DeafTEC is supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DUE – 1104229. Any opinions, findings, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. HI-TEC Preconference Workshop Using Universal Design Principles to Improve Student Learning and Success

DeafTEC is supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DUE – 1104229

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HI-TEC Preconference Workshop Using Universal Design Principles to Improve Student Learning and Success. DeafTEC is supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DUE – 1104229. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DeafTEC is supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DUE – 1104229. Any opinions, findings, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

HI-TEC Preconference WorkshopUsing Universal Design Principles to Improve Student

Learning and Success

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• Presenters• Panelists• Participants


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Donna [email protected] Center Director, DeafTECAssociate ProfessorInformation & Computing Studies

Gary Long [email protected] Co-PI, DeafTECAssociate ProfessorLiberal StudiesSenior Advisor to the President for Research

Myra [email protected] DeafTECAssociate ProfessorInformation & Computing Studies

National Technical Institute for the DeafRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester, NY

Paul [email protected] TrainerAdjunct Professor ASL-ESOL

Patricia (Trish) [email protected] TrainerProfessor Biology

Erika [email protected], Subaward PIAssistant Dean of Arts and Humanities Associate Professor of ASL-ESOL

Austin Community CollegeAustin, TX

Theresa [email protected], Subaward PIDirector, Educational Resource Center on DeafnessTexas School for the DeafAustin, TX

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• Barbra Beggs, Interpreter• Amy Johnson, TSD Student• Ronald Mahnick, ACC Student• Trish Phelps, ACC Biology Professor

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• Madi Chase-Wolfe• Amanda Katz• Jacob Stacy


• Polly

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• Goals• Universal Design Principles in Instruction• Perils of Lecturing Experience and Discussion• Panel • DeafTEC Website Resources• Strategies and Approaches • Plan for Change Form• Wrap Up & Evaluation


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1. Gain an understanding of Universal Design for Instruction

2. Learn about potential pitfalls and perils while lecturing in the classroom

3. Understand the student’s perspective of access4. Learn about Deaf/ASL Culture5. Learn about the resources available through

DeafTEC6. Create a personal plan for classroom strategies

Workshop Goals

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An NSF ATE National Center of ExcellenceGoal: To successfully integrate more deaf/hh individuals into the workplace in highly skilled technician jobs in which these individuals are currently underrepresented and underutilized.

A resource for high schools and community colleges that educate deaf/hh students in STEM-related programs and for employers hiring deaf/hh individuals.

DeafTEC is supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DUE -1104229

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Plan for Change• Guiding Questions

– Which of my current teaching strategies makes access for deaf/hard of hearing students in my classes more difficult?

– How might I modify strategies on improving access to learning?

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Lecture Experience & Discussion

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Top 10 Things Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students Would Like Teachers to Do

1- Use a document camera when reading aloud or referring to text.

2- Have PowerPoint and lecture notes available to the students before class

3- Treat all students equally4- Have a positive/flexible attitude

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Top 10 Things Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students Would Like Teachers to Do (cont.)

5- Interpreters are not always an accurate reflection of students when voicing for them

6- Be aware of “process time,” which is the time required to process information into another language. Slow down! It may be beneficial to take small pauses or a short break

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Top 10 Things Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students Would Like Teachers to Do (cont.)

7- While using PowerPoint slides, overheads, or other similar material, give students time to read before moving on

8- Allow Deaf students to have access to the first few rows in class on the first day

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Top 10 Things Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students Would Like Teachers to Do (cont.)

9- Don’t force groups of deaf/hard of hearing students to work together. Well before you establish groups, ask students privately for their preferences in group assignments

10- If you are using a laser pointer, allow the pointer to remain on the object for an extended period.

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1. Class climate2. Interaction3. Physcial environment and products4. Delivery methods5. Information resources and technology6. Feedback7. Assessment8. Accommodation

Principles of Universal Design for Instruction (UDI)

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UDI Principles & Examples

1) Class Climate:– Demonstrate respect for diversity and

inclusiveness.Ex: Statement in syllabus stating willingness to discuss accommodations.

2) Interaction:– Encourage regular and effective communications

between the instructor and student peers.Ex: Set communication expectations/rules at

start of class.

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3) Physical Environments and Products:– Make sure that facilities, activities and materials

are accessible and usable by all.Ex: Check line of sight and safety procedures.

