David Leach 3, Cherwell Road Keynsham BS31 1QU Tel: 0117 986 6187 E’Mail: asnarpo @blueyonder.co.uk Branch 2 Avon and Somerset Newsletter Number 142 National Association of Retired Police Officers July 2010 Dear Friends, Even before the April edition of this Newsletter had arrived 32 members and guests attended the Annual General Meeting at Headquarters. We were sorry to see that some regulars were unable to make it but pleased that a few new faces appeared. Please see my summary of the proceedings on pages two and three. I was, of course, delighted and not a little surprised when the Chief Constable, Colin D. Port, announced, at the Annual Reunion Dinner, that the Branch Committee had decided to award me Life Membership of NARPO. I was pleased that Gill got a mention as well, as what I manage to do for the Branch is so very much with her help and support. To the Committee, who kept the secret very well, and to those many who spoke to me on the night and since, thank you all. My report on the evening is on page four. Soon after the General Election and Coalition negotiations were completed, I wrote on behalf of us all to the 11 MPs in Somerset and South Gloucestershire, Pat Gates undertook to write to the MPs in Bristol constituencies. The purpose was to ensure that they are all aware of our presence and concerns. I received only three responses, one from Dr Liam Fox indicating that he would send our letter to the Police Minister and the others from MPs who evidently, from their invitations to inform them of any issues we may have, had not read our letter. The changes made at Wakefield have brought me into closer (Internet) involvement with the national membership database but the down side is that I receive very little by way of confirmation regarding the information that they enter on to the system. I make a plea later and have no shame in stating it here as well. I really do need to know when you have any contact information changes. If you wish to tell Wakefield as well that is fine but please do directly tell me. My concern is that the records of our over 1,400 members will soon lose their current accuracy if I cannot keep on top of what changes are appropriate. Gill and I have had a couple of our short breaks but the weather was not the best we have experienced until a few days in Norfolk early in June. The Canal Trip was on another level, with glorious hot sunshine all the way. Let us hope that these Summer months really are the BBQ weather we were promised in 2009. Page 1 of 8 www.asnarpo.org Forthcoming Events NARPO Golf Championships Worlebury Golf Club on Wednesday, 21st July, 2010 - tee off at 12noon. Bath Police Retired Club - Garden Buffet Lunch - Newbridge, Bath - Sunday, 15th August, 2010. Contact Clive Tilling on 01225 481564 or Jim Cantello on 01761 414343. 75 Years of Force Rugby Celebration - 22nd September, 2010 at Gordano RFC - see page five. National Police Memorial Day - Sunday, 26th September, 2010 Headquarters - The Remembrance Service will be held in the Memorial Garden or Gordano Room at 11 a.m. Weston-super-Mare - 2.45p.m. The Police Memorial Day Parade at Weston-super-Mare, starts from Waliscote Primary School, opposite the Police Station. Those joining the Parade are asked to assemble from 2.15p.m. for light refreshment before Parade muster. The Parade will set off at 2.45p.m., pass the Police Station for the salute by Senior Officers and Guests and to the Clarence Park Baptist Church for a 3p.m. Service. It is anticipated that the Parade will include horses from the Police Mounted Section and the Avon Fire Service Band and their Drill Squad. The Blue Knights England XIV mo- torcycle club, consisting of serving and retired Police Officers, will escort the Parade. Singing at the Service is to be lead by the Force Male Voice Choir. The Service will be followed by a light buffet in the Church Hall.

David Leach Branch 2 Avon and Somerset · The Police Memorial Day Parade at Weston-super-Mare, starts from Waliscote Primary School, opposite the ... The reason was the late submission

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Page 1: David Leach Branch 2 Avon and Somerset · The Police Memorial Day Parade at Weston-super-Mare, starts from Waliscote Primary School, opposite the ... The reason was the late submission

David Leach

3, Cherwell Road


BS31 1QU

Tel: 0117 986 6187

E’Mail: asnarpo


Branch 2

Avon and Somerset

Newsletter Number

142 National Association of

Retired Police Officers



Dear Friends,

Even before the April edition of this Newsletter had arrived 32 members and guests attended the Annual

General Meeting at Headquarters. We were sorry to see that some regulars were unable to make it but pleased that

a few new faces appeared. Please see my summary of the proceedings on pages two and three.

