THE BOOK Meredith Meredith

DAY 15

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DAY 15

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Page 1: DAY 15


Meredith Meredith

Page 2: DAY 15


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.


Page 3: DAY 15


Page 4: DAY 15

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi there, how are you?

There are different types of darkness, the worst type is

spiritual darkness. In this state “Adam” is completely ruled by the

power of emotion. When emotion becomes attached to politics

and an “ism” (socialism, communism etc.), God have mercy upon

us! This when evil is unfettered, history becomes a blood bath.

Countless countries have experienced these dark moments. Here

are some of these reminders;

The Nazi Genocide in 1939-1945 killed an estimated 12

million Jews.

The Armenian Genocide in 1915 killed an estimated 1-1.5

million Armenians.

The Kurdish Genocide in Iran-Iraq war in 1986-1988 killed

over 182,000 Kurdish people.

The Khmer Rouge Genocide in 1975-1979 killed 1.7

million Cambodians.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


The Rwandan Genocide in 1997 killed an estimated

500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans.

The Bosnian Genocide in 1992-1995 killed 100,000

Bosnian people.

Sudan Genocide (a.k.a. war in Darfur) in 2010 killed an

estimated 100,000’s Sudanese.

Tragic results befall us when we come under the power of

emotion. Despair not however, remember “we are energy” no

one lives and dies a senseless life or ceases to exist in the purpose

of God. Our loved ones do not pass into oblivion or heaven or

hell. They are here with us, among us in faces unknown, reaping

the blessing or curse of the law karma.

I have unfolded the mystery in previous “Days” so no point

repeating it here. I shall return to the topic of our earlier

conversation. Colour is vital to our recovery process. Thus, the

worse thing we can do to a person that has broken societal laws

is to incarcerate them. Infact I would say it is the most barbaric

thing we can do to an angel is to “lock them away”.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


A prison is just about the most colourless environment there

is. I understand most prisons have a courtyard where a person

can see some trees and the blue sky? That is not Nature or even

natural. We need the complete experience!

A colourless environment only perpetuates the problem that

brought the offender into prison in the first place. It promotes an

emotion based life. By imprisoning people we teach them not to

feel any more, so we make them into “twice a son of hell” as Jesus

correctly put it. We are not animals that need to be caged when

we misbehave. We are angels needing reformation.

So what should we do with angels that have completely lost

their way? My recommendation is to place “Adam” into a nature

reservation and teach him to feel again. “Adam” will thus return

“twice a son of heaven” and mankind will know enlightenment.

At least that was the original intention when God first put

“Adam” in a garden. The purpose has not changed.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Let’s look at another wonder of Nature - water. Scientist tell

us that our human body is 73 percent water. Imagine that! We

are actually walking water. It is important that we should ask

why we were created this way.

God could have made us out of wood like “Pinocchio”, or

iron like “the Tin Man” or stone like “the Watchers” in the movie

“Noah”, or what about a diamond or gold body? It tickles the

imagination to think about the possibilities. Yet we are created

from a humble element called H2O. More precisely, water is

made of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Why?

Our body is made out of this amazing composition of

molecules because of one primary reason. Water is the essence

(foundation) of our feeling system. Wood, iron, gold etc. cannot

store and conduct feeling. Researcher and Scientist Dr. Masaru

Emoto discovered recently that our words, thoughts, emotions

and music (feeling) all have an effect on water.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Through photos of frozen water droplets, Emoto is able to

illustrate how positive thoughts, words and harmonious music

influence water molecules to make beautiful hexagonal crystals,

while negative thoughts, emotions, harsh music or cell phones

have the opposite effect, transforming water molecules into

smudged, distorted, formless shapes.

Imagine that: if our bodies are made up mostly of water,

what are we doing to our bodies through our thoughts, emotions

or use of various communication devices? Consider the negative

effects of the words that are spoken at you or over you on daily

basis! I wonder what shape your water molecules have assumed

from the day’s feted conversations. Are you Ok?

The key here is to understand that water is the reservoir of

memory. Our past and present is stored in the water molecules

in our biological entities. The brain processes our thoughts and

memories but it does not store the information.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


I understand from medical research that parts of the brain

has the function of short and long term memory. My contention

is that these functions are not memory itself. All memory is

actually stored in the water molecules in our body. If it were not

true then we should be able to remove a person’s brain and

connect it to an artificial life support system and communicate

with it. Yet we know this is not possible.

The brain once it is disconnect from the body dies because

it loses the connection to memory, hence feeling. The idea of a

brain controlling a robotic body has fascinated our modern

generation. I don’t want to disappoint our science fiction lovers

but you cannot ever transfer “consciousness” and “memories”

into a machine like body because metal, gold, copper, plastic etc.

cannot conduct feeling.

Trust me when I tell you that God thought about this before

“He” created this amazing body we ware. Water is the only

natural element that can carry and store feeling.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Water in Nature is a different phenomenon altogether.

Geographers have calculated that 71 percent of the earth’s

surface is water and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of the

Earth’s water. Water also exists in the air as water vapour, in rivers

and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture

and in aquifers. That is a lot of water.

Just about where ever we turn water is in abundance and it

is free. This is not a freak accident of Nature. We have been

deliberately planted in an environment dominated by water

because water has a profound effect upon us. Can you guess

what it is? Yep! A feeling effect.

The whole idea of the abundance of water is to promote

feeling. I kind of liken it to the effect of stage lightening in a rock

concert. It sets the mood and stage. An abundant water filled

Earth is purposed to enhance your feeling connection. The water

in you is connected to the water out there. We share the same

experience. This is going to take another “Day” to explain. I will

continue this Ok. Have a great day!

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Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.

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BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith