DB2 Query Tuning and Index Creation December 2010 IBM TIVOLI SERVICE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS VERSION 7 DB2 QUERY TUNING AND INDEX CREATION WHITE PAPER Document version 1.0 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 1

DB2 Query Tuning and Index Creation

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Page 1: DB2 Query Tuning and Index Creation

DB2 Query Tuning and Index Creation December 2010



Document version 1.0

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Page 2: DB2 Query Tuning and Index Creation

This paper applies to the following products based on Tivoli's process automation engine:

• IBM® Maximo® Asset Management 7.1

• IBM Tivoli® Change and Configuration Management Database 7.1 and 7.2

• IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1 and 7.2

• IBM Tivoli Service Automation Manager 7.1 and 7.2

• IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager® 7.1 and 7.2

In the remainder of this document, this set of products will be referred to as IBM Tivoli service management products.


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Revision History ..............................................................................................................viii

1 Introduction............................................................................................................1

1.1 Key Concepts ............................................................................................1

1.2 SQL Queries ..............................................................................................2

1.3 Indexes ......................................................................................................3

2 DB2 Snapshot Information ....................................................................................3

2.1 Average CPU and Execution Time ............................................................5

2.2 Sorts and Sort Time...................................................................................6

2.3 Rows Read ................................................................................................6

2.4 Index Read Efficiency ................................................................................8

2.5 Synchronous Read Percent.......................................................................8

2.6 Buffer Pool Logical Reads .........................................................................9

2.7 Totals are Important Too .........................................................................10

3 SystemOut.log Files ............................................................................................10

4 Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis ...............................11

4.1 Performance Analyst ...............................................................................11

4.1.1 Installing and Configuring ....................................................................... 11


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4.1.2 Features.................................................................................................. 12 4.1.3 Using Performance Analyst with IBM Tivoli Service Management Products 14

4.2 DB2 Snapshot Statement Formatting Tool ..............................................18

5 DB2 Analysis Tools .............................................................................................19

5.1 IBM DB2 Design Advisor .........................................................................19

5.1.1 Using DB2 Design Advisor ..................................................................... 19 5.1.2 Index Optimization Workflow .................................................................. 22

5.2 IBM Optim Query Tuner for Linux, UNIX® and Windows.........................22

5.2.1 Using OQT with IBM Tivoli Service Management Products ................... 24 5.2.2 Optimization Workflow ............................................................................ 33

6 Performance Monitoring Tool (PerfMon) .............................................................34

1.1. Configuring PerfMon................................................................................34

1.2. Using PerfMon .........................................................................................35

Appendices .....................................................................................................................39

A Performance Analyst General Usage..................................................................39

B OQT General Usage............................................................................................59

7 References ..........................................................................................................72


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Figure 1: DB2 Optimizer access plan ................................................................................................2 Figure 2: Example database snapshot ..............................................................................................4 Figure 3: Example database snapshot details...................................................................................5 Figure 4: Average CPU and Execution Time.....................................................................................6 Figure 5: Sorts and Sort Time............................................................................................................6 Figure 6: Rows read...........................................................................................................................7 Figure 7: Average rows read per database transaction.....................................................................7 Figure 8: Index read efficiency...........................................................................................................8 Figure 9: Synchronous read percent .................................................................................................9 Figure 10: Buffer pool data logical reads.........................................................................................10 Figure 11: The DB2::Snapshot plug-in ............................................................................................14 Figure 12: Average CPU and Execution Time snapshot table ........................................................15 Figure 13: Sorts and Sort Time snapshot ........................................................................................15 Figure 14: Rows Read snapshot .....................................................................................................16 Figure 15: Average Rows Read per Database Transaction snapshot ............................................16 Figure 16: Index Read Efficiency snapshot .....................................................................................17 Figure 17: Synchronous Read Percentage snapshot......................................................................17 Figure 18: Buffer Pool Logical Reads snapshot ..............................................................................18 Figure 19: DB2 Design Advisor snapshot........................................................................................21 Figure 20: Optimizing indexes for the workflow...............................................................................22 Figure 21:DB2 optimizer with Optim ................................................................................................23 Figure 22: Optim query tuner operation...........................................................................................23 Figure 23: Query formatter in operation...........................................................................................24 Figure 24: Optim Query tuner in analysis ........................................................................................25 Figure 25: Choosing tuner activities ................................................................................................26 Figure 26: The formatted and annotated query ...............................................................................27 Figure 27: The formatted and annotated expanded query ..............................................................27 Figure 28: Expanded view of the access plan graph.......................................................................28 Figure 29: Detailed cost information for the query from the access plan graph..............................29 Figure 30: Running the generated runstats commands ..................................................................30 Figure 31: Data type mismatch........................................................................................................31 Figure 32: Running the DDL to create the index .............................................................................32


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Figure 33: Comparing the before and after access plan graphs .....................................................32 Figure 34: Displaying the before and after plan graphs...................................................................33 Figure 35: Using the OQT workflow for query tuning ......................................................................33 Figure 36: Example HTTP Request Monitoring Screen ..................................................................35 Figure 37: An example SQL, Explain Plan, and Stack Trace Monitoring Screen............................36 Figure 38: Showing the execution times..........................................................................................37 Figure 39: Performance analyst - spreadsheet-like user interface..................................................39 Figure 40: Performance analyst context menu................................................................................40 Figure 41: Performance analyst multiple windows ..........................................................................41 Figure 42: Performance analyst alerts.............................................................................................42 Figure 43: Performance Analyst customization table ......................................................................43 Figure 44: Performance analyst profile menu..................................................................................44 Figure 45: Alert criteria editor ..........................................................................................................45 Figure 46: Threshold levels..............................................................................................................46 Figure 47: Context help....................................................................................................................46 Figure 48: Plug-in selection dialog...................................................................................................47 Figure 49: Workspace persistence ..................................................................................................48 Figure 50: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Database tab.................................................................................48 Figure 51: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Database Manager tab..................................................................49 Figure 52: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Buffer Pool tab...............................................................................49 Figure 53: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Tablespace tab..............................................................................50 Figure 54: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Table tab .......................................................................................50 Figure 55: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Lock tab.........................................................................................51 Figure 56: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Application tab...............................................................................51 Figure 57: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Statement tab................................................................................52 Figure 58: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Deadlock tab .................................................................................52 Figure 59: Tivoli’s process automation engine Plug-in ....................................................................53 Figure 60: Process automation engine Plug-in usual statement view.............................................53 Figure 61: Java Dump Plug-in Thread tab.......................................................................................54 Figure 62: Java Dump Plug-in Monitor tab ......................................................................................54 Figure 63: Java GC Plug-in Summary tab.......................................................................................55 Figure 64: Java GC Plug-in Invocation tab......................................................................................55 Figure 65: Example of a verbose GC using 'gencon' policy ............................................................56 Figure 66: JLM Plug-in Java Monitor tab.........................................................................................57 Figure 67: JLM Plug-in System Monitor Tab ...................................................................................58 Figure 68: CSV Plug-in ....................................................................................................................58 Figure 69: Optim Query Tuner window............................................................................................59