I was, of course, delighted and not a little surprised when the Chief Constable, Colin D. Port, announced, at

the Annual Reunion Dinner, that the Branch Committee had decided to award me Life Membership of NARPO. I

was pleased that Gill got a mention as well, as what I manage to do for the Branch is so very much with her help

and support. To the Committee, who kept the secret very well, and to those many who spoke to me on the night

and since, thank you all. My report on the evening is on page four.

Soon after the General Election and Coalition negotiations were completed, I wrote on behalf of us all to the

11 MPs in Somerset and South Gloucestershire, Pat Gates undertook to write to the MPs in Bristol constituencies.

The purpose was to ensure that they are all aware of our presence and concerns. I received only three responses,

one from Dr Liam Fox indicating that he would send our letter to the Police Minister and the others from MPs who

evidently, from their invitations to inform them of any issues we may have, had not read our letter.

The changes made at Wakefield have brought me into closer (Internet) involvement with the national

membership database but the down side is that I receive very little by way of confirmation regarding the

information that they enter on to the system. I make a plea later and have no shame in stating it here as well. I

really do need to know when you have any contact information changes. If you wish to tell Wakefield as well that

is fine but please do directly tell me. My concern is that the records of our over 1,400 members will soon lose their

current accuracy if I cannot keep on top of what changes are appropriate.

Gill and I have had a couple of our short breaks but the weather was not the best we have experienced until a

few days in Norfolk early in June. The Canal Trip was on another level, with glorious hot sunshine all the way.

Let us hope that these Summer months really are the BBQ weather we were promised in 2009.

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Forthcoming Events

NARPO Golf Championships

Worlebury Golf Club on Wednesday, 21st July, 2010 - tee off at 12noon.

Bath Police Retired Club - Garden Buffet Lunch - Newbridge, Bath - Sunday, 15th August, 2010.

Contact Clive Tilling on 01225 481564 or Jim Cantello on 01761 414343.

75 Years of Force Rugby Celebration - 22nd September, 2010 at Gordano RFC - see page five.

National Police Memorial Day - Sunday, 26th September, 2010

Headquarters - The Remembrance Service will be held in the Memorial Garden or Gordano Room at 11 a.m.

Weston-super-Mare - 2.45p.m.

The Police Memorial Day Parade at Weston-super-Mare, starts from Waliscote Primary School, opposite the

Police Station. Those joining the Parade are asked to assemble from 2.15p.m. for light refreshment before Parade


The Parade will set off at 2.45p.m., pass the Police Station for the salute by Senior Officers and Guests and to

the Clarence Park Baptist Church for a 3p.m. Service. It is anticipated that the Parade will include horses from the

Police Mounted Section and the Avon Fire Service Band and their Drill Squad. The Blue Knights England XIV mo-

torcycle club, consisting of serving and retired Police Officers, will escort the Parade. Singing at the Service is to be

lead by the Force Male Voice Choir.

The Service will be followed by a light buffet in the Church Hall.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Force Male Voice Choir

The programme of concerts in 2010 is as follows. All concerts start at 7.30 p.m.:

Sunday, 18th July, 2010 Police Open Day, Headquarters, Portishead

Sunday, 26th September, 2010 National Police Memorial Day Service, Clarence Park Baptist, W-s-Mare

Saturday, 9th October, 2010 St Martin’s Church, Knowle, Bristol (Joint Concert)

Saturday, 16th October, 2010 St Mary’s Church, Shirehampton, Bristol

Saturday, 23rd October, 2010 Methodist Church, Staple Hill, South Gloucestershire

Saturday, 20th November, 2010 United Reformed Church, Portishead

Saturday, 4th December, 2010 Baptist Church, Fishponds, Bristol

Saturday, 18th December, 2010 St Peter’s Church, Henleaze, Bristol

The Choir will be pleased to have your support at each of the venues and to welcome new members.

