked transportation

networked video networked agriculture


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Drivers for networked everything

People LifestyleHealthConvenienceConvenienceSafety

Businesses SocietiesBusinesses SocietiesProductivity

Cost efficiencyRegulations



SecuritySocial costTechnology

Broadband ubiquity Cost of connected device

Everything that benefits from a network connection will have one(Source : Ericsson)


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Connected devices

(Source : Ericsson)


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