November 14, 2019 DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra - East, Mumbai- 400 051 __ Srmbol: ADFFOODS Dear Sir/Madam, DCS-CRD BSE Limited Aof FOODS LTD. CJeeduilf' tl ie, 1 1.UJ!dd, .. Department of Corporate Services, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 Scrip Code: 519183 Subject: Newspaper Publication - Financial Results of ADF Foods Limited. Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed copies of the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the Second Quarter and Half Year ended September 30, 2019 published in "The Economic Times" - Ahmedabad Edition (English & Gujarati) and "The Economic Times" - Mumbai Edition (Gujarati) Newspapers on November 13, 2019. You are requested to kindly take the above disclosure on record. Yours faithfully, For ADF Foods Ltd. Encl: A/a Regd Off: 83/86, G.I.D.C Industrial Estate, Nadiad - 387 001, India. Tel. : +912682551381/82 Fax: +912682565068 · Email: [email protected] CIN: L 15400GJ1990PLC014265 Corp. Off: Marathon lnnova B2, G01 , Ground Floor, G. K. Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. INDIA. Tel. : +91 22 6141 5555, Fax : +91 22 6141 5577 Email : [email protected], Web : www.adf-foods.com

DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited … · November 14, 2019 DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra

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Page 1: DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited … · November 14, 2019 DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra

November 14, 2019

DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra - East, Mumbai- 400 051

__ Srmbol: ADFFOODS

Dear Sir /Madam,



CJeeduilf' tlie, 11.UJ!dd, ..

Department of Corporate Services, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001

Scrip Code: 519183

Subject: Newspaper Publication - Financial Results of ADF Foods Limited.

Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed copies of the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the Second Quarter and Half Year ended September 30, 2019 published in "The Economic Times" - Ahmedabad Edition (English & Gujarati) and "The Economic Times" -Mumbai Edition (Gujarati) Newspapers on November 13, 2019.

You are requested to kindly take the above disclosure on record.

Yours faithfully,

For ADF Foods Ltd.

Encl: A/a

Regd Off: 83/86, G.I.D.C Industrial Estate, Nadiad - 387 001, India. Tel. : +912682551381/82 Fax: +912682565068 · Email: [email protected] CIN: L 15400GJ1990PLC014265 Corp. Off: Marathon lnnova B2, G01 , Ground Floor, G. K. Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. INDIA. Tel. : +91 22 6141 5555, Fax : +91 22 6141 5577 Email : [email protected], Web : www.adf-foods.com

Page 2: DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited … · November 14, 2019 DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra


FOODS LTC. -,w-U..

ADF Foods Limited Formerly known as American Dry Fruits Limited

CIN: L 15400GJ1990PLC014265, Reg Office: 83/86, G.I.D.C Industrial Estate, Nadiad - 387 001, Gujarat,

Tel: +91 268 2551381/82, Fax: +91 268 2565068. Corp Off: Marathon lnnova, B2, G01, Ground Floor, G. K. Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai -400 013,

Tel: +91 22 261415555, Fax: +91 22 61415577, E-mall: [email protected], Website: www.adf-foods.com


l'lltlculals Qunr V.ID- Y•ID- Pll¥loul Quarllr r..11• ._ .... Pll¥loul tndlcl Qullllr Qllllllr..r ..... ..... ,.. tndlcl Qullllr ...... ..... ...... ,.. ~I Iliad Hallll p!NIU Iliad

1-- -- __ .... Iliad Matlin ~-~-=- Iliad

3N8-2019 JIIMIII,. ... pll1od ... 314-2019 »--2019 p!MIII,. ... 314-2019 3MNl1t ...... !MNl1t ....

-· -· - - .. -· (Audllld) (Ullllld ... naucUlldl(U (Audllld)

Tolal income from operations (net) 4,317.39 4,410.50 4,837.37 8,727.89 8,881.42 18,749.90 5,693.34 6,573.70 5,970.49 12,267.04 10,874.96 23,143.50 Net Proftt / (loss) for the period (before Tax,

and/or Extraordinary Items) 1,131.25 1,122.20 1,418.21 2,253.45 2,254.65 4,399.83 1,310.65 1,368.02 1,517.35 2,678.87 2,410.12 3,n326 !Net Profit/ (loss) for the period before tax (after Exoaplional and/or Extraordinary llama 1,148.75 1,06426 1,418.21 2,213.01 2,254.65 4,399.83 1,328.35 1,310.08 1,517.35 2,638.43 2,410.12 3,n326 Net Prufll I (Losa) for the period after tax (after Excaptional and/or ExlJaordinary Items 783.39 729.24 95920 1,512.83 1,593.16 3,047.73 928.64 918.63 1,036.21 1,847.27 1,713.98 2,533.48 Tolal comprehensiw Income for the period (Comprialng Proflt/(Losa) for the period (after tax) and other Comprehensive income (after tax)) 673.35 815.53 690.42 1,488.88 1,243.83 3,202.56 820.43 1,004.64 805.24 1,825.07 1,530.n 2,743.56 Equity Share Capital (Face value, 101- per share) 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 2,002.27 R8ll8Ml8 (excluding Revaluation ~) as shown In the Audited Balance Sheet of the previous ~ - - 19,003.09 - - 15,142.38 Em!ql Per Share (of, 101- each) (b contlroitg and dlsconhed operations) -Basic 3.91 3.64 4.56 7.55 7.57 14.84 4.64 4.59 4.93 9.23 8.15 12.34 Dllulad 3.91 3.64 4.56 7.55 7.57 14.84 4.64 4.59 4.93 9.23 8.15 12.34 Nalls: 1) The above resuhs are extract of the detailed format of the Un-audited Finacial Rasults for the QuarlBI' and Half Year ended September 30, 2019 flied with the Stock Exd1anga8 pul1U8l1I 1D

Regulation 33of the see, (Liallng Obllgatlona & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the Un-audited Ftnanelal Results Is available on the 6'>Ck ExdlangeWlbllles www.bselndla.com and www.nselndla.com and on Company's website www.adf-loods.com. The Un-audited Financial ResuhB for the QuarlBI' and Half Year anded Seplamber 30, 2019 have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Conmlttae at Its Meeting held on November 11, 2019 and applO'l8d by the Board of Dlredors at Its Meeting held on November 11 , 2019. The 1lnanclal results are In 11CC0111ance wilh the Indian Accounting S1andards (Ind AS) as presa1bed under Section 133 of the Companies Id., 2013 read with RIM 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Slandalds) Rules, 2015 and COmpanlas (lndlanAccountlng Slandarda)Amendment Rules, 2016. The CU111111tquarlBI' and half ~ended September30, 2019 reeults have been subjecled toa limited review by the Statutory Auditors of the Company.

2) The figures forlhe quartarended Septamber 30, as reportad In 6-re1ult1un the balancing figures belwNI unaudited figures in respect of the period anded Septamber30, and lhepubllshed year to dale flgures up to the end oftheflrstqU81111roflhe relevanlfinanclal year.Also the figures up to the end of the ffnllquar18rhad only been reviewed and not subjected to audit.

3) The-Consolldated financial statement has been prepared In accordance with n:tlan Accounting Standards lndAS-110 "Consolidated Flnanclal Statements•. Conaolldated Flnanclal Slat8ment of the Company Includes the flnanclal statamenlB of It's Wholly Owned Subsidiaries, ADF Foods (lndla) Limited & ADF Foods (UK) Limited and It's slap-down subaldlaries viz ADF Holdlngs (USA)UmitedandAOFFoods(USA)Umited.Thefinanclalstatamentaoftt.esublidiarieshavebeenreviewedbylheirrespectiveauditors.

4) Other Income and other expenses above include net foreign exchange gain and loss respectively for each reporting period as under.

'°'n lacs . Stlndllonl Contolldllld

Partlculffl Qull1lr Y•ID- Y•IDit.l Pmloua Quarlar v..11.- Y•ID- Pll¥loul tndlcl Qullllr ---- .... for .... far ,... lllded Qulrtar ..... ..... ..... ,..

30-0&-2011 Iliad »ealllll p!NIU anded 30-09-2011 anded ...... ,::. anded 3Nl-2019 pm1aua,- ... pll1od ... 31,03-2019 30-Gf.2019 pm1aua,- ... 3162019

..ail 3NW011 ...... .... (II (Audited) (Ullllld11ac1 (II- (Uni (Audlltd)

Net exchanae gain / loss

Other Income 252.00 19.49 164.63 271 .49 307.83 - 252.22 20.40 164.60 272.82 307.94 -Other expense - - 99.75 - - 84.25

5) OnApril 1, 2019, the Company has adopted Ind AS 116, Leases, using modified relrospecliveapproach.Accordingly, the comparatives have not been retrospectlvalyadjustlld. The adoption of lndAS 116dld not have any material lmpacton the standalone results for the quarlBI' and six months period ended September 30, 2019.

6) Exceptional Items represent , 35.37 Lakhs profit on sale of plots of land which the company had purchased with the lntentioo to build storage faclll\y but no longer Intends 1D use It for the purpoae of the business. It also Includes expense aggregating to USD 110,000 equlvalant to, 75.81 Lakhs. The same is towards litigatioo sattlamenl amourt and legal r- In respect ofalaMultflledinUS.

7) The Board has recommended Interim dlvldend@15% I.a, 1.5/· per equity share of face value, 10/-each for Iha financial year anded Maroh 31, 2020. The record data for Interim Dividend Is tlxad as Thursday, November21, 2019 ID ascertain Iha numberof Shareholden of the Company entitled for the payment of Interim DMdand.

8) During the period the entity's Chief Operating Decision Makar (COOM) has ldentlllad a new business segment 'fvJency Distribution Business' and the results of the same aregl\'9n separately In Segment wise revenue, resuhs, assets and llabl)ltles statement annexed herewith.

9) The abo'leftnanclal resuhs have been subject to Limited Review by StatutoryAudltDnl. The Comparative figures for the period for April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 In the Slatamentof Cash Flow has been prepared by the management and &pplOY8d by the Board of Direclonl and have not been subjected 1D Nmiled review.

10) Figures for the previous periods have bean reclasslflad/re-groupad, whareWlr necessary.

For ADF Foodl Llmbd

Blmll R. Thlkbr l'llm:llumbll Chairman, lllanlglng Dnctor & C.E.O. Dall: November 11, 2019 DIN: 00087404

Page 3: DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited … · November 14, 2019 DCS-CRD National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra





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:lll:IU~ ~'i~!~ ll~t~1ll Rl~e.s (\~! c11v1nd\ ~dl. :ill:i.t1tS:b\'1: L 15400GJ1990PLC014265,

~IY:itl :i.tl~": l3/l~ . ~ .:OU\l.ll~ :i.tlE4ll5\~ <Hlll!d , -tll'llf. 3l-900'l , ",!'rurt, hllt1-t: +<!'l ~~t n'l'l3t'l/t~ , •Ml= +e::, ~~t n~'lo~t.

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t-114\: [email protected], il•Hutz: www.adf-foods.com

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filslfilt t\~ lalilis 111i vi~si,-

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Date: 11.11.2019


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