If you would like to join the Choir please ring Pete Carlyon on 01934 513320 or, to book concert slots for

2011, ring Clive Griffiths on 01275 818709.

Annual General Meeting - Headquarters - Saturday 10th April, 2010

Thirty two members and guests attended the Main Conference Room at Headquarters at 3p.m. on 10th April

and were welcomed by our Chairman, Bryan Brice QPM. The Committee take encouragement from the fact that

the attendance is only about 2% of the membership and that this is an indication that we are doing most things

right! Why not take the chance now to reserve the 9th April, 2011 for an afternoon at Portishead.

Our Branch President, Chief Constable Mr. Colin D. Port, brought us up to date with what has been going on

in the Force since last year. He told us of the special funding that had been identified, £174million over a number

of years to come, for the refurbishment of some Stations and the new building of others to replace older premises.

He accepted that some of us would be sad to see some of the old stations disappear but the current officers will

welcome premises more suited to the current needs. There has been developed a resurgence of the former Crime

Squad arrangements with the new title Zephyr and joint operations are being developed with Wiltshire for policing

along the border of the two Force areas. Mr. Port reflected upon his very public debate with the lawyers regarding

his refusal to return material containing images of children but, rightly, did not expect that his audience at the

AGM would have any difficulty understanding his viewpoint.

I reported that the Branch had been growing year on year and that 2009 was no exception. The various social

activities had been well supported and provided welcome opportunities to meet up with old friends. The year had

closed with a small group of members helping Radstock Museum to mount a very worthwhile exhibition on Law &


Ken Jones, our Honorary Treasurer, was forced to identify that 2009 was the first year that we had shown a

net loss. The reason was the late submission of their invoice by Boots the Chemists from 2008 and prompt render-

ing for payment for 2009, making two payments in the one calendar year. The situation taken across both years,

combined, identifies no real cause for concern. Ken’s problems with his dealings with the County Treasurer’s De-

partment at County Hall were brought to notice but seem to be reflected in other administrative and financial rela-

tionships in recent times. We have, since the AGM, written to the appropriate officers and received an apology and

undertaking that matters will improve, an undertaking that your committee will continue to monitor.

John Vincent, Branch Welfare Officer, reminded everyone of our good fortune in having an accessible Force

Welfare Department which, despite its small size, still takes an interest in retired officers. This is especially to the

credit of Wendy Thompson who has the title of Manager but is much more than that to our members when they

need support. John reflected, without naming anyone, on the activities he and other Officers in the Branch had en-

gaged upon in 2009 to help members needing advice and support. He thanked those who had volunteered to help

him in his task across the Force area and beyond and reiterated that he would welcome such offers from more of

our able members to help those who currently find themselves less able. Contact John on 01934 413153 if you can

offer further occasional assistance.

Alex Duncan, Secretary to the JBB of the Police Federation reflected on some of Ken Jones’ comments in

that the new computer system being used for personnel and pay purposes seems to have given much cause for con-

cern. There have been some changes in the personalities within the JBB and the Police Federation nationally is in

close scrutiny of its financial balance with the funds held locally.

The Chairman thanked each speaker in turn for their presentations and their continued efforts in support of

the Branch and its members.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Elected Officers - 2009/2010

President The Chief Constable, Mr. Colin D. Port

Vice President Dennis GREENSLADE

Chairman Bryan BRICE Vice Chairman Rod DEANE

Secretary David LEACH Treasurer Ken JONES

Auditor George GILES Welfare Officer John VINCENT

Committee Malcolm BLACKMORE Mrs. Terry CARTHEW




Annual General Meeting - Headquarters - Saturday 10th April, 2010 (Cont.)

