David Nedohin Co-Founder, President

David Nedohin Co-Founder, President · • Hololens makes a lot of these initial use cases possible • Almost every industrial customer wants head worn displays. • For many of

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David Nedohin

Co-Founder, President

Shift in the Workforce• Cultural change in workforce

• Diminishing high level experts• Lack of expertise• Increased turnover

• Geographic disparity and global operations

• Mandates to increase efficiency

2March 2017

Industry Focus• Ensuring expert knowledge is

available to anyone• Not Training – only ensure tasks

are completed correctly

3March 2017

• Knowledge Transfer Programs• Predictive Maintenance• Minimizing geographic disparity

AR is really hot right now

4September 2017

New Hardware

AR is Here & Growing RapidlyAR has hit an inflection point


Total AR revenue to be ~$120B by 2020

Better Content

Industry Demand


5March 2017

6March 2017

Augmented Reality (AR) is Here

AR is the new UI paradigm

• Improved Comprehension• Knowledge Transmission• On-Demand Knowledge

7September 2017

Augmented Reality is the Future UI Paradigm

8March 2017

Information, Intelligence & InstructionsMachine

Learning & AI

Big DataInternet of Things

Augmented Reality

But the AR Market is Early

9September 2017

Heavy industry has been left out of the tech revolution - AR bridges the gap

AR in the Enterprise

10March 2017

But There Are Bottlenecks to Mass Adoption• Cost

• Expensive to do custom AR projects• Consumes time & expert resources

• Scale• Cost prohibitive to do multiple AR projects• Can’t reach worldwide user base

• Technology Risk• Hardware and computer vision is changing rapidly• Custom solutions become obsolete quickly

11March 2017

What Has To Happen…?

12March 2017

Scope AR Solved these Bottlenecks


Reduce Downtime Save on CostsScale Your Expertise

Technician Expert

Example Use Cases


• Minimize downtime of critical equipment

• Reduce Expert travel cost

Improve Facility Operations & Mgmt.2Enhance Field

Service1 Deliver Superior Customer Service3

• Always get the job done right the first time

• Improve MTTR & safety

• Increase customer satisfaction

• Meet SLAs & earn more service revenue


Example Use Cases


• Complete complex services with ease

• Digital tracking and verification

Convert Service Manuals to AR2 Accelerate

Training 3AugmentManufacturing1

• Significantly enhance knowledge transfer

• Attract the next generation of workers

• Up to 90% efficiency gains with AR vs. Paper

• Reduce errors and optimize SOPs

Success Stories

17September 2017

Boeing with Upskill’s Skylight platform cut production time substantially and lowered error rates to nearly zero

Success Stories

18September 2017

• Lockheed Martin is using Augmented Reality in their manufacturing processes

• They’ve seen amazing increases engineers’ accuracy, while working much faster.

Success Stories• Caterpillar branded an

AR Remote Assistance tool

• Helps technicians and experts communicate more effectively

19September 2017

This is just the beginning…

20September 2017

• Hololens makes a lot of these initial use cases possible• Almost every industrial customer wants head worn displays. • For many of these use cases, robust tracking is essential

What about ARKit / ARCore?• Apple and Google’s investment in the space means AR is accessible to everyone• Applications previously limited to Hololens are now potentially viable on phones

and tablets to a wider audience • Good first step

21September 2017


22March 2017

…What is AR worth?

Thank You!

23August 2016

David [email protected]
