Days 27 October 1971banmarchive.org.uk/collections/7days/1/1/issue1-cover.pdf · 2016. 11. 7. · childrens entertainers - teachers, the Troupe parade noisily through the streets

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Page 1: Days 27 October 1971banmarchive.org.uk/collections/7days/1/1/issue1-cover.pdf · 2016. 11. 7. · childrens entertainers - teachers, the Troupe parade noisily through the streets
Page 2: Days 27 October 1971banmarchive.org.uk/collections/7days/1/1/issue1-cover.pdf · 2016. 11. 7. · childrens entertainers - teachers, the Troupe parade noisily through the streets

7 Days 27 October 1971


248, Bethnal Green Rd, LONDON E.2. Tel: 739-1704

Books Posters Pamphlets Info Badges Coffee

Bust Book 25p

A Gay Manifesto 5p.

Stepney Words 30p

Voice from Womens Liberation 60p

The Enemy £2.40

send s.a.e. for full literature list.

Bleed Beat Break Bite to My Back Bitch

Intercourse within and without LISSON GALLERY 57 Lisson Street London NW101-262 1539

open 11 am to 7 pm Closed Monday.

What event could possibly bring together Barbara Cartland, the health food fiend, David Cooper, the alternative psychiatrist, and Auberon Waugh, the right-wing satirist? And which one, do you think, will be giving a talk entitled ‘Is Britain Heading for a Revolution?’? Well, we’re not giving any prizes for the right answer, but you might find out if you turn up at the London Polytechnic any time between next Friday and the Friday after. There are things going on up there, you see.

Few modern painters can get a look in a established galleries. They sell from their ow homes.BALRAJ KHANNA 3a Pindock Mews, W.9. 286 9876

PAUL KESSEL 48 Platts Lane,NW3 435 3870

SIMON DOBBS Old School House, Church Knowle, nr Wareham, Dorset. 092 93633

M I L I T A N TT h e M a r x i s t P a p e r f o r

L a b o u r & Y o u t h F o r a S o c i a l i s t A l t e r n a t i v e t o U n e m p l o y m e n t a n d t h e

C o m m o n M a r k e t .3 p f r o m M I L I T A N T ,3 7 5 C a m b r i d g e H e a t h R d , L o n d o n E 2 9 R A

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FLYING KLight removals, transport, deliveries. 01-348 0944

Womens Liberation, Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, Afro-American History, Colonial Revolution, etc.Catalogues from Pathfinder Press,28 Poland St, London W1V 3DB_______

STOP PRESS: TOC & AMBIANCE productions also OCT 30

FESTIV A L THREE O ctober 29th - November 6th

Polytechnic of Central London 3 0 9 Regent Street W 1R8ALINFORMATION 580 8799

TheatreInter-ActionInter-Action is a charitable trust, formed to make the arts more relevant to the Community. It does this, in part, by applying its prof­essional resources and pres­tige to local communities. Inter-Action currently spon­sors 12 different units of work in the field of drama and the 'applied arts'. The Arts Council of Great Britain gives support to Ambiance (a showcase for premiere Productions for one act plays), Doggs Troupe, and TOC (experimental theatre).

T O CNovember 1st - 5th 1.00pm

British Premiere ofP eter Handke'sSelf Accusationwith

Jane Bond, Judy Monahan, Andrew Norton, Robert Walker

2 0 p

November 1st 5th 7.30 pm

A m biance in

Hot Damn - High in Vietnamby Bernard Pomerance

Directed by Roland Rees,

20p , 30p.

D oggs TroupeSaturdays Oct 30th & Nov 6th.11. 30 am. Free'MOONM EN ' of TECHNICOLOUR PEELERS'Nov. 1st - 5th 9.30am WORKSHOPThe internationally renowned childrens entertainers - teachers, the Troupe parade noisily through the streets gathering curious kids along the way. Session gam es a r e th en played, allowing chil­dren to make up and act out a story.

Group session leaders:Jim Hiley, Pat Barlow, Ed Berman, Geoff Hoyle.

All in the Communal block, PCL, 35 Marylebone Road NW1

What its At.All Information correct at press time Ring to check before booking or going.

Cheques etc to be made payable to Third Polytech-nic Arts Fest-ival. Full pro-gramme on request.