Pat Gates addressed the meeting and brought us all up to date with the activities of the various committees of

the National Executive. She reflected upon the success of the motion presented by this Branch at Scarborough last

September but was unsure as to what progress we or the other public sector pensioner bodies would make with the

free dental checks proposal. The NEC are, after the refusal of Conference to renew the Care First contract, looking

at ways in which the Welfare provided across all Branches can be improved and brought up to the standard

achieved by some branches. She also mentioned the new national database of membership, SuperSleuth, and that it

was hoped that it would be rolled out across two thirds of branches by July (I have been using it, in its current lim-

ited form, since March but there are aspects which still need addressing for it to be the reliable system we need).

Mr Port briefly took over the Chair while Bryan Brice was re-elected and the remainder of the Officers and

Committee were re-elected en-bloc.

The AGM agreed our representation by six delegates at Conference 2010 at Torquay and members were re-

minded of the arrangements in hand for the upcoming Annual Reunion Dinner and the Grand Western Canal trip

on 25th June.

We all removed to the Memorial Garden for a short act of remembrance and closed the afternoon with a deli-

cious buffet provided by the Chief Constable in the Gordano Room.

End-to-End Bike Ride - August

I have received the information from Nigel Wright that he will be making the longest direct journey in the

UK, from Lands End to John O’Groats during August. Although a bit (big bit) of a personal challenge, Nigel is

looking for sponsors so that he can boost the funds of Help for Heroes, especially the rehabilitation section of that

charity, known as Battle Back. You can get more information at www.helpforheroes.org.uk/battleback.html or

contact Nigel through his web page at www.bmycharity.com/V2/nigelLE2JoG or on 0117 986 9338.

Frank James Harry WEBB - 24th July, 1929 till 11th April, 2010

My thanks to Frank’s wife, Margaret, for the information from which this obituary has been drawn.

Frank was born at Teignmouth, Devon. His early teens were during the austere war years, made harder by

his father’s absence in the Royal Navy and less than secure in that Teignmouth did not escape German bombing

attention. Indeed, Frank was close to being one of the 80 townspeople killed by enemy action when a friend stand-

ing close to him on the Pier was killed by a German aircraft. Later in the War he came to the aid of a neighbour

who was blinded by shattered glass in another raid. His National Service soon followed the end of the War and he

spent time in North Africa. His youth-found skills at rugby were recognised in the Army and when he returned to

Teignmouth he played at the Den and became a member of the Town team. He must have been well thought of as

the Team Chairman presented him with some new boots in 1952 as Frank moved to join the Somerset Police.

Right from Training School Frank’s rugby prowess was exploited. In the Force he played at county and na-

tional level and even played for Somerset when the Force was able to allow him the time to play. Frank was sta-

tioned at Somerton, East Brent, Burnham on Sea and Weston-super-Mare. He met and married Margaret, who

worked at the Taunton Headquarters and they were to have Alison and Adrian, followed by five grandchildren.

Upon police retirement in 1982, Frank worked for a local firm of solicitors and kept a keen interest in sport, play-

ing golf regularly. Becoming very ill in his last few months, he gained support from Margaret and his family and

was well cared for at Ambleside Nursing Home. A loved husband and father, Frank will be sorely missed.

£217 was raised for Flint House at Frank’s Funeral and Margaret thanks all those who have made contact.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Reunion Dinner - Brean - 7th May, 2010

Thanks to the efforts of Dru Perry and John & Anne Beaven in

arranging, booking and transport for a large contingent from Yeovil,

the 2010 Dinner beat all known records hands-down. The manage-

ment at Brean had dim recollections of slightly larger gatherings in

the early days following the formation of the Branch but in recent

years the 139 attending on Friday, 7th May, 2010 was a strong indi-

cation of the popularity of this great annual get-together. If, for

whatever reason, you missed out and want to look forward to meet-

ing up with old friends and colleagues in 2011, the Dinner will be on

the evening of Friday, 6th May.

I have tried to select a few photographs that give

the flavour of what a grand opportunity the Dinner is

for members and guests to join in reflecting the old

camaraderie. Thanks to the new uptake of the Dinner

opportunity by members from the Yeovil area, Gill and

I met some old friends we had not seen for a long time

and this was evidently true for a great many others.