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Figure 70: Optim Query Tuner views...............................................................................................60 Figure 71: Data Source Explorer configuration ...............................................................................61 Figure 72: Configuring the connection for OQT...............................................................................61 Figure 73: Configuring a new connection ........................................................................................62 Figure 74: OQT Query Tuner tab.....................................................................................................62 Figure 75: OQT Features tab...........................................................................................................63 Figure 76: Starting a Query Tuner Session .....................................................................................63 Figure 77: Workflow Editor functions ...............................................................................................64 Figure 78: Invoking the Tuning Features .........................................................................................65 Figure 79: Tailoring the Advisor Executions ....................................................................................66 Figure 80: Execute Advisors and Tools ...........................................................................................67 Figure 81: Query Analysis Results ..................................................................................................68 Figure 82: Query Analysis Results ..................................................................................................68 Figure 83: Access Plan Graph.........................................................................................................69 Figure 84: Statistics Advisor ............................................................................................................69 Figure 85: Query Advisor .................................................................................................................70 Figure 86: Access Path Advisor.......................................................................................................70 Figure 87: Index Advisor ..................................................................................................................71


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Date Version Revised By Comments

December 2010 0.1 RR Initial Version

December 2010 0.2 IB First Edit

January 2011 1.0 IB Final Version


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1 Introduction This white paper illustrates how tools can be used to perform SQL query tuning and to create indexes against a DB2® database in order to obtain maximum performance from IBM Tivoli service management products. As a reader of this white paper, you should understand basic database administration topics at a minimum; although, some topics are advanced. You also may want to refer to the following online recommended reading materials:

• General introductory DBA information available at the following link: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/.

• Chris Eaton’s “An Expert's Guide to DB2 Technology” blog

• Sam Lightstone has authored and co-authored several publications such as “Physical Database Design: the database professional's guide to exploiting indexes, views, storage, and more”. A full list of his publications can be found at the following link: http://lightstone.x10hosting.com/#_Publications.

The database is central to the functionality of IBM Tivoli service management products. This database stores all data that is collected and calculated by the applications. This database also stores metadata for configuring and maintaining the environment.

The database server processes all transactions from the applications. Because all functionality is based on database performance, the database should be a key focus for performance tuning.

The focus of this paper is not on tuning the database itself. For information on suggested DB2 database settings, refer to the Best Practices for System Performance (v7) white paper that can be downloaded from the performance sections of the IBM Tivoli service management products’ wikis:

• IBM Maximo Asset Management – http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/maximo/Performance+and+Tuning

• IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database – http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/tivoliccmdb/Performance+and+Tuning

• IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager – https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/tivoliprovisioningmanager/Performance+and+Scalability

• IBM Tivoli Service Automation Manager – http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/tivoli/TSAM+Performance+and+Scalability

• IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager – http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/tivolisrm/Performance+and+Tuning

1.1 Key Concepts

Following are some key concepts that will be used throughout the remainder of this paper:


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• SQL statements allow you to work with the data in a database. There are three different types of SQL statements:

o Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to create, modify, and drop objects in the database.

o Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used to insert, update, delete, or query data from the database.

o Data Control Language (DCL) statements are used to grant or revoke the authority to perform operations on database objects.

• A table contains records consisting of columns and rows of unordered data.

• An index is an ordered pointer to data in a table. Conceptually, you can think of a database index like an index in a book. The index has the terms listed alphabetically with page numbers pointing to the pages in the book where these terms are used.

• The DB2 optimizer takes a SQL statement along with other inputs such as database statistics, design, and configuration information to determine the best method to satisfy request. The output of the optimizer is the access plan. Figure 1 illustrates the inputs to the optimizer and the output of the access plan:





Database Statistics


Database Design

DB Configuration

Registry Variables

Figure 1: DB2 Optimizer access plan

You can think of a SQL query as being what you want to retrieve and the access plan determines how to retrieve it.

Changing the inputs to the optimizer can create a more efficient access plan. These changes can consist of altering the SQL statement itself to be more efficient, updating the database statistics, or potentially adding indexes to improve the speed of data retrieval operations at the cost of slower writes and decreased storage space.

1.2 SQL Queries

Customizing IBM Tivoli service management products can change the way information is selected from the database. Some customizations include additional tables and columns. In addition, queries can be added to a user’s Start Center or are generated by individual


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DB2 Snapshot Information

users on the list tabs of applications. Users can create and save their own queries, and can share queries with other users. Default queries can be setup for applications so users see their preferred record set when they enter the application.

While these are powerful features of IBM Tivoli service management products, they can produce inefficient SQL. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that queries are monitored both pre-production and post-production for inefficient conditions and use of un-indexed columns and to remove order by clauses.

1.3 Indexes

Indexing a database requires a good understanding of the data, user functions, and how databases use indexes. Indexes use key parts of data from a table in a binary structure to enhance searching capability. Each record of data in the table must have associated data in the index.

Indexing can greatly increase search speeds. However, a drawback of indexes is that for each insert, update, or delete, the index must also be updated. Database administrators often apply many indexes to a table to enhance searching, and then find that other activities have slowed. You should review indexes to ensure that you have the right balance for searching and updating tables.

Generally, index overhead is linear in DB2. For example, on a table with one index, if it takes 500 milliseconds to update the table and an additional 100 milliseconds to update the index, then adding a second index to that table would add an additional 100 milliseconds to the transaction.

2 DB2 Snapshot Information DB2 snapshots are one of the primary mechanisms you can use for ensuring that queries and indexes are tuned appropriately.

DB2 snapshots provide general statistics and information about all applications, tables, table spaces, buffer pools, and locks for a specified database.

Ideally, DB2 snapshots are taken during performance testing before the solution is in production, when the overhead of taking DB2 snapshots would not affect the users. However, since snapshots only capture a point in time, you must make sure that the snapshot is taken while transactions are occurring that may be causing performance issues.

The basic set of commands needed to take a DB2 snapshot is as follows: • db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool on lock on sort on

statement on table on uow on

• db2 -v reset monitor all

• db2 -v get snapshot for dbm > snapshot.txt

• db2 -v get snapshot for all on database-alias >> snapshot.txt • db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool off lock off sort off

statement off table off uow off


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DB2 Snapshot Information

Note that there is overhead with the monitor switches, so they should always be enabled prior to taking the snapshot, and then disabled after the snapshot data is gathered.

The output from the above commands is stored in text readable format. Opening the snapshot.txt file with a text editor would show information similar to Figure 2 and Figure 3:

Figure 2: Example database snapshot


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DB2 Snapshot Information

Figure 3: Example database snapshot details

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the items that would point you to inefficient SQL statements. General guidance is to focus on the most relevant areas for improvement and fix the worst offenders first.

2.1 Average CPU and Execution Time

First, look for any statements that have the longest average CPU time or the longest average execution time (total elapsed time). Let’s look at an example:


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DB2 Snapshot Information

Figure 4: Average CPU and Execution Time

In Figure 4, you can see that the statement in question executed 2127 times during this snapshot, and the total execution time was 46847 seconds, resulting in an average execution time of 22 seconds. The average busy time is 0.001 seconds.

So, while CPU usage is low, the execution time for this SQL would warrant further investigation.

2.2 Sorts and Sort Time

Next, look for any SQL statements that show a high average number of sorts or average time spent on sorts, see Figure 5.

Figure 5: Sorts and Sort Time

In this case, sorts do not appear to be an issue; however, any high values in these areas would indicate that indexes are missing or are ineffectively designed.

2.3 Rows Read

Another issue to look for is when a large number of rows are read:


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DB2 Snapshot Information

Figure 6: Rows read

In Figure 6, 318570 rows are read in 2127 executions, or approximately 150 rows read per execution. A high number of rows read can also indicate the need for an index.

You should also look at the average rows read per database transaction (RR/Tx). This can be defined as: Rows Read / (Commits Attempted + Rollbacks Attempted). Looking at information from the snapshot in Figure 7:

Figure 7: Average rows read per database transaction

We see that the average rows read per transaction is: 73896653 / (1503720 + 5770) = 48.95.

High values for RR/Tx may indicate a table needs index tuning or physical design changes, so you would then look for any queries that are driving up this value and investigate accordingly.

Generally accepted guidelines for this value are: • Best: <10 • Room for Improvement: 10 - 100 • Problem: >100

However, these guidelines should not be applied strictly. As previously mentioned, adding an index is not always the appropriate action to take due to the overhead that can be added to inserts and updates. In addition, IBM Tivoli service management products have seen situations where this value was high, yet there are no issues.


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DB2 Snapshot Information

2.4 Index Read Efficiency

Index read efficiency is defined as Rows Read / Rows Selected. This value should normally be kept <10. Only database and application snapshots will contain this information. From the example in Figure 8:

Figure 8: Index read efficiency

You can see that index efficiency is 10.5 which is on the top side of the recommendation.

2.5 Synchronous Read Percent

Synchronous read percent (SRP) is defined as: 100 - (((Asynchronous pool data page reads + Asynchronous pool index page reads) * 100) / (Buffer pool data physical reads + Buffer pool index physical reads)).

When DB2 has good indexes available to retrieve rows for result sets, it will use synchronous I/O to access precisely just the index and data pages required. When indexes are missing, or the physical design is otherwise sub-optimal, DB2 will resort to using asynchronous pre-fetch I/O to scan index or data pages.

You should keep SRP as high as possible with 90% or higher being optimal:


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DB2 Snapshot Information

Figure 9: Synchronous read percent

In the example in Figure 9, SRP = 100 - (((38113 + 13395) * 100) / (43169 + 15082)) = 11.576 which is far below the recommended value.

2.6 Buffer Pool Logical Reads

Lastly, from the DB2 snapshot data, you need to look at the average buffer pool data logical reads and buffer pool index logical reads. The buffer pool index logical reads value can help you detect index leaf page scans, which indicates an inadequate index structure. A high value for buffer pool data logical reads indicates higher CPU times. Both values should be kept below 6, see Figure 10:


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SystemOut.log Files

Figure 10: Buffer pool data logical reads

In the example in Figure 10 with 2127 executions, the average buffer pool index logical reads is 4 which is in the recommended range; however, the average buffer pool data logical reads value is 36 which is quite high.

2.7 Totals are Important Too

In the above examples, we focused on average values to find heaving hitting issues. However, don’t forget to also look at the totals as well. For example, you may find that a query will have overall low average busy or execution times, but the total execution time is quite high due to the number of times this query must execute. This query would also be a good candidate to tune, so the overall effect on execution time is reduced. You may also want to understand why so many executions are needed.

3 SystemOut.log Files Besides taking DB2 snapshots, another method for finding long running SQL queries is to analyze the Websphere® Application Server SystemOut.log files associated with each cluster member running IBM Tivoli service management products.

mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit is a system property that can be used to capture SQL statements that take longer than the specified amount of time to return. When there is a perceived performance problem, setting this property can capture long running SQL and help determine if database tuning is required. Due to the low overhead of using the mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit property, this method is highly recommended for isolating poor performing queries in production when the overhead of taking a database snapshot may be undesirable.

Databases should be able to return most SQL statements in under one second. The number associated with this property is milliseconds; therefore, setting


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit=1000 will result in entries such as the following for any SQL statements taking longer than 1 second to execute:

[5/20/10 0:01:37:472 PDT] 00000044 SystemOut O 20 May 2010 00:01:37:472 [WARN] BMXAA6720W - USER = (MAXADMIN) SPID = ( app (SR) object (SR) : select * from sr where pmcomtype is null and sr.status not in ('DRAFT') order by ticketid for read only (execution took 1172 milliseconds) [5/20/10 0:06:22:284 PDT] 00000039 SystemOut O 20 May 2010 00:06:22:284 [WARN] BMXAA6720W - USER = (MAXADMIN) SPID = ( app (SR) object (SR) : select * from sr where pmcomtype is null and sr.status not in ('DRAFT') order by ticketid for read only (execution took 1421 milliseconds)

SQL queries such as these are prime candidate for tuning. For more information on using the mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit and other debug properties to monitor and troubleshoot performance, please refer to this link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21291250&ibmprd=tivtlpa. Note that in version 7, these properties may be set and activated through the system properties application which does not require a system restart.

4 Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis While we have seen that there is a great deal of valuable information in the DB2 snapshot file and/or the SystemOut.log files, parsing the files and finding the information can be tedious at best. IBM Tivoli service management products have provided some tools on the product wikis (refer to the links in Section 1 of this white paper) that can assist in pulling the available information out of the files for analysis.

4.1 Performance Analyst

The Performance Analyst tool enables you to analyze performance issues for products based on Tivoli's process automation engine. Specifically, you can use DB2 snapshot data and SystemOut.log files to assist with SQL and index tuning.

4.1.1 Installing and Configuring

Download the version of Performance Analyst that is appropriate for your platform. The tool is available for both Windows® and Linux® platforms on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. You can find the link to download the tool and the readme from the product wikis or directly from here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/maximo/Performance+Analyst+Tool.

Note that JavaTM 6 is a required pre-requisite. Unzip the distribution file to a folder of your choice. Unzip creates a top level folder with the same name as the distribution zip file, e.g. perfanalyst-win_x86-0.3.4.


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

Edit the <top folder>\perfanalyst.bat file (Windows) or <top folder>\perfanalyst.sh file (Linux) and set the maximum JVM memory to a value appropriate for your system. Then, execute the bat/sh file to start the tool.

Select File Open to display the Plug-in selection dialog. Select the plug-in to use and click OK. Navigate to the data file to analyze and click Open.

4.1.2 Features

User interface • Spreadsheet-like interface provides convenient column sorting and re-ordering for

performance analysis. • Rich customization capability including hiding unimportant columns (or showing

only interested columns), data filtering, searching (regular expression available). Customization results may also be saved for easier switching between different context and purpose.

• Multiple windows may be opened for analyzing multiple data inputs at the same time. Window content may be duplicated, auto-arranged on screen.

• "Alert" criteria may be defined for pin-pointing commonly known-as-problem data. Criteria are defined in a free form Ruby expression syntax which provides almost unrestricted capability. Data matching any "alert" is marked in an obvious color for further analysis. It is also possible to define different level for alerts to have different visual indication in the user-interface.

• A pre-defined set of alerts are provided as the default configuration, based on various performance best practice (or recommendation). These may be further extended or refined via the customization facility.

• Contextual help for explanation of the performance metrics/data represented by each column.

• Data may be exported into HTML, CSV format, or pasted into the clipboard.

DB2 Monitor Plug-in • DB2 snapshot monitor and event monitor output. For the event monitor, currently

only statement and deadlock event monitor outputs are supported. Also, deadlock event monitor output importing only supports 3 modes: "DEADLOCKS", "DEADLOCKS WITH DETAILS", and "DEADLOCKS WITH DETAILS HISTORY".

• Several kinds of tabs are provided for different kind of analysis: o database manager o database o buffer pools o tablespaces o tables o database applications o locks o statements o deadlock (for deadlock event monitor)

Tivoli’s process automation engine Plug-in • Specifically for importing the SystemOut.log files, this plug-in currently has two

views for analyzing SQL statements, including grouping statements by objects showing their overall percentage (by object).

Note: The following plug-ins are also included with the Performance Analyst tool. While they are not specifically used in diagnosing database performance problems, they may be useful for other performance diagnostics:


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

Java dump plug-in • Java dumps output. Currently it only handles thread stack trace and monitor

sections only • Several kinds of tabs are provided for different kind of analysis:

o Thread o Monitor: with references to owner and waiting threads.

Java GC plug-in • Java verbose GC output • The detailed GC information, including allocation failure, tenured/nursery space,

garbage collection is parsed and presented. An additional GC summary tab is also provided to give overview information, for example, the average GC utilization and the maximum GC time.

JLM plug-in • JLM plug-in can import Performance InspectorTM JLM outputs. This plug-in is also

special in that it can further inter-mix JLM outputs with a set of thread dumps, in order to pin-point the source location of a monitor's usage.

• Monitors are presented in 2 tabs, based on their types: • Java monitors • system monitors

CSV plug-in

This is a general purpose plug-in that loads data from a comma-separated-value format output. Any CSV file may be loaded to have the benefit of searching, filtering, sorting, and so on. Currently, the very first line of the input CSV files is reserved for the column headers.

For more information on general usage of Performance Analyst, refer to Appendix A of this document.


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

4.1.3 Using Performance Analyst with IBM Tivoli Service Management Products

Let us take a look at how we can use Performance Analyst to perform DB2 snapshot analysis:

First, you will start Performance Analyst, select File Open, and choose the DB2::Snapshot plug-in, see Figure 11:

Figure 11: The DB2::Snapshot plug-in

Click the OK button and select the DB2 snapshot file to process. Once the snapshot file is loaded, we can use the tabs to review the items we outlined in Section 2 of this document.

Average CPU and Execution Time

Clicking the statement tab and clicking the avg_busy_time column to sort by this value shows the SQL statements that use the most average CPU time, see :


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

Figure 12: Average CPU and Execution Time snapshot table

Sorting on the avg_exec_time shows the statements with the longest average execution time.

Sorts and Sort Time

Find those statements with high average sort times by sorting on the avg_sort_time column:

Figure 13: Sorts and Sort Time snapshot

Other sort columns of interest are total_sorts and total_sort_time.


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

Rows Read

Sorting on the rows_read column shows those statements with high numbers of rows read.

Figure 14: Rows Read snapshot

Click on the Database tab to find the Average Rows Read per Database Transaction value:

Figure 15: Average Rows Read per Database Transaction snapshot


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

Index Read Efficiency

Also on the Database tab, you will find the Index Read Efficiency value:

Figure 16: Index Read Efficiency snapshot

Synchronous Read Percent

Scroll further down in the Database tab to see the Synchronous Read Percentage value:

Figure 17: Synchronous Read Percentage snapshot


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Tools from IBM Tivoli Service Management Products Wikis

Buffer Pool Logical Reads

Return to the Statement tab and sort by the pool_index_l_reads and pool_data_l_reads columns to see the statements with high Bufferpool Index Logical Read and Bufferpool Data Logical Read values, respectively:

Figure 18: Buffer Pool Logical Reads snapshot

4.2 DB2 Snapshot Statement Formatting Tool

As you can see, using the Performance Analyst tool makes analyzing a DB2 snapshot file much easier than reading the native output file.

However, there are times when you may want a quick view of the statement data from the snapshot file without taking the time to fully process the snapshot data in Performance Analyst.

For those situations, IBM Tivoli service management products provide the DB2 Snapshot Statement Formatting Tool. This tool reads a DB2 statement snapshot file and produces a text file that can be imported into a spreadsheet for sorting/manipulation to assist with identifying query issues.

You can find the link to download the tool and the readme from the product wikis or directly from here: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/download/attachments/141559508/DB2+Snapshot+Format+Tool.zip. After downloading the file, unzip it to a folder of your choice. Note that this tool requires Perl to be installed on your system. IBM Tivoli service management products have tested this tool with ActivePerl which you can download from this link: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl.

To use the tool, simply invoke the Perl script giving it the name of the DB2 snapshot file as input, e.g.:

transfer.pl d:\snapshots\snapshot.txt

The output file from the Perl script will be located in the same directory as the script and will be called transfer.txt. Note that the first row of the file lists the column names, the


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DB2 Analysis Tools

remainder of the rows show the statement data, and that each column is separated by a semi-colon.

This file can now be imported into a spreadsheet tool where the data would look like this:

NumEx NumComp WorstP BestP IntRDel IntRIns RowsRead IntRUpd RowsWri Sorts13618 2 49 2 0 0 95332 0 0 0

64 1 48 48 0 0 774 0 0 039 1 49 49 0 0 5873 0 0 064 1 71 71 0 0 70 0 0 0

13697 1 4 4 0 0 13697 0 0 064 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

8640 1 1 1 0 0 4864 0 0 073230 3 37 1 0 0 6 0 0 012918 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 021108 1 19 19 0 0 21108 0 0 0

64 1 2 2 0 0 29824 0 0 013164 1 3 3 0 0 133 0 13164 08054 1 63 63 0 0 6 0 0 0

13594 1 1 1 0 0 13594 0 0 0

You can now sort the various columns using your spreadsheet program to perform data analysis.

5 DB2 Analysis Tools Now that we have seen the information that can be used from DB2 Snapshots and SystemOut.log files to determine potential problems with SQL statements, let us take a look at some of the DB2 analysis tools that can be used to diagnose and suggest fixes for the issues.

5.1 IBM DB2 Design Advisor

The DB2 Design Advisor is a tool that can help you improve database performance. Given a set of SQL statements, it can provide recommendations for:

• New indexes

• New materialized query tables (MQTs)

• Conversion to multidimensional clustering (MDC) tables

• Redistribution of tables

Refer to the DB2 Information Center for detailed db2advis command options, as well as an Introduction to DB2 Design Advisor.

5.1.1 Using DB2 Design Advisor

The DB2 Design Advisor can be invoked in several ways:

• A set of dynamic SQL statements that were captured in a snapshot db2advis -d <db> -g


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• A single SQL statement db2advis -d <db> -s "statement"

• A set of SQL statements that are contained in a workload file db2advis -d <db> -i <workload file>

This is an example of a workload file:


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The output from DB2 Design Advisor consists of several recommendations including the creation of additional indexes and running runstats such as in this example:

When using Performance Analyst to examine a DB2 snapshot file, you can export the results into a DB2 Design Advisor workload file:


-- ===========================

Figure 19: DB2 Design Advisor snapshot

Provide as complete a workload as possible, otherwise it may suggest that you drop an index which is used by a query which is not included.

If the statistics on your database are not current, the generated recommendations will be less reliable.

Do not blindly accept the recommendations from DB2 Design Advisor. It is important to verify its recommendations before implementing them.


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Some recommendations involve adding the new index and dropping the old one. So it is a good idea to accept these recommendations as a pair.

DB2 Design Advisor can recommend adding an index that is a superset of another (that is, includes an additional column) instead of modifying the existing index.

It can also recommend replacing two unidirectional indexes with a single bi-directional one.

5.1.2 Index Optimization Workflow

In summary, we’ve used the following workflow to optimize indexes for the database:

Figure 20: Optimizing indexes for the workflow

5.2 IBM Optim Query Tuner for Linux, UNIX® and Windows

While the DB2 Design Advisor is a good tool for database optimization, IBM has released a follow-on product called OptimTM Query Tuner (OQT) that provides even more value for database tuning.

In Section 1 of this document, we see how inputs go through the DB2 optimizer to create an access plan. OQT assists you in changing those inputs so the DB2 Optimizer creates a more efficient access plan, see Figure 21 :


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erRewrite Statement

Update Database Statistics

Change Constraints

Change Database Design

Change DB Configuration

Change Registry Variables

Figure 21:DB2 optimizer with Optim

Optim Query Tuner includes the following tools and advisors to make those changes:




Rewrite Statement

Update Database Statistics

Change Constraints

Change Database Design

Change DB Configuration

Change Registry Variables

Query Annotation

Query Advisor

Access Plan Graph

Access Path Advisor

Statistics Advisor

Index Advisor

Query Analysis andSummary Reports

Figure 22: Optim query tuner operation

• Query Annotation: Formats the query with collapsible sections and highlighting to improve readability and navigation through complex queries. You can see cost estimates and statistical information about the predicates of the query, and additional annotations such as information about columns that have skewed data.

• Query Advisor: Uses a set of rules to evaluate how the query is written and provides best-practice-based suggestions for writing queries for optimal performance.

• Access Plan Graph: Shows the access plan chosen by the optimizer to execute the query in a visual diagram. Provides cost and cardinality estimates for each step of the process.

• Access Path Advisor: Examines the access plan chosen by the optimizer and identifies certain access paths that commonly cause suboptimal query performance. The warnings provided by the access path advisor can help you to understand where to look for trouble in the access plan graph.

• Statistics Advisor: Provides advice on missing, obsolete and conflicting statistics that might have a negative effect on the access plan that the optimizer chooses to execute


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the query and suggests additional statistics that should be gathered to improve individual query performance. Provides a runstats command that you can run to collect and repair the statistics. You can also save the runstats commands to the statistics profile tables to keep a history of the collected statistics and for use by automatic statistics collection.

• Index Advisor: Recommends indexes that you can create to improve the performance of the query, and provides DDL scripts that you can run to create the recommended indexes

• Query Report: Simplifies collaboration identifying key statistics, access path information, and physical database design information related to a query.

• Query Formatter: You can see the query formatted for readability and to clearly show the structure of the query. The predicates in the query are ordered according to your specification. By default the predicates are shown in increasing order of complexity.

Figure 23: Query formatter in operation

For more detailed information on Optim Query Tuner, refer to the following link: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/optim/query-tuner-luw/.

5.2.1 Using OQT with IBM Tivoli Service Management Products

Now that we have seen how to use OQT, let us take a look at some examples of using OQT with IBM Tivoli service management products.


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Getting Started

The following figure shows that the database connection has been configured and selected to work on, and a query has been pasted into OQT for analysis:

DB connection

Paste query

Select database to work on

Figure 24: Optim Query tuner in analysis


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Tuning Activities

In this example, all of the tuning activities have been chosen for analysis:

Figure 25: Choosing tuner activities


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Query Format, Access Plan, and Recommendations

Below, you can see the formatted and annotated query, along with the access plan graph, and the recommendations. As you can see, the advisors are recommending updating the statistics, avoiding a data type mismatch, and creating an index.

Access Plan Graph


Reformatted Query and Annotation

Figure 26: The formatted and annotated query

Here is the expanded view of the formatted and annotated query:

Figure 27: The formatted and annotated expanded query


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And, Figure 28 shows the expanded view of the access plan graph:

Figure 28: Expanded view of the access plan graph


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Lastly, we can see the detailed cost information for the query from the access plan graph:

Figure 29: Detailed cost information for the query from the access plan graph

Now, let us look at implementing the recommendations from above.


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One of the recommendations is to update the statistics for the query. The figure below shows the generated runstats commands. Clicking on the Run icon will perform the recommended runstats commands:

Figure 30: Running the generated runstats commands

While statistics are generally managed through database autonomics or a set maintenance schedule, this feature can still be quite useful for updating statistics real-time as part of a query tuning exercise.


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Data Type Mismatch

You can see the details of the recommendation from the access path advisor for the data type mismatch. Note that any changes need to be done manually. It would be up to the database administrator to determine whether or not this recommendation is feasible.

Figure 31: Data type mismatch


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Index Creation

Lastly, we will look at the suggested index to create for the query. You can run the DDL directly from OQT to create the index:

Figure 32: Running the DDL to create the index

Tuning Results

Now that we have implemented the recommended tuning, let us take a look at the effect they have on the query cost by comparing the before and after access plan graphs:

Figure 33: Comparing the before and after access plan graphs


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Figure 34: Displaying the before and after plan graphs

5.2.2 Optimization Workflow

In summary, OQT has produced a greatly improved access plan for the query, illustrating the benefit OQT has to improving IBM Tivoli service management products’ performance.

Previously, we looked at a workflow for using DB2 Advisor for optimizing indexes. Now, let us look at the OQT workflow for query tuning:

Identify problematic statements

Come up with a solution

Experiment and review

Analyze the statementsOptim Query Tuner

DB2 Snapshot / SystemOut.log

DB2 Snapshot / SystemOut.log

Figure 35: Using the OQT workflow for query tuning


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Performance Monitoring Tool (PerfMon)

6 Performance Monitoring Tool (PerfMon) IBM Tivoli service management products running on Tivoli’s process automation engine version and above can take advantage of the built-in Performance Monitoring (PerfMon) tool to determine SQL execution times. PerfMon is useful for understanding what SQL statements are executed when performing certain functions within the applications. For example, you may have identified a problematic query from the SystemOut.log file or a DB2 snapshot, but you aren’t sure what user activity generates the query. With PerfMon enabled, you can manually execute the suspected user scenarios to isolate exactly what user action generates the query.

While PerfMon is a useful debug tool, it should not be used in production since the monitoring system adds a high overhead to the system. In addition, it should not be enabled while trying to take true measures of the response times or scalability.

1.1. Configuring PerfMon

Step 1: Stop the application server

Step 2: Using a text editor, open the UI Framework Deployment Descriptor (web.xml file) located in <MAXIMOBUILD>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\WEB-INF

Look for the following in the filter definition section and uncomment it:

<filter> <filter-name>PerfMon</filter-name> <filter-class>psdi.webclient.system.filter.PerformanceMonitor</filter-class>


Look for the following in the filter mapping definition section and uncomment it:

<filter-mapping> <filter-name>PerfMon</filter-name> <url-pattern>/ui/*</url-pattern>


Note: If you do not see the above entries as part of the web.xml, you will have to add it. Make sure you add both sets of entries to the appropriate sections of the web.xml file.

Step 3: If you are using WebSphere Application Server enterprise archive (EAR) for running IBM Tivoli service management products, you will need to regenerate the EAR file using <MAXIMOBUILD>\applications\deployment\buildmaximoear.cmd and redeploy the EAR on the application server.

If you are using IBM Tivoli service management products on WebLogic, ignore this step.

Step 4: Restart the application server


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1.2. Using PerfMon

Open IBM Tivoli service management product in a web browser and proceed to the portion of the application that you wish to monitor, for example, http:// <host:port>/maximo/webclient/login/login.jsp.

In a separate browser session, open the URL http://<host:port>/maximo/webclient/utility/profiler/PerfMon.jsp

Note: Substitute the name of the host and port on which the IBM Tivoli service management product is installed.

The browser should display the HTTP Request Monitoring Screen similar to the following:

Figure 36: Example HTTP Request Monitoring Screen

At the top of the page there are the following buttons and links:

• View Server Request will let you see the SQL Tracking, SQL Explain Plan and Stack Trace for each UI request.

• Refresh will retrieve the results of recent activity from the server. Typically, the user will perform an action in one browser session, and then return to the Performance Monitor page to view the results.

• Enable will enable profiling if it has been previously been disabled.

• Disable will temporarily disable monitoring until the Enable button is pressed.

• Reset will clear all previous results from the server’s memory. This is typically used to reduce the amount of information just prior to accessing the function that is to be monitored.

The Main table has multiple columns, providing information related to each UI Event URL request response time. The main columns are:

• Monitor Label: Shows information related to IBM Tivoli service management products UI events link

• Hits: Shows information related to how many time user clicks same link


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• Average Ms: Shows Response time in milliseconds.

Clicking on View Server Request will display the SQL, Explain Plan, and Stack Trace Monitoring Screen similar to the following:

Figure 37: An example SQL, Explain Plan, and Stack Trace Monitoring Screen

The main table has two columns:

The Transaction is a rough approximation of the UI framework event that is sent from the browser to the server. In some cases, this event is changed slightly to group transactions that belong to the same application near each other in the list. If in doubt of which transaction name goes with an action in the IBM Tivoli service management products browser session, press the Reset button just prior to accessing the action.

The second column contains four basic statistics about that event:

Stmts - This is the number of SQL statements that are issued to the database.

SQL Time - Below the SQL statement count is the total time of the database access. A high number here is indicative of a performance issue.

Note: It is best not to dismiss database access times that are shown to be fast. Java is very inaccurate at timing anything less than 50 ms. So if you had 50 SQL Statements that take 40 ms, then this total could very well say 0. This can be misleading, as a more accurate number may be 2000 ms.

In general it is always best to have the minimum number of SQL statements possible. The statements can be generated by product code or by code from customizations.


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MboSets - The number of MBOSets created as part of the transaction. Following this number is a break down of the total by MBOSet name. The higher this total number is, the more SQL statements that are likely to have been generated, and the more memory is being consumed. This number should be minimized if possible.

Mbos - The number of MBOs created as part of the transaction. Following this number is a break down of the total by MBO name. The higher this number is the more memory is consumed. This number should be minimized.

Stack Trace - This link will be enabled based on configuration monitoring. It will provide Stack Trace information on classes and methods executed during the UI event and SQL execution.

Clicking on the count of SQL statements will display each of the statements which have been issued, and the number of times each statement has been used.

The execution time of the statement is shown in [ ].

Figure 38: Showing the execution times

This information can help guide you as to where these statements are coming from, and also point to potential optimizations. These optimizations could include the use of strategies such as:

• Combining fetches which are done with several statements into a single fetch • Caching in memory data which is constantly being fetched and used by the


Clicking on the statement count again will hide this information.

Note: In many parts of the application, the first time an action is accessed can be more expensive (in terms of time) than subsequent times. An example of this is during the loading of an application. The first time the application is accessed, the system will retrieve the screen definition from the database; parse the XML and cache in memory. The lists of actions to be displayed are also fetched. This happens only once, so subsequent accesses


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to the applications do not need to perform these same actions and is much faster. When trying to monitor any transactions, it is recommended that the transaction is monitored after the initial invocation.

Although the system will only monitor statistics for transactions once, it monitors every single transaction in the system. This means the list of transactions displayed on the screen can become very long. It is recommended the ‘Reset’ button is used to clear the list prior to accessing the transaction that is to be monitored.


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Performance Analyst General Usage


A Performance Analyst General Usage Spreadsheet-like user interface

Figure 39: Performance analyst - spreadsheet-like user interface

1. Filtering: (global) text filtering, which is helpful for conveniently filter out interested data only.

2. Show rows with alerts only: quick hand for finding rows with alerts when there are many rows of data.

3. Searching: (global) searching for specific text, matched cells highlighted in yellow color.

4. Data Sorting: multi-column sorting also may be sorted in either direction (forward/reverse). Simply clicking on a column header would sort by that column (first in reverse order), and clicking the same column header again would toggle the sort order (reverse->forward, or vice versa). Ctrl-clicking on a column while already with some column(s) sorted would append this new column into the sort sequence at the end of sort sequence. Again, ctrl-clicking on the column would toggle this column's sort order. The number of columns which may be added into the sorting sequence is unlimited.

5. Column Reordering: simply dragging columns around to re-order the column position.


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Context menu

Figure 40: Performance analyst context menu

Many user interface functions are also available in right-click context menu. Column or rows may be hidden conveniently from context menu, as well as auto-adjusting column(s) width, clearing filters or sorting.


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Multiple windows

Figure 41: Performance analyst multiple windows

Opening multiple windows side by side is supported. You may open different performance data for analysis, or for comparison purpose, you may also open the same performance data into different, multiple windows to compare to itself. The view menu provides short-cuts to open a new empty window, to duplication current window content, to arrange position of all windows current opened.


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Figure 42: Performance analyst alerts

1. Alerts are probably the most useful feature. Rows which contain any cell matching any defined alert criteria would have its icon added an "alert" decorator in the upper-right corner of the original icon.

2. Cells which actually match any alert criteria would be marked in red.

3. Hovering the cursor over any such cell or row shows a tooltip containing the actual applicable alert criteria (for that cell or that row). In the example above, one criteria "10 < index_read_efficiency" was defined which matched the row circled in red box (which has value '4385.762' for that column).

4. There were originally 86 rows in total, with 17 of them having alerts. We have chosen to show only rows with alerts in this screenshot.It is obviously much easier to find these rows having alerts, instead of scattering among 86 rows.


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Customization dialog

Figure 43: Performance Analyst customization table

Customization (like filtering, sorting) may be saved for later, future repeated usage. To open this dialog, simple right click to launch the context menu and select Customise table.

1. Each tab gets its own, separate set of customization profiles. So application tab has its own set, and so does statement tab.

2. In this dialog, you may save unlimited profiles. Initially, there would be only 3 items listed in this box. The first 2 are system default, the first one being the 'empty state' (that is, the state without any customization applied) and the 2nd item being the currently state of the tool. There should also be the 3rd item which is the state supplied along with the tool and is marked as 'default'. A 'default' profile is applied when the tool initially starts. If no profile has been marked 'default', the first 'empty state' is used instead when the tool starts. To create a new profile, simple click the 'Save Customization' button and specify a new name. The current dialog content is saved into that new profile. You may also update an existent profile by saving it into an existent profile.

3. Columns may be marked hidden in customization profile. Sometimes, we are not interested in only a few columns and showing all columns clutters the user-interface. In this case, you can mark them as hidden, and they are then not shown (this also has performance benefits, the fewer the faster). You can use the buttons


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in the middle to do the work, or drag-n-drop directly to and from the 2 lists. The column display is also defined here. Again, use buttons or drag-n-drop to order the columns.

4. Above the 3 selection list in this dialog, there is a search box for easier finding the desired item. This is handy when you have many columns. Simply enter the text to search and press 'enter', the first item matched is highlighted. Press 'enter' again to search for the next match, so on and on.

5. Alerts are also configured here. In this dialog, there is a list of all the alert criteria currently defined. The actual editing of criteria detail is done in another dialog, this is introduced in the next section. Here you initiate the addition, removal, or modification of the selected criteria.

6. The last parts in this dialog are sorter and filter. This is all usually done in the main user-interface, and is not recommended to be manually edited here (except filter text). It is suggested to use spreadsheet-like interface to define sorting and filtering directly, instead of defining them in this dialog (as it is a little cumbersome here).

Profile menu

Figure 44: Performance analyst profile menu

As customization profiles or rules are designed to be used for different situations, a menu is provided for switching quickly between different customization profiles. There is no need to go to customization dialog first in order to change the profile applied.


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Alert criteria editor

Figure 45: Alert criteria editor

In the alert editor, you can define the name and description of the alert criteria, as well as the criteria itself.

The criteria content is defined in Ruby expression syntax. Normal arithmetic or logical operators (+, -, *, /, and, or, >, <, ==, != ... etc.) are available. If you are experienced,, a complex Ruby expression may also be used here. When referring to a specific column, you enclose it in the form: #{column name}. An easier way is to drag the desired column directly from the column list below into criteria text box, as shown in Figure 45. The criteria is evaluated by this tool at run-time, using the real value from the desired column. Whenever a criterion evaluates to be true, the alert applies and the column is flagged in the main window.


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Alerts may have different levels. The main window shows different levels in different ways, mostly using different colors. Currently there are 2 levels available: critical and warning. Critical alerts, if matched, are shown in red color, while warning alerts are shown in yellow. This may be useful in providing visual clues for pin-pointing the most import alerts first, and then the next level alerts.

More finer-grained alert level is also defined in this editor. It is very common to have the same criteria, with different threshold values having different levels. An example would be buffer pool hit rate criteria. Sometime you may like to define a buffer pool hit rate criteria, with less than 95% as critical, but less than 98% as warning. To achieve this goal, use special element "%s" to act as the threshold position in the criteria content, something like:

%s > #{bufferpool.hitrate}

Whenever this editor detects the presence of special element "%s" in the criteria text box, the upper right hand side "Threshold" boxes would be enabled for defining threshold values. You can first select level 'critical' and enter '95', and then select 'warning' to enter '98'.

Figure 46: Threshold levels

Context help

Figure 47: Context help


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A context-help is provided for looking up the definition of columns, if available. This is basically a browser which currently direct to DB2 v9 information center (going directly to the monitor element represented by the selected column).

Plug-in selection dialog

Figure 48: Plug-in selection dialog

Performance analyst has a plug-in architecture. You can choose which plug-in to use before importing performance data into it.


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Workspace persistence

Figure 49: Workspace persistence

A special plug-in is provided to save the current workspace state, in order to be used later to restore the workspace quickly. The time to import and parse very large performance output data may be very time-consuming, and this plug-in provides a way for caching/storing the importing result, so next time you do not need to re-parse it again, without wasting a long time. In addition, the persisted workspace files (*.paw) generally are much smaller than the original source data files.

There are 2 special short-cuts in the file menu just for this function.

DB2 Monitor Plug-in

Database Manager Tab:

Figure 50: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Database tab


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Database Manager Tab

Figure 51: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Database Manager tab

Buffer Pool Tab

Figure 52: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Buffer Pool tab


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Tablespace Tab

Figure 53: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Tablespace tab

In the tablespace tab, tablespace containers are also shown as the children of tablespaces.

Table Tab

Figure 54: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Table tab


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Lock Tab

Figure 55: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Lock tab

Application in Deadlock State

Figure 56: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Application tab

In the application tab, if an application is waiting on a lock which is currently held by another application, it would be shown as a child under the application holding the lock. Also, a special lock icon is shown for those applications which are in dead lock state (not just lock-wait, but actually deadlocked). Deadlock state involves more than one application. The supplied default configuration profile contains an alert which marks a deadlocked application in "alert" state. To analyze the detailed deadlock state, it is best to go with the deadlock event monitor analysis.


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Statement tab

Figure 57: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Statement tab

The user interface also provides column filtering (in addition to the global filtering in the lower left text field). It is quite common for a DB2 snapshot monitor to have large amount of data, which may make the tool slow to operate. Filtering may help speed it up by removing uninterested data. In the diagram above, column "num_executions" has applied a filter which removes all rows with 0 (3920 loaded but only 27 shown). The difference in processing speed is huge in this case.

Deadlock tab

Figure 58: DB2 Monitor Plug-in Deadlock tab

Deadlock tab is specifically used by deadlock event monitor analysis, which provides detailed information about deadlock situations. This includes all deadlock participants,


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which locks they were holding at the time the deadlock was detected, and transaction statement history of each participant (if used "WITH DETAILS HISTORY" mode).

Tivoli’s process automation engine Plug-in

Figure 59: Tivoli’s process automation engine Plug-in

The usual statement view:

Figure 60: Process automation engine Plug-in usual statement view

Grouping statements by object helps to understand the overall impact by each object.


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Note: The following plug-ins are also included with the Performance Analyst tool. While they are not specifically used in diagnosing database performance problems, they may be useful for other performance diagnostics:

Java Dump Plug-in

Thread tab

Figure 61: Java Dump Plug-in Thread tab

Monitor tab

Figure 62: Java Dump Plug-in Monitor tab

Monitor tab shows the relationship between monitor and its owner, as well as threads currently waiting for it.

1. Monitor type and address.

2. The thread currently holding the monitor. You have thread name, stack trace, and so on.

3. Threads currently being held and is waiting for the monitor.


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Java GC Plug-in

Summary tab

Figure 63: Java GC Plug-in Summary tab

This tab provides a quick overview of the whole. Average/peak GC time, average/peak GC utilization, maximum memory request, and so on.

Invocation tab

The Invocation tab lists all allocation failures contained within the given verbose GC output. Each root node represents an allocation failure. Under root nodes are the details of allocation failure, including before/after status of tenured/nursery space, GC statistics. By default, root nodes are not expanded.

Figure 64: Java GC Plug-in Invocation tab

Figure 65 shows a verbose GC of using 'gencon' policy.


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1. You can expand an allocation failure to see its details.

2. The garbage collection child shown here (it is of type 'scavenger' here) shows the details of what has been done during this garbage collection interval.

3. This shows the memory status before GC is carried out.

4. This shows the memory status after GC is done.

Figure 65: Example of a verbose GC using 'gencon' policy

Figure 65 shows a verbose GC using 'optthroughput' policy.

1. The allocation failures here are of type 'tenured'.

2. The garbage collections here are of type 'global'. They contain the timing information of the 3 phases: mark, sweep, compact. Note that the child (garbage collection) information is carried up to the parent node, so there is no need to always expand root nodes.


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JLM Plug-in

The JLM plug-in imports Performance Inspector JLM outputs. This plug-in is also special in that it can further intermix JLM outputs with a set of thread dumps, in order to pin-point the source location of a monitor's usage.