UDI Principles & Examples

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4) Delivery Methods:– Use multiple methods to deliver content and if

possible allow students to select. Ex: Lectures, online exercises/problems, text,

cooperative learning, group & individual products, hands on activities.

UDI Principles & Examples

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5) Information Resources and Technology:– Course materials, assignments and notes are

available on demand.Ex: Post course PPts, assignments, notes etc.

on line so they are available to students and support team.

6) Feedback:– Provide specific ongoing feedback.

Ex: Provide feedback on parts of large projects, be a contributor during online discussions.

UDI Principles & Examples

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7) Assessment:– Regularly assess student progress with multiple

methods and tools.Ex: Assess both group and individual work using written and hands on assignments.

UDI Principles & Examples

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8) Accommodations:– Plan for accommodations for students whose

needs are not met by the instructional design.Ex: Change to a wheelchair accessible room, plan for the deaf student to sit near the

interpreter in class and be at the front of the line on a field trip.

UDI Principles & Examples

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Student Questions

• UT Video

• What is it like to communicate in groups with hearing students?

• What are some of the challenges you face when the teacher’s content and ideas are being expressed through an interpreter?

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Faculty Questions

• What are the the challenges of having deaf/hard-of-hearing students in the classroom?

• How has having deaf/hard-of-hearing students in your classroom enhanced your teaching experience?

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Interpreter Questions

• What are some ways that you have seen instructors make good accommodations for interpreters to equally include deaf students?

• What is the interpreter role?

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• Resource for deaf and hard-of-hearing students and their parents, teachers, guidance counselors and employers– Five resources

1. Best Practices for Teaching (ClassAct)2. STEM Careers3. English Resources4. Math Resources5. Employer Resources


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Medical Views

• Hearing loss (types)

• Physiology

• Deafness

• Audiogram

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Cultural View

• Deaf Culture• ASL• Communication• Behavior• Identity-Deafhood and ASL • Contributions and Deaf Gain

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Communication Tips

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Communication Points

• Communication is vital to success of any endeavor

• Communication takes two

• People need to work together

• Ask- “What can I do to make it easier for the two of us to communicate?”

• Group versus one on one

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General Communication Strategies

• Eye contact

• Topic of discussion

• Gestures, body language, facial expressions

• Environment conductive to communication

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Group Communication Strategies

• Agenda

• Visual Aids

• Layout of room = good communication

• Vital information

• Minutes or notes for references

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Classroom Strategies

• Line of vision

• PowerPoint Usage– pacing yourself

– less is more

• Lag time

referencing text

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Lecture Strategies

• Ask the student

• Speak with another teacher who has worked with the student or other students who are deaf or hard of hearing

• Be available for consult with service providers

• Work as a team

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Working with Interpreters

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Visual Communication

• ASL- American Sign Language

• Sign Language Transliteration

• Oral Interpreting

• Cued Speech

• Deaf Blind Interpreting

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Code of Ethics

• Confidentiality• Render the message faithfully• Neutrality• Mannerism appropriate to the situation• Preparation• Professionalism

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Interpreter Role

• Facilitate communication• Sight Lines• References• Turn Taking

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• Environmental Considerations– Lighting– Position– External Noise– Amplification

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• Importance of Student Feedback to the Interpreting Process– Head Nod/Manual Feedback– Facial Expression– Student Participation

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• Meet with the interpreter before the first class to share outlines, texts, agenda, technical vocabulary, class syllabus, and other background information that would be pertinent

• Speak naturally at a reasonable, modest pace• Use I and you • Avoid use of ‘this’ and ‘that’

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• Look directly at the person • Avoid talking while students are focused on

written class work• Strategic breaks • Captioned films and videos• Testing modifications and accommodations

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Improving Communication

• Organized thoughts

• Changes in Instruction

• Prep Materials

• Group Presentations

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Labs and Group Work

• Traditional Labs vs. Outdoor Labs

• Computer Labs

• Group discussions/seminars

• Participation- part of grade?

• Multiple students per group

• Safety: student and interpreter

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The 3 P’s

• Pacing:– Slow and fast paced lectures

• Pausing:– Micro-breaks

• Physical Demands:– Mind and Body

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Plan for Change Form

• Describe the area(s) you plan to work on this year

• Describe the goals for change(s)

• Describe strategies to achieve the goal(s)

• Describe methods/tools you will use to document and evaluate your progress

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Wrap Up and Evaluation

• Questions, comments, suggestions• Evaluation