Copyright By David Andrew Falcon Ayala 2006


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David Andrew Falcon Ayala


Software Process Improvement for an ATE Test Program Group

through the Implementation of a Process Management System


David Andrew Falcon Ayala, B.S.E.E.

Master’s Report

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of

The University of Texas at Austin

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Master’s of Science in Engineering

The University of Texas at Austin

May 2006

Software Process Improvement for an ATE Test Program Group

through the Implementation of a Process Management System

Approved bySupervising Committee:Dewayne Perry

Herb Krasner


Este papel se dedica a todos mis amigos y familia que han tolerado mi problemas por los

cuatro años pasados.


Thank you to Advanced Micro Device’s Management Team for their support and

encouragement in the creation of this project.

May 2006



Software Process Improvement for an ATE Test Program Group

through the Implementation of a Process Management System

David Andrew Falcon Ayala, M.S.E.

The University of Texas at Austin, 2006

Supervisor: Dewayne Perry & Herb Krasner

For any small organization that is, experiencing substantial growth within its

industry, the coordination and communication of this ever-increasing workload can be an

almost insurmountable task. However in order to cope with this situation, a software

based work process management system can be designed around the existing business

processes. Institutionalizing such a system will allow an ad hoc organization to achieve a

measurable, repeatable, and ultimately predictable work process. This case study will

present these issues in specific context of a software development group, whose main

responsibility is the creation of Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) test programs for

semiconductor devices. It will be shown that given the opportunity to gather

requirements using software engineering principles, the rate of user adoption will be high,

the system will successfully monitor the proper process, and the proposed benefits of a

process management system will finally be realized by the organization.


Table of Contents

List of Tables..........................................................................................................ix

List of Figures..........................................................................................................x


The AMD Organization: Functional vs. Product..........................................2

ATE Test Program Team................................................................................3

Engineering Software Services.......................................................................4

Problem Statement..........................................................................................5

Current State of Affairs...................................................................................6

Cost of No Monitoring....................................................................................7

Organizational Metrics for Success................................................................7

Knowledge Acquisition - what is the real problem?................................................9

Collaboration with ATE Team Contact........................................................10

Questions for ATE Team..............................................................................10

Work Process and Scenarios................................................................12

Data Requirements...............................................................................14

Reports and Notifications....................................................................15


Revise, Discuss, and Iterate...................................................................................17

Implementation Technology: Serena Software’s Team Track....................18

Early System Prototype.................................................................................19

ALPHA Version: New, Improved and More Complex...............................22

BETA Version: Putting it All Together.......................................................26

System Rollout.......................................................................................................36

TESTING: Final Version.............................................................................36

TRAINING: Phase One...............................................................................38

TRAINING: Phase Two..............................................................................39


DEPLOYMENT: Phase Three.....................................................................39




Future Work..................................................................................................43

Appendix A: Figure of AMD Matrix Organization..............................................44

Appendix B: Initial Questionnaire for ATE Team...............................................45

Appendix C: Questionnaire Feedback from ATE Team........................................46

Appendix D: Quick Guide for Manually Linking Releases..................................50

Appendix E: Figure of One to One Program Change to Release Link.................51

Appendix F: Figure of Multi-Effect Program Change to Release Link................52


Vita 54


List of Tables

Table 1: Table of Required Program Request Data Requirements...................................31Table 2: Table of Required Program Change Data Requirements...................................33Table 3: Table of Required Program Release Data Requirements...................................35


List of Figures

Figure 1: Final Process Used for System Development.....................................................2Figure 2: Organizational Breakdown of ATE....................................................................4Figure 3: Proposed Metrics for Defining Organizational Success.....................................8Figure 4: First Phase of Development Process (Knowledge Acquisition).........................9Figure 5: Waterfall Development Cycle...........................................................................13Figure 6: Second Phase of Development Process (Revise, Discuss, & Iterate)...............17Figure 7: Team Track Product Description......................................................................18Figure 8: Program Request Prototype Workflow.............................................................20Figure 9: Program Release Prototype Workflow..............................................................20Figure 10: Program Request ALPHA Workflow.............................................................22Figure 11: Program Change ALPHA Workflow..............................................................23Figure 12: Program Release ALPHA Workflow..............................................................24Figure 13: Program Request BETA Workflow................................................................27Figure 14: Program Change BETA Workflow.................................................................28Figure 15: Program Release BETA Workflow.................................................................29Figure 16: Third Phase of Development Process (Rollout)...............................................36Figure 17: AMD Rollout Schedule for the ATE Program Tracking System...................37Figure 18: Internal ATE Team Track Documentation.....................................................40Figure 19: Final Development Process Used for System Development...........................42



The business benefits of using a process management system to drive software

process improvement include improved productivity, early defect detection, and shorter

time to market. These benefits are actually well understood and desired by the AMD

organization. In the past, there have been two attempts to deliver such a system to the

Automated Test Equipment (ATE) group, but both systems failed to attract enough users.

It is the assertion of this case study that if given the opportunity to gather accurate

requirements using software engineering principles, that the resulting system will be

successfully adopted by ATE engineers. The most appropriate software engineering

principles include: (1) determine the real problem before writing requirements; (2) use an

appropriate process model; (3) give products to customers early; (4) people are the key to

success; and (5) take responsibility. The actual process used to gather accurate

requirements, design the appropriate work process, and deploy the system is shown


FEEDBACK Questions for

ATE Team Collaboration

With ATE Team



Training for ATE Team


Deployment into ATE


Figure 1: Final Process Used for System Development.


Once deployed the process management system should expose the real-world

work process used by the ATE group, thus the system should leave the ATE group with a

measurable, repeatable, and predictable work process. The known non-functional

requirements of the system include usability and accountability, given past failures, and

the single metric for successful deployment includes traceability of tracked items.


Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has traditionally been recognized as one of the

smaller semiconductor companies within the microprocessor industry. This recognition

is not unfounded when the size of a typical functional team is less than a dozen people.

Within the product-manufacturing department, this nimble size is taken advantage of

through the use of a matrix organization. Functional silos are collated by groups who

perform similar skills but were previously separated by product oriented groups. A single

product management group was created and staffed by only product managers, whom

then request resources from resource managers in charge of the functional silos. This

resource manager is known internally as a Center of Excellence (COE). A pictorial view

of this organizational breakdown can be seen in Appendix A. With this matrix setup in

place the central authority for delivering a processor product to the marketplace was de-

centralized. This left resources traditionally responsible for following a product from

design (TAPEOUT) to end of life (EOL), were now free to float from one product

manager to another without retaining responsibility for each product. The clear

advantage for AMD was an immediate increase in productivity from employees and

better knowledge transfer between virtual product groups. The long-term advantage was

that product groups were no longer re-creating software tools and work processes for

each new major product design. Tools and processes could now be re-used or with 2

minimal effort upgraded to fulfill the new product requirements for development and

manufacturing. However, this change is structure was not without its problems.