Home News




Foreign News






Special Feature

Wednesday 27 October 1971

Vol. 1, No. 1cover p ic tu re by H enri B ureau/G am m a-

On page 3 the full story behind the arms haul at Amsterdam airport. 7 DAYS tells how the British press has fallen for a lot of planted stories about the events at Schipol, and made a fool of itself.

On page 4 an analysis, as the ‘great debate’ strains to its clim­ax, of what the Common Market really means. Also on this page a report of the trial of the Mangrove 9.

On page 5 three reporters from 7 DAYS visit the City, in­terview the new Lord Mayor, expose the scandal of City Cash and report on the squalor of a Salvation Army doss house within the Square Mile.

On page 6, our Industrial Correspondent points to the real struggle behind the EPTU rule book controversy.

On page 7 our City and Business correspondents show how so far as some sections of British finance capital are concer­ned we are already in Europe, and how for others it is only a matter of greasing the path.On October 18 the ‘Das Reich’ division of the SS, respons­ible for one of the most hideous massacres of the war, held a re-union party in Bavaria. They sang, drank and rememb­ered old times. They did not, presumably, talk about the old times at Oradour. 7 DAYS brings you the exclusive pictures of this atrocious banquet, taken by Henri Bureau/ Gamma. See pages 9 and 10.On page 11 the 7 DAYS foreign staff report on the sell­out in Rhodesia and how the British government is betray­ing five million blacks. On page 12 they analyse the UN debates on China’s entry and give a run down on the Un­ited States’ arm-twisting tactics of the past 20 years.On page 14 our Sports reporter takes a look at Dolores Rocket, the fastest — and richest — dog in the world.In a special four-page photo-feature from Ireland Claud Cockburn writes about violence, Tom Picton goes for a ride in a pig with the Army in Belfast and Ian Berry shows in pictures what a ‘riot’ in Derry was really about.

Tim Daly, imprisoned for bombing the Imperial War Museum, tells 7 DAYS what it is like to be ‘a new type of prisoner’ in Grendon Underwood psychiatric prison and Raymond West talks to other ‘patients’ there.What is happening to the Labour Party? Where are its new ideas? Can Wedgwood Benn really be the answer. On page 20 Tom Nairn answers these questions and examines the frightening vista of Labour Powellism.Every week 7 DAYS will devote a page to the discussion of ideas. To open this series Gareth Stedman Jones shows that Marx was right 100 years ago and capitalism is still the exploitative system it has always been.Between pages 24 and 27 Stuart Hood talks about TV as industry, Peter Wollen reviews a new book on realism, Geoff­rey Nowell-Smith discusses ‘The Conformist’, Bertolucci’s new film and Dave Laing writes about the Hit Parade. We also review Charlie Gillett’s history of Rock, and in the first on another series John Mathews analyses the Ad of the week.


For three months Peter Fuller and Jon Halliday have been looking at the world of the gambler. In Britain 45 million people stake £2000 million a year - much more than the country spends on health. Fuller and Halliday examine the forces, economic and sexual, behind this mass compulsion. All this is in the first, enlarged issue of 7 DAYS, Britain’s only photo-news weekly. From now on all our writers and photographers will be bringing you the same wide coverage

Add 7 DAYS to your week.

Home News. Peter Fuller Industrial News Graham Burchell Research Reports John Mathews, Judith McFadzean-Ferguson Foreign News Fred Halliday Sports David Triesman Capitalism page Alexander Cockburn Life John Hoyland Arts Maxine Molyneux Special Features Anthony Barnett Presentation and pictures Alexander Cockburn Design Alan Turkie Production Rosalind D elm ar Adver tising Marjorie Grieveson Distribution Phil Kelly Aide Tom Picton Non staff editors. Stuart Hood, Gareth Stedman Jones, John McGrath, Jenny Moss, David Triesman, Peter Wollen Editorial offices. 3 Shavers Place, Haymarket, London, SW1. 01-930 4060. All material copyright 7 Days which is published by 7 Days Publishing Co. Setting by Copyset, Ltd. 1 Southwark Bridge, SE1. Printed by QB, Colchester.

Taximoves01-7227661Light Removals1&2 Ton tans with helpful working drivers

AMERICA 1971Radical films from the USA at the N F T (till October 31) ANG ELA DAV IS, DAN BERRIGAN, V IETNAM , CUBA, W OMEN’S LIB etc. Membership from 5p a month. Details/Tickets Box Office, NFT, South Bank, S E 1 01-928 3232/3