JLM Java Monitor Tab

Figure 66: JLM Plug-in Java Monitor tab

1. Just like in normal JLM outputs, each row here represents a monitor with various attributes. Unlike plain-text JLM outputs, sorting (multi-column), searching, and filtering are available.

2. If companion thread dumps are also given, the monitor's owner thread, if any, are shown as a child of the monitor. A monitor's owner thread has its thread stack trace revealed as well.

3. Same as owner threads, if there are threads currently waiting for this monitor, they are shown as children of the monitor.

4. Column 'mon_obj_type' indicates the type of monitor objects. For threads, this column shows thread stack trace.

5. The default rule sorts monitors by column 'slow', which is more convenient than JLM output's default 'miss-rate'.

6. Alerts are available as usual.


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JLM System Monitor Tab

Figure 67: JLM Plug-in System Monitor Tab

CSV Plug-in

Figure 68: CSV Plug-in

The CSV plug-in is used to load an iostat output in CSV file format. Column headers are fetched from the first line of the input file.


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OQT General Usage

B OQT General Usage Optim Query Tuner is built on the Eclipse platform, so if you are familiar with Eclipse, you should find the OQT user interface to be easy to use:

Access Path Graph

Access Path Graph

Query ReportQuery Report

Index AdvisorIndex




User InterfaceUser Interface


Statistics Advisor

Statistics Advisor

Access Path Advisor

Access Path Advisor

FormatterFormatter AnnotationAnnotation

Query Based Tools and Advisors

Query AdvisorsQuery Tools


Query ReportQuery Report

Query AdvisorQuery


Figure 69: Optim Query Tuner window

From the main window of OQT, you will see the following views:

• Database Source Explorer: Used to setup database connections

• Project Explorer: Used to save tuned queries and the analysis result history

• Query Tuner: Used to enter/alter the query and to select tuning. This view also provides analysis result views and summary report views.

The bottom pane contains views to denote what is enabled, capturing queries, SQL results, and status of executions of tuning and statements, see Figure 70 .


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Figure 70: Optim Query Tuner views

Create and Configure the Connection

Before being able to perform query tuning, you must:

• Activate the license on the LUW Server using:




• Set the DB2COMM to TCPIP using:

o db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP o db2stop o db2start

• Select a port number not used on the server and set:

o DB2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING SVCENAME <port_number> o db2stop o db2start

• Optionally, create explain tables

• Create a connection using the Data Source Explorer

o Right click and select NEW o Pick LUW and setup the database name, the hostname, the port setup for

SVCENAME, and the userid and password (can also use Kerberos or client authentication)


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OQT General Usage

Figure 71: Data Source Explorer configuration

Configuring the connection for OQT

Once a connection is setup, then right click to connect:

Figure 72: Configuring the connection for OQT


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OQT General Usage

To setup explain tables and the special Index Advisor stored procedure, a new connection must be configured, see Figure 73:

Figure 73: Configuring a new connection

Advanced Configuration

Advanced configuration allows the user to enable the explain tables if they do not exist and to enable the Index Advisor stored procedure. Use the “Enable” buttons if the corresponding items are red. Note that the OQT license needs to be set to allow all advisors to be used.

When everything is enabled and the OQT license is setup, you will see the following on the Query Tuner tab:

Figure 74: OQT Query Tuner tab


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OQT General Usage

The Features tab should look like the following:

Figure 75: OQT Features tab

Starting a Query Tuner Session

Right click on the database name and select Query Tuner Start Tuning to start:

Figure 76: Starting a Query Tuner Session


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OQT General Usage

Workflow Editor

The workflow editor provides information on the status of the advisors. It also provides the mechanisms for capturing a query, invoking the tuning features, and showing the recommendations.

Figure 77: Workflow Editor functions


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OQT General Usage

Invoking the Tuning Features

The Invoke view allows a user to configure the registers used in explaining the statement and the features using “Set Advisor Options”. This view runs all or specific advisors.

Figure 78: Invoking the Tuning Features


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OQT General Usage

Tailoring the Advisor Executions

Each advisor can be tailored. For example, the memory limit for the index advisor can be set:

Figure 79: Tailoring the Advisor Executions


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OQT General Usage

Execute Advisors and Tools

You can select the advisors and tools to run:

Figure 80: Execute Advisors and Tools

• Query Annotation: Formats and breaks down the elements of the query.

• Access Plan Graph: Obtains the view of the access plan and can optionally run the statement to collect actual cardinalities to display with estimates (requires DB2 9.7.1 or later).

• Statistics Advisor: Provides recommendations on the best statistics to capture to influence access path selection.

• Query and Access Path Advisor: Presents recommendations on how to rewrite the query or modify items affecting the query access plan to provide a better performing plan.

• Index Advisor: Recommends any additional indexes that can reduce the number of scans.

• Summary Report: Reports information on the plan, tables, predicates, and other recommendations.

Query Analysis Results

When viewing query analysis results, the priority states how important the recommendation is. Very low priority recommendations are considered “maintenance only” recommendations.


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OQT General Usage

Note that Index Advisor recommendations are always low by design, since adding additional indexes should be done with caution to avoid having negative impact on inserts and updates.

Figure 81: Query Analysis Results

Query Format

Viewing the formatted query and the query breakdown information can help you spot human error and identify where filtering should occur. Selecting part of the query highlights all related occurrences.

Figure 82: Query Analysis Results

Access Plan Graph

The access plan graph allows the user to visualize the flow of query processing, to see the associated indexes and operations, and to understand the rationale the DB2 Optimizer takes for the query. It also allows you to assess the access path stability to reduce the risk of performance issues. For example:

• Is the optimizer able to apply the filtering early?


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OQT General Usage

• Are there indexes that support an efficient path?

• Do statistics allow distinction between the choices?

Figure 83: Access Plan Graph

Statistics Advisor

The statistics advisor provides advice on missing statistics, conflicting statistics, and out-of-date statistics, resulting in more accurate estimated costs, better query performance, less CPU consumption, and improved maintenance window throughput.

Figure 84: Statistics Advisor


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OQT General Usage

Query Advisor

The query advisor provides advice on rewriting a SQL query to make it more efficient. Note that query changes can only be applied manually.

Figure 85: Query Advisor

Access Path Advisor

The access path advisor identifies potential access path issues in the query plan by investigating the access plan and applying rules. Like the query advisor, access plan changes can only be applied manually.

Figure 86: Access Path Advisor


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OQT General Usage

Index Advisor

The index advisor helps improve query efficiency by indexing foreign keys in queries that do not have indexes defined, identifying index filtering and screening, and indexing to avoid sorts. Recommendations consist of:

• Consolidation of similar indexes to provide a single recommendation

• Providing DDL to create indexes that can be run immediately or saved

• Providing an overall estimated performance improvement compared to not having the recommendation applied

• Showing the total disk space used by the new indexes in the recommendation

• Showing the list of new recommendations sorted by table and including the column list and size per index

• Providing a list of existing indexes still found to be used by the statement

Figure 87: Index Advisor


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7 References C Eaton, “An Expert's Guide to DB2 Technology”, online weblog

S. Lightstone, T. Teorey, T. Nadeau, “Physical Database Design: the database professional's guide to exploiting indexes, views, storage, and more”, Morgan Kaufmann Press, 2007. ISBN: 0123693896


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