Communication and coordination between COE and product managers became extremely

critical in planning and managing product derivations. This is the single most pervasive

problem that faces the organization as a whole.


The functional group of interest in this paper is the ATE test program team, which

is responsible for the development of test platform environments, creation of test

programs, and operational program deployments at various manufacturing facilities. This

means that the ATE team is responsible for designing, developing, and deploying

microprocessor test insertion steps within the various manufacturing sites for multiple

products. The scope of technical expertise includes, but is not limited to, hardware, and

software related issues. The ATE team is organized with a single top-level manager who

coordinates with the product managers the development priority of test program releases

in production. Under this top-level manager are the “Test Lead” engineers whom are

organized by ATE tester platform. Under each of these test platforms team leads are the

“Program Owners” who are directly responsible for getting test program development

and deployment done on time.

Figure 2: Organizational Breakdown of ATE.3

The number of test programs that must be created is typically calculated by the

number of product derivations in production and the number of test insertions that must

be performed on a specific product derivation to ensure quality and reliability for the

customer. A single product could potentially go through several insertions before it is

ready to be shipped to a customer. The amount of workload seen in this group is

considerable even in a small environment, let alone the number of product derivations

that could be generated from a single major product family. In addition, the number of

different ATE platforms that are needed to implement a single test flow can require

different development environments that may be specific to a single ATE vendor. Hence,

re-work of testing methodology has to be written in potentially different implementation

languages. Along with these conditions the number of manufacturing test facilities could

be distributed between several worldwide locations. Thus, the organizational need for a

centralized repository of active projects, so that they can coordinate activity more



The team responsible for developing software based data analysis tools for

internal engineering effort is Engineering Software Services (ESS). This group was

initially created by collecting autonomous software developers from within the product-

manufacturing departments. These autonomous engineers had previously been

developing software solutions for a specific functional group. The solutions developed

by the ESS group contain a mixture of short-term and long-term projects. Most of these

projects are developed using several short iterative development cycles that follow an

evolutionary process. The development team is responsible for all areas of the software

development process including: requirements gathering, architecture, design, 4

implementation, testing, deployment, maintenance, and documentation. While the ESS

group in not considered it’s own independent functional silo, the ESS group is embedded

within a functional organization that contains similar software skill sets. However the

reporting hierarchy is setup so the ESS group is responsible for the whole product-

manufacturing department, not just it’s own functional silo. With previously successful

management of engineering tool development, the ESS group has now moved into

traditionally held Information Technology (IT) governance functions, especially with the

ATE group’s request for a program request system that will be adopted by the whole

product-manufacturing department.


The substantial market growth seen in AMD due to the x86-64 bit

microprocessors has induced internal growing pains, which is usually felt in the

functional teams that were staffed with less than a dozen people before the growth. The

specific task that the ATE group would like monitored is the software test program

development and deployment process. The complexity inherent to this exists from the

fact that the ATE group must maintain several different vendor brands of test equipment

that require the implementation of different software languages, hence software re-use is

extremely limited. In addition, the number of test insertion steps that must be maintained

adds further complexity with regards to test coverage (where and when should a program

change be implemented). With all this the ATE group is continually restrained by the

following principles: that the test insertion time must be as short as possible and the

earlier a problem is found the more cost effective the production flow. This is counter-

balanced by the occurrence of any failures discovered in the sampled quality/reliability

test insertion steps. The organizational breakdown of the ATE test team is such that a 5

developer is responsible for potentially multiple test programs, products, and releases.

While there is high-level oversight of major feature implementation, low-level test

coverage can be duplicated due to a lack of accountability and traceability. In addition,

rollout of small features to all test insertion steps can be hindered by a lack of

communication and coordination. For these reasons the ATE test team is requesting that

a “Team Track” implementation be deployed to try and resolve some of these issues.


Now there is no centralized monitoring system used by the ATE team to capture

the release schedule of test programs to the various manufacturing facilities. The ATE

group must also contend with the lack of any organized mechanism for recording

program requests that come from the various organizations within AMD and other

manufacturing foundry partners. While the ATE group has made attempts in the past to

create request-tracking systems, these systems have never been adopted by enough users

to be considered successful. These past failures are seen as a lack of upper management

support in the context of user adoption. However, the larger problem with the previous

two test program request systems resides in the rigid workflow that was enforced. The

failed systems both implemented the same process workflow: (1) Submit Request; (2)

Notify Manager of Request; (3) Wait for Manager Validation; (4) Assign Request to

Engineer; (5) Notify Submitter of Request Assignment; (6) Close Request; (7) Notify

Submitter Request is Closed. This workflow is in direct contradiction with the

established work environment of the ATE group. This lack of alignment between the

implemented workflow and the real-world process is the primary reason hypothesized for

the failure of both systems.



So with the ATE group swelling in head count and a lack of any formalized

monitoring/tracking system in place, the cost of doing nothing is starting to hinder

productivity. The most obvious problem facing the ATE group is duplication of effort

due to a lack of coordination between “Team Leads”. If the coordination between “Team

Leads” is broken then important program features go missing in certain families of test

program releases, thus directly costing the company a lose of potential profit. The loss of

customer confidence may not be a dramatic problem, but vitally important to the

profitability of the company. The customer of ATE being any of the functional groups

with the PDE organization responsible for delivering microprocessors to customers,

groups responsible for devising yield enhancement strategies, and other outside

manufacturing foundry partners. The loss of confidence from these groups of people can

indirectly affect the overall productivity between organizations, which would increase the

cost of doing business, thus making it harder for the company to turn a profit. At the end

of the day though, the most visible metric for defining success come from the time it

takes to deliver the first revision of any new product. The longer the ATE group goes

without a usable monitoring system the longer it will take for this group to deliver new

products to the market, let alone manage existing products in production.


Defining specific criteria for measuring success is at best tricky considering

previous attempts at a program request system were deemed failures due to the lack of

user adoption. This fact will probably still be the main metric for perceived success,

however the following metrics should also prove helpful.


Figure 3: Proposed Metrics for Defining Organizational Success.

The system should be backwards compatible with the current implementation of

the “Team Track” system, to not break existing reports that monitor usage. Currently

there are 16 distinct reports that are used within the PDE organization that monitor silicon

characterization and debug activities. These reports will need to be verified periodically

to ensure that the new program request system does not break them. The system should

be flexible enough so that additional “Team Track” components can be added without

compromising the integrity of the design. This is measured by verifying that any new

addition still allows previously entered issues to continue to function. It is not explicitly

stated that removal of components is a metric for success, but it will be assumed for the

purpose of this project that it is not a requirement for successful rollout. The system

should also try to minimize the cost of maintenance that is placed on the implementing

organization (ESS). Were applicable the maintenance costs should be offloaded to the

organization requesting the system. The scope of the project should also not allow,

“Feature creep” to take over the initial high priority requirements. Of the 22 defined

scenarios, the system should at least cover 50% of these requirements. This metric was

actually specified by direct management, as an acceptable measure of completion.


Knowledge Acquisition - what is the real problem?

Knowledge acquisition is the first part of the development process used for

delivering the process managements system.


Questions for ATE Team

Collaboration With

ATE Team

Knowledge Acquisition

Figure 4: First Phase of Development Process (Knowledge Acquisition).

The software engineering principles used to start this phase included: (4) people

are the key to success; and (5) take responsibility. The right people included a “Process

Champion”, who became the key factor for a successful rollout. Taking responsibility for

the project means to be concerned with more than just the explicit requirements that were

initially gathered. In fact, the responsibility principle means to focus on more than just

the functional requirements. Focus will be needed on the non-functional properties like

usability and accountability.

Collaborating with the ATE team contact is critical for following the third

software engineering principle (determine the real problem). This phase will align the

process champion and developer with regards to goals, methodology, implementation

technology, and project purpose. Once that phase is completed, the next two phases

serve to discover the basic work process followed by the group and where in that work

process does the real problem exist. Together this will generate enough requirements to

eventually move forward with an initial design prototype.



The single most important person responsible for accurate requirements was an

engineer from within the ATE organization. This engineer is was a relatively new

employee within the ATE team, but had several years of work experience from a large

ATE company that had strict test program release procedures. This unique view of the

two companies provided enough motivation for the ATE contact engineer to pay serious

attention to the knowledge acquisition activities. It was through this engineer that the

core team of beta users was coordinated to meet at regular intervals depending on

availability. Most delays in the knowledge acquisition phases were due to the inability of

the core team to communicate. Most ATE engineers regularly travel between the

Singapore manufacturing facilities and the Austin engineering site. The ATE contact

engineer also ended up communicating directly to the ATE management team the

primary reasons why they should allow both of us to spend the time to collect accurate

requirements before putting together a beta system. This proved to be helpful in gaining

management support for the project since the argument for requirements came directly

from within the ATE organization by a person trusted and respected by other ATE

engineers. One of the reasons that the previous ATE request system failed was due to a

lack of trust between the ATE group and the ESS group. The resultant system failed

primarily because it did not help solve the real problems within the ATE group.


The initial request for a tracking system came from the ATE manager as a

proposal for a simple bug tracking system, however this proposal was not submitted to

the ESS organization. With the previous failure of ESS to deliver a system that was used

by the ATE team, the new proposal was routed back to ESS by the system administration


team as out of their scope. With responsibility for implementation back inside the ESS

group, the ATE manager then assigned the previously discussed engineer as the primary

contact between the two teams. The ATE contact engineer then proceeded to re-design

the request proposal to include not only bug reports but also any request that an outside

resource may make to the ATE team for a test program change. This re-design then

sparked requests from within the ATE group to be able to monitor the test program

release that each request gets implemented into. This is the proposal that was initially

given as requirements to the ESS group. The first meeting with the ATE contact engineer

involved not actually talking about the requirements given, but to discuss the work

process that should be followed. The primary purpose of this meeting was to build a

level of trust with the ATE contact and to align our roles in the requirements process, to

not be counter-productive. Surprisingly this meeting was quite successful in terms of

building trust. The main points made about the importance of gathering accurate

requirements was well understood and received, which allowed a certain level of

flexibility. This proved useful in presenting the opinion that we should isolate

requirement concepts to help reduce the complexity inherent to the overall process. It

was agreed that we would gather work process & scenario information first, we would

then gather data requirements, and lastly we would gather implementation specific

requirements like reports, graph, and email notifications. The initial requirements

document presented by the ATE team prior to this agreement was used as a template for

generating a questionnaire that was presented to the ATE contact engineer. Along with

the benefits of documenting the questions needed for requirements elicitation, the

primary purpose of generating the questionnaire was to allow for disconnected

communication between the ATE group and ESS group. For the initial weeks of


requirements gathering, most of the ATE team was not geographically located in the

same location as the ESS team. Therefore, the questionnaire turned into a valuable tool

for communication across the different geographical locations. This allowed the ATE

contact engineer to categorize answers and organize the feedback for ESS into a

structured format.

It should be noted that the implementation technology was already determined to

be “Team Track”, which is used successfully by other organization within AMD. The

ATE contact engineer was shown prior to the questionnaire generation, the “Team Track”

technology constraints. This was accomplished through a meeting with the platform

infrastructure team, who also uses “Team Track”. This proved be a successful meeting

since many of the “Team Track” design concepts were demonstrated. We agreed to

restrain from offering early implementation suggestions to the ATE team, since we did

not want to elicit implementation specific requirements at this early stage. With both of

us now on the same page, we began to gather work process and scenario requirements

from the ATE team.

Work Process and Scenarios

The initial requirements giver were clearly not sufficient for completing a

successful implementation given the past failures. The ATE contact engineer helped to

discover the process of determining the current work process used by the ATE team for

delivering test programs. As with any software organization they did follow a simplified

version of the waterfall development model.


Figure 5: Waterfall Development Cycle.

Requirements are usually generated by various internal/external organizations that

represent the various stages within the microprocessor life cycle. Design is handled by a

group of ATE engineers; know as “Test Leads”, whom are responsible for delivering all

test programs to the various AMD manufacturing sites. There are AMD manufacturing

and engineering sites in North America, Europe, Asia, and India. The actual coding and

unit testing is completed by any number of generic “Engineering Resources” that can

come from different teams external to the ATE team. These work assignments are made

by the test program manager known as a “Program Owner”. Actual integration and

system testing is left to the responsibility of the geographically local ATE teams at each

production and engineering manufacturing site. This discovery process logistically took

several weeks to accomplish because many of the “Program Owners”, whom we needed

to answer the questionnaire, were at remote manufacturing sites in Singapore or

Germany. As part of the discovery process, it was found that the process of validating

test programs for release to production could go through several rounds of back and forth


between the integration teams and the “Program Owners”. This results in patching the

test program several revisions before it actually makes it to the test floor. It is also worth

noting that the “Program Owners” would routinely revise test programs while in

production to address quality issues with the test program code itself. Depending on

where in the manufacturing flow this lapse in test coverage occurred it is left to the

preceding test insertion step to capture any fallout generated by this work process. This

usage scenario is clearly a process problem that should be monitored for improvement.

