DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION LEARN MY 15 MONEY MAKING PATTERNS IN NIFTY & BANK NIFTY - A Webinar by Vikram (Around15 years of experience in stock market) www.pivotcall.com

DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe

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Page 1: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe



- A Webinar by Vikram (Around15 years of experience in stock market)


Page 2: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe





TIMING 12 PM - 6.30 PM (Extendable for extra 1-2 Hours)




Page 3: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe


My Name Is Vikram, I Am A Full - Time Trader and Founder of trading educational Blog called pivotcall.com

My total experience in the stock market is around 15 years, I quit my day job in 2018 and a full time trader now.

My expertise lies in trading Nifty & Bank Nifty on a 5 min. time frame with pivot points and price action

Objective of this webinar is to make each participant independent in analyzing and reading charts so that they can trade on their own and don’t depend on Tips or advisory services.

My course is designed to empower traders with powerful day trading strategies combined with strict discipline and money management.


Page 4: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe


It’s an online webinar of around 6.30 hours (extendable for extra 1-2 hours) covering powerful technique of Pivot points with Price action in Day Trading plus Risk Management and Trading Psychology.

The major part of this webinar will be on discussing my 15 day trading patterns and price behavior and how one can effectively trade them, with examples of more than 100s of charts

Students would need a laptop or a PC having a good internet speed and a good speaker.

Participants numbers per webinar will be limited to small to medium so that one to one focus can be given to each participant.

Webinar will be hosted through a webinar software link, which will be shared well in advance to each participant to download.

(more information on this webinar are given on FAQ(frequently asked question) section)


Page 5: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe



• Basics of pivot points, price action and powerful candle stick patterns in day trading

• Important pivots and secrets of pivot points in day trading

• How to prepare your chart by marking important zones before market opening

• How to use Trading view software for day trading

• Q&A Session


• Discussion of all 15 patterns and it’s strategies with historical charts (more than 100 charts will be discussed)

• Trading the opening secret in Nifty & Bank Nifty

• When to ride the trend and when to scalp the trade.

• My SL(stop loss) method in day trading

• Secrets of using moving averages in day trading

• How do I select option strikes for my day trading

• Q&A Session


Page 6: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe



• Importance of Risk - Reward in each trade

• 5 rules of Risk management

• Explaining Risk Reward by coin toss exercise

• How to prepare and maintain a trading journal

• Q&A Session


• Why trading psychology is most important in trading

• How to set strict rules and bring discipline in your trading

• Psychology of losing streak and how to overcome them

• Top reasons behind my Day Trading success

• Q&A Session and wrap up


Page 7: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe

MY COMMITMENT• Every participant will get a clear knowledge of analyzing the charts and trading the market with discipline.

• After the Webinar, there will be a 3 months online support through Email or Whatsapp (after market hours) to clear webinar related doubts.

• This webinar may not make you day trading expert by overnight but it will help you in cutting your learning curve and may help you in taking your trading journey to the next level.

• After the completion of webinar, all participants will get PPT presentation (with a note below each slide with a detailed summary of the slides)

• All participants will get all 15 patterns in a folder(by email) with around 10 historical charts each for self -study, and also will get a trading journal format for documenting their trades.

• Recording of the webinar will not be provided.


Page 8: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe


• Do I need to have any new software to trade your strategies?

• My strategies are simple ones, like pivot points and price action, for that you don’t have to buy a new software. However, if you are using Tradingview charting software that would be better because they have all the pivots in their public library and you can use it for day trading.

• I personally use Tradingview for my charting purpose and I am very happy with it.

• What if my software is MT4 or Amibroker or Ninja trader or even I am using only Zerodha

platform for my charting purpose?

• MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe they may have traditional pivots in their software but I am not sure if they have CPR(central pivot range), you need to check it.

• As far as Zerodha, they have traditional pivots, but not CPR in their indicator section.

• Even if Pivots or CPR is not available in any of your software, you can still plot pivots on your chart by calculating it manually ,I will give you that formula to calculate during my webinar.


Page 9: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe

FAQs• Other than strategies what else will be discussed in the webinar?

• Other than day trading strategies there will be couple of sessions on risk Management and Trading psychology

• Along with strategies these two also very important, despite having a good strategies many traders fail because of poor risk management and poor trading psychology(not able to handle the emotion)

• So there will be couple of session to explain these both concepts.

• What actually these 15 patterns are? Can you elaborate it?

• These patterns are not something which I have invented or discovered, patterns which I discuss are simple ones and every one can see it on charts, but many traders do not know which one works in day trading and how to apply it, when to trade it and when to avoid it.

• With my 15 years of experience I have observed which pattern works best on which kind of market structure, on what time frame it works, when it works and when it wont, which patterns works in the opening and which patterns works in late afternoon etc. according to me, having these many insight is enough to get an edge in day trading.

• Will you cover basics of technical analysis?

• No, I will not be spending time on going through basics of technical analysis, my webinar will emphasize more on day trading patterns and day trading strategies.


Page 10: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe

FAQs• I am a new trader I don’t know anything about technical analysis, will these course be useful

for me?

• It’s not a very advanced course, it is simple to understand. Chart reading is not a science, its an art, anyone can read it, but having a basic knowledge like candlesticks, support & resistance will be useful.

• If you are very new, there are hundreds of articles available on google and youtube on basics of technical analysis which you can learn in just one day, and also you can read my blog to know basics of day trading.

• For more information on basics, you can contact me directly by email [email protected]

• Whether Fee will be refunded if I am not able to attend the webinar? or if I cancel the webinar

• Fee will not be refunded if you cancel the webinar or can’t attend the webinar, however, if you had to cancel it due to some medical reason or some emergency, then accommodating you in the next webinar with that same fee will be definitely considered.

• By when I can expect to become a successful trader after taking this webinar course?

• That is difficult to predict, it all depends on your capabilities like how fast you are in analyzing charts, how much hard work you put into enhancing your trading skills, how good you are in risk management and how well you control your emotion, so, It totally depends on individual to individual.

• You should remember, trading is a probability, not a certainty ,any trade can go wrong on any day, So there are many factors are involved in this journey towards a successful Day Trader.


Page 11: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe

FAQs• Will you cover Option strategies like Iron Condor, Butterfly spread ,Bull call spread, vertical

spreads etc

• I am not an option expert, I buy or sell option because its cheaper than buying futures, otherwise my option knowledge is very limited.

• However, I can give you an idea on what parameters I use while selecting options, when I buy an option and when I sell options, when I buy ATM and when I buy OTM etc.

• Only option strategy which I use is Short strangle, to eat premium near to expiry, I can explain that on which kind of day or market structure I normally use it, but it will not be a very elaborated discussion.

• Will you provide any live calls or any tips on telegram channel after the webinar?

• If I start providing live calls or tips then the entire objective of these training is lost. This training is to make you independent trader where you can make your own analysis and take your own trades rather than depending on someone else for the tips.

• If you learn trading, it will stay with you for the rest of your life, and trading is one profession where you will get better and better with experience and with screen time.

• So it is better to learn to trade and be independent.

• As far as my support is concerned, After the webinar I will be available to guide you through email or whatsapp(after market hours) for the next 3 months.


Page 12: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe

FAQs• What study materials I will get after the webinar for self-study purpose?

• You will be provided with the entire PPT presentation with a note below each slide giving summary of that slide so that you can recap whatever we discussed in the webinar.

• You will get all my 15 patterns(by email) with around 10 charts each in that folder to memorize it and to trade in the live market.

• Also I will provide you trading journal format for documenting your trades.

• Will you provide us with the recording of the Webinar?

• No, recording of the webinar will not be provided.

• Does your patterns and strategy works on Stocks and commodities?

• I don’t know, I have not yet back tested it on Stocks or commodities, so can’t comment on it, if you happen to attend this webinar, then back test it on stocks and update us your findings, that would be great.

• During the webinar, all discussion will be based on Nifty and Bank Nifty charts.

• What is the total duration of the webinar?

• Webinar is planned for a total of 6.30 hours, but in case if we are not able to close it before that time or if some participants wants to extend it for clearing their doubt, then I can extend it for another 1-2 hours.


Page 13: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe


Phone 76665 04759

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Email [email protected]


Page 14: DAY TRADING WITH PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTIONINTRODUCTION OF PIVOT POINTS & PRICE ACTION ... • MT4, Amibroker and Ninja trader are very reputed and professional software's and I believe


Trading financial instruments involves high risk which may not be suitable for all individuals. Before deciding to trade you should carefully consider your trading and financial objectives, level of experience, and appetite for risk. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some, or possibly all of your trading capital. Therefore you should not fund a trading account with the money that you cannot afford to lose. It is recommended that you seek advice from an accredited financial adviser if you have any doubts as to whether trading is right for you. No representation or guarantee is offered or implied as to the trading results that may be attained by applying concepts presented in the webinar. Any losses incurred by traders by unsuccessfully applying these ideas or methods are the sole responsibility of the trader. By taking this webinar course, you accept that trainer will not be held responsible for any losses in your trading.