Although the coach from Yeovil was initiated from

within the Former Traffic group they kindly opened its

availability to others who found it a real incentive to

make the journey to Brean. John Beaven (we were

youngsters together at W-s-Mare in the mid-1960s)

told me towards the end of the evening that their group

are looking toward attending again in 2011, so watch

out for the coach information next January.

Our Guests were the Chief Constable, Colin D. Port;

Alex & Mrs Duncan, from the Police Federation; Brian &

Mrs McDowell and Mike & Mrs Massey from the Bristol

(Avon) Branch NARPO. Although the convention is that the

speeches at the Dinner are usually confined to a welcome to

everyone from our Chairman, Bryan Brice QPM, this year

the Chief Constable got to his feet and surprised me with the

presentation of my Life Membership Certificate.

The arrangements at The Tavern at Brean were as ex-

cellent as they have always been. The only comment made

to me on the evening, and since, is that the meal, seemingly

impossibly, was even better than in previous years. The

management and staff of Brean Leisure Centre certainly look

after us well and we thank them for that.

We tried a new ploy with the Raffle this year and

incorporated a small contribution toward the prizes within

the cost of attendance at the dinner. It resulted in Terry

Carthew and her friends having a little more time to chat

and the single ticket per member and guest attending

seemed to work well, except that our Branch guests did

not do as well as they have in the past! Thanks to Eric,

Fred and Bob for their smooth running of the draw.

All-in-all another great, perhaps even greatest, An-

nual Reunion Dinner. No apology for repeating that the

next Dinner will be at Brean and on the evening of Friday,

6th May, 2011 - be sure not to miss it.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Chance Encounter with a 65 year old connection

My thanks to Brian Watts for a most interesting telephone call and letter from which this article is drawn.

Brian’s elder brother, Raymond, enlisted in the RAF in 1940 and was a radio operator/air gunner on Avro

Lancaster bombers of 156 Pathfinder Squadron. Returning from a raid on Duisburg on 22nd May, 1944, their air-

craft was shot down by a Messerschmitt. The pilot parachuted and survived but Raymond and the rest of the crew

of the Lancaster perished as the aircraft crashed near the small Dutch village of Molewaarsgraaf. The mayor of the

village arranged a funeral service which was grudgingly permitted by the German occupying forces with only the

most basic military honours were offered. In 1956 Brian, accompanied by his late wife and sister, visited Mole-


During the Summer of 2009 Brian was on the beach at Seatown in Dorset when he chanced to meet a Dutch

lady, Christine Schoepen, who was holidaying in Lyme Regis with her three children and her mother. The brief

conversation revealed that Christine’s parents live at Molewaarsgraaf and that her mother regularly places flowers

on the graves of Raymond and his comrades. Having enquired as to Raymond’s full name, Christine returned with

a laptop containing his photograph and those of the other aircrew with a detailed description of the tragedy.

As a consequence of this amazing chance meeting, Brian, with his two daughters and son-in-law, went to

Molewaarsgraaf on 4th May this year to attend the ceremony to honour the aircrew which has been an annual event

over all the intervening years and a demonstration of the gratitude of the Dutch people for the allies attempts to lib-

erate them. Brian and his family were greeted by the Mayor and they were joined by Christine in the front seats in

the Church. Brian was asked to say a few words, with Christine acting as interpreter, and he told them of his last-

ing memories, as a boy of 13, of his elder brother. At the reception after the Service, everyone wanted to shake his

hand. The next day they were guests of honour at the concert, held every five years, that celebrates the Dutch lib-

eration from their German occupying forces. In his welcome at the concert, the Mayor again reflected upon the

sacrifice of Raymond and his fellow aircrew and all stood to applaud.

Before they left to return from Molewaarsgraaf, Brian was presented with a file with a photograph of his

brother on the front cover. It contained more photographs and the details of the crash all those years ago. Brian

was told that a local man had stayed up all night assembling the file in Raymond’s honour and the result will be

cherished by Brian and his family. They were struck by the kindness of their welcome and the sincerity of the grat-

itude of the people of Molewaarsgraaf for the sacrifice of those airmen in 1944.