As part of the feedback from the questionnaire, it was also found that the most

requested usage case specified involved simple “Program Request” to “Program Release”

traceability. The “Program Owners” did not agree on the view though, some wanted to

see all “Request” implemented in a specific “Release” or they wanted to see all the

affected “Releases” connected to a specific “Request”. This will prove to be a useful

observation later on during the actual implementation. The next most requested usage

feature had to do with email notifications triggered by the dates that certain key events

occurred like initial program release to production, submission date of requests, due dates

for requests, release dates of program releases and patch dates. The fact that program

requests could only be submitted through the process management system was the final

most requested usage scenario. Although this usage scenario was requested, the fact

remains that unless upper management was willing to ignore requests that were received

through email notifications. No conceivable system in the world would ever be capable

of fulfilling this last requirement.

Data Requirements

While the ATE contact engineer and I both initially only asked for data

requirements for “Program Requests” in the questionnaire, we both agreed that the scope 14

of the new system should include tracking “Program Releases” due to the results of the

first questionnaire. The typical AMD domain specific data was listed in the feedback of

the first questionnaire. These include product attributes, test insertion, organization,

contacts, fabrication technology, design identifier, ATE platform, ATE test program, due

date, release date, request duration, description, priority, scope, and type of request. A

second set of questions was then sent back to the “Program Owners”, which asked for

data requirements for a “Program Release” tracking system. The data requirements not

surprisingly looked similar to the data requirements for a “Program Request” system. Of

note is the inclusion of patch level (L or R), patch revision number, release date, and

release type (full or patch), along with the exclusion of request type. It will be shown

later that the process of gathering data requirements comes mostly during the presentation

and testing of the BETA version of the system.

Reports and Notifications

The last part of gathering requirements concentrated on the type of reports,

graphs, and email notifications that the “Program Owners” wanted to see. This was done

informally through the usage of an early prototype with specific “Program Owners”

whom were designated as ATE beta users. This process was conducted as a one on one

meeting with individual beta users to demonstrate possible functionality within the

system. This allowed the beta users to understand the confines of the implementation

technology before formulating specific requirements. Although we did tell, all beta users

that we did want to take all required requirements irrelevant of implementation

technology constraints. It was communicated that several reports should exist for the

various roles within ATE. This includes reports to show a list of all active program

requests, a list of all active program releases, a list of all program requests implemented 15

for a specific program release, a list of all program releases affected for a specific

program request, a list of all upcoming program releases, and a list of all active program

request & releases. This was the highest priority for the ATE team with respect to other

functionality, which should be an indication of how disjointed the ATE team is currently.

In fact, this was seen as the sole metric of successful completion for this project by ATE

management. Delivering a system that was able of producing the above reports, and then

the new system would be seen as a success. The beta users also re-iterated the various

email notifications that could be possible given the implementation technology. This

included: sending emails to “Test Leads” when new program requests are submitted;

sending emails to “Program Owners” when requests are connected to releases; sending

emails to local ATE teams when releases are sent to production; sending emails to

“Engineering Resources” when they are assigned a request to fulfill; and sending emails

to a request submitter when requests are completed. All these notifications were seen as

necessary but not required for rollout.


While the requirements gathering activities are presented in the knowledge

acquisition as one section, the process of gathering requirements was iterative and

concurrent with other early implementation specific prototyping activities. During the

gathering of feedback from the first questionnaire the ATE contact engineer was in

contact with all “Program Owners” discussing their answers, so that the “Program

Owners” had an opportunity to revise their answers easily. This process iterated several

times over many weeks, until a final consolidated answer sheet was presented to the ESS

group. The first prototype did not occur until feedback from the first questionnaire was

received and analyzed. 16

Revise, Discuss, and Iterate

The software engineering principles used in this phase of development include:

(2) use an appropriate process model; (3) give product to customers early; and (4) people

are the key to success. The appropriate process model for this phase of development will

be an iterative evolutionary development process, which does facilitate accurate

requirements gathering. Delivering multiple versions of the system for discussion with

the customer will be shown to also be productive. The right beta testers for each iterative

discussion are also shown to be critical for accurate requirements gathering.

So for several weeks as a PROTOTYPE, ALPHA and BETA version of the

process management system was being built, the process of gathering requirements

continued to iterate as each new piece of functionality was being implemented and

presented. This process of revise, discuss, and iterate drives the rest of the development





Revise, Discuss, & Iterate

Figure 6: Second Phase of Development Process (Revise, Discuss, & Iterate).

While this may seem like a lot of wasted time, the process allows a chaotic

organization to implement a methodical and repeatable development process for

gathering accurate requirements.



Team Track is a web-based process management system developed by Serena

Software for IT organizations. It is a three tiered web application with a Microsoft SQL

Server2000 database backend system, a Microsoft Windows 2000 application server, and

a web-based user client.

Figure 7: Team Track Product Description.


The Platform Infrastructure group within AMD has successfully deployed Team

Track for several years. The decision to use this implementation technology was pre-

determined by the ATE group because of these past successes by the Platform

Infrastructure group. Team Track allows the user to configure almost every aspect of its

web interface and functionality. This flexibility is all built around the concept a

“Workflow” which describes the work process that will be enforced. In defining this

“Workflow” in Team Track, the administration application generates a GUI that is

comprised of boxes (states) and arrows (transitions). Once this “Workflow” is defined in

the administration application, the Team Track client allows for “Trigger” and

“Notification” rules to be applied on top of the defined work process. A “Trigger” is an

internal messaging system between the defined Team Track states (boxes) in the

“Workflow”. The actual behavior that a “Trigger” defines is specified by the available

transitions (arrows) in a “Workflow”. Each incoming state can then define different

conditional rules for behavior enabled by the incoming “Trigger”. A “Notification” is an

external messaging system that is capable of sending emails based on conditional rules

defined by the Team Track administrator. In addition, escalation rules can be applied to

“Notifications” that are time bound if a conditional rule has not been satisfied for a

specific length of time.


With the first questionnaire analyzed and agreement with the ATE group that the

system needed to also include “Program Release” tracking, an early prototype was

developed to help demonstrate possible functionality. This included the design of two

separate “Workflows”, one for the “Program Request” and a second for the “Program


Release” system. The “Program Request” system included only three states (validate,

release pending, closed) and three transitions (submit, assign, close).

Figure 8: Program Request Prototype Workflow.

The “Program Release” system was even simpler, since we did not have a lot of

background information about the specific process. This “Workflow” included only two

states (in progress, program released) and two transitions (submit, release to production).

Figure 9: Program Release Prototype Workflow.

With these simple prototypes, the process of demonstrating the capabilities of the

Team Track system to the small group of beta users to elicit more feedback began. One

feature that is not clearly shown is Team Track’s functionality for manually linking items

together. For this implementation, this functionality is the most critical feature for a

successful implementation. Without this feature, there is no other way for Team Track to

associate a release to a request. Team Track does have the concept of parent-child

association between tracked items, but that functionality does not make logical sense for


this situation. A release does not spawn requests and a request does not always spawn a

new release. This leaves the manual linking functionality as the only design option for

implementation. Because of the inherit problems with manual features, this functionality

must be clearly defined in the training documentation. A final version of this

documentation can be seen in Appendix D. This is an obvious weakness of the system

and must be addressed with proper training from the ESS team.

At this point, we make the recommendation to the beta users that external

organizations should submit all test program requests through the first “Workflow”. This

group of “ATE Requestors” should not be allowed to initiate new test program releases,

whether they are full releases or just patch releases. This leaves the “ATE Test Leads”

and “Program Owners” as the only groups that should have the capability of initiating test

program releases. While demonstrating the manual linking process, it was clear that the

scope of possible program requests could cover a broad range of responsibilities. This

means that a request may have to be possibly implemented for a whole family of test

program releases, each of which may be managed by different “Program Owners” and

actually implemented by different “Engineering Resources”. This proves a fatal

limitation to the early prototype system, because a single program request can only be

owned by a single user. With this feedback, a logical use of the parent-child subtask

functionality was discovered. We formulate the concept of a program change, which is

logically spawned from a program request. It will be the program change, which the

“Program Owners” will have to manually link to program releases. With this change in

project scope, we also come up with the requirement that a program request must be able

to spawn an unlimited number of program changes. This can be accomplished using the

sub-task transition definition in Team Track. A sub-task transition will allow the process


management system to submit a new “Workflow” and automatically link the items

together in a parent-child association. With this insight, an ALPHA version of the system

is developed.


While several rounds of development and experimentation went into this phase of

the development, what is presented is the final version used for the demonstration of the

ALPHA version. This version of the program request still implements three states

(validate request, request open, request closed), but now has four transitions (submit,

assign1, assign2, close) including two sub-task transitions. These transitions were setup

to submit new program changes into the database and automatically link those new items

to its parent program request.


Figure 10: Program Request ALPHA Workflow.

A part of the sub-task transition’s functionality is the capability of copying over

field values from the parent item into the child item’s fields. Of primary concern is the

capability of copying over any title and descriptions that were entered in by the program

request submitter. This should help reduce the amount of time it takes for a “Program

Owner” to assign program changes, thus improving the usability of the system.

The new program change is a simplified version of the earlier program request

prototype with just two states (program change, closed program change) and two

transitions (submit, close). Again, this simplified workflow is only necessary for

scheduling and assigning distributed tasks generated by a single program request.

Figure 11: Program Change ALPHA Workflow.

Feedback received about the program change was only concerned about the steps

needed to manually link a program change to a program release. Team Track has six

different types of links available for a user to assign between items, and for our purposes,

we will by default use the most flexible link definition, which is a bi-directional link that

passes triggers in both directions. It was also confirmed that only “Program Owners” and

“Test Leads” should be able to generate new program changes. Moreover, that

“Engineering Resources” must be identified within the program change somehow. These


“Engineering Resources” are then responsible for closing the program change item after

the actual code changes have been completed and committed to the SVM code repository.

The program release also included new changes to its “Workflow” with the

addition of a program patch state/transition. Feedback received from the prototype

demonstrations discovered that a program could be patched after it has been released to

production. To model this behavior, an additional state was added to expose that the

released program is now available to be patched. A patch transition was also added to

denote when a “Program Owner” releases patches to the program release into production.

Figure 12: Program Release ALPHA Workflow.

Feedback from for this part of the system took quite a while to achieve, since the

actual patching process is complex. Most “Program Owners” offered up different


scenarios when and how a program can be patched. This discovery process also

uncovered the patch level and revision notation used internally to measure the quality of a

program release.

The following represents the known patching process:

A release is sent to the local AMD manufacturing site (SGP, DRESDEN) where

the release is validated for production.

If the local ATE team finds any problem with the release, then feedback is sent to

the “Program Owner” and the program is considered to have a patch level (L/R)

and its patch revision (n) incremented by one.

The program release is then sent again to the local AMD manufacturing site

where the release is validated for production. This is repeated until the program is

validated for use in production.

The local ATE team is not the only group that can initiate a L-patch revision. A

“Program Owner” may add in more code changes for various reasons to the

program release. The scope of these changes can encompass almost any reason.

Once the program has been validated for release into production the program

patch level (R) is changed and its patch revision (n) is set back to zero.

Once released into production a program release can be patched again.

Nevertheless, the scope of these changes is limited to quality and reliability

changes only. However, this rule is routinely violated due to pressure from the

various requesting organizations. The level of violation is not known and the

desire to measure this was constantly communicated.

At this stage all beta users were discouraged from submitting domain specific data

requirements, but general data requirements were gathered like title, description, new


note, owner, manager, duration, submit date, priority, item link, and list of program

owners. All of these are of interest no matter which ATE system is being implemented

(request, change, release). This is valuable since a “Workflow” design can be setup as a

hierarchy of “Workflows”, which allow descendant “Workflows” to inherit field values

along with state and transition definitions. It is note worthy to step back and view the

ALPHA version of the system as a design that will continue to grow in complexity. This

increase in complexity comes with a direct tradeoff, which is the amount of training

needed for the “Program Owners” must increase to compensate for the complexity of the

process management system. It is with this in mind that the BETA version is designed to

include features that were not requested by stakeholders, however this address the

usability and accountability of the overall system.


The BETA version presented represents the final version demonstrated to the

large set of “Test Leads”, “Program Managers”, and “Program Owners”. This version

most closely resembles the final system that was rolled out to the ATE group. During the

development of this BETA system, the basic data requirements were added to the system

for demonstration purposes only, but AMD domain specific requirements were still left

undefined until agreement could be reached that the work process was properly modeled

in each “Workflow”. Previous experience from working on the creation of a Team Track

“Workflow” showed that the effort of defining domain specific fields was wasted until

the “Workflow” was properly modeled. The debate about the usefulness of a particular

field was not broached until a final BETA system was presented.

With that stated, the program request added a new state (hold) that allows the

“Program Owner” to reject a request. A transition was also added to re-submit the 26

request once it has been updated by the request submitter. Update transitions were added

to the states (validate request & request open), these transitions allow users to update the

field definitions without changing the state definition. Sub-task functionality from the

ALPHA version was maintained and a transition rule was defined for the “Request Open”

state that allows the program request to automatically run the “Close Request” transition

if all the spawned sub-tasks are in-active. This was not so much a request from the

“Program Owners” as much as it was something they wished it could do. This

functionality was exposed through discussions with Serena Software.

Figure 13: Program Request BETA Workflow.


It was already noted that the system’s complexity had grown to a point, that

special attention to employee training was critical for user adoption. Another non-

required feature that was added to the system was a trigger notification that was enabled

during the “Close Request” transition. The trigger rule defines that when the “Close

Request” transition is run, trigger messages are sent to all linked child items. The

specific behavior is defined in the program change, since this is the only “Workflow” that

is capable of being set as a child item to a program request. The purpose of this trigger is

to allow the system to be as flexible as possible. The program change that receives this

trigger will be setup to automatically close itself, which allows a “Program Owner” the

capability of closes multiple changes, with just one click. Email notification rules were

also setup given the feedback from the ALPHA demonstrations. The three notification

rules defined for Program Request: notify all program owners when a request is

submitted, notify all program owners & request submitter when the request has not been

assigned after two weeks, and notify request submitter when the program request has


The program change structurally remains the same as the ALPHA version, but

with some minor additions. A required field was added to the “Submit” transition, which

requires that at least one link to a program release is added. This should help enforce the

connection between request and release.

Figure 14: Program Change BETA Workflow.28

The program release is perhaps the most revised of the three “Workflows”, since

intense investigation was put towards defining the patching process. Except for the

“Submit” transition and “Program in Progress” state, the entire “Workflow” for the

program release was re-designed to model the known patching process. Four new states

were added, along with seven new transitions. Seven notification rules were also added

to the “Workflow” for emailing specific distribution lists depending on which transition

was run. The first three new states are used to classify the distinct phases a test program

may inhabit between the time it is initially released for verification and when the test

program finally makes it to the production test floor.

Figure 15: Program Release BETA Workflow.


The state used to denote that a test program has been sent in for verification is the

“Major Release L0”, which corresponds to the internally used ATE nomenclature for an

unreleased test program being system tested for production release. Any changes to the

test program that must be implemented before it can be released into production is

handled by incrementing the L patch revision number of the test program. Then the test

program is re-submitted for verification. This process can iterate several times, hence the

addition of an update transition called “Release New L Patch” which just loops back to

the “L Patch” state. Once the test program is ready to put into production, the release is

moved to the “R Patch” state, which represents a fully released production test program.

During production a test program is still viable for new changes to be implemented into,

this is usually referred to as an “R Patch”, again it only involves incrementing the R patch

revision number. However, this also means that the test program has to be re-validated

again and it is possible to cycle through another round of program changes. This is the

reason that another update transition called “Release New R Patch” was added. The R

patch process only allows certain types of changes to be implemented into the code, like

bug fixes and other quality-oriented changes. The L patch process will allow any type of

change to be implemented. While the Team Track system cannot enforce these domain

rules, the training documentation must clearly define these domain rules. It must also be

documented that linking program changes to program releases should only occur during

the “Active” states of a program release. At a certain point in time though, a test program

in production can no longer be used to patch in more changes. The program release must

be retired (inactive), so this is exposed by the addition of the “Obsolete” state. For all six

transitions that are used to represent some form of a “Release”, a trigger message was

added to send out messages to all the linked program changes. The program change


already has a trigger rule defined that will try and close them if any trigger messages are

received. This non-requested functionality was added to help user adoption of the

system. Although potential abuse of the system could occur, this functionality will be

clearly defined in the training documentation. The addition of an update transition that

can be applied on any of the defined states was requested by the ATE contact engineer as

a way to help fix mistakes that might occur during the initial training phase.

Through several rounds of discussions about the early data requirements gathered

from the questionnaire, the ATE contact engineer and myself worked with “Program

Owners” to define the type of AMD domain specific fields that were necessary in the

system. To check the validity of incoming program requests, the users suggested

evaluation using the following program request fields: “Risk” and “Request Type”.

Field Members Type Required LocationProduct/Rev SS N User



Package MS N User754939940S1AM2L1

Fab MS N UserFab30Fab36

Tester platform MS N UserSapphire-4064Sapphire-QAATEJ973EXA


Risk SS Y StandardImmediate impact to the ability to ship productProduction EfficiancyProduction DowntimeLoss of capacityNo risk to production

POR/Due Date Cal Y StandardRequest Type New Fuse Recipe SS Y Standard

Unexpected BehaviorTest Time ReductionData Collection EnhancmentTest Coverage EnhancmentMarket Segment EnhancementOther


Table 1: Table of Required Program Request Data Requirements.

When discussing with the “Program Owners” what specific values should be

presented in the drop-down list box for “Risk”, we posed the following question: What is

the risk to AMD of not implementing this request? In simple terms what could affect the

profitability of the company if nothing is done. This proved effective for keeping the

scope of the responses isolated to just business concerns. This approach was used as well

for discussing “Request Type” with the “Program Owners”, except the question posed to

them was: What type of specific ATE activities is the group responsible for? This also

proved useful in isolating the responses to just address requests that fall within the scope

of the ATE organization. Otherwise why would a user submit a “Request Type” that was

not the responsibility of the ATE group. While this may seem like a trivial matter, this is

where feature creep was most battled, since most “Program Owners” wanted to deliver an

endless list of possibilities. The two questions presented above were successful in

focusing most “Program Owners”.

From the “Workflow” for the “Program Change” it may appear that this system

had very little design work put into it, but the most difficult part for the “Program

Owners” was actually defining what type of data the users wanted to collect. It was

suggested by Dr. Perry that attention be paid to metrics for classifying software defects.