Brian retired as a DC in 1985 and his late brother, Reg, who also saw War Service in the RAF as a pilot, re-

tired from the Somersetshire Constabulary in 1965.

75 Years of Force Rugby - Celebration 22nd September, 2010 - Gordano RFC

My thanks to Mark Davey for the following information and open invitation to our members.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the start of Force Representative Rugby, initially in the former Som-

ersetshire Constabulary and carried through into the current Force. Mark Davey, former player and in HQ CID at

Portishead, contactable on [email protected] or [email protected], is coordinating

the responses and would be pleased to hear from you.

There is to be an Exhibition Match between the current Force Team and a joint Avon Ambulance & Avon

Fire Brigade team. Mark expects to have more information available nearer to the date but is hoping that past play-

ers and supporters will bring along items of memorabilia and photographs for display.

The next Newsletter will be too late for this event so if you want to know more but do not have the means to

contact Mark, please get in touch through me.

Bath Police Retired Club - Spring Pub Lunch

My thanks to Jim Cantello for his report on another BPRC event.

Due to the steepness of the stairs in the Joliffe Arms at Kilmersdon and the resultant risk to life and limb,

the Bath Police Retired Club committee decided that a change of venue was needed for this year’s Pub Lunch out-

ing. Their choice was the Rose & Crown at Hinton Charterhouse and the appropriateness of the decision was re-

flected in the size of the attendance. In all forty seven gathered at the pub on Wednesday, 9th June for an excel-

lent lunch, top quality service and the usual vociferous exchange of news and views provided, of course, that you

could make your voice heard above the general commotion!

Thanks to the efforts of the committee members, the occasion was a great success enjoyed by all, especially

with no stairs to climb. Again we experienced the all pervading air of friendship and comradeship that attend all

our get togethers.

If you live near Bath and want to get in on these great gatherings, contact Clive Tilling on 01225 481564.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Summer Outing 2010 - Grand West-

ern Canal, Tiverton

Friday, 25th June, 2010

As 1.15p.m. approached on a glo-

riously sunny Friday afternoon, 25th

June, so 63 members and guests con-

gregated on the quayside at Tiverton to

see the narrow boat, Tivertonian, being

manoeuvred into position. The hot

weather had encouraged many to arrive

early and partake of the food and drink

available around the starting point of

our afternoon’s trip and to renew many

acquaintances going back over the

years. The first picture shows us get-

ting ready to board the vessel before

she was turned in the basin ready for

the hour of leisurely cruising along the

old Grand Western Canal.

With our single horsepower harnessed

up we set off at a slow walking pace along

the elevated section of the Canal with reeds

and rushes only partially hiding the beautiful

view across the Culm Valley. Most enjoyed

their cream tea while we completed this leg

of the journey. The hour took us to East

Manley where most took the short walk to

see the old aqueduct, at one time spanning the

railway line between Tiverton and the main

Bristol & Exeter route at Tiverton Junction,

all now consigned to history. While we

viewed the aqueduct, Dandy sampled more

grass growing beside the towpath while he

recharged his batteries for the return trip.

Bryan Brice took an opportunity to thank our

hosts and to congratulate Jill & Rod Deane, ably

assisted by granddaughter, Maddie, on another su-

perbly organised Summer Outing, the third they

have arranged for us. We all participated in a silent

couple of minutes, quite how we managed that was

some surprise, and experienced the tranquillity of

the lapping water at the side of the boat and the

regular ‘clip-clop’ of Dandy’s hooves. The photo-

graph shows Dandy giving his workmate, Jessie, a

lift back to base.

Thanks, indeed, to Jill & Rod for another

great day out and to all who attended for the grand

company we were able to share.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Members’ Holiday Accommodation

In the depths of Winter you may be planning a break or expecting visitors you cannot accommodate, so here

again is the list of Branch members providing accommodation:

Prior House, Bath Lynn Shearn on 01225 313587 or [email protected]

Huelgoat, Brittany, Apartment Tom & Iris Norman on 07854193803 or [email protected]

Springfield House, Stoney Stratton Ted Allen on 01749 830748 or [email protected]

Mountain Bike Centre, Aberystwyth Ian Luff on 07815 202012 or [email protected]

Plougasnou, Brittany Beach Cottage Geoff Udall on 01823 331239 Kevin Saunders, [email protected]

Corralejo Apartments, Canaries Trevor Hoskisson on 01984 624650

Florida Villa, USA Cheryl Boyce on 01242 539099 or [email protected]

Redwood Gardens, Niagara, Canada Liz & Ian Rigg on 1 905 468 5258 or redwoodgarden.ca

Ross on Wye Charles Lerpiniere on 01989 720485 or Huntersmoon.wyenet.co.uk

Almerimar, Andalucia, Spain Alan Higgs on 01278 684416 or [email protected]

Larnaca Cyprus David & Sue Grainger on 01454 884938 or [email protected]

Orlando, Florida, Villa Tina & John Daley on 0117 979 9050 or [email protected]

Tregenna Guest House, Falmouth Steve & Jayne Gray on 01326 313881 or www.tregennafalmouth.co.uk

Santa Maria, Mallorca - 4 bed house Michele Richardson on 07901827398 or www.canrichardson.com

Stilegate, West Quantoxhead B&B Heidi Morse on 01984 639119 or www.stilegate.co.uk

Kruger Nat. Park, South Africa Dave Corlett on +27(0)82 555 7075 or www.knobthornhouse.com

Also, Martin Holcombe and his wife arrange Bridge Holidays in the UK and Europe. All levels of experience

appear to be catered for and quite a range of locations. Contact Martin on 01934 876500 www.bridge-holidays.com.

Members’ Business Offers

As identified in the October Newsletter, the following Branch Members have identified their post-police

retirement business interests. If you are interested in availing yourselves of their services please contact them di-


Private Hire Services (Wincanton) Jeff Salter on 01963 34318 or www.daxgroup.co.uk

Plumbing, Heating & Electrical (W-s-M) Dave Allen Plumbing on 01934 633726 or 07970950768

Bridge Lessons for Beginners Nigel Cox on 01643 708055 Minehead/Taunton/Bridgwater.

Stamps - British & Colonial Nigel Cox on 01643 708055 Stamp Fairs throughout the South West.

Oxleaze Kitchens & Joinery Biggs on 01761 462927 or www.oxleazeworkshop.co.uk.

Toastmaster Services David Read on 01934 513489 or www.davidreadtoastmaster.co.uk.

Wills & Power of Attorney David Read on 01934 513489

AALocksmiths Craig Andres on 0117 907 7498 or www.aalockandkey.co.uk.

Driving Instruction, W-s-M/N Som. area Mike Tew on 01934 626173 or see www.mikesdriving academy.co.uk.

Malcolm Boots (54 years) 14th March, 2010

My thanks to Dennis Greenslade for his report marking this sad early departure.

Malcolm died on the 81st birthday of his mother Joan Boots. Her husband, Fred, who passed away in 1994

at the age of 64, was a well-known local Constable at Watchet from 1954 till 1982. Malcolm died at the hospice

in Basingstoke, Hampshire, surrounded by his family, having been diagnosed with a brain tumour only in Janu-

ary. He and his wife had three children.

Departing too soon, Malcolm had a distinguished career as a National Forensic Specialist within the Crime

Operations Support Unit within the Home Office. He provided forensic advice in serious crime investigations for

police forces throughout this country and overseas.

Tom McArthur, Director of Operations, and Anne Harrison, Head of Specialist Operations Support, joined

in marking Malcolm’s significant contribution to forensic science. Upon receipt of the sad news flags on the

buildings of the Forensic Science Department of the Home Office were flown at half-mast in tribute.

Joan has another son who works at GCHQ in Cheltenham.