With this in mind the two most important data fields defined in the ‘Program Change” are

“Change Type” and “Change Reason”. Within Team Track, it is possible to define

functional dependencies between two fields, such that a selection in one field can select a

sub-set in the second field. This kind of functional dependency was setup for the fields

described above. For the “Change Type” field I had enough previous ATE domain

knowledge that I was able to present several classifications that were driving factors for


development activities including: business market changes, test enhancements, new

development, program maintenance, and bug fixes. With these classifications, a meeting

with the ATE contact engineer and an ATE “Team Lead” to discuss what kind of data

choices should be presented for both the “Change Type” and “Change Reason” was


Field Dependancies Members Type Required LocationProgram Name Text Y StandardJob Name Text N StandardDifficulty SS N Standard

Very EasyEasyMediumHardVery Hard

Expected Completion date Cal Y StandardRequest Type New Fuse Recipe SS Y Standard

Unexpected BehaviorTest Time ReductionData Collection EnhancmentTest Coverage EnhancmentMarket Segment EnhancementOther

Change Type SS Y StandardProgram DefectProgram EnhancementProgram MaintnanceMarket Segment Change/Addition

Change Reason Change Type SS Y StandardProgram Defect

Poor RequirementsDesign FlawImplementation FlawPoor VerificiationOther

Program EnhancementPlannedUnplanned

Program MaintnanceBinning changesData CollectionFuse RecipeOther

Market Segment Change/AdditionChangeAddition

Table 2: Table of Required Program Change Data Requirements.

Each classification was discussed separately, so that we might discern if there was

any overlap between each of the classifications. During this discussion, it was


highlighted that overlap only existed between the “Business Market” and “New

Development” classifications, since most new development is only triggered by a planned

change in the market segment. So we agreed to remove the “New Development”

classification to eliminate this overlap and decrease the amount of confusion these fields

might generate. In addition, we wanted the user to be very clear about the type of change

they needed to implement.

The “Program Release” system turned out to be the simplest in terms of defining

required data fields. The data fields of most interest by the ATE group were the

“Expected Release & Production Date” which is set before the program is actually

released for initial verification. In addition, a geographical site (SGP, Dresden, AMKOR,

SHZ) field was added for reporting purposes. In fact no data requirements were gathered

for the “Program Release” that might prove useful for later process improvements. With

that in mind, we added two numeric field types: L_Patch and R_Patch. The “L_Patch”

field is only exposed once a program release has been released for verification, while the

“R_Patch” field is only exposed once a program has been put into production. Team

Track has the ability to setup simple math calculations for numeric fields. These

calculations can only be set during a transition and each transition must be setup

separately. Therefore, for the transitions that affect the “L_Patch” like “Release New L

Patch”, a calculation to increment the revision number by one was setup. The same

calculation is also setup for the “R_Patch” field and its corresponding transitions.


Field Members Type Required LocationProduct/Rev SS Y Standard

K8D StandardK8E StandardK8F StandardK8G StandardGH StandardGR Standard


Package MS Y Standard754939940S1AM2L1

Tester platform SS Y StandardSapphire - 4064Sapphire - QAATEJ973


Release Priority SS N UserHigh Med Low

Expected Release date Cal Y UserExpeced Production date (1st Site) Cal Y UserReleased at Site Check Y User

Table 3: Table of Required Program Release Data Requirements.

The desired effect is to be able to track the number of times a “Program Release”

is repeatedly patched before it gets into production, the duration each patch consumes,

and the associated changes that drive each patch. The same should be tracked for the R

patch field. These fields should allow for some simple process improvements targeted

for the “Program Release” system.


System Rollout

The final phase of the project is concluded once the process management system

has been made available to the entire organization. At which time the rate of user

adoption will be monitored during the Test Alignment Meetings. For this last phase, the

following software engineering principles were used: (4) people are the key to success;

and (5) take responsibility. Below is the breakdown of activity that will be described.

Training for ATE Team

Deployment into ATE Team

System Rollout

Figure 16: Third Phase of Development Process (Rollout).

Training the right people to use the process management system has already been

shown to be an effective tool for securing the confidence of the ATE group. Proper

documentation should allow the disjointed organizations to effectively utilize the system.

Once these parts of the development process are completed then the actual deployment of

the process management system should be simple.


With the BETA demonstrations completed and all feedback incorporated into the

final version, the system is ready for rollout. So a testing phase is needed to resolve the

remaining issues related to data collection, email notifications, training documentation

and reporting concerns. Below is the schedule used for rolling out the final system into



Figure 17: AMD Rollout Schedule for the ATE Program Tracking System.

The testing phase was scheduled to last two weeks, which turned out to be plenty

of time for the “Team Leads” to investigate all the implemented features. There were

several bugs found with the notification rules, but these rules were quickly fixed. The

only email notification that required special attention was the pre-existing distribution list

used to notify all relevant manufacturing sites of when a program is released for

validation. The generic user account that was created to handle this notification needed

special user permissions in order for the notification rule to work correctly. The Serena

Software support team was needed to help resolve this specific problem. However, for

the most part the feedback was minor with respect to the scope of the previous changes.



The first phase of training was focused directly on the group of “Program

Owners” who use the “Program Release” part of the system. A pre-requisite for using the

“Program Request” and “Program Change” workflow is that there must be active

“Program Releases” available be linked with each item. To satisfy this pre-requisite, the

“Program Owners” entered their active program releases into the system as part of

training. While some program releases were already entered into the system for testing

purposes, that test data was cleared out of the database before training occurred. We

thoroughly expected mistakes to occur during training, so the “Delete” transition was

enabled for “Program Owners” to fix any mistakes. This training only took one hour to

complete, since a subset of these people had actually been beta users. Moreover, after a

week most program releases for ATE test platforms were successfully entered into the

system. The remaining program releases must be backfilled by “Program Owners” who

are not local to the AMD Austin site, which is the purpose of phase two of training.

Along with training on how to submit “Program Releases”, the “Program Owners” were

shown how the “Program Release” and “Program Change” system enforces the link

between a release and a request. A view of these instructions, along with the possible

linking configurations can be seen in Appendix D, E, and F. During this training session

we recommended that, an important part of user adoption involved the use of specific

Team Track listing reports in the pre-existing Test Alignment Meeting, which occurs

every week. It was our recommendation, based on past experience with groups

successfully adopting Team Track, that these listing reports be used to generate the Test

Alignment agenda. And that all new “Program Changes“ spawned from “Program

Requests” be created during this meeting. This should encourage usage between the


Team Track system and ATE personnel. It has been shown in the past that when

established meetings are driven by Team Track listing reports, that user adoption is

usually high.


The second phase of training involves training non-Austin ATE “Program

Owners” about how to access and use the “Program Release” system. Fortunately for us,

several ATE test engineers from Singapore and Dresden were visiting the Austin site

during this phase of rollout. Again the same training session was offered however this

session took over two hours to complete. The same recommendations were offered and

feedback from this group of ATE engineers focused more on the mechanics of the overall

Team Track system. They did request that more training documents be generated,

especially with respect to how to accomplish the linking between changes and releases.

Again this can be seen in Appendix D.


The third phase was the least defined part of the rollout plan, since many of the

external organizations could not be directly trained. Significant management support is

needed for this part of the rollout plan to succeed. Re-aligning the channels of

communication, that are currently used to deliver program requests, will have to be

disconnected. These external organizations will need to be notified by the ATE

management team that the only features implemented from this point forward will need

to be Team Track requests. Otherwise, the technical rollout occurred when all Team

Track users were added to the “Requestor” permission group. Documentation was also

generated along with listing reports to support the traceability of releases to requests.


Figure 18: Internal ATE Team Track Documentation.




The explosive growth that Advanced Micro Devices is currently experiencing, has

generated problems with coordination and communication of work items. This problem

is compounded due the matrix (functional vs. product) style organization of the Product

Development Engineering division. Given the well documented benefits of work process

tracking systems, the actual implementation and utilization of such systems has yet to be

fully realized. The reason for this lack of realization is primarily due to the lack of

accurate requirements used in designing such a system. The ATE group requested such a

system to be developed many times before, knowing that they wanted to achieve a

measurable, repeatable, and predictable work process. But each time before, the lack of

accurate requirements either due to a lack of trust or lack of experience, resulted in

systems that were not adopted by the engineering community.

It is theorized in this case study that if given the opportunity to apply software

engineering principles for gathering accurate requirements. That the resulting process

management system designed would finally fulfill the known non-functional benefits of

usability, traceability and accountability. Thus successful rollout of the system would

occur throughout the organization. The software engineering principles followed

include: (1) determine the real problem before writing requirements; (2) use an

appropriate process model; (3) give products to customers early; (4) people are the key to

success; and (5) take responsibility.



The results of the case study are actually surprising in how effective the resulting

system functioned. The final development model that was used, was found to be highly

effective in gathering accurate requirements from a chaotic organization.

FEEDBACK Questions for ATE Team

Collaboration With

ATE Team



Training for ATE Team


Deployment into ATE


Figure 19: Final Development Process Used for System Development.

The time committed to such tasks proved to be highly effective, however the

downside to this was the large amount of time that had to be consumed. The single most

discussed problem with the development cycle that was used, was the amount of time it

took to develop the whole system. However even with this long development cycle, the

resultant system was immediately seen as a major success within the department. The

final consensus from most “Program Owners” was that the final model of the “Program

Release”, should be used by other software test program development teams. The ATE

group now views this a viable solution for aligning deployment methodology between the

outside development groups. The discovery of how critical is it to have a resource that

can be seen as the “Process Champion” within the organization. Also once listing reports

were generated that allowed the ATE group to view Requests traced all the way to

Releases, and Releases traced all the way back to Requests; the project as a whole was

deemed successful. Now the ATE group is using these listing reports to drive the agenda


of their Test Alignment Meetings. The actual user adoption rate has been very high, with

the exception of one platform team in Singapore, all “Program Owners” have adopted the

Team Track implementation. This lone team in Singapore is targeted for Team Track

training in the next quarter of the year. Collection of historical data will be an ongoing

process, as the ATE team discovers the multitude of possible analysis that can be mined

once enough history has been collected. It will be up to the ATE group to decide which

process improvements should get first priority, but the recommendation of the ESS

organization was to monitor the frequency of program release patches. The reduction

and/or stabilization of repeated patching activity is directly proportional to the quality of

the delivered test programs. On the whole, the Team Track implementation for the ATE

group is seen as a major win for the ESS group.


Almost immediately after phase two was completed, the Manufacturing

Technology (MTECH) organization requested to know the feasibility of adapting the

current Team Track system, to expose all other teams within MTECH. This is the next

major evolution in the system. The flexible part of the design, will allow ESS to re-use

the “Program Request” and “Program Change” workflows. But for each new team

adapted to the system, a new “Program Release” workflow will need to be designed for

each specific new team. This should allow for a balance between re-use and

customization. The second major revision will include the adaptation of the system to

include “Engineering Development” of test programs. In general the adoption rate has

been the most surprising in how quickly the engineering community has adopted the

system. The end result is that the ATE group now has a measurable work process, that

can be repeated over many teams.43

Appendix A: Figure of AMD Matrix Organization


Appendix B: Initial Questionnaire for ATE Team


Appendix C: Questionnaire Feedback from ATE Team





Appendix D: Quick Guide for Manually Linking Releases


Appendix E: Figure of One to One Program Change to Release Link


Appendix F: Figure of Multi-Effect Program Change to Release Link



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[2] Ali, S.; Soh, B.; Torabi, T.; “Using Software Engineering Principles to Develop Reusable Business Rules.”, Information and Communication Technologies, 2005. ICICT 2005. First International Conference on 27-28 Aug. 2005 Page(s):276 – 283.

[3] Robert B. Grady, “Practical Software Metrics For Project Management and Process Improvement.”, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1992.

[4] Wolfhart B. Goethert, Elizabeth K. Bailey, Mary B. Busby, “Software Effort & Schedule Measurement: A Framework for Counting Staff-hours and Reporting Schedule Information.”, Technical Report, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 1992.

[5] J. Herbsleb, A. Carleton, J. Rozum, J. Siegel, and D.Zubrow, "Benefits of CMM-based Software Process Improvement: Initial Results," Software Engineering Institute, CMU/SEI-94-TR-13, 1994.

[6] A.B. Jakobsen, “Bottom up process improvement tricks”, Software, IEEE, Volume; 15, Issue 1, Jan.-Feb. 1998 pages: 64-68.

[7] Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman. “Software Architecture in Practice”, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley. Boston, MA. 2003. p123.

[8] Shtub A., Bard J. and Globerson S. 1994. “Project Management – Engineering, Technology and Implementation”. Englewood Cliffs. Prentice-Hall.

[9] Dean Leffingwell and Don Widrig. “Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach”. Addison-Wesley, 2000.



David Andrew Falcon Ayala was born August 3rd, 1974 in Corpus Christi, Texas.

His parents are Amado Ayala Jr. of Corpus Christi, Texas and Patricia Falcon Ayala of

Corpus Christi, Texas. David attended The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)

where he graduated with a B.S in Electrical Engineering in May of 1998.

David’s industry experience includes 8 years as a product development engineer

at Advanced Micro Devices, located in Austin, Texas. His primary responsibilities

include the development and maintenance of microprocessor yield analysis software as

well as general software support for the Product Development Engineering team.

Permanent address: 4512 Clarno Dr. Austin, TX 78749

This report was typed by David Andrew Falcon Ayala.