Since earlier in this year the staff at Wakefield have ceased to let me know of any changes which they re-

ceive direct from members. By constantly monitoring changes to the national database put on from NARPO

House I can, but not easily, pick up your new addresses. My life is, however, made much easier when members

notify their changes of address or other information to me in the first instant. I now have the facility to update

the national database direct and do so as soon as I know of a change. PLEASE LET ME KNOW - FIRST.

Page 8: David Leach Branch 2 Avon and Somerset · The Police Memorial Day Parade at Weston-super-Mare, starts from Waliscote Primary School, opposite the ... The reason was the late submission

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2010

Member Changes

We welcome the following new Members:

Ronald BROOME Chief Constable, who retired in June, 1989.

Stephen BENDELL Constable attached Cwmbran, who retired on 6th October, 2004.

Stephen LAWRENCE D/Inspector from Headquarters, who retired on 11th November, 2009.

Douglas SHAW Constable from Burnham on Sea, who retired on 1st January, 2010.

David GRUNDY Constable from HQ Comms, who retired on 3rd February, 2010

Paul BUNT Inspector from Headquarters CID, who retired on 5th February, 2010.

Alan SMITH Constable from Taunton, who retired on 1st March, 2010.

Keith MEAKIN Constable from Trinity Road, who retired on 6th March, 2010.

Trevor SIMPSON D/Superintendent from HQ CID, who retired on 2nd May, 2010.

Anthony OLIVER Superintendent from Staple Hill, who retired on 9th May, 2010.

Richard WAND, a Full Member of the Bristol (Avon) Branch NARPO, has joined us as an Additional Member.


It is with deep regret that I report the deaths of the following members and offer sincere sympathy to all of

their relatives and friends:

5th April, 2010 James Provan (Jim) SIMPSON, 83 years, who retired in 1981. He leaves a widow, Flora.

11th April, 2010 Frank WEBB, 80 years, who retired in 1982. He leaves a widow, Margaret.

22nd April, 2010 Pam GWILLIAM, 65 years, wife of John, who retired in 1977 and lives at Bridgwater.

4th May, 2010 Audrey PARKINSON, widow of Dennis who retired in 1977 and died in 2002.

17th May, 2010 Joan LEGGE, 87 years, widow of Leonard who retired in 1969 and died in 2006.

26th May, 2010 Daisy BAKER, 95 years, widow of Ernest, who retired in 1972 and died in 1999.

28th May, 2010 Keith SHORE, 81 years, who retired in 1984. He leaves a widow, Gladys.

9th June, 2010 Paul KINGSTON, who joined the Branch in 1973. He leaves a widow, June.

The small Print—I must take the precaution of adding this note to safeguard the Avon and Somerset Branch of NARPO and me. Services and products that

are referred to in this Newsletter are included for information only and their appearance in these pages does not indicate any recommendation. The com-

ments of contributors to the Newsletter are their own and not, necessarily, the views of the Branch Officers, Committee or Editor.

Dave LeachDave LeachDave LeachDave Leach

1st July, 2010 Branch Secretary

Radstock Museum - Thank You

Through May the staff at Radstock Museum were kept busy demounting the Law & Order Exhibition and

setting up that for the next quarter, with the theme of Football. Then came the exercise of restoring the items

loaned back to their rightful places.

I would like to place on record our appreciation for the small team of members who made the contributions

required for this to have been a really great opportunity for us to show what we were all about during our years of

Service. No list, you know who you are, but a very sincere THANK YOU.

Combe Grove Manor Country Club

We have been contacted by the management at Combe Grove Manor Country Club, Brassknocker Hill,

Monkton Combe, Bath BA2 7HS, who are offering NARPO Members discounted access to their recreational fa-

cilities. Take a look at www.barcelohotels.co.uk. If you want more details and/or to book a tour of the Club,

please call Kevin, Sara or Geraldine on 01225 835533.

Tax Coding

From recent personal experience and contact from several members, it is evident that not all is well in respect

of the income tax coding system and exchange of information from HMRC and South West One (our pension ad-

ministrators). Be sure to check and raise the query if you think either have got it